Dwarf Puffers- Small and Sassy!

Dwarf puffers are great little fish, but need a well structured tank to thrive. They take a range of parameters, and care should be taken with their stocking, as they can be a bit nippy. Adult size 1" pH 6.8-8 Temp 72-82 Diet: Small snails, crustaceans, or frozen/live/freeze dried worms https://www.facebook.com/msjinkzd/ http://msjinkzd.com/stocklist/ Subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/user/msjinkzd/ Support my efforts: http://msjinkzd.com/about_msjinkzd/support-our-site/ Aquatic Experience Chicago: http://aquaticexperience.org/

Dwarf Puffers- Small and Sassy! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 18

Pets & Animals 8 years ago 74,757 views

Dwarf puffers are great little fish, but need a well structured tank to thrive. They take a range of parameters, and care should be taken with their stocking, as they can be a bit nippy. Adult size 1" pH 6.8-8 Temp 72-82 Diet: Small snails, crustaceans, or frozen/live/freeze dried worms https://www.facebook.com/msjinkzd/ http://msjinkzd.com/stocklist/ Subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/user/msjinkzd/ Support my efforts: http://msjinkzd.com/about_msjinkzd/support-our-site/ Aquatic Experience Chicago: http://aquaticexperience.org/

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Most popular comments
for Dwarf Puffers- Small and Sassy!

Richard Fuentes
Richard Fuentes - 7 years ago
Beautiful fish..
Shawn Bataju
Shawn Bataju - 7 years ago
Do they overfeed if there are too many snails in the tank?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
no, not generally
2nd Chance
2nd Chance - 7 years ago
You're just full of knowledge
Makeup Mobster
Makeup Mobster - 7 years ago
After doing over a month worth of research, and watching videos I walked into my local aquarium store and found they had gotten pea puffers in. I felt I had done enough research and I finally decided to get one. I only got one for now and he's in my five gallon tank for now. When I got him, I also bought a plant. Can't remember the name but it floats on the surface. There were some pest snails
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+Makeup Mobster they can go quite awhile. Give it a few days before you start to worry
Danny Howard
Danny Howard - 7 years ago
n o
n o - 7 years ago
If I got a pea puffer, then what else can I put in my 11.5 gal? Do they get lonely?
rob - 7 years ago
I got 2 african dwarf frogs and some neon tetra in a planted tank with several cave rocks. Could I put a couple pea puffers in there?
Simone Harriman
Simone Harriman - 7 years ago
Hi Rachel...I thought I would just add a warning to newbies setting up a tank. After been given a 20 gal aquarium and accessories well over 10 years old I decided to set it up and after completing cycling and purchased two dwarf puffer fish. I fell in love with these two little fish who were very interactive when I approached the aquarium.  One evening I noticed that instead of retiring behind the foliage for the night they were up front by the glass and appeared upset. Not thinking too much it though I switched the lights off and left the room. In the morning no puffers to be seen. They usually would be there waiting to be fed. I touched the aquarium glass. OMG it was hot...the heater unit was faulty. Two dead puffers lying at the back of the tank. It still upsets and haunts me.  WARNING....don't use an old heater for your aquarium unless you have a temperature alarm.
Thot Detector
Thot Detector - 7 years ago
:(( I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ll be sure to keep that in mind when purchasing a new heater for my next tank.
Sharon Bendtsen
Sharon Bendtsen - 7 years ago
I just saw something on a different freshwater puffer do you know anything about the red eyed red bellied puffer they are supposed to be from Burma and Sumatra

10. comment for Dwarf Puffers- Small and Sassy!

Makeup Mobster
Makeup Mobster - 7 years ago
Great video! I love these guys! I want some so bad. My fish keeping skills....well I'm pretty new to the game. I had only one ten gallon for a year and an outdoor pond with some comets for about 2 years now. Now I have 10gal for a crayfish, a 30 gallon community tank with gourami, yoyo loaches, a pleco, and some tetras (may add some danios). Then there's my indoor pond 20 gallons for me to grow out some goldfish that cane to me by way of miracle. Actually not a miracle so much but a rare situation. I bought plants for a small aquatic container garden and apparently one of the plants has eggs stuck to it. I raised these guys from eggs. It's been cool to watch their transformation.

I want a puffer so bad but don't know if my skills are quite up there just yet. Do you think they're more for the advanced fish keeper?
Makeup Mobster
Makeup Mobster - 7 years ago
Rachel O'leary I have another question about these little guys. Do they jump? Would a rimless tank be ok for them?
Makeup Mobster
Makeup Mobster - 7 years ago
Rachel O'leary thanks girl. I really appreciate your kind words.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+Makeup Mobster it's been 10 years and it isn't easier but I can say instead of being sad at the memory I smile when I talk of her now. Keep your chin up
Makeup Mobster
Makeup Mobster - 7 years ago
Rachel O'leary sucks girl and unless you been there, you just don't get it. My mom and I were like best friends. My life feels so empty and these fish are helping to fill the void!
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+Makeup Mobster you don't have to trim dwarf puffers teeth as long as they are fed properly.

and I am a member of the dead mom club too. Lost mine when I was 32. Sorry you are a member too
Makeup Mobster
Makeup Mobster - 7 years ago
Rachel O'leary thank you very much. I appreciate that. Whatever I have learned though is from watching people like yourself and Joey, (King of DIY). Thank you for making such awesome and informative videos! These fish are saving me right now. My mom passed away a few months ago and these little fish and all these Aquariums have been helping me heal. They give me something to care for and something to do. I love watching them swim around. I can watch for hours. It's therapeutic in a sense.

One more question. I have seen videos on here of people cutting the teeth of the puffers. I'd imagine it would be extremely difficult to do that on these little guys?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+Makeup Mobster you sound like you have a fair amount of skill and the fact that you are asking shows you do your research- so yea
Samantha Cameron
Samantha Cameron - 7 years ago
so im like a whole year late on seeing this video :P buttt, im in Australia and i think these guys are great, any good online breeders that i might buy from? that anyone knows of. i dont buy much online and i worry im gunna get jipped and someone will take my monies.. -_-
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga - 7 years ago
Great video. I want some.
Aditya Potdar
Aditya Potdar - 7 years ago
Hi Rachel , so i have a doubt about the exact species of the puffers you have featured in this video , because I have dwarf puffers , they are about the same size as the ones you have , but I think you have the Carinotetraodon imitator species , because they have a very bright yellow color on the tails and fins , I could be totally wrong and maybe you have the Travincoricus and I have got the Imitator , here is my request , could you do a video about both these species and also a video on how to get them to breed , there is little to no info available on the internet about these guys and I really want to know how to breed them , i have tried all and everything but they just wont do it !!
Sorry about the long essay !! :-)
Emily Garden
Emily Garden - 7 years ago
Do they puff up? :)
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
no, they shouldn't
Scowling Wolf
Scowling Wolf - 7 years ago
oh no i need another tank ; )
bebebutterfield1 - 7 years ago
Jiminy oh jiminy where fort art though. Rachel I couldn't remember the name of these puffers and TY for the video.
Random Facts
Random Facts - 7 years ago
I'm planning to get the Aquaeon 125 gallon tank. Can I add these puffers with a few angels and discus? Or will they WANT to kill them? I'm planning to heavily plant it heavily and add things such as wood and rocks.
Random Facts
Random Facts - 7 years ago
Rachel O'leary Is there any other puffer that would be great in a community?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+Random Facts the angels could eat the puffers and the puffers will nip the angels. O supposed it's possible in a 125 but certainly a risk
Random Facts
Random Facts - 7 years ago
Rachel O'leary Is there any puffers that can go in a community tank?
Random Facts
Random Facts - 7 years ago
Rachel O'leary And would it make it better if I don't add the discus and angels? Or just don't add puffers? I really want something unique in my tank.
Random Facts
Random Facts - 7 years ago
Rachel O'leary Is it because they are willing to kill them? Or they want more space? Aggression levels? Hunting instics?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
that would not go well.
BlueAcrylics23 - 7 years ago
Hi! Can I feed him dried meal-worms or crickets,how about canned snails? Thanks!
_Paws_ - 7 years ago
Those are too big, meal worms and crickets are about the same size as the dwarf puffer. It prefers live snails, at least 1/3 as small as the fish; any smaller or bigger they will ignore.
A Betta Life
A Betta Life - 7 years ago
how many gallons and how many puffers would you recommend?
An aquaintance of mine says 5 gallons, well planted and structured and max. 4 puffers would be fine. I have ramshorns and malayzian trumpet snails that I want to keep in check. Ive heard peas dont eat MTS snails so Im gonna get one assasin snail. dont want those to breed, saw your vid on em :)

20. comment for Dwarf Puffers- Small and Sassy!

The Fish Bowl
The Fish Bowl - 7 years ago
I just got 3 from my lfs! I think I have 2 males and 1 female but I wasn't able tell the difference in the shop. Do you think they will be okay in a 10 Gallon or will the males chase the female too much? Thanks!
Masha Grande
Masha Grande - 7 years ago
How many peapuffers can u keep in a 64 liter tank?
Cameron Lau
Cameron Lau - 7 years ago
What type of snails do you feed them? I just want to know cause I don't want to kill them if I can get them. Also if you travel for a month can you keep them? Would you feed them with dried foods? If you respond than thank you for taking your time
_Paws_ - 7 years ago
Not to contradict what she said, mine copies what my other fish eat. It does on occasion eat frozen bloodworms but prefers the dried bloodworms more. Mine is in a community tank. I guess some are different...
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
I feed them all types of "pest" snails, with bladder and ramshorn being their preference. If you had a well established tank with a solid snail population, they would do fine for a month. Taking dried foods is iffy.
Its.Me.Aakash - 7 years ago
will they eat red cherry shrip?
_Paws_ - 7 years ago
Some say they would but mine would just chase them if it's in the way. My sparkling gouramies ate the shrimp though.
Its.Me.Aakash - 7 years ago
if you had a apple snail would they eat that too?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+Aakash D I am glad to hear that
Its.Me.Aakash - 7 years ago
Thank you so much! btw I love your channel its so useful and informative!
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+Aakash D they would go after the antennae at nip them at the very least
Jake isheretomakeastatement
Jake isheretomakeastatement - 7 years ago
I'm more of a salt water guy, but I was at my lfs seen these guys in the fresh water section, and thought they were just baby freshwater puffers, but I ran into this video and I havvvee to have these fish now, they're so damn cute!
Nonsense Drawing
Nonsense Drawing - 7 years ago
What kind of substrate is that?
life with erika
life with erika - 7 years ago
wats good for them to use gravel or sand
_Paws_ - 7 years ago
Mine sleeps on a sand and since they have no scales it would be safer to use sand. I have smooth rocks and some gravel in the tank though.
Nelson Iraheta
Nelson Iraheta - 7 years ago
is it ok to keep 1 by itself in a 5g?
AlphaWolf- Gaming
AlphaWolf- Gaming - 7 years ago
Nelson Iraheta probably be depressed though.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
J T - 7 years ago
Will the eat cherry red shrimp?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+J T some of them, yes

30. comment for Dwarf Puffers- Small and Sassy!

Dj Deertz
Dj Deertz - 7 years ago
I have a small pond snail infestation in my planted 20 gallon. only have a few shrimp and a few neon tetras in a heavily planted and rocked with some drift wood as well. would 6 be enough to take out this population of snails. there may be 200 or more..
Dj Deertz
Dj Deertz - 7 years ago
commented before the end and you answered lol. I've tried hand removing them but some are so small they just keep returning. don't want to dismantle the whole tank because of all the plants and decor. maybe I'll just give it a shot and if they don't kill them all at least it's a good food source for them.
_Paws_ - 7 years ago
My one puffer is a curious little adventurer. He explores and hunts rather than being fed bloodworms, but would still eat them. He hunts for snails but tends to give up if he can't grab from the first few tries. Inside another tank, I had a good amount of ramshorn snails which I would scatter a few inside his current fish tank.
spy8464BB - 7 years ago
nice and informative, I don't think you missed anything.
Dank Tanks
Dank Tanks - 7 years ago
On my way! The cricket
Ryan Jones
Ryan Jones - 7 years ago
would love to get some for my new tank. Im from Barbados so nothing line that here in fresh water. do you ship to the Caribbean ?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+Ryan Jones I cannot, sorry
jordi lizaola
jordi lizaola - 7 years ago
are these brackish or freshwater
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
Barnaby Tuckman
Barnaby Tuckman - 7 years ago
if you get a group of females with no males will they be aggressive to eachother? doesn't matter if you aren't too sure
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+barnoscus yes
Nishan Rana
Nishan Rana - 7 years ago
Having trouble feeding them freeze dried bloodworms, Feeding them crushed snails cus they seem to find it hard to hunt them, any ideas on how to get them on the freezedried bloodworms, my snail culture is about to be finished
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
try frozezn bloodworms if you can, they may take to those.
The Tetra
The Tetra - 7 years ago
Since they seem fairly easy to breed are the specimens sold captive-bred or does the supply still depend on wild-caught stock? Just curious.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
largely wild caught stock as they are just not being produced in enough numbers (or affordably available) from domestic source.
Utmost of Zest
Utmost of Zest - 7 years ago
I am planning a small Puffer Tank with these guys in it. The tank will be around 10 gallons and will have most of it's size distributed towards it's height. A false plant/rock decoration will be present within the tank and the tank will be filtered by the usual 10 gallon filter. The tank will have around 3 puffers in it. I feel as though this will work, any tips or objections?
Mia Kosem
Mia Kosem - 7 years ago
Can I house a puffer with RCS?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+Mia Kosem as long as you understand some shrimp will be eaten
Hendrik Woie Flølo
Hendrik Woie Flølo - 7 years ago
I GOT one today. Idk if hes happy. I think he is lonely. Also no idea What gender
Gun_Klub - 7 years ago
will they eat my cherry shrimp or are they ok with them?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
They will eat young and baby cherry shrimp for sure.
Parker Zad
Parker Zad - 7 years ago
Do puffers mind being alone? I want to get one but it would be a 5 gal tank. But if they don't do well alone I'd get a bigger one
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
They are totally fine alone
Drew Meier
Drew Meier - 7 years ago
could i house 2-3 dwarf puffers with a bristle-nose pleco in a 20 gallon heavily planted with a large centerpiece of driftwood?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
Most likely, yes
Leigh Kuglin
Leigh Kuglin - 7 years ago
I've always wanted pea puffers. but im a little nervous about brackish water.. and do you have to have males and females and risk breeding or can you keep just one sex.
M & M
M & M - 7 years ago
Leigh Kuglin You don't need brackish water. They're true freshwater and you can keep them alone or in groups. If your aquarium is planted you can keep whatever sex you want
Vicki K
Vicki K - 7 years ago
Awesome. I love Pea Puffers!
xblatino328 - 7 years ago
I had a puffer fish for 4 years! I miss Puffy! I'm going to get some more of them.
Duane Vigue
Duane Vigue - 7 years ago
Thanks for the vid, Rachel!  Love watching your channel and this vid was SUPER helpful.  I know NOTHING about Puffers but my 9 year old wants one for his Guppy tank.  I think we're going to pass with putting these guys with Guppies.  Thanks, keep up the awesome work!
Andrew Elliott dank memers
Andrew Elliott dank memers - 7 years ago
Can a five gallon tank fit them? Please reply
Gun_Klub - 7 years ago
can you fit one in a five gallon with 2 orange tetras, 2 other small fish about an inch long that i cant remember the name of and five cherry shrimp, moderately planted with live plants oh and one large snail.
Andrew Elliott dank memers
Andrew Elliott dank memers - 7 years ago
Thanks (:
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
can fit one

50. comment for Dwarf Puffers- Small and Sassy!

Ocean River Aquatics
Ocean River Aquatics - 7 years ago
Are these freshwater or brackish? Well actually what I meant is are your cute little puffers in brackish or regular freshwater?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+Art of the Sword freshwater
Scorch - 7 years ago
Would two of these be okay, on their own, in a 10gallon tank? Would a 1 male & 1 female be best or 2 females?
DarthJueffJueff _
DarthJueffJueff _ - 7 years ago
Hey just a question, would it be better to keep a solo dwarf puffer in a 10 gallon or 3 dwarf puffers(1 male, 2 females) in a 10 gallon
Thot Detector
Thot Detector - 7 years ago
DarthJueffJueff _ probably just that single puffer because they are a bit aggressive. If you want to do more in a 10 gallon, make sure it’s very planted.
robin knott
robin knott - 7 years ago
setting up a evo 12.5 gallon how many puffers can I keep in it?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+robin knott depends on decor, but 3-5
Michael Orme
Michael Orme - 7 years ago
Well after over 30 years of keeping freshwater and marine aquaria I started selling my tanks. I just got fed up with the whole thing and liked the idea of no water changes and a living space that didn't have a constant background hum and gurgling noises. But this video has changed my mind. This is going to be a great project for me. Thank you.
A Betta Life
A Betta Life - 7 years ago
Michael Orme well mate. This is a serious addiction. And we are all in this together. I, myself, suffer from multiple tanks syndrome. In march 2017 I had no tanks.. then it got me. Now, in July 2017 I have a 9, a 13 and a 55 gallon tank. And I want to get those pea puffers in a lil 5 gallon (just 3-4 max, no other fish) so as you can see, the addiczion also progresses very rapidly. I hope to steal my dads 100 gallon one day.
Jess - 7 years ago
Michael Orme Good for you getting you passion back!
tyrannopuker rekt
tyrannopuker rekt - 7 years ago
They are guppy sized?
Racing's Natural Aquariums
Racing's Natural Aquariums - 7 years ago
Very cool! Been thinking about getting a few and have been doing research on them as well. Perfect vid to help me along. Thanks.
Shelley G.
Shelley G. - 7 years ago
Is this puffer the only dwarf freshwater variety?
Almarma - 7 years ago
OMG! Look at the eyes of the female at 3:19! So cute! I have a plague of assassin snails and I wonder if one of this guys could help me to control the snails population. I have guppies mainly in my tank
Bengal Ghost
Bengal Ghost - 8 years ago
My puffers won't eat anything unless it's moving. No frozen blood worms, no freeze dried brine shrimp, tubifex...I buy black Worms.
Pa. Fish Preacher
Pa. Fish Preacher - 8 years ago
Could the pea puffer be kept w/ community fish? How about with rainbows ?
Phoenix Falcon
Phoenix Falcon - 8 years ago
some pesky pond snails that hitchhiked on a Java fern plant.
Phoenix Falcon
Phoenix Falcon - 8 years ago
I have ember tetras, otocinclus, pygmy corydoras, Amano shrimp, and red cherry shrimp inside a 20 gallon lightly planted tank.
Phoenix Falcon
Phoenix Falcon - 8 years ago
will they eat red cherry shrimp?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Phoenix Falcon yes, some at least
AquariumCop - 8 years ago
Do ever sell fresh water nano puffers? G8t vid
Nick The Dick
Nick The Dick - 8 years ago
have they been known to eat a pleco?
Unpwnable - 8 years ago
Can they live with Neon Tetra or Guppies?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
they will destroy their finnage
Unpwnable - 8 years ago
Are they gonna eat the other fish?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Unpwnable no
Zakaria B.
Zakaria B. - 8 years ago
i cant find my dwarf puffer. i checked the rilter, plants, decor but i still couldn,t find it.
Hype Gaming
Hype Gaming - 7 years ago
Zakaria B. He probably got ate or jumped out
4 Heart Pets Animal Society
4 Heart Pets Animal Society - 8 years ago
How do I find the eggs in the tank?
4 Heart Pets Animal Society
4 Heart Pets Animal Society - 8 years ago
+Rachel O'Leary this video was supper helpful. I have a pair of these guys and the one question I still have is how do I know if one is pregnant? If so do I need to take the fry away from the other fish?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+4 Heart Pets Animal Society they are egg layer, so don't get pregnant but get gravid.
Sean Ford
Sean Ford - 8 years ago
If I put one in my 5.5 gallon aquarium and it had babys the loaches and pygmy Cory cats would eat the eggs.
deadnuts22 - 8 years ago
In your video you said most of these puffers are wild caught and can have a parasite . How would you treat that and with what kind of medicine being that they are frigidly
JBJ Acuarios Chernobyl
JBJ Acuarios Chernobyl - 8 years ago
my pea puffers at the moment are perfect. but the have not friends... you can watch my tanks in acuarios chernobyl... not tipical spanish!!!
Gangster Gamer
Gangster Gamer - 8 years ago
what should i do if i dont want babys
dan kachiros
dan kachiros - 8 years ago
very nice knowledge
Lane Gilreath
Lane Gilreath - 8 years ago
Thanks for the puffer video. I was introduced to a 5 gallon cube on display at a LFS in Atlanta today. VERY cute little guys with tons of personality. I just may be on the road to having a little puffer copmmunity in the near future.
MrMarty12357 - 8 years ago
Discovered your channel a few days ago and have watched so many videos. Keep up the good work.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+MrMarty12357 thanks!
Blallala bllabla
Blallala bllabla - 8 years ago
my dwarf puffers i got two days ago dont eat much one now doesnt eat at all. i feed them frozen bloodworms and doent seem very interested in snails
John Terpack
John Terpack - 8 years ago
Will they also devour shrimp? How are they with other small fish, like ottos?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+John Terpack soy DS reasonable, but maybe a 5g puffer yank for her is in order ;)
John Terpack
John Terpack - 8 years ago
I figured there would be all sorts of variables. We're setting up a low-tech, low-maintenance 29g tank in the living room and my beloved has always wanted a puffer. So I'm trying to figure out what I can put in with it to help maintain the tank. Obviously, snails are out. There will be a ton of plants because we like the "jungle" look in our tanks. Hopefully that will allow enough hiding space for a puffer or two to get along with everything else.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+John Terpack they eill eat young shrimp. How they are with other fish depends on tank k size, decor, etc
Nelson Iraheta
Nelson Iraheta - 8 years ago
can I keep 1 of these in my tank or is it best to keep multiple puffers?
BrianBeamers - 8 years ago
hi Rachel! I have a 125g mostly semi aggressive tank loaches, angels, tetras, barbs, and cichlids. everything get along beautifully. would these puffers do well in my tank? I would hate to get some and they kill everything or get killed. when I got my 2 African Cichlids I took that change and for about a year, no issues. can't wait to hear from you soon. thank for you time
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+BrianBeamers no, thry are tiny
SomewhatNiceFellow - 8 years ago
Thanks, Rachel, for a great and educational video.
Shadi Eid
Shadi Eid - 8 years ago
do they also eat ramshorn or pond snails?
Stephanie Nielsen
Stephanie Nielsen - 8 years ago
could I keep one dwarf puffer in a 2.5 gallon filtered and planted tank? thank you! great video
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Stephanie Nielsen yes
Lsey81 - 8 years ago
thanks for this info as i have just taken an interest in this species! subbed!
Sasi Mallik
Sasi Mallik - 8 years ago
Cute dwarf puffers, quite inquisitive fish. They hover over when snails are around.
Andrew Draper
Andrew Draper - 8 years ago
They don't bother the boraras?
drgnfrc13 - 8 years ago
I was hoping for a full tank shot.
EVR_5 - 8 years ago
What size tank do they need, for like one or two of them?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Cactus_Clips freshwater
EVR_5 - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary so do dwarf puffer fish need brackish water, fresh water, or salt water?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Cactus_Clips 5g at least, 10g for more than 1
Betta 405
Betta 405 - 8 years ago
they killed out a whole tank of fish that I had
FlakPengu - 8 years ago
I have a question, I have read that there is an imposter species that resembles these fish almost completely. I suspect my dwarf puffer is a member of this imposter species because the two spots near the rear have a blue sheen which I have dubbed peacock spots. Is that a normal coloration for these fish?
Vonks Aqua
Vonks Aqua - 8 years ago
great video, can you put dwarfpuffers in a tank with galaxy rasbora`s and rasbora Brigitte or pseudepiplatys annulatus ?
Vonks Aqua
Vonks Aqua - 8 years ago
Thanks for your information i love this hobby.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Kasper Vonk u would avoid the clown killies, the other two could work in the right setup
gabby - 8 years ago
I have a 20g long with 2 aquaclear 30g filters and live plants and driftwood and I cannot decide whether to stock with 3:1 female to male (4 pea puffers) or small schooling/nano fish. What do you think?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+gabby in a 20 long, you may be able to do both if you pick a micro rasbora or small danios
FW_Muncheez - 8 years ago
What tank mates do you recommend for this fish?
Genadijus Puskinas
Genadijus Puskinas - 8 years ago
hello gorgeous :)
TinyTitanGmr - 8 years ago
are fake plants ok
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+TinyTitanGmr yes
Victor Alanis
Victor Alanis - 8 years ago
Can i keep one in 2.6 gallon nano tank ??
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Victor Alanis yes
starallconverse - 8 years ago
I have a 29 gallon biocube set up for freshwater. So awesome filtration and great lighting for plants so I'm planning on getting these after it's all cycled and set up. How many would be comfortable in it? I would just have them and no tank mates. Unless you could suggest any good tank mates.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+starallconverse danios can sometimes work. You could do 5 or so with tankmates
Nina Z
Nina Z - 8 years ago
Would it be possible to keep 3 pea puffers (preferably 2 females and 1 male) in a well planted ,12 Gallon (46l) Fluval Edge?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Nina Zips yes
Brandon Watson
Brandon Watson - 8 years ago
how many could I house comfortable and safely in a planted 10 gallon?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Brandon Watson I would say 3 at least

100. comment for Dwarf Puffers- Small and Sassy!

Happy TheCat
Happy TheCat - 8 years ago
So these are full fresh water
Emil Andersson
Emil Andersson - 8 years ago
I have five of these with two hymenochirus boettgeri and one atya moluccensis.
Gingeta_Creachah - 8 years ago
can they be kept in a tank with chrystal bee shrimps?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Gingeta_Creachah if your goal is breeding the shrimp, no
Kayla Rath
Kayla Rath - 8 years ago
Hello, I was wondering if they would go after adult Nerite snails? If I don't want to breed them can I keep a couple of one gender or just one fish? And I love your videos! They're super informative and helpful.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Kayla Rath not if fed well, but any snail is "at risk"
NYC Bettas
NYC Bettas - 8 years ago
are there other types of dwarf puffers??
D.P.K Fish Aquariums
D.P.K Fish Aquariums - 8 years ago
I just got 3 of those today I was so excited my tank is heavily planted and overcome by mts hope the eat some of the snails
Tomas Marquez
Tomas Marquez - 8 years ago
are they fresh water or brakish water
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Tomas cichlids Marquez fresh
LFCooledWhip - 8 years ago
AWESOME CHANNEL!! earned my sub!!! :))
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+LFCooledWhip why thank you
Sakib Mahmud
Sakib Mahmud - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary, what fish, shrimp, crabs can i keep with the dwarf puffers?
Sakib Mahmud
Sakib Mahmud - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Sakib Mahmud that really depends on tank size. With more space they can do well but in small tanks it is best to maintain them alone in my experience
Matthew Timms
Matthew Timms - 8 years ago
could these guys live in a 2.5 or 5 gallon? would 1 be advisable a 2.5 maybe 3 in a 5? if in the 5 could they live with chili rasbora's?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Matthew Timms I would not put 3 in a 5 with other fish. 1 would be ok
Chloe Xxxx
Chloe Xxxx - 8 years ago
great interesting facts, gud job on this :0)
Jessie - 8 years ago
I have 4 dwarf puffers but they have much more rounded bellies than yours. Yours look a little thin to me. Should I treat mine for IPs? Thank you!
Daniel R
Daniel R - 8 years ago
great and very informative video!! I have two micro puffs!! : ) mine in 10gal amazon nano. half the tank fake tree root system and live plants, per amazon, and sand bottom.. but also lots open water. my puffs never fin nip!! not even sleeping fish. they share tank with sexed pair bristle-nose. bumblebee cats, large group of neon tetras, and many many ghost shrimp. they will eat live and better fresh killed ghost shrimp / and snails. i have had no luck with any other foods!!! won't touch blood worms and barely nibble mysis shrimp. havn't tried brine shrimp or clam meat yet but soon. very cute, curious, and interesting fish!!! they should be on t.v.. Honey i shrunk the puffer!!! ha ha.
MasterAquatics - 8 years ago
thanks for the upload. subbed.
Royal Crab
Royal Crab - 8 years ago
How many of these could I keep in a 75 gal, and with how many Otos would you suggest?
Shaun Yeyoda Sivadas
Shaun Yeyoda Sivadas - 8 years ago
I would say 1 in a 10g, and another 20g for each one you add. I have 3 in a 70g and they are very very happy. Make it heavily planted, they love exploring. About 6 Otos. But that's just my opinion.
Jack's aquarium
Jack's aquarium - 8 years ago
I just got mine today !
Danny's Aquariums
Danny's Aquariums - 8 years ago
I just bought 3! Will buy some more soon!
Caleb Williams
Caleb Williams - 8 years ago
I have a lot of plants a rock with holes in it, and a castle, I have 12 neon tetras and three Kuhli loches, its a 29 gallon tank, what do i need to add or do to keep pea puffers happy and not aggressive to the a mentioned other fish?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
Feed them really well and consistently! Its worth a shot in a tank with that much space :)
Caleb Williams
Caleb Williams - 8 years ago
since pea puffers don't eat snail shells, do you have to worrie about there teeth overgrowing?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Caleb Williams generally a varied diet is fine for the pea puffers. Snails are an important part of it, even though they don't eat the shells. Personally, I have never had to do dental work on a pea puffer. I think the larger ones are much more prone to it, and feeding mussels or other shelled seafood helps them keep their beaks worn down
Caleb Williams
Caleb Williams - 8 years ago
how would I prevent it?(getting pea puffers Thursday)
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Caleb Williams not generally
saxaphonehero11 - 8 years ago
Do babies have enough TTX to affect other fish, neon tetra for instance, if they eat the progeny?
saxaphonehero11 - 8 years ago
Thanks, I had a feeling it would be fine, I have 4 at home and I don't expect my parents to monitor my tanks 24/7 so I didn't know if it would be a priority to bring that tank to college with me. Plus now I can stop the joke that if grant money dries up, my puffers may go missing.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+saxaphonehero11 ttx depends on a certain bacteria and a certain type of algae to be produced on the shells of certain mollusks. This would not be duplicated in an aquarium, so it is not as issue. Fyi, it's saxitoxin in fw fish and there is no scientific evidence to support that pea puffers synthesize it at all
Bryan Delgadillo
Bryan Delgadillo - 8 years ago
Would love to see you & Cory from Aquarium co-op do a video together ❤️
Jason Guan
Jason Guan - 8 years ago
Can 3 dwarf puffers live in a 10 gallon with endler guppies? I read online that each puffers need at least 3 gallons. If I have 3 puffers, I will have to get at least a 9 gallon tank but my tank is 10 gallons. Can 2 endler guppies live in the tank with the puffers? I have a planted tank with lots of decorations to hide in. So can I actually keep guppies with dwarf puffers in a 10 gallon? Pls respond. :)
Jessica Barron
Jessica Barron - 8 years ago
Jason Guan lol surprisingly all my fish even the puffer hate brine shrimp lol I don't know why, they prefer the bloodworms. Yup that's how I got my trumpet and pond snails. Also from plants snails can tag along
Jason Guan
Jason Guan - 8 years ago
ambivalenc3 Some snails are considered pests. You can ask nicely and maybe the pet store employees can give you snails for free. I keep snails in a 10 gallon and they multiply a lot!!!
Jason Guan
Jason Guan - 8 years ago
Jessica Barron Yay I also use Hkari frozen blood worms! I feed my puffers bloodworms, brine shrimp, live blackworms, and I actually got them to eat freeze dried krill!
Jessica Barron
Jessica Barron - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary same!
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+ambivalenc3 snails can be bred in a vase in a window sill, better to do that than pay for them all the time
Jessica Barron
Jessica Barron - 8 years ago
Jason Guan lol that's good. At least they don't munch munch on ur fingers. Mine instantly rushed to get to the frozen hikari bloodworms probably to rush in first before his tank mates. He's such a greedy eater lol
Jessica Barron
Jessica Barron - 8 years ago
ambivalenc3 I have a separate 3 gallon betta tank housing bladder, pond, trumpet and rams horn snails. Also I don't think dwarf puffers outgrow their teeth like most other puffers. But I still think he keeps his beak in check
ambivalenc3 - 8 years ago
do you guys keep a breeding tank of snails to feed them or you buy snails from pet stores?
Jason Guan
Jason Guan - 8 years ago
Jessica Barron Dwarf puffers are stubborn though.... They are also lazy. Mines are super lazy! They wont go up to get the food although they see and smell it. I have to hand feed them. Hey at least they are not afraid of my hands!
Jessica Barron
Jessica Barron - 8 years ago
Jason Guan mine is a male. Let's say he's stubborn and will zero in on a snail until he can't reach the meat when eating snails.
Jason Guan
Jason Guan - 8 years ago
ambivalenc3 No their teeth won't. But you should feed them snails because they like it, it's healthy, and that's what they eat in the wild and wild dwarf puffers usually eat snails.
Jason Guan
Jason Guan - 8 years ago
Jessica Barron Alright! I do feed snails but they give up quickly! Does yours?
ambivalenc3 - 8 years ago
Do you know if their teeth would ever get overgrown like other puffers?
Jessica Barron
Jessica Barron - 8 years ago
Jason Guan just keep an eye on them. Have a few snails in the tank, they love to hunt for snails. Mine is constantly doing rounds in the tank looking for pond/bladder/ small trumpet snails
Jason Guan
Jason Guan - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary ok thank you! :D
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Jason Guan yes, but how they behave with the endlers boils down to individual personality. On paper, it should work
Tanked With Aussie
Tanked With Aussie - 8 years ago
always wanted one (or a group) but import laws dont allow them in my country... beautiful fish.
Carl Strohmeyer
Carl Strohmeyer - 8 years ago
Very educational, THANKS!
Bref Stank
Bref Stank - 8 years ago
Be glad you don't keep reptiles... Crickets are the worst!
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Bref Stank yes theyare. This was a giant black one! My oscar enjoyed the snack
Name Unavailable.
Name Unavailable. - 8 years ago
Did the cricket escape a reptile tank?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Name Unavailable. No
Edgar Abisaí Moreno
Edgar Abisaí Moreno - 8 years ago
great video rachel
Laser Light cannon
Laser Light cannon - 8 years ago
Hi Rachel I was wondering if these puffers require salt in their water thanks!
Laser Light cannon
Laser Light cannon - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary YAY FINALLY A PUFFER THAT DOESNT REQUIRE SALT thank you for responding
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Laser Light cannon absolutely none
Paul Chippington
Paul Chippington - 8 years ago
I have forty litre planted tank, would this be ok sized tank?
Paul Chippington
Paul Chippington - 8 years ago
Hi is this better
DutchReptiles - 8 years ago
ah okay you can download it on google+ i have some tips on dwarf puffers .. i send you a request :)
Paul Chippington
Paul Chippington - 8 years ago
DutchReptiles I do have google but at moment I am on mobile in bed been long week brother
DutchReptiles - 8 years ago
Paul Chippington the google+ text aplication
Paul Chippington
Paul Chippington - 8 years ago
I might just go for a sixty litre tank set up for just these tiny puffers from India. And research the plants etc local to the fish's natural environment.
DutchReptiles - 8 years ago
thats good :) they're schooling fish so 5 would be a tad better :D
Paul Chippington
Paul Chippington - 8 years ago
Hi Thank you I was thinking about getting three females and one male?
DutchReptiles - 8 years ago
you can keep 4 of them
Paul Chippington
Paul Chippington - 8 years ago
thank you for advice.
willy wonka
willy wonka - 8 years ago
yes i ment dwarf puffer. all other puffers are too aggresive + they get too big for 40 liter aquariums.
the thing is even this little fish can be a monster in small aquariums, niping fins and stuff... and they can be even more aggresive twards their own kind.  In my expiriance if the aquarium is well planted u can add a samller school of some other fast and short fined fish.
Paul Chippington
Paul Chippington - 8 years ago
Would that be the same for a Dwarf Puffer?
willy wonka
willy wonka - 8 years ago
for 1 puffer yes.
Juunkead - 8 years ago
Love your videos!
Tatsuhiro Satou
Tatsuhiro Satou - 8 years ago
i feel like i need these i got a snail outbreak and i hate snails i want them all to die
Gigi G
Gigi G - 8 years ago
Tatsuhiro Satou in the tank???
Tatsuhiro Satou
Tatsuhiro Satou - 8 years ago
+Abigail Goudeau i used bleach
Avsfreak24 - 8 years ago
Abigail Goudeau Cute, but if you get a bunch of em and they feel threatened they all start wiggling and it's super weird to watch.
Gigi G
Gigi G - 8 years ago
Tatsuhiro Satou get two loaches; they look like earthworms or mini eels. SO CUTE!
Fish Tropic
Fish Tropic - 8 years ago
Great Spot Light !!!
PalJoey1957 - 8 years ago
Any salt?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+PalJoey1957 none
TankOn - 8 years ago
Great species spotlight!
Gaina - 8 years ago
I'd like to have some of these one day. My local shop has them and when you approach the tank you really do get the feeling you're being thoroughly inspected!
PsychedelicBabe - 8 years ago
There really cute looking
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
Also- I got the cricket!
presouz - 7 years ago
OMG crickets make me cringe, stems from my child hood lol
harleymama 40
harleymama 40 - 7 years ago
Rachel O'leary had a mouse in my house for a year and a half... think Tom and Jerry. got Jerry after year and a half. he escaped sticky, snapped, walk through poison boxes. finally got him with peanut butter with dcon. who's laughing now Jerry? then raid to god he was gay.
Shrimp Zoo
Shrimp Zoo - 7 years ago
Rachel O'leary i
Cod God
Cod God - 7 years ago
JellyBean yes
JellyBean - 7 years ago
I love crickets <3 but they overpopulate their tanks.. Could a dwarf puffer eat small crickets?
Kodiak Bear
Kodiak Bear - 8 years ago
I didn't even realize there was one there LOL
Atong Balats
Atong Balats - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary hello im your new subscriber i love tyour fishroo
Vito - 8 years ago
This made me so happy. lol I hate Crickets.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
Just an added comment for folks asking about compatibility- I have found that a lot of how they do has to do with individual personalities (sort of like male bettas, who have very unique personalities). There is not a blanket answer as to how well they will do with other fish. They are certainly very capable of nipping, and doing real damage. My preference for adding them to any sort of community setup is for it not to be in a nano environment and certainly taking care to avoid slow or long-finned species. Again, a heavily constructed tank (lots of plant and decor like wood) will really help with how things go.
Kayla Pelkey
Kayla Pelkey - 7 years ago
Love the vid thinking about getting one
Royal Crab
Royal Crab - 7 years ago
Thanks Rachel! :D It might not have the panda garra in the tank yet, but it might be one of my first Friday videos if it goes well and I'm actually able to get them this weekend :D
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+GreenGo's Fish&Inverts most likely
Royal Crab
Royal Crab - 7 years ago
Heavily constructed with driftwood, plants, and plenty of lines-of-sight breaks in the tank since I'm planning on a decent number in a large aquarium.
Royal Crab
Royal Crab - 7 years ago
Could they get along with Panda Garra?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
tyrannopuker rekt
tyrannopuker rekt - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary They will get along with orange chromide cichlids?
Jessica Barron
Jessica Barron - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary maybe a different type of kuhli loaches
Tijmen Lemuel
Tijmen Lemuel - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary Thanks!!!
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Tijmen Lemuel as soon as I have more here. Secret shame is they give me the willies!
Tijmen Lemuel
Tijmen Lemuel - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary hey! I love your channel its awesome! I have an request for a species spotlight for the khuli loach will you do that for me? Thanks for making these great videos, you're amazing
Bengal Ghost
Bengal Ghost - 8 years ago
Good morning, Rachel. I bought three Pea puffers and still cannot get them to take anything but live black or tubifex worms. Only one is left.
Jessica Barron
Jessica Barron - 8 years ago
Bengal Ghost do they eat snails and frozen bloodworms? My puffer loves his black worms but those are fed live. Frozen he loves bloodworms but I get the Hikari brand because they're smaller worms than another brand I used to buy.
Dragonfly Moonrunner
Dragonfly Moonrunner - 8 years ago
Bengal Ghost Try live freshwater krill
Captain Kole
Captain Kole - 8 years ago
Can they be kept with small shrimp or will they eat them?
Captain Kole
Captain Kole - 8 years ago
Once again, thanks a lot!!
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Captain Kole I keep them with shrimp, and have mixed resulta. This fish doesn't have a standard answer for compatability
kevin cody
kevin cody - 8 years ago
well done
Charlie Jackson
Charlie Jackson - 8 years ago
Thanks for that, I have been looking at smaller puffer fish because I am quite fascinated by Cory McElroy's mbu puffer but a tank that size is not in the books for me at the moment. after I get my hillstream tank set up (maybe Thanksgiving) I might think about some dwarf puffers as well.

As always, your videos are amazing and inspiring. Thanks for everything you do.
Sitka Charley
Sitka Charley - 8 years ago
Great video! what was the name of the little fish you dropped in for scale?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Sitka Charley strawberry rasbora, Boraras naevus
Pradeep Reddy
Pradeep Reddy - 8 years ago
I had 2 pairs in my 10gal fish tank with other fish. I found it vary hadr to keep them with other fish as they were bitingof the fins of other fish constantly. Coming to ther food they cant eat all the normal food like flakes etc. I had to get live food for them which had a bad smell & could not store it in home for long time. Finally I had to remoce them because they were causing lots of damage to other fish irrespective to the size of fish big or small. I like the fish but they need to be kept in seperate tanksby my experience.
Can any one suggest me what type of fish could dwarf puffer be kept in a tank.
Jessica Barron
Jessica Barron - 8 years ago
Pradeep Reddy are you planning on keeping all your puffers?
rabid penguin
rabid penguin - 8 years ago
Mine eat my ghost shrimp
TheJOKERS my dad
TheJOKERS my dad - 8 years ago
I have a pea puffer
Aquatic Logic
Aquatic Logic - 8 years ago
Super awesome video. I love those wee ones!
Sharon Wyly
Sharon Wyly - 8 years ago
Great timing! I just decided to set up a tank for these.
Sharon Wyly
Sharon Wyly - 8 years ago
Great timing! I just decided to set up a tank for these.
Ian B
Ian B - 8 years ago
How long have you had these?
L.R.Bretz's Aquatics
L.R.Bretz's Aquatics - 8 years ago
Lol that cricket in the fishroom I know they will drive you crazy I had one in my garage driving me nuts the other night
Jason Elam
Jason Elam - 8 years ago
love the video, I was literally just thinking about trying these guys, and now I'm convinced. btw, get yourself a couple of geckos to free range in your fish room, to take care of those crickets
Paul Chippington
Paul Chippington - 8 years ago
puffers are great characters. Agree nippers but hours of fun. thank you for another great video.
Cindy Rademaekers
Cindy Rademaekers - 8 years ago
I just got four of these are week ago and I was hoping you would do a video! l
Laura - 8 years ago
Great vid as always!! Do you sell these guys on your site- sexed?
Jessica Barron
Jessica Barron - 8 years ago
Tatsuhiro Satou you could get a few assassin snails. My dwarf puffer mostly attacks the pond snails and the smaller trumpet snails. He leaves my horned Nerite alone
Tatsuhiro Satou
Tatsuhiro Satou - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary well i wanted some to kill all the snails in my tank but screw it, its bleach time
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Laura I rarely sell them, but when I do, I do sex them
Michel  Lessard
Michel Lessard - 8 years ago
AWESOME Rachel, I sure appreciate all your hard work and the information you so willingly share with us, many thanks!
lbella - 8 years ago
love this... they are very fun pets to have and very smart to! :) one on one is best and your right about to many males! chow!
Theis P. Hansen
Theis P. Hansen - 8 years ago
Thanks a lot for that video - they are high on my wish list! How much room do they need? In the Back to Nature guide to Nano aquariums (http://backtonature.org/nanoaquarium.php), they say to best keep a group of 5-8, and that they will fit a tank of just 20 liters (as far as I recall) - is that really realistic?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Theis P. Hansen 20l is too small for that large of a group
Kieran Gray
Kieran Gray - 8 years ago
could you keep with boraras and pygmy Cory?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Kieran Gray I think the boraras yes, but would be cautious with the pygmaeus, that is just not a lot of space for them to avoid the puffer. Results can vary, and like bettas, a lot has to do with the individual temperament and feeding as well as decor and planting.
Kieran Gray
Kieran Gray - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary 30l-8gall
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Kieran Gray depends on tank size.
Brian B
Brian B - 8 years ago
Did you end up getting rid of that cricket?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Brian B not yet. $50 to the person that finds it and feeds it to my oscar
Mark Guitars
Mark Guitars - 8 years ago
haha, I have my lap top into an amplified speaker, I thought that cricket was in my house!
drew teman
drew teman - 8 years ago
awesome thank you!!!
Connor Winfield
Connor Winfield - 8 years ago
Would I be able to keep one all by itself or do they need a friend?
Connor Winfield
Connor Winfield - 8 years ago
Awesome!thanks for telling me.I'll probably still get two because I like having more than one fish in a tank
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Connor Winfield they are fine solo
Valachhim - 8 years ago
I once saw them in a pet shop were they were kept in a big group of 10 in maybe 2 gallons together with a betta. They almost bit him to death in there. Guess who's not going to support their local store anymore
Jessica Barron
Jessica Barron - 8 years ago
Valachhim my dwarf puffer respects my crown tail betta because he's the tank boss. Then again I only have one puffer, he's a male.
Theface ofawsomeness
Theface ofawsomeness - 8 years ago
I requested this! I was wondering, if I kept enough larger pest snails in the tank with my puffers, would they produce enough small snails for my puffers since they tend to ignore larger snails? I'd be feeding other things to them also of course.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Theface ofawsomeness that really depends. I would recommend having a supplemental colony as well as offering other foods
Catfish Cave
Catfish Cave - 8 years ago
Can they be kept singly? (With small rasboras, otos)
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Catfish Cave yes
OHLE312 - 8 years ago
love these guys,question raquel can you do a segment on bumblebee goby
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+OHLE312 in don't have any here right now, but once I do, I will
Gurpreet Singh
Gurpreet Singh - 8 years ago
How would you treat for parasites??
Lindsey Frost
Lindsey Frost - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary I understand that and agree. I just meant that for my puffers I use prazipro as soon as I get them. I like to treat them (and other wild caught fish) for parasites as a preventative measure. Certainly not a practice that everyone chooses.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Lindsey Frost i don't like recommending meds unless there are actual symptoms to base it on.
Lindsey Frost
Lindsey Frost - 8 years ago
Gurpreet Singh I like praziquantel
Poseidon - 8 years ago
Would one of these be ok with a school of celestial pearl danios?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Poseidon most likely if the tank is densely planted
Chuck T
Chuck T - 8 years ago
Definitely on my list when my reputable supplier gets them in again!!! I have plenty of food for them in the form of snails. I have an overabundance of Ramshorns, Trumpets and noticed a few bladder snails recently!
Derek Tappen
Derek Tappen - 8 years ago
Thank you! I have one of these in a 5 gal but just picked up 4 more! They are in a 35 gal which my older one will be going into eventually
bigbadmarty - 8 years ago
Love the puffers. Hate the crickets! Two feet of duct tape face up on the floor with some small pieces of bread for bait will get rid of them. Works every time :)
Luculencia - 8 years ago
The sound of crickets is very peaceful though :o
bigbadmarty - 8 years ago
+Rachel O'leary That's awesome! Best use of duct tape I know of... Now we don't have to listen to that darn cricket anymore! Love your videos, keep up the good work ;)
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
I am about to tear what little hair i have out- I will give it a shot. No clue how it got in, as the door is always closed!
April W
April W - 8 years ago
Was hoping you would do a species spotlight on these guys. I'm doing a species only tank, currently cycling. :)
Avsfreak24 - 8 years ago
April W Cool. Hope fully gonna try a low tech planted tanke in the future
April W
April W - 8 years ago
DR1FT K1NG It has!! I have two pea puffers in a ten gallon. It is heavily planted of course. You can see it in the Low tech planted tanks group on facebook
Avsfreak24 - 8 years ago
April W I'm cycling a tank right now too! I've got some Corydoras (heard they are very hardy) and a Powder Blue Dwarf Gourami (heard they were hardy as well). Hope your tank works out well
eric j
eric j - 8 years ago
just a cool little fish, everyone wants a puffer rite. thanks for sharing friend.
Channidae - 8 years ago
Are they competable with Gourami's, Blue rams and Corries?
Channidae - 8 years ago
Well that sucks, might have to get a extra tank
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Walvis ._. It wouldn't be my choice of tankmates.
israda - 8 years ago
Awesomeness!!! Thank you
nicodabastard - 8 years ago
are these the only true freshwater puffer?
BADU Grime Media
BADU Grime Media - 7 years ago
Donald J. Trump mbu puffers are pure fresh water
Bubble Buddy
Bubble Buddy - 8 years ago
Lindsey Frost mbu's can live in reg freshwater. but brackish is recommended as they age
saxaphonehero11 - 8 years ago
Amazon Puffers are true freshwater puffers
star and fox
star and fox - 8 years ago
figure 8 puffers are actually brackish
Nishan Rana
Nishan Rana - 8 years ago
Don't forget figure8 puffer
Lindsey Frost
Lindsey Frost - 8 years ago
dodge250 some do, yes. But there are many species of freshwater puffers. Fangs, red eye, sap (South America puffer), Congo, fahaka, red tailed, mbu... and more.
nicodabastard - 8 years ago
thanks guys
dodge250 - 8 years ago
Lindsey Frost Most do need to be placed in brackish environments however when fully grown so if you don't want to worry be careful on your choices, However dwarf puffers are freshwater only :)
Lindsey Frost
Lindsey Frost - 8 years ago
nicodabastard No, there are many species of freshwater puffers. One of my favorites is sap :) http://www.pufferlist.com/freshwater-puffers/
dodge250 - 8 years ago
nicodabastard Yes :) Dwarf Puffers are the true freshwater puffer :)
Danny's Aquariums
Danny's Aquariums - 8 years ago
Great video Rachel I love those puffers!
I think I need to setup a tank with some!
They are so cute!

Thumbs up!
That cricket was annoying haha!
Alex Brooks
Alex Brooks - 8 years ago
so... you have become one of my favorite aquarist.. if you don't do something about that cricket I'm unsubbing:p
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Alex Brooks yea, stink bugs are their favorite
Alex Brooks
Alex Brooks - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary your cat eats bugs too? haha.. I thought mine was just defective..you can borrow my pitty, she loves crickets!
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Alex Brooks I may release the kracken, I mean kittens to find it
Alex Brooks
Alex Brooks - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary get some anol's and let them patrol the fish room!
Brian's Opinion/Comments
Brian's Opinion/Comments - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary LOL
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Alex Brooks $50 to whomever finds it and feeds it to my oscar!
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago

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