LIOW VIDEO: Selecting our Arowana fish 挑选龙鱼

After my Sumo red died on Christmas Eve, I have no intention to keep anymore arowana. However, my friend Mr Chia invited me to visit fish farm (he want to buy red arowana). Beside choosing his own fish, he also recommended a few red aro to me. Those are good fish but none of it can replace my late Sumo. As such, I selected a normal grade crossback golden (I never keep xb before) for my empty tank and the price is much cheaper than red aro. I recorded some videos in the shop and want to share with my YT friends. Video is a form of art, how much you like it, how touching, or how much you enjoy or hate it I will never know. That's why I never ask people to like or subscribe my video. Too me, video is just my daily book and I'm willing to share with my friends.

LIOW VIDEO: Selecting our Arowana fish 挑选龙鱼 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 23

Pets & Animals 8 years ago 66,781 views

After my Sumo red died on Christmas Eve, I have no intention to keep anymore arowana. However, my friend Mr Chia invited me to visit fish farm (he want to buy red arowana). Beside choosing his own fish, he also recommended a few red aro to me. Those are good fish but none of it can replace my late Sumo. As such, I selected a normal grade crossback golden (I never keep xb before) for my empty tank and the price is much cheaper than red aro. I recorded some videos in the shop and want to share with my YT friends. Video is a form of art, how much you like it, how touching, or how much you enjoy or hate it I will never know. That's why I never ask people to like or subscribe my video. Too me, video is just my daily book and I'm willing to share with my friends.

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Most popular comments
for LIOW VIDEO: Selecting our Arowana fish 挑选龙鱼

Tony Stark
Tony Stark - 7 years ago
What time open shop.
Tony Stark
Tony Stark - 7 years ago
Tony Stark
Tony Stark - 7 years ago
GIBSONGASPER123 - 7 years ago
GIBSONGASPER123 - 7 years ago
Tony Stark
Tony Stark - 7 years ago
GIBSONGASPER123 价格变贵了950红龙..
Tony Stark
Tony Stark - 7 years ago
GIBSONGASPER123 我今天去那边买了一条短身的过背金 感觉很好 不过好的红龙都被买走了
GIBSONGASPER123 - 7 years ago
Tony Stark 没有吔。这里问会更好,如果我不清楚还有很多养鱼行家都可为你解答。
Tony Stark
Tony Stark - 7 years ago
GIBSONGASPER123 你有微信方便加一下吗想咨询一下你龙鱼的一些问题
GIBSONGASPER123 - 7 years ago
Tony Stark I'm sorry to know that, so sad. You going to bring it to the shop to find out the cause of death or buying new fish? I suggest you change the tank water/clean the tank before you buy new fish. Just in case the water got problem.
Tony Stark
Tony Stark - 7 years ago
GIBSONGASPER123 my cross back dead just now , I don't know the reason.
GIBSONGASPER123 - 7 years ago
Some dude
Some dude - 7 years ago
Very nice relaxing music
Alhafiz Apeng
Alhafiz Apeng - 7 years ago
Red arowana my dream fish
Mehar Taj
Mehar Taj - 7 years ago
you sold it and bought crossback
GIBSONGASPER123 - 7 years ago
Mehar Taj my red aro died so bought crossback.
Mehar Taj
Mehar Taj - 7 years ago
where this arowana
GIBSONGASPER123 - 7 years ago
my friend bought it one week later see video:
Koh s_w
Koh s_w - 7 years ago
Bad choice of music
GIBSONGASPER123 - 7 years ago
Koh s_w Sorry, i don't choose good music, I only choose good fish.
gabriel ricaurte
gabriel ricaurte - 7 years ago
Tank Genius
Tank Genius - 7 years ago
see how stupid Chinese people are...he's listening to song on headphones in car!!
Muhammad Abdullah
Muhammad Abdullah - 7 years ago
Tank Genius it's for phone call.
BR RA - 7 years ago
Got my new aro shipped from singapore

10. comment for LIOW VIDEO: Selecting our Arowana fish 挑选龙鱼

Angel Reyes
Angel Reyes - 7 years ago
is that 688 dollars
GIBSONGASPER123 - 7 years ago
Angel Reyes no. 688 is red aro. this is crossback.
Sloth Mc
Sloth Mc - 7 years ago
Buy a whale
D.P.K Fish Aquariums
D.P.K Fish Aquariums - 7 years ago
wow very incredible arowana I really enjoyed it alot thank u and stay blessed my friend .just sub to ur channel I really enjoyed.
GIBSONGASPER123 - 7 years ago
D.P.K. Fish Aquariums thanks, I'm glad you like it.
Gino Efron
Gino Efron - 7 years ago
What does it mean for an arowana having a drop eye?
정범진 - 7 years ago
What happened to your sumo?
Stevanus Dody
Stevanus Dody - 8 years ago
Hallo uncle, i'm from Indonesia. I'm planing to buy "ocean free AR-G2 & pomate" in Singapore. Can you tell me where i can gat that stuff?
GIBSONGASPER123 - 8 years ago
Stevanus Dody if Indonesia got sell buy there better. S'pore price more expensive. most of pet shop selling but need to compare prices. I seldom buy so cannot tell you where selling cheapest.
Peter Lee
Peter Lee - 8 years ago
Where this place sir?
GIBSONGASPER123 - 8 years ago
Peter Lee No
22 pasir ris farmway 2 Singapore. Blue Crystal Aquarium.
James King
James King - 8 years ago
I think choosing fish should be a careful well thought out process as the video shows. Good video.
DEDI IRAWAN - 8 years ago
how did your Sumo red died ?
DEDI IRAWAN - 8 years ago
ah i see, better keep aro alone
GIBSONGASPER123 - 8 years ago
DEDI IRAWAN actual cause of death unknown. no overfeed , water condition ok. Maybe attack by oscar fish and jump, body entangled by filter and heater wires..but oscar is much smaller than aro.
GADGETS TECH - 8 years ago
sir good luck for your new arowana.arowanas are awesome fish

20. comment for LIOW VIDEO: Selecting our Arowana fish 挑选龙鱼

INFAMOUS ™ - 8 years ago
Is it ok if i put arowana with lohan together? both still small about same size
INFAMOUS ™ - 8 years ago
+GIBSONGASPER123 oh my god! thank u sir.. lucky i asked first
GIBSONGASPER123 - 8 years ago
INFAMOUS ™ Better keep alone. last time I put aro with Oscar and I suspect my oscar attack it and indirectly causing death to my aro.
INFAMOUS ™ - 8 years ago
Bro which place is this ah? looking for a fishfarm with many arowana types? is this at Lim Chu kang therr?
GIBSONGASPER123 - 8 years ago
INFAMOUS ™ Happy new year :)
INFAMOUS ™ - 8 years ago
+GIBSONGASPER123 ok thank u sir! happy new year to u
GIBSONGASPER123 - 8 years ago
INFAMOUS ™ At no.22 pasir ris farmway 2 Blue Crystal Aquarium.
sdq sdq
sdq sdq - 8 years ago
i actually prefer gold then red , but like red's pectoral fins
tat wei leong
tat wei leong - 8 years ago
tat wei leong
tat wei leong - 8 years ago
GIBSONGASPER123 - 8 years ago
slimeyz - 8 years ago
I have a silver arowana
Daniel's Aquarium
Daniel's Aquarium - 8 years ago
thank you have a nice day sir
Stfu Fag
Stfu Fag - 8 years ago
Go Aro Kingdom (AK) to see their reds. somewhere in sungei tengah. Their red is top grade absolute beauti
Daniel's Aquarium
Daniel's Aquarium - 8 years ago
do you have any idea how many years can an arowana live and thank you for the answer
GIBSONGASPER123 - 8 years ago
Daniel's Aquarium good question! from what I know in the wild around 50yrs, in the tank around 30yrs. But don't forget about sickness, accident etc. Just like human being, some live until very old but some die young.
KVR DRAGONFISH - 8 years ago
I went to this shop last week. Really kilat aros there!
Arowana 11
Arowana 11 - 8 years ago
Plus stingray is also nice

30. comment for LIOW VIDEO: Selecting our Arowana fish 挑选龙鱼

Arowana 11
Arowana 11 - 8 years ago
Yah I agreed cause Siam tiger always stable but others lousy
Arowana 11
Arowana 11 - 8 years ago
Clown loach is also hood for tank mates
Arowana 11
Arowana 11 - 8 years ago
They r very good or clown loach
Arowana 11
Arowana 11 - 8 years ago
Why not try for Indonesian tiger fish (IT)
GIBSONGASPER123 - 8 years ago
I don't like Indonesian tiger, I prefer Siamese Tiger but now no more selling in Singapore. 12 years ago I kept it with my red aro and stingray :)
Arowana 11
Arowana 11 - 8 years ago
I'm a fan of you
Arowana 11
Arowana 11 - 8 years ago
The gold x back very nice Uncle
It will give you luck Huat ahhh
GIBSONGASPER123 - 8 years ago
Harry - 8 years ago
What happen to your goldfish?
GIBSONGASPER123 - 8 years ago
In my friend's 6 feet tank.
Florence Phillips
Florence Phillips - 8 years ago
What happened to the goldfidh ? Is this the same tank ?
GIBSONGASPER123 - 8 years ago
My friend took it for his 6 feet empty tank.
David Matsunaga
David Matsunaga - 8 years ago
good luck.
maintain good water quality.
maybe a water tester will surelu be handy.
since your late sumo looks like it suffers from Dropsy (Different from Drop eye)
David Matsunaga
David Matsunaga - 8 years ago
for that size, its too early for Drop eye
徐寶莉 - 7 years ago
David Matsunaga
Some dude
Some dude - 7 years ago
Its genetic
Sapto Priyatno
Sapto Priyatno - 8 years ago
new fish
Mean Rayos
Mean Rayos - 8 years ago
can you video your new arowana my friend
GIBSONGASPER123 - 8 years ago
Ok my friend. 1hr later you can watch it :)
Maa Maa
Maa Maa - 8 years ago
Get the Xback
GIBSONGASPER123 - 8 years ago
Hawkins Productions
Hawkins Productions - 8 years ago
Hope you will buy the golden crossback which you have special feeling for!! It is a beautiful one and I want to see you keep it!!
Tank Genius
Tank Genius - 7 years ago
+jens banjar patroman ur shit brings good luck
jens banjar patroman
jens banjar patroman - 8 years ago
red fish bring good luck
GIBSONGASPER123 - 8 years ago
Sure :)
emazingjodaan - 8 years ago
I'm so jealous.
GIBSONGASPER123 - 8 years ago
Hengky Sudibyo
Hengky Sudibyo - 8 years ago
The right choice Bro Liow, hopefully longer be maintained and always happy clay and follow any of your video My Friend
GIBSONGASPER123 - 8 years ago
Hengky Sudibyo thank you for watching :)
Daniel Dany
Daniel Dany - 8 years ago
nice one. good luck... this time just feed life bugs/insect or arowana G1 pellet. please dont feed that aro market prawn. i have one 3 year old crossback. first buy he size just 3 inci. in 3 year until now 2 feet almost.
Daniel Dany
Daniel Dany - 8 years ago
GIBSONGASPER123 that good to me. good luck
GIBSONGASPER123 - 8 years ago
Daniel Panziel The shop feed him with market prawn . Will try to feed with food sticks..or mixture food. He will be alone unless need to train him eat food stick.
Daniel Dany
Daniel Dany - 8 years ago
one thing before i forgot. "keep the aro alone" better alone or never. thank you
Sweet Tooth :D 0008
Sweet Tooth :D 0008 - 8 years ago
Wish you GoodLuck on your new Arowana Fish!! :)
Leo lion
Leo lion - 8 years ago
Welcome back Liow . I really like your video . Keep posting my friend .
GIBSONGASPER123 - 8 years ago
Leo lion haha, I glad you like it.
Mean Rayos
Mean Rayos - 8 years ago
liow video if your ganna buy a arowana
GIBSONGASPER123 - 8 years ago
Mean Rayos yes, I bought that xback.

50. comment for LIOW VIDEO: Selecting our Arowana fish 挑选龙鱼

Yatno Drs
Yatno Drs - 8 years ago
gibsongasper 123 how about your ryukin goldfish?
GIBSONGASPER123 - 8 years ago
In my friend's 6 feet tank. Only put that 6 ryukin goldfish.
Kah Chik Yong
Kah Chik Yong - 8 years ago
good luck mate.

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