Goldfish Container Pond with DIY Filter

My new filter. It's a work in progress, but it made the water clear in just over a week. ** New video showing how to make the filter:" ** - The 114 litre container I used (however, the container has now been discontinued)...... - Link to the website where I got my filter media from (scroll down until you see the 'filter floss'...... - Link to the website where you can buy the pump: --------------------------

Goldfish Container Pond with DIY Filter sentiment_very_dissatisfied 52

Pets & Animals 16 years ago 386,721 views

My new filter. It's a work in progress, but it made the water clear in just over a week. ** New video showing how to make the filter:" ** - The 114 litre container I used (however, the container has now been discontinued)...... - Link to the website where I got my filter media from (scroll down until you see the 'filter floss'...... - Link to the website where you can buy the pump: --------------------------

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Most popular comments
for Goldfish Container Pond with DIY Filter

chinfinger - 7 years ago
Great idea! Somehow you have to figure out how to hide the hoses.
DeathGaming - 8 years ago
make more pond videos pls !
kimuseni - 8 years ago
Great idea. ❤️
ShortNanxious - 8 years ago
Love there anyway to cut a viewing window into on of those tub ponds
ShortNanxious - 8 years ago
It's ok. You don't know until you try... that's my moto...with this kind of project ... and the rule is to water test outside. Lol
craftyapplepie - 8 years ago
I can't advise you as I've never done it, a heavy duty silicone might work, but I just don't know, sorry!
ShortNanxious - 8 years ago
Awsome. What kind of sealant? Just regular silicone? Or Acrylic?
craftyapplepie - 8 years ago
Yes, you probably could with the right tools. As long as it is sealed around the edges.
Another idea is to add a connecting tube (transparent?) to another tub so they can swim through.
Johnny Walker
Johnny Walker - 8 years ago
The bucket is larger than the plastic fish tank. lol
Johnny Walker
Johnny Walker - 8 years ago
+craftyapplepie Haha. Nonetheless your work is great though. I love your ideas. :) Hope you upload more videos, cuz i enjoy 'em all.
craftyapplepie - 8 years ago
Optical illusion! :)
thefishmachine - 8 years ago
Nice! I'd love some feedback on my fish ponds please take a look?
Scattered Dreams XIV
Scattered Dreams XIV - 8 years ago
is a filter really needed? for my container pond, I plan to put in gravel, and the 3 plants I currently have (will buy more plants in the future) and my 2 goldfish. where do you buy plants? I've gotten my plants from petco but I need variety like floaters and such
paula pengelly
paula pengelly - 8 years ago
you need a larger container, more media in the so called filter, to be honest, I know you are trying, but you need to learn a tad more , sorry, just being honest :-)
Per Shop
Per Shop - 8 years ago
You could add other media to the filter container, such as lava rock or plastic media. Although the water looks fine in the video, including lots of space for the few fish we see, but I don't know about how it might be over a longer period of time. The additional items like lava rock would just give more opportunity for good bacteria to colonize.

However, I'm sure, like many things, the pond is a work in progress so by now, there are probably other additions to the system already.
craftyapplepie - 8 years ago
Ahh, I remember learning about the nitrogen cycle at school. Fascinating and important for fishkeepers! As for keeping fish, well... I'm happy to say that two fish in the video are still alive today! :D The oldest is 15.
paula pengelly
paula pengelly - 8 years ago
the nitrogen cycle, etc, etc... hmm, fish keeping maybe?? lol ;-)
craftyapplepie - 8 years ago
Thanks for your feedback. The pond today looks a bit different but the set-up is mostly the same, except there is more filter wool. What do I need to learn about, if I may ask? :)
camilo rodriguez
camilo rodriguez - 9 years ago
How did you make it step by step do
craftyapplepie - 9 years ago
+camilo rodriguez Here you go: :)

10. comment for Goldfish Container Pond with DIY Filter

thibookie - 9 years ago
Is it possible to put a lid on it.
craftyapplepie - 9 years ago
+thibookie Yes, but the problem is finding one that fits the filter bucket. I've looked for a plastic lid but so far no luck. Having a lid would be ideal for keeping out leaves and blocking sunlight.
Joan Smith
Joan Smith - 9 years ago
water looks good! i think i would add some parrot feather or some other plant to the filter to dress it up a little.
craftyapplepie - 8 years ago
That sounds fabulous!
Mrvin Liu
Mrvin Liu - 9 years ago
the fiter will scare the fish raise the water level
ki li
ki li - 9 years ago
that filter make so much noise it make me wanna go pee pee
chinfinger - 7 years ago
ki li
ki li - 8 years ago
what? u have the most silent pee in the world? in that case I would freeze myself just like Antarctica so it can melts and dripping slowly like coffee making :)
ReviewCam - 9 years ago
+ki li lol
James Stewart
James Stewart - 10 years ago
crappy filter
James Stewart
James Stewart - 10 years ago
+craftyapplepie I am saying it does not have enough bio media.  I like the design but if it had more bio balls great.
craftyapplepie - 10 years ago
... but it works :D
Terry Emerick
Terry Emerick - 10 years ago
what did you use for your filter?  like to know all the parts you used
sagesagtesage - 11 years ago
It's kind of like a silent movie.
RichyJam2011 - 11 years ago
I think its very cute. Good job on the diy filter btw. I see you posted this 5 years ago, hows it coming along?
JOE KNOCKER - 11 years ago
Get a few more fish in there and it will look even better ! well done with it !
coffee - 11 years ago
Beautiful fish.

20. comment for Goldfish Container Pond with DIY Filter

craftyapplepie - 11 years ago
I used masking tape to wrap around the middle of the pipe, enough so that water does not leak. I will explain this in my next video - how the filter is made.
abhilash mukherjee
abhilash mukherjee - 11 years ago
how did u manage to stop the leak from the outlet of ur filter ..u noe.. the place where u have fixed the pipes??
Nick Aguilera
Nick Aguilera - 12 years ago
Nice pond
Chubby Bunnies
Chubby Bunnies - 12 years ago
nice filter! im planning to make one of those but how did you make that little compartment for the filter floss?
ParaChromis Arshad
ParaChromis Arshad - 12 years ago
please explain how you did this filter by a video. :(
Jorge Flores
Jorge Flores - 12 years ago
Have to have a filter for goldfish they poo a lot ,need a filter and bio media to help dissolve the waste to keep the water clear.
MrBuHuskyBlue - 12 years ago
males have breeding tubercles on their gill/cheek area. Raised bumps with they use to help induce females to breed. Females are larger, and rounder than males. A trained eye and research can help determine the sex.
Preval_xMiist - 12 years ago
to big for the tote next time try oscars better looking more active less comn and cooler im doing this for my turtle
Cordell Hart
Cordell Hart - 12 years ago
cool pond i use to have a pond just like that
craftyapplepie - 12 years ago
It is not easy to tell, but in the Springtime female goldfish will look swollen because they are full of eggs and the males will develop little white spots on their bodies. Also male goldfish will chase females around the tank to try to mate with them.

30. comment for Goldfish Container Pond with DIY Filter

tamara djuric
tamara djuric - 12 years ago
i have comet goldfish too how do you tell which ones a girl and which ones male????
craftyapplepie - 12 years ago
They are common 'comet' goldfish. :) thanks for your kind words.
john rem L.
john rem L. - 12 years ago
what kind of goldfish are those..btw, nice vid and ur goldfish looks so happy:)
ceahorse56 - 12 years ago
@ amandise, in the wild fish are not behind glass but under ground in ponds. So it seems more natural to keep them in a pond or tank stock with dark sides and with the sun overhead. Just sayin!
ceahorse56 - 12 years ago
To cover it and keep critters out buy the bird netting at Lowes for 5.00, measure's 14' X 14' from a distance you can't even see the netting.
ceahorse56 - 12 years ago
If you have a Tractor Supply near you the pond are even cheaper then Southern States. I just bought a 40 gal (Tuff Stuff) for my porch for $29.99. They are stock tank and on their web site it states they can also be used for garden ponds. They also have a 110 gal for 64.99. Their really nice. I plan to do a video later when I have it all set up.
Nitisha Gopall
Nitisha Gopall - 13 years ago
I think that if you buy an aquatic animal you should put it in an aquarium rather than a pond so that it can see outside and does not feel uncomfortable
TheCurrencyMan - 13 years ago
@craftyapplepie My pleasure! Yeah, I was actually thinking about buying that 300 gallon one that they had there but, I wouldn't have been able to fit it in my house. :-)
jstorly - 13 years ago
@craftyapplepie Ah, good idea. I suppose chicken wire would work well for that, and it would be easy to feed them without removing the wire, if I were in a hurry. I have a 75-gallon tank with five goldfish and a 55-gallon with four. I live in South Dakota where it's extremely cold during the winter months, so I was thinking about doing something fun just for the summer, but like I said, I have a rental, so a permanent pond is out of the question.
smokinjojo74 - 13 years ago
nice little idea you had there, lol i have three 10 inch oscars in the same deal out in the garage
craftyapplepie - 13 years ago
@TheCurrencyMan Great, thanks for the information. I know a few people are wanting to find one of these. :)
craftyapplepie - 13 years ago
@jstorly When filled with water and gravel you are going to have troubles moving it, even with the help from others. I always thought that if I moved the pond then I would have to drain it and transport the fish safely in a smaller box. As for cats and birds etc. always have a wire mesh spread on top. I cut mesh to shape the top of the pond and bend it gently over the sides of the container like a lid. Just take the mesh off when you want to view your fishies. :)
jstorly - 13 years ago
Nice pond! I want to establish one of these to keep my goldfish in over the summer months, but I have a rental. I have a nice deck where I could put a stock tank and make something like this, but do you think it's portable? You know, something I could move to another place if I had to? And what about cats, raccoons, birds, dogs, etc. getting into the pond and getting your fish? How do you prevent this?
TheCurrencyMan - 13 years ago
If anybody is looking for one of these ponds, I found one yesterday at a store called Southern States. Rubbermaid makes them and they are called "stock tank ponds". I paid $129 for a 150 gallon one. It's totally badass!
mavwar - 13 years ago
@craftyapplepie as long as it is doing its purpose it is fine to me. the pond is beautiful too. :)
TheDan242 - 13 years ago
Awesome pond check my channel and have a look at my Goldfish pond!!
Ay H.
Ay H. - 13 years ago
it's so clean , the water is clear !
craftyapplepie - 13 years ago
@charleykoal1 the pond is very basic and very cheap and of course hand made. It is not so beautiful, yes, but it still has style. ;)
Vincent cole
Vincent cole - 13 years ago
Does not look pratical for a inground pond , it looks like it would work but it is ugly ! and I cant see it sitting out in the open next to my pond .
Eddy2323 AvA
Eddy2323 AvA - 13 years ago
ich kann bessere machen und kosten günstiger wie fiel wollen sie für einen?

50. comment for Goldfish Container Pond with DIY Filter

Eddy2323 AvA
Eddy2323 AvA - 13 years ago
voll des deutsch könt ihr net ma richtig schreiben das man das auch lessen kann mann das is ja krank
I garden because I have to
I garden because I have to - 13 years ago
Now I have to pee!
twisto - 13 years ago
best easy to make and diy pond i've seen
craftyapplepie - 13 years ago
@imnodoubtflatout As with any fish, make sure your pond meets the required needs with water conditions and space to swim etc. But yes, go for it! :D
craftyapplepie - 13 years ago
@LegoCVT Hi, I put the pump cord inside hose pipe to protect it, then buried it. The pump cord runs into my garden shed. I had to drill a hole in the side of the shed for the hose pipe to get through. I have an electrical connection in my shed. A tip is, when you drill a hole in the shed wall for wire, drill it lower than where you plug it in, because rainwater will run down the wire and not into the plug. Hope this helps! :)
LegoCVT - 13 years ago
i have a question if you have your bucket pond outside and you have a water pump that has wire i believe its submersible,, how do you connect it to the electric cord when its outside??????? or is it battery operated.
craftyapplepie - 13 years ago
@LizSagara I used several sources and multiple opinions during my research.
craftyapplepie - 13 years ago
@LizSagara Hmm... as this is digital text on YouTube, I cannot 'prove' how she died or what I had for breakfast today! I hope you see my point.
craftyapplepie - 13 years ago
@LizSagara @LizSagara I know it is enough water for my fishies. ^-^ As I said, contact the BVA if you think they need more. Their figures could need a review.
craftyapplepie - 13 years ago
@LizSagara I guess you should take up your query with the BVA Animal Welfare Foundation.
craftyapplepie - 13 years ago
@LizSagara Prove what, sorry?
craftyapplepie - 13 years ago
@LizSagara The BVA Animal Welfare foundation says that "Only keep one large goldfish per 20 litres of water."
craftyapplepie - 13 years ago
@iamwhoiam73 The more water there is in the pond, the less bubbles there are. So when the pond is filled right up, there are no bubbles. It's an interesting question but perhaps something to do with the height of the waterfall.
craftyapplepie - 13 years ago
@WoodyNFla34482 the bottom of the pond consists of gravel, so sand would not be a problem. But you are absolutely right. The waste from the fish and plants gets stuck in the pump. The pump is 'solid handling' and the instructions say take the pump apart once a year to get rid of the gunk.
craftyapplepie - 13 years ago
@LizSagara My fish died for other reasons not related to the size of the container.
craftyapplepie - 13 years ago
@birbal1987 The filter is a bit big and bulky yes, but the bigger the filter the best chance to keep clean water. And I assure you, the pond has enough water capacity for the three fish. :)
craftyapplepie - 13 years ago
Sadly, Comet (the goldfish at the bottom of the video at the very start) died in January this year. She was 9 years old and she was with me for almost half my life. Rest in peace in fishy heaven little one! Miss you!
I wont tell you my name
I wont tell you my name - 13 years ago
nice but too big filter,too small pond for goldfish.
craftyapplepie - 14 years ago
@InkRoze The water gets pumped into the filter through black plastic ribbed hosing. The water exits the filter through two pieces of garden hose pipe that I cut short. Hope this helps. :) Apologies for the late reply!
craftyapplepie - 14 years ago
@Platinum4real1 Thanks for your input, but I make sure my fishies have enough swimming space. The capacity of their water home is suitable for them. But yes, it is so important to double check the swimming space for each fish.
craftyapplepie - 14 years ago
@TheOrockmoney Thanks dude. I just know the fish appreciate it. ;)
craftyapplepie - 14 years ago
@hidinfromrealworld Hehe... I would really like to add another little guy to the pack. Maybe a white comet. :)
craftyapplepie - 14 years ago
@planbskata43 This one cost about 5 GBP.
craftyapplepie - 14 years ago
@Godzilla5alien I explained in some earlier comments how I made it, but maybe I should really consider making a new video to explain it easier.
craftyapplepie - 14 years ago
@ricardomarcossanchez I can officially confirm and assure you that the pond is not too small for the fishies. :)
craftyapplepie - 14 years ago
@visualkeirockstar Good to know. I hope your filter works out for you and cleans the pond. :)
visualkeirockstar - 14 years ago
very nice, my pond is really dirty and i'm finally gonna make a filter for it..
301whitehall - 14 years ago
@craftyapplepie You got that right! Mine is over like 15 years old! Cause my neighbor used to have a 55 gal aquarium from the family that used to live in my house, and she gave it to me. haha. My Pleco and African Dwarf Frogs love it!
craftyapplepie - 14 years ago
@301whitehall :) I broke my first tunnel by accident, and it took me ages to find the same tunnel again, but I was determined. It's the best tunnel out there for fish. :D
301whitehall - 14 years ago
I have that same little tunnel for my 15
Sangiah Vairam
Sangiah Vairam - 14 years ago
@craftyapplepie hehe!! I so badly want to have a pond like this when I move in to my new house.. What sort of a container do you use?
Tyler Hand
Tyler Hand - 14 years ago
@craftyapplepie Ok , I do that anyways. Thanks !
craftyapplepie - 14 years ago
@Sansam3 Aww, thank you. I am really surprised at how many views this video is getting. :) And it is nice to give some pond and fishy advice to others. :D
craftyapplepie - 14 years ago
@chrissywoo5 The pond is measured 48cm from the base of the pond to the surface of the water.
craftyapplepie - 14 years ago
@tdhand15 A UV light would ensure that the pond water remains crystal clear. In this case, cleaning and rinsing the filter foam every month does the same job. The foam turns a deep green colour as it collects all the mess from the pond (fish poop, dead pieces of plant, etc). The bio balls and the filter foam also have 'good' bacteria growing on them which kills the 'bad' bacteria. I also add Tetra Pond Aquasafe which gives the fishy bodies some added protection from bad bacteria. Hope this helps
Tyler Hand
Tyler Hand - 14 years ago
Doesn't it need UV lights though as well? To kill bacteria in the water? But anyways great idea, I Love the video! It's nice and relaxing...
Sangiah Vairam
Sangiah Vairam - 14 years ago
I love your pond.. :D
hairoil - 14 years ago
I just bought a 6000 g filter system. pretty good. was using a diy before and wasnt much of a difference though. You can use the pumps from an old washing machine. done the job for me:)
craftyapplepie - 14 years ago
@Redman8102 I use a small pond pump in the base of the pond which pumps water up through a black tube to the filter.
Redman8102 - 14 years ago
Very nice Im thinking of making a large pond with a diy filter. One question tho what do you use to get the water up to the filter?
XxBubbleBearXx - 14 years ago
@craftyapplepie Oh. Haha. My cat loves my goldfish! He thinks shes a snack lol! Cute video. :)
craftyapplepie - 14 years ago
@XxBubbleBearXx It is under no roof or cover at night, I just keep some wire on top to keep pesky cats away. I'm sure the fish like to swim under the stars at night. :)
XxBubbleBearXx - 14 years ago
How cool! I was just acctually thinking of making one before knowing of this video! :) Do u cover it at night? Or is it under a roof?
IGenesis - 14 years ago
@craftyapplepie oh,i think u should make something like a drip trap like the sump filter make by cichlids4ever,bio balls work better when it is not fully submerged
craftyapplepie - 14 years ago
@9912699125 The 114 litres is the actual pond where the fish are swimming around in. The filter could approximately hold 10 litres of water. :)
IGenesis - 14 years ago
@craftyapplepie is the 114 litre container the filter container?nice diy filter!
craftyapplepie - 14 years ago
@MatthewTubmanFolder There are a few bunches of the submerged plant Elodea - it helps to oxygenate the water. There is also a lily which is kept in a small plastic container.
craftyapplepie - 14 years ago
@tomcat13claws the tank has a volume of 114 litres.
tomcat13claws - 14 years ago
wWat size is that tank?
craftyapplepie - 15 years ago
The info and links for the pond is in the video description.

100. comment for Goldfish Container Pond with DIY Filter

craftyapplepie - 15 years ago
You cannot see it in the video, but I put some wire mesh across the top of the pond to protect from birds and cats. I have had no problems with birds so far, but I choose to keep the mesh on just in case.
craftyapplepie - 15 years ago
That is an awesome idea. Hmm... Okay, I'll see what I can do. :D
craftyapplepie - 15 years ago
Whenever I get new goldfish they are always timid at the beginning. It takes a few weeks for them to get used to me feeding them and after settling in they happily wait for the food (hovering near the surface). They don't swim away. My advice would be to give your fish some time. Koi are ideal for hand feeding, yes, but seeing a dozen or so confident goldfish waiting for their dinner is just as great. :)
Bethany Vara
Bethany Vara - 15 years ago
I have a 31gal plastic pond and a 40 gal filter system, I dont know what kind of fish to get, i want fish that will swim over to see me when i feed them and the 1 feeder goldfish i bought is afraid of me. I was thinking about getting koi but i know they get very big and i couldn't house more then 1 or 2 adults.
craftyapplepie - 15 years ago
Thanks for the comment. Protein foam? An easier way to get rid of the surface bubbles would be to fill the pond up with more water.
CrowdControl2K8 - 15 years ago
Cool pond. Nice clear water.. If you add another tiny pump at the right height from the waters surface it'll suck all that protein foam off the top and look even better ! The little pumps are about £6 uk
craftyapplepie - 15 years ago
Plants are a good idea - natural filtration. And no running costs :)
keylime - 15 years ago
oh mine doesn't have a filter, or atleast not yet, i'm going to expand with more plants so i might just put it in for the leaves and other various things
craftyapplepie - 15 years ago
Perhaps my pond has more sunlight than yours, or I give them more food, or I don't clean the filter as much as you do? These are all contributing factors to clean water...
keylime - 15 years ago
my pond is the same size as that but yours has twice as much filtering equiptment? i dont understand why. my water is great and the fish are loving it.
craftyapplepie - 15 years ago
Sea salt for health benefits, right?
craftyapplepie - 15 years ago
Thanks! This method is better than boring, small box tanks... :)
wazeer3 - 15 years ago
craftyapplepie - 15 years ago
There are a few bunches of the submerged plant Elodea - it helps to oxygenate the water. There is also a lily which is kept in a small plastic container. Lily pads grow too, and provide shelter for the fish :D The roots of the lily grow through the bottom of the container and settle in the gravel. I remove the Elodea every year, but the lily has survived for approximately 7 years :) ... Thanks for your interest!
craftyapplepie - 15 years ago
There is regular pond gravel at the bottom of the tank and filter foam/biological balls in the filter.
craftyapplepie - 15 years ago
The pump handles 750 litres per hour. It was £14.95. I added the website link to the description if you wish to buy it.
craftyapplepie - 15 years ago
I am not experienced with keeping koi... I believe 300 gallons is the absolute minimum volume of water required for one koi... So this container would be too small.
craftyapplepie - 15 years ago
The output pipes: Shove the pipes through the filter container from inside the container, don't push them in from the outside. Before you push the pipes in, wrap duct tape around them (the tape will help seal any gaps). Place your filter container so it is not on the edge of the pond - place it so if water drips out of the pipes, the water will drip straight into the pond. In the video you can see the container is away from the edge - I have had to move it closer to the pond to prevent drips!
craftyapplepie - 15 years ago
I searched on Google for 'Contico 114 litre Muck Bucket' and had to phone many sellers because everyone was sold out of the damn container. I tracked down a website that sold one, but the containers are now discontinued! Unless you are lucky to find one, you will not. Look through Google if you like, or you may have to go to garden centres/DIY shops to find something similar.
funkojunko - 15 years ago
hey where did u get the big container that actually holds the fish? thanks.
craftyapplepie - 15 years ago
Great! Looking forward to seeing it :)
craftyapplepie - 15 years ago
I have put links in the description. The container is now unavailiable, but if you go to garden centres, you may find something similar.
craftyapplepie - 16 years ago
As for how I made the filter, it's difficult to explain in words without a diagram. But here is the general outline: The pond water is passed through the filter foam which is being held in the bottom of a plastic coke bottle. The bottom of the coke bottle needs to be cut off and garden wire is wrapped around the bottle to keep the foam in place. The pond water passes through the foam and is filtered by bio balls at the bottom of the filter container. It then exits the container via output pipes.
craftyapplepie - 16 years ago
My fish are common outdoor comet goldfish. My pond is 114 litres so it's not too hard to maintain. Every three/four months I would do complete water changes, removed algae buildup on the sides of the tub and the ornaments, trimmed the plants and wiped algae off the sides of the plant pots and washed the gravel in water to remove fish waste. It is possible to maintain the fish pond.
craftyapplepie - 16 years ago
I have had this pond up and running for 7 years without a filter, but I had to do complete water changes every three months. Amazingly the fish survived, but the new filter means I won't have to change it and the water is kept crystal clear. They also get oxygen from the 'waterfall'. 150 gallons should make a great pond!
craftyapplepie - 16 years ago
Hi! The tub is 114 litres which is about 30 gallons. I used a product called Tetra Aquasafe to make the water safe for the fish. Tap water has harmful chlorine and chemicals that can kill your fish. You can leave the water to stand for about a week and the chemicals should go, but I would use a water conditioner product just to be sure. It will take a few weeks for the good bacteria to grow in the gravel and the water.

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