Dwarf Puffers- Small and Sassy!
Pets & Animals 8 years ago 74,757 views
Dwarf puffers are great little fish, but need a well structured tank to thrive. They take a range of parameters, and care should be taken with their stocking, as they can be a bit nippy. Adult size 1" pH 6.8-8 Temp 72-82 Diet: Small snails, crustaceans, or frozen/live/freeze dried worms https://www.facebook.com/msjinkzd/ http://msjinkzd.com/stocklist/ Subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/user/msjinkzd/ Support my efforts: http://msjinkzd.com/about_msjinkzd/support-our-site/ Aquatic Experience Chicago: http://aquaticexperience.org/
10. comment for Dwarf Puffers- Small and Sassy!
I want a puffer so bad but don't know if my skills are quite up there just yet. Do you think they're more for the advanced fish keeper?
and I am a member of the dead mom club too. Lost mine when I was 32. Sorry you are a member too
One more question. I have seen videos on here of people cutting the teeth of the puffers. I'd imagine it would be extremely difficult to do that on these little guys?
Sorry about the long essay !! :-)
An aquaintance of mine says 5 gallons, well planted and structured and max. 4 puffers would be fine. I have ramshorns and malayzian trumpet snails that I want to keep in check. Ive heard peas dont eat MTS snails so Im gonna get one assasin snail. dont want those to breed, saw your vid on em :)
20. comment for Dwarf Puffers- Small and Sassy!
30. comment for Dwarf Puffers- Small and Sassy!
50. comment for Dwarf Puffers- Small and Sassy!
100. comment for Dwarf Puffers- Small and Sassy!
the thing is even this little fish can be a monster in small aquariums, niping fins and stuff... and they can be even more aggresive twards their own kind. In my expiriance if the aquarium is well planted u can add a samller school of some other fast and short fined fish.
As always, your videos are amazing and inspiring. Thanks for everything you do.
Can any one suggest me what type of fish could dwarf puffer be kept in a tank.
I think I need to setup a tank with some!
They are so cute!
Thumbs up!
That cricket was annoying haha!
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