Cleaning a small planted tank

This is just a quick video to show you my method of cleaning a small planted fish tank and the items i use. Everyone has their own way of doing things but this is what works for me :) Journal for this tank Useful sites: Great sites for aquarium products:

Cleaning a small planted tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 120

Pets & Animals 12 years ago 331,571 views

This is just a quick video to show you my method of cleaning a small planted fish tank and the items i use. Everyone has their own way of doing things but this is what works for me :) Journal for this tank Useful sites: Great sites for aquarium products:

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Most popular comments
for Cleaning a small planted tank

Inderneil  Bose Roy Chowdhury
Inderneil Bose Roy Chowdhury - 8 years ago
I adore modesty of Briton's.. He is using used Toothbrush instead of new..Rule Britannia..
Aquarismo - 8 years ago
nice tank, i am initiante, visit my fisrt aqua, give your opinion, thanks
Emily Fish
Emily Fish - 8 years ago
This is one if my favorite set ups; do you have a video for setting this particular one up??
john strachan
john strachan - 8 years ago
Few good ideas there. Great vid.
Spirit Reaper
Spirit Reaper - 8 years ago
cool aqua
Hanibaltherogue - 8 years ago
Beautiful Aquarium you have there. :-)
Aljun Dy Hong
Aljun Dy Hong - 8 years ago
I tink its plastic
razoredge435 - 9 years ago
excellent video, great tips.
Michael Araico
Michael Araico - 9 years ago
what is the ledge for?
I - 8 years ago
+Michael Araico
It looks awesome!

10. comment for Cleaning a small planted tank

Tessa H
Tessa H - 9 years ago
whats the name of the filter that you're using?
reefUltrahk - 9 years ago
Sweet tank! Btw, any CO2 was been dosing?
haren naik
haren naik - 9 years ago
good Video
diannehh - 9 years ago
Nice video! Nice tank too! What is the brand of hang-on filter you're using?
dinh man
dinh man - 9 years ago
you're beautiful
MrQuackism - 9 years ago
Thats a nice tank!
suryaman sulaiman
suryaman sulaiman - 9 years ago
mampos ikan
Walter Apestegui
Walter Apestegui - 9 years ago
Muy bonito acuario, te felicito
kronenburg Jeronimo
kronenburg Jeronimo - 9 years ago
nice !!
Dennis Younger
Dennis Younger - 9 years ago
special wipes ?  Geez  you will fall for anything.

20. comment for Cleaning a small planted tank

Lucu Lencia
Lucu Lencia - 10 years ago
I love your aquascape, its gorgeous :)
margaret davis
margaret davis - 10 years ago
I have a very small 2.5 gallon betta tank. I'd like to put in a few plants. Can I plant them in a small pot of some sort (terra cotta maybe or ceramic) and sit it in a corner. I'd rather not put in a filter. Any ideas? I'm really new at this and don't want to kill George.
Olav Øverland
Olav Øverland - 8 years ago
+bobs hanery tgm use filters... just not in pictures.
Lucu Lencia
Lucu Lencia - 9 years ago
+bobs hanery
Yep. I've kept guppies before with no filters (no heater either but it was summer), just lots of plants. I would guess it would work for bettas too :)
bobs hanery
bobs hanery - 9 years ago

No ugly filters
Lucu Lencia
Lucu Lencia - 10 years ago
+margaret davis
Oh dear...

I hope Jack is not in the same tank as George? They'll fight if so.

You could get a 10 gallon tank and then divide it down the middle with a pane of glass or acrylic to make two 5 gallon tanks to put George and Jack in side by side but in their own tanks.
Then they can see each other and flare and show off without hurting each other :)

Although with this set up you would need 2 filters unless you put holes in the divider to let water flow through.

Good luck with your bettas -  don't get any more until you have more room for tanks!
margaret davis
margaret davis - 10 years ago
+Lucu Lencia Thanks Lucu. I did get a small filter which seems to be doing the job. I also got another Betta. I couldn't help it as the others at the store were all in terrible shape and I felt like I was saving him. His name is Jack. He is doing very well  also. I think I'm in trouble though. I want more and don't have the room!!!  
Lucu Lencia
Lucu Lencia - 10 years ago
+margaret davis
You don't absolutely require a filter but it will help keep the ammonia down and allow you to go for longer without water changes.
Lots of live floating plants will also help - they can draw CO2 directly from the air so can grow faster than submerged plants (and therefore take up more ammonia).
If you can afford it I would recommend upgrading to a 5 or 10 gallon tank for George - bettas can survive in small tanks but they won't be as happy as they would in a larger tank :)
margaret davis
margaret davis - 10 years ago
Oh. I was told that meant he was happy. He is sure not mistreated. I cleaned his tank today and I might get a very small filter to keep the water a little clearer. I'm afraid I might over clean and cause problems.  Foaad thanks for your input to this amateur. 
margaret davis
margaret davis - 10 years ago
+Foaad Khan Thank you Foaad. I decided that plants might not be a good idea. He seems happy as he is and is blowing bubbles like mad which I understand means he is content.  I did put in a clear bowl that he likes swimming in and out of. He is a beautiful blue with red fins and tail. I picked a good one. Shukrun.
Neymar Jr
Neymar Jr - 10 years ago
very beautiful aquarium
brown faye
brown faye - 10 years ago
The water is so clear its making me thirsty!
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 10 years ago
Nice video.
That tank is clearseal if I am not making mistaken. Got a 40L myself and the bar on the top is typical clear seal.
What type of light are you using?
I also use the tooth brush method, been using it for years.
Hanz C
Hanz C - 10 years ago
what brand tank is this? I want a tank like this, rimless about that size and shape
Victoria Kim
Victoria Kim - 10 years ago
Nice tank! :-)
Teamblubz - 11 years ago
Awesome tank btw:)
Teamblubz - 11 years ago
Are there any fish in there or no?
Mike Kollin
Mike Kollin - 11 years ago
You can also get screen wipes at the $1 Dollar store here in the U.S. It's a different brand/package, but they work great! 

30. comment for Cleaning a small planted tank

Mike Kollin
Mike Kollin - 11 years ago
If you are in the US, Home depot has full spectrum lights and also indoor plant bulbs. I bought a $4.95 indoor Plant bulb and my plants are growing fast and really green. I'd look at lights at Home depot, even the long tubes… 
Mike Kollin
Mike Kollin - 11 years ago
That's a cool light! Is that full spectrum or for helping plants grow?

What kind is it? Where can I get it?

MAX JAMES - 11 years ago
Hi mate, great tank and setup... where did you buy the rocks for your tank because i want some for mine!! 
915Mang - 11 years ago
pretty cool man
Jamator t
Jamator t - 11 years ago
To hold up the lid.
JaneOfUpton - 11 years ago
Hi, I don't understand the purpose of the ledge affixed to the front panel of the tank. What is this used for? Thanks.
iSpecious - 11 years ago
Seriously, ur aquarium is simply amazing. I would like to swim in there. Nice aquascaping
GHJFGJKGH - 11 years ago
lol or you could just get a new toothbrush from a dollar store.
Gutto Farias
Gutto Farias - 11 years ago
SmokeumPeacepipe - 11 years ago
i cant believe i never thought of using screen wipes for the outside. thanks for sharing that idea.
ShannyShineSun - 11 years ago
Hey have you some tips for me for my 45 x 45 x 45 cm aquarium that I'm going to buy soon, my question is then... what kind of light can i have for my planted aquarium with no lock on top?
Coin Lover
Coin Lover - 11 years ago
You should get a snail to eat the crap on the glass so it is just less work for you!!
Jordan Mitchell
Jordan Mitchell - 11 years ago
I will use my dads toothbrush then jokes
Kai Leighton
Kai Leighton - 11 years ago
Y a tooth brush its called a glass cleaner
Why - 11 years ago
Have you ever had a problem with hydras I bought a plant and had some hitchhikers.
Дмитрий Докучаев
Дмитрий Докучаев - 11 years ago
а зачем ребро жёсткости спереди?? всю картинку портит)
linkinmaniac99 - 11 years ago
how about the lamp?
Daisy Centeno
Daisy Centeno - 11 years ago
haha shrimp :)) so if you have no dinner yet you can get shrimp and fried it as your dinner :))
2pennys41soel - 11 years ago
i like how it look, don,t know much, which plants do you have in there.
CJ Chang
CJ Chang - 11 years ago
Do you install chiller for your tank?

50. comment for Cleaning a small planted tank

Paul Donnelly
Paul Donnelly - 11 years ago
How many gallons?
KYfishguy - 11 years ago
you're like the fish tank video comment master, see you everywhere.
ohralalalalala - 11 years ago
Very helpful. Thank you :)
AnxiousxGaming - 11 years ago
i get the film build up on one of my tanks, i have had issues with it for almost a year now. why is that? ive never been able to learn what it is and what causes it?
CaptainBooze - 11 years ago
Check the pH level of the tank. If it's too low it can cause root rot as well as algae growth..... aaaand that's the extent of my knowledge on algae growth.
Mike Foster
Mike Foster - 11 years ago
Gota be keeping your shrimps teeth cleaned
TechHeadsL7 - 11 years ago
I have some anubias with major brown algae on the leaves. It has not killed the plant, but how do I get rid of the algae without harming my plants?
Luke Schiavone
Luke Schiavone - 11 years ago
How long did you wait until you added your shrimp? I've been thinking of adding shrimp to my new planted tank but I'm not sure how long I should wait.
Hock Yang Koh
Hock Yang Koh - 11 years ago
U hav a fucking nice tank. Could you show us how you planted and decorated that tank please? Ive beem tryin to make a tank like this but hav always failed
Kekecom Morhax
Kekecom Morhax - 12 years ago
I prefer toothpaste than gasoline in my tank! XD
Ruben - 12 years ago
Nice tank you miss the top right side of the tank. lol
omgshad0w - 12 years ago
I know most of these maintenance tips but I didn't come here to sound like a know it all but rather compliment you on your simple yet neat tank. Glad people know how to take care and maintain your aquatic animals :)
Planted Tank UK
Planted Tank UK - 12 years ago
this is just a shrimp tank with 2 otos in there aswell
diannehh - 12 years ago
Nice tank! Thanks for the tips, I'm just 'building' one right now :)
njw1383 - 12 years ago
Good answer. My tank is 3ft but a toothbrush will definately be useful for cleaning my decor
Planted Tank UK
Planted Tank UK - 12 years ago
1 the pad is too big and if you cut them you get smll blue pieces floating around. 2. in smaller tanks plants tend to get stuck in the blue pad so as you move it, it will pull plants out. 3. its so much easier to get behind plants and rocks etc.. with a toothbrush and you dont get the big water movement sloshing around when you use a toothbrush
njw1383 - 12 years ago
why don't you use your algae pad for the main glass?
Sasi Mallik
Sasi Mallik - 12 years ago
Thanks for sharing your tips on cleaning a planted tank. I am planning a similar one. These tips will really help me in the near future. Thanks once again
balcerolibre5 - 12 years ago
the toothbrush is also really good for brushing the rocks.
Planted Tank UK
Planted Tank UK - 12 years ago
this is just a cheap clearseal tank, I think they are about £20 to buy
Jeffrey McELroy
Jeffrey McELroy - 12 years ago
what tank is this?
Planted Tank UK
Planted Tank UK - 12 years ago
I bought mine in the UK for allpondsolutions but im sure one of the US guys knows where to buy them. I will ask around for you
alexandering tada
alexandering tada - 12 years ago
Hi where did you get that kind of filter, i have the same size aquarium like your but mine doesn't come with a filter.
Planted Tank UK
Planted Tank UK - 12 years ago
take a look at my video called "Aquarium Plants in my Aquascaped Tiger Shrimp Tank" it lists the plants in the tank
Chili SheepDog
Chili SheepDog - 12 years ago
What are all those beautifull plants???
calzaggii22 - 12 years ago
I used a magnetic glass cleaner but unfortunately a small stone got caught in there and scratched the glass. any ideas to remove or fade the scratches?
Planted Tank UK
Planted Tank UK - 12 years ago
this tank had 2 ledges and i believe it was so you could put a lid on the inside of the tank, i removed the one off the back so i could use the hang on back filter and the front one comes in handy when i do water change, i pour the water on it and it does not mess up the substrate, i will get round to moving it one day
microiguana - 12 years ago
hmm, very nice. I find a completely flat toothbrush works better though, which is achieved by simply cutting across it. but what exactly is that ledge for?
Planted Tank UK
Planted Tank UK - 12 years ago
Yeah the ones i use are generally hard, i find them better for cleaning rocks
muffemod - 12 years ago
Toothbrushes usually come in two types of bristles (hard) (soft). Hard ones work best.
chrisherself - 12 years ago
Very nice video, thanks! For wiping the outside of the tank, you can also use plain vinegar and a paper towel. It's a tried-and-true home cleaning trick for glass. I like it because there's no spray or artificial chemicals, and it's super cheap. :)
Jason Stroman
Jason Stroman - 12 years ago
Great tip.I'm going to subscribe.good work.
Fish Care 101
Fish Care 101 - 12 years ago
Thanks for all the great info!
Planted Tank UK
Planted Tank UK - 12 years ago
at the moment i have the 64 led clip on light but im always changing my lighting as i get stuff to test, i have 3 new LED lights coming soon to test so will let you know which i find the best
Bri Hartwig
Bri Hartwig - 12 years ago
What type of lighting system?
Wayne Taylor
Wayne Taylor - 12 years ago
great vid clear and good advice too
Planted Tank UK
Planted Tank UK - 12 years ago
this is just one of the cheap clearseal tanks you can get for about £20 all i did was slid off the black edging at the top and removed the glass ledge from the back the same as the one on the front so i could use a hang on back filter
Patrick Josey
Patrick Josey - 12 years ago
what brand tank is that?
Martin Tilrem
Martin Tilrem - 12 years ago
what program is used on the intro?
Shalom Bertie100
Shalom Bertie100 - 12 years ago
Another thing I meant to add was I have never seen a shelf/ ledge like that on a tank, what is it for and what make of tank is that? What do you do about feeding while you are away? Thanks
Shalom Bertie100
Shalom Bertie100 - 12 years ago
You don't say how you pour all the water back in without stirring everything up. Can you please let me know. I have just set up a 30 litre planted aquarium with 4 Armano shrimp and 4 Ember Tetras. I didn't realise I have to such a large water change and so frequently. It became fully cycled 4 days ago so when should I do first water change? Hope to hear from you.
Planted Tank UK
Planted Tank UK - 12 years ago
i do the 50% waterchange weekly, sunday is the day i normally do water changes on my tank. As for cold water tropical fish personally i only do tropical as most of the nice plants like heated water. You can get good cheap heaters for £6-7 just search ebay for "Shatterproof Mini Aquarium Heater 25W with UK plug" this is the one i use in this tank then you will have so much more option of fish.
Adam Holt
Adam Holt - 12 years ago
Finally! Just the video I was looking for, how often would you do the 50% water change, and what fish are suitable for a cold water planted tank?
mychal4895 - 12 years ago
the cleaning pad i use is similar to yours...mines is an air filter media for an a/c unit...its non abrasive...awesome looking tank btw....very well thought out
Spidertetra42 - 12 years ago
thats a neat little tank! iits going to look awesome with shrimp!
fishingnerd36 - 12 years ago
great stuff
Planted Tank UK
Planted Tank UK - 12 years ago
That is stunning, i just wish i could afford a second co2 kit for this tank, i have one on my 4ft but the wife would kill me if i bought another
Igor Kanshyn
Igor Kanshyn - 12 years ago
That's a great tank. Good job!
FishtanksFTW - 12 years ago
yeah thats great cheers
Planted Tank UK
Planted Tank UK - 12 years ago
Ive added a link to the journal of this tank in the video information if it helps at all

100. comment for Cleaning a small planted tank

Planted Tank UK
Planted Tank UK - 12 years ago
thankyou for your kind comments
FishtanksFTW - 12 years ago
loving the scape there, looking great! Thinking of re-doing my fighting fish tank and i am thinking of going for a similar scape to what you have and using vinewood and ryuoh stone
Aquascaping the World by BM
Aquascaping the World by BM - 12 years ago
i never thought of a toothbrush, good idea, great vid
Planted Tank UK
Planted Tank UK - 12 years ago
i guess i run the toothbrush over the tank quick every 2-3 days, does not take long and stops any kind of build up.
gsshaw123 - 12 years ago
how often do you use the tooth brush on your tank?

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