Aquascaping - Aquarium Ideas from Aquatics Live 2012, part 4

FACEBOOK: YOUTUBE: PAGE: Fourth video with aquascapes from Aquatics Live 2012, an aquarium and terrarium show held in London. I present planted aquariums arranged for live aquascaping contest. Most of the tanks are arranged as "two hills and clear path in the middle" layouts. There is no LED lighting used, nor CO2 supply systems or aquarium plant fertilizers - only standard Tetra aquarium equipment (aquariums are provided by Tetra). There are also no aquarium fish here, because the whole event was too short, and there was no point of introducing fish. Lots of aquatic plants were used, mostly Hemianthus callitrihoides, Pogostemon helferi, Anubias sp, Microsorum sp., Vallisneria and various Cryptocorynes.

Aquascaping - Aquarium Ideas from Aquatics Live 2012, part 4 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 8

Pets & Animals 12 years ago 60,431 views

FACEBOOK: YOUTUBE: PAGE: Fourth video with aquascapes from Aquatics Live 2012, an aquarium and terrarium show held in London. I present planted aquariums arranged for live aquascaping contest. Most of the tanks are arranged as "two hills and clear path in the middle" layouts. There is no LED lighting used, nor CO2 supply systems or aquarium plant fertilizers - only standard Tetra aquarium equipment (aquariums are provided by Tetra). There are also no aquarium fish here, because the whole event was too short, and there was no point of introducing fish. Lots of aquatic plants were used, mostly Hemianthus callitrihoides, Pogostemon helferi, Anubias sp, Microsorum sp., Vallisneria and various Cryptocorynes.

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Most popular comments
for Aquascaping - Aquarium Ideas from Aquatics Live 2012, part 4

Aquarium Fanatic
Aquarium Fanatic - 10 years ago
Nordlandpoland - 11 years ago
Fajny film ale ja gawarit tylko pa polski
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Czas się zapisać na kurs angielskiego ;)
EpiK1ReM5611 - 11 years ago
U.S. Southern California
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
+EpiK1ReM5611 Thanks! :)
EpiK1ReM5611 - 11 years ago
Not so much know about our websites but maybe some good ones in your place or who knows maybe recommend the brands..just a thought hehe. Good videos like always though.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
And I live in Poland, Europe :) How much do you think I can know about US market for aquariums...? ;)
EpiK1ReM5611 - 11 years ago
If one is interested in purchasing this material for example the tanks, the sand, lighting, etc. What website can you recommend for me?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Where do you live?
EpiK1ReM5611 - 11 years ago
Ok I guess back to the research haha.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Look for online shops in your country, I live in Poland and I have no idea about good shops in other countries... :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
I completely agree with that. It's only a matter of time and will :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
I think it migh be ADA Hornwood - but it's also possible that it's just a normal driftwood, maybe even found in some european marsh...
Clement Le Pelley
Clement Le Pelley - 11 years ago
I would love a piece of driftwood like the pice in Tony Swinney's beautiful tank, do you know what it is? Please keep these videos going by the way, its so nice to be able to compare several aquascapes that all originated from the same tank yet are all so different and individual!
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Yeah, I also can't understand why they don't do shows like this... :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Thanks! :)

10. comment for Aquascaping - Aquarium Ideas from Aquatics Live 2012, part 4

RobitskiStudios - 11 years ago
Lol Canada does aquarium shows too, I don't get why Americans can't do one. Maybe spending too much money on tanks and stuff
João Gonçalves
João Gonçalves - 11 years ago
Your faves are also my faves, 1st place is ok i guess but the one that got 3rd place is possibly the one I disliked the most. Keep up with the good videos.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
That is really surprising for me, because US is rather known as "energetic" country (I mean, people are open-minded and dynamic)... And there are lots of hobbyists around, and they are also quite active, judging by the number of US-based aquatic forums...
NawtJoBaby - 11 years ago
I think we have a lot of good companies in America too, like API, but no one has actually wanted to make an event, there are facilities available for such events, but there just isn't much energy put into creating it. Sad too because there are so many different ideas and hobby tips available.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hey mate, thanks for your nice words! :) Yup, I'm from Poland, and I think lots is going on our "Aqua Szene" :) Right now the trend for aquarium exhibitions is the biotope aquarium - but we also have lots of talened aquascapers, who arrange nice "aquarium gardens" :) Grüße aus Breslau! ;)
Gilgamesch786 - 11 years ago
Mal ein dickes Kompliment... auf Deutsch, weiß ja das du es übersetzt oder vielleicht sogar einwenig verstehst ;) Dein Aquascaping Kanal ist das NonPlusUltra hier aud YT, kenne keinen besseren.. Danke für die tollen und neuen Ideen. Du bist doch Pole, oder ?? Ihr habt in Polen eine große Aqua Szene ?? Hab aus der Ecke schon viele gute Sachen gesehen... Grüße von der Ostsee ;)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Das stimmt! :)
geile sau
geile sau - 11 years ago
wunderschöne aquariums
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
No mate, we have lots of people using dirt in the substrates, too :) But the tanks which are exhibited at such events usually don't have such substrate, so it's not a problem at all :) Actually, I'm really curious why there are not so many events like this in the US... Maybe the distance is a problem? I mean, in Europe the "concentration" of hobbyists is far larger per square km than in the US, so it's easier to transport all the stuff to one place...
Phil Grady
Phil Grady - 11 years ago
I think the reason we don't have events in the US such as you have in Europe is that a lot of us Americans are stuck on trying to add dirt to their substrates! I will inevitably get a lot of flack about this comment but I see it all the time, and perhaps the Walsted method does work for a while but I don't see European hobbyist latching on to this concept, and yet the tanks even in a show setting far exceed any of the tanks with dirt I have seen on the web posted by US hobbyist.

20. comment for Aquascaping - Aquarium Ideas from Aquatics Live 2012, part 4

DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Hehe, what you are talking about is sometimes arranged - I mean, participants in some contest have to choose hardscape elements provided by the organizers, and arrange them in the best way they can. But in case of this contest, participants take everything from home. Equipment, tanks, water and substrate are provided by the organizers.
Deborah Armstrong
Deborah Armstrong - 12 years ago
I'm curious as to the parameters of the contest. Obviously the organizers supplied the tanks--did they supply anything else? Or did the contestants have to organize everything on their own ahead of time? Personally, I think it would be very interesting if: --contestants were allowed say, 4 non plant items 'from home' --got mystery items in a "starter pack" from the organizers that they HAD to use --were encouraged to use 'found on-site' items --had a list of 'approved' plants
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Maybe because you guys keep lamenting that there are no such events in the US, instead of just organize such an event YOURSELF :) You are one of dozens of Americans who, when watching my videos, complain that there are no such events in the US. Why don't you guys do something to make it happen? We do it in Europe, you can do it in the States! :) It's not difficult at all.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
I think they were 20 gallons...
regfregf - 12 years ago
Are these all 10 gallon tanks?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Aquatics Live is organized every year in November in the Olympia Hall in London, UK. It lasts for two days, and it's over now, so next time you'd be able to visit it is next year. But there are many other interesting shows across Europe, plenty to choose from :)
Ileana Arteaga
Ileana Arteaga - 12 years ago
Where is that place? I want to go and see it from myself
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
W Niemczech? A co to jest? Jakieś miasto w Alabamie? (skoro mają tam Birmingham... ;) ). Innymi słowy - Amerykańce nie wiedzą jakie wystawy są w Niemczech. Bo kto im ma to pokazać? Jak sam nie pojadę i nie sfilmuję, to nie będą wiedzieli, bo jeśli są jakieś materiały to po niemiecku :) (Ty, a w Niemczech są jakieś fajne wystawy? Pomijając Hannover?)
Lugia007PLn - 12 years ago
W Ameryce takich imprez nie mają? Rany, to jak oni reaguja na wystawy np. w Niemczech, bo te dopiero miazdzą.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Wiem dobrze co masz na myśli - mi też idzie łatwiej robienie polskich wersji, ale jednak grono odbiorców wersji angielskich jest o wiele większe :) No i można pokazać zagranicznikom poziom naszej polskiej akwarystyki, Amerykańcom na przykład gały wychodzą na wierzch z zazdrości jak widzą jakie zajebiste wystawy potrafimy zrobić :) ZooBotanika ich zmiażdżyła, oni w życiu takich imprez u siebie nie mają :)

30. comment for Aquascaping - Aquarium Ideas from Aquatics Live 2012, part 4

barsawiaots - 12 years ago
Ja akurat problemu z językiem angielskim nie mam, ale oglądając twoje filmiki wolę się zrelaksować i dowiedzieć na luzie, a nie że będę co chwilę zatrzymywał, żeby przemyśleć co mówiłeś. Niemniej jednak, czekam na kolejne produkcje :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Bo mam milion innych filmów do zrobienia, nie licząc tego, że muszę najpierw skończyć tą serię, potem jeszcze ZooBotanikę 2012 w wersji angielskiej (dopiero 4 odcinki zrobione, z 10 ogółem). Zrobienie komentarza zajmuje strasznie dużo czasu, a mój angielski jest na tyle prosty, że Polacy nie powinni mieć większych problemów ze zrozumieniem. Uczta się ludzie języków obcych ;)
barsawiaots - 12 years ago
A to dlaczego ?
Iron Mare
Iron Mare - 12 years ago
Veoma lepo
RichardWnl - 12 years ago
The fourth is pretty kewl, nicely done I like it :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Nie, i raczej nie będzie :)
lheliasz - 12 years ago
Jest Polska wersja?

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