BIG aquarium move

Moved the big aquarium tank... had to.... wasn't using the space. Felt too closed in. Much better now. SUBSCRIBE ► Get the ultimate DIY book ► LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► Facebook ► Instagram ► The king of DIY aquarium projects, education and inspiration! Join me each SUNDAY, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY for a new aquarium related video! MAIL TO: PO BOX 25054 Truro, NS B2N 7B8 Canada How to build aquariums: How to build aquarium filters: How to build aquarium stands: How to build aquarium equipment: How to build aquarium lighting: How to build aquarium decorations: Varius aquarium tutorials: ALL Thursday videos: ALL Sunday videos: My aquarium pumps, circulation and lights are by: My aquarium racks and the aquariums within them were made by:

BIG aquarium move sentiment_very_dissatisfied 272

Pets & Animals 7 years ago 195,932 views

Moved the big aquarium tank... had to.... wasn't using the space. Felt too closed in. Much better now. SUBSCRIBE ► Get the ultimate DIY book ► LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► Facebook ► Instagram ► The king of DIY aquarium projects, education and inspiration! Join me each SUNDAY, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY for a new aquarium related video! MAIL TO: PO BOX 25054 Truro, NS B2N 7B8 Canada How to build aquariums: How to build aquarium filters: How to build aquarium stands: How to build aquarium equipment: How to build aquarium lighting: How to build aquarium decorations: Varius aquarium tutorials: ALL Thursday videos: ALL Sunday videos: My aquarium pumps, circulation and lights are by: My aquarium racks and the aquariums within them were made by:

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Most popular comments
for BIG aquarium move

The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Short video update today... Ton of work to do.Catch me on FaceBook or Instagram in between these videos:
Christian Ceralde
Christian Ceralde - 7 years ago
ckatlinga - 7 years ago
the feng shui was offf lol
Kimberly Smith
Kimberly Smith - 7 years ago
Say "HI" to Gary for me!
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga - 7 years ago
Like the new look
Justin Czech
Justin Czech - 7 years ago
Hey joey, ever thought about opening your own fish store?
Levi Baur
Levi Baur - 7 years ago
What happened to the ray in the rainbowfish tank?
Wobbe gong
Wobbe gong - 7 years ago
You should to a congo themed aquarium, with congo tetras, nanochromis and synodontis
jOoLdotCH - 7 years ago
What happens with a flow and counter flow ? Doesn't it result to all debris staying right in the middle ?
Chris Littrell
Chris Littrell - 7 years ago
The king of DIY doesn't look bad there and it does open up space but i also liked the peninsula look it had before and you could look at it from both sides.
It your fish room though so as long as your happy that all that matters tbh.
Last rack should be two Saltwater tanks =-) deep down i know you like all those colorful saltwater fish and
m m
m m - 7 years ago
The king of DIY you need a 5/10 second opening logo seen and closing
Brad Boyes
Brad Boyes - 7 years ago
Good idea. Looks better
Logan Miller
Logan Miller - 7 years ago
can you please make a tinfoil barb tank
Anne Frank
Anne Frank - 7 years ago
Why not install detachable bars for easy gripping
Goober tuber
Goober tuber - 7 years ago
Joey, how cool would a fish tank desk look in that room :)
Kourosh Jalilvand
Kourosh Jalilvand - 7 years ago
waits for new tank in empty space
Kiva Bertrand
Kiva Bertrand - 7 years ago
The king of DIY Your amazing!! Keep doing what your doing!!
William Rowe
William Rowe - 7 years ago
The king of DIY Nice, more room for another tank!!!
Dinesh Somu
Dinesh Somu - 7 years ago
nothing to update, fishes are eating, corrals are growing!! LOL
mancas24 - 7 years ago
Dude stop taking your preworkout before doing your vids. Your off the wall lately and bouncing around talking super fast...its nauseating and makes it hard to focus on you. Especially the swaying from foot to foot in a closeup.
5 Style Martial Arts
5 Style Martial Arts - 7 years ago
You said your rainbow fish. Are they rainbow trout? If so, what kind of light do you use that doesn't bother them?
Bryant Wiese
Bryant Wiese - 7 years ago
I have to say I like where you put the wave makers it's causing the fish not to ball up there actually using a whole tank making it look full it looks really nice I personally like that and 2nd your mean that wasn't nice at the end of the video LOL
NYC Bettas
NYC Bettas - 7 years ago
This set up makes more sense
Rebel Peppers
Rebel Peppers - 7 years ago
Looks great!
Zachary Myer
Zachary Myer - 7 years ago
Would love to see an update on shell dweller!
Michael Minter
Michael Minter - 7 years ago
I like seeing you in a chaos state.

10. comment for BIG aquarium move

William Maloof
William Maloof - 7 years ago
Hey joey im moving soon and i was wondering when you emptied it did you save the water or did you put new water in and what lights do you recommend for a 180
Steelwater 13
Steelwater 13 - 7 years ago
Do at least 2 saltwater tanks
Fredrik Reichel
Fredrik Reichel - 7 years ago
Steelwater 13 nope he needs to stay with freshwater cause IMO he does not care about them, bathwater is his favorite.
Boombox cat
Boombox cat - 7 years ago
how’s frank?
The Aquarist Guy
The Aquarist Guy - 7 years ago
Hey I need help from everyone! I have a 55g tank with a 500gph wavemaker and a filter rated for 100g. I'm looking to have 4 to 6 angelfish with 4 to 6 German blue rams. Also my albino bn pleco will be in here. Is this over stocked? Will they get along? Also if possible could I fit a few cherry barbs in there as a complement fish? Thank you!
Alpha Tiger
Alpha Tiger - 7 years ago
Be careful with having 4-6 angels in a 55g tank, don’t get me wrong, the tank is big enough for them, but if 2 pair off, they may attack the others. Stick to 1m/2f for the rams, having to many may cause to much bickering and fighting. The BN will be fine. Filter is good and so is the wavemaker, but angels might not like the wavemaker.
HeelPowered - 7 years ago
Can you do a video on Sump maintenance, how to clean a sump how long you can go between servicing etc?? I'm interested in doing a sump but I'm not sure how to maintenance one or how often to do it!
K4Lku - 7 years ago
Lol love the ending!!! ‘I am!’
KHR Daily
KHR Daily - 7 years ago
Good idea ❤️
Dylan Tansur
Dylan Tansur - 7 years ago
Awesome vids glad to watch your vids every day!
Dan Hassler
Dan Hassler - 7 years ago
Will you have goldfish in one of the tanks? You should.
OPHYCLIDE - 7 years ago
Joey, if you decide to move the other big tank, you might want to think about having a 2nd bowl of cereal that morning... ;)

20. comment for BIG aquarium move

Thir7een - 7 years ago
I did always wonder why you placed that tank there, it just looked in the way, much better where it is now
Jonathan Howell
Jonathan Howell - 7 years ago
I may be getting fish and a tank any tips
DoNnEgRoW - 7 years ago
Go with the biggest reasonable setup you can afford :)
Eduard Occhipinti
Eduard Occhipinti - 7 years ago
Jonathan Howell don’t buy a small tank, do some research before buying any fish, be patient, wait a month before adding the fish
Powerpickle68 - 7 years ago
Perhaps on one of the two open walls next to the Ray-Wanna tank, you could set up a 50 inch monitor with a camera inside the tank creating a wall mounted viewing screen.
Erik J
Erik J - 7 years ago
Your "gallery" is getting a bit over crowded. I don't know how much planning you did, as opposed to simple spontaneous decision making, but its obvious you're going to need more space eventually (just judging from the direction its been going in thus far). The huge tank, is definitely an awesome addition, but objectively speaking the view it offers does not justify the footprint. This is especially true considering the lids on the huge aquarium used to control evaporation in conjunction with the turbidity and excess surface disturbance of the water, effectively eliminate a reasonable top view. And the side views are wanting. Just my two cents. It seems that the entirety of the space in the gallery revolves around that huge aquarium.
sterling wilson
sterling wilson - 7 years ago
He needs more space! The Fish have to much!! :P
CaliforniaCichlids - 7 years ago
grey wall to plain can add 3 dimensional paper back ground or other out of tank background to give the depth look to tank without having to look at a plain grey wall.
Dick dickerson
Dick dickerson - 7 years ago
Monster sized tank
Hitanshu Mehta
Hitanshu Mehta - 7 years ago
can you do a turtle and fish vivarium cause i have turtle and i have no idea how to set it up and whats required.
Richard Williams
Richard Williams - 7 years ago
I keep turtles, there great! There easy as to look after with the right equipment, just do some research or ask someone that knows
_Mav eL
_Mav eL - 7 years ago
What kind of turtle?
Already have your lighting? Basking and UVB?
xalienBoi x
xalienBoi x - 7 years ago
Yea same...
Akira Billy
Akira Billy - 7 years ago
I'd like to see that as well.
BE 4
BE 4 - 7 years ago
Another nice video of course!
Side note; Why is he moving around so much? He's rocking from foot to foot and can't just stand there and talk like usual..
Joshua Oliver Dimaano
Joshua Oliver Dimaano - 7 years ago
Michael Filippelli
Michael Filippelli - 7 years ago
Those poor rainbows are struggling to swim...
Ecartts - 7 years ago
I dont like it either (I already wondered in another comment how those fish sleep ? Does he stops the flow or make it less ,,windy,, ?! Cuz if he keeps it like how it is in this video they probably all go in some corner where is less)

30. comment for BIG aquarium move

Salt Empire Corals
Salt Empire Corals - 7 years ago
Right on for the saltwater aquariums Joey !!!!! Keep up the great work and inspiration for a fellow Canadian Youtuber
Loronzo Rogers
Loronzo Rogers - 7 years ago
Do u sell any of your tanks
3Buffylover - 7 years ago
Where is the ray????????????
Jonathan Rojas
Jonathan Rojas - 7 years ago
good move!
Julius joensuu
Julius joensuu - 7 years ago
are you gonna cut down the rainbow population? it looks a little cramped (even tho its not) and if you are, when?
Ecartts - 7 years ago
I often start smaII with some fish that I like

Cuz I know that most of them will start breeding (at least 1 pair) so why get many from start when they start breed by themself (for me what Joey does when gets so much fish for a tank is not inspiring at all for me.. for now haha)
Ecartts - 7 years ago
Still looks quite crowded
michael minner
michael minner - 7 years ago
I think he intended too - but I dont think he needs too. He has tons of filtering media in the sump and i know he does a lot of water changes.
Mouli R
Mouli R - 7 years ago
Best tank size for 6inch arowana
Saxena Aquarium House
Saxena Aquarium House - 7 years ago
Moving aquarium like this is madness and should not be attempted by other than professionals . Viewers please dont attempt ever to do so, tons of things can go wrong at the blink of an eye
BlueMoon - 7 years ago
maimee - 7 years ago
I missed what happen to the little ray that put in this tank?
maimee - 7 years ago
ugh nevermind. the ray still there
NPORT1981 - 7 years ago
Good thing you have been getting those gains Joey! Gotta be a beast to move that size aquarium.
Catherine Kennedy
Catherine Kennedy - 7 years ago
Definitely open the center area! When you move the saltwater tank......that area will be empty. When I start moving things around it's like one giant puzzle! You did say it was going to take time getting it set up the way you like it, it will happen. Looks good so far.....more open and not so....claustrophobic!
Turbogeek 21
Turbogeek 21 - 7 years ago
I like it better over there :)
Luna - 7 years ago
Juicy cliff hanger!!
BlueMoon - 7 years ago
Luna Ugh i know right??
James Purdew
James Purdew - 7 years ago
You can get rid of the window and get another rack!!
BlueMoon - 7 years ago
Nevermind hard its just gokd to have in the summer there.
Radioactive !
Radioactive ! - 7 years ago
James Purdew ya know thats pretty hard
The PARADOX PARADISE - 7 years ago
go online soon and show the view from the desk
Shelbs - 7 years ago
Frank tank in the space formerly occupied by salt water tank?
DrMilkPillows - 7 years ago
Ah man, the saltwater tank was my favourite :(
william amely
william amely - 7 years ago
Your Rainbow fish tank looks amazing. Keep up the good work.
rhys sutherland
rhys sutherland - 7 years ago
I thought u wanted it as a 360 tank
Nameru Upadhyay
Nameru Upadhyay - 7 years ago
not joke i mean comment
Nameru Upadhyay
Nameru Upadhyay - 7 years ago
rhys sutherland nice one
Akbar Samandarian
Akbar Samandarian - 7 years ago

50. comment for BIG aquarium move

Owen Squelch
Owen Squelch - 7 years ago
Looks so much better then before.
Kustard123 - 7 years ago
Joey, please set up a Patreon so we can all help out. YouTube just isn't that safe a bet anymore.
Ecartts - 7 years ago
First thing to help him is adblock off (at least when you watch his videos)

I dont say this mainly for you.. Mostly for those who have adblock plugin
player Gamer
player Gamer - 7 years ago
Are you selling fish for sale can i buy for 100 pesos?
graphite - 7 years ago
player Gamer

A tin of sardines
Joel Guyett
Joel Guyett - 7 years ago
You da man Joey!
Tracey Lynn
Tracey Lynn - 7 years ago
When I started watching you years ago, I never knew you had all these tanks? When did you start all these tanks? Also a Canuk...
Ecartts - 7 years ago
This whole new place / room (near his house) has started this year.. and after many months its like how you see it now :P
TelxGaming - 7 years ago
Tracey Lynn He started it when he built his gallery a few months back. He has a playlist on his channel which shows start to now.
reef guy 92
reef guy 92 - 7 years ago
I think the very last two 120s should be saltwater one a fish only tank and the other a full mixed reef tank
Michael aquarium
Michael aquarium - 7 years ago
Rainbow tank still looking good after you moved it
whiskeyinthejar24 - 7 years ago
Personally I preferred it much better the other way. The scape is suited to a tank that you walk around.
Night Owl
Night Owl - 7 years ago
The other side of the wall truly has lots of potential for more tanks if not for the rainbow fish. Since the rainbowfish tank is now back facing the wall, why not give it a 3-D background similar to the other fish tanks you did?
Raul Rodriguez
Raul Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Night Owl al "L" shape aquarium...and higher..
Thirsty Rabbit
Thirsty Rabbit - 7 years ago
Hi joey looks like its all happening again.. flatout hay.... yeh those rainbows are swiming alot better now... so far they are in the wood more... looking good.. yeh just like you said mate.. that salt drop off tank has to be move from inbetween 2 monster sized ones... and looking forward to what you are working on all hush hush.... and more of those 120's to come.. and whats going in them... who knows... now you can get at them lol... thats if what ever you working on dont go where the 375 was... so many more qestions... so much more to come... glad you had and good safe trip... come to aus oneday mate...

Melleefrase - 7 years ago
Good idea Joey
MARKLINMAN1 - 7 years ago
Looks more spacious now! Very good move Joey.
Fishing jude Stile
Fishing jude Stile - 7 years ago
Is it u meen
Fishing jude Stile
Fishing jude Stile - 7 years ago
Hi king of diy i was planning on getting a flower horn but I'm not sure if i have a big enough tank my tank is 40 gallon us tut big enough
Eel Queen
Eel Queen - 7 years ago
Fishing jude Stile That’s not big enough.
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 7 years ago
Fishing jude Stile 40 gallons is fine as long as it has only few decorations or none but FYI you still need a 75 gallon tank in the future
Fishing jude Stile
Fishing jude Stile - 7 years ago
Justin Servo she is at the pet store but it's so said she can't move
Fishing jude Stile
Fishing jude Stile - 7 years ago
Justin Servo what if it's a baby that's in a fighting fish tank and the 40 gallon will only be for a few months
Justin Servo
Justin Servo - 7 years ago
Derrpy LLAMMA nope!!! 80 gallon at least..
Aquascapes_OR - 7 years ago
the moss wants co2!
AlphaBrolofsky - 7 years ago
Gary. The surf of DIY.
shng sam
shng sam - 7 years ago
nice video.

hopefully can have another video on how to move a glass aquarium with scape in it to another house
Fish For Thought
Fish For Thought - 7 years ago
I think this is a very good move, I feel more comfortable just watching your new layout. Grats on being able to act on what you feel like you want!
nanda mari
nanda mari - 7 years ago
The move makes sense and looks a lot better.
Jadon Ortiz
Jadon Ortiz - 7 years ago
So if I have one angel fish in a tank with smaller schooling fish will they get along?
Ecartts - 7 years ago
Check the compatibility of angel fish with other fish

The ones that nip fins are blackIisted from start (for you)
Jadon Ortiz
Jadon Ortiz - 7 years ago
I have a 36 gallon bow front and I haven’t stocked it with fish yet I’m still trying to plan out what I should do
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 7 years ago
Jadon Ortiz what size tank and what fish do you have with the angel
I suggest getting 2 more angels since they do school but doing that you will need a 40-55 gallon tank(depends on your other fish)
Yoshi278 - 7 years ago
As long as the schooling fish dont nip the angels fins and that they dont fit in the angels mouth
AlphaBrolofsky - 7 years ago
They would get a long but angel fish should be kept in schools as well.
luis garcia
luis garcia - 7 years ago
I think it looks great this way. But come on Joey. Why you gotta leave us on a cliff hanger like that?
Makeup Mobster
Makeup Mobster - 7 years ago
I kind of liked it where it was just because it was cool that you could walk around it. I like the look of it but it's your fishroom and you have to do what's practical for you!
Worthy Specimen
Worthy Specimen - 7 years ago
Was a bit claustrophobic before for my taste..
Eric Romano
Eric Romano - 7 years ago
Definitely looks better this way.
JRPy Fish-n-Game
JRPy Fish-n-Game - 7 years ago
I like the move as it does open up the back of the gallery. Thanks for sharing.
Arturo Mendez
Arturo Mendez - 7 years ago
Eric Romano
Eric Romano - 7 years ago
Ecartts - 7 years ago
I wonder how those fish sleep when lights are off

The flow that goes trough makes them swim a lot I see
Ecartts - 7 years ago
I wondered from start why did you put it there

Isolated (you) :D
SoulJimyDark - 7 years ago
That was the best choice joey
Also im not expecting less than a saltwater reef aquarium and a saltwater stingray aquarium :p
HigherPlanes - 7 years ago
You were inspired by England. Different perspectives are great.
Canada Arrow
Canada Arrow - 7 years ago
What do you guys want to see in the last 4 tanks? I would love to see a saltwater eel and a reef tank but then again he already has a reef tank
Danny aquariums Wotherspoon
Danny aquariums Wotherspoon - 7 years ago
Looks better there. Thanks for coming to the uk
TheAnonymouse - 7 years ago
Correction: Your GOOD friend Gary. :)
Survival4200 - 7 years ago
I like this setup a lot better anyway.
RyderDaSpyder - 7 years ago
We're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of.. fish.
jesus leon
jesus leon - 7 years ago
Where’s the baby sting ray?
jesus leon
jesus leon - 7 years ago
firstkill01234 I just didn’t see it this time. And since he moved the tank and drained it, i thought maybe he moved it temporarily
firstkill01234 - 7 years ago
is in the 220 with the rainbows
N2Deep Vids
N2Deep Vids - 7 years ago
You have great fans
Jimmy Larsson
Jimmy Larsson - 7 years ago
The video is beter in half speed. I can't breath when he speaks nonstop
B Kenobi
B Kenobi - 7 years ago
Great decision, was going to suggest same thing some time ago but didn't have the heart given that I figured it was too late to change it now. Good on ya - that must have been a ton of work.
god like
god like - 7 years ago
Do gym videos
scottso241 - 7 years ago
much better i really like it
Sheep Beak
Sheep Beak - 7 years ago
Joey do the goldfish again
Hubs88 - 7 years ago
Just wondering what you do for a job?
Luca Walter
Luca Walter - 7 years ago
You should also get a tank full of guppies
nerdcontrol22 - 7 years ago
Why not?
Angus Wolff
Angus Wolff - 7 years ago
Cursed Elias
Cursed Elias - 7 years ago
Luca Walter no
Dr.slasher - 7 years ago
are you gonna get another arowana
Sabrina Hare
Sabrina Hare - 7 years ago
He already has the red one...
Luca Walter
Luca Walter - 7 years ago
You should get a tank full of neon tetras
CutTimeBrony - 7 years ago
I see you painted the inside of the bottom black and it looks alot better imo
Nova Animations
Nova Animations - 7 years ago
make a big tank and fill it with thousands of neon tetras xD
YourBrother - 7 years ago
against the wall those purples sure pop
J S - 7 years ago
In hindsight, this layout is the better Gallery plan. I still think a peninsula tank is awesome, and makes a fantastic office wall. I can see, though, that your view of the rest of the gallery is much nicer now. Good choice to move it.

100. comment for BIG aquarium move

James Janecka
James Janecka - 7 years ago
It's a smart move. It really does look better and move functional.
uhh Chum
uhh Chum - 7 years ago
Am I the only one that was waiting for this to happen??
Nel Ters
Nel Ters - 7 years ago
Name the arowana Samantha and sam for short :)
Slim Tim
Slim Tim - 7 years ago
Have admit it does look a lot better against the wall. New project in the workshop, Fired Up!!!
Ecartts - 7 years ago
Well.. many tanks look better with a wall / background behind
Jordan Smith
Jordan Smith - 7 years ago
The position looks much better Joey!
Venom HQ
Venom HQ - 7 years ago
Awesome work Joey, but maybe turn your desk so that you chair is on the wall where the window is so you can see ALL tanks. Now you got your back to the 375 tank.
US 3000
US 3000 - 7 years ago
How long until Joey starts putting tanks on top of concrete tank? I guess 6 months.
Mr. Classic
Mr. Classic - 7 years ago
Can you make a small video showing, feeding and any other daly thing you do to run your tanks.
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga - 7 years ago
I think it looks better that way. Great video
Range B
Range B - 7 years ago
Joey looking at your color scheme and usual choice of grey black and white; are you a raider fan hahahahah
Hunter Rohm
Hunter Rohm - 7 years ago
sydney kosik
sydney kosik - 7 years ago
what tank are your goldfish going in?
Daniel Roch
Daniel Roch - 7 years ago
Love the way you ended this video, lol cliffhanger totally awesome
John Robinson
John Robinson - 7 years ago
See you in 2 weeks
Jesse Anak Kuri
Jesse Anak Kuri - 7 years ago
Joey, how about making 2 of those last 4 tanks Asian.

Maybe one is Asian peaceful schooling fish and another one is just Barbs. Like all the different types of Barbs.
Ripped Robby
Ripped Robby - 7 years ago
Weird question, But I'm dropping an awesome mobile game soon i'd like to put you in! I really enjoy your channel and think it would be cool. Message me if you want to talk more about it! :)
Martin Roche
Martin Roche - 7 years ago
Ripped Robby do it joey
lovinmzre - 7 years ago
Looks great...but looks like might be too much flow for the rainbows, or is it just me?
dom bass
dom bass - 7 years ago
They look like they're struggling.
uNiTy - 7 years ago
I was thinking the same thing actually, seems like they are swimming a bit too hard.
Georger81smith Georger81smith
Georger81smith Georger81smith - 7 years ago
Hey Joey how's its going. I watched a short video from the tanked tv show they made a Predator Tank.. can you make a tank like that?
JW Aquarium's
JW Aquarium's - 7 years ago
It looks a lot better back there
Lisa Crowley
Lisa Crowley - 7 years ago
looks better now there is room for more tanks ,,,,haha
Tony ARC
Tony ARC - 7 years ago
Looks way better in the corner plus you have more room now also them rainbows rarely get that nice red as you see in photos in reality they just seem to get darker and darker more like a maroon colour should put goldfish instead would look way nicer
Timi Air
Timi Air - 7 years ago
Not going to lie... that looks so much better than it did before! :D
Ryo Watanabe
Ryo Watanabe - 7 years ago
If you don't need a table or office area, you could just add a comfy sofa so you can relax and watch all your tanks :)
Love of Pets
Love of Pets - 7 years ago
Looks great!
Mark Hope
Mark Hope - 7 years ago
Hey joey heres a idea way not do one rack with saltwater with the coral in the bottom tank and the top tank be mid water swimmer so it looks like a slice of the ocean when you stay back with a couple of the same fish in each tank and alot of differnt fish one each one that would look so good with no or little gravel in the top tank i think you knw what im getting at!
The #1 Kill Joy
The #1 Kill Joy - 7 years ago

My one true love
MORLESE - 7 years ago
That looks a hole lot better now you can see the hole room !well made choice!
laura corrigan
laura corrigan - 7 years ago
Please get elephant nose for rainbow aquarium. Would look amazing and your water is soft so would be amazing
Bread Guy
Bread Guy - 7 years ago
Bread Guy
Bread Guy - 7 years ago
Bread Guy
Bread Guy - 7 years ago
laura corrigan yes
Djhi Normas
Djhi Normas - 7 years ago
hey joey im colour blind too but is there blue fish in the rainbow tank now?? it looks like i can see blue or purple fish in there?? or is that just the light? ps glade u moved that tank room looks a heap bigger :)
Corey Stoneman
Corey Stoneman - 7 years ago
Hey Joey, if you are interested in selling that saltwater set up, minus the live stock since you said thats going to your daughter, let me know. I would be extremely interested in taking it off your hands. Keep up the good work and I look forward to more of your videos!
Spidy Duz It
Spidy Duz It - 7 years ago
Dude you look like you need to rest. Get some sleep
Al B
Al B - 7 years ago
Jim D
Jim D - 7 years ago
Poor rainbows are working their ass off. Looks like they are running a marathon 24/7.
Al B
Al B - 7 years ago
Yeah looks like they seem to enjoy the crazy current. My betta sometimes likes to swim up against the current of his filter too xD
Cj Lozano
Cj Lozano - 7 years ago
I'm really inspired in your videos so i plan to buy an aquarium next month but i dont know what aquarium equipments i need for it and i really like your arowana so i plan to start with it.
Cody - 7 years ago
Cj Lozano personally I'd go with a twenty gallon kit from Walmart, some live plants and a school of Harlequin rasboras and maybe some shrimp
Cj Lozano
Cj Lozano - 7 years ago
Joseph Woodall hmm they do look beautiful
Joseph Woodall
Joseph Woodall - 7 years ago
Cj Lozano depends on the size of your tank but african cichlids are a lot of fun to feed, theyre almost like puppy dogs.
Cj Lozano
Cj Lozano - 7 years ago
Draigonin any fish suggestion? I'm interested in fishes that are entertaining when being fed
Cj Lozano
Cj Lozano - 7 years ago
Joseph Woodall thank you for the info.
Draigonin - 7 years ago
Cj Lozano noooo do not start with an arowana
Joseph Woodall
Joseph Woodall - 7 years ago
Cj Lozano its fairly basic man, filtration, heat, movement and lights, and heads up if you go with an arowana, dont get a tiny 55 gallon to house him, start at 150 or bigger.
Big Stank
Big Stank - 7 years ago
I wanna see the Bichir
pro builder
pro builder - 7 years ago
Dang, you're definitely busy. No accidental 20 minute video.
Jason Chai
Jason Chai - 7 years ago
Thumbs up if agree
Jason Chai
Jason Chai - 7 years ago
Jason Chai
Jason Chai - 7 years ago
Put it with your Asian arwana and add plcos
Xavier smith
Xavier smith - 7 years ago
Great vid but the not level light over the tank is killing me! Hahaha
Jason Chai
Jason Chai - 7 years ago
Buy another Asian arwana
Jason Chai
Jason Chai - 7 years ago
Miss buddy
Caden Hemond
Caden Hemond - 7 years ago
Do an update on the saltwater tank!!!!! :()
Margery Curnow
Margery Curnow - 7 years ago
perfect x
Ogletree & Chivers Land Surveyors
Ogletree & Chivers Land Surveyors - 7 years ago
Do you have another job?
Dadrun Kwan
Dadrun Kwan - 7 years ago
He don't need another job. He gets Youtube revenue, Sponsors, and im sure he has something like patreon etc.
Kaveh Maguire
Kaveh Maguire - 7 years ago
If you went back to the video when you first showed the layout of the room I am pretty sure I commented on the weird placement of the 375 blocking your view from your desk to the rest of the room. But did you listen to me? Noooooo...of course not.
Picklewaffles - 7 years ago
You don't need to be so undiplomatic about the fact that he didn't listen to you. He probably didn't even see your comment.
Trevor Humphrey
Trevor Humphrey - 7 years ago
Little ecig action happening??? Lol
Sam PR
Sam PR - 7 years ago
Joey its great to see you again its been a month since the hurricane Maria and today finally can connect to youtube. From Puerto Rico
Zachary Brown
Zachary Brown - 7 years ago
Sam PR so sorry man. I hope the country gets better! And I pray for all the families that are still recovering from Maria
Collin Chapman
Collin Chapman - 7 years ago
HIDE THE WIRES! Please and thank you.
Collin Chapman
Collin Chapman - 7 years ago
Cody Ellis I was hoping not to be taken so seriously. Oh well.
Cody Ellis
Cody Ellis - 7 years ago
Obviously hes moving stuff around and its temporary, did you even listen to the video or?
TURTLE DUDE - 7 years ago
Collin Chapman he will!! The gallery in a working progress
Andrew Huang
Andrew Huang - 7 years ago
Build a tank for Frank to go in the spot where the nano reef will be moving out of!
TheGolemHunter - 7 years ago
Andrew Huang He is going into his house though.
Tyler Krauskopf
Tyler Krauskopf - 7 years ago
Is the flow usually that fast for the big tank? Just seems like the fish are swimming against the current faster than usual...
David P
David P - 7 years ago
Looks a lot better, opens the room up.
Irene L.
Irene L. - 7 years ago
Looks good!
Tony Snell
Tony Snell - 7 years ago
Sorry correction all of joes stuff is awesome!!!
Tony Snell
Tony Snell - 7 years ago
Ive never baught into it but man there is a salt vs fresh thing out there bwhhahaa!
I started as fresh but i will more than likey never do fresh again. I say more than likey due to joes vids. Sum of this stuff is awesome. Then the reef bug bites me and im like yo if i had he 2k setup like joeys its be saltwater... hahaha. Love the gallery. Good work joe
Emma - 7 years ago
Joey I think you should frost the back panel of your aquarium now that it's up against the wall
Jadon Ortiz
Jadon Ortiz - 7 years ago
What fish should I stock in my 36 gallon?
TURTLE DUDE - 7 years ago
Something HUGE
Zachary Brown
Zachary Brown - 7 years ago
Jadon Ortiz guppies/mollies or a couple of female bettas.

A pair of convict cichlids would be nice...but they produce fry just as much as guppies
Daniel 360 YT
Daniel 360 YT - 7 years ago
When u have all these giant aquariums and I only have a 20 gallon
Roach Ant
Roach Ant - 7 years ago
You gotta start somewhere
TURTLE DUDE - 7 years ago
Daniel 360 YT SAME!!
Cian O Leary
Cian O Leary - 7 years ago
Joey are you getting the goldfish back
Derek Checketts
Derek Checketts - 7 years ago
So that's how he keeps in shape.
russ - 7 years ago
why do people thumbs down his videos? he's like the most endearing guy ever and his fish are amazing.
Emma - 7 years ago
russ they are just jealous
Qua Phan
Qua Phan - 7 years ago
Yep...definitely an improvement.....better feng shui
Sith Bear
Sith Bear - 7 years ago
Poor fishes if an earthquake ever happens where you live they're tanks are going to possibly fall and break so the fishes are going to die
hays bowen
hays bowen - 7 years ago
What the fuc
TURTLE DUDE - 7 years ago
Zane Rianom
Zane Rianom - 7 years ago
Earthquakes are very unlikely there due to the fact they don't live on a rift or an area where tectonic plates shift.
Zachary Brown
Zachary Brown - 7 years ago
Sith Bear highly unlikely
King Adeft
King Adeft - 7 years ago
Let's go reef and salt.
Neil Chand
Neil Chand - 7 years ago
ready for that 120 salt, hopefully you make 2 of them 1 reef and 2 pred tank
Giraffey Jackie
Giraffey Jackie - 7 years ago
Is Gary vapeing lol lol
Cecelia Odle
Cecelia Odle - 7 years ago
I love it against the wall. I wondered if you would feel closed in behind that tank. Hahaha you're such a tease. I can't wait to see what's going on now.
Renato E
Renato E - 7 years ago
hey when you have some time in a video you could talk about how you keep everything working while you travel and how long can you actually go away without creating problems with the tanks/fish
Darth_Adas - 7 years ago
I dont think he can go away for long without getting someone to feed fish. Most of "smaller" aquariums would be sorted for like 2-3 weeks with just automatic feeders and flake food in them, but there is 2000g tank where he need someone to give them frozen food.
dexter italia
dexter italia - 7 years ago
Joey one day you should think about make a central America cichlid tank in that .... or a predator tank .
Both solutions are my dream for that monster tank !!
I like the new look of the gallery .
Flintlock - 7 years ago
He keeps swaying...
Charles Kent
Charles Kent - 7 years ago
its great to see all of the Rainbow populating the rest of the Tank. , and cant wait to see what your working on next. keep up the great work.
Josh Chillington
Josh Chillington - 7 years ago
Can you do an update vidio on the salt water tank and franks tank
lai nightwalker
lai nightwalker - 7 years ago
looks good. the fish seems to like the new flow
Renato E
Renato E - 7 years ago
looks cool, even frees up some space under the DIY decal for something else, maybe the little shell brooding cichlids or eventually a second 375 G if you want to move the desk out
Giraffey Jackie
Giraffey Jackie - 7 years ago
Hiya Gary
Patrick Wright
Patrick Wright - 7 years ago
Cliff hanger..... I'm excited now
Graa Tata
Graa Tata - 7 years ago
That's cool and all but can we see frank
Avinash Nair
Avinash Nair - 7 years ago
How is frank n bicher doing?
Ethan Monaghan
Ethan Monaghan - 7 years ago
Salt water tank 0.0
Michael Bennett
Michael Bennett - 7 years ago
The room flows better. I like it!!!
GIZMO_the_Magic - 7 years ago
Plz make a shrimp tank
jerry ebner
jerry ebner - 7 years ago
Whats the plan for the saltwater tanks ?
Question do you work? Have a 9-5? seems like u got tons of time for hobby!
Steve Young Cool!!!
Steve Young
Steve Young - 7 years ago
THE CICHLID HOARDER YouTube is his full time job bud
Stiff Noodles
Stiff Noodles - 7 years ago
Joey for one of the tanks you could bring back the goldfish which would be awesome
Ryan Speakman
Ryan Speakman - 7 years ago
I dont think the new rainbow behaviour is a good thing... my guess is the wave makers are causing weird currents which means they cant all school together
JagerEinheit - 7 years ago
That is more then likely them playing in the current. especially since you notice there are "safe" areas above and below the strongest current flow, and the fish are swimming into and them out of the stream. if the fish were not enjoying the current, they would be as far away from the current as possible, not swimming into and out of it.

huuua2 - 7 years ago
Thanks for asking for help!
Nathan Warren
Nathan Warren - 7 years ago
Good job. Open is always better in my book.
Wallywutsizface - 7 years ago
Wallywutsizface - 7 years ago
(Continuation of the thumbnail
Tony Allan
Tony Allan - 7 years ago
Great cliff hanger. Can't wait.
Devyn - 7 years ago
RIP saltwater tank. :(
Tony Allan
Tony Allan - 7 years ago
I understand the move but I don't think that the room looks as good.
leetlebob - 7 years ago
I noticed the different rainbow behaviour too, I LOVE IT
James Collects
James Collects - 7 years ago
It looks a lot better, makes the room look bigger too
Unfortunately you don't get the feel of the room and where things should go until you start using it
Dave's Nano Tanks
Dave's Nano Tanks - 7 years ago
Do as I say, not as I do lol. Great cliff hanger ending. You are truly the King
B2crew 10
B2crew 10 - 7 years ago
You should produce a video everyday
7catstied2gether - 7 years ago
B2crew 10 that is the exact opposite of whzt he should do, quality trumps quantity.
Wibbs - 7 years ago
Hi,i would like some advice if you can. I will be getting a new fish tank with angels. My mam said I'm only allowed have 1 fish tank and I have neo tetras in my old tank now (I'm not meaning to sound like a spoilt brat I'm fine with having 1 tank).i was wondering if the angels will go in with the tetras? Will the angels eat them? I am looking to get maybe 5angels (2 bigger and 3 smaller)and I have 5 tetras all neo tetras.should I get more tetras do thay don't feel frightened or will it be OK? I might get some snails and plants. Every advise given will be gratefuly excepted. Thank you for the inspiration DIY fish
Ryan Dever
Ryan Dever - 7 years ago
purple pineapple nope that’s not what I’ve found I have kept angelfish big enough to eat guppies and neons with guppies and neons and had no problems . In fact right now I am keeping two sub adult angels (big enough to eat a neon ) with neons and guppies and they don’t touch them . It just depends on the fish . Though I admit this is an exception and not a rule .
purple pineapple
purple pineapple - 7 years ago
Wibbs they will only be fine until the angels get big enough to eat them. Then they will definitely end up as food and you will be left with just angels.
Ryan Dever
Ryan Dever - 7 years ago
Wibbs from my experience they will be fine as long as the angels are quite young to begin with .
McKitty - 7 years ago
As far as I know, as long as the tetras don't fit in the angel's mouth, they should be fine. I have neons with angels right now, and they seem to be doing alright. Just make sure there are a couple hiding spots for the tetras and make sure the tank is big enough for the angels!
leetlebob - 7 years ago
Wibbs angels are pretty aggressive usually but I'm not speaking from experience, I don't think they'd eat the tetras but if the angels are really similar in size they'll attack each other.

Also I just looked at the start of my comment and "wibbs angels" should be your new name
J Wulff
J Wulff - 7 years ago
I would like to see a video just going over all of the tanks you own.
Martin Vivian
Martin Vivian - 7 years ago
I love that even though you’re always busy you still have time to make a video for us.
Hendrik Hans Havermoudt
Hendrik Hans Havermoudt - 7 years ago
Sounds like you need more space
2nd Chance
2nd Chance - 7 years ago
I think Frank is awesome
JPs VlogUK
JPs VlogUK - 7 years ago
Very cool video
Daniel Dilts
Daniel Dilts - 7 years ago
I'm glad that you didn't have any major mishaps moving the tank. Good luck cleaning up all the wiring.
Guppy Gal & Tanzie the Ragdoll
Guppy Gal & Tanzie the Ragdoll - 7 years ago
Love that you take time out of your busy day to update everybody. I can see you’re busy your mind is full speed ahead as you’re trying to update us! So go get em!
Teng Xue
Teng Xue - 7 years ago
nice video, wanna see the arowana~
PricklePickle - 7 years ago
Buddy the old Arowana died, but his new one is doing just fine.
Chrypto - 7 years ago
Good move, the room looks way more open now
Dewey Bussell
Dewey Bussell - 7 years ago
Love your work Joey
beth98362 R
beth98362 R - 7 years ago
Your flow is really fast!
Coriander 135
Coriander 135 - 7 years ago
Just a curious German here... do you have a house with cellar? And if yes, did you calculate the maximum loading capacity of your ceiling?
Coriander 135
Coriander 135 - 7 years ago
Thank you for the answer, didn't know that (found the channel just recently)
Anders Olausson
Anders Olausson - 7 years ago
Look at his older videos, this is a separate house built to be an aquarium gallery.
Renee Therrien
Renee Therrien - 7 years ago
Do you mean the fish room itself? Cause it's not actually a part of his house, it's a building of its own that he built in his yard.
Gregory Marrero
Gregory Marrero - 7 years ago
Coriander 135 He built this room separate from his house. It’s a dedicated fish room, he has videos on building it.
Diego Arana
Diego Arana - 7 years ago
His name is Joey Mullen he's the king of DIY
Justin Brown
Justin Brown - 7 years ago
How did Haley take the news that she wasn't actually getting a moat with sharks?
Dean Fisher
Dean Fisher - 7 years ago
Did you put underfloor heating in too heat the 2000g?.
It just occured to me that possibly that was one of your options when you were first setting it up.
Dean Fisher
Dean Fisher - 7 years ago
7catstied2gether yea i think its a brilliant idea too
7catstied2gether - 7 years ago
Dean Fisher there are warm water tubes lining the floor, covered by a layer of concrete and the sealant. Keeps the substrate evenly heated. Probably my favourite thing about the 2000G
bigrigotj - 7 years ago
If that's the thermostat for you heat/AC unit above the 375 I would move it.
John Nguyen
John Nguyen - 7 years ago
I’m back from being second to see this video, anyway, what tanks and fish are you gonna put after moving all that?
das Dilemma
das Dilemma - 7 years ago
looks good
ice3542 Games
ice3542 Games - 7 years ago
You inspired me to make a 2000g saltwater aquarium.
Lisaa - 7 years ago
Looks good but for me it feels smaller now.also why not give her the whole salt water small tank
David Johnston
David Johnston - 7 years ago
Good move. Makes room for a Frank tank.
John Polchlopek
John Polchlopek - 7 years ago
Shout out to Gary, MVP of the gallery.
Brian Sizemore
Brian Sizemore - 7 years ago
Aweseome! Change is always fun!!
Baksteen - 7 years ago
the new position looks way much better
WaywardSoul - 7 years ago
I actually like the look at the new position.
The Catmother
The Catmother - 7 years ago
I am so jelly of your collection
Daniel Whïtêhëád
Daniel Whïtêhëád - 7 years ago
Looks a lot better mate
Jadon Ortiz
Jadon Ortiz - 7 years ago
I’m getting a 36 gallon bow front and I was wondering what fish I should stock it with. I was thinking a angel fish some tiger barbs and tetras or something like that big idk if they would get along. What do you think or what other fish would you recommend?
Jadon Ortiz
Jadon Ortiz - 7 years ago
Ok thanks
BeanieBettas - 7 years ago
Jadon Ortiz , I wouldn't put barbs with Angels, did that once and had the rehome the barbs because they were too aggressive.
Jarod Boening
Jarod Boening - 7 years ago
Nice unintended pun Joey! Quite FRANKly,
Jay Workman
Jay Workman - 7 years ago
You're getting Gary something great for Christmas, right?
S Frick
S Frick - 7 years ago
You mentioned your office, on the other side of the wall, is not really utilized. Why not open the wall creating a likely L shape and move the big aquarium to the back or side wall of what was the office space. That would give you plenty of room to add a sofa work area to enjoy.
Brandon Mays
Brandon Mays - 7 years ago
I like the update and new tank position, but I will say the temperature and humidity from the tank will mess your thermostat reading. I seen it’s mounted behind. Highly suggest moving t-stat for accuracy and maximum comfort.
president of random
president of random - 7 years ago
I got two shelldwelling cichlids yesterday do you have any advice
I don't care. Show frank! Like this if you're frank squad!
Stuart May
Stuart May - 7 years ago
London does that too ya lol
Sergio G
Sergio G - 7 years ago
Melissa Berry
Melissa Berry - 7 years ago
It really does look so much better....thanks for the update
Brandon Crowe
Brandon Crowe - 7 years ago
Look at all that room for more tanks!! :D
Canned Nolan
Canned Nolan - 7 years ago
I always thought that would be a better place for the 370. Also if it was mine I would make that the salt water display. In the fish gallery. With the 120s being for education. But the 370 reef and saltwater education.
Hans Thegerman
Hans Thegerman - 7 years ago
room looks a lot bigger man! i used to scape one tank, and that was a Full time job, i don't know how you're gonna take care of it every day, super anxious. ever think of getting some help? maybe some "diy volunteer fans" they can get some volunteer hours for high school (im in ontario so im not sure if that's how it works in nova scotia) and/or just help out. it would be great honestly!
David J
David J - 7 years ago
Do watcha gota do!
arijit patra
arijit patra - 7 years ago
The room is looking much more spacious. I think you should move the table too, a lounge sofa will be better suited to just sit and enjoy all of the aquariums.
ΣHAANTI - 7 years ago
I liked it better in the middle cause its viewable from both ends, but I guess it is getting a bit cluttered. Kudos.
Reptiles,Fish,and amphibians
Reptiles,Fish,and amphibians - 7 years ago
Get a rose bubble tip anemone, Frogswawn, and hammer corals
Sam Sam
Sam Sam - 7 years ago
Dude can you make an aquarium for me?
Elise - 7 years ago
Moving a tank is always a pain but it looks great! Beautiful
Thaleya1 - 7 years ago
I've always found the placement for that tank annoying, it makes the room look so small and cramped. So I am really happu you swiched it to the wall, it looks alot more like a cohesive room now, much bigger, much better view from where you are sitting and alot better if you ask me. Thanks for the change, now i don't have to stress about the space any more.
Kassandra Soto
Kassandra Soto - 7 years ago
Thaleya1 yes!
StJohn Cross
StJohn Cross - 7 years ago
Give the salt water some love.
MISTER DABILINA - 7 years ago
Looks so much better
Matt Ivanyo
Matt Ivanyo - 7 years ago
I think it looks better like you have it now.
virussss2rushhh - 7 years ago
Never rest until u find the best... GOING GREAT JOEY!!!!!
Urma Gurd
Urma Gurd - 7 years ago
haha love when he says occur, like ohkerr hahahahahahah ehhh ehhhh
pabs the puffer fish
pabs the puffer fish - 7 years ago
Joey ya got balls i love the daringness and just going for it. Dont ever lose it
Lana Banana
Lana Banana - 7 years ago
why are they all swimming in the exact very certain way? lol theyre silly
Daniel Rodrigues
Daniel Rodrigues - 7 years ago
Everything looking good Joey. How is it going with the nano tank?? Loving all the tanks!
Nita F
Nita F - 7 years ago
This looks so much roomier. Awesome change
Thaleya1 - 7 years ago
damn you are strong, that's heavy as F. I recently moved my big aquarium that way, but only a few cm, and it took all my strenght for a much smaller aquarium than yours.
Thaleya1 - 7 years ago
It looks much bigger and better, really like the change.
James Lance
James Lance - 7 years ago
Where is the little stingray
Alex Buchholz
Alex Buchholz - 7 years ago
David Nilsson Löfvall
David Nilsson Löfvall - 7 years ago
This is better! Oh and Gary needs a raise :)
John Warren
John Warren - 7 years ago
Looks better there.
Scott Gater
Scott Gater - 7 years ago
Looks great
Edward Violante
Edward Violante - 7 years ago
Thank you for the good tips on having to move a large tank.
Brandon G
Brandon G - 7 years ago
Replace that desk with a comfy couch and a small coffee table. Would fit all your needs, and would be the perfect spot to relax and watch the tanks.
Day5 Aquatics
Day5 Aquatics - 7 years ago
You could build a Frank tank to put in the space where the saltwater is now. That would free up one of your 120s
Ajd38 H
Ajd38 H - 7 years ago
What are your opinions on blood parrot fish?
5m views Tv
5m views Tv - 7 years ago
I always thought h had to change water every week if so how do u do that?
Alyssa Little
Alyssa Little - 7 years ago
5m views Tv you don’t change all of it, that can sometimes be bad for the tank. You drain about 20% of the water and then treat new water and add it in
CΞNK TR - 7 years ago
I get you man
But it doesn't look that good
Jaikishan's Hobbies
Jaikishan's Hobbies - 7 years ago
Hey joey,
I enjoy your videos but lately your videos have lost the charm.
Try to bring something new and more interesting.
Ten Dragons
Ten Dragons - 7 years ago
Ellie TheBrit
Ellie TheBrit - 7 years ago
That ending... Cliff hanger!
Ten Dragons
Ten Dragons - 7 years ago
Why do you create so much work for yourself ?
Nature's Finest
Nature's Finest - 7 years ago
Ten Dragons he probably likes it.
Md Rehan
Md Rehan - 7 years ago
Ssir i want to show my aqurium videos to u. How? And where? I want to know is there anything wrong with my aqurium.
kyle wharton
kyle wharton - 7 years ago
I would love to have a fish room like this
George Gonzalez
George Gonzalez - 7 years ago
how about installing furniture moving pucks to the stand(s).
ana_krn909 Karen
ana_krn909 Karen - 7 years ago
I love this new layout ! This was a good idea ! :)
Jack of all trails Master in none
Jack of all trails Master in none - 7 years ago
It look much better this way
Teezy Subben
Teezy Subben - 7 years ago
Cichlids 5 Aquatics
Cichlids 5 Aquatics - 7 years ago
I have a salt water tank that is going to be planted
Cichlids 5 Aquatics
Cichlids 5 Aquatics - 7 years ago
It is going to be planted
Nature's Finest
Nature's Finest - 7 years ago
The saltwater tank will be planted or are you changing it to a planted tank?
Kami Kingsley
Kami Kingsley - 7 years ago
You left us with a Clift hanger. Very funny Joey. So what's the big secret in the workshop? Can't wait to find out. Good luck.
Dylan riley
Dylan riley - 7 years ago
Your so good
Freddy Kruger
Freddy Kruger - 7 years ago

Freddy Kruger
Freddy Kruger - 7 years ago
m3anmonk3y oooops autocorrect
m3anmonk3y - 7 years ago
Freddy Kruger Don't*, Come*, You* If you are going to try and be scary, you might want to spell check. Lol! JK!
xindx - 7 years ago
This makes me stressed
Michael Piccirillo
Michael Piccirillo - 7 years ago
Next week Joey will knock that wall completely down as 375 gallon can still be viewed from front & back, it isn't scaled for a one sided view, right?
Michael Piccirillo
Michael Piccirillo - 7 years ago
Alyssa Little yeap, next all the tanks will be on the outside with front viewing area cut through the sheetrock wall with 10 heaters in each tank... just goofing
Alyssa Little
Alyssa Little - 7 years ago
Michael Piccirillo or he will make it a wall aquarium, only cut out a chunk of wall the size of the tank and have the front stick out of the wall and the back on the other side. Idk how to explain it haha
Mr Insomnia
Mr Insomnia - 7 years ago
It looked better, in the Spot before...
Now you can't see the Aquarium from both Sides...
Dan Villeneuve
Dan Villeneuve - 7 years ago
Joey, have you thought about adding 2 sets of racks where you just put the 375 and then putting the 375 along the wall where the window is? I know it was there before the move, but instead of sticking out, have it running along the wall. This would give us 4 more aquariums to watch you set up for us!!
Kyle Crofton
Kyle Crofton - 7 years ago
Nice Yezzy
Venkat Raman
Venkat Raman - 7 years ago
As usual loved your videos
Ai Ayumi
Ai Ayumi - 7 years ago
Those amazing clown fish have made me what to get a salt water tank one day. I'm still getting my barrings in the fish keeping hobby and only experimenting with a 10gal freshwater so far. XD
Andrew Madden
Andrew Madden - 7 years ago
What ams you gonna put in the nano tank some small tetra shrimp maybe plz tell meh
Maryan Zinko
Maryan Zinko - 7 years ago
nice saltwater fish tank
pecktec - 7 years ago
Looks good over there much more practical.
ANGEL FREAK - 7 years ago
Randy Cabbage
Randy Cabbage - 7 years ago
joey, when you do all this work, set up the camera on a pod and record it. then just go through it at 4-10x speed. Gives you more content, people get a better idea of what work youre doing, and its not too much work in terms of editing. I wanna see you doing all this stuff. I wanna watch the transition.
Kelly Lamb
Kelly Lamb - 7 years ago
This guys hydro bill must be outlandish.
Jesi Larsen
Jesi Larsen - 7 years ago
ThisFish joeys Canadian to do you have a problem with us...also people mean what they say bud.
ThisFish - 7 years ago
You mean power bill? You must be canadian.
Jesi Larsen
Jesi Larsen - 7 years ago
Hes on a well system
Michael B
Michael B - 7 years ago
Kelly Lamb his water is free.
David B.
David B. - 7 years ago
Joey, I really enjoyed your videos of your trip to England. It was really impressive to see how many people showed up for your scape-off. I got the distinct impression most were there to see you! The current arrangement of the 375 seems to make a lot better sense to me as well
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Well yes, they were there to see me. Most scaping things there get 10-20 people... not 700+
Al's Critters
Al's Critters - 7 years ago
I really miss Frank!
brent quick
brent quick - 7 years ago
I think it definitely looks much better and more open.
greasy burger
greasy burger - 7 years ago
Wow the rainbows look so nice swimming against the current now! Really filled up the whole tank! Can't wait to see it with the lighting fixed. Love the blue background of the wall, too, really makes the reds pop a bit more even in this lighting!
Bilaal Adam
Bilaal Adam - 7 years ago
When are you going to set up your daughters tank
Snek Nek
Snek Nek - 7 years ago
Ya I personally think putting the tank behind the office area was a good idea it opens up the room. I would have stocked it with bichirs or rope fish since it is so big but that's just me I like weirder fish.
luvsiberians - 7 years ago
Scary move, but looks MUCH better.
bernTOAST - 7 years ago
you have ocd lol
Syam Kumar
Syam Kumar - 7 years ago
Joey, you have the option for co2 in your sump man. Use it to give a boost to the may work out.
Cho Lujas
Cho Lujas - 7 years ago
Joey looks quite preocupied!)Phew!))) I hope you can give us an update on how you feel the trip to London went (no, seriously, I wanna know how you think it went), personally for me it was unbelievable experience to finally meet you live and get more inspiration of the hooby after chatting to some people! I am hoping you took that blue coconut bowl I gave you with you haha :))) Also, look forward to that marine tank you have mentioned about, but please cover that in DETAIL :) I wanna know it all!)) And thanks for an update!!! You have no idea, how excited we all get waiting for your regular videos! Svetlana
pet world
pet world - 7 years ago
early squad where u at
Philippus Cesena
Philippus Cesena - 7 years ago
Isn't the flow too strong? I always think "my tank has too much flow" but watching yours...
Michael Piccirillo
Michael Piccirillo - 7 years ago
Philippus Cesena I just got a reply back from Flo at Progressive, she said its fine as is :-P
Haj Gamer
Haj Gamer - 7 years ago
Joey:Please don't move your aquarium
Joey: moves aquarium
Roger Doger
Roger Doger - 7 years ago
IF you will put sugar or salt on the floor it will slide very easy even if its very heavy.
Unboxing Tech
Unboxing Tech - 7 years ago
Platypus - 7 years ago
Can't wait for the saltwater video!
Stephanie Phillips
Stephanie Phillips - 7 years ago
Lol. Look forward to seeing what your working on.
You know... There's enough room now. Behind your desk. For another racking system......
Ricky SP
Ricky SP - 7 years ago
nice ending lol, YA GET!
Master of Angelfish
Master of Angelfish - 7 years ago
I'm so jealous of how many tanks you have if I could I would have as many tanks as you have if not more that would be awesome!
tuck the fitans g
tuck the fitans g - 7 years ago
Master of Angelfish he's obviously very wealthy.
Cord Scaggs
Cord Scaggs - 7 years ago was better the other way
Waq - 7 years ago
I want to go to the gallery
Tyler crash
Tyler crash - 7 years ago
I never wanted to be a jerk, it’s your home, but I always thought that tank ruined the flow of the room. Kind of like sticking a big chair in a walkway to view the tv, just kind of out of place.

Looks great, good move!
Ant Love Forever
Ant Love Forever - 7 years ago
Awesome video dude! I'm hooked on your channel!
gigi giggio
gigi giggio - 7 years ago
where was the stingray?
gigi giggio
gigi giggio - 7 years ago
oh, i missed that, thanks
Lucy Serenska
Lucy Serenska - 7 years ago
gigi giggio under the sand right in front. he pointed her out at one point.
ritul rp35
ritul rp35 - 7 years ago
Still think 375 is not showing the colours it deserves.
Lord Twaddle
Lord Twaddle - 7 years ago
To me there's no room for saltwater in the gallery. I think it should just represent every corner of the freshwater hobby
Lucy Serenska
Lucy Serenska - 7 years ago
agreed I'm glad it's leaving, plus the light is so different
Gaming Scientist
Gaming Scientist - 7 years ago
Moving the 375 does open up a lot of space. Seems like this was a necessary move
Dara OHanlon
Dara OHanlon - 7 years ago
How is the Nano tank doing? You plan on adding anything more to it?
Mayra Martinez
Mayra Martinez - 7 years ago
Only reason I watch this channel is because hes so fine haha who else!??
Michael Piccirillo
Michael Piccirillo - 7 years ago
Mayra Martinez "Pretty Fly For A Fish Guy!"
DPowered Smith
DPowered Smith - 7 years ago
What is is actual job if this is his hobby
Thomas Krafft
Thomas Krafft - 7 years ago
DPowered Smith I think he makes this his “job”.
Kary N
Kary N - 7 years ago
Good move joe
Eric Fish
Eric Fish - 7 years ago
You should do a video on Frank
CJ and Auntie Yaya
CJ and Auntie Yaya - 7 years ago
OOOO! Those last second zingers... Whatcha working on Joey?
Amy Cummings
Amy Cummings - 7 years ago
Looks way better now! ❤
coleman thomas
coleman thomas - 7 years ago
Another large tank coming soon Joey, I knew it wouldn't take long
LordRae - 7 years ago
Doesn’t look as cluttered now. Well done
KalemsFishtanks - 7 years ago
The rainbows look like they are having a lot of fun with the new flow pattern
oklbb101 - 7 years ago
Great job as always :) I really like it against the wall tbh. Good move
Itz MitchMitch
Itz MitchMitch - 7 years ago
So glad you moved it. It seemed like the gallery was so crowded and honestly made me feel kinda claustrophobic while watching the vids.
deathy80 - 7 years ago
Frank special at 600k subs?
James Goose
James Goose - 7 years ago
I saw that stand flexing and started cringing. But it looks better this way Joey! Nice change.
Aquatic Handy Man
Aquatic Handy Man - 7 years ago
Considering the 375 is a "planted tank" add more plants please
Diede Croonenberg
Diede Croonenberg - 7 years ago
NERF STUFF - 7 years ago
Can you please try keeping blue ram cichlids
Luke_b_053 - 7 years ago
Hey yo joey
GARYCORP - 7 years ago
I think it looks better in the corner.... good move Joey :)
Paul - 7 years ago
Joey, you should just take the wall out and make one big room. I love the rainbow tank.
Drew Duckworth
Drew Duckworth - 7 years ago
Can you get a larger salty tank too?
Drew Duckworth
Drew Duckworth - 7 years ago
Someone Forsaken he has an arowana. (Not sure about spelling) he can afford and take care of something big I'm sure
Someone Forsaken
Someone Forsaken - 7 years ago
Drew Duckworth 120 gal should be enough for plenty types of fish really. Just that some fish that can grow too big may be costly or have high maintenance. So I think it would be better if he keep like tangs, dwarf angels, small triggers, etc.
Ryan J.O.Y
Ryan J.O.Y - 7 years ago
It looks a lot better!
TheNiceHacks - 7 years ago
How do you cycle your tanks so fast???
TheNiceHacks - 7 years ago
Abby Grimit how long does it take tho it looks like it takes a day for him to cycle 1 tank. I’m currently cycling a 10 gallon tank with seeded media.
Abby Grimit
Abby Grimit - 7 years ago
He uses seeded media from his other tanks
Mireya M.
Mireya M. - 7 years ago
Love the move!
Sam Jenkins
Sam Jenkins - 7 years ago
adam willoughby
adam willoughby - 7 years ago
Its nice too see all the rainbows occupying most of the tank opposed to a great ball mass where Joey is!
Sean A
Sean A - 7 years ago
Interesting stuff
Shawn_358 - 7 years ago
it’s your space Joey, do what’s practical for you. I must admit though, I prefer how it was.
Vinav Anthwal
Vinav Anthwal - 7 years ago
When are you tanning your red Arowana
Derin Oygak
Derin Oygak - 7 years ago
Can't wait to see your saltwater rack setup tho.
Derin Oygak
Derin Oygak - 7 years ago
What should i say?
shawna visser
shawna visser - 7 years ago
Derin Oygak haha ...u said rack...
Melissa Byers
Melissa Byers - 7 years ago
It does look better! ❤
Jellyfish Queen
Jellyfish Queen - 7 years ago
That looks great!
Ishrak Rahman Shourav
Ishrak Rahman Shourav - 7 years ago
Mak your videos 9 mins or longer for the current youtube algorithm
Mandelstam - 7 years ago
Joey, king of CLIFFHANGERS
UniQue Grape
UniQue Grape - 7 years ago
Looks much better there
Mr D
Mr D - 7 years ago
wow, glad it worked it looks great...
Brookfield ZooTube
Brookfield ZooTube - 7 years ago
Where was the Juvenile pearl stingray? Was she moved?
BloodGhxst - 7 years ago
its in there
Auham - 7 years ago
Cool video
Danielle's Draws
Danielle's Draws - 7 years ago
Joey are you going to get your goldies back one time?
Nell`s Animal Room
Nell`s Animal Room - 7 years ago
Looks better now
Derin Oygak
Derin Oygak - 7 years ago
That wavemaker looks so powerfull my rainbows never swim that fast.
Letd Gi
Letd Gi - 7 years ago
Raj Singh
Raj Singh - 7 years ago
nice Biceps joey
flamzy150 - 7 years ago
Looks better over there I would of been annoyed squeezing aound it
Daniel Robinson
Daniel Robinson - 7 years ago
The tank looks amazing!!!!
Aquarium Time
Aquarium Time - 7 years ago
Kyle Chou
Kyle Chou - 7 years ago
Garry is like Joey's personal slave...
Colby Y-T
Colby Y-T - 7 years ago
Who else wants to go to his gallery and see it in person?
Hawk_ Eye
Hawk_ Eye - 7 years ago
I like that you did this. HOWEVER, now that it doesn't have to be visible from all sides you can go for a jungle aquasqape, with a lot of plants.
Daniel Robinson
Daniel Robinson - 7 years ago
Notification squad unite
Nico Measure
Nico Measure - 7 years ago
Hey joey this is a personal question but I’m just curious and I’m sure a lot of us are wondering but How much is your electric bill?
Melissa Byers
Melissa Byers - 7 years ago
Drew Duckworth
Drew Duckworth - 7 years ago
How is the salty tank?
Sir Squirtle
Sir Squirtle - 7 years ago
Drew Duckworth salty
William Rowe
William Rowe - 7 years ago
Nice, more room for another tank!!
Jake Hicks Productions
Jake Hicks Productions - 7 years ago
The room is liking really nice now .. can not wait to see it in a Year’s time from now
Daniel Robinson
Daniel Robinson - 7 years ago
I was 69th view
2nd Corinthians 5:7
2nd Corinthians 5:7 - 7 years ago
Good logic YouTube 99 likes but 67 views
TrypTrader - 7 years ago
LOOKS AMAZING!! Way better!!!!
NIGHT GAMING - 7 years ago
I love your fish
Kourosh Jalilvand
Kourosh Jalilvand - 7 years ago
Joey do you remember Corduroy? He still looks like a Joey to me....
Kourosh Jalilvand
Kourosh Jalilvand - 7 years ago
I knew. But he still looks like a Joey.
Adriano Gencer
Adriano Gencer - 7 years ago
Kourosh Jalilvand hes dead
גל רביבו
גל רביבו - 7 years ago
Early squad.
Jasper OGs
Jasper OGs - 7 years ago
Randy Guangzhou
Randy Guangzhou - 7 years ago
gibson995 - 7 years ago
looks good!!
Cichlids 5 Aquatics
Cichlids 5 Aquatics - 7 years ago
The Home Less Raccoon
The Home Less Raccoon - 7 years ago
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that actually looks way better keep up the good work joey
2nd Corinthians 5:7
2nd Corinthians 5:7 - 7 years ago
Skylar durrant
Skylar durrant - 7 years ago
Do a saltwater aquarium update
Libertybell Cichlids
Libertybell Cichlids - 7 years ago
John Nguyen
John Nguyen - 7 years ago
Is the best
Animals and Stuff
Animals and Stuff - 7 years ago
I was watching daily bumps but saw the notification and came as quick as possible!
Maddy Grabham
Maddy Grabham - 7 years ago
Animals and Stuff no way! I was too what the hell lol
Carlos Colindres
Carlos Colindres - 7 years ago
Love your vids❤
The Home Less Raccoon
The Home Less Raccoon - 7 years ago
dsaasdasd asdasdasd
dsaasdasd asdasdasd - 7 years ago
Kourosh Jalilvand
Kourosh Jalilvand - 7 years ago
Sir Squirtle
Sir Squirtle - 7 years ago
dsaasdasd asdasdasd YEAHHHHH
Aqua- John
Aqua- John - 7 years ago
22nd comment
The Blondie Twins
The Blondie Twins - 7 years ago
DON bxt
DON bxt - 7 years ago
under 100 views!
The Blondie Twins
The Blondie Twins - 7 years ago
Love the new tank
jayden chow
jayden chow - 7 years ago
wow one min ago
Aidan Garcia
Aidan Garcia - 7 years ago
Never have I closed fishlore fish forums so fast
Hawk_ Eye
Hawk_ Eye - 7 years ago
Aidan Garcia r/aquariums and r/plantedtank for me ;).
Oliver Henderson
Oliver Henderson - 7 years ago
Yo 1 to comment
Daylen Haycock
Daylen Haycock - 7 years ago
William Sellers
William Sellers - 7 years ago
Adriano Gencer
Adriano Gencer - 7 years ago
Joey the merman squad??
Cichlidscape •
Cichlidscape • - 7 years ago
Gallery looking sweeeeeeeeeet
Tech Addiction
Tech Addiction - 7 years ago
Clay Draper
Clay Draper - 7 years ago
Love your videos
Stijn De Smet
Stijn De Smet - 7 years ago
Jason Jian
Jason Jian - 7 years ago
Oliver Henderson
Oliver Henderson - 7 years ago
Yo 2 to comment
Monster Gäddan
Monster Gäddan - 7 years ago
T Ng
T Ng - 7 years ago
Mr. SpaghettiMonster-2
Mr. SpaghettiMonster-2 - 7 years ago
T Ng not even
John Nguyen
John Nguyen - 7 years ago
Brantley Poole
Brantley Poole - 7 years ago
KittensHavePowers - 7 years ago
It’s 5am and I just got home from work and I am ready for the video
VEGITO505 - 7 years ago
4th like
Cichlids 5 Aquatics
Cichlids 5 Aquatics - 7 years ago
VEGITO505 also 2nd to comment
King K
King K - 7 years ago

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