CHEESE'S MOVING DAY (His First Time in a Big Aquarium)

MERCH: LIVE STREAM: (May 21st at 7:30pm central time) ------------------------------ THE TIME HAS COME.... SORRY FOR THE SHAKY FOOTAGE AT THE VERY BEGINNING OF THE CHEESE CLIPS, MY TRIPOD WAS LOOSE AND KEPT SHAKING. I put this off for far too long, the time was long overdue for cheese, my cowfish, to move into the 150 gallon tank. let's just hope and pray everything goes well, shall we!? ------------------- Also side note....,,.. i smudged my foundation so much before filming this so my bad. ignore my bad makeup. not that anyone cares abt that but still. ----------------- Sign up for, a social media website for people who luv animals :-) ----------------- WATCH MORE: My Latest Videos - CLICK TO SUBSCRIBE TO SUPPORT ME AND MY ANIMALS: ---------- P.O. BOX ADDRESS: Taylor Dean P.O. Box 1304 Helotes, Tx, 78023 ------------------ FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: SNAPCHAT: @TAYLORNDEAN YOUNOW: ------------------------- Outro Music: Vanilla by MELURAN Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

CHEESE'S MOVING DAY (His First Time in a Big Aquarium) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 300

Pets & Animals 7 years ago 1,043,733 views

MERCH: LIVE STREAM: (May 21st at 7:30pm central time) ------------------------------ THE TIME HAS COME.... SORRY FOR THE SHAKY FOOTAGE AT THE VERY BEGINNING OF THE CHEESE CLIPS, MY TRIPOD WAS LOOSE AND KEPT SHAKING. I put this off for far too long, the time was long overdue for cheese, my cowfish, to move into the 150 gallon tank. let's just hope and pray everything goes well, shall we!? ------------------- Also side note....,,.. i smudged my foundation so much before filming this so my bad. ignore my bad makeup. not that anyone cares abt that but still. ----------------- Sign up for, a social media website for people who luv animals :-) ----------------- WATCH MORE: My Latest Videos - CLICK TO SUBSCRIBE TO SUPPORT ME AND MY ANIMALS: ---------- P.O. BOX ADDRESS: Taylor Dean P.O. Box 1304 Helotes, Tx, 78023 ------------------ FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: SNAPCHAT: @TAYLORNDEAN YOUNOW: ------------------------- Outro Music: Vanilla by MELURAN Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

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Most popular comments
for CHEESE'S MOVING DAY (His First Time in a Big Aquarium)

HeyyItsEmz - 7 years ago
Cheese is my spirit animal
Sunrayss RBLX
Sunrayss RBLX - 7 years ago
i love cheese's little "voice"
kuba813 - 7 years ago
Cheese is never safe !!!! XD
NPORT1981 - 7 years ago
Here for the cheese!
BEEyoncé - 7 years ago
cube to blocc
Jennifer Raingarden
Jennifer Raingarden - 7 years ago
I just randomly found your channel. Cheese is my spirit animal.. always goes for the food. I had never heard of a cow fish before <3 he is so adorable
Galaxy Prim 101
Galaxy Prim 101 - 7 years ago
I love cheese
Sasuke Uchiha
Sasuke Uchiha - 7 years ago
cheese is trying to eat his depression away cuz he misses his companions
Devil Dog
Devil Dog - 7 years ago
i hate this cheese voice ... i really hate it ...

10. comment for CHEESE'S MOVING DAY (His First Time in a Big Aquarium)

devy_ Cake
devy_ Cake - 7 years ago
Spacekat Tommy
Spacekat Tommy - 7 years ago
Th3DarkKitsune - 7 years ago
stick me in a random room and theres food i know i can have id go straight for it as well
Kendra Hodges
Kendra Hodges - 7 years ago
Cheese is cute
Joel Harris
Joel Harris - 7 years ago
Mohaned SIFER
Mohaned SIFER - 7 years ago
I want to see your Boobs and I will show u my
Busra Akcay
Busra Akcay - 7 years ago
I love cheese he is so cute and I love all of your other fish to
Dani Lusby
Dani Lusby - 7 years ago
Love your videos!!
that gold dragon
that gold dragon - 7 years ago
(in cheese voice) cant stop EATING, it's my stress reliever
Evelyn SOS
Evelyn SOS - 7 years ago
I'm sobbing, I know u all cried when cheese said his goodies

20. comment for CHEESE'S MOVING DAY (His First Time in a Big Aquarium)

Pixel TheFox
Pixel TheFox - 7 years ago
Hes stress eating.......that's probably not actually what hes doing I just wanted to come up with something
Bennyboi21420 Stop Motion an more!
Bennyboi21420 Stop Motion an more! - 7 years ago
cheese is my 2 fave
RainbowWolf'sCritters! - 7 years ago
Taylor:Say your goodbyes.
Cheese:Remember all the wonderful memories we had together.
Cheese:Like when you stung me and it itched and I rolled in the coral.
Cheese:And when you stole my food.
Cheese:And when I stole yours because I am a savage.
Zazu:Goodbye Cheese.
Rhian Hawkins
Rhian Hawkins - 7 years ago
Love l
Sherizan Soogreem
Sherizan Soogreem - 7 years ago
Hello i am new
❤ When does she post new videos?❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
PapaGrillbz - 7 years ago
Cheese you fat shit
The black girl Of science
The black girl Of science - 7 years ago
Where's kit Kat ???
GlockTard - 7 years ago
Cheese is my spirit animal.
Kawaii panda
Kawaii panda - 7 years ago
I want a cheese fish
Kawaii panda
Kawaii panda - 7 years ago
We will always love you cheese

30. comment for CHEESE'S MOVING DAY (His First Time in a Big Aquarium)

Ginelle The Loremaster
Ginelle The Loremaster - 7 years ago
Miss Elly
Miss Elly - 7 years ago
Olivia Lees
Olivia Lees - 7 years ago
tohhc2000 - 7 years ago
does cheese has ich?
jaciel navarro
jaciel navarro - 7 years ago
Can you please make your animals talk more! It makes me laugh all the time
sarah Shelton
sarah Shelton - 7 years ago
Maybe he is a stress eater
Rachel January
Rachel January - 7 years ago
Chesse is the cutest fish ever
Yeah Same
Yeah Same - 7 years ago
Legend has it he is still eating to this day
Valerie Exposito
Valerie Exposito - 7 years ago
Good by cheese
Bree Holthus
Bree Holthus - 7 years ago
I love that you give them such cute and fitting voices
X-Geo-X DuDE
X-Geo-X DuDE - 7 years ago
She’s my favorite fish
slimslammy27 - 7 years ago
it was so hard to let go of him but he needed it love you cheese and taylor
SuperLion Gaming
SuperLion Gaming - 7 years ago
Cheese and Zazu were like the R2-D2 and C3PO of fish. and now they're never going to see each other again. :'( R.I.P. Zazu and Cheese's friendship.
Sierra Martin
Sierra Martin - 7 years ago
What app do you use for your lights?
Finn Amity
Finn Amity - 7 years ago
is your cermet an fully groawn? you need to feed your an chaese for him to fully an groan
Slushy Gamez
Slushy Gamez - 7 years ago
Danny Pey
Danny Pey - 7 years ago
Pause at 5.56 u can see that cheese has ich as he as white spots
Brooklyn Capps
Brooklyn Capps - 7 years ago
Go from a cube of cheese to a BLOCK OF CHEESE
cherisse neverson
cherisse neverson - 7 years ago
How does she have time or money to looks so beautiful with all those animals to care for? I barely have time to do my makeup after feeding and walking my one dog to do my makeup before work! Jealous.
Jenifer Peiris - 2020
Jenifer Peiris - 2020 - 7 years ago
I don't want cheese to become a block of cheese, cheese as a cube of cheese is my life.

50. comment for CHEESE'S MOVING DAY (His First Time in a Big Aquarium)

Javier Fonseca
Javier Fonseca - 7 years ago
How many minutes did you put him in
Coort Blox
Coort Blox - 7 years ago
Can you do a mouse care video
Shakira KM
Shakira KM - 7 years ago
that is the cutest fish
Catiecatt - 7 years ago
I thought cowfish lived like eight years? I could be wrong. love you <3
K R Stol
K R Stol - 7 years ago
This was so emotional hahahahha
EchoWaffleGaming - 7 years ago
yor fish is stress eating
Isabel Correa
Isabel Correa - 7 years ago
Get a mud turtle!!!
Lps Faith
Lps Faith - 7 years ago
29 gallon? Or 30 gallon? Your confusing me
I love cupcakes and cakes
I love cupcakes and cakes - 7 years ago
I just wonder have can a small fish eat that much
Mimi Rose
Mimi Rose - 7 years ago
Cheese is literally me new place just go to food
Cydney Pyke
Cydney Pyke - 7 years ago
I need my own cheese
iKnivie - 7 years ago
so so cute u r
euhdcb bdbdhdhh
euhdcb bdbdhdhh - 7 years ago
make a popsockit merchandise! ✌
Jose Siason
Jose Siason - 7 years ago
Nadia Awad
Nadia Awad - 7 years ago
how is cheese doing ??
Sharon Hernandez
Sharon Hernandez - 7 years ago
Love cheese’s voice ❤️
Amanda Blyseth
Amanda Blyseth - 7 years ago
Omg I love you!
EagleFalcon101 - 7 years ago
Cheese, and actual cheese

Please tell me the difference
ETV and Friends
ETV and Friends - 7 years ago
"I am never safe" Cheese
Alicia Flores
Alicia Flores - 7 years ago
Cheese is adorable
Semaj Tran-Nguyen
Semaj Tran-Nguyen - 7 years ago
New subscriber. I think that I've back tracked, watched, and liked every available video on your channel. One video I seem to can't find is the origin of Cheese. Was there ever was one or am I missing something? #InCheeseWeTrust
Anna and Katherine love life
Anna and Katherine love life - 7 years ago
hi cheese
Andrew Z
Andrew Z - 7 years ago
Does the merchandise come with a date with you? You're literally perfect! Love your videos. I found it in the featured on YouTube and I love Cheese!
Pudgie Budgie
Pudgie Budgie - 7 years ago
I love cheese!
LiamPlays935 '
LiamPlays935 ' - 7 years ago
Get 1 more à boy/girl frend try breading them❤️❤️❤️ Love your Channel
Kaylee McDonald's
Kaylee McDonald's - 7 years ago
“His Cuby little body” lol
Elizabeth Westenberger
Elizabeth Westenberger - 7 years ago
Was anyone else dying at cheeses voiceover lol
stephenie Reynolds
stephenie Reynolds - 7 years ago
cheese is literally me, as soon as i go into a new place where i might be scared as long as there is food i’m all good
ajax - 7 years ago
Oh my god cheese you can’t just ask fish why they’re big
C Z - 7 years ago
I love the cheese voice.
kaylin Files
kaylin Files - 7 years ago
not to be dramatic but i freaking love cheese
Barbara Overstreet
Barbara Overstreet - 7 years ago
were did you get him
Othello Alexander
Othello Alexander - 7 years ago
The sound bites make this entertaining. Ty lol
BonBon F
BonBon F - 7 years ago
You should make stories with your fish, just random crap, I couldn't stop laughing with the other video I watched. I was in tears and woke my partner up just to show Cheese hogging the camera HAHAHAHA
youiloves 12
youiloves 12 - 7 years ago
Cate Girl
Cate Girl - 7 years ago
Wait does cheese have Ich. On his body in this video?
rauskupallo - 7 years ago
Cheese looks just like a piece of cheese
JonathanOneall 'Th3._j'
JonathanOneall 'Th3._j' - 7 years ago
thnks fr th mmrs!! my song
Audrey Lassiter
Audrey Lassiter - 7 years ago
cheese and me are very similar we are ugly yet really cute, smaller (aka shorter) then everyone else and we eat a fucking lot.
Mini Psychopath
Mini Psychopath - 7 years ago
So when cheese has ICH Is He Cottage Cheese?
TheRandomVioletCat - 7 years ago
This is me stress eating on a daily basis xD
sugoi14 - 7 years ago
Lol cheese is a stress eater too! Nice to see I'm not alone lol
axolotl - 7 years ago
Taylor Kew
Taylor Kew - 7 years ago
I want a cow fish SOOOOOOOO look bad now that I have watched this vid
Alex Long
Alex Long - 7 years ago
Never thought I’d love a fish so much
Maddy Bear
Maddy Bear - 7 years ago
I honestly think Cheese is my spirit animal
LPS Kitty Cat TV
LPS Kitty Cat TV - 7 years ago
Better than the Bachelor 100%
Ella and the narwhal army
Ella and the narwhal army - 7 years ago
dlee728 - 7 years ago
Put all your saltwater fish in one tank
smileydot 360
smileydot 360 - 7 years ago
Holy shit there is cheese merch! I need it!!

100. comment for CHEESE'S MOVING DAY (His First Time in a Big Aquarium)

David Fisher
David Fisher - 7 years ago
cheese is a fish but is he ever cute.
Jennett Lagoda
Jennett Lagoda - 7 years ago
You can let cheese go visit his old tanke
Unicorn emily
Unicorn emily - 7 years ago
im dying of laughter
Erin_Plays_ Roblox
Erin_Plays_ Roblox - 7 years ago
Why I want fish, so when I'm bored I can stared at them and make random stories.
Fu Yin
Fu Yin - 7 years ago
Cheese is so goddamn cuteeeee
Jennifer Sperbeck
Jennifer Sperbeck - 7 years ago
How much does cheese eat?
Jose Estrada
Jose Estrada - 7 years ago
You should put zazoo your lion fish in the 150 to
Lylainne Marie Sio
Lylainne Marie Sio - 7 years ago
Me and my friend’s convo
Friend: Hey, What is your spirit animal? Mine’s a panda. I sleep too much
Me: Cheese
Friend: What?! That’s a food
Me: show’s this video
Christopher Bowler
Christopher Bowler - 7 years ago
Cheese is stress eating
Dan's animal antics
Dan's animal antics - 7 years ago
Great video. Good luck to Cheese in the new tank. :-)
King Speed C0la
King Speed C0la - 7 years ago
3:08 I actually cried
Abby B
Abby B - 7 years ago
Cheese is a stress eater like me
Sierra Turner
Sierra Turner - 7 years ago
Stress eating!
Rexy&bubbles Quintana
Rexy&bubbles Quintana - 7 years ago
Can you do a vid on the pros and cons of a cow fish and the care they need?
noodle vs doodle
noodle vs doodle - 7 years ago
This is yhe first video that shows up when you search cheese
SuperSage31 - 7 years ago
I watched this as I ate a hunk of cheddar cheese
Chester Hayley Ambrose James
Chester Hayley Ambrose James - 7 years ago
The love/hate relationship between Cheese and Zazou (is it like this?) Is just amazing! I love it
Kaitlyn McKessy
Kaitlyn McKessy - 7 years ago
Even people that have sold their soul to the devil can get the contract broken by JESUS CHRIST
Kaitlyn McKessy
Kaitlyn McKessy - 7 years ago
Follow me on Instagram, kaitlynmckessyjesusgirl
guppy girl 03
guppy girl 03 - 7 years ago
i cried in the montage
Kats Rodents & exitics
Kats Rodents & exitics - 7 years ago
I’m wondering how cheese is doing at the moment, can you post an update on the 150 gallon tank soon?!
Sisters Of Murder
Sisters Of Murder - 7 years ago
Let's all pray that Cheese never dies. That'd be the saddest video on the internet.
AY Bey
AY Bey - 7 years ago
Akvaryumdan cok memelerini izledim
Gabby 112206
Gabby 112206 - 7 years ago
Zazzus voice is the funniest thing ever
Isabella Onsley
Isabella Onsley - 7 years ago
I’m getting a cheese yay
Twinkie'sAfraid 21
Twinkie'sAfraid 21 - 7 years ago
6:02 wow das a big fesh
Big El
Big El - 7 years ago
Nicks World
Nicks World - 7 years ago
Thinking of getting a cowfish for my 240
Jen Garcia
Jen Garcia - 7 years ago
I just discovered your channel today. I love it!! ❤
Carmen Lasserre
Carmen Lasserre - 7 years ago
Can you please do Samsung cases?
diane m
diane m - 7 years ago
cheese is that kid at the party that doesn’t want to socialize so he hangs out around the food table the entire time
Mini Psychopath
Mini Psychopath - 7 years ago
diane m Me
Katy •
Katy • - 7 years ago
why did i actually start crying when you moved him
connie stanley
connie stanley - 7 years ago
Qxeen Nxdia
Qxeen Nxdia - 7 years ago
U have all of these vids ideas im here liek W0T IN TARNATION AM I GUNNA POST TMMR XD
Gabe the grourami Fish
Gabe the grourami Fish - 7 years ago
#cheese for life
EatTwinkies13 - 7 years ago
Awe, he was stress eating
Megan Alston
Megan Alston - 7 years ago
I’m in the military in the barracks and love your videos, it makes me so happy! Thanks so much!
Valeria Cervantes
Valeria Cervantes - 7 years ago
3:10 is hilarious
kaleb jackson
kaleb jackson - 7 years ago
When I am legally aloud to get a job I will buy all of the MERCH
Guinea Place
Guinea Place - 7 years ago
Do more Cheese Vids please
Rainbow_ Heart
Rainbow_ Heart - 7 years ago
I Am Never Safe
Poothis Crap
Poothis Crap - 7 years ago
what we seen : owh so cute
what actually happen : im leaving suckers!!
I only have this account to save music and memes
I only have this account to save music and memes - 7 years ago
Please do cheese merch~ (if you haven't already)
Tiaya Arneson
Tiaya Arneson - 7 years ago
"Why is that fish so big" oml cheese
Modified Misfit ツ
Modified Misfit ツ - 7 years ago
I'm a beginner when it comes to fish keeping, but I hope that one day I will be competent enough to take care of a cowfish. When that day comes, I will name it Cheese Jr.
Charlotte Bradshaw
Charlotte Bradshaw - 7 years ago
Cheese dose not stop eating he will get fat one day
justin maurice
justin maurice - 7 years ago
i ship cheese x zazu
Annabelle - 7 years ago
Omg cheese is so cute with his little tiny tail
Krazy Kia
Krazy Kia - 7 years ago
Do a leaf bug care for your leaf bug I want one
Krazy Kia
Krazy Kia - 7 years ago
Jasmin Rautio
Jasmin Rautio - 7 years ago
You and SAARA (also a youtuber) look so much alike!
Uncle Pete
Uncle Pete - 7 years ago
Stress eating
Savio Cardoz
Savio Cardoz - 7 years ago
That's really a cute piece of cheese
Rachel Rose
Rachel Rose - 7 years ago
Taylor:Im so nervous. Cheese:OMMMNNOMMMNOM
SnowLeopard133 - 7 years ago
Omfg I love cheese sm
Irizzy - 7 years ago

im crying over a fish.
chubbyfox x
chubbyfox x - 7 years ago
Who is actually buying those shirts? Lmao
Emmakawaii DIY
Emmakawaii DIY - 7 years ago
From 4:14 - 4:17 the clown fish is swimming up and down
Kong Clone
Kong Clone - 7 years ago
Josh Brewer
Josh Brewer - 7 years ago
Like how you have the rock set up in your tank
ISABEL LPS108 - 7 years ago
I made a song for cheese : cheese you always find a way even when zazu stupid you arrreeee the glorious cheese
Dragon Queen
Dragon Queen - 7 years ago
lol cheese is exactly like me, only caring about food.
Cecilie Wright
Cecilie Wright - 7 years ago
Love CHEESE ;))) SO CUTE.!!!! Good luck:))!
BellaBear DIY
BellaBear DIY - 7 years ago
WhY iS thiese fiSh so beig?
SkitsWithMarku - 7 years ago
Zazu is so cute
Mikayla Thomas
Mikayla Thomas - 7 years ago
Can I have a cheese I want one.
Gracie McFadden
Gracie McFadden - 7 years ago
my friend recommended you to me and after I started watching she texted me “haVE U MET CHEESE” and that’s when my obsession with the perfect creation of cheese began
TheHowlingRockruff YT
TheHowlingRockruff YT - 7 years ago
when will u make cheese merch we will all buy
Feline Factor357
Feline Factor357 - 7 years ago
Cheese x Zazu still a better love story than Twilight.
anjuan yourhero
anjuan yourhero - 7 years ago
YAY Finally!!!!! not Click Bait!, cheese is your favorite!
Linda Valitutti
Linda Valitutti - 7 years ago
He might be a nervous eater XD
Peachy Island
Peachy Island - 7 years ago
What kind of fish is cheese
Elyana Duca
Elyana Duca - 7 years ago
Cheese is so cute!
Mayland Chen
Mayland Chen - 7 years ago
I think he's stress eating or something idk
Mayland Chen
Mayland Chen - 7 years ago
Platypus lol thx
Platypus - 7 years ago
Nah, all fish will eat continually until there is no food left. It's just natural instinct.
abscat456 - 7 years ago
Briana Sandoval
Briana Sandoval - 7 years ago
Cheese is adorable
Laura - 7 years ago
I am sorry but is there any chance that you would make cheese pencilcase and shirt with your lionfish on it
foodsquadboiz - 7 years ago
the use of that fob song, I cANT-
Niki the Meif'wa
Niki the Meif'wa - 7 years ago
Can you please add me on snapchat my snapchat is -----> shelbymaeve
Claire-Muriel Maslen
Claire-Muriel Maslen - 7 years ago
Btw gow is cheese doing in his new tank now? Warming up to his new roomies? Exploring his new home? Or enjoying all of his seaweed? (Mine and no one else!)
PrincessNaomie Paguio
PrincessNaomie Paguio - 7 years ago
I wanna meet cheese in person so bad x(



Fishing and Adventuring with Khiem Le
Fishing and Adventuring with Khiem Le - 7 years ago
Your editing is done very well and the comic relief is hilarious!
E Rk
E Rk - 7 years ago
If someone doesn't like cheese (the fish) they have no heart!!!
Hello World
Hello World - 7 years ago
lmao "why is that fish so big"
aleafilover - 7 years ago
I teared up a little with the goodbye
mylove18 - 7 years ago
thats a nice lookin dog you got there
Crystal Unicorn
Crystal Unicorn - 7 years ago
Cheese is the cutest fish in the world

Like if you agree
Alessandra Ortega
Alessandra Ortega - 7 years ago
do a makeup tutorial
jana josefine
jana josefine - 7 years ago
oh my g o d fall out boy stop
Ethan Talbot
Ethan Talbot - 7 years ago
Its like a leaving a school and one of your friends stay with you
The Pet House
The Pet House - 7 years ago
I love your fish cheese.
john murphy
john murphy - 7 years ago
LoL #### oh I did the hashtags don't you dugh
Fabulousmymy - 7 years ago
I hope Taylor sees this but. I have a dog and Im looking for  a bunny or something which do you prefer?
CARSYN NORVELL - 7 years ago
Pray for Cheese
Madilynn Biery
Madilynn Biery - 7 years ago
when cheese sees irwen he is sh00k.
slay - 7 years ago
I'm really relaxed that cheese is save changing tanks because theres a lot of cowfish videos where they change tanks and they ended up dying. cheese is never safe, but this video explains it all.
Tori - 7 years ago
Who got an cheese as in cheeseburger
allen cox
allen cox - 7 years ago
Was that a lightning maroon clownfish in the 30 gallon?
alyssa tazelaar
alyssa tazelaar - 7 years ago
Video actually made me cry
Damien Step
Damien Step - 7 years ago
u are hot and I love u lips
Waxy Parsnips
Waxy Parsnips - 7 years ago
Acclimating should only take 15-25 min. Glad to see he made the transfer! :) My hat's off to you - being able to keep one of those nano tanks alive and well... And quit apologizing so much! ;)
Teal_strawberry_ 24
Teal_strawberry_ 24 - 7 years ago
Taylor - "how much can ya eat?!"
Teal_strawberry_ 24
Teal_strawberry_ 24 - 7 years ago
Cheese" why is that fish so big ?!"
oberryxy :D
oberryxy :D - 7 years ago
Someday im getting a baby cheese
Junaid Shariff
Junaid Shariff - 7 years ago
Lovely girl good you take care of pets...... You rock
Junaid Shariff
Junaid Shariff - 7 years ago
Lovely girl good you take care of pets...... You rock
Elsa C
Elsa C - 7 years ago
I now love longhorn cowfish because of this vid. I love Cheese and his cubey body <3
Madi Biery
Madi Biery - 7 years ago
Cheese will live. Cheese is a bootyful cowfush. he is never safe.
sandy Prior
sandy Prior - 7 years ago
cheese is always eating
cudlie panda
cudlie panda - 7 years ago
If I were to be a fish I think I would be exactly like cheese
Hazie Marinette
Hazie Marinette - 7 years ago
If anyone has ever watched HxH, Zazu and Cheese reminds me of Killua and Gon... and it is BREAKING me. That goodbye was so
Jellhay Beann
Jellhay Beann - 7 years ago
i want a cheese.
Platypus - 7 years ago
Wants don't get.
moon fire
moon fire - 7 years ago
Daw his lil fat body so coot
Giselle Martinez
Giselle Martinez - 7 years ago
You need to get him a grass coral thing for his new tank.. He loved it! Also how long is cheese? Can you give us updates on his length?
Platypus - 7 years ago
Green star pollyps are invasive and will take over the whole tank.
Joann Meeker
Joann Meeker - 7 years ago
Awe cheese is so cute
Izzy Kauwe
Izzy Kauwe - 7 years ago
mostsubscribed withnovideos
mostsubscribed withnovideos - 7 years ago
Totally showed my mom this video and told her about cheese today.
dead people
dead people - 7 years ago
What happened to your potters angelfish
Kar - 7 years ago
What if cheese died and taylor just replaced him
Choifui Tze
Choifui Tze - 7 years ago
3:38 what was that song
Mob master gaming 2007
Mob master gaming 2007 - 7 years ago
Fobija 13
Fobija 13 - 7 years ago
Cheese: if you sad you eat!
bridgidthepirate - 7 years ago
Is Cheese's voice going to get deeper as he grows? Cause I don't know if I'm ready for that.
ilove Potatos
ilove Potatos - 7 years ago
I love cheeses voice
Kawaiikat420 - 7 years ago
If cheese dies this whole channel dies with cheese!!
Maribel Ruiz
Maribel Ruiz - 7 years ago
Omg Cheese is adorable!
Kat35 Lulu
Kat35 Lulu - 7 years ago
Ok so Cheese can grow to be really BIG?!? How soon and how fast will Cheese expand to a tremendous size??? Does Cheese need a lady Cowfish companion???? Maybe start a many possibilities ~~
Olivia Espinosa
Olivia Espinosa - 7 years ago
I want a cheese
Kira Mcnutt
Kira Mcnutt - 7 years ago
Roxy Walls
Roxy Walls - 7 years ago
Will you do a video about spiders
Katie Johnson
Katie Johnson - 7 years ago
Why did I tear up when Cheese said his goodbyes, I need a life lol
DragonMaster 45
DragonMaster 45 - 7 years ago
What do you do to get cheeses voice?
Bleach Is Bae
Bleach Is Bae - 7 years ago
More cheese
Chelsea T
Chelsea T - 7 years ago
Cheese and Zazu's last conversation EVER:
Cheese: Thanks for the memories.
Chees: Like when you stung me and it itched, so i rolled in the corals.
Cheese: Or when you stole my food. Or when I stole yours.
Zazu: Goodbye, Cheese.
Cue sad music
TheCookieGirl 1606
TheCookieGirl 1606 - 7 years ago
Haha so sad
TropicSplashandfriends - 7 years ago
I might buy the cheese shirt
Crystal - 7 years ago
I started dying laughing when Cheese rolled through the coral... poor baby but LOL. Never seen a fish do that.
Magnificent roblox
Magnificent roblox - 7 years ago
do more cheese videos hes so adorable
mychemicaljulia - 7 years ago
can we get a 30+ min video of just fish dialogue
Fletcher5665 - 7 years ago
You should have an underwater GoPro and put and put it in the tank and see what cheese will do
Amber bamboo
Amber bamboo - 7 years ago
food is his safe space
Chelsea T
Chelsea T - 7 years ago
If any of you dare hurt Cheese or any little piece of his cubey body, I WILL END YOU.... and by end you I mean happily and safely and harmlessly rehome you."
TheCookieGirl 1606
TheCookieGirl 1606 - 7 years ago
Chelsea Trieu LOL
Bro, It's Kass.
Bro, It's Kass. - 7 years ago
If cheese ever dies we will riot in the streets
HardcoreHamster33 - 7 years ago
"I am in charge of this tank now." lol Cheese, show them who's boss. XD Cheese is hilarious.
C D - 7 years ago
kitkatvantas u frigging homestuck, me too
John Cole
John Cole - 7 years ago
Literally the cutest fish ever!
Gymnast J /Vlog Girl
Gymnast J /Vlog Girl - 7 years ago
Man of my own heart went right for the food! lol
Yuritzi Fuentes
Yuritzi Fuentes - 7 years ago
Hi Taylor u just bought some of the merch but I'm still going too buy more please make more cheese and naps I love ❤️ your merch
Makya Jackson
Makya Jackson - 7 years ago
Roxy Walls
Roxy Walls - 7 years ago
I love your cheese I have always wanted a snake but since I am 10 my mother won't let me
Darwin Watterson
Darwin Watterson - 7 years ago
Jamie Applegate
Jamie Applegate - 7 years ago
Can you tell me how well the lionfish does in the 30 gallon? I have people tell me they need to be in big tanks but yours looks like he's doing good
Platypus - 7 years ago
Probably something along the lines of 100 gallons. I'm not sure, look it up. :)
Jamie Applegate
Jamie Applegate - 7 years ago
Okay, Thanks! Do you know the right size for them?
Platypus - 7 years ago
Hers is only young so he is small, but he will eventually outgrow that tank.
Addison Paige
Addison Paige - 7 years ago
MoonSparkles11 - 7 years ago
Cheese is me at a party... by the food
Zoe Bergman
Zoe Bergman - 7 years ago
Cheese is honestly the reason I just started an aquarim
Matheus Ferreira
Matheus Ferreira - 7 years ago
Cheese is the best thing ever...he would be a better president than Donald Trump is....
Panic! at the 21 Crybaby fall out boys
Panic! at the 21 Crybaby fall out boys - 7 years ago
(Thnks fr th mmrs comes on)
Nenuno Lol
Nenuno Lol - 7 years ago
Cheese is so cute x3
salty cornchip
salty cornchip - 7 years ago
Cheese's voice. I'm cackling.
Makeup Mobster
Makeup Mobster - 7 years ago
I saw one of these in my local aquarium store years ago. Coolest fish ever! He's so cute!
Mr. Beany
Mr. Beany - 7 years ago
You should do Cheese I´m never safe! merch. :)
Megan Dermody
Megan Dermody - 7 years ago
I love cheese
Cookie Cat
Cookie Cat - 7 years ago
Tbh I would buy cheese merch
Windy Plays MSP
Windy Plays MSP - 7 years ago
Don't worry Taylor. Cowfish live for 8 years under great pet owners like you.
Milaa. Babyy
Milaa. Babyy - 7 years ago
Can you make a case for iPod touch 6th gen case because my sister wants your merch
Ramen Mug
Ramen Mug - 7 years ago
Expired cheese
Bright Style ✨
Bright Style ✨ - 7 years ago
I noticed in the background the clownfish was dancing
thecheckM8 - 7 years ago
plz make more cheese vids
Tara S
Tara S - 7 years ago
er-er-er-er-er-er-er-every one loves my chease videos i did the bigining a lot
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka - 7 years ago
6:22 how does a fish breath fast???
Platypus - 7 years ago
The same way as any other animal... You do realise they breathe through their gills right?
Monkey Kong
Monkey Kong - 7 years ago
Your house is a little zoo so amazing
Morgan Stockburn
Morgan Stockburn - 7 years ago
I love cheses voice lol
Kylee Kraus
Kylee Kraus - 7 years ago
Morgan Stockburn sammmmmmeeeeee
mp equestrian
mp equestrian - 7 years ago
She wants me to meet my new tank mates, but I eat food instead
justlive56 - 7 years ago
I love cheese, he's so cute your so right. I just subscribed because of my sister. I love your videos and the channel. I have 2 red eared sliders one box turtle, my sister has two bearded dragons. 6 dogs and one cat all in one house haha.
joshua Eiler
joshua Eiler - 7 years ago
the moment you play Falloutboy got me :o ~Thnks fr th Mmrs~
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya - 7 years ago
1:33 . . .
Taylor: Cheese has been doing so well so... obviously I'm scared
Cheese starts eating
Taylor: There he is having a little snack, obviously I'm a little scared to move him but in all reality if I don't move him he WILL die.
Taylor: The problem with that is cowfish get up to 2 Feet long.
cheese still eating
Taylor: Yes  you heard me right, this thing
Taylor focuses camera on Cheese
Taylor: right here
focuses more
Taylor: Get's to 2 FEET long; This guy is gonna go from a Cube of Cheese to a Block of Cheese
yezlin lopez
yezlin lopez - 7 years ago
This was one of my favorite videos but cheese is cute (it was funny
Karkat Vantas
Karkat Vantas - 7 years ago
KitKat Vantas.... I LOVE YOU
tristadoes things
tristadoes things - 7 years ago
Silly Savannah
Silly Savannah - 7 years ago
Cass Rose
Cass Rose - 7 years ago
I love Cheese! !!!
Floof - 7 years ago
Omg I love cheese so much now.
Piptheboss101 - 7 years ago
I love cheese
xxx* xxx
xxx* xxx - 7 years ago
Im new here, but what type of fish is cheese? I love your channel! EDIT* I have it now lmao
Platypus - 7 years ago
Cheese is a Longhorn Cowfish ;)
Ana Peña
Ana Peña - 7 years ago
I came for cheese, but I stayed for FOB
Annika St. Clair
Annika St. Clair - 7 years ago
Cheese The best fish
Cheese The best fish - 7 years ago
Annika St. Clair unless food is in home
Cheese The best fish
Cheese The best fish - 7 years ago
Annika St. Clair food is better than home
Allison Like Diamonds
Allison Like Diamonds - 7 years ago
When cheese said bye to zazo I'm like " ahhhhhh this is better then twilight " lol
Jaide Fisher
Jaide Fisher - 7 years ago
i love cheeses voise
Lois Campbell
Lois Campbell - 7 years ago
To Taylor your amazing, Beautiful,funny and has the most unique pets
Yours Lois xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo your the best
Someone Else
Someone Else - 7 years ago
Do yall think she actual gonna post that skink vid??
Why not Urkii
Why not Urkii - 7 years ago
That is the most relatable fish ever...
Zoe McFarlane
Zoe McFarlane - 7 years ago
Wow! Love ur 150 gallon tank Taylor!! The moss really brings out the pigmented color in Cheese's face lol
mostsubscribed withnovideos
mostsubscribed withnovideos - 7 years ago
Lol cheese
Bryan Stoenner
Bryan Stoenner - 7 years ago
kudos to you for using thnks fr th mmrs
Be A Maverick
Be A Maverick - 7 years ago
Person who doesn't watch the best YouTuber ever:What is your fav type of fish.
Be A Maverick
Be A Maverick - 7 years ago
Platypus Gaming i know its a JOKE
Platypus - 7 years ago
Cheese is its name not its species...
sweetest sin 559
sweetest sin 559 - 7 years ago
You mean my little pony
sweetest sin 559
sweetest sin 559 - 7 years ago
Awwwwwwwwwwww so sad I'm crying
Ally LaSorsa
Ally LaSorsa - 7 years ago
Cheese is my spirit animal lololol
Kiara KittyKoo12345
Kiara KittyKoo12345 - 7 years ago
Cheese looks down
Wolfe lps LPS
Wolfe lps LPS - 7 years ago
You should make a cheese plush and sell it
Brianna V
Brianna V - 7 years ago
I love her videos
frosted tbh
frosted tbh - 7 years ago
goo d b ye .... C H E E S E
LISA REDD - 7 years ago
What breed of dog is that?
Maria Martinez
Maria Martinez - 7 years ago
This is the greatest video I've ever seen
Kkzz3405 Lover
Kkzz3405 Lover - 7 years ago
No more cheese and zazo
Guinea Gang
Guinea Gang - 7 years ago
Mum:do u want 'cheese' and crackers for lunch?
Me:I can't eat cheese it would kill him!
Me:he just moved into his big tank!
BaseOverKill - 7 years ago
6:11 why is that fish so big xD I'm dying
BaseOverKill - 7 years ago
Day 2 still eating XD
Maya Patel
Maya Patel - 7 years ago
You are really close to 1 million yay go you
Cheese - 7 years ago
Cheese is better then motzarella,swiss cheese and... MAGOT CHEESE (its a thing)
Charlotte Piller
Charlotte Piller - 7 years ago
Bob is drowning ->
CottonSandCat YouTube
CottonSandCat YouTube - 7 years ago
You: Cheese time for your new tank Cheese: What??? You: Let's go Cheese: wait huh what did you say something?
Cheese The best fish
Cheese The best fish - 7 years ago
CottonSandCat YouTube I heard her
Wolfe lps LPS
Wolfe lps LPS - 7 years ago
So he has spots and a tail
Wolfe lps LPS
Wolfe lps LPS - 7 years ago
I love cheeses voice
Wolfe lps LPS
Wolfe lps LPS - 7 years ago
Ware can you find a cow fish I want one and wen you seid moving day I was like he is going to a new home
Leopold Stotch
Leopold Stotch - 7 years ago
I fucking love this channel. What the fuck.
Erika Lopez Quiroz
Erika Lopez Quiroz - 7 years ago
Taylor your channel will never die
santi pratiwi
santi pratiwi - 7 years ago
i thought fish are no fun to pet but after seeing your channel, i change my mind. first time of my life i admit that fish are great !! lol . thanks for making this videos ,i enjoy them so much !!
Rafiqul Islam
Rafiqul Islam - 7 years ago
And also your hedghog and also your crocodile skn and also your Pacman frog and also your fishes hmm I think I love all of your animals
ToXicTubeTV - 7 years ago
You don't need all of that make up.
Kyndra Unas
Kyndra Unas - 7 years ago
Can you make the nala the cheering hedgehog phone case in the Samsung j3 6? That's my phone that I have and I want that phone case about nothing fits my phone.
SilverC Msp
SilverC Msp - 7 years ago
I love Cheese, he is so funny and cute >.<
perfectication - 7 years ago
When did Zazu sting cheese? what video was this?
ʝσу тнє fαllєи нυмαи
ʝσу тнє fαllєи нυмαи - 7 years ago
stares at le cheese i need one then looks at her chinchilla but i have him hmmmmmm..... a few hours later i got rid of jake {chinchilla} and got a cow fish :3 (this is a weird story/joke i came up with dont take this seriously plz)
9articwolflove9 Aj
9articwolflove9 Aj - 7 years ago
Om u deserve 1000000000000000000000000000000000000 Subscribers
prprp - 7 years ago
more cheese videos please!!!!!!!!
Joshua Ortiz
Joshua Ortiz - 7 years ago
I just meet you, and love cheese, and I'm not a fish enthusiast!
Adriana Ibarra
Adriana Ibarra - 7 years ago
new subbie
Cheese The Cowfish
Cheese The Cowfish - 7 years ago
I need a new cheese vid to say this but imma try to make a cheese plush gonna be hard and derpy but I don't care CHEESE
Kawaii kittens In love
Kawaii kittens In love - 7 years ago
Cheese needs his own movie and world and every thing like an ocean named after the amazing cheese
AnotherBJDChannel - 7 years ago
If I wasn't a fish noob I would totally want a cowfish
Meagan Desilets
Meagan Desilets - 7 years ago
I didn't know you can have such a good relationship with a fish
Rosie Fitzmaurice
Rosie Fitzmaurice - 7 years ago
Cheeses voice is so cute!!!!
The Floofy Catfish
The Floofy Catfish - 7 years ago
Cheese is stress eating.
Marharyta D
Marharyta D - 7 years ago
I will say zazu is beautiful but am more beautiful then him
Marilyn Triano
Marilyn Triano - 7 years ago
Another one
kenji unno
kenji unno - 7 years ago
add some cool sea slugs
priscilla productions
priscilla productions - 7 years ago
It makes me so mad when people don't do research on animals before they get them, I'm glad to see that 700,000 people care about animals as much as you do Taylor, ❤️
Mara - 7 years ago
Have u met Steff J?
Gaming Girl
Gaming Girl - 7 years ago
I love cheese
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 7 years ago
I love Cheese. I eat Chee-hdhdbxjsksk-Uh i mean i love Cheese. Yup love him not eat him
Cheese The best fish
Cheese The best fish - 7 years ago
CLICKBAIT don't eat me plz
Marharyta D
Marharyta D - 7 years ago
Can you show cheese that means me more in vids
berrin tekdemir
berrin tekdemir - 7 years ago
I have a cowfish too
Keith Jones
Keith Jones - 7 years ago
what do you do for a job ?  how much is your pet food bill per month ?   (read my posts please )
Angie Oneil
Angie Oneil - 7 years ago
3:09 Did anyone else think of fall out boy? No, just me...ok
Angie Oneil
Angie Oneil - 7 years ago
Oh my god I just saw the part when she played it
Sydney Joseph
Sydney Joseph - 7 years ago
I feel like cheese will become a meme one day
Cheese The best fish
Cheese The best fish - 7 years ago
Sydney Joseph I hope I do
Tara Leigh
Tara Leigh - 7 years ago
I absolutely adore Cheese! I just found your channel and am hooked. You are very special.
Eyder Amethyst
Eyder Amethyst - 7 years ago
Cheese x Food
Rainb0wSheep - 7 years ago
I love that u make fish have such great personalities. When most people wouldn't think that fish have a personality.
Emma's wild Adventures
Emma's wild Adventures - 7 years ago
True dat true dat
Marharyta D
Marharyta D - 7 years ago
Cheese !!!
Hanna Neerup
Hanna Neerup - 7 years ago
I need more videos with Cheese. Even "if" it's only like the video "Meet my fish Cheese (my strangest pet)"
Madisyn Frazier
Madisyn Frazier - 7 years ago
6:12 "why is that fish so big" his "voice" is so cute I love cheese
Riley Hsieh
Riley Hsieh - 7 years ago
cheeses old tank looked sooo big until you zoomed out and showed us the entire tank
Katie LaWhatthe?
Katie LaWhatthe? - 7 years ago
I feel like cheese and Zazu could replace twilight.
Gymnastics 7
Gymnastics 7 - 7 years ago
I love snakes ❤️
The Slime Stash
The Slime Stash - 7 years ago
Do we have Cheese Merch??
Zacchia Moore
Zacchia Moore - 7 years ago
I love cheese
nyandragons - 7 years ago
cheese is my favorite character.
ZozoMonster 18
ZozoMonster 18 - 7 years ago
Are u by any chance a vegan or a vegetarian? Btw your animals r all so cute
Manish Borah
Manish Borah - 7 years ago
the camera is so shaky
Elizabeth Brown
Elizabeth Brown - 7 years ago
I love the voice Cheese has
starburst muffin LPS
starburst muffin LPS - 7 years ago
were are the turtles and cheese is my facerite pet
VeryAngryProjectilePotato - 7 years ago
Rip Nala (the happy hedgehog cheering )
-JustAnother Girl-
-JustAnother Girl- - 7 years ago
GoOdByE cHeEsE.. I love that part
Zain Khadour
Zain Khadour - 7 years ago
What is cheeses name like"fish type"?
Siri lolal
Siri lolal - 7 years ago
More cheeeeeeeeessssssseeeeee
Vanessa Frhlch
Vanessa Frhlch - 7 years ago
cheese is my spirit animal
moon fire
moon fire - 7 years ago
Chease is cute
Travis s
Travis s - 7 years ago
Ok old video but can you please tag me in the video of whatever it is that allows you to control your lights etc from your phone omg I'm so excited for it and have no clue what it is unless you edited that in with the phone ugh the need to know
Tessa Nae
Tessa Nae - 7 years ago
"Good bye"
Hey Gurl
Hey Gurl - 7 years ago
"I am in charge of this tank now"
jokers daughter
jokers daughter - 7 years ago
Cheese represents me at a party that I know no one at
AGaloha - 7 years ago
3:09 LOL
Roger Fleenor
Roger Fleenor - 7 years ago
oh no cheese is stress eating!!
Ryan thelion14
Ryan thelion14 - 7 years ago
I love how you make the voice of the fish do more cheese voices and other voices for other animals
Peter Charles Mouton
Peter Charles Mouton - 7 years ago
I love the voiceovers.
mata schmata
mata schmata - 7 years ago
me: its okay to eat fish they dont have feelings
me after watching this video: i love them and i want to protect them
Summer Byrne
Summer Byrne - 7 years ago
Oh,... Cheese was rolling in the coral because Zazo stung him and it itched so he rolled in the coral
like if this helped
Mia Roberts
Mia Roberts - 7 years ago
3:09 tho that cracked me up.
kristen woolery
kristen woolery - 7 years ago
What video did she realize that zazu stung cheese
Jordi Marie
Jordi Marie - 7 years ago
What kind of fish is he even?
Emalee Rose
Emalee Rose - 7 years ago
Brendon!AtTheDisco - 7 years ago
Rayna Poukish
Rayna Poukish - 7 years ago
I love the voices u did for the fish
WittySkitty1716 - 7 years ago
Cheese is my spirit animal
WittySkitty1716 - 7 years ago
Dammit even though he'd suffocate and he's toxic I still wanna cuddlethe hell out of Cheese. TAY YOU SHOULD MAKE A CHEESE PLUSHIE.
Martyna Weclawowicz
Martyna Weclawowicz - 7 years ago
Taylor you are amazing and I love your content
Anna Lam
Anna Lam - 7 years ago
SmolSquishBean !
SmolSquishBean ! - 7 years ago
When Thnks Fr Th Mmrs came on I died
Isa M
Isa M - 7 years ago
Cheese is literally me at every party i go to just hovering around the food!!!! L
Wolf Queen
Wolf Queen - 7 years ago
Cheese is so cute he's doing duck face
Wolf Queen
Wolf Queen - 7 years ago
Jk lol
Wolf Queen
Wolf Queen - 7 years ago
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 7 years ago
You're the animal loving version of Kylie jenner
Exp - 7 years ago
He's stress eating
Abby Christine
Abby Christine - 7 years ago
I absolutely LOVE CHEESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Uniquely Alex
Uniquely Alex - 7 years ago
I honestly think that Taylor should have her own TV show. I would DEFINITELY watch it. And it would get great views from a lot of people
Uniquely Alex
Uniquely Alex - 7 years ago
Cheese is so grown up! It's like watching your "baby" go on off to college with the other big kids on campus. Except he's a fish and he is going into a bigger tank
Jeseniea iris
Jeseniea iris - 7 years ago
Chesses is cheesy lol he so cute squeak
Illyncia Dyer
Illyncia Dyer - 7 years ago
Zoey Xxx
Zoey Xxx - 7 years ago
"It was only a matter of time..till.. The other one killed the other one.."
xX Why are you here Xx
xX Why are you here Xx - 7 years ago
Oh yes.
Artof-kimmy - 7 years ago
Cheese is my spirt animal
Erik Petersson
Erik Petersson - 7 years ago
Martyna Weclawowicz
Martyna Weclawowicz - 7 years ago
I love the voice she used for cheese
SolePosole - 7 years ago
Its like hes graduating to college
Tigerlilly126 - 7 years ago
I'm honestly going to be so sad when cheese dies
Marina Off the hook sisters
Marina Off the hook sisters - 7 years ago
EveDoesArt - 7 years ago
Have you ever tried feeding cheese cheese? (Idk if fish eat cheese)
Suckmykidney - 7 years ago
Me being the stereotypical Wisconsin person I am I am in love with Cheese. Help.
Megan - 7 years ago
We NEED some cheese merch
Like if you agree!!
Nigger The hedgehog
Nigger The hedgehog - 7 years ago
When you ate my food I ate your food
Life With Pets
Life With Pets - 7 years ago
Haley Stewart
Haley Stewart - 7 years ago
The dialogue made me cry. You're so funny and such a lovely soul. Cheese is such a handsome cube, he should be proud.
ariana grande
ariana grande - 7 years ago
CatManPlaysGame S
CatManPlaysGame S - 7 years ago
I love Cheeses voice
The Offical Queen Emoji Ruler
The Offical Queen Emoji Ruler - 7 years ago
I has made a ship name gore Zazu and Cheese Cazu! PLEASE TAYLOR PLEASE IF YOU CAN MOVE ZAZU INTO THE 150 Pleaseee
Ally Charles
Ally Charles - 7 years ago
I started dying as soon as I heard thnks fr th mmrs holy shit
AWESOME Kitty Tv kittens
AWESOME Kitty Tv kittens - 7 years ago
I love cheese get other one
Unicorn Nerd
Unicorn Nerd - 7 years ago
Hahha I love cheese
loves dogs
loves dogs - 7 years ago
I love your blue tong skenk
Rachel Martinez
Rachel Martinez - 7 years ago
Is moth is so tiny as cute
Rachel Martinez
Rachel Martinez - 7 years ago
oh shieat stella here
oh shieat stella here - 7 years ago
Still better than twilight
Switch the Ghost
Switch the Ghost - 7 years ago
Cheese is a beautiful and valuable member of this channel
horsesrule14 - 7 years ago
Taylor pls don't end them
horsesrule14 - 7 years ago
Maybe cheese was like I never finished my snack so now I will eat for the rest of my life
ZPuggyQC :P a_puggg
ZPuggyQC :P a_puggg - 7 years ago
I love when Cheese talks!
ZPuggyQC :P a_puggg
ZPuggyQC :P a_puggg - 7 years ago
Cheese don't die <3
TrashyMations - 7 years ago
Did I ever tell you about how I was once sold fresh-water cat fish that died overnight? I think they sold us a salt-water fish!
SAVANNA CARETTE - 7 years ago
what kind of fish is cheeses
mychemicalpanic!atthetwentyomehorizon s
mychemicalpanic!atthetwentyomehorizon s - 7 years ago
hears fallout boy OH MY DEAR GOOD GOD jumps out of bed and dances violently
Earth's Little Secrets
Earth's Little Secrets - 7 years ago
You are so funny. Idk why I think this is so funny, maybe I'm sleepy @ 12:30am
Ciao Bella
Ciao Bella - 7 years ago
D.I.Y WORLD - 7 years ago
i wish i could get your merch but my mum doesn't let me
AlphaWolf- Gaming
AlphaWolf- Gaming - 7 years ago
For those who want a boxfish but the size is a,problem get a whitleys boxfish. They max at 5 inches.
LPS HUGS - 7 years ago
Is cheese a boy or girl
LPS HUGS - 7 years ago
What does CHEESE eat
LPS HUGS - 7 years ago
CHEESE is a food ima cat
pastelstar 27
pastelstar 27 - 7 years ago
Yay! Cheese :D he's a cutie :)
Mila the German Shepherd
Mila the German Shepherd - 7 years ago
Yay, fall out boy!
Katie - 7 years ago
that goodbye made me cry
Kayla the Turtle girl
Kayla the Turtle girl - 7 years ago
You should get a turtle I would love your videos even more
Crystal Jaime
Crystal Jaime - 7 years ago
Cheese is so cute :3
Ary - 7 years ago
CHEESE IM SO PROUD OF YOU * sheds a tear *
Courtney downing
Courtney downing - 7 years ago
I love cheese ♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.
WolfeyPixels ART
WolfeyPixels ART - 7 years ago
now i want to get a cowfish and name it cheddar
grimmjowXlove - 7 years ago
This isn't really relevant but that pink lace kimono(?) you're wearing is super cute! Does anyone know where to get something like that?
Vita 's Magical World
Vita 's Magical World - 7 years ago
I thought by the name of the video he would go to in aquarium far away
Sandra Han
Sandra Han - 7 years ago
More cheese
MaymayTheEsparza 23
MaymayTheEsparza 23 - 7 years ago
"Why is that fish so big?"
MaymayTheEsparza 23
MaymayTheEsparza 23 - 7 years ago
Cheese The best fish Maybe
Cheese The best fish
Cheese The best fish - 7 years ago
MaymayTheEsparza 23 what if a huge person came out of no where you would do the same thing
Lala Haha
Lala Haha - 7 years ago
Can I get a like please? Thank you soo much
Kaykaybaexox - 7 years ago
she should make a video dedicated to cheese being cheese, with nothing else in it
Pro gamer chuks
Pro gamer chuks - 7 years ago
Stop trapping those poor animal retard they hate you and go kill cheese
Alyssa Little
Alyssa Little - 7 years ago
You need to make a video of you putting Zazu and Cheese together in a small tank for them to have a play date.
Valerie Ong
Valerie Ong - 7 years ago
Pimika Fuse
Pimika Fuse - 7 years ago
I relate to cheese so much
Amy's random World
Amy's random World - 7 years ago
Omg the little voices! I'm dying
Prince Lotor
Prince Lotor - 7 years ago
5:06 "God I Sound Like Tina" xD
Alisha barojas
Alisha barojas - 7 years ago
Taylor u watch bobs burgers!!!!
Pringle - 7 years ago
Cheese You Where Moldy In The New Tank ;O Whats Wrong?
Isobel Cann
Isobel Cann - 7 years ago
Get another cow fish as a friend for cheese.
Natylia Foster
Natylia Foster - 7 years ago
Thanks for the memories even tho they weren't so great
Dez The Salt Queen
Dez The Salt Queen - 7 years ago
Anyone else cry when they were saying their goodbyes? I'm over here bawling like a baby..
Mitchel Paice
Mitchel Paice - 7 years ago
"Which snake is best for you" me: one that doesn't stab you in the back
Abbie Willcutt
Abbie Willcutt - 7 years ago
Get em It's a game download
Hikari Angel
Hikari Angel - 7 years ago
I'm kinda desperate for help with my spotted cory catfish. I have pellets to feed him, and I drop the pellets in for him while I feed my platies and guppies flake food, but after they finish that off they go after my cory's food and my cory is kinda slow with eating and is too peaceful to do anything about it. It's basically 7 vs. 1. Will he get the food he needs if I crush up the pellets into a few small pieces and dust for him while keeping the other fish occupied with different pieces of it, or am I in deep trouble?
Abby Brown
Abby Brown - 7 years ago
cheese is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute omg omg
Roby 27
Roby 27 - 7 years ago
kermit the fwog
kermit the fwog - 7 years ago
Cheese how all the food fit into your smol cubey body
Samuel Diblasi
Samuel Diblasi - 7 years ago
hes stress eating
Alyz Stroud
Alyz Stroud - 7 years ago
I need more cheese videos please especially before back to school
Squishys and Slime collector
Squishys and Slime collector - 7 years ago
u should check out steff j u guy would be good friends
Laurelle Benoit
Laurelle Benoit - 7 years ago
6:01...I literally just had a panic attack when the bigger fish came into camera and SWEAR ON MY LIFE....thought that Cheese was gonna get eaten
The Blue J
The Blue J - 7 years ago
Cheese is my spirit animal
PokeBuddies - 7 years ago
Cheese is so cute! I love how you have so many animals. I am glad you gave all your pets good homes! I appreciate all your efforts to make them live a happy life. Can you give cheese a female and name it cheesecake? Thank you for making theses vids.
PokeBuddies - 7 years ago
Cheese The best fish, you are the best one.
Cheese The best fish
Cheese The best fish - 7 years ago
Katie G I'm the best one tho
Minnow AJ
Minnow AJ - 7 years ago
You need cheese merch
Rachel - 7 years ago
Cheese is the cutest fish I've ever seen
sarah dun
sarah dun - 7 years ago
Hattie Harrison
Hattie Harrison - 7 years ago
He is a under water dog
Chef Natalie
Chef Natalie - 7 years ago
How does she do the voices bahaha
Garrett Larson
Garrett Larson - 7 years ago
drops cheese
AWESOME Kitty Tv kittens
AWESOME Kitty Tv kittens - 7 years ago
Cheese is cute and funny
WillowMitchell - 7 years ago
3:36 elllo my emo friends
Just Terri
Just Terri - 7 years ago
Holly moley I just searched pictures of a fully grown cow fish
silver unicorn gaming
silver unicorn gaming - 7 years ago
I'm getting the type of fish cheese is is it ok if I name it cheese Jr
Karleigh White
Karleigh White - 7 years ago
Cheese is my life
Andy Melonseed
Andy Melonseed - 7 years ago
I love Cheese but he's probably too dumb to even know he's in a different tank.
SheSo ARMYMonbebeAroha
SheSo ARMYMonbebeAroha - 7 years ago
can you write where you get your clothes b/c i love your clothes and i want them
Dat Boi
Dat Boi - 7 years ago
cheese eats when he's nervous just like me <3
Sea Rose
Sea Rose - 7 years ago
I love cheeses voice
abby or abigail
abby or abigail - 7 years ago
Lisa Birch
Lisa Birch - 7 years ago
You listen to fall out boy OMG!
craniumbear - 7 years ago
I like the voice you chose for cheese.
Protechtnical - 7 years ago
Can I have permission to name a cow fish I'm gonna get "Cheddar"?
Protechtnical - 7 years ago
I actually got sad when he said goodbye to the other fish
Protechtnical - 7 years ago
I don't want cheese to die :(
ReetheTurtle - 7 years ago
Why don't you just put a little sand box in your sand snakes cafe
ReetheTurtle - 7 years ago
Sia - Senpai
Sia - Senpai - 7 years ago
This is better then Twilight
R6K-KILLERS P - 7 years ago
YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cheese The best fish
Cheese The best fish - 7 years ago
R6K-KILLERS P I'm better
Amber Johnson
Amber Johnson - 7 years ago
gj cheese <3
Bubbles and Things
Bubbles and Things - 7 years ago
Hi Taylor, I was wondering if you could/were planning on making a video on how to take care of sick fish (specifically bettas). I'm currently treating my sick betta and I'm still not entirely sure what's wrong with him.
Kelky V
Kelky V - 7 years ago
Cheese is stress eating lol

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