DIY Freshwater Filtration Sump Tank

This is a video to help those that are looking to build their own filtration system for their aquariums that actually WORKS. I have tried almost everything out there and could keep my tank marginally clean with all of the backpack filters and other filters that you can find at any ol' pet store. If you see anything that could be changed or need more clarification please let me know and I will work to improve the video the best I can. Comment below and let me know what you think. Feel free to ask me any questions - I'll do my best to answer. I made this video because when I was looking to build a filter system I couldn't find any real hopefully this helps :)

DIY Freshwater Filtration Sump Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 120

Pets & Animals 13 years ago 291,997 views

This is a video to help those that are looking to build their own filtration system for their aquariums that actually WORKS. I have tried almost everything out there and could keep my tank marginally clean with all of the backpack filters and other filters that you can find at any ol' pet store. If you see anything that could be changed or need more clarification please let me know and I will work to improve the video the best I can. Comment below and let me know what you think. Feel free to ask me any questions - I'll do my best to answer. I made this video because when I was looking to build a filter system I couldn't find any real hopefully this helps :)

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Most popular comments
for DIY Freshwater Filtration Sump Tank

ethan jaramillo
ethan jaramillo - 10 years ago
how do I get the inflow  of the water to go into the sub tank . Is that with the siphon box is used for.?
jake swenson
jake swenson - 10 years ago
yes, the siphon box pulls the water from the main tank into the downlines that run to the sump. 
Katsuna2010 - 10 years ago
Hiya Jake! Is that a glass sump with plexi glass? Any issues?
jake swenson
jake swenson - 10 years ago
None, As long as you use the right kind of silicon you should be fine. After about 1 1/2 years I re-siliconed the sump... but that was more for me than anything else. I Just wanted to make sure everything was tight and sealed. The plexi works great - I used a thicker plexi the second time around as the force of water and media started to bow the thinner plexi I originally installed.
Coty Hodgson
Coty Hodgson - 10 years ago
Did you ever do the DIY for the syphon box?
Tiffany Stancil
Tiffany Stancil - 10 years ago
You can buy an acrylic overflow box at for as low as $16.00  They also do custom acrylic fabrication for anything you might want.
Nathaniel Winston
Nathaniel Winston - 10 years ago
thanks for taking the time to make this
GeneralGiggleMuffin - 10 years ago
Very helpful video and a clever design. Of all the designs I've seen so far on youtube, I like yours the best.
Stephen Alley
Stephen Alley - 10 years ago
Does it get installed under the other tank or can a similar design be created at the same level using a simple tube for inlet and a canister filter for outlet/return to main tank. I have a major concern with a power outage "draining" my main tank as I'm not with it 24hrs a day. How does it work with sand? If I have an email address I can send what I'm working with to start. And more information
Yinna Tavarez
Yinna Tavarez - 10 years ago
question how long does is last till you have to change the media?
jake swenson
jake swenson - 11 years ago
@thingwhatever, From what I know of the mega flow kit it uses a fill-chamber instead of a siphon box. There is no siphoning because the water will just spill straight into the chamber in the corner of the tank.

10. comment for DIY Freshwater Filtration Sump Tank

thingwhatever - 11 years ago
Hi, im just about to get a sump up and running on my 100gal (for 1st time ever), and im using a aqueon mega-flo kit, and my question is, how does the intake work??? Like do i have to suck on it at first like siphoning??? Or will it just start to draw once the pump starts returning water??? thx alot!!!
Sheila Norwood
Sheila Norwood - 11 years ago
I love this video! Especially the MUSIC! I think I'm going to buid a sump right now.
Kamal Ariff
Kamal Ariff - 11 years ago
your bg music helps me understand better
BloodJade - 11 years ago
Don't know if you still use this account, but....I WOULD LOVE TO SEE A VIDEO OF THIS SUMP IN ACTION!!
Austin Anderson
Austin Anderson - 11 years ago
Would a 10 gallon sump be enough for a 60 gallon tank?
ozbloke74 - 11 years ago
Didnt even watch the vid, was to busy dancing
KaiLuxurious - 11 years ago
Love the music. Very upbeat, and kept me motivated. Very informative video. Thanx!
Anthony Garrett-Leverett
Anthony Garrett-Leverett - 11 years ago
The Artist is Barry White . . . .
David Harland
David Harland - 11 years ago
Awesome mate, thanks for excellent video!! Love the music, trying to work out who it is:) Think Ill do something very similar to this except instead of syphoning to the sump, I think I will just gravity feed the sump, makes the whole process simpler in my own head:) You have to laugh at some of the comments below like from people like "carnivore74". Don't understand why these people are watching this stuff, they clearly have no idea:) funny!!
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 11 years ago
Nice video. Good tutorial.

20. comment for DIY Freshwater Filtration Sump Tank

Colin Hawco
Colin Hawco - 11 years ago
Thanks for the vid. I don't have a clue what I am doing, so every bit helps :)
DEN SER ALL - 11 years ago
I suggest to do the letters bigger to read better
80sbreaker - 11 years ago
Hi i have an tetra whisper micro filter that came with my aquarium is Item #25799 and #25807 its 115 volts . My concern is this filter goes inside the aquarium every thing the motor and the power cord that is connected to the motor goes in the aquarium the only thing that is outside the aquarium is the remaining other end of the power cord that plugs to the wall , will this filter be an electrical hazard please explain i am new to this its for my 4 year old daughter
Gus Stav
Gus Stav - 11 years ago
dude i would pay u to make me one of those, plus ur background is sic
Daniel Walton
Daniel Walton - 11 years ago
how often do you change your filtration setup?
Richard Moore
Richard Moore - 11 years ago
very easy just follow instructions im making mine next week hope it works well ill post it on here when done also what size tank is this good for can it work on a 4ft tank huh
Kristin Vail
Kristin Vail - 11 years ago
How tall is the piece of plexi glass in front of the pump? And How often do you have to clean it?
Pascal De Rudder
Pascal De Rudder - 11 years ago
But what counts is their health and that seems fine!
Pascal De Rudder
Pascal De Rudder - 11 years ago
thank you, good instructional video Jake. I'm saving it in my favorites for later use. :) One thing though: your fish look healthy but I believe it is never a nice idea to put fish from different continents together!
gtariman03 - 11 years ago
What's the brand of the silicone you used? I heard GE I silicone sucks at gluing acrylic to glass.

30. comment for DIY Freshwater Filtration Sump Tank

JohnnyK - 11 years ago
Nice video. Might do this myself. Your fish seem very happy with it as well.
Searay Aleman
Searay Aleman - 12 years ago
i love the barry white music you played during video ...
TaurineLittle - 12 years ago
Haha nice work :) I will be using your design to make my own sump filter soon enough, will hopefully post a video when its done.
jake swenson
jake swenson - 12 years ago
@TaurineLittle also, shortly after I posted this video I when to a craft store and bought some toole. I doubled it up and sewed a drawstring into and it worked very great thinking there. ;)
jake swenson
jake swenson - 12 years ago
@TaurineLittle point taken about the micromedia. I never found it a problem having the biofilter picking up particulates. Truth is, when I clean the sump it all gets a good washing and there is still enough bio to keep the tank going at 100%.
TaurineLittle - 12 years ago
Best sump DIY I've seen yet (trust me I've spent hours looking through all the videos). But one thing sparks my curiosity, why is the sponge and mirco media after the bio-filter media? wont your bio-filter media pick up small particles? also one suggestion, ever thought of putting the gravel and bio-filter media in something similar to a drawstring washbag? will still allow for a lot of water flow but will make removal and cleaning of the gravel and bio-filter media a lot faster and simpler...
jake swenson
jake swenson - 12 years ago
@Alvin Tran, as I mention in the description I had tried just about every kind of HOB filter system, they can't filter AS MUCH as this sump. Since this video I upgraded my system to a 110G main tank and a 25G sump. I am able to cycle all of that water nearly 10 times/hour. The added benefit of having a return pump forces a great amount of water through the tank to force stagnant areas of your tank to be cycled - a backpack filter will mostly skim the top and not push the H2O around as much.
Rick Ooi
Rick Ooi - 12 years ago
Thanks for sharing Jake. Although I don't understand what's going on (to be honest) but I can appreciate your efforts and sharing. I never used a sump tank before but now researching how it functions.
Alvin Tran
Alvin Tran - 12 years ago
Although the title says DIY, I don't think I can ever do that myself. But good job with the build! One question, why did you decide to build a sump instead of just using a HOB or canister filter? Good jobs anyways!!!
AllAlaskan907 - 12 years ago
I'm am fixing to start building a 29 gallon sump for my 55 later today or tomorrow myself. I'm leaning more towards a "refugium" style with plants as my 55 is an Oscar tank and I'm looking to use it more as a Nitrate eliminator. I know I will still have to do water changes but I'm hoping to gain both more biological filtration and also eliminate some Nitrates from my water. We will see how it goes, figure if it doesn't work for nitrates I can always add more baffles and media lol.
AllAlaskan907 - 12 years ago
Nice sump set up, only thing that I would have done differently is relied more on biological and less carbon and ammonia chips. Also for the gravel, you could have put it a thick piece of sponge or rough filter padding down inside on the right then put your gravel in. That would keep the gravel from being sucked up and would also double as more bio media. Just would make it easier to clean out later is why I mentioned it :D Nice sump though.
AllAlaskan907 - 12 years ago
Join DIYfishkeepers . com , there is a wealth of knowledge there about this kind of stuff. They are very friendly and when it comes to this stuff there is a ton of threads in the forums on it. Its really not as hard as it looks. I'm fixing to build a fresh water Refugium for my Oscar tank. Had I never joined that forum I would have no idea where to start but now I have a pretty good idea. Actually I'm fixing to start it later today (slow project lol) if things go well.
saflip969 - 12 years ago
Perfect Song choice! lol its almost motivating me to do some DIY sumps now. Great video and details. I am saving your video for a future reference
Sean - 12 years ago
Good video. I know how to convert the 10g with the media. Don't know how to make connection from tank to sump or how to make the overflow box. Please help me
foREVerA7x58 - 12 years ago
Nice sump tank! I got a little confused with some parts.. How big would my sump need to be for a 75 gallon.. a 30gal work? & I could be wrong, but what other tanks like this.. "sump tanks" that allow you to pretty much have it just like a smaller tank with fish and all in it? Ive heard you could turn sump tanks into quartine tanks, or hospital tanks, or even holding tanks for fry.. IF you know anything i could look up or from your experience, it would be appreciate! thank you!! & great video.
DaisyPinkerton123 - 12 years ago
Nice job, Jake. I'm going to refer back to this when i am ready to make one.
bdarnell1966 - 12 years ago
Enjoyed the video I also wonder if there is a better way to place the mech filter so that you could remove it for cleaning. Aside from that I love the sump.
arkansasboy45 - 12 years ago
It seems that you could place your loose media in the mesh bags which would make cleaning easier. So how is it working after a period of time?
awais98 - 12 years ago
One of the best step by step instructions on how to built your sump filter! I've been looking for it for a long time, but none are as clear as this. Excellent work. 1 questions. If pump is off, to restart siphon we have2start sucking out air? Wouldn't water come up from siphon box instead of the tank? 2: Have you thought about a way to get new water top off t sump, instead of replacing it? My idea: a water inlet into pump area with refill valve&float( like a toilet tank). Thank you
Alex Miller
Alex Miller - 12 years ago
what size pvc pipe and what pump are you using?

50. comment for DIY Freshwater Filtration Sump Tank

Alex Miller
Alex Miller - 12 years ago
this video is exactly what i have been looking for for weeks very informative thank you for uploading!
Ash B
Ash B - 12 years ago
bet its a pain in the ass to take all the gravel out when you need to clean the filter media :), im thinking of doing something like this with my sump, just bought a tank/cabinet that came with a sump. this video has helped me more than the people in the store did on how to set it up :)
jake swenson
jake swenson - 12 years ago
@kwind2010 All in all, including the pump and all the media roughly 60-70. That is also taking into account that I built the syphon box myself (retail they go for $70 - $120 just for the box) I think I spent about $20 on the plexi glass.
SenorQuill - 12 years ago
nice set up dude
kwind2010 - 12 years ago
great video! about how much would you say this whole thing costed you?
Rebecca Beausoleil
Rebecca Beausoleil - 12 years ago
@jacobswenson what if you're not handy :) thinking about adding one to my tank and i've watched so many videos and im still lost :(
LSX FTW - 13 years ago
damn good video thanks for making it
jake swenson
jake swenson - 13 years ago
@jacobswenson (I clean the sock once a week - it is a synch to remove). You don't have to take my word for it - but it's a great system :)
jake swenson
jake swenson - 13 years ago
@ruddybop Thank you for your response - I have actually tried the gravel media on the bottom before. What happens is the force of the water flowing into the final bay will eventually start pulling the gravel up and over the two inch barrier and into the pump bay. With this type of filter system I have only had clean the entire sump once every 4-5 weeks. Because the water sock catches most of the big particles the rest of the media works as a bio-catch and water conditioner
ruddybop - 13 years ago
The only thing I see is that your going to have a heck of a time changing your filters every other week. You have to remove all the gravel/little pieces and media to get to the filters. Why not have the gravel/media on the very bottom about an inch high, Then black foam,white filter,socks with carbon and ammonia , another filter on top. Then when it's time to change the filters you just pull them out without having to mess with removing the all the gravel/mixed media.. :)
mrdaveone1 - 13 years ago
yo dude.... 1.. nice music 2.. nice video 3.. thanks for the inspiration (finally I can start with my project) thumps up
jake swenson
jake swenson - 13 years ago
@zephspacer Good I'm glad it's helping! The main tank is 55gallon and the sump is 10 gallon. Let me know if you new me to walk you through anything. If you are handy at all it is a pretty fun project and fairly easy. :)
BlackFish - 13 years ago
This has been very handy, what size tank is the main and the sump?

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