Aquarium Plants for Beginners

This Video shows you my most recommended plants for beginners. My fist video with Final Cut Pro bare with me as I work out the details.

Aquarium Plants for Beginners sentiment_very_dissatisfied 67

Pets & Animals 11 years ago 365,492 views

This Video shows you my most recommended plants for beginners. My fist video with Final Cut Pro bare with me as I work out the details.

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Most popular comments
for Aquarium Plants for Beginners

Kevin Slayer68
Kevin Slayer68 - 7 years ago
Beautiful Betta
Ahmad Noor Haqimi
Ahmad Noor Haqimi - 7 years ago
heaven!!! nice video.
Unknown User
Unknown User - 7 years ago
Why does sometimes my fishes hangs out by the plants?
pecktec - 7 years ago
+John Sanabria in case they want to hide. In the wild it eat hide eat hide. The plants make them more comfortable.
Paul Ortiz
Paul Ortiz - 7 years ago
You didn't even say the name to the plant that needs a little bit of light
Paul Ortiz
Paul Ortiz - 7 years ago
pecktec oh alright. I'm thinking of getting a beginner plant for either my 20g or my 10 but have no idea of what plant to get can you suggest some that are easy to care for
pecktec - 7 years ago
Not a beginner plant. ... Vesuvius sword I guess is what your talking about.
Dark Minion
Dark Minion - 7 years ago
If I add plants in my aquarium, will my pleco eat the plants intentionally (not eating it accidentally with the algae build up on the plant)?
Beast _ Gago
Beast _ Gago - 7 years ago
Pecktec how about duck weed
Guitar T
Guitar T - 7 years ago
nice, where are you from, you mentioned the cold.
pecktec - 7 years ago
+Guitar T TN
Thomas O
Thomas O - 7 years ago
I just bought my first two plants ever, for my 29 gallon! I'm really looking forward to seeing the benefits of the added life cycle.
I wanted to know if it is ok to add plants while I'm waiting for my tank to cycle. Please make a video about that if you would. thank for sharing all of your knowledge
Thomas O
Thomas O - 7 years ago
Thanks buddy. My cycle is past halfway point.
Less than two weeks ago I had no plants and my water test at Petsmart read SUPER high ammonia levels.
A week later I have 2 Anubias and 2 El Nino ferns.
Now my ammonia is zero and high nitrites.
Thanks for the response.
pecktec - 7 years ago
+Thomas Ostien yes that's fine. They won't be able to really take up nutrition till the cycle is mostly done but it's ok to get them going. I always start with plants in place normally after a month or so they start to grow.
AYAD NOAIL - 7 years ago
It is not cold it is hot

10. comment for Aquarium Plants for Beginners

AYAD NOAIL - 7 years ago
The temperature is 97 to 106 here
Kimsotus Orelius
Kimsotus Orelius - 7 years ago
How long does it take for Anubias to grow from 1" rhizome length to say 5" rhizome length? Or does it just grow by shooting leaves up and that forms the mass of the rhizome?
Breanna Herrera
Breanna Herrera - 7 years ago
Hi I have a 10 gallon tank and I have a betta fish I really want to make a healthy tank for him can u help me on what I should do first
Ethan Lang
Ethan Lang - 7 years ago
Breanna Herrera Did you get everything set up correctly yet?
Matt James
Matt James - 7 years ago
Great videos cheers iv watched a number of them including other You-tuber's videos, i have a number of tanks setup but still like to watch others setting up there tanks on YouTube/planting/aquascaping/overall-care/maintenance/customised-builds to maybe pick up some tips, thanx again from the Uk.
Peter Karig
Peter Karig - 7 years ago
Thanks! These were my three favorite plants when I wanted to create a jungle looking landscape on wood stumps with lowish light. I had a 100 gallon tank with gars and tilapia, and a higher light tank with CO2 including micro grass and cardinal tetras, ottos, and ghost shrimp as a second. The tilapia were recycled back into the already well stocked with overgrown plecos artificial lake in Van Nuys that drained into the ocean, so no worry about contamination of a natural waterway. I had to remove the male after breeding as it would beat the female to death. The gars didn't notice the 100 plus cloud of fry until they got pretty big, so it took a while to have them disappear. Good times!
Scott Believer
Scott Believer - 7 years ago
Is there a certain substrate you recommend ?
Pankaj Lagad
Pankaj Lagad - 7 years ago
hi my fishtank water becomes yellow with in just 2 days. I have only 6 small size fish and one small tortoise into my 2*2fit tank. How to solve this problem? filter is also not so much useful.
Beguilement - 7 years ago
Pankaj Lagad got any driftwood in that tank?
majooismajor - 7 years ago
What is that amazing spiral looking plant
majooismajor - 7 years ago
thanks bud
pecktec - 7 years ago
+majooismajor Vesuvius sword.
OG`s Fishroom
OG`s Fishroom - 7 years ago
Great vid gave you a sub!! check out my 1st two vids on my channel tks
Savy Clayton
Savy Clayton - 7 years ago
That tank is awesome! Where did you get that?
pecktec - 7 years ago
Both of these aquariums are at PetSmart or most other big box aquarium shops if your in the US.

20. comment for Aquarium Plants for Beginners

Ethan Coffey
Ethan Coffey - 8 years ago
i have random plants starting to grow in my tank and i havent had plants in my tank for 7 months they were in a smaller tank but they died out now 7 months later in a new tank and washed rock i have plants starting to grow?
My Fish Corner
My Fish Corner - 8 years ago
hi i have copy my link to my latest youtube video. i am still new, hope u guys will like my video. do subscribe if you do like my video.
Kathleen Monsegue
Kathleen Monsegue - 8 years ago
cool bamboo shrimp dude!
My Fishy Fish
My Fishy Fish - 8 years ago
-10000000000000000 degrees
Tiny budgie
Tiny budgie - 8 years ago
Should I use fluval stratum or Carib sea Eco complete. I am going to grow dwarf hair grass and amazon swords ext which substrate is best
pecktec - 8 years ago
Check out the video I just made on the 12 gallon rescape. Im trying something new you might dig.
Erin Allen
Erin Allen - 8 years ago
It's pretty cold in Oakland RN!
Dramithgons Gaming and More
Dramithgons Gaming and More - 8 years ago
with windelov java fern you do not want to bury the roots? is that correct?
Dramithgons Gaming and More
Dramithgons Gaming and More - 8 years ago
pecktec thank you so much
pecktec - 8 years ago
Yeah for the most part. Especially the rhizome (the steam the leaves grow off of) don't bury that part.
Jonathon Hardin
Jonathon Hardin - 8 years ago
dude your mobious mustache is awesome not sure if that's how you spell it
David Contreras
David Contreras - 8 years ago
Hey men! please, what is the name of the plant that is under of anubia Afzelii?
pecktec - 8 years ago
+David Contreras that is a type of sword plant. I got it so long ago I have forgotten specifically which one.
The Dive
The Dive - 8 years ago
It's 37 c

30. comment for Aquarium Plants for Beginners

Jimmy Gomez
Jimmy Gomez - 8 years ago
my favorite video thank you for sharing! !
Mexican cartel !
Mexican cartel ! - 8 years ago
It is 88 farinhight in texas
Channel 88 You Tube
Channel 88 You Tube - 8 years ago
my plants are in tank a year now... some are scaly.. i have them planted in the sand only. should aquarium plants be in soil ?
tekkman boxmb
tekkman boxmb - 8 years ago
CHANNEL 88 Anything is fine, rock is better then sand though, that's what I was told at the pet store anyways, Plants won't really do good in sand,
Pa. Fish Preacher
Pa. Fish Preacher - 8 years ago
you have mentioned in other videos you don't clean the bottom. What kind of root plants are good for converting the garbage to nutrients for the plants?
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 8 years ago
Pa. Fish Preacher I think amazon sword would since they are such heavy root feeders
tekkman boxmb
tekkman boxmb - 8 years ago
Pa. Fish Preacher wondering the same thing.
You-Tube Junkie
You-Tube Junkie - 8 years ago
Again....does that tank have co2 working.?
How about (the other tank), does that tank have co2 working.?
I'm not good at guessing.
You-Tube Junkie
You-Tube Junkie - 8 years ago
Thank you.
Now,,....that was a great video.
pecktec - 8 years ago
Phill Slavin non of the tanks in this video use CO2.
Steve Finestone
Steve Finestone - 8 years ago
Nice informative video. Currently have a 100 dirted tank with annubius,crypts, val and a few other unknowns.
MegaArtfuldodger - 8 years ago
Hi have been following your you tube blog, thank you, can you help, i have bought some plants for my tank, these plants have been treated with something to kill off snails and there eggs, i have shrimp and fish in my tank and need to clean these plants prior to placing in the tank, any ideas of how to do this
Vicki K
Vicki K - 8 years ago
Great vid! I'm planning a 55g right now!
pecktec - 8 years ago
+Vicki K good luck!
Tom Long
Tom Long - 8 years ago
I have a question: I have an economy hood that came with my aquarium, since I won't have money for a new light for a while, will it suffice for growing these plants? Would you recommend a bulb?
pecktec - 8 years ago
+Tom Long you can get away with low light for awhile. The plants won't grow much but the will last for a long while. The plants in this video anyway.
KurtLawrence M.
KurtLawrence M. - 8 years ago
Do you doze it?......
Pet Central 101
Pet Central 101 - 8 years ago
Do I need to dirt the substrate?
Zachary Widdes
Zachary Widdes - 8 years ago
Tyler Bitman
Tyler Bitman - 8 years ago
Awesome video, thanks for sharing
Miss Mac
Miss Mac - 8 years ago
I am wanting to put plants into my tank, so have been doing a lot of research. This was SO helpful & I learnt a lot, so thanks heaps! :)
Abel Flores
Abel Flores - 8 years ago
does the plant need light
Matt Diaz
Matt Diaz - 8 years ago
Tom Green?!?
Allie Fettig
Allie Fettig - 8 years ago
9:04 I like that deformed female guppy. It's good you kept her. Usually people throw the deformed ones away.
Fish Life
Fish Life - 8 years ago
Gorgeous betta
TECH me - 8 years ago
why so many tanks...
Freshwater Tropical Fish Breeders
Freshwater Tropical Fish Breeders - 8 years ago
Good vid! It's 114degrees where I live :)
pecktec - 8 years ago
carollol - 8 years ago
Anyone know what the curly plant is in the beginning behind him?
Fish Life
Fish Life - 8 years ago
+pecktec will my java fern grow under ground, it's been underground for a week it's been growing crazy but as you said it will rot but why didn't mine
carollol - 8 years ago
+pecktec Thanks! I wanne try to find it. It looks so interesting and different. :)
pecktec - 8 years ago
That is Vesuvius sword. They love root tabs if you get one.

50. comment for Aquarium Plants for Beginners

Ryan Thompson
Ryan Thompson - 8 years ago
wow Tom green got old!
pecktec - 8 years ago
Lol I get that a lot.
Bay Area Reefs
Bay Area Reefs - 8 years ago
We're do you get your plants from
Kman - 8 years ago
Looks like I just found the answer to my own question from the previous video!
Alaina Bates
Alaina Bates - 8 years ago
Where do you purchase your plants? I've been searching all over and can't find any.
Original Man
Original Man - 8 years ago
You can go on ebay.
medallo143 - 8 years ago
Would any of these plants do well in a 5 gal with an LED light? The tank sits in between two windows but receives no direct sunlight. I know you mentioned they don't require much light, just want to know if one small LED strip is appropriate.
Anarchy91 - 8 years ago
if you wanted ; coudl you bury java fern roots into the substrate and they will grow okay?
Anarchy91 - 8 years ago
k. i'll watch again
medallo143 - 8 years ago
They'll rot. He mentions it around minute 4
Sean Potgieter
Sean Potgieter - 8 years ago
How do you get Java Moss to carpet the ground?
Airhawk360 - 8 years ago
...I'm pretty sure this video just saved 2 of my java ferns... definitely buried the roots (Fixed it now!). One of them is on a branch, so that was good, but still.. thanks.
millionaire tan
millionaire tan - 8 years ago
hi, how do you prevent java moss from being suck into the filter inlet? do you cover up your filter with nets or something?
conman20000 - 8 years ago
Which one is best that my turtles wont eat that I can get at petsmart?
Huy Nguyen Ho
Huy Nguyen Ho - 8 years ago
There's one guy he have Java fern for his turtle and he say the turtles go in it and nip on water bugs
Sageneol - 8 years ago
basically all of the plants will get nipped on, depends on the turtle. Java fern is bitter so the turtle might not like the taste of it.
Nia Castro
Nia Castro - 8 years ago
Really informative! Im planning out my first nano aquarium, never owned anything aquatic before so I want to make sure I do my research. This really helped me out :) you seem like a cool guy.
pecktec - 8 years ago
+niasci Thanks bunches!
shawntal sher
shawntal sher - 8 years ago
soo don't bury any roots with water plants? i have a red flame and zealot.
shawntal sher
shawntal sher - 8 years ago
thanks a lot i couldn't bury the thing anyway haha
pecktec - 8 years ago
+shawntal she Yeah the pot they come in will limit their growth. I always remove those.
shawntal sher
shawntal sher - 8 years ago
+pecktec thank you also i watched a few where they took off that root case? is that necessary?
pecktec - 8 years ago
+shawntal sher No all plants just java fern
Wu Tank Clan
Wu Tank Clan - 8 years ago
Anubis is an Egyptian Deity, Anubias is a stem plant,,,
Conner C
Conner C - 8 years ago
Hot aut side
Brian Ngo
Brian Ngo - 8 years ago
it's hot all year where I live
conman20000 - 8 years ago
what kind of substrate should I use for live plants? thanks
conman20000 - 8 years ago
I currently have river rock right now how would that work?
pecktec - 8 years ago
+conman20000 There are tons of options out there. Everyone has a favorite. I try something new almost every time. Although I have never tried kitty littler before. Sounds compelling though.
Weenie Hut Jr's
Weenie Hut Jr's - 8 years ago
1 to 1 and a half inch of kitty litter (only walmart red bag of special kitty 25 pounds 4 dollars it's simply baked clay nothing else) and topped with half to an inch of pea gravel! (if you don't cap it, it tends to go everywhere) grows plants great. dose with API CO2 and leaf zone for fertilizer or what ever that other seacham brands name is can also put root tabs in at first. I put once a year lily root tabs in mine on a couple of plants. pea gravel gives a nice natural look like a creek bed. all mine are done with kitty litter. Amazon sword, ludwigia, moneywort etc all do great.
Lolgamer123lol LOL
Lolgamer123lol LOL - 8 years ago
Great video do you know what happen when you put a freshwater fish into a salt water tank?
pecktec - 8 years ago
+Lolgamer123lol LOL it dies in an hour or so?
Orlando Vargas
Orlando Vargas - 8 years ago
wow so cool....thanks
dfzurichch - 8 years ago
Hi Pecktec,My anubias have come down with brown algae. Four sp. in all but brown algae got hole . I do water changes with no luck. Your the Anubias King what do you do. I hand clean, brush, hydrogen peroxide and all the rest even increase the flow of the tank . What do you think...
pecktec - 8 years ago
I've had a tough time with that before. You may have some luck with liquid bacteria. Add a little to help break down what running amok and examine all the other algae stuff you have no doubt looked up. For me it stopped after my tank matured full at around six months. Which make me think bacteria could help.
GetInMyBelly - 8 years ago
Will too much light kill plants? I have 2 finnex stingrays on a 40b and the new growth on my Amazon swords seem to be diminishing
Ian Tang
Ian Tang - 9 years ago
Where did you get the Endlers? I can't find any stores that sell them.
pecktec - 8 years ago
+Ian Tang Im just lucky enough to have a great store. I got this batch years ago there are still breading.
Tami MacGuigan
Tami MacGuigan - 9 years ago
We`re in Windsor and it`s not that cold as past years.Thanks for yourinput.We have a guy who lives around the corner who sells plantd but he picks what he sells you and last time he basicly sold us long grass that was all over the top making feeding time hard for the fish to he won`t sell the big leave ones and $25 lasted 2 months,I want some info befor we go there in a couple days.Thanks again.Tami,from Windsor Canada,across from Detroithe pushes neathus by a handful,for $5
RPG nukes you
RPG nukes you - 9 years ago
When should I add my plants when my tank has been running for a while or when I setup my tank?
RPG nukes you
RPG nukes you - 9 years ago
+pecktec I'm very stuck between real and fake plants, maybe I should just go with plastic because if the plants die might cause problems ect
pecktec - 9 years ago
+RPG nukes you I always do it on setup. It can cause cycle problems to do it latter. Normally because the substrate mess up the ballence. That being said you can add the plants latter. I just like to do it that way.
mani khan
mani khan - 9 years ago
Very nice Aquarium. can u please tell what is on the bottom of your tank is it soil and what kind of soil//
anthony pope
anthony pope - 9 years ago
great videos I love your planted tanks I have just set up another tank interpet insight 40L with led lights everything just fixes in to the hood apart from the heater all you have to do is water changes it as a reminder what lights up red to let you know that the filter cartridges need replacing i wonder if you can do a review on it it even tells you how far to take the water to when you do a water change and you only need two plugs to run it i payed £80 pound uk sterling as I am from the United kingdom i watch all your video as for java fern and anubias I put zip ties on my the one you put it through a hole and you pull them tight and cut the rest of but for java moss I use fishing line is have 6 tanks on the go now and all looking good thanks to you and your tips cheers happy fish keeping can't wait for next video
pecktec - 9 years ago
You can't get those over here. Looks nice though. Thanks for the kind words! I love hearing from far away viewers.
minne blaauw
minne blaauw - 9 years ago
how many liters is the aqarium
Christopher Metz
Christopher Metz - 9 years ago
This is an extremely informative video! I just have a question or two. My wife has Blackmore goldfish and Ryukin goldfish that we will be transferring from her parent's house to our new house and we want to get the tank set up with living plants before we start. Would all of the plants in this video work with goldfish? And also, do you know if the little shrimp that you have would play well with the goldfish if they had a place to hide?

Again, GREAT video!
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 9 years ago
all of these can go with most goldfish.they are quick growing and most goldfish don't like eating them.

I actually keep my ryukin with java fern as well as a moss ball and one of those top fish mystery pack lilly ryukin is well fed and has a personalty that goes great with plants.he'd rather dig at the sand I have looking for left over bits of food then mess with my plants(unless it's elodea he loves to eat elodea).

it is best to experiment.cause one plant may work for someone else but may not work for another person like my moss ball some goldfish will eat it and others will leave really depends and varies greatly from goldfish to goldfish.

oh also if anyones wondering just how well those bulbs do.I have to cut back the over growth daily from my lilly it grows that fast and it is actually sending off runners and I've had it just about a year now.also .also no planting needed just drop it in and let it do its thing.
pecktec - 9 years ago
+Christopher Metz I haven't kept goldfish some may eat plants. I'm told the plants I described here don't taste great so they are less likely to get munched on however. If a shrimp will fit in its mouth it will get eaten at some point.
Michel Carrasquel
Michel Carrasquel - 9 years ago
I learned a lot
Aldo Fernandes Azevedo
Aldo Fernandes Azevedo - 9 years ago
So natural, and clean congrats!
YouTube Hero
YouTube Hero - 9 years ago
Should I use UV lighting for my plants?
Jerry's VIDS!
Jerry's VIDS! - 9 years ago
This is a great video
pecktec - 9 years ago
Thanks! I made a sequel to it also.
Azen Moktan
Azen Moktan - 9 years ago
which anubias is that ?can you give me complete name.only anubias i can get here is anubias nana petit small leaf .i wanna get those big leaf anubias
Azen Moktan
Azen Moktan - 9 years ago
tysm for response and thanks for all the cool videos :D 
pecktec - 9 years ago
Well the good news is that that one you have is the smallest (that I know of) so any other one will be bigger. Check out my 57 gallon a planted journal. It's an older video but I call out the biggest one I have kept. It's huge.
Guacamole Tester
Guacamole Tester - 9 years ago
What species of fish do you have in there?
Julia Klimenko
Julia Klimenko - 9 years ago
In the first tank what is the big squiggly plant in the middle? It looks really cool and I would love to have one for my tank. Also I'm in California and it is 54 right now!
pecktec - 8 years ago
+Weenie Hut Jr's also it's not a beginner plant so it was omitted. I have talked about it briefly in some other videos. As to you being pissed off.... Lol
pecktec - 8 years ago
+Weenie Hut Jr's Vesuvius sword
Weenie Hut Jr's
Weenie Hut Jr's - 8 years ago
yeah I was pissed he didn't say what it was. this is the only time I've seen that.
XxM00nSHADExX - 9 years ago
Knowing little about aquatic plants, I bought and planted and a Java fern and now I'm a little nervous. I've had it for a couple of months and it has spawned fine and all, but I've noticed there are little brown spots on some of the leaves. Would you know the cause of this? Thank you in advance!
Shadiyd Fuller
Shadiyd Fuller - 9 years ago
It mostly likely is dying in a couple spots. I would buy some liquid live plant fertilizer and dose the correct amount every week after weekly water changes
Mortonbmx - 9 years ago
+XxM00nSHADExX Don't worry, that's a common thing which happens to the leaves, some will die off also. So long as the rhizome doesn't go brown you should be fine :)
Donna Peterson
Donna Peterson - 9 years ago
I took your advice and did not put the roots of my java fern in the gravel. Now, this may sound weird, but I wanted them in specific places, so I got a zip tie and put it around the bottom of the plant. To the zip tie, I tied fishing wire, and the other end of the fishing wire I attached to a fishing weight (non-lead). I put the weight under the gravel and the plant remained suspended above the gravel a few centimeters. So far it's working.
JayMae69 - 9 years ago
Can you give any info on little plant in your Anubias tank? Thank you
smilan21 - 9 years ago
Hey pecktec! Would you consider perhaps selling some of these plants to your viewers?
thefishmachine - 9 years ago
Please go check out my top 10 beginner plants people.
Fatalistic Warning
Fatalistic Warning - 9 years ago
Loved this video! thanks so much- i am new to the aquarium world and have been looking into a planted aquarium - Java fern and Java moss are what i am thinking i'd like to use :)
This video was so helpful- thanks again
pecktec - 9 years ago
+Fatalistic Warning Coolio! Glad to help! I made a second video on this also. Although its pretty weird. :)
William E
William E - 9 years ago
Is like 80's in San Diego very nice weather and love your videos man your doing great there. You got me back to get a fish tank. Again
The Game Dude
The Game Dude - 9 years ago
What is that bug hanging on your anubis?
pecktec - 9 years ago
I responded to this in my latest video fish soup 2 check it out.
Anal Avocado
Anal Avocado - 9 years ago
When I set up my tank I put it right In front of a window (which I now regret) so there's quite a bit of algae, if I put plants in would it decrease algae?
kkass100 - 9 years ago
+Anal “Negro” Avacado

what kind of filters do you use? I'm in the same kind of situation only 2 fish and plenty of algae and its also placed in front of a window
Anal Avocado
Anal Avocado - 9 years ago
UPDATE: I have one huge Amazon sword in my tank now (had to move from 5 gallon because it got too big) and two small-ish temple compacta, there is a negligible amount of algae now, I guess the plants do help reduce algae
Joel Garza
Joel Garza - 9 years ago
do u use co2 at all
Andrew Morris
Andrew Morris - 9 years ago
hey Sean, I've taken your advice and purchased some anubias and java fern. With the anubias I've wedged it between river rocks as suggested, but have also done the same with the java fern is that ok? also some of the java fern came as just a leaf and stem without any roots, will this still grow or should I just discard them? thanks mate
Andrew Morris
Andrew Morris - 9 years ago
+pecktec unfortunately the java fern came loose when I did a big water change at the end of the cycle, so I spent ages tying them onto a couple of rocks and they're really secure now, the anubias is holding fast though. Added some amazon frogbit recently too, they have really interesting roots systems and the shrimp love hanging upside down feeding from them
pecktec - 9 years ago
+Andrew Morris ow yeah that should work. Yes let the one with the one leaf sit in there for a bit with any luck it will keep going.
John Dalziel
John Dalziel - 9 years ago
Thanks a lot that helped me a lot
pecktec - 9 years ago
+John Dalziel Glad to help!
ApocalypticStorms - 9 years ago
You sound like Tom Green
pecktec - 9 years ago
Ha well I have been told I look like him a little.
Jack smith
Jack smith - 9 years ago
Will plants grow into gravel or will i need to buy some soil? Id rather not have soil if thats possible
Weenie Hut Jr's
Weenie Hut Jr's - 8 years ago
nobody ever suggests friggen kitty litter. kitty litter is great! everything of mine does great in it.
pecktec - 9 years ago
I use some stuff called florite it's sort of like dirt. Put it on the bottom layer and gravel over that. It's not as messy as dirt but you will have brown water for a few days.
ApocalypticStorms - 9 years ago
Sand is best but gravel works.
Dorito Fish
Dorito Fish - 9 years ago
How about Java fern lace?
pecktec - 9 years ago
+Marion Asi works well its a lot like the normal one.
Betta Fish
Betta Fish - 9 years ago
got it ;-)

100. comment for Aquarium Plants for Beginners

CRISTINA R. Fam - 9 years ago
how do I get the baby plants off the leaf with out damaging the roots?
pecktec - 9 years ago
They just sort of peal off.
Tommie Mullins
Tommie Mullins - 9 years ago
Hello, man i starting to plant some plants in my tank and would love to have some of this stuff even the smallest amount would be amazing is there anyway you could send some of it my way thanks?
Chris S
Chris S - 9 years ago
Hey Pec, love your channel.  I have the same 5 gallon Fluval Spec tank that I want to use exclusively for plants.  Do you use the stock filter that came with the tank or do you use an upgrade?  Also, I'm told the LED lights that come with the tank are sufficient for most plants (in the 7600 range).  I plan on using Eco-Complete for substrate to really make those babies flourish.  Thanks Pec!
pecktec - 9 years ago
+Chris S The filter is fine. The light is ... pretty good especially for the size of the tank. You can keep low to medium light plants in there ok. My light has started to falter a bit in that the switch no longer works but I never use the blue light. Im going to do a Fluval spec maintenance video soon and also describe some of the pain points with these tanks including the lights most of them have broken eventually. They grew plants they just didn't hold up over time.
ilikeguppies - 9 years ago
what kind of light u using and how many watts ?
ilikeguppies - 9 years ago
+pecktec Ok thanks before I use CFL 10watt on my 2.5 gallon it cause me Algae problem.
pecktec - 9 years ago
I have a different light on every tank. A compact fluorescent of about 1.5 to 3 watts per gallon will work with the plants I mentioned here.
Pamela Willson
Pamela Willson - 9 years ago
I just received some aquarium plant seeds ordered form Amazon. I am not quite sure how to start them. Any suggestions?
Memories - 9 years ago
Nicely grown plants and tanks. Thanks for sharing.
nekesha clayton
nekesha clayton - 9 years ago
Great information.  Thanks for posting.
Joel Blanco
Joel Blanco - 9 years ago
Do you need a soil based substrate in order to keep a planted tank will a gravel work and have the plants work its way in to gravel in the same fashion?
Joel Blanco
Joel Blanco - 9 years ago
Thank you for your response I will keep researching before i start setting up the tank
pecktec - 9 years ago
+Joel Blanco I haven't tried that yet but I was considering it. I might save it for a bigger tank. I buy gravel thats for plants (only for about a year then its just gravel) But no you dont but you may find a more clay like element in the bottom layer like laterite would help. You can also use tablets for fertilizer they work well.
Blagaflaga - 9 years ago
I want to put some plants in my tank so any fish fry that are born have a place to hide, but I don't want all of them to survive. What are some good plants for fish fry to hide in? About two or three recommendations would be great.
Blagaflaga - 9 years ago
+pecktec Thanks for the reply! I have a few more questions though. Should I put the Christmas moss(it's typically cheaper than Java moss, so I'll go with it) on gravel or these little wooden logs I have? Here's what I have . I just don't think the logs have enough surface area for them to really grow out, but I don't really have a large open area in my tank for it to go without rearranging it. If you think it's better, I'd prefer to put them on the driftwood because that's part of the reason I got them. Also, will it be healthy and grow in my tank that stays with a maximum temperature range of 74-78 degrees year round, has a small amount of natural sunlight, about 8 hours of tank light on average, I'll be adding one teaspoon of aquarium salt per gallon this weekend for my fish/future shrimp/future snails, and I put of dose of API Leaf Zone in my tank after my weekly water changes/tank cleaning? I'm also getting 5 Amano shrimp in early June and I want to know if they will disturb or kill the fish fry while they're in the moss or eat too much of the beneficial bacteria/algae/detritus that they eat? Finally, why's the question funny? 
pecktec - 9 years ago
You know this question is sort of funny right? Well what I think your looking for is Java moss. Or one of the other mosses. I use one called Christmas moss but it's pretty much the same. It can be used to creat a little bush that they can move through but bigger fish can't.
Blagaflaga - 9 years ago
What kind of fertilizers would these need, if any?
Blagaflaga - 9 years ago
+pecktec I bought "API Leaf Zone Aquarium Plant Food" and put a dose in my tank when I did my water change/tank cleaning earlier today. Would putting this in after my weekly tank cleaning be enough for the majority of plants? Thanks for the reply!
pecktec - 9 years ago
+Blagaflaga You can add iron and macro nutrients to help these along. But.. I included all the ones that wont die if you don't add those things.
Blagaflaga - 9 years ago
Will the roots grow through the tank? I've seen plants grown through clay pots, so it wouldn't surprise me.
Blagaflaga - 9 years ago
+pecktec Thanks!
pecktec - 9 years ago
+Blagaflaga Well I dont think so. Next chance I get I will take the camera under the tank and show it the roots go all over the bottom
Bella and Bettas
Bella and Bettas - 9 years ago
Your betta and guppies are beautiful! Love your tank too:))
Lyndsey Alexander
Lyndsey Alexander - 9 years ago
Do you have to have a certain kind of light? what kind of substrate do you use?
pecktec - 9 years ago
+Lyndsey Alexander yes the lights should be in the day light spectrum. Lights like that advertise that they work for plants. Lights sold for reef or saltwater tanks will not work for you. I get the substrate question a lot I have a video about it in the all aquariums playlist. Also every set up video talks about what im using a little at least. I use lots of different kinds.
Ultimatehobbyreviews - 9 years ago
Let's become friends too so I can get your free hand me down propagation plants. Ha. Awesome video.
pecktec - 9 years ago
+Ultimatehobbyreviews I have one pal who mysteriously show up when Im trimming. I dont think that dude has ever bought a plant.
Colin Jones
Colin Jones - 9 years ago
Hi. Can you tell me how you prevent brown algae growing on your plant leaves. Thanks.
colinbarsby - 9 years ago
+colin jones The easiest thing to eliminate brown algae, is to increase the lighting period. Use a timer for your lights, and increase by 15 minutes at a time over a few weeks. Brown algae doesn't like lots of light.Too much light, and you will see more green algae's growing.
pecktec - 9 years ago
+colin jones in a new set up its just a case of to many nutrients. a short period of more frequent water changes may help.
Ironiic zero
Ironiic zero - 9 years ago
oh man i cant wait to make my low/mid tech aquascape with ferns and anubias being dominant 
MrEpicBoi - 10 years ago
Are you using CO2 for these plants? One last thing how long do you keep your lights on per day for these slow growth plants? I'm struggling with mine right now
pecktec - 9 years ago
Nope no co2 I'm doing six hours on the planted tanks now.
Nicholas P DiNatale
Nicholas P DiNatale - 10 years ago
Can you recommend a grow light? I have gone back and forth between the Current Satellite Freshwater LED+ and the Finnex Fugeray Planted+.  The Finnex is brighter but no dimmer.  I want to avoid algae.  I am currently the early stages of the nitrogen cycle in my new tank, a 28 gal bowfront (18H x 24L), low tech (no CO2) with low to medium light plants.
pecktec - 10 years ago
Well between those two I lean towards the Finnex Fugeray Planted+. They look really nice. I'm working on a video for a Fluval one I happened to find on sale. It will be up tomorrow If I can get the clones to get off their butts and help. 
DMAN D - 10 years ago
and jungle val 
parker simpson
parker simpson - 10 years ago
I just put in baby tears and green ozelot. How should I care for them? Fertilizer?
parker simpson
parker simpson - 9 years ago
With my ozelot. The top leaves are growing huge and long, the bottom leaves are staying small and are kinda curling. Should I trim the big leaves completely?
Evil Shrimp
Evil Shrimp - 10 years ago
ah....not true. First of all theres baby tears and dwarf baby tears just need light thats it and grow crazy lol..dwarf baby tears need co2 and lights. Baby tears is for beginning i would say and u need to trim them down if u dont want them to  grow super tall and if u use co2 with baby tears its gonna be super faster...
parker simpson
parker simpson - 10 years ago
Dang I wish I knew. Ok
pecktec - 10 years ago
+parker simpson Baby tears need lots of light and co2 deffinitly not a beginer plant.
LeeM Vang
LeeM Vang - 10 years ago
nice betta
pecktec - 10 years ago
+LeeM Vang thanks!
Susan Field
Susan Field - 10 years ago
Have just invested a lot on plants but my Clown Loach keep bulldozing them out or eating them. Every morning floating plants ( if I am lucky and they are still there. Are there any Loach friendly plants ? and I did gave them a cucumber to distract them, after which they went back to the plants ! Have moved them to a different tank for now  ( the loach ) but am missing them. The tank here looks beautiful.
colinbarsby - 9 years ago
+Susan Field Fish love peas. Microwave for 30 seconds, pop the centre of the peas into the tank and throw away the skins.
Susan Field
Susan Field - 9 years ago
+colinbarsby Peas is a good idea. :)
colinbarsby - 9 years ago
+Susan Field The good news is that loaches don't just eat every plant. But sometimes, they do get a taste for some particular plants. I have got some Limnophila that they keep nibbling the juicy new tips, and only the tips. The Limnophila just keeps sprouting new side shoots and gets more bushy.Also feed them peas, the more veggies you feed them, the better for your plants sake.I had a clown loach for 15 years, and he/she didn't appear to be old, so yes I'm sure they can live for decades.
Susan Field
Susan Field - 9 years ago
Thanks. I'll buy the plants you've mentioned , when I get around to it :) They've got cucumber in there tonight but it clouds the water a bit. Mine like lettuce too and it's not so messy. I read that Clown Loach live to be 50 years old ? Not sure if that was a misprint.
colinbarsby - 9 years ago
+Susan Field Ludwigia and a Ruby swordplant are also not being eaten by my loaches. Some plants are tasty, and some plants are not.Thank goodness.
Susan Field
Susan Field - 9 years ago
+colinbarsby Thank you . I have some Java fern in my other tank. Will give that a try then  :)
colinbarsby - 9 years ago
+Susan Field My loaches have just finished eating all my crypts, but wisteria Hygrophila and Java fern are not eaten.
Susan Field
Susan Field - 10 years ago
+pecktec Yes, they haven't touched the Anubias, just a destructive nibble or two. Am going to get them their own Loach tank, minus plants :) Thankyou. They are not actually too big. Around 7". I have eight.
pecktec - 10 years ago
+Susan Field Thats a hard one the bigger loaches will dig up and suck on just about anything. I think Anubias tastes bad to fish and you can tie them down.
MELODY MUNRO - 10 years ago
38 degrees (100.4 F) here..mid summer in Queensland Australia...not the hottest day...was 42...3 weeks ago...
ApocalypticStorms - 9 years ago
Man thats almost as hot as Dallas!
Amber Olivera
Amber Olivera - 10 years ago
Hello. I am new to aquariums and just set up a ten gallon tank. I have two tiger barbs (i was told to add them slowly in pairs so I plan to have about 6in there) and a crab. I have a fake ship and a hideout log in there but I want to add some plants but I'm not sure what kind to get how many to get or how to plant them. Any advice would be great...
Amber Olivera
Amber Olivera - 10 years ago
Ok Thanks for the tip
el7areef1 - 10 years ago
Sorry for the long comments.
el7areef1 - 10 years ago
How big is ur tank
el7areef1 - 10 years ago
Even if u lost all ur fish. U need to fully recycle ur tank before u add any fish
el7areef1 - 10 years ago
U can also dip the filter media or cartridge in ur tank to promte good bactria growth
el7areef1 - 10 years ago
Ohh. When u clean ur filter dont clean it in the sink.. clean it it the water that u took out of the tank
el7areef1 - 10 years ago
Not too cold. Room temperature is ok
el7areef1 - 10 years ago
Keep it in a bucket for 24 hour with the water treatment if possible and pour it slowly after u clean the glass and the gravels and ur filters.
Amber Olivera
Amber Olivera - 10 years ago
After the barbs died I got mollies. I haven't added anything else since then
el7areef1 - 10 years ago
Then just change ur water 20 every 2 week. Not any water either
el7areef1 - 10 years ago
1st Stop buying fish... really
Amber Olivera
Amber Olivera - 10 years ago
How do I do that since I already have fish?
el7areef1 - 10 years ago
Recyle the tank for 3 to 5 weeks
el7areef1 - 10 years ago
I lost alot of fish.just Cuz of the excitement. Right now im well educated about the hoppy im actually building my own tank
Amber Olivera
Amber Olivera - 10 years ago
I'm sorry for the long comments...
Amber Olivera
Amber Olivera - 10 years ago
I am concerned about ammonia levels though. I was given a free gift of ammonia test strips and according to those the ammonia is a high. I did a 25% water change and am planning on getting a gravel vac to help to better clean the tank. I'm not sure what else I can do aside from cutting down feeding times...I was told the ammonia could also be caused from the deaths of fish (I got Some of those tiny fish with the blue stripe but the mollies killed all but two of them)
Amber Olivera
Amber Olivera - 10 years ago
Well I successfully added the plants but sadly all my fish and even the crab died. It was very upsetting. I later found out the store I got the fish from had a lot of bad reviews and complaints for selling ill fish. I'm glad I know the problem wasn't me but still upset those poor fish had to suffer... I cleaned out the tank and let it settle then went to petsmart and got some mollies. The man there we very kind and helpful. So far the fish seem to be doing very well
el7areef1 - 10 years ago
I been in the hoppy for few years and the best way to take it slowly
Amber Olivera
Amber Olivera - 10 years ago
Ok Thank you!
pecktec - 10 years ago
Start with clumps of Anubias Nana tied to rocks and just add as many as you like.  They don't need lots of light and will be good cover for fish to rest in. If you just used normal gravel add some tabs like the ones made by florish they work really well for fertilizer. 
C Nic
C Nic - 10 years ago
Thanks for the great vids. A little cooler in Ottawa, -34.5F last week. Excited to see what you have for 2015!
Rosalie Lingrell
Rosalie Lingrell - 10 years ago
Fusion Pieri
Fusion Pieri - 10 years ago
Thank you.
pecktec - 10 years ago
No problem thanks for watching.
A J - 10 years ago
A solid black background really offsets the green of live plants and adds depth to your aquariums. I use black backgrounds on all of my tanks. 
Maddie Bags
Maddie Bags - 7 years ago
thats my go to. all black background for the win!
Scott Believer
Scott Believer - 7 years ago
Where can you buy the background ?
Tracer Hayden
Tracer Hayden - 9 years ago
Orange is the new Bloo. BLOOO (DCI)
ApocalypticStorms - 9 years ago
I use white sand so my plants stand out i love contrast i want white with green i want blue with orange etc.
pecktec - 10 years ago
That is very true I did that with most of my tanks.
UNDERWORLD VILLAN - 10 years ago
your tanks are unreal mate thanks for the input u can never no to much thanks again
DUB.REXY21 - 7 years ago
UNDERWORLD VILLAN good to see another Aussie. I'm. From Victoria! Subbed you
UNDERWORLD VILLAN - 10 years ago
Well I'm in Australia and watch alot of your vids I am only just started with planted tanks been doing cichlids for 7 years
pecktec - 10 years ago
Sure man! I sometimes take a while to answer on there. But I always do. :)
UNDERWORLD VILLAN - 10 years ago
Hay I added u on Facebook Thomas kirke is my name would love to chat sometime about fish tanks
pecktec - 10 years ago
+UNDERWORLD VILLAN Thanks man and best username ever!
Barry Lowis
Barry Lowis - 10 years ago
Very Helpful - many thanks
pecktec - 10 years ago
+Barry Lowis  thanks!
Apoorv Gupta
Apoorv Gupta - 10 years ago
I want to plant my aquarium. Here in my city (in India) I dont have so many options. I found  Hornwort Aquatic Plant Seeds on ebay. Is it possible to grow these plants with seeds at home.......pls help
buffntumble - 10 years ago
Love your vids! Thanks for sharing, keep them up they are soooo helpful!, thanks from Canada :)
pecktec - 10 years ago
+buffntumble Thanks so much! Stay warm up there.
Vivienne  Damone
Vivienne Damone - 10 years ago
How many Fluvals do you have?

Think you must work for them?
Good Videos.
Ann - 10 years ago
Thank you.  I'm thinking of upgrading to a fluval spec V for my betta fish "Gilligan" and I'd like to try it with some live plants.  I think Gilligan will like the Anubis.  Thank you for your informative videos.  They are very helpful.
PJ Turner
PJ Turner - 10 years ago
I've watched a couple of your aquarium vids now, and you've got some really great displays! Also, thanks for putting all these beginner tips on youtube
Jay's Aquariums
Jay's Aquariums - 10 years ago
When i always get beginner plants, they always die i usually buy java fern and amazon sword i only have a 25 watt light, should i upgrade it
Jay's Aquariums
Jay's Aquariums - 10 years ago
+pecktec OK thanks got a new light and a Co2 injection system now the plants are doing great
pecktec - 10 years ago
+MonsterFishKeepingDiaries for the sword yes. I cant keep them. I dont know why people say they are easy. Try an Anubias. Things like depth matter as well as wattage also. So if the tank is really deep it takes more light to get there. 
okita17 - 10 years ago
Beautiful betta you have there and awesome vid. Thanks for the help!
Farukh Aslam
Farukh Aslam - 10 years ago
Does Moss have seeds?
i want to purchase from aliexpress for growing moss

plz help
mpooyan83 - 10 years ago
I thought you could bury the root of the anubias, just not the Ryzhome (dont think that's spelled right.)specially if you have regular Gravel where there is some water flow.
Ryan's Tanks
Ryan's Tanks - 10 years ago
Nice video and mustache!
robert justus
robert justus - 10 years ago
Do goldfish eat the plants
pecktec - 10 years ago
Many do eat plants but there are some you can use in planted tanks. 
robert justus
robert justus - 10 years ago
They still sell them in the pot for 5.99 each.
Terzy1984 - 10 years ago
How do you get your plants so clean. Can i use "" to get rid of the algae. And does that make my plants like yours? Do i need to get rid of the leefs that have the algae or do i need to trimm of the stam of the part that the leaf is on? have a nice day
Alison Swanson
Alison Swanson - 10 years ago
any way i could get some plants you would not mind giving away? i only currently have anacahris and its not as easy as i got told it was :(
Tracy M
Tracy M - 10 years ago
It's April. And there's still stupid snow on the ground. Sorry April 30 and still snow
pecktec - 10 years ago
OWW man! Its just warming up down here.
With Your Shield
With Your Shield - 10 years ago
Wow! your tanks are beautiful! I have a 75 gallon fresh water tank, and I been wanting to try live plants for a long time but have been very apprehensive. This encouraging and informative. Thanks.
pecktec - 10 years ago
You will be a pro in no time!
WildAWalker - 10 years ago
May I ask for a moment of your time to answer a question about growing anubias? I'm absolutely fascinated by aquascaping and plan to try my hand at using live plants when I set up my first aquarium after I move in a couple months, and in the meantime I've been doing a lot of research about how to set up and maintain aquariums. I recently started experimenting with design ideas in my head for how I'd like to arrange the plants (although at this point the only plants I'm considering are anubias nana, java fern, and maybe amazon sword), and one of my ideas was to construct an arch from two pieces of driftwood and attach an anubias nana to the top of the arch. After watching this video, I'm now wondering if the anubias would be able to thrive more or less suspended in open water like that, and if the roots would adhere to the driftwood or grow downwards until they reach the substrate. Do you have any recommendations? This is just a vague design idea, but I'd like to have a better idea of how anubias nana grows before I consider trying to grow it like this.
pecktec - 10 years ago
That would probably work at first but the roots will travel strait down to the ground so it might not work as an archway.
Mikaela Hammond
Mikaela Hammond - 10 years ago
Can I just say thank you for this video! I also wanted to say thanks for all the other ones as well. As someone who got a fish tank a year ago (and didn't cycle it/made all the beginner error) I was about ready to quit and give up fish tank hobbying. However you have completely helped save our tank with your knowledge, and have given us a newfound excitement to try a new tank (done right this time)!
pecktec - 10 years ago
Hey thats great! Once you understand some of the basics its really not hard to keep fish. I'm so glad I could help!
xxxmirekxxx1 - 10 years ago
Great !!!!
PalJoey1957 - 10 years ago
With your permission - to promote the hobby in the NYC area:
frosty1 - 10 years ago
Excellent. Not a plant guy, but have plans to do  a tank next fall after the summer.
I'll be looking into these big three for beginners. 
Ziabis Oh
Ziabis Oh - 10 years ago
This might be a very simple question for you.
I am planning a 2nd tank with only java fern, anubias, maybe a moss wall and some moss attached to my driftwood.  Now, I don't plan on having any ground plants, other then maybe 5-8 stems or so, of rotala as a corner coverage. This is my question: I was thinking that I DO NOT need any type of nutrient based substrate? I will be using a weekly dose of Seachem comprehensive with compressed co2 and good lighting.

So would/will I NEED any type of nutrient based substrate OR could I just use a fine/medium gravel. I do plan on having some german electric/blue rams.

Thank you....
See link for starter pic .
pecktec - 10 years ago
You shouldn't need much in the substrata but the anubias roots do go down into the gravel so it wont hurt to throw some root tabs in there.
Ziabis Oh
Ziabis Oh - 10 years ago
Did I miss, how you removed that plantlets from the java fern leaf?
How do you do this? I have about 30 plantlets and not sure how to remove them?
Ziabis Oh
Ziabis Oh - 10 years ago
Thank you for the answers...
Yin Kean Chin
Yin Kean Chin - 10 years ago
Do we need Co2 for this?and what about dosing? and how do we go about that?
Fireman builds
Fireman builds - 10 years ago
it's been -44
Pablo Escobar
Pablo Escobar - 11 years ago
+pecktec Hi pecktec. What are you feeding the plants in this fluval edge tank with the big healthy anubias? How many hours a day of light? How do you keep the algae away? Thanks!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
Hey man awesome tanks! The anubias is really looking healthy. That's a great accomplishment. I saw your interview on TheRick's channel, I see you like aquariums, video and music and noticed a guitar in the background! Rock on! subbed.
dogzrule007 - 11 years ago
Hey Pecktec, how many hours per day do you leave your lights on in your Fluval Edge 12 gallon? I have java fern and anubias and am trying to figure out how many hours to leave the lights on. Thanks!
pecktec - 11 years ago
About 6 - 7 hours. It gets a lot of light in the evening. 
ElEyeEh - 11 years ago
Thanks for all the awesome videos, pecktec!  Two questions - I have a Fluval Spec V as well and am just giving cherry red shrimp a try in it.  If I'm successful keeping them, do you think a trio of Endler's will be peaceful tankmates or could the Endler's eat the baby shrimp?  I have java moss on driftwood and a Texas holey rock that provide hiding places for the shrimp.  Second question, I notice in the video that your Spec has a little film on the top of the water.  Do you do anything to correct that issue or has it been a non-issue to your fish?  I put an air stone in mine and only run it periodically just to break up the water surface; however, it's ruining the led's because moisture sprays up.

P.S. Temps today here in Chicagoland are 14 degrees, but we've dealt with -15 w/ -45 windchill recently too!  It's brutal this winter!
ElEyeEh - 11 years ago
Thanks! :)
pecktec - 11 years ago
?#1 - Yes they should leave the shrimp alone. The male fish will anyway. The females are sort of wild cards
?#2 - Its sort of a non issue for me. I direct my current down so its easier for the betta to get to the top and hang out.
Kim Song
Kim Song - 11 years ago
Thank you so much! I had java ferns in my tank and it looked like it was dying so I thought maybe it was because it needed air.... so I took it out of my tank and now they're all dried up -__- They were growing new leaves off the dying ones. I didn't know this was normal =/ 
Jacob Schiffman
Jacob Schiffman - 11 years ago
Hey it sounds like your pretty lucky. It's about 0 degrees where I live and that is not an exaggeration.
Willy Wonkowski
Willy Wonkowski - 11 years ago
Question about snails.....I got some plants at my local fish store and it looks like they came with some tiny snails. When I got my plants from Petco/Petsmart in the plastic tubes plants were snail free. Will the snails damage plants or upset the cycle in my aquarium?
Should I get rid of the somehow?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
+pecktec I need another assassin snail, my new setup is getting eaten alive by stupid pond snails!
pecktec - 11 years ago
Snails are a natural part of any planted tank. They will not mess with the cycle but may eat some of the plants. The ones in this video do not seem sensitive to them. Over feeding your fish could lead to an outbreak off them. I find an assassin snail helps keep the population down. 
Matt Owen
Matt Owen - 11 years ago
hey awesome videos man! Just subbed you! Maybe another good beginner plant that or so I was told and was my first plant was amazon sword plants! I have yet to kill mine and have had it for a year now and it's been in 3 different tanks and I've been able to split it and everything! I also have VERY little knowledge on plants. Just thought that'd be one you MIGHT be able to throw in
the lazy fish keeper
the lazy fish keeper - 11 years ago
some good inforamtion  look forward to more video   stay well
Doug C
Doug C - 11 years ago
Hey Pec , so i uploaded a video of my tank and a little bit of its progression. Check it out and give me your input if you could. Much appreciation
liam morton
liam morton - 11 years ago
Excellent video yet again, could I pick your brain and ask what type of Ferts you use on your planted tanks? Maybe do a video a lot on YouTube I've searched are not really helpful and all your videos have a great explanation and detail!!
pecktec - 11 years ago
Ok I'll add that to the list. 
Luke Bentley
Luke Bentley - 11 years ago
It's -2 degrees Celsius if you ever have any plants rocks bog wood or any tank equipment going Spear could I have it pleas thanks
Rice Scapes
Rice Scapes - 11 years ago
your anubias looks great!
Duc Ly
Duc Ly - 11 years ago
I hope you didn't have Koi in your frozen pond. LOL.. jk. Glad I don't have to deal with extreme cold weather in Silicon Valley, but it can get down to the 30s at night, which is nothing compared to East Coast states. 
I think a banana plant would be a great addition to low light planted tank. 
I have 3 in my established 50 gallon and never get tired of looking at it. 
ben williams
ben williams - 11 years ago
Thanks for the video I did put plant in my spec V tank
Joseph Ferluga
Joseph Ferluga - 11 years ago
It's called java lace*
CRISTINA R. Fam - 11 years ago
thanks for the information, your videos are awesome!!!!!!!
OceanLife69 - 11 years ago
Great video my friend, as always!! Great info on these plants. It was a perfect 80 degrees here in S. Florida today!
OceanLife69 - 11 years ago
Any time brother! It will be an honor!!
pecktec - 11 years ago
Lucky! put another plate on Im heading down there!
Dsmith4333 - 11 years ago
Recently subscribed after 1 + years of watching. I thoroughly enjoy your channel. In fact, you are the reason I now own 2 planted tanks. A Fluval Edge 6gal and a Fluval Spec 5. Waiting on my new Ebi to arrive as well. As a newbie to this hobby, your expertise is greatly appreciated. Hope to pick your brain every now and then.Oh, and thanks for not screaming at your viewers like some other channels....................;)
pecktec - 11 years ago
LOL who ever do you mean? :) It makes me feel good to hear this stuff thanks for sharing. Sounds like a new fish addict in the making. 
Scott Metevier
Scott Metevier - 11 years ago
Answered alot of my problems thanks for the video
pecktec - 11 years ago
william glass
william glass - 11 years ago
hey im in florida and its 70 degees right now. :) great vids though.
william glass
william glass - 11 years ago
its awesome I also have a pond look up aquascape it has amazing products on pond stuff
pecktec - 11 years ago
Aw man! Im dieing for some Florida sun. 
Doug C
Doug C - 11 years ago
Good video as always.... i am actually getting all three of these plants tomorrow along with about 5 other low light species. I decided not to do a few plants at a time and just go all out and switch feom fake plants to real all in one shot. Ill post a video of the transformation when im all done.
pecktec - 11 years ago
Great can't wait to see it!
Pablo Escobar
Pablo Escobar - 11 years ago
Hey Pecktec! Enjoyed the video as always! How about a vid on your angelfish?
pecktec - 11 years ago
I feel a little intimidated because there are so many REAL experts on these fish in particular. Still I could talk about them some. I'll put it on the list. Thanks!
Yeah it's Laura
Yeah it's Laura - 11 years ago
Hmm, could you maybe send me a trimmed piece to try? I'd love to try the Christmas moss. How does your cichlid do with the other fish? I had four in a 30 gallon tank, and one has killed all the rest. Now I have a 30 gal tank with one lonely fish it. I'm apprehensive to try cichlids again. Thinking I want to change it to a community tank, but don't know what to do with the last remaining cichlid. I could flush him, but I can't lol. I don't have the heart to do that.
Yeah it's Laura
Yeah it's Laura - 11 years ago
thank you, +Pablo Escobar :)
Pablo Escobar
Pablo Escobar - 11 years ago
Sorry for being harsh and abrupt with you earlier. Just so you know, though, "African Cichlids" are not a type of cichlid. There are over 1000 species of African cichlids ranging from completely docile to homocidal maniac. If you bought out of a tank labelled "Mixed african cichlids", don't do that again. They are very poor quality hybridized fish. Buy quality stock from a private breeder. Look on craigslist, kijiji, etc, and find somebody breeding fish in your area. If you have a 29 gallon, you can just barely get away with a group of saulosi. Try 1 male and 7 females. They won't kill eachother. 
Yeah it's Laura
Yeah it's Laura - 11 years ago
Well when I bought the cichlids, I only bought four, and I DO know the species, +Pablo Escobar . They are/were African cichlids, and all came out of the same tank at the same time at the store. I also know that they are an aggressive species and that is why I only had the cichlids in that tank. They were brought home to a well conditioned, cycled 29 gallon tank with no other fish occupying it. I do research my fish! I've been dying to get a pair a dwarf puffers, but after research I opted not to because they prefer brackish water, which I am not familiar with setting up and maintaining. I also currently have three betta tanks, and one of my bettas I raised from a fry. I'm no noob when it comes to fish. I've had them all of my life. I'm definately not a pro, but also definately not a noob and I took offense to that statement. Just saying. And thank you +pecktec, I'll be dropping you an email soon :) You rock!
Pablo Escobar
Pablo Escobar - 11 years ago
+pecktec You're right, I was harsh. I just get tired of the ever-repeating cycle of people not researching fish before they get them, or just buying them based on the LFS employee's advice, which is often wrong.
pecktec - 11 years ago
The best option for a fish you have discovered you cant handle is to see if a local fish store will take it in and hopefully give you some credit towards a new one. Most cichlids are aggressive to some degree. Although Pablo was a bit harsh he is right in that any fish you buy should be looked over carefully on the internet before you get them home. I actually sat in the floor of a fish store for an hour looking up one I thought would be neat to own only to find out over and over again I didn't have the right setup for it. I use the triple verify rule also. You will get different info from different places. Try to find the aspects they agree upon to determine what you need to know.  I would be happy to send you some moss shot me a message to
Pablo Escobar
Pablo Escobar - 11 years ago
Typical noob comment from somebody who doesn't even know what species of cichlids they had, put an inproper number of them in a tank and had a bad experience. Do some research! cichlid-forum dot com look in the library section.
raul31081989 - 11 years ago
i find amazon swords and cobomba plants the easiest to grow just like java fern and all the others u told
raul31081989 - 11 years ago
maybe because you have low light tanks...swords have only one requirement HIGH LIGHT
pecktec - 11 years ago
I for some reason have never had luck with swords. Its weird.
M. Wright
M. Wright - 11 years ago
Thanks, another interesting vid. :)
Kyrene - 11 years ago
oh by the way, you spelt comment wrong at the end ^-^ just to let you know, i love the outtro 
pecktec - 11 years ago
DOUGH! LOL OK I need to stop doing this at 2AM. Thanks for pointing it out I'll fix it on the next one. 
Aaron Jones
Aaron Jones - 11 years ago
Good info as always!
Rolf van der Vlist
Rolf van der Vlist - 11 years ago
Great video as allways ;-)

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