Aquarium Plants for Beginners
Pets & Animals 11 years ago 365,492 views
This Video shows you my most recommended plants for beginners. My fist video with Final Cut Pro bare with me as I work out the details.
Pets & Animals 11 years ago 365,492 views
This Video shows you my most recommended plants for beginners. My fist video with Final Cut Pro bare with me as I work out the details.
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How to handle the plants when planting them into the tank. Produced by Tropica Aquarium Plants in collaboration with...
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The "Aquarium Plants for Beginners" video is part of the pest, animals, fish, freshwater category, which contains similar videos like this one.
I wanted to know if it is ok to add plants while I'm waiting for my tank to cycle. Please make a video about that if you would. thank for sharing all of your knowledge
Less than two weeks ago I had no plants and my water test at Petsmart read SUPER high ammonia levels.
A week later I have 2 Anubias and 2 El Nino ferns.
Now my ammonia is zero and high nitrites.
Thanks for the response.
10. comment for Aquarium Plants for Beginners
20. comment for Aquarium Plants for Beginners
hi i have copy my link to my latest youtube video. i am still new, hope u guys will like my video. do subscribe if you do like my video.
30. comment for Aquarium Plants for Beginners
How about (the other tank), does that tank have co2 working.?
I'm not good at guessing.
Now,,....that was a great video.
50. comment for Aquarium Plants for Beginners
Again, GREAT video!
I actually keep my ryukin with java fern as well as a moss ball and one of those top fish mystery pack lilly ryukin is well fed and has a personalty that goes great with plants.he'd rather dig at the sand I have looking for left over bits of food then mess with my plants(unless it's elodea he loves to eat elodea).
it is best to experiment.cause one plant may work for someone else but may not work for another person like my moss ball some goldfish will eat it and others will leave really depends and varies greatly from goldfish to goldfish.
oh also if anyones wondering just how well those bulbs do.I have to cut back the over growth daily from my lilly it grows that fast and it is actually sending off runners and I've had it just about a year now.also .also no planting needed just drop it in and let it do its thing.
This video was so helpful- thanks again
Cheerswhat kind of filters do you use? I'm in the same kind of situation only 2 fish and plenty of algae and its also placed in front of a window
100. comment for Aquarium Plants for Beginners
Think you must work for them?
Good Videos.
i want to purchase from aliexpress for growing moss
plz help
I'll be looking into these big three for beginners.
I am planning a 2nd tank with only java fern, anubias, maybe a moss wall and some moss attached to my driftwood. Now, I don't plan on having any ground plants, other then maybe 5-8 stems or so, of rotala as a corner coverage. This is my question: I was thinking that I DO NOT need any type of nutrient based substrate? I will be using a weekly dose of Seachem comprehensive with compressed co2 and good lighting.
So would/will I NEED any type of nutrient based substrate OR could I just use a fine/medium gravel. I do plan on having some german electric/blue rams.
Thank you....
See link for starter pic .
How do you do this? I have about 30 plantlets and not sure how to remove them?
P.S. Temps today here in Chicagoland are 14 degrees, but we've dealt with -15 w/ -45 windchill recently too! It's brutal this winter!
Thanks! :)
?#2 - Its sort of a non issue for me. I direct my current down so its easier for the betta to get to the top and hang out.
Should I get rid of the somehow?
I think a banana plant would be a great addition to low light planted tank.
I have 3 in my established 50 gallon and never get tired of looking at it.