Today we plant the 2,000G aquarium... but with a catch.. the fish are still in it! SUBSCRIBE ► Get the ultimate DIY book ► LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Where I got the plants website: The king of DIY aquarium projects, education and inspiration! Join me each SUNDAY, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY for a new aquarium related video! How to build aquariums: How to build aquarium filters: How to build aquarium stands: How to build aquarium equipment: How to build aquarium lighting: How to build aquarium decorations: Varius aquarium tutorials: ALL Thursday videos: ALL Sunday videos: My aquarium pumps, circulation and lights are by: My aquarium racks and the aquariums within them were made by: MUSIC: Adventures by A Himitsu Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 Music released by Argofox Music provided by Audio Library Vibe With Me by Joakim Karud Music provided by Audio Library

PLANTING THE 2,000G AQUARIUM sentiment_very_dissatisfied 180

Pets & Animals 7 years ago 343,513 views

Today we plant the 2,000G aquarium... but with a catch.. the fish are still in it! SUBSCRIBE ► Get the ultimate DIY book ► LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Where I got the plants website: The king of DIY aquarium projects, education and inspiration! Join me each SUNDAY, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY for a new aquarium related video! How to build aquariums: How to build aquarium filters: How to build aquarium stands: How to build aquarium equipment: How to build aquarium lighting: How to build aquarium decorations: Varius aquarium tutorials: ALL Thursday videos: ALL Sunday videos: My aquarium pumps, circulation and lights are by: My aquarium racks and the aquariums within them were made by: MUSIC: Adventures by A Himitsu Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 Music released by Argofox Music provided by Audio Library Vibe With Me by Joakim Karud Music provided by Audio Library

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Most popular comments

The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
How do you think this turned out? I’d love to hear your thoughts! Let me know!!
CloudMaster - 7 years ago
Looks really good
yep - 7 years ago
The king of DIY would be nice if you had two or 3 forests of reeds in tank. And then try some small but very fast schoolers.
Haoko - 7 years ago
I think your aquarium is big enough for "water lilies" that would be something
Andvir W
Andvir W - 7 years ago
The king of DIY bi love your vids you make very creative videos the biggest tank I have is like 3 gallon tank xD
Sona Avakian
Sona Avakian - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I think it really brings the tank to life, plus the added movement of the plants looks so great.
Makeup Mobster
Makeup Mobster - 7 years ago
looks awesome!
that fish guy
that fish guy - 7 years ago
That's some back breaking job. So beautiful! I'm sure they will love it :D
jOoLdotCH - 7 years ago
Why does it look like sand is missing ? Do the rays move it all around? What if you add more?
Erik Broos
Erik Broos - 7 years ago
The king of DIY can you consider add Some large background plants? Something like cabomba would turn out great! I am just thinking about what kinda plant but can you Please think about it?
bjorn singerling
bjorn singerling - 7 years ago
supper cool setup! love the plant you choose. I have a Anubias barteri that is 60CM long took about 6 years to get it like that but it can survive everything you throw at it. May I suggest a Anubias hastifolia, same family bigger leaf. also a anubias will grow as long as its roots are in the water so yes you could grow them above the aquarium.

love what you are doing keep up the great work!
bjorn singerling
bjorn singerling - 7 years ago
red plants need a lot of nutrition (iron for the red colour) and preferably C02, Kind of hard to keep :P
Slfish Keepers
Slfish Keepers - 7 years ago
I am a fan of yours you are my role model. King of diy. And those stingrays would have sting you
Matt Stoker
Matt Stoker - 7 years ago
The king of DIY it looks good! I'm curious as to how live plants change the chemistry in the tank. Did you need to adjust the flow systems and other regulatory machines to accommodate for the plants? Will the plants contribute to more mess in the tank or less?
Lisa Foster
Lisa Foster - 7 years ago
The king of DIY it's pretty damn good if you ask me. Must have tickled when the ray checked you out XD
Ally Yaël
Ally Yaël - 7 years ago
Hi The king of DIY, I love your 2,000g aquarium. It's very amazing and it look like a real environment for the fish
Mike Vormwald
Mike Vormwald - 7 years ago
Looks good Joey....I'll be curious to see it as the plants grow out.
Tyrone Dunigan
Tyrone Dunigan - 7 years ago
The king of DIY it looks great. The minimalist approach was the right move. Funny how the fish each tried to claim ownership of "the human."
Luvforthe goodnews
Luvforthe goodnews - 7 years ago
love your channel it inspired me and my wife's two big tanks! easy on the gear though....
Luvforthe goodnews
Luvforthe goodnews - 7 years ago
Love the channel it has inspired me and my wife's tanks.... easy on the gear lol!!
JPs VlogUK
JPs VlogUK - 7 years ago
Very good mate . Could of done with more plants but saying that you can get more
Later down the line and it may look better when it grows and things . Looking nice
mb bm
mb bm - 7 years ago
A touch of red plants would look good. This is going to look great when grown out. Excited to see which school of dither fish you throw in!
HawkForever - 7 years ago
Flat Out Amazing!
Enough Said
krista klemmer
krista klemmer - 7 years ago
I love it!
Caitlin Runyan
Caitlin Runyan - 7 years ago
The king of DIY turned out really good, like always!
Tim Browne
Tim Browne - 7 years ago
Good job bro
Cindy Gravatt
Cindy Gravatt - 7 years ago
The king of DIY where did you buy those really great plants?
Stephan Reyes
Stephan Reyes - 7 years ago
The king of DIY It looks amazing!!! Maybe some more sand
Ingvald Arne Meland
Ingvald Arne Meland - 7 years ago
Sweet :)
You could add a large Echinodorus sp. or two in a tub with plant substrate. Cover the substate with some rocks and place them in between the other bigger rocks to hide the tub
LEMON1O59 - 7 years ago
The king of DIY - personally I think it turned out brilliantly
feedle2003 - 7 years ago
The king of DIY awsome loveing it well done for not haveing the change of prespective from out side the tank bang on.
cant wait for my limited t shirt too should be on its way to the uk as we speak
ig3578 - 7 years ago
not bad :P
Joni Solis
Joni Solis - 7 years ago
Please consider adding some large Marimo moss balls to this tank for the rays to roll about.
Michael Ridge
Michael Ridge - 7 years ago
You did a superior Job bro! Looks much better. It's nearly a complete MASTERPIECE in your Fish Gallery!
Kenny Farisan badri
Kenny Farisan badri - 7 years ago
add some discus fish
IMTIAZ BOFAUTY - 7 years ago
The tank is beautifull
The Coopster
The Coopster - 7 years ago
Cooper Bohner my name is Cooper!!
Cooper Bohner
Cooper Bohner - 7 years ago
Coral Is saltwater!!
The Coopster
The Coopster - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I love this! It's such an improvement!
Netnotnettler - 7 years ago
John Romanas
John Romanas - 7 years ago
The king of DIY Are you going to add corals?
Sebastian Perdomo
Sebastian Perdomo - 7 years ago
When are you getting your goldfish back? And you should add more sand.
Bob The Builder
Bob The Builder - 7 years ago
I Think the tank looks a thousand times better!!
Combo - 7 years ago
The king of DIY now that it's planted the tank looks amazing, I've been a silent viewer for over a year as I watch your videos on my PS4 which doesn't allow me to comment but I always like and view... please upload more often! :)
Pat Squallee
Pat Squallee - 7 years ago
Absolutely love the new look for this tank, great job!
Steve C.
Steve C. - 7 years ago
The king of DIY the tank looks incredible! thanks for sharing your experience! that's my dream tank
Mad Goat
Mad Goat - 7 years ago
Want something done right DIY Killer Job.
Keep building my dream !!
Biotope Herpetoculture
Biotope Herpetoculture - 7 years ago
Looking incredible. Can't wait to see it grown a little more!
ForestAlex - 7 years ago
The king of DIY Better than before!
Saria Lawson
Saria Lawson - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I think it looks great. Can't wait to see what it's like after the plants grow out.
twentysheds ___
twentysheds ___ - 7 years ago
That looks even better than I was expecting; the green gives some great contrast to the colour of the fish.
israel perez
israel perez - 7 years ago
loved it.
OP GAMER - 7 years ago
The king of DIY are you going to put other fish on the 2,000g aquarium
Marc Daniel
Marc Daniel - 7 years ago
looking great!
Fish Freak
Fish Freak - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I love it! I think that your the best in aquascaping! ❤️
Apalak Banerjee
Apalak Banerjee - 7 years ago
Hey Joey awesome setup .Loved it. Why don't u put submersible lights ?
Sangeeth Ramanunni
Sangeeth Ramanunni - 7 years ago
Cool. As a lover of planted scapes, I would suggest more ferns though. Anubias Coffeefolia will be a great choice, IMO. Bolbitis heudelotii can give a denser bush.

But what I really don't know is how Frank is gonna treat the plants. I am really curious about it
Ty - 7 years ago
i would have worn gumboots
Easy To TCG
Easy To TCG - 7 years ago
The king of DIY Joey I love this !!
Junda Xia
Junda Xia - 7 years ago
The king of DIY could u make one hour video just for your 2000g tank? and get some comfortable music on, it would really help people to get to sleep.
Naerwyn - 7 years ago
Beautiful! Goldfish rip apart scapes done in substrate as well, so I thank you for showing off your selection.
SketchBook Daze
SketchBook Daze - 7 years ago
I think it looks awesome!!! BUTTTTT
It would be awesome, if you would do something with the substrate, maybe add some rocks or more sand since you can see the bottom of the cement
FishHead Sweets
FishHead Sweets - 7 years ago
The king of DIY Amazing I like it i have a 50 gallon and this style is what i am doing sand substrate and anubias nana petite and anubias nana Java Fern and moss!! And all tied to a rock and woods. Let me tell you doing a general cleaning is the easiest thing to do because all i have to do is take all the wood and rock out into a bucket drain and clean the substrate. This makes it really clean and my Scarlet Badis and Corydoras Pandas are swimming endlessly after a huge clean up . The pandas will keep on dancing by the glass and just dig into the sand, you can tell they truly love a good clean tank
Solica YT
Solica YT - 7 years ago
Evo1122 - 7 years ago
looks nice!
UR H3R3 - 7 years ago
looks awesome! you should add a giant pleco!
Jahr Jahr
Jahr Jahr - 7 years ago
The king of DIY you been hitting the gym?
Valerie Davis
Valerie Davis - 7 years ago
The king of DIY The arowana needs a name
Jonah Rai
Jonah Rai - 7 years ago
the moment you said turning on 375gallon planted aquarium!!!so excited
Faolan the Sheltie
Faolan the Sheltie - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I LOVE IT GOOD JOB!!!
Max Arvizu
Max Arvizu - 7 years ago
The king of DIY great
Tim's Aquariums by Tim Leighton
Tim's Aquariums by Tim Leighton - 7 years ago
The king of DIY beautiful tank
Callum Drummond
Callum Drummond - 7 years ago
awesome joey love the tank good to see that you didn't get stung lol
drramirez88 - 7 years ago
The king of DIY Tank's a little small, isn't it?! :-D :-D. Looks great! Love your channel!
Beth Holzknecht
Beth Holzknecht - 7 years ago
The king of DIY love your tank and the plants!!
WiSeR BK CI - 7 years ago
The king of DIY you are the man and thank you for all your videos i cant wait for the next one .the tank is awesome
Luke Hebert
Luke Hebert - 7 years ago
Add more sand
Recon 964
Recon 964 - 7 years ago
The king of DIY u should do a workout video cause u look like u hit the gym
Jamie Wilson
Jamie Wilson - 7 years ago
I think those plants really completed your aquarium only thing I would suggest and i know you've already mentioned it but I'll say it anyway more fish with a bit of color. But overall awesome tank dude.
Jamie Wilson
Jamie Wilson - 7 years ago
The king of DIY looking real nice dude, those are some lucky fish. Can't wait to see you're tank in a few months.
BTDarters Channel
BTDarters Channel - 7 years ago
Joey, the tank looks soooooo good! You did a fantastic job!!!
Kathy M
Kathy M - 7 years ago
The king of DIY It's beautiful.
hahayourfunny94 - 7 years ago
Omg Frank is such puppy! The rays checked you out a bit but mostly left you alone and the arowana majestically did its thing... Frank was like no this is my person and I am going to chill under his feet like a dog when someone is making food in the kitchen. What a funny ass fish!
WesleyAPEX - 7 years ago
Put an Arapaima in there! If i had a 2,000 gallon tank i would really get some monster fish!
Cute horse fan 2
Cute horse fan 2 - 7 years ago
It's looks awesome I'm new to the channel and is juts checking all your old videos
MickMaan - 7 years ago
Love the way Buddy is just like - Pff... whatever
FatSkittz - 7 years ago
You should get some floating plants
Drake Rippers fish world
Drake Rippers fish world - 7 years ago
That looks good
Wobbe gong
Wobbe gong - 7 years ago
You should get an aquarium and put a bunch of guppies in, and just let them breed.
k popped
k popped - 7 years ago
(ray on his foot)
"he's tasting me"

10. comment for PLANTING THE 2,000G AQUARIUM

miguel gonzalez
miguel gonzalez - 7 years ago
can you tell me sizes of your tank?
Thank you
Ameya Kamat
Ameya Kamat - 7 years ago
You know guys I have this much big tank full guppy,molly,tetras and many more
Joshua Pink
Joshua Pink - 7 years ago
I have had dreams like this.
sveaplutoner - 7 years ago
Need a bigger tank xD
Clean Living
Clean Living - 7 years ago
But why wouldn't you wear boots at least?!
Here Fishy fishy
Here Fishy fishy - 7 years ago
You could swim in the aquarium
MissEarlAve Gaming
MissEarlAve Gaming - 7 years ago
Who came down here to see if he got stung
Grace Jessome
Grace Jessome - 7 years ago
the way you said " he's tasting me " jaha so cute
Mad Dog
Mad Dog - 7 years ago
you are NOT swimming with the rays!! We all know what happened last time someone did that
002 Storm
002 Storm - 7 years ago

20. comment for PLANTING THE 2,000G AQUARIUM

Oreo Gaming
Oreo Gaming - 7 years ago
R.I.P frank
Abbey Grace
Abbey Grace - 7 years ago
Buddy ;(
ivey ivey12
ivey ivey12 - 7 years ago
Great job
Sulleh Sweeney
Sulleh Sweeney - 7 years ago
Love it! I don't know why but I loved how the wet driftwood dripped into the tank. Would there be a feature like that that could be added, or is that just a waste of material lol? Just looked neat :) reminded me of mangroves or something like that.
SevenFilms - 7 years ago
RIP Buddy
Christopher Bingham
Christopher Bingham - 7 years ago
"So attentive and so curious with me yet so gentle" RIP buddy the Asian Arowana
Melleefrase - 7 years ago
I think the plants look good. The added colour is very nice. Great job Joey.
Ghosty - 7 years ago
R.I.P Buddy <3
Greg Farello
Greg Farello - 7 years ago
look at them arms :)
lee guankiat
lee guankiat - 7 years ago
Maybe, a mirror outside of the tank allows you to see the tank from further away and you can vision where to put the plants easier.

30. comment for PLANTING THE 2,000G AQUARIUM

susan fantozzi
susan fantozzi - 7 years ago
love your big tank. would like to see you feeding the rays, ty
alex baker
alex baker - 7 years ago
Love to see this tank in a few months
Janisa Nguyen
Janisa Nguyen - 7 years ago
You should get a cow fish they are super cute
Roxi Roxii
Roxi Roxii - 7 years ago
Looks great
Minecraft Maniac
Minecraft Maniac - 7 years ago
How does he fill that whole tank? Do you like bring a hose from a window?
Tak Tsang
Tak Tsang - 7 years ago
I think the fish hurt by the chemical, may be the thread or plants.
AUSSIE1PRIDE - 7 years ago
as a fisherman that often catches extremely large stingrays 100lb'ers (not the target) & have been stung by a few I learnt a trick to help with the pain from a sting, you rub your hand or foot on the belly of the sting ray and get the belly slime on the wound it really helps alot, although I have never tried it on freshwater rays.
Joe Smith
Joe Smith - 7 years ago
I'll definitely pray that he makes it. It just wouldn't be the same not seeing him around! Hoping for a fast recovery!
Night Slayer
Night Slayer - 7 years ago
So I just got my first aquarium rack. And I want to know some oddball fish to put in my bottom tank. I wanted a fresh water eel but I only have ten gal to work with. What do you think I should get diy? I'm more into preditory fish or oddball fish
Stahl - 7 years ago
"I have several years experience working with rays"

So did steve
Janine Adriana Reguenga gomez
Janine Adriana Reguenga gomez - 7 years ago
plants looks awsome. it gives the tank more life ! I'm happy you enjoyed to plant it!
Go Away
Go Away - 7 years ago
the substrate is bothering me. It's so thin and spotty.
dale velasco
dale velasco - 7 years ago
boots would be nice to wear..
-TK-_- CluchM4ster
-TK-_- CluchM4ster - 7 years ago
i love frank
shaan janardhan
shaan janardhan - 7 years ago
I love it !!!
Op Fishing
Op Fishing - 7 years ago
Op Fishing
Op Fishing - 7 years ago
Alida A FishAddict
Alida A FishAddict - 7 years ago
definitely the plants make a huge impact...looks good
Leo R
Leo R - 7 years ago
you look alot like perseus from clash of the titans!! loving your vids btw, really interesting keeping up with the 2000g!
Fresh Falcon
Fresh Falcon - 7 years ago
Are you taking some medication?

50. comment for PLANTING THE 2,000G AQUARIUM

Laz Perez
Laz Perez - 7 years ago
Looks gorgeous.
Chris Adams
Chris Adams - 7 years ago
Looks fantastic. How long did it take you to do in total? It's definitely given me some ideas for my future tanks
Gb J
Gb J - 7 years ago
Why didn't you just wear some plastic gumboots or waders?
Trevor Estell
Trevor Estell - 7 years ago
I think you put the perfect amount of plants in it
Jwtanner 05
Jwtanner 05 - 7 years ago
Joey u should do a feeding of this tank
Dawn Malone
Dawn Malone - 7 years ago
This tank just keeps getting more and more gorgeous everytime you update. The 'rays are adorable and Frank is cute, but that Arowana is the true king of that tank. The relationship you have with it is enviable.
CrazyBirdyBird - 7 years ago
You could name arowana Majesty, then it will get more fans then Frank!
Daisy At her best
Daisy At her best - 7 years ago
Me : it' looks so cool yay

My sister : ok

My frog frank and bettas : why can't I live there no fair

Me : I'm working on it flair and frank
Murali Deshpande
Murali Deshpande - 7 years ago
how dangerous this is in ray
Cocolol5690 The turnip
Cocolol5690 The turnip - 7 years ago
Will these thing spread
JERRETT MCNAIR - 7 years ago
Looks badass
Jason Perez
Jason Perez - 7 years ago
It's a small aquarium.
Daniel Sharkey
Daniel Sharkey - 7 years ago
Looks amazing!
Patché - 7 years ago
I personally think the tank looks amazing, great job
SPAACE MARRINES - 7 years ago
Makeup Mobster
Makeup Mobster - 7 years ago
cant you just wear some rubber boots and not have to worry about the rays?
Greg Scafidi Productions
Greg Scafidi Productions - 7 years ago
Tank is looking awesome! I would like to see some either floating plants or some long and tall plants that could be anchored to the ends of the wood. Also, will you be adding any more substrate?
John Hannahel
John Hannahel - 7 years ago
chymera45 - 7 years ago
They're all like "Dude what're you doin in here?" lol it's funny but awesome
Zbionix / Caleb H.
Zbionix / Caleb H. - 7 years ago
Joseph McBride
Joseph McBride - 7 years ago
Hey Joey, new fan here. Life long aquarium enthusiast as well. In fact just took a second job simply to save up for a new tank lol... Anyways just curious if you have an email or other means of contact so I dont have to comment and hope you eventually see it? Thanks for your time brother and keep up the cool videos
Ultimate Fishkeeping Show
Ultimate Fishkeeping Show - 7 years ago
You have done an Amazingly Good job.
We are really pleased for you.
Excellent choice of plants

All the best. By the way, it is great to see the flowerhorn back in with the Arowana.

Thankyou for sharing that with us.
Debbie B.
Debbie B. - 7 years ago
I think it's wonderful! Great job. I'm new to your channel and looking forward to seeing more videos.
Asef Alexander Noorzai
Asef Alexander Noorzai - 7 years ago
Looks awesome.
Andre Lang
Andre Lang - 7 years ago
From experience, anubias don't do well with strong currents where the leaves are fluttering around. If the leaves are staying relatively still you're good.
Tim H
Tim H - 7 years ago
Loooks really good!!! Maybe some larger plants that grow from the bottom to the top??!! That would look nice
Copernileo - 7 years ago
May ask why not add more sand?
Sin Full
Sin Full - 7 years ago
It looks great. I can't wait to see the fish that get added later on.
Kant Putu
Kant Putu - 7 years ago
do you have a DIY beneficial bacteria for aquarium or aquascape to be specific?
Reptile Republic
Reptile Republic - 7 years ago
The tank looks amazing!!! Great Job!
Gerald Tubo
Gerald Tubo - 7 years ago
When he stands on the sand and move around, will the sand`s abrasiveness compromise the seal?
David Owen
David Owen - 7 years ago
Put more sand
Gal Magen
Gal Magen - 7 years ago
with all those plants. i had an idea!
what would you say about aquaponics on the tank edges?
Caramel_Namwan - 7 years ago
That's a really biggg tank with a really bigg arowana. >0<
Pie-inator_5000 - 7 years ago
Loved the video, Joey. I just wanted to say I'm in Nova Scotia for a little while and I went to 1 fish 2 fish. It was such an amazing store to go to and it gave me so many ideas for my tank I want to have in the future. I don't want to invade your privacy, but I'm gonna be back in Halifax on Sunday and be leave on the 8th, so I was seeing if it was possible at all to meet and talk with you.
Patti r
Patti r - 7 years ago
Looks great!!!! Can hardly wait to see it when the plants grow and fill in more over time
Slfish Keepers
Slfish Keepers - 7 years ago
I am a fan of yours you are my role model. King of diy. And those stingrays would have sting you
Coolrh13 - 7 years ago
I wonder if you made this tank a guppy tank how many would fit in there?
Kyle Chou
Kyle Chou - 7 years ago
Do diy reef lighting....! Please.....!
meowwwria - 7 years ago
Looks awesome joey! Can't wait until they grow and Frank will be in a giant forest!
Mohammed Aamir
Mohammed Aamir - 7 years ago
Hi Joey, my name is Aamir from Pakistan but live in United Arab Emirates. I regularly follow you on your channel and I've no hassle to say that you've done amazing job on 2000G. I think you need to add more sand to it.
KaregoAt - 7 years ago
Why not wear heavy-duty rubber boots that they can't sting through??
Zev Violetine
Zev Violetine - 7 years ago
Honestly I love how they look
Lisa Foster
Lisa Foster - 7 years ago
You need some seriously thick rubber boots XD Ray armor.
Devon Jones
Devon Jones - 7 years ago
how the actual hell do you clean it
Funbox Entertainment
Funbox Entertainment - 7 years ago
Frank is my favourite
Vikas Kumar
Vikas Kumar - 7 years ago
Very nice looking forward to see the plants grow up
Gee Willikers
Gee Willikers - 7 years ago
Next time stand on a plastic milk crate.
Suraj Sugunan
Suraj Sugunan - 7 years ago
i loved it!!! makes me more curious about the 375....... hoping it soon
Swile - 7 years ago
More Plant More Green!

100. comment for PLANTING THE 2,000G AQUARIUM

Space Turtle
Space Turtle - 7 years ago
are the lights turned on all day? i know that for warm blooded animals, when lights are on 24/7, they get really stressed. I don't even know if fish sleeps but i am curiouse what effects it has on them :D
john westendorf
john westendorf - 7 years ago
well you made me do it..... i knew after watching several of you videos i would end up overhauling my 55 gallon tank but with all i have learned from you the ending will be epic
Gabriela Cafazzo
Gabriela Cafazzo - 7 years ago
GracefullAnimals - 7 years ago
what r u gonna do when the rays are rly big!!!
Mr. MPAMPPMS - 7 years ago
Get a GARR!
Sharon Marmon Kaczorowski
Sharon Marmon Kaczorowski - 7 years ago
Are there two different species of ray in the tank? One of them is much lighter.
Sharon Marmon Kaczorowski
Sharon Marmon Kaczorowski - 7 years ago
Big improvement. Can't wait to see it fully grown!
Nate Myers
Nate Myers - 7 years ago
You should get a eel
Brian Leonard
Brian Leonard - 7 years ago
Hey Joey, Thank you!!!! I got my two collectors edition signature T-Shirts today in the mail!! They're great and really good quality!! I'm so happy. I got a Navy Blue and a Black T-shirt. Thanks so much for getting them out!!
Amber Courtney
Amber Courtney - 7 years ago
Looking amazing!
Rhys  Anderson
Rhys Anderson - 7 years ago
Doesn't the sand being moved exposing the bottom do your head in ?!?!?! It will do my nut in
Spencer Lukesh
Spencer Lukesh - 7 years ago
The tank has turned out great.
Noah Rea
Noah Rea - 7 years ago
ABSOLUTELY AMAZING...And again thanks for the damn cliff hanger!!
Idon'tbelieveinshortcomments - 7 years ago
wow, the Arowana looked so majestic in this video, I can really see why you like him so much! Looks amazing!
Hunter Reeves
Hunter Reeves - 7 years ago
Hey Joey! If you are still looking for a name for the Asian Arowana you could name it Artie the Arowana. Thanks for he awesome vids bro!
Anni S
Anni S - 7 years ago
I absolutely love this channel and this community. The gallery is looking fantastic!
mikey low
mikey low - 7 years ago
Looks great.. That anubias in the bottom left looks like it has way too much flow on it though
Luvforthe goodnews
Luvforthe goodnews - 7 years ago
Holy DIY King on some Gear!!
Freshwater Friends Keeping it Fresh
Freshwater Friends Keeping it Fresh - 7 years ago
Marvelous job joey
ŽÄÇHÅRŸ RØDËÑTŠ - 7 years ago
Can someone plz tell me what frank is eating? I'm thinking about getting a flower horn in a 60 gal and I want to know s good food to feed it
Roxy Wilkes
Roxy Wilkes - 7 years ago
how come the water is much cleaner than it was from before you drained it? does your filter not work or isn't on?
Sashi Fish
Sashi Fish - 7 years ago
Love the plants!
Adreneline - 7 years ago
what is that song
be vk2002
be vk2002 - 7 years ago
hey King ever thought abt turtles
Jas Buraka
Jas Buraka - 7 years ago
Frank spent alot of time between my legs.... thats what she said!!! Lol. Awesome work love your vids.
Tom MacRae
Tom MacRae - 7 years ago
beautiful joey!
Aurelio Huerta Espinosa
Aurelio Huerta Espinosa - 7 years ago
i have a 30 gal planted tank down in Mexico, yours looks amazing thanks for your vids they are informative, and it is nice to see the progress you have made. cant wait to see when plants take root .
Owen Mccann
Owen Mccann - 7 years ago
Looks awesome
Timothy Wilkin
Timothy Wilkin - 7 years ago
If you are Donald trump and you are reading this leave a like.
alireza fallah
alireza fallah - 7 years ago
if the asian arowaana jump out . he might hit the wood sticking out of water
Jerome Perner
Jerome Perner - 7 years ago
Love the addition of the green color and another living element.
I agree would a fire eel work?
Appalachian Bettas
Appalachian Bettas - 7 years ago
The laugh at the beginning
Freeyourmind - 7 years ago
I can't help but worry about someone who's inside of a tank with lights hanging above it that don't look extremely secure.
Think swimming pool....
Luka Zivkovic
Luka Zivkovic - 7 years ago
So cool
Luka Zivkovic
Luka Zivkovic - 7 years ago
Luka Zivkovic
Luka Zivkovic - 7 years ago
Just awesome
Luka Zivkovic
Luka Zivkovic - 7 years ago
sD scooter
sD scooter - 7 years ago
Yung pinch interview to this
Corey Graese
Corey Graese - 7 years ago
Think it turned out amazing!! Love the natural movement of the plants in the water. Can't wait to see this tank mature with growth!!!
Zebedee Harper
Zebedee Harper - 7 years ago
The tank looks great Joey, the plants gave the tank a great feel of a natural environment
Sheila Norwood
Sheila Norwood - 7 years ago
Wow! You are getting your gallery put together so quickly. Is this your career, or do you have a job outside this?
Robin Reed
Robin Reed - 7 years ago
Absolutely stunning! I couldn't imagine how well that would look. Impressive!
ROBERT Bermudez
ROBERT Bermudez - 7 years ago
frank is alive
Tracy Ball
Tracy Ball - 7 years ago
if u just had something on the two walls that don't have viewing windows to make them look natural it would be perfect. the plants look great, you did an amazing job especially with the moss. i love it.
Joshua Dionysius
Joshua Dionysius - 7 years ago
how are you going to handle algae? are you going to get some rare plecos?
Prodigy Jay
Prodigy Jay - 7 years ago
Joey I have a question I had African cichlids and I have no more fish (just water) how would I lower my ph so I can put things like barbs or tetras in my aquarium
Daniel Spencer
Daniel Spencer - 7 years ago
Brill. Too light for my liking I would have had the two solid walls a darker colour to make the arowana stand out. Or get some custom stone 3D backgrounds
Kit Chan
Kit Chan - 7 years ago
good water plant, fish and rook
Monett Rowe
Monett Rowe - 7 years ago
The plants make the fish pop! They look amazing with the plants!!
noble1266 - 7 years ago
Will your flowerhorn not eat the plants? I understand you placed a lot but has he been pulling them out yet ? I would also suggest utilizing the large area above it with plants, have you considering growing something different? that utilizes the waters surface, such as lillypads or something ? maybe the flow is too much for that and would make it more swampy, and require more in tank lighting, but maybe a few shadows to hide under wouldn't be such a bad idea
Alisha Santiago
Alisha Santiago - 7 years ago
I always thought stingrays were harmless since they're always in please touch aquariums

ps the ariwona(?) is adorable
Heavy Metal Lion
Heavy Metal Lion - 7 years ago
are you planning on keeping the rays in there once they're adults?
Heaven Leigh
Heaven Leigh - 7 years ago
I believe it turned out awesome! I cant wait for the next up date.
Jeanene Colby
Jeanene Colby - 7 years ago
Such a difference with the plants, made the tank come to life. It looks awesome!
Ruth Tretter
Ruth Tretter - 7 years ago
Really beautiful!
Tyler The Cajun
Tyler The Cajun - 7 years ago
The king of diy Clorox bleach works to help take the burn out a little
tyrone daharu
tyrone daharu - 7 years ago
Joey u are a mad man! !! But u still rock!!!
Lil Luke
Lil Luke - 7 years ago
Not keen on how the sands patchy needs more for better coverage!
Could You Kill My Profile Picture Please?
Could You Kill My Profile Picture Please? - 7 years ago
Can you add more sand to the tank theres white spots.
GAME hack8ing
GAME hack8ing - 7 years ago
which fish you are going to keep in yor aquarium now?????
xXBluntMacheteXx - 7 years ago
You did a great job, as always you make me jealous, please name your arowanna Poseidon
Michael Thomas
Michael Thomas - 7 years ago
It looks awesome.
TheConservativeYouth - 7 years ago
You should make a big hermit crab tank!
NYC Bettas
NYC Bettas - 7 years ago
Mr Cliffhanger!!! You're starting to look like The Walking Dead producers
Cichlid Profile
Cichlid Profile - 7 years ago
man that kill my back trying to look at this tank
The Special Broccoli
The Special Broccoli - 7 years ago
The King of DIY Joey why dont you name the asian arowana "Joey Jr.?"
madhawa manukularathna
madhawa manukularathna - 7 years ago
ooooyeee... niyamai...
Paula Samuelson
Paula Samuelson - 7 years ago
Joey.. This is amazing. Looking forward to watching it all grow.
Derek Smith
Derek Smith - 7 years ago
Love love love the plants! I think Frank would be content with you in there all the time! Too funny!
Donald Stevens
Donald Stevens - 7 years ago
The plants add a lot of life
Katherine Burnham
Katherine Burnham - 7 years ago
Planted aquarium looks great!!! Great job! What a cliff hanger for the 375!
Zaku186 - 7 years ago
Man this looks awesome.
The Goldfish Whisperer
The Goldfish Whisperer - 7 years ago
Janice Stp
Janice Stp - 7 years ago
It looks good I can't wait for the plants to take hold and flourish!
Dustin G.
Dustin G. - 7 years ago
RIP Steve Irwin
JNBaquatics - 7 years ago
that smile tho when he shows us the 375 gallon.
matthew o'dea
matthew o'dea - 7 years ago
when I heard you say you were gonna plant this tank I first thought how will you manage that with sand but youv put themon the wood it looks amazing I really really do like that tank the plant chooses are perfact low light plants and all the fish look great hey look so happy and healthy I saw ur video when you put fank in to the tank you couid see how excited he was swimming about you ever saw it in his face watch tht video n ull see what I mean youv really made that tank into something special I'm wanting one now but I wouidnt even atemp to make one I had concerns about you getting gas bubbles due to having sand but all the wave makers keep moving it about you fish gallery looking geat and once its finished I cant wait to see whatit looks like so well done I'm a little jelous to be fair lol
jacob pfeiffer
jacob pfeiffer - 7 years ago
You need a snow leopard xingu ray !!!!! My brother is breeding them contact me in you're interested ! Much rarer then Leo's !
Maria Fletcher
Maria Fletcher - 7 years ago
You Found frank?
[GD] TeamVolcaniX
[GD] TeamVolcaniX - 7 years ago
The last digit of your like on this comment is what fish you are!
1:Shell dweller (office aquarium)
2:Frostbite clownfish (saltwater)
3:Discus (idk if he still has some discus somewhere)
4:Sting ray (2,000g)
5:Arrowana (2,000g)
6:Frank (2,000g)
7:Small blood red arrowana (quarantine tank)
8:Goldfish (discarded tank)
9:Cardinal bangai (saltwater)

Reply who you got!
BrunoTheHamster - 7 years ago
[GD] TeamVolcaniX. I got Shell dweller and he doesn't have any Discus right now.
Paul Maestas
Paul Maestas - 7 years ago
I think the aquarium looks great, but still pretty dull looking it definitely needs more then a few greens. I can't wait to see what else your going to do with it. Oh and for sure frank is awesome!
Ranie Malunes
Ranie Malunes - 7 years ago
Flyriver Turtle pls??
MrSackeyko - 7 years ago
Terrestrial moss for that top piece of wood would be cool, if you don't plan on filling above that. Anubis may survive on it as well.
Yoder Mom
Yoder Mom - 7 years ago
The tank looks wonderful and cant wait to see what it looks like after they take hold and grow a bit! I was wondering what is your thought process with the rays having babies in that big tank? would you just leave them be or remove them for a time?
Marc Jones
Marc Jones - 7 years ago
Looks awesome Joey!! Brave man getting in with the rays
cutiekazoe10 - 7 years ago
What a difference the plants make!!
Sean Eyler
Sean Eyler - 7 years ago
Could you just wear a clean pair of rubber boots while in the tank? Or is the bare-foot stingray risk good for youtube content?
Beth88892 - 7 years ago
Sean Eyler boots would spook them more as there louder and larger.
Tesla500 Gaming
Tesla500 Gaming - 7 years ago
Not for nothing I like how it looked when the water was low and the wood was dark and it kinda gave off that dead end of a river .
Alicia Spence
Alicia Spence - 7 years ago
WOW That looks awesome
arincon2025 - 7 years ago
amazing job joe
Touhin Mohammed
Touhin Mohammed - 7 years ago
i think some jungle val amd tiger lotus lilly would really nice. You could probabaly plant them in a pot and cover them up with rocks so your livestock doesnt mess the substrate up
BayouGoldfish - 7 years ago
Wow! What a difference! Looks great, Joey.
Juan De leon
Juan De leon - 7 years ago
He needs more sand in the aquarium like if you agree
S Loftus
S Loftus - 7 years ago
Amazing! I think it looks great. You are an inspiration to hobbyists everywhere!
xbatfishx fts
xbatfishx fts - 7 years ago
you can wear plastic fishing boats
Revenge Grape
Revenge Grape - 7 years ago
Whatever happened to your daughters fish tank?
Buddy 1927
Buddy 1927 - 7 years ago
You did a great job planting your tank. But you have a lot of bare spots. You need to add more sand to the bottom of the tanl to make it look natal. Great Video keep up the great work.
Annarene Victor
Annarene Victor - 7 years ago
Looks great! Will look stunning when more grown in
Brandywine6969 - 7 years ago
You did a great job scaping the 2k gallon. I loved the footage of the stingray tasting your feet and Frank, of course. When did you say you are going to tell us the arowana's name? You know you could probably make Frank Fan Club t-shirts and whatever you name the arowana Fan Club t-shirts and sell them.
Adam - 7 years ago
Love it Joey! Great job .makes tank come alive now
Ted Michel
Ted Michel - 7 years ago
Hello there from Cape Town, South Africa, love your awesome work and presentation !! Can you please let us know how you prepare your water for your tanks, do you use prepared tap water and how do you treat it and what type of test equipment do you use to check and maintain your water quality?
Joshua Bailey
Joshua Bailey - 7 years ago
does java moss grow onto rocks?
Joshua Bailey
Joshua Bailey - 7 years ago
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Joshua Bailey yup. Takes time and you have to tie it down at first though
Jonas Axelsson
Jonas Axelsson - 7 years ago
Cool lights, it will be interesting to see how the lightning looks like plastic ceiling is put on top of the aquarium. Will the plants still get enough light with 20% output or will you raise the output to 50%?
Belinda Bradford
Belinda Bradford - 7 years ago
Will you be putting any live cleaners like wither snails, shrimp, etc. . . to clean up the algae growth need the wave makers?
James Davenport
James Davenport - 7 years ago
it looks really nice it definitely needed it, but i think you could add something small in the corner is seems a bit empty, but i understand if you want to leave space for the rays
Mitch Paro
Mitch Paro - 7 years ago
damn really looks good bro. nicely done
blonde talk
blonde talk - 7 years ago
omg it looks so amazing i went to an aquarium and your tank is way nicer for us to see and for the fish than theirs
laurie allen
laurie allen - 7 years ago
I thought it looked good before, but after seeing it planted... WOW!
Goaticorn - 7 years ago
It looks fantastic!
J Ham
J Ham - 7 years ago
My friends and I LOVE flower horns now because of yours. We now say "Frank the Tank" to friends that don't have a flower horn encouraging them to add one to there tank. It makes it complete. Lol.
J Ham
J Ham - 7 years ago
This is my absolute favorite part of aqua-scaping aquariums. When the plants are still babies. When you can still see through and around the plants, and you can still see all the other things in your aquarium. I'm not a fan of it after the plants have grown out so much. Great job either way. The tank is amazing.
Shafee Uchiha
Shafee Uchiha - 7 years ago
the tank looks even more majestic now!
bshenanagins - 7 years ago
Add some Hygrophila Angustifolia. It's super easy to grow and it's long slender leaves and thin stems will flow nicely with the current, def would look killer
Pam Neumann
Pam Neumann - 7 years ago
Looks Awesome!!
Trey L
Trey L - 7 years ago
definitely should do cardinal tetras for the 375! A massive school is the most amazing thing to look at.
Dan Valdivia
Dan Valdivia - 7 years ago
You should a background to it. I know it can be hard but adding a background will look so much better
TheGuardianFID - 7 years ago
Tank looks great Joey, the plants really bring it to life!
Denver Nazareth
Denver Nazareth - 7 years ago
Really loved the tank. Awesome work.
Scott Barker
Scott Barker - 7 years ago
Totally jealous looks amazing
jaykill Jkill187
jaykill Jkill187 - 7 years ago
You are awesome bro
Sebaz Yong
Sebaz Yong - 7 years ago
looks great. was initially worried of stray old stings that drop off and got under the sand.
TankOn - 7 years ago
Mr Fish
Mr Fish - 7 years ago
You should add some freshwater sharks (the catfish and rainbow sharks)
Jheb 84
Jheb 84 - 7 years ago
Looking good, keep it up.
Spook Vill
Spook Vill - 7 years ago
The tank looks absolutely amazing now, the plants defiantly are a lovely touch and give it more life :) You have done a fantastic job
Kenny Farisan badri
Kenny Farisan badri - 7 years ago
add some discus fish
Popkedex 914
Popkedex 914 - 7 years ago
I looks awesome looks like a little garden to from India
bryan humphrey
bryan humphrey - 7 years ago
What are your thoughts on a platinum red tailed catfish
Thomas Stewart
Thomas Stewart - 7 years ago
Looks great.
Missy Rose
Missy Rose - 7 years ago
I personally think planted tanks look dirty. But to each his own
Zane Ruyssenaers
Zane Ruyssenaers - 7 years ago
If you ever empty the tank for whatever reason, you could paint the bottom the same colour as the sand, that way when the rays move it, it won't be as noticeable. :)
Jason Asbury
Jason Asbury - 7 years ago
Anubias can tolerate low light, too much light and they could start growing algae because their nutrient intake is pretty slow - they are slow growing plants in comparison to the others. Should be all good in the middle where it's slightly more shady!
Clayton Jessup
Clayton Jessup - 7 years ago
I love the planted drift wood , absolutely love the scape with the plants it ties the tank together . I love the lights love Ecotech products , great job
Paul Boutin
Paul Boutin - 7 years ago
Your best video yet! I loved how you did the picture in picture of you explaining each plant species as we watched you tie them in. Also loved the underwater shots of the stingrays with the gopro.
3drhodes - 7 years ago
you have a great eye for plants but don't go cheating on your wife with that fish.
Betta Josh
Betta Josh - 7 years ago
Oh my god Joey you're INSANE!!!!!! So brave omg I would have taken the rays out..... Tank looks amazing!
Spookworm - 7 years ago
"He's tasting me!"
DAD, are you food? DAD?!
SachiMochi - 7 years ago
have you thought about christmas moss instead of java moss? easy care and looks good.
Gareth Tucker
Gareth Tucker - 7 years ago
I reckon the tank looks awesome
Makeila - 7 years ago
I think the final result is amazing! The contrast between green and the dark driftwood and light sand is awesome.
Ahmed Aslam
Ahmed Aslam - 7 years ago
Looks awesome. Joe you are just great
lizzy henkhaus
lizzy henkhaus - 7 years ago
I am OBSESSED by how much Frank loves you
BIGD CHANNEL - 7 years ago
Stops for a minute and say "what's up frank?" So cute
Michael Connachan
Michael Connachan - 7 years ago
I've been watching your venture right from the start, from choosing the fish, buying Frank, and now this - the planted aquarium looks amazing, I like you can't wait to see it in a few months time when everything grows into itself, I was so surprised how calm the Asian arowana was - it's looking amazing.
Brenden Cook
Brenden Cook - 7 years ago
Could add a few pieces of hygrophila pinnatifida and bucephalandra to the wood as well. Also up top it would be cool to tie some hornwort to it and watch it sway up top where the arrowana can swim through it and such. I think it would make the tank look even nicer.
bildahome - 7 years ago
Are you on drugs? Marihuana? You talk so much in detail on every video so it looks like that
Thomas Chui
Thomas Chui - 7 years ago
How can I order the freshwater version of the XR30 just like yours?
JJ & Sophie Prodoutions
JJ & Sophie Prodoutions - 7 years ago
Nickejols Laanan
Nickejols Laanan - 7 years ago
that is big tank if the fish is really big were these to put?
Prajankya Sonar
Prajankya Sonar - 7 years ago
Its pretty awesome.. waiting to see how it would turn out!
Dean Slamat
Dean Slamat - 7 years ago
I think the circulation rate in the tank is too strong for some plants to take a foothold onto their host. May want to consider reducing the flow rate.....turn off some of the circulation pump.
John Romanas
John Romanas - 7 years ago
Are you going to add corals?
Red - 7 years ago
The green really makes the tank and the fish stand out you did a really good job in my opinion cant wait for this aquarium to get evene better!
Mr. Dude
Mr. Dude - 7 years ago
Amazing sir. I always enjoy watching your videos
Kyle Tishkof
Kyle Tishkof - 7 years ago
Great editing loved how you corner box explained the plants while still showing the attachment
brandon s
brandon s - 7 years ago
looks really awesome
Steve Roney
Steve Roney - 7 years ago
Awesome job man!
Jessica Cook
Jessica Cook - 7 years ago
I would have worn foot protection.
bradley welch
bradley welch - 7 years ago
Hi joey tank looks great! What is the pipe on the left hand side next to the wavemakers?
Thebosskidrpg3 Dinicola
Thebosskidrpg3 Dinicola - 7 years ago
what if you manage to stack another 2000g tank on top of this one and combine them to become a 4000g tank. imagine the fish you could add
Ricky Kenerly Cichlids
Ricky Kenerly Cichlids - 7 years ago
I like the shimmering effect from your new lights!
Momo's Mini Zoo
Momo's Mini Zoo - 7 years ago
The plants look SO GOOD!
Скиталец - 7 years ago
It's really good-looking scape! I enjoy all things that happen with this 2k gallon tank! Please do not stop! But i think you should add more substrate or make it more contrast or colorful ?
Yuga Wicaksono
Yuga Wicaksono - 7 years ago
It looks great!
laura mcintyre
laura mcintyre - 7 years ago
It looks awesome and it even some how looks more open
vivit vvt
vivit vvt - 7 years ago
kanishka chadda
kanishka chadda - 7 years ago
plzz add oscars to this tank
Kevin P
Kevin P - 7 years ago
Turned out great man, think the tank will look great once the plants become more established to the wood
D FL - 7 years ago
Just keeps getting better with every episode. I loved watching the string rays glide along the glass. So beautiful.
MrCompressiceps - 7 years ago
Your tank looks so much better without tannins in water. Noticeable after water change.
Yang Betta
Yang Betta - 7 years ago
Why the white interior? Asian Aro's color doesn't stand out much.
quietpianist - 7 years ago
I would love to see video from a top down view of you planting the tank. Would be cool to see the interactions with the Arowana and rays swimming around while you planted them.
kevinwilliamc - 7 years ago
Looks amazing. So cool to see how it looks now.
Matt Brattoli
Matt Brattoli - 7 years ago
What kind of lights do you have on that tank?
Stephen Lay
Stephen Lay - 7 years ago
Amazing tank
Normaane - 7 years ago
is the white spots in the sand, the bottom? I think the tank look awesome with the plants ;) but put more sand in the bottom ;)
Azrael - 7 years ago
Absolutely amazing job. Well done, sir! Keep with your great videos!
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 7 years ago
I should say much better than previous and this much effort is quite huge because aquarium hobby at this level is quite messy.
Joey Bekius
Joey Bekius - 7 years ago
Good job
Toby Wright
Toby Wright - 7 years ago
Joey, I was looking at purchasing your book. I was wondering, do you include some of your stand measurements in the book?
Arnold Gonzales
Arnold Gonzales - 7 years ago
it's beautiful. I always love your tanks and this is the best one​ by far. I love the fish in it as well. I started to do flower horns but decided to go with a SW 125g instead.
Kiptick - 7 years ago
Before you put plants in, the root came off a bit ominous in my opinion, so adding the plants definitely lightened up the aquarium and made it feel more immersive. Also it put the rocks better into play.
So cool that your fish interact with you like they do.
Can you "plant" the Anubias barteri on any surface, or do they only grow on wood and sand?
Selina Thoma
Selina Thoma - 7 years ago
Wow, it looks great
Kristen Minuti
Kristen Minuti - 7 years ago
That turned out great! I always learn something new when I watch your videos! ^_^
Kristina Burgos
Kristina Burgos - 7 years ago
I'd still be scared of the rays. I'll probably stand on a foot stool while doing this.
THECHICKENMAN69 -Clash royale
THECHICKENMAN69 -Clash royale - 7 years ago
Corals pls
Roi - 7 years ago
Here's a thought. Wear some boots?
fancymanchucky - 7 years ago
Enjoyed this video! The plants look stellar. U could try a huge potted 6foot jungle Val in the back left corner, I'm a sucker for jungle Val. As it is now the plants don't take away from any swimming room tho, which is prob best for the fish. The green really "pops" and completed the tank
Mirrim Blackfox
Mirrim Blackfox - 7 years ago
lambbosbread - 7 years ago
the heat isnt used to coagulate the blood ( would actually do nothing ) its used to stop the pain.
Deeanne Knight
Deeanne Knight - 7 years ago
Looks good. Could use some more sand.
Shane Martin
Shane Martin - 7 years ago
Great work! Looks really good and will look much better when the plants fully grow in. Been following for ages now and enjoy seeing how far you have come and hearing your ideas for the future. Also the fish seem much "happier" in the big aquarium. Keep up the great work man.
Shelby Chng
Shelby Chng - 7 years ago
the arowana looks like a true king
LGBW97 - 7 years ago
It look so much better! Love it!
Stella Marie Sanchez
Stella Marie Sanchez - 7 years ago
Sir, do you plan to put snails?
Hajong Lee
Hajong Lee - 7 years ago
the plants made a huge difference! the walls still look a little bland but it's still amazing!
PussyHunter720 PussyDestroyer666
PussyHunter720 PussyDestroyer666 - 7 years ago
Also why dont u put more sand in cause the tank looks so ugly like that jackass
Hajong Lee
Hajong Lee - 7 years ago
what are the spots that are (growing) on the edges of the wave maker glass panels?
Ruel Ligeia
Ruel Ligeia - 7 years ago
The lighting is a lot better and the plants are beautiful!! Good job
John Dsilva
John Dsilva - 7 years ago
When will u name your arowana
nederlands100 - 7 years ago
Expected you would use more exclusive plants but these 3 easy tipes always look good together.
If I can give you a few ideas: Add some Anubias nana micro to some choose spots, these will cover ups the wood with a very great detail..
Nice to see you didn't use 1 type of the java fern family, but you choose only 1 with thin leaves, If i'd be you I'd add 3/4 of the big boys in them, In a year you can cut all java's and displace them or sell it to the store.. mine went in 2/3 year 2/3X as big.
John Dsilva
John Dsilva - 7 years ago
Try to wear gum boots
Simology - 7 years ago
"This tank has the Asian arowana and the freshwater stingrays" HOW DARE YOU FORGET ABOUT FRANK BRO
Toby Ooo
Toby Ooo - 7 years ago
have you ever hand fed your arowana ?
Hamburger Network
Hamburger Network - 7 years ago
Why not wear rubber boots
ShibaKatCosplay - 7 years ago
I think your arrowana likes you, and was really nice to see the fish swimming round you. I think you should name your arowana (I think buddy suits him lol). When you said the rays left you alone I nought of when one came up to you and nibbled your toes lol. Looks really good joey!
Martin Visagie
Martin Visagie - 7 years ago
Love it... Gives it a awesome look. Welldone sir
Teagan Brenton
Teagan Brenton - 7 years ago
That is stunning! Can't wait to see it in a few months
Tahir Bunamay
Tahir Bunamay - 7 years ago
Zackari Zarick
Zackari Zarick - 7 years ago
Love the plants makes it look like the jungle. When are more fish being added ?
laura corrigan
laura corrigan - 7 years ago
well done. it's beautiful. Can't wait for your next video. did you decide on your dither fish yet?? can't wait till they are added.
Rahne Aeon
Rahne Aeon - 7 years ago
The plants, rocks and driftwood have really come together. Happy for you. best RA
Sufiyaan Hushye
Sufiyaan Hushye - 7 years ago
I have a question
Can I keep betta fish with angel fish ?
Ryan Burgess
Ryan Burgess - 7 years ago
Joey bro dope​ tank, can't wait to see when grown out
Alfredo Gutierrez
Alfredo Gutierrez - 7 years ago
I think it looks great. keep up the good work.
Julia Ghoulia
Julia Ghoulia - 7 years ago
Love the way you set it up! Can't wait to see the plants and fish grow in this tank!!
Palizoid - 7 years ago
Absolutely awesome tank! Can only imagine the amount of work you have put into that. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Pintoo - 7 years ago
How about some colourful Cichlids in 375 gallon tank.
Dominic Schmidt
Dominic Schmidt - 7 years ago
Who else loves Frank? We all love Frank!
Elaura Woolley
Elaura Woolley - 7 years ago
Ohmygoodness!!! Your tank looks amazing!!!
mentalist98 - 7 years ago
how do you get Java moss to take to your tank? every time i try it dies, ive had success with hairgrass and other plants but java moss is a mystery.
XpetraXpazlX - 7 years ago
The lights looks ok as long as its safe.
Justin Hng
Justin Hng - 7 years ago
Get a pair of boots?
אליה צוקר
אליה צוקר - 7 years ago
ad soom mor fias det litl oans
Ocean River Aquatics
Ocean River Aquatics - 7 years ago
O me gurd it looks so good it looks so much better it's so pretty
Mason McLean
Mason McLean - 7 years ago
AMAZING TANK! Absolutely gorgeous, id really like to see you make a diy background though
ajk23ful - 7 years ago
Looks great!! Can't wait to see how it matures
reef guy 92
reef guy 92 - 7 years ago
That tanks going to look awesome when them plants grow out, what lights are u using?
Creepers 360
Creepers 360 - 7 years ago
It looks extremely cool. The plants bring the tank to life.
Richard Walker
Richard Walker - 7 years ago
Giant onion plant in plant pot would look cool.
Creepers 360
Creepers 360 - 7 years ago
Try to make one of your massive spare tanks marine and add your other marine fish to it
Sherman Teo
Sherman Teo - 7 years ago
Green up the good work!
Mari Kurokawa
Mari Kurokawa - 7 years ago
mukim Shahed
mukim Shahed - 7 years ago
sharon terry
sharon terry - 7 years ago
looks great.
peter vang
peter vang - 7 years ago
Could of just used a pair of boots for protection
Brendan Bell
Brendan Bell - 7 years ago
Another great video Joey! Really like the contrast of the green plants against the dark wood. Looks like a completely different tank!
Pniko - 7 years ago
Attach Phoenix moss to the rocks. Would add a texture green look. Otherwise it's really good. I'm surprised you chose Java moss, it can get out of control fast.
Sphinx3000 - 7 years ago
Looks great!
ThePessimistAdam - 7 years ago
Could you pet the arrowanna?
Robbie Clipperton
Robbie Clipperton - 7 years ago
You are going to have to add some sort of algae eating species to clean off the leaves of the plants.
Jeremy McReynolds
Jeremy McReynolds - 7 years ago
You need to live in a earthship bro.
themess - 7 years ago
Baby it's beautiful the plants will grow in wonderfully I'm sure
skywise8 - 7 years ago
what are you going to do with the rays when they get bigger?
Justin Hayden
Justin Hayden - 7 years ago
Looks awesome I did notice the dead spot of sand in the corner assuming it's from the water flow or the stingrays. Not a big deal just saying from a viewers standpoint it kind of thows off the beauty of the rest of the aquarium.
clayton Dsouza
clayton Dsouza - 7 years ago
Awesome work.. you rock !!
Daniel Robot-maker
Daniel Robot-maker - 7 years ago
Just wondering didn't you say you were gonna announce the name you arowana
Sean - 7 years ago
It looks quite good Joey!!! Don't add or take out any plants until they grow some. Put in one of those rock backgrounds or some sort of backing
Average fish Keeping
Average fish Keeping - 7 years ago
You can literally swim with your fish
JohnFrost - 7 years ago
Looks badass
Captain Sardine 4786
Captain Sardine 4786 - 7 years ago
Name the arrowana marijuana
Captain Sardine 4786
Captain Sardine 4786 - 7 years ago
Jet Lee true. I wished he lived
Jet Lee
Jet Lee - 7 years ago
The Grim Sardiine looks like that's not going to happen........
Qua Phan
Qua Phan - 7 years ago
The Grim Sardiine ...Marijuana the arrowana....nice ring too it
Fariz Safarulla
Fariz Safarulla - 7 years ago
Hi J...Awesome tank and even more awesome scape...but i think you should add few more plants in the background to give it that Jungle look....may be you can make some DIY planters which runs the length of the tank and fill it with proper substrate and add in some jungle vals. the planters will blend in if you add in those river rocks on the surface....really don't know if it will work with all that flow in the tank but if it does ,will look really cool and will have that ultimate river look to it...
Darcy Woolley
Darcy Woolley - 7 years ago
SamHewitt music
SamHewitt music - 7 years ago
loving it dude! looks great! you've done an amazing job.
Christian Clement
Christian Clement - 7 years ago
Kayla Barker
Kayla Barker - 7 years ago
it's so beautiful! great job joey!! just wondering, is there a reason the entire floor isn't covered with sand? it looks fine, i just personally would get really bothered if the substrate doesn't cover the color of the floor. (:
EE LILI - 7 years ago
When did frank come back
duffy1298 - 7 years ago
How much blow does this guy do?!?
TheBoyThatDid - 7 years ago
Looks great Joey
frankyfishing619 - 7 years ago
24/7 live stream!
like if you agree!
Leah Boneham
Leah Boneham - 7 years ago
That looks awesome! I might do this instead of using planted tank substrate
Skip Drummer
Skip Drummer - 7 years ago
Tank looks great!!...the Asian arowana's name should be beans,so you'll have Frank and beans.
NEMESES 89 - 7 years ago
Looks sweet as man was wondering are you going to dose your tank with fertilizer or co2?
DJ Triple FFF Deep and Tech House
DJ Triple FFF Deep and Tech House - 7 years ago
Wow. The difference is just incredible. First ever comment although I watch your videos all the time
ABANDON - 7 years ago
Are you going to paint the back 2 corner Walls would love like a dark color..but looks great I would tottaly be swimming calmly in that tank every night
ikbenFrits - 7 years ago
"vind ik leuk"
nicktohzyu - 7 years ago
the beeping music is terrible
Kyle Mccallum
Kyle Mccallum - 7 years ago
Arnold the arowana
TheMrandyQ - 7 years ago
It really bugs me how the floor isn't completely covered with sand and you can see the white floor. Anyone else?
Akshay A
Akshay A - 7 years ago
Joey how will you feel if animal planets tanked atm approaches u for a new tank
Fernando Gomez
Fernando Gomez - 7 years ago
It's simply amazing
Tyler Gutto
Tyler Gutto - 7 years ago
you should put an IP camera in there so we can connect to it and watch your fish and also put under water lights
plizzz read
djaguar 99
djaguar 99 - 7 years ago
Would a few angle fish do good in the tank??
Jessie Corceles
Jessie Corceles - 7 years ago
APURV SHUBHAM - 7 years ago
wow it looks much awesome even i expected
Wshaka malaka
Wshaka malaka - 7 years ago
I still think the Arowana is still the coolest fish u have. Do you think you could call him Nessie, Locky or Lochlan after the look Loch Ness monster. And could you do an Australian fresh water themed aquarium with rainbows and archer fish?
joash law
joash law - 7 years ago
wear rubber boots
Jessie Corceles
Jessie Corceles - 7 years ago
Tim H
Tim H - 7 years ago
So I want to build a 90 or 120 dwarf cichlid planted tank, I hear this won't work cause they'll eat the plants. I also hear I'll need to reduce my fish count but would like to create an active tank... any direction?
kami kaze
kami kaze - 7 years ago
Looks awesome, I love it.
Jessie Corceles
Jessie Corceles - 7 years ago
Figman Gaming
Figman Gaming - 7 years ago
Could you add a sort of plant that clings to the aquariums glass and walls? If such a thing exists? Like a vine of sorts.
nazeer rahmaty
nazeer rahmaty - 7 years ago
Plz change the rocks, they are sooo cheap and not good looking, put something fancy
Philipp Eichermüller
Philipp Eichermüller - 7 years ago
I really think it turned out great. Good thing you decided to go with the plants. Great job
jordi lizaola
jordi lizaola - 7 years ago
where did you buy that java moss? i never find any that look like that
Irwin Taylor
Irwin Taylor - 7 years ago
I can't for the life of me understand how your videos can get any dislikes. I guess their mad cause they can't do what you can
Itdatbexxa - 7 years ago
This is crazy! I love it !
Manfred Scrivener
Manfred Scrivener - 7 years ago
why didn't you put gumboots on :/
Justin Loitz
Justin Loitz - 7 years ago
tank looks awsome but i would have loved to see some of the really big species of anubias in there
Alec's Animals
Alec's Animals - 7 years ago
It's amazing
Nick Lough
Nick Lough - 7 years ago
This is awesome, i love it
Remy Moll
Remy Moll - 7 years ago
Get some peacock bass
juny23326 - 7 years ago
The fishes are super cute
wahyu adnyana
wahyu adnyana - 7 years ago
I think more snad is better just so it realy cover the botom part
carlos martinez
carlos martinez - 7 years ago
TiffyStyx - 7 years ago
It looks awesome! I love your choice in plants! Every new video I see a couple thousand more subscribers, too! I recommend your channel to everyone!
Jared Loomis
Jared Loomis - 7 years ago
Love it so much joey!! So amazed by how it turned out! Can't wait to see the 375
Sai Kadam
Sai Kadam - 7 years ago
this series is like all those marvel movies
The Masked Angler
The Masked Angler - 7 years ago
What about the mermaid suit?
Randomstuff47 - 7 years ago
I love it
Naerwyn - 7 years ago
It came out really beautifully! I think you should be proud. It's not over-done, either. You made the smart move and left room for the plants to grow in, instead of being impatient, and filling every groove and crevasse with plant. :P GJ Joey.
TeKnoJay - 7 years ago
OMG That looks AMAZING
BigVtheVanity - 7 years ago
Frank is awesome.
Liebe Rose
Liebe Rose - 7 years ago
it looks amazing can wait to see the later results
Eric Wagter
Eric Wagter - 7 years ago
looks great!
Jordan Golden
Jordan Golden - 7 years ago
Y doesn't you sub straight cover the whole bottum
arlkrt83 - 7 years ago
I love it and it looks great. I can't wait to see how it looks when the plants grow out. Great job!
Crazypickles 123
Crazypickles 123 - 7 years ago
ZT-ZOMBIESLAYA - 7 years ago
Why didn't he just put some rubber boots on
Tra12345 Coolkid
Tra12345 Coolkid - 7 years ago
He should do a fish or plant giveaway
Tra12345 Coolkid
Tra12345 Coolkid - 7 years ago
Nun of his
Tbomb - 7 years ago
Can you put the name of live plant in the description?
Lame X
Lame X - 7 years ago
You posted this on my birthday ❤
Los Lobos
Los Lobos - 7 years ago
please add more sand. haha i dont know or im just getting ocd. i know your the diy king but dont keep it looking like that heheheh
more power joey.
Lame X
Lame X - 7 years ago
Chris Bryant
Chris Bryant - 7 years ago
Put some Oscars n tank
Jan P.
Jan P. - 7 years ago
green makes such a big difference! Looks great!
Oh kim leong
Oh kim leong - 7 years ago
Hi The King of DIY, i think your tank is one of the most beautiful of freshwater tank that i have seen... i think you dont need to do anythings to it, just wait it to blossom in your tank... turly amazing & awesome... 1000 times better then my tank... keep it up...
Geoff Dowton
Geoff Dowton - 7 years ago
Looks great but I'm that you've planted the tank, how many clown loaches do you think you'll need to control the inevitable snail explosion in a few weeks?
Brock Wallace
Brock Wallace - 7 years ago
Looks awesome so far! Gonna look great once it all grows in!
UR H3R3 - 7 years ago
looks awesome! you should add a giant pleco!
Linlin Lucy
Linlin Lucy - 7 years ago
It looks awsome!! You did a good job.
patricia bell
patricia bell - 7 years ago
Beautiful! I would like to see some darker sand also... I definitely love Frank! ♡
Ryan Morris
Ryan Morris - 7 years ago
I'm really impressed with your daily commitment to this whole gallery project. I doesn't hurt that it's literally a job, of course. Still, that's a ton of energy you've been putting into it, and now that it's coming together, I think we can all see the vision you originally had. Pretty exciting!
Max Twigg
Max Twigg - 7 years ago
looks great man
franklin jones
franklin jones - 7 years ago
post more footage of frank between ur feet. if you guys agree with me please like and upvote my comment so that king of diy knows what his subscribers want
Robinson Bernardo
Robinson Bernardo - 7 years ago
really cool!
AWB12 EXOTICS - 7 years ago
Very nice planted tank! Looks even better than it did before and I hope it grows in nicely for you.
shootinfool73 - 7 years ago
Worked out OK..but just in case one caught you off guard....why not wear snake boots?
Ray Castillo
Ray Castillo - 7 years ago
Looks great@
Keegan Mory
Keegan Mory - 7 years ago
The red arowana is gonna look crazy in there against the green!!
last fire
last fire - 7 years ago
Please betng mor fish
Hillary Fritz
Hillary Fritz - 7 years ago
This looks awesome. It really completes the aquarium. I love how the fern create movement. It's more natural like a really river
Neill Jansen van Vuuren
Neill Jansen van Vuuren - 7 years ago
Wow! This is awesome, can't wait for the 375
Erica Maupin
Erica Maupin - 7 years ago
Looking great!
Marc Martinez
Marc Martinez - 7 years ago
I got stung by a stingray then I was 11 :)
Chris P. Bacon
Chris P. Bacon - 7 years ago
I can't wait for it to grow then you can profit!
spencer Pollet
spencer Pollet - 7 years ago
Need more sand
Jake Havener
Jake Havener - 7 years ago
Looks good!
rhae nathaniel laguio
rhae nathaniel laguio - 7 years ago
where is the pearl stingray?
Wayne Ruck
Wayne Ruck - 7 years ago
Could u set some rocks or stone of some sort n plant it up in the front left corner something long n bit flowing to move in the current think that would finish it fully
XnFM - 7 years ago
The plants really help the tank out, it doesn't have that unfinished look that it had before.
Koala Turtle
Koala Turtle - 7 years ago
I love it!! Cant wait for it to grow
JacobCookVlogs - 7 years ago
A turtle
John Casey
John Casey - 7 years ago
Looks awesome. I am jealous
Diana Moldovan
Diana Moldovan - 7 years ago
It really looks great, can't wait to see it when the plants grow out. I love the simplicity of it as well- the wood is such an interesting focal point. I'm a little curious what it would look like if you did a moss wall on the back 2 walls, but it looks great the way it is.
Niko Te Rangiita
Niko Te Rangiita - 7 years ago
as of now id think that I can give u any comments as the plants aren't at their full potential, but it looks good
qrower - 7 years ago
looking pretty cool
Chris Watson
Chris Watson - 7 years ago
Looks amazing
Alex Zouzouambe
Alex Zouzouambe - 7 years ago
I like it... But I think u should add some more sand
Melgar Tan
Melgar Tan - 7 years ago
Its a kind of jealous.....
You are so awesome....
You nailed it...
MoneyMarcMes - 7 years ago
Why not just wear fishing boots.
What's up guys
What's up guys - 7 years ago
This guy ain't winn'n no aquascape contests
jacob wells
jacob wells - 7 years ago
I like it but I know it's a bit too late but you should put more sand in the tank like if you agree
Elizabeth Stein
Elizabeth Stein - 7 years ago
I can't wait until it grows in!
Pink Guy
Pink Guy - 7 years ago
Stingray: You has a flavor.
spotte1992 - 7 years ago
That looks fantastic! I think the plants really bring a new perspective to the tank. It makes the wood and rocks look a lot more natural in my opinion. And I definitely agree that the fish are all a lot more active with the plants in!
I did notice that a few leaves have got caught in the flow makers though. Will that be difficult to clean out?
Fred Espinosa
Fred Espinosa - 7 years ago
u should add more sand
yvonne stowers
yvonne stowers - 7 years ago
The tank looks beautiful
Krai - guy Jirathitikal - jira
Krai - guy Jirathitikal - jira - 7 years ago
water not going to turn green later on? but very very nice job :)
BrickHead Reptiles
BrickHead Reptiles - 7 years ago
Awesome and beautiful tank bro
Justin Masstiff
Justin Masstiff - 7 years ago
hay go get a silver arrowana & some red festea
Benny Yang
Benny Yang - 7 years ago
it looks fantastic Joey
Aussie DIYFK
Aussie DIYFK - 7 years ago
nice joey and keep all the plants low light . that way the par levels will reach and less ferts less algae, welcome to planted bro :-)
London Isreal
London Isreal - 7 years ago
Bad ass
Tony Tanti
Tony Tanti - 7 years ago
"Frank spent alot time between my legs". Damn....If only my girlfriend was a Flowerhorn
Claire McAlpine
Claire McAlpine - 7 years ago
STOP IT MAN XD !!!!!!!!!!!
Amy DeGrazia
Amy DeGrazia - 7 years ago
Loving it!! I can't wait to see the wood once the plants have grown in to really cover them, I think you'll have a really interesting cave-like look. My idea is that your tank could use a backdrop of some sort on the walls, maybe a flat blue or a gradient light-to-dark of some sort of color, so the plants and dark wood don't contrast as much with the white background, and the sand will stand out more. You might also want to add some more sand, since the rays are gonna be sifting all through it like they have been it might be more attractive to have enough sand that they don't leave patches of white showing through.
CocoShock - 7 years ago
The 2k gal. aquarium is looking great! When can we get a fish cam? =) I know you have a name idea for your arowana... but just in case what about Ari, it means lion. That must have been so fun ''swimming'' with the fishes!
Shawn Mcneill
Shawn Mcneill - 7 years ago
What's up with the pipe on the left by the flow pumps joey?
Tim's Aquariums by Tim Leighton
Tim's Aquariums by Tim Leighton - 7 years ago
That is beautiful
burque bassin
burque bassin - 7 years ago
The plants make a YUGE difference looking good bro!!
Avian Vazquez
Avian Vazquez - 7 years ago
It's beautiful but it would be more beautiful if there were more colors
Antonio Tamer
Antonio Tamer - 7 years ago
Love the progress. More sand and more top swimmers?
Jess - 7 years ago
Add some glowfish , harmless jellyfish, or led lights, something to make the tank vibrant
Saji John
Saji John - 7 years ago
Joey looking great! Did you QT the plants
Miss.Scales & friends
Miss.Scales & friends - 7 years ago
That's so cool!! I can't wait till they start growing in! It's beautiful now, but it'll be gorgeous in a couple months :)
Jennifer Wright
Jennifer Wright - 7 years ago
Frank and Cheese are my 2 favorite fish on the internet
John Nguyen
John Nguyen - 7 years ago
Looks pretty damn amazing. A good way to keep it planted and away from the rays.
Martinus Riekert
Martinus Riekert - 7 years ago
Man looks awesome, I reckon you should do a few nice red Echinodorus sp. In between the rocks. That way they wouldnt get uprooted by the rays and would grow nice and large to create another 3D layer to the layout.
DReis 7
DReis 7 - 7 years ago
Vallisneria in the back... Would look cool
Bob Lerahl
Bob Lerahl - 7 years ago
When he was talking about how a stingray can hurt I thought he was just gonna be leaning over and putting his hands in xD
Zulronden - 7 years ago
looks good
rose jonas
rose jonas - 7 years ago
This made the tank go from 0 to 100 ! It looks amazing , I love it !
Joe Harris
Joe Harris - 7 years ago
This tank looks KILLER!!!!!!!!
Jess - 7 years ago
Youre awesome
Cory Carpenter
Cory Carpenter - 7 years ago
Music when you're talking
Gary Busey
Gary Busey - 7 years ago
Great job. Question for you bud. Did u have to rearrange the same from.walking around on it? Great informative video
Lan Phan
Lan Phan - 7 years ago
HorseGirlb - 7 years ago
Lolol Joey just spent an entire video ripping us a new one for obsessing over frank yet guess who's dominating the top comments xD
Pniko - 7 years ago
HorseGirlb I agree with him doing that. Frank is just a flowerhorn where as the Discus and Aerowana is what his channel was initially about. I had no idea everyone was obsessed with Frank, but I to would find it very irritating.
Sharon Trammell
Sharon Trammell - 7 years ago
So awesome~just keeps getting better and better!
Josh Hibbs
Josh Hibbs - 7 years ago
PLANTS LOOK GREAT! Reminds me of a big Amano piece.
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton - 7 years ago
get a fly river turtle
Grant Marshall
Grant Marshall - 7 years ago
That turned out to be very nice. I believe it will only get better with time. I love seeing your HUGE aquarium and the Ray's.
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton - 7 years ago
run out of sand bud?
Robert LaFlure
Robert LaFlure - 7 years ago
Beautiful man!
Joel Holliday
Joel Holliday - 7 years ago
Looks great
oakland002 - 7 years ago
How about some cleaning crews? Yeah they might get eaten..
Theavreefguy - 7 years ago
Looks pretty damn good, the tanens(don't know spelling) look a little bit out of place
Yash Chandwadkar
Yash Chandwadkar - 7 years ago
Nice scaping
paul p
paul p - 7 years ago
I like it, looks really good. I have played with planted tanks for awhile and understand that within a year or so it will fill out a lot more and look totally different than it does today. Love this tank. Again ty for your work and keep it up.
oakland002 - 7 years ago
Great video, learn a lot too

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