Setting up a Goldfish Aquarium
Pets & Animals 14 years ago 1,993,657 views
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10. comment for Setting up a Goldfish Aquarium
g it takes the green machine to clear at tank seventyfivegallons
-With gravel never use big or small they can choke on small and big is just not good make sure it's a thin layer barely covering the botttom of the tank so that no food gets stuck
-make sure u don't over crowd the tank with decor make shore it can hide with a plant appropriate for the size of the tank and no wood cause it can really injure it
It's sad to see them die, start right, buy a bigger tank and cycle it before you bring these beautiful creatures, research fishless cycle, to learn how!
20. comment for Setting up a Goldfish Aquarium
Yes, once I met a guy who put 22 common goldfishes in a 20 gallon tank. In 5 years, most of them grew like a big red sword tail. What a happy fish keeper !!! Yes, some of the poor fishes survived upto 5 years.
My point is that my pets are also my kids. Why should not I ensure the best possible living environment for them.
30. comment for Setting up a Goldfish Aquarium
1# It's huge ignorant to suggest a goldfish is a great introductoary fish. As you know, a golfdish is a member of the Carp family. They can grow to be HUGE! Far beyound even most advanced UK hobbists
2# A week isn't enough to cycle a tank?!?!?! A month at minimum is required
3# 10 to 60L isn't anywhere near a enough to house a goldfish, and a juvenile wont remain so for very long
I'd suggest this video be pulled, and a new, accurate video produced.
it's not like a tetra that likes to shouldn't go based on how you feel and instead go based on where the lives and what they like.some fish like plants like small tropical fish,others like rocks like cichlids and others prefer caves like plecos and other prefer nothing at all.
2.) Don't use wood, it scratches eyes and head, especially of large goldies.
3.) 10 litres is nowhere close to big enough for a goldfish. 80 to 120 litres would be more realistic, they all grow huge and live over 10 years.
Fancy Goldfish: 20 gallon tank per fish
Common Goldfish: 30 gallon tank per fish.
It's not good to pick up fish since their slime coats are really delicate
Goldfish are honestly not a beginner fish, and you cant just wait a few days then dump a fish in a new tank, please read up about the Nitrogen Cycle first
50. comment for Setting up a Goldfish Aquarium
do you speak like you are from shakes spears time?no cause it's old english and it changed.then the way we say things and the way you say things are equally right.
don't be a prick.
you could house 5 goldfish in that size of tank.
i have added one video you can check n tell me my next step
You need to cycle for at least 50 days
You don't just Add about a million fish at once you need to add two every week
And don't say that goldfish are easy to care for because in my opinion they are not
you have a goldfish in that small of a tank?
your slowly killing it when you keep them in that small of a tank cause while it's hard to tell on the outside but inside the fishes organs start becoming deformed.
also most never see a truly happy fish especially a betta but when kept in the right their very active and their colors unbelievable vid.
also don't keep goldfish together with bettas cause goldfish are cold water and bettas are actually tropical.goldfish can live with cloud fish and rosy reds which are also colds and bettas can live witn any non aggressive,non fin nipping,tropical fish so long as they go in last and there's enough space.
I would have a 40 gallon for one goldfish and 20 gallons for every additional goldfish.
It depends on the type, though...
2) I never said that it'd be optimal to keep a goldfish in a 10 gallon tank the rest of its life. I even stated the issues that would arise if you did, but I won't list them out here seeing that you can go back and read it
3) The size of an aquarium does matter. That I agree, but buying a 30 gallon tank is not needed if you are diligent with your water changes. At the minimum, 20 gallons should be sufficient for one single goldfish. The only reason why any fish would stop growing is because of mediocre water quality. All the nitrates induce stress-related hormones to the fish, stunting its growth. The physical size of the aquarium has nothing to do with it.
Like I said, I'd encourage anyone to buy a larger tank if they can, but 20 gallons is sufficient for one fish.
Its actually impossible to keep a goldfish in a 10 gallons even if you do daily water changes.
A goldfish (fancy) is bigger then a grown man's palm all stretched out. You said yourself 10-12 inches long, how the hell is that going to fit inside a 10 gallons? A fish suitable for a 10 gallons would be a betta.
I would not put a goldfish in anything smaller then a 30 gallons with a canister filter.
Also your friend that lost his goldfish at 7 years means it died because of the conditions it was kept in. The oldest goldfish died at the age of 43 years old. Those fish most certainly did NOT thrive in those conditions, they lived a miserable life and died a horrible death. Imagine keeping a dog of 20 inches or so in size in a box of 35 inches in size his entire life.
You people can differentiate between surviving and living.
People end up buying larger tanks not because they want to cut on water changes but because they want to make sure that fish "thrives" and lives a normal life.
A goldfish that does not have a proper size tank is going to die because its body stops growing but his internal organs don't. A tank of tank gallons is a sure horrible death for it.
I just wanted to clear that up because many people assume that goldfish need large tanks simply because that's what we are told. Although I'd definitely advise that you get a 30 - 40 gallon tank for a goldfish, it's absolutely unnecessary to get a tank that large if you are consistent with your frequent water changes. I've had friends who've kept their goldfish in 20 gallon aquariums and have stayed alive for over 7 years (they're fish are about 10 - 12 inches long). I asked how their goldfish were able to thrive in such a small aquarium and all they said was, "Water changes."
No goldfish should be kept in a 10 gallon.
You know how big a goldfish grows at maturity? About as big as an adult palm all stretched. That would be almost as big as the tank. 30 gallons for fancy goldfish and 40 for regular ones. That is unless you want to give them a horrible death as the body stops growing but the internal organs don't.
A 10 gallon is for a beta. NEVER a goldfish. You also need excellent filtration for a goldfish, like in external canister filter and regular water changes.
Maybe dwarf gouramis or danios.
I recently had to rehome my goldfish to someone who had a pond..Ill never forget him he was 8years old but I know he will be much happier in a big space and hopefully will enjoy many more years of life.
Goldfish originate from the huge ponds and lakes and moving them to little bowls is torture
Also cycling your aquarium is very essential
A good amount of beneficial bacteria will help control nitrates and ammonia better than constant water changes. ( water changes are still essential to export other nutrients and debris
100. comment for Setting up a Goldfish Aquarium