20% OFF Plants “AP20” ► http://bit.ly/aquaticplantfarms Products Used To Set Up The Cichlid Tank: Aquatek CO2 Mini Regulator ► http://amzn.to/2n0lZtr Aquatek CO2 Diffuser ► http://amzn.to/2n0wltb Finnex LED ► http://amzn.to/2nCPEY1 Aqueon HOB Filter ► http://amzn.to/2n8PUjy AVATAR AQUARIUM SETUP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n70im1HMPVs aquascaping Styles: http://www.theaquariumguide.com/articles/7-aquascaping-styles-for-aquariums Like This Video? Give It A THUMBS UP! 👍 Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/SUBAQUAPROS Get Our FREE 15 Aquarium Tips ➨ http://www.diyaquapros.com Daily Pics and Vids on Social Media! Instagram ► http://www.instagram.com/DIYAQUAPROS Facebook ► http://www.facebook.com/DIYAQUAPROS Twitter ► http://www.twitter.com/DIYAQUAPROS Check Out Some Playlists: DIY ............► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxFb3EeZ7l8&list=PLmyz3rvn32qo4V_NL7UsXsj0Oy3C_toZz Fish ..........► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ftUOA_W7K8&list=PLmyz3rvn32qp7h2akgEkBxUfPRmT0ume2 Science ....► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVtAWm54uBM&list=PLmyz3rvn32qoGL4N_SjFiMVfPaEex0ISW Plants ......► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UmlhiRdyoY&list=PLmyz3rvn32qpJdnhLH6gpm8H9B5sULRR7 Reviews ...► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDUZ6B_hW6g&list=PLmyz3rvn32qqSZyzVKFkSfoTGjiZIxugv Popular Videos You Might Like: DIY Project .......► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxFb3EeZ7l8 Aqua Science ...►https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVtAWm54uBM Plant Profile .....►https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M46tFByPNB4 Fish Profile .......► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySL8g5Oi4vE Review ..............►https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkrDvdBMYII Some Of My Favorite Stuff Fish Food .........► http://amzn.to/2fq4dcp Project Pump....► http://amzn.to/2fq2Z0E Heater ...............► http://amzn.to/2fMtfH3 LED Light ..........► http://amzn.to/2fq2N1v MUSIC: https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired In This Video: Today is finally the day I show off my dwarf cichlid planted aquarium! dwarf cichlids are typically easy to breed and get along great in a planted tank as long as the other fish are peaceful and stay out of their business. Thanks For Watching Guys!!! Don't Forget To 👍 The Video!

DWARF CICHLID PLANTED AQUARIUM SETUP! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 36

Pets & Animals 7 years ago 114,281 views

20% OFF Plants “AP20” ► http://bit.ly/aquaticplantfarms Products Used To Set Up The Cichlid Tank: Aquatek CO2 Mini Regulator ► http://amzn.to/2n0lZtr Aquatek CO2 Diffuser ► http://amzn.to/2n0wltb Finnex LED ► http://amzn.to/2nCPEY1 Aqueon HOB Filter ► http://amzn.to/2n8PUjy AVATAR AQUARIUM SETUP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n70im1HMPVs aquascaping Styles: http://www.theaquariumguide.com/articles/7-aquascaping-styles-for-aquariums Like This Video? Give It A THUMBS UP! 👍 Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/SUBAQUAPROS Get Our FREE 15 Aquarium Tips ➨ http://www.diyaquapros.com Daily Pics and Vids on Social Media! Instagram ► http://www.instagram.com/DIYAQUAPROS Facebook ► http://www.facebook.com/DIYAQUAPROS Twitter ► http://www.twitter.com/DIYAQUAPROS Check Out Some Playlists: DIY ............► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxFb3EeZ7l8&list=PLmyz3rvn32qo4V_NL7UsXsj0Oy3C_toZz Fish ..........► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ftUOA_W7K8&list=PLmyz3rvn32qp7h2akgEkBxUfPRmT0ume2 Science ....► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVtAWm54uBM&list=PLmyz3rvn32qoGL4N_SjFiMVfPaEex0ISW Plants ......► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UmlhiRdyoY&list=PLmyz3rvn32qpJdnhLH6gpm8H9B5sULRR7 Reviews ...► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDUZ6B_hW6g&list=PLmyz3rvn32qqSZyzVKFkSfoTGjiZIxugv Popular Videos You Might Like: DIY Project .......► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxFb3EeZ7l8 Aqua Science ...►https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVtAWm54uBM Plant Profile .....►https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M46tFByPNB4 Fish Profile .......► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySL8g5Oi4vE Review ..............►https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkrDvdBMYII Some Of My Favorite Stuff Fish Food .........► http://amzn.to/2fq4dcp Project Pump....► http://amzn.to/2fq2Z0E Heater ...............► http://amzn.to/2fMtfH3 LED Light ..........► http://amzn.to/2fq2N1v MUSIC: https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired In This Video: Today is finally the day I show off my dwarf cichlid planted aquarium! dwarf cichlids are typically easy to breed and get along great in a planted tank as long as the other fish are peaceful and stay out of their business. Thanks For Watching Guys!!! Don't Forget To 👍 The Video!

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Most popular comments

Xanderelle - 7 years ago
Can you make an update video?
Eduardo D. 121412 Racoma
Eduardo D. 121412 Racoma - 7 years ago
Sir what fish are those pair
ReaLexEnder - 7 years ago
I dont get it... Dont he need to cycle the tank??
Or it's because the other tank water have already have the good bacteria.
Sorry Im New at this hobby :)
ReaLexEnder - 7 years ago
Donot Senndhere thanks for info mate :)
Donot Senndhere
Donot Senndhere - 7 years ago
he used filter media from an already previously cycled tank so that greatly sped up the cycling tank.
Newty172 - 7 years ago
What color spectrum and intensity did you use? I have the same light.
slushbob - 7 years ago
I would Love to see an update on this tank! Im setting a similar one up some. Thanks!
Reyes Arias
Reyes Arias - 7 years ago
check my fish tank out
Rayjay Zepeda
Rayjay Zepeda - 7 years ago
Frederik3008 - 7 years ago
Hey there,
Does anyone know how many gallons or liter this take has? :)
Looking forwards to some answers from you guys, or an answer from the master himself :P :)
Hawk_ Eye
Hawk_ Eye - 7 years ago
Frederik3008 listen to the video maybe? It's 20 gallons, or 75-ish litres.
TheBSideDJ - 7 years ago
all good, but maybe adding a lot of CO2 and fish are not the best combination for a healty and/or long lifespam of the fish ?
STR33TSofJUST1C3 - 7 years ago
As long as you have a lot of vegetation, the co2 won't affect the fish. You do want to co2 at night, though. For obvious reasons.


Brandon Matsumoto
Brandon Matsumoto - 7 years ago
I was wondering how good the aquatek mini regulator is? I need a new regulator for my paint ball tank and I am unsure whether to get it or a full reg from co2art(single stage). I know people will say get the full reg as I can use it later, but I know that I wont ever get a bigger co2 tank and that this is for a 5 gal tank. Thanks for any help! If you have any experience with this reg please tell me as there are sooooooooo many mixed reviews
NaturalQueen11 - 7 years ago
when I clicked the link I was all set to listen and learn about your new tank setup. But damn the music got me...had to head to his Soundcloud. Loveeee!!! I will replay the vid tho and focus on this tank lol
Daniel Wohleber
Daniel Wohleber - 7 years ago
Where did you get the dragon stone? Is it commercially available? It looks great!
Frank Huang
Frank Huang - 7 years ago
strongly suggest you covering the tank. nice setup overall.
NIGHT_MARE {M.C.5} - 7 years ago
these Chichlids got some beautiful colours on them
.CHECK out my CHANEL guys
modern combat 5 Gameplay
Baljeet Singh
Baljeet Singh - 7 years ago
hello sir i want to know which cichlids can i add to my planted tank
TheBSideDJ - 7 years ago
baljeet it depends on so many things, in fact in depends on almost everything : tanksize, tankflow, tankfiltration, other fish in the tank, water parameters, kind of food you can provide, how you put your plants to prevent things (in pots, on wood, in substrate), ....
Jasper Delgado
Jasper Delgado - 7 years ago
Hey.. can I use garden soil as substrate? it's organic but no sure if it works and I don't want to change water daily ..  you know what I mean..,.. thanks..
Jasper Delgado
Jasper Delgado - 7 years ago
TheBSideDJ - 7 years ago
no no garden soil, too much nitrates. Bad for fish.
Roller #12
Roller #12 - 7 years ago
I hope you don't use tap water at all
LittleLargeMouth - 7 years ago
Any updates on these apistos? I'm getting three pairs for a 75 soon
agge blue
agge blue - 7 years ago
Where did u buy the rocks from? they look so good!


Ae86 Hachi
Ae86 Hachi - 7 years ago
Such expensive little fish!!!
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 7 years ago
hey man, great job! I am thinking of getting bigger fish then tetras and, dwarf cichlids are on the list, what would be the minimum size tank i need? in litres please? cheers mate, thanks for great content
XJustice Leaguex
XJustice Leaguex - 7 years ago
black sand good for Shelly dwellies?. of it were dragon rock, shells galore..
Kerwin Fernandes
Kerwin Fernandes - 7 years ago
great tank.. good video God Bless
Julius Wicked
Julius Wicked - 7 years ago
are mollies compatible with dwarf cichlids?
Blueblaze 989
Blueblaze 989 - 7 years ago
Fresh or salt water?
TheBSideDJ - 7 years ago
ha ha, funny question.
marieke - 7 years ago
Blueblaze 989 Fresh:)
Tim Phillips
Tim Phillips - 7 years ago
That stone gives me nightmares about algae cleaning.
KrispyAquascape - 7 years ago
I love the algae covered mature look
Pmooreb - 7 years ago
dirt > eco-complete
FRUiTY BiRDS - 7 years ago
Check my me video
Michael's Fish Room
Michael's Fish Room - 7 years ago
You mentioned that there was "a ton" of beneficial microbes in he water you added, however I have always been taught that there is very little BB in he water. This is a strange question me being a hobbies, you being a scientist!
BTW, I am glad you are back! Before I started my fish room a year ago, I watched a ton of your vids!


Sam W
Sam W - 7 years ago
what percentage of a water change was it every week?
Reno Russell
Reno Russell - 7 years ago
Well done!
Anthony Kriens
Anthony Kriens - 7 years ago
Is part two up yet?
David Chan
David Chan - 7 years ago
Yongtong Kuang
Yongtong Kuang - 7 years ago
Where did you got the plants on the left corner? It looks super green and healthy. Nice!
Michael Wolfe
Michael Wolfe - 7 years ago
hi, iv got a 29gallon set up with a pair of apistogramma agassizii double reds, columbian tetras, rummy nose tetras and a BN place, what sort of ph do i need to hopefully get my cichlids breeding, also what sort of temp too. I'm buying a nice breeding cave for them soon. p.s i use RODI water so its nice and soft water
DirtyNaan54 - 7 years ago
How do I tell if my tank is cycled I have 0 nitrate,0 nitrite, and no ammonia what do I do it's been up for bout aweek
andy ho
andy ho - 7 years ago
Did you use ro water for this tank?
Naw2day Shawny
Naw2day Shawny - 7 years ago
yo man but the goldies prbly gonna have babies that will overpower the dwarf cichlid pair
Naw2day Shawny
Naw2day Shawny - 7 years ago
a pair of them to show up and purchase the pair without telling the guy they're mating. It worked for me. I told him I want these two specifically. He didn't argue and then he saw the fry when he was bagging them.
busy313 - 7 years ago
what size is that tank
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
looks pretty sick to me! Can't wait. I just got back into high-tech myself. But Eco!!!! Why!?
hennyis012 - 7 years ago
What's wrong with eco complete? Got a 20 lb on the way. :/
I'm planning on capping bedding top soil with it in a 20 gal long.
Bad idea?
AQUAPROS - 7 years ago
+ADU Aquascaping Thanks bro! Ya hahah eco... never again.... lol
QuirOz JohaNa
QuirOz JohaNa - 7 years ago
Cammy Dough
Cammy Dough - 7 years ago
Do those dwarf cichlids have a common name? They are gorgeous
Jake Atherton
Jake Atherton - 7 years ago
Can you plant in gravel
Claire D
Claire D - 7 years ago
Normally my dwarf cichlids will only spawn in soft water... I use mostly RO water but since adding some aquascaping stone (I think Seiryu??) it's been driving up my hardness and pH heaps by the end of the week before my water change. Have you experienced that with the stone you've been using and if so how do you manage it?
Erik J
Erik J - 7 years ago
I think dirt, and sand would have been a better option for dwarf cichlids but the tank turned out awesome! Any chance you have a tutorial about rimless tanks? That would be awesome!
EDK ReefMeister
EDK ReefMeister - 7 years ago
Cichilds will dig up those plants.
TheBSideDJ - 7 years ago
yep... and fish don't like CO2...
Israel Lopez
Israel Lopez - 7 years ago
boi if you dont gimme the song ima kill myself
Israel Lopez
Israel Lopez - 7 years ago
Steve Munn
Steve Munn - 7 years ago
Absolutely amazing all the best steve
FPScity - 7 years ago
bro you deserve 100k subs.


Frazerer - 7 years ago
Nic Orta
Nic Orta - 7 years ago
mike what was your first video you made ?
Bryan Delgadillo
Bryan Delgadillo - 7 years ago
I LOVE your videos. with you it's always quality over quantity ❤️
Anthony Ragan
Anthony Ragan - 7 years ago
Great video, and thanks for the step-by-step. I love those panduros.
Satya Bayu Pradana
Satya Bayu Pradana - 7 years ago
beautiful fish &also the stone
FW_Muncheez - 7 years ago
6.0 ph is pretty low? Will at least for me. I like to keep my tanks between the 7.0 mark.
FW_Muncheez - 7 years ago
I think at least 6.5 would be nice
FW_Muncheez - 7 years ago
He also has tetras in the tank?
vaporfarts - 7 years ago
It's actually preferred for a lot of cichlids and amazon fish because that's more of how their natural environment is.
HustleHabit - 7 years ago
Great fish. Great tank. Inspired me to look into some Dwarf Cichlids of my own. Anything to keep in mind when choosing?
IBernE - 7 years ago
Led and co2 schedule??
Wes-Fish Care
Wes-Fish Care - 7 years ago
Is it ok to soak dirt only overnight before adding it to the tank? It's a 33 Gallon with just sand and no inhabitants so I figure I can add the dirt quicker than usual.
Sidaarth Ramabhotla
Sidaarth Ramabhotla - 7 years ago
Can you do a fish lab tour please
Deadboynyc - 7 years ago
love the 24/7
mike cross
mike cross - 7 years ago
"literally a ton" What did you do with the other 1999.95 pounds. Or was that a metric ton?
AQUAPROS - 7 years ago
"Figuratively" a ton :)
Chris Schamahorn
Chris Schamahorn - 7 years ago
No bottom feeder cleaning crew ? Love the tank, you should do a German ram tank next :)
AQUAPROS - 7 years ago
Chris, yur a mind reader :)
Offishal Aquatics
Offishal Aquatics - 7 years ago
Watching this video encouraged me to pick up a male Bolivian Ram today at my lfs. Awesome fish! Dwarf cichlids are easily my favorite ! Awesome video and keep up the great work in the lab!
AQUAPROS - 7 years ago
+T'sTropicalTanks glad to hear it! And thanks!
Dai Truong
Dai Truong - 7 years ago
cool bro
Commical soldier
Commical soldier - 7 years ago
where did you find the nylonbags? I just get my new tank today and want to create a natural looking "hill".
Dog Cat
Dog Cat - 7 years ago
Commical soldier Try amazon boy
Commical soldier
Commical soldier - 7 years ago
Jake Iapichino
Jake Iapichino - 7 years ago
it's okay to take the plastic rims off the tank? I always thought that made it more likely to break or crack
AQUAPROS - 7 years ago
+Jake Iapichino you can remive rims, just brace anything 29 and up
Ben Donaldson
Ben Donaldson - 7 years ago
What affordable LEDs would you recommend for a 10 gallon planted tank? Amazon links?
AQUAPROS - 7 years ago
http://amzn.to/2mWdYnv VIDEO COMING SOOON!
young spy baystars pv
young spy baystars pv - 7 years ago
Nice video!
Jack Bargert
Jack Bargert - 7 years ago
nice . what intensity do u have the light at ?
AQUAPROS - 7 years ago
Full white, 3 clicks blue, 2 clicks red
Ruben - 7 years ago
I did the same thing with the 40 breeder. I put 20g water from my other tank and the rest I had set up a 50g drum with about 20g and left it out for 2 or 3 days to get rid of the chlorine. Didn't want to put chlorine water in the tank and kill the bacteria that came in the ECO Complete. Thanks for sharing bro.
AQUAPROS - 7 years ago
Thanks for commenting Ruben :)
Okly Skywalker
Okly Skywalker - 7 years ago
hello, do you keep CO2 on over the night?
TheBSideDJ - 7 years ago
never use CO2 at night, because plants only use CO2 during daytime (during photosynthese meaning sunlight). for fish > If you can, do not use CO2 at all or at a minimum need.
Okly Skywalker
Okly Skywalker - 7 years ago
Thanks for the answer :)
AQUAPROS - 7 years ago
Nope, solenoid turns it off at night!
Eric TenEyck
Eric TenEyck - 7 years ago
Am I missing the link for where you got the plants?
schlonald - 7 years ago
ERic TenEyck not seeing it either.
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 7 years ago
ERic TenEyck I think it's under the 'playlist' section of the description.
Floyd Conrad
Floyd Conrad - 7 years ago
awesome work my friend love that Dragonstone
AQUAPROS - 7 years ago
+Floyd Conrad thanks floyd!!!!!
Michel Carrasquel
Michel Carrasquel - 7 years ago
Thank you for being my guide in life aquariums
Seth Richmond
Seth Richmond - 7 years ago
Could you make a video on how to remove the rim from a tank? And did you de-rim your 90?
AQUAPROS - 7 years ago
cicco - 7 years ago
awesome work plant bro!
AQUAPROS - 7 years ago
+cicco :)
Nic Orta
Nic Orta - 7 years ago
mike how do I get a good monte Carlo carpet I'm sure you know ?
AQUAPROS - 7 years ago
medium to high light, and a f*ck ton of CO2
ReptilesWelling AntsWelling
ReptilesWelling AntsWelling - 7 years ago
The white paper also makes it look bigger
Golden State Warriors Fan
Golden State Warriors Fan - 7 years ago
I have 1 female and 2 male Bolivian Rams plus 1 male a German Blue Ram in the same tank but the male German Blue Ram is being Aggressive towards the 3 Bolivian Rams what should i do ?? Do you think the male GBR is trying to mate with the Female Bolivian Ram at first when i got the Bolivian Rams they were fine now the GBR thinks he the boss of the tank
FishPerson Vblogs
FishPerson Vblogs - 7 years ago
Hi man! I'm new to this channel and I like it. I have a quick question! Can you do a video on how to cycle. A lot of my friends ask me and I really don't find a good video to show them and I don't know the legistics of the cycling process. Thanks!
troy burke
troy burke - 7 years ago
what kind of male cichlid is that?
EB produces*
EB produces* - 7 years ago
wow, really great job!
Mark Copley
Mark Copley - 7 years ago
when you say the tank water is " full of beneficial microbes " what do you actually mean ?
Fuckyou Liberalscum
Fuckyou Liberalscum - 7 years ago
Mark Copley Dont be an ass. You're getting all the info you paid for.
Jeff Bronson
Jeff Bronson - 7 years ago
Mark Copley i see. Thanks for the input.
Mark Copley
Mark Copley - 7 years ago
I'm calm , I enjoy his channel (usually) but you cant let go incorrect advise or old disproved views stated as fact go. De- nitro fying bacteria doesn't exist in the water column.
Jeff Bronson
Jeff Bronson - 7 years ago
Mark Copley calm down
Mark Copley
Mark Copley - 7 years ago
Im not being disrespectful.He puts himself up as a scientist with his white coat etc.
If he is going to try to past off old fish keeping views as science when we now know they arent true he should be called out, or new comes believe it and go wrong
FPScity - 7 years ago
Mark Copley read the bag on the substrate. the substrate he is using helps jump start the nitrogen cycle. so you don't have to wait a full month. i use this substrate and from experience i can back up aquapros claims. that being said if you disagree with something there is no need to be rude and disrespectful. hope this information helps.
Mark Copley
Mark Copley - 7 years ago
this sounds like BS
Mark Copley
Mark Copley - 7 years ago
don't start an answer with "basically" I don't want a basic answer.He has stated something as true and i want facts not (outdated ) opinion. It is well established these Bactria aren't found in the free water column
Jeff Bronson
Jeff Bronson - 7 years ago
Mark Copley basically whats needed for the nitrogen cycle and then some more that heps with plants
AQUAPROS - 7 years ago
microbes that are present in all aquariums, its a lot, but mostly heterotrophic organisms that break down organic carbon
Orro Gryphon
Orro Gryphon - 7 years ago
That is a really nice tank, I'm impressed.
Ricardo Ortiz
Ricardo Ortiz - 7 years ago
It's funny how I was setting up a tank (rescape) of my betta nano tank and I used dwarf hair grass & monte carlo too, 2 of my favourite carpeting plants. Plus there's a couple of rotala wallichii steam in tha tank too. Anyways, cool looking tank as always!
AQUAPROS - 7 years ago
+Ricardo Ortiz hahah small plant world ;)
G Unit
G Unit - 7 years ago
love your vids love all the plant and scaping keep it up pls!!!!
Killer Shark
Killer Shark - 7 years ago
Are those chilids good in a 10 gallon?
Killer Shark
Killer Shark - 7 years ago
How big is the tank
Killer Shark
Killer Shark - 7 years ago
Killer Shark
Killer Shark - 7 years ago
Thanks for uploading agan
Killer Shark
Killer Shark - 7 years ago
This tank looks so nice
Soumick Mazumder
Soumick Mazumder - 7 years ago
would a white sand path in between look nice ?
Isometric Aquariums
Isometric Aquariums - 7 years ago
great tank ... great content .... just great.
AQUAPROS - 7 years ago
+Isometric Aquariums thanks iso ;)
Christopher O'Brien
Christopher O'Brien - 7 years ago
Can you do a video on how to clean the ohko stone?
Christopher O'Brien
Christopher O'Brien - 7 years ago
69th like...
AQUAPROS - 7 years ago
+Christopher O'Brien lollllz
Danny's Aquariums
Danny's Aquariums - 7 years ago
Wow Mike!
Your tanks look so nice!
I love dwarf cichlids!
The new tank looks awesome too!
Keep up the good work and thumbs up!
AQUAPROS - 7 years ago
+Danny's Aquariums Thanks Danny!!!!
AQUAPROS - 7 years ago
P.S. CARYFISH UPDATE COMING IN 1-2 DAYS! Make sure you have notifications turned ON!
Mr. FishPlants
Mr. FishPlants - 7 years ago
Neon Tetra Aquarist I FOUND U AGAIN
kispik18 - 7 years ago
Yes update on this tank please :)
Killer Shark
Killer Shark - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS do an update please
AQUAPROS - 7 years ago
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS You might want to pin your announcement above so that more people see it! lol
brad e
brad e - 7 years ago
awesome tank bro. I've noticed you've used 20 gallons in the past and removed the trim. This is safe? There isn't too much bow on the glass? I want to set something up simular to this.
AQUAPROS - 7 years ago
+brad e Rimless is the best ;)
brad e
brad e - 7 years ago
well hearing that from you, im doing it. I've been sitting on a 20 that had the top trim removed for almost 6 months.
AQUAPROS - 7 years ago
20's and below are fine, no need to brace, once you get up to a 29 though, because it is taller, you should brace it.
laurismisins - 7 years ago
have the shrimps eggs hatched??
laurismisins - 7 years ago
the crayfish!
Allen Jones
Allen Jones - 7 years ago
funny, i just picked up a pair of kribensis


Shane Puthuparambil
Shane Puthuparambil - 7 years ago
+DIY Aquapros, breeding panduro's is very simple. Condition with live foods (I use earthworms, micro worms, brine shrimp), and give them a week or two. If you want an even spawn in terms of m/f, I would keep the temp 2 degrees higher. After a while you should notice some fin slapping from the male or female,at which point female is usually bright yellow. At that point in time, spawning should occur.
If there is one thing I would be cautious about it would be the ohko stone. Since the fish you chose may chase each other around, they may injure themselves on the rock. Also, ohko generally leeches hardness into the water, so you will have to make sure that the hardness levels don't get too crazy!
Similarly, post spawning, I would suggest removing the male. Although your tank is large enough, my female cacuatoides absolutely destroyed my male post spawning, and from that point forward, I decided to remove male as soon as spawning occurred.
Anyways, great video! I hope you have plenty of success with both the apistogramma AND the carpet of Monte Carlo!
Ps Check out Ted Judys apistogramma breeding video. He uses mirrors to induce spawning sometimes!
Shane Puthuparambil
Shane Puthuparambil - 7 years ago
No problem bro!
AQUAPROS - 7 years ago
Thanks for all the info Shane, ill be sure to check out those videos!
AQUAPROS - 7 years ago
What type of tank should I do next???

Products Used To Set Up The Cichlid Tank:
Aquatek CO2 Mini Regulator ► http://amzn.to/2n0lZtr
Aquatek CO2 Diffuser ► http://amzn.to/2n0wltb
Finnex LED ► http://amzn.to/2nCPEY1
Aqueon HOB Filter ► http://amzn.to/2n8PUjy
Owen's Aquariums
Owen's Aquariums - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS Do another similar dwarf cichlid tank with rams!
Isaac Deane
Isaac Deane - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS hey, could you please leave the link to the dragon stone that you used? Thanks!
Golden State Warriors Fan
Golden State Warriors Fan - 7 years ago
a rams tank
Wolfy Plays
Wolfy Plays - 7 years ago
Nice vid
Rice is Life
Rice is Life - 7 years ago
Love the vlogging music
Malte Reichow
Malte Reichow - 7 years ago
very cool tank
Cole Stitt
Cole Stitt - 7 years ago
FINALLY some dwarf cichlids
Rice is Life
Rice is Life - 7 years ago
@AQUAPROS pls give me a shoutout on the next video of your my, youtube video (supersmith productions ) it would really help
Mikael Š
Mikael Š - 7 years ago
You have beautiful tanks !
Rice is Life
Rice is Life - 7 years ago
Hello! Could you update your avater tank so that we could see the babies of the crayfish.
AQUAPROS - 7 years ago
+Rice is Life sooon!!!!!
Malte Reichow
Malte Reichow - 7 years ago
First like
cool xD
Seth Bowyer
Seth Bowyer - 7 years ago
Could you do a setup like this without co2 and still be successful?

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