All Freshwater Aquarium Fish Species

We love aquairum tanks and we made a video about all freshwater aquairum fish species. Time of this video 39;09. You will see all freshwater fish species in this video. Subscribe: Species of freswater aquairum fish: 1 American Cichlids (Cichlasomas, acaras,angelfish, discuses and others) 00:07 2 Barbs 02:31 3 Catfish 04:22 4 Cold-Water Cyprinids 10:53 5 Other Cyprinids 6 Danios And Other Danionins 13:10 7 Darters: 13:55 8 Dwarf Cichlids (Apistogrammas, rams and others) 14:21 9 Gar 15:06 10 Gobies 15:58 11 Hatchetfish 16:44 12 Headstanders 17:10 13 Killifish 17:23 14 Labyrinth fish 17:55 15 Lake Malawi Cichlids 19:20 16 Lake Tanganyika Cichlids 21:56 17 Live-Bearers 24:19 18 Loaches And Related Cypriniformes 24:58 19 Miscellaneous African Cichlids (Non-Rift Lake) 26:42 Freshwater Aquariums and Freshwater Fish Species. Freshwater Fish: Freshwater Tropical Fish Species. Freshwater Tropical Fish Photos & Species Profiles. Pet Fish for Sale: Tropical and Freshwater Fish. Aquarium Tropical Fish, Freshwater Fish for the Aquarium. freshwater fish species identification barb freshwater fish freshwater fish information angelfish freshwater fish betta freshwater fish pictures of all freshwater fish saltwater fish identification fresh water fish identification pictures freshwater aquarium fish guide freshwater aquarium fish for sale online freshwater aquarium fish compatibility freshwater aquarium sharks freshwater aquarium plants saltwater aquarium fish

All Freshwater Aquarium Fish Species sentiment_very_dissatisfied 338

Pets & Animals 10 years ago 866,742 views

We love aquairum tanks and we made a video about all freshwater aquairum fish species. Time of this video 39;09. You will see all freshwater fish species in this video. Subscribe: Species of freswater aquairum fish: 1 American Cichlids (Cichlasomas, acaras,angelfish, discuses and others) 00:07 2 Barbs 02:31 3 Catfish 04:22 4 Cold-Water Cyprinids 10:53 5 Other Cyprinids 6 Danios And Other Danionins 13:10 7 Darters: 13:55 8 Dwarf Cichlids (Apistogrammas, rams and others) 14:21 9 Gar 15:06 10 Gobies 15:58 11 Hatchetfish 16:44 12 Headstanders 17:10 13 Killifish 17:23 14 Labyrinth fish 17:55 15 Lake Malawi Cichlids 19:20 16 Lake Tanganyika Cichlids 21:56 17 Live-Bearers 24:19 18 Loaches And Related Cypriniformes 24:58 19 Miscellaneous African Cichlids (Non-Rift Lake) 26:42 Freshwater Aquariums and Freshwater Fish Species. Freshwater Fish: Freshwater Tropical Fish Species. Freshwater Tropical Fish Photos & Species Profiles. Pet Fish for Sale: Tropical and Freshwater Fish. Aquarium Tropical Fish, Freshwater Fish for the Aquarium. freshwater fish species identification barb freshwater fish freshwater fish information angelfish freshwater fish betta freshwater fish pictures of all freshwater fish saltwater fish identification fresh water fish identification pictures freshwater aquarium fish guide freshwater aquarium fish for sale online freshwater aquarium fish compatibility freshwater aquarium sharks freshwater aquarium plants saltwater aquarium fish

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Most popular comments
for All Freshwater Aquarium Fish Species

fish tank arowana fish
fish tank arowana fish - 7 years ago
Aadesh Yadav
Aadesh Yadav - 7 years ago
I like fish
mattwami - 7 years ago
Too many commercials
dtip4life 8472
dtip4life 8472 - 7 years ago
You forgot the platies and sword tails.
akash gupta
akash gupta - 7 years ago
Bob's Dank Tanks
Bob's Dank Tanks - 7 years ago
Great list, I can tell it must of took a lot of time. Though it was missing some fish, I still enjoyed it.
Javier Flores
Javier Flores - 7 years ago
me encato todo estas espesies
Abraham Ray
Abraham Ray - 7 years ago
where is the sun catfish
WrEcKeR - 7 years ago
why is the video so old
Abraham Ray
Abraham Ray - 7 years ago
where is the sun catfish

10. comment for All Freshwater Aquarium Fish Species

just another day
just another day - 7 years ago
love the video, but maybe you want to change the thumbnail as there marien fish not fresh water. just saying lol
Joan Mulloney
Joan Mulloney - 7 years ago
Sonny Santos
Sonny Santos - 7 years ago
I love sharks
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 7 years ago
and the thumbnail is salt water
Boss Hog
Boss Hog - 7 years ago
19 commercials? I understand monetizing your videos but goodness gracious
aquarium aquarium
aquarium aquarium - 8 years ago
Guru Prasad
Guru Prasad - 8 years ago
Thompson Family
Thompson Family - 8 years ago
hey! you didn't even add all of the Corydoras species! I'm ashamed! you should also list the fish in alphabetical order so we're not all tearing our hair out!!!
Fanatic Gaming
Fanatic Gaming - 8 years ago
I understand you probably don't know every species of Fish but you forgot in the live bears The sword tail
Fanatic Gaming
Fanatic Gaming - 8 years ago
I like the video tho
Windy Jean jacques
Windy Jean jacques - 8 years ago
Salt ocean

20. comment for All Freshwater Aquarium Fish Species

Aqua- John
Aqua- John - 8 years ago
Aqua- John
Aqua- John - 8 years ago
im you 7,680th subscriber
tabreaz pasha
tabreaz pasha - 8 years ago
Travis Wright
Travis Wright - 8 years ago
Technically there's hundreds if not thousands you should change the title but that's none of my business
محمد 77
محمد 77 - 8 years ago
النووي الجمعان
Nicolas Wigington
Nicolas Wigington - 8 years ago
Has a picture of saltwater fish for the thumbnail though
Adrian Worley
Adrian Worley - 8 years ago
Advert video. Useless.
Eric Ma
Eric Ma - 8 years ago
Why is the thumbnail saltwater fish? It seems pretty misleading to me.
SUPA DAVE - 8 years ago
great video......don't know why a lot folks are complaining...I love it!
Cathy Savage
Cathy Savage - 8 years ago
SUPA DAV boring
GameTech - 8 years ago
Tropical fish a whole are good beginner fish if you're planning to move to more high-maintenance fish. I've had my black skirt tetras for a while and they have been nothing but great fish.

30. comment for All Freshwater Aquarium Fish Species

Habeeb Fadaaq
Habeeb Fadaaq - 8 years ago
is all are available in india
Sanchari Paul
Sanchari Paul - 8 years ago
Ronit Kunte
Ronit Kunte - 8 years ago
where is guppy and molly
Latina Ussry
Latina Ussry - 8 years ago
Rhona Li
Rhona Li - 8 years ago
sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo boring
Rakesh Choahan
Rakesh Choahan - 8 years ago
very nice fish sir thanks to show
James Lopez
James Lopez - 8 years ago
Listed a African Cichlid, " euerka red " when the picture was a German red. Two different fish.
Peter Lord
Peter Lord - 8 years ago
This is great
guacamole - 8 years ago
theres like 4000 more
Ethan S
Ethan S - 8 years ago
Tarantula Love
Tarantula Love - 8 years ago
The frame rotations and sliding text makes my eyes hurt.
Greetje Buijert-Nijdam
Greetje Buijert-Nijdam - 8 years ago
very nice movie
Tiger Mir
Tiger Mir - 8 years ago
you have mixed up fish from marine waters also.
Wayne Lie
Wayne Lie - 8 years ago
a suckermouth catfish is basically just a giant loach in my opinion
Latina Ussry
Latina Ussry - 8 years ago
Jennifer McAdam
Jennifer McAdam - 9 years ago
I see the channel nameInstantly subscribe
KaliboseIX - 9 years ago
Idiots Guide to this video: Click "Show More" beneath the link for table of contents.
Bryan Gravlin
Bryan Gravlin - 9 years ago
What about the little sharks??
Bryan Gravlin
Bryan Gravlin - 9 years ago
Tap the right arrow on your keyboard, it'll skip forward 5 seconds which is how long each pic lasts for. Instead of watching the whole video you can flip through it like a book.
Aquatic squid
Aquatic squid - 9 years ago
Why are people/veiwers saying where is this fish (Guppy) ! Like if you people had to make and edit this i bet you wont get as many fish this amazing guy did it wiuld of probley took a lot of time
KaliboseIX - 9 years ago
+Aquatic squid , They're really just not paying attention.
ezaldin hamoud
ezaldin hamoud - 9 years ago
elvis Presley
elvis Presley - 9 years ago
bel end

50. comment for All Freshwater Aquarium Fish Species

Collin Susanto
Collin Susanto - 9 years ago
where is guppies?
Sajjad سجاد الكتلوني
Sajjad سجاد الكتلوني - 9 years ago
أوجد الاختلاف
shubham bhombe
shubham bhombe - 9 years ago
lai bhari
Rob e
Rob e - 9 years ago
Really nice list
farah marlina
farah marlina - 8 years ago
I'm using iWork and my Animal Breeds and animals is
Animal Breeds
Animal Breeds - 9 years ago
+Rob e thank you..
Gregory Marrero
Gregory Marrero - 9 years ago
pygmy cories! where
Sky Guy
Sky Guy - 8 years ago
it's not easy finding every single species freshwater. We don't even know how many species exist in this world let alone how many freshwater exist.
Venice Mackay
Venice Mackay - 8 years ago
+Gregory Marrero hardly all fresh water fish
Animal Breeds
Animal Breeds - 9 years ago
+Gregory Marrero I can't find some photos. :(
Lovejoy Imaging
Lovejoy Imaging - 9 years ago
The Galaxy Rasbora, or Celestial Pearl Danio (CPD) Danio Margaritatus is one of my favorite freshwater fish for an aquarium. I think you should most definitely include this, and a title change is necessary. Other than that, thanks for the educational list!
Lord Chimp
Lord Chimp - 9 years ago
Nice Pics
Edwin Jz
Edwin Jz - 9 years ago
where is the betta fish at what time
it smells like batman
it smells like batman - 9 years ago
minecraft won the lottery funding for the first time in my job is 5
J.R. Arteaga
J.R. Arteaga - 9 years ago
I like many of the cichlids, but I want to know if I can house most of them together?
wigglespumpkin - 9 years ago
+J.R. Arteaga African and south american cichlids have to be separated.
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank - 9 years ago
GREAT JOB ON all those fish you put on your video to make it work
Chase .N
Chase .N - 9 years ago
We need more people help the hoppy go check out this page all to do with the care of freshwater fish and your saltwater fish New Zealand Aquatic Society FW SW at facebook we need your support even if your not from New Zealand lol go check it out my mates page (:
EOGoldfish - 9 years ago
Umm... You do realize you only listed like 5% of the freshwater species right?
TheDiamondZombie - 7 years ago
EOGoldfish not even!
Ironiic zero
Ironiic zero - 9 years ago
+FN 2003 Dude you're honestly a waste of time. Some irrelevant kid who wants to feel important on youtube.

Truth is I really don't give a shit about what you have to say. I'm done speaking to stupid people like you. Bye
Ironiic zero
Ironiic zero - 9 years ago
+FN 2003 what? Look at the comment and see who I replied too. I dont see your name anywhere. I was talking to Animal Breeds about the title and TKPLAYZ about his spelling.

Then you, some random person with purpose in this convo starts talking. If youre bored go somewhere else. No one cares about what you have to say.
Ironiic zero
Ironiic zero - 9 years ago
+FN 2003 it's a username, I can right whatever the heck I want because it doesn't concern you or anyone else. It can be in a made up language for all I care.

And please don't pull that 'oh well if you know so much you do better' card on me. The matter of fact is that it's isn't 'All' of them nor is it close.

That being said you guys don't actually have to care about my comment. You could just ignore it. Shit it wasn't even directed towards you.
ScioniChaoz GTR
ScioniChaoz GTR - 9 years ago
+Ironiic zero That was Funny to read .. lol
Ironiic zero
Ironiic zero - 9 years ago
+TKPlAYZ TKP if you are gonna shut me up at least spell the word properly noob
SeaSmokes Hand
SeaSmokes Hand - 9 years ago
+Ironiic zero shuted up
Ironiic zero
Ironiic zero - 9 years ago
+Animal Breeds then change the title from "All" to "Some"
Animal Breeds
Animal Breeds - 9 years ago
+EOGoldfish They are only in wikipedia. I can't find some fish..
Justin - 9 years ago
You missed Green Barb, Albino Barb
Kevin Avalos
Kevin Avalos - 9 years ago
And albino corydora
Lukas Larsen
Lukas Larsen - 9 years ago
Missing Platy and Swordtail
mokong.. - 9 years ago
How about goldfish??
JamieEdwards _je
JamieEdwards _je - 9 years ago
U have missed loads of fish man
Siani Hall
Siani Hall - 7 years ago
JamieEdwards _je Yasmina
trugangsta4real - 9 years ago
the thumbnail was a saltwater tank. boo
Lowell Brook
Lowell Brook - 10 years ago
i love doing coke and watching this
Abdullah007 Boam
Abdullah007 Boam - 8 years ago
Sky Guy u
Lowell Brook
Lowell Brook - 8 years ago
I don't even do coke.. haha. Who the deus wrote that?
Sky Guy
Sky Guy - 8 years ago
+Justin he meant cocaine
Justin - 9 years ago
+Lowell Brook you typed it wrong

i love drinking coke and watching this
Animal Breeds
Animal Breeds - 10 years ago
Good time :)
MATINBINMARWAN Marwancheong - 10 years ago
Missing arowana
Ta Ni
Ta Ni - 10 years ago
This is very educational, thank you. 
tuby0805 - 10 years ago
Missing so many fish
Sajjad سجاد الكتلوني
Sajjad سجاد الكتلوني - 9 years ago
ممكن تحجون بالعربي
r5123 - 9 years ago
+Animal Breeds
Animal Breeds
Animal Breeds - 10 years ago
Which fish?
Animal Breeds
Animal Breeds - 10 years ago

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The "All Freshwater Aquarium Fish Species" video is part of the pest, animals, fish, freshwater category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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