Oscar Vs. Blood Parrot - freshwater fish

The Oscar and the Blood Parrot used to fight like this every so often. It's been a long time since I've seen them do it, so I guess they sorted things out. For more info about this tank and my other projects, check out my channel and http://www.breakspirit.com Thanks for watching!

Oscar Vs. Blood Parrot - freshwater fish sentiment_very_dissatisfied 117

Pets & Animals 12 years ago 241,342 views

The Oscar and the Blood Parrot used to fight like this every so often. It's been a long time since I've seen them do it, so I guess they sorted things out. For more info about this tank and my other projects, check out my channel and http://www.breakspirit.com Thanks for watching!

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Most popular comments
for Oscar Vs. Blood Parrot - freshwater fish

carlos cat
carlos cat - 7 years ago
look like they are kissing each other?
Rajdeep Paul
Rajdeep Paul - 7 years ago
Dont put it
Heaven Paulino
Heaven Paulino - 7 years ago
are they fighting or ❤ what?
Dragon empress
Dragon empress - 7 years ago
Such cute fighting kisses. It'd be weird to see people fight like this
Zompocalis115 Gaming
Zompocalis115 Gaming - 7 years ago
There just fighting for domanence
Joshua Weatherly
Joshua Weatherly - 7 years ago
I had a 15 year old Oscar in a 85 gallon with a couple of blood parrots and the Oscar could have easily eaten them whole but the worst that would happen is the Oscar would change color and put on a display. Sometimes you can put fish together that normally won't get along. It's rare but it happens
DaDonBossMan - 7 years ago
When it comes to parrots fighting with or their cichlids it seems unfair cause they have no lip to bite in a fight
Emma Beard2
Emma Beard2 - 7 years ago
i litterly hace like ecery simgle fish in my tank that is in yours
golden birds candelas
golden birds candelas - 7 years ago
hey I have a parrot fish like that is the same

10. comment for Oscar Vs. Blood Parrot - freshwater fish

TheDarkWarLord 206
TheDarkWarLord 206 - 7 years ago
Blood parrot is the weirdest fish I ever seen its not that cool as an Oscar.
Nathan Coughran
Nathan Coughran - 7 years ago
I have 3 same fish in my tank blood parrot oscar abd jack dempsey they are all pretty chill
Denise D
Denise D - 7 years ago
Love this video... the subtitles and narration.
Billy_BillyBoy - 7 years ago
Blood parrots are assholes. I have one at 6 inches that picks on my 10 inch red devil lmao
Partha Bhattacharya
Partha Bhattacharya - 7 years ago
my Oscar and parrot grew tgthr as frnd BT after reaching adulthood they were enemy..I had to separate them
Wadood Dastagir
Wadood Dastagir - 7 years ago
I mean my oscar
Wadood Dastagir
Wadood Dastagir - 7 years ago
Ur parrot is no match for ur parrot
Aquatics Ninja
Aquatics Ninja - 7 years ago
those fish are pretty cool but they are no match for my Anchovies
John Yallah
John Yallah - 8 years ago
lol cute
Give me the Switch faggot
Give me the Switch faggot - 8 years ago
Pretty jack Dempsey
R Lo
R Lo - 8 years ago
That oscar can destroy that fish bigger mouth and teeth
Speedily GT
Speedily GT - 8 years ago
R Lo Channa micropeltes can destroy the Oscar :/

20. comment for Oscar Vs. Blood Parrot - freshwater fish

Prakash Salunke
Prakash Salunke - 8 years ago
can joint gruami and oscar fish stay with same fish tank means each other
Bien Balajadia
Bien Balajadia - 8 years ago
wow... and I was afraid to mix my blood parrot with the young oscar. well, maybe I should still be, but be afraid FOR the oscar. LoL
Johnny Morris
Johnny Morris - 8 years ago
the fights on you tube would be a whole lot hotter if humans fought this way.
DiamondWolf PlaysGames
DiamondWolf PlaysGames - 8 years ago
Great look like their kissing fish
Sandeep Sachdeva
Sandeep Sachdeva - 8 years ago
107 litter tank 4 oscar or 4 parrot can live together parrot and oscar are tank mate?
Maria Jose Lara
Maria Jose Lara - 8 years ago
My Oscar and my blood parrot are doing the exact same thing but the blood parrot's mouth is looking really sore, I don't know what to do :/
AJ - 8 years ago
Blood parrots are tough since they have amphilophus and vieja genes, both very aggressive cichlids. Oscars on the other hand are the biggest wimps. My blood parrot is a beast though despite having a deformed mouth, its 9" and it destroys my oscar despite the oscar being my biggest fish at 11". My blood parrot shows no respect to the oscar since it knows its a pushover. I have a 10" red devil and had a 10" fenestratus in the tank too but my parrot never dared to challenge those two.
SlickChick - 7 years ago
Parrots are part red devil...
musical unicorn
musical unicorn - 8 years ago
They look like they're kissing
Ryan Miklusak
Ryan Miklusak - 8 years ago
my parrot always starts it with my Oscar
Mazboy Lol
Mazboy Lol - 8 years ago
Ryan Miklusak mine toooo
AJ - 8 years ago
because cichlids can sense weakness, my parrot is the same, it doesn't mess with my other big cichlids except for my oscar because it knows it can bully around the oscar and the oscar will not do anything about it.
Isaac Wayne
Isaac Wayne - 8 years ago
I'm not big on blood parrot cichlids because they look deformed to me and after I learned they were a hybrid I even thought them more of an awkward looking fish. But I love Oscars, I'm about to get an albino tiger oscar. Great looking oscar.
Nate Lincoln
Nate Lincoln - 7 years ago
SlickChick and people! ;)
SlickChick - 7 years ago
And yet people breed all kinds of fish that make ugly crossings and YouTubers tell them the fish look great. The improved parrot strains are not deformed, only the poor quality ones. Like a lot of fish.

30. comment for Oscar Vs. Blood Parrot - freshwater fish

Shubham Pareek
Shubham Pareek - 8 years ago
#Help i already had 1 oscar fish and he was alone in the tank since 2 months then yesterday i got parrot fish... These both acted in this way and the aquarium guy said it will be alright till morning.. But now oscar is in bad condition and got bad fins(aint getting exact word to define) what should i do??
Shubham Pareek
Shubham Pareek - 8 years ago
sorry mate. actually i went to the pet store and asked everything. then he told me to wait 1 night and everything will be allright and he said its common. i also read things on google and then saw this video. so waited until morning. i even woke up at 2 am to check whether everything is ok and things were going acc to me at that point no more fight just sitting together. i understand what you say mate. well i feel sorry but i did what i could. (i actually took the fish back to pet store and then he asked me to wait till morning)
Ramadorn - 8 years ago
I dunno maybe separating the fish when you see them starting to fight? Use common sense? Maybe do some research before putting fish in a tank together.
breakspirit - 8 years ago
I've never tried to save an injured fish, but there's tons of info if you google "save injured fish"
Shubham Pareek
Shubham Pareek - 8 years ago
+breakspirit already did that... Now what can do to save oacar? Is their any way to save him? Plz help.. Any help would be appreciated buddy
breakspirit - 8 years ago
It's impossible to say what will happen. Some fish simply won't get along and will kill each other, while others will settle down in time. Mine ended up settling down, but they never fought hard enough to injure each other. If your oscar is injured, I'd definitely separate those fish.
Burning Bordz
Burning Bordz - 8 years ago
they still alive on this year?? :)
SlickChick - 7 years ago
Parrots can live to be 13...there's a guy named Ken on a Blood Parrot site considered to be an expert he has lots of old parrots.
Honey Badger
Honey Badger - 8 years ago
+Burning Bordz yeah because blood parrots are hybrid
Burning Bordz
Burning Bordz - 8 years ago
+breakspirit i have 1 oscar as well just a couple of months on me and 4 blood parrots
breakspirit - 8 years ago
Yeah, mine's over 6 years old now and healthy as a horse.
Burning Bordz
Burning Bordz - 8 years ago
+breakspirit it's good to know the oscar have long life compare to parrot's :)
breakspirit - 8 years ago
The oscar is still alive right now. The blood parrot died a year or two ago, possibly of old age. They had long-since stopped fighting at that time and they lived together peacefully for years.
BoneKotaaaaa - 8 years ago
can't keep serious whenever i look at the blood parrots face XD
lozgod - 8 years ago
That's animal cruelty. I hope you die in a fire along with everyone you love. J/k. I hate nutjob animal lovers. I've never not had a Jack Dempsey in a tank with Oscars. They make great tank mates. Cool fish.
Tituobaklat - 7 years ago
lozgod lol sounded like your typical extreme person haha you got 'em down.
Dragon empress
Dragon empress - 7 years ago
lozgod oh thank God it's a joke.
daedraprince - 8 years ago
i have a video of two blood parrots battling for dominance over a terra cotta pot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muZvezH7rTQ&feature=youtu.be
Carlos Eduardobikevlogs
Carlos Eduardobikevlogs - 8 years ago
Carlos Eduardobikevlogs
Carlos Eduardobikevlogs - 8 years ago
smoke the weed
wxt64 - 8 years ago
They are kissing xD
brian patrick
brian patrick - 8 years ago
it's not funny
kotori minami
kotori minami - 8 years ago
HDKeithCookVO3D 231
HDKeithCookVO3D 231 - 8 years ago
so i have a question for anyone good with fish i. have small parrot fish and bout to get oscar question is should i but please help me out and i really want the oscar so let me no asap
HDKeithCookVO3D 231
HDKeithCookVO3D 231 - 8 years ago
+53mango my blood parrot has a white belly so is that good and does that mean female but oscar is all black
53mango - 8 years ago
under belly spout for laying eggs on the female , size matters as well make sure they are about the same size
HDKeithCookVO3D 231
HDKeithCookVO3D 231 - 8 years ago
+53mango thank you how do you tell them apart
53mango - 8 years ago
+keith cooke  as long as you don't get the same sex they will be fine
HDKeithCookVO3D 231
HDKeithCookVO3D 231 - 8 years ago
+breakspirit thank you and how old are they both
breakspirit - 8 years ago
+keith cooke Mine got along for the most part, but it totally depends on the temperament of the individual fish, so there's really no way to give an absolute answer. In general, try not to put aggressive adult fish together.
HDKeithCookVO3D 231
HDKeithCookVO3D 231 - 8 years ago
by the way both gonna be same size fish
sonyafly - 8 years ago
I've had Oscars, I've had Jack Dempsey, I've had Pacu, but my King Kong Parrot Fish is the biggest jerk! Even harassed the Pleco to the point of me almost separating them at night. The Pleco passed so the KK Parrot is alone in the tank and I can't get him any buddies because of how brutal he is. I saved 3 huge oscars from him by "adopting" him from a fish store. He had all 3 in the corner. Bastard. But he is a fun fish.
LJS - 8 years ago
my piranhas would mess him up I'm selling them tho for a butti tilapia RBPs r boring af when they get hand sized
Hung Tran
Hung Tran - 8 years ago
it looks like there kissing
HDKeithCookVO3D 231
HDKeithCookVO3D 231 - 8 years ago
+True_Raptor_Jesus no duh but it is a joke it does look like they are kissing
BishBoy - 8 years ago
that's how fish fight, how else would they
HDKeithCookVO3D 231
HDKeithCookVO3D 231 - 8 years ago
Dominique Freeman
Dominique Freeman - 8 years ago
it doesnt seem mean it is more like u aand i am same size or i wanna play
Dominique Freeman
Dominique Freeman - 8 years ago
ok so my son told me that my orange parrot fish and the blue cichlid i forgot the name but from the lake malawi were kissing and my parrot fish is now a bit banged up and he obviously kicked out of his ship i guess they got to ruff but hasnt happen since or the fish rann into something his mouth had a small boo i have been watching him close and he seems to be healing and i never thought that you could teach a fish but now they wont fight they will kinda and see me and will stop like nothing happen it is so funny i am new at these fish my dad had all sorts of fish growing up and he went into the salt water after he did all the fresh water really i mean he even found a piranha in the little lake and i can tbelive that but wer then got another so we called it in and got a permit to have homer and bart as long as we did until the day they died really weird they are not vicious killing machines theyare not at all or not mine our oscars use to tear it up sowe had to remove them my dad also is stupid and smart at the same time he had cuts and scraps on his hands from working on cars and shit and he would have them smell him thy never bit him because he did this with food and when he cleaned it out and they got used to him i just wonder how they gt tht rap abnout them any way thanks fo rthis im stull learning on them sorry sloppy i have a german shepherd who wont stop trying to get loves and to play thantks agin
Robert Amaya
Robert Amaya - 8 years ago
I had a blood parrot and it was blind from hit left eye but he could bite
daedraprince - 8 years ago
its like the batman vs the joker
HDKeithCookVO3D 231
HDKeithCookVO3D 231 - 8 years ago
Flo Green
Flo Green - 9 years ago
Which one gets bigger ? I know they both get huge .
Flo Green
Flo Green - 9 years ago
+breakspirit OK, I thought he was a parrot fish ? Sorry if I'm wrong.
Flo Green
Flo Green - 9 years ago
+breakspirit OK, I thought he was a parrot fish ? Sorry if I'm wrong.
breakspirit - 9 years ago
+flo green The Oscar is much larger than the blood parrot ever got.
Faiz Firdaus
Faiz Firdaus - 9 years ago
good.. i have 3 oscars.. they enjoy each other.. and they can recognize me. everytime i come close they wait for me even they full already
Neng Vue
Neng Vue - 9 years ago
now I have two Oscars with deformed mouth
Neng Vue
Neng Vue - 9 years ago
I had two big Oscar's but they died. They were about 12 in.
Flamingskullgaming - 9 years ago
+Neng Vue When did they die
TWANIA Dottson
TWANIA Dottson - 9 years ago
interesting lol

50. comment for Oscar Vs. Blood Parrot - freshwater fish

WhoCares2509 - 9 years ago
My Oscar would kill every fish in this tank.
Nicholas Davis
Nicholas Davis - 8 years ago
How do you think they grip their food?
Nicholas Davis
Nicholas Davis - 8 years ago
+53mango Even large ones.
53mango - 8 years ago
+Nicholas Davis  young ones, yes
Nicholas Davis
Nicholas Davis - 8 years ago
+53mango Oscars have teeth in the front also for gripping.
WhoCares2509 - 8 years ago
+53mango I agree about the different methods of attack. From what I've observed, an oscar is more about blunt force trauma and sheer brute force power. I've seen this thing spray water across my bedroom from a fully covered tank somehow (and on to my F@#&ing 55" 3D TV) and once he attacked my arm while I moved a rock that he apparently didn't want moved and drew blood. Granted, I wasn't gushing blood as I would with something like a wolf fish, but after I stopped being pissed off I was actually pretty impressed that he/she could do that with the placement of his/her teeth!
53mango - 8 years ago
+WhoCares2509 red devils teeth are in the front of their mouths , compared to the Oscars that are in the back portion. everything about the Oscar is a show of strength  , if the red devil doesn't buy it he is in big trouble , cause the red devils attack is relentless
WhoCares2509 - 8 years ago
+Aquatic Variation Sorry to hear about your fish. It seems that, just like people, some fish are just a$$#oles. Mine is about a foot now, aggressive and strong. Sometimes when he wants to be fed he attacks the glass to the point that I worry about the glass breaking. Somehow I have a hard time believing a red devil would destroy him. It's like a hammer fighting a sledge.
HDKeithCookVO3D 231
HDKeithCookVO3D 231 - 8 years ago
+Aquatic Variation That's sad but all of them he killed is LOL
Aquatic Variation
Aquatic Variation - 8 years ago
My Oscar has his own 300 Gallon cause he killed my jardini, my red devil, my Texas Cichlid, And my Flowerhorn
HDKeithCookVO3D 231
HDKeithCookVO3D 231 - 8 years ago
why dose everyone want to kill each other's fish lol blood parrot fish is the best fish to me also
Vladimir Obama
Vladimir Obama - 8 years ago
Dude chill i own 17 African green piranhas one of them could swallow u and ur Oscar and ur house
Brenton Carter
Brenton Carter - 8 years ago
+WhoCares2509 Dude arowanna eat rabbits lol.
53mango - 8 years ago
+WhoCares2509  I have a 12 inch Oscar and had to get it a tank of its own or the Red devil would have torn him to shreds and its female partner was even worse . The larger your Oscar gets the more vulnerable he becomes
WhoCares2509 - 9 years ago
+south coast aquatics Not too sure about that... I'm wondering if the sheer aggression of an oscar would be enough to overpower an arowanna. They can be quite powerful when full grown. I've never actually seen an aggressive arowanna, but I could be wrong. My other fish would be no competition, of course.
S.C.A Cichlids
S.C.A Cichlids - 9 years ago
+WhoCares2509 and my arowanna would eat all your fish lol
WhoCares2509 - 9 years ago
+breakspirit That'll probably change at some point. Mine was "chill" for a while too, but I ended up having to put him in his own tank. These fish usually do not play well with others. It's their nature. I decided to move him because of an emergence of aggressive behavior. The last straw was witnessing an absolutely brutal attack on a silver dollar.
breakspirit - 9 years ago
+WhoCares2509 Mine only ever fought for a short time and has been totally chill for the last few years.
Holly Brianna
Holly Brianna - 9 years ago
I have a tank with 3 older blood parrots (maybe just a little over a year old) and an oscar the same age , i want to know the name of the other fish in your tank , is it safe to add them to the collection ?
jack dempsey
jack dempsey - 9 years ago
+Holly Brianna , severums and parrots do not get on in my experience. a jack Dempsey would be a better choice. they will not tolerate being bullied.
Holly Brianna
Holly Brianna - 9 years ago
+breakspirit thanks !
breakspirit - 9 years ago
+Holly Brianna I think you're talking about the severum. They're peaceful fish and are generally safe to add, as long as the other fish don't pick on them.
SlickChick - 9 years ago
LOL, parrot reminds me of the bratty kid that messes with people for the fun of it.
53mango - 8 years ago
+SlickChik  ever been bitten by your fish , if they are defending their eggs look out . they can take hunks out of you
Vuanita Haslam
Vuanita Haslam - 9 years ago
it's no act with Leroy he doesn't back down from no fish any size
Sneaka Cat
Sneaka Cat - 9 years ago
How long did it take for your blood parrot to get that big?
HDKeithCookVO3D 231
HDKeithCookVO3D 231 - 8 years ago
Oh ok thanks
breakspirit - 8 years ago
+keith cooke No they had no idea about her age. I don't know what white spot you're talking about, but she never had any health problems from anything like that.
HDKeithCookVO3D 231
HDKeithCookVO3D 231 - 8 years ago
+breakspirit did they tell you how old or how old you think he or she is and what dose the white spot under gill mean please let me know
breakspirit - 9 years ago
+Sneaka Cat She was fully grown when I got her. The Oscar is now much larger than the blood parrot ever got.
Nico - 9 years ago
The music makes this so intense lol
Phyo Kyaw
Phyo Kyaw - 9 years ago
Seen like killing each other
Tiny Bean
Tiny Bean - 9 years ago
not killing kissing
CosmicPvP - 9 years ago
My pets are blood parrot fish
AQUA NUT - 9 years ago
+CosmicPvP cool love those guys check out my channel
Bob Jennings
Bob Jennings - 9 years ago
Now I will put a baby Oscar with my baby parrot fishes too! They may be like a cat and a dog raised together. AND they told me at the fish store not to do it! Glad I found this video.
Zaq G
Zaq G - 9 years ago
I see this video was 3 years ago. Now that your Oscar is fully grown how is it with the Blood Red. Same with The JD
Richard Lewis
Richard Lewis - 9 years ago
I would like to fight the guy who made this video. I know he wouldn't like it
daedraprince - 8 years ago
these are the exact comments i expected to see on youtube videos like this
bigc bigc
bigc bigc - 9 years ago
Yeah and I can fuck hers
Richard Lewis
Richard Lewis - 9 years ago
Colin Murray, My wife can kick your ass
breakspirit - 9 years ago
+Colin Murray That insult is strangely hilarious to me.
bigc bigc
bigc bigc - 9 years ago
+Richard Lewis you couldnt hit water if u fell out a boat you mongo
Richard Lewis
Richard Lewis - 9 years ago
But, I can kick your ass
ea333525 - 9 years ago
+Richard Lewis You couldn't fight your way out of a wet paper bag.
AQUA NUT - 9 years ago
Do you want to see Blood Parrot vs hand. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dFSSLrcYoE
AQUA NUT - 9 years ago
Hahaha yeah the first few times it caught me off guard. I had the same reaction. after a few bites though i realized he could do that all day and not hurt me. This guy was a rescue he is missing his eye lens in one eye. He has a hard time to see me. that's why he really likes to hide. But thanks for watching   
breakspirit - 9 years ago
+AQUA NUT Mine used to do the same thing, but he was a lot faster and sneakier. It would always scare me so bad, I'd fling my hand out of the aquarium and spray water across the room.
marc 1234
marc 1234 - 9 years ago
lol great video...poke' battle with fish love it
Aquarium Dude
Aquarium Dude - 9 years ago
I am planning on getting a parrot fish... but I am doing a little research to see... if it can stand up for itself,,, But check out my cichlids and I will make a video on my parrot cichlid when i get it... 
Ps: I sub:D :D please Sub Back :D
Marzia Mar
Marzia Mar - 9 years ago
Che amore!!!!
ashley dubrey
ashley dubrey - 9 years ago
Actually... they clearly DO hurt eachother. Look at the fins.
FishGuyGobies - 7 years ago
ashley dubrey I understand your concern... but speaking from an experienced American cichlid owner, this is nothing. I've seen some fish do sever damage to each other, from biting the eyes out to ripping gill covers off. Every cichlid tanks inhabitants are bound to have a few rips and Tears every once in a while from the occasional terretorial or hierarchical brawl.
Dragon empress
Dragon empress - 7 years ago
breakspirit they're very nice fish
breakspirit - 9 years ago
+ashley dubrey Well I admit that I don't know if the blood parrot was born with her fin that way. I only know that she had that fin when I bought her. She was an adult when I purchased her and I don't know her history before then.
+WhoCares2509 This video was taken more than 3 years ago. The Oscar only ever fought the other fish for a very short time and was pretty relaxed the rest of the time. That's why I made this video, it was so unusual and I thought it was weird. Those fish have continued to live together in peace for years after this video. Thank you guys for your concern about my fish.
ashley dubrey
ashley dubrey - 9 years ago
+WhoCares2509 thank you for backing me up. I didnt bother to reply considering i made a valid point and the response i got was "get a life". But yes im well aware that fish are not born with damaged fins like that. This isnt finding nemo.
WhoCares2509 - 9 years ago
+jake mutt Ashley's concerns are legit and you are obviously not experienced in keeping large fish in aquariums. +Breakspirit, I'm not sure how you could actually own fish and not see the damage that others can see just by watching a couple of minutes of video. The split in the Oscar's left fin is obvious at 1:45 and by the way, fish are not "born with" split fins. So what that means is that either the fish damaged each other (highly likely when you put an oscar, a jack dempsy, etc. in one tank) or they have contracted a disease because their immune system has been compromised thanks to constant stress due to the attacks and territorial disputes that have been going on 24/7. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about.
jake mutt
jake mutt - 9 years ago
Ashley get a life.
breakspirit - 9 years ago
+ashley dubrey
The blood parrot was born with her fin that way. No other fins were injured. Thanks for watching.
TheAZchambers - 9 years ago
Blood parrot has to be the least intimidating fish lol
AQUA NUT - 9 years ago
+TheAZchambers They can hold their own
Julie Tsy
Julie Tsy - 9 years ago
breakspirit - 9 years ago
+Julie Tsy I don't understand your comment. My fish looks exactly like the ideal blood parrot specimen. Her color was deeper some days. This video happened to be shot when she was more pale looking, but her orange came back strong soon after. She also has the permanently open mouth that is typical of the breed, which you can see in the video.
Tracy Bond
Tracy Bond - 9 years ago
I have two albino Oscars and one Blood Parrot, bought all at the same time. They're around 6 months old now and the Oscars are out growing the Parrot. The Parrot is a bi+ch. It picks on the Oscars a lot even though they are bigger than it. I've not seen them do this mouth dance though.  I keep wondering if we had another Parrot if it would chill out or make it worse. The hubby wants to get rid of the Parrot.  We have another tank with a couple African Cichlids and I keep telling him, that's just how fish are, there's always one bossing around the others. Where could you unload a fish without killing it?
Tracy Bond
Tracy Bond - 9 years ago
By the time we saw what was going on, (we were away on holiday), the damage was done. Ciclids... There's always one...
Tracy Bond
Tracy Bond - 9 years ago
Now the parrot is the submissive one. One Oscars grew bigger, he beat the CRAP out of his sister who eventually died. The Parrot knows it's place in the tank and rarely leaves that side where there is cover from the big oscar.
breakspirit - 9 years ago
+Tracy Bond Some aquarium stores will take unwanted fish, but I've never tried it myself.
cole holder
cole holder - 9 years ago
How did you put the oscar with the Jack Dempsey?i have an oscar and a blood parrot and I had a Jack Dempsey but he fought with my oscar and wouldn't stop.when I got them,they were fine but one day my Dempsey tried killing my oscar.made him go into some shock or something so I had to get rid of the Dempsey.do you have any problems out of your Dempsey?
breakspirit - 9 years ago
+cole holder I got them both as babies and they grew up together. That makes it more likely for fish to get along, but even then it isn't guaranteed. Some fish will just always want to fight, no matter what you do.
Chris Thomas
Chris Thomas - 9 years ago
Just bought a parrot and my oscar hates him at the moment.. Hoping they eventually get along
AQUA NUT - 9 years ago
+Chris Thomas How is the Parrot doing ?
jerry jackson
jerry jackson - 9 years ago
My blood parrot is always starting fights and win against my oscar as well.....those parrot cichlids are very aggressive.  
jake mutt
jake mutt - 9 years ago
Are all parrots assholes? My oscars seem fed up...
jerry jackson
jerry jackson - 9 years ago
Yeah that was one mean albino oscar and I never seen another one with an attitude that nasty since it died......currently I have two oscars, one is an albino tiger, the other looks almost solid black but if you look close enough you will see he's a little green as well........and also two parrot cichlids, one a blood parrot, the other just a regular parrot cichlid.....and the blood parrot cichlid currently rules the tank chasing the other parrot cichlid into a hole and he's not allowed to come out unless it's time for a quick meal then gets chased back into his hole......but if one of the oscars comes near his hole, he will shoot out and attack them........meanwhile the bigger 7" blood parrot cichlid will deliberately swim side by side with either oscars and nip at their fins provoking fights all day & night.  I have learned that every fish has its own unique personality.
breakspirit - 9 years ago
+jerry jackson That sounds crazy.  I've never seen an Oscar be that aggressive, but it goes to show that there will always be exceptions with any species.  
jerry jackson
jerry jackson - 9 years ago
I used to own this alleged albino oscar, he was about 5",  from a walmart pet store & he was extremely aggressive, never seen one like it since.  He would repeatedly charge any fish, and I do mean any fish he came across in the tank.......he would even charge the reclusive common plecostomus that can grow up to 20".  No fish ever bothered a plecostomus except Brutus.  I looked in my tank one morning and noticed one of my larger plecostomus sustained a large hole in its skin right below its eye & you could see the white meat inside of it.  I could not figure out what happened at the time because the plecostomus were the larger, stronger fish in the tank so who could stand up to them right? A couple of days later it died.  So, later I caught my albino oscar (Brutus) just constantly charging my other large plecostomus whic was also about 7" as well, he would constantly charge it for hours, but this other plecostomus would defend itself and survive the daily attacks.  I Named this alleged albino oscar Brutus for being so brutal........I wanna give you a description of Brutus because I've never seen one like him since.......Brutus was solid white, white eyes, white everywhere, no orange markings at all, and always serious, never happy, I mean, when I turned on those aquarium lights, Brutus would just slowly swim to a corner of the tank and would not budge until It was feeding time.  Other oscars I owned would be swimming up to me begging to be fed, but not Brutus, Brutus would be seen sometimes constantly charging at the walls of the tank as if he wanted to break the glass when he was not fighting other fish, he was always angry.....Was Brutus really an oscar? Or was he another species of cichlid?  Has anybody ever seen an albino oscar without the orange markings?  Pure solid white with a very nasty attitude?
Cironi Shop
Cironi Shop - 9 years ago
Until he finds One more agressive than him ;)
Dark Gamer
Dark Gamer - 10 years ago
I bet that's how people used to kiss in the old days heh and they say the kids kiss weird these days
RoughShaft - 10 years ago
Well that's unfair, the blood parrot is a hybrid cichlid which can't close its mouth..
WhoCares2509 - 8 years ago
+RoughShaft Isn't a parrot fish just a type of severum that's been bred to accentuate a genetic deformity?
AquaHobby by xMuffinCore
AquaHobby by xMuffinCore - 9 years ago
+Kieron Schafer because he dont know that he is deformed.. i think his mum or dad was a red devil reason why he starts fighting
RoughShaft - 9 years ago
That's true..
Kieran Schafer
Kieran Schafer - 9 years ago
+RoughShaft Hey, he starts it.
Timbob Jr
Timbob Jr - 10 years ago
It has a beak though, right?
Chris Weeks
Chris Weeks - 10 years ago
I have two oscars two parrot fish and they rarely do this but it's always fun to watch.
Sarabanda Caronte
Sarabanda Caronte - 10 years ago
no es buena idea tener parrot con oscar el parrot es un pez agresivo en general, o solo oscares o solo parrots !!
Chris Acosta
Chris Acosta - 10 years ago
Lol love birds
roseann manning
roseann manning - 10 years ago
that is so cool i had to take my blood red parrot out of my tank everyone was attacking poor guy except for my oscar and had to get rid of my jack dempsey kevin because he wanted to rip the oscar apart ur jack looks the same as mine did donated him to pet store
Aprianto Romadhoni
Aprianto Romadhoni - 10 years ago
Maybe they ganna get merried..
Vladimir Obama
Vladimir Obama - 8 years ago
Yes ganna merried
Squirles G
Squirles G - 10 years ago
No one wants it with the Jack Dempsey haha..
Linh Nguyen
Linh Nguyen - 10 years ago
For their size, Oscars are among the weakest of the 'aggressive' fish.
geezezy cruz
geezezy cruz - 10 years ago
Doesn't your fish ever get diseases from fighting? All the stress from anger can cause it to weaken their immune system how do you not have constant battle with diseases?
breakspirit - 10 years ago
In general you're right.  However, I've never had a single fish get any kind of disease.  As I said, they only fought like this for a  short time.
Avanish Singh
Avanish Singh - 10 years ago
my baby Oscar got killed by blood parrot :( ...blood parrot are territorial and always aggressive to defend it...goanna put adult Oscar  in my tank.
Jerry I Gave My Heart
Jerry I Gave My Heart - 10 years ago
hey i have a oscar,severum and parrot if i keep them in one tank approx. 1 and half foot in length and 3 foot height will they harm each other
all are babies
Kevin Bernard
Kevin Bernard - 10 years ago
I would not keep those fish in anything less than 125 gallons for their own good.  Mine were all babies when I put them into my tank.
jakeandjames1000 - 11 years ago
My blood parrots are total assholes to my oscar.
mike - 10 years ago
Same here. My Oscar is really good at eating all the blood parrots food though, so maybe he deserves it.
Mazius - 11 years ago
Did they do that all time? I mean if they do it can become a trouble couse fish is stressed most time, and its def oscar im talking about, somehow people think oscars are more like killing mashines but from my own experience i can tell you its way different couse mine lives even with 4 sizes less fish and never hurt anybody so far, well he did eat neons once but those even look like food anyways, point is i see your oscar really pist to have such a tank mate as parrot.. Also what tank size you have it looks huge !!!
breakspirit - 11 years ago
They didn't do this too often and eventually stopped fighting completely.  Neither was ever injured.  The tank is 125 gallons.  Thanks for watching.
PreciousPitty - 11 years ago
what kind of fish is that little light yellow one that keeps photo bombing?
PreciousPitty - 11 years ago
breakspirit - 11 years ago
That's a gold severum.
Alireza Roustazadeh
Alireza Roustazadeh - 11 years ago
Well this parrot has a triangle shaped mouth.they just bump other fishes an are not anle to bite them. If it was like those parrots with closed mouth, then you should have been worried, cause they have the normal cichlid mouth and can bite easily
Alireza Roustazadeh
Alireza Roustazadeh - 11 years ago
How many cichlids do you have in the tank? I mean i recognized the dempsey and severom but there was this small cichlid i couldn't figure out what was it?
breakspirit - 10 years ago
+tarrikk vanalstine
That tank now has 3 geos and they're doing really well.  Thanks for watching.
breakspirit - 11 years ago
Rass Ryan
Rass Ryan - 11 years ago
Squirles G
Squirles G - 11 years ago
lol you're a tard
TBK Reptiles
TBK Reptiles - 11 years ago
Parrots just look stupid when they try to act tough :P The hybrid mouth is what makes them look dumb. The Oscar looks like it would just destroy the parrot. Nope.
Oscar Varela
Oscar Varela - 11 years ago
The only fish a Oscar CAN fight and not get killed against lol
breakspirit - 11 years ago
Yeah, I gave it a quick rinse in a bucket before adding it to the tank. There's nothing in it to hurt the fish, but I didn't want the small dusty bits in there.
Melissa Reyes
Melissa Reyes - 11 years ago
I had to move everything out of our tank as well.I herd about useing that sand .Did you need to wash it or anything first ?
breakspirit - 11 years ago
The tank has no trees and the plants have all since been removed. The sand is pool filter sand, which I got at a pool supply store. It works and looks great. Thanks for watching.
Melissa Reyes
Melissa Reyes - 11 years ago
What sand and trees did you use in your tank??
MrShaneomac1 - 11 years ago
my Dempsey or oscar make yours look baaaad watch my tiger vs. oscar and you'll see aquatic pit bull vs wolf.
MrShaneomac1 - 11 years ago
I gota Dempsey just like that but he even gets the best of my oscky
MrShaneomac1 - 11 years ago
my oscar would eat that cichlid.

100. comment for Oscar Vs. Blood Parrot - freshwater fish

breakspirit - 11 years ago
I would say that that depends heavily on the temperament of the individual fish. I think that if they're young enough, you shouldn't have issues.
Kandle - 11 years ago
Good to see that. One question, I am planning on getting a King Betta for a 55 gallon tank and wondering if I can put him with the Blood Parrot.
breakspirit - 11 years ago
Sounds exactly like mine. She has calmed down a lot in the last year, though. At first, she was constantly messing with her tank mates. Now they're all friendly.
Kandle - 11 years ago
Ah, I see. My Blood Parrot keeps chasing every fish she sees. It's a female 'cause she laid her eggs ever so randomly. She's only 4-5 inches atm. She is also my first Blood Parrot. :) But when I go to feed her, she jumps at my hand. LOL.
breakspirit - 11 years ago
Yeah they are. The Oscar isn't full grown yet.
Kandle - 11 years ago
Are they the biggest fish in that tank?
ilovefish141 - 11 years ago
they dont usually look like that, mines REALLY cute!
ilovefish141 - 11 years ago
when fish kiss its normaly their way of arm wrestleing
AZI3623 - 11 years ago
Oscar fish is worst than parrot, jst look at the parrot he is beautiful but the Oscar it is just like a garbage can
coleofishing - 11 years ago
some male blood parrots can be extremely aggressive.
breakspirit - 11 years ago
Yeah, she's a really goofy looking fish.
sen Van Houten
sen Van Houten - 11 years ago
i cant take the blood parrot seriously, i meen cmon, its a fat pink round fish with big eyes, they look like hello kitty pokemons
trevon Flager
trevon Flager - 12 years ago
i got a blood parrot child he is bad
breakspirit - 12 years ago
It totally depends on the fish. Mine never got injured, but some do.
tipsyannawty - 12 years ago
mine do this too I'm always worried they ganna hurt eachother is it ok?
adnan arshad
adnan arshad - 12 years ago
breakspirit - 12 years ago
Yeah he just wants to be friends =)
Project Fish
Project Fish - 12 years ago
oscars normally beat parrots in a fight...urs is NOT good at fghting lol
breakspirit - 12 years ago
Yeah I made sure that they grew up together, which makes them get along well.
breakspirit - 12 years ago
This tank is 125 gallons
xX_PR0DIGY_Xx - 12 years ago
How big is ur tank
King Lich
King Lich - 12 years ago
Cute and nice looking fishes but i think thats a king kong parrot cause a blood parrot is more round, can't close they're mouth and isn't as agressive. I have a king kong parrot too the same size as my oscar and he chases him around.
breakspirit - 12 years ago
Right now the Oscar is about 2 and a half years old. The blood parrot was fully grown when I got her, so I don't know her age.
flippercon84 - 12 years ago
The jack is the next one. Nice video man

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