NANO REEF OVERLOAD!! Five Great Nano & Pico Reefs At Elite Reef
Pets & Animals 7 years ago 56,178 views is the source for all your reef aquarium news - the latest on exotic fish, rare corals and hot new aquarium gear. Mike's Killer Nano Reef: Elite Reef Featured on Denver Shop Tour:
You're putting out some great content. Keep shootin and sharin!
10. comment for NANO REEF OVERLOAD!! Five Great Nano & Pico Reefs At Elite Reef
Sweet! Thanks for the reply.
20. comment for NANO REEF OVERLOAD!! Five Great Nano & Pico Reefs At Elite Reef
.. and that Acan tank! :O
30. comment for NANO REEF OVERLOAD!! Five Great Nano & Pico Reefs At Elite Reef
PS do you know how they were maintaining their water chemistry in those thanks.. especially the sps tank??
I was wondering how to solve that algae problem on the sandbed. It keeps coming back in my tank... Do you have any tips? I already have a sand shifting star and goby. Thanks :)