Pets & Animals 7 years ago 213,898 views
▼ LOTS OF INFO ▼ Issues in my fish room have led me to completely tear everything down, throw tons of stuff away, and sterilize everything that remained. I still have most of my goldfish, but I have suffered many losses as their treatment continues. Everyone's favorite, Clyde the butterfly telescope, passed away on May 14th. New videos are uploaded every Friday and sometimes Tuesday! Subscribe ► Website ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► solidgoldaqua Twitter ► Become a Solid Gold Member! ►
10. comment for DESTROYING My Fish Room
Anyway , beautiful girl you get a like about it ;) !
20. comment for DESTROYING My Fish Room
30. comment for DESTROYING My Fish Room
These type of gold fish are bred in such an unhealthy way
that keeping them healthy is almost impossible
I switched to normal goldfish and never had these problems anymore
Do not give up. Unfortunately awful Dropsy will strike anytime hopeful not....I had few times nasty dropsy attack on goldfish..
50. comment for DESTROYING My Fish Room
We will alway's remember you <3 We will also see you in heaven
-- I think your idea with the new office aquarium is a brilliant idea :D Go for it!
100. comment for DESTROYING My Fish Room
Emily :)
I don't think my experience is more than u in any way... but would like to share few things. hope its helpful for you.
For your info I too keep around 400 gallon 2 tanks and 500 gallon 2 tanks for gold fish.
I too had this problem and i lost many fishes due to this. Later I went to biological center for fisheries and enquired about it. In this case seems it is not bacterial its viral.
I separated each fishe in individual quarantine tanks. Instead of using aqua salt I used Magnesium Sulphate(1/4 per 10 gallon) and used Kanaplex (1level scoop per 5 gallon) with a hint of Oxolinic Acid(to cure any ulcer inside). gave medicated food especially for dropsy(Metro Med)(hand feeding must). 7 days my remaining fishes were fit n fine.
Hope this helps.
I am really sorry for Clyde.
Is it possible that you have some sort of toxin in the system... when fish are stressed they are very susceptible to various diseases... Some thoughts include BPA from the plastic "tanks" your using... if they are not meant for such things sometimes they are not BPA free... another thought is some sort of spraying in the area that may have landed in your tank because they are exposed to the outdoors air.
Anyway like I said maybe you've thought of these things or they don;'t apply but it's just another thought ;) Sorry about your fish :/ it's a tough thing loosing animals you've had for a long time.
So devastated for your loss of Clyde and all of your other Goldfish. Please let us help you with, I bet if you set up a GoFundMe many of your subs would love to help you including me.
love what you do keep up the good work
Are the newly hatched goldfish fry still alive ?
I hope you feel better soon and my ears are always open if you want and/or need someone to talk to :)
A fellow nature lover and fish enthusiast, Maddie <3
Sleep Clyde Sleep
How do we send you the support?
That's not smart...
I would be more than happy to pitch in funding to improve your fish room, and I know other would be as well! Best of luck Jenny! We have all learned so much from you and I know that will never change.
Water lettuce
I have had a similar problem with my tank and wanted to give up. I was told I was cleaning and changing the water too much. Your tanks are really clean and perhaps too clean and there may not be enough beneficial bacteria to help the fish if they do come in contact with a parasite. That is one of the benefits of canister filtration it provides more beneficial bacteria. Anyhow I am sure you have heard an earful of advice. I have not had any issues since I have stopped cleaning my tanks every week. I leave them two weeks at least. Quarantine all new fish etc. Goldfish don't like to be disturbed too much and water changes can be stressful if done too often. Also, sometimes fish get sick before you get them. But I know that good water can reverse even the worst diseases and have seen dropsy cured in goldfish. Fish are delicate and they do die, I think this is part of being a fish enthusiast the death of fish.
Buying new fish is so fun so I hope you embrace picking out your new fish. I can't wait to see the videos.
I can't wait to see a rebirth of your fish room!!!!! Have faith in yourself you are doing great things. You are so much fun to watch. I hope you get better at this hobby.
We all learn as we watch and it is amazing that you put yourself out there the way you do it is really amazing. It's not really about the fish it's about you. (Although, I love fish.)
I have loved your videos and learned a lot from you.
Keep up the good work. I am rooting for you and as soon as I have some money I will certainly donate to your cause.
my name Nuril and I come from indonesia. I also have some goldfish, I wonder what made of fish pond yours during this time? I really appreciate if you want to answer, thank you from indonesia.
I've been watching your videos for some years and I'd be more than happy to help you if you'd ever put up a donating page!
(I also have been meaning to get a subscription, time to start this!)
Stay Golden!you should get Joey to help with your diy tank.
You care so much about your fish that you're willin to throw away all of your hard work and restart just to keep them healthy ❤️
but i think restarting the fish room will be a great idea!! rest in piece fishes :( :( :(
P.S. I don't know if I'm just seeing things, but I thought I saw in one of the fry nets a little black & white fish that looked suspiciously like Clyde. I remember you put him in with Lincoln, maybe he's not completely gone.
anyways good luck with everything!! BIG HUGS FOR YA
We cannot control everything in our hobby, no matter how hard we try. Take some time, figure out what the hobby means to you moving forward. Set a clear goal for yourself and keep going.
Hang in there. Keep calm and look at the pretty fish
The contamination can get into your air system as well.
Part of it might also be mold issues along with or on their own. It's a nasty mess of stuff to deal with.
I adore you and your fish & I will do all I can to help you out & I'm sure a lot of your other fans will too! I saw ECR's fundraiser on instagram, she put it in her story & blocked you from seeing it (muahahaha) I was going to donate, but by the time I got paid it was already closed!! But it was such a wonderful thing to do & I'm glad that it gives you leverage to build your passion for the hobby backup! xx
i recently, very recently, two weeks ago lost all of my betta fish in my sorority tank because of columnaris. Within just two days i lost 13 fish... scooping out their tiny bodies in my hands and just remembering their life and personality, it's so so hard. I was and still am also going through an extreme low in my mental health as well and finishing up college, so stress was through the roof. Literally the worst two weeks of my life.
What's so painful is accepting responsibility, blaming yourself like 'they trusted me to build their world around them and i was careless and didn't quarantine a fish for long enough,' there's just so much blame and so much guilt. But like, you know, we can't predict everything that's going to happen, we all have good intentions, the care we give these animals are genuine and in the end i think it's good to know that you did everything you could for them, and you gave them the best life they could have asked for. And their passing is more difficult for us than it is for them, and i take some comfort in that. I hope you can as well. Stay hopeful, stay strong. We're all here for you, and remember to be there for yourself too.
Do you have, or would you consider starting a PATREON? Art giveaways for different tiers of donation subscriptions, perhaps?
Love to you sugar- I'll help however I can. I'm sure many of us will.
You're an awesome, positive presence in the Youtube fish community. For people who have a few dollars to spare, it could only be a good thing.
Reminds me of XXXTENTACION
Sorry jenny RIP ur Fish