Aquascaping of a BIG tank!

Here's a video of a large scale aquascaping project that took place in 2013. A big tank (4.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 m) was aquascaped by a team of dedicated helpers and UKAPS scapers during a weekend at the Pets at Home store in New Malden, UK.

Aquascaping of a BIG tank! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 11

Pets & Animals 9 years ago 32,818 views

Here's a video of a large scale aquascaping project that took place in 2013. A big tank (4.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 m) was aquascaped by a team of dedicated helpers and UKAPS scapers during a weekend at the Pets at Home store in New Malden, UK.

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Most popular comments
for Aquascaping of a BIG tank!

aliciacb8284747274 - 7 years ago
I've been to this pets at home and went after I saw this video. It took me months to realise it was the same tank I'd seen aquascaped in this video
RR26 - 7 years ago
Crappy design of the driftwoods.
Bekir Karakaya
Bekir Karakaya - 7 years ago
I want very nice tiplets (akay cad. 14/b develi kundura küçük esat )çankaya ANKARA TÜRKİYE
Éric Castillo
Éric Castillo - 8 years ago
If it's a 4m×1m×1.2m tank, then it's a 4800 liter one, not a 9000 liter one! On the other hand, if it's a 4.5m×1.5m×1.5m tank, then it's a 10125 liter one, not a 6500 liter one!
Tropica Aquarium Plants
Tropica Aquarium Plants - 8 years ago
Yes, I believe that the indicated mesures are erroneous and I don't have the correct ones since it's located in the UK!
Anyway, it's a large tank and we believe it's still quite interesting to see how you do this kind of project. I have removed the volume from the text below the video now, but can't remove the one in the video. I hope for your understanding :-)!
Maher Belhouane
Maher Belhouane - 8 years ago
magnifique mais vu les dimensionnions 4m*1m*1.2 ca donne 4800 litres et non 9000
Tropica Aquarium Plants
Tropica Aquarium Plants - 8 years ago
Je pense que malheureusement les mensurations indiquées sur la vidéo ne sont pas exactes (il n'y a qu'à voir que les personnes ne dépassent pas de beaucoup lorsqu'elles sont debout dedans).
Le calcul de la description ci dessus n'est pas non plus très certain...
Ce n'est pas terrible, mais la vidéo montre malgré ces imperfections tout de même un projet grande échelle qui peut intéresser le public; nous allons donc la laisser :-)
Pavan Kumar
Pavan Kumar - 8 years ago
one doubt can I add co2 fertilizer(liquid)to the vallisneria gigantea plant
Tropica Aquarium Plants
Tropica Aquarium Plants - 8 years ago
+Pavan Kumar Vallisneria is known to sometimes react negatively to addition of Glutaraldehyde (=liquid CO2) in a tank.
good samaritan
good samaritan - 8 years ago
This is the ukaps team ☺
lee guankiat
lee guankiat - 8 years ago
I believe it is spelled as 'Malaysia'. Nevertheless, such big tank I would definitely want to see it real life.
Tropica Aquarium Plants
Tropica Aquarium Plants - 8 years ago
+lee guankiat You are absolutely right, it was misspelled - but unfortunately I'm unable to change that since we didn't keep the original video, sorry about that!
Tonguç Endem
Tonguç Endem - 8 years ago
I guess the de-gassing is for anaerobic bacteria which converts nitrates to nitrogen gas. Could anyone please tell me how this degassing works and how much degassing could be done this way. thnx

10. comment for Aquascaping of a BIG tank!

A J - 9 years ago
I would love to see a follow up of this aquarium several months after planting to see how it has progressed.
aliciacb8284747274 - 7 years ago
I think if you google the shop you might be able to see a photo of the tank now
tonybatten24 - 7 years ago
Alexander J this store is pets at home in new Malden surrey
Tropica Aquarium Plants
Tropica Aquarium Plants - 9 years ago
+Alexander J
Yes, it would have been nice to follow the setup later on. We didn't have the opportunity to get a whole team of people to set the lights and make a new film in the store as we are located in Denmark. The store lamps made it quite difficult to get even good photos taken by the staff. You would have to go visit to see it ;-)
Give Gore
Give Gore - 9 years ago
Nice set up but pets at home never look after the plants they stock
Cesar martel suarez
Cesar martel suarez - 9 years ago
please an asian acuarium

and were can i buy your products ¿?
Cesar martel suarez
Cesar martel suarez - 9 years ago
great thanks for all continue doing so good videos :)
Tropica Aquarium Plants
Tropica Aquarium Plants - 9 years ago
+Cesar martel suarez Here's our recommendations for substrate Tropica Plant Growth Substrate should only be used where you have plant roots in it, meaning if you have decoration material such as rocks and wood pieces, no need to put substrate underneath.
If you meant Tropica Aquarium Soil, it's quite different since it is not supposed to be covered by gravel. Then you multiply your surface with 5-6 cm depth of soil to find the quantity 120x30x6/1000 = 21,6 L soil or soil powder.
Cesar martel suarez
Cesar martel suarez - 9 years ago
ok thanks . only another quenstion... how much sustrate for 120 cm long x 30 cm width
Tropica Aquarium Plants
Tropica Aquarium Plants - 9 years ago
+Cesar martel suarez Please take a look at our website to find dealers and inspirational layouts :-)
Dillon Chauhan
Dillon Chauhan - 9 years ago
oh my gosh.. look awesome . i wish do that
ManicMindTrick - 9 years ago
Just out of curiousness, what would be the total cost of the whole system, aquarium, pumps, lighting, substrate, decoration etc included?
Tony Wang
Tony Wang - 9 years ago
ok 70k how about that?
ManicMindTrick - 9 years ago
+Tony Wang
If 7000 covers it I would be surprised.
Tony Wang
Tony Wang - 9 years ago
+ManicMindTrick $7000 later...
Tropica Aquarium Plants
Tropica Aquarium Plants - 9 years ago
+ManicMindTrick Really I have no idea! The tank was already in the store with the filtration and CO2 equipment. You would have to ask a tank manufactureras I guess they customize huge tanks, they won't have a standard answer. Regarding plants, you just have to look at our "normal size" layouts to see how many plants we use and then multiply the surface... ;-)
Aqua'Nico - 9 years ago
Amazing ...
Cefa Beyoğlu
Cefa Beyoğlu - 9 years ago
suban mas videos porfavor hace 10 meses que no subian video las redes sociales como fcebook y youtube ayudan mucho en vender productos se que lo saben pero les recuerdo por si se les olvido
Tropica Aquarium Plants
Tropica Aquarium Plants - 9 years ago
+Cefa Beyoğlu I am sorry Google translate doesn't help me understand what you are asking about?
NYCity Cichlids
NYCity Cichlids - 9 years ago
MRrediffive - 9 years ago
super beau
Tsukahara Taro
Tsukahara Taro - 9 years ago

20. comment for Aquascaping of a BIG tank!

Rico Suave
Rico Suave - 9 years ago
wow if only that was in my living room
Sebastian Stormborn
Sebastian Stormborn - 9 years ago

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