Dennerle Nano Cube Shrimp Tank 30 Litres

I went and bought this absolutely beautiful tank from ProShrimp. It's the 30 Litre cube nano shrimp tank made by Dennerle. List of what I use below: Cheap LED lights: Eheim 150W heater: Aquael filter: (Shrimp safe) Dennerle Substrate 1: Petex Substrate: I recorded this on my GoPro which isn't the best to record this kind of thing but it's all I had that would record hours of footage. If anyone is thinking of buying one of these things, do it. I did this over the course of two afternoons, and on the third day added the shrimp. Packed loads of plants, the Cabomba I thought id try looks really really nice so far I love it, hopefully it's an easy plant to keep. Got some Anubis, Vallis, Crypts, Hair Grass, Marimo moss balls and some other plants. Tanks at 26c. Some of the grass type plants I have i'm worried will die off. But i'll give them a chance. Can't wait for the tank to mature and for the plants to grow in and take over. Let me know what you think, and any questions please comment below! Thank you for watching. Follow me on my dedicated aquarium Instagram where I'm most active: Check out my Aquarium blog site:

Dennerle Nano Cube Shrimp Tank 30 Litres sentiment_very_dissatisfied 44

Pets & Animals 8 years ago 188,776 views

I went and bought this absolutely beautiful tank from ProShrimp. It's the 30 Litre cube nano shrimp tank made by Dennerle. List of what I use below: Cheap LED lights: Eheim 150W heater: Aquael filter: (Shrimp safe) Dennerle Substrate 1: Petex Substrate: I recorded this on my GoPro which isn't the best to record this kind of thing but it's all I had that would record hours of footage. If anyone is thinking of buying one of these things, do it. I did this over the course of two afternoons, and on the third day added the shrimp. Packed loads of plants, the Cabomba I thought id try looks really really nice so far I love it, hopefully it's an easy plant to keep. Got some Anubis, Vallis, Crypts, Hair Grass, Marimo moss balls and some other plants. Tanks at 26c. Some of the grass type plants I have i'm worried will die off. But i'll give them a chance. Can't wait for the tank to mature and for the plants to grow in and take over. Let me know what you think, and any questions please comment below! Thank you for watching. Follow me on my dedicated aquarium Instagram where I'm most active: Check out my Aquarium blog site:

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Most popular comments
for Dennerle Nano Cube Shrimp Tank 30 Litres

Victor Turculet
Victor Turculet - 7 years ago
What kind of filter do you use here? I really like it because it's not very visible 
Kierans Fish
Kierans Fish - 7 years ago
Victor Turculet in the description
AquaScapeLand - 7 years ago
Beautifull and simply!
See you friend
Arthur Miguel
Arthur Miguel - 7 years ago
Qual o substrato
Bobo Baba
Bobo Baba - 7 years ago
Beautiful tank! I hope to design my aquarium similar to yours once I get my tank :) Awesome video.
AquaWoman - 7 years ago
Nice tank! I just put one together too. Come check it out on my channel. AquaWoman Cobalt nano cube tank.
Sargent3456 - 7 years ago
what do you do against algae?
Hélio Solar
Hélio Solar - 7 years ago
What music track is this from w- Artist pls, ty?
MARK'S AQUATICS - 7 years ago
Very nice set up! A nice relaxing build.
Paul Kennedy
Paul Kennedy - 7 years ago
That's substrate looks like Eco complete. I'm serious as to why you washed it with, what I assume is, chlorinated tap water? Wouldn't that then kill all the beneficial bacteria that substrate has?
Kierans Fish
Kierans Fish - 7 years ago
Paul Kennedy I'm pretty sure it's just standard black gravel.
Paul Kennedy
Paul Kennedy - 7 years ago
Kierans Fish I thought that sort of substrate is shipped wet because it had bacteria in it.
Kierans Fish
Kierans Fish - 7 years ago
The substrate didn't have any beneficial bacteria because it was brand new out the bag.

10. comment for Dennerle Nano Cube Shrimp Tank 30 Litres

Muhammad Hazim
Muhammad Hazim - 7 years ago
how long this tank can look clean and when you start to do water changes ? pls reply
Muhammad Hazim
Muhammad Hazim - 7 years ago
+Kierans Fish what type of filter you used??
Muhammad Hazim
Muhammad Hazim - 7 years ago
+Kierans Fish oh.. i see.. so easy... thanks kierans for awesome info..
Kierans Fish
Kierans Fish - 7 years ago
Muhammad Hazim of course not! Just syphon the water out with a tube and top it back up. Easy. 5 mins.
Muhammad Hazim
Muhammad Hazim - 7 years ago
+Kierans Fish if we do water changes, we must put out the plants or clean the tank and do the layout/deco agian ? hehe
Kierans Fish
Kierans Fish - 7 years ago
Tank always looks clean :) water changes once a week, or once every two weeks if you only have shrimp. Test your water.
Hobby Akwarystyka
Hobby Akwarystyka - 7 years ago
good job
grav3ns3n - 7 years ago
How did you plant those 2 red blue lights in the tank? :)
Kierans Fish
Kierans Fish - 7 years ago
Full list (with links) of everything I use is now in the video description.
Kierans Fish
Kierans Fish - 7 years ago
100k views is mental! :) thank you to everyone watching.
Zoe Northeast
Zoe Northeast - 7 years ago
Do your rocks not need removing for cleaning? The large pebbles and rocks in my tank need cleaning every 3-4 weeks as they get covered with algae/slimy black stuff. It's been this way for a year now. Anyone have any clue why?
Kierans Fish
Kierans Fish - 7 years ago
Zoe Northeast algae isn't really a bad thing it can just become unsightly. The otos clean it to a certain extent but some of my rocks do have algae and I may sometimes remove them and rub off the algae with a towel. But algae can give a natural look.
Zoe Northeast
Zoe Northeast - 7 years ago
Kierans Fish so you never need to remove your rocks for cleaning and the algae eaters are enough? I'm setting up a new, bigger tank now I have more experience but want to make sure whatever i put in there (and spend ages positioning/planting up) isn't going to have to be disrupted every month.
Kierans Fish
Kierans Fish - 7 years ago
Zoe Northeast algae is normal. Certain fish will eat the algae as food. Fish such as otocinclus.
Inrigandum Paradisum
Inrigandum Paradisum - 7 years ago
Hi :) You use CO2 ?
COOPER'S CICHILDS - 8 years ago
I've subbed u trying to learn I'm a South central American fish breeder and lover but want tho break into these wonderful animals so I'm subbing to the best off the best and your one of them excellent video what type of substrate are u using I like that just ordered my second order of cherry shrimp lost the first batch kept them alive over a month
Kierans Fish
Kierans Fish - 8 years ago
Thanks so much :) ..glad to hear you're starting a shrimp tank, shrimp are great once they're established. The substrate I used was just simple, fine black substrate from Dennerle: Thanks for your comment.
MsTrix23 - 8 years ago
Kieran ru on fb. I really need some help with setting up a tank like this I gave it a go today. let's just say the water went black. the wood floated. and I couldn't get the plants to stay down. I'd really love it if you could help me with this project
Kierans Fish
Kierans Fish - 8 years ago
MsTrix23 hello, sorry mate I don't have Facebook but you could email me or reply on here if you wish. Sorry that you're having trouble with your tank. I'm guessing the water went black because you didn't rinse the gravel first? The wood floated because it needs to soak in a bucket of water for a long time like a week before you place it in. This makes it sink and removes the brown tannings that will stain your water. You could also sit a rock or two on the wood so it sinks. I feel your pain with the plants too, they can be a pain. Iv found that sand or very fine gravel works best with planting plants. Any more questions just ask! Hope this helps mate.
Backyard Wilderness
Backyard Wilderness - 8 years ago
what is the substrate?

20. comment for Dennerle Nano Cube Shrimp Tank 30 Litres

Yen Xion
Yen Xion - 8 years ago
Did you not cycle your tank first? I'm really interested in setting up a shrimp tank with a cheap 5-gallon tank. any thoughts or useful info?????
Yen Xion
Yen Xion - 8 years ago
OK AWESOME!!!!! I'm going to do a blue dream shrimp tank. i will start with around 5 for 30 gallons and keep it planted!
Yen Xion
Yen Xion - 8 years ago
Thanks for the help !!!
Kierans Fish
Kierans Fish - 8 years ago
Poke Munitty my tips: get a heater that is at least 50W. Don't go for those tiny heaters. Get a cheap LED light off Amazon/eBay. They're cheap but they grow plants extremely well. The sponge filters that use an airline are loud lol, get a submersible filter where the motor is in the water.
Kierans Fish
Kierans Fish - 8 years ago
Poke Munitty no because I only had about 5 shrimp and a huge amount of plants. I monitored the water and if there was ever a tiny bit of ammonia I would of done a water change.
MMM KKK - 8 years ago
Rocks look like potatoes. Nice tank either way.
Kierans Fish
Kierans Fish - 8 years ago
BioAcuarios - 8 years ago
Ha quedado precioso, me encanta la música. Un saludo y likee!
Lothian Fishkeeper channel
Lothian Fishkeeper channel - 8 years ago
Very nice layout. It creates the illusion that the aquarium goes back further than it does !!!!! thanks for sharing...
DebTim A CANADIAN Girl - 8 years ago
Very nice.. I subbed.. come on over and check out my channel too.. PB gave you a shout out!
Hevoltic - 8 years ago
Great video! Subbed. PBabe sent me. Come check out my channel and subscribe! Thanks!
Deon 0026
Deon 0026 - 8 years ago
hello my friends very beautiful channel you guys was shouted out in a weekly shout out video from Psychedelic babe can you go check it out and check my page out and like thanks. Subbing you up
Kierans Fish
Kierans Fish - 8 years ago
Deon 0026 thanks for letting me know about this :) will do
ronald alojado
ronald alojado - 8 years ago
how much led light wattage do you use for this 30L nano tank?
Kierans Fish
Kierans Fish - 8 years ago
If its advertised for aquariums then it should be ok. If it isn't then I would probably go with something else like the above.
ronald alojado
ronald alojado - 8 years ago
i have my cube 30x30x30cm, 7.1 gallons aquarium is it okay the 4W T5 led light?
Kierans Fish
Kierans Fish - 8 years ago
Hey, it's 6W LED light. Link below
PsychedelicBabe - 8 years ago
This is an amazing video you have done a great job I've just subbed to your channel please do feel free to come and check out my fish and channel
Alex Fuxx
Alex Fuxx - 8 years ago
die steine sehen aus wie kartoffeln
MMM KKK - 8 years ago
lol true

30. comment for Dennerle Nano Cube Shrimp Tank 30 Litres

terry panayiotou
terry panayiotou - 8 years ago
Great video. If anyone is interested i sell organic Guava leaves for these tanks
Sanji kat
Sanji kat - 8 years ago
Toll ich sehe mit wie viel liebe du das Einrichtest.
mathias könig
mathias könig - 7 years ago
Toll ich sehe wie die Tiere ausrasten da das becken 0 einlaufphase hatte daumen hoch!
Mitchell Barnes
Mitchell Barnes - 8 years ago
Awesome! I would like to create something like this and getting started in this Hobby! Do you have any tips or where I can find information to begin? Thanks!
Kierans Fish
Kierans Fish - 8 years ago
Hey! yeah sure, I'm a member on this forum: they have lots of beginner articles, and they will also respond to any questions you have, even more so if you're a beginner. Hope this helps :)
Dan Johnson
Dan Johnson - 8 years ago
Tank looks gorgious. I like tanks that are not as full but none the less a beautiful tank and nice looking home.
Kierans Fish
Kierans Fish - 8 years ago
Dan Johnson thank you. I recently pulled out all the Cabomba so it doesn't look as full now I have a video of it on here. I know what you mean.
Darrix Lim
Darrix Lim - 8 years ago
This tank looks like a fluval flora
Vijay Sivasankaren
Vijay Sivasankaren - 8 years ago
Awesome bro! Subbed! I am just starting on Planted Shrimp tanks. Please check and provide any suggestions you have have
Kierans Fish
Kierans Fish - 8 years ago
Thank you! I'll have a look :)
salamattamalas - 8 years ago
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 8 years ago
Great tank Kieran! Keep up the great work and enjoy your tanks!
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 8 years ago
+FintasticFish I always am!
FintasticFish - 8 years ago
Neon your everywhere!
Jack smith
Jack smith - 8 years ago
Looks awesome, though I think i preferred it around 3:40 than towards the end. Just my opinion though, the end result looks great too.
Kierans Fish
Kierans Fish - 8 years ago
Thank you both! :) I see what you mean about that, but I love filling it with plants lol. Plus the Cabomba at the back looks really nice, I think they shrimp like it too.
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 8 years ago
I liked it at 5:13 the best.

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