HOW TO setup a 20 Gallon Planted Aquarium

Since my previous tank cracked and was leaking.. I decided to go ahead and buy a new one. The tank that I got was the Aqueon 20 gallon tall and was pretty much the same exact tank size I had previously. The only difference is the black finish on the rim vs the previous brown one. I really wanted a rimless tank like my aquastyle 5 gal...BUT those tanks tend to cost a lot more. I decided to go for the cheapest option. Below I will list all the supplies I use in the tank (besides the plants). Flourite Sand Affiliate links: Seachem Flourish Excel -- Seachem Flourish -- Seachem Purigen -- Python No Spill Gravel Vacuum -- Finnex Ray2 Aquarium LED Daylight -- Aqueon QuietFlow Aquarium Filter -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ★★Follow me on my Social Media ★★ Become a part of the #CreativeCritters Click HERE to SUBSCRIBE (It's FREE): ★CREATIVE PET KEEPING INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: PERISCOPE: @CreativePetKeeping SNAPCHAT: CreativePet Facebook FAN GROUP: ★CREATIVE PET VLOGS YOUTUBE: INSTAGRAM: Feel free to TAG me in fanart YOU make! I love to see your work! #CreativePetFanArt

HOW TO setup a 20 Gallon Planted Aquarium sentiment_very_dissatisfied 83

Pets & Animals 8 years ago 113,354 views

Since my previous tank cracked and was leaking.. I decided to go ahead and buy a new one. The tank that I got was the Aqueon 20 gallon tall and was pretty much the same exact tank size I had previously. The only difference is the black finish on the rim vs the previous brown one. I really wanted a rimless tank like my aquastyle 5 gal...BUT those tanks tend to cost a lot more. I decided to go for the cheapest option. Below I will list all the supplies I use in the tank (besides the plants). Flourite Sand Affiliate links: Seachem Flourish Excel -- Seachem Flourish -- Seachem Purigen -- Python No Spill Gravel Vacuum -- Finnex Ray2 Aquarium LED Daylight -- Aqueon QuietFlow Aquarium Filter -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ★★Follow me on my Social Media ★★ Become a part of the #CreativeCritters Click HERE to SUBSCRIBE (It's FREE): ★CREATIVE PET KEEPING INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: PERISCOPE: @CreativePetKeeping SNAPCHAT: CreativePet Facebook FAN GROUP: ★CREATIVE PET VLOGS YOUTUBE: INSTAGRAM: Feel free to TAG me in fanart YOU make! I love to see your work! #CreativePetFanArt

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Most popular comments
for HOW TO setup a 20 Gallon Planted Aquarium

Thumper Bunny
Thumper Bunny - 7 years ago
I love how bright and clean your tank is. I love the setup. It’s my favorite on YouTube. The lush green plants are really pretty
Cassie - 7 years ago
That is a gorgeous tank.
Sandeep Nag
Sandeep Nag - 7 years ago
can you tell me the length , brth and width. Thank you.
Ozzy 182
Ozzy 182 - 7 years ago
length=24'' breadth=12'' height=15''
TheObsessedGardener - 7 years ago
I just want to make it clear that you dont need to add sentient beings into a confined glass box to have a beautiful aquarium. If you want to see beautiful fish check out a reef and go snorkeling. I might set up a planted aquarium because I enjoy gardening :)
ColdFacts - 7 years ago
Oh god. Minimal wage
fun with krishna l
fun with krishna l - 7 years ago
Wat is the size of the tank
Fishy Photographer
Fishy Photographer - 7 years ago
fun with krishna l ur dumb lol but 20 gallon high
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 7 years ago
20 gallon tall
Romelio Almario
Romelio Almario - 7 years ago
Kangkong plant
Fishy Photographer
Fishy Photographer - 7 years ago
Romelio Almario wtf
American horror GOREY
American horror GOREY - 7 years ago
do you just dose flourish?
Tropical Aquariums N.z
Tropical Aquariums N.z - 7 years ago
Cool inspector lol

10. comment for HOW TO setup a 20 Gallon Planted Aquarium

ItzJoseph - 7 years ago
Cool video
Name Taken
Name Taken - 7 years ago
nice DMT pants.
Mt. Union Honey Farms
Mt. Union Honey Farms - 7 years ago
Nice video. Working on  one myself. Can't wait to see what you put in the tank!
Mr Penguin
Mr Penguin - 7 years ago
You should start a online fish store thats one way to make good money
Jorge Garcia
Jorge Garcia - 7 years ago
Tu voz es preciosa aunq no te entienda
Modified Misfit ツ
Modified Misfit ツ - 7 years ago
Omg 4:54!!! I would give Banana a big kiss for looking so cute haha
CoolAdi - 7 years ago
@miss creative, m Adi from India, and I must let u know that ur work is appreciated here by my colleagues, well I have just steeped into this hobby, can u just guide me a bit as on how to introduce carbon for plants, as m confused and also don't know fully how to introduce that.
Thanks in advance.
Sheikh Saif Ali
Sheikh Saif Ali - 7 years ago
Nice decoration girl
Katrina K
Katrina K - 7 years ago
Will it work without co2?
Happymeal4adults - 7 years ago
In this tank that you made, is it safe to put neon tetras, shrimp, and other fish in here?

20. comment for HOW TO setup a 20 Gallon Planted Aquarium

Munchie Gaming
Munchie Gaming - 7 years ago
I have the same dog as you he is 7 years old and is a sook he was really active then he broke his toe and had to get it amputated but he still gets excited when we say the word walk or we shake car keys it's funny
Scott Carlson
Scott Carlson - 7 years ago
I have been meaning to ask some aquarist people hoe many fish do you recommend putting in a 20 gallon aquarium right now i have 20 fish in my 20 gallon should i add more or stay
dtip4life 8472
dtip4life 8472 - 7 years ago
It depends on both fish size and quality of filtration. If you have a big load of beneficial bacteria and you have fish like neon tetras you could get away with at least 40 fish. Lots of plants, Marino moss balls and many small to moderate water changes the number of small fish can be higher. If you are talking about fish averaging 2 inches it could be from ten to twenty five based on if they are thin fish or wide body fish. If it's 3-4 inch fish than 5-10 could fit. Once again if their wide bodied 5 fish if thin up to 10 fish. Good aeration helped me. I have 6 black neon tetras, 5 neon tetras, 5 platies, 3 ghost shrimp and 2 male fancy guppies. Total 21 and my take is far from being crowded. Of course don't fall into the erg to put to many fish in all at once. I use sponges and lava rock for filter medium. After over 50 years in the Hobby I jumped on to no filter carbon band wagon like other hobbyist started doing and it was the best thing for my fish. That is another thing you can try doing.
Simon Hemmingsson
Simon Hemmingsson - 7 years ago
Can you use rocks and plants from the sea or lakes?
TheFishesDishes 16
TheFishesDishes 16 - 7 years ago
@Simon Hemmingson
Yea usually
Watasa4 Baseball
Watasa4 Baseball - 7 years ago
How do u do water changes when u do this
TheFishesDishes 16
TheFishesDishes 16 - 7 years ago
With a syphon
Adam Head
Adam Head - 7 years ago
Love your tank and your videos. Keep up the good work. I'm currently having a hard time with my 30 gallon planted tank. I keep loosing fish but my water tests fine. So I'm at a lose.
Razor Eroweb
Razor Eroweb - 7 years ago
Hi what type of water do you use?
Swan Michel
Swan Michel - 7 years ago
very good video
Владимир пушкин
Владимир пушкин - 7 years ago
my betta fish died last night, his name was tuna, i came back from the store with some exiting new tank items, and he wasent doing well, i cried for 1 hour.. so sad
John Aranita
John Aranita - 7 years ago
I got a power strip with a timer for my aquarium.  I like it because it is made for aquariums.  It is sold at pet stores.  I prefer the Marineland Bio-wheel power filter because it is better engineered.
Fishy Photographer
Fishy Photographer - 7 years ago
John Aranita worst filter ever
Matthew Santos
Matthew Santos - 7 years ago
Do you use any cover for your aquarium, if its a glass one you bought can you please send me the link

30. comment for HOW TO setup a 20 Gallon Planted Aquarium

mikeymouse1985 - 7 years ago
It's pretty I like it I just recently did my 20 and 30 gallon I just went to petsmart and and bought a few plants although I didn't get the clay or the nutrient gravel I did buy the seachem plant food thing I'm goin on two days lol hopefully my plants don't die
அகரம் ம்
அகரம் ம் - 7 years ago
Very nice
GracefullAnimals - 7 years ago
where did you get this 20?
Kira Zero
Kira Zero - 7 years ago
Could you list the type of plants you have in there?
Wv_Shooter - 7 years ago
Kira Zero some good low maintenance Aquarium plants are Anubis, java fern, java moss, Marino Moss balls, cripts.
kushal kumar
kushal kumar - 7 years ago
what is the name of plant you put in your aquarium .
Jordan Tate
Jordan Tate - 7 years ago
Do you have to put the clay underneath or can you just he fluorite sand?
Fenu S
Fenu S - 7 years ago
You DONT need it but you can if you want
Luis Miguel Sanchez Lopez
Luis Miguel Sanchez Lopez - 7 years ago
nice aquarium , beauty like you.!!!
Jose fun
Jose fun - 7 years ago
ur so funny
Nomad - 7 years ago
05:08 are you saying you love this light? LOL
Kevin Rosenberg
Kevin Rosenberg - 7 years ago
wow looks great
Carolyn Sanchez
Carolyn Sanchez - 7 years ago
what brand is that gravel from
Juan Bridges
Juan Bridges - 7 years ago
Hello and how many dólars do you spend?, about 100 or more right?, for less than 100, Foo Flowerhorn have a nice aquariums, take a look Foo Flowerhorn Channel, is good,ver y Easy and simple.
golden modzFTW
golden modzFTW - 7 years ago
how much did everything cost you?
Scott Believer
Scott Believer - 7 years ago
Beautiful tank. Can you put a sponge around the filter intake ?
Yano !!
Yano !! - 7 years ago
me and my bettas always enjoy ur videos
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 7 years ago
Thank you very much ^_^
Scribbles - 7 years ago
"I've never tried setting up a tank without washing the gravel first."

And I have never tried a tank without pouring rat poison in.

Lol jk beautiful tank
lego4040 - 7 years ago
I just looked at this tank today and really liked the the size and shape of it. I'm going to be getting this for the house and kids. My wife and I grew up with fish our entire life and we would rather have kids enjoying and watching the fish more and Tv less. I'll be watching this video a few more times and the rest of your vids for a refer course in this hobby
carouselle jovin zarain
carouselle jovin zarain - 7 years ago
hey I have a 20 gallon aquarium too
Tank Bro
Tank Bro - 7 years ago
Can subcribe a wil be soon 40 subcribers a make videos about guppys and mollys :) :) :) :) !!!!!!
horses124 - 7 years ago
love banana. SOOOOO cute

50. comment for HOW TO setup a 20 Gallon Planted Aquarium

Sidaarth Ramabhotla
Sidaarth Ramabhotla - 8 years ago
At 6:18 you said you have some java moss attached to your drift wood that is java fern not moss
LoversLane Hawj
LoversLane Hawj - 7 years ago
Sidaarth Ramabhotla I was wondering where are the moss, thought is was small and hidden....but good thing you knew the plant type. I need to get some java too. So far there is one Anubias Nana...already cost a fortune lol.
Sidaarth Ramabhotla
Sidaarth Ramabhotla - 8 years ago
+Creative Pet Keeping it happens I don't know half the names of my plants
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
Good catch. I sometimes get my plant names mixed up.
Jessica Victores
Jessica Victores - 8 years ago
Hey! What is the name of the plant on the filter?
Mélina Tremblay
Mélina Tremblay - 7 years ago
Jessica Victores it's pothos
Max Payne
Max Payne - 8 years ago
Would this setup be good for shrimp?

I was hoping for a setup like this but wanted shrimp.
TheFishesDishes 16
TheFishesDishes 16 - 7 years ago
Yea, this would be great for shrimp! As long as you have the correct supplies
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
I'm not exactly sure as I have never owned shrimp before
Random User
Random User - 8 years ago
Putting less sand in the front and more in the back is actually a good practice. At least that is what I read in the "ABC of the auquarium" by Claude Vast.
Akeema Goody
Akeema Goody - 8 years ago
It all looks simple yet beautiful
Reggie's H&P Cichlids
Reggie's H&P Cichlids - 8 years ago
Great video.
PSN Studios
PSN Studios - 8 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping, you are an inspiration. I am now inspired by you to breed Betta fish, because where I live, it is impossible to find a baby Betta, unless you pay $50 for one.
LumiNeonz - 8 years ago
This is great! I just have a 4.5gal betta tank now (live & silk plants) but in the future I really want to get a 20gal planted and branch out! I'm leaning towards a 20 long though. I've been watching a lot of setup videos recently and have noticed some people don't have lids on their tanks. Is this okay? I'd be worried about fish jumping or dust getting in it or something.
TheFishesDishes 16
TheFishesDishes 16 - 7 years ago
I'm not sure bettas should be okay if they're not stressed and if the tank is large and food is plentiful they SHOULDNT jump it's still a possibility though
Madison Erickson
Madison Erickson - 8 years ago
my only thing with the Python water changer is the chlorine. would you be safe to put chlorinated water in the tank then add declorinator?
TheFishesDishes 16
TheFishesDishes 16 - 7 years ago
I just put the water in and slap in the dechlorinator then wait like a minute or so (after acclimating the fish) then bam
Mr. Purple
Mr. Purple - 7 years ago
Madison Erickson no most people dose with dechlorinator before they add the water.
Chemeleon15 - 7 years ago
Madison Erickson
yes, that's how most people do it. Dechlorinator works pretty fast.
LPS Gecko Girl
LPS Gecko Girl - 8 years ago
I'm gonna breed my bettas, would I be safe with a 10 gallon?
TheFishesDishes 16
TheFishesDishes 16 - 7 years ago
You could remove some of the bubble bear it's risky though
8ftbed - 8 years ago
LPS Gecko Girl CULL , Cull, cull. Saving just the males/females you want/have room for. Like the other guy said, breeding//growout is expensive if you include time and resources. Just go buy (rescue) that one new make you desire and maybe 6 fems for a sorority tank.
LPS Gecko Girl
LPS Gecko Girl - 8 years ago
I'm experienced, I just don't want to end up with 100 babies. Is there any way I can end up with less?
Mr. Purple
Mr. Purple - 8 years ago
LPS Gecko Girl you could breed them in there yes but you need to know breeding bettas is a huge commitment and responsibility. You would be spending hundreds of dollars on things you need to breed the bettas. You would need the time to do water changes on potentially 100+ betta jars and then the ability to give them all homes when they are old enough. You should be doing tons and tons of research beforehand. Breeding bettas is very serious and not anything an inexperienced aquarist should try.
PetKeeper 323
PetKeeper 323 - 8 years ago
i really like ur channel
JC Fish Family
JC Fish Family - 8 years ago
This is exactly the video I needed as I will be getting a 20 or 29 gallon soon!
Heidi Kleinsasser
Heidi Kleinsasser - 8 years ago
Wow, that tank setup is amazing, gurrrllll... :) #bestyoutuber
Heidi Kleinsasser
Heidi Kleinsasser - 8 years ago
your welcome.. :)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
Thank you ^_^
naomi smith
naomi smith - 8 years ago
Hi love your new tank it's Really cool
Animal life
Animal life - 8 years ago
I love your leggings✨
Jemma 96
Jemma 96 - 8 years ago
Your dog is so cute!!
Mia Elizabeth
Mia Elizabeth - 8 years ago
i know this is irrelevant but i love your leggings
H2O Plants
H2O Plants - 8 years ago
Great tank!!! Can't wait to see you go high tech!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
Slowly moving up in the world haha
Kenneth Velazquez
Kenneth Velazquez - 8 years ago
Brianna DeCotis
Brianna DeCotis - 8 years ago
Im poor and broke too just bought a 10 gallon tank for my betta yesterday on payday with sand and decor. i got paid in one day and was broke in one day lol . Also just want to say i love your videos you inspired me to join the hobby i have 3 bettas all together
Lemony Birch
Lemony Birch - 7 years ago
Brianna DeCotis bettas kill each other
Eric Mezenberg
Eric Mezenberg - 7 years ago
Brianna DeCotis relatable, I'm 13 so I don't have a real job, just cutting my neighbours grass. I'm broke since I bought a 10g kit
Cesar Lopez
Cesar Lopez - 7 years ago
hi bri
Demzo Parody
Demzo Parody - 7 years ago
Brianna DeCotis I
Sadie S.
Sadie S. - 7 years ago
Bri's Bettas ..... girl.. my liiiiiiffee
Marlon Quintana-Nieto
Marlon Quintana-Nieto - 7 years ago
Bri's Bettas Same. I was driving home from work and bought a betta and 1.5g tank. Fast forward to today, my betta lives happy in a 30g with a shoal of Corys and another betta.
Smit Rome
Smit Rome - 8 years ago
Keep doing ya thang fish lady lol !
Super Water Aquatics
Super Water Aquatics - 8 years ago
You did a nice job, it looks great.
Fluff,Fins And Feathers
Fluff,Fins And Feathers - 8 years ago
looks awsome!
Scott Brown
Scott Brown - 8 years ago
I just got a new LED light for my 10 gallon tank it was originally a 50 dollar light got it for 30 it has 2 settings the white for day time and blue for night the easiest carpeting plant to try is pearl weed beautiful tank getting my 10 gallon off the ground
Scott Brown
Poorstargazer23 - 8 years ago
Scott Brown Oh, blue for night sounds lovely! Would that end up having to much light for plants and result in overgrowth?
Jozanto Aung
Jozanto Aung - 8 years ago
Do you have any snails to put in the tank? I know Ramshorn snails eat algae and kinda help clean the tank from whatever leftovers as well. Perhaps i could suggest getting a few variety of snails. One of each kind so they don't breed and overload the tank. Just my thoughts. Love your vids btw :)
tj teja
tj teja - 8 years ago
love your videos
Jesse James
Jesse James - 8 years ago
Excel is such a great product
Gaming Leviathan
Gaming Leviathan - 8 years ago
gotta love being broke from you pets ^^ but its worth it

lovely tank set up
Joy Barton
Joy Barton - 8 years ago
Beautiful natural set up! fish will be right at home!
Turtle talk. With squertle and friend's .
Turtle talk. With squertle and friend's . - 8 years ago
WOOOO New tank woo less money.
ashley walker
ashley walker - 8 years ago
Looks beautiful. And Banana has such soulful eyes
Love4animals - 8 years ago
I love your channel! I have the same pants btw ;)
Elliot Fores
Elliot Fores - 8 years ago
i loved the new setup and it will de a nice home for the fish and probably for the baby betta fish
Cynthia Martinez
Cynthia Martinez - 8 years ago
love your new fish tank setup.
And good idea to include all
your pets for Friday. Many
hugs & love to my Banana
Undead - 8 years ago
Java fern, not moss :P
Ellie Bellie
Ellie Bellie - 8 years ago
Thanks for making this it was helpful
Lawrn West
Lawrn West - 8 years ago
Banana does a great job as "tank inspector/supervisor" - amazing how calm she is interested in what is going on! Tank looks like it will be awesome!!!
Christy Annatiur
Christy Annatiur - 8 years ago
hey, what is the clay base for? i am sorry, i am a beginner
Gaming Leviathan
Gaming Leviathan - 8 years ago
different plants get nutrients in different ways, some from the roots, some from the leaves, and some from the water, I have 3 plants in my tank that are solely water and leaf, so I have a gravel tank, but I I wanted rooting plants I would need clay or soil for them to absorb the nutrients from. hope this helps
algerome28 - 8 years ago
thats a huge bio load with the clay and sand and flourish. good that you didnt put in any fishes. it might take a month or more than a month before you can put fish in to prevent algae growth. but the new tank looks muxh better. goodluck
Ann Cleveland
Ann Cleveland - 8 years ago
love it and what are puri gen balls
ray taylor
ray taylor - 8 years ago
R.I.P. Money, i go so meany fish now :|
Ann Cleveland
Ann Cleveland - 8 years ago
so true
dbachelor's Planted Aquarium
dbachelor's Planted Aquarium - 8 years ago
very nice tank! :)
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Looks great! Your plants are looking so healthy.
Allison Pets
Allison Pets - 8 years ago
HOw do you keep your crypts from melting? Mine melt when ever I try to move them around even within the same tank :'(
Allison Pets
Allison Pets - 8 years ago
Thanks for the advice! :) Will do!
JAVASCRitpneeds 2 RUn
JAVASCRitpneeds 2 RUn - 8 years ago
Allison there just a sensitive plant when moved. Try not moving as they are root feeders, thus the melt. You can pot them if you insist on moving them
TM3000 - 8 years ago
Allison Wow cryps are literally the one plant that I have NEVER had a problem with. Hmmm! I don't do anything special, I used to run co2 but not anymore
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
For some reason I have an issue with my Jungle Val melting all the time O_O
Allison Pets
Allison Pets - 8 years ago
I love your rainbow leggings! XD
naveen vemuri0007
naveen vemuri0007 - 7 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping yeah they are awesome
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
Thanks :D I got them on clearance at walmart for $2 hehe
Sweet 'N Sour
Sweet 'N Sour - 8 years ago
I love it, I think it looks fantastic
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
Thank you
Jack smith
Jack smith - 8 years ago
Cool, if you want a super easy carpeting plant dwarf sag does very well in low tech tanks. Also you could have red plants in there if you wanted aswell. I have a low tech with flourite black substrate, i dose flourish excell once a week and it grows Scarlet temple and ludwigia red really well! :)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
I think I might try some red plants. I'm going to wait till everything establishes a bit more and then go for it. Might as well try some new plants.
Olivia Jayde
Olivia Jayde - 8 years ago
PyxelPanda - 8 years ago
Thanks! This really helped! I haven't had any luck with live plants, but I'll give it another try! :D
crazy mangle
crazy mangle - 8 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
Sometimes its takes another try to get it to work :)

100. comment for HOW TO setup a 20 Gallon Planted Aquarium

Tomas Marquez
Tomas Marquez - 8 years ago
hi love your vids
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
Hey #NotificationSquad :D What do you think of the new tank and the setup? Looks pretty similar to the old one..but I tend to gravitate towards the same "look" for this tank. Do you guys want tomorrows Fish Fan Friday Vlog to showcase all my pets (including fish)? I still need to edit the video from my second trip to the Shedd Aquarium.. I wonder if that should go up on Monday.
TheFishesDishes 16
TheFishesDishes 16 - 7 years ago
That dragon bubbler you have... why don't you use the air stone?
TheFishesDishes 16
TheFishesDishes 16 - 7 years ago
No! But yes! It depends on the aggression of your betta and guppies are schooling fish and feel safer in numbers PLEASE get 5 or more guppies!!
Juan Carlos Lopez
Juan Carlos Lopez - 7 years ago
hi do you think i should add 2 girl guppies to my 10 gallon tank? in that tank i. have 1 betta, 3 ghost shrimp,and 3 pond snails . it is planted and cycled please tell me what you think
Juan Guerra
Juan Guerra - 7 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping
Where did you buy the white substrate?
My Vuong
My Vuong - 7 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping how much inch is a 20gallon
husky Dogs 101
husky Dogs 101 - 8 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping
Aww I really feel bad for you I hope you regan your money! But it was really worth it!
Not Mr. Friendly
Not Mr. Friendly - 8 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping I watched some other people who are like fish gurus and by far, you are one of the most nicest and helpful people I've come across. Because the others made me feel like complete shit for not being able to spend $300 on my fish.
Fluff,Fins And Feathers
Fluff,Fins And Feathers - 8 years ago
yes please show all the pet and the fish! yay can't wait
Cit Laly
Cit Laly - 8 years ago
I'm so early skfdbvsvbi
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
I like your channel name :D
Robert Gillard
Robert Gillard - 8 years ago
b ,. U T fullllllll
Buzzcargo - 8 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping That typo made it so much funnier lol
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
I read that ass
Manor Mystries
Manor Mystries - 8 years ago
My mum just got a new fish tank
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
hunter mayle
hunter mayle - 8 years ago
Daniel Raboin
Daniel Raboin - 8 years ago

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Expert videographer Ivan Mikolji takes you on interesting freshwater journeys to secret locations in tropical jungles...

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HOW TO: Build a simple aquarium filter TUTORIAL

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Get the ultimate DIY book ► Follow me ► A cheaper and more...

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Setting up a Goldfish Aquarium

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For further information please visit Please note that we cannot answer questions via...

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Aquarium Ideas from InterZoo 2012 - AquaEl (pt. 4)

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Like my FACEBOOK page at - you will help me in developing my television!...

About HOW TO setup a 20 Gallon Planted Aquarium

The "HOW TO setup a 20 Gallon Planted Aquarium " video is part of the pest, animals, fish, freshwater category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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