Nano Fish

A whole video dedicated to the pee wees, the tinys, the wee ones. Yes fish 3" and below! There are hundreds of fish I could have mentioned but I kept it to mostly what I have in my tanks right now. If you want to learn about more fish I found this page helpful. Now I have to go boil easter eggs for the clones to find. I'm hoping i can lose a few in the woods next weekend. **** Note YouTube was acting up and wouldn't set this up in HD so I had to re upload it.

Nano Fish sentiment_very_dissatisfied 89

Pets & Animals 10 years ago 189,468 views

A whole video dedicated to the pee wees, the tinys, the wee ones. Yes fish 3" and below! There are hundreds of fish I could have mentioned but I kept it to mostly what I have in my tanks right now. If you want to learn about more fish I found this page helpful. Now I have to go boil easter eggs for the clones to find. I'm hoping i can lose a few in the woods next weekend. **** Note YouTube was acting up and wouldn't set this up in HD so I had to re upload it.

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Most popular comments
for Nano Fish

bebebutterfield1 - 7 years ago
You are amazing. One of my favs.
pecktec - 7 years ago
+bebebutterfield1 awww thanks made my day!
Christian Pepe
Christian Pepe - 7 years ago
I had a 10 gallon setup a while ago. it had 2 German blue rams,1 spotted cat,1 jewley cat, 3 male cherry barbs,4 otocinclus aka dwarf cichlids and a clown pleco. tank wasn't over crowded not sure why when I tell people they think it's over crowded. anyway I'm looking to stay with the cichlid route. all I found that was close looking to an African was a brevis and I just don't like em. if anyone has any suggestions that'd be great. keep in mind it obviously can't be over 3 inches
Wobbe gong
Wobbe gong - 7 years ago
What about african dwarf frogs
fil - 7 years ago
why are you not my fathers to teach me this...
pecktec - 7 years ago
+Filzah Abdul ;)
Emmison Ilich-king
Emmison Ilich-king - 7 years ago
Neon tetra❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Blix Wolf
Blix Wolf - 7 years ago
Are these all fresh water fish ??
Jarette Marin
Jarette Marin - 7 years ago
How do you keep a Bumblebee catfish with smaller fish? I've heard they eat fish that can fit in it's mouth
pecktec - 7 years ago
They will especially shrimp.
J Brown
J Brown - 7 years ago
can the dwarf puffer fish/pea puffers be housed with any other nano fish? :) great video!
I'm a tree
I'm a tree - 7 years ago
In a big tank? Probably fast schooling fish in a well planted tank with some open space. White clouds, danos, most tetras, rasboras.. But it's quite risk as some puffer are just murderers by heart. They can nip any fish or invertebrate to death that won't eat them. A school of 6-10 ottos is perfectly safe, if you know how to handle those. A good otto school is very active and lively, but need a big tank.

In a small tank the puffer will do fine on it's own. Enough plants and sand will keep him very active and investigating, and he might greet you every time you walk by. They have the most personality of all small freshwater fish in my opinion. In 10 gallon you could keep it with Hara Jerdoni, a shy ~1 inch sized catfish that will do better in groups. Very shy, but very safe because of it. Also malaysian trumpet snails would do well. It keeps the puffers actively digging, form a small clean up crew, and reproduce faster than they can be eaten. You won't see them, but they are extremely functional.
smorgan__ - 7 years ago
it took me until the end of the video to realize the two guys were the same person...
MonkeySee MonkeyTube
MonkeySee MonkeyTube - 7 years ago
Wait they are? I didn't realize that!
pecktec - 7 years ago
+smorgan__ psych!

10. comment for Nano Fish

BAS Aquariums
BAS Aquariums - 7 years ago
reticulated hillstream loach are good nano fish ( i have found at least mine to be aggressive twords my long-fin brislenose green Cory and crown-tail beta
Juan Carlos Lopez
Juan Carlos Lopez - 7 years ago
nano fish should be in a comfrtable sized acuarums 20 gallons or more
Jordan M
Jordan M - 7 years ago
bumble bee gobies are awsome. thouhh youll need slight bravkish water
Gabensy - 7 years ago
Gabensy - 7 years ago
I want to
Bat Fink
Bat Fink - 7 years ago
Gabensy clone , pecktec used the same techniques which was used to create dolly the sheep. Google dolly the sheep
pecktec - 7 years ago
+Gabensy clone
Bren7080 - 7 years ago
I eternally thank you, pecktec, for introducing me to the bumblebee catfish. I've looked around for a micro catfish that ACTUALLY looks like it's bigger counterpart, and I think you've shown me it.
I'm a tree
I'm a tree - 7 years ago
Asian stone catfish might be another option. Like the bumblebee it is skittish, prefers groups, and has that great catfish look. Amazing natural camouflage. It stays even smaller, so you can actually keep succesfully it in a nano instead of 70 L tank. It means it's less of a burden to keep several, which keeps them a lot more active. Another bonus is that you'll never find them as sneaky and predatory as some bumblebees come. Definitely nano safe. It might eat shrimplets, but all fish except otto do that.
pecktec - 7 years ago
+Bren7080 they are cool but.. they hide a lot. I've seen him about three times.
D Leal
D Leal - 7 years ago
what tankmates do you keep with your white clouds?
pecktec - 7 years ago
+D Leal they go with most any non aggressive fish. Get a school of six or more.
Leroy Sinclair
Leroy Sinclair - 7 years ago
Is this one guy or is it two?......
Random Facts
Random Facts - 7 years ago
Just remember people, just because they're nano fish doesn't mean they need to be in a nano tank!
Millerific - 7 years ago
I love Guppies and Honey Gouramis!
Nicole Riply
Nicole Riply - 7 years ago
what aquatic animal can thrive in a 1 gallon tank
pecktec - 7 years ago
+Emily chitwood shrimp if it's well kept.

20. comment for Nano Fish

Julian Purdy
Julian Purdy - 8 years ago
Otocinclus require a lot of upkeep though because they produce refuse at the speed and dirtiness of a goldfish. Just putting this out as a note for anyone who's considering them for a small tank--they do better in bigger ones.
pecktec - 8 years ago
+Julian Purdy I don't know if I would say they produce waist equivalent to a gold fish. They do tend to be delicate.
aquadragon1 - 8 years ago
There are OC Betta species that exceed 3 inches...
Pro Gamer
Pro Gamer - 8 years ago
what can I do with a 2 or 3 litre tank what fish can I put in there
I'm a tree
I'm a tree - 7 years ago
A snail or shrimp and some plants. Requires quite some attention anyway. Where did you manage to get such a, well lets call it "pico", tank?
Liam Diffee
Liam Diffee - 8 years ago
any sites you recommend to buy fish? my local pet stores only have your basic guppies, danios, etc
pecktec - 8 years ago
I have only mail ordered fish once. But it was a good experience. Check out my video fish by mail. Rachel is a champ.
Studio Dreamclaw
Studio Dreamclaw - 8 years ago
What fish can live in a fluval spec III nano? Also, i am just a beginner and cant care for shrimps
CMLee81 - 8 years ago
what do you have with your dwarf puffer?
Jhendka P.
Jhendka P. - 8 years ago
do you sell any of your clones?
pecktec - 8 years ago
+Jhendka P. I should but they can be unpredictable
Gonjo Guaiya
Gonjo Guaiya - 8 years ago
I;m from the Pacific Islands, so am I saltwater people? 1:06
Franklin Donaway
Franklin Donaway - 8 years ago
do u know how many fish I can put in a 5 gallon tank
boy bee
boy bee - 8 years ago
I want the puffer , it is so cute

30. comment for Nano Fish

Joy Sen
Joy Sen - 8 years ago
How much those nano fish cost?
Moldy_ waffle
Moldy_ waffle - 8 years ago
does the small catfish eat the shrimp
Moldy_ waffle
Moldy_ waffle - 8 years ago
+pecktec thanks
pecktec - 8 years ago
+Moldy_ waffle I think so yes. It took a while for me to figure it out though. Whooops!
*Danni* - 8 years ago
lol nano tank is below gallon, usually for kids & beginners. micro is 1-10 gallons, and mini is 10-20.
matt - 7 years ago
In America we don't have association that give us names for aquarium size. So as general for hobbyist we just say 10 gallon and under is nano
Luculencia - 8 years ago
Almost everyone else considers nano to be below about 7 gallons (ish).
*Danni* - 8 years ago
OK you're not ready to make aquariums friend, probably unlicensed.
pecktec - 8 years ago
what? where? No such thing.
Elida DLR
Elida DLR - 8 years ago
what? where? no no nano is 6.5 gallons below, mini is 6.5 - 12 gallons, small is 12-29, medium is 30-55 gallon large- this one's my opinion is 65g+
*Danni* - 8 years ago
pecktec according to international aquarium association.
pecktec - 8 years ago
what? where? According to what?
Kiefer Pham
Kiefer Pham - 8 years ago
shell dwellers
Madeline Lang
Madeline Lang - 8 years ago
What's was in your tank with the dwarf puffer
K FISH - 8 years ago
Smeckticale - 8 years ago
What would go nice in a ten gallon with a betta and two corys?
Tech Lord
Tech Lord - 8 years ago
Smeckticale I have a betta with 2 breeding German blue rams and they seem fine together. This is in a ten gallon a well.
Smeckticale - 8 years ago
Joseph Bowlby yeah its just got corys now. just the two. i have to travel awhile to get to my pet store. so haven't stocked it yet.
Pleco Joey
Pleco Joey - 8 years ago
I don't know if you still need suggestions, but I would recommend a small school of neon tetras or zebra danios.
Alex Taylor
Alex Taylor - 8 years ago
it probably wont be a problem till they get bigger tho
Smeckticale - 8 years ago
Alex Taylor they were in another tank that busted.
Alex Taylor
Alex Taylor - 8 years ago
cories shold be kept in shoals of 5 at the least. that being said, a 10 gallon is not large enough..
Sasha_ - 8 years ago
+Smeckticale another cory
colapundarn - 8 years ago
recomendation for a 4,4 gallon aquarium? i was thinking 2-3 endler's and some amano shrimp
I'm a tree
I'm a tree - 7 years ago
I'd never say Amanos don't work in a nano, but they are the kind of cleaner that needs a very well matured tank if it's around 10 gallons, or even less. I once had a red cherry shrimp tank I turned into a guppy tank. Never quite removed all the shrimp, and even though it shouldn't have worked they did breed successfully. A few young adult ghost or cherry shirmp will last a little while, be cheap, and not be in any danger for sure. Whether the cherry shrimplets survive is a big gamble, but they don't have to I suppose.

The trick is having a lot of plants. But snails are always the easiest inverts.
cameron farris
cameron farris - 8 years ago
colapundarn only do three male endlers but it sounds good
Patrick Ang
Patrick Ang - 8 years ago
WOuld ada aqua soil mess with the dwarf cories barbels?
pecktec - 8 years ago
+Patrick Ang no it's not rough at all.
UberAlex - 8 years ago
What would you feed the bumblebee catfish? Also, what would be the best size tank for it in gallons?
alex king
alex king - 8 years ago
what fish do you think I could keep with a pea puffer
alex king
alex king - 8 years ago
thank you :D
pecktec - 8 years ago
+alex king that can be tricky. They can be a little aggressive. I have kept them with plattys before and everyone got along ok. But it was a pretty big tank with lots of plants. They seem to ignore ottos as well.
CottonCat123 - 8 years ago
Aww so cute!
bomberbang - 8 years ago
dwarf puffers are so fucking cute
Pepper Falkiner
Pepper Falkiner - 7 years ago
I agree with cuda FX... puffers are cute but predatory and a bit mean lol. I have tried mixing them with other fish but they pick on everything-- even bigger fish sigh I have given up them entirely as I don't like to keep tanks for 1 fish.
Cuda FX
Cuda FX - 7 years ago
very fun to watch too. tiny little predators with the intelligence and personality, most small fish lack. and predatory they are, with a crushing bite! snails, fry and shrimp are fair game. bigger puffers are absolutely ferocious.
Dannon Rusch
Dannon Rusch - 8 years ago
cool video! Thanks for sharing all these little ones. ive put all my fish thanks in the past but thinking about a nano planted for my son with a select couple fish. thinking beta, kuhli's and some oto's. maybe some cherry shrimp if beta does not eat them.
Lester Loo
Lester Loo - 8 years ago
those aren't corydoras hastatus' ,the first one is the pygmy Cory,corydoras pygmaeus,the salt and pepper cory is corydoras habrosus
You-Tube Junkie
You-Tube Junkie - 8 years ago
Please...inform us.
Are you using ....R-O water ?.......
Are you using ...CO2 ?.........
Are you running any..... brackish tanks ?.............
pecktec - 8 years ago
+Phill Slavin ro - no
Co2 in the cube tank only
No brackish now
Whatever Whatever
Whatever Whatever - 8 years ago
Bad video, which can be misunderstood. Puffer is not that big but still will grow and should be kept in more brackish water rather than freshwater. It is very demanding little fella, which eats protein rich food and being kept in the small tank will be bored and excretes a lot of waste small filter might not be able to cope with.
Then kuhli loach is not for little tanks.
pecktec - 8 years ago
+Whatever Whatever this puffer is fresh water only. It's fine in a small planted tank if it's well maintained. This Bebe puffer is fully grown. And only eats live food. So whatever
Tan_Man - 8 years ago
hey do shell dweller cichlids are nano fish?
pecktec - 8 years ago
+Tanman1936 they are pretty small.
Tan_Man - 8 years ago
*count as nano fish
a012345 - 8 years ago
What can you put with a betta in a 5 gallon?
Stephanie Hernandez
Stephanie Hernandez - 7 years ago
You can even put some cory catfish in with the betta! thats what i have right now and theyre all doing great, the betta is actually enjoying them
Chitownst1 Gaming
Chitownst1 Gaming - 7 years ago
Michael Solis bro you can have fish in a 2.5 even a Betta so shut yo ass with that non sense
oliver karlsson
oliver karlsson - 8 years ago
Michael Solis why not? I dont see the problem
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 8 years ago
a012345 If it is planted and has gentle filtration sure a bettas can live in there!
T A - 8 years ago
a snail or two. or a few shrimps
Michael Solis
Michael Solis - 8 years ago
a012345 5 Gallon? Nothing. Not even betta!
muaythai193 - 8 years ago
can you keep the shrimps and the bb puffer together?
I'm a tree
I'm a tree - 7 years ago
Oh no, puffers are persistent and will nip at any invertebrate that can't eat them. Even a large ramshorn is on the menu eventually. Puffers are not very sociable. There is a reasonable chance they pick a fight with any fish. Ottos are an exception, and maybe asian stone catfish. But otos are not fit for nanos in any way.

That being said, pest snails can reproduce quick enough to be a permanent addition. Puffers do like living in a harem, and have amazing personalities. They are drawn to people, and like to interact with the plants while never really hiding. For all the space per fish they require they make up for in character. I really do enjoy them in a nicely planted tank, with a sandy bottom. It just makes them very interactive. They're worth it.
deanthetieguy - 8 years ago
muaythai193 no they will eat them

50. comment for Nano Fish

Darrien Michael
Darrien Michael - 8 years ago
Microrasboras are the smallest fish I've ever seen.
akif hazim
akif hazim - 8 years ago
pecktec - 8 years ago
yeah they are super tiny!
ambivalenc3 - 8 years ago
Can you make a video specifically about the pea puffer? Thanks!
ambivalenc3 - 8 years ago
Ok thanks!
pecktec - 8 years ago
+ambivalenc3 yeah I have been trying to get ahold of a new one. Maybe soon.
Austin Cooper
Austin Cooper - 8 years ago
Love the Phantom of the Opera
Kayla Jean
Kayla Jean - 8 years ago
I have a figure 8 puffer fish it's so cute
Shim JF
Shim JF - 8 years ago
Are they twins?
Sonny Skye
Sonny Skye - 8 years ago
Marks Shrimp Tanks
Marks Shrimp Tanks - 8 years ago
Is that your twin at the start of the video ..kappa face :D
NotInTheWayYouThink 2017
NotInTheWayYouThink 2017 - 7 years ago
Wow r u really that stupid
Bat Fink
Bat Fink - 7 years ago
Marks Shrimp Tanks no he cloned himself
rurutu M
rurutu M - 8 years ago
nice clone, what's their grow out tank setup?
pecktec - 8 years ago
+Marks Shrimp Tanks ahh the early days with the clones before they revolted.
Casey J.
Casey J. - 8 years ago
Mutton Chops Galore
Gazi Sahil
Gazi Sahil - 8 years ago
All the fishes were in same tank ?
pecktec - 8 years ago
Druido Bianco
Druido Bianco - 8 years ago
My favourite? None of them, dario dario!
pecktec - 8 years ago
That one was in part 2 I think.
Miss Mac
Miss Mac - 8 years ago
Thanks for the great info! On a side note, I want that space invaders shirt :D
CapJM - 8 years ago
How many dwarf puffers should I put in a 12 gallon Fluval Edge? Thanks:)
jaboody 619
jaboody 619 - 8 years ago
WolfGuardian123 you can school them just be careful because they are adorable but mean af
gradevoir - 8 years ago
WolfGuardian123 i would say 1 cuz from my experience they will attack each other even when i had 2 in a planted 20 g tank
VanSneiwder - 8 years ago
were all this fish in the same aquarium? I didn't expect shrimp and puffer fish on the same aquarium
Tom Goss
Tom Goss - 8 years ago
Rhinogobius Wui - Check them out, very active and easy to keep.
Foster Dog Mom
Foster Dog Mom - 8 years ago
Betta is pronounced BET-uh, not BAY-tuh. Beta (pronounced BAY-uh) is the second letter of the Greek alphabet. Betta (pronounced BET-uh) is the fish! Thanks for the wonderful video.
pecktec - 8 years ago
Its one of those things that happens when you read a word a lot and pronounce it wrong in your head then can't stop saying it that way. I do that ALOT. Now I do actually know how its pronced but its a bit of a struggle to get myself to say it. If you watch my Betta game video I do it both ways. I don't actually care if someone pronounces it one way or the other. But I get annoyed when people say gyro wrong. So I won't judge.
Dane Fife
Dane Fife - 8 years ago
+Foster Dog Mom wow. it's people like you who really make this world go round! could you believe what this world would be like if one person mispronounced betta... wow thank you so much!
Foster Dog Mom
Foster Dog Mom - 8 years ago
Apparently, you have a prejudice against being educated.
Salem Ross
Salem Ross - 8 years ago
Who cares?! They can pronounce it however they like. It doesn't matter
ArowanaMan85 A
ArowanaMan85 A - 8 years ago
great video quality is AAA, appropriate this info for someone that has always kept large fish (arowana and such) those puffers are pretty sweet
pecktec - 8 years ago
Thanks so much!
Josh Booth
Josh Booth - 8 years ago
Is that not a Pygmy cory??
pecktec - 8 years ago
Pretty sure I got the latin name wrong.
Josh Booth
Josh Booth - 8 years ago
What other fish would you put in a 10L with a male betta if any?
Dane Fife
Dane Fife - 8 years ago
Wernbread - 8 years ago
I like Siamese algae eaters!
♔Lies - 8 years ago
Uhmm is a 5gal tank considered as a nano tank
♔Lies - 8 years ago
+pecktec Thank you, I love your vids.
pecktec - 8 years ago
+♔Lies sure for fresh water I say 10 gallon and below are nano. That's just my opinion though.
Herschel Franklin
Herschel Franklin - 8 years ago
i like guppies
pecktec - 8 years ago
+herschel 07 me too I need to get some more.
malachi cooper
malachi cooper - 8 years ago
pecktec - 8 years ago
Redskinshouse95 - 8 years ago
Corydoras pygmaeus*
Stefan Karg
Stefan Karg - 8 years ago
that's the question you ask? lol hopefully this will answer that for you haha
pecktec - 8 years ago
+Stefan Karg There you go.
Stefan Karg
Stefan Karg - 8 years ago
Redskinshouse95 - 8 years ago
+Stefan Karg . They absolutely will, there is proof to support that
Stefan Karg
Stefan Karg - 8 years ago
Thank you so much, Grammer god! Now I'll be Aquascape god for a second.
pecktec - 8 years ago
+Stefan Karg Do you always speak in all caps?
Crystal Bellus
Crystal Bellus - 8 years ago
pea puffers are perfect!!!
jhon 134
jhon 134 - 8 years ago
borneo sucker is also for nano aquascape fish
Redskinshouse95 - 8 years ago
+jhon travolta They need larger tanks with lots of current and are not suitable for nano tanks
The Suarez Gaming
The Suarez Gaming - 8 years ago
Oh my god that tank is so overstocked- said every idiot in the comments section on every fish tank video ever
The Suarez Gaming
The Suarez Gaming - 8 years ago
its cuz i see fish tank videos with regular amounts of fish and people complain about over stocking
pecktec - 8 years ago
+The Suarez Gaming I don't get that a whole lot.
Kiran Cotting
Kiran Cotting - 8 years ago
Tetras guppies mollies platies etc
NegLect - 8 years ago
my common pleco is 5 inches :)
William91W - 8 years ago
Way too much Intro cringe.
pecktec - 8 years ago
+William91W oh no!
Fearlessmestizo Franky P.
Fearlessmestizo Franky P. - 8 years ago
nice beard!
Kieran Gray
Kieran Gray - 8 years ago
hey pecktec, please do an update on your dwarf puffer,
Kieran Gray
Kieran Gray - 8 years ago
Ok, because i have a 25 gallon, and i want to stock it, but with what i dont know, could u help? I also have a 8 gallon, with 3 male dario dario, what else could i add?
pecktec - 8 years ago
+Kieran Gray this one was on his own
Kieran Gray
Kieran Gray - 8 years ago
+pecktec, that is a shame, did u keep him with anything else? (apart from pest snails lol)
pecktec - 8 years ago
+Kieran Gray he died :( I will get more soon though.
crazycatlady39 - 9 years ago
I can only have an aquarium  up to 5 gallons according to my landlord - how many total INCHES of nano fish do you think is reasonable? It would be  freshwater; either Tropical {Heated Aquarium} or Cold water {Unheated Aquarium}. And no I really don't want a Betta, I've had 3 of those and want something else now.
Goblin Engineer
Goblin Engineer - 8 years ago
Don't do a few neons, they need at least a 2 foot long tank and since they are schooling fish they should be in groups of 6+. If you have a small tank you can't just reduce numbers and be fine.
Harrison Walker
Harrison Walker - 8 years ago
A few neons and a few shrimp and that it really
Goblin Engineer
Goblin Engineer - 8 years ago
+crazycatlady39 The inch per gallon rule is very flawed, because it would seen like you would be able to keep a few small schooling fish in there, but you wouldn't. You could try a dwarf puffer, or a killifish of some kind (as long as it is not a golden panchax).
crazycatlady39 - 9 years ago
+crazycatlady39 Also, as of a tank-I don't have one currently. So I can easily adjust the setup.
Smoking Samoria
Smoking Samoria - 9 years ago
the guy on the left is a carbon copy of john goodman
Smoking Samoria
Smoking Samoria - 9 years ago
+pecktec no hate. both you and John Goodman are awesome
pecktec - 9 years ago
Oh Lordy.
Alvaro Vital
Alvaro Vital - 9 years ago
nice video, I'd add to your list some neón tetras though
Goblin Engineer
Goblin Engineer - 8 years ago
+Alvaro Vital Neons need at least a 2 foot long tank, so anything under a 10 gallon, or the 10 itself is a bit too small.
Thuddy Waters
Thuddy Waters - 9 years ago
Why don't you ever play punk in your videos?
Thuddy Waters
Thuddy Waters - 9 years ago
Yeah, I guess that's a good point. Still, nothing goes better with fish and aquariums than Minor Threat and The Subhumans.
pecktec - 9 years ago
+Mxmmjwkjxk Sssftffpytryrtrttm I really should. I avoid real music a bunch now with copyright strikes lingering in the air. I'll look for some I can use.
William E
William E - 9 years ago
You are way cool and your tanks and fish too bro.
Keep the updates coming and peace out
pecktec - 9 years ago
Thanks William!
Gaina - 9 years ago
I started out with Harlequin Rasbora, then had a bit of a disaster and they died (still haven't pinpointed the cause as all my parameters etc were good), but I have now switched to Hengeli rasbora and I love them, they're so pretty and extremely lively! I only have 4 at the minute but I'm going to build up the school. I've got a 65 litre tank (believe that's just over 17 US gallons) and I'd also like to add some pygmy cory's at some point :).
Megs B
Megs B - 9 years ago
I've recently discovered the dwarf puffer, and I'm fascinated by it. I have a 5.6 spec (currently empty), and I would love to keep one (or two!), but I want some tank mates for it. I know the otos are sort of a go-to fish that doesn't seem to bother or be bothered by the puffer, but I don't think my little tank is big enough for them. What are the chances a colony of shrimp will be able to keep themselves sufficiently populated in such a small tank with one puffer? I love the tiger and blue crystal shrimp, but red cherries and ghost are going to be easier to get my hands on if I need to repopulate. Any thoughts or suggestions? Are there any shrimp that would be hardier than others in this environment? I've added lots of plants and hiding spots in the tank and will most likely add some java moss to encourage the shrimps. I guess I'm hoping that the puffer won't go crazy eating fry if it's so outnumbered.
I'm a tree
I'm a tree - 7 years ago
Puffers are very active fish they will hunt even when fully fed. They'd need a very large tank to share. Even more so, puffers can damage plants to get at them. They normally would never harm plants, just explore and play, but food can't hide. A large shrimp isn't safe either. Puffers will nip until it dies. Can take weeks, but it will happen. And indeed, 5 gallons is not nearly large enough for a school of ottos.

Having said that, the playful nature of puffers make up for a lot. You can certainly keep one in 5 gallons, possibly even 2 females. But that would require a lot of attention. Pest snails can be kept with them, as they reproduce way too quickly to be easily wiped out. It gives them a reason to sift through the sand and search the plants. Puffers also recognize humans and will beg for treats. Very interactive fish that give you a lot to look at.

Lastly I would love to recommend one fish that could do well. 5 gallons doesn't offer a lot of space, especially not with a territorial and wasteheavy puffer, so I'd suggest asian stone catfish (Hara Jerdoni). There are other options that might work, like emerald danio, but 5 gallon incites territorial behaviour. Asian stones stay about an inch, possibly 1 1/4 inches, and can do well with just a couple. Shy, bottom loving and pretty hardy they will probably do with a single puffer. They hide a lot, but are suitable because of that shy nature.
pecktec - 8 years ago
I have kept them (shrimp) together but he will in the end eat them all. Or just kill them.
jason mayer
jason mayer - 9 years ago
you could also add to your list the sunfish and the peal fish these probably need about
7 to 10 gallon fish tanks . they are a bit like a killifish . t have not cept these yet because
i do not see in my fish shops around here. fantastic nano fish , what ph do scalt babis
need and what size tank
Sega Wolf
Sega Wolf - 8 years ago
They're native fish, probably that's why you don't see them in aquarium stores. If you go fishing you could easily catch some yourself.
Katie Medvecka
Katie Medvecka - 9 years ago
wheres the neon tetra?
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 8 years ago
Katja Medvecka Yeah, I though that too, though neons do prefer longer tanks
Guacamole Tester
Guacamole Tester - 9 years ago
I've watched this video so many times but I still find it so interesting. I just got my new female betta and I need a small algae eater so I'm thinking about otocinclus.
Jacob Cudmore
Jacob Cudmore - 8 years ago
+pecktec how many otocinclus can I get in my 10 gal?
pecktec - 9 years ago
That will be good. Most other fish ignore them and they do a good job. If you have room get 3.
AwStitch626 - 9 years ago
is it true you cant keep bumble bee catfish with fish like endlers, neon tetra? e.c.t ive heard a few people say they eat small 'tetra' size fish? x
Amna Raine
Amna Raine - 9 years ago
the phantom of the opera bit made me laugh out loud haha
crazycatlady39 - 9 years ago
+Amna R So awesome!!!
pecktec - 9 years ago
George Campbell
George Campbell - 9 years ago
I've got rocket panchax "clown killifish" and they are really nice to have in a small tank they are about 2-3cm
pecktec - 9 years ago
I got some of those also! I'm looking to get more.
bailzer01 - 9 years ago
Hey! Do you still breed the red cherry shrimp? I am really interested in them. I can't get them within a 200 mile radius of me.
Altair Relian
Altair Relian - 9 years ago
I love how the Dwarf Puffer slowly hovers up from hiding when you introduced it haha.It was like it was saying "Were talking about me?".
Lelani Dixon
Lelani Dixon - 9 years ago
Have you ever tried Panda Loaches? They are just great little loaches, never get big and are fun to watch. They have black and white stripes that look great against the dark substrates when they are juveniles. Adults look somewhat similar to the otocinclus. The pandas are great algae eaters and do well with other community fish. No aggressions noted from my three that are with Celestial Danios, Endlers, Harlequin Rasbora and shrimp. Mine are very active and not shy at all. They can be found all over the tank, from bottom to top.
pecktec - 9 years ago
+Lelani Dixon I love those guys. I'm on a stocking freeze until my tanks get moved around. more on that Sunday.
Arsalan Khan
Arsalan Khan - 9 years ago
is it a salt water tank
Arsalan Khan
Arsalan Khan - 9 years ago
+pecktec what is a nice fish for a 1 and a half foot tank I want a lot of fish can I get a puffer
pecktec - 9 years ago
+Arsalan Khan nope I dont have any right now.

100. comment for Nano Fish

Fish Freak
Fish Freak - 9 years ago
I have a 5-6" bumble bee catfish? They don't stay small for long
Goblin Engineer
Goblin Engineer - 8 years ago
+Fish Freak There are 2 varieties that go by the same common name, different latin name. There's both an SA and an asian variety. I think the SA one is the smaller one.
pecktec - 9 years ago
+Fish Freak mine hides all the time. I thought he was dead for a month but hes still there.
Tetra Aquariums
Tetra Aquariums - 9 years ago
a year ago I got 5 goldfish at a fair ( I know I shouldn't have) and I already had a 10 gallon aquarium, what nano fish should I swap them for (cold water)
Slugo's RC
Slugo's RC - 9 years ago
Great Video I just bought a small 3 gal. with a light and bubbler I know I didn't set it up right but oh well the fish are alright a I didn't spend a ton of money I also don't have the room for a big tank and the money but for now what I have is pretty cool. Thanks for the video! Rich
colormesarge - 9 years ago
the humble platyfish is a great 3" or less beginner fish.
pecktec - 9 years ago
+colormesarge Yep they were some of my first.
ibuprofanity - 9 years ago
What can I put in a 5 gallon tank?
Drew Meier
Drew Meier - 8 years ago
YKLB Fish i have done extensive research on freshwater fish and i am an expert fishkeeper do not dare tell me to do research you fool. BETTAS NEED TANK MATES OR THEY WILL BE BORED LOSE COLOR AND DIE YOUNG. They fight a lot of fish but tetras and shrimp get along with bettas and keeping a betta with tetras is requited or another fish they get along with. so why font you do research before commenting and yes bettas do live in streams and rivers in asia not rice patties.
Jess MacDougall
Jess MacDougall - 8 years ago
+YKLB Fish actually they can be kept with other fish, depending on the fish's personality and what fish you house him with
YKLB Fish - 8 years ago
Drew Meier one more thing even in a 10 gallon male Bettas will kill other fish and you're wrong. Do research before posting a sharknado of a comment.
YKLB Fish - 8 years ago
Drew Meier the stream parts aren't true and those are wild ones not domesticated ones. I know bigger is better but you can keep Bettas in a minimum of 5 gallons with a filter and frequent water changes.
Drew Meier
Drew Meier - 8 years ago
BETTA NEED BIG HABITATS-- Why does everyone including experienced fish keepers say its OK to have them in small tanks? do your research people they do not naturally live in rice paddies they live in very large streams. They require at least 10 gallons and company such as tetras or shrimp because they also hate being alone.
Jess MacDougall
Jess MacDougall - 9 years ago
betta, pygmy puffer, shrimp tank...
RyansAquarium - 9 years ago
+ibuprofanity a betta is always a good option in 5 gal, just remember the smaller the tank the harder it is to keep clean :)
Christopher - 9 years ago
I like cherry barbs!
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 9 years ago
So do I
Neill Jansen van Vuuren
Neill Jansen van Vuuren - 9 years ago
Hey, great vid. How many Dwarf Puffer do you think I can put in A 6 gallon edge?
Smoking Samoria
Smoking Samoria - 9 years ago
they are extremely aggressive so I would only put one in a tank
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 9 years ago
1 or 2
Acuarios ZGZ
Acuarios ZGZ - 9 years ago
You are wrong because the kulis become very large over the years
Acuarios ZGZ
Acuarios ZGZ - 9 years ago
pecktec - 9 years ago
Honorable mention
Yev Zakharov
Yev Zakharov - 9 years ago
Lol I can see where the dividing cropping line is in the screen for the cloning. Love this trick! Hardest part is to make both halves look identical in terms of lighting and timing.
pecktec - 9 years ago
+Yev Sakharov I got a little better as time went on. Be sure to check out my Holiday special for the ultimate clone experience. :)
James Casswell
James Casswell - 9 years ago
i've been thinking about putting some khuli loach in my 12 gallon planted tank but i am conscious that of the fact i have some red bee shrimp in there and knowing how loaches love to eat shrimp i'm a bit nervous can anyone offer any advice please
James Casswell
James Casswell - 9 years ago
+Sandi Jennings thank you
Guacamole Tester
Guacamole Tester - 9 years ago
I very successfully had cherry red shrimp and a Khuli loach together for about a year before I ended the hobby. As long as you provide lots of food, live plants and hiding places then you should be fine
Sophie Ruijs
Sophie Ruijs - 9 years ago
Can a dwarf puffer go in a female betta sorority, along with amberlight and neon tetras? :)
ThunderousFrog - 9 years ago
I've heard the will rip any fish up that's in the tank with them also I think it's one puffer per 10 gallons of water
Patrick Kerr
Patrick Kerr - 9 years ago
The Bumblebee catfish I have in my 55 gallon tank is about 6 in.
Goblin Engineer
Goblin Engineer - 8 years ago
+Patrick Kerr The bumbleebee catfish is a weird one, because there is both an asian and a south american variety, which go by the same common name. But the SA one gets about 3" I believe.
Vincent Bystrom
Vincent Bystrom - 9 years ago
please have more nanofish videoes iknow you already have a "more nano fish" video but i need to get information about small fish... I have 12 shrimps in a 30l akvarium so I want to fill it out. Also can you tell with a video what you can have as decoration in your tank. and links for where you can buy them. Thanks!
TayDayLay - 9 years ago
Great video, good job guys.
Andrew Morris
Andrew Morris - 9 years ago
hi Sean, I have a bit of a dilemma... since first thinking about getting into fish keeping I've wanted to get a bristle nose catfish, only now I hear they can be quite destructive to sword plants, which I have a couple of beautiful specimens that I would hate to see stripped bare! would you say it's worth the risk? or should I go for something smaller (and potentially less destructive) like a group of ottos? cheers mate
Andrew Morris
Andrew Morris - 9 years ago
+pecktec cheers (again) for getting back to me, both do seem like facinating fish. To save my swords I think I will go for the ottos, this would give me a great excuse to set up another tank for a Bristlenose! ( just have to convince the wife now) My substrate is mostly sand but I have a few deep areas of aqua grow nutrasoil and the swords seem to love it! cheers again
pecktec - 9 years ago
Ottos are great in numbers. I've kept a bunch of bristled noses but I can grow swords for some reason so I guess I haven't noticed that issue. I guess they could over suck on the leaves and tear them up. I think the b n pleco would do more work for you but a large school of ottos may off set that.
juntistik - 9 years ago
Nice Galaga shirt!
pecktec - 9 years ago
+juntistik Thanks!
blobo100 - 9 years ago
Glowlight Danios are my favourite. I have 12 of them in my 30 gallon tank :)
Craig Magee
Craig Magee - 9 years ago
My fav nano fish has to be the Mosquito Chili Rasbora. :)
pecktec - 9 years ago
+Craig Magee I answered you in my latest video uploading now!
pecktec - 9 years ago
+Craig Magee good one!
Kastin4Dayz - 9 years ago
you should try the stiphodon goby, they are small and worth buying!
Nathan Bonnell
Nathan Bonnell - 9 years ago
Phantom makes everything better.
pecktec - 9 years ago
+Nathan Bonnell yes yes it does.
AB W - 9 years ago
I recently exp.'d my first fish loss. Having spent many o' many hours, days/nights literally reading and researching, joining forums, etc. learning all I could about proper husbandry for my beloved betta, I was so happy to give him a new life. He went into a lovely, cycled Fluval, fed NLS pellets and bloodworms, received wkly w/c's tested with the master test kit, etc.) So It was just heartbreaking to have lost him but a mere 1 1/2 yrs. into owning him.
    I suspect his immune sys. was most likely compromised from the start, after all, I did purchase him at a local, Asian "dollar store" of sorts (typical, uncycled, ridiculous little container, dirty and underfed). He fell ill a few times after I got him, regardless of exceptional care. It was terribly sad to see him get better, only to weaken again, and finally pass. It's interesting how such little creatures, who swim in boxes of water, cannot be pet, cuddled, or held, still become so loved and cherished by us on the other side of the glass!
     The whole experience has really left me considering a larger tank,and the opportunity to own a larger species. From what I gather, it seems larger species = longer lifespans (angels, goldfish, cichlids, etc). Im curious to hear others' opinions regarding lifespan, and size. Are there any small/nano fish that you all have kept for a significant # of years? As for larger species, which do you find live longest/are your favorite?
pecktec - 9 years ago
+Ashley W. I answered you in my latest video uploading now!
Emerge F.W.G.S
Emerge F.W.G.S - 9 years ago
Hi, I've been thinking of getting a dwarf puffer for ages! My only question is -do they not over time need a brackish or even salt water environment? Ewan.
pecktec - 9 years ago
+Emerge F.W.G.S this one was $8
Emerge F.W.G.S
Emerge F.W.G.S - 9 years ago
ahh i see, are they similar in price?
pecktec - 9 years ago
+Emerge F.W.G.S this one is only fresh water.
George Urieta
George Urieta - 9 years ago
Can you house all of these fish together in no I'm just wondering for the dwarf puffer specifically
pecktec - 9 years ago
Well that puffer can be aggressive. Hey may be ok with some other faster fish. They seem to ignore ottos for some reason.
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank - 9 years ago
wow great video there
LionelMPhd - 9 years ago
Awsome video
pecktec - 9 years ago
Dennis Younger
Dennis Younger - 9 years ago
Jonathan Cassity
Jonathan Cassity - 9 years ago
My favorite very small fish is the beta fish
Jonathan Cassity
Jonathan Cassity - 9 years ago
Dennis Younger
Dennis Younger - 9 years ago
Lemur.   Larry the LEMUR to be exact.
Dennis Younger
Dennis Younger - 9 years ago
nice video   not the usual seen on utube
Jacob's Tanks
Jacob's Tanks - 9 years ago
It's a Leamer or however You spell it
pecktec - 9 years ago
Thanks Dennis. Is that a monkey on your head?
Andi amo
Andi amo - 9 years ago
Those celestial pearl danios looks awesome
Spoil - 9 years ago
Aren't Dwarf Corys called Corydoras pygmaeus?
Aleks Kigelman
Aleks Kigelman - 9 years ago
+Hobbes1911 Yeah at first he showed a C. pygmaeus, then he showed a C. habrosus mislabeled as C. hastatus.

All different dwarf corys with different attributes.
Hobbes1911 - 9 years ago
+Spoil actually it's a C. habrosus that was mislabeled as C. hastatus. I think he simply didn't move the description in time a the previously labeled C. hastatus disappeared.
Spoil - 9 years ago
+craigathonian I know, but the one that was shown was a pygmaeus thats why i asked
craigathonian - 9 years ago
+Spoil ....There are three species of Corydoras commonly known as "dwarf or pygmy".  They are C. habrosus, C. hastatus, and C. pygmaeus.
Clint Singleton
Clint Singleton - 9 years ago
Just wanted to share a little info about the dwarf cory cats as I enjoy your channel and thought I could give back a little.

You appear to have both Corydoras Pygmaeus and Corydoras Habrosus (Salt & Pepper). The Pygmaeus are more mid level swimmers in groups whereas the Habrosus tend to act more like the larger bottom dwelling corys. I've never seen them in mixed groups but they do tend to exhibit more personality and seem more comfortable in groups of 5-7 or more. They are great little fish for smaller tanks and some of my favorite.

Great tanks, great channel and thanks for sharing your passion!
pecktec - 9 years ago
+Clint Singleton Thanks Clint!
Barrel Vany
Barrel Vany - 9 years ago
Thank you thank you. Hehee. Hi, from Indonesia, all of that are for aquascape fish
pecktec - 9 years ago
+Barrel Vany Hello! Hello! Thanks for watching!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
Man, looks like a lot of fun. Doing characters is the best. This is awesome!
Royal Gamer
Royal Gamer - 9 years ago
Where do you get the puffer
Royal Gamer
Royal Gamer - 9 years ago
Oh they won't have those in Massachusetts lol
pecktec - 9 years ago
+PETER 17 I got it at my local fish store here in Knoxville.
Bradford Aquatics
Bradford Aquatics - 9 years ago
Great video! There are some cool fish in there!
Ross Ellis
Ross Ellis - 9 years ago
Bumblebee goby
pecktec - 9 years ago
+Ross Ellis I took your advice!
The Glitch
The Glitch - 9 years ago
I've got a 30L nano set up for a small colony of bluebolt shrimp, but couldnt resist some more moment, so added a school of 8 chilli rasbora and 6 dwarf cory cats, the tank's never looked better!!
The Glitch
The Glitch - 9 years ago
+pecktec It looks amazing! Still a very low bioload too. :)
pecktec - 9 years ago
+The Glitch Thats a lot of action in there!
Timothy King
Timothy King - 9 years ago
Love all your videos ! I'm 53 and recently got back into planted aquarium and fish keeping after almost thirty years. Thanks for helping me remember how enjoyable and rewarding this hobby can be !!!
pecktec - 9 years ago
+Timothy King Any time!
Jamie Holloway
Jamie Holloway - 9 years ago
Love bumble bees one of my fav catfish
pecktec - 9 years ago
+Jamie Holloway I answered you in my latest video uploading now!
ReBootEnzo - 9 years ago
Ditch the clone. It has no benefit to these videos and is more of a distraction than anything.
Payton Barry
Payton Barry - 9 years ago
Where on earth can you buy that teeny tiny puffer?
pecktec - 9 years ago
They are cool little fish. I'm not sure how well they ship however. I have been lucky enough not to have to. You may find some on Aquabid. 
Payton Barry
Payton Barry - 9 years ago
+pecktec  all i have available are petsmart and petco. are they worth buying online?
pecktec - 9 years ago
+Payton Barry I got mine at the local fish store here in town.
Bryant Ma
Bryant Ma - 9 years ago
what light is that on the 27g???
Bryant Ma
Bryant Ma - 9 years ago
okay, found it. Thank you
pecktec - 9 years ago
+Bryant Ma its made by Kessel I have a video for it.
Averia Hacks
Averia Hacks - 9 years ago
i want to get a betta but what tank do u recomend
Averia Hacks
Averia Hacks - 9 years ago
I Was Thinking Of A Fluval Edge
pecktec - 9 years ago
+Averia Hacks any tank in my videos.
Jessica McLeod
Jessica McLeod - 9 years ago
I like the celestial danios the best I think. That deep red and the little spots, oh my god.
pecktec - 9 years ago
They are like mini trout. ~ clone beta
JonsFishTanks - 10 years ago
Ember Tetras are a really nice nano fish, they are about the size of a nickel, and they do great in a planted aquarium environment. They are a great beginner fish because they are quite a hardy species.
Gabriel Titus
Gabriel Titus - 10 years ago
Aaaa ....i forget to say my favorite is all of litle fish and shrimps, tell me please what substrate is in your tanks?
pecktec - 10 years ago
+Gabriel G Hey I use a lot of different things. Each of my setup videos tells what I'm using in good detail. The 27 cube video has a separate video all about it also.
Gabriel Titus
Gabriel Titus - 10 years ago
Haha realy nice clone beta haha.
Thanks a lot pecteck have nice day!
Aquascape - 10 years ago
My absolute favorite is the CPD.  Long fin White Clouds a close second!
Jean Rosa
Jean Rosa - 10 years ago
Other Nano fish worth considering: Dwarf Gourami, Scarlet Badis, Furcatus Rainbow, Ember Tetra, Chili Rasbora, Dwarf Pencilfish and Phoenix Rasbora. Not to mention the MOST COMMON of all the nano fish: Neon Tetras and Glowlight Tetras...
Jean Rosa
Jean Rosa - 10 years ago
wow this was a video after my own heart. i am ALL ABOUT the micro fish! i personally have Threadfin Rainbowfish (Iriatherina Werneri) . stunning little fish with big personality, plus they are perfect community fish. another cute micro species i own is the Pygmy Rasbora (Boraras Maculatus). They are so small and peaceful, they'd do well even in the smallest of setups--with shrimp too! i am dying to own some of the fish you currently have: pygmy cory cat, bumblebee cat, and CPD.  I could ramble all night about micro fish and nano tanks but for now i will just say THANK YOU for this very entertaining vid. Enjoy your vacation, Peck Brothers!
pecktec - 9 years ago
+Jean Rosa I answered you in my latest video uploading now!
Tiago C.
Tiago C. - 10 years ago
Love your videos pecktec. I have 5 otocinclus in my tank and i love them, the way they move in group it's just awesome. Bring life to any tank.
Aaron Jones
Aaron Jones - 10 years ago
I have one mini puffer too. Just love the guy.
Wes-Fish Care
Wes-Fish Care - 10 years ago
Pygmy corys and bettas are the favorite i have right now, but endlers and galaxy rasboras are on my wish list
OZZYTHEOSCAR - 10 years ago
Another good video pecktec. I did not know that the wcmm is not found in the wild anymore !
OZZYTHEOSCAR - 10 years ago
+pecktec yeah they are great little fish, and perfect for beginners. Far more suitable than the poor old goldfish myth.
pecktec - 10 years ago
+OZZYTHEOSCAR Yes they were thought to be completely extinct until the 1930s (I think) when another colony was discovered near the white cloud mountains. I have always had a soft spot for them.
Trader Andrew
Trader Andrew - 10 years ago
Nice video as always.. quick question, for some reason my tank has a lot of particles flying around in it.. It is in the process of cycling and i use liquid fertilizer for my plants... I thoroughly rinse everything before putting it into my tank, any ideas on what these particles are and how to make them go away so i can get crystal clear water like you?

Thanks man. 
pecktec - 10 years ago
+Trader Andrew It can take several days for thinks to really calm down in the tank after you set it up. The charcoal they put in filters grabs a lot of the smaller stuff. if its really fine particles adding a little extra may help.
Persistency - 10 years ago
I have a bumblebee catfish! He's incredibly fat, and will eat all of the bloodworms if he's fast enough.
pecktec - 10 years ago
+Persistency He has a really big mouth. I was afraid to put him with the Cherry shrimp.
BolivianFishKeeper - 10 years ago
Why aren't clones making videos while you are away.
Not so productive clones
pecktec - 10 years ago
+BolivianFishKeeper I can never get them all together its like herding cats.
BolivianFishKeeper - 10 years ago
The clone is looking blurry. Time for a new clone
pecktec - 10 years ago
+BolivianFishKeeper yeah or maybe a new camera.
FortWayne Fishtanks
FortWayne Fishtanks - 10 years ago
I saw some interesting specimens at my lfs yesterday, the gold tetra. Not gold pristellas, because i asked the lady what they were and she said gold tetra. Those look like they would be great nano fish
Jean Rosa
Jean Rosa - 10 years ago
gold tetras/brass tertras are gorgeous little fish, but i learned that they lose that color over time. otherwise i would totally get those myself
pecktec - 10 years ago
+FortWayne FishTanks hummm that sounds interesting.
Mbuna Marcus - Aquariums, Cichlids and More
Mbuna Marcus - Aquariums, Cichlids and More - 10 years ago
Clones stay lol...great vid

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