Aquascaping - Planted Aquarium at Tropica's booth, Heimtiermesse 2013, Hannover
Pets & Animals 11 years ago 21,931 views
FACEBOOK: YOUTUBE: PAGE: Short video presenting planted aquarium arranged by Adrie Baumann from aquascaping Symphony for the Tropica company at their booth at Heimtiermesse 2013 in Hannover, Germany. The dimensions of the aquarium are 90x45x45 cm, the volume is 182 liters. Aquarium lighting are two very nice LED strips, not sure exactly what type / power. The main part of the composition are several fragments of driftwood, positioned in an unusual way - they are "arched" downwards, not upwards. The driftwood is overgrown with Christmas moss, there are also several Anubias sp. Petite specimens planted on the wood. The bottom is planted mostly with Hemianthus callitrichoides "Cuba" (I wonder if I pronounce "callitrichoides" correctly ;) ), there are also several patches of Staurogyne repens, Eleocharis parvula, Hydrocotyle tripartita and Ammania sp. "Bonsai". The layout is of the "Advanced" class - plants require lot of light, good fertilization and supplementation with CO2. The aquarium is stocked with tropical aquarium fish - contrary to the aquariums of The Art of the Planted Aquarium contest. The fish are cardinal tetras, a shoal of nice, grown-out individuals.
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