Rare tropical aquarium fish - Aquatics Live 2012, part 7

FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/DefiniteAquascapeTV YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com/DefiniteAquascapeTV PAGE: http://definiteaquascape.tv Several interesting and rare aquarium fish, presented at the booth of the company Maidenhead Aquatics during Aquatics Live 2012 show in London. There were about 30 aquariums displayed here. In the first aquarium there are two species of fish, the first one is really rare Sarcocheilichthys parvus, and the second one is forktail rainbowfish Pseudomugil furcatus. Forktails originate from Papua New Guinea, and they are perfect fish for well established planted aquariums. This species can grow up to 5 centimeters of body length. The second species is Sarcocheilichthys parvus, originating from China and Vietnam. An interesting fact is that they spawn laying eggs inside mussels, just like bitterlings in Europe. The second aquarium is stocked with beautiful fish from North America, rainbow shiners Notropis chrosomus. These fish originate from south eastern part of North America, they inhabit clear-water streams with gravel substrate. What is amazing about them is the colouration, with blue-shining scales all over the body of males. This is a cold-water species, so room temperature without any heating would be perfect for them. Another aquarium, and two really rare species of fish, originating from two different continents, so I have no idea why they were put into one and the same aquarium. The first species is Australian Empire Gudgeon Hypseleotris compressa, and the second one is African catfish Synodontis granulosa. These catfish are endemic to the northern part of the lake Tanganyika. They grow to about 20 centimeters, so they are not suitable for keeping for longer time in such small tanks as the one in which they are displayed at the booth. A very attractive fish, yet it has to be kept in quite large aquariums, of the length of at least 150 centimetres. When kept in too small tanks these catfish can become very aggressive. Another fish is the Empire Gudgeon. These fish have really amazing colouration and very interesting behavior, but unfortunately these two in the aquarium seem to be scared to death, either by the conditions, or by the catfish, so we can't see it in its full beauty. Next aquarium, with another very rare species of fish, peppermint pikeheads Luciocephalus aura, originating from Indonesia. The first interesting fact about them is that they belong to the labirynth fish family, the same as Bettas and Gouramis. Shape of their body clearly suggests that they are predators, feeding on small fish. And the second interesting fact is that these fish are actually mouthbrooders, like some of the recently discovered species of Bettas. Generally, pikeheads are difficult to maintain in the aquarium, so they are not good fish for beginners. Next aquarium is stocked with fish from South America, for a change. There are Electric Blue Rams here, which are not really rare, but there is also another species here, which is quite rare in the hobby. I'm talking about the Orange Otocinclus Nannoptopoma sp. Peru orange. This species appeared on the market not very long time ago, and actually not much is known about it, except that they like to eat a lot of vegetable fish food, and that the water should be very clean and well oxygenated. Generally, this tropical fish is quite difficult to keep in aquarium, and even though it is quite attractive, it's not suitable for beginner fishkeepers. The next aquarium, one before last in this video, is stocked with fish from South-Eastern Asia. The first one is Zhou's Scarlet Goby Rhinogobius zhoui, and the second one is Daisy's Ricefish Orysias woworae. Ricefish are these fish with blue eyes in the left corner of the aquarium. This species was discovered two years ago on the Sulawesi island in Indonesia. It lives in karstic freshwater streams, grows to about 3 centimeters, and it is quite easy to breed in captivity. The second species, Rhinogobius zhoui, is probably the most colorful goby fish from China. It can be kept at room temperature, without any heater in the aquarium. It has very interesting behavior with males being slightly territorial. And finally, the last aquarium in this video, stocked with Neon Yellow Green Microrasboras Microdevario kubotai. These fish originate from Thailand and Myanmar. It is a really small species, not exceeding 2 centimeters, which is good, actually, because you should keep them in a group of at least ten individuals to make them feel good. They have beautiful shimmering green body colouration, but unfortunately, they need dark layout and lots of plants to show their full colors, so in this aquarium they look rather washed-out. Stay tuned for next video, with other interesting species of tropical aquarium fish at the booth of Maidenhead Aquatics!

Rare tropical aquarium fish - Aquatics Live 2012, part 7 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 175

Pets & Animals 12 years ago 688,000 views

FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/DefiniteAquascapeTV YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com/DefiniteAquascapeTV PAGE: http://definiteaquascape.tv Several interesting and rare aquarium fish, presented at the booth of the company Maidenhead Aquatics during Aquatics Live 2012 show in London. There were about 30 aquariums displayed here. In the first aquarium there are two species of fish, the first one is really rare Sarcocheilichthys parvus, and the second one is forktail rainbowfish Pseudomugil furcatus. Forktails originate from Papua New Guinea, and they are perfect fish for well established planted aquariums. This species can grow up to 5 centimeters of body length. The second species is Sarcocheilichthys parvus, originating from China and Vietnam. An interesting fact is that they spawn laying eggs inside mussels, just like bitterlings in Europe. The second aquarium is stocked with beautiful fish from North America, rainbow shiners Notropis chrosomus. These fish originate from south eastern part of North America, they inhabit clear-water streams with gravel substrate. What is amazing about them is the colouration, with blue-shining scales all over the body of males. This is a cold-water species, so room temperature without any heating would be perfect for them. Another aquarium, and two really rare species of fish, originating from two different continents, so I have no idea why they were put into one and the same aquarium. The first species is Australian Empire Gudgeon Hypseleotris compressa, and the second one is African catfish Synodontis granulosa. These catfish are endemic to the northern part of the lake Tanganyika. They grow to about 20 centimeters, so they are not suitable for keeping for longer time in such small tanks as the one in which they are displayed at the booth. A very attractive fish, yet it has to be kept in quite large aquariums, of the length of at least 150 centimetres. When kept in too small tanks these catfish can become very aggressive. Another fish is the Empire Gudgeon. These fish have really amazing colouration and very interesting behavior, but unfortunately these two in the aquarium seem to be scared to death, either by the conditions, or by the catfish, so we can't see it in its full beauty. Next aquarium, with another very rare species of fish, peppermint pikeheads Luciocephalus aura, originating from Indonesia. The first interesting fact about them is that they belong to the labirynth fish family, the same as Bettas and Gouramis. Shape of their body clearly suggests that they are predators, feeding on small fish. And the second interesting fact is that these fish are actually mouthbrooders, like some of the recently discovered species of Bettas. Generally, pikeheads are difficult to maintain in the aquarium, so they are not good fish for beginners. Next aquarium is stocked with fish from South America, for a change. There are Electric Blue Rams here, which are not really rare, but there is also another species here, which is quite rare in the hobby. I'm talking about the Orange Otocinclus Nannoptopoma sp. Peru orange. This species appeared on the market not very long time ago, and actually not much is known about it, except that they like to eat a lot of vegetable fish food, and that the water should be very clean and well oxygenated. Generally, this tropical fish is quite difficult to keep in aquarium, and even though it is quite attractive, it's not suitable for beginner fishkeepers. The next aquarium, one before last in this video, is stocked with fish from South-Eastern Asia. The first one is Zhou's Scarlet Goby Rhinogobius zhoui, and the second one is Daisy's Ricefish Orysias woworae. Ricefish are these fish with blue eyes in the left corner of the aquarium. This species was discovered two years ago on the Sulawesi island in Indonesia. It lives in karstic freshwater streams, grows to about 3 centimeters, and it is quite easy to breed in captivity. The second species, Rhinogobius zhoui, is probably the most colorful goby fish from China. It can be kept at room temperature, without any heater in the aquarium. It has very interesting behavior with males being slightly territorial. And finally, the last aquarium in this video, stocked with Neon Yellow Green Microrasboras Microdevario kubotai. These fish originate from Thailand and Myanmar. It is a really small species, not exceeding 2 centimeters, which is good, actually, because you should keep them in a group of at least ten individuals to make them feel good. They have beautiful shimmering green body colouration, but unfortunately, they need dark layout and lots of plants to show their full colors, so in this aquarium they look rather washed-out. Stay tuned for next video, with other interesting species of tropical aquarium fish at the booth of Maidenhead Aquatics!

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Most popular comments
for Rare tropical aquarium fish - Aquatics Live 2012, part 7

Gabriela Zycka
Gabriela Zycka - 7 years ago
U are polish right your name is polish I am polish
Reptiles Dudes
Reptiles Dudes - 7 years ago
Are you a pilot ??? You sound like a airlines people.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 7 years ago
Reptile & Poisson Hehe, a good joke! :) Nope, I'm not a pilot, but you are right - I sound somewhat like the airplane captain, greeting all the passengers and telling some details about the weather and the flight :)
Curtis Young
Curtis Young - 8 years ago
I got 2 of the catfish from the tank with the australian gugeon how much they worth got given then has a 140cmx40cmx70cm plz help cant find the anywhere
Dr Rohit Raj
Dr Rohit Raj - 8 years ago
Commentary by a airline pilot
Master Mark
Master Mark - 8 years ago
lol nailed it
Wim - 8 years ago
A whole lot of examples of how fish should not be kept. Thank you very much for showing us :)
davidaleman777 - 8 years ago
I've watched several of your videos, some of them in german (despite I don't know a single word) and I see how vast is the aquarium scene over there in europe... sadly in my country we can't get such equipments/tanks... but its catching up I guess...

anyways just wanted to congratulate you because your videos are always very interesting and I dig a lot of the info and the expositions you show. keep it up!
Chase .N
Chase .N - 9 years ago
please neex help egentily
Chase .N
Chase .N - 9 years ago
what do you call fish that lay eegs in muccles?
kikkz12 - 8 years ago
Rhodeus amarus (Bitterling) this one does, maybe the rest of the Rhodeus species does aswell
Arnav Sinha
Arnav Sinha - 8 years ago
+Chase Nicholson I think you mean the Kribensis cichlid (Pelvicachromis pulcher)
valerie storm
valerie storm - 9 years ago
Beautiful stone in last tank shown. thanks for your video.

10. comment for Rare tropical aquarium fish - Aquatics Live 2012, part 7

valerie storm
valerie storm - 9 years ago
the synodontis is widely available here in the mid-south. I had one 5 years, approximately 6", just died when I moved :(
Ewa Myhrén
Ewa Myhrén - 9 years ago
none of these come close tho my rarest fish i have Guppie and pleco startin bid 100000000000 dollars XD
jdssurf - 9 years ago
How was that goby just clinging to the glass?
jdssurf - 9 years ago
I very much appreciate these well done videos. Especially the ones with your English commentary. Awesome. The ones with only music are nice, but not near as good as getting to listen to your info.
Oscar Fish
Oscar Fish - 9 years ago
Empire gudgeons are not rare at all I have heaps of them i purchased as spawn for very little money.
Don Suomi
Don Suomi - 9 years ago
There should be a law against fish in too small tanks....like in 00:49. Why fish lovers are so cruel to fish is beyond me.
159cats - 8 years ago
I'm pretty sure that this is just for show. The fish are all young fish and were probably sold or put back into proper tanks afterwards.
Michael aquarium
Michael aquarium - 9 years ago
nice fish
NeoMinerva - 9 years ago
ive seen half of these at petco in the last year. all at other stores
Foxpaw Films
Foxpaw Films - 9 years ago
A bunch of Rainbow Shiners are in a creek behind my house. Hold on a second, imma go get some of dem.
Vladimmir Svoy
Vladimmir Svoy - 9 years ago

20. comment for Rare tropical aquarium fish - Aquatics Live 2012, part 7

Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank - 10 years ago
Great job there on fish and by the way I like your book
SES10M - 10 years ago
the little fish at 3:02 was like: DONT LOOK AT ME!!! YOU WILL BLOWN MY SPOT!!
KrispyAquascape - 10 years ago
Funny how I can't get any rainbow shiners and I'm not only but hours away from their hometown and yet they ended up all over  UK for sale
Shibu Thomas
Shibu Thomas - 10 years ago
Excellent Comments with Videograhy, Very Informative. keep it up
Kamil Kowal
Kamil Kowal - 10 years ago
cool cool
Michael Baker
Michael Baker - 10 years ago
Other than the plastic plants which I didn't like either, it looked like a very well put together show.  Card identifications, displays, etc all looked very organized.
brunel Medical
brunel Medical - 8 years ago
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
+Michael Baker It's true, I also like the organization and educational value of Maidenhead's exhibition :)
FarEsh S
FarEsh S - 10 years ago
Shane Wickham
Shane Wickham - 10 years ago
CjcsGaming - 8 years ago
Dank fish meme
Austkrr b
Austkrr b - 9 years ago
fish. meme
Renai Anthony
Renai Anthony - 10 years ago
I have a African catfish
sukhpreet gill
sukhpreet gill - 10 years ago
You suk
Brian Russell
Brian Russell - 10 years ago
This is why I only use maidenhead aquatics . They are the best aquarium company in the UK.

30. comment for Rare tropical aquarium fish - Aquatics Live 2012, part 7

William Beard
William Beard - 10 years ago
those rainbow shiners you do realize that they are fishing bait to us southerners right?
Leon Bennett
Leon Bennett - 10 years ago
That tank is to small for that many fish. the  pore fish . 
Kevin V
Kevin V - 10 years ago
I would love to own that small fish tank. Anyone knows the name of the fish tank?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
It's called Superfish Home 25 aquarium - check Maidenhead Aquatics' website, they have these tanks:

Przemyslaw Pudo
Przemyslaw Pudo - 10 years ago
are you from poland
Iwan - 11 years ago
narracja brzmi jak 'welcome on bord. this is captain speaking. the weather is...'
SUM1SLY83 - 11 years ago
Them catfish arn't rare i can go out right now and buy at least 20 full grown 1s
max ellis
max ellis - 11 years ago
I have celeb rainbows and the catfish from the lake tangikan
Bike Pride
Bike Pride - 11 years ago
Hey can you check my videos out
Perry Jordan
Perry Jordan - 11 years ago
No, I have 1 Synodontis notatus and 2 Synodontis eupterus.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
OK, got it :)
Perry Jordan
Perry Jordan - 11 years ago
I have 3 of the African Catfish
Chris - 11 years ago
wow how do you keep the water so clean. Its amazing.
Chris - 11 years ago
Thanks I will try that Im new to all this.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
+qbl22 I don't use any chemicals in my tanks, and yet I have crystal clear water. It's only the matter of proper configuration of fish/plants/equipment, and some time needed for the aquarium to stabilize itself biologically.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
I keep aquariums for several years, and never had any problems with water not beaing clean... What is your setup?
Mike Kollin
Mike Kollin - 11 years ago
I noticed most of the tanks had the same color gravel on the bottom… 
LIke the last aquarium on this video… the sandy, colorful gravel… 

What kind of gravel is that and where can I buy that?

Thank you!!
Mike Kollin
Mike Kollin - 11 years ago
Thank you!!
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
It's hard to say, it can be anything :) Maybe write an email directly to Maidenhead Aquatics, and ask them - those tanks were arranged by them, so they should know what gravel was used :)
akimbo5u - 11 years ago
Im very very new at this, what makes a fish "harder" or "easier" to keep? what is it that makes it harder or easier to keep a fish other then size of the aquarium which comes down to financial "hardness" ?

thank you very interesting watch 
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
"Harder" fish are more susceptible to not correct conditions - pH, water hardness, water changes (influencing if the water is clean or not), proper food etc. "Easier" fish can live well even if the fishkeeper makes some mistakes, "harder" fish will die.
kf105059 - 11 years ago
I currently have access to lots of rainbow shiners 3+ inches at the creek near my house. Amazing color, and males get red bumps on their noses. Hard to keep wild caught because they don't like anything I feed them. I only have one right now and its color leaves a lot to be desired. First one that's eaten for me though.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Yeah, I think it's always difficult to get wild caught fish used to other than natural types of food... Anyways, it's great that you have such wonderful fish near your house :) How about making some underwater filming of them?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Heh, it's possible - I was doing lots of videos with commentary at that time, and it was a bit too much talkig for me... :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Thanks! :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Your danio has swimming bladder problem. Did it always behave like this, or he started to do so at some point of his life?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Kenneth Bullen
Kenneth Bullen - 11 years ago
sounds like your tired of talking lol

50. comment for Rare tropical aquarium fish - Aquatics Live 2012, part 7

There's No God to Watch Over Us, Only a Narcissistic Gov. That Spies & Doesn't Give a Shit About Us.
There's No God to Watch Over Us, Only a Narcissistic Gov. That Spies & Doesn't Give a Shit About Us. - 11 years ago
If only it was actually you, but thanks for the fake sharing. I give you thumbs up too since you emphasize youtube well.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Just remember it grows very big - far too big for such small tanks as these exhibition tanks.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Thanks! :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hehe, I never mark interesting videos / comments as spam :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Thanks! :)
alex addison
alex addison - 11 years ago
Garzata .R.K.
Garzata .R.K. - 11 years ago
I like the cat fish
SmokeumPeacepipe - 11 years ago
your videos are awesome!
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Thanks! :)
Joris van der Kamp
Joris van der Kamp - 11 years ago
nice video
hermesbowser11 - 11 years ago
oh yeah. they are preserved alright. but extinct in the wild
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
But they do seem to do fine in aquariums...?
hermesbowser11 - 11 years ago
the red tails are extinct in the wild
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hey, nice! :)
SamCrowe98 - 11 years ago
/watch?v=4hWM7zimE9U jumping tropical fish
Joseph W
Joseph W - 11 years ago
That is your opinion. Now here is mine I think the sea fish are overrated and that you can get better looking fish that are easier to keep that are freshwater.
Joseph W
Joseph W - 11 years ago
I own a redtail black and I see them a lot in pet stores so how the scientists fail when there are a lot of them. Also what was the problem with them.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
By "rare" I mean "not very often seen in pet shops" - comparing to fancy guppies, for example :)
United.States.of.Akrasia - 11 years ago
love these smaller tanks... cool video!
United.States.of.Akrasia - 11 years ago
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Well, it depends on personal taste, I guess :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
I doubt they were aware of the problem, at all...
hermesbowser11 - 11 years ago
especially with the red tailed balk shark. the scientists failed at that one.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Thanks, mate! :) I was just teasing with this guy ;) (which doesn't mean that my accent can't be improved :) )
i am kamil
i am kamil - 11 years ago
He speaks very well. I like it.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
How about you helping me making the commentary...? :P
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
I don't think it's a good idea...
flamintail cichlids
flamintail cichlids - 11 years ago
How bout someone that can speak clearly.
Kyle Gallagher
Kyle Gallagher - 11 years ago
nice tank! you think a fire eel, reed fish and a black ghost would go together?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Preserving the fish is also the task for us - fishkeepers :)
Nurin Ishak
Nurin Ishak - 11 years ago
nice fish...scientists should preserve all those fish and spead them to all countries
vigilhammer - 11 years ago
good video, but nothing matches the beauty of the sea fishes.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
What do you mean by "ich"? The fish seemed quite alright to me...
fvsf fvdfvsd
fvsf fvdfvsd - 11 years ago
1:55 Fish has Ich, just a little in the tail
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
What setup? And what is the unit for 3x3? Feet?
tigger00025 - 11 years ago
im tryimg for the same set up in a 3x3 tank
Angel Sky M De Luna-Angel in the sky gamer
Angel Sky M De Luna-Angel in the sky gamer - 11 years ago
they say you have a krakken in your aquarium
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Nie :)
Michał Gawin
Michał Gawin - 11 years ago
a Pan nie jest z okolic Radomia
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hmmm, myślę że w każdym kraju znajdą się świetni fachowcy... :)
Michał Gawin
Michał Gawin - 11 years ago
Jednak Polacy są najlepszymi akwarystami
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Thanks :) New videos coming soon! :)
Tummacania - 11 years ago
Keep going your Definite Aqua TV . It is really nice to me.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
No worries, mate :)
domenico sicuso
domenico sicuso - 11 years ago
Wonderful thank you !!!!
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Thanks! :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
By "rare" I meant mostly that they are not available in pet shops all the time :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Thanks for the information :)
Fendy Sepueroe
Fendy Sepueroe - 11 years ago
Just for information that all of you call "rare fish" above, in my country very a lot of "rare fish" like that,because i'm in Indonesia :D LOL
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
I know they are not rare in the wild. What I meant was that these fish presented in the video are not very often seen in pet shops (at least not in Poland :) )

100. comment for Rare tropical aquarium fish - Aquatics Live 2012, part 7

RocketCityReefs - 11 years ago
Rainbow shiners are NOT rare. Where I live you can stick your hand into a stream and pull out 30 of em.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
My pleasure :)
Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris - 11 years ago
thanks for sharing
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
I'm from Poland, and all these fish are available - but they are not very often seen in pet shops. That's what I meant by "rare" :)
Nikolaj Aron Harrison Gulstad
Nikolaj Aron Harrison Gulstad - 11 years ago
I dont know where u r from ? but my aquarium dealer has nearly all off them ?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Indeed :) That's becasue they are quite close relatives :)
Amrit Jagroo
Amrit Jagroo - 11 years ago
hoss dem is some boss fish
Tiger Barb
Tiger Barb - 11 years ago
Love your vids. Check out my jungle theme tank
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Well, there is not enough space in the comments to discuss this whole complex topic, that's for sure :)
BubbleHeadAquaLungs - 12 years ago
but what if you brought in something on a rock? or plant? or other fish, or in your substrate? like i said, its not so simple as you make it seem, but i agree with the last sentence, but this is just as complex as the other point, where did the fish farms start? with wild fish, and if it didnt come from a farm, it came from the wild...so its ok to take, but not put back? see what i mean?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
If the animal was caught in the wild, brought into the aquarium in the same country, and then released into the wild again, in the place where it was caught, then no additional parasites will be introduced. But anyway, what I mean is that what is in the aquarium, should stay in the aquarium, and what is in the wild, should stay in the wild.
BubbleHeadAquaLungs - 12 years ago
it doesn't matter with what you say, you will still get in as much trouble as if it was a non native species, simply because it is known that fish/eels/ amphibians/ reptiles can pick up diseases/ parasites from your aquarium, then taking the same diseases back to the wild after release
KaZaHaZaBo0m - 12 years ago
Laurence Reeves
Laurence Reeves - 12 years ago
maidenhead aquatics! woo i go to the one in woking, they are the best place to go. Very cool down there
باباراتزى النجوم
باباراتزى النجوم - 12 years ago
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
It's about some fish which I didn't encouter often in the shops. But they're not very rare :)
jordan15308 - 12 years ago
I thought that this was on rare fish?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Releasing a fish into the wild is not a good idea, and you should never do it. The only acceptable situation is when you have a fish which lives naturally in the water body where you want to release it. If the eel is native to the waters in your area, then releasing it would be fine. But if it's not native, then you should never never never do it. Remeber what happened with the Cane toad in Australia?
Jarrad Mayocchi
Jarrad Mayocchi - 12 years ago
Yes i do plan to release it. Now that you mention it, i may get some dicsus fish or something in it. Thank you
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
To be honest, I have no idea if this particular eel will eat other fish or not. First of all, I wouldn't keep this species in an aquarium - there are hundreds of other fish which are more suitable for aquariums than these eels. What do you do when it grows too large? Release it into some pond around your area?
Jarrad Mayocchi
Jarrad Mayocchi - 12 years ago
And it's on it's own at the moment
Jarrad Mayocchi
Jarrad Mayocchi - 12 years ago
Yes, that is actually what's in my aquarium. It's only small now but it will grow bigger
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
What species of eel do you mean, exactly? According to Wikipedia, "short finned eel" is Anguilla australis, a species of eel living in rivers of Australia, New Zealand and South Pacific, and which grows up to 90 cm of body length. I doubt you have this one in your aquarium.
Jarrad Mayocchi
Jarrad Mayocchi - 12 years ago
Hello! I really liked this video. I have a few questions now. I have a short finned eel and it is about 10 center meters. I asked my local fish shop if it could go with any other fish, and he said it would eat everything, but i have seen other people with eels with other fish which seem to be very fine. I was hoping you would know if the eel would go with any kind of catfish or something? And the tank that the eel is in is 2 feet long. Thank you!
Anikome - 12 years ago
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
What do you mean by "harsh response"? That it was not nice to say "lucky bastard"? It was just a joke, I meant something like "You are lucky, mate!". It was a friendly response :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Buy more, they like to live in groups! :)
Sergio Sinay
Sergio Sinay - 12 years ago
ehh... quite a harsh response... just saying
Brian Chan
Brian Chan - 12 years ago
I have 2 forktails!
SKAxl - 12 years ago
Nices aquariums!
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Thanks! :)
aquaticpimp - 12 years ago
good video
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Hehe, lucky bastard... ;) I'd love to visit Vietnam one day, to see all the fish in the wild...
Anikome - 12 years ago
actullay i have a rare fish at home the veitnam one i live in veitnam i catch them a lot
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Hey, I'm thinking about adding some amazon frogbit to my black-water setup, but I'm not sure if it will grow well under only 2x1W LED modules? (4 SMD LEDs in each module, warm white colour - Vallisneria survives under such a weak light).
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Anubias should be planted so that only the roots are in the substrate, and the rhizome should stay above, free in the water. Or you can just attach the whole plant to a piece of driftwood.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Yeah, ricefish are looking nice, and they are also fairly easy to breed, afaik :)
FlintSparked - 12 years ago
Clay. More specifically it's plain cat litter, haha. I was skeptical but it was recommended to me and I had it checked out at my LFS they said it should work just fine. On top some small aquarium gravel. Oh I also have a couple cabomba plants that rooted in it as well. Initially I did plant some sort of anubias with broad leaves but it sort of just melted away within a week. Never figured out why. I'm a bit of a newbie if you haven't noticed yet. But I love plants and the fish seem great with it
microiguana - 12 years ago
but keep in mind that all systems are different, and you won't know for absolutely certain until you try these for yourself. Apongetons are also nice and simple, but do need a dormant period. I tend to stay away from Swords on the ground that they are huge hogs of nutrients & can make it harder for other plants to live from that and shading from their huge size. Various hygrophila species are easy/fast growing (ie polysperma, corymbosa), but usually need additional potassium supplements to
microiguana - 12 years ago
that somewhat depends. What is the substrate you are using? Most common plants will tolerate that PH. Off the top of my head, some good beginning plants (including aforementioned species(anubias comes in many varieties)) would be ludwigia repens, cabomba, bacopa, rotala indica or rotundfolia, Vals (italian, jungle, corkscrew, giant), dwarf saggitaria, willow moss, Dhg, crypt wendtii, Red Bamboo 'Kawagoeanum', Mayaca fluviatili, pearlweed etc. All of these should be hardy and forgiving.
FlintSparked - 12 years ago
What would you recommend for a low tech tank with medium high lighting, nutritious substrate, and a higher pH? Like around 7.8.
microiguana - 12 years ago
Java fern, java moss, anubias, wisteria, water sprite are all easy beginner plants, and don't really need much nutritious substrate to grow well. At the very least all tanks should have some types of floating plants (the best would probably be amazon frogbit), it does wonders to naturally filter the water from nitrates as well as other potentially harmful chemicals and minerals in the water.
microiguana - 12 years ago
he's lying.
FlintSparked - 12 years ago
I have a low tech tank and threw some wisteria and java moss in there and it makes the tank look 10 times better and the fish 10 times happier. I bet these fish look great with some more exotic plants. Very cool video nonetheless. I like the rice fish.
Project Fish
Project Fish - 12 years ago
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Hehe, good for you! ;) Cheers, mate :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Yeah, unfortunately...
FlintSparked - 12 years ago
Plastic plants!? D:
Project Fish
Project Fish - 12 years ago
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
What exactly is yours? ;)
Project Fish
Project Fish - 12 years ago
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
"The nkyou" ;)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Thank you, guys! :)
Aquazone Austria
Aquazone Austria - 12 years ago
Great video, thumbs up!
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Well, I think there are more and more people who are using real plants, not plastic. As for the reason for having plastic plants, I think it's just because it's far easier to have plastic - you don't need to care for them at all.
Lola A
Lola A - 12 years ago
They are so beautiful! I hope they get put into bigger tanks with real plants. I have about 15 plants, i dont know why ppl dont put them in, even if the fish hide in them the tank looks so beautiful filled with plants that it doesnt matter!
AweSomo84 - 12 years ago
he said yes ;)
ShrimpMage - 12 years ago
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
That's right :)
HBB - 12 years ago
I really dislike the plastic! It is really worthless and offers really no safety or nutrition for the fish.
Safias Cichlids
Safias Cichlids - 12 years ago
We keep the Blue Ram as well. Wish they had a longer life span though. Awesome little fish!
Safias Cichlids
Safias Cichlids - 12 years ago
We keep the Synodontis. We currently only have one but plan to get 3-5 more in the near future. I guess I should not feel so bad now when I pay close to $40 a fish. We love this fish and have great success with it so far.
Nicky - 12 years ago
He said they grow up to 20cm and the aquarium must be 150cm.
AweSomo84 - 12 years ago
2:20 catfish get how long yup 2 meters! ? 1.50cm aquarium inst suitable at all!
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
I think it's too small even for guppies. I mean, they will survive there, but would you like to live in a cage 3x3x3 meters? You'd survive there, for sure :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Found out what? That the tank is too small...?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
So tha volume is less than 10 liters? I don't think you should keep any animals in there, maybe except for some snails. It's just too small for anything else.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Heh, maybe, if my TV will not be enough to make a living out of it, I'll try to get a job at MA... ;)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Me too :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Look closely at the information plate at 4:03. There is a price range there - between 5 and 25 English pounds.
ajie paulino
ajie paulino - 12 years ago
how much do cost that oto
james cox
james cox - 12 years ago
I did my work experience at maidenhead aquatics they're great stores, quite a reputable chain in the uk
ladonta frazier
ladonta frazier - 12 years ago
do u know of any one getting rid of any tank if so it would help alot trying ta house a eletric catfish, 3 convic chicld's, analbino oscar, snaping trutle, any thing helps....
Andy G
Andy G - 12 years ago
Hmm, that Empire Gudgeon isn't really rare. They sell them for about $5 ea here as well :P
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Heh, I know what you mean, I like this oto, too :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Thanks, mate :) Maidenhead Aquatics are fine - the only thing is that they still promote plastic plants... Which is terrible IMHO... :)
MrWwemaster13 - 12 years ago
mainhead aquatics are the best from what i herd and in my opinion it is nice vid bro :D
Food Time
Food Time - 12 years ago
oh my gosh that orange oto... I'm gonna have dreams of owning it haha
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Some of the fish do need heaters, some of them don't. For instance, Notropis chrosomus will do fine without heater.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
It is in the UK, of course. Just enter "Maidenhead aquatics" in Google, it's the first position in the search results. Then click "Find a store" in the upper right corner of the screen, and find the store which is nearest to your location :)
Johnathan Mcfarland
Johnathan Mcfarland - 12 years ago
where's that shop plz and is it in the UK plz
jason bourne
jason bourne - 12 years ago
nice fish
(。々°) - 12 years ago
Do they need heaters?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
A, no tak, to faktycznie może wolniej rosnąć... :)
Felis sylvestris
Felis sylvestris - 12 years ago
250l ale ma duza konkurencje jesli chodzi o pokarm, pyszczaki sprzataja wszystko momentalnie
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
A jakiej wielkości akwarium?
Felis sylvestris
Felis sylvestris - 12 years ago
rosnie bardzo wolno ma 2 lata i okolo 7 cm. Ciagle ukrywa sie pod korzeniem albo w ceramicznej jaskini. bardzo ladna rybka
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Ha, a duże toto rośnie? Bo w necie czytałem, że nawet i 30 cm może osiągać, o ile dobrze pamiętam :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
"Plastikowy kicz" ;)
Felis sylvestris
Felis sylvestris - 12 years ago
u mnie pływa sobie synodontis granulosa, piekna rybka!
Felis sylvestris
Felis sylvestris - 12 years ago
jak nazywa sie czerwona roslina w pierwszym akwarium?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
I completely agree with you - plastic plants outside would be terrible, and so are these plants in aqauriums :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Great, ASW seems to bring me some traffic, then! :) (AquaScapingWorld, you mean..? :) ).
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Well, I think that "rare" fish shouldn't be sold at all for "average Mr Smith". I mean, all these "new" species which do not breed in captivity (yet), and also other, which need to be rather wild-caught than bred in captivity. I think such species shouldn't be available in pet stores, to not make the demand bigger (if there is a demand), and to not "stress" the environment even more. I think only fish breeding in captivity should be available in pet stores for an "average Mr Smith".
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Well, I can see one reason for using plastic plants - it's really easy to set up a "nice" composition, and one doesn't need to know anything about growing plants. For getting such results with living plants one would need to know a lot, and do a lot of experimenting with fertilizers, CO2 etc. With plastic you just buy what you like (I mean the "plants") and arrange them. After 10 minutes you have "nice" aquarium. That's why plastic is popular, I think (luckily, not in Poland :) ).
Aquascaping the World by BM
Aquascaping the World by BM - 12 years ago
another great vid, well done
GreatWhiteNiko - 12 years ago
Here are some facts about the US market: The fish at 00:55 sold for $2 a piece. The fish at 00:33 can't even sell because it is "local" and most people want "exotic". Fish at 02:51 does not sell at all - had a group of them for 2 years and had to sell them very cheap. And that gudgeon is one of the fish with most amazing behavior I've seen. 04:11 - a lot of interest in this oto, but price can't be higher than $5. 05:12- any goby can not be sold for more than $6. 05:10 and 05:32 - barely $2.00
GreatWhiteNiko - 12 years ago
Few years ago I owned a rare fish import company. The fish in this video are extremely common on exporter's lists but pass as "rare"for a simple reason: Not very many people would pay good money for them. That makes the importers not import them. I have experience with quite a few undescribed species - they just didn't sell. People like what they already know. In this sense your video about "rare" fish is great - it makes people talk about and want fish that they don't know much about.
GreatWhiteNiko - 12 years ago
Well, truth is there are no rare fish. Species that are not seen often in the hobby are "rare" only because they do not sell very well. So the importers do not import them. But these fish are always available for import. Also there are many species of fish that are not even described yet. They barely sell. People prefer to buy what they think they know is "rare" and not what is indeed new and unseen.
TheHypercasual - 12 years ago
wow! I really liked the orange goby, zhou's goby, and the rainbow shiner. don't you wish you could have unlimited tank space sometimes? :( p.s. i got here from asw :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Yeah, Maidenhead Aquatics are "specialists" in plastic plants. I know that it's far easier to set up a "nice" aquarium using plastic plants, but tanks with living plants look soooooo much better! You will see in the next video, there are also some really nice tanks at their booth.
EpexApex - 12 years ago
apparently plastic plants aren't as rare...sigh

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