My Fresh Water Clam (12x Speed)

My fresh water clam trying to hide under aquarium sand :)

My Fresh Water Clam (12x Speed) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 31

Pets & Animals 16 years ago 223,656 views

My fresh water clam trying to hide under aquarium sand :)

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Most popular comments
for My Fresh Water Clam (12x Speed)

mour - 7 years ago
At least add some music :/
Kevin Vang
Kevin Vang - 7 years ago
What do they eat?
TRUTH NO LIES - 7 years ago
such a sluggish animal
pearl training farming Shah
pearl training farming Shah - 7 years ago
pearls cultivation in India Mumbai. .9819233305
Kithro Games
Kithro Games - 7 years ago
It's digging it's grave
john kirby
john kirby - 7 years ago
Fascinating video , keep them coming !
TrasherBiner - 8 years ago
Truly fascinating thank you for recording and uploading.
Alex Hohstadt
Alex Hohstadt - 8 years ago
It's like "get me away from all these annoying fish" hahaha
Burrito Destroyer 9000
Burrito Destroyer 9000 - 8 years ago
Can you tell me where you got this?

10. comment for My Fresh Water Clam (12x Speed)

Sunsun Moo Moo
Sunsun Moo Moo - 8 years ago
Do they pop? If they do, you should record it o-o
Christian Monach
Christian Monach - 8 years ago
What did i just watch
Marty Lynchian
Marty Lynchian - 8 years ago
I paid like $12 for a bunch of freshwater claims. They do absolutely nothing. I would advise other against it.
Hailey Rain Mathers
Hailey Rain Mathers - 7 years ago
Marty Lynchian what can the eat?
Marty Lynchian
Marty Lynchian - 8 years ago
My Aquarium plants grew faster than the clams moved. It would not even open or anything. I asked in a forum that deals with plants and fish and everyone said that clams are strongly discouraged. You have a time lapse camera you need something to try it out on or something?
Günter TV
Günter TV - 8 years ago
Günter TV
Günter TV - 8 years ago
Clams are very interseting animals if you do a bit of research and know how to keep them.
It may not loock, like they are doing much, but they constantly do something.
Marty Lynchian
Marty Lynchian - 8 years ago
Why? They are the most boring think I have ever seen in my aquarium. Even the plants are more entertaining then the clams were. Maybe salt water clams are better. I would advise against clams in an Aquarium.
Günter TV
Günter TV - 8 years ago
they eat plantonic food. I think you know what plantonic means. There is a small amount of plantonic food in aquarium water, but to keep them healthy for a long time, this just isn't enough. You have to feed plantonic suspendet food, like liquizel, milk, yeast, plant powder, algea powder and special clam food. The plantonic food isn not dissolved but suspendat. I#m planing on setting up a clam tank in the future
Marty Lynchian
Marty Lynchian - 8 years ago
There is not naturally dissolved organics in the water they can filter out?
Günter TV
Günter TV - 8 years ago
First of all you should get information on your animals before you get them! Clams only survive in ponds without you feeding them. If you keep them in a aqaurium you need to give them something they can filtrate out of the water
Marty Lynchian
Marty Lynchian - 8 years ago
I did not do any of that. I thought they were filter feeders and automatically could pull things out of the aquarium water. Did not have much of a filter in the tank at that time, just a air stone and a sponge filter for mostly biological filtration. I did place a large air stone near the claims so it would create a gentle water flow and circulate the aquarium water near them. I did have like 25 red cherry shrimp in the tank that I would feed flakes and pellets too. Maybe the shrimp ate all the food in the tank? I thought the claims would eat more of the microscopic organic partials suspended in the tank.

Also, maybe they needed sand and I had Eco-complete in the tank. Maybe they did not like the eco-complete. They never really moved from where I put them however the claim shell stayed closed for many months before they open( which means they are dead)

It was a bad experience all way round.
Günter TV
Günter TV - 8 years ago
how did you feed them? You know, that they need special suspended food with a small amount of flow, while you have to keep enough distance to them so they don't get scared, while you gentely blow the food suspension into their mouth.
Marty Lynchian
Marty Lynchian - 8 years ago
Yes, they all died. Never did much. The claim in this video does 100 times more than the ones in my tank. For all I know, they were dead when I got them. I paid a lot for them too.
Marty Lynchian
Marty Lynchian - 8 years ago
LOL, I am everywhere.
Günter TV
Günter TV - 8 years ago
if you would have done some research on clams you would have known, that they don't do much. They are all dead now right?
HNTR KLLR - 8 years ago
marty you sure get around bro: i just saw you trollin some bitches about race relations on a completely unrelated video not 2 weeks ago

small world
The Pink One
The Pink One - 8 years ago
+TMuhC Reverse
You can find them at like any shallow freshwater river
Wal Nuts
Wal Nuts - 8 years ago
The Pink One shut up. You are lucky to live somewhere that has free clams. Stop boasting. Jeez.
Akshay Kumar
Akshay Kumar - 8 years ago
The Pink One
The Pink One - 8 years ago
There honestly not that bad
Marty Lynchian
Marty Lynchian - 8 years ago
+The Pink One Monster!!!
The Pink One
The Pink One - 8 years ago
I paid $0, I went canoeing and got about 30 clams, (I ate 20).
patzy studio
patzy studio - 8 years ago
clam huh luk at dat gurl
girl shut up im fliming a vid
clam im leaving lol
patzy studio
patzy studio - 8 years ago
Girls gonna eat dico
Micayla Wheaton
Micayla Wheaton - 8 years ago
lol fr tho
Nunya Business
Nunya Business - 8 years ago
All the faces were palmed that day
Güven Kaya
Güven Kaya - 9 years ago
Hello, is this a asian clam? if its not can you tell what Kind of clam is that? great footage btw, regards.
Herk Jel
Herk Jel - 8 years ago
i think it is
Ewa Myhrén
Ewa Myhrén - 9 years ago
fun pet not really
SnoopyDoo - 9 years ago
Just slide the video player's progress indicator from left to right to watch the whole thing unfold in a second.
Takaji The book
Takaji The book - 9 years ago
So like...are clams alive?
GerryTGM // The Golden Minecart
GerryTGM // The Golden Minecart - 8 years ago
The insides of the clams are:)
Nunya Business
Nunya Business - 8 years ago
We don't know how they are, they don't have a brain, but yeah, they are
Jesse Jones
Jesse Jones - 9 years ago
of course not

AnimalLover - 9 years ago
Will the Freshwater Clam eat fish poop? Please reply as soon as possible.
Bat Shit Lazy
Bat Shit Lazy - 8 years ago
Shane's Trains57
Shane's Trains57 - 9 years ago
+AnimalLover Sorry not a vet.
Shane's Trains57
Shane's Trains57 - 9 years ago
+AnimalLover How?
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
If the clam opens it's mouth too much it will die you dip twit.
Wolfhair - 9 years ago
Sure it will, well i gguess i better hurry and go get me some of these clams so it can swallow my penis. The only action i ever got with my penis was when i fucked my dad in his asshole, i'm sure those clams can do beetter. Here, clam! Come to Daddy!
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
It will eat a dick.
Wolfhair - 9 years ago
it will eat a vagina.
Dennis - 9 years ago
So much guppie breeds

20. comment for My Fresh Water Clam (12x Speed)

chantelle obba
chantelle obba - 10 years ago
ADKIc3mAnXYT - 8 years ago
Jess MacDougall
Jess MacDougall - 10 years ago
Where did you get it
The Pink One
The Pink One - 8 years ago
they are free at low level rivers
Technoplex - 9 years ago
Thanks :)
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+Amy Neidlinger
That's awesome!
Technoplex - 9 years ago
thanks! I ordered a few :)
Technoplex - 9 years ago
Ok thanks!
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
I can give you the link to LiveAquaria.+Amy Neidlinger
Technoplex - 9 years ago
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+Amy Neidlinger
Whoa that's a lot.
Technoplex - 9 years ago
+AnimalLover  Whoa on Ebay they are 100 dollars for 5 clams!
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+Jess MacDougall You can get them from LiveAquaria, they are $3.99.
Alaina R
Alaina R - 10 years ago
This is weird and pointless.
~OnlyItalian~ - 10 years ago
where did you buy this ?
Plain Vids
Plain Vids - 8 years ago
Are you referring to me?
Ridge - 8 years ago
An obvious typo, moron. Can't believe you were too stupid to know that.
Plain Vids
Plain Vids - 8 years ago
How is it local if it's private dipshit?
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
Plus you can go to your local private fish store.
Ridge - 9 years ago
+~OnlyItalian~ You can also get them online and have them shipped to you. I sell them for about 15 bucks for 10 of assorted sizes. They can be shipped without an issue since they can go underwater for a week+.
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+~OnlyItalian~ You can get them from LiveAquaria, they are $3.99.
Shufflinz - 10 years ago
Sosina Hailu
Sosina Hailu - 10 years ago
it would be a troll if the guy pulls the Clam so he would have to do it again
The Pink One
The Pink One - 8 years ago
that's terrible XD
Thiago Barreto
Thiago Barreto - 10 years ago
Thanks, man. This video helped me a lot.
Hunterz stew
Hunterz stew - 10 years ago
Why would someone own a clam. It's just. There. Docent do anything. Just burrows in the sand and sits there like a rock. Then dies. I caught 9 of those alive in the lake. Look for them there if you want one
Dylan Vlogs
Dylan Vlogs - 7 years ago
Hey smarty clams are like living filters and keep the tank nice and clean
Ridge - 7 years ago
That is only potential** diseases. As for that, you place them in another tank with just water, or a bowl, and wait for them to "burp" up their sediment before putting them in the tank you intend for them.
Drew Meier
Drew Meier - 7 years ago
wild ones have diseases for your tank. also they filter the water which makes the water clearer and cleaner
Plain Vids
Plain Vids - 8 years ago
Woah, we got a badass over here!
Embered Eel
Embered Eel - 9 years ago
Jesse Jones
Jesse Jones - 9 years ago
+AnimalLover ha worst comeback ever
Embered Eel
Embered Eel - 9 years ago
Well, first learn how to spell if you are talking about the purple dinosaur Barney. ''facepalm''.
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
Awe so cute! In my world you are called " A fat ass Barny."
Ridge - 9 years ago
Lmfao. You know... we have a word for you in my world. "Carebear".
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
If you want, go have seizures and become paralyzed by eating clams. It's your choice to die or not. I won't ,stop you.
Ridge - 9 years ago
+AnimalLover You're accepting incorrect hype. ANYTHING can have something that makes it dangerous to eat. Just because one has a chance, doesn't mean we stop eating it. You still eat beef and chicken, don't you? Eating clams is fine. The only thing you want to worry about is where they're from, because they often carry the taste of where they were "filtering". Id est... clams from really muddy places/waters will have a sort of mud taste. The best ones are from gravel streams... because they don't exactly taste like rock. Haha. :P
Ridge - 9 years ago
+Mike Liberty Yes... many people try to avoid them because you need to collect a lot of them to actually make a meal, since they're small.
Ridge - 9 years ago
+Sam Hunt Not true. Some can, but the majority are healthy and do fine in tanks. I sell natural freshwater clams. They're typically good to go.
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+Mike Liberty No problem.
Mike Liberty
Mike Liberty - 9 years ago
+AnimalLover thanks
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+Mike Liberty No. I LOVED to eat clams, but they recently found out that since clams filter feed they can eat bad stuff that can make you sick and sometimes so sick that you can die.
Mike Liberty
Mike Liberty - 9 years ago
+Hunterz stew can we eat fresh water clams?
PopcornJPG - 9 years ago
+Derek Wu There are huge downsides to it though. If a clam dies overnight there will be a HUGE ammonia spike. And 1 clam for a large tank won't make much of a difference and certainly isn't worth the risk.
Derek Wu
Derek Wu - 10 years ago
The clam acts as a natural filter system.
Sam Hunt
Sam Hunt - 10 years ago
Nope, the ones in the wild possess disease and are not supposed to be in a tank.
systemdeadlock - 10 years ago
Lol too bad substrate was only so thick
Marek Š
Marek Š - 10 years ago
Completely amazing, also alot of pretty fishes ;)

30. comment for My Fresh Water Clam (12x Speed)

idkwhatfor20 - 11 years ago
maybe u shoud try putting real sand that way it could b adapting to its type of environment
Mohamed Deyaa
Mohamed Deyaa - 11 years ago
That's salt water not fresh
Alisa Rain
Alisa Rain - 8 years ago
Lmao never heard of saltwater guppies
Michael Standridge
Michael Standridge - 10 years ago
That's freshwater. Look at the fish.
Rec0128 - 11 years ago
I love saltwater guppies.
CatandFriends1 - 11 years ago
we caught a bunch of these guys in a lake... wild ones have interesting patterns on their shells
kodili101 - 11 years ago
it looks like it's dieing...
atem bird
atem bird - 11 years ago
u ruind clams 4 me
WorldofNene - 11 years ago
wow what is it doing?
nothadnotbad - 11 years ago
very interesting concept for a video. thanks for sharing this with us.
Nitrxgen - 11 years ago
The video is 9:26 long... or 566 seconds. It's sped up times 12 apparently, so original time would be 6792 seconds long... or 1 hour, 53 minutes, and 12 seconds.
dustin dailey
dustin dailey - 11 years ago
put googly eyes on it
217pat - 12 years ago
how long did that take! lol :)
G As
G As - 12 years ago
How did I get here?
rayfromnorthriI - 12 years ago
It is not a tong, but it is the mussels foot and is the part of the tissue that allows it to burrow into the sediments and to move around.
rayfromnorthriI - 12 years ago
If the clam is not moving or if it is open and does not respond when you touch it or makes no attempt to close after you have touched it then most likely it is dead.
rayfromnorthriI - 12 years ago
Dazzle, Look up the woed asian clams or corbicula on the internet and if they look like those kinds of clams then they are considered invasive and many states have laws on the books saying it is illeagle for aquarium stores to sell them. Look up your states laws about selling asian clams. Also most native mussels/clams will have a darkish exterior to them or they will have green stripes or blotches of green. Most native freshwater mussels are much longer and bigger than the asian clams.
rayfromnorthriI - 12 years ago
Yes it is and it looks like a Ligumia nasuta species that is rare and uncommon in many states....!
KaiserGray94 - 8 years ago
It looks like, the Golden Freshwater mussel, members of the Ligumia genus have different shell ridges and are much more darker. This is probably a member of the Pilsbryoconcha genus as they are the more common freshwater mussel species in aquarium trade(probably because they are one of the few freshwater mussel genera not endangered.)
rayfromnorthriI - 12 years ago
Also all tanks have a filtration system that is designed to filter out all particulet material that is found in the water constantly. So if there were any phyto plankton in the water to begin with it would of been filtered out a long time before you placed any mussel IN your aquarium.... So I sincerely doubt there was any plankton in a tank to begin with for a store bought mussel or clam to feed on to begin with. Once they are placed in a tank they slowly starve to death....
rayfromnorthriI - 12 years ago
Clams, mussels and oysters need laerge volume of phytoplankton to feed on to survive. The typical aquarium is just does Not equiped to provide the amount of plankton they need to survive. Even a small clam can filter about 1 quart of water in one hour... if you have a 10 gallon tank, then that is 40 quarts of water. so in 40 hours one clam or mussels could filter all the water in that tank. so once they have do so there is no more plankton for it to feed on.
rayfromnorthriI - 12 years ago
Mechanical, this has been documented that pet store often sell items that are illeagel in some cases and in other cases they sell things Just to make a profit from something. Even if the item they are selling clams and mussels cannot possibly live long term in an aquarium. Often things bought on e-bay they may be selling something that is in direct violation to that states environmental laws or to recieve them in your state may be a violation of Your states environmental laws.
bluemanjoe04 - 12 years ago
all i read was blah blah blah i'm a dirty slut
Rabbitboy921 - 12 years ago
3:00 looks like a mongo seed

50. comment for My Fresh Water Clam (12x Speed)

Mick Rumping
Mick Rumping - 12 years ago
Don't click on it then
Good Guy
Good Guy - 12 years ago
If you got a dirty tank, they will get the job done. But if you have a really clean tank they will slowly die of starvation
Bailey D
Bailey D - 12 years ago
cool! but what do they do for the tank? or do they do nothing for it Just look cool and lick sand???
Pedro Marques
Pedro Marques - 12 years ago
Now check 'clown loach clicking' ;)
Poodleinacan - 12 years ago
Indeed, I was surprised.
Pedro Marques
Pedro Marques - 12 years ago
search for 'sleeping clown loach' on youtube, you will be surprised.
diablo200 - 12 years ago
So how long was this time lapse?
Poodleinacan - 12 years ago
Wow, fishes really do sleep!
worthlessProtoplasm - 12 years ago
Clams can move :O!!!!!! XD
HERBLANDZ - 12 years ago
who would win a race?A turtle on land or a clam anywhere?
cazuluc - 12 years ago
iliketoontown - 12 years ago
Ewwwww was it pooping in the beginning? I couldn't watch all of it Lol
ugirl2 - 12 years ago
strong clam.
rufus wellington
rufus wellington - 12 years ago
It didn't even completely bury itself what are you watching this for?
rufus wellington
rufus wellington - 12 years ago
Bro ate a clam and it taste good.
WingRaah - 12 years ago
He's poking his tongue out at you :3
515655f - 12 years ago
muscle not clam
eszkokosik - 12 years ago
Pretty cool.Beautiful guppies,too! I just got one of these clams,but so far it is just laying there.
MechanicalTaco1 - 12 years ago
@rayfromnorthriI You can get pet clams at some pet stores,I,ve seen some at a pet store in Mo
chemio cremblac
chemio cremblac - 12 years ago
i did XD
1800savealife - 12 years ago
That awkward moment when the clam realizes its only 2 inches of sand
OriginalKills clan
OriginalKills clan - 12 years ago
Im in that part of youtube again.
rayfromnorthriI - 12 years ago
If you calm or frehswater mussels has not done so already it will die in your tank because the fish tank cannot generate enough algae for the mussels/clam to feed on. You should put the mussel back into the lake or river where you found it... Also many states have mussels that are rare or endangered species and unless you are traied to identify them you could easly kill an endangered species by putting it itno a tank like this. Mussle are filter feedes and need lakes to live in....
rayfromnorthriI - 12 years ago
You should release this clam/freshwater mussels back into the wild...! Many states ahve rare and endangered species of mussels and unless you know how to ID them you would not know one species from another....! Mussels need algae to live on and they filter the water inorder to feed on the algae. Your tank is not set up to be able to generate enough algae to stay alive. If it has not died alread it will starve to death because of the lack of algae to feed on....
Jake Wilson
Jake Wilson - 12 years ago
hey toretto, where did u find this clam , i want to get a pet clam, how did u dig him up?
Eloise Hawkes
Eloise Hawkes - 12 years ago
What is that wite stuff
Charles Taylor
Charles Taylor - 12 years ago
nice clam
6huggy9 - 12 years ago
Omfg I can not believe we were that drunk an talkin about clams that led us to this video !!!! Hahaha lmfao!!!!
suicune690 - 13 years ago
Is this a unionid clam?
Swell Times
Swell Times - 13 years ago
if you have a planted aquarium. dont get these mofos. mine screwed my tank up. i bought a clam to help filter the water naturally and it looked nice in the tank.. i had the entire bed of my tank covered in dwarf baby tears. then my stupid clam dug holes everywhere. i had to through the bastard into my pond outside.
Galen Schultz
Galen Schultz - 13 years ago
Ah the life of the clam...
TotRevalution - 13 years ago
he keeps biting his tongue D:
Dillon Neighbors
Dillon Neighbors - 13 years ago
@scalecrawler08 not a whole lot but mussels for one have ovular shells that are normaly darker and most species live in saltwater (with a few exeptions) clams are more rounded and of lighter color. that and mussels congregate in huge numbers and pile on top of eachother whilst clams are more solitary.
laskolasko - 13 years ago
So amazing how something so slow and gooey looking has the strength to pull itself down under... haha other than that, I was planning to get something like this for my goldfish tank, something tells me the goldfish would tear a poor clam apart..
alienroot - 13 years ago
i got one of these from my river...
squaltermann - 13 years ago
is it vomiting?
Dillon Neighbors
Dillon Neighbors - 13 years ago
lol. I like the cory ya have in thar :3
Dillon Neighbors
Dillon Neighbors - 13 years ago
@fgf051 uhmmmm first off its spelled mussel secondly clams and mussels are not the same thing. a freshwater clam is a clam. a freshwater mussel is a freshwater mussel.
Conner Haynes
Conner Haynes - 13 years ago
i found a ton in lakes like yesterday i found about 12 at roosevelt lake buried in the sand
PMasty - 13 years ago
I know this is old but im lookin for some freshwater clams, where did you get yours? my local stores dont carry em and i can only find one type online
puppetmaster1000 - 13 years ago
what is that white stuff
dlindeman - 13 years ago
@freakin1random I agree .good vid though. speeding up is easily done .
Patrick McCarthy
Patrick McCarthy - 13 years ago
jcx420 - 14 years ago
I used to watch grass grow... Now i do this = )
eyesonyou2ube - 14 years ago
Fish swimming around look like they are on speed lmao
Geniva Anderson
Geniva Anderson - 14 years ago
@Theoccasionalcoop nope its a clam. mussels dont dig :)
Dorian Anreiter
Dorian Anreiter - 14 years ago
aquarists shouldn't really keep freshwater clams. pet shops tell people that they find food in the water, they do in nature because they live in fast flowing streams so lots of food is washed over them. But in an aquarium insufficient water and therefore food flows over them. If people keep them they should feed them plankton by squirting it at them with a syringe. Unless that is done they ALWAYS starve to death in aquaria.
Edward Elk
Edward Elk - 14 years ago
i really dont want to be some thing like this clam for my next life. turtle are much better lol
angelsandcraigs - 14 years ago
great shooting! what do you feed them??
angelsandcraigs - 14 years ago
hi, great shooting! what do you feed your mussel? how often?? regards,

100. comment for My Fresh Water Clam (12x Speed)

dakoata121212 - 15 years ago
Do fresh water clams make pearls?
Richard Walsh
Richard Walsh - 15 years ago
hey, slow down, buddy. there's a speed limit here.
freakin1random - 15 years ago
id go for x 48 speed myself. Very few people will watch 9 and a half minutesof this.
BASEJOCK11 - 15 years ago
Yeah I want to know too!!
Ballpythondude420 - 15 years ago
i ate some of these just a little bit ago they taste good...
rexylem - 15 years ago
just like a vagina
chloe ward
chloe ward - 16 years ago
omg that looks just like my clam mines called clamella oh oh who lives in a shella lol i got dozens of tropical fish and star fish and evryfink
Allen Yee
Allen Yee - 16 years ago
What do you feed your clam>
christianne1985 - 16 years ago
aw this is so cute! i didn't know it took the little fellas so long to dig themselves in, poor little things! thanks for posting!

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