Low Tech Aquascaping Part 1 of 2: Substrate and Hardscape

I finally get a chance to aquascape my rimless 75 gallon tank! In this episode, I work on the hardscape...the substrate, rocks, and driftwood all for less than $100. Part 2 (https://youtu.be/_gClmEPVKlg) will focus on the low tech plants both emersed and submersed. Music: Bay Breeze by FortyThr33 Frontier by Thomas VX Previous Videos: 75 gallon tank refurbishment: https://youtu.be/o8DQEvm4yNg De-rimming of the 75 gallon tank: https://youtu.be/M7umpA7TWls

Low Tech Aquascaping Part 1 of 2: Substrate and Hardscape sentiment_very_dissatisfied 5

Pets & Animals 7 years ago 13,004 views

I finally get a chance to aquascape my rimless 75 gallon tank! In this episode, I work on the hardscape...the substrate, rocks, and driftwood all for less than $100. Part 2 (https://youtu.be/_gClmEPVKlg) will focus on the low tech plants both emersed and submersed. Music: Bay Breeze by FortyThr33 Frontier by Thomas VX Previous Videos: 75 gallon tank refurbishment: https://youtu.be/o8DQEvm4yNg De-rimming of the 75 gallon tank: https://youtu.be/M7umpA7TWls

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Most popular comments
for Low Tech Aquascaping Part 1 of 2: Substrate and Hardscape

Shaden0040 - 7 years ago
The spider driftwood piece looks more like a Dinosaur skeleton to me. Head on the right side neck arching up head bent down, thick tail on the left. Oh instead of organic soil check out organic worm castings.
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Ok yeah I see that...prehistoric! I do have a red worm culture that I use as live food, and I've used the castings in my emersed setup...but I'll check about buying a clean bag of it on the next planted setup!
Max Starmer
Max Starmer - 7 years ago
That stream looks familiar, is it in Maryland?
Max Starmer
Max Starmer - 7 years ago
PlantedDiscusFishTank Nice. I used to fish there when I lived in Maryland.
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Yes, its called morgan run and feeds the Liberty reservoir in Maryland.
Oleg Nemchenko
Oleg Nemchenko - 7 years ago
Awesome vids! Could you share where you buy your fish tanks (I live somewhere around your area as I recognized Tropical fish shop from your vids about Holland aquarium).
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Hey Oleg,
I'm just catching up with comments...I try to get tanks on sale or used. Petco and Petsmart always have a $1 per gallon sale twice a year...so I get my smaller tanks there. For the larger tanks (75 gals), I go thru craigslist mostly. I go to trade shows as well for used tanks. Thanks for tuning in!
Ted Kaiser
Ted Kaiser - 7 years ago
Just getting caught up with your channel going through some of your earlier videos. I'm about to set up a 75 gallon for my 6 discus juveniles that have been growing out in a 30 gallon bare bottom with no plants and want to add some plants to the 75. So I'm finding this hardscape and the whole project a great inspiration. Thanks for the videos and I really appreciate you sharing your honest insights and learnings even from painful losses and challenging experiences!
Ted Kaiser
Ted Kaiser - 7 years ago
Anything on combining discus and plants is great since there are interesting trade offs to be made, especially keeping things low tech. I haven't set up my 75 yet, and still trying to decide whether to go dirt or aqua soil with a variety of plants planted in substrate as well as tied to rocks/wood or go more bare bottom or just sand with some swords in pots and anubias and java fern tied to driftwood. So it would be great to see an update on your 75 rimless and see how the plants and fish have been progressing. Thanks again for the great insights you're sharing on on your fish and plant keeping!
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Ted, you're welcome. Thank you for tuning in! I plan to upload many more discus videos. Let me know if there are specific topics you would like to watch.
CO-MTB - Lukes Fish Vids
CO-MTB - Lukes Fish Vids - 7 years ago
I am really concerned that the rimless is going to burst since nothing above 20g should be derimmed. But i absolutely love your channel and has inspired me to do a tank that i almost shut down. thank you so much PDFT, i hope you check out my tank when im finished with it and upload it.
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Thanks for tuning in Luke! I'll lookout for your video upload.
Stephen Nicholas
Stephen Nicholas - 7 years ago
I liked the drift wood and the larger stones, yet not all those smaller stones that were the same size. The placing was just not looking natural or balanced. Would have been bolder with the earth too, piling it up much more under the bigger rock to one side to create more of a valley to rest the eye on the left side, then would have reduced the visibility of the smaller stones and used less of them. Also the stone on the left should not be stuffed right up to the glass, maybe 10 cm from it
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
That's great feedbak stephen, I appreicate it!
CO-MTB - Lukes Fish Vids
CO-MTB - Lukes Fish Vids - 7 years ago
love it
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Thanks Luke!
Mister B
Mister B - 7 years ago
Good video with good quality. I enjoyed it. (Only thing i missed, was a voice over instead of text.)
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Thanks! I'll make sure to add more voic- overs!
George Calderon
George Calderon - 7 years ago
is coming out really original awesome job
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Thanks George!

10. comment for Low Tech Aquascaping Part 1 of 2: Substrate and Hardscape

Marcin Wyderka
Marcin Wyderka - 7 years ago
Piękny korzeń i bardzo fajna aranżacja Łapka w górę pozdrawiam aby tak dalej .
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
thank you marcin! Hello out there in Poland (I hope I got that right).
Juan Martinez
Juan Martinez - 7 years ago
keep it up bro, I enjoy watching your videos very helpful
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
thanks Juan!
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 7 years ago
well done mate..great video ;)
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
OriginalMindTrick - 7 years ago
Some honest constructive feedback on the hardscape.
That piece of
wood works great with the tank dimensions and has a great shape and
symmetry. However the rocks are placed in a very orderly and unnatural
way. It looks like a person intentionally placed them there very neatly
instead of being placed there by the elements.
The stones are also a bit too different in colour and stacked on top of each other. That
might work with rocks of different shapes but not rounded shapes unless
you fill in the gap with sand or moss on the stones.
Use less rocks/stones and place them with a bit more care as to look more natural.
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Thank you, that is great feedback!
Tony Canniffe
Tony Canniffe - 7 years ago
Awesome scape. Nice job collecting materials and thanks for the litres conversion! Another Aussie here. Now if you could do the Celsius to Fahrenheit in you head, that would impress.
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
haha...I'll see if temperature comes up on the next video!
Bizzyfakka - 7 years ago
yo! LITERS!!!!
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
haha, I try!
Michael Struyf
Michael Struyf - 7 years ago
did u planted already? Cant wait for the result
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Hi Michael, you may have seen my latest video already with the plants and fish. Let me know what you think. Thanks.
Rob Goulet
Rob Goulet - 7 years ago
Love this channel. There aren't enough quality discus channels out there, keep up the good work.
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Thanks Rob!
Mals Aquaholics
Mals Aquaholics - 7 years ago
great scape ! love the wood shape , here in the uk ,we have to be careful where we pick up wood n rock as there is laws against it . but hey , they wont miss one or two :)
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Thanks! That is interesting, I've heard a few people with similar restrictions on driftwood and rocks where they live...does that mean you have to buy driftwood from certain regions that allow it?
Cindy O'Hara
Cindy O'Hara - 7 years ago
As usual your videos are awesome- I love the way you intro the new videos - and showing the price of driftwood- I get it I have spent hundreds on driftwood in the past so I get it. Here in the cayman island drift would is likely to be salty so I troll specialty fish stores when ever I'm in the States - I found this place in Orlando called fish business- they have amazing spider wood some over 3' long. Then I have to carefully wrap it in my luggage - lol the customs agent probably thinks I'm crazy! I am amazed but what you found - it's an amazing piece !!! I love your design it's amazing. Keep the videos coming - I'll keep watching !! I post your videos on my Facebook group - Cindy's liquid space - I'm hoping you don't mind!
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Hi Cindy! Thank you again for the kind words. That's funny about you checking in your driftwood on a plane...I would probably just hand carry it on my back haha. No problem with sharing videos on your group...please do.

20. comment for Low Tech Aquascaping Part 1 of 2: Substrate and Hardscape

Alexis Torres
Alexis Torres - 7 years ago
Great Video as Always! I like how you start your videos, its a nice intro.
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Thank you for tuning in Alexis!
MASTERBOSS Blah - 7 years ago
Just found your channel, LOVE IT, with your production value, content and upload consistancy im sure you will take off! keep up the great work, Thumbs up from Australia!
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Thank you for the encouragement! Hello to Australia!
president of random
president of random - 7 years ago
please check out my channel
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Random indeed!
Jim Hanley
Jim Hanley - 7 years ago
Great video. Did you soak the pieces of wood you found? I have a few big ones in an 100 gallon tupper wear horse trough trying to get them to sink. Taking forever!! Can't boil the big ones.
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
I did soak for a few weeks in a similar tote, and the spider didn't completely sink but enough so that a few rocks on the ends was able to weigh it down. Thanks!
6leumas6 - 7 years ago
Love it, great job!
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Captain Conolio
Captain Conolio - 7 years ago
Looks awesome! I'm exited to see what you stock it with.
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
thank you! I should be finished with part 2 of the video by the end of the week.
A_Reel_Guy - 7 years ago
Awesome hard scape! I was wondering what you soaked the wood in when you got it home. Like did you use a container or something also does the wood float ? I live in Florida and a lot of the wood around here floats near rivers and lakes and the beach
A_Reel_Guy - 7 years ago
Thanks a lot for the tips. I'm setting up a 125 gonna do my first planted tank with soil and I have used a lot of stuff from your videos! Keep up the great work! Beautiful discus and amazing aquariums!
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Thanks! I used a 50 gallon tote to put the driftwood in. Roots typically are more dense and tend to sink so I look for those mainly. Hardwoods like oak and maple also tend to sink after soaking...you should be able to tell by their weight...for example if you are getting tired dragging the driftwood, its most likely a hardwood.
If your driftwood doesn't completely sink on its own, you can weigh it down or tie it down with rocks.
Biswajit Bhattacharya
Biswajit Bhattacharya - 7 years ago
Do you used the same soil on your 240 g
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
you're welcome...hello to India. Thanks for tuning in from across the world! I'll try to use more metric units (liters and centimeters) in future videos haha.
Biswajit Bhattacharya
Biswajit Bhattacharya - 7 years ago
PlantedDiscusFishTank thanks for all the help. Like you channel and video. Keep dowing the good work. I am from india.
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Just the osmocote under the soil. After a year or so, the soil will get depleted, and that's when I either add supplemental liquid fertilizer (potassium and iron and trace minerals) and root tabs or I re-do the whole tank with fresh dirt.
Biswajit Bhattacharya
Biswajit Bhattacharya - 7 years ago
PlantedDiscusFishTank any fertiliger
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
No Co2...I'm mostly use low tech plants...anubias, java fern, and amazon swords. Also some of my plants are emersed and so they get much more CO2 from the air than you can inject in the water.
I have used CO2 in the past with red plants and high light plants and it had its pros and cons.
Biswajit Bhattacharya
Biswajit Bhattacharya - 7 years ago
PlantedDiscusFishTank thanx for reply. Do you run co2 on your tanks????
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Yes I do...organic garden/potting soil. Same sand as well..all purpose sand from home depot. Thanks for tuning in!
MELODY MUNRO - 7 years ago
It is illegal to take rocks, sand or driftwood from beaches, lakes, rivers where I live....
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
I'm sorry to hear that...maybe the next county? Is it illegal for the whole state (assuming you live in the US)? Driftwood can be considered firewood, and in some places, a firewood permit can bypass the local laws. Thanks for the comment.
Zer0cool NINJA88
Zer0cool NINJA88 - 7 years ago
great vid
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
thank you!

30. comment for Low Tech Aquascaping Part 1 of 2: Substrate and Hardscape

Faris El Jundi
Faris El Jundi - 7 years ago
i dont know why you dont have thousands of views!!
Joricano - 7 years ago
i agree sharing your passion should be first rather than views. I like your videos less on the talking more on showing how it's done. That's why i subbed
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Thank you I appreciate that. I'm still trying to figure out the youtube formula for attracting an audience. Maybe its the thumbnail? But regardless, I'm going to share what I enjoy in the hobby...the views are secondary.
Faris El Jundi
Faris El Jundi - 7 years ago
fish tank noob
fish tank noob - 7 years ago
well P.D.F.T i love it!!!!! spider island rocks!!!! it looks truly amazing....will that wood release color?
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
thank you! The wood has been wethered and aged by the looks of it so it shouldn't release too much tannin. So far the water has been clear.
Roberto Ramirez
Roberto Ramirez - 7 years ago
Dope Piece!
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Scott Hadley
Scott Hadley - 7 years ago
I love the scape! It looks amazing!!
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Thank you!
Frank Huang
Frank Huang - 7 years ago
great choice of driftwood
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Thank you!
Moon Leah
Moon Leah - 7 years ago
WOW. Instasubbed :D Which kind of sand are you using? Play sand or pool filter sand? Also did it take a while to clean it?
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Moon Leah, thank you! I'm using all purpose sand (linked below). I had to fill and empty the tank 2x to get it cleaned...not too bad.


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