HOW TO: Build an underwater waterfall sandfall for a fish tank

Get the ultimate DIY book ► Follow me ► How to build the underwater waterfall - sandfall. A basic example on how to do it and some simply tips to make it work and look good. Part 1- Part 2-

HOW TO: Build an underwater waterfall sandfall for a fish tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 140

Pets & Animals 10 years ago 906,076 views

Get the ultimate DIY book ► Follow me ► How to build the underwater waterfall - sandfall. A basic example on how to do it and some simply tips to make it work and look good. Part 1- Part 2-

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Most popular comments
for HOW TO: Build an underwater waterfall sandfall for a fish tank

Filip Mazur
Filip Mazur - 7 years ago
what type of sand shoud I use ?
All in ONE
All in ONE - 7 years ago
Please help me the what used the items or products name please send me the name of product
Zodina Zodina
Zodina Zodina - 7 years ago
what should we use sand for making sandfall..which is best sand...
Armansaifa Saifi
Armansaifa Saifi - 7 years ago
Armansaifa Saifi
Armansaifa Saifi - 7 years ago
Jordan Hix
Jordan Hix - 7 years ago
How large does the air pump need to be? I've tried constructing this but I don't think the air pump is powerful enough
DizzzyKipper - 7 years ago
You say cement ?wouldn't the lye hurt fish and plants?
Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow - 7 years ago
can i put fish into it?
Afnan Photo
Afnan Photo - 7 years ago
sumpah lawa doh
Asian Arawana
Asian Arawana - 7 years ago
resubbed after this year's event. Great innenttion for airpumps. In wondering if a wall mount filters , can be made into a strong air pump.

10. comment for HOW TO: Build an underwater waterfall sandfall for a fish tank

papa MIRQ lbs
papa MIRQ lbs - 7 years ago
hey dose it matter how long i make the pipe? like could i make a small oone?
Emma Smith
Emma Smith - 7 years ago
The king of King's! I really need your help. I'm a beginner to this but watched hrs apon hrs watching ur videos before I even began. All is great but the sandfall is really testing me! I used all of what you showed with rocks aiming the sand back to the bottom of the pipe but for some reason unknown I just can't get it to work I've tried fiddling with hight of pipe to sand and air stone to sand also pressure from the pump and nothing just tinny particals falling. Nothing like the videos you see where the sand is gushing down. If you help sort this problem you'll be my hero not just just the king lol :) thanks
robert beyers
robert beyers - 7 years ago
Ideas for my next tank, maybe a 50 gallon plus =)
Mrmich5371 - 7 years ago
awesome effect..
RPG Gaming
RPG Gaming - 7 years ago
when the sand runs out what do you do
Rahul Dutta
Rahul Dutta - 7 years ago
its cool its awesome only you can do this
sanjok crestha
sanjok crestha - 7 years ago
what type of air pump did you use... how much power can you tell me
Dai-tyme - 7 years ago
What power will I need the air pump to be to achieve this effect .. ? TIA
ExtremeZ TV
ExtremeZ TV - 7 years ago
Ray Smith
Ray Smith - 8 years ago

20. comment for HOW TO: Build an underwater waterfall sandfall for a fish tank

BlackHawk - 8 years ago
Does anyone know if a 2 inch pvc would work or would it be too big ?
jack faster
jack faster - 8 years ago
its a great job mannnnn
sanjok crestha
sanjok crestha - 8 years ago
what type of pump do you suggest
SUBIE4estr XT - 8 years ago
That looks unreal man good job!!!
Wes Bush
Wes Bush - 8 years ago
wal Mart reptile sand works good with minimal clouding
lee ozzy Jones
lee ozzy Jones - 8 years ago
hi joey would this work in a saltwater tank
VÛ Ngô
VÛ Ngô - 8 years ago
Meben - 8 years ago
do it with blue sand :)
adrian arroyo candelario.
adrian arroyo candelario. - 8 years ago
it's a have moon fish tank.
adrian arroyo candelario.
adrian arroyo candelario. - 8 years ago
can you sale me one of the background waterfall for my fish tank.

30. comment for HOW TO: Build an underwater waterfall sandfall for a fish tank

??? ???
??? ??? - 8 years ago
Petra De Bruijn
Petra De Bruijn - 8 years ago
I've an aquarium that is fertilized with CO2, so obviously I don't want to much oxygene pump in with a sandfall. I was wondering if it would be possible to bring the sand up with a waterbeam based on the venturi-principle.
Eden's Aquaponics
Eden's Aquaponics - 8 years ago
Petra De Bruijn it probably is, but the best way to find out is to try it.
Mark G.
Mark G. - 8 years ago
good idea poor workmanship
Джейсон Хичкок
Джейсон Хичкок - 8 years ago
Golddust would look and work the best if you could afford it.
MEX- Hybrids
MEX- Hybrids - 8 years ago
Great!!!!......thumbs up!
Thanks for showing how to do!!!
Greets from Germany!!!!
Gleen -
Gleen - - 8 years ago
I have an under water I have a water fall UHH! Under water water fall, dun dun dun dun
Michael norman
Michael norman - 8 years ago
what kind of pipe do I use? can you direct me to where I can buy one
Pb&J Sandwhich
Pb&J Sandwhich - 8 years ago
Michael norman a pvc pipe. just buy it on any hardware store
Joel Metran
Joel Metran - 8 years ago
So how do you keep it submerged? Is silicone enough to keep it under the water?
jesus rodriguez
jesus rodriguez - 8 years ago
how does this not cloud the water?
Strider - 7 years ago
heavier sand. pool filter or river sand should drop straight down, but play sand for example, will come out like a mist and cloud the tank.
Tim Wehrens
Tim Wehrens - 8 years ago
use 1 milimeter stones
Enkii Muto
Enkii Muto - 8 years ago
it does, just look at it.
DJ 420
DJ 420 - 8 years ago
is it safe to have cement in a tank it contains some bad stuff for aquatics
eldsprutandedrake - 8 years ago
"cement" isn't some standardised material that always contains the same ingredients, there are aquarium safe cement just as there are kinds you should not put in your tank.
Bill W
Bill W - 8 years ago
what size air pump did you use?
Gary Mcpherson
Gary Mcpherson - 8 years ago
how long does one of these styrofoam backgrounds last?
shawn jensen
shawn jensen - 8 years ago
The king of DIY
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Gary Mcpherson well, that's really going to come down to how well it was made and how you mixed the cement/cured it. Sometimes they will start to crumble after a couple years if too thick of a layer was put on, on top of another. Several thin layers is best. If done right, they last many years. I have seen some that were 10+ years old.
Damn Yourugly
Damn Yourugly - 8 years ago
An air lift is a great cheap way to 'pump' that sand, but what about the horizontal flow? You are limited to a strict reduction in flow once the air vents behind the feature (which also causes noise and in my case a splashing issue).

I have spent the good part of a week working on 'pumping' methods for sand that still are applicable to tanks you would find in a home.. I have a working model, cheap/easy to adapt/works consistently without anywhere near the constraints exhibited here.

I would be interested in speaking in a more private forum regarding this project and others like it.
I'mHungry - 8 years ago
To contribute something useful, it might be a good idea to install your "algae scrubber" behind the styro background. :)
Pedro Jasmine gonzalez
Pedro Jasmine gonzalez - 8 years ago
what kind of pump do you recommend? I made a sandfall but its not working how I would like it to. I'm thinking it may be my pump?
Kazz - 8 years ago
That's literally the coolest thing ever, definitely gotta get a bigger tank and try this out myself.
Relish The_Moment17
Relish The_Moment17 - 8 years ago
Happy 4 th
PsychedelicBabe - 8 years ago
I like this effect I could use an old egg tumbler hmmm very inspiring I'm gonna give this a try in an empty tank that I have
Ryan Murray
Ryan Murray - 8 years ago
Hi Joey, this is Ryan from Mumbai, India I've watched a lot of your videos. You're amazing! keep up the awesome work man!..I have a question I'm building a sandfall and I wanted to know if the air bubbles created by the airstone (to lift up the sand) provide oxygen to the tank? I know it probably does but can I use use that as an aerator and remove my regular airstone oxygen? or not? If the answer is yes then I think my aquarium will look awesome with the sand waterfall doing the job of aerating the aquarium as well. thanks again!
Ryan Murray
Ryan Murray - 8 years ago
+I'mHungry great. I thought it would. thanks for replying back.
I'mHungry - 8 years ago
I think it will aerate your tank. By following the laws of physics of osmosis, the oxygenated water will flow into the unoxygenated part of the tank (from higher concentration to less concentrated area).
Kemari Johnson
Kemari Johnson - 8 years ago
i WOULD pay somebody to build me this
SOUL_ _REBEL_420 - 8 years ago
thank you sooooooooo much!!!! my fish are so satisfied with their new waterfall!!!!!!!

50. comment for HOW TO: Build an underwater waterfall sandfall for a fish tank

anthony pope
anthony pope - 8 years ago
good video how much is your book I live in the United Kingdom and we are pound sterling can I get your book on ebay or amazon cheers happy fish keeping
Scythe-Guardian Nullgel
Scythe-Guardian Nullgel - 8 years ago
do i still need an air pump for my aquarium if i have this?
khalidman23 - 8 years ago
what if i need green sand for my purpose ?
Wallace Android World
Wallace Android World - 8 years ago
it works
Michael Adams
Michael Adams - 9 years ago
bruh...great videos. ..everything I've thought of u just did.
Melissa Toh
Melissa Toh - 9 years ago
Itz possible to make out of driftwood waterfall?
Kevin's Bud Channel
Kevin's Bud Channel - 9 years ago
I'm curious, does the sand wear down the foam after time?
Arnav Sinha
Arnav Sinha - 8 years ago
+Kevin Batchelor I don't think it would because the foam is cemented.
calderon00961 - 9 years ago
only use cement at the end or after a resin cement
Naomi !
Naomi ! - 9 years ago
can the sand trap/injure the fish in anyway?
Dj Nini
Dj Nini - 9 years ago
hi very nice video.
can you please tell me the name or the power in 60 min of this pump.
I am searching a lot of time but I don't find any pump.

please help me.

Thanks and Greetz from Germany.
Nicky Turner
Nicky Turner - 9 years ago
could this be done in a salt water tank?
Cody Chamberlin
Cody Chamberlin - 9 years ago
would this work with light pebbles?
Hooligan xD
Hooligan xD - 9 years ago
does it matter what type of styrofoam
A S - 8 years ago
+Scythe-Guardian Nullgel yea
Scythe-Guardian Nullgel
Scythe-Guardian Nullgel - 8 years ago
+Joseph nguyen do i still need an air pump for my aquarium if i have this?
Chigga Realms
Chigga Realms - 9 years ago
in the corner of my tank
Hooligan xD
Hooligan xD - 9 years ago
How does it look?
Chigga Realms
Chigga Realms - 9 years ago
+Clash Of Designs also tried Styrofoam from those coolers you can buy and the ones that come when you package stuff
Chigga Realms
Chigga Realms - 9 years ago
+Clash Of Designs yea no real problems, i went to hobby lobby and grabbed a sheet of Styrofoam, marked it with a sharpie , cut it out, silicone it together, sand it and paint cement on it
Hooligan xD
Hooligan xD - 9 years ago
+Joseph nguyen you've done this?
Chigga Realms
Chigga Realms - 9 years ago
Khoirul Anwaar
Khoirul Anwaar - 9 years ago
May i ask you sir,what is that black tiny thing??
Could you tell me??
kailey homrighaus
kailey homrighaus - 9 years ago
air stone
Vip Keys
Vip Keys - 9 years ago
hi again
Vip Keys
Vip Keys - 9 years ago
how again
Andrew Block
Andrew Block - 9 years ago
this one is mad awsome
David Tuders
David Tuders - 9 years ago
I mean to use it to cause like a veturi effect by running the water out of the power head through a small volume tube into a larger volume tube to create a vacuum on the opposing end
Carolina Dune
Carolina Dune - 9 years ago
How much liters an hour does you pump do, cause I have 3 small air pumps, but the all don't do the job as yours.
David Tuders
David Tuders - 9 years ago
Have you ever used a power head to make a sand fall
XXXXARCTICXXXX - 9 years ago
Could you do a tutorial on how to make a flowing volcano, same concept but with red sand and how to make a volcano structure?
austinpetemo - 9 years ago
I love this idea. Does all of those air bubbles spewing out create a lot of noise?
Melissa Toh
Melissa Toh - 9 years ago
What sand ? how to spell LOL sorry new to Aqua :)
Melissa Toh
Melissa Toh - 9 years ago
Did you mean air pump it blows and some how been suck up? I got normal air pump and wanted to male mini structure. Itz possible?
Melissa Toh
Melissa Toh - 9 years ago
Thank you :)
kevi drresser
kevi drresser - 9 years ago
Yes, air pump
Aquarium Hobbyist
Aquarium Hobbyist - 9 years ago
Joey, what kind of sand are you using? brand and type?
marcos Trinidad
marcos Trinidad - 9 years ago
How big is tha pump?
jan ulrich
jan ulrich - 9 years ago
what kind of sand is that?
C Los1825
C Los1825 - 10 years ago
Can't get my sand to continue to fall. It falls for maybe a minute or two & then it thins out until it stops.
richard knight
richard knight - 10 years ago
Hi again joey, i solved my micro bubble problem.
Have a look at my last upload video it works really good.
Arpan Patel
Arpan Patel - 10 years ago
make one with the same method  but rocks and drift woods.the drift woods dint go well
Benjamin Britten
Benjamin Britten - 10 years ago
King of diy. Love your videos !

I am having trouble with my sandfall. I created a whole coral insert with a water fall it looks awesome but I can't get the right flow from my sandfall.

What pump do you reccomend for large suction and uplift ?

Mixture Aquatics
Mixture Aquatics - 10 years ago
Can you do a DIY hang on the back filter?
Omahaquatic - 10 years ago
Joey, curious about buoyancy of the foam.  Have you had to hollow out the parts facing the back sides, or has the Quikrete been enough?  I've had a carving I've been working on for a similar corner waterfall, and I found the pressure of the foam wanting to float made me extremely worried about it popping up and out, yet as a waterfall piece I really look for not adhering it to the sides with silicone.  Really, I look for the best of both worlds, and if Quikrete is the way to accomplish that, no problem, but is it generally enough?
Omahaquatic - 10 years ago
+The king of DIY Thanks much.  I'll have to consider it if my rock tower doesn't work out. Excellent work, Joey.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
The cement will not hold it down, the silicone does. Use lots where ever it makes contact and give it extra time to cure. Generally up to a week. 
richard knight
richard knight - 10 years ago
Hi again joey, ok so i tried a u in the pipe work and turned the flow right down but im still getting bubbles in my tank so im gona try and shorten the outlet pipe from above sump and gently lower to the tank via a series if bends and see if that helps, if not im getting a t piece and splitting the flow to try and slow the flow down not that its moving that fast i think its just the height of the sump tank above the display tank thats making the water turbulent.
If you get a chance i put a video on my channel that shows what im on about
Cheers rich .
lwaguespack26 - 10 years ago
This is a great video. I am working on a sandfall right now and I wanted to know what size air pump did you use in the video? It seems to have a lot more power than the one I'm using?
Frank Walls
Frank Walls - 10 years ago
Hey King of DIY, Will Natural Zeolite pool sand work and be safe in aquarium? That's the only pool sand I can find here in my town.
Arowana - 7 years ago
Frank Walls yes
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 10 years ago
Cool build Joey.  The waterfall looks really cool!
Waseem Muhammed Ilyas
Waseem Muhammed Ilyas - 10 years ago
Great video, i tried making sandfall twice, but had problems directing the sand vertically down .This video has made me wanna try it again. Also If you can make a video on natural looking, painted 3d background like ones made by " design by nature" it would be awesome.
b.a. Warman
b.a. Warman - 10 years ago
It's such a simple principle but with an awsomely creative result.
I might have to buy a new aquarium just to try making a background with na underwater waterfall.
A few months ago i bought a Marina Dragon aquarium for my kid. I am now thinking that red sand and a red led light would be the perfect addition to it as they would create the effect of a lava flow. 
Kevin b
Kevin b - 10 years ago
I heard that The sand can sand down the gills of The fish. The result is that the fish can't breath properly anymore. Is that true?
rohit dhyani
rohit dhyani - 10 years ago
it was a really nice video ... but can you explain me how you kept the bubbles out ... i really didn't get that part
KING - 10 years ago
nice job 
sbazain - 10 years ago
Incredible that looks so real it looks like water not sand nice!!!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Well, i think it looked ok. Gave ya a good idea on the outcome. When i was done though, i had wished i spent more time on it and gave it a proper effort. However... Sunday's come fast and new projects await! 
GeneralGiggleMuffin - 10 years ago
Looks amazing.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Jarrett Phinney
Jarrett Phinney - 10 years ago
What pool filter sand did you use?
Jarrett Phinney
Jarrett Phinney - 10 years ago
Thank you Joey
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
The stuff in this video:

More details and a look at the packaging in it. 
favian williamson
favian williamson - 10 years ago
Once again another great video i have a question off the topic i want an aquarium that is 120Lx48wx30h if it's an acrylic aquarium or glass is 3/4 inch good enough to hold the pressure of the water some people say yes others say no
favian williamson
favian williamson - 10 years ago
Thanks bro
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
glass and acrylic do not have the same properties. For glass, it would be fine, for acrylic i would go 1".
Amelia Bee
Amelia Bee - 10 years ago
I never knew this was a thing, but now I AM SO GLAD TO KNOW THIS IS A THING!
Amelia Bee
Amelia Bee - 10 years ago
+The king of DIY That's what led me to find your channel, I was looking up freshwater rays and your vid came up! My husband and I want to get either a Scobina or Pearl ray and name it Chauncey. <3 We'd love to be able to dedicate a whole room to a shallow but broad tank, maybe 6 feet by 3 feet square, but we also have a pet duck, so we'd have a hell of a time keeping it out of the water and that just seems like a recipe for disaster...
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
+Amelia Bee ha! I was actually just looking at this old glass i had. It would make a 20"X5"X5" tank... I thought it could make for a really cute 2 gallon tank. Maybe make a miniature aquascape. Knowing me though... i would keep it bare and try to put stingrays in it. haha
Amelia Bee
Amelia Bee - 10 years ago
+The king of DIY That's a relief! I've already got, like, ten of your vids bookmarked for when we move into a bigger home and I can finally pick up this hobby full-time, hehe! Although I do admit the miniature tanks have their own charm. It's like fish bonsai. And it's fun to find teeny versions of popular aquatic plants!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
+Amelia Bee Totally agree. As i built this for such a small tank... i kept worrying about how i could make it look good. Definitely need to be in a tank 3 feet or longer. Although, with some creativity im sure people can make it work and look good. 

For cleaning.. I wouldnt worry too much. The ore algae the grows on the rock, the better it looks. I never touch mine when i have them. For the pump, the sand will rub on the inside, but i cant really see enough algae building up in the back to cause any real issues... thats if the light even gets back there. 
Amelia Bee
Amelia Bee - 10 years ago
+The king of DIY Sadly I don't have the money or space to dedicate to a tank large enough to make it worthwhile, I live in a townhome so my current obsession is with mini planted tanks. I've got one with crystal shrimp and another with pea puffers! 

I do have one question, although it's in motion is there ever an issue with algae? It'd probably be a nightmare to clean off that craggy rock or inside the air pump!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
definitely a thing. Mine looks horrible though. But... its just how to build it, so meh. Do some search here on youtube and you'll find some amazing ones that they spetn some real time on. 
ReeferGil - 10 years ago
Super cool project!
didit doank
didit doank - 7 years ago
The king of DIY
ReeferGil - 10 years ago
Haha. That's as far as my diy videos go. I lack the mad skills you have.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Thanks Danny! Seen your DIY video. Awesome job!! Keep doing them. Need a partner in crime on the saltwater side! ;)
yamaha wolverine
yamaha wolverine - 10 years ago
Do you have any tips for shrimp keeping
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Well, not really. I bred some for a short while about 8 years ago or so. I just tossed a few in a 30 gal tank with java moss and a sponge filter i made. (and a heater) 
A few months later i had hundreds. Fed them algae wafers. Just dropped one or two in the tank and let them munch away. The java moss was probably the key to my success though. I ended up losing interest.... Was a super cool project at the time though.
Graham HALL
Graham HALL - 10 years ago
Awesome video. Will be doing this in the future for sure.

100. comment for HOW TO: Build an underwater waterfall sandfall for a fish tank

LowTech Tank
LowTech Tank - 10 years ago
thanks joey! watched all three videos great job. defiantly will try this one in a vertical aquascape. the few i have seen running have been in cloudy water. will the sand make my water cloudy was it runs over time? will it work with courser sand
LowTech Tank
LowTech Tank - 10 years ago
thank you for that. i will try the filter sand. 
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
If the sand is rinsed and clean, it cant cloud the water. Over time, it would just get more clear. Not sure what ones you have seen, but i have not seen a cloudy tank with one done right. I didnt try ever sand size, i tried pool filter sand and something fine like playsand. Pool sand worked best.
jeremiemcd - 10 years ago
Great vid bro, thanks for sharing =)
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
My pleasure
richard knight
richard knight - 10 years ago
Hey joey, great videos.I have a planted tank above my display tank. As well as the bottom tank ,the water goes from bottom sump to top sump and into display tank and back to bottom sump the problem is the flow is strong, on sump pump turned right down it trickles not enough flow anyway the problem is micro bubble in display tank have you any thoughts as to stop the bubbles?. Thanks rich.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Turbulence in the return causes it. Make a loop (shape of a u) in the drain that causes it. Might have to use hose if you hard plumbed. The loop will cause the bubbles to rise back up instead of into the tank.
NYCity Cichlids
NYCity Cichlids - 10 years ago
Looks cool.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Pretty interesting for sure. 
Rich's Fishes
Rich's Fishes - 10 years ago
any issues with a cloudy water column when running this for an extended period of time?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
No. Once you rinse and clean the sand, there is nothing to cloud the aquarium.
J-C fancy as f*ck
J-C fancy as f*ck - 10 years ago
Just wanted to say thank you very much, your tutorials have inspired me to try new things and really show how creative one can be. Truly inspiring :)
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
If i had to narrow down 1 intention of my channel.. your comment would be it. 
Cameron Crossley
Cameron Crossley - 10 years ago
What is the air pump that you recommend (that is strong enough to do this) I've tried to do this on other projects but there is not enough power to lift the sand.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
I dont really have a preference. On my forum i talk about how to size airpumps by wattage and LPM. Search around, its on there somewhere.
Juan Maldonado
Juan Maldonado - 10 years ago
Great video... As always. Please keep them coming. I finish making the "cheep" sump pump for my 75 gallons African cichlids and works so much better then the canister I had set up. Thank! Juan.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Awesome! Sumps are always a top choice for me when i can do it. I'll keep the vids rolling out for sure. Every sunday... im not going anywhere.
Slim Tim
Slim Tim - 10 years ago
Good explaination of the sand fall. Always wonder how to keep air out sight and only see the sand. Fired Up!!!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
It was a light bulb moment for me. I havent put much thought into it until about a week before i made the video. Good thing my idea worked, or i would have just been showing a how to build a crappy background video. haha
Pantelis-Savvas Ioannou
Pantelis-Savvas Ioannou - 10 years ago
I came here before 301 views!!!
Pantelis-Savvas Ioannou
Pantelis-Savvas Ioannou - 10 years ago
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Me too. :)
lethalblacktalon lethal
lethalblacktalon lethal - 10 years ago
found your video's a few weeks ago, awesome, as someone that loves diy projects. just a thought here how about posting your video's on Fridays giving us the weekend to maybe try them out. anyway keep up the great work
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Great suggestion and makes sense. However, Fridays are actually the worst day for me to upload. Sundays work best for my channel based on my audience's actual viewing habits though. My channel strategy is based on how people interact with my channel VS what i want to do. If i didn't do it this way, you would never have found me. 
TienDung Dang
TienDung Dang - 10 years ago
Can you show us how to make cooling aquarium fan? Im living in tropical region and the temp is 85-87. Aquarium chiller costs too much money and very high in electric consumption as well. Thank in advance!
craig hale
craig hale - 10 years ago
Im pretty sure he's already showed how to do this. Look around his videos i swear the image on the front looks like ice or something. Hope it helps
I have a new youtube name I can use spaces and punctuation now too :D YAY! :DDDDDDDD
I have a new youtube name I can use spaces and punctuation now too :D YAY! :DDDDDDDD - 10 years ago
+The king of DIY Yess!!! Please do this video!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Good suggestions. I have a few ideas, but might be a few months before i can get to it. Tons of videos that being worked on now, and lots next in line. I wont forget though. :)
Mixture Aquatics
Mixture Aquatics - 10 years ago
Is it possible to try incorporating this with the sand filter and use it for aesthetics as well as a way to filter and clean the water. Great video.
Mixture Aquatics
Mixture Aquatics - 10 years ago
+The king of DIY thanks for replying
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
To an extent yes, but i wouldn't depend on it. It would offer some biological filtration, however not by much. After measuring how much sand is actually moving through, i came the conclusion that it simply isnt enough. With that said, as it matures im certain it will compliment your main filter. This is as is though, im sure you could come up with a creative way to make it your main filter. The key will be how much sand you move.
Luke Andrews
Luke Andrews - 10 years ago
First comment great video I'm going to start making one of my tank
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Have fun!
Timm Lombardo
Timm Lombardo - 10 years ago

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