John Marcus Monstrous 10,000 Gallon Aquarium
Pets & Animals 11 years ago 939,622 views
Credits goes to and Not my video but this is very cool! "John Marcus' Monstrous 10,000 Gallon Aquarium John Marcus of Los Angeles doesn't park cars in his garage — nope, he uses it to house his positively gigantic home aquarium. This bad boy is so huge that it makes Heathcote's 4,800 gallon aquarium look like a fish bowl by comparison. In fact, Marcus estimates that his 26 ft. x 12 ft., 10,000 gallon aquarium is the largest private home aquascape in the world" - okeanosgroup
10. comment for John Marcus Monstrous 10,000 Gallon Aquarium
20. comment for John Marcus Monstrous 10,000 Gallon Aquarium
30. comment for John Marcus Monstrous 10,000 Gallon Aquarium
- nope..
there are several indoor Koi "ponds" that are way larger than this..
and I still think an indoor koi pond is the same as a tank !!
also, you can do a quick youtube search an find tanks up to at 50.000 gallons..
50. comment for John Marcus Monstrous 10,000 Gallon Aquarium
30,000 gallon fish tank
"I want to get a gigantic tank and overfill it with the ugliest fish possible."
I'd have been like, "Oh, I think I'll have some guppies and some minnow." :P
It's still overcrowded
100. comment for John Marcus Monstrous 10,000 Gallon Aquarium
These 2 are the largest
50,000gallons each
if that tank was mine i'd have aleast half the amount of fish that are in there.
look at this Arapaima! It seems to have bite marks.... Not good! :-(
extra food if you stick your pussy in ...
Or possibly a bunch of guppies
or a huge betta sorority
or a arowana
Or possibly even a balashark only tank! Or a red tailed shark only tank!!
Or an African cichlid tank- or even a piranha tank!
Didn't respond to you. Respodned to main comment.
Obviously, this is cramped in a sense, but if you want to be a cheap skate, this is okay. The fish can turn around, swim around easily without discomfort. But on top of that, you need to make sure you can turn that water mass twice or preferably a lot more an hour.
Better water quality is what most fish want.
don't just calculate the tank... but also the filtration equipments, media, and other tools.. also their working hours..
he should have invested in more tropic enviorments and smaller fish
By the way, no matter the size of the tank, it's overcrowded.
get a life and worry about your dick size.
get a life and worry about your dick size.
I ain't jealous............. :(
That would solve the whole "SEVERELY OVERCROWDED" problem.
Also, the biggest two fishes, got battle wounds from mating.
If the quality of life is shit, they're going to die early, that $100,000 is going to go to waste regardless...
LMFAO fuck outta here queer. Your parents are rich. Too dumb to realize that?
not yet, the son wants to join in.
Just my view.
although i would love a tank that size!!! If i had one i would probably fill it with huge schools of tetras..
yes a heavily planted tank filled with huge schools of tetras, and barbs along with plecos and bunches of cory cats
or she
See ya assbag
The tank is way overstocked
And turtles need basking which he doesn't provide
He needs to give thirty or forty away so he will only have a crowded tank. Where is animal control when you need them.
Feeds the fish chopped up fish
having it this crowded permenantly for all fish is ridiculous they can never have peace. and wtf has afterlife got to do with anything? but seems you have asked, do you have an afterlife? if so how do you know?
he should do both
you sound like an ego cock gargling piece of shit. if everyone who's either not on your side or knows better is just "jealous",then you should get yourself checked.hang yourself
Also because jette is 17 and hasn't got alot of money does that mean he cannot see that he shouldn't have that many fish in there moron? are you butt hurt that you have a tank like this and people think it's wrong?
Those are testicle eating fish
They have human looking teeth and are just as violent as piranha
You can actually swim with thousands of piranha, they only attack when you bleed
"eat hard food like nuts"
"Hard food"
Yes indeed.
but still its way too overstocked,
and100,000 dollars for aquarium,:P
Yeah... that was rather painful to hear.
one..AMAZONAS in Thueringen [1]
50,000 Gallon home built tank here on Monster fish keepers^
Check out the new Lisbon nature aquarium on here. Doesnt seem to have a lot of fish in yet from the videos I've seen, but it's impressive.
In Germany we would say "Fischsuppe(fish soup)"
50000 + 15000 Gallon Monster Tanks -
The fishes just can't swim