John Marcus Monstrous 10,000 Gallon Aquarium

Credits goes to and Not my video but this is very cool! "John Marcus' Monstrous 10,000 Gallon Aquarium John Marcus of Los Angeles doesn't park cars in his garage — nope, he uses it to house his positively gigantic home aquarium. This bad boy is so huge that it makes Heathcote's 4,800 gallon aquarium look like a fish bowl by comparison. In fact, Marcus estimates that his 26 ft. x 12 ft., 10,000 gallon aquarium is the largest private home aquascape in the world" - okeanosgroup

John Marcus Monstrous 10,000 Gallon Aquarium sentiment_very_dissatisfied 425

Pets & Animals 11 years ago 939,622 views

Credits goes to and Not my video but this is very cool! "John Marcus' Monstrous 10,000 Gallon Aquarium John Marcus of Los Angeles doesn't park cars in his garage — nope, he uses it to house his positively gigantic home aquarium. This bad boy is so huge that it makes Heathcote's 4,800 gallon aquarium look like a fish bowl by comparison. In fact, Marcus estimates that his 26 ft. x 12 ft., 10,000 gallon aquarium is the largest private home aquascape in the world" - okeanosgroup

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Most popular comments
for John Marcus Monstrous 10,000 Gallon Aquarium

גל רביבו
גל רביבו - 7 years ago
I would use this whole tank for my little betta fish
DFC Nation
DFC Nation - 7 years ago
Way to crowded
Elliot Harper
Elliot Harper - 7 years ago
The 1 inch of fish per gallon rule (which I disagree to) is totally useless to this guy.
Elliot Harper
Elliot Harper - 7 years ago
This could be slightly overstocked.
Danielripp - 7 years ago
Gotta have a bigger tank
Joseph McBride
Joseph McBride - 7 years ago
Awesome tank just wish he would remove some fish
teamhex - 7 years ago
Way over stocked. I mean technically it's not bio over stocked. If you look at his filtration set's at least an extra 1k gallons or more...BUT they don't have enough room to swim about so it's over stocked in that respect.
no fish
no fish - 7 years ago
Phillip Smith
Phillip Smith - 7 years ago
you guys did hear what he said right? he said "Arapyma" not "Arojuana". HUGE difference in fish speices.

10. comment for John Marcus Monstrous 10,000 Gallon Aquarium

Ezekiel Spitzer
Ezekiel Spitzer - 7 years ago
To many fish
tofton1977 - 7 years ago
Another stupid video about another stupid build made in america...
Flying Wiener
Flying Wiener - 7 years ago
This guy surely knows how to piss money away. Must be rich AF tho..
Xylo - 7 years ago
I'm the 1000th subscriber
lav v
lav v - 7 years ago
Amazing aquarium!!!!!
Novial Riptide
Novial Riptide - 7 years ago
he should return some of those fish
Melissa Okeefe
Melissa Okeefe - 7 years ago
Never let your wife control you
Bk1 bk
Bk1 bk - 7 years ago
Wow the pronunciation of some of the fish was bad
the green man
the green man - 7 years ago
overstocked and ugly
Caroline Salpeck
Caroline Salpeck - 7 years ago
Why overstock it with monster fish when you could literally put thousands of tetras and other little tropical schooling fish happily. Thousands. Can you imagine the possibilities, that would be a fish hobbyists dream

20. comment for John Marcus Monstrous 10,000 Gallon Aquarium

Flemming Engel
Flemming Engel - 7 years ago
10 000 US gallons =37 854.1178 liter
Jack Leo
Jack Leo - 7 years ago
I would put a caiman or crocodile in their.
Repti enthusiast
Repti enthusiast - 7 years ago
How does he have a fly river turtle in the states??
BaseOverKill - 7 years ago
This guy knows about tanks but doesn't under stand when ur tank is fuckin packed
dtip4life 8472
dtip4life 8472 - 7 years ago
Fill it with a lot of Altum angel fish, Veiled angel fish of various colors, Discus, Pearl grouramis, and a bunch of platies and sword tails.
Municipal Toast
Municipal Toast - 7 years ago
Imagine having all the space for one male betta
Left Right
Left Right - 7 years ago
All these fishes are extremely ugly.
Landon Selka
Landon Selka - 7 years ago
Fucking overcrowded you fucking ass holes.
Autumn Sullivan
Autumn Sullivan - 7 years ago
That tank is to crowded its not good for the fish
corrupted jasper
corrupted jasper - 7 years ago
Even if it's HUGE, he managed to overstock it...

30. comment for John Marcus Monstrous 10,000 Gallon Aquarium

Frenchiest FryPng
Frenchiest FryPng - 7 years ago
Its so sad that they have a huge ass tank, but its so over crowded.
Seth Rogers
Seth Rogers - 7 years ago
That tanks to crowded
Uhohhotdog Gaming
Uhohhotdog Gaming - 7 years ago
Not the biggest.
dkphantomdk - 7 years ago
I dont get it, is this really the largest private aquarium ?
- nope..
there are several indoor Koi "ponds" that are way larger than this..
and I still think an indoor koi pond is the same as a tank !!
also, you can do a quick youtube search an find tanks up to at 50.000 gallons..
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Federal Bureau of Investigation - 7 years ago
I dont think it's overcrowded.
Mickr4 - 7 years ago
WAYYYYYYYYYYYYY overstocked......
Tunnelrat6666 - 7 years ago
Fucken way overstocked you cruel ass.
12ShadowGaming12 - 7 years ago
and im here with a 10 gal
Nikki B.
Nikki B. - 7 years ago
dude... it looks like shit due to the overstocking. I'd love to have that tank and fill it with a great aquascape with a lot of live plants... oh and most importantly... THE CORRECT AMOUNT OF FISH WHERE THEY WON'T BE BUMPING INTO EACH OTHER EVERYWHERE THEY GO
Nukchung - 7 years ago
10000 Gallons but You still managed to overstock
Dog Vlogs
Dog Vlogs - 7 years ago
He needs a 30,000 gallon tank for all those fish
Joseph McBride
Joseph McBride - 7 years ago
I kinda think the tank is bigger than the video shows, still over crowded but again I think there is much more tank than we are seeing
Joseph McBride
Joseph McBride - 7 years ago
beautiful tank but as others have probably already noted it does seem over crowded. If it was me and I had to keep arapima I'd probably only have those two in that tank with maybe a couple pleco
Dragon Tanks
Dragon Tanks - 7 years ago
take out about 70 fish and then it would look good
Hairy Aping
Hairy Aping - 7 years ago
This is completely overstocked
Ryan Meinecke
Ryan Meinecke - 7 years ago
the narrator needs to know how to say the fishes names
RealDarkFilm - 7 years ago
More crowded than the fish stocked at Walmart
David Jameson O ́Rourke
David Jameson O ́Rourke - 7 years ago
Those Motherfuckers are not satisfied whit nothing!! in all mothafuckin video of aquariums are idiots criticizing...
Alice Terre
Alice Terre - 7 years ago
if I had that tank i'll have angels, gouramis ,mollies, platys, swordtails, blood parrot,discus,plecos and 12 corydoras
GeneralGiggleMuffin - 7 years ago
overstocked imo

50. comment for John Marcus Monstrous 10,000 Gallon Aquarium

MILKy QUACk - 7 years ago
I would do this...then put 1 male and female guppy im there :-:
MILKy QUACk - 7 years ago
How do you manage to overstock a 10,000 gallon tank?!
Sir JDM - 7 years ago
kinda messed feeding fish fish.. am i right...
Daniel Park
Daniel Park - 7 years ago
there is someone with a private
30,000 gallon fish tank
Anna Lynn
Anna Lynn - 7 years ago
That tank is sooooo overcrowded omg poor fish just cuz you have a big tank doesn't mean you just fill it with fish because there's "room" you need a bunch of plants and hides and not just a crap ton of fish omg he needs to learn shit
Yun Sun
Yun Sun - 7 years ago
Thats a cool tank. But it looks kinda cramped
Diede Croonenberg
Diede Croonenberg - 7 years ago
Tru Blu
Tru Blu - 7 years ago
Jesus that more over crowded then even feeder tank at the pet shop.
Don Pablo
Don Pablo - 7 years ago
water quality looks awful
Nicole Leah
Nicole Leah - 7 years ago
Just here to see the OVERCROWDED comments
Hillariat 21
Hillariat 21 - 7 years ago
id fuckin swim in that tank, and not overstock it
Julius joensuu
Julius joensuu - 7 years ago
"if i was a fish i would enjoy it"           NO you would NOT
Damien Demented
Damien Demented - 7 years ago
Did anyone else notice the injury on the arapaima's face at 2:12 and 2:20? Really healthy fish obviously. /s Dude has a serious hording issue.
DriveByGuy - 7 years ago
I like the tank, and I like the fact that this guy loves his setup and all the fish in it, but I would keep just the two airapama (or however it's spelled) and a couple bass or gar in there, without most of the driftwood and rock structures. What do I know though? Absolutely nothing about fish tanks.
Random Facts
Random Facts - 7 years ago
Do you have a lid? Arapaima's are known to jump in the wild. Those species also look uncompatible but you still managed to put them together. Incredibly overstocked.
Jessica Cammarata
Jessica Cammarata - 7 years ago
Great tank but this is WAY TO OVERSTOCKED!!!!
flyingwasp1969 - 7 years ago
Sorry to burst your bubble, But the largest private aquarium in USA is 20,000 gallons, twice the size of yours, just type 20,000 gallon private reef tank in search box
Jsique Blue
Jsique Blue - 7 years ago
it looks overcrowded, I feel really sorry for the fish.
Pedarsag - 7 years ago
Its too much lol. I love aquariums btu I would rather setup a few 50 gallons, maybe a 100gallon, than to go with a monster 500g or 1800g or 10,000g!!! At that point it doesnt feel like a home aquarium anymore but a seaworld attraction lol, very impressive accomplishment though.
jdh51 - 7 years ago
More money than brains.
insect illuminati Get shrekt
insect illuminati Get shrekt - 7 years ago
If I had a tank that big, I would just fill it with this stuff an no actual fish
Chloe's Fish
Chloe's Fish - 7 years ago
Too many fish this is abuse
Allen Montalvan
Allen Montalvan - 7 years ago
I would make it a community tank
Benjamin Nguyen
Benjamin Nguyen - 7 years ago
fruit cake
Sihaan Zaman
Sihaan Zaman - 7 years ago
too crowded
Panic! EmKay is At the Discø
Panic! EmKay is At the Discø - 7 years ago
It's so crowded, the fish barely have any room even considering the size...
Vicky B
Vicky B - 7 years ago
What was this guy thinking?
"I want to get a gigantic tank and overfill it with the ugliest fish possible."
I'd have been like, "Oh, I think I'll have some guppies and some minnow." :P
Hannah Sperry
Hannah Sperry - 7 years ago
The tank is overstocked and there are a few sick fish.
Canada Ball
Canada Ball - 7 years ago
Lmao check out the pacu at 2:02 (PSST DON'T TELL ANYONE ITS ACTUALLY A TAMBAQUI) you would think a nutty person would know is his fish... and ching chong the largest fresh water fish is the KALUGA STURGEON not the arapima. FUCKING TERRIBLE VIDEO sos about the caps but this shit gets me pissed.
Herp.nation - 7 years ago
Hey awesome video:) hopefully you can check out our channel because I think you'll like it, it'a a helping channel from Sweden!
Anna Laitinen
Anna Laitinen - 7 years ago
If that was my house I would make it a discus tank!
Matarese28 - 7 years ago
svtcontour - 7 years ago
There needs to be about 90% less fish in there.
Mario Perez
Mario Perez - 7 years ago
the son is HOT! I want to see his balls so bad :)...
makeluvin - 7 years ago
why the fuck do people stock so many fish in thier tanks?
James Smith
James Smith - 7 years ago
too many fish in that tank
clifftclock - 7 years ago
its so overstocked
Justjess 92
Justjess 92 - 7 years ago
There's wayyy too much fish in there!..
Dumbo Octopus
Dumbo Octopus - 7 years ago
10000 gallon tank
It's still overcrowded
junito1957 - 7 years ago
if i had a tank like that i will not wast it on fresh water fish , that tank will have fucking sharks and sting rays
Fish Almanac ,
Fish Almanac , - 7 years ago
to meney fish
alex smith
alex smith - 7 years ago
Looks like an Asian style tank: throw as many expensive fish as you can into an aquarium )))).
Soup Badger
Soup Badger - 7 years ago
Lmao @ 1:15 , hes watching at 2 FPS
C O - 7 years ago
too many fish too crowded
Emil Andersson
Emil Andersson - 7 years ago
That tank is waaay overcrowded.
leonghk12 - 7 years ago
Build a tank that can keep a blue whale and then i'll be impressed
Mark Copley
Mark Copley - 7 years ago
Ludvig S
Ludvig S - 7 years ago
How do you manage to overcrowd a 10,000 gallon aquarium...
GUiGS Mcfriendperson
GUiGS Mcfriendperson - 7 years ago
Why is the narrator a generic 90s movie trailer guy?
Michael Appiah-Kubi
Michael Appiah-Kubi - 7 years ago
been said over and over again....and i will say it once more! its overcrowded!!!

100. comment for John Marcus Monstrous 10,000 Gallon Aquarium

Duc Dang
Duc Dang - 7 years ago
wow, i have two kids, much less time to maintain compared to these fishes ...
AnarKie - 7 years ago
you can get tanks like this they're called seaworld
Dylan T.
Dylan T. - 7 years ago
That's way too crowded for the amount of giant fish in there. Arapaimas need a lot of space...
Rommel Jay
Rommel Jay - 7 years ago
Can I fit my neon tetra in there
Rommel Jay
Rommel Jay - 7 years ago
Can I fit my neon tetra in there
squall leonhart
squall leonhart - 7 years ago
troppo affollata la vasca secondo me anche se sono un triliardo di galloni
Larson Beetles
Larson Beetles - 7 years ago
But it's better to have a full pond of at least 50,000 gallons if you want them to breed
Larson Beetles
Larson Beetles - 7 years ago
Arapaimas need a giant fish pond that requires a lot of care. They need at bear minimum 20,000 gallons because they will swim everywhere.
R5E - 7 years ago
I feel so bad for those fish. That is so fucking overstocked.
Hunter Norris
Hunter Norris - 7 years ago
that should hold only 1 betta
Not_maui - 7 years ago
Jamie Brookes
Jamie Brookes - 7 years ago
100k? I don't think so mate.
גל רביבו
גל רביבו - 7 years ago
i will fill it with some exotic fish not monster fish
CΞNK TR - 7 years ago
to small
Mezza Mez
Mezza Mez - 8 years ago
10,000 gallons or not that tanks WAY too overstocked. If i had the money I'd probably sue
balf1111117373 - 8 years ago
Would be pretty cool if I could swim with my goldfish
Guy Poulin
Guy Poulin - 8 years ago
What's the point?
Anna Silvestri
Anna Silvestri - 8 years ago
My face turned into your profile picture
Red Hawk
Red Hawk - 8 years ago
Honey... I'm sorry, but we're gonna need a bigger tank!
mlp universe
mlp universe - 8 years ago
i would put a massive coloney of guppies in it
mz x
mz x - 8 years ago
Didn't include the best bit, the feeding!
djmocok - 8 years ago
This is a very nice Chinese restaurant tank
Nextgengamer Jc
Nextgengamer Jc - 8 years ago
Just sick man I would love a tank like that but have it full of turtles
Scarlet - 8 years ago
I understand that you "have" to overcrowd the tank in order to prevent any fights because of carnivorous or aggressive fish, by it's not good for any of these fish. These types of fish need to be I the wild where they won't be stressed out due to overcrowding. This man shouldn't have fish that are so "aggressive" to where he has to overcrowd the whole tank. Just don't get that type of fish, or keep the fish by itself. That Arapima would be very happy if it was alone or back In the wild.
KaregoAt - 8 years ago
And still had to stuff it with way too many fish... Fucking idiots.
XJustice Leaguex
XJustice Leaguex - 8 years ago
is ::if I had a huge tank Is fill it with fucken tetra$:: a trend now? more fish less predertory fish will want to chomp on others.
hannah payne
hannah payne - 8 years ago
its very crowded :(
Due Decimal
Due Decimal - 8 years ago
shouldn't be proud with putting fish in crowded tank
Nick Moretti
Nick Moretti - 8 years ago
the fish are all fucked up! wtf get a grip dude you're animal hoarding and how does no one say anything
Hema Gurunh
Hema Gurunh - 8 years ago
damn enormously overcrowded...
Jeannette Stewart
Jeannette Stewart - 8 years ago
That tank is still over stocked
Alex's Bichirs
Alex's Bichirs - 8 years ago
Damn! Wish I could have a tank like that! Any sting rays?
alichi - 8 years ago
Couldn't look at that big fish's face. Hunks of skin floating around it and a view straight into his meat... bleh. Poor bastard.
Nicholas shark 14
Nicholas shark 14 - 8 years ago
Instead of using the algae magnet use mister clean magic eraser it's cheaper and works better then magnet. I tried both on my 60 gallon tank.
Timothy Baker
Timothy Baker - 8 years ago
It's crazy to me how overcrowded most of the giant tanks you see are, this one being no exception. They must do massive water changes and/or have a sump that holds a large additional volume of water. To put in so much effort in creating a tank of this magnitude, and then to fill it with so many massive fish seems like a contradiction. They built a giant tank to comfortably house giant fish, then crammed it full of giant fish like a beginner with their first tank. But, that's just an opinion. To each their own.
Randomcat Meow
Randomcat Meow - 8 years ago
Sam and Samathan
C K - 8 years ago
Grandma's goldfish bowl
jhedgren - 8 years ago
My dad's friend once had a shark in a tank in his apartment
RAC WHOR - 8 years ago
Sad thing is it doesn't even look good
Whatyoutube - 8 years ago
idk why but something is wanting me to swim in the tank lok
Tyler B
Tyler B - 8 years ago
Hey quick question for you think this tank is overcrowded? Because after the 300th comment saying it's overcrowded I'm still trying to decide. Ok, so there are a lot of fish in the tank, if they aren't dying or diseased then why do you all take it like a personal attack? This dude didn't stock his tank for spite, the man loves his fish and spends more time caring for them than you all could even comprehend. Why don't you turds publish videos of ur tanks, cuz based on how rushed u are to judge others, i'm sure they are the definition of perfection. I'm ashamed to be a fish tank lover if I'm going to be lumped in with you asshats.
jprp999 - 8 years ago
There`s a guy on Monster fish keepers with a 50000 gal.
Sari Qureshi
Sari Qureshi - 8 years ago
Totaro17 - 8 years ago
This is not even close to the biggest privately owed aquarium. There are many over 10,000gallons but
These 2 are the largest

50,000gallons each
g turtle
g turtle - 8 years ago
Overstock tank, and too small for the potential size of the fish species. Also the mispronounciation of words, cringy
Free Swimmer
Free Swimmer - 8 years ago
And to think that my wife is so-so ok with my 600ish gallon build.. lol
bhanu prakash the great
bhanu prakash the great - 8 years ago
holy shit where is arowana.
xisobelx373 - 8 years ago
I welded portholes to an 875# diy tank that held probably 15 pacu. it was made of steel since they were so strong they broke several tanks. we had a sheet of metal mesh over the top..they dented that and ate lots of meat. creepy giant piranhas. ..this is a nice tank tho
I'm Evil?
I'm Evil? - 8 years ago
if you look carefully the fish are all bought to the front for filming; there is more space in the back
David Akerlund
David Akerlund - 8 years ago
way over stocked
aquadragon1 - 8 years ago
If i ever was to drop that kind of cash in a tank it better look good en be vieuwable from my living room
Nathalie en zoo
Nathalie en zoo - 8 years ago
Nice but why so many fish?
Melancholy - 8 years ago
Sigh, poor Arapaima.
Joshua Bravo
Joshua Bravo - 8 years ago
rhat bigiest tank i ever seen
big j Aquatics&Vape
big j Aquatics&Vape - 8 years ago
wow just showed how people can be wow looks Nice if some one had money like it's there money
Mohammed Salman
Mohammed Salman - 8 years ago
'' Unfortunately he's a little nutty.''
Kaelyn Armstrong
Kaelyn Armstrong - 8 years ago
If I had a tank this big, I would fill it with a ton of small fish, like bettas and maybe some guppies and mollies, so that they all had plenty of room to swim around in. I feel like when you're keeping a fish that big, even in such a large tank, it's kind of similar to keeping a betta in one of those mini tanks that are under three gallons. It has enough room to move, but it still doesn't seem big enough to be comfortable.
KiGrind - 8 years ago
Why are all large tanks like this stuffed with fish?
James boyle fish music bonsai and more
James boyle fish music bonsai and more - 8 years ago
i would not be proud of this tank it's so crowded the fish can't move.
if that tank was mine i'd have aleast half the amount of fish that are in there.
Shoua Thao
Shoua Thao - 8 years ago
i love your tank.
MrGalaxy - 8 years ago
He can litteraly sit inside his tank and pet his fish.
Izzy Gordon
Izzy Gordon - 8 years ago
Doesn't matter how big the tank is, it's still not big enough for that many fish.
XJustice Leaguex
XJustice Leaguex - 8 years ago
Izzy Gordon well by the looks of it, it can
Faire Yang
Faire Yang - 8 years ago
Overstocked much? My god.
Pana Sonic
Pana Sonic - 8 years ago
Why do you keep such ugly fish!
Гарик  Степанян
Гарик Степанян - 8 years ago
Too much fish there,thats not good!
Cimah - 8 years ago
Holy fuck that tank is so crowded i feel sorry for all the fish
Razertip01 Yep
Razertip01 Yep - 8 years ago
that guy better take some fish out its wayyyyyyyyy to overstocked
EleEstel - 8 years ago
look at this Arapaima! It seems to have bite marks.... Not good! :-(
f - 8 years ago
i have a 10,002 gallon tank false info
Jack Diller
Jack Diller - 8 years ago
They're a wee bit crowded
another special snowflake
another special snowflake - 8 years ago
(1:44) wait: STANDARD 10 GALLON TANK?! lmao
another special snowflake
another special snowflake - 8 years ago
that is one big ass over stocked tank!!!
Ivan Villanueva
Ivan Villanueva - 8 years ago
I have a 55 gallon aquarium with 6 neon tetras, I originally had the six in a twenty then thought I'd go bigger, so I went 55. Im thinking of not adding anything else because it's very heavily planted on one of the right corners. And it's amazing seeing little colorful fish school and dart through the water.
AndyTom - 8 years ago
Fuck that... too much work.....
AndyTom - 8 years ago
Wouldn't the species of sturgeon that grows over 12ft and 1700lbs be the largest freshwater fish? Arapima are big but not that big
Majestic Muffin
Majestic Muffin - 8 years ago
poor fishies
Linh Nguyen
Linh Nguyen - 8 years ago
big, but the Asian guy that converted his swimming pool into an aquarium dwarfs this one
Chris Day
Chris Day - 8 years ago
0:13 what is the black corydora lookin catfish called
MasterAquatics - 8 years ago
whats the filtration being used?
MasterAquatics - 8 years ago
now lets see a video of you swimming in the tank please.
Knight Fox
Knight Fox - 8 years ago
That tank is ugly, those fish are meh. He should learn to aquascape better... And I bet you there's someone out there with a larger fish tank but doesn't go on tv to show it.
George georgopoylos
George georgopoylos - 8 years ago
if I won the lottery instead of 100 species of fish I would have 100 species of bitches ... if you are hungry ... suck my dick

extra food if you stick your pussy in ...
Mr.Ruffy - 8 years ago
his to big wish look pretty unhealthy
TheDrakenZ - 8 years ago
When they said 10,000 gallon aquarium, i was completely lost... had no idea what they were talking about... that is until they told me it's equivalent to 1000 x 10 gallon tanks.... now i understand. So his 10,000 gallon aquarium (apparent volume of the tank) has 80,000 pounds of water in it (which means it's 10,000 gallon volume is now accounted for at 8 pounds per gallon), then they add 15,000 pounds of gravel and 3,000 pounds of driftwood, both gravel and driftwood take up volume so either the water level rises above the rim of the 10,000 gallon volume and pours out, the tank is larger than 10,000 gallons, or it was just bad math.
zzztubazzz - 8 years ago
this is so stupid
Random User
Random User - 8 years ago
I dont like the aquarium, too many fish in there.
sdq sdq
sdq sdq - 8 years ago
isnt this ptc tank ?
Jack Alker
Jack Alker - 8 years ago
sooooo overstocked
anthony smith
anthony smith - 8 years ago
who is this guy i want to meet him bcuz im in to fish and fish tanks
Robert Perkins
Robert Perkins - 8 years ago
African Cichlids all the way. They would look so great in that tank.
Ali_daboss52 - 8 years ago
Can i put my betta in that thing
Topper Harley
Topper Harley - 8 years ago
A Bit small to be the in Germany we have 1 with 1000.000Liters or something like 25.000 of ur funny Gallons,and its all in private Hand,owned by a Student who never earned a single Dollar by working...strange World.
Mr sunshine boy 2
Mr sunshine boy 2 - 8 years ago
If I had a tank that big I'd put a 1 betta in it
Grace - 8 years ago
i thought i was the only one. i have one betta in a 20.. i want BIGGER >:O
thông minh tý
thông minh tý - 8 years ago
De Freitas18
De Freitas18 - 8 years ago
that is not the size of a 2 car garage
J.L. Herington
J.L. Herington - 8 years ago
Need some BIG Clown Knife Fish, Mandarin Perch, & Barramundi in there. I don't think I saw those in the tank?
Adeline Dering
Adeline Dering - 8 years ago
Over crowed
Katie Davis
Katie Davis - 8 years ago
It looks like it's crazy overstocked but it is super cool!
slimp 1993
slimp 1993 - 8 years ago
pokemkn water gym leader.
Kevin spacey
Kevin spacey - 8 years ago
this Hobby is addicting.. been in it for 20 years.. and started with a 30g.. then got a 27g, then a 55g, then a 44g, then a 92g and then smaller tanks like 2.5g and 5.5g and 10g.. all running at the same time.. i recently got rid of 4 though and got a 135g tank.. i know years down the road ill probly want a 180g or 200g
Carlos Amaral
Carlos Amaral - 8 years ago
I know, righ? I spend hours in front of my 30g tank! It's definitely addicting!
Omair Ahmed
Omair Ahmed - 8 years ago
I would rather fill this tank with colorful small fishes like Discus, Angel, Ciclets etc. I wonder how do people afford 2000$ feeding regime every month? Much be a rich family
Amanda H
Amanda H - 8 years ago
i know what hes eating in the apocalypse
Bmlxo - 8 years ago
They have no room to swim
Jean-Michel Gervais
Jean-Michel Gervais - 8 years ago
nice nano aquarium
Pat O
Pat O - 8 years ago
That tank would look so much better with way less fish. I'd be interested to see if what the water parameters are.
bububububak - 8 years ago
Seems crowded and it's not very pretty. Makes me wonder what a really talented aquascaper would do with such a huge amount of money...
Southheart - 8 years ago
this thing might be big but that doesnt mean you csn judt throw in as many fish as you want. it makes me go furious to see how uts just packed with countless different kind of fish. also its not even closely build like they would live in the wild. less is more and this guy has never heard of it
Thëriziino - 8 years ago
if i had that aquarium, i'd get a shit ton of neon tetras cause those lil muthafuckas are cute as shit
XJustice Leaguex
XJustice Leaguex - 8 years ago
Fat Brontosaurus haha tetra
Thëriziino - 8 years ago
Woah that sounds cool. i'm planning on upgrading on a 30 gallon soon. i'm at 20 rn though
Kevin spacey
Kevin spacey - 8 years ago
Yea i have a 135g tank and i put 100 neons in it with my discus and its awsome
Monica R
Monica R - 8 years ago
lol @1:23 that fish can tell she's talking shit
ph4tboy - 8 years ago
world's most tolerant wife
J. Coop
J. Coop - 8 years ago
Any my husband thought my 2 - 30 gallon tanks were excessive. Guess I should show him this!
Snacktopia - 8 years ago
Way too crowded....:(
itre bebag99
itre bebag99 - 8 years ago
1:26 what is that fish in the middle of the left side of the aquarium? It looks like some kind of arowana, but it is far too big. I thought it was one of the aripaimas, but the head and body and scales aren't right. Anyone know what it is?
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 8 years ago
David Wang It is an African Arowana
David Wang
David Wang - 8 years ago
itre bebag99 African Arowana?
sosocrazy1234 - 8 years ago
aquarium? thats a small pool which happens to contain fish. lol.
blablaa111 - 8 years ago
name of the fish at 0:13 ?
blablaa111 - 8 years ago
CheesyBurgs - 8 years ago
Flowerhorn cichlid, Chinese study their skin patterns to seek out lottery numbers to buy.
LightWorker Labs
LightWorker Labs - 8 years ago
Very envious of your aquarium lol. One of my dreams is to have a large aquarium too but thats just a dream lol. And personally if your a fish enthusiast your not crazy to have that aquarium that large, but i do have to agree the tank seems a bit overstocked ha. Your obviously passionate about them ha...And thats crazy amazing of the cost! At least you have the resources for up keeping everything while keeping your fishy babies happy and healthy ha. Great Work!
lola Pulkin
lola Pulkin - 8 years ago
If I had a tank that huge I wouldn't overcrowd it that much with huge fish. I'd just do a few kissing gouramis and a bunch of tetras and mollies.
Marc-Antoine Tremblay
Marc-Antoine Tremblay - 8 years ago
I went from watching Trick2g to this, thank you internet!
joe joy
joe joy - 8 years ago
i could have just one shark in this tank
Fresh_Water - 8 years ago
huh, I've always heard them called pirarucu
Ryan Casner
Ryan Casner - 8 years ago
that tank breaks the whole town will be under water
Steve Gee
Steve Gee - 8 years ago
As massive as this tank is, he's still managed to overstock it.
Grant Jones
Grant Jones - 7 years ago
Steve Gee Not even close to overstocked from a metabolic standpoint. You can argue that from an aesthetic level but otherwise no.
I made this Account to comment
I made this Account to comment - 8 years ago
Steve Gee people say that, but the fish all gathered at the front, try looking at the back. not so crowded anymore.
Sebastian - 8 years ago
I'll plant it and put 5000 cardinal tetras bunch of guppies and 1 Betta
God Emperor of Mankind
God Emperor of Mankind - 7 years ago
You j must need 30 female and 15 male guppies. Then that tank would be stocked pretty quickly.
Unboxing Tech
Unboxing Tech - 7 years ago
Marcus Moody Actually, that's only of the tank is tiny. You could put 15-20 Bettas
Marcus Moody
Marcus Moody - 7 years ago
Ali_daboss52 It's a rule in aquarium stocking. Only one betta per tank.
XJustice Leaguex
XJustice Leaguex - 8 years ago
Juan Sebastian oo tetras
David Akerlund
David Akerlund - 8 years ago
id put a breeding population of betta or a solid 1k worth of psuedomugil furcata and shrimp
Ali_daboss52 - 8 years ago
Juan Sebastian why the one poor betta
Lawrence - 8 years ago
i like the list, but you need to add a 0 behind everything or else the tank will look empty with your current stocking choice lol!
Helveteshit - 8 years ago
You forget daphnia! And other small water insects that wouldn't really destroy the tank at that size.
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 8 years ago
Juan Sebastian With 500 neon tetras, 200 zebra danios, 200 white cloud mountain minnows, 200 celestial pearl danios, 20 giant danios, 20 guppies, 3 female and 2 male bettas, 20 african dwarf frogs, a big sailfin pleco, 100 otocinclus, 50 corydoras catfish, 10 bristle nosed plecos, 5 gold nugget plecos, 6 yo-yo loaches, 30 red cherry shrimps, 30 ghost shrimps,10 apple snails and 10 assassin snails.
Star Gaming
Star Gaming - 8 years ago
You can swim with your fish? That's pretty awesome
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean - 8 years ago
ugh, I'd love to put 4-10 butterfly goldfish in that.

Or possibly a bunch of guppies

or a huge betta sorority

or a arowana
cscott - 8 years ago
LOVE koi and fancy goldfish! They're pretty and affectionate.
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 8 years ago
+Shadow Kitty cat​ yep, that will be awesome, also it will be a perfect tank for white cloud minnows
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean - 8 years ago
+Angel Carreño by koi I meant two or three in a koi only tank ^^ fancy goldfish are awesome

Or possibly even a balashark only tank! Or a red tailed shark only tank!!
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 8 years ago
+Shadow Kitty cat having both will be amazing, but koi can bully the fancy goldfish tho :(, but it will be really cool
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean - 8 years ago
+Angel Carreño ugh, fancy goldfish would look awesome!! Even koi could probably fit in there
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 8 years ago
+Shadow Kitty cat a piranha tank will be awesome and a african cichlid only tank will be beautiful, or ,maybe a cold water goldfish aquarium!!!
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean - 8 years ago
+Angel Carreño ehh- discus do better with species only tanks. They are pretty though! And certain angels may get too agressive, but that would look nice.

Or an African cichlid tank- or even a piranha tank!
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 8 years ago
+Shadow Kitty cat yeees, a shell dweller tank (with hiding places and shells) with angels, discus and gouramis as tank mates
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean - 8 years ago
aUUGH I just learnt about a cichlid called a shell dweller. A bunch of those and some top level fish would be nice.
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 8 years ago
or maybe a tank full of tetras, danios or tiger barbs
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean - 8 years ago
+Goblinchief123 yessssss a bunch of ember tetras and rcs-
Goblinchief123 - 8 years ago
like 20,000 small tetra lol
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 8 years ago
maybe a huge reef tank or a saltwater tank with a shark (a port jackson or a bamboo shark are great options)
Kiathefluffypotato - 8 years ago
that tank is way too packed
Brian P
Brian P - 8 years ago
but we still have homeless people
Grace - 8 years ago
SkATAN - 8 years ago
the fuck?do you want him to raise homeless people in that tank?
BroUghT CS:GO - 8 years ago
BroUghT CS:GO - 8 years ago
Den Last
Den Last - 8 years ago
scary. but cool
Lily Sharpe
Lily Sharpe - 8 years ago
this seems horribly overstocked.
Shane Graham
Shane Graham - 8 years ago
What state do you live in temperature control must be difficult with that huge of a tank unless your in florida or southern California
jeanne go
jeanne go - 8 years ago
Shane Graham it's a red devil
lukas zubinas
lukas zubinas - 8 years ago
Fish eating fish? Surely that's not right, comment if you agree
Dexskittles - 8 years ago
My names not Shirley, but I do agree!
lukas zubinas
lukas zubinas - 8 years ago
Craig Gorum
Craig Gorum - 8 years ago
what exactly do u think they eat in the wild smart guy?
Natural Only
Natural Only - 8 years ago
"If i was a fish i would enjoy it"... Numb Skulls
C Gleeson
C Gleeson - 8 years ago
If I had a tank like this I'd fill it with beer.
Kieran Holdsworth
Kieran Holdsworth - 8 years ago
Are you Russian?? RoadNoff antoine
Alexander Brathwaite
Alexander Brathwaite - 8 years ago
Whiskey my friend, Whiskey.
Brandon Blaze
Brandon Blaze - 8 years ago
Rum my friend, Rum
I made this Account to comment
I made this Account to comment - 8 years ago
wine my friend, wine.
Kaya Okan
Kaya Okan - 8 years ago
There's bigger ones
Martin Masher
Martin Masher - 8 years ago
Too many fish
Lacks decoration , to make it look more natural and the fish do not look so happy , I've seen aquariums smaller budget but more beautiful
Dennis Neo
Dennis Neo - 8 years ago
That is ridiculous. Way overcrowded, and not even attractive to look at. Those poor fish are not happy in there for sure.
Kigondol - 8 years ago
Very impressive, but very overstocked.
Jean-Michel Gervais
Jean-Michel Gervais - 8 years ago
Oups... sorry XD.
Helveteshit - 8 years ago
+Jean-Michel Gervais
Didn't respond to you. Respodned to main comment.
Jean-Michel Gervais
Jean-Michel Gervais - 8 years ago
water quality is obviously the most important thing. im just saying that when you have predatory fish or agressive fish, the picking order become very important. to prevent a fish to be attack and kill, you must disperce the agressivity, and the best way to do that is by having a lot of fish. of course, if the filter is not strong enought, they will all die from poor water quality and by a bilt of amonia. I don't like to see that much fish in this tank either, it feel like they don't have enought space... but they do! each fish have 10 000 gallon to swim in, but they have to share all this pace with other fish. So im just saying that the picking order is very important and I understand why their is so many fish is this tank. If it was goldfish, their would be much less fish in their, because they are not agressive and don't accord a lot of importance to the hierarchy/ territory. goldfish don't establish territory. yes, their is a dominant fish, obviously, but is not bossing around, is playing with the others. but in that tank, their is a lot of cichlids and other beast that are all pretty agressive. to ensure the survival of the smallest, they need to have big school so feel safer...but like you've said, water quality is the most important thing.
Helveteshit - 8 years ago
In the fish world, you generally place more emphasize on Filtration quality of the water than the size of the tank. Of course, you should have certain size depending on the fish you keep. For example, if you got a fish that is 2 meters wide... You need at least 2,5 meters deep and 3 meters wide so it can turn around and swim.

Obviously, this is cramped in a sense, but if you want to be a cheap skate, this is okay. The fish can turn around, swim around easily without discomfort. But on top of that, you need to make sure you can turn that water mass twice or preferably a lot more an hour.

Better water quality is what most fish want.
Jean-Michel Gervais
Jean-Michel Gervais - 8 years ago
not overstocked, but heavelystocked. If the tank can support all this fish and that none of them are sick, I belive it is okay to have a lot of fish. it's when your fish stop to be healthy because the filter capacity and the food is not enough that you can call it overstocked. with big fish like does, you have to spraid the agression, so having as much fish as possible is the way to do it. In my opinion, their is just to much fish to enjoye each and everyone of them, but if they are all healthy and that the aquarium is stable, I don't see why it sould be call overstocked. between you and me, I must agree with you, their might have to many fish, but if they are all happy, i belive it is okay
woahdudette - 8 years ago
Uh this is the shit my nightmares are made of. The color of that water is scary
Just a Quad
Just a Quad - 8 years ago
Unfortunately still way too small for an Arapaima.
Golden /CS:GO
Golden /CS:GO - 7 years ago
its just over populated it would be better if he do a pond
matt murray
matt murray - 7 years ago
Just a Quad kill
Noj Ch
Noj Ch - 7 years ago
Just a Quad i
Pedarsag - 7 years ago
It didn't seem as small for the arapaima as it did crowded. he shoudl have stocked more conservatively.
Trevor Clubine
Trevor Clubine - 8 years ago
no depends on many thing with aripima it very debatable
Anthony Quiles
Anthony Quiles - 8 years ago
THERAWTRUTH - 8 years ago
I love my a aquariums as well , but that price..... Noway !! That's almost as much as 2 of my cars !!
Kevin - 8 years ago
he made it himself so definitely didnt cost 100,000 to build.
TheDrakenZ - 8 years ago
you're absolutely right it didnt cost him 100,000 to build. I could build that in my basement for less than 10. And to those commenting about filtration equipments and such, thats why it would cost the average person a lot more. All you need is a couple large water pumps and some rain barrels full of volcanic rock, filtration is done.
Gerald Bonifacio
Gerald Bonifacio - 8 years ago
it can...
don't just calculate the tank... but also the filtration equipments, media, and other tools.. also their working hours..
Helveteshit - 8 years ago
It probably cost 100,000 to build by himself. After all, he doesn't account for work man hours.
Dj Otsirave
Dj Otsirave - 8 years ago
Instead of an addiction call it a hobby sounds better.
s_ r
s_ r - 8 years ago
man this guy relly followed 1 inch per gallon rule
I made this Account to comment
I made this Account to comment - 8 years ago
if i ever win the lottery i will do this. then buy 1 gold fish.
Jay Andersen
Jay Andersen - 7 years ago
I made this Account to comment that gold fish wouldn’t know where to swim
Powerpickle68 - 7 years ago
I made this Account to comment you would need sonar to find it
Randomcat Meow
Randomcat Meow - 8 years ago
that is one lucky fish
Ak Saechao
Ak Saechao - 8 years ago
I made this Account to comment 1 amoeba
TheDrakenZ - 8 years ago
I made this Account to comment one pond snail
Animalia - 8 years ago
I made this Account to comment one guppy
Jonathan Antunez
Jonathan Antunez - 8 years ago
Ryan Casner
Ryan Casner - 8 years ago
I made this Account to comment hahahaha hahahaha
pepperjackman123 - 8 years ago
Sea Monkeys brah
TinRelic1. - 8 years ago
Buy one snail
Robert Morgan
Robert Morgan - 8 years ago
or ghost shrimp
Dennis Neo
Dennis Neo - 8 years ago
Better yet, buy one Neon Tetra.
Dennis Neo
Dennis Neo - 8 years ago
lulu mink
lulu mink - 8 years ago
no doubt it's huge. but the fish are crowded somehow.
Mr.bogusbear - 8 years ago
They are over crowded
Monica R
Monica R - 8 years ago
Right, I think a this point the overcrowding doesn't even look attractive
Draco Sol
Draco Sol - 8 years ago
It has to be crowded. It keeps the carnivorous fish at bay. If it wasn't crowded then prepare to wake up to half eaten fishes on the surface. At least, that's what I know.
Owen's Aquariums
Owen's Aquariums - 8 years ago
I cringed when he mispronounced "Pacu" and "arapaima". It's pronounced "Pahku" and "Airapaemah".
Owen's Aquariums
Owen's Aquariums - 8 years ago
Actually it was the narrator who mispronounced the name, but still I don't like this guy, his tank is too overcrowded and the fish aren't even pretty. If I had a tank that big and I had enough money to keep it, I would fill it with more colourful and peaceful tropical fish, like large schools of tetras and discus and lots of sparkling gouramis.
Dennis Neo
Dennis Neo - 8 years ago
Do you reckon a guy who can't pronounce the fish's name should even have a tank?? I think NO!
Boss Man
Boss Man - 8 years ago
overstocked much
Copy Pod
Copy Pod - 8 years ago
It's big, but those fish are packet
Loma Gaines
Loma Gaines - 8 years ago
Loma Gaines
Loma Gaines - 8 years ago
Down curve, almost my brims
Clay Pickett
Clay Pickett - 8 years ago
Poor fish
Mark Copley
Mark Copley - 8 years ago
over stocked ?
Stridsvagn - 8 years ago
Im getting a 210. Then i see this...
pspjerry - 8 years ago
With such a big tank still very uninteresting and boring
he should have invested in more tropic enviorments and smaller fish
Phil Tron
Phil Tron - 8 years ago
totally agree man i love the large scale designs with small scale pieces.
Thompson Clepper
Thompson Clepper - 8 years ago
That tank is overstocked
EraseMeWhole - 8 years ago
Dude spends $2,000 a month on fish alone and I make$1,500 a month BEFORE tax. Thats embarrassing
Nasty J214
Nasty J214 - 8 years ago
This guy(or wife) prolly makes a lot of money from his job duh. Some people are fortunate to become "rich" or higher middle class if you didn't realize already.
7burnitdown - 8 years ago
the guy is loaded he doesn't need to breed them. when you spend that much on a tank u think he's worrying about chump change?
No - 8 years ago
He might have another tank. This video was probably just highlighted on the big tank.
biscuit - 8 years ago
you dont know them man, maybe he inherited money or won the lottery
EraseMeWhole - 8 years ago
DailyLifeNY - 8 years ago
+Renzo Rk Charlee who?
Renzø Rk
Renzø Rk - 8 years ago
Please kys :(
DailyLifeNY - 8 years ago
if he can afford that tank i HIGHLY doubt hes trying to scrape a few thousands bucks every year from breeding.
DailyLifeNY - 8 years ago
+bath salt bandit like i said, good luck doing it in a tank that crowded.
Sore Loser Liberal
Sore Loser Liberal - 8 years ago
+DailyLifeNY You take the female who's holding the fry, out of the tank into a separate tank till she gives off the babies, then the babies are in their own tank..
DailyLifeNY - 8 years ago
i highly doubt he breeds them in a tank that big and crowded. the babies would never make it. and fish breeding takes over a year to grow and make profits off of.
Sore Loser Liberal
Sore Loser Liberal - 8 years ago
He probably breeds them and makes a good bit of money every few months just from the fish..
Rw 11
Rw 11 - 8 years ago
animal prison
eva - 8 years ago
Honestly, with the overstocking and shitty aquascaping, he wasted a bunch of money. Just because you have a big tank, dosent mean you are a great hobbyist. He sucks.
DanMartinParanormal - 8 years ago
...and I just got finished watching both Jurassic Park/World. Meh, If John Hammond Had A Fish Tank!
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 8 years ago
if i had that tank i will filled will 100's of tetras, angels and discus instead of monster fish
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 7 years ago
Yea, arowanas are beautiful, but the aro wouldn't hurt the discus or something?
Manny DeFelice
Manny DeFelice - 7 years ago
Angel Carreño I would do an arowana and large discus tank
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 7 years ago
Now that is what i call an empire of tetras lol
KCG Massacre
KCG Massacre - 7 years ago
Angel Carreño 20000 neon tetras lol
Alex // Minecraft videos
Alex // Minecraft videos - 7 years ago
Angel Carreño id put like 5000 clown loaches and 50 bala sharks
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 7 years ago
Vicky B I was actually thinking about killifish to, and put some wild betta species like macrostoma, pugnax or inbellis, and some exotic plecos to!
Vicky B
Vicky B - 7 years ago
Jack Lantern, you should look at discus, killifish, boeseman's rainbows, gouramis and the different types of betta. Those are beautiful, bright fish that rival saltwater fish. There are certainly many plain janes in the freshwater fish industry but as with anything, you cannot clump everything in all or nothing categories.
Jack Lantern
Jack Lantern - 7 years ago
For that size tank you set up a mini coral reef with Clown Triggers, Clown fish etc. Fresh water just too fugly
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 7 years ago
+Baby Dumbo Octopus Goldfish are cool! I was thinking about that in the first place!
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 7 years ago
+Vicky B​ Your right! If you have a lot of hiding places for them to hide or call them home is possible!
Vicky B
Vicky B - 7 years ago
A a few dozen bettas because in a tank that size you can!
clifftclock - 7 years ago
a thousand glow fish in there would look good too
Dumbo Octopus
Dumbo Octopus - 7 years ago
I would have goldfish
Collin Banik
Collin Banik - 7 years ago
Angel Carreño If it was that size I would have some koi so it's like a indoor pond you can see into
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 8 years ago
+XJustice Leaguex yeah so?
XJustice Leaguex
XJustice Leaguex - 8 years ago
Angel Carreño haHa u said tetras
Geckos 'N Stuff
Geckos 'N Stuff - 8 years ago
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 8 years ago
+LostMexicanFilms​ Its the 3 betta experiment, I've seen it and I really love your tank, nice bettas tho
LostMexicanFilms - 8 years ago
I have a video on my channel to prove that> Bettas live in peace if given enough space... i Gave 3 males 300 gallons
Dennis Neo
Dennis Neo - 8 years ago
+Owen's Aquariums My neon tetras eat plenty of food
aureliusva - 8 years ago
@Angel Carreno  IDK about all tetras but many rainforest fish breed in some sort of time with the rainforest flooding, i.e. a big introduction of clean fresh water.
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 8 years ago
kinda convincing, but they are a lot of tetras, which somehow they are going to breed, so they will be a lot of tetras in the gigantic tank, not overcrowded but still a lot
Owen's Aquariums
Owen's Aquariums - 8 years ago
But neon tetras don't have stomachs, don't eat much, and are constantly producing tiny amounts of waste. Arapaimas need food every day that they digest and then release the waste in one load. Half of the amount of waste that comes out of the arapaima over 24 hours is probably just as much as 50,000 neon tetras would make.
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 8 years ago
+Owen's Aquariums no, a half of an arapaima are like 5000 or less
Owen's Aquariums
Owen's Aquariums - 8 years ago
50k neon tetras would probably make as much waste as one half of an arapaima each day... I don't think that would be overstocked.
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 8 years ago
+Dennis Neo​ I'm gonna go with 1,000 because if there was 50,000 neons/cardinals, it will be incredibly overstocked and also it will be an only neon/cardinal tetra tank, still will be cool do
Dennis Neo
Dennis Neo - 8 years ago
In a tank that size, you could have 50,000 little Neon Tetras darting about.
Dennis Neo
Dennis Neo - 8 years ago
I agree with you. Keeping fish as an enthusiast, is about having some nice fish in a nice tank with nice plants and hiding places for the fish. Where the hell were the plants and hiding places in that monstrosity?
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 8 years ago
+Caleb Lopez-Sanchez wow, great tank option
LOLWUT? - 8 years ago
1000 tetras raise an army
Caleb Lopez-Sanchez
Caleb Lopez-Sanchez - 8 years ago
I'd have it SUPER planted with foreground plants, (Some space will be just black sand) mid ground plants and background plants! I'd have a huge piece of driftwood, that looks like a tree with Java fern and Anubias. I'd put in 100 discus, 2500 cardinal tetras, over 200 corydoras all the same type and something like 45 dwarf gouramis
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 8 years ago
+Owen's Aquariums​​ I think a proper sized betta tank are 10 gallons minimum but 5 gallons are ok for a Betta, those are good fish sellers
Owen's Aquariums
Owen's Aquariums - 8 years ago
+Angel Carreño Yup I know! My local fish store sells all their bettas in a 5 gallon tank!
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 8 years ago
+Owen's Aquariums And if your confused in the betta part, if bettas have a large environment the males just have small discussion like opened gills and swim away, thats because they are territorial, and with that humongous tank they are all going to have their own territory so they will be happy, and also, they are going to ge out of those tiny cups and then fell in home.
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 8 years ago
oh ok :), if i had that tank i will have... 30 BLUE GOURAMIS, 30 ANGELS, 40 DISCUS, 10 ELEPHANT NOSED FISH, 2 GHOST KNIFE FISH, 1000 NEON AND CARDINAL TETRAS, 500 RUMMYNOSED TETRAS, 600 ZEBRA DANIOS, 60 BRISTLE NOSED PLECOS, 1 COMMON PLECO, 15 MALE BETTAS AND OTHER 15 FEMALE BETTAS!!!!! And as a bonus... 40 AFRICAN DWARF FROGS!!! NOW THATS A DREAM TANK!!!! And well, im actually saying all this dream stuff next to my 10 gallon tank, oh well.
Owen's Aquariums
Owen's Aquariums - 8 years ago
+Angel Carreño This tank. I would have those fish if I had this tank.
Owen's Aquariums
Owen's Aquariums - 8 years ago
+Angel Carreño I like pearl gouramis better, but everyone has their own opinion :). If I had this tank, I would put about 100 discus, 1000 Cardinal tetras, 500 diamond tetras, 500 serpae tetras, 60 sparkling gouramis, 60 Pseudomugil cyanodorsalis, 40 zebra loaches, and maybe 40 rams.
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 8 years ago
+Owen's Aquariums 20!! and 30 blue gouramies!!!
Owen's Aquariums
Owen's Aquariums - 8 years ago
+Angel Carreño You could have a lot more than 10 in a tank that size!
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 8 years ago
+Owen's Aquariums yeaaa!! and 10 angels!
Owen's Aquariums
Owen's Aquariums - 8 years ago
+Angel Carreño I agree. Imagine having a school of discus 700 strong with 2500 cardinal tetras schooling around them. Dream aquarium right there.
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 8 years ago
+Joe Prestara is natural, not gay, a monster tank will be badass, but I like heavily planted tank with tetras discus and angels because they put a natural look in the aquarium.
Neil Sackman
Neil Sackman - 8 years ago
10,000 gallons and someone still finds a way to overcrowd it.
Olga Rantamäki
Olga Rantamäki - 8 years ago
i have 2,300 galloon tank :=
Mr. Scream
Mr. Scream - 8 years ago
Put a catfish in
John Zabik
John Zabik - 8 years ago
funny... i bust my ass to pay my fricken bills each month...i hope these people don't collect welfare..i bet these people want Bernie Sanders for President so that they can get free college...lmao
SiD STELLARNESS - 8 years ago
adrian gonzalez
adrian gonzalez - 8 years ago
Fish looked bored cause they are obercrowed , I like active fish and give them lots of space with lots of plants ho hide
Golden /CS:GO
Golden /CS:GO - 7 years ago
my english is not good because im brasilian
Golden /CS:GO
Golden /CS:GO - 7 years ago
adrian gonzalez i prefer my fish in the pond 1 million gallon pond that cost a shit ton of money to buy the 6 pieces of farm that had the pond in it
Tartus - Gaming
Tartus - Gaming - 7 years ago
alan Mendoza Erm, those fish are way too big to hide :s
Mr Person
Mr Person - 8 years ago
its overcrowded because he needs to reduce fish aggression. so if he had less fish say bye bye to 100,000 dollars
Blueberry sans amazing skeleton
Blueberry sans amazing skeleton - 8 years ago
that's crowded
Azim Malik
Azim Malik - 8 years ago
Get them out of that tank and release them into the wild.
Smoking Samoria
Smoking Samoria - 8 years ago
waaaay overcrowded
River Goode
River Goode - 8 years ago
rule to go by, a gallon per square inch of fish, there's a lot of square inch of fish even for a monster tank...that bacteria load has to be struggling, what kind of filter do you use??? that must up your electrical bill at least another 2k...
Travis Tomestic
Travis Tomestic - 8 years ago
You can overcrowd a tank to reduce aggression in SOME species, but the rest are feeling cramped. There's no reason to have 2 giant arapaima in a rank that's smaller than a standard swimming pool.
Madara Uchiha
Madara Uchiha - 8 years ago
Get a bigger aquarium, or own a pond or leave the fishes in wild, you dumb ass!.... cause it's too crowded and Samantha does not look happy at all you selfish old fart!
Mr Penguin
Mr Penguin - 7 years ago
Yep throw aqarium fish in the wild and see how long until they die
DashiHunter - 8 years ago
You dumb MOTHER F** WHO the hell spends 50,000 dollarn on fish and then realse IT in to the Will think stupid IF you even HAVE a brain.
Madara Uchiha
Madara Uchiha - 8 years ago
LOL, you don't even know how to argue. Those are usually kept for short terms like chicken....3 months. Sheeps are usually happy as they are able to roam on free lands. These fishes are like living in confined and crowded places FOR ETERNALLY. So please now kill yourself, you are the retard here now.
Shane Barnet
Shane Barnet - 8 years ago
Madara Uchiha fish humping pussy. cry about it. wah
Shane Barnet
Shane Barnet - 8 years ago
Madara Uchiha do you think the animals you eat are killed as soon as they are born?? they live for years and years in confined spaces. longer than the fish you are crying about even live. stfu. you are a retard
Madara Uchiha
Madara Uchiha - 8 years ago
It is better to kill them in an instant than to make it suffer for the rest of the life.
Shane Barnet
Shane Barnet - 8 years ago
Tyler Atchley
Shane Barnet
Shane Barnet - 8 years ago
Madara Uchiha it doesnt mean anything. they are god damn fish you moron. you already said you eat meat... livestock gets treated worse. you opinion is irrelevant. fuck off with the comments. you make no sense
Madara Uchiha
Madara Uchiha - 8 years ago
What the fuck is that even supposed to mean to the life the fish are having? And for what fish would you use Arapaima as a bait?
Tyler Atchley
Tyler Atchley - 8 years ago
When I go fishing the first fish I catch I cut it's head off for bait. These fish have it good.
Shane Barnet
Shane Barnet - 8 years ago
delete your comment then mr.fishplants and you wont get notifications... this is what the comment section is for. deal with it
Satellite Teevee
Satellite Teevee - 8 years ago
Madara Uchiha
Madara Uchiha - 8 years ago
Seriously? He is keeping the fish as pet and as a pet he should take care of it's life and care too. Please practise basic Maths first as you still don't get my point.
Madara Uchiha
Madara Uchiha - 8 years ago
Oh now you are trying to change the topic, just great!
Shane Barnet
Shane Barnet - 8 years ago
my point is. not everyone is perfect, think about the shit you do to help or hurt the planet.. little shit like this isn't worth worrying about. there's real problems going on in the world. this massive tank isn't one of them
Shane Barnet
Shane Barnet - 8 years ago
do you think the animals in farms that you eat have enough of space? some will spend their whole life in a stall waiting to be killed, animals that need countless hectares of land, not some water. but I bet you dig into a burger or steak without a second thought. Your argument is now irrelevant. you need to worry about that kind of stuff and not the 10,000 gallon aquarium in this vid.
Madara Uchiha
Madara Uchiha - 8 years ago
I ain't but respect such people.
Shane Barnet
Shane Barnet - 8 years ago
are you a vegetarian?
Madara Uchiha
Madara Uchiha - 8 years ago
Seriously you need to work on Math. Every fish needs certain environmental space where they can be happy and roam easily and freely. Can't move this conversation ahead if you don't know basic maths.
Shane Barnet
Shane Barnet - 8 years ago
+Madara Uchiha​ No I won't think about myself! I'm a human not a fish. if you think fish have the brain capacity to process the amount of space they have, you're foolish. fish are sold to people with 2 litre fish bowls. comment on those vids, not the biggest private aquarium in the world lol.
Madara Uchiha
Madara Uchiha - 8 years ago
Every fish needs certain amount of water, per individual. In Arapaima case it needs 5000 to have plenty. Now think about yourself.
Shane Barnet
Shane Barnet - 8 years ago
they wouldn't survive in local rivers he could take them to. these fish are from all over the world and would die in the matter of hours in the wild. the stress, temperature, food they wouldn't be able to find other eat and wouldn't be able to defend themselves from predators. 10,000 gallons is incredibly generous and as big as a man made fish pond would be. don't be so uptight!
Madara Uchiha
Madara Uchiha - 8 years ago
Give that fish a freedom in real rivers when it's kept in tank for ages then it will know and even understand real freedom. I understand if he had only two Arapaima only then it would have been enough but that smelly old fart has dumped many fishes there just making it over crowded and even the fish can't roam as much as it wants. It needs to change direction numerously to avoid dashing other fish.
Shane Barnet
Shane Barnet - 8 years ago
you need to understand, fish don't have the same thought process as Mammals . They don't have the ability to think to themselves "I need to be free" I agree most animals don't belong confined in a small space, but the fish are completely happy and lucky to be in a 10,000 gallon tank and not a random persons 300 gallon fish bowl. Relax Harambe
Madara Uchiha
Madara Uchiha - 8 years ago
Oh my lord Harambe! What kind of idiot do we have here instead of you being there? Come and swap with this idiot! Freedom is everyone's need in life. Imagine you being to lived your life to live in only confined houses. How would you feel?
Madara Uchiha
Madara Uchiha - 8 years ago
Never keep a fish or any other pet if you don't know their requirements.
YKLB Fish - 8 years ago
Shane Barnet
Shane Barnet - 8 years ago
shut the fuck up lol... the fish are fine
s_ r
s_ r - 8 years ago
oo yha that totaly made him do it
Allosaurus Rex
Allosaurus Rex - 8 years ago
+Madara Uchiha Does someone come in to feed, clean, & take care of us or are you making a retarded statement that won't work in the same way since human & fish are two completely different species. Sometimes fish eat shit, we don't, fish live in water that can crowded anyway, so do we, & they eat in groups since all fish go for any piece of food, so do we anyway.
Madara Uchiha
Madara Uchiha - 8 years ago
Let your family all live in one room, eat and shit in the same room by making it as kitchen and bathroom. Then tell me.
Mr Person
Mr Person - 8 years ago
yes because this comment is going to make him do that
Allosaurus Rex
Allosaurus Rex - 8 years ago
You are a dumbass
Michael Pan
Michael Pan - 8 years ago
Even though the tanks dat big there's too much fish in it! Also I think he pronounced pacu and arapaima wrong.. Not 100% sure if the narrator did
Freshwater tanks
Freshwater tanks - 8 years ago
My largest tank is 500 gallon tank
Avbitten - 8 years ago
+Dennis Neo small tanks can be cool too if you do em' right. The most important thing is to keep the animal's well being in mind.
Dennis Neo
Dennis Neo - 8 years ago
Boy, you'd think my micro tank was pretty lame then.
Avbitten - 8 years ago
I'm jelous of you. I'm saving up for a tank around 300 gallons for my hermit crabs. I have a 45 gallon tank with8 crabs but it's starting to feel a little tight
boost4boobies - 8 years ago
predator fish give away please subscribe to my other channel. my channels name is" fish guy" my picture is of an arowana. type in fish giveaway fish guy. need 30 subscribers
D. S.
D. S. - 8 years ago
100 000 $ wow
By the way, no matter the size of the tank, it's overcrowded.
s_ r
s_ r - 8 years ago
+Allosaurus Rex it does cuz they dont tatget one one they will go after others
David B
David B - 8 years ago
Or make better fish choices...
Allosaurus Rex
Allosaurus Rex - 8 years ago
Overcrowding a tank reduces aggression in fish. I don't know why but it does so unless you the fish to fish to fight and eat each other you need to overcrowd it.
Anarchy91 - 8 years ago
and he still manages to overstock :P
James Stewart
James Stewart - 8 years ago
arapaimag's 50000 tank is bigger and in private hands.
Pickle Sauze9
Pickle Sauze9 - 8 years ago
I don't think those fish have enough room.
Shufasa - 8 years ago
get those arapaima out of you're tank.
Maddie Berti
Maddie Berti - 8 years ago
There are no plants or caves and too many fish.. It's sad.
A&W Cream Soda
A&W Cream Soda - 8 years ago
How does he filter all of that?
WILD THINGS - 8 years ago
I'm actually surprised the monthly cost is only $2,000
jake - 8 years ago
SPCA should be called.
Sondra Wyrick
Sondra Wyrick - 8 years ago
don't feel bad I have a fish fetish to lol I want a big aquarium n my house I love fish their beautiful :-)
Drew Vliet
Drew Vliet - 8 years ago
I had a comment on her calling Jon a dumbass a while ago. I deleted it, because he's not a dumbass. I didn't realize this was JonPTC (I'm the dumbass for not realizing that lol) - he care(d) excellently for his fish, and had a vigorous water change schedule. He went through a TON of work to get his tank to where his fish needed it to be. Now, he did get ahead of himself and get a lot too many fish that were way too big. He did realize this and get rid of them though. Not sure what's happened to the tank, haven't seen him around in quite a while though. Sorry for that rude comment
Salem Ross
Salem Ross - 8 years ago
Those fish are cannibals.
MPSecare - 8 years ago
that doesn't look like a very healthy environment for that many fish
Tom Cruise Missile
Tom Cruise Missile - 8 years ago
He's got an ARIPIMA! Those bitches get big!
Cesar Cespedeskkdkz
Cesar Cespedeskkdkz - 8 years ago
Can some one tell this guy that there is bigger tanks out there,is not the only one
Hotchner Pittman
Hotchner Pittman - 8 years ago
it seems that this guy must have thought "well it's a 10,000 gallon fish tank so I'll just fill it with 10,000 large fish"
Nico - 8 years ago
Wow. Isn't anyone happy for dude ? It's clear it had too many fish but damn, their healthy. It's a hobby. Let him do his thing
Tiger Mir
Tiger Mir - 8 years ago
too many bitches cry about tank size and overstocked.
get a life and worry about your dick size.
Tiger Mir
Tiger Mir - 8 years ago
too many bitches cry about tank size and overstocked.
get a life and worry about your dick size.
Sre_ Rich
Sre_ Rich - 8 years ago
omg imagin how many neon could I keep in that probaly like 1000 of them
Sre_ Rich
Sre_ Rich - 8 years ago
its soooo over crowded
Nate Seahayes
Nate Seahayes - 8 years ago
"10,000 gallons, that's the size of 1000 10 gallon tanks!", You don't say...
Ferious Thunder1234
Ferious Thunder1234 - 8 years ago
This is something my step dad would get
MadeAUsername - 8 years ago

I ain't jealous............. :(
Yong Li
Yong Li - 8 years ago
There are more fish in that overcrowded aquarium than the entire population of China
Miami Life
Miami Life - 8 years ago
Sweetekki - 8 years ago
It takes a special kind of stupid to overcrowd a 10,000 gallon aquarium. Seriously. You have 10,000 gallons to work with and you still manage to fuck up.
Chun Meng Quek
Chun Meng Quek - 8 years ago
That guys is pretty dumb. That tank has wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy too many fish
TheKongus - 8 years ago
Overcrowded much?! Jesus!
bobby barnes
bobby barnes - 8 years ago
Sorry but this isn't the biggest home aquarium. There's a 20,000 gallon saltwater reef tank owned and built by Bill Wann
Greg Baugher
Greg Baugher - 8 years ago
Largest private? Not hardly. Bill Wanns reef is 20,000 gallons. Lol.
Ale. Ninno
Ale. Ninno - 8 years ago
such a expensive hobby, john .... but impressive ...congratulations for that tank.. i love it ...
Miguel Castillo
Miguel Castillo - 8 years ago
It's nice and all but it's over crowded
Dire Crusader
Dire Crusader - 8 years ago
I wonder what would happen if I were to dump a whole tub full of disease infested dead fish in there...

That would solve the whole "SEVERELY OVERCROWDED" problem.
TheBSideDJ - 9 years ago
ecologically (energy, water, food,...) not responsable anymore, waaaay behind responsible, and only therefore. Try to downsize, isolate your tank, use rainwater, and figger out a way to be kind to mother nature...
Himalay Cherukuri
Himalay Cherukuri - 9 years ago
tank and its maintenance is good but the tank is over stocked.
SUPERGENKI JAPAN - 9 years ago
Completely overstocked!
Tony 4
Tony 4 - 9 years ago
Hold on, let me see the ammonia and ph levels
Bob Barker
Bob Barker - 7 years ago
That tank is over stocked and those fish are sick AF. Basically animal cruelty...
Tom New
Tom New - 7 years ago
Tony 4 fish look in good condition, imagine he has very serious filter setup.
DutchAquariumZone - 9 years ago
Huge uhhh huge.......huge......
Josh Potatoe
Josh Potatoe - 9 years ago
fish look like shit cuz its overcrowded XD how do you do so little research with a $100,000 tank???
Mr Penguin
Mr Penguin - 7 years ago
The filtration system is good enough to handle that many fish and the video shows all the fish in the front there is still lots of roaming space for them
Helveteshit - 8 years ago
ProjektBrot... Most fish in the aquarium hobby is pretty much Eating and Shitting. This is the same for many animals in captivity. Fish, in comparison to mammals don't require teh same surface area to live happily.

Also, the biggest two fishes, got battle wounds from mating.
projektbrot - 8 years ago
thank you! what is it with people buying fucking expensive fish and then letting them rott in tiny tanks??? I mean if you really claim to love the hobby, then have some respect for the creatures or let them be and don't buy them. I mean this is not even beautiful or aesthetically pleasing to see those fish huddled together not able to swim properly. they are all lethargic and deprived of all instinct except for eating and shitting... there's so many good examples of aquarium lovers on YouTube, this one, however, is not one of them :/
Ellie Nyaya
Ellie Nyaya - 8 years ago
Well, you could've easily just NOT spent $100,000 on all those fish, picked fish that were compatible, or expand and build divisors/separate tanks...

If the quality of life is shit, they're going to die early, that $100,000 is going to go to waste regardless...
Mr Person
Mr Person - 8 years ago
+Allosaurus Rex TRUTH!
Allosaurus Rex
Allosaurus Rex - 8 years ago
+Josh Potatoe I had reasoning, if you spent over $100,000 on fish would you want them all to kill each other?
Josh Potatoe
Josh Potatoe - 8 years ago
the fish feel stressed so they dont want to fight. its kinda cruel. also dont call ppl dumbasses without reasoning.
Allosaurus Rex
Allosaurus Rex - 8 years ago
+Josh Potatoe They are overcrowded so the fish don't kill each other. I don't know why but overcrowding the tank makes the fish less agressive.
Josh Potatoe
Josh Potatoe - 8 years ago
+Allosaurus Rex how so?
Allosaurus Rex
Allosaurus Rex - 8 years ago
zsdg15 - 9 years ago
$2000 a month!?!? what the F#€%!?
Zoid Burg
Zoid Burg - 9 years ago
+zsdg15 It's tropical, so electricity costs, mainly.
Alf D
Alf D - 9 years ago
Yah tank is to over crowed
Mitchell Staley
Mitchell Staley - 9 years ago
soo awesome. just a little overstocked.
gigapak28 - 9 years ago
50 grand stock is bullshit.
Mgtow Monk Templar Meng John Lee
Mgtow Monk Templar Meng John Lee - 9 years ago
aw no wolf fish.
Lobenius Tada
Lobenius Tada - 9 years ago
pancudowny - 9 years ago
What does this guy do for a living?... The annual cost of keeping such a setup could bankrupt a lottery winner!
Young Woodsman
Young Woodsman - 9 years ago
I mean its a big tank but that doesn't mean you can overstock it
Game world
Game world - 9 years ago
the aquarium look so crowded............
oOoBu88lesoOo - 9 years ago
What's to enjoy about this tank it looks like alot of work!
volfik - 9 years ago
Wirty Danker
Wirty Danker - 9 years ago
how much dechlorinator does he use? and how long does a water change take hahaha
Matt Szalinski
Matt Szalinski - 9 years ago
Tanked is the dumbest show. The guys are all just complete idiots and don't care about the hobby at all. They just make tanks for rich people who don't know what to do with their money.
Azurda Azurda
Azurda Azurda - 9 years ago
Everybody on every fish video says that tank is wayyy to small for a goldfish
Stephanie R. Tinney
Stephanie R. Tinney - 9 years ago
Gustav - 9 years ago
i would over croed this becuse i would put 1 gold fish in itXD
wilson blauheuer
wilson blauheuer - 9 years ago
If I won Lotto
Ani Whiting
Ani Whiting - 9 years ago
is that a aripima fish in the tank wtf that's crazy
Squirles G
Squirles G - 9 years ago
I need to get him to build me that tank so I can plant it and shove 10,000 neon tetras and red cherry shrimp in there and be satisfied
XJustice Leaguex
XJustice Leaguex - 8 years ago
Squirles G haha tetra
Josh Ding
Josh Ding - 8 years ago
imagine this lol, 10,000 gallons tank with 9000 fancy guppies. when they all swim. holy shit.
AbyssAbbison - 8 years ago
In all honesty, if I got a huge tank I'd fill it with a bunch of small-medium community fish, and if it's big enough maybe a common pleco
Vito - 8 years ago
+Squirles G *100,000 cardinals lol
Legendary Aaron R
Legendary Aaron R - 9 years ago
way over crowded. youre a complete dip shit if you dont think that.
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 9 years ago
That's an enormous tank, but at the same time that emormous tank is enormously crowded.
KCG Massacre
KCG Massacre - 7 years ago
They were all crowded at the glass there was still a lot of room left
Mr Penguin
Mr Penguin - 7 years ago
the fish in this tank are probably equivalent to the cost of the tank
Depressed Kiwi
Depressed Kiwi - 7 years ago
¿Quieres decir lo que pasó o qué pasa. Y te veo hablando español. Bonito. De todos modos, ¿qué haces?
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 7 years ago
Depressed Kiwi Que Paso?
Depressed Kiwi
Depressed Kiwi - 7 years ago
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 7 years ago
Depressed Kiwi lol hey
Depressed Kiwi
Depressed Kiwi - 7 years ago
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 7 years ago
Vicky B hmmn
Vicky B
Vicky B - 7 years ago
That is true about many animals and hobbies. It's a commitment that isn't usually only one year.
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 7 years ago
Depressed Kiwi True.
Depressed Kiwi
Depressed Kiwi - 7 years ago
I built a 1000 gallon aquarium once, it was cool. Until the novelty wore off. Fish tanks are good until you get busy
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 7 years ago
Halle J Right! Jeez!
Halle J
Halle J - 7 years ago
SAVAGE308SNIPER yeahhh this is way to overcrowded.. how sad :(
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 7 years ago
Vicky B Right!
Vicky B
Vicky B - 7 years ago
I thought it looked crowded too!
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 7 years ago
sapher2020 lol
sapher2020 - 7 years ago
Abdul Jackson
Abdul Jackson - 8 years ago
It's actually you're, dummy. Sorry I don't wanna fight a 300 pound black man. Your mother deserves caressing.
DHC DeepBlue
DHC DeepBlue - 8 years ago
+Abdul Jackson exactly you couldnt stick around and fight my dad because your gay and gay mud fighting is the only fighting you know
Abdul Jackson
Abdul Jackson - 8 years ago
Yes. I also left my smelly boxers under your mother's bed after I had to hop out the window cause your dad was coming home.
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 8 years ago
Abdul Jackson Lucky! You think she'll suck mine?
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 8 years ago
DHC DeepBlue lololol
DHC DeepBlue
DHC DeepBlue - 8 years ago
+Abdul Jackson yep hope u had fun fucking an old woman. you left your gay pornos and old woman pornos here too
Abdul Jackson
Abdul Jackson - 8 years ago
Your granny left her dentures at my house after she took them off to suck me till I turned as blue as a smurf.
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 8 years ago
DHC DeepBlue lol
DHC DeepBlue
DHC DeepBlue - 8 years ago
+Abdul Jackson i know you are, you autistic fuck
Abdul Jackson
Abdul Jackson - 8 years ago
DHC DeepBlue loser
DHC DeepBlue
DHC DeepBlue - 8 years ago
+eggrollsoup shut the fuck up coddled little gay faggot
eggrollsoup - 8 years ago
DHC DeepBlue You're a fag I don't even have a fish tank just a shitty small one downstairs and it would be a dream to have a reef, indians aren't terrorist fag
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 8 years ago
DHC DeepBlue Lol!
DHC DeepBlue
DHC DeepBlue - 8 years ago
+Abdul Jackson yeh thats true she said its about 1 centimter long
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 8 years ago
Abdul Jackson Lucky!
Abdul Jackson
Abdul Jackson - 8 years ago
DHC DeepBlue your sister eats cabbage off my dick.
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 8 years ago
DHC DeepBlue Sometimes
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 8 years ago
Carter Nordskog lol
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 8 years ago
DHC DeepBlue lol
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 8 years ago
Abdul Jackson lol!
DHC DeepBlue
DHC DeepBlue - 8 years ago
+Abdul Jackson try 15 bruh take ur assburgers elsewhere filthy cabbage
Abdul Jackson
Abdul Jackson - 8 years ago
DHC DeepBlue Wow. What a sick meme bro! Way to be 13!
DHC DeepBlue
DHC DeepBlue - 8 years ago
+Abdul Jackson i was trolling m8 r u autistic
Abdul Jackson
Abdul Jackson - 8 years ago
+DHC DeepBlue I'm not indian nor is this my real name. Any other insults you can think of that aren't racist? Spoiled fucking retard. "Oh well, I'm Rich"

LMFAO fuck outta here queer. Your parents are rich. Too dumb to realize that?
Zandman 134
Zandman 134 - 8 years ago
SAVAGE308SNIPER I have a 10 gallon tank that is way better go to my channel if you want to see it
DHC DeepBlue
DHC DeepBlue - 8 years ago
+Abdul Jackson fuck off poor shit eating pakistani go back to ur deformed india filthy terrorist
Abdul Jackson
Abdul Jackson - 8 years ago
DHC DeepBlue spoiled retard. "Parents wont let" lol
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 8 years ago
+Carter Nordskog lol sorry!
Xx_EXPO_xX Xx_EXPO_xX - 8 years ago
SAVAGE308SNIPER I found your comment again lol
Joel Jaipersaud
Joel Jaipersaud - 8 years ago
U over crowd a tank to reduce aggression in some fish
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 8 years ago
+Anarchy91 lol
Anarchy91 - 8 years ago
well you know what they say.. 3 is all you need. [they being people small dicks]
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 8 years ago
+Anarchy91 my dick is only 5 inches long when can you expect me to be happy? And I'm a full grown man...sad.
Anarchy91 - 8 years ago
I only have 13 gallons .. be happy :P
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 8 years ago
+Daniel Vasquez That's true. It's difficult to tell the emotion of someone through text in a situation like this.
DHC DeepBlue
DHC DeepBlue - 8 years ago
+Daniel Vasquez I apologise then.
Daniel Vasquez
Daniel Vasquez - 8 years ago
+DareLoud X2X Its hard to notice sarcasm through text, "pal" ;)
DHC DeepBlue
DHC DeepBlue - 8 years ago
I know you're looking for an argument but you're not getting one pal. I have better things to do with my time than sit here going back and forwards with someone who can't recognize when I'm joking. Have a nice day!
Daniel Vasquez
Daniel Vasquez - 8 years ago
+DareLoud X2X And 90/100 youre not even "Rich"
Daniel Vasquez
Daniel Vasquez - 8 years ago
+DareLoud X2X You get what you get, you dont throw a fit and you take pride in what you did. I have a 75, 20, and two 3.5's.
DHC DeepBlue
DHC DeepBlue - 8 years ago
+Daniel Vasquez yes, why?
Daniel Vasquez
Daniel Vasquez - 8 years ago
+DareLoud X2X Are you being serious?
DHC DeepBlue
DHC DeepBlue - 8 years ago
+RoadKillFrog oh well I'm rich I would have made it a reef anyway but my parents won't let me build a 1000 gallon reef they just got me a shitty 125 gallon reef but soon I'm going to eat a 300 gallon
Daniel Vasquez
Daniel Vasquez - 8 years ago
+RoadKillFrog And im sure its already expensive enough
RoadKillFrog - 8 years ago
+DareLoud X2X reef is more expensive
DHC DeepBlue
DHC DeepBlue - 8 years ago
Why didn't he just make it into a reef
Daniel Vasquez
Daniel Vasquez - 9 years ago
+SAVAGE308SNIPER id get a big group of oscars tbh
RoadKillFrog - 9 years ago
Yes it is
telcom6661 - 9 years ago
you are an idiot
twas brillig
twas brillig - 9 years ago
Ok, I think it's a consensus, the tank is overfuckingstocked!
alexander eisma
alexander eisma - 7 years ago
twas brillig
not yet, the son wants to join in.
Dennis Neo
Dennis Neo - 8 years ago
Yes, but maybe you don't be a dick and want the world's river systems in your garage. Why not get a regular tank and keep less fish? No agression.
Tetra Aquariums
Tetra Aquariums - 8 years ago
+twas brillig filtration or airation could adapt the fact it looks over stoked
twas brillig
twas brillig - 8 years ago
+Joel Jaipersaud I"m aware of that. but this is ridiculous and the arapaima are waaaay too big for this aquarium
Joel Jaipersaud
Joel Jaipersaud - 8 years ago
U over stock a tank to reduce aggression
Abhinav Srivastava
Abhinav Srivastava - 9 years ago
Those who are saying this tank is overcrowded, i think all the fish have come near glass wall when shooting the video and that's why they are looking like too many. This tank he said is 26 feet by 12 feet. So it's quite a big tank. Fish connect human presence with feeding time and gather at the front to grab attention and get food.

Just my view.
Wild Card Sports Collectibles
Wild Card Sports Collectibles - 9 years ago
Best aquarium ever
Wild Card Sports Collectibles
Wild Card Sports Collectibles - 9 years ago
I would love that
BreAnna Mills
BreAnna Mills - 9 years ago
those fish are crowded.....alot crowded

although i would love a tank that size!!! If i had one i would probably fill it with huge schools of tetras..
yes a heavily planted tank filled with huge schools of tetras, and barbs along with plecos and bunches of cory cats
Patrick Hempe
Patrick Hempe - 8 years ago
+Anarchy91 thats sad Anarchy91, he does need company,
or she
Jay - 8 years ago
+Anarchy91 But goldfish are social fish
Anarchy91 - 8 years ago
i'd keep a single goldfish
Amit Kumar
Amit Kumar - 8 years ago
+Harish Selvan correct
Aquatic Variation
Aquatic Variation - 9 years ago
If fill it with cichlids
BreAnna Mills
BreAnna Mills - 9 years ago
+Jay Lavender of course ......if he's not aggressive and doesn't get his fins nipped
Jay - 9 years ago
+BreAnna Mills And one male betta haha 
BreAnna Mills
BreAnna Mills - 9 years ago
+Jay Lavender that would look amazing
Jay - 9 years ago
+BreAnna Mills With some loaches too
BreAnna Mills
BreAnna Mills - 9 years ago
who's with me?
Abhinav Srivastava
Abhinav Srivastava - 9 years ago
Sorry to criticize but a small 2000 gallon backyard pond with 2 - 3 feet His majesty Koi Carp fish in it with plants and trees around and flowing water streams and falls look way more amazing and because plants clean the water so such ponds require almost no cleaning at all as it becomes an ecosystem. Plus it's not costly to have such a pond, at least not that costly.
Ricardo Gabriel
Ricardo Gabriel - 9 years ago
10000 gallon = 1000x10 gallon tanks. mindblown
Scyte - 7 years ago
Ricardo Gabriel yeah just a dumb fucking narator trying to be smart
SHAYAN ZAFAR - 8 years ago
isnt that obvious!!!!!!11
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 8 years ago
redg1369 - 8 years ago
no shit
Salem Ross
Salem Ross - 8 years ago
Claussanta 86
Claussanta 86 - 8 years ago
+Ricardo Gabriel 37000 L
James Lill
James Lill - 9 years ago
Shibe Inu
Shibe Inu - 9 years ago
A disease outbreak would be devastating
RoadKillFrog - 9 years ago
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 9 years ago
Carlos Horsten
Carlos Horsten - 9 years ago
OMG overcrowded
Beauty OF The Fishes
Beauty OF The Fishes - 9 years ago
MrRyusuzaku - 9 years ago
Arapaimas never to a private tank never unless you have some 100 000 gal tank.
Benjamine Orange
Benjamine Orange - 9 years ago
dude y'all some fucking haters. this tank is dope AF. and y'all mad cause y'all can't have it. give the man his props. he spent 50 grand on fish. that's more than you make in a year.
BaseOverKill - 7 years ago
The money doesn't matter the tank is over stocked and in healthy for the fish, the pH levels would be mind fuck and way to many fish half of them need to go
Mark Valdez
Mark Valdez - 7 years ago
50k is not even a lot. Lol I've been working for 4 years and already make half of that. I love turtles so I would have ONE turtle and few big fish.
Tera Kloc
Tera Kloc - 9 years ago
RoadKillFrog - 9 years ago
+SAVAGE308SNIPER i still don't get how the paroon ate him :P
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 9 years ago
+RoadKillFrog Yeah, and hopefully they don't eat each other again lol just kidding.
RoadKillFrog - 9 years ago
+SAVAGE308SNIPER I would have less than half of the fish if I had this big of a tank...some pacu, paroon sharks, stingrays, plecos and 2 red tail catfish⭐️⭐️⭐️
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 9 years ago
Actually, I make well over 50 k a year. The problem is that it's way over crowded.
Ryan Vikander
Ryan Vikander - 9 years ago
hahaha k
Pixelated - 9 years ago
+Ryan Vikander reading the other comments your just a hater
See ya assbag
Ryan Vikander
Ryan Vikander - 9 years ago
So you know that FRTs only leave water when females lay eggs than? Males are 100% aquatic...
Pixelated - 9 years ago
+Ryan Vikander I do my research. I've been keeping animals for 10+ years
Ryan Vikander
Ryan Vikander - 9 years ago
You don't really have to try that hard I guess. #research #doyoueven
Pixelated - 9 years ago
+Ryan Vikander I try
Ryan Vikander
Ryan Vikander - 9 years ago
+Pixelated Cabbage lol you really are dumb
Ryan Boylan
Ryan Boylan - 9 years ago
+Pixelated Cabbage not true
Pixelated - 9 years ago
+powerlogix and I keep fly rivers and many other turtle and terrapins and all turtles need to bask
Pixelated - 9 years ago
+powerlogix all turtles bask
powerlogix - 9 years ago
+Pixelated Cabbage Fly river turtles don't bask. Try to research first.
Keynu Lee
Keynu Lee - 9 years ago
+Benjamine Orange Money doesn't amount to intelligence, clearly. It may be visually pleasing, but that doesn't mean all is well. "Hating" and "informed"; major difference.
2019freddie - 9 years ago
+Benjamine Orange; he spent 50 grand to be a dumbass, wow. you haven't spent a dime and you're a dumbass too.
Pixelated - 9 years ago
+Noah Dube me? or the orange dude
Pixelated - 9 years ago
We aren't hating
The tank is way overstocked
And turtles need basking which he doesn't provide
Patrick van Keeken
Patrick van Keeken - 9 years ago
wauw, Those fish are hurt, this is sooo overstocked. where is the animal Police?
Danny's Fish
Danny's Fish - 9 years ago
Looks overstocked.
DreamWarrior - 9 years ago
waaaay overstocked, what a foolish fop
SavageSalad - 9 years ago
I hate when people put big fish in tanks. Personally I would have a huge schools of tetras and cory cats with a few angelfish. That would be alot more satisfying and fun to watch.
Drew Vliet
Drew Vliet - 9 years ago
+SavageSalad A HUGE (thousands strong) school of tetras would be pretty cool but I'd have to have larger fish to balance it out, and the tetras would get thinned out pretty quickly.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 9 years ago
you could actually get some pretty amazing schools going in a tank this size.have you seen how cool big schools of fish look in big tanks.
AbstractXD - 9 years ago
+SavageSalad A few tetras and angels in a 10000gallon?
Arnav Sinha
Arnav Sinha - 9 years ago
+SavageSalad Oh mah god, where have you been all my life?
Two Flaps
Two Flaps - 9 years ago
Nick J
Nick J - 9 years ago
Can you say WHAT is he doing. I think if he adds any more fish it will turn from a fish tank into a very large photo !
He needs to give thirty or forty away so he will only have a crowded tank. Where is animal control when you need them.
Cichlid MadMan
Cichlid MadMan - 9 years ago
Asshole with too much money.
s000mable - 9 years ago
Oh my God way overcrowded
2019freddie - 9 years ago
Crazily overstocked.
Johnny - 9 years ago
this guys a jerk off your fish hate you
CrestFallenMoon - 9 years ago
that tank is overstocked badly. I think for a fish to be happy it would support a fish about 4 feet long. not a 5 foot proof shark and a two arapaimas that will grow 10 feet and a ton of garbage pan sized pacu.
Jimmy Tu
Jimmy Tu - 9 years ago
Seems like this guy followed the "one inch of fish per gallon rule" way too seriously
Grant Jones
Grant Jones - 7 years ago
Jimmy Tu That rule is rubbish anyway. It actually comes from an error someone made when they read some book from the 1950s.
Xzavier Thomas
Xzavier Thomas - 9 years ago
pack are eat vegetables and nuts, but when they were moved into another continent they became testicles rippers and attack other fish in the river too, as for overstocking it's obvious he did due to his fish obsession, he needed a 20,000 Gallon Tank for all those fish
Jacob G
Jacob G - 9 years ago
Forced cannibalism? Animal cruelty! Feeds the fish chopped up fish
Goblin Engineer
Goblin Engineer - 9 years ago
Phew, I've had a couple people that thought a bird eating a bird of a different species was cannibalism, so always skeptical about these comments
Jacob G
Jacob G - 9 years ago
+Neil Buchanan of course I'm kidding lol
Goblin Engineer
Goblin Engineer - 9 years ago
+Jacob Galvin I hope you are kidding, a fish eating a different fish species isn't cannibalism. For example, if an Arowana eats a tetra it isn't cannibalism, but if an Arowana eats another Arowana then it becomes cannibalism
Dragonfish Canada
Dragonfish Canada - 9 years ago
Not bad, but this private aquarium is FIVE times bigger!! :)
Tony Montana
Tony Montana - 9 years ago
fuck sam, and samantha !
10 year old Jake Pauler manchild
10 year old Jake Pauler manchild - 9 years ago
And a burning team captain can maintain this aquarium for 6 months...
patelike - 9 years ago
how can someone who builds a tank that large not know how to take care of fish? overstocking is literally the most beginner mistake i can think of.
Truth Man
Truth Man - 9 years ago
he better eat those muthafuckas when they die
Truth Man
Truth Man - 9 years ago
so how does he afford all this shit?  he looks like a moron
Super frogman
Super frogman - 9 years ago
The new gallery furniture near long meadow farms has a 30,000 gallon
Andromeda - 9 years ago
How can he not see it's so fucking overcrowded??? idiot.
Noob In Wild
Noob In Wild - 7 years ago
Andromeda yeah way to overcrowded
Mr Penguin
Mr Penguin - 7 years ago
All of the fish are in the front the back has alot of space
Kenith Macion
Kenith Macion - 7 years ago
Marteen Lake retard look closely how good the filtration is.
NightBot - 7 years ago
Red neck job...all they care is if it fits it a go
Brandon Thomas
Brandon Thomas - 8 years ago
ahhhhhh i love it when you internet tough guys get SOOOO butt hurt, ahhhahahaha youre only wasting your breath
Andromeda - 8 years ago
+Mr Person erm don't do it in the first place.
having it this crowded permenantly for all fish is ridiculous they can never have peace. and wtf has afterlife got to do with anything? but seems you have asked, do you have an afterlife? if so how do you know?
Mr Person
Mr Person - 8 years ago
dude do these fish have an afterlife? plus if they are overstocked they are less aggressive towards eachother, so if he a decent portion removed then guess that happens too the fish? gone and the money? gone
RapiDEraZeR - 9 years ago
+Jette Christensen
Jette Christensen
Jette Christensen - 9 years ago
+RapiDEraZeR savage
RapiDEraZeR - 9 years ago
+Jette Christensen
Jette Christensen
Jette Christensen - 9 years ago
+RapiDEraZeR nah if you think that, that makes you worse then him.
RapiDEraZeR - 9 years ago
+Jette Christensen
he should do both
Jette Christensen
Jette Christensen - 9 years ago
+RapiDEraZeR No he should not hang himself he should just learn to be more considerate of others.
RapiDEraZeR - 9 years ago
+Ryan Boylan
you sound like an ego cock gargling piece of shit. if everyone who's either not on your side or knows better is just "jealous",then you should get yourself checked.hang yourself
Free World
Free World - 9 years ago
+Marteen Lake cichlids are meant to be overcrowded even in wild to avoid fights in fish
Andromeda - 9 years ago
+Ryan Boylan keep trying lol? thats you who needs to keep trying.. you said it yourself 'you have a better one' therefore you agree that its not good...
Ryan Boylan
Ryan Boylan - 9 years ago
+Marteen Lake ha I guarantee I have a better thank than you but keep typing guy
Andromeda - 9 years ago
+Ryan Boylan lol you're an idiot.. is that what you say to everything? it's because you everyone is jealous? it's the most predictable response anyone can make.

Also because jette is 17 and hasn't got alot of money does that mean he cannot see that he shouldn't have that many fish in there moron? are you butt hurt that you have a tank like this and people think it's wrong?
Jette Christensen
Jette Christensen - 9 years ago
+Ryan Boylan Well i have an opinion, and I'm allowed to voice it anywhere i'd like, thank you very much.
Ryan Boylan
Ryan Boylan - 9 years ago
+Jette Christensen then I expect you to not talk like you know everything about the hobby
Jette Christensen
Jette Christensen - 9 years ago
+Ryan Boylan dude I'm 17 what would you expect. I don't have a few 100k
Ryan Boylan
Ryan Boylan - 9 years ago
all of your broke asses just wish you could afford something like that
Jette Christensen
Jette Christensen - 9 years ago
+Feril1 Wow you are a real ignorant bastard.
Feril1 - 9 years ago
+Marteen Lake You do realize with enough filtration it doens't matter if the tank is overstocked, the fish don't care.
1050fahrenHEIt - 9 years ago
+Marteen Lake dumb asses with money think they can have whatever they want and the company they get it from wont refuse such a pay check so it happens no matter what. Just ignorance all around. very sad to see. all we can do it try to educate. and dislike this video..... ;)
Jette Christensen
Jette Christensen - 9 years ago
+Marteen Lake I agree this idot overstocked like crazy, there should only be about half as many fish or less.
ThatFishGuy710 - 9 years ago
That seems like way too many fish
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank - 9 years ago
Andromeda - 9 years ago
Too many
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank - 9 years ago
cool fish there
Ryan Knowles
Ryan Knowles - 9 years ago
Why wouldn't you just do a shipping container? 40 footer would hold twice that
Joseph Quintiliani
Joseph Quintiliani - 9 years ago
All that time and money and he goes and ruins it by severely overstocking. Those fish are crammed in there like a sardine can, no good at all.
LadyMechanika - 9 years ago
wow, im not an expert and even i can see there is waayyy too many fish in there!!!
Meme Machine
Meme Machine - 9 years ago
"Pacu, a friendly relative of the piranha"
Those are testicle eating fish
They have human looking teeth and are just as violent as piranha
You can actually swim with thousands of piranha, they only attack when you bleed
Meme Machine
Meme Machine - 9 years ago
+Paul Warren "Their teeth are designed to eat hard foods like nuts"
"eat hard food like nuts"
"Hard food"
Yes indeed.
Heather Smith
Heather Smith - 9 years ago
Well they actually attack when you show signs of weakness or distress, and bleeding can be a part of that. It's not just strictly if you bleed.
Paul Warren
Paul Warren - 9 years ago
Ball ripper only came from that show Jeremy wade river monsters their teeth are designed to eat hard foods like nuts that fall from trees
Adrielle226 - 9 years ago
Ok, this guy is just a wealthy fish hoarder. The number of fish in that system is nothing short of terrifying. A tank crash waiting to happen IMO.
Grant Jones
Grant Jones - 7 years ago
You two need to learn a little more about keeping fish. Biologically this tank is nowhere near overstocked. It doesn't look good but it is far from overstocked.
Pieman4233 - 9 years ago
Lol Ikr I can't wait to see "Fish hoarders 10,000 gallon tank malfunction all fish die" lol this guy is such a dumbass he is keeping way to many fish in there also
Victor Yang
Victor Yang - 9 years ago
by the look of Sam and Samantha's lips their owner has been doing some fishing
Miguel Lozano
Miguel Lozano - 9 years ago
What an idiot, that big of an aquarium to fuck it all up
Scotty Mac 22
Scotty Mac 22 - 9 years ago
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I'm sure the owner is aware that this tank is roughly 5x smaller than the largest truly private home aquarium, and this tank is severely overstocked, and his Arapaima will outgrow this tank eventually.
anthony cejja
anthony cejja - 10 years ago
What is he doing for living!?
Mark Known
Mark Known - 10 years ago
If this guy had some real ballz, he would go saltwater. 
Evan Hull
Evan Hull - 10 years ago
Wait...... Is that a giant beta fish?
ArkTiger4c - 10 years ago
kamikaze 532
kamikaze 532 - 10 years ago
10,000 gallon torture chamber its way over stocked
G on a mission
G on a mission - 10 years ago
more money than fucking ethics, same old story
G on a mission
G on a mission - 10 years ago
looks like "samantha" has smashed her self against something hard trying to get out by the look of her face! HMMMM loving it in their! the guy spend his millions on a torture chamber! at least its not his family.........or is it?
Morganna - 10 years ago
How the hell can he afford 2000$ per month to maintain it? Doesn't he have a family to feed, bills to pay, wtf?
G on a mission
G on a mission - 10 years ago
its a sociopath with too much money, his like a prepper, its not just the fish he is breaking the resistence / destroying the lives of. Its all about control
Jacob Whitley
Jacob Whitley - 10 years ago
Mashup Nation
Mashup Nation - 10 years ago
its nice!
but still its way too overstocked,
and100,000 dollars for aquarium,:P
MyChannel - 10 years ago
Nice Show
cepuras - 10 years ago
What's the point? How do they finance this? Very strange and extreme..
Viktor Janski
Viktor Janski - 10 years ago
RioMare much?
Sergio Tariq
Sergio Tariq - 10 years ago
Just cruel - far, far too many fish in that thing. They must be stressed out as hell. To have spent that much on the tank and then overstocked it is beyond belief..
Nic Chauvin
Nic Chauvin - 10 years ago
This guy needs to be on pet hoarders.  Has anyone pointed out to him that those fish aren't in good health?  I mean, those fish had lesions on them for god's sake.  This is more of a concentration camp than an aquarium.
rabbitears2006 - 7 years ago
Wow I m glad I am not the only person who thinks that tank is overcrowded, do people have insurance on these huge tanks in case they break???
Junglecp - 10 years ago
It's insane to see someone spending so much on a tank that size..and fuck it up like this. how can you even manage to overstock a tank that size..a shame for us aqua lovers
Viktor Janski
Viktor Janski - 10 years ago
rocker85675 - 10 years ago
Lots of private tanks bigger than that. Check out MFK, monster fish
Piterszczyk - 10 years ago
Erm... it's not my kind of thing. Don't really like the decor outside (looks a bit like some initial phase of a construction site, and this sandstone just makes it look unnatural), and I would rather have a planted tank to give the fish some privacy. Also- looks a bit crowded.
spambryan17 - 10 years ago
300bps for hc to grow lol
Blood Clot
Blood Clot - 10 years ago
This tank should only have the arapaimas and arrowannas
Cuda FX
Cuda FX - 10 years ago
i dont doubt the owners dedication and love for a second, but that tank is overstocked as fuck! 
Felix The Cat
Felix The Cat - 10 years ago
Looks way overpopulated to me, in the video.
Yuvraj Makkar
Yuvraj Makkar - 10 years ago
way too overstocked
my.lean - 10 years ago
this is amazing, and i would love one as big as this for myself but to be honest i'm scared of fish (the fact that you can't hear they moving and suddenly there could be one right beside me scares the crap out of me, i'd have a heart attack), there is no way i'd get in there with them to clean it... i'll stand on the other side of the two inch think glass and watch a company i've paid clean it for me lol
CalculusVariations99 - 10 years ago
How much chemicals does that thing need to remain balanced? Yeesh. And I wonder if they need to replace the water pretty often, that is a lot of fish.
slamtimeson - 10 years ago
i love you john
slamtimeson - 10 years ago
wow he oes south american like i do
slamtimeson - 10 years ago
my bass was bigger but he has loads of em!!!!!!
slamtimeson - 10 years ago
omg peacocks
leesredgt - 10 years ago
Theres a bigger fresh water reef set up
Fingerbang225 - 10 years ago
I feel like he was bragging a little when he was saying how much it all costs...
Yuvraj Makkar
Yuvraj Makkar - 10 years ago
why the why would he need that
Mark Nutt
Mark Nutt - 10 years ago

Illusion Of Hatred
Illusion Of Hatred - 10 years ago
WOAAH! Basic math, moon language!

Yeah... that was rather painful to hear.
ThatFishGuy - 10 years ago
I know right! I was blown away.
Markus B.
Markus B. - 10 years ago
to mutch fish in it....and its really not the biggest private tank....welcome to germany..over 100000 liter=28000 gall
one..AMAZONAS in Thueringen [1]
MotoKP - 10 years ago
Looks overstocked but at a further away shot it looks that there is enough room
Aidan's Reef
Aidan's Reef - 10 years ago
I would've put like 1000 neon tetras in it
Game world
Game world - 9 years ago
+Aidan.H I would have put a great white shark in it XD
MrHifonics - 10 years ago
WOW that much money and took that much space in the garage? ? my wife would have cut  my balls and feed it to the fish..
Raider Crane
Raider Crane - 10 years ago
asnwings - 10 years ago
That big of a tank must be compensating for something small...
Party Channel 123
Party Channel 123 - 10 years ago
All that room and overstocked by a longshot
werqeful - 10 years ago
way to many fish in this tank.....its sad 
Rebekah Samuels
Rebekah Samuels - 10 years ago
Is it just me, or is that tank overstocked?
Jason Brunet
Jason Brunet - 7 years ago
An overcrowded 5 gallon tank is still bad...
Vicky B
Vicky B - 7 years ago
Oops, I thought they said salmon.
Kay Skywalker
Kay Skywalker - 7 years ago
That's what I'm wondering. I didn't see any salmon in there.
imeatingursnack plz
imeatingursnack plz - 7 years ago
Vicky B what salmon?
Vicky B
Vicky B - 7 years ago
That salmon is huge! There are so many fish in there. It's no different than an overcrowded 5 gallon fish bowl.
Kay Skywalker
Kay Skywalker - 8 years ago
I bet the nitrates are sky high in that tank
lifeless81 - 9 years ago
+Rebekah Samuels its just u. i would add a couple goliath tigers in there
CrestFallenMoon - 9 years ago
+Rebekah Samuels HIGHLY overstocked and a lot of the fish look pretty unhealthy/sick
sygy - 9 years ago
+Alpha smurf why do you think that?
Alpha smurf
Alpha smurf - 9 years ago
+Andy J therer happy
sygy - 9 years ago
i feel sorry for these fish
Joseph Quintiliani
Joseph Quintiliani - 9 years ago
+Rebekah Samuels Yeah, it's way overstocked and some of the fish appear to be in poor shape.
sygy - 10 years ago
waaaaaay overstocked
Andy J
Andy J - 10 years ago
I was thinking the same thing, they are literally swimming into each other.
Victor Sinha
Victor Sinha - 10 years ago
WAYYYYYYYYYYYY overcrowded....
Willy Bijker
Willy Bijker - 10 years ago
I think there are far to many fish in this tank. and it is not by far the biggest tank in private-hands1 This is 10.000 gallon, which is 37.854 liters. There is a 105.000 liter-tank in Germany.
uros100 - 10 years ago
The aquarium is very large. It looks ugly. The aquarium is very under-decorated. I would put in a few large rocks and large roots. done to cavities and spots. The outer part is it awful. I would put on the outside of the aquarium granite or any other beautiful stone. If you have that kind of money for the construction of $ 100,000 then give some money and finish the matter. It looked a lot better than the concrete warehouse. For fish, I do not think that it is too much because it has a very well-made ​​filter. The water in the aquarium is quite clean. Continue the good work. fish seem happy and so you have to be too.
James Ryan
James Ryan - 10 years ago
u fed ur fish fish
Jack Black
Jack Black - 10 years ago
how much did he spend on this?? and the upkeep?? :0
Xan Beerboy
Xan Beerboy - 10 years ago
He sais it in the video. 100.000$ build. 50.000 fish. 2000/month upkeep.
KING MALO CICHLIDS - 10 years ago
Truly indeed awesome. ..luv it..
Walter Gagliardi
Walter Gagliardi - 10 years ago
Hermoso acuario!!!!!!
fishlaw1 - 10 years ago
Wow ! ! !  awesome thanks for sharing this video of John's amazing aquarium.........
James Feenan
James Feenan - 10 years ago
wow savage just subbed
Unal Ali
Unal Ali - 10 years ago
its big but not very nice to look at
Gregor Kühnemuth
Gregor Kühnemuth - 10 years ago
too many big fishes for this AQ, looks somehow overfilled 
Jorge Martinez
Jorge Martinez - 10 years ago
Too just trollin'.
Mean Green Stompa
Mean Green Stompa - 10 years ago
To have so much space to fill with species you love is great, but the surroundings, the tank it's self and the crowding of giant species here just doesn't do it for me. All I can do is ponder how much nicer it would look if it didn't appear to be in the middle of a factory somewhere surrounded by ugly equipment and if it was aquascaped. Personally I'd decorate around it so I could sit and enjoy it, and I'd fill it with rockwork and mbuna species, with natural sunlight above to stimulate algae fields so I could watch them graze naturally. As it is, it's just an ugly folly to me. 
omniXenderman - 10 years ago
+MrGman0909 the discus and angels will eat the tetras if they gey to big, i would put in knife fish and bichirs
David Wy
David Wy - 10 years ago
I take a very skill and lot of experience to do what Mean Green said. You guys should check out big tank created by TAKASHI AMANO a stunning beauty. But beside overstock how this tank look the fishes are very beautiful. 
wildviper44 - 10 years ago
I like what +MrGman0909 said lol. Aquascape the crap out of it and use the south American fish, which are tiny compared to these, but just imagine the final product... a school of about 3,000 rummy-nosed tetras, 3,000 cardinal tetras, a couple thousand cories of all kinds, and maybe 200-300 angels and discus, all of them swimming in a paradise filled with driftwood, sword plants, staurogyne repens, telanthera cardinalis, and a dense carpet of dwarf hairgrass covering the entire bottom. Imagine that! I don't even think I'd be content just looking at it, I'd spend many hours physically inside the tank swimming with them lmao or just lazily viewing everything from the center of the tank with some goggles on and a snorkel of some sort so I don't have to surface. This is on my list of things to do if I ever become a multi-millionaire.
gg law
gg law - 10 years ago
Completely agree, but to each their own 
steve steve
steve steve - 10 years ago
Yeah, it'd be cool if it had big species with a lot more space, so out of nowhere a huge fish comes out. Less going on, more to study... If you get what I'm saying.
EmoGii - 10 years ago
i couldn't agree more mate, 100%, if I had that size tank at my disposal id make it something of a masterpiece, I would aquascape the crap outa it with shitloads of plants and wood, and then id stock it with my favourate fish, south American fish, cory catfish, tetras, discus, angelfish, the lot and just marvel it its beauty all day long.
chris norris
chris norris - 10 years ago
As a fish keeper yea it is a little over stocked but when you look at the size and the filtration on it and the health of those fish its not that bad id have less in it if it was mine . Ive seen videos were guys have over twenty large 30 plus center meter fish in it witch is way worse than johns 10,000 gallon
Gazz - 10 years ago
How many tetras would fill that
XJustice Leaguex
XJustice Leaguex - 8 years ago
Gazzer oo tetra
OTS H3dgie
OTS H3dgie - 9 years ago
Don't know who big Al is, from a different continent mate :)

Check out the new Lisbon nature aquarium on here. Doesnt seem to have a lot of fish in yet from the videos I've seen, but it's impressive. 
John Doe
John Doe - 9 years ago
+TheH3dgie In Vancouver at the aquarium in Stanley Park there is an Amazon biotope tank about half the size as this one, my dream tank of all time  :)    my local Big Al's has a pretty nice one too  :)
OTS H3dgie
OTS H3dgie - 10 years ago
Would have looked soooooooo much better filled with Tetras. 
Mark Smith
Mark Smith - 10 years ago
hey, if your going to do it, might as well go all out right? That's how I do it too!
Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar - 10 years ago
In Germany we would say "Fischsuppe(fish soup)"
7saany - 10 years ago
-____- having a bigger tank doesn't mean fill it with as many fish as you can fit in it, oh em gee, people should really have to take some classes before owning any animals
Marti Czarny
Marti Czarny - 10 years ago
i co z tego że wielkie?? Ryba ociera się o rybę ugh.. przerost treści nad formą. Eh... a mogło być takie piękne:)
Adoinc - 10 years ago
2:16 (Air - uh - Pie - muh) 
tucci06 - 10 years ago
Fill it with nothing but GloFish or Neon Tetra, lol.
XJustice Leaguex
XJustice Leaguex - 8 years ago
tucci06 haha tetra
BHOLT08 - 10 years ago
What did the Arapaima cost at that size or at the size you bought them at? And what source did you get them from?
Brad Suarez
Brad Suarez - 10 years ago
I have one goldfish in my 200 gallon tank... praise me oh people of youtube for I am the most humane fishkeeper in the world!!
Mauricio Marioni
Mauricio Marioni - 7 years ago
Brad Suarez that's still too over crowded
Anthony Vasquez
Anthony Vasquez - 10 years ago
Srry to tell yu guys this but I believ the tank was taken dwn sevral years ago...
SuperDanon1 - 10 years ago
fish fortress more like fish prison
DaDonBossMan - 10 years ago
It does how many large fish but I don't think the video did justice. I think they said 26X12?!!? That's massive even with the fish to have plenty of room
Justin MFK
Justin MFK - 10 years ago
not the biggest, see the link for an mfk members 50,000 gallon!-)

50000 + 15000 Gallon Monster Tanks -
CzusX - 10 years ago
It's totally overstocked. o.O
The fishes just can't swim
audi4ever7 - 10 years ago
how to overstock a 10,000 gallon fish tank just ask john marcus
Mashup Nation
Mashup Nation - 10 years ago
yeah exactly
Paul Kalifatidi
Paul Kalifatidi - 10 years ago
That rank among the most hideous tanks I've ever seen. It is waaaaay to small for Arapaima. They need many miles of river to live comfortably. And he has hundreds of other fish, that just don't fit together in a tank that small. Ditch the Arapaima... and 90% of the other fish. I feel bad for all those fish.
Tom™ Gaming
Tom™ Gaming - 10 years ago
To many fish in there
DJHoneygon - 10 years ago
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank - 10 years ago
Wow great fish there
PaNdeM0niuM - 10 years ago
overstocked !
Justin Stuart
Justin Stuart - 10 years ago
Thought I was going to enjoy this but I didn't. It may be 10,000 gal but 150 looks better. So ugly and way too many fish. $2000 a month to run that crap.he must need his head read.
TheAilaS - 10 years ago
The water looks so dirty. My dad has a 1000 l aquarium and it looks so nice and clear. This one is a mess. Ugly fishes and ugly aquarium.
crankyboiy - 10 years ago
Lmao, i would have filled that tank with all the asian arrowana species, bichir species and datnoides, this guy just puts random monster fish in a tank.
Ethan'sHerps - 10 years ago
That looks overstocked!
harry gray
harry gray - 10 years ago
And crap
StandingDropkick - 10 years ago
Agree! That looks like fish soup.
lilj 24
lilj 24 - 10 years ago
I like that he feeds the fish frozen fish...One thing I will never understand is the reasoning behind having to shove so many fish in a tank. It may be 10,000 gallons but it doesn't mean you have to have 2 fish for every gallon or something.
Kristina Linden
Kristina Linden - 10 years ago
I wish he could build me that!! But how did he get the fish? There from the ocean I'm guessing
biju chandran
biju chandran - 10 years ago
dave787 - 10 years ago
with all those fish, you would only need about a gallon to fill it.
darrel stinkmeaner
darrel stinkmeaner - 10 years ago
lol i know people its ridiculous, dude managed to overstock a 10,000 gal tank. well, guess its time for him to convince his family the fish need more space.
Carlos Funes
Carlos Funes - 10 years ago
Are you on Monster Fish Keepers?
Brian StreetUnity
Brian StreetUnity - 10 years ago
John was for a long time he's be inactive for a couple years now
monkeytine - 10 years ago
For some reason, it doesn't look as big as I thought a 10,000 gal tank would ha. And the fish barely have any room!
KingofKongYT - 11 years ago
Big Tank but too much fishes
LordPine - 11 years ago
i think i saw a corner where you could cram some more fish in
Tiberiu Nicolae
Tiberiu Nicolae - 7 years ago
LordPine You could fit more if you put them vertically
Sam X
Sam X - 10 years ago

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