NANO REEF OVERLOAD!! Five Great Nano & Pico Reefs At Elite Reef is the source for all your reef aquarium news - the latest on exotic fish, rare corals and hot new aquarium gear. Mike's Killer Nano Reef: Elite Reef Featured on Denver Shop Tour:

NANO REEF OVERLOAD!! Five Great Nano & Pico Reefs At Elite Reef sentiment_very_dissatisfied 18

Pets & Animals 7 years ago 56,178 views is the source for all your reef aquarium news - the latest on exotic fish, rare corals and hot new aquarium gear. Mike's Killer Nano Reef: Elite Reef Featured on Denver Shop Tour:

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Most popular comments
for NANO REEF OVERLOAD!! Five Great Nano & Pico Reefs At Elite Reef

JcSH2o - 7 years ago
Oh alright.... I'll subscribe.... AND ring the bell... AND watch the next vid and the next vid...
You're putting out some great content. Keep shootin and sharin!
Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 7 years ago
I've made a significant investment of time and resources training myself to make the best possible videos. So thanks for noticing, your subscription is highly valued and won't be taken for granted.
Keiff Hernandez
Keiff Hernandez - 7 years ago
Where is this shop located?
carlos casarez
carlos casarez - 7 years ago
lol 4:00 he knocked over the food.
Ninja Mice
Ninja Mice - 7 years ago
Very Beautiful... for such beauty, there has to be a lot of time consuming hard work behind the maintenance along with a high budget spending.
muffemod - 7 years ago
1:20 lords!
BDUB'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
super awesome tanks! Thanks for the vid man!
Kevin Craig
Kevin Craig - 7 years ago
Hello there. I am setting up a lord tank about the size of the one they have. What color temp were those current usa light strips they had on it? Thank
Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 7 years ago
I think it was just straight blue LEDs, and the Lords are target fed pretty generously.
Bito ponciano
Bito ponciano - 7 years ago
Show top
Frank Huang
Frank Huang - 7 years ago
may I ask what kind of filter gel you use to shield out the blue lights?

10. comment for NANO REEF OVERLOAD!! Five Great Nano & Pico Reefs At Elite Reef

Lisa DiMercurio
Lisa DiMercurio - 7 years ago
Thank you Jake for this and all your videos. I'm getting a IM 10 gal and want your opinion on keeping a Mandrin. I want to find one that eats frozen or at least Nutramar. If not do you think pods can be replaced frequently to keep a Mandarin healthy?
Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 7 years ago
Man a 10 gallon is just too small for keeping a mandarin - maybe if it was tied in line with a larger system but even I wouldn't want to try it. You'll have much better luck with a dragonet, even then you might want to consider smaller nano fish like true gobies
roblox84 - 7 years ago
What fish y'all got in dat motha fucka?
TheBobby416 - 7 years ago
Thank you for your time.
Dave Hendricks
Dave Hendricks - 7 years ago
Hey bro just found you one here noticed you said denver I'm so close and just getting back into reefing gonna give a nano a swing this time around. I was wondering if you know of any good clubs for reefing and trade and Subbed
Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 7 years ago
Not sure what the clubs are up to, especially in summer time. But we've got a LOT of active reefers, and one helluva show called ReefStock in late winter.
EnVision - 7 years ago
sometimes less is more, these tanks are a perfect example. They make me rethink my coral list. I love when people devote there tank to species specific. looks natural almost a right out of the ocean.
ann53090 - 7 years ago
WTF can i get an algae scrubber for my nano like that!?
Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 7 years ago
I'm not sure, I think they just kinda slapped them together with simple hang-on boxes and shorty LED strips
Michigan fan
Michigan fan - 7 years ago
pico and nano are so much fun alot harder than my 135 gal but totally rewarding
Toni Smith
Toni Smith - 7 years ago
Great video!!! And nice to see videos with the HOB refuge for pico tanks. That's what I'm doing right now too. Inspired and having some new ideas. Love it!! Thx for sharing!!
Ryan Wilson
Ryan Wilson - 7 years ago
How well does that Finnex Stingray do for the cheato? I have two 12" models I've been considering repurposing.
Ryan Wilson
Ryan Wilson - 7 years ago
Reef Builders

Sweet! Thanks for the reply.
Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 7 years ago
Any light is going to rock when it only needs to light up 4 inches across and a few inches deep
Garethaxz - 7 years ago
I'm loving all the Nano-reefs, honestly one of my favorites styles of tank.

20. comment for NANO REEF OVERLOAD!! Five Great Nano & Pico Reefs At Elite Reef

Lindsey Smith
Lindsey Smith - 7 years ago
Nice tank. I would stock it with snowflake clownfish pair.
Alwaniverse - 7 years ago
so glad you cover the lighting and filtration! definitely subscribed!
Kevin Van Slycke
Kevin Van Slycke - 7 years ago
Way to keep it local the past couple of uploads! Lets have a look at some of your home tanks, Jake!
Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 7 years ago
I've got a few more tanks to feature and I'm sure we'll get a good look at my own reef tanks sometime this summer ;-)
Joe Camilli
Joe Camilli - 7 years ago
Great store, great staff and great video! Keep up the great work Jake! Cant wait to see your video on their new shop.
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Those are some nice nanos
timrocks311 - 7 years ago
Digging that Micromussa specific tank. Really cool!
Carlos Pina
Carlos Pina - 7 years ago
yes, yes , yes keep those vids coming Jake.It's nice to see an update on their show nanos.
ReefDudes - 7 years ago
Great little tanks! I always love a good nano. Thanks for sharing Jake! :)
.. and that Acan tank! :O
reiko na6ase
reiko na6ase - 7 years ago
these tanks are the reason why I have a reef today
Vincent Taylor
Vincent Taylor - 7 years ago
Reef Builders thank you for putting so much time into your content. It is clear that you are one of the best reefing channels out there!

30. comment for NANO REEF OVERLOAD!! Five Great Nano & Pico Reefs At Elite Reef

Benjamin Arredondo Ayala
Benjamin Arredondo Ayala - 7 years ago
Hi jake, what fish is a 6:04 min
Elite Reef Denver
Elite Reef Denver - 7 years ago
Benjamin Arredondo Ayala we also call them blood clowns because they like to draw it out!
Wissam Youssef
Wissam Youssef - 7 years ago
I believe it is a "Red Saddle Clownfish (Amphiprion ephippium), a.k.a, a Fire Clownfish
Gb J
Gb J - 7 years ago
Yeah we Love that nano stuff.. keep it coming plse, and thanks for sharing!
PS do you know how they were maintaining their water chemistry in those thanks.. especially the sps tank??
Gb J
Gb J - 7 years ago
Elite Reef Denver Makes sense. Am going to try and follow this mantra going forward!
Elite Reef Denver
Elite Reef Denver - 7 years ago
Reproducible routine is the real key, so keep it simple enough to maintain consistency and you'll be successful.
Gb J
Gb J - 7 years ago
Elite Reef Denver wow that's awsome. nice and simple and it works! good to know
Elite Reef Denver
Elite Reef Denver - 7 years ago
Gb J all done by water changes. We switch out about 10% every week and keep the glass clean with a magnet. Nice and simple.
ben howard bath
ben howard bath - 7 years ago
Love your work Jake! Your time and effort are shining through!!!!!
Noah Fox
Noah Fox - 7 years ago
i swear everyone has their own way of saying "Chaeto"
Laura Holmes
Laura Holmes - 7 years ago
I say Kay toe
akhilennium - 7 years ago
Noah Fox lol... I've been saying chee-toe-morpha all this time
Ricky Rodriguez
Ricky Rodriguez - 7 years ago
kee-ta-morpha thats how he says it lol
Speedy - 7 years ago
love me some nanos !
Aaron Armstrong
Aaron Armstrong - 7 years ago
Who makes the HOB refugiums full of the chaeto on the picos please?
Toni Smith
Toni Smith - 7 years ago
Aaron Armstrong I'm using marina breeding box
Elite Reef Denver
Elite Reef Denver - 7 years ago
Aaron Armstrong Finnex
The New School Old School Gamer!
The New School Old School Gamer! - 7 years ago
hey jake, can scolymia be maricultured?
Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 7 years ago
I'm sure there's a way, but no one has done it yet, but also no one's really tried either.
G3oc3nt1c - 7 years ago
i love this place! Did they show you the tank with the Mantis shrimp??? that thing the coolest thing i have seen in a tank, i have seen her put tweezers in its tank and it attacks. the eyes that guy are so crazy too
Chris J Nano tank
Chris J Nano tank - 7 years ago
hey Jake I was wondering if I order from you can I pickup or does it have to ship
Chris J Nano tank
Chris J Nano tank - 7 years ago
this is a awesome shop. I've pickup some great corals from here.
Chris J Nano tank
Chris J Nano tank - 7 years ago
Reef Builders I'm sorry I thought you sold corals lol
Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 7 years ago
Lol I don't sell anything, just free videos for you all to enjoy!
Fabian Hazeu
Fabian Hazeu - 7 years ago
Great video!
I was wondering how to solve that algae problem on the sandbed. It keeps coming back in my tank... Do you have any tips? I already have a sand shifting star and goby. Thanks :)
Fabian Hazeu
Fabian Hazeu - 7 years ago
Fonseca Corals It is this orange/red looking algae on the sandbed.
Fonseca Corals
Fonseca Corals - 7 years ago
Fabian Hazeu what kind of algae is it?
John Zimm
John Zimm - 7 years ago
Thanks. I have a 29g that I'm starting, so it's nice to see what can be done in a nano tank.
Andy Mead
Andy Mead - 7 years ago
A great bunch nano tanks, and interesting to see what's possible long term with a small amount of water.
915Mang - 7 years ago
Nice Jake, Loving these videos.
Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 7 years ago
You're welcome and thanks for watching!
igotthatdank - 7 years ago
great video thanks
CUBAN REEFER - 7 years ago
Where is that located! , is that Miami
Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 7 years ago
No this is in Denver Colorado
Zach Lutz
Zach Lutz - 7 years ago
Thanks for all the great videos Jake!
m nieves
m nieves - 7 years ago
Nice tanks

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