Fish hatching from eggs (under the microscope)

Here are minnows, the gulf killi fish, hatching under the microscope. In the wild they lay their eggs on marsh grasses at a full moon high tide and then 30 days later when the next full moon high tide comes they get wet and hatch. Any questions or comments feel free to ask below! Toadfish Eggs Hatching: **If the video was enjoyable, remember to give it a "thumbs up" and consider subscribing. New videos every Thursday** -Website: -Facebook: -Twitter: -Instagram: -Subscribe Here: -YouTube Channel:

Fish hatching from eggs (under the microscope) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 159

Pets & Animals 12 years ago 907,513 views

Here are minnows, the gulf killi fish, hatching under the microscope. In the wild they lay their eggs on marsh grasses at a full moon high tide and then 30 days later when the next full moon high tide comes they get wet and hatch. Any questions or comments feel free to ask below! Toadfish Eggs Hatching: **If the video was enjoyable, remember to give it a "thumbs up" and consider subscribing. New videos every Thursday** -Website: -Facebook: -Twitter: -Instagram: -Subscribe Here: -YouTube Channel:

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Most popular comments
for Fish hatching from eggs (under the microscope)

THUNDER TUBE - 7 years ago
so nice beauti
Jenn Dy
Jenn Dy - 7 years ago
So interesting... so amazing....
Heliogenesis - 7 years ago
Me likey
duoduo wan
duoduo wan - 7 years ago
I have hatched five killifish successfully
Can find the eggs here

Look what I found on AliExpress
Joshua Soles
Joshua Soles - 7 years ago
I stumbled across this video didn’t expect +Chrisfix to have upload it
liezl jorge
liezl jorge - 7 years ago
... The 2 of the eggs didn't hatch -.-
Mathew J. Fcuktard
Mathew J. Fcuktard - 7 years ago
This side of chris fix
Ceil Phantom
Ceil Phantom - 7 years ago
I thought them cells
PHANTOM MEDIA - Cars, RCs, and Lego Technic
PHANTOM MEDIA - Cars, RCs, and Lego Technic - 7 years ago
Can't believe this is a Chrisfix video lol! Maybe one day you'll teach us how to hatch fish ;P jk

I like ur videos and will do a superwash on my '93 Impreza, hopefully I'll also post a video on it too!

10. comment for Fish hatching from eggs (under the microscope)

Ashmita Parajuli
Ashmita Parajuli - 7 years ago
when egg will fertilized and what temperature should be given to egg for hatching
paka raviteja
paka raviteja - 7 years ago
Oohh no it's too good ,great job
Roy Gonzalez
Roy Gonzalez - 7 years ago
How many miles until the eggs need to be changed?
Jaheem Fingal
Jaheem Fingal - 7 years ago
"Yo it's lit get out here"
Stephen Anand
Stephen Anand - 7 years ago
Awesome video
Sonia Kanchi
Sonia Kanchi - 7 years ago
that's amazing ❤
smarv the cat
smarv the cat - 7 years ago
Oh look sushi
Brandy warren
Brandy warren - 7 years ago
Little Bunny
Little Bunny - 7 years ago
they look funny X)
Thammarat Thaptong
Thammarat Thaptong - 7 years ago
Clicked on the video.
Noticed that it's on ChrisFix channel.

20. comment for Fish hatching from eggs (under the microscope)

Throttle rc4
Throttle rc4 - 7 years ago
Hold on WTF I just realised this is a chrisfix video
Lauren_playzRoblox 09
Lauren_playzRoblox 09 - 7 years ago
Their hearts are like pink little beads!! They're so cute!!!!
Abhisek kumar
Abhisek kumar - 7 years ago
Daily Humor
Daily Humor - 7 years ago
I'm never having caviar again
Nitronixus - 7 years ago
Nature is fckin amazing
Dawson Pratt
Dawson Pratt - 7 years ago
0:54 fish yelp
Rosita Rose
Rosita Rose - 8 years ago
welcome to the world little fish
Sanju Kumar
Sanju Kumar - 8 years ago
very very very very cooooooooooooooooooooool
Cheeky Kuri
Cheeky Kuri - 8 years ago
it looks so cramped in those eggs
Mustafa Iraq
Mustafa Iraq - 8 years ago

30. comment for Fish hatching from eggs (under the microscope)

Julia Darcy
Julia Darcy - 8 years ago
they look like cory fry
Winter Kitty
Winter Kitty - 8 years ago
What N Tarnation
Lado manjgaladze
Lado manjgaladze - 8 years ago
Looks like fish eyes, i find i kind of ironic
Bankim Desai
Bankim Desai - 8 years ago
" Gorgeous shot ! "
Anu Kumari
Anu Kumari - 8 years ago
very very very very very nice
JamesFishTanks - 8 years ago
do u have fish?
Kelly14UK - 8 years ago
White Cloud Mountain Minnows are so easy to breed you'll do it without trying
Maria Nestor
Maria Nestor - 8 years ago
what kind of fish does this supposed to be
Ibrahim Khalil
Ibrahim Khalil - 8 years ago
nice camera
Domo Domo
Domo Domo - 8 years ago
Hernando - 8 years ago
nature is spooky sometimes
Uta Lullaby
Uta Lullaby - 8 years ago
That was. Beautiful
Fruity Kitchen
Fruity Kitchen - 8 years ago
this is wonderful!
Archit - 8 years ago
Nature is unique!
andrzej731731 - 8 years ago
the best video ever!!!!!!
_vidyarajj_ - 8 years ago
Baby fishy: mommy can I come out now?"Mommy fish: ...Baby: Fuck this I'm out
Wendell Millis
Wendell Millis - 8 years ago
Wow so cute !!!
Taylor Anne
Taylor Anne - 8 years ago
The little hearts
GN Oras
GN Oras - 8 years ago
Yes, they are very small, but they will become part of the full hatched fish.
MeganNani #IslandLife
MeganNani #IslandLife - 8 years ago
wait what about that last one
vivan rajwansh
vivan rajwansh - 8 years ago
how much take the grown egg to fish

50. comment for Fish hatching from eggs (under the microscope)

Facebook Freebooters
Facebook Freebooters - 8 years ago
Also pages called Earth and Earth channel etc. please support my work on facebook page called Facebook page frauds and freebooters.
Facebook Freebooters
Facebook Freebooters - 8 years ago
Hi just to let you know that a page on facebook called Wet Pets Global is stealing peoples content including this video.
Rusty Smith
Rusty Smith - 8 years ago
WOW !!
Laurie B. Fieldman, LCSW
Laurie B. Fieldman, LCSW - 8 years ago
they are so cute and that is amazing that u can see the heart beat
Liew Shan Chen Chen
Liew Shan Chen Chen - 8 years ago
oh my God why this egg like a eye!!
riztaenoypi - 8 years ago
Almost to 1M subscribers!
Limitless Inc
Limitless Inc - 8 years ago
You mentioned using salt water. Does this help to dissolve the egg membrane? I'm just asking because I have some desert goby eggs that I've been trying to hatch using a turkey baster, but I haven't got them all yet.
وسام الشيخلي وسام الشيخلي
وسام الشيخلي وسام الشيخلي - 8 years ago
سبحان الله
Angie Angieprettybird
Angie Angieprettybird - 8 years ago
What kind as of fish are these?
Sir Pugsious The Third
Sir Pugsious The Third - 7 years ago
Angie Angieprettybird Gulf Killi fish I think
Julia TheWerewolf
Julia TheWerewolf - 8 years ago
Angie Angieprettybird check the description, it says what kind of fish they are
Royal MysticGirl
Royal MysticGirl - 8 years ago
Angie Angieprettybird idk I know this it not beta fish or butterfly fish
ChrisFix - 8 years ago
Fundulus grandis, the Gulf Killifish
Giorgi Khizanishvili
Giorgi Khizanishvili - 8 years ago
Littlebear Forever
Littlebear Forever - 8 years ago
Wow that's amazing
EnergeticShadow malacu
EnergeticShadow malacu - 8 years ago
rooker7993 - 8 years ago
How long do eggs take to hatch, from the day the fish spawn ? Thanks
Quinn rayner
Quinn rayner - 8 years ago
rooker7993 depends on the species
Chode - 8 years ago
Oh my god you can see their little hearts beating! So cute
Skwishy The Human
Skwishy The Human - 7 years ago
Why is everyone arguing about whether someone believes in god?
Ben the nitro kid
Ben the nitro kid - 7 years ago
Lolojojo 123 No such thing as god, if im right terrorism still goes on.
Lolojojo 123
Lolojojo 123 - 7 years ago
there is no god yes there is a god
Simon Jacob
Simon Jacob - 7 years ago
there is no god and I thought I was the only one seeing the hearts
Kim Justine
Kim Justine - 8 years ago
No.thats a little bit disgusting
Yandere Chan
Yandere Chan - 8 years ago
Wanda Aj
Wanda Aj - 8 years ago
Azharuddeen Kunnekkattu Mohammed Ali
Azharuddeen Kunnekkattu Mohammed Ali - 8 years ago
سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم يخلق الله من ياشاء
Erin Indigo Osmanthus
Erin Indigo Osmanthus - 8 years ago
What if humans could birth themselves from an egg sac... Imagine the time and resources we could save...
R5E - 7 years ago
+Indigo Osmanthus Imagine the overpopulation.
Erin Indigo Osmanthus
Erin Indigo Osmanthus - 8 years ago
+Tommy Vang oh darn it! I'm too late!
Tommy Vang
Tommy Vang - 8 years ago
+Indigo Osmanthus If you had asked me that a couple months ago, I might have remembered lol.
Erin Indigo Osmanthus
Erin Indigo Osmanthus - 8 years ago
+Tommy Vang OMG link please!!!
Kelly14UK - 8 years ago
Tommy Vang
Tommy Vang - 8 years ago
thats being studied now lol.
Wide Nooberfy
Wide Nooberfy - 8 years ago
1:21) is it a magic trick?
because Broke
because Broke - 8 years ago
i saw this on aquatic science lol
LpsGenie Lps
LpsGenie Lps - 8 years ago
my molly gave birth but not from eggs like the fishes just popped out of her
Rose Mary
Rose Mary - 8 years ago
thats compleatly normal some fish birth live some lay eggs :) and congrats
NightingaleX15 - 8 years ago
me- Awwww so cute hatches oh thats slaps his face
NightingaleX15 - 8 years ago
so cuuttttteeee
Shyann Brink
Shyann Brink - 8 years ago
poor little guy
Some One
Some One - 8 years ago
?Is this ikra
john Doe
john Doe - 8 years ago
what did you guys do with them once they hatched?
ChrisFix - 8 years ago
+john Doe Grew them up
Comment - 8 years ago
Is it possible for a fish to lay like one egg, I do not know the species, but can it happen?
( It is a bottom feeder kind of one)
ChrisFix - 8 years ago
+Comment It is not common. Some fish can lay 10-20 eggs but no fish is just going to lay 1 egg.
Mästare Kalk
Mästare Kalk - 8 years ago
the miracle of birth.....
Mästare Kalk
Mästare Kalk - 8 years ago
so cute
Nicole Greer
Nicole Greer - 9 years ago
i hate those things , like in the lake when my feet touch them its like aahhh
living the Country lyfe
living the Country lyfe - 8 years ago
That's tadpoles you're probably thinking of
NoMoreMissNiceGirl - 9 years ago
Aww its so cute the way you can see their little eyes. Then one of their hearts beating and the other one looking at it haha SO CUTE! And their little mouth moving.
Eunice Luong
Eunice Luong - 9 years ago
1 13 let me help you, no me no need help....SEE
Psycho MM
Psycho MM - 9 years ago
That's amazing. You can see their little beating hearts. :)))
Dcc357 - 9 years ago
Never expected to see egg videos from Chrisfix's early vids lol.
Dylan Atol
Dylan Atol - 8 years ago
living the Country lyfe
living the Country lyfe - 8 years ago
xVxflamexVx - 9 years ago
welp I'm glad I don't come from an egg
jupiter Lo
jupiter Lo - 9 years ago
manor mani
manor mani - 9 years ago
thanks for I know
CHHUNYI Ath - 9 years ago
wow!!!it is so great!!!the first time that i sew it
Uno coolkid2007
Uno coolkid2007 - 9 years ago
What are the fish called?
Jesus Diaz
Jesus Diaz - 9 years ago
aw cute fishy i whish my goldfish had an egg
Leon Sandor-Carmona
Leon Sandor-Carmona - 9 years ago
So cute
Greg Calleja
Greg Calleja - 9 years ago
00:22 fish was like: ...holy shit what is that...?
Hailey \TheTroll\ Elizabeth
Hailey \TheTroll\ Elizabeth - 9 years ago
that was cool
TheWinterSpirit_ - 9 years ago
MaQuGo119 - 9 years ago
How did you recorded this?
MaQuGo119 - 9 years ago
The can record what you see? I've tried takling photographs, but it looks nothing like this.
ChrisFix - 9 years ago
+MaQuGo119 Microscope
Sango Nanami
Sango Nanami - 9 years ago
aww the last one didn't hatch?
Lrdvltr - 7 years ago
fish are man's best friend
Grace Harless
Grace Harless - 9 years ago
+Leon Neymar lol
Leon Sandor-Carmona
Leon Sandor-Carmona - 9 years ago
+Grace Harless Me too
Grace Harless
Grace Harless - 9 years ago
+Sango Nanami yes very good I almost cried ps. I love fish
Rebecca Reiger
Rebecca Reiger - 9 years ago
+ChrisFix thank god!
Sango Nanami
Sango Nanami - 9 years ago
+ChrisFix aww! that's good
ChrisFix - 9 years ago
+Sango Nanami Eventually it did.
Darth Magikarp
Darth Magikarp - 9 years ago
Watching the heart beat is SOOO COOOL!
Canderdaug - 9 years ago
this is why nature always wins
fluffy butter
fluffy butter - 9 years ago
The heartbeating is mesmerizing.
Slowly -m
Slowly -m - 9 years ago
Samiyyah Hasan
Samiyyah Hasan - 9 years ago
Rohim Uddin
Rohim Uddin - 9 years ago
Ethan Webb
Ethan Webb - 9 years ago
Last one?
Amit Gavkare
Amit Gavkare - 9 years ago
wowwwww absolutely amazingi

100. comment for Fish hatching from eggs (under the microscope)

Amit Gavkare
Amit Gavkare - 9 years ago
wowwwww absolutely amazing
Amit Gavkare
Amit Gavkare - 9 years ago
wowwwww absolutely amazing
Peter Tran
Peter Tran - 9 years ago
Hyeji Park
Hyeji Park - 9 years ago
Amir Ayala
Amir Ayala - 9 years ago
Betta fish are cool
Prench Macado
Prench Macado - 9 years ago
We call this kind of fish here in the Philippines,"Isdang Kanal" for minnows. :D
Minnaaa - 9 years ago
Just wow!
patrick cordery
patrick cordery - 9 years ago
What kind fish are they that's pretty cool
The Inflatable Sea Lion
The Inflatable Sea Lion - 9 years ago
Gulf killi fish. Here's my much better answer lol :)
patrick cordery
patrick cordery - 9 years ago
wow ok have been out fishing yet this year
ChrisFix - 9 years ago
+patrick cordery The are the minnows you use for fluke fishing. Mummichogs.
Derprah Shrekfrey
Derprah Shrekfrey - 9 years ago
MisterKillJoy1 - 9 years ago
I fucking love nature
LOLeq21 - 7 years ago
Mc Woofless boi wtf
Kim Justine
Kim Justine - 8 years ago
Mc Woofless yeah me too hahaha!
Mc Woofless
Mc Woofless - 8 years ago
i hate nature. i love big smoky factories
Jane Diamondnose
Jane Diamondnose - 10 years ago
awhhhhh so cuteeeeeeee i love fishes <3 i have a koi fish he's really big and i reased him myself
Nakitia Reeves
Nakitia Reeves - 10 years ago
This is soo AMAZING!!!! I got to see the heart and i finally got to watch fish hatch out of their eggs. I've never had fish do that before!!
Thanks for sharing this video :)
Nakitia Reeves
Nakitia Reeves - 9 years ago
+Ryu2012SF​ haha ;)
Ryu2012SF - 9 years ago
+Nakitia Reeves

:: runs away blushing ::
Nakitia Reeves
Nakitia Reeves - 9 years ago
+Ryu2012SF​ what would you like to share?
Nakitia Reeves
Nakitia Reeves - 9 years ago
+Ryu2012SF​ Share whatever you would like! :-)
Ryu2012SF - 9 years ago
I'd like to share something with you Nakitia.
Kimberly Portillo
Kimberly Portillo - 10 years ago
They need water
Warrior Cats Rock! RiverSpiritFan
Warrior Cats Rock! RiverSpiritFan - 10 years ago
that's so interesting, I have never seen them hatch.
Ghadeer787 - 10 years ago
ya elllaaahhhii i can see their hearts beating
Lord Farquaad
Lord Farquaad - 10 years ago
Nemo is that you?
theDonsCaTs - 10 years ago
this would 10,000 times better if morgan freeman narrated this.
Viral Parekh
Viral Parekh - 10 years ago
I want to know how many days it will take to grow big after fish come out from eggs??? and after came out what precautions or feeding we can give to them??? Please answer urgently...I am having aquarium at my home and just baby fish came out from eggs...Just same like shown in this video.
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
Goldfish lay eggs and when the eggs hatch they will eat their young. After the eggs are fertilized you can put the goldfish in another tank or put a lot of places the babies can hide if your tank is big enough. 
GeniTheOtaku - 10 years ago
+ChrisFix i think my fish is pregnant do u know if goldish eat their young because i have 3 and im worried that might happen
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
+Viral Parekh It depends on which species you are talking about. Let me know and I can help. You want to separate the larger fish from the baby fish because most species will eat the babies. 
41192tara - 10 years ago
These guys would have no problem coming out of a poke ball!
Lexcorp - 10 years ago
my fish die yesterday but she lay eggs and i dont have male what should i do? (bad english sorry)
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
+Alexis Maun No, what happens is the female lays the eggs and as the female lays the eggs the male fertilizes them in the water as they come out of the fish. 
Lexcorp - 10 years ago
ok then, so you mean that I need the original male who had sex to the female, right?
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
+Alexis Maun You would need to milk the male because it isnt going to fertilize eggs that are just sitting there. The male will also have to be ripe. 
Lexcorp - 10 years ago
+ChrisFix OK so you are starting to help me, then what about i use another male?
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
They need a male to be fertilized. If they are fertilized they can survive on their own. It is actually better there are no other fish to eat them. 
Lexcorp - 10 years ago
+ChrisFix what about if the eggs alone no male no female? if the eggs gonna hatch or die?
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
+Alexis Maun There is really nothing you can do unless you know someone who can milk a ripe male and put that on the eggs. 
John D Millar
John D Millar - 10 years ago
Great video! What magnification are you using? Is it a dissection microscope? Thanks! 
John D Millar
John D Millar - 10 years ago
Thank you! We do water education at and this microscope activity is awesome! Must be difficult to time it just right! 
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
+John D Millar We were using dissecting scope at 40X
Theresa Knapp
Theresa Knapp - 10 years ago
Man they hatch fast. Too bad poultry doesnt hatch that fast haha
Thiessen Yang
Thiessen Yang - 10 years ago
Sooo kool
Gamrgal a
Gamrgal a - 10 years ago
0:54 DID IT JUST MADE A WEIRD SOUND?! or is it the people?
Gamrgal a
Gamrgal a - 10 years ago
+ChrisFix ok
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
+Gamrgal a That is just the people watching. 
bobong capalla
bobong capalla - 10 years ago
cute i saw the heart there so so cute like the video
P - 10 years ago

Hannah Nguyen
Hannah Nguyen - 10 years ago
This is amazing
Gurmaan Singh
Gurmaan Singh - 10 years ago
Just absolutely amazing... the miracle of life!!!
brielle shields
brielle shields - 10 years ago
Cowlevel - 10 years ago
Eli Muhammad
Eli Muhammad - 10 years ago
well ive looked all over the only explenation is for them to be snail eggs there are no babies still alive in my aquarium
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
The dots mean it was probably fertilized. These fish do not protect their eggs so what you are seeing is probably nothing. 
Eli Muhammad
Eli Muhammad - 10 years ago
well i found the sack and there were no eggs in it do they atleast linger around where they layed their eggs even though they dont know it? or maybe its just bcause they spend some time there and thats why i thought they were rpotecting them they were stuck to a rock and they look to big to come out of the snail infestation in my aquarium however the sacks are empty and i cant spot any fry i do see another batch of eggs around where the snails dominate they are clear eggs in clear sacks some of the eggs have dots in the that led me to believe they were fertilized
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
I dont know if the tetras are capable of knowing they laid eggs and are protecting them. They will typically eat their own eggs
Eli Muhammad
Eli Muhammad - 10 years ago
ive seen some of my tiger bards nipping at the piece of gravel they were on and when they do i just scare them away the tetras surround that aria like sharks kinda but they dont defend their eggs they got knocked over off the rock they were on and my tetras were looking for where they layed them is this rpoof of the being neon tetra eggs? 
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
+Eli Muhammad Tetra eggs will be small so dont worry. These eggs in the video were encased by a membrane that allows water and oxygen to move in and out. If you have fish in the tank, I would pay attention because they will eat the eggs. 
Eli Muhammad
Eli Muhammad - 10 years ago
This is one of the most beautiful hings i have ever seen including a human ultrasound and my own platy fry in my aquarium i have fish eggs and i just wanted to see some for my own eyes and came across this video if i take care of my neon tetra eggs they should have a reality as beautiful as this one i didnt mean to get a male and a female and i didnt mean for them to spawn but they did and i see little dots in the eggs so i know they were fertile i left them in light when i didnt know i wasnt supposed to i look forward to this but i have to ask yo were they in a very small bag or were they in a yoke like sack? i have somewhat of a jelly membrane around mine and the eggs are just hours old but still so small i know that they are alive but shouldnt they look bigger and also i cant help but think they look fuller (the eggs) when i see them and that they were becoming more vivid to see and also i think my pleco knocked them over they were layed in plain sight and knocked off the side of a rock cause they were on a gravel piece
Cowlevel - 10 years ago
+ChrisFix Ikr.
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
Cool right?!?!?!?!
sioSIN SIN - 10 years ago
They explode out of the egg :D
Cute Sophia
Cute Sophia - 10 years ago
Oh my gosh I see the heart!!!!! Wtf
MsSouthernman - 10 years ago
+Cute Sophia Isn't that amazing?
john phillip
john phillip - 10 years ago
How cool... can't wait to show my kid.. what breed of fish are they? Thanks for the cool video of Gods cool work:-)
Cory Ludwig
Cory Ludwig - 9 years ago
+cnote6923 ur a utter waste of human blood
cnote6923 - 10 years ago
+Edlus Entient You dare mock Poseidon? 
A K - 10 years ago
No god had anything to do with this.
ChrisFix - 10 years ago
These are Fundulus grandis, the gulf killifish. They live in the marshes of the Gulf Coast. It is really neat right?!?!?!
Michelle Lopez
Michelle Lopez - 11 years ago
I liked this video and subscribed to it.
Michelle Lopez
Michelle Lopez - 10 years ago
y u d like my post?
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Great! Thanks for subscribing.
Michelle Lopez
Michelle Lopez - 11 years ago
This was very cool!
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
karthika kafi
karthika kafi - 11 years ago
It was awesome to see....I love fish
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Thanks! Yea, I love fish too!
Xoxpriscilla - 11 years ago
Wow! That was so amazing! <3
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Right?!?!?! It is so neat!!!
Ruben Zepeda
Ruben Zepeda - 11 years ago
This is a great video, thanks for sharing, do you have any recomendations for lightning the embryos? i would like to know what kind of light do you use, do you have anny technical paper of the development of that particular species or a description of how were they kept until hatching?  im really interested in the info that you may provide, thaks in advance. 
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
No, I dont... This was just a little outreach video I made. 
Ruben Zepeda
Ruben Zepeda - 11 years ago
+ChrisFix do you happen to have a video on dechorionation? im having some trouble in that department, thanks again
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
This is grandis lol. 
Ruben Zepeda
Ruben Zepeda - 11 years ago
+ChrisFix Its amazing what you may find in youtube, Im working on the development of a brother species of fundulus grandis, would you mind sharing the webpage of your institute, or some web page were I may consult what you do! I really appreciate your help
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
No, this is for research, but I dont have access to the papers we used right now lol... The dark background does the trick. Angle the lights so they are horizontal to the eggs (low angle).
Ruben Zepeda
Ruben Zepeda - 11 years ago
+ChrisFix Thankyou very much for your response, I use a remote fiber optic lighting too, but your footage seems to look better, maybe the dark background does the trick!  I thought you did this for some kind of research, but seems to be your hobbie! which is amazing, very good video again
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
We use remote fiber-optic microscope lighting. They are kept in a moist paper towel moistened with freshwater until about 30days after being fertilized. I dont have any papers off the top of my head but I am sure there is scientific literature on husbandry of killifish larvae. To hatch them, just add 10ppt seawater.
Alex Lyness
Alex Lyness - 11 years ago
100th comment
Alex Lyness
Alex Lyness - 11 years ago

Hen Nim
Hen Nim - 11 years ago
1:o2 its a fish astronaut
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
+Hen Nim lol
Hen Nim
Hen Nim - 11 years ago
1:02 its a fish astronaut
rohit anvekar
rohit anvekar - 11 years ago
Nice... I like your girlfriend :P
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Thank You! I think so as well which is why I wanted to share it on youtube!
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Yea that is one of my favorite things! I have another video "Toadfish Eggs Hatching" and you can actually see the red blood cells moving! Crazy! I love nature!
edgar catana
edgar catana - 11 years ago
You can see their hearts
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Haha, that is pretty neat. Different people tell me different things it reminds me of. One girl actually drew her artists version of it... Its in the comments below somewhere!
The Soarer
The Soarer - 11 years ago
Reminds me of popcorn... dunno why
HuntDown TheFear
HuntDown TheFear - 11 years ago
Paul Roberts
Paul Roberts - 11 years ago
So that's what they look like
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
You get them from milking females and fertilize them by milking males... So free.
Morgan Vickrey
Morgan Vickrey - 11 years ago
but how did you get them and how much were they
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Jason Xu
Jason Xu - 11 years ago
where do you live
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
From the female killifish
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Yea they are hearts beating. And the roe (fish eggs) humans consume are not fertilized so there is nothing inside them. Nature is really awesome! I have a video of oyster toadfish eggs hatching I will put up soon!
ReconBate - 11 years ago
Are those their hearts beating in the start? ...and to think that humans eat these thing, some types of them...They just uncoil out of their eggs. Haha kinda cute, and their eggs just look like paper bags shaped like eggs (: NATURE IS SO AWESOME
Morgan Vickrey
Morgan Vickrey - 11 years ago
where did you get the eggs
Shay Hansen
Shay Hansen - 11 years ago
eww i mean its cute but its kinda gross
Vocaloidlover16 - 11 years ago
Beautiful I could see the heart beating!
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
you dont have too... They can live a week without food because of yolk reserves.
imisslola321 - 11 years ago
Feed them
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Im making a new video this week that shows how I hatched oyster toadfish eggs so stay tuned!
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
It is going to be tough because besides the eggs you need a male to fertilize the eggs (done externally). Otherwise there is no life. If they get fertilized then you can put them in a separate bowl with only a little water and a bubbler (allows for more oxygen exchange).
Tung To
Tung To - 11 years ago
i have a glofish thats about to lay some eggs and idk how i should like take the eggs from the tank to put them in a seprate bowl bcuz i dont know how big they're ganna be and i dont wanna risk smashing the egg and if u have skype that would be alot easier
Melo Chan
Melo Chan - 11 years ago
Ayesha Chowdhury
Ayesha Chowdhury - 11 years ago
Sora No Ao
Sora No Ao - 11 years ago
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
In nature, the minnow will lay the eggs on marsh grass on a spring high tide (the highest tide of the month). The eggs will stay moist but not be submerged until the next spring high tide (~30 days later). So if the embryos are around 30 days old, if you add water it takes all but a min or two for them to start hatching. This first one hatched in 1min 30sec after being submerged.
Nick Opack
Nick Opack - 11 years ago
how long does the fish need to be submerged in the egg?
MICHAEL MISCRITS - 11 years ago
1:06 lol he stuck
VINX - 11 years ago
Kasumi97 - 11 years ago
The miracle of life! It's wonderful!
yusmin123 - 11 years ago
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
I am 100% sure. These are Fundulus (a killifish) I am doing research on.
Katrina Lin
Katrina Lin - 11 years ago
are you sure those are fish? cuz they look like tadpoles
Sierra Martin
Sierra Martin - 11 years ago
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
That is so awesome!!! Great work! Love it!!!!
Nancy Vo
Nancy Vo - 11 years ago
Thanks for the inspiration. I used the image of the embryo for a drawing called, "Tension"
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
That is his heart
Tomer Hanan
Tomer Hanan - 11 years ago
Is dat red this is hes Dick>? 0:21
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
In the beginning of the video you can see the embryos from 0:00 to :18
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Well, you must have clicked on the video and that is what brought you here lol
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
No, they are saltwater killifish (Fundulus grandis). Yea, beta-fish are tricky to breed. You should do some research because the males can get aggressive to the females. It would be neat to do though!
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Yea, it's neat to see them hatch! I really like the little hearts beating in egg form :)
Andrew Palmenco
Andrew Palmenco - 11 years ago
i thought they were on the floor but then i saw that there was water hahaha
Michelle Aldridge
Michelle Aldridge - 11 years ago
Ninjajelly62 3
Ninjajelly62 3 - 11 years ago
Wow a
videoman223 - 11 years ago
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
It is magnified 50X and we keep the eggs in a petri dish and add 10ppt saltwater to hatch them.
M-Madness - 11 years ago
Thank you, at what magnification ? and in what did you keep the eggs in and how it was the setup ? Thank you very much..!! ;)
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
we use a leica dissecting microscope
M-Madness - 11 years ago
Hello What Microscope did you use ? Thank you
Hailey K
Hailey K - 11 years ago
Vraiment intéressant!
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
haha, that is awesome! I love the videos you cant stop watching! Im glad this is one of them!!! What fish are you hatching?
Dawn Andrewes
Dawn Andrewes - 11 years ago
Thanks for sharing this with us, its amazing and I can't stop watching it :) can't wait for my eggs to hatch as they are certainly well worth the wait! :)
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Right!!!! Thanks for the comment!
ChrisFix - 11 years ago
Oui, mais ils grandissent vite
Dawn Andrewes
Dawn Andrewes - 11 years ago
Omg that's so cool love it :) love killifish :)
Hailey K
Hailey K - 12 years ago
Ils sont vraiment petites!
ChrisFix - 12 years ago
Awesome! Does it look similar to these killifishes?
ShrimpMage - 12 years ago
Thats incredible! Thank you microscopes and nature!
Nicole Burgon
Nicole Burgon - 12 years ago
:) The video was so cool to watch.
ChrisFix - 12 years ago
Yea, nature is so cool! They are one hardy fish...
Nicole Burgon
Nicole Burgon - 12 years ago
Oh yes, I forgot this was with a microscope. I'm surprised they're strong, especially when they are just eggs!
ChrisFix - 12 years ago
The eggs are tiny. They are the size of a crumb. We put them in with a paintbrush tip. Nice and gently. But they are surprisingly strong animals! A similar species up in the northeast can be frozen and defrosted and still live! They can live in fresh water, and in water twice as salty as the ocean!
Nicole Burgon
Nicole Burgon - 12 years ago
OH, interesting it can fit all those eggs! :) How did you get them in there? Dumping them into there gently?
ChrisFix - 12 years ago
It is like a small tupperware container made of glass. It is round (size of your fist) and about an inch high. Dont be sorry, Im glad to teach :)
Nicole Burgon
Nicole Burgon - 12 years ago
What's a petri dish? I know nothing about fish, so sorry. Cool facts!
ChrisFix - 12 years ago
we are growing them in a tank but to get the pictures they were in a petri dish... After 30 days you add some water and they hatch. In the wild, the killifish will lay eggs on marsh grass on a spring tide (extra high tide). Then the eggs are out of the water for about 30 days until the next spring tide when they are submerged and hatch.
Nicole Burgon
Nicole Burgon - 12 years ago
Cool! Were they in a tank or what enclosure?
ChrisFix - 12 years ago
I filmed it :) Used a microscope and a camera mounted to it...
Nicole Burgon
Nicole Burgon - 12 years ago
Welcome!! Did you film it or someone else?
ChrisFix - 12 years ago
Thanks a lot!!!
Nicole Burgon
Nicole Burgon - 12 years ago
I know, it was a great video. :D
ChrisFix - 12 years ago
Hahaha, it's sooooo cool tho
Nicole Burgon
Nicole Burgon - 12 years ago
The eyes freak me out
ChrisFix - 12 years ago
Thanks! It was sooo neat to see them hatch and what an egg the size of a crumb looks like!
KitKatForLife - 12 years ago
Great video
yongyang yang
yongyang yang - 12 years ago
Pure4Kicks - 12 years ago
That's awesome
SongoftheSea - 12 years ago
So cute!!!
CJ Berg
CJ Berg - 12 years ago
Very cool!

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