Fish Tank Talk - Pea Puffers

Some info. on the Pea Puffers. Share with us what you think about is fish and as always please rate comment and subscribe for more fish videos.

Fish Tank Talk - Pea Puffers sentiment_very_dissatisfied 8

Pets & Animals 11 years ago 57,481 views

Some info. on the Pea Puffers. Share with us what you think about is fish and as always please rate comment and subscribe for more fish videos.

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for Fish Tank Talk - Pea Puffers

vince1964100 - 7 years ago
Hi. I just added three pea puffers to my new tank. I gave them some bloodworms but they are hardly touching them. Is it unusual?
BLUR. VISUAL - 7 years ago
Yoh, my pea puffers starts to pick on my grown mystery snail, had to remove the snail to another tank, this surprised me since they r so small but still aggressive towards the snail 6 times their size.
Bagel God
Bagel God - 7 years ago
Can't find them in any petstore :( btw I have 2 LPS and I still can't find them...
Quin Ja
Quin Ja - 7 years ago
Try Calling your local Petco or Petsmart and ask if they could or some for you. My petco said they do order these but it will probably be a week or 2.
Bagel God
Bagel God - 7 years ago
Shipping fees are expensive though :(
PoTato PlAyS
PoTato PlAyS - 7 years ago
Bagel God order online
Eros - 7 years ago
i have 1 pea puffer and i might get another, but this pea puffer is so cool. it doesn't even seem like an aggressive fish, it just does its own thing
Sean Ford
Sean Ford - 7 years ago
I am thinking about putting one in my 5.5 gallon with pygmy corys and glow light tetras. is that a safe way to go?
Sean Ford
Sean Ford - 7 years ago
Cam craft I got one and he died this morning because I went on a vacation and he starved.
Cameron Lau
Cameron Lau - 7 years ago
Sean Ford how many of each type? 5.5 gallons isn't that much and you have to be careful you don't overcrowd or stress the puffer
rightmyer39 - 7 years ago
they are only aggressive if you have more then one male puffer in the tank or big finned tank mates, i have three pea puffers in my 20 gallon with mollies glowlight tetras and guppies and they all get along fine you just need 5 gallons per puffer fish for territorial purposes
Aiden Zrihen
Aiden Zrihen - 7 years ago
im getting 3
theo jansen
theo jansen - 7 years ago
I used to have one in a 20 gallon community tank and it was a very peaceful fish who got along with everyone else in the tank, and it would always be swimming with my two sparkling gouramis thinking it was one of them, overall I have to say that the pea puffer made itself my favorite fish to keep in the freshwater hobby
JBJ Acuarios Chernobyl
JBJ Acuarios Chernobyl - 7 years ago
nice job!!

10. comment for Fish Tank Talk - Pea Puffers

JBJ Acuarios Chernobyl
JBJ Acuarios Chernobyl - 7 years ago
my pea puffers at the moment are perfect. but the have not friends... you can watch my tanks in acuarios chernobyl... not tipical spanish!!!
Bengal Ghost
Bengal Ghost - 7 years ago
No frozen taken with my three. Tried starving them for a conversion to frozen blood worms. They just stare. Won't work. No movement. Only live black worms, or tubiflex. Live brine shrimp too expensive. They are Fin nippers nippers.
Loretta Wattez
Loretta Wattez - 8 years ago
they are good with bumble bee fish.
Wolfy Kaname
Wolfy Kaname - 8 years ago
i had some when i first started many many years ago, i liked them.
Callme Daddy
Callme Daddy - 8 years ago
I'm thinking about getting one for my fluval spec v. Great little fish!
Alex Brooks
Alex Brooks - 8 years ago
I just picked up 4 of these guys, they're in a heavily planted/structured 20long with 4 otos and what was 20 chocolate rili culls and a mess of snails, they seem to have taken down quite a few snails and shrimp. they will readily eat (inhale) mini blood worms and are over all a joy to keep. very inquisitive, they are out and about when I'm around, for nano fish this is exceptional.
Daniel R
Daniel R - 8 years ago
Had two half grown pea puffs a month now.. will share what i have noticed so far. important feeding info included far below!! first let me say like most puffers they seem to express more than most fish, having different personalities.. so what happens with some may be opposite with others! that said.. first two days they went crazy constantly up and down the glass seeing their reflection!!! they grow out of this and settle down. 2 weeks after keeping they are used to me, and don't even mind the weekly siphon hose move it slow to not scare them! and don't suck them up!!! they are in a 10gal. fake tree stump--root system, live plants, small pieces of driftwood, and sand bottom as in a small tank it's easier to keep clean than gravel. I will research carefully and add some more fish and plants in the future ( i'm doing a nano amazon tank ) puffs share the tank with sexed pair of albino bristle-nose placos, a group of neon tetras, and bumblebee catfish, and many ghost shrimp up to 30 at a time. they all get along great with the exception of the puffers hunting the ghost shrimp. mine never fin nip or bother the other fish what so ever. mine get along fine with other fish! even when other fish are sleeping.. my puffs don't fin nip at all ever! they do hunt, and occasionally attack and kill ghost shrimp!! they mostly seem to go after shrimp larger than themselves! don't know if the smaller shrimp are harder to catch, or they like the sport of going after big game ( inch and quarter long shrimp ) ha ha!! I have had almost no luck at all with frozen-thawed foods!! blood worms are totally ignored!!! mysis shrimp are hardly ever nibbled on. i have not tried thawed brine shrimp or clams yet but soon will. I have come up with a trick that works with mine and is my most feeding success so far!!! crush the head of a large ghost shrimp (hard for me to do) .. i like the ghost shrimp too! then i place shrimp on my custom feeding station, i will explain.. i cut the end off of a tiny spring just below one coil which becomes the support. then i bend the curved hook part of the spring straight so it makes a upside down L shape. then i run the horizontal end of the wire through the shrimp. i now sink the round part of the spring into the sand, the shrimp is now suspended even in water current approx and inch off the bottom. it looks like a tiny mailbox made of shrimp and stand. the pea puffers always swim right over and check the mail.. ha ha!! eating the shrimp eyes and legs first. any part of the shrimp that becomes pink from age,takes less than two hours the puffs recognize this as dead shrimp and they will no longer eat.!!! remove the shrimp and stand at this point. clean and put away or re add with fresh shrimp. hope this little trick helps someone.. please let me know if any of you other keepers have luck with other ways of feeding micro puffs.??? they seem picky eaters unlike their larger cousins!!! but very cute and interesting!!! yes i know these puffs are from India. everything else is from the amazon basin.. and the pea puffs fit in well. I am starting another tank for breeding raising ghost shrimp and tiny pond snails for the puffers. ( snails, clams, are not required for these puffers ) their teeth are slow growing unlike larger puffers!! harder type snails will actually break these puffers teeth i have read. any comments on keeping these micro puffs would be great.!!! hope this article.. ha ha!! has helped someone : )
Muhd Hamizan
Muhd Hamizan - 8 years ago
These guys definitely help to control the snails population in my planted tank
Steve Gee
Steve Gee - 8 years ago
Should def feed them snails as the shells help keep their teeth from overgrowing.
VillagerSparky - 8 years ago
Pea Puffers don't crunch shells, they suck the snails out. Biggest problem with that is most f the snail is left in the shell. I still feed mine snails because the little sod wont eat anything else.
Bengal Ghost
Bengal Ghost - 8 years ago
I had three. they won't take frozen bloodworms, just live tubifex or brine shrimps only. tried starving then putting frozen food, no go.

20. comment for Fish Tank Talk - Pea Puffers

Kevin Baker
Kevin Baker - 8 years ago
I got my pea puffer living with a small gold severum and a med sized Angel - two ghost shrimp and they all live together in a 44 high. Live plants - driftwood .
Very fun to watch esp for 3 to 5 dollars.
Kevin Baker
Kevin Baker - 8 years ago
Tamara Simpson
Tamara Simpson - 8 years ago
Kevin Baker check your water, they need very clean parameters. I'm getting a couple of these little guys in a couple of days
Kevin Baker
Kevin Baker - 8 years ago
No - they all 3 died. I bought 3 more and they died. I liked them so I just might get more. They are only $5. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I tried the second /3 in a 20 gallon and they didnt live long either. I fed them frozen brine..
Alex Brooks
Alex Brooks - 8 years ago
Kevin Baker still got that pea puff??
Lucas Beach
Lucas Beach - 8 years ago
going to get two of those and this helped a lot thanks
Michael Orme
Michael Orme - 8 years ago
Pea puffers are cheap and cute. Wish they were expensive and ugly because they are impulse buys by people who do no research.
Kelly-lee Crause
Kelly-lee Crause - 8 years ago
I bought 4 Dwarf Puffers today. I'm so excited, they are super cute and fun to look at.
I am busy breeding brine shrimp for them. :)
Rachel La
Rachel La - 8 years ago
how do u breed brine shrimp? my pea puffers wont accept non live foods and my car just broke down.
Bartosz Skowron
Bartosz Skowron - 8 years ago
Can I keep them with RC shrimp and galaxy rasbora?
Randy Jpnes
Randy Jpnes - 8 years ago
no they will eat the rc shrimp
claudiar372 - 9 years ago
I have one and he don't like eating anything
claudiar372 try frozen bloodworms
Chase .N
Chase .N - 9 years ago
not lol):
Chase .N
Chase .N - 9 years ago
Here that would not be a 3 dollar fish here that would be a 30 dollar fish lol
Nolan Q
Nolan Q - 9 years ago
I have 2 pea puffers in a10 gallon tank and they eat brine shrimp
Rachel La
Rachel La - 9 years ago
me too
Matt Phillips
Matt Phillips - 9 years ago
I'm fed up with people who keep saying these puffers belong in a species only tank this is complete bullocks and this is only required for certain Amazon species these dwarf puffers come from India and get on well in a well planted community tank with similar sized peaceful fish males can be aggressive to each other as they mature which for that reason alone proves to not keep them in a species only tank. These puffers are naturally inquisitive so aqua scape your tank to amuse them. If you have problems with aggressive behaviour it's more likely caused by too many males not enough aqua scape eg a bare tank or your tank is too small its that simple
wow -
wow - - 7 years ago
Todd Hollerson I would LOVE to see your tank. Video? I want to learn more before I getting one.
Todd Hollerson
Todd Hollerson - 7 years ago
I agree. I have four in a 55 gallon along with Angels, Gouramis and Neon Tetras. I have other types of puffers in other tanks and know that they are none stop eaters. They can be fin nippers if they don't have a constant food source. I let my snail population explode before I introduced them. They keep the snail pop down while at the same time there are enough snails for algae control. Plus I have Cherry Shrimp which breed like mad. The tank has become self sustaining. I only add water to it because of evaporation. I haven't done a water change in over a year and the water is crystal clear. I have two Fluval 206 on this tank and rinse the sponges every two months. I stopped feeding them when I realized they were ignoring whatever kind of food I gave them. Every fish has beautiful color and is very active. For more than a year now, the PH is steady at 7. Ammonia is Zero, Nitrite is Zero and Nitrate is a little less than 5 ppm. I test the water weekly now, where as I used to test it four times a day.
Scott Believer
Scott Believer - 7 years ago
What if you put just 1 puffer in a planted tank ? Can they live alone with neon tetras, rasbora and amano shrimp.?
CaitsACake - 8 years ago
Yeah, I don't quite understand the need for a species only tank with this fish either. I have a pair in a tank with a few tetras, guppies, and believe it or not a Florida cray which I know isn't quite advisable. As long as I keep my tank stocked with snails and feeder shrimp there isn't any aggression from any of the species involved.
In fact, my cray happens to love the puffers; he follows them around steals all of their leftovers in the tank!
Matt Phillips
Matt Phillips - 8 years ago
+reptilefreak72 no they are not toxic like the saltwater counterparts
Fisherman_WillPass - 8 years ago
You seem to know what you are doing thank you! Do you mind if I ask a question? Are these guys toxic? I have read difference things.

30. comment for Fish Tank Talk - Pea Puffers

max wellington
max wellington - 9 years ago
Do you think they can live with weather loaches ?
Manuel Paschinger
Manuel Paschinger - 9 years ago
+max wellington weather loaches are big enough to don´t be bothered by pea puffers, so I would say yes.
No guarantee that it will really work.

But Pea Puffers are best kept in a species setup, with only pea puffers in it.
Bryan Stepanian
Bryan Stepanian - 9 years ago
Since its been some months now the 2 puffs are doing great. Their tank mates now includes 2 Rainbow Sharks, 2 Angel fish, 2 Barbs (one tiger, one green) and still the sunbursts and tetras. They've all done well with each other. They all swim together and respect each other's space even at feeding time. Puffs eat their frozen blood worms but love their snails. Before I got the puffs I bought about 6 or 7 big adult snails and by the time I got the puffs the snails have reproduce plenty of baby snails for them to eat when they were smaller. Now a little bigger they'll go for a big snail but not all. Its like they know the bigger snails are the source of their food. I've seen them go for a ghost shrimp or two when first introduced but snails are the preferred food. I wonder if they would eat clams? I might try and find some tiny clams or try a small chunk of a regular clam close to water conditions.
orangeinegamer - 9 years ago
I have one in a Walstad Method 7 gallon tank :)
Rod O
Rod O - 9 years ago
Nice video. I remember seeing this a few months ago before getting my trio when I was researching them. My three are happy and reaching sexual maturity. One boy and two girls in a 10 gallon planted tank with ghost shrimp and two ottos. I put young guppies in there with them occasinally until I can see colors on them to select for breeding. It was a big gamble at first but Tiny, Killer, and Freckles don't bother the young guppies once they are least half a centimeter big. So far no young guppies have become snacks. 

+DmRushed Despite what most quick references about dwarf puffers, I think they are pretty docile with fish that are larger then them. If anything they might be in danger of some larger fish just gobbling them up because they have no fear of anything. They get nippy at each other but are too slow to be dangerous to other fish their size or larger. Which are most. Shrimps are more of a gamble. After a few months I am about to be comfortable enough to swap the ghost shrimp that are currently in the tank with them to red cherries. I've been waiting for mine to become sexually mature since that is when everyone says they might show their true colors.
Mike Haugsted
Mike Haugsted - 9 years ago
Great video,have 12,3 males and 9 female ,had for about one year and now there breeding,I love puffers but these guys take the cake,their population hass decreased by 40% in the wild,because of demand of fish ,java moss works great they need thick plants to drop their eggs in ,
5.1fps gamer
5.1fps gamer - 8 years ago
Wow cool what tank size? 20gallon or litres
AB W - 9 years ago
My God, these guys really ARE just an absolutely adorable little species!! I'd love to try my hand at owing a few, but with their diet requirements,short lifespans, etc. I'm not so sure I could handle an amateur. ; ) I think I'd just be setting myself up for heartbreak, as 4 years or so just doesn't seem long enough considering how attached I'd get to their little faces everyday! Hopefully I'll be able to have a lovely, low tech goldfish or angel tank to tend to for 10+ years someday! Keep up the good work, my friend. Your tanks are incredible. Your eye for scaping and planting is amazing, and you're videos offer a wealth of knowledge for those of us who are just getting into the hobby, and are looking for inspiration. Here's to you...and your puffers ; )
Kathleen Miller
Kathleen Miller - 9 years ago
Thanks for ur response,I find them so adorable, now have 2 feamales an 1 male. Also bought 10 baby snails an a coouple bigger ones to breed I guess. I haven't gotten them to eat the frozen blood wirms yet will try brime today, or hopefully they get snails. Did u give them away because they are a pain in the butt too keep ? Anyway u don't have them anymore, so probably not much u care to hear about them. Thanks Rick........Kaye
Kathleen Miller
Kathleen Miller - 9 years ago
Gee Rick, this is near 2 yrs old,, so I'm wondering if u still have them an if u would update on them ? I just got 2 an love them, but before I get any more , I need a little more know hows, from someone like u, not just reading. Thanks Rick great video....Kaye
TheRick2325 - 9 years ago
+Kathleen Miller I dont have them anymore, I gave them to a friend a long time ago. I would just recommend that if you have more than one to have a decent sized tank even though they are small cause they can get aggressive towards each other and of course try to feed em snails.
Faith Nichole
Faith Nichole - 9 years ago
I just got 3 yesterday! So neat!
Bryan Stepanian
Bryan Stepanian - 9 years ago
I'm digging these little guys. I got 2 in a 55 gallons with some barbs and sunbursts and their doing great. Took 2 days for them to settle in and know it's just fun and watch them explore and be curious.
Aleos Oricos
Aleos Oricos - 9 years ago
Do you still have your pea puffers?
Ian B
Ian B - 9 years ago
+TheRick2325 Why did you give them away?
TheRick2325 - 9 years ago
+Aleos Oricos No I dont, I gave them away to a friend a while ago
Dakota Outdoors
Dakota Outdoors - 9 years ago
what have you kept with pea puffers ? ive got one in a planted 20gal and id like to add some more fish too the tank
TheRick2325 - 9 years ago
+DmRushed I had them with ember tetras and small apistos without any issues
Mauricio Nava
Mauricio Nava - 10 years ago
What are the best snails to feed them
george elve
george elve - 10 years ago
I just got a pea puffer and threw it in my snail tank but it doesn't seem to be killing the snails. I want to get another but i cant seem to figure out the sex of mine for sure.
george elve
george elve - 9 years ago
Thanks but i'm already growing a male. My female is about 7" long now. Gonna take a while for the male to catch up.
Rachel La
Rachel La - 9 years ago
the males have wrinkles around the eyes and lines down their tummies. females just have spots
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
You NEED to feed them snails, if u don't their teeth will get overgrown and they will starve to death, unless u trim their teeth which is extremely stressful for the fish
Bagel God
Bagel God - 7 years ago
This is actually not really true. That's required for large puffers, but for pea puffers, they just like eating the body inside the shells. U can just leave them some shells, but they won't eat them. They might use it for their teeth, but for the most part, all they're gonna do is eat the inside of the shell only (only the snail or something else the lives in it)
K C - 7 years ago
From what I have heard, pea puffers, unlike normal puffers, don't have teeth that overgrow. And when eating snails they don't always eat the shells but still like the love food
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 9 years ago
+Chainsaw Reptiles No, but that's besides the point since i've researched about them... Just because you've kept something doesn't mean you instantly know every thing about them
Manuela Penela
Manuela Penela - 9 years ago
I put sand in one end, small gravel in the other and planting substrate in terra cotta pots for some of the plants with deeper roots. The puffers spend NO time on the gravel. (the gobies do.) I definitely feed over the sand area as food on the floor is easily seen and eaten up whereas food in the gravel is simply lost. Besides, it's easier to we the puffers against the sand.
Christopher S.
Christopher S. - 9 years ago
No in fact you don't. Normally they do eat snails and if you've seen them eat snails, they usually grab onto the foot of the snail and suck them out. Their teeth are so small it really doesn't matter. If they were to eat snails to wear down their teeth, they snails would have to be miniscule. It is a good nutrition source however
Chainsaw Reptiles
Chainsaw Reptiles - 10 years ago
May I Ask Have You Ever Even Kept Puffers? 
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
+Chainsaw Reptiles Um no, snails are they're staple diet, they should be fed that daily, the frozen food is what you should be feeding once a week
Chainsaw Reptiles
Chainsaw Reptiles - 10 years ago
Its Better Shorter Than Longer But its Best To Give Em A Snail Once A Week Each. 
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
+The_flying_Kaz If you cleaned the entire tank at once, then obviously they all died... Your never supposed to do that, only small water changes every week... The filter will take care of it
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
+Chainsaw Reptiles They won't wear down their teeth too much! It's better than risking them getting too long
Chainsaw Reptiles
Chainsaw Reptiles - 10 years ago
Cool :D You Better Walk Up To A Random Dude XD
The_flying_Kaz - 10 years ago
+Chainsaw Reptiles I'm 12, live in the US in Florida.
Chainsaw Reptiles
Chainsaw Reptiles - 10 years ago
Im 15 ;) 
The_flying_Kaz - 10 years ago
+Chainsaw Reptiles Quick question how old r u lol, and I'll be at school all day
The_flying_Kaz - 10 years ago
+Chainsaw Reptiles OK I'll do a mix but sadly I can't take the Goldie's DX
Chainsaw Reptiles
Chainsaw Reptiles - 10 years ago
Both! XD Get Some Feeder Goldfish Too... 
The_flying_Kaz - 10 years ago
+Chainsaw Reptiles oh well eh wish me luck at Walmart I'm gonna screw them up and save as much as my tank can handle. Also, guppies or mollies!?
Chainsaw Reptiles
Chainsaw Reptiles - 10 years ago
Awww Im So Sorry I Keep Losing God Damn Fish I Lost A Show Quality Goldfish Worth Over £150 ._. 
The_flying_Kaz - 10 years ago
+Chainsaw Reptiles ugh my day got worse, almost all my fish had died after cleaning the tank. All except a few guppies and a very high quality pleco. She's worth about 80 dollars. Tomorrow I'm gonna go rescue fish at Walmart, and I will try to make a video. Wish me luck lol.
The_flying_Kaz - 10 years ago
+Chainsaw Reptiles male lol
Chainsaw Reptiles
Chainsaw Reptiles - 10 years ago
Fuck Bro Im So Sorry :( BTW You A M/F? 
The_flying_Kaz - 10 years ago
+Chainsaw Reptiles oh lol my day just got ruined, my dog had her second seizure.
Chainsaw Reptiles
Chainsaw Reptiles - 10 years ago
LOL There Illeagle Over Here XD
The_flying_Kaz - 10 years ago
+Chainsaw Reptiles OK water is draining if your on and my microworms just shipped in, woooo
Chainsaw Reptiles
Chainsaw Reptiles - 10 years ago
NP Talk Later 
The_flying_Kaz - 10 years ago
+Chainsaw Reptiles I'll get back to you after cleaning my tanks, sorry., and thanks a lot
Chainsaw Reptiles
Chainsaw Reptiles - 10 years ago
Sand Can Be A Bit Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Use Planting Substrate
The_flying_Kaz - 10 years ago
+Chainsaw Reptiles sorry getting ready to clean my tanks, and I will probably add some horn wort or something within that family and it will be sand as the substrate
Chainsaw Reptiles
Chainsaw Reptiles - 10 years ago
Okay Maybe Add Some Otto Cats In There They Really Help Or some Bumblebee Gobys What Planrs Are Gunna Be In There? 
The_flying_Kaz - 10 years ago
+Chainsaw Reptiles maybe about 3-4 not too heavily planted.
Chainsaw Reptiles
Chainsaw Reptiles - 10 years ago
How Many Puffer Are You Planning On Being Residents In There? 
The_flying_Kaz - 10 years ago
A ten gallon
Chainsaw Reptiles
Chainsaw Reptiles - 10 years ago
May I ask How Bigs The Tank?
The_flying_Kaz - 10 years ago
First puffer and thanks. Just a single species tank
Chainsaw Reptiles
Chainsaw Reptiles - 10 years ago
Get Pest Snails Are Reallllly small Malaysians :D Is It Your First Fish Or Pufferfish Or What? And What Are You Planning On Keeping Them With? 
The_flying_Kaz - 10 years ago
+Chainsaw Reptiles Pea puffers
Chainsaw Reptiles
Chainsaw Reptiles - 10 years ago
What SPec Of Puffer?
The_flying_Kaz - 10 years ago
+Chainsaw Reptiles What kind of snail's? I have some Malaysian trumpeter snails and baby apples, but I don't have a puffer yet but I most likely will very soon.
Chainsaw Reptiles
Chainsaw Reptiles - 10 years ago
+Johanan Micaiah  Yes But You Dont Want To  Wear There Teeth Down Too Much... 
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
+Chainsaw Reptiles U can also give it all the time i think lol
Chainsaw Reptiles
Chainsaw Reptiles - 10 years ago
Yes Infact That Is True! But Only Once A Week.... Thats What I Do Atleast. 
The Glitch
The Glitch - 10 years ago
Just "accidentally" bought two tiny pea puffers for £3 from my LFS and I'm in love already.  Put them in with my multifaciatus shelldwellers and they're getting on swimmingly. (pardon the pun)
Manuela Penela
Manuela Penela - 9 years ago
Sounds like you need to practice better puffer control, (like birth control) LOL! (Or not!) I understand you and I have admitted my addiction to "puppers". I have bumblebee gobies with my puffers in my "Funny Face" tank. I call them puppers and goobers.
Chainsaw Reptiles
Chainsaw Reptiles - 10 years ago
+The Glitch  LOL Can I Buy Some Of Those Shrimp? :P Add Me On Skype derpy.cake2 
The Glitch
The Glitch - 10 years ago
+Chainsaw Reptiles They just fell into a bag...then into a tank, i swear!!

I'd put them in with my cherry shrimp to keep numbers in check, but worried they'd munch on my taibee F1 hybrids. 
Chainsaw Reptiles
Chainsaw Reptiles - 10 years ago
Haha Thats What Happend To Me I Just Happend To Accidently Get A Breeding Pair Of Pygmys Puffers For £5 Pffffft Total Accident 
taylor rogers
taylor rogers - 10 years ago
Push three dollar  I got mine for sixteen -______________- love him though, hates brine shrimp for some reason but all about the blood worms 
Bellatora Nocte
Bellatora Nocte - 10 years ago
I currently have 3 in my 20 tall. I am planning on getting more... and adding more plants and hiding places. Currently, I have two females and one male. They are so great! Totally fun to watch!
HeyAnton - 10 years ago
Nice i just got one it seems healthy but I'm scared of the tank it's 60 gallons
Manuela Penela
Manuela Penela - 9 years ago
Big tanks have big filter intake holes. Think about wrapping a bit of foam or filter pad or even an old nylon around the intake.
tuby0805 - 10 years ago
Why so worried? The tank size is great!
Fraser's fish room.
Fraser's fish room. - 10 years ago
I have 200 in my 1000 liter tank
Scott - 10 years ago

50. comment for Fish Tank Talk - Pea Puffers

ChinAMAPutatoDragun - 10 years ago
Even though its not recommended to put them in shrimp tanks, I hear lots about people having no trouble keeping them with amanos and even cherry shrimp.
Jack William
Jack William - 10 years ago
At my pet store they are 8 bucks but I am going to get them my tank cycling right now though so I will get them in like 3 weeks
Ryan Coloma
Ryan Coloma - 10 years ago
Dwarf puffers at moanalua pets were full of ick, this past thursday when I went. Debating if I should buy a group of pea puffers maybe 6 at most to, help control the snails in my tanks
Jack William
Jack William - 10 years ago
Are you putting the puffers in a freshwater community tank with other fish? If you are, don't. After the snails are gone, the puffers will go after the other fish. They are only good with their own kind, shrimp, large snails, and ottos. I am cycling my 10 gallon for the puffers right now, but I'm getting 4 puffers, shrimp, an Otto and maybe snails. Make sure the tank is well planted. Good luck
Ryan Coloma
Ryan Coloma - 10 years ago
A 35gal should hold up for a while with 6 of them in there. Letting the snails infest the tank abit .
TheRick2325 - 10 years ago
aquascapes has some last time I was there, 6 is a lot unless you have a big tank.
Chris topher
Chris topher - 10 years ago
I have had a pea puffer for 2 and a half years in his own 14 gallon tank. He is awesome! I put a bunch of snails in the tank once to feed him on vacation but he killed them all in minutes.
Shannon Fallon
Shannon Fallon - 10 years ago
I got three just got them last night, mine is really small but I had a gps and I didn't know that u need to switch them to slat down the road so I got the pea puffers, still learning about them think they are a great fish for the KIDDS too...
Tara Tighe
Tara Tighe - 10 years ago
they also love daphnia (water fleas) and mosquito larvae
Aleos Oricos
Aleos Oricos - 10 years ago
What store(s) on Oahu sells (feeder) pond snails? Thanks.
TheRick2325 - 10 years ago
I've seen petland sell them from time to time
apartmentaquariums - 11 years ago
hi, did u ever set up a tank for snails just for them to munch on? I just drop snails from all my other tanks into my puffer tank, it only 10g and I got 5 in there but, I'm going to set up a aqua bridge to another 10g tank, and maybe a 3rd so that they can spread them selves out. I'm hoping  to eventually try to breed them, but I'm want to do that with every fish in my tanks. lol.  Did it ever go after the Otto's? I read they were ok tank mates
Jack William
Jack William - 10 years ago
That would be really cool
NickMach007 - 11 years ago
Do you still have these guys? I was thinking of getting some. But the question is can I add them to my community tank (ember tetras, halequin rasboras, amano shrimp)? I have read mixed things about adding them into a community tank. Some folks recommend species only. If you still have them, how have they done for you? I can't remember if I've seen them in your recent videos or not. 
NickMach007 - 10 years ago
+Jack William Yeah, I decided long ago not to add pea puffers to my peaceful little community tank. Thanks. 
Jack William
Jack William - 10 years ago
They like to be in a tank with only pea puffers but you could put shrimp and big snails in there with them
NickMach007 - 11 years ago
Cool. I am thinking I better do a species specific tank then ( I think I may put 4 of them in a 25 gallon with plenty of plants and cover so they can all have their own territories). Thanks for the response. 
TheRick2325 - 11 years ago
I still have one and he is in a tank I never show(its a plain tank) I would not recommend keeping them together unless its a big tank like a 15 gallon at least or esle they will kill each other like I experienced and read. I've keep them with neons fine but not shrimp, they seem to like to go after them.
Noah Palafox
Noah Palafox - 11 years ago
My Dwarf African Frog eat my puffers
namezryan - 11 years ago
i want a couple of them in my 10 gallon tank which my snails infested a few months back. i see that when you have proper gallons the more of species you could actually get from that tank.
MegaNeto94 - 11 years ago
i had them before they are pretty good fish they are cute and really curious fish they do pick on each other....I didn't have luck with brine shrimp nor blood worms...I fed them live black worms and they loved it...try to find some black worms they are thinner than blood worms
TheRick2325 - 11 years ago
they just dont seem to like it at all, so only brine shrimp seems to work so far. I need to try and find some snails for them
TheRick2325 - 11 years ago
i would go with at least a 5 gallon
Marin Bandalo
Marin Bandalo - 11 years ago
Is a 2.5 gallon tank big enough for a pea puffer?
BeschAquaticAquariums - 11 years ago
Are those Ember Tetras with the Puffer? Just curious, because I have 15 Embers with the Pea Puffer and they do great together...Check Out My Channel everyone. Man fish, and Shrimp videos. SUBBED
Ethan Vargas
Ethan Vargas - 11 years ago
I sub can you sub back
TheRick2325 - 11 years ago
so far i had good growth on this tank, i still think t5 are better but leds can grow plants pretty well
awds15701 - 11 years ago
Yo rick what is ur opinion on led's ? R they suitable for plant growth?
jab0064 - 11 years ago
cool little fish, love watching puffers zoom around a tank.
MrHoney2U - 11 years ago
nice. I saw some of these the other day. Just didnt know enough about them. Thanks
oakland002 - 11 years ago
Nice , their diet is more on the spendy side, unless u get a bunch of pond snails
Dan Walsh
Dan Walsh - 11 years ago
can you checkout my channel and give me a shoutout?
njw1383 - 11 years ago
They look so cute it's hard to imagine something like that getting agressive
rudarkshadow - 11 years ago
Hi great tank sorry if spelling is out I believe these are the Carinotetraodon travancoricus these are quite righty semi aggressive. They come from the malabar region. They in fact love too eat things like cockle and mussel hope you enjoy keeping these little criters
TheRick2325 - 11 years ago
i have a nikon coolpix l120
Sara's Cichlids
Sara's Cichlids - 11 years ago
i love these little puffers! there so cute,i bought two of them yesterday and when ever i get new fish i wait 24hrs before a feeding,but anyway after i put them in the tank they swam and a few hrs later i went to check on them and they were at the bottom of the tank but there eyes were moving,the fins were normal so i at first freaked out thinking there dead then i did a water test and everything was 0 so i googled it and turns out these fish sleep!! i never knew that its so awesome to watch
Sara's Cichlids
Sara's Cichlids - 11 years ago
i love them ,there so adorable! , also what camra do you use?
Alex M
Alex M - 11 years ago
I want a puffer sooo bad but I cant commit to their pricey diet and the whole keeping teeth teeth down just seems like to much work for me
captainhelmet69 - 11 years ago
Nice video rick cool fish
Santiago Valcarcel
Santiago Valcarcel - 11 years ago
Nice little ones ... I had a puffer but not the small ones, they are great fish to interact. They need to have snails once in a while as their teeth grow and the shel cracking keeps teeth from overgrowing. I had a hard time getting snails for them I had MTS but they were too hard so decided to take it back to shop :-( ... they are super nice but need lots of care
lostsoul9987 - 11 years ago
lucky you
lostsoul9987 - 11 years ago
I want some for my 10 gal but the only live foods i can provide are earthworms and mosquito larvae and guppies
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
Super cool, wish I could get some around here. A freshwater puffer in a planted tank! Can't get much cooler than that.
Rico Suave
Rico Suave - 11 years ago
Beast mode I think IMA get some
TheRick2325 - 11 years ago
that sucks, hope you can find some eventually
TheRick2325 - 11 years ago
good suggestions man, thanks a bunch
Mfscn - 11 years ago
I've kept two in a 10 gallon before. Loved them, very interesting to watch. One eventually killed off the other, they seemed way more aggressive towards each other then to other fish. You should def try out snails, so rad watching them suck them out of their shells, make sure you get smaller snails though, they won't even mess with larger ones
Slim Tim
Slim Tim - 11 years ago
Good review Rick
Trena Marie
Trena Marie - 11 years ago
I use to keep these little guys. Always found them enjoyable & fun to watch. I never saw the aggression I was told about either.
TheRick2325 - 11 years ago
the ph they prefer is actually 7.0-8.0 so easy to care for
Love of Pets
Love of Pets - 11 years ago
I love Pea Puffers, used to have them many years ago. You described them just like a remembered. I see them in the fish store and I keep saying to my husband that I want to get some. I would need another tank and house them by themselves. I remember that when they get bigger they will fight with each other and bite other fishes fins. Lots of plants and hiding spots and perfect for pea puffers.
Seth's Fish Tanks
Seth's Fish Tanks - 11 years ago
they are awesome little puffers
John Wray
John Wray - 11 years ago
Nice one , thanks mate
Brian Covey
Brian Covey - 11 years ago
Awesome fish.
TheRick2325 - 11 years ago
i got that intro from flixpress, check it out. Some of them intros are free and premade so you just add what words or pictures you like to add.
John Wray
John Wray - 11 years ago
Great info vid mate , love the intro really good , I haven't a clue how to do that type of thing ill have to get someone to make me one ... Great stuff
Paul Jones
Paul Jones - 11 years ago
haha getting there ;) but there is still a lot to learn and im still a noob.
TheRick2325 - 11 years ago
lol, you must be an expert then on them snake heads by now
Paul Jones
Paul Jones - 11 years ago
true that. every spare minute i have is spent learning about all the species of snakeheads. i think i got them all worked out now :) time to catch up on every ones videos. all 15.000+ of them haha. Definitely have try and get these pea puffers.. very cool

100. comment for Fish Tank Talk - Pea Puffers

TheRick2325 - 11 years ago
long time no see man, been missing ya on the channel. These guys are perfect for smaller tanks
Paul Jones
Paul Jones - 11 years ago
Damn nice! I have never heard of these. i will have to look into them :) thanks for sharing
TheRick2325 - 11 years ago
thanks for watching man, such a cool fish and so cheap too
TheRick2325 - 11 years ago
thanks man
TheRick2325 - 11 years ago
they would be great in one of your small tanks, not your shrimp tank though
TheRick2325 - 11 years ago
very little aggression compared to what i read about them. It really just depends i guess
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 11 years ago
Cool fish. Great video.
Aquascaping the World by BM
Aquascaping the World by BM - 11 years ago
Thats one fish i have never owned. They seem pretty cool.
MrReyno Tanks
MrReyno Tanks - 11 years ago
Seems less aggressive than the dwarf puffer
csolo541 - 11 years ago
A nice type of puffer is one of the fish I aspire to keep in the future. Looking great man!

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