Catching Fish from Inside a Minnow Trap POV 2

Click the link for the first POV video: This is a point of view (POV) video of a minnow trap catching fish in a salt marsh creek. The fish caught are sheepshead minnows and mummichogs which are very hardy and are used as a baitfish all the time. The bait inside the trap is a piece of hot-dog roll. You can see once one fish goes in, the rest start to follow... The more fish that move into the trap, the more that are willing to follow behind them! The trap I use is GEE'S Galvanized Minnow Trap: Watch Cocahoe minnows POV in Louisiana: Watch these minnows hatching in the lab: **If the video was enjoyable, remember to give it a "thumbs up" and consider subscribing. New videos every Thursday** -Website: -Facebook: -Twitter: -Instagram: -Subscribe Here: -YouTube Channel:

Catching Fish from Inside a Minnow Trap POV 2 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1050

Pets & Animals 11 years ago 4,739,602 views

Click the link for the first POV video: This is a point of view (POV) video of a minnow trap catching fish in a salt marsh creek. The fish caught are sheepshead minnows and mummichogs which are very hardy and are used as a baitfish all the time. The bait inside the trap is a piece of hot-dog roll. You can see once one fish goes in, the rest start to follow... The more fish that move into the trap, the more that are willing to follow behind them! The trap I use is GEE'S Galvanized Minnow Trap: Watch Cocahoe minnows POV in Louisiana: Watch these minnows hatching in the lab: **If the video was enjoyable, remember to give it a "thumbs up" and consider subscribing. New videos every Thursday** -Website: -Facebook: -Twitter: -Instagram: -Subscribe Here: -YouTube Channel:

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Most popular comments
for Catching Fish from Inside a Minnow Trap POV 2

The Legendary Lizards
The Legendary Lizards - 7 years ago
Do you need a license to do this
matthew womack
matthew womack - 7 years ago
Thanks my truck has never run better
ChrisFix - 7 years ago
+matthew womack awesome
Saltfisher 14
Saltfisher 14 - 7 years ago
Wheee is this?
wichian phuangpila
wichian phuangpila - 7 years ago
ALEN CHANNEL - 7 years ago
Very nice
Maryjane Ortega
Maryjane Ortega - 7 years ago
I wonder what he does with them
General Live
General Live - 7 years ago
Like your video
ChrisFix - 7 years ago
Sokroeun Yob
Sokroeun Yob - 7 years ago
ChrisFix - 7 years ago
lhs cambodia
lhs cambodia - 7 years ago
amazing idea

10. comment for Catching Fish from Inside a Minnow Trap POV 2

Sam - 7 years ago
Something Fishy about this video Chris.....
khodilochoro jitu
khodilochoro jitu - 7 years ago
Boss27Angels YT
Boss27Angels YT - 7 years ago
S s s. S
Ally Sparks
Ally Sparks - 7 years ago
you should do a video on how to make that trap
Greg Popovice
Greg Popovice - 7 years ago
Hey Chris,
I'd be happy to send you the raw cut parts so that you could fabricate a trap.  No presses though.  Shipping is outrageous and we need them for production.
Greg Popovice
Tackle Factory
he manufacturer of the Gee's G-40 products
ChrisFix - 7 years ago
+Ally Sparks cool idea
TIM TIN - 7 years ago
Idk why dont they go bck in the hole ?
Doge Nation
Doge Nation - 7 years ago
CHRISFIX U WERE A REVIEWER DAMN i just typed on amazon fish traps and copy paste on YT and watched 6th 1 cause dat thumbnial
Callum Roblox Pro
Callum Roblox Pro - 7 years ago
Sick video, its really cool how you can see the fish going right past the camara.
meandale - 7 years ago
Neat! Nice alternative for your regular videos!
LOLWTF673 - 7 years ago
So he went from fishing to fixing cars
Ghost Squad
Ghost Squad - 7 years ago

20. comment for Catching Fish from Inside a Minnow Trap POV 2

Anton Turov - Ферриz
Anton Turov - Ферриz - 7 years ago
Pro Gamer
Pro Gamer - 7 years ago
Face reveal
ThePunny - 7 years ago
alot of crabs i will say
Jesse Morgan
Jesse Morgan - 7 years ago
How did millions of people not see the fiddler crabs
Eng 2008rt
Eng 2008rt - 7 years ago
Do I need to sand these fishes or something ?
Alejandra Ayala valensia
Alejandra Ayala valensia - 7 years ago
niuno save ablar español
Shane Dillonvlogs
Shane Dillonvlogs - 7 years ago
I thought he was a car channel.
Shane Dillonvlogs
Shane Dillonvlogs - 7 years ago
ChrisFix oh
ChrisFix - 7 years ago
I am, this is one of my first videos!
Maria Luz
Maria Luz - 7 years ago
Nice catches. Saw some pretty nice minnows. A lot of them ranged from small, medium, and large.

i'll take one mclarge minnow pls
KH Natural life
KH Natural life - 7 years ago
nice.................. love video
FlatBastard - 7 years ago
*watches video*
That was cool, who made this?
*sees ChrisFix*
But- but- fish is not car, what- i can't

My reality is shattered.
FlatBastard - 7 years ago
Seriously though, its really cool to see you like fishing!

30. comment for Catching Fish from Inside a Minnow Trap POV 2

Fedor Amuricano
Fedor Amuricano - 7 years ago
Wait !!! am i on the wrong CHANNEL or something ??? Isn't this the CHRISFIX who repairs and modify cars?????
KHMER NET FISHING 2017 - 7 years ago
ChrisFix - 7 years ago
RisWanDie 88
RisWanDie 88 - 7 years ago
Lawson Shaw
Lawson Shaw - 7 years ago
make a second channel called ChrisFish and make it about fishing
Rodriguez john
Rodriguez john - 7 years ago
do you use for bait?
Mary Benward
Mary Benward - 7 years ago
dale klein
dale klein - 7 years ago
We have seen his face
the saveg beast
the saveg beast - 7 years ago
got ya
Maria Martinez
Maria Martinez - 7 years ago
theres something fishy going on here?
ChrisFix - 7 years ago
D4rkn3ss - 7 years ago
These fish must really love fresh air. As soon as Chris pulls them out of the water they all start dancing and jumping around :D
ChrisFix - 7 years ago
Kahncus Akwerius
Kahncus Akwerius - 7 years ago
how can people hate on this film??!! there was no talking and it went straight to action... love the video great job..
Tajli Tempakul
Tajli Tempakul - 7 years ago
this bubu in indonesia...
Tyler Muzi
Tyler Muzi - 7 years ago
I caught minnows today in that same environment
MrCatsAlot v
MrCatsAlot v - 7 years ago
now i know why they can't get out of the trap...

idk really i just think they're stupid
Morgan Gilliam
Morgan Gilliam - 7 years ago
KH village
KH village - 7 years ago
good job nice video
paulo ricardo
paulo ricardo - 7 years ago
muuuiito tri cara ta de barabems
Pescaria do Juninho
Pescaria do Juninho - 7 years ago
show!!! Like!! se inscrteva no meu canal!!!
TOPZ VIDZ - 7 years ago
Alex great
Alex great - 7 years ago
what did you used for bait?
ChrisFix - 7 years ago

50. comment for Catching Fish from Inside a Minnow Trap POV 2

Braydon Epping
Braydon Epping - 7 years ago
wheres this at?
Braydon Epping
Braydon Epping - 7 years ago
tones of fish
Lucifer Morningstar
Lucifer Morningstar - 7 years ago
What if fish can talk like,

Ivan: Hey Bob come inside, its fun in here.
Bob: came in
Ivan: Haha jk, its a trap. We're both gonna die.
Bob: Shock
Pesca Sencilla
Pesca Sencilla - 7 years ago
Good video friend in Spain also usually use this type of traps to catch prawns.
Fishleap - 8 years ago
The fish minds:
"Wow there's food."
"Oh hello."
"How do I get out?"
"What's going on?"
"Hey look, a party."
"We can't get out. Help pls."
"Oh hello, what is going on?"
"Someone's coming!"
"I can't breathe!"
Robert Duroiffvgsvdadbhr
Robert Duroiffvgsvdadbhr - 8 years ago
Clayton Palmer
Clayton Palmer - 8 years ago
Little do they know there fucked
Vu Cong
Vu Cong - 8 years ago
Saiful Islam
Saiful Islam - 8 years ago
Rosemon Burst mode
Rosemon Burst mode - 8 years ago
Are minows good to eat
Rosemon Burst mode
Rosemon Burst mode - 8 years ago
But can you eat them
Acroztic Temperrz
Acroztic Temperrz - 8 years ago
poke fan poke fan they're used for live bait.
Bounmy Bounpraseuth
Bounmy Bounpraseuth - 8 years ago
3:05 what the he'll was that a giant puffer fish
Bounmy Bounpraseuth
Bounmy Bounpraseuth - 8 years ago
why are s everyone doing this now
Acroztic Temperrz
Acroztic Temperrz - 8 years ago
Bounmy Bounpraseuth to he bait for fishing.
Bobby K
Bobby K - 8 years ago
Every second in the thirty sec 3 hour tide rising is 36 mins...
Maurice Supot
Maurice Supot - 8 years ago
do you even math. 3 hrs * 60 mins = 180 mins
180 mins / 30 seconds = 6 minutes per second
Kristel Verduyn Lunel
Kristel Verduyn Lunel - 8 years ago
Are these fish edible?
Kristel Verduyn Lunel
Kristel Verduyn Lunel - 8 years ago
I'll stick to salmon then.
ChrisFix - 8 years ago
+Kristel Verduyn Lunel not really. They are used for research and bait
ItsEgbert - 8 years ago
how does this trap work
Kristel Verduyn Lunel
Kristel Verduyn Lunel - 8 years ago
ItsEgbert - 8 years ago
+The King the first person answered my question already
The King
The King - 8 years ago
You put it in a lac, you wait, you take the trap out of the water, BAME THERE IS FISH IN IT
Kristel Verduyn Lunel
Kristel Verduyn Lunel - 8 years ago
The fish swim inside and are too stupid to find the exit from which they came from basically :'D
Phill Bozz
Phill Bozz - 8 years ago
Omg Chris fix face at the begging
Phill Bozz
Phill Bozz - 8 years ago
Because in your newest video people wondered
ChrisFix - 8 years ago
Mexican food
Mexican food - 8 years ago
I wonder if you can gold diggers with this
Jason Holzman
Jason Holzman - 8 years ago
Mexican food u
Sugito Mandiri
Sugito Mandiri - 8 years ago
its best to put a bait into the trap.
kaziboygamer !
kaziboygamer ! - 8 years ago
is that u???
Joshycakes Bearbear
Joshycakes Bearbear - 8 years ago
Wow really good fish trap u should make a bigger one to catch bigger fish
ChrisFix - 8 years ago
That is a good idea!
Jeanette Donaldson
Jeanette Donaldson - 8 years ago
Super cool, Thanks for sharing. I only wish where I lived it was that clean. The fiddler crabs vanished 10 years ago. Just google " Indian River Lagoon State of Emergency." :(
brayan pena
brayan pena - 8 years ago
Thats cool he saved them from drowning
Donald Trump
Donald Trump - 7 years ago
Lominaty Spy it's a joke
Lominaty Spy
Lominaty Spy - 7 years ago
brayan pena no?
Shit axb
Shit axb - 8 years ago
They can't escape because they swim in a zig zag pattern which makes it more difficult to exit. The entrance is a funnel shape which helped guide them in the trap. This also applies to flies, they can't fly in a straight line.
JosrRocks - 8 years ago
Chthonian121 - 8 years ago
Ummmmm.. Chris I have a flat tire... what should I do!?!??
Gaman Fred
Gaman Fred - 8 years ago
in Malaysia we call it "bubu"...
Thomas King
Thomas King - 8 years ago
i didnt notice the transition at 3:50 the first time
JR outdoors
JR outdoors - 8 years ago
Was that guy you
JosephBane - 8 years ago
Have you tried makking one trap to catch bass?
Anthony Martinez
Anthony Martinez - 8 years ago
now dry them off give them a nice coat of wax change the fish oil and drift em
Alfie Delacruz
Alfie Delacruz - 8 years ago
why they cant escape
Swedish_Steel - 8 years ago
Ramsees Jordan
Ramsees Jordan - 8 years ago
Cool as hell to watch
Jessica Ferguson
Jessica Ferguson - 8 years ago
little fish!
Jamie Agius
Jamie Agius - 8 years ago
What GoPro do you use?
MoparMilanime - 8 years ago
Theres something fishy about this fix
Lucifer Morningstar
Lucifer Morningstar - 7 years ago
Mopar Milan get out!
ChrisFix - 8 years ago
Sumthin sumthin
Sumthin sumthin - 8 years ago
i also have POV videos
Raptor - 8 years ago
oh boy thats a lot of wooder
woke jerry
woke jerry - 8 years ago
riff724 riff724
riff724 riff724 - 8 years ago
Hi that looks like a standard monnow trap with a  1 inch opening , I live in eastern fla can you tell me if that  is a standard minnow trap how big the opening is and well I  guess the mud minnows favor the shallows , but can they be netted like mullet in deeper waters ? thanks plus  that looks like bread , have you tried anything else for the trap
uspjeh zvijezda
uspjeh zvijezda - 8 years ago
This old, very, very degraded world is about to finish in that final destruction which lies in front of all of us. Don't think that we have plenty of time in front of us. We, the embodied human souls have, approximately, 20 years to become completely pure and perfect by remembering our Spiritual Father, God, the Purifier of the Impure, and by forgetting these our dirty bodies which are born through that great sin, the vice of lust. God Shiva, the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, the Spiritual Father of all of us, the embodied human souls, has already come on the territory of today's India (in 1936.) and He gives you, too, this message so that you are able to receive an inheritance from Him. India, that is, that future Kingdom of Bharat, is that future land of Paradise which is now in the process of establishment. God Shiva says, My sweet child, wherever you are, whatever you do, while walking, eating, moving around, sitting, etc., consider yourself to be a body-less soul, a star-like point of light and remember Me, the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, in My eternal Form of the Point of Light and all your already accumulated sins will be erased. The impure souls can't return back home, to Nirvana, the unlimited space of golden-red light. That our original home is called the land beyond sound. That our sweet home (of liberation) is far beyond this physical world, above the Sun, the Moon and all the stars. You shouldn't allow yourself to do such business (such like you showed in this your video!) of giving pain and suffering to other living creatures, which are exactly as we are, the spiritual beings, too, so they feel and experience happiness and sorrow, just like you do. Can that truth reach your intellect? Pity if your answer is no! I love fishing, I read that your answer down below! Such words only senseless souls are able to tell. Now, because as soon as I am to see any of your videos, I would remember this your fail, a big mistake in playing your (it is not a fun, but a violence!) part here so, my next step is to unsubscribe from your beautiful fixing of cars videos because my eyes didn't deserve to watch these things which only atheists can give and share with others. A darkness of ignorance! An evil! Forgive yourself for this nonsense and change yourself for the better while time allows you to do that business of purifying yourself. It is really now or never!Kind regards                                                        
The Notorious Angler
The Notorious Angler - 8 years ago
was that bread for bait ?
Wolf Powered Vids
Wolf Powered Vids - 8 years ago
If you met my grandpa he loves fishing to, so do I a little! XD
Gracie A
Gracie A - 8 years ago
I was thinking of purchasing Gees G-40KIT Floating Complete Bait Kit w/Trap Bait Keeper Lid & Net. I saw the kit on Amazon.

Link here:

I don't if this will work in catching Sardines on a saltwater pier that leads out into the ocean here in South Eastern Florida. Do you have any comments or advice. I am friends with the gentleman who catches and sells the sardines but I want to be able to catch my own bait and not depend on anyone else. I did not want to cast a net as others do nor do I want to spend time catching sardines off of a fishing rod with shiners and miniature hooks.

I have a feeling that the G-40 Minnow Trap Kit will be perfect for me. However, I am not how long the DN-1 DIP NET is as far as extension into the water and when and what will I be using it for.

I would appreciate your feedback and knowledge on this matter and also of those viewing this video.

Thank you for posting this wonderful video. I have found it to be very interesting.
Sasuke Uchiha
Sasuke Uchiha - 8 years ago
kubek P
kubek P - 8 years ago
They are soo stiupid. No one think to get out by entry...
Petros Komninos
Petros Komninos - 8 years ago
Hey guys! ChrisFish here
ancient aliens are coming
ancient aliens are coming - 8 years ago
why do you want them?? they are small af.. should have release them
李梦祖 - 8 years ago
fish is too much than my home but those were small.
Joshua Jolly
Joshua Jolly - 8 years ago
Did I see some fiddler crabs in the background?
Murtaza's Vlogs
Murtaza's Vlogs - 8 years ago
How would you feel if someone dragged you into water and left you there to drown? im a big fan of your videos i really love them but i dont support the killing of animals ect.
Lee Yang
Lee Yang - 8 years ago
+Murtaza Hafeez u must be jealous as ur riding Allah's red sandy cock everyday.ALLAHU AKHBAUR!!
Murtaza's Vlogs
Murtaza's Vlogs - 8 years ago
htf631PMq6 penis
hudai han
hudai han - 8 years ago
ive always wanted to know how you track someone? can you not teach me pls
Murtaza's Vlogs
Murtaza's Vlogs - 8 years ago
close but not accurate enough mate
Silus Jackson
Silus Jackson - 8 years ago
+Murtaza Hafeez lidl car park next to the army recruitment centre. See you soon.I'll be in the blue focus st
Murtaza's Vlogs
Murtaza's Vlogs - 8 years ago
dont try that shit with me haha
actually im in your sisters bedroom
Murtaza's Vlogs
Murtaza's Vlogs - 8 years ago
Luton mate come pay a visit and get shot
Silus Jackson
Silus Jackson - 8 years ago
+Murtaza Hafeez I'd settle down before i pay you a visit. Luton or Reading pal? You make the decision.
Unkel Dolan
Unkel Dolan - 8 years ago
+Murtaza Hafeez
But why
Murtaza's Vlogs
Murtaza's Vlogs - 8 years ago
yh shit changes like ur mums positions in bed
Unkel Dolan
Unkel Dolan - 8 years ago
+Murtaza Hafeez
You changed from commenting about how you love his videos but don't support animal killings to bombing mum juicy pussy real quick.
Silus Jackson
Silus Jackson - 8 years ago
+Murtaza Hafeez You isis sandniggas gotta stop killing innocents yo know. I know you probably work in a kebab shop for less than minimum but stop taking that out on everyone else.
Murtaza's Vlogs
Murtaza's Vlogs - 8 years ago
more like bombing ur mums juicy pussy
Silus Jackson
Silus Jackson - 8 years ago
+Murtaza Hafeez with a name like that your probably fucking your sisters and bombing innocents
Murtaza's Vlogs
Murtaza's Vlogs - 8 years ago
go away im fucking ur sisters
Unkel Dolan
Unkel Dolan - 8 years ago
+Murtaza Hafeez
Thanks for proving my point.
Silus Jackson
Silus Jackson - 8 years ago
+Murtaza Hafeez Haha fucking pagan.
Murtaza's Vlogs
Murtaza's Vlogs - 8 years ago
suck your mum
Unkel Dolan
Unkel Dolan - 8 years ago
Are you a vegan? If not, stfu about not supporting animal killing.
Murtaza's Vlogs
Murtaza's Vlogs - 8 years ago
you dont get the point
Silus Jackson
Silus Jackson - 8 years ago
It's fucking fish. This is how the meat gets to your plate. Unless you want to live on grass and dreams, deal with it.

100. comment for Catching Fish from Inside a Minnow Trap POV 2

Joshua Hirtle
Joshua Hirtle - 8 years ago
Joshua Hirtle
Joshua Hirtle - 8 years ago
+ChrisFix Oh wow. You are on point with the reply game. You must hate the little red notification dot at the top right of YouTube.
ChrisFix - 8 years ago
That was my nickname growing up. I love fishing!
Wee Speak
Wee Speak - 8 years ago
Great channel Chris! What camera did you use that you got 3 hours of battery life???
Thanks and best luck on the continued success!
KING - 8 years ago
Stevethe11th - 8 years ago
Hey guys, today I'm going to show you how to change the cage fluid on your minnow trap.
NIP [FIN] - 8 years ago
3:34 big fishes come inside thetrap
Kristel Verduyn Lunel
Kristel Verduyn Lunel - 8 years ago
I think your dad might be coming inside the trap too, oh wait...
That was a joke, sorry.
Millermacs - 8 years ago
cjchamburs - 8 years ago
pretty cool:)
ernch henderin
ernch henderin - 8 years ago to catch a fish after having a new car!
Phil Whipple
Phil Whipple - 8 years ago
I got so excited i had to take a valium.
Judy Wright
Judy Wright - 8 years ago
I seed a video of this man contact a lot of fish
Marie Wouters
Marie Wouters - 8 years ago
seed This actually looks%mythicaoviolence 8‑D
Jonell Rodriguez
Jonell Rodriguez - 8 years ago
Sham Sukhraj
Sham Sukhraj - 8 years ago
I don't get do these traps work if there is a open space for the fish to escape the same way they go in
harrell tolentino
harrell tolentino - 8 years ago
Its easier to go on a funnel that guides them inside the small hole than finding just a small hole going out
Ciaran vaughan
Ciaran vaughan - 8 years ago
they dont know how to get back out. they seem to forget how they got in.
luchvk - 8 years ago
The food may compel them to stay; until he lifts the trap.
Seth The Amazing
Seth The Amazing - 8 years ago
Yes a Simple bait fluid change and Metal Mesh rotation should do the trick!
doyrtwq - 8 years ago
The larger ones eating the smaller ones.
Tom Viridis
Tom Viridis - 8 years ago
I wonder why they can't see the way to exit the trap.
tarek rahaman
tarek rahaman - 8 years ago
you are cool!!!!
Clay Ton
Clay Ton - 8 years ago
stupid fucking fish
airigid - 8 years ago
What did you do with the fish ones you got them?
Jonathan White
Jonathan White - 8 years ago
"Hey look this is a cool little party room"
RyokoTunes - 8 years ago
So... They can find their way in but not out?
Henrik - 8 years ago
Thats interesting, you can see they hear you coming
Adoniz Hernandez
Adoniz Hernandez - 8 years ago
como hacerla pues tontos
Derek Myers
Derek Myers - 8 years ago
Small fish small meal unlease making sardens
con - 8 years ago
man you look scary at the very beginning of the video
Jiggin' With Jake
Jiggin' With Jake - 8 years ago
what go pro do you use and how did you mount it
STEV0GAMING GAMING - 8 years ago
Really peaceful I enjoy it.Thanks for the vid,it made my day ^_^
elverfama2000 - 8 years ago
more video about fishing. thanks
Konichiwa #ME
Konichiwa #ME - 8 years ago
did anyone else see that huge fish
Daphne Vaughn
Daphne Vaughn - 8 years ago
Omg so crowded In there
Starr Her
Starr Her - 8 years ago
3:55 one of the fish has another fish in its mouth lol
Andrew Anderson
Andrew Anderson - 8 years ago
we have to swim down!
حسون الكطراني
حسون الكطراني - 8 years ago
John Malcolm
John Malcolm - 8 years ago
It must be great in there; no one is leaving ...guess there's no harm in checking it out.
RufusTheCute Maltipoo
RufusTheCute Maltipoo - 8 years ago
I thought the cage (In the box) was a microphone
Vincent Yana
Vincent Yana - 8 years ago
Puro kakataba amp*ta #pilipiknows
Jose Duarte
Jose Duarte - 8 years ago
what will you do with the minnows?
Jose Duarte
Jose Duarte - 8 years ago
Please post a video of the flounder fishing.
ChrisFix - 8 years ago
flounder bait
Tyler Vanostrand
Tyler Vanostrand - 8 years ago
just call me
secret journey
secret journey - 8 years ago
That looks like the outer banks
Sikunt Comedy
Sikunt Comedy - 8 years ago
How long do you leave your traps for???
ChrisFix - 8 years ago
In the pool for minnows I leave them out for an hour.
fezzy tech
fezzy tech - 8 years ago
How do they not get out
Nolen Johnson
Nolen Johnson - 8 years ago
5 minutes of my life...

Perfectly used :)
dar faya culsuer and art music
dar faya culsuer and art music - 8 years ago
Click the link for the first POV video
Destin Dieujuste
Destin Dieujuste - 8 years ago
wow 3 fat one came in
Brian Fleming
Brian Fleming - 8 years ago
I have a frabill minnow trap and when I put it in the water I can see the minnows swim in but then swim right back out . how do I fix it to where they can't get out ?
Brett Saesee
Brett Saesee - 8 years ago
Clear tap
guada09100 - 8 years ago
Well one of the fish went up close and personal
Paguro traduzioni
Paguro traduzioni - 8 years ago
Why they can not go out?
woke jerry
woke jerry - 8 years ago
are you actually that dumb?
harrell tolentino
harrell tolentino - 8 years ago
They tend to stick at the bottom or the top but going in is easier brcause there is a funnel guiding to the small hole
Eduard Baz
Eduard Baz - 8 years ago
much trap, very catch.
arawtgabi - 8 years ago
Do you use minnows for bait? Aren't they kinda small?
Schoolboy Dunnock
Schoolboy Dunnock - 8 years ago
Chialy Xiong
Chialy Xiong - 8 years ago

Jason Derochie
Jason Derochie - 8 years ago
Cool video!
nitro1821 - 8 years ago
nice job
very small ones though :/
Jonathan Bed
Jonathan Bed - 8 years ago
You better use that for bait
papa54321 - 8 years ago
: o Hey Chris, stay on car bro..
saif khan
saif khan - 8 years ago
wht can you do with such small fish? like i would have to eat a hundred to fill me up
ChrisFix - 8 years ago
+saif khan Bait for bigger fish. Flounder love these little guys!
I Like Crayfish
I Like Crayfish - 8 years ago
Love this video thanks for sharing
sonyviva308 - 8 years ago
That's a weird looking car to fix. What was the problem again? :P
EDG - 8 years ago
lol, hydrolock
Supreme Snake
Supreme Snake - 8 years ago
JMG_99 - 8 years ago
low tide
Mr.R N the Boss
Mr.R N the Boss - 8 years ago
+Kaila Guidry oh I didn't even see that, Lololololololololololol
kaila loves attack on titan
kaila loves attack on titan - 8 years ago
Its his video? Lol
Mr.R N the Boss
Mr.R N the Boss - 8 years ago
ChrisFix - 8 years ago
+sonyviva308 lol
I hate faggots
I hate faggots - 8 years ago
How big is the diameter of the hole and the ring around it?
Greg Popovice
Greg Popovice - 8 years ago
+86 Boss To satisfy most states laws the entrance hole is 1" in diameter.  The Gee's G-40 product line does not have a ring around it.  Tackle Factory continues to manufacture the Gee's trap as they have been for many decades... One component at a time.  People come into our factory with traps 40-50 years old and our new pieces still fit them.Greg Popovice,Tackle Factory
Emma Matkins
Emma Matkins - 8 years ago
poor fish
Jared Leon
Jared Leon - 8 years ago
dumbass fish
anNaSoR911 - 8 years ago
I was hoping at least ONE fish would figure out to leave from the hole it came in through, and I wanted to see if the other fish would be smart enough to follow.
jaelynn zee
jaelynn zee - 8 years ago
Dang, We call those crayfish traps, but bait is expensive and as long as my bait comes from the same lake I'm fishing on, I can use it. I gotta try that! Thanks. It's probably illegal thanks to strict DNR laws> When I was a kid walleye were 15"min and a bag limit of 5. 30yrs later and they gotta be 18" and bag limit 2:( That's cuz the native have their spear fishing rights during spawning time, smart huh? Take a few thousand every year and my grandpa bought that place in 1960s specifically b/c it was a walleye/perch lake and was one of the first to build. Now, humans have ruined it. Postage stamp lawns where forests used to be. Thinning of the forest opposite along the other side of the road and there are/were piliated Giant Redheaded woodpeckers in there, and foxes, so they are driving out the wildlife. It's heartbreaking.
Fudd - 8 years ago
no sarcasm for reals
Fudd - 8 years ago
10/10 great story
Dan Dan
Dan Dan - 8 years ago
900bz - 8 years ago
3:06 holy shit thats a big ass fish
Hi Vvvaal
Hi Vvvaal - 7 years ago
It disappeared
Stainless - 8 years ago
JOHNOBUB - 8 years ago
big fish at 3:05
阿德里安 - 8 years ago
Mu bisa otikusu sihu..
阿德里安 - 8 years ago
Us ta otikusu sihu?
The Supreme Dalek
The Supreme Dalek - 8 years ago
"hey guys! Chris Fish here"
DustyCowdog - 8 years ago
Fish says, "Hey, Frank. What do you think is in there?" Frank says, "Well, I think you should go check it out." Fish says, "Frank, there is a ton of crap to eat in here!" "Wait just a minute -- I think this is a trick!" Two hours later.... "Ouch! Why the hell is this freak sticking my back with a HOOK??? Ahhhhhh!"
kid rage channel or beatdown channel
kid rage channel or beatdown channel - 8 years ago
poor fish
MISTER - 8 years ago
they dont have feeling nor can they feel pain
JoViterbo - 8 years ago
Oh shit! I just realized this is ChrisFix, hahaha awesome!
Doge - 8 years ago
+ChrisFix "hey guys Chris Fish here and today I'm gonna show you how to catch fish"
ChrisFix - 8 years ago
+josephisthegreat I use to be ChrisFish haha
Bob Thornton
Bob Thornton - 8 years ago
Start a secondary random diy video channel
Bob Thornton
Bob Thornton - 8 years ago
+ChrisFix that would be way sick. A lot of people would like to see that. Would make your channel huge to with all the stuff you do already plus vloging.
ChrisFix - 8 years ago
+jace c I was thinking about it. Like maybe a daily vlog or something? I can share my experiences, stuff like that?
jakethesnakelover - 8 years ago
That was actually quite relaxing to watch.
05: 05
05: 05 - 8 years ago
omg they are so stupid x)
SouthernSpeed - 8 years ago
What did you use them to catch?
SouthernSpeed - 8 years ago
+ChrisFix I do the same and all I catch is little bluegills
ChrisFix - 8 years ago
+The spider pic man bread
Clan of Darkness
Clan of Darkness - 8 years ago
What are those bugs at 0:40 moving around what type?
Clan of Darkness
Clan of Darkness - 8 years ago
ChrisFix - 8 years ago
+Clan of Darkness Those are hermit crabs
Clan of Darkness
Clan of Darkness - 8 years ago
Those things on the shore
Joe Momba
Joe Momba - 8 years ago
butchtropic - 8 years ago
Of course if left to mature sheepshead are very tasty but with people like you thinning out the fry good luck catching an adult.
chozah family
chozah family - 8 years ago
What did u do with the fish? :o
ChrisFix - 8 years ago
+chozah family I did research (tag and release). They are good bait too for flounder.
Goku jr
Goku jr - 8 years ago
Jsam Dominin Europa
Jsam Dominin Europa - 8 years ago
If I Where You I Would Keep Them Safe at the Aquarium
TheMoldyToast - 8 years ago
Nah they are going to be used as bait
zerpBot - 9 years ago
They can find the entry hole so easy yet they can't find the exit.
KittycatGamerPro - 8 years ago
+zerpBot It's something to do with their vission, Search up the "native american fish trap" made from sticks, It uses the same idea.
Cyproduction - 9 years ago
This is actually really cool.
Mr. Джексан
Mr. Джексан - 9 years ago
pap helel
Jonathon Shingoose
Jonathon Shingoose - 9 years ago
..following the leader
Piranha Tattoo & Piercing Shop
Piranha Tattoo & Piercing Shop - 9 years ago
such a simple design but so genius it is
Michelle Steen
Michelle Steen - 9 years ago
Something colourful school small ones big ones little ones ever said that once even gonna large call Netto bacon bacon bacon ones so big that you can actually let the Connie lifted up I don't know what the fuck out thousands and thousands this fish is pushing the line and I don't know what sucks so much it's a Schnucks so that the fish actually so complicated so small and big fish coming out of the big fish come on that hold a small fish good nose to get there so I don't have a do that but it's so so so so complicated than Siri little fish big fish I don't know it's just so hard it's just so hard for the fish so hard for me to understand why because the show is called it's so repeat the chocolates so big big big big big of a coward but it's nothing of that tower please put it in the cage dude little fish big fish and one of the fishermen needs he he he got such a fright I don't know why we forget such speak big frightkgjguh
iAzumarill - 9 years ago
I love this video since it's so fascinating #_#
Ryan Moore
Ryan Moore - 9 years ago
This is a great demonstration of people feeding into trolls
Rachel Yap
Rachel Yap - 9 years ago
WOW , I try this and it is cooool ! I caught jet pertch!
Ibrahim Bedwan
Ibrahim Bedwan - 9 years ago
dumbass fish
Daniel Heil
Daniel Heil - 9 years ago
You should try putting bread or dog food in your traps
RichardDJLilD - 9 years ago
He put bread in the trap.
Sieg Heil
Sieg Heil - 9 years ago
Another one. another one. and another one!
Donald Marz
Donald Marz - 9 years ago
5winder - 9 years ago
How could anyone not like this? God bless you.
Ellena Crystal
Ellena Crystal - 9 years ago
Luke dee
Luke dee - 9 years ago
why just why didn't you put them out of pain?!
Aaron Nelson
Aaron Nelson - 9 years ago
+ChrisFix Ever try glass trap? They fill up in seems like seconds and use saltines for bait works really well!!
ChrisFix - 9 years ago
+Luke dee I released them after I caught them.
Nonnof Yobiznes
Nonnof Yobiznes - 9 years ago
One question. How did you make the camera (battery?) run that long?
Michele Greetings
Michele Greetings - 9 years ago
I never could understand why fish couldn t find that hole to go back out,,
SwagAttackKnife_ YOUTUBER
SwagAttackKnife_ YOUTUBER - 7 years ago
Michele Greetings cuz fish are dumb and only an octopus would be smart enough to get out
Adrian Smeria
Adrian Smeria - 8 years ago
Well... The same goes for most of the dogs: give them a longer type of food (bones, generally), and it will never pass their mind that they can rotate their head to be able to enter or leave the place that has enough space to let a dog pass. And to simply leave the bone behind is beyond any dog imagination.

For the fish, I was very surprised at first, but making the parallel with the dogs: it is clear that they cannot imagine (interpret) that they in a trap and that the hole is the only way in or out, especially when it looks like something inside the same trap.
Cody the Barber
Cody the Barber - 8 years ago
short term memory loss
JrThug999 - 8 years ago
+Bartopin B rekt
Bartopin B
Bartopin B - 8 years ago
+TinyRodent Kinda hard to count maniacs.
Either way, I wasn't replying to the original poster. So complaining has no point. So nothing you are saying is valid in the least.
Bartopin B
Bartopin B - 8 years ago
+TinyRodent Simply adding to the sub-category. Since when has knowledge ever hurt?
TinyRodent - 8 years ago
+Bartopin B good to know but why did you respond to this guys question with a fact that has nothing to do with his question apart from why they could not get out,
Bartopin B
Bartopin B - 8 years ago
+Stray Cat Goldfish can remember things well past 2+ months.
Stray Cat
Stray Cat - 8 years ago
+Michele Greetings They have 3 second memory like goldfish.
Michal Wubs
Michal Wubs - 9 years ago
D'ya eat em'?
Cucky the Lolservative White Man
Cucky the Lolservative White Man - 9 years ago
Eric Guevara
Eric Guevara - 9 years ago
what batteries are you using in your GoPro.
Jay  Mathis
Jay Mathis - 8 years ago
what battery????
로헬이 - 9 years ago
Very cute
oyinbo peppe
oyinbo peppe - 9 years ago
Did you eat them?
Jaime Lamas
Jaime Lamas - 9 years ago
"Hey Guys It's Chris Fish Here And Today I'm Going To Show You How To Catch Fish"
Gage blakely
Gage blakely - 7 years ago
I have a cousin names Chris fish.
Paintball Noob
Paintball Noob - 8 years ago
Why Do You Type Like This ?
AJ La - 8 years ago
yea good one
Cristian Morales
Cristian Morales - 9 years ago
No comment has ever gotten me to laugh out loud like that. my hat's off to you sir :p
thatJDMaccord - 9 years ago
Mmmm dinner
jessi perry
jessi perry - 9 years ago
those look like golden topminnows
SwaeLee420 - 8 years ago
+jakethesnakelover lol
jakethesnakelover - 8 years ago
+ChrisFix HA! Clit... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
ChrisFix - 9 years ago
+jessi perry same family, they are mumichugs. Fundulus heteroclitus.
Lawrence D Tandaha
Lawrence D Tandaha - 9 years ago
The thing is you must not be stupid as the fish..
got5at12 - 9 years ago
mightaymouse - 9 years ago
Lol I can only imagine what's going on in their minds...
"Hey this looks cool"
"Oh look a hole to swim through"
"Hi guys what's going on in here?"
Stupid Man
Stupid Man - 7 years ago
mighty mouse.
if it has a mind.
it has the seat of god residing in it as well.

and god said anyone who destroys the temple of god/the mind of another so shall he also destroy.

there is a reason god says do not kill/ eat from the tree of life/
by spilling the blood,
cutting the stalk,
removing by the root,
crushing the seeds,

to eat death is to die.

to eat the flesh of the fruit of life/
the leaves,
the fryits,
the herbs,
the berries,
is to eat the life force of life which is life preserving for you.
megan wyland
megan wyland - 7 years ago
ardstsp - 8 years ago
Only the smart fishes survive, they breed and one day they will kill us with their laser eyes
Doge - 8 years ago
I laughed way more than I should've....
fisher man06
fisher man06 - 8 years ago
budi prawira
budi prawira - 9 years ago
+mightaymouse HAHA,,
MTKStudios - 9 years ago
Altinez MTZ
Altinez MTZ - 9 years ago
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 9 years ago
How many inches were those little guys?
Maze or Alex
Maze or Alex - 9 years ago
That Guy a BUTT!!!!!!!!!
Madison McTighe
Madison McTighe - 9 years ago
What are those white things flouting in the water?
Jovan Panic
Jovan Panic - 8 years ago
ChrisFix got trolled :D
阿德里安 - 8 years ago
Deru. Tu, ut suku kiya dupi pumiruhu ti/selu, ur nib sihu us Chris de..
ALT Spitfire
ALT Spitfire - 8 years ago
ChrisFix - 9 years ago
+frank mctighe Bread or shrimp... Which one?
Meow tastic
Meow tastic - 9 years ago
Hunter Hoke
Hunter Hoke - 9 years ago
at 3:50 fish are like " ITS A GO PWO
Super Furry
Super Furry - 8 years ago
i laughed way more than i should have at this comment
DelzieC - 8 years ago
EASportssucksdick - 8 years ago
+5jjt Why?? At 3:50 it is already gone smh...
5jjt - 8 years ago
+FoxyGamer 2002 you're an idiot.
FoxyGamer 2002
FoxyGamer 2002 - 9 years ago
+FoxyGamer 2002 3:48*
FoxyGamer 2002
FoxyGamer 2002 - 9 years ago
you mean 3:46? hahaha
L30 - 9 years ago
+Hunter Hoke xD
Mr.Fabi Nator
Mr.Fabi Nator - 9 years ago
why can't they remember how they get in!
BertThePro - 9 years ago
3 second memory
Liang Wen Qiang
Liang Wen Qiang - 9 years ago
good job
BossSpringsteen69 - 9 years ago
I wish i could catch fish that quick on my fishing trips.
Nc Adhitya
Nc Adhitya - 9 years ago
Bisa masuk ga bisa keluat
Grif Guy
Grif Guy - 9 years ago
Wow fish are stupid
Petra Darklander
Petra Darklander - 9 years ago
Ain't no party like a Fish Trap party!
RBDerps Gaming
RBDerps Gaming - 8 years ago
Petra Darklander you genuinely deserve an award that is actually really creative lolol
Max Gamer
Max Gamer - 9 years ago
What was bait
ChrisFix - 9 years ago
+Max Gamer bread
Jesus saves
Jesus saves - 9 years ago
if i buy a bait trap like that would work in the jetty.
BloodSweatnBass - 9 years ago
Awesome vid bro, I had no idea that you're an angler as well as a great mechanic
Hachi Lover
Hachi Lover - 9 years ago
Feel bad for the fish, so clueless
jason shi
jason shi - 9 years ago
Swims in
Then totally forgets about the hole it came in from
jason shi
jason shi - 9 years ago
+Alejandro Arndt Jack XD
jason shi
jason shi - 9 years ago
+Alejandro Arndt Jack XD
Alejandro Arndt Jack
Alejandro Arndt Jack - 9 years ago
+jason shi Don´t we all forget the hole where we came from ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
marino Sanchez
marino Sanchez - 9 years ago
they look like (killies)
Jack Farley
Jack Farley - 9 years ago
your welcome
marino Sanchez
marino Sanchez - 9 years ago
thank you
Jack Farley
Jack Farley - 9 years ago
They are killies but the proper name is mummichog
adriannyasia - 9 years ago
fiddler crabs are cool
Dunno Nothing
Dunno Nothing - 9 years ago
fish: is this a party or something?!
COM Gaming
COM Gaming - 9 years ago
i saw the crabs
cobain amine
cobain amine - 9 years ago
why are they so dumb why can't they just and simply turn back the hole is still open its not locked
cobain amine
cobain amine - 9 years ago
+Eoin Gough ahaaaaaaa i seeee !!
Ice Bear
Ice Bear - 9 years ago
3 second memory
RoughShaft - 9 years ago
Don't waste ur time on goddam minnows, especially when they're needed to repopulate during seasons.
Bryan Lor
Bryan Lor - 9 years ago
3:04 what was that ? A large mouth ?
Johson Bill
Johson Bill - 9 years ago
What did u use as bait
Greg Popovice
Greg Popovice - 9 years ago
+Trick shot Bros What was your bait?
Trick shot Bros
Trick shot Bros - 9 years ago
My first day today trapping and I caught baby sunfish, any advice
Greg Popovice
Greg Popovice - 9 years ago
+Trick shot Bros We've been making the Gee's G-40 galvanized for a very long time and I like to help people with answers when I can.  Good luck and let us know how you do.
Greg Popovice,
Tackle Factory
Trick shot Bros
Trick shot Bros - 9 years ago
+Greg Popovice thanks, this is my other channel, I really appreciate the advice cause I'm just starting to trap.
Greg Popovice
Greg Popovice - 9 years ago
+Johson Bill Hi Bill,The length of time can vary.  Take 20 minutes and check your trap.  If you have nothing then move it up or downstream, or deeper vs shallower.  If you have a few put it right back.  Keep in mind that minnows swim up and downstream so it is important to position the trap with the cone ends facing into the current.  When using a trap in a lake or pond, try the shallow waters first.  1' to 2' deep.  Try putting a small empty 12-16 ounce water bottle in your trap to suspend it in the water.  Many minnows frequent the top water in marshy areas and ponds.
Johson Bill
Johson Bill - 9 years ago
How long do u keep the trap out for?
Johson Bill
Johson Bill - 9 years ago
Thanks for telling me, how long do u keep the rap out for?
ChrisFix - 9 years ago
+Johson Bill bread
Dick Fageroni
Dick Fageroni - 9 years ago
that's a weird looking car.
JUSTIN_LZT - 8 years ago
No, that's the new lamborghini afishador
Redington Hallmark
Redington Hallmark - 8 years ago
+Dick Fageroni Hahaha I actually watched the video again looking for a car and then got your joke... Im pretty slow. Wow haha
SouthernSpeed - 8 years ago
Ikr it is the new Toyota Fishtrap
cockneyb2k - 9 years ago
you Dick... oh wait...
Mini Mixers
Mini Mixers - 9 years ago
haha fish are so stupid why don't they just swim out the whole the came in :D
Rice Munchies
Rice Munchies - 9 years ago
Dude i dont like fish like eat then only like ones from my dad catch but its at my pond but let them go they are animals too like all we should bann allll weapons and wrap every robber i a american flag and shout merica
Austin Presley
Austin Presley - 9 years ago
максим - 9 years ago
у меня караси в пруду размером с лопату , а это хуета
максим - 9 years ago
Lynx Bushcraft
Lynx Bushcraft - 9 years ago
While you watch this video you can learn the behavior of the fishes.
Evan O'Neal
Evan O'Neal - 9 years ago
were did you get that trap
ChrisFix - 9 years ago
+Evan O'Neal Check the link in the description for where to get the trap.
1 for the pot
1 for the pot - 9 years ago
Great video man. Good to see this sort of trap from another angle. Awesome shooting - be good to see some crayfish in there
Kobayashi Maru
Kobayashi Maru - 9 years ago
I like when two of them approach the hole the first one goes in and the second one's like "naw fawk that" and swims away
Eric M
Eric M - 9 years ago
Poor fishies. :(
Johson Bill
Johson Bill - 9 years ago
Do u put them in a bucket after u get them it of the trap or kill them?
Khuujii Urnukh
Khuujii Urnukh - 9 years ago
Elena Salas
Elena Salas - 9 years ago
I need one
Juan Martinez
Juan Martinez - 9 years ago
nighnigh33 - 9 years ago
whare is this????
ChrisFix - 9 years ago
+nighnigh33 By Atlantic City
Eric Adams
Eric Adams - 9 years ago
What camera did you use?
ChrisFix - 9 years ago
+Eric Adams GoPro
Jami featherly
Jami featherly - 9 years ago
OkayOkay - 9 years ago
ok this is what I never get.. how could it be that they can get in trough the hole but cant get out I know that fish arent the smartest ones but is that why or is there an other reason?
fusionstar916 - 9 years ago
like a funnel
fusionstar916 - 9 years ago
the holes at the ends are tapered inwards.
Dick Fageroni
Dick Fageroni - 9 years ago
+Jack1nthecrack WoWS wow, you're at least as smart as those fish. at least.
Jack1nthecrack - 9 years ago
+Andrew Ether I see what you did there.
InsaneFastRC - 9 years ago
They are just stupid as fuck
RusTBaE - 9 years ago
You need to throw a castnet!
Austin Presley
Austin Presley - 9 years ago
They were doing this where the waterway was like 2 ft wide, it's just too small
RusTBaE - 9 years ago
No....... Throw the castnet where that trap is.
ChrisFix - 9 years ago
Adrien Orozco
Adrien Orozco - 9 years ago
Unless you using them for bait why do you want small fish
ChrisFix - 9 years ago
+Adrien Orozco bait
Yongga Ian
Yongga Ian - 9 years ago
Keren euy...padambelan abdi di lembur etamah...lier2 maneh nu macana
3d8541 - 9 years ago
I have relatives in Mystic Island I love it! I had a comm crab pot stolen from that same area...great place!
Syndicate_ Racing
Syndicate_ Racing - 9 years ago
Cool I want to see you catch minnows under ice
ChrisFix - 9 years ago
+shadow hunter Like this:
LENDOG16 - 9 years ago
crumb9cheese - 9 years ago
Awesome. Would love to know what kinds you caught.
ChrisFix - 9 years ago
+crumb9cheese Check out the video description for more info.
in - 9 years ago
Why were u scared if u knew u had to get ur tongue pierced
Cristiano Moreira
Cristiano Moreira - 9 years ago
you are a good man
SebsExotics - 9 years ago
+ChrisFix what are you using for bait in there? I just got a trap yesterday.
ChrisFix - 9 years ago
+MonstaFishKeeper (FISH & REPTILES) Hotdog rolls. Any bread will do.
Goldmine231 - 9 years ago
3:06 monster logness XD
Eduardo Merino
Eduardo Merino - 9 years ago
Oh My Irene that was huge!!!
TopBoxx - 9 years ago
Fat minos
Alonzo Ibarra
Alonzo Ibarra - 10 years ago
How der you do that
Alonzo Ibarra
Alonzo Ibarra - 9 years ago
How dare
Rodeo Fishing Adventures
Rodeo Fishing Adventures - 10 years ago
i bought a trap like the one in the video it doesn't always work
Gabbanelli Acordion por siempre
Gabbanelli Acordion por siempre - 10 years ago
Very good video !!!!!!!!!
marisela mejia
marisela mejia - 9 years ago
I'm u
skank4dubstep - 10 years ago
in normal countries its illegal
SilverEevee - 9 years ago
+tony d

This is trapping, not fishing. Dipshit don't know the difference. Might as well be poaching.
Jesus Rios
Jesus Rios - 9 years ago
SOME white people are pussies
tony d
tony d - 10 years ago
yea fishing is illegal in most countries lol really dude
UCHIHA maori
UCHIHA maori - 10 years ago
Classic example of 'don't follow the crowd'
Alberto Solorio
Alberto Solorio - 10 years ago
are they edible, lets assume in a backpacking trip or survival environment. can they be eaten.
Alberto Solorio
Alberto Solorio - 10 years ago
sure np, and thanks
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
+Alberto Solorio Awesome! That sounds like a fun adventure! Stay safe and have fun! Let me know how it goes! 
Alberto Solorio
Alberto Solorio - 10 years ago
California. Starting from South Cali, San Diego all the way up North passing San Francisco and head back down. Hopefully go during may with a buddy if not go at solo which can be more rewarding. lol. Yes its backpacking.
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
Since it is winter you might want to watch this one:
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
+Alberto Solorio Good Luck! Where does the trip start and end? Is it backpacking? 
Alberto Solorio
Alberto Solorio - 10 years ago
awesome, thanks im about to embark on a  solo or 2 person trip soon and just trying to bulk up on all knowledge I can. Thanks again.
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
+Alberto Solorio Yes, in a survival situation you can eat them. We fried them up like french fries and they were pretty good lol.
Antonio Ramos
Antonio Ramos - 10 years ago
Muito bom.
Mike Hunt
Mike Hunt - 10 years ago
Darwinism in action
viper2788 - 10 years ago
fish are so stupid lol
onthecuttingedge2005 - 10 years ago
great for stir fry
100flyingfish - 10 years ago
my kids do that. I think its disgusting
Echoknaap Qian
Echoknaap Qian - 10 years ago
Greg Popovice
Greg Popovice - 10 years ago
I am impressed with the time factor in which you can acquire so many bait fish in such a short period of time.  I think I can speak for many fishermen and aquarium enthusiast when I say that it is well worth it to spend a little more money on a trap like the Gee's G-40 galvanized if it means less effort and better results.  How long do your traps last versus the black vinyl ones? And, in what types of conditions? Freshwater / saltwater.
GR@M@ TV - 10 years ago
are these fish edible or just for ornamental use
GR@M@ TV - 10 years ago
oh ok man thanx man
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
+GR@M@ TV They are bait or for fish tanks. 
Andrew Yau
Andrew Yau - 10 years ago
It's like watching people going into macdonalds lol.
Maria Martinez
Maria Martinez - 7 years ago
Andrew Yau lmao
Marina  Villavicencio
Marina Villavicencio - 9 years ago
SebsExotics - 9 years ago
dezastruos - 10 years ago
Curtis I
Curtis I - 10 years ago
can't they just leave? 
Austin Presley
Austin Presley - 9 years ago
They are too dumb, seriously
solomon nguyen
solomon nguyen - 10 years ago
Looks like parris island. Great video.
Oaklandishh_. - 10 years ago
where is this at?
Oaklandishh_. - 10 years ago
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
+george preciado By Atlantic City, NJ
ANTOMICOU FISHING - 10 years ago
Ho My God...
Bradford Aquatics
Bradford Aquatics - 10 years ago
Is this fresh or salt water?
umaxen01 - 10 years ago
I have a net for larger fish, same theory. It's a simple net that's sewn together about 5x5 feet with a stainless steel ring sewn into it I have a rope attached to the ring and raise the ring off the bottom about a foot. I fill with bait at opening and when you see a fish eating or the rope moving, just pull in. 
umaxen01 - 10 years ago
No wonder there are so many fish in ponds and streams. Look at all the bugs !
King Ferry
King Ferry - 10 years ago
sweet hehehe squeezing :D:D:D
n00bszpro - 10 years ago
at 3:05 did you see the big fish O_o or was a minnow close up
sary p
sary p - 10 years ago
Thats a big fish nearby..
ACE 999
ACE 999 - 10 years ago
Saves on buying tins of sardines. :)
shane cassel
shane cassel - 10 years ago
i dont know why but i found this really interesting and ended up watching the whole video...
Mira Johnson
Mira Johnson - 10 years ago
I like fish I think there adorable that's why I thought it was interesting ;)
Spencer Orloff
Spencer Orloff - 10 years ago
That's cool
Blake Collins
Blake Collins - 10 years ago
shawn preston
shawn preston - 10 years ago
Why do I always end up on the weird part of YouTube at night? I might as well ask, what is he going to do with the minnows?
Exploring Modafinil
Exploring Modafinil - 9 years ago
+shawn preston You considered this the weird part of youtube? sheesh, I thought this was pretty normal, it get's a lot weirder
Sia Yang
Sia Yang - 10 years ago
+ChrisFix 6
Apoc Wolfman
Apoc Wolfman - 10 years ago
+ChrisFix I don't no if it dese or oter kine but sum can get big like 4 or 5 incs is dese dem 
I wunder if u can eat dem big 1s
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
These are related to the mud minnow. They are mummichogs. 
Apoc Wolfman
Apoc Wolfman - 10 years ago
+ChrisFix dem look like mud minno but not certin if dey r I use 2 cath a lot dem wen I was yunger kid but don't get2 do it muc anymore dey good bate cuz dey stay live longer den mose oter batefish
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
+davo mo lol
davo mo
davo mo - 10 years ago
+ChrisFix he thinks we have
a fish fetish 
shawn preston
shawn preston - 10 years ago
cool :0
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
Gotcha. It's not offensive, I was just wondering why it was weird lol.
shawn preston
shawn preston - 10 years ago
Oh, sorry if I offended you. I guess it may seem weird or idle to just watch minnows get trapped, especially if you're not a fisher or into that sort of thing.  But, I have broaden my perspective.
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
+shawn preston How is this weird? I used a few minnows as bait for flounder and I threw the rest back.
TheSt1nkyclam - 10 years ago
Have you ever captured video of a minnow escaping the trap?
Austin Presley
Austin Presley - 9 years ago
They have a memory of like 3 seconds
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
+TheSt1nkyclam No, I have not. They do escape but not often.
TheMonsterElmo - 10 years ago
Do you end up eating the fish?
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
+TheMonsterElmo No, they get released. I kept a few for bait and caught some flounder with them.
Robert Holt
Robert Holt - 10 years ago
As i watched in my head i'm yelling "IT'S A TRAP!!!" every time one swims in
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
+Robert Holt hahaha
mr1hvacman - 10 years ago
Thanks for posting this. What did you use for bait?
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
+mr1hvacman I used a piece of hotdog roll
Duentinho Gamer
Duentinho Gamer - 10 years ago
I eat a fish
Travis - 10 years ago
WOH cool method
Cute sylveon Fan
Cute sylveon Fan - 10 years ago
Who saw the giant fish ????
Jorex Calamba
Jorex Calamba - 10 years ago
hahaha nice
Rafael Gonzalez
Rafael Gonzalez - 10 years ago
zeth ruizo
zeth ruizo - 10 years ago
i found the crab!
LaClashoteca - 10 years ago
More hayte frit puf yonke tumer
ComandOr Zerxius
ComandOr Zerxius - 10 years ago
thank you.  well made.  notice how the fish get scared at the end, when they sense the human nearby.  They all get low.  Yes, they will do that to traps everywhere in the US.  Next time you're out of town test it & see.
Nicholas Moore
Nicholas Moore - 10 years ago
What kind of camera are you using?
pjdupre - 10 years ago
So, not only are fish really dumb, but it seems like the more of them that are in the trap, the more other fish seem to want to join the party.  Good to know!
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
They are not dumb, they are just doing what is instinctive (following edges, staying in schools)
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
Watch me catch minnows under a layer of ICE!
Catching Fish from Inside a Minnow Trap Under ICE
Ghibin Kim
Ghibin Kim - 7 years ago
ChrisFix I will!!!
Liam Cherkauer
Liam Cherkauer - 7 years ago
The minnows are so funny lol
They hate your camera
Paintball SKILLZ
Paintball SKILLZ - 7 years ago
X Rapp well that's just nice
Rapperdeklap - 8 years ago
ChrisFix I hate u
黃雅琪 - 8 years ago
Kyle Catholic
Kyle Catholic - 9 years ago
+Bakaat777 tou lou lou in Louisiana
Bakaat777 - 9 years ago
+. They're little crabs. We've always called them fiddler crabs, but Mangrove Crab is the right name.
imortalpuncake1 - 9 years ago
+. I think they are those spiders that walk on water
Hunter - 10 years ago
i just find it amazing that non of them can figure out how to get out
Ally Owen
Ally Owen - 10 years ago
i held my breath when you pulled the trap out of the water 
Bobby Richardson
Bobby Richardson - 10 years ago
I found this very entertaining lol
TherdKoast - 10 years ago
We call those "Mud Minnows"
 here in Texas. They are actually a type of Killifish. Flounder candy. Reds and Specks like 'em too. Catch a Blue Crab, crack it in half,  put into trap, shell and everything and watch how your catch rate soar. They love Crab! Very cool video!
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
I think the mud minnows you have in TX are actually Fundulus grandis, a close relative to Fundulus heteroclitus which you saw in the video. Blue crab is a great bait! Thanks for the tip!
R Lap
R Lap - 10 years ago
WOW nice job
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
SuperbVermin - 10 years ago
i am so fucking pissed right now i have been putting my minnow trap out in my local river now for about a week and today i go to check it and i find that some asshole had cut the line and smashed in the metal mesh, Who the fuck does that!!
Austin Presley
Austin Presley - 9 years ago
I had a line in the bayou and thought somebody pulled it out of the ground but it was actually about a 9 pound channel cat
SuperbVermin - 10 years ago
for real it's pretty annoying 
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
That stinks man. I have been there. I had a crab trap that someone stole and another that they smashed it and broke the doors off. It is a shame people can just leave other peoples stuff alone, especially when they arent bothering anyone.
Pennsylvania BASSIN
Pennsylvania BASSIN - 10 years ago
Haha 3:20 the one poops
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
Ewwww... Good eye I guess lol
Joshua Parson
Joshua Parson - 10 years ago
Hey, cool video, ChrisFix!  Thanks for posting this! I have a question for you.  Do you catch any small baby bass inside these ever?  I would imagine mostly only minnows and bluegill would go in them, since bass really don't care about bread; only moving, living prey.  Has that been your experience?  please answer, I'm very curious.  Thanks! 
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
This is not freshwater. This is saltwater. I have caught juvenile striped bass in these traps but it is very rare. I would think you can catch a small bass if they chased bait into the trap.
systemdeadlock - 10 years ago
Nice vid thanks. But how many did you catch in that? Looked like around 20-30? 
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
Thanks! It was around 30 fish in about 10 min
Rayli Hall
Rayli Hall - 10 years ago
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
Christopher Ansbaugh
Christopher Ansbaugh - 10 years ago
That's a great looking trap! How did you make it so good?
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
Thanks I purchased it!
Phong HO
Phong HO - 10 years ago
What happens if u place a hole at the edge? Fish can get out?
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
Yea, if there is a hole on the edge they find their way out quickly.
Jay Mann
Jay Mann - 10 years ago
Quite cool. Lookin' like Little Egg Harbor area -- near Rutgers. Mummichogs at play.  
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
виктор попов
виктор попов - 10 years ago
Karen gonzalez
Karen gonzalez - 10 years ago
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
Thanks! I love seeing the fish underwater in their element!
Emmy Anderson
Emmy Anderson - 10 years ago
Attak ze camaraaahhh!
Phong Ho
Phong Ho - 10 years ago
have no idea why fish just can't find a way out 
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
The minnows naturally follow the edge of the trap, so while it is easy for them to enter the trap, it is difficult for them to get out because of the cone pointing inward.
AngryWhite Fella
AngryWhite Fella - 10 years ago
fish will say noooo were trap
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
Fook Utube
Fook Utube - 10 years ago
What do you do with them?.Do you eat them or use them as bait?.
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
Sometimes I use them as bait for fluke, but this time they were released.
Urban Fisho
Urban Fisho - 10 years ago
Very nice dude!
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
Thanks man!
Austin Hall
Austin Hall - 10 years ago
we used beef sticks... u know, like slimjims or deer sticks. We ran out of bread crumbs so we decided to share our snack with the minnows! We wound up catching more with the meat than we did with the bread! Whodda thunk?!?!
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
hahahaha yum
Austin Hall
Austin Hall - 10 years ago
+ChrisFix Bluegill are the same way! We were launching loogies in the water and they would eat that!
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
I never thought of using that! Those minnows will eat anything!
star morrison
star morrison - 10 years ago
How about maybe 10 or 15 less popups you goof! 
dave no
dave no - 10 years ago
holly hanna!! This is one of the coolest video's ive seen on youtube in a long time.
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
mike villa
mike villa - 11 years ago
That's awesome from just wet land, it starts to team with aquatic life as the water levels rose. Mostly they were swooped by the current but still it's amazing
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Actually, they werent swooped by the current, they ride the current in to save energy. These little guys can easily swim against the tide! But yea, it is really awesome! Thanks for the comment!
vorniceanu ionut
vorniceanu ionut - 11 years ago
so what  did you  do with the  fish :P?
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
I used a few for bait and threw the rest back
wakaka2waka - 11 years ago
There's a hole, why don't they just go out from there. What's stopping them?
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Their instinct is to follow the edge. They follow the edge in, but because it is a cone, finding their way out is tough. 
Nicolas Ignacio Valenzuela Moreno
Nicolas Ignacio Valenzuela Moreno - 11 years ago
very good fish trap serves more for survival, but is not the same as when fishing with a fishing rod that makes it more exciting, I liked your prototype :D
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Haha thanks!
Wise Snake
Wise Snake - 11 years ago
How long can these gopros record?
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
No prob! The new GoPro has a better battery they say. I need to get a bigger memory card (it is the micro sd and I dont have any big ones lol) and test that out!
Wise Snake
Wise Snake - 11 years ago
+ChrisFix Okay, that helps. 
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
The time-laps was three hours. Then a battery change, then 5-6min more of hd video.
Wise Snake
Wise Snake - 11 years ago
+ChrisFix So how long did this record for?
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Depends. In HD, 720p 60fps about 45min...
simon cao
simon cao - 11 years ago
They are like :oh look! there is a party , Let's go in guys :D
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Angelo C
Angelo C - 11 years ago
Mud Minnows!
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
We call them mummichogs up here in the Northeast. But yea, so many names, it is neat to hear what others call them. In Louisiana they call them Cocahoes. 
Hector Coria
Hector Coria - 11 years ago
Where is the best place or places to place these traps?
Hector Coria
Hector Coria - 11 years ago
very good, thank you
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Yea that is true. Anywhere the fish are funneled in is good. You can use dog-food as well.
Hector Coria
Hector Coria - 11 years ago
I heard that culverts are good too, is that true?  What other bait can you use besides bread?
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Try to find a nice edge and visually look for minnows. Marion Ferry Park looks nice. Use bread as bait. Keep it on the edge, or a corner, or in a stream where they will follow an edge and funnel into the trap. 
Hector Coria
Hector Coria - 11 years ago
Sam  Rayburn Lake, in East Tx, near Lufkin Tx.
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
What area (where do you live) do you want to put the trap? It varies based on your location. Freshwater or saltwater? I can help if you just give me a location you are interested in fishing.
How long did u leave the camera under water and how did u mount the camera
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
The camera is in the water for about 5-10min (after the time lapse). Gotta be creative on your mount because that is a secret ;)
Bediasman - 11 years ago
I can get minnows out of my pond now.  Sometimes they are expensive at the bait store.  Great video for a good idea. 
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Thanks! Dont catch too many (if the pond is small)!
BewbsAreAzum - 11 years ago
I'm a bit ashamed because I know what POV means :P
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Nash Grier
Nash Grier - 11 years ago
papermaster581 - 11 years ago
aren't some of those guppies?
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
No prob! Happy Holidays!
papermaster581 - 11 years ago
+ChrisFix okay! thank you.
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Nope, all of them are Gulf Killifish. This is saltwater not fresh (guppies are freshwater). But, we do get sailfin mollys which are found in your local fish stores (just not in this video)
francisco bustillo
francisco bustillo - 11 years ago
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Grazas, boas festas!
Vladimir Nachev
Vladimir Nachev - 11 years ago
nice trap!
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
alex yang
alex yang - 11 years ago
nice man, like the way you filming it!!
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Thanks! I always wanted to see what it looked like so I had to get creative!
Randy Beard
Randy Beard - 11 years ago
You can build a crappie trap just like this but you use a larger entry hole, crappie traps are illegal in my state but years ago people had to use them to put a meal on the table--we now have to many restrictive laws on everything...
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Yea... Stinks. People take advantage of catching fish and then they ruin it for everyone who does it correctly. What do you use as bait for crappy traps?
Fishermanguy44 - 11 years ago
awesome video man. I trap minnows and I have one like yours but my mesh has bigger holes so little minnows escape but I sometimes catch 4 inch chubs and small sunfish. I onetime caught a 3 foot water snake in a minnow trap. Cool video. I subbed check out my channel if u want to
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Thanks man! Yea, I have a new video that has even smaller mesh (seems to attract the bigger fish surprisingly):
Catching Fish from Inside a Minnow Trap POV 3
jobu88 - 11 years ago
Excellent vid!    It's funny how that cone setup works for a variety of species.  We rig the same kind of trap to get rid of yellowjackets, a hollow plastic tube with a cone entry and put some bacon in there.  They get in easy and never can find their way out.
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
That is neat that it works on yellowjackets too (with bacon no less)! Now I know what to do when I have a bee problem!
Nathapol Boonpituck
Nathapol Boonpituck - 11 years ago
Jay Martin
Jay Martin - 11 years ago
love the unique prospective here.  Seems like no matter what type of trap I build, all I catch are minnows ;-)
FlashTinlegs - 10 years ago
Carp and their is defo fish in there
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
+FlashTinlegs What fish are you tryn to catch and are those fish in your lake?
FlashTinlegs - 10 years ago
sometimes carp
FlashTinlegs - 10 years ago
+ChrisFix All i catch is rudds
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
What are you trying to catch? Do you build a trap that looks like the one in the video?
Skylar Suez-Sales
Skylar Suez-Sales - 11 years ago
This guy needs to get more views because he put alot of effort and creativity into this video...unlike...SMOSh(cough)
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Thanks! Yea I always wanted to see what it looked like underwater when I was using a minnow trap!
Phishing Around Chicagoland
Phishing Around Chicagoland - 11 years ago
cool video
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Thanks! I will be making a new minnow trap video soon!
Emmaloulol - 11 years ago
wędkarstwo KOŁO
wędkarstwo KOŁO - 11 years ago
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
not really. These fish are built to survive a certain way. We are just way smarter. For example, they have antifreeze proteins in their blood which allows them to be in freezing water and still survive. We use their habitat adaption of following an edge to trap them. Other fish the same size such as cunner can move in and out of the trap like it is wide open.
moose inbeesocks
moose inbeesocks - 11 years ago
Fish are dumb as fuck
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Yea, a small piece of hotdog roll. Any bread works well.
Kyle The gamer
Kyle The gamer - 11 years ago
Did you use bait
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Alain Bruno
Alain Bruno - 11 years ago
well done
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Wiele ryb
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
In the salt marshes of NJ.
Emily Wang
Emily Wang - 11 years ago
Where did you catch these?
drzkoolkidd - 11 years ago
well, that escalated quickly...
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Good luck and let me know how you do!
fruity cake 1012
fruity cake 1012 - 11 years ago
That's cool. I never knew that. Im gonna try it out on my next fishing trip for hard-to-cast areas. Thanks!
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
It was in the water for 4hrs to get the tide coming in. To catch the fish, it was in the water for 15min. Doesnt take long lol
Neelia Orchid
Neelia Orchid - 11 years ago
Cool catch. How long was the actual time in the water?
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Happy Halloween hahahaha
James VLD
James VLD - 11 years ago
3:05 that scare the shit out of me!
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
zuludance1 - 11 years ago
Heteroclitus eh? Smells like fish, tastes like chicken, you don't know what you been a-licking, oh boy!!
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
This was just to see how the fish go in the trap but I use the trap to catch minnows for bait and for my fishtank.
melissa damla Ozcan
melissa damla Ozcan - 11 years ago
why were you catching fish? were you going to use them as feeder fish?
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Are mud minnows the common name for Fundulus grandis? These are very similar to grandis. These are Fundulus heteroclitus
David Stadler
David Stadler - 11 years ago
hilarious video...are those mud minnows? I live on the Gulf of Mexico and that is what mud minnows look like
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
No they are minnows that live in saltwater. Fundulus heteroclitus and Cyprinodon variegatus
Corinna Anderson
Corinna Anderson - 11 years ago
Are those trout
Corinna Anderson
Corinna Anderson - 11 years ago
Thats relaxing
SSS REPTILES - 11 years ago
got my sub
smkm94 - 11 years ago
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Thanks man! Glad you enjoyed it!
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Yea, probably about 12cm long!
James Wilder-Castilho
James Wilder-Castilho - 11 years ago
was that a huge minnow i just saw
Havea LANGI - 11 years ago
Nice video mann...worth watching it..
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
nope. they follow the edge so they cant find the hole!
rubadux - 11 years ago
Not even any of the smaller ones manage to get out.
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Thanks man! Same which is why I had to do this! I think it is sooooo awesome! Im tryn to get one where an eel swims in!
nathan cook
nathan cook - 11 years ago
GREAT VIDEO MAN!! ive alwasys wanted to see what is happening when i leave my fish trap in the water. im total gonna subscribe
hafids pasigan
hafids pasigan - 11 years ago
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
It works for small mullet. This is saltwater, just no mullet around. Gotta bait it correctly to catch the mullet.
eli martinez
eli martinez - 11 years ago
Thats freggin awesome... i wonder.... do you think this would work for mullet? in saltwater???
PUMP KNOWS FISHING - 11 years ago
How did you mount the camera in the trap?
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Right?!?!?! I love watching it!
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Thanks! The camera is a GoPro Hero 2...
Qlimex - 11 years ago
thats so cool :DDD welcome inside my bely :DDD
LoverDino - 11 years ago
what kind of camera?
LoverDino - 11 years ago
nice video, liked
emlaai3b - 11 years ago
dumb fish thinking they're gonna have a feast, mua hahahahahahahahaha
StinkyBunny1 - 11 years ago
if you REALLY wanna catch a lot of minnows, use the fluke carcass or crack open a live crab and use that as bait.
yasin boubaker
yasin boubaker - 11 years ago
do you eat these fishes??
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Bread (hotdog roll)
realbigdawg91 - 11 years ago
cool vid
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
I dont know. Mine lasts 3-4hrs on a full charge. Maybe your battery is defective?
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Sammy Wang
Sammy Wang - 11 years ago
How does you go pro battery last so long? My hero 2 lasts 10-15 minutes
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Hahaha, yea, catch them red handed!
DrDemento456 - 11 years ago
Now that is a good way to keep people from stealing your minnow trap!
EMIELIOD - 11 years ago
Peter Chatman
Peter Chatman - 11 years ago
CRAP - as simple as that!!! In Australia's western rivers its not uncommon to catch 10-15 fish in one trap ranging from 1kg up to 20kg (and we don't even bait the traps). Traps work well. Location is the secret.
Peter Chatman
Peter Chatman - 11 years ago
What a crock of shit Pantha Your dreaming. Maybe as a result of too many mirrors on your bedroom ceiling and wardrobes!!!!
rocio ramirez
rocio ramirez - 11 years ago
te re felicito
ickdog - 11 years ago
Fish rule!
Emmett Shively
Emmett Shively - 11 years ago
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Thanks for watching/commenting!
tylor luongo
tylor luongo - 11 years ago
throw a strip of squid on there with a minow and damn
zEpick - 11 years ago
where do u live ? i wanna come!
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Bait! They are great for fluke fishing!
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Dude, these are baitfish. I use them for bait and any leftover get thrown back in the water.
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
haha, I hope you are joking... Did you watch the end where I take the trap out of the water and it is loaded with fish? No reflections here...
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Fundulus heteroclitus (mummichog) and cyprinodon variegatus (sheepshead minnow)
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
It was in there for 5hrs to get the timelaps but once the tide covered the trap (the regular speed part) it caught fish in 10min.
MyOtherNewName - 11 years ago
Thanks for sharing
eh soe
eh soe - 11 years ago
that is awesome trap
Andy Yang
Andy Yang - 11 years ago
They won't get out as easy as people think. Fishes aren't that smart to turn around and out. They move foward. Look at the Native American fish trap, it seems like fishes can grt out easy. But they cant. Ever net a fish before? Net the fish and try to let the swim out on it's own. It'll only swim towards the net once in it. Hard to explain
Heide Hipper
Heide Hipper - 11 years ago
what fishes are they?
CaptainLag - 11 years ago
how long was the camera in there
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Thanks! Yea, you never get to see this perspective!
Gustav Tootikian
Gustav Tootikian - 11 years ago
Great video. It's nice to how it works underwater.
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
They can, but it is extremely hard for them to find their way out. They follow the edge and since it is a cone, the edge doesnt lead them out.
itay daniel
itay daniel - 11 years ago
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
NJ and in a saltmarsh...
Typie65 - 11 years ago
where locstion wise are you like what state?
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
lol or get a trap and throw it in with some bread. You will catch plenty!
Jeremiah Uzumaki
Jeremiah Uzumaki - 11 years ago
to me
Jeremiah Uzumaki
Jeremiah Uzumaki - 11 years ago
give some fish
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
I guess. They just cant find their way out because this isnt a typical habitat they use. They are use to following the marsh edge and creeks. Not funnels. Black sea bass, tog, cunner, etc are all examples of fish that would have no problem moving in and out of the trap. My professor had a camera hooked up to the trap back in the day and he said he saw a cunner in the trap, then a bigger cunner swam in, beat the snot out of the little cunner, and swam out of the trap all in 10 sec.
Meerkatmatt2 - 11 years ago
So minnows are structure perception challenged
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
A piece of hot dog roll
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Because you will try fishing one day and get hooked (see what I did there lol)
luckmck - 11 years ago
What are you using as bait?
forbiddendaggerfilms - 11 years ago
im 15 and dont fish... why am i watching this
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
These guys were just for show because I trap all the time and have plenty of bait. But normally it is bait and food for fish in the lab!
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Same! It's crazy that they are willing to squeeze their bodies into the trap!
GreenGuy52 - 11 years ago
RikkiTikkiTavi - 11 years ago
Love it when those big ones swim in
benjamin volk
benjamin volk - 11 years ago
That was cool! Thanks.
hmglor - 11 years ago
Pretty cool
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Sergey Chudaev
Sergey Chudaev - 11 years ago
Its "Morda"
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
The trap or the video? The trap is bought for $10-15. You can make one, but it is not really worth it. The video was made with a Go Pro and I zip-tied it to the opposite funnel you see in the video. I used a piece of cloth towel on the metal to prevent scratching the camera housing.
legodonkey811 - 11 years ago
How do you make that?
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
The minnows naturally follow the edge and since the hole is at the end of a cone pointing inward, they follow the edge into the trap but cant follow the edge out of the trap. Some fish do figure it out, but maybe 1 for every 30 fish. Small black sea bass and blackfish (tog) are structure oriented and can move in and out of the trap like there is a huge hole!
Jadan Darwish
Jadan Darwish - 11 years ago
outbacktrek - 11 years ago
* )
Meerkatmatt2 - 11 years ago
one question, what is preventing their escape?
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
I dont use a mount. I use zip ties and a towel to prevent the case from getting damaged.
andrew - 11 years ago
Do you use a mount? I never catch any minnows in my trap but the spots filled with little fallfish. Id like to put my gopro in and see if they even notice the trap.
Tesoromio22 - 11 years ago
This is SO cool!

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About Catching Fish from Inside a Minnow Trap POV 2

The "Catching Fish from Inside a Minnow Trap POV 2" video is part of the pest, animals, fish, freshwater category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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