Pets & Animals 12 years ago 902,958 views
A series of short documentary films featuring the creation of giant Nature Aquarium layouts by Takashi Amano, exhibited inside Sumida Aquarium in Tokyo Sky Tree Town, is now broadcasted at ADA View. (4 Episodes) The final episode is explanation of 4m and 7m tank by Takashi Amano. Sumida Aquarium -- the Challenge of managing the world's largest Nature Aquarium →http://youtu.be/r50d7WkIMTA
10. comment for TAKASHI AMANO × SUMIDA AQUARIUM Final Episode
20. comment for TAKASHI AMANO × SUMIDA AQUARIUM Final Episode
Belated sympathies to his family and much respect for the great works he completed as a leader & legend in the aquarium industry.
R.I.P Takashi Amano
peace M
30. comment for TAKASHI AMANO × SUMIDA AQUARIUM Final Episode
his talent has made Tropical aquariums come to life
in a more natural setting. Rip Mr Amano, a true advocate of
our Hobby.
with really natural aquariums !.
But the main point of smaller fish is to leave a sense of scale and impression. A small human to a skyscraper gives a better impression to human achievement than a giant in skyscraper. Aquascaping is about creating a living art that gives an impression and leaves a sense of " Ah, I want to sit and view this ".
There is plenty of large fish that can be used if you want to be creative but the sense of depth and impression would make the tank a lot larger and especially DEEPER in width than height. To make that fish swim between objects and such.
I love the brighter colors, and the schooling.
i want one lol
peace M
50. comment for TAKASHI AMANO × SUMIDA AQUARIUM Final Episode
Maybe it would be better without fish at all, like the japanese Stone gardens.
But as i said, just my opinion.
Only difference that makes a difference is the way the difference is settled!
we can discuss about fish or god, as long as you respect my opinion and dont want to cut my head off, i guess it is cool!
Difference in opinions is not always a good things- for example I can't possibly see any positive aspects of differences between people's opinions when it comes to religion ;) I agree with one thing though- it's impossible to say that this guy (Takashi Amano) is the best. This is art, where strict criteria doesn't exist. It's like saying that Beethoven was a better composer than Mozart, or vice versa.
There are enough idiots on YT hating... nonono.. i just expressed my opinion, that less, but bigger fish would (again IMO) fit better.
Some might argue that takes the focus away from the landscape, some might agree...
lucky, we all have different opinions and thoughts, or the world would be very boring.
Good we here talk to each other in a cool way...
The fish are a added bonus
all finished.... with pump, water, plants and all, but i didnt put not a single fish inside till now....some plants in the front grew to much, some in the back too little...i cut, relocate, correct, clean... and all.. till i feel it is balanced... before that i will not even think about fish...
But i think we both do understand the nature of aquascaping in a different way..
For me not the fish and also not the landscape is important..or maybe both are important...each is nothing without the other and only together they form the final image..and that, at least in my op, should look as natural and beautiful as possible....
which can only be archived
when everything is in balance!
also- keep in mind we watch from the distance, when they show a close-up view it looks much better. It kinda reminds me of the natural aquatic ecosystems, where you have plenty of fish of different sizes- the whole area seems alive.
Discus are so magnificent that they take the attention away from everything :P
Thats the whole point of aquascaping- not to overpower the landscape with fish, but to highlight it.
No it wouldn't, Angels or Discus would still look small in such an aquarium. It's just Amano focuses on the plants and hardscape more than the fish. He's an aquascaper.
Amano had Autums Angels in his own private aquariums. These are the most amazingly beautiful fish, but when they grew to full size, it somehow made his tank look smaller.
I like big angels, too, but you asked about colourful fish.
You asked what he could put in for colour. Even natural strain discus would be a big improvement over the tiny fish in there.
It's obviously not about balance, as the fish get lost in such a big tank. It wouldn't look much different with no fish in there at all.
Amano no longer uses big fish in his scapes. Im sure it would have something to do with balance of the fish size to the aquascape. Amano is all about balance.
For colour, I don't think there is anything more he could put in there.
My aquascape you can find in video below
Aquascaping valley Part 6
100. comment for TAKASHI AMANO × SUMIDA AQUARIUM Final Episode