HOW TO: aquarium water bridge
Pets & Animals 11 years ago 1,809,291 views
Get the ultimate DIY book ► Follow me ► In this video, I show you how to build a water bridge. Simply put, A Water Bridge is a tunnel that connects 2 aquariums from above. It allows fish to freely swim from one aquarium to the other. In this video, i show you; what an aquarium water bridge is how a water bridge works how to design and plan a water bridge how to build your water bridge how to clean your water bridge how to do a water change with a water bridge installed I covered everything you will need to know with examples and demonstrations.
Loser, take this downvote.
Wanted to make one aquarium but you've convinced me to make two smaller ones connected by a bridge. Would look prototype in a bar.
The fish won't freak out cause it's a home bar, no stress going on around them.
I'll keep the decorations simple with a couple hideouts for the loach, maybe sand instead of gravel.
I'll post pics when Ive completed the project.
You need to calculate water from the aquarium that is going to be pushing the glass, so anything over the tube, in the aquarium would be pushing the glass.
Thanks Joey!
10. comment for HOW TO: aquarium water bridge
20. comment for HOW TO: aquarium water bridge
I wanted to build one 84" H x 132" L x 4" or 6" D into 2 55 to 100 gallon tanks... is it even possible?
30. comment for HOW TO: aquarium water bridge
take a shot for every comment mentioning not having an aquarium
two shots if it was recommended to them
50. comment for HOW TO: aquarium water bridge
Electrical tape will leave residue
I feel so used :(
This might actually prove to be a useful system for encouraging some fish species to breed, as many prefer to spawn during thunderstorms/heavy rains, to ensure their young aren't going to end up trying to survive through a dry spell or drought. Thunderstorms are the result of a low pressure weather system, which the fish can sense, even under the water, through its affects on their swim bladders.
If you could build a bridge - or just a capped off tube - high enough above the water surface (about 400 inches, to offset the 14.7 psi air pressure at sea level), you could end up with negative pressure, and the water would actually start cold-boiling into vacuum, otherwise seen as cavitation on boat propellers, where the extreme low pressure causes the water to turn to gas.
You don't want that or your fish will explode (although the tank would probably implode first, unless built to a similar standard as one of an equal depth).
100. comment for HOW TO: aquarium water bridge
its a joke
I am scared that YouTube knows me too well I have no idea why this was on my recommended list but I did enjoy watching it.
DRINKING GAME: every time he says water take a shot!!!
(Note: prepare your drinks first and have someone refill them as soon as you finish them this one will get messy)
he sounds just like my lecturer and it brings me back to the years of torture, what we call it back then
you dont
This reminds me i have an exam tomorrow.
He does not
Bah... That's the one thing I WANTED to see =(
no hate ';3
But it's still a really creative and great idea. If I decide to have any tank out in my balcony one of these days, I gotta try this out. Thanks for sharing this great idea!
Yes, they would need lower tank closed
It all works because of vacuum, so on top of having to be water tight, it needs to be air tight.
thank you!
Han solo dies
So that would be the two things I'd try: heating the tube gently, and/or putting some plants in it.
So it does work with differently sized tanks, but only if you put the smaller ones higher.
It's certainly nicer for us, as it gives the fish the freedom of being in a reasonably sized pool, while giving us a possibility to look at them like they're in an aquarium. Also, we don't really need to clean the aquarium. If it becomes too green, the fish will go in the pond like they were before.
My tap water is naturally very hard and I imagine the local place where I buy my fish use the same water as I do, but the workers that were their didn't have any answers for me casue apparently only the owner or the person who maintains it knows what they use for water and if hard water is a concern or not either way I Cant seem to find much about it anywhere if anyone can lead me to a place or answer the questions that would be great thanks!
The ammonia/ammonium, nitrite and nitrate is what you need to worry about.
I have underground fish pond and one above the ground, Distance between them is 1.5 meter. Can anyone suggest this idea would work or if any other idea, I will appreciate
If you mean the length of the legs, you have to take depth changes due to water changes into consideration. If, for the purposes of illustration, your normal water level is 2 inches below the tank rim and you normally change out enough water to drop it another 4 inches, you'd want your legs to be at least 7-to-8 inches (2 inches plus 4 inches plus 1-to-2 inches safety margin) to keep the water in the bridge. If your water changes dropped the level by 8 inches, you'd need your legs to be at least 11 or 12 inches (2 inches plus 8 inches plus 1-to-2 inches safety margin).
Is to make that tight that air bubble will flow out.
But I just have found proportiong pump.
This pump sucks on one side and pushed it out on the other.
Planning to place that on air valve and problem solved
To get good filtering you would place inlet on 1 tank outlet on the other. But over time the water bridge wil collect air what is the water bridge fails then you have got one big water mess any solutions ?
I can't think of a solution to eliminate all air. Entries to the bridge that are closer to the bottom would reduce the chance of air going in.
and something to secure it to the aquarium, so not a bridge but a water tunnel/tube... subway..ect...
if i never made a tank before are you videos easy for beginners? cuz i have watched most of your videos today and it got me thinking about making my own. also this video is awesome
I'm about to attempt this build connecting two 250 litre (66 gallon) tanks. The question I want to ask you is: The bridge is going to be 195cm long and will hold approx 150 litres (39 gallons) do you think I will be ok using 6mm glass?
I think a Donut shaped tank would work nicely as the pole can just go through the centre :S
but is there a way to build this vertical and not horizontal...
as for the algae, i believe that your simple ceramic filter should keep the water clean enough...
And thanks for sharing this amazing idea..
And if you / i use an acrylic sheet for this project.. the tube can be made to bend at the sides, so the flow of water will be smoother..
Have you ever done or thought of doing a water tunnel? Maybe something with a 4 or 5 inch acrylic tube in between two tanks?
The practical tensile strength of glass is is pretty low compared to it's compression strength. Therefore, almost all glass failures are due to it snapping as a result of exceeding the tensile strength.
This is why i mentioned that the most important aspect to setting this up is to insure the tanks are true and level to each other. Having them true will insure the bridge does not twist. Having them level will ensure the bridge only applies pressure in a compression manner and not on an angle which would cause tensile pressure.
This bridge weighs about 80 pounds full. Have that weight on each tank means 40 pounds on each side. The tanks can handle this with ease.
With all of this said, if you would like more piece of mind, you can simply build a small support stand and elevate the bridge off of the tanks so that it doesn't touch them at all.
Hope that helps. :)
man , u r the best
I also did this month:
HOW TO: DIY aquarium heater and dehumidifier
HOW TO: Make DIY fish food
Great video by the way!
Heya Joey.
I think you forgot an important detail with your building method and the cleaning method of algae rubbers. The face that you would need approximately three of them to just clean that model type because of the overlapping glass. I think you should look after a method to create a strong Diagonal that allows the Algae scrubber to move from the lower glass side to the upper glass side where the lap exist so you only require one Algae scrubber with magnet.
I also think that this Waterbridge idea can be ideal to try Awaken "Wild" behaviours of the fish. Have one fish environment in one tank, another in the other. By this method you can simmulate the travel fish experience during period of mating in real world and therefore have one tank that is more ideal in environment for Breeding. For example, certain plants, stones, hide outs for eggs etc.
The water bridge is an awesome idea, I'm thinking about building something similar for my turtle now :)
I dont have anyone to manually do camera movements like that, so i have to edit it afterwards. It was much easier than i thought it would be... "So thats how you do that!" is something i say every video while editing. lol