Aquascaping Lab - VALLISNERIA Aquatic Plant technical description and management (all varieties)

aquascaping Lab by Tommaso Perini and Serena Sacchi, presents a video on description and management of aquatic plant Vallisneria describing more variety (Vallisneria Gigantea, Vallisneria Spiralis, Vallisneria Rubra, Vallisneria Nana, Vallisneria torta). It comes from Hydrocharitaceae family and it is the most common variety of aquatic plant, its ancient origin is Asian but is diffused around all over the world for its durability and ease adaptation. It's totally submerged plants and develop very high ribbon leaves like almost vitrified. The variety Vallisneria is often recommended for beginners because it is very simple to manage and can leave well both in acidic water or hard water, can resists water which shows a high conductivity (high microsiems also in 1000). It is characterized by an exceptionally fast growth it must place it on background, you must to be sure that the tank has a height suited to the growth of this variety, once the leaf meets the water surface, continues to grow on it, and give a sense of fluctuation and movement in the aquarium. VALLISNERIA GIGANTEA: It is the largest variety of Vallisneria, in the natural environment can reach a height of 2 meters. The leaf has a thickness which can be up to 3/4 cm and on the extremities are characterized by a dark color almost dark brown, this does not mean that the leaves are not healthy. It is very fast and you have to choose large tanks, it is also the most durable, can leave from 16° to over 30° Celsius. VALLISNERIA SPIRALIS: Very similar to the Gigantea values and maintenance, it only changes the morphology of the leaf which has a reduced height and a narrower width, about 2cm. It characterized by a lighter green color. VALLISNERIA RUBRA: Very similar to the Gigantea values and maintenance, has a more rigid leaf, the same Spiralis size but characterized by a more dark red color, in bright red light appears more bright red. VALLISNERIA NANA: Very similar to the other Vallisneria requirements, very strong and fast growth. Geographical origin of this variety is from Australia. Presents very narrow leaves, the fundamental difference to the other Vallsineria is the thickness, very thin leaf almost less than 1 cm, and with a more reduced growth in height almost 50 cm max. It should however be positioned on background. VALLISNERIA TORTA: Very easy and similar to other Vallisneria requirements, is characterized by reduced ribbon leaves, about 25 cm height, but with the peculiarity of having twisted leaveslike a spiral. REPRODUCTION AND MOLTIPLICATION: It reproduces very easily, thanks to the production of many stolons, you can also duplicate for insemination once the flower emerges from water. FERTILIZER AND SUBSTRATE: It can also stand in tanks with little light and no CO2 system, but it needs a lot of substrate becaouse the variety is characterized by substantial root system with numerous stolons, which soon will become plants, recommended a rich fertilizer. Ideal temperature range: 16 ° - 30 ° Celsius Light demand: media Growth Speed: Fast GH ranhe: 7 - 30 PH range: 6 - 8 Grow difficulty: Easy SUBSCRIBE NOW ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL: PLANTS FIRM: TROPLANT FACEBOOK: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: Aquascaping Lab is a channel dedicated to the world of aquariums, where you can find tutorials, reviews, info, tips and experiences shared by experts in the field of aquascaping. The topics covered are: - Aquascaping in oriental design (Takashi Amano style), various habitats and fitting procedure illustrated by means of tutorials. - Productions of marine aquariums, tropical and Mediterranean. - Description and sheets of fish crustaceans molluscs invertebrates and corals in saltwater and freshwater. - Description and data sheets of plants and mosses. - Review of technical material and products as Askoll Sera, Ehiem, Tetra, JBL, Friskies and others. - Tips and tricks for starting, cleaning and maintenance of an aquarium: sheets of the materials used.

Aquascaping Lab - VALLISNERIA Aquatic Plant technical description and management (all varieties) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 8

Pets & Animals 8 years ago 9,969 views

aquascaping Lab by Tommaso Perini and Serena Sacchi, presents a video on description and management of aquatic plant Vallisneria describing more variety (Vallisneria Gigantea, Vallisneria Spiralis, Vallisneria Rubra, Vallisneria Nana, Vallisneria torta). It comes from Hydrocharitaceae family and it is the most common variety of aquatic plant, its ancient origin is Asian but is diffused around all over the world for its durability and ease adaptation. It's totally submerged plants and develop very high ribbon leaves like almost vitrified. The variety Vallisneria is often recommended for beginners because it is very simple to manage and can leave well both in acidic water or hard water, can resists water which shows a high conductivity (high microsiems also in 1000). It is characterized by an exceptionally fast growth it must place it on background, you must to be sure that the tank has a height suited to the growth of this variety, once the leaf meets the water surface, continues to grow on it, and give a sense of fluctuation and movement in the aquarium. VALLISNERIA GIGANTEA: It is the largest variety of Vallisneria, in the natural environment can reach a height of 2 meters. The leaf has a thickness which can be up to 3/4 cm and on the extremities are characterized by a dark color almost dark brown, this does not mean that the leaves are not healthy. It is very fast and you have to choose large tanks, it is also the most durable, can leave from 16° to over 30° Celsius. VALLISNERIA SPIRALIS: Very similar to the Gigantea values and maintenance, it only changes the morphology of the leaf which has a reduced height and a narrower width, about 2cm. It characterized by a lighter green color. VALLISNERIA RUBRA: Very similar to the Gigantea values and maintenance, has a more rigid leaf, the same Spiralis size but characterized by a more dark red color, in bright red light appears more bright red. VALLISNERIA NANA: Very similar to the other Vallisneria requirements, very strong and fast growth. Geographical origin of this variety is from Australia. Presents very narrow leaves, the fundamental difference to the other Vallsineria is the thickness, very thin leaf almost less than 1 cm, and with a more reduced growth in height almost 50 cm max. It should however be positioned on background. VALLISNERIA TORTA: Very easy and similar to other Vallisneria requirements, is characterized by reduced ribbon leaves, about 25 cm height, but with the peculiarity of having twisted leaveslike a spiral. REPRODUCTION AND MOLTIPLICATION: It reproduces very easily, thanks to the production of many stolons, you can also duplicate for insemination once the flower emerges from water. FERTILIZER AND SUBSTRATE: It can also stand in tanks with little light and no CO2 system, but it needs a lot of substrate becaouse the variety is characterized by substantial root system with numerous stolons, which soon will become plants, recommended a rich fertilizer. Ideal temperature range: 16 ° - 30 ° Celsius Light demand: media Growth Speed: Fast GH ranhe: 7 - 30 PH range: 6 - 8 Grow difficulty: Easy SUBSCRIBE NOW ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL: PLANTS FIRM: TROPLANT FACEBOOK: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: Aquascaping Lab is a channel dedicated to the world of aquariums, where you can find tutorials, reviews, info, tips and experiences shared by experts in the field of aquascaping. The topics covered are: - Aquascaping in oriental design (Takashi Amano style), various habitats and fitting procedure illustrated by means of tutorials. - Productions of marine aquariums, tropical and Mediterranean. - Description and sheets of fish crustaceans molluscs invertebrates and corals in saltwater and freshwater. - Description and data sheets of plants and mosses. - Review of technical material and products as Askoll Sera, Ehiem, Tetra, JBL, Friskies and others. - Tips and tricks for starting, cleaning and maintenance of an aquarium: sheets of the materials used.

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Most popular comments
for Aquascaping Lab - VALLISNERIA Aquatic Plant technical description and management (all varieties)

Paolo Profazio
Paolo Profazio - 7 years ago
Ho comprato una limnophila sessiflora. E' giusto che non abbia radici e va piantata così?
World Ofacquarium
World Ofacquarium - 7 years ago
Ma si può mettere nel ghiaietto e mettergli delle pastiglie alle radici??crescono????
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 7 years ago
si si può fare..... cresce ma non al top
Riccardo Spa
Riccardo Spa - 7 years ago
salve sono da un bel po che vi seguo e mi siete stati molto di aiuto volevo sapere se potevate fare anche altri video delle piante aquatiche grazie e buona giornata
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 7 years ago
di nulla
Riccardo Spa
Riccardo Spa - 7 years ago
Aquascaping Lab grazie
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 7 years ago
certo molto presto, le potrai trovare sul nostro canale ufficiale
Flavio Nozzetti
Flavio Nozzetti - 7 years ago
Ciao, sono un neofita per ora ho avuto solo piante finte, vorrei inserire delle vallisnerie, però ho solo uno strato di ghiaia, devo sostituirlo con altro oppure va bene. Per la potatura?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 7 years ago
di nulla
Flavio Nozzetti
Flavio Nozzetti - 7 years ago
Grazie mille
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 7 years ago
se hai solo ghiaia, ti consiglio di inserire delle compresse fetilizzanti nel fondo, ma sarebbe meglio levare tutto e rifare da capo, la potatura deve essere effettuata alla base della foglia
Ale - 7 years ago
può crescere senza fondo fertile?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 7 years ago
si ma molto lentamente e a fatica
Fulvio Rossi
Fulvio Rossi - 7 years ago
ciao dove posso trovare il video su corymbosa siamensis grazie
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 7 years ago
su questo cnalae appena la faremo! :-)
future 35
future 35 - 8 years ago
a me non cresce
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
cerca di avere tutti i valori corretti in vasca
ALIVE FISH official
ALIVE FISH official - 8 years ago
Ciao ci potrebbe essere la possibilità che le mie guppy non partoriscono perché si sentano minacciate dagli altri pesci?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
sicuramente lo stress può infastidirli si
sono io
sono io - 8 years ago
ciao !va bene con fondo inerte , fertilizzante e luce 20w che corrisponde a.90 w?
sono io
sono io - 8 years ago
Aquascaping Lab ottimo grazie , tratterete anche i laghetti?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
si potrebbe andare bene

10. comment for Aquascaping Lab - VALLISNERIA Aquatic Plant technical description and management (all varieties)

sono io
sono io - 8 years ago
ciao !va bene con fondo inerte , fertilizzante e luce 20w che corrisponde a.90 w?
ALIVE FISH official
ALIVE FISH official - 8 years ago
volevo farvi una domanda che non c entra con il video, il mio acquario di 25 litri, ospita 8 pesci di cui 2 gravidi,secondo il vostro parere rischio il sovrapopolamento??
ALIVE FISH official
ALIVE FISH official - 8 years ago
future 35 ho già provveduto grazie per il consiglio!
future 35
future 35 - 8 years ago
compra un acquario più grosso non costano tanto con100 € su internet te lo trovi uno da 100l
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
si diciamo che è sovraffolato in questo caso
ALIVE FISH official
ALIVE FISH official - 8 years ago
Aquascaping Lab scusa non ho specificato,ho 3 guppy,2 platy,2 corydoras,1 rasbora
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
dipende da che pesci sono!
Simo_05 YT
Simo_05 YT - 8 years ago
la JBL è buona come marca ??
Simo_05 YT
Simo_05 YT - 8 years ago
Aquascaping Lab in generale
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
dipende per cosa!
Marco Bianco
Marco Bianco - 8 years ago
Ciao, grazie del video, posso avere qualche indicazione sulla potatura? Ho una nana ma le foglie in superficie coprono la luce di tutto l'acquario
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
pota all' origine della foglia
Michele Macellari
Michele Macellari - 8 years ago
Grazie mille
Michele Macellari
Michele Macellari - 8 years ago
Complimenti per il video è molto interessante,comunque potreste fare la scheda tecnica del pangio?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
Grazie si si piano piano li facciamo tutti ecco a te la playlist dei pesci
Francesco Virgilio
Francesco Virgilio - 8 years ago
potete parlare dell'axolotl/assolotto per piacere?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
si si piano piano facciamo tutti i pesci salamandre ecc ecc ecco la playlist dove lo potrai trovare
Nature Channel
Nature Channel - 8 years ago
la Vallisneria però è sconsigliata perché crea allopatie con le altre piante , anche con se stessa ha allopatia se non trova più spazio per espandersi
Aquatasy - 8 years ago
Thank you. This was an excellent video. Vallisneria has always been one of my favorite aquatic plants.
Pietro Patuelli
Pietro Patuelli - 8 years ago
Ciao quante ore si intendono per luce media???
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
si intende come intensità luminosa media

20. comment for Aquascaping Lab - VALLISNERIA Aquatic Plant technical description and management (all varieties)

The Castromen Vision
The Castromen Vision - 8 years ago
Ciao secondo voi in un acquario 30x30x35 28 litri (dolce) quanti pesci e piante ci possono andare dentro ?
The Castromen Vision
The Castromen Vision - 8 years ago
ok grazie
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
ti consiglio di guardare queste due playlist dedicate così avrai più indicazioni
The Predator Gamer
The Predator Gamer - 8 years ago
Finalmente iniziate a parlare anche delle piante. Non vedevo l'ora. Sempre bravissimi come sempre
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
Grazie!!! si si piano piano facciamo tutto tranquillo!!

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