Aquarium that requires NO water changes!

Aquarium that requires no water changes - In this video I give a tour of my low maintenance 29 gallon aquarium that houses 5 large goldfish that has had perfect water conditions for over a year, despite never performing any water changes or gravel cleaning...find out how by watching! Please like, subscribe, and comment!

Aquarium that requires NO water changes! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 203

Pets & Animals 12 years ago 449,077 views

Aquarium that requires no water changes - In this video I give a tour of my low maintenance 29 gallon aquarium that houses 5 large goldfish that has had perfect water conditions for over a year, despite never performing any water changes or gravel cleaning...find out how by watching! Please like, subscribe, and comment!

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Most popular comments
for Aquarium that requires NO water changes!

Donna - 7 years ago
I find the totally disgusting you think this is ok to keep all of those single tailed goldfish In that tiny ass tank.. Shame on you!!
-Animal-fish-gamer -
-Animal-fish-gamer - - 7 years ago
Plants eat fish poo and poop oxygen
TEKBAR - 7 years ago
can tell us step by step
Fraser2 - 7 years ago
200th dislike
PhillyAquaponics - 7 years ago
+Fraser2 you won!!!!
bharath cm
bharath cm - 7 years ago
But my tank gets dirty every two weeks bcz it's a Piranha tank and I should feed them the meet every day. It gets dirty and cloudy every two weeks
PhillyAquaponics - 7 years ago
+bharath cm dont use this for piranha that eat meat
badboymarshall - 7 years ago
Lol it's a goldfish tank ur never need to do sweat f.a
Jorge Diaz
Jorge Diaz - 7 years ago
Can you make a video on how you set this up like pump and everything..and suggestions on how to on larger aquariums.
Alissa Michelle
Alissa Michelle - 7 years ago
greydragon12345 - 7 years ago
how old are those goldfish?if they have been in that tank for a year they are very stunted

10. comment for Aquarium that requires NO water changes!

Katie Valdes
Katie Valdes - 7 years ago
Am I the only one that actually likes cleaning my fish tank. Its very relaxing and gives me something to do
Diego Guillermo Schmidt
Diego Guillermo Schmidt - 7 years ago
what about fish poop?
Huynherful - 7 years ago
Where can I get a water pump?
AquariumCop - 7 years ago
perry jones
perry jones - 7 years ago
Do i just drop my seeds in this or wat do i do
Kathleen Monsegue
Kathleen Monsegue - 7 years ago
This tank is overstocked with goldfish, each one can grow up to 12inches or more. And the rule of thumb is to calculate how big ur tank should be by 1inch of fish per gallon. So your tank could In reality house 1 goldfish.
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 7 years ago
Plot Twist: He did the water change before pressing record
Tyler Morton
Tyler Morton - 7 years ago
at what rate do you have the pump set
PhillyAquaponics - 7 years ago
+Tyler Morton about 300 gallons per hour
Surux Strawde
Surux Strawde - 7 years ago
I have something similar, but much simpler. A ten gallon tank with some water and rocks at the bottom, an old whisper low water filter that's been taken over by pothos and alge, the whole thing houses one small american bullfrog. Due to the frog currently acting strange and seemingly avoiding the water, I suspect it's time to change the conditions and reset the tank, but I'm not sure.
Khai Bui
Khai Bui - 7 years ago
this works with turtle ?

20. comment for Aquarium that requires NO water changes!

H Khan
H Khan - 7 years ago
Great ideas you've used to keep the water clean my friend but I still have question though! Do you keep the water pump running all the time or you turn it on and off after some time?
PhillyAquaponics - 7 years ago
+H Khan the box filter runs constantly, the water pump turns on/off every 15 minutes, i have another video on my channel that goes into details of it.
Mr Penguin
Mr Penguin - 7 years ago
my fish tnak water evaporates fast so i just add more
Giz- bar
Giz- bar - 7 years ago
All in one, good thinking. Great video.
Ballal Pathare
Ballal Pathare - 7 years ago
Do you remove solid waste from fish tank?
Tom Cecere
Tom Cecere - 7 years ago
Stop being lazy and avoiding the most basic maintenance of a fish tank......water changes!  Also you have too many fish in your tank.  Goldfish grow to be very large and your tank is way too small for them.
ariz khan
ariz khan - 7 years ago
What is your filtration system called and what lights are you using it looks beautiful
frankie4257 - 7 years ago
tut tut chems
fu man chu
fu man chu - 7 years ago
thx for informing!
SilverDemon - 7 years ago
Do you people leaving bad comments on here not understand why water changes are usually necessary? It's to get rid of NITRATES. But if you have a lot of plants, or an aquaponics system like this, the plants will absorb all the nitrates from the water, making water changes completely unnecessary. As for ammonia, the beneficial bacteria (which every established tank has naturally) will convert that into nitrite and then into nitrate. Because the fish poop is no longer poisoning the water, you can just leave it and clean the tank out every few months for aesthetic purposes.
revivefromthedespair - 7 years ago
gold fish can live in sewer water tho

30. comment for Aquarium that requires NO water changes!

Eric Lind
Eric Lind - 7 years ago
How strong is the pump? If it doesn't create enough flow, waste at the far end may never get sucked in.
FUNNY SH#T - 7 years ago
This works but u need way more plants brother X specially. E wise u have gold fish
boomboompow - 7 years ago
when you buy feeder comet fish and you get attached to em lol
Sydney - 7 years ago
1 single tail goldfish needs 29 gallons too itself. Invest in a test kit, the strips used to test the water at petco are inaccurate. 10ppm nitrates is unacceptable. Do you know anything about the nitrate cycle or fish keeping in general??
Oscar ARZ
Oscar ARZ - 7 years ago
I just came to look at the Buddha Statue
Aquatic TV
Aquatic TV - 7 years ago
Over stock
shuja dar
shuja dar - 7 years ago
Hello there i have a question one of my eat all fishs poop theres nothing to clean up so shud i change water after week or so
PhillyAquaponics - 7 years ago
+shuja dar hello, sorry i am cofused by the question? If you test the water and the ph, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels are okay then you do not need to change the water. I never changed the water i would just top it off in this aquaponics system. Hope this helps you.
freshroasted coffee
freshroasted coffee - 7 years ago
I'm almost there! what gph is your pump? do you have a spill tube in the planter, to keep a certain water level?
arianna snyder
arianna snyder - 7 years ago
Hi, I have 4 small goldfish in a 5 gal fluvialChi tank, im a Newbie but I've had them for over a year now
1234567 - 7 years ago
Mmmmmmm fish shit peas
Yessenia morbid jedi
Yessenia morbid jedi - 7 years ago
Can you do a set up like this but with turtles?
PhillyAquaponics - 7 years ago
+Yessenia morbid jedi i would not use turtles, youll get sick from their poop, salmonella risk
Sam. Hornsby
Sam. Hornsby - 7 years ago
Where did u get the Buddha statue?
Rusty Trambone
Rusty Trambone - 7 years ago
jai2 Gomez
jai2 Gomez - 7 years ago
can u make diy on how did you do on the top of the aquarium?tnx
Hedgehog Elite
Hedgehog Elite - 7 years ago
Wait what why can't you just keep plants growing on top of the tank? why the pump? and do aquarium plants work? and do you suck the poop out?
Oh No
Oh No - 7 years ago
well, it should only hold 2 at max, goldfish need large tank for their physical health
Kaycy Ruffer
Kaycy Ruffer - 7 years ago
My ex and I used to do aquaponics for veggies above our 75 gallon aquarium and it was awesome! Did have to fill once a week from the evaporation.
hanen Yan
hanen Yan - 7 years ago
how many plants on avgerage you need to keep the balance for the same amount of fish?
bgallagrr - 8 years ago
thats awesome man
speed racer
speed racer - 8 years ago
is there a way to split the system so the plants are outdoors (maybe in a window box) while the aquarium is inside to enjoy?

50. comment for Aquarium that requires NO water changes!

Robert Pugh
Robert Pugh - 8 years ago
Brilliant, thanks
RodboT Pro
RodboT Pro - 8 years ago
my friend can you give some advice I just started my tank this week I have no fish yet because I am scared to put them there and they did the water is very cloudy what should I do
RodboT Pro
RodboT Pro - 8 years ago
PhillyAquaponics - 8 years ago
+RodboT Pro are you cycling it with ammonia? Otherwise you will need to add fish at somepoint to get the proper balance of bacteria growing. As for cloudy, what isnin your tank? Have you tested your water?
The Fakey Cake Maker
The Fakey Cake Maker - 8 years ago
Amazing! Great video. xx
Rich Galdins
Rich Galdins - 8 years ago
that is good buddy,just subbed you.
elchamber - 8 years ago
But can I grow weed with it?
Kina Kelpie
Kina Kelpie - 8 years ago
The Watcher
The Watcher - 8 years ago
This is amazing! What's the official name for such a unique system?
The Watcher
The Watcher - 8 years ago
Oh okay I wasn't sure. How'd you get the plants started without using soil and using the clay pellets instead?
PhillyAquaponics - 8 years ago
+The Watcher its called aquaponics
larkinharkin - 8 years ago
How noisy is the system? Can it be turned off when I'm sleeping? I'm eager to convert my 180 gallon tank, but my bedroom shares a wall with the fishtank & am worried it will keep me up.
PhillyAquaponics - 8 years ago
+larkinharkin it was about the same level of noise as a standard waterfall box type aquarium filter. The Noise level varies with the level of water in the tank...keep it higher and its less noise aince its a lower drop for the water back into the tank. I chose this setup partially to avoid the loud toilet flushing type noise of a bellsiphon system like what you see all over youtube. Hope this helps you.
Jess MacDougall
Jess MacDougall - 8 years ago
I love aquaponics but this is not a proper home for goldfish, sorry to say
kelly anderson
kelly anderson - 8 years ago
Two to 4 week water changes ? With 5 fancy goldfish I do two water changes a week.
Cats2Curious - 8 years ago
You must have very, VERY happy fish! Lots of work for you, but you can bet your fishies are grateful for the extra effort you put in for them!
kelly anderson
kelly anderson - 8 years ago
Cats2Curious I do water changes everyday usually I take out about 3 to 4 gallons a day just enough to keep poop and uneaten food out and I do 1 big water change a week 50 to 60 %
Cats2Curious - 8 years ago
It depends on size of aquarium to amount of fish ratio. And goldfish LOVE water changes! In fact, you can do 50% water changes A DAY and they'll love you for it. But yes, fewer water changes are easier on the caretaker. Since I'm obviously overstocked, I have to do 2 WCs 2x a week and add 3x 2oz of FritzZyme nitrifying bacteria (beneficial bacteria that you can buy in a bottle on Amazon) with each WC. I've just purchased a 60g aquarium and will move some females over to that aquarium to lighten the load, but I will continue with my WC regimen in order to keep the temperature stable at 75F. :-)
kelly anderson
kelly anderson - 8 years ago
Cats2Curious That's great wish I didn't have to do as many..
Cats2Curious - 8 years ago
10 fancy goldfish (4 are 5 inches) in 70 gallon tank (two pond-sized sponge filters w/power heads for good water agitation, 1 Rena Filstar XP4 canister w/spraybar) and I do TWO water changes a week (15% each time) to keep the temperature steady (75 F) and water crystal clear. Water parameters are: 0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrite, 0.5 Nitrate, 7.0 ph. I add a pond-size Wonder Shell once a week for added minerals, electrolytes, and better osmotic function. Also, salt my GF tank at 1 TBSP aquarium salt per 5 gallons. Fish are THRIVING.
galaxy star
galaxy star - 8 years ago
Can anybody send me a link to anything natural that raises pH with a explanation?
UP NORTH Knocks - 8 years ago
your pump on a timer so it drains the bed for a certain amount of time
Che Lee
Che Lee - 8 years ago
may I ask how do water pump clean ur aquarium
Jitto Varghese
Jitto Varghese - 8 years ago
wt about solid waste by fish
Born To Kill 19
Born To Kill 19 - 8 years ago
What type of goldfish are those?
Hemendra Singh
Hemendra Singh - 8 years ago
Best solution for no hassle, neat & clean aquarium I ever come across.
kyle eric
kyle eric - 8 years ago
so sick I'm doing this
Thushar Jithesh
Thushar Jithesh - 8 years ago
What plant do you recommend that i should use..i want a plant that eats up all the nasty ammonia / nitrates /nitrites etc, but still live in low light conditions
Thushar Jithesh
Thushar Jithesh - 8 years ago
is that tank cycled/contain beneficail bacteria?
Secunda - 8 years ago
THUSHAR M. JITHESH It should be if Nitrates are present.
Plain Vids
Plain Vids - 8 years ago
Looks good. The only thing i have an issue with is that it's not filtered. You could achieve the same benefits if you installed a sump
vane varnel
vane varnel - 8 years ago
I have a small aquafarm
Shanalyn Harriman
Shanalyn Harriman - 8 years ago
you're tank is too small for that many fancies...
kelly anderson
kelly anderson - 8 years ago
Serhat Tonbul Ikr I have 5 fancy goldfish in a 30 and they are doing great, but I'm getting a 40 to a 50 gallon next month just so they have a little extra room .
TheOpelkoenjas - 8 years ago
No, its not. His water conditions are perfect.
Sebu T
Sebu T - 8 years ago
Silvia Scolaro some of the fish forums make it seem like you need a swimming pool for one fish
Silvia Scolaro
Silvia Scolaro - 8 years ago
Shanalyn Harriman if his water quality is good there is no issue with the amount of fish in the tank
Robert Pothier
Robert Pothier - 8 years ago
do you use a bell syphon of some sort or just let it run through? oh and nice setup.
RCMods - 8 years ago
can it be done on saltwater tanks? that is incredible
TheOpelkoenjas - 8 years ago
Yes, absolutely. I've seen people grow melons in it. Not sure what other veggies could be used tho, but my guess there are plenty of them.

lisa semper
lisa semper - 8 years ago
I love the Budda !
I Am LamaRto
I Am LamaRto - 8 years ago
Louis Vecchio
Louis Vecchio - 8 years ago
this is amazing....I run a 160G tank and a 75G tank. Do you expect this method to work with really big fish that produce a lot of waste? I have my tank's ecosystem and filtration really strong and only need to do water changes once a month. How would this work with the fish producing so much waste? more plants?
GhostlyGhille - 8 years ago
Louis Vecchio more plants more waste removal from water so yes
Rami Agha
Rami Agha - 8 years ago
what about the fish poop; shouldnt you clean the tank to eliminate all that waste!?
Josh Jobe
Josh Jobe - 7 years ago
GhostlyGhille actually the bacteria break the poo into amonia then nitrite then nitrate
GhostlyGhille - 8 years ago
Rami Agha good bacteria breaks down the poop as well as urine and give off nitrates and then later nitrites. which feeds the plants
MeriMorMick - 8 years ago
Do you have to remove water from the planter?
MeriMorMick - 8 years ago
I would love to see exactly what you're using to pump from below gravel to your plants. A list of pump names, grow matter (pebbles), etc. This looks great.
gmlasam - 8 years ago
This is excellent!!! I have a 10 gallon in my condo and want to also have live plants in the living room where my fish tank is. Where can I get more info on this and for the size fish tank I have?
Josh Jobe
Josh Jobe - 7 years ago
gmlasam I can help answer questions if u want email me
Chris W
Chris W - 8 years ago
are you removing the solid waste from the water column before you put the water into the plant or are you just pumping all the water straight in solid waste and all
Edwin S
Edwin S - 8 years ago
Can I grow weed?? It is legal in Cali!!
Izzudin naim Azis
Izzudin naim Azis - 8 years ago cycle the water..does i should put bacteria in the aquarium?? or the bacteria will start naturally? anyway, we need bacteria colonize . right
Donnie Harris
Donnie Harris - 8 years ago
i like this idea
Morpheus - 8 years ago
the idea is good but 5 goldfish in that tank is a crime man
pitsaria poueskise
pitsaria poueskise - 8 years ago
This guy is idiot he doesn't know even the half. Ha ha. Idiot. Is this plastic plants? Ha ha stupid
aguyandhiscomputer - 8 years ago
You're stupid. He wants the plants on top of the tank to get the nutrients in the water, not the ones inside the tank.
Gabriela Acevedo
Gabriela Acevedo - 8 years ago
Hum, Interesting! #SaturdayandWiggly
Gary Luo
Gary Luo - 8 years ago
Wow, that is great idea. How to the pump can clean the gravel. The pump is just in the left side. Is the pump powerful enough to clean the gravel in the right side? how do you deal with algae issue?
Randy Smets
Randy Smets - 8 years ago
the fish eat the algae
Phoebe Jones
Phoebe Jones - 8 years ago
I love this video! Amazing idea.. Think I'll pass on the string beans though lol
xtcandrew - 8 years ago
super cool tank. I recommend you put an air stone so your fish don't keep constantly rise to the surface for air.
XCLSIV - 8 years ago
How does the water get back into the tank?
Marnus Kloppers
Marnus Kloppers - 8 years ago
XCLSIV The system works by pumping water into the pot and on the other side there is a hole which is lower than the water level. the hole is connected to a pipe which leads back into the tank
Per Shop
Per Shop - 8 years ago
He tops off the tank when it gets too low
AZI3623 - 8 years ago
Super -sim
Super -sim - 8 years ago
Additional water should provide the electrolyte fish need so they are getting different water or a water change.
Laurena Advocate
Laurena Advocate - 8 years ago
are you willing to explain the steps for this to me? I have a practically all natural eco in my 100 gall fall with the cichlids, and with having colon tumors this would male make my life so much easier especially since I have 4 running tanks, fixing to start up the 5th bc the convicts have reached breeding
Cole Sawyer
Cole Sawyer - 8 years ago
What do you use as a light source for the plants?
1sword4you - 8 years ago
is it suitable for large tank pets - like turtles that produce a lot of waste?
Chad Kovac
Chad Kovac - 8 years ago
I use a turtle in my aquaponic garden. Clean the veggies when you pick them, no risk of salmonella if the veggies are clean. The only risk comes from the raw water splashing to getting on you or the harvest. You almost never see any raw water on the veggies though, if ever... I can't even imagine how that would happen. Still, clean them before consumption.
PhillyAquaponics - 8 years ago
+1sword4you no turtles...high risk of salmonella
Juliet - 8 years ago
Is that a 20 gallon?
PhillyAquaponics - 8 years ago
+Juliet 29gallon
travel and wildlife
travel and wildlife - 8 years ago
Tanks to small
rj korrow
rj korrow - 8 years ago
how did you set up your tank if you don't mind me asking for set up specs
The Sinful Gamer
The Sinful Gamer - 8 years ago
but don't you gotta clean the decor in it still? that stump/rock has brown algea (idk what to call it..) on it
Alesia Fitzpatrick
Alesia Fitzpatrick - 8 years ago
Fish poop = cucumbers and pepper in an apartment?! Amazing! I am going to seriously look into this stuff. Thanks PhillyA.

100. comment for Aquarium that requires NO water changes!

Kaul Watson
Kaul Watson - 8 years ago
You fucking genius !!!! =D
roup - 8 years ago
I had a fancy golfish in a ten gal, then i put him in a bigger tank a 20 gal long i think thats better for now
Drama city 10s
Drama city 10s - 8 years ago
Great video this has a lot of tips keep it up
Site Aquariofilia
Site Aquariofilia - 8 years ago
Every aquarium need water changes! No Exceptions!
Mandy Griffiths
Mandy Griffiths - 8 years ago
Site Aquariofilia is not talking about nitrates in the water. He (or she) is referring to trace minerals in the water and other waste products that plants don't remove. It is not a universally agreed upon stance, but most will still do a water change every few months just to be sure.
Per Shop
Per Shop - 8 years ago
Not every aquarium. Think of it like this .... water evaporates or (in this case) is used in the grow bed. You add more water, so you have now diluted the amount of nitrate in the water that the fish are swimming in.

You didn't remove water (and then add more), you just added more water. Both methods diluted the nitrate in the tank.

Certainly this will be affected by how many inhabitants are in the tank, too.
Гарик Степанян
Гарик Степанян - 8 years ago
its not water change ;)
star and fox
star and fox - 8 years ago
even oceans and lakes get water changes via the water there are way less fish in that volume of water and way more plants.

things need to be removed and trace elements need to be added.even if your water isn't testing high for the normal fish toxins their are bunch of other stuff that is hidden that isn't tested for because normally you are suppose to be doing water certain bacteria.

there's just no way of getting around changing a animal habitat is part of owning a pet.even people with no change water system have what's known as a drip system which basicly does the water change for them.
Neeyon Peenk
Neeyon Peenk - 8 years ago
like the ocean or lakes?
Гарик Степанян
Гарик Степанян - 8 years ago
Thats not true ,if you have balanced aquarium you can never change water. One of the most famous aquarists Heiko Bleher says he had 1200l aquarium and never do waterchanges 4years.Thats soviet teory too.
Keith White
Keith White - 8 years ago
now I can grow some weed while I feed my fish.. its a like for me ..
Mr Penguin
Mr Penguin - 7 years ago
you still need CO2
Chase Looms
Chase Looms - 7 years ago
Keith White CRACK HEAD
я Hajji 분쇄하는 Bárbara
я Hajji 분쇄하는 Bárbara - 7 years ago
You know how to tell if someone is a pothead? Don't worry, they'll fucking mention it every chance they get. Jesus, y'all are worse than vegans and crossfitters.
DerekBrin FierceMusicGroup
DerekBrin FierceMusicGroup - 8 years ago
Michael Vard
Michael Vard - 8 years ago
Puff - Puff, Give
Jef Lopez
Jef Lopez - 8 years ago
Customer - 8 years ago
its a double profit! YEA!
Flo Green
Flo Green - 8 years ago
Nice tank but I hate that statue
Sam Bunleuth
Sam Bunleuth - 8 years ago
What kind of filter are you using to keep the water clean without changing the water?
manish patel
manish patel - 8 years ago
you still need to change the water bro...not as often but you do. At least do 20% once a month. It's good for your fish....I use bog filters all the time, but to say you don't need any water changes is silly. It will catch up to you and you will lose your fish.
mouf of tha souf 24
mouf of tha souf 24 - 8 years ago
does it require nutrients as well? & how do you feed plants nutrients if do?
rivahkillah - 8 years ago
And your fish will love the peas and cucumber, since it helps with their digestion.
Natalie Parsons
Natalie Parsons - 8 years ago
this doesnt seem right, those fish will get stunted once they grow.
gmlasam - 8 years ago
How so?
Sky Guy
Sky Guy - 8 years ago
I concur
WiredSighAnts - 8 years ago
Thank you! This video is inspiring. I'm not doing the exact same thing, but rather have rain gutters full of gravel to filter the water. You made me realize I don't have enough plants yet.
mef1975 - 8 years ago
Christ man!  How'd you do it?  I've got 2 little guppies inside of almost 40 gallons, planted with 6.5 hour day cycle, two 20 gallon air-sponge filters, and 3 months later, the nitrates are still climbing, 40ppm now, only feeding a pinch of flake food per day. I'm starting to think that immersed plants is key, not submerged.  This is amazing!  Thanks for helping realize that.  I'm definitely making a new grow-bed to test out.  I wonder what substrate/grow medium would be good, not affecting pH?  I have a bunch of eco-complete, but it's keeping the pH at 8.2, so I'm avoiding it.
Jackie Woodard
Jackie Woodard - 8 years ago
Is it a special fish tank thank you
Jackie Woodard
Jackie Woodard - 8 years ago
Is it a special fish tank
Jackie Woodard
Jackie Woodard - 8 years ago
How you do that thank you
Tornected - 8 years ago
Aww! Your fish are so cute just like mine!!!! IDK, but all comet/common goldfish are so cute! They're begging you to feed them just like my 2 goldfish! <3 (By the way, I have 1 comet and 1 common goldfish which both are about 1-3 years old)
WhiteOutWolf - 8 years ago
I would not eat those vegitables i dont like the thaught of fish veggies
Rhonda Callejas
Rhonda Callejas - 8 years ago
I would like to know how exactly you set up your small aquaponics set up? I am very interested in doing the same exact thing to my 29 gallon aquarium with 3 common Goldfish and my 20 gallon aquarium with 2 Black Moors because I am CONSTANTLY having to do water changes and clean the aquarium and I have a large external filter on each one as well as a large HOB filter on each one and just recently purchased a internal filter for the 29 gallon tank and even after changing the water within 3 or 4 days the water already starts to look cloudy and dirty! It get's aggravating but I love my fish, so I do what I gotta do to make sure they are in a healthy environment! If it would be possible to not have to change the water as often as I do then hey I'm totally on board to give it a try! If you wouldn't mind, can you send me step by step instructions on how to get my aquaponics system set up please? Thank's in advance if you don't mind sending me the directions.....?
XRIC GUTI - 8 years ago
That's an awesome Looking tank!! Love the set up you have
CanineGrowTime - 8 years ago
Actually since the tank is over a year old, you actually have 5 pretty small stunted goldfish in there. Lots of brown diatoms on the decorations too.
Nikodim Gorbenko
Nikodim Gorbenko - 8 years ago
Do you use and under gravel filter?
PhillyAquaponics - 8 years ago
+Nikodim Gorbenko nope just a pond pump that sits at the bottom of the tank, and undergravel filter would work well in this setup
GuitarsGuitarsGuitars - 8 years ago
At present I don't have a working aquarium setup. For some reason my fish always die off 1 by 1. The Nitrates start rising and get higher and higher no matter what I do. When I was a kid many years ago, I had several tanks. I used under gravel filters, 1 power filter and that was it. I never did water changes and my tanks were always clear and I hardly ever lost any fish. The last time I had my 55 setup I couldn't keep fish alive no matter what I tried. I'm beginning to think there is something wrong with the tank itself as I know other people in my town and they have no trouble keeping their fish alive and healthy. If I set my tank up again I'm going to try an under gravel filter again and also run a power filter or 2. At this point I have nothing to lose by experimenting.
PhillyAquaponics - 8 years ago
+GuitarsGuitarsGuitars its normal for nitrates to rise. That means bacteria are converting ammonia (fish waste) into nitrite and then nitrates....nitrates must be removed from your tank...either with plants in an aquaponic setup or you have to do water changes to get them out of tank. High levels will kill fish....they can tolerate higher levels of nitrate than they can for ammonia or nitrite but still not good for them and will kill them if high enough
MariaGarcia281 - 8 years ago
do ammonia and nitrate/nitrite go hand in hand?
I have a water tester that tests everything except ammonia
PhillyAquaponics - 8 years ago
+MariaGarcia281 once your tank is cycled, ammonia is converted to nitrites by one type of bacteria, and then another type converts nitrite to nitrates. Ammonia and nitrite are more toxic to fish, they can tolerate higher nitrate levels. The plants in aquaponics use nitrates so u need the bacteria in the tank and filter or growbed to convert the ammonia in fish poop to nitrites and then nitrates. Ammonia level testing is a different test than the other two.
Willy Rosado
Willy Rosado - 8 years ago
Willy Rosado
Willy Rosado - 8 years ago
growing vegetables from fish pee and poop water, prety gross!
PhillyAquaponics - 8 years ago
+Willy Rosado any worse than cow poop??
Josh North
Josh North - 8 years ago
what pump did you use
meguell2 - 9 years ago
That's a really cool system but if you've got your tank in a nice room of your house, you certainly don't want all that. All the racks lights and stuff you have just doesn't look nice unless it's in a spare room.
PhillyAquaponics - 9 years ago
+meguell2 beauty is in the eye of the beholder
montydesijokes - 9 years ago
it's a dumb question but someone please explain this to me. So if you have a son with plants growing in it and plants use up the nutrients and therefore no water changes. How is that different from a planted tank where you have plans in the tank itself that is using nitrates from the water. So does that mean that if he had a planted tank that you don't have to change water either. How come. Theory does not work.
PhillyAquaponics - 9 years ago
+montydesijokes ratio of plants to fish is whats inportant and what type of plants you have, as long as you have enough plants that are removing the nitrates and your tank is cycled (meaning that all ammonia is converted to nitrites and then nitrates) then it is possible to maintain a neutral nitrogen balance with a planted tank and just have to do water top offs. The pump pulls the solid waste up from bottom of tank and puts in growbed where composting worms and bacteria break it down further into usable form for the plants. The agitation from water top offs and the pump itself helps mobilize the waste from bottom of tank. The benefit of this system is that you can grow vegetables and plants that you can eat. Its not a theory if it works, there are plenty of commercial aquaponic growers out there.
Natalie Smith
Natalie Smith - 9 years ago
thank you for this video! it was very helpful
PhillyAquaponics - 9 years ago
+Natalie Smith no problem glad i could help you!
Mr. Sucka4r33
Mr. Sucka4r33 - 9 years ago
What prevents the plant bed from over flowing ?
PhillyAquaponics - 9 years ago
+ctzfinest ofosho the standpipe sets the level. I have another video on my channel that explains how it works. The video "Aquaponics for dummies"
robman rob
robman rob - 9 years ago
Why not just grow plants in your tank......
PhillyAquaponics - 9 years ago
Cause then you cant eat them.
Elias Varn
Elias Varn - 9 years ago
Cool concept, those fish need more room though. Each single tailed goldfish should have 20 gallons per fish.
Elizabeth Lubzik
Elizabeth Lubzik - 8 years ago
seems they have enough space for now otherwise I could definitely see him either upgrade or selling those and get smaller ones
Bosco Hemi
Bosco Hemi - 9 years ago
Awesome, You are one smart Dude ! Great Idea.
hooChee999 - 9 years ago
I was looking for this concept for whole year .   this is amazing.  thank you for posting.  I really appreciate it.  could you create another video on how some one could create this environment.     Thanks
Lexy santillan
Lexy santillan - 9 years ago
Can the plants be used as a lid? Instead of having the water pumped to a bed?
D rB
D rB - 9 years ago
+Lexy santillan Goldfish are likely to destroy the roots. If they can reach them, they will eat them.
Esplender M
Esplender M - 9 years ago
thanks for showing us. What type of pump do you use? can you give us more details on that please?
RAMPAGE - 9 years ago
this is an awesome idea
i really apreciate it
Dexter Rempel
Dexter Rempel - 9 years ago
Do you have a constant flood and drain system? Are you using a bell siphon? Also, did you plant the seeds before you put the fish in or put the fish in first? Thanks
PhillyAquaponics - 9 years ago
Constant flood and drain on an on/off timer every 15min, not using a bell siphon, i have other videos that explain how my system drains / works, i cycled the tank using ammonia, and then put fish in, then planted seeds in grow bed.
Angel Flores
Angel Flores - 9 years ago
Dont you have to add water every month due to evaporation
Cheesus - 9 years ago
I would love to try this; not because I'm bothered by water changes, but rather because it's a neat idea and I love home grown veggies
Maeve Frambes (Maeve - 2022)
Maeve Frambes (Maeve - 2022) - 9 years ago
That sounds like heaven for a large tank!
andrew zerdelian
andrew zerdelian - 9 years ago
PhillyAquaponics i just want to say that ur videos are awesome and i want to do the same method but with some plants that doesn't need a light i just want it to clean the water from the ammonia what planets should i get ????????
D rB
D rB - 9 years ago
+D rB Just be careful if you have dogs/cats. Always check to see if any plants you want to use are toxic to dogs/cats. Pothos is.
D rB
D rB - 9 years ago
+andrew zerdelian Dark leaf plants can survive on ambient room light. Pothos is a popular one. Wandering Jews is another dark leaf plant.
Derek Walker
Derek Walker - 9 years ago
my brother has a 29 with one large goldfish that almost spans the tank in height when flared out, hes about 14" tall...giant fish which is being switched to a 40 extra high
C Karthik
C Karthik - 9 years ago
Wat is the clay like stones in your plant growing on?
PhillyAquaponics - 9 years ago
Hydroton expanded clay pellets
C Karthik
C Karthik - 9 years ago u use ugf or any other water pump for circulation?
V E - 9 years ago
can we use hydroton as only filter ? what if we don't want to grow any plants ?
Lebo Holmes
Lebo Holmes - 9 years ago
U should show the pump and how it's setup
Azikiwe Alford2
Azikiwe Alford2 - 9 years ago
Wooow your aquarium is sooo cool. I love it
pondofdeath - 9 years ago
broskis eating fish waste lol
lil1envied - 9 years ago
this is like theee smartest way to do a tank im definitely going to try this
joy steiner
joy steiner - 9 years ago
Where did u buy your tank? Can i have a saltwater instead? Any updates on your tank?
Merb34st - 9 years ago
Sorry, that gravel has been cleaned. Goldfish poop big, and there are always dead spots where water flow won't move the poop, so if there was no gravel vacuuming happening there would be fish poop in the corners.
Kenney - 8 years ago
+watdaNOSTRIL What part of "Take your unwanted trolling somewhere else" did you not understand? I could explain further if need be.
stopfollowingme - 8 years ago
+Kenney up my ass is where i'll take it. weak ass bitch
Kenney - 8 years ago
+watdaNOSTRIL We're discussing fish and aquarium maintenance here so take your unwanted trolling somewhere else.
Merb34st - 9 years ago
+Kenneth shaheen jr. They sell test kits to check ammonia, nitrite and nitrates.
Kenney - 9 years ago
+D rB You mean like aquaponics? I saw one system where a man used a canister filter for mechanical and carbon filtration and then put the outlet into a tub with plants in it and the growing media (I forgot the name,,small brown pebbles of some sort) acted as the biological bed. Is there any reliable way to monitor the various elements of the nitrogen cycles like with ph and water hardness test kits? I am thinking if you can check them then you can custom design your water changes,,,doing more, less or none according to the needs of the fish, but I have heard these elements are hard to accurately check and track. 
D rB
D rB - 9 years ago
+Kenneth shaheen jr. Nitrate is the least toxic of the ammonia->nitrite->nitrate cycle. But it still needs to be kept low as possible. It's essentially crap, and leaving it uncontrolled means the fish are swimming in their own crap water. In nature this isn't a problem as the water area they live in is so massive. In your aquarium, it is a problem.

This is what water changes are meant to take care of. But plants ALSO do it, as they leech the nitrates from the water. Thereby reducing the amount of maintenance. Goldfish aren't easy to keep with plants as they will tear up just about any fast (and therefore effective) growing plants. They won't bother stuff like anubias, moss, crypts (etc).. but those are very slow growers that don't clean the water of nitrates quickly enough.

A separate container where you can grow plants that the goldfish can't destroy is very useful. :)
Merb34st - 9 years ago
+Kenneth shaheen jr. If nitrites aren't kept in check, you'll likely see an algae bloom first.  If the levels continue to rise the fish may become stressed (depending on how fast the levels rise).  The stress may lead to disease or death.
I strongly recommend water changes (the more often the better, small amounts often are better for the fish than large amounts rarely).  The solution for pollution is dilution.  Even plants like the infusion of minerals from a fresh water change.
Merb34st - 9 years ago
+Alexander Gallegos I never suggested otherwise.  However, that tank has been vacuumed as there is no dirt build-up in the corners.  I've seen fish waste break down into dirt, and it's not happening here. (Yeah, it doesn't all just go away, there is more than nitrogen in fish waste).
Kenney - 9 years ago
+Alexander Gallegos I was only an amature fish keeper and read a book on goldfish. It said that nitrates were harmless (this was in the early 90s) but I have seen material that speaks of them being problematic. What do they do if they are not kept in check?
Alexander Gallegos
Alexander Gallegos - 9 years ago
+Merb34st it's fine; that waste will eventually break down, and as long as there are plenty of plants to take in the nitrites, everyone is happy, and there will be few to no nitrates to crash the system. =)
Merb34st - 9 years ago
+Nolan Zuts Nope, you can tell the flow is low because the plants aren't moving and the fish aren't fighting a current.  Sorry to dash your dreams, but you'd have to vacuum poop in this tank.
Cheeky Breeky
Cheeky Breeky - 9 years ago
+Merb34st perhaps the tank has an extremely high flow rate? big pump sucking water through multiple spots in the tank through a spliced into multiple tube kind of thing... hope that made sense... and btw im sure he cleans filters/swaps filters, so that isnt the big concern either, or maybe he uses a second pump to break up the organic matter sucked out of the tank and blend it into a water-fertilizer slurry..... IDK im no expert im just throwing ideas out there... hope this might help
Brujira - 9 years ago
That tank is too small for 5 gold fish. Please get a bigger tank or split them up.
Paratoto Züri
Paratoto Züri - 9 years ago
How can I get thins kind of fish tank? Link? Store?
Higgins Law, LLC
Higgins Law, LLC - 9 years ago
can i do this outside in florida?
Jennifer Thomas
Jennifer Thomas - 9 years ago
+Higgins Law, LLC Living in Florida myself, I would say in an outside tank you'd likely experience a lot of algae even with the abundance of plants competing with it. Direct sunlight (even on a patio or porch) is algae's best friend.
Kayla Hayden
Kayla Hayden - 9 years ago
Hi my goldfish has had part of his tail fall of and was wondering if that is fatal to her or not?
Jennifer Thomas
Jennifer Thomas - 9 years ago
+Kayla Hayden Take a sample of your water (in a clean container that hasn't been washed with soap) to your local fish store and have them test your water parameters. Unless of course you have a water testing kit. The best thing you can do for your fish is keep the water parameters at the right levels.
Yatzary Moreno
Yatzary Moreno - 9 years ago
Wow best video I ever seen . Thanks
Ding Chu Yu
Ding Chu Yu - 9 years ago
Avbitten - 9 years ago
this is too small once your fish are full grown
WhatEvenIsThis _
WhatEvenIsThis _ - 7 years ago
natalie r do you not know how analogies work
WhatEvenIsThis _
WhatEvenIsThis _ - 7 years ago
sanchezs1220 a grow out tank is referred to a tank that is used to grow out the fish typically for selling, these tanks are typically larger than what they would need to be in order to insure water stability and that the fish will be able to grow as efficiently as possible. A tank inadequate to house a fish is not a grow out tank
natalie r
natalie r - 7 years ago
OystersAndStuff What are you talking about?
OystersAndStuff - 7 years ago
Exactly. If you do not know anything about fish shut up.
natalie r
natalie r - 7 years ago
OystersAndStuff That's a horrible analogy, it doesn't apply or relate to fish.
OystersAndStuff - 7 years ago
STFU better does not mean that it is suitable. Sure you can let someone live in a small room their whole life and thats better than living in a closet, but does that mean its suitable for them to live in it?
100 Subscribers no video challenge/Pls Sub
100 Subscribers no video challenge/Pls Sub - 7 years ago
STFU better then them at the petstore
keith brown
keith brown - 7 years ago
sanchezs1220 ñ
natalie r
natalie r - 7 years ago
sanchezs1220 I know what a grow out tank is, but this isn't one. Fish don't grow to the tank size, that is a myth. The body of the fish doesn't grow but the internal organs and skeleton get screwed up and cause abnormalities and death. If this was a grow out tank the fish should have been moved a long time ago. They are much too big for such a small tank, let alone several in one tank. So called, "grow out tanks" do not work for Goldfish unless they are fry. They need to be transferred into ponds as soon as they are big and strong enough to handle current and normal feeding, which is smaller than what these fish are. And you are completely incorrect on stunting statistics, where do you get your information form? Please don't reply unless you know what you are talking about, you just look ridiculous.
sanchezs1220 - 7 years ago
natalie r u know that there is such a thing called a grow out tank when they have the fish in a smaller tanks until they are too big for that tank and they don't get stunted the #1 cause for stunned fish is the water quality not the size of the tank
natalie r
natalie r - 7 years ago
jason lawrence It is difficult to really isolate the reason for the abnormalities and deformation in stunted fish, but a lot of stunted fish have bugling eyes, bulging stomachs and undersides, curved spines etc, which suggest organ growth without body growth. Stunted growth also affects organ function, which could also be a reason for this. Of course, no one is 100% sure on this topic though, we just know stunting greatly affects the function, lifespan, and appearance of fish.
jason lawrence
jason lawrence - 7 years ago
natalie r Organs grow but bodies don't! This is news... Need to research this
natalie r
natalie r - 7 years ago
Jasmine That is not how it works, fish need room to grow before they grow. Their organs grow but their bodies don't, which causes death and abnormalities. So he can't upgrade them once they are fully grown because they won't grow, these fish grow 1ft+ and they can't do that crammed with each other in 29 gallons. I mean, common sense lol.
natalie r
natalie r - 7 years ago
DeezNutz Obviously not if he thinks he can keep Goldfish in 29 gallons, especially Comet Goldfish which grow over a foot long, unless he has already stunted their growth by keeping several of them in a tiny tank.
John Candy
John Candy - 9 years ago
Dafaq my fish live in a alright tank and ever time I walk in the room they just start beggin for food
Gabor P
Gabor P - 9 years ago
29 gal that can house 15 fish like that I wonder if you never clean the gravel how long would that last ? As you know the goldfish are the messiest fishes of all and Koi's ! But I guess for that set up and only 5 fish is not so much at all ! Also 25-30% the goldfish don't eat food and fall to the bottom and all the fish waste after 2 weeks you can see both left over food and fish waste and so is some brown algae n the filter on your décor and so on and your glass also ! It look to me that tank is new or no more then 2 weeks old cause it is so clean ! As you say a year old set up is this ! I'm not so sure about that ! In 1 month algae grows no matter and you have no real plants just fake plastic and only 1/2 inch of substrate ! You may fool beginners but not me ! No way your filter and substrate is this clean after 1 year and no change ! Even the algae if you do a little maintenance as you crape off the algae where dose it goes sinks on the bottom and form a sludge on the bottom and you little gravel would be full in 2 months almost you can't see it ! So many ways it is just not possible ! But what ever works ! PS: What water you are using to fill up the evaporated water ? Also 7.2 ph water is a little hard !
swiss austin
swiss austin - 9 years ago
aquaponics is great and all but water changes are done, not only to remove nitrates but also to replenish minerals vital to fish metabolism, minerals unavailabe in fish foods. So you still need to do them.
Neeraj - 9 years ago
doesn't that top tray with pellets smell bad ?? coz of the fish waste?
PhillyAquaponics - 9 years ago
If you stir up the pellets / change them or clean out the growbed it can smell, but normally when running it does not smell.
Kalvin One
Kalvin One - 9 years ago
Please can you show us in a video a full construction of your aquaponic system? I would be happy to create the same but the vegetable pot looks very difficult to build without someone knowing perfectly how to make it. Thanks for your great video.
CrestFallenMoon - 9 years ago
that tank is a little over stocked but anyway nice tank its beautiful
King Brown
King Brown - 9 years ago
This is just what I'm looking for thanks beautiful aquarium great video again thanks
PhillyAquaponics - 9 years ago
Glad i could help, thanks!
biglounumber12 - 9 years ago
do the veggies have a fishy doodoo taste?? lol
Cheesus - 9 years ago
You realize all plants need poop of some sort to grow, right?
PhillyAquaponics - 9 years ago
Well ive never intentionally eaten fish turds, but no they taste normal.
vijay24261 - 9 years ago
how does water goes up
vijay24261 - 9 years ago
+PhillyAquaponics Thanks It was not seen nice one
PhillyAquaponics - 9 years ago
There is a pump in the tank that pumps water up to the grow bed via tubing
Cubialpha - 9 years ago
Summary of comments: Pretentious aquarium hobbyists with outrageous standards lol.
Paul Croasdale
Paul Croasdale - 9 years ago
Absolutely brilliant best fish tank I've ever seen with benefits. Love it
Ashton Hartley
Ashton Hartley - 9 years ago
Brandon Bedran
Brandon Bedran - 9 years ago
I want this and how can I contact u
Brandon Bedran
Brandon Bedran - 9 years ago
So how can I get to u
Brandon Bedran
Brandon Bedran - 9 years ago
How can I contact u? I want this how can I get these stuff
TheHorseTermite - 9 years ago
Could this bw able to work with turtles?
159cats - 9 years ago
First off, these are not large goldfish. Large goldfish are goldfish that are over 9 inches long. These are 1/2 grown goldfish. Next, water changes do more than keep ammonia/nitrite/nitrate lowered. They help keep the pH in balance as well as provide fresh water for the live plants in the tank. Thirdly, goldfish will outgrow a 29 gallon. Each one should be provided with 20 gallons of water each so they have room to keep to themselves. They also should have a 4 foot long tank to allow them to properly grow and they need a tank that is over 12 inches wide to provide enough room for a full grown goldfish to turn around. That means the tank for five goldfish must be at least 100 gallons when they are full grown. Stunting can cause a varieties of problems and usually leads to a shortened life. If you were to do this, I'd recommend making sure the tank can support an ADULT member of the species of fish you are keeping...
Jacqueline Leblanc
Jacqueline Leblanc - 7 years ago
travis cowley yes it does because when you put them in a small tank you stunt there growth you twat
Donna - 7 years ago
WhatEvenIsThis _ wrong! They grow huge if given correct set ups and maintenance
Donna - 7 years ago
Girlsvs Fun Jenny only keeps double tailed fancy Goldfish, these are single tailed variety and need much more space than fancy goldfish need, ideally only suited to a pond! Oh and BTW even double tailed goldfish grow huge if given ample space with correct water parameters and maintenance. Look at the size mine have grown to BC they were given a 150gallon tank from the start of their life, given proper care and maintenance.
Caitlin P
Caitlin P - 7 years ago
The water parameters are nearly perfect from the cycling. The fish are small now and doing very well with such awesome water conditions.
WhatEvenIsThis _
WhatEvenIsThis _ - 7 years ago
sanchezs1220 again as I've mentioned before that's not what a grow out tank is.
WhatEvenIsThis _
WhatEvenIsThis _ - 7 years ago
Girlsvs Fun solid gold keeps fancy goldfish which full grown if you're lucky and with excellent care will only get to the size of the palm of your hand. The fish in the video are varieties of comet or common goldfish which can easily grow over 2 feet.
sanchezs1220 - 7 years ago
Privacy Lover u know that there is such a thing called a grow out tank when they have the fish in a smaller tanks until they are too big for that tank and they don't get stunted. When those fish are to big he will put new fish he is not a criminal he knows what he's doin he has 9,00O subs plus the #1 cause for stunned fish is the water quality not the size of the tank
travis cowley
travis cowley - 8 years ago
U can put an oscar in a 30 gallon when its a baby..
As lon as you upgrafe tank size as your fish grows its not a problem. You think u need a 100 gallon for a baby fish? No, its just an inch long
Trioptic Blaze
Trioptic Blaze - 8 years ago
travis cowley - ikr
Girlsvs Fun
Girlsvs Fun - 8 years ago
OMG look at solid gold u only need 20 gallons per fish! make sure u know your stuff before u hate!
travis cowley
travis cowley - 9 years ago
+159cats I see people like you commenting on videos like these all the time. If i bought a fish that will grow big EVENTUALLY it doesn't mean I have to put it in a 100 gallon tank when hes only and inch long from the pet store lol
People can upgrade their tanks as their fish mature.
Privacy Lover
Privacy Lover - 9 years ago
+Jamie Simpson If you don't have enough time to care for a pet properly, then don't get one. The uploader probably spent a massive amount of time on his setup, do you think he also has too much time on his hands?

Unfortunately as awesome as it is, he failed to think about the actual
fish and their future health, it seems mainly about his own convenience i.e. never having to do water changes, easy growing of fresh veggies, etc. It's best he start with the right size tank and setup because those fish will grow and age and it's easier to fix things when they're small.

I do disagree with about water changes. He can monitor for those things and make sure levels stay where they should. Water changes are often very stressful for fish so if pH and such can be kept in balance through some other means, there's no reason water changes should be a necessity in all cases.
Jamie Simpson
Jamie Simpson - 9 years ago
+159cats Pretty sure you have WAY too much time on your hands...
Alynight - 9 years ago
can you make a video from scratch  on what to buy such as pump where to get it exetra, and show us how you build it from scratch. That would be awesome. Thanks
Carol Lu
Carol Lu - 9 years ago
hi, buddy. What did you use to replace the soil? I don't know where can i buy the soil that you used in your video.
Carol Lu
Carol Lu - 9 years ago
+D rB thank u very much
D rB
D rB - 9 years ago
+Carol Lu It's called Hydroton (brand name). It's expanded clay pellets commonly used in hydroponics.
Direwolfgirl - 9 years ago
that tank is way overstocked, bud.
Jacqueline Leblanc
Jacqueline Leblanc - 7 years ago
FLC* Gaming™ again by putting them in a small tank you are stunting there growth not heathy at all
Queenie Beanie
Queenie Beanie - 7 years ago
FLC* Gaming™
Alissa Michelle
Alissa Michelle - 7 years ago
Direwolfgirl goldfish like it like that..and it's not even overstocked
Direwolfgirl - 9 years ago
+FLC* Gaming™ just forget it
FLC* Gaming™
FLC* Gaming™ - 9 years ago
I came off defensive for the Vid Owner...You came off Condescending and Rude and basically talked down to him for him trying to share what he had learned and experimented with
Direwolfgirl - 9 years ago
+FLC* Gaming™ oh okay, so if i was like PETA and i got the facts about being vegan across by being pushy, do you think that would be a good way to deliver the facts?
FLC* Gaming™
FLC* Gaming™ - 9 years ago
Doesn't matter how I deliver the Facts....just as long as they are FACTS....HND!
FLC* Gaming™
FLC* Gaming™ - 9 years ago
Direwolfgirl - 9 years ago
+Pooop so you prefer individuals who scream at other people over the internet?
Cory - 9 years ago
+Ironiic zero The facts matter
Ironiic zero
Ironiic zero - 9 years ago
+Pooop​ your opinion matters because...
Cory - 9 years ago
+Ironiic zero You are one boring indivdual
FLC* Gaming™
FLC* Gaming™ - 9 years ago
Ironiic zero
Ironiic zero - 9 years ago
k then... again i have lost interest in this whole thing now. goodbye
FLC* Gaming™
FLC* Gaming™ - 9 years ago
lol....immature....thanks try to insult me by saying i sound mature doesn't mean you walk around with a stick in your ass pissed off at the world all the time...All you stick in the ass people wanna call anyone that enjoys life and is a good father and bussiness owner your 134 lines earlier to mine and i think you win out on the immaturity started being a stuck you nose in someone elses convo...I'm immature because i refuse to be bullied by a punk ass lil bitch lik eyou
Ironiic zero
Ironiic zero - 9 years ago
are you still here shit. im not even gonna bother reading 37 lines of you bullshit. being the 34 year old man you clam to be im surprised you have time to even reply back. also you seem a bit immature for someone of that age too. 

just get over it and move the fuck on. spend more time with your kids than typing essays of shit no one wants to read
FLC* Gaming™
FLC* Gaming™ - 9 years ago
+Ironiic zero You don't help anyone....You talk about (KNOW IT ALL'S)...You are the BIGGEST "WANNABE" KNOW IT ALL...that i have ever get on all these u tube video's and belittle and degrade everyone's idea's and success stories.  You have a cheap shitty system and a bag of LIES to go with it....YOUR A PRO....A PRO that has never lost a fish for any reason....A PRO THAT HAS ZERO NITRATES BUT HAS NOTHING BUT A SHITTY HOB FILTER WITH A PLANT STUFFED IN IT..LOL...You don't help anything or anyone but your EGO...IF you want to help people you should lift them up on there good idea's and suggest different things for there bad.  Look everyone has different ways of keeping fish.....EVERYONE...just because they don't do it EXACTLY LIKE YOU doesn't give you the right to come on here and act like they are retarded.  You got a lot of growing up to do son.  You really do.  We should support each other and help each other instead you have ASSHOLES LIKE YOU ON HERE....GOING FROM PAGE TO PAGE JUST TALKING SHIT....Mean while where is your TANK VIDEO'S...WHERE IS YOUR SHIT....You have no right to come on here attacking this kid that actually HAS A NICE TANK and DID A GREAT JOB when you don't even have the balls to put your shit up on u tube....GO AHEAD..I CHALLENGE YOU....MAKE A VIDEO OF YOUR TANK AND SET UP AND PUT IT UP ON U TUBE...THEN TAG ME IN A COMMENT SO I CAN SEE IT.....Then we all can see if you are the PRO you claim to be!....As for the bullying....BACK OFF....STOP BULLYING AND TEARING DOWN LITTLE KIDS.....FUCKN CREEPER PUNK ASS FAGET...FUCK YOU....AND WITH THAT I SAY....GOOD DAY.....
Ironiic zero
Ironiic zero - 9 years ago
+FLC* Gaming™ pick one kids. Aren't you the retard that wrote a massive comment that was full of insults towards me and the others that were disagreeing with you.

Tbh I will speak like this no matter what the age is. I have helped a ton of people in this community via forums that I'm in. I don't waste time on youtube trying to prove myself to be a know it all like you.

FLC* Gaming™
FLC* Gaming™ - 9 years ago
FLC* Gaming™
FLC* Gaming™ - 9 years ago
You are a SAD...shit talking PUSSY...and I ought to come to your house and slap the shit out of you....better yet i should let my oldest son come to your house and slap the shit out of ya...he gets off on that shit...
FLC* Gaming™
FLC* Gaming™ - 9 years ago
Now I will tell you this...The only fish i've lost that was born in one of my tanks were ones that got eaten.....or when we had a huge power outage
FLC* Gaming™
FLC* Gaming™ - 9 years ago
And your a fucking liar....unless you have like 2 fish in a huge tank and then got super lucky that they were pefectly healthy when you got them....i deal with hundreds of  fish and there babies....and when you do will end up with fish that don't make it especially when you don't know exactly what your getting or where they came from at the lfs
FLC* Gaming™
FLC* Gaming™ - 9 years ago
kid....I'm 34 years old...My home is paid for and so is all 3 of my vehicles....also i HAVE 7  KIDS and i'm actually using one of there u tube accounts now....nice assumption though
Ironiic zero
Ironiic zero - 9 years ago
+FLC* Gaming™ oh youre still here. i know you wont believe me but im telling the truth.i honestly havent lost a fish ever since i went into tropical fish keeping. all the fish swam, eat and looked normal. they were all understocked tanks with over filtration. i just did everything right and they lived. not that hard.

either way i can be bothered continuing this. get over it kid
FLC* Gaming™
FLC* Gaming™ - 9 years ago
And you are a 100% Liar to sit here and say that you HAVE NEVER LOST A FISH...YOU ARE A 100%LIAR...IF you are a true hobbyist and have done this for years....Your have lost fish I don't care how great your water quality or tank is...
Fish come in with genetic defects and sickness that you can't tell by looking at them...IF you are constantly buying fish then you are going to constantly be losing them....ITs a crapps shoot...u never know 100% if the fish is perfectly healthy or not
FLC* Gaming™
FLC* Gaming™ - 9 years ago
And Cichlids are the same as other fresh water fish...only differnece is they like a high PH wamer water and they are very agressive...thats it "MATE"...LOL
FLC* Gaming™
FLC* Gaming™ - 9 years ago can add minerals also dumbass....and I don't use chemicals....Mine is all natural....I just used chemi pure which is CHARCOAL...DUMBASS.....and i use a micron filter....thats a mechinial filter I don't even use stress coat nore do i use a de chlorinatior because there is no need to
I don't use city tap water 
FLC* Gaming™
FLC* Gaming™ - 9 years ago
+Ironiic zero LOL U MAD BRO....I told you what tank I had because you were bragging about your PRESTINE I had to TEACH you what a PRESTINE SETUP really is....I have fish that are 15+ years old.....So all of that and all you can do is talk shit about me using CAPS....and accuse me of having a little DICK..LOL..Know WTF YOUR TALKING ABOUT BEFORE YOU CRITIZE OR BELITTLE SOMEONE ELSE.....I have a 800 gallon tank I said...not just a 44 and a 50....a 800 gallon...That is my show 800 is my show tank....That is my baby...I have to actually put on a wet suit and get into the tank to clean it....You want to learn about fish and aquariums and eco systems....get you a 800 gallon tank...with thousand dollar fish that are 20+ years old....And you aren't dosing dumbass...maybe adding C02 or Minerals but Pure you can say can beat my you resort to your highschool tactics saying "OH YEAH WELL YOU GOT A LITTLE DICK, AND YOU SPENDING TO MUCH MONEY ON YOUR FANCY SETUP"....LOL...LET THIS BE A LESSON TO ALL YOU LITTLE PUNK ASS "INTERNET THUGS"....You get on here and you try to BELITTLE or FUCK WITH...or HURT a kid that is just sharing what he has learned or tried....You are going to have to deal with someone that actually knows WTF there talkin about and you better hope we don't find out where you live son because I will smack the shit out of you....What this guy did was post his video and shared some knowledge and people like +Ironiic zero  get in here and try to belittle a kid that is trying....FUCK YOU IRONIC....FUCKING PUNK ASS PUSSY BITCH....WITH YOUR SHITTY LITTLE TANK THAT YOU GOT TO LIE ABOUT.....U DOSE NITRATES...WTF...LOL
Ironiic zero
Ironiic zero - 9 years ago
+FLC* Gaming™ not really. Imnot the cry baby that was spamming his keyboard in cap locks.
FLC* Gaming™
FLC* Gaming™ - 9 years ago
ahh u mad bro
Ironiic zero
Ironiic zero - 9 years ago
+FLC* Gaming™ no one cares about your cichlids tank. We are talking about coldwater and tropical tank setups. Cichlid tanks are different. There are things in common freshwater tanks that you can't do in cichlid tanks.

Stop trying to act big on youtube to hide the fact that you have a small penis
FLC* Gaming™
FLC* Gaming™ - 9 years ago
So all you NEWBS....BRING IT....I KNOW MY SHIT....When you have 30 + african cichilds live 13 yrs plus in a 44 gallon tank i think i got my shit right
FLC* Gaming™
FLC* Gaming™ - 9 years ago
+Jack M  OH AND statement of "water only clouds during algae blooms" is just the STUPIDS THING I'VE EVER HEARD EVER....LITERALLY EVER IN MY 20 YEARS IN THIS HOBBY....WoW...did you really just tell me the only thing that makes water cloudy is bloom is just one of many....9 times out of 10 you get an ammonia spike your water will get cloudy...i didn't say ammonia is what is cloudy in the tank i said it makes your water cloudy....ammonia kills bacteria eveything and you will get a bacteria bloom also because the slower shitty bacteria populate like crazy in the water column until the other catches up but the cloudyness is not just caused by bacteria.....there are so many factors to that is KICKED OFF BY THE AMMONIA SPIKE....
FLC* Gaming™
FLC* Gaming™ - 9 years ago
FLC* Gaming™
FLC* Gaming™ - 9 years ago
+Ironiic zero  lol you have 10x with a shitty hob and u stuffed a house plant in there and u think thats me let u know about my cichlid tank...44 gallon my smallest....First my sump with my refugium...30 gallon sump....chemi balls and bio ceramic media....miracle mud for anaerobic bacteria to consume nitrates....packed live plants in refugium for nitrate control....then hob aqua clear 500per hr....then magnum 350 per hr with 8 micron polishing filter that is for over night but i leave it in 24/7...just to give u an idea of how good that micron filter is...the smallest micron polishing pad you can get is 50 micron... Then once a week i vacuum the gravel and get EVERYTHING OUT OF IT PERFECT...also once a week i change the micron filter cuz it clogs fast.....then i have a 2 foot trough where my water is pumped up above into clay pellets where i have like 5 spider plants and potho's plants....My water was so good i had to remove the plants because there wasn't enough nitrates to feed the plants....I also have a protein sander on my sump....DON'T U DARE COME IN HERE WITH YOUR CHILDS PLAY HOB PLAY TANK AND TRY TO SCHOOL ME ON THIS....THIS IS WHAT I DO SON...THIS IS MY JOB MY CAREER...3 comet gold fish of that size in a 30 gallon tank is not over stocked....yes if they get much bigger he will have to move them to a bigger thank but no one said anything about them getting bigger.  I have 30 some cichlids in my 44 gallon tank and i feed them 2 times a day...yet my water is perfect...
FLC* Gaming™
FLC* Gaming™ - 9 years ago
YOU ARE A DUMB FUCKING RETARD FUCK....I have fish that are over 15 years old SON....Ok...I think I know WTF I'M DOING....Just cuz your stuck doing water changes all the time doesn't mean EVERYONE ELSE HAS TO DO IT ALL THE TIME....I have a 44 gallon tank....WITH A 30 GALLON SUMP WITH A REFUGIUM then I have a 500 gallon per hur aqua clear and then i have a 350 magnum cansiter micron filter on my tank that is only 8 microns....that is what they use for ro can't even get micron filters under 5 unelss you special order them...I suggest YOU KNOW WTF YOUR TALKING ABOUT BEFORE YOU GET ON HERE AND TALK SHIT.....MY NITRATES ARE ZERO....HMMMM...WONDER HOW I DO THAT.  My aqua clear has Bio Porous Cerimic Media....a 50 micron polishing pad and an ENTIRE CANSITER OF CHEMI PURE THAT GETS CHANGED EVERY 2 WEEKS.....ON TOP OF THAT I'M RUNNING A PROTIEN SANDER ON MY SUMP.....I have miricle mud in my sump that supports anerobic bacteria which comsume nitrates and I had minerals and electrolytes to my water though my reacters YOU STUPID COCKY FUCK......So your 16x filter AIN'T SHIT LIL BOY...SUCK MY DICK....DO YOU REALIZE MY WATER QUALITY IS BETTER THEN RO WATER...LOL....KID I HAVE 8 TANKS IN MY HOUSE INCLUDING MY PRIDE AND JOY MY 850 GALLON SALTWATER REEF TANK....Making a tank that needs no water changes can be done...Yes you are right...if he keeps the gold fish for fucking 5 years they will be a foot long and sick and stunted....where in this fucking video did he say he was going to keep them that long...lots of people keep fish in grow out tanks and then move them to bigger ones...but AT THE SIZE THEY ARE NOW THE TANK IS NOT OVER STOCKED....LOL DUMBASS....AND HE DOES HAVE LIVE PLANTS THAT WAS THE WHOLE POINT...i HAVE THE SAME THING....HE HAS A 2 FOOT WATER TROUGH WHERE HE HAS CLAY PELLETS WHERE ALL HIS WATER IS FILTERED THOUGH AND THOSE HUGE HOUSE PLANTS SUCKS TONS OF NITRATES OUT OF THE WATER....THAT IS WHY IS WATER IS CRYSTAL CLEAR AND HE DOES'T DO WATER CHANGES.....CAN YOU MAKE A TANK THAT NEEDS NO WATER CHANGES...YES...ITS IT EASY NO....IN MANY CASES WOULD IT BE EASIER TO JUST DO THE WATER CHANGES...YES BUT DON'T U DARE SIT HERE AND SAY IT CAN'T BE DONE....AND 3 GOLD FISH IN A FUCKING 30 GALLON TANK IS NOT OVERSTOCKING U STUPID FUCK.....THEY ARE LITTLE....YES IF THEY GET MUCH BIGGER MOVE THEM TO A BIGGER TANK...BUT HIS WATER IS CRYTSTAL CLEAR...HIS AMMONIA...NITRITES AND NITRATES ARE AT ZERO....AND LET ME GUESS YOU BIG MOUTH FUCK...YOUR NITRATES ARE NOT AT ZERO...U SITTING HERE TALKING SHIT AND THIS BOY HAS BETTER WATER THEN YOU.....JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN'T AFFORD NICE FISH AND U HAVE TO GET LITTLE TETRAS AND SHITTY FISH THAT DIE IN A YEAR...DONT' HATE ON US THAT GET HUGE FISH THAT LIVE FOR 20 YEARS....those goldfish he has are not being stunted in that 30 gallon they are still quite small.....My tank is packed with live plants pal....My 1 fiter quads your lil 16x and i hve 2 more filters and a sump on that 44 gallon and its way over stocked.....stupid fuck...go look at some cichlid tanks on u tube if you want to see how many fish u can put in a tank...  YOU PROB IS YOU CAN'T KEEP YOUR WATER GOOD UNLESS YOU ONLY HAVE LIKE 2 GUPPIES IN YOUR TANK....THERE FOR YOU HAVE DECIDED THAT NO ONE CAN HAVE GOOD WATER UNLESS THEY HAVE A 200 GALLON TANK WITH 2 GUPPIES....LOL DUMBFUCK RETARD +Ironiic zero 
Ironiic zero
Ironiic zero - 9 years ago
+FLC* Gaming™ all aquatic plants use ammonia nitrite and nitrates in the water. plants prefer ammonia over the other two because they use up less energy. However, for aquatic plants in you tank to actually make a difference you will need ALOT of fast growing plants such as floating plants and most stem plants to strip the tank of those compounds. even still this is mainly effective when the tank has a low/medium bio load.

the plants in that tank (they look fake tbh) wont do nothing to help him. especially the fact that he has 4 comet goldfish that can grow to 12 inches long which really belong in a pond. their bodies will be stunned but their internal organs will continue to grow, the fish will develop deformities and die. already you clearly dont know what youre talking about.

water changes arent only for removing nitrates but they are also used to restore minerals which the fish need to keep healthy. the goldfish in that small volume of water alongside the plants used in your aquaponics will use up those minerals fast. again the fish will suffer. also you do WC to remove the fishes crap and i know for a fact that 4 comet goldfish can turn that tank into a dump in a week. tell me would you like to live in a small room with 3 other dudes with crap all over the place for more than a week?

i have a mini aquaponics system in my HOB where i put spider plants and palour palm to soak up excess nitrates and nutrients from the water. but heres the thing i also have tons of floating plants, a heavily planted tank w/mostly stem plants, 10x over filtration and a low bioload of fish. this makes my water very pristine. but i only do water changes every 2 - 3 weeks because i need to replenish the nutrients and my fish love new freshwater.

mate there is a difference between trying to achieve the best water quality for your fish and just being lazy slob by putting their fish in a box. next time do more research.
Direwolfgirl - 9 years ago
+Jack M thank you.
Lindsey M
Lindsey M - 9 years ago
+FLC* Gaming™ Ammonia is crystal clear. You can't tell if you have an ammonia problem by just looking at the water. You clearly have never fishless cycled. The water is only cloudy during an initial bacteria bloom after that you can have several parts per million ammonia and the water would look like 0ppm.

Goldfish are pron to stunting, and he really should have them at at least a 50 gallon tank at their current size. He actually might as well get a 120 gallon since that is about what they will need as adults. (possibly more depending on how big they actually grow, the world record I believe is around 18inches)

some plants do remove ammonia and depending on the species some make use of all nitrogenous waste.

Personally, I would be more concerned with trace minerals like phosphates and calcium. They can easily crash a so called "complete ecosystem" if they get too high.
FLC* Gaming™
FLC* Gaming™ - 9 years ago
LOL....Ammonia won't be the problem...Nitrates will....Look how clear the water is does it really look like he as a prob with ammonia...Its always nitrates...water clouds when ammonia spikes...unless your running TONS OF chemical filtration...WHICH HE IS NOT! Crazy Girl!....Let me guess you have a 200 gallon with one
Direwolfgirl - 9 years ago
plants don't remove ammonia
FLC* Gaming™
FLC* Gaming™ - 9 years ago
I do water changes....but he told you his NItrates were 0....Plants remove crazy amounts of the researh...He's not teh only one on here claiming to have a tank that doesn't need water changes....I perosnally do weekly water changes...and have crazy over filtration but I always wanted to do it with a ecosystem...they way I do it is so artificial....all the cleaning and waste removal is done by me...weekly water changes...remove everythign but gravel out of tank to vacuum every bit of detritus out of the Carbon ever week.....only 44 gallon...but have a aqua clear 500 with a 50 micron (cut to size) polsihg pad and then 2 bags of bag would do a 75 gallon tank and I got 2 that i replace weekly...then ON TOP OF ALL OF THAT....I have  a MAGNUM 350/H cansiter filter with the inards removed and have a 8 micron filter added....It filter is for quick overnight cleans but i use it 24/7 and change it weekly....That is a whole lot of work but it keeps my water..100% PERFECT...RO QUAILTY AT ALL TIMES....People that use RO water put it in and then it gets dirty...mine stays RO QUAILTY ALL THE TIME....But the ocean and Lakes do it naturally and there is ways to do it....In the end its always the Nitrates that build up because the anerobic bacteria that eats nitrates is killed by oxygen....So instead of using bacteria to remove nitrates he is using plants....So really you would just have to make sure that your plants are removing all the nitrates...Like over filtration with plants...If so...yeah you would never have to do waterchanges....It would be cool!....I praise him for what he's doing and he's doing it with Hardy gold fish and didn't try it with a discus or something.....I mean once he figured out it worked he coudl move to a fish nicer but yeah....I THINK HE'S SPOT ON....When they talk about overstocked they always referr to the amount of waste the fish is producing not the acutal size or how much space they long as you have a way to combat the waste the its not overstocked....I know because i have my 44 gallon PACKED WITH FULLGROWN AFRICIAN CICHILIDS...I've traveled all over Americian to get the perfect ones....SOME I'VE PAID 300 DOLLARS FOR....
Direwolfgirl - 9 years ago
so what you're telling me is that 5 comets can comfortably fit in a smaller tank and not even water changes are provided when goldfish are probably one of the biggest waste producers in the aquarium hobby?
FLC* Gaming™
FLC* Gaming™ - 9 years ago
So there not that big yet....when they get 2 big he can put them in a bigger tank....hat is wrong with you...are you really that stupid....Not trying to be mean but...U come off as a little naive and even a lit FORREST GUMPISH...LOL
Direwolfgirl - 9 years ago
comets grow up to a foot
FLC* Gaming™
FLC* Gaming™ - 9 years ago
its a 29 gallon not not over stocked.......
Direwolfgirl - 9 years ago
angelfish can't be kept in a 10 gallon and only very small shell dwelling cichlids can live in a 10 gallon. also this person doesn't do water changes
FLC* Gaming™
FLC* Gaming™ - 9 years ago
+Direwolfgirl no its not come on.....THE TANK IS ONLY OVERSTOCK IF YOU DON'T MAINTAIN IT.....I have in my freshwater tanks tons of full grown cichilds and they do better when theres a lot of them...they are forced to get along...just OVER your water changes....The more fish the more maintanace...that tank is not even close to over stocked your crazy....BUT I DO THINK ITS WASTE TO HAVE GOLDFISH N THAT TANK....would be nice to see some africian cichlids or angles or something cool...
baltofanforever - 9 years ago
All aquariums need proper water changes to maintain the water quality. These fish need alot more room as they grow pretty big so I would recommend a betta or neon tetras for that specific tank. if you do get these specific fish you would need a heater since they are tropical fish.
travis cowley
travis cowley - 9 years ago
+baltofanforever depends where you live, goldfish wouldn't need a heater if it doesn't get cold where you are. They like colder water than tropical fish bruh
HeartlandRanchTV - 9 years ago
+baltofanforever Technically the water is still being changed. Water evaporates quickly out of a hydro system, and the plants are also absorbing quite a bit, so he is constantly having to add more to the tank.
Carol Kimmel
Carol Kimmel - 9 years ago
People don't want to eat the plants from fish waste, but what do they think fertilizer is? Farmers spread waste on their fields. I like your setup!!
If President does it, it is NOT ILLEGAL
If President does it, it is NOT ILLEGAL - 7 years ago
RUDY MINOR - 7 years ago
Carol Kimmel true
Audrey Bailie
Audrey Bailie - 7 years ago
plants process waste to edible nutrients. just like we breath their waste they breath our waste.
Egan Eheart
Egan Eheart - 8 years ago
What's funny is that 55% of human waste in the USA is cleaned and then sold to farmers for fertilizer for plants we eat so when you eat a salad your technically eating shit
Almarma - 9 years ago
+Carol Kimmel Once I heard about a girl who didn't want to eat eggs from a friend's chickens because they came from the butt of a chicken. She preferred the ones from the shop instead. Maybe she believes they come from a magical tree which produces eggs or something :)
Alexander Gallegos
Alexander Gallegos - 9 years ago
+Carol Kimmel personally, I would prefer natural fish waste than processed agricultural waste.
Tiffany Gentry
Tiffany Gentry - 9 years ago
Remona Clarke
Remona Clarke - 9 years ago
Im just starting and havent got my fish in the tank yet but the waters abit cloudy how would i clear it
Pico the miner
Pico the miner - 9 years ago
That is disgusting you eat beggies that are grown with fish crap lol
Alexander Gallegos
Alexander Gallegos - 9 years ago
+Who ? agreed! ...and not to mention, that agricultural fertilizer has all sorts of toxic additives.
Kenney - 9 years ago
+Pico the miner This is what fertilizer is Sir. Decay and animal waste are recycled by nature. Mushrooms are grown from fertilizer made from soiled straw bedding in horse stalls.
4u25out - 9 years ago
+Pico the miner How old are you?
Jonathan Cassity
Jonathan Cassity - 9 years ago
Mushrooms are grown in cow shit and we still eat them there is nothing wrong with this
JRThaTruth92 - 9 years ago
What do you think is in plant fertilizer
The Inflatable Sea Lion
The Inflatable Sea Lion - 9 years ago
How do you think our vegetables are grown?
Kelmer Bueno
Kelmer Bueno - 9 years ago
This has to be the dumbest shit I've read all year ..... Someone is really far from understanding how plants grow .
BaconBros - 9 years ago
+Retard Mode ikr
MrTBag YoFace
MrTBag YoFace - 9 years ago
+Pico the miner you're an idiot.
Who ?
Who ? - 9 years ago
yeah they do, does the composting manures change anything?
Pico the miner
Pico the miner - 9 years ago
+Prenz Flores they turn it into compost this is straight up crap
Who ?
Who ? - 9 years ago
+Pico the miner isn't more disgusting you eat veggie from the market that uses cow, pig and chicken manure for fertilizer? or chemical fertilizer?
Koren Joy
Koren Joy - 9 years ago
I have school tomorrow I just spent an hour watching spiders mate and now this I can't even afford any of this shit I'm 15 I don't even like spiders OR fish fuck a fish my grades are tanking I'm fucking crying my mom is acting prissy because I'm still up its almost midnight I'm hungry but afraid to leave my room some boy is flirting with me I don't even like him what the fuck how do I reply to him and whAT THE FUCK DO THESE FISH KNOW WILL THEY DO MY ALGEBRA HOMEWORK Listen dude I love this video I'm sorry I'm being so rude there's $40 under your doormat go buy something nice
irrescene - 9 years ago
so awesome will this work with venus fly traps ???
Hannelore Rack
Hannelore Rack - 10 years ago
Do you need grow lights for the plants since they are indoors?
terry mcgeown
terry mcgeown - 9 years ago
Yes or you could put them on a window sill. Try to keep the tank out of direct sunlight though or algae will take over.
Marz Jones
Marz Jones - 10 years ago
this video just changed my life lol, nice!!!
NICK nikki
NICK nikki - 10 years ago plants and fish LOVE fresh water...if u have live plants siphon water out till empty and refill at once....your plants will begin to release millions of tiny oxygen bubbles!!!!!!!!!!!!!there is nothing better than an entire water change!!!!!!!!!!!!..i use a simple garden hose......siphon out to toilet tub or window and fill with hookup to sink,,,,,,,,,an aquarium is not a peice of art....its a living organism....
NICK nikki
NICK nikki - 9 years ago
+Jennifer Thomas plants and fish LOVE fresh water...if u have live plants siphon water out till empty and refill at once....your plants will begin to release millions of tiny oxygen bubbles!!!!!!!!!!!!!there is nothing better than an entire water change!!!!!!!!!!!!..i use a simple garden hose......siphon out to toilet tub or window and fill with hookup to sink,,,,,,,,,an aquarium is not a peice of art....its a living organism....
Jennifer Thomas
Jennifer Thomas - 9 years ago
+NICK nikki didn't you already say that?
NICK nikki
NICK nikki - 9 years ago
+Jennifer Thomas plants and fish LOVE fresh water...if u have live plants siphon water out till empty and refill at once....your plants will begin to release millions of tiny oxygen bubbles!!!!!!!!!!!!!there is nothing better than an entire water change!!!!!!!!!!!!..i use a simple garden hose......siphon out to toilet tub or window and fill with hookup to sink,,,,,,,,,an aquarium is not a peice of art....its a living organism....
Jennifer Thomas
Jennifer Thomas - 9 years ago
For any new hobbyists, please do not do a 100% water change, If you're water parameters are in check, you're good. Do a weekly water change, unless you have an awesome system like this! But even then, always check your parameters! :D
wolfsrain0000 - 10 years ago
Could I do this with my 11o gallon tank?  And doesn't the water eventually wash the fish waste back into the tank?
Who ?
Who ? - 9 years ago
+wolfsrain0000 aquaponics people said, if you have a tank of a 110 gallon you need to have 110 gallon or more of grow bed, 1:1 ratio of aquaponics, that is what they said
Brownbear - 9 years ago
+wolfsrain0000 Think about it. Only if it can find its way through the media and over the drain hole. So not much if any at all. Don't forget he has worms as well as the plants processing it.
Lydian Quinn
Lydian Quinn - 10 years ago
OR you could just change the water like you should. If you aren't willing to do all that it takes to care for fish properly, do not buy fish period.
Carolyn Hayes
Carolyn Hayes - 7 years ago
Trioptic Blaze
Trioptic Blaze
Trioptic Blaze - 7 years ago
lbonini1gaming - no, cos they get minerals from there food plus in the wild the water and minerals will soak into the ground and the rainwater that tops it up doesn't have any minerals so yeah
ieuphorius - 8 years ago
Water changes are worse for fish than not changing the water if you can keep the tank maintained without them. They are stressful for the fish. Grow up.
Jennifer Thomas
Jennifer Thomas - 9 years ago
+lbonini1gaming Veggies=Minerals. Good water parameters, healthy fish=good to go!
Max Cashmore
Max Cashmore - 9 years ago
HMMMM OK minerals in tap water??? That would be a very inconsistent source of mineral supplementation. I for one collect rain water for my aquarium, drinking water and my garden - rain water is distilled water and has virtually no mineral content. Some city's for instance use desalination plants, others use primarly recycled waste water. While a lot of rural areas use ground water or rain water as their sole source of water. It seems to me that the only water that would have any real mineral content would be 'ground/spring/well' water and to a lesser extent dammed water.

How about just adding a mineral block to your aquarium? Or better yet feed fresh live food to your fish. Worms for instance have stomachs full of grit and soil. So if they are collected from an organic garden or untreated home garden you would have plenty of trace minerals introduces to your aquarium. Even brine shrimp or tubefix worms a good source of minerals.

I guess my point is that the water you add to your aquarium may or may not contain minerals and you can get minerals from other sources. So therefore minerals in the water are not really very important. When it comes down to it all water is recycled so really if you keep it in a healthy state there is no real reason why you couldn't maintain a healthy aquarium without changing the water.
lbonini1gaming - 9 years ago
+Max Cashmore Not only that but fish use up the minerals in the water to grow and to keep healthy and water changes restore the used up minerals.
Max Cashmore
Max Cashmore - 10 years ago
Good point.
Lydian Quinn
Lydian Quinn - 10 years ago
+Max Cashmore My problem is that people who have zero fish experience may be watching videos such as these to get out of the "chores" of fishkeeping.To me, it's like watching a video called "How to get by without ever walking the dog" or "how to never have to change the cat litter". Changing the water is a major job for fishkeeping. How many newbies do you think will be successful in following this guy's tutorial? They will read the title and think "So it can be done! I won't have to do anything". Most people who own fish don't even know what water parameters are. I just want to kill the rumour that fish are "basic" and "easy" pets, because it always leads to neglected fish. People will search videos such as these to convince themselves that fish are basic and that they only need a bowl, some marbles, and tap water to keep a fish.
Max Cashmore
Max Cashmore - 10 years ago
Why? Water changes are preformed to maintain water quality - indicated by your water parameters. So what's the issues? Fish look health, tank looks clean and his parameters are good. Looks like he's doing just fine looking after his fish. Could you elaborate on why you think there's an actual problem here?
August Duwell
August Duwell - 10 years ago
For goldfish in aquaponics this may be true but if you keep tilapia u need to water changes or the water will become so dirty u cant see 1 inch into it!
michelle brown
michelle brown - 10 years ago
please tell me how to set up my own please what i need and how to setup it
like that very much
BrainMach1ne - 10 years ago
+PhillyAquaponics Do you need to do anything special for your zucchini or other flowering vegetables?  Like adding any supplemental minerals?  Most Aquaponics I see stick to leafy vegetables.
NICK nikki
NICK nikki - 10 years ago
WATER CHANGES MOST IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Apache Sakai
Apache Sakai - 10 years ago
but the light in your house is not enough for the Plant to grow
terry mcgeown
terry mcgeown - 9 years ago
Looks like a proper grow light hood to me but the light seems to be off for the video. The light in the tank would be a normal LED as other light would grow the algae too quickly. You just have to use your eyes and brain be work it out.
Jerry A
Jerry A - 10 years ago
hey philly i love your videos. i've been toying with the idea of turning my aquarium into an indoor aquaponics system and watching all your videos have convinced me to start. im currently in the process of planning it out. what veggies do you recommend I grow in my system? my growbed is going to be a simple window tray that i already have, similar to the one you got there. i was thinking about green beans...
Mia Koo
Mia Koo - 10 years ago
n btw; thats not, n  I repeat NOT big enough tank for goldfishes... i know u used to keep em in bowl, but the earth used to be flat too
Max Cashmore
Max Cashmore - 10 years ago
They are fancy goldfish (fantails by the look of it), they don't get that big. If they were comets I would agree that at some point he will need to upgrade.

Besides, who's to say he's not going to upgrade if they do eventually outgrow the tank?
Miss Shinku
Miss Shinku - 10 years ago
Goldfish will outgrow that tank. Even if the parameters are supposedly fine, the floor space is not nearly enough.
Max Cashmore
Max Cashmore - 10 years ago
If his parameters are fine then what's the problem? The plants are removing all the excess waste and that top tank can be included in the total amount of water present.

BTW - few civilisations actually believed the world was flat. It's an interesting topic you should look into it.
Ross Rouleau
Ross Rouleau - 10 years ago
i recently purchased a 6 gallon tank..will i be able to do the same type of set up just a smaller version? i am completely new to the whole fish tank world. What size pump would i need?
PhillyAquaponics - 10 years ago
+Ross Rouleau hey the smaller the tank the less stable the system. it will be more susceptible to water parameter fluctuations, and you will have to change the type of fish you are using and you might not be abel to develop enough nitrates to support plant growth. you can for sure create a system that takes advantage of the fish waste but it will likely need water changes or an additional filter to help keep the fish healthy. i tried to set up a 2.5 gallon system and it is not working at all. 
Frogos mcduck
Frogos mcduck - 10 years ago
i like the idea i just dont think i could eat vegetables from fish waste water. however i wouldnt mind growing house decoration plants from it.
brownshoeT2 - 9 years ago
+RagTag you do realize that when water evaporates, and then rains back down is a way to filter water right? You know that's pretty much how you distill water in the first place. Also, the water that goes in the ground gets filtered through sand, gravel, and rocks. It's actually drinkable water too (obviously unless you had an outhouse, or dumping chemicals next to it). The water that you do want to stay away from is Lake, river, or pond water. That shit is normally nasty.
RagTag_NFG - 10 years ago
Lol well its true! It is just filtered and has chemicals added for sterility. I feel terrible saying it though :/

Although through evaporation and UV radiation all that stuff is left behind and the bonds between the hydrogen and oxygen are broken and reassembled. So in a way it is new water. common municipality water however, rarely sees this as its underground almost all the time. At least here in the states. Anyway not the point of the OP. Just the depressing though of the day :P
sam3d - 10 years ago
+RagTag you lost me there mate.
Kids, don't do drugs plz, especially not while youtubing..
+RagTag go back to your bath salts or whatever it is you are doing to yourself.
RagTag_NFG - 10 years ago
You wanna get really deep into it, there is no new water on earth. So for the entirety of its existence..... well lets just say urine is mostly water....
sam3d - 10 years ago
+Chris Biltz you are missing the point of my comment, as I'm replying to Frogos Mcduck, original posted of this thread.
Chris Biltz
Chris Biltz - 10 years ago
+sam3d False aquaponics is becoming industry.. why do you say you cannot eat the veggies... Because so many are...
Frogos mcduck
Frogos mcduck - 10 years ago
yes i mentioned it in the above comments. ^
sam3d - 10 years ago
you could not eat vegetables fertilized with fish water, but did ou know that you do eat vegetables fertilized with cow shit?
PhillyAquaponics - 10 years ago
+Frogos mcduck thanks for watching...i get that response from people a lot. they taste like normal veggies though.
Frogos mcduck
Frogos mcduck - 10 years ago
i suppose farmers use manure for our every day veggies i just never really think about it. :(
William K
William K - 10 years ago
Pretty awesome. Way to not jump on the bandwagon and build an ugly aquaponics system. Yours looks like one i could set up in the livingroom and actually convince my wife to let me keep it there. Looks nice, and man I love pea pods. Love your idea.
compwiz00 - 10 years ago
Have you had problems with hardness getting out of control, or do the plants use the minerals overtime?
PhillyAquaponics - 10 years ago
+compwiz00 hey so my water hardness was pretty much out of control before i even started because i live in the city. i add water to supplement the water that is taken up by the plants or evaporates so the minerals are replaced in that process.
Chris Ryan
Chris Ryan - 10 years ago
Is the intake for the pump under the gravel? I don't see how you still wouldn't have some build up of waste in the gravel of the aquarium.
docwilkey - 10 years ago
Kristopher Helsing
Kristopher Helsing - 10 years ago
how long did this set up take to cycle, I have a tank setup at the moment with ebb and flow but my water remains greenish. Thanks
William K
William K - 10 years ago
+PhillyAquaponics You win the prize
Kristopher Helsing
Kristopher Helsing - 10 years ago
PhillyAquaponics - 10 years ago
+Kristopher Helsing took about 1month to cycle.
MaiCohWolf - 10 years ago
Are the plants smelly because of the fish water?
Get Decked
Get Decked - 9 years ago
MaiCohWolf - 10 years ago
+PhillyAquaponics wtf? This is so weird. I have no memory of making that comment.  Better change my passwords I guess… O.O"
Thanks for the info though.
PhillyAquaponics - 10 years ago
+MaiCohWolf nope they smell fine... and they dont taste like fish poop either ;-)
Rita Field
Rita Field - 10 years ago
How awesome.
Blanchard Bros
Blanchard Bros - 10 years ago
you should pollinate those flowers or the veggies/fruits wont come in
theresa clark
theresa clark - 10 years ago
wow you ever amazingly smart. thanks for the info
Sierra Mitchell
Sierra Mitchell - 10 years ago
Too many goldfish in the tank. It looks like those are comets or commons. So they will get about a foot long. So that tank need to be much bigger. The rule for them is 20-30 gals per fish. I like the aquaponics or whatever you call it. It is very interesting! It looks hard to set up though and I do not have enough patience to do it...
MushroomPatch - 10 years ago
I have a small 10 gallon aquaponics that I set up just a few months back.  One question:  How often do you run the pump?  I have my run every 3 hours hours (ebb and flow).  PS...I have soil and one live plant...trying to set up an aquascape aquarium.  My goal is to have a "living" aquarium that will fruit my mushrooms (high humidity) and grow herbs as well.  I just moved it into the basement which is allowing me to have the plants to be in the window yet the aquarium under the window (no direct sunlight).  Natural sunlight for the plants!  Thank you.
Blanchard Bros
Blanchard Bros - 10 years ago
+MushroomPatch nonoononon use river rock or hydroten, soil will clog pump and drain bad gu guu
Blanchard Bros
Blanchard Bros - 10 years ago
i run my pump 24/7 so the plants always have fresh No3 to use
MushroomPatch - 10 years ago
+PhillyAquaponics Thank you!
PhillyAquaponics - 10 years ago
+MushroomPatch i think it depends on the size of your fish and the speed of your pump and how long you have it running...if you only our sending water up to the grow bed every couple of hours for a short amount of time that doesnt sound like enough filtration for the will probably need the filter the way you have it now, but only way to find out is to test it see what happens. i say the more filtration the better for the fish, and i dont know what effect the fungus will have on the fish (ive never seen mycoponics before), the uv light may slow the build up of beneficial bacteria in your tank
MushroomPatch - 10 years ago
+PhillyAquaponics I have soil in the aquarium...not the hydroponic bed.  That I do have lava rocks...of course.
Do you feel it is necessary, because of the exchange rate you're are doing, that you need a filter?  I have an air pump that puts more than enough oxygen in the tank.  Just wondering if I could eliminate the filter altogether.  Your opinion?

I like to add the water into my grow bed so not to disturb my tank bottom.  Since I have a soil bottle I BELIEVE  I do not have to worry about solids...hopping it will decay into the soil...making it more futile.  Any thoughts?

One last thing.  Since you had your water tested, and it is perfect, are you considering placing more fish in the tank in order to create a more futile hydroponic bed?  Or do you feel it is balanced at this time?  

Thank you PhillyAquaponics
PhillyAquaponics - 10 years ago
+MushroomPatch hey, i have my pump on a timer set to go on and off every 15 minutes....when i top off the tank with water i will actually make sure the pump is on for a hour to help suck up all the solid chunks that get agitated when i add the water to the you have soil in your aquaponic tank grow bed? 
arima  arner
arima arner - 10 years ago
Hi it s awsome can you please tell me what I need to buy and where to set up an aquatonic for my 10 gallon fish tank and thank you so much.
PhillyAquaponics - 10 years ago
+arima arner hey man check out my other videos, should have some useful info for you in them.
Zak White
Zak White - 10 years ago
Hydroponics is what it boils down to.  Nothing new.
Blanchard Bros
Blanchard Bros - 10 years ago
no aquaponics is way better you can produce crops twice as fast and you can harvest fish too, aquaponics is much better
Thorgan1066 - 10 years ago
hello i installed aquaponics system above mien 40 gal tank i got 7 garlics there 3 small basil 2 quite large thyme and some grass mine water goes via slow pump and is drained through bell syphon out on 24/7 hour basis i also added some composting worms to the growbed. im using hydrocorn. plants are doing very well mine aquarium is planted also. i do not eat the plants just planted them to clean the water for fish but that is not happening for some reason mine stock is 14 glowlight tetra and 2 hoplo catfish. i still need to take 3-4 buckets of water every weak as water change maintence becouse of water quality. i would like to ask if there might be anything i do wrong. regards brych michal
PhillyAquaponics - 10 years ago
+Thorgan1066 hey so did you cycle the tank before adding the fish? if not this could be why, when you say your water quality is poor what exactly do you mean....if nitrites and ammonia are high that means your tank is not cycled and you are missing proper balance of bacteria to convert the ammonia to nitrite and then nitrates, if your nitrates are high that means you have too many fish in the tank compared to a) the amount of plants that can remove the nitrates or b) your filter/pump is not moving the water/nitrates to the plants at a fast enough rate to keep up with nitrate production by the fish...if your nitrates are very high i would suggest 1) add more plants to your system, 2) take out some of the fish, and/or 3) get a stronger pump 4) pump location can also matters...if only taking water off top of tank you wont remove any of the solids and they can collect at bottom of tank and keep your nitrates high.  hope this helps you :)
MaxluvsMya - 10 years ago
that is fantastic!
neoalphaone - 10 years ago
hi nice video!  i just bought a 29 gallon tank and want to do a similar set up.  where did you buy your aquaponic equipment?  what size pump and bed are you using? besides pump, bed, clay medium, what else would i need?
Aidan Hodge Science
Aidan Hodge Science - 10 years ago
Phil, have you thought about having your plants grow in a terrarium setup by having them in a tank as well. This way you won't have to top off your tank and you'd have a visible water cycle of rain and such. You'd need more active fish or something to keep the water agitated enough to pump up the solid waste though.
plumberswipe - 10 years ago
That's great!
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
You still need to do water changes to replenish minerals in the water
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
+AliMD76 I mean for the fish
AliMD76 - 10 years ago
not can simply add a water column fertilizer like Seachem Flourish.
Adoinc - 10 years ago
There are a lot of trace elements that we cannot test on our kits because they are in very small amounts. They are necessary for a thriving ecosystem. Now No1/2/3/4 may be all at 0, but what you aren't testing is trace minerals that are minute but still present. These can only be added through water changes. It IS possible for an ecosystem like that to work but you have to be a master at ecology/whatever else. It is nearly impossible for this to work. Think about it this way, your fish tank is a sink... If you keep putting stuff in the sink without turning on the garbage disposal it will work fine for a couple of years, but eventually it will all catch up to you and then be too big to solve from just water changes. Sometimes this turns to OTS-(Old Tank Syndrome) where no new fish can be added because they will die from the water conditioners even though the current fish seem fine. There are so many misconceptions that may be small, but are important and everything needs to be perfected (and have a VERY light stock) for a tank to be even similar to an ecosystem like what is found in nature. A glass box can't recreate nature very well at all.
krazykow2000 - 10 years ago
Won't the minerals be replaced when he replaces the water that evaporates?
MushroomPatch - 10 years ago
I heard adding a pinch of sea salt will replace the trace minerals.  You know anything about that Adoinc?
Jared Sherrard
Jared Sherrard - 10 years ago
Lots of people don't understand this. Nitrates are a big problem, but for any plants and more sensitive fish there are alot of things that should be removed and replaced into the water
Adoinc - 10 years ago
EDIT: Also, built up organics such as fish slime and detritus can build up under the substrate or on the bottom of the tank cannot be tested but are still harmful to the fish. Some of the detritus is to big to be removed from the water. They may break down or decompose but will not be removed unless the tank has a high flow and the detritus can be pushed through to intake easily.
shams S
shams S - 10 years ago
hey philly...I am new to aquaponics and I am having problem in managing solid wastes...I have a gravel base fish tank and all solid waste remains trapped on gravels...pls advice...
Aidan Hodge Science
Aidan Hodge Science - 10 years ago
He agitated the water by pouring more water in. This lifts it off the gravel and into his pump.
Aidan Hodge Science
Aidan Hodge Science - 10 years ago
He agitated the water by pouring more water in. This lifts it off the gravel and into his pump.
Nedal Mourad
Nedal Mourad - 10 years ago
if i may ask about the pump timer.. why is it necessary? what would happen if the pump kept pouring water continuously? at a low rate of course
Jappiepai - 10 years ago
I wanted to start growing veggies and this is a great idea and I recently start a goldfish tank. Glad I found this video! Thanks for posting!
Tuan Luu
Tuan Luu - 10 years ago
Question. How important is it to have worms. I started mine n plants seems to be growing fine. Will worms make veggies grow faster.
andrew gallant
andrew gallant - 10 years ago
Scott Murphy
Scott Murphy - 10 years ago
Yea I like to see you make one out of a ten gallon one for a desktop top set up please
Thomas Cowart
Thomas Cowart - 10 years ago
I have a large 175 indoor aquaponic system that has been running for two years with no water changes and testing zeros all the way.....that part of this video can be true. However, the tank water would not be that clear. It becomes yellow from the fish waste and organic matter decaying in the plant trays. That part of this video I dont belive.
Indoor aquaponics is an amazing thing to do, so if your interested please try it. You can keep the water in your aquarium clear by peforming water changers and running an aquarium soilds filter....but is not needed for good levels. Try it if you want to grow healthy fresh veggies in your home!
Nolan Van Harte
Nolan Van Harte - 10 years ago
I also ran into the problem where the pH wouldn't stop dropping and I needed it to stay around neutral. After I put crushed coral into the filter and it acted as a buffer and stayed neutral.
Cyndi_Sigyn - 10 years ago
Those poor goldfish....
Morse Code
Morse Code - 10 years ago
It's a twofer!
onetwothree57 - 10 years ago
Do you have red wigglers in there too?
LAna St.ColumB
LAna St.ColumB - 10 years ago
How much do one of these systems cost on average?
LAna St.ColumB
LAna St.ColumB - 10 years ago
Thank you so much.:)
PhillyAquaponics - 10 years ago
Hey LAna, 
here is an estimate of breakdown of prices off top of my head
-29gallon tank $80-100 new, can get cheap used though
-water pump $15-40 depending on how strong/what model
-fish 50 cents each
-grow bed planter box $10
-grow media (hydroton) $10-20 buy online
-gravel for the fishtank $5-10
-aquarium filter to use while cycling the tank/if pump fails as back up filter for the fish $15-30
-2 automatic timers $10
-light $10-50, depending on what type you get, (could just use sun)
-pvc pipe $0-1
-decorations - you decide

hope this helps you,
dungeonlair - 10 years ago
Very cool video, thanks for sharing. 
Lou Gallo
Lou Gallo - 10 years ago
Dude I really like what you've done with that system, if you have some time message me, I'd like to pick your brain about possibly setting up a similar system.
PhillyAquaponics - 10 years ago
Hey Lou,
thanks for watching, sorry for the late response.
feel free to message me with any questions you might have.
Andrew Kurdelski
Andrew Kurdelski - 11 years ago
Definitely too small of a tank but that's a neat idea for a bio filter. Not convinced that they will grow fast enough but.....
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
Not at the moment..
Andrew Kurdelski
Andrew Kurdelski - 10 years ago
Oh crap did I not comment back. But yeah those fish will get like at least a foot in length. I mean you can always upgrade to a bigger tank.
Ouroboros - 10 years ago
+Johanan Micaiah this tank is very too little for goldfish.
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
How is that too small?
Nualgi Aquarium
Nualgi Aquarium - 11 years ago
Nice video!
Sarah Gabb
Sarah Gabb - 11 years ago
Your tank is beautiful! I would like to start some aquaponics for some veggies and it's great to see you have some "real" plants like the peas and cucs instead of just some herbs or lettuce. How do you maintain those bigger plants? Do you just let the fruits and stems sprawl down to the ground? I normally have a black thumb but I think aquaponics might be the way to go for me.
Sarah Gabb
Sarah Gabb - 11 years ago
Thank you so much for the tips! 
PhillyAquaponics - 11 years ago
Hey Sarah,
For bigger flowering plants you will need deeper grow beds 8-12inches deep, you will also need good lighting that supports plant growth AND flowering...such as a two bulb set up that has one cool light (blue) and one warm light (red) for those respective purposes. For the flowering vine type plants i put stakes in the grow bed and tied them up to that, the cucumbers sprawled across the top of the grow bed, i would def rec a bigger setup if you want to grow cucumbers. hope this help you,
-J :)
Mara Pena
Mara Pena - 11 years ago
Ive seen fully grown goldfish in a 30 gal with at least 6 ful sized goldfish, I doubt the person grew them that big they may have be bought that big. Their tank is very clean though. 
Reid Smith
Reid Smith - 11 years ago
what about the poop, is the pump strong enough to suck it up? otherwise I would think you would still need to do gravel vacs, not because of nitrates, but because if so much poop builds up, it will eventually turn into amonia unles your pump is sucking it all up into the flower bed. or maybe the nitrate removal by plant is so strong that it stays there long enough to completely dissolve into the water over time? idk
PhillyAquaponics - 11 years ago
Hey Reid, 
I like to top the tank off with water when the pump is in an "on" phase.. that way pouring the water in agitates the solids up from the gravel and they are easily sucked up into the pump and delivered to the grow bed. the plants also use the nitrates very efficiently so there is virtually no build up in the water. i also have composting worms in the grow bed to help breakdown the fish poop solids.
Thanks for watching!
Mac D
Mac D - 11 years ago
wow..   your pets really thrive..!!   good job..!!   
tarxantoo - 11 years ago
It's better to be thought of as a fool than to open your mouth and remove all dought
Go aquaponics
PhillyAquaponics - 11 years ago
An aquarium that requries NO water changes thanks to Aquaponics!
Kemry Mangahas
Kemry Mangahas - 7 years ago
Shit is legit, i have a aquaponic aquarium with lowlight needing plants but u do have to add water every week i loses water fast
Goaticorn - 8 years ago
Hum, I'd considered that but wasn't sure if it was ok or not. I shall try now .lol
Twisted86 - 8 years ago
Easy solution is cover the top with glass/plexi so it can't evaporate out, just   be mindful of your temps to make sure the water doesn't get too warm.
Goaticorn - 8 years ago
My little 5gal here in California loses SO much water out of it every few days that its impossible. I've been trying to find suggestions on how to deal with it but can't find it anywhere.
NICK nikki
NICK nikki - 9 years ago
i agree!!!!!!!so many scams!!!!!!!godblesyou!!!!!!!!!!
Twisted86 - 9 years ago
+NICK nikki LOL a two year old tank (zero water changes) that is laughing at that comment, the only side effect is I gotta add dry fertz every month to keep my plants growing.
holaMattias - 9 years ago
+PhillyAquaponics what cucumber seeds are you using. i my self have a aquaponic but cant grow regulare cucamber becuse they get to big.
Slay Queen
Slay Queen - 9 years ago
+PhillyAquaponics your tank is beautiful
FNMasterChannel - 9 years ago
+Andrew Bruno Yeah but there is more of enough fish waste from those goldfish to give to the plants.
Andrew Bruno
Andrew Bruno - 9 years ago
+NICK nikki​ wouldn't a water change remove fish waste and this nutrients for the plants?
NICK nikki
NICK nikki - 9 years ago
+Andrew Bruno do as many water changes as possible........fresh water better than anything else!!!!!!!!!!!!
Andrew Bruno
Andrew Bruno - 9 years ago
+PhillyAquaponics Do you need the composting worms in the floss? Also, with natural sunlight in a fishtank comes alge growth. With a 20 gallon tank that I have and placing the tank in natural sun in my bay window, I would hope to eliminate the need for a lamp, but the alge would be a concern. Does this filter enough on 15 minute intervals for a smaller tank to prevent the growth? I'd imagine so. Thanks for the help!
FNMasterChannel - 10 years ago
+NICK nikki Ikr
NICK nikki
NICK nikki - 10 years ago
these no water changes have been around for 50 years  all scams  and useless
Dorianne Apap
Dorianne Apap - 10 years ago
FNMasterChannel - 10 years ago
I agree
Vaibhav singh
Vaibhav singh - 10 years ago
+FNMasterChannel yups also u lose out good amount of water in evaporation in aquaponics system, so refeeling is required atleast weekly maybe 5 to 10% depending on your setup
FNMasterChannel - 10 years ago
+Vaibhav singh I see so you don't have to change the water, you just need to add stuff into the water.
Vaibhav singh
Vaibhav singh - 10 years ago
water changes are done not only to remove nitrates bt also to add minerals and salts, if you want your fish to be happy n growing please add minerals and salts atleast biweekly, in large aquaponics system minerals are added on weekly bassis if not daily.....
FNMasterChannel - 10 years ago
You do need to change the water because of minerals but you can change the water every 2 months so that's some heck of a ecosystem and I might start a bog filter as I can put my two hobbies together, gardening and fish keeping.
cloud9savagehenry - 11 years ago
My doubtful comment.... I'm not so sure that gravel is clean unless there's some type of under gravel intake filter. But still great idea!
PhillyAquaponics - 11 years ago
i have pump in the back that sucks water up from the bottom, gravel gets stirred up with water top offs
cloud9savagehenry - 11 years ago
Nice work, Show how you made this contraption. I'd like to try this with my 90 gallon. I have six tanks going. Quite healthy ones with too many fish to list. I use a python fawcet hose rather than buckets for water changes. Not really difficult.
PhillyAquaponics - 11 years ago
hey thanks! check out my other videos, i show how i set it up in them
vagasduke - 11 years ago
what kind of light are u using?
PhillyAquaponics - 11 years ago
Hey vagasduke,
I am currently using two t5 grow lights....i used to use two t8's, then switched to a 150w CFL grow light but it was too bright for my apartment and so i switched to the t5's which have been working well. i like using the longer fixtures like 2-3 feet because they provide more surface area with light given that the grow bed is a long rectangle.

hope this helps, and sorry for the delayed response,
Blah Blab
Blah Blab - 11 years ago
thumbs up
PhillyAquaponics - 11 years ago
Blah Blab
Blah Blab - 11 years ago
Your budda is gonna grow green hair
nicholas smith
nicholas smith - 11 years ago
Do you have red worms In your growbed to help control the nitrate conversion?
claudia gamino
claudia gamino - 11 years ago
How many pounds of hydroton do I need for a 15 us quart tote/container??
Jonathan Titanium
Jonathan Titanium - 11 years ago
how did you build it?
Wan Shahinur Izmir
Wan Shahinur Izmir - 11 years ago
HalfMan HalfCichlid
HalfMan HalfCichlid - 11 years ago
I appreciate your challenging the notion that water changes are necessary under all circumstances.  I have reduced their need with plant filters (pothos and philodendron).  I check the water with nitrate strips and this confirms that the plants are cleaning the water of ammonia wastes.  Same think holds true for phosphates.
Litkan303 - 11 years ago
Where did you get your Buddha. It's awesome.
Jeigh Fross
Jeigh Fross - 11 years ago
Nice One Dude ! :)
I'll Do The Same Thing,

Anyway Great Explanation Thanks a Lot :D
FOREVER AND A DAY - 11 years ago
Awesome sorta like an outdoor pond set up with planted waterfall.
Does the plants you put up top need lighting for growth/etc?
Would I be able to do this via putting plants in my HOB filters with no gravel/pellets but with partial sunlight via blinds??
Ben White
Ben White - 11 years ago
+thmsblount1 well technically its not because he's only replacing the water lost due to evaporation. changing water requires water being taken from the tank and then replaced to keep the water chemistry within healthy living perimeters. as shown in his video the water is healthy without the changes so just a small top off is needed or eventually there will be no water at all. 
TDues37 - 11 years ago
What a great set-up, I might try to get something like this going soon.
Toros S
Toros S - 11 years ago
this is genius. im definitely going to get this project going. how do you get the water back in the tank after it goes through your plants. 
Kingz Pantheon
Kingz Pantheon - 10 years ago
PVC Pipe lol
PalJoey1957 - 11 years ago
Congrats.  It's a good illustration of how to combine the related sciences of aquaponics and aquarium filtration.  That clay pebble substrate is creating a large aerobic bacteria bed that is both cleaning the aquarium water and supplying food for the plants.  A heavily planted tank plus this filter would be a great solution for a tank that is placed in front of a window where sunlight is normally a prescription for algae.  Artistically, one could make a beautiful presentation.  A bit of jungle in your living room.
Blah Blab
Blah Blab - 11 years ago
Right on brother, right on.
SeptiMUS EmbeR
SeptiMUS EmbeR - 11 years ago
kiran poojary
kiran poojary - 11 years ago
sorry i saw some of your comments after i wrote mine.....I would like to take the size thing back
kiran poojary
kiran poojary - 11 years ago
@thmsblount1.....dud!!!! water change as the name suggests is when you this case he is just topping off how can that be change? I still think the tank size is small for the goldfish. The idea of a using the water and the waste directly for the plants is awesome...Please give the fish a new home or get a bigger tank...
patricio bueno
patricio bueno - 11 years ago
how does the water gets back to the aquarium? did you do this yourself? show how you did it. i miss to see the way the pump collects the water from the aquarium. i think this is amazing. please make a tutorial video!
Kingz Pantheon
Kingz Pantheon - 10 years ago
you dont see that white PVC pipe? lol
Claire Carrington
Claire Carrington - 11 years ago
I heard that it wasn't safe to eat foods grown from aquarium aquaponics because of the water conditioning chemicals...?
Blah Blab
Blah Blab - 11 years ago
You don't need water conditioning chemicals in a balanced system, it takes care of itself.
sian roberts
sian roberts - 11 years ago
No, the other person is right. They're not growing. They are stunted which will result in them dying prematurely. Those goldfish are pond goldfish and at a year old they should be six inches in length. They're not growing because your aquarium is overstocked and too small. The tank you have them in is only suitable for one fancy goldfish, but certainly not suitable five pond goldfish. Have you ever seen a fully grown goldfish that has been kept properly? Clearly not, it would seem.
lovelithops - 11 years ago
This looks great!! well done!! ignore the criticisms!!
miagy420 - 11 years ago
Amazing idea man :) i will give it a try...
thmsblount1 - 11 years ago
If you are adding water that would constitute a water change - duh!
PhillyAquaponics - 11 years ago
i took the larger decorations out of the tank so that they have a lot more space to swim, there are only 4 in the tank now, the small koi was adopted from a pet shop because it was getting attacked by other fish in the tank, im pretty sure it died secondary to injuries. the 4 fish are doing well, and the filtration capabilities of the tank ensure that the water quality is great. eventually they will need a larger tank, but they are okay for now in this one.
PhillyAquaponics - 11 years ago
t8 shop light bulbs can be used but the light output decreases over time, i have since switched to a 150 watt CFL grow light that i got on amazon, light is on 14 hours per day and off 10 hours overnight. you can use standard shop lights but you just have to keep them closer to the 6 inches above. check out my other videos for more info about setup and supplies.
PhillyAquaponics - 11 years ago
the fish are growing and they are doing just fine, thanks for your concern.
PhillyAquaponics - 11 years ago
PhillyAquaponics - 11 years ago
350 gallon per hour submersible pond pump
PhillyAquaponics - 11 years ago
check out my other videos, i talk about set up in them.
Arsenio B. Guinat
Arsenio B. Guinat - 11 years ago
sir, nice system you have there. my question is, what grow lights you are using and does always on 24/7 and can flourecent linghts can be used as grow lights? i'm new to this and i'm planning to make system smaller than this in my room. thanks and Godbless
Martin Sullivan
Martin Sullivan - 11 years ago
You have probably answered this, but is there a guide to setting up your tank like this?
Joe - 11 years ago
I really like this idea. What kind of pump are you using in your tank?
Kirk Emmery
Kirk Emmery - 11 years ago
I have 3 fantail poop machine goldfish in a 10 gallon tank and are as happy as can be for the time being. I was thinking about upgrading to a 100 gallon rubbermaid stock tank so they can stretch their fins more. Btw, I don't think you're a moron. I've been told that it really doesn't matter how big you tank is, as long as you have good filtration. I might try your set up with my ten gallon, or save up for a Walmart 29 gallon($99) starter kit. Tanks for posting, Mr. Nonmoron!!! ;)
Mike S
Mike S - 11 years ago
Your tank looks like shit. If you don't want to do water changes don't get an aquarium. With full planting you would only need to do changes 1-2 a month.
Lewis Girvan
Lewis Girvan - 11 years ago
Hmmmm, but will it work with cannabis?
Graham Chiu
Graham Chiu - 11 years ago
And you have a further biological filter with the hydroton which should be covered in bacteria, as well as the plant roots which also become colonized.
Graham Chiu
Graham Chiu - 11 years ago
Fish food adds minerals back into the water column after being digested and then excreted by the fish.
ReptileRoad - 11 years ago
That is very fascinating! Going to experiment with this for my next aquarium. Water changes get so old. How did you set up the pump and everything?
shadowssenator - 11 years ago
Still something from the water isn't removed...
smokeyjeremy08 - 11 years ago
Nice setup. Subbed.
smokeyjeremy08 - 11 years ago
Someones a Troll
Nick Gilmartin
Nick Gilmartin - 11 years ago
BrightBear78 - 11 years ago
This is a great video and helps make sense of a lot of the questions I had. I'm interested in doing this with tropical fish! What do you think, will it work just as well? Also is there an upper limit with the concentration of fish that this will be effective with?
PhillyAquaponics - 11 years ago
when i test my water there is no ammonia, once the tank was cycled it all gets converted to nitrites and then nitrates by the bacteria in the tank. then the plants use the nitrates.
PhillyAquaponics - 11 years ago
hey, thanks! the peppers never germinated, the seeds were pretty old that i tried to use though. i doubt that i would have gotten any peppers to grow though with the light i was using at that time. the new light that i got though is much brighter and i think i could grow peppers with it now.
Mac Gruber
Mac Gruber - 11 years ago
That's a beautiful aquarium. Did your pepper plants actually produce chillies? Could you actually produce (eg) tabasco peppers?
Samuel Sierra
Samuel Sierra - 11 years ago
You might have said this but does this remove all the ammonia?
PhillyAquaponics - 11 years ago
yep totally over stalked...moron. thanks for the comment :-)
MrFourJimmy - 11 years ago
nice buddha statue
jessica horner
jessica horner - 11 years ago
there is NO WAY that tank is 29 gallons, and even if it was you would STILL BE OVER STALKED ! MORON YOU KNOW NOTHING!
Jake Buckland
Jake Buckland - 11 years ago
I love your set up. I have been doing a lot of research on this and your set up is very nice. I might have missed it but do you use a bell siphon system in your grow bed? If you do, does your water level fluctuate in your fish tank to much? I have a 55 gal tank. and would like to do a similar set up.
Active Pay Per Click
Active Pay Per Click - 11 years ago
Is this the same as having a sump? Also there is only a few fish in the tank, although I wonder how your system would cope with double of even triple the number of fish in your thank. I think its a great system, i just wonder if this could work on my tank. Would this set up work with a tropical tank? (I'm not so much interested in growing veg, as i am in reducing my water changes)
Nick Papastamatiou
Nick Papastamatiou - 11 years ago
PhillyAquaponics - 11 years ago
Hey mackenzieyoungmy, thank you for your comment and i understand where you are coming my system trace elements are added back to the tank when i top off the water level every couple weeks to replace water that the plants use...however, i do not do any water changes..water is only added, i do not take any out which is what i mean when i say a water change. what you are saying would be true if i never added more water to the tank, but that isnt the case. thanks again, justin :)
PhillyAquaponics - 11 years ago
hey lee stovin, my water pump is set on a timer so it turns on and off every fifteen minutes so the grow bed water floods and drains. in addition i have an airbubbler in the tank that provides additional oxygen for the fish and the plants. thanks for commenting and sorry for the delayed response. :)
Cichlidmac - 11 years ago
All fish need water changes no matter what. Fish absorb minerals from the water through osmosis and the water would lose it's mineral content without water changes. A correct title would be an aquarium that requires less water changes or very few water changes. Unless your going to add the needed trace elements yourself.
Lee Stovin
Lee Stovin - 11 years ago
Do your plants get enough oxygen in the water to stop them from drowning?
PhillyAquaponics - 12 years ago
im really not sure...i bought hydroton off amazon in 10 pound bags. i used about 15 pounds for my much u need depends on the volume of the growbed..the bags that it comes in probably has a volume listed on it somewhere....i added a big chunk of aquarium filter floss to the water intake area of my growbed to take up space and help catch larger pieces of fish u can always add stuff to the growbed if u dont have enough hydroton to fill it.
Sarabjit Mann
Sarabjit Mann - 12 years ago
Thanks for the help, one more question, everywhere the media is selling by weight, how much media would I need to cover 10 Gallon bucket, this media(aquaponic) is selling for $26-$30 for 5 lb but the thing is how much area will this 5 lb bag covers.
PhillyAquaponics - 12 years ago
my first video shows my original set up and i talk about more of the specifics of the setup (its really long, but it might have some of the info you are looking for)
PhillyAquaponics - 12 years ago
in that case, you need to get a submersible pump. the hang-on filter wont really be useful for what you need. if you have 40 gallon tank you want a pump that can cycle all the water in your tank through your filter (which in this case is your growbed) about 7-10 times/hour. so get a pump marked for about 350-400 gal/hr..if that is too expensive then you could keep the hang-on box filter to provide extra filtration power but you still would need a sub. pump to get the water/nitrates to the plants
Sarabjit Mann
Sarabjit Mann - 12 years ago
I do not have a running aquarium, I just bought an aquarium and did not set it up yet, the aquarium I got came with hand on back filter.
PhillyAquaponics - 12 years ago
hey, you need a submersible aquarium pump/tubing that can pump water from tank to the growbed, and then have some way to drain the water back down into your can leave the hang-on-back filter on your tank for now while you are starting your system up...assuming your tank is running and cycled already you will want to leave your filter on since that will contain most of your good bacteria. which will slowly populate ur grow bed. i explain my set up in other videos on my channel.
Sarabjit Mann
Sarabjit Mann - 12 years ago
This is really cool, could you please let me know what else do I need(except hydroton) and what configuration at all I need to get this at my 40 gallon aquarium, all I have is standard glass aquarium with hang-on-back filter. if you have the detailed pictures of your setup, I would really appreciate them pictures, Please help
mintsiez - 12 years ago
you should still do water changes
PhillyAquaponics - 12 years ago
The clay pellets are called "hydroton" can buy them at hydroponic gardening stores, or order them online (ebay, amazon, or other websites)...or if you dont like buying stuff online pet stores carry them as well for reptile cages, but they will be more expensive there. aquarium stuff i got at pet store, grow bed and water pump i got at lowes.
shxman - 12 years ago
The water quality is quite impressive! I look forward to seeing more of your videos.

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