Nano Fish
Pets & Animals 10 years ago 189,468 views
A whole video dedicated to the pee wees, the tinys, the wee ones. Yes fish 3" and below! There are hundreds of fish I could have mentioned but I kept it to mostly what I have in my tanks right now. If you want to learn about more fish I found this page helpful. Now I have to go boil easter eggs for the clones to find. I'm hoping i can lose a few in the woods next weekend. **** Note YouTube was acting up and wouldn't set this up in HD so I had to re upload it.
In a small tank the puffer will do fine on it's own. Enough plants and sand will keep him very active and investigating, and he might greet you every time you walk by. They have the most personality of all small freshwater fish in my opinion. In 10 gallon you could keep it with Hara Jerdoni, a shy ~1 inch sized catfish that will do better in groups. Very shy, but very safe because of it. Also malaysian trumpet snails would do well. It keeps the puffers actively digging, form a small clean up crew, and reproduce faster than they can be eaten. You won't see them, but they are extremely functional.
10. comment for Nano Fish
I want to
20. comment for Nano Fish
30. comment for Nano Fish
The trick is having a lot of plants. But snails are always the easiest inverts.
Are you using ....R-O water ?.......
Are you using ...CO2 ?.........
Are you running any..... brackish tanks ?.............
Co2 in the cube tank only
No brackish now
Then kuhli loach is not for little tanks.
That being said, pest snails can reproduce quick enough to be a permanent addition. Puffers do like living in a harem, and have amazing personalities. They are drawn to people, and like to interact with the plants while never really hiding. For all the space per fish they require they make up for in character. I really do enjoy them in a nicely planted tank, with a sandy bottom. It just makes them very interactive. They're worth it.
50. comment for Nano Fish
Keep the updates coming and peace out
Having said that, the playful nature of puffers make up for a lot. You can certainly keep one in 5 gallons, possibly even 2 females. But that would require a lot of attention. Pest snails can be kept with them, as they reproduce way too quickly to be easily wiped out. It gives them a reason to sift through the sand and search the plants. Puffers also recognize humans and will beg for treats. Very interactive fish that give you a lot to look at.
Lastly I would love to recommend one fish that could do well. 5 gallons doesn't offer a lot of space, especially not with a territorial and wasteheavy puffer, so I'd suggest asian stone catfish (Hara Jerdoni). There are other options that might work, like emerald danio, but 5 gallon incites territorial behaviour. Asian stones stay about an inch, possibly 1 1/4 inches, and can do well with just a couple. Shy, bottom loving and pretty hardy they will probably do with a single puffer. They hide a lot, but are suitable because of that shy nature.
7 to 10 gallon fish tanks . they are a bit like a killifish . t have not cept these yet because
i do not see in my fish shops around here. fantastic nano fish , what ph do scalt babis
need and what size tank
100. comment for Nano Fish
I suspect his immune sys. was most likely compromised from the start, after all, I did purchase him at a local, Asian "dollar store" of sorts (typical, uncycled, ridiculous little container, dirty and underfed). He fell ill a few times after I got him, regardless of exceptional care. It was terribly sad to see him get better, only to weaken again, and finally pass. It's interesting how such little creatures, who swim in boxes of water, cannot be pet, cuddled, or held, still become so loved and cherished by us on the other side of the glass!
The whole experience has really left me considering a larger tank,and the opportunity to own a larger species. From what I gather, it seems larger species = longer lifespans (angels, goldfish, cichlids, etc). Im curious to hear others' opinions regarding lifespan, and size. Are there any small/nano fish that you all have kept for a significant # of years? As for larger species, which do you find live longest/are your favorite?
All different dwarf corys with different attributes.
You appear to have both Corydoras Pygmaeus and Corydoras Habrosus (Salt & Pepper). The Pygmaeus are more mid level swimmers in groups whereas the Habrosus tend to act more like the larger bottom dwelling corys. I've never seen them in mixed groups but they do tend to exhibit more personality and seem more comfortable in groups of 5-7 or more. They are great little fish for smaller tanks and some of my favorite.
Great tanks, great channel and thanks for sharing your passion!
Haha realy nice clone beta haha.
Thanks a lot pecteck have nice day!
Thanks man.
Not so productive clones