Fishing Pterophyllum altum in Atabapo
Pets & Animals 11 years ago 1,781,893 views
Fishing of the day in Atabapo river Fishing Pterophyllum altum, Pseudolithoxus anthrax and a lot of Dekeyseria sp. with kuripakos´s comunity. more info in
No te preocupes que el pez fue devuelto al lugar exacto donde se pesco y no sufrió daños
Siempre los dejamos en su biotopo
10. comment for Fishing Pterophyllum altum in Atabapo
De hecho siempre tratamos de preservar todo el habitat y jamas hemos dañado a ningun pez.
20. comment for Fishing Pterophyllum altum in Atabapo
Siempre todos los peces fueron devueltos al río.
30. comment for Fishing Pterophyllum altum in Atabapo
50. comment for Fishing Pterophyllum altum in Atabapo
+Stacy Medina
Mi correo de contacto es: 00-34- 608 648 570
Muchas gracias
Walter Sergio Martín Martínez
but be aware, these little guys are known to be annoying fin nippers, but i think they only focus on biting each other if their group is big, they hang out just fine with my angelfish.
Thanks I was hoping to see it. This video seems a little sad to me. I think he was out of the water too long but hear they eat the angelfish, so my emotions are not weightable here..
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