TOP 5: Easy BEGINNER Fresh Water FISH

Beginner fish keepers need to keep beginner fish. There are a lot of fish out there to keep, but there are certain species that are more fitted for beginners. What to look for in keeping your first fish, is how hardy it is, and social traits, breeding, growth rate, full grown size, care level of a fish. This is a video all about what fish are great for a beginner, which will be forgiving, and give newcomers time to grasp their own skills in aquariums. There are certain fish that were left out like live bearers which are GREAT for beginners, but they constantly give birth to baby fish, fry. which leads to beginners having to feed, keep alive, and house, or relocate new fish, which isn't an easy task for a beginner. there are fish like goldfish, ironically it is the thumbnail for this video, but goldfish are sturdy fish, but they get big, are messy, and need a little more care then they usually get. other fish that are really hardy like Oscars, are not on this list, because they get too big, and are too aggressive. The fish are very rewarding and very hardy, but most beginners can't house a fish in a large aquarium. for any new Aquariust i suggest getting the biggest fish tank that you can afford, upfront, and in on going cost, you have to think about medications, water conditioners, equipment, food, electric bill, etc, that all contribute to the cost. Having a bigger aquarium is going to be more forgiving then having a smaller aquarium, the water parameters are going to be more stable, and the bad effects of an aquarium will be spread out due to the larger water volume. a good stand point for a newcomer in freshwater would be anywhere between a 29 - 55 gallon aquarium. for a newcomer in salt water i would start with a 55- 125 gallon yes it is going to become more expensive, but also more forgiving. be patient if you are new with aquariums fish tanks and fish. take your time, have a plan, do the research, and have dedication, learn your system not the hobby. get in a group either it be on the internet, or at the local fish store, and familiarize yourself with more experience aquarium keepers, so you can have a go to for help with your aquarium, i'm always here for the new people. my channel was formed for the new people so i could give my knowledge back to the community. please like, share, and leave your thoughts in the comment section below in this video. until next time i've been wayne with wayne's fish world, and i will see you next time.

TOP 5: Easy BEGINNER Fresh Water FISH sentiment_very_dissatisfied 231

Pets & Animals 9 years ago 269,701 views

Beginner fish keepers need to keep beginner fish. There are a lot of fish out there to keep, but there are certain species that are more fitted for beginners. What to look for in keeping your first fish, is how hardy it is, and social traits, breeding, growth rate, full grown size, care level of a fish. This is a video all about what fish are great for a beginner, which will be forgiving, and give newcomers time to grasp their own skills in aquariums. There are certain fish that were left out like live bearers which are GREAT for beginners, but they constantly give birth to baby fish, fry. which leads to beginners having to feed, keep alive, and house, or relocate new fish, which isn't an easy task for a beginner. there are fish like goldfish, ironically it is the thumbnail for this video, but goldfish are sturdy fish, but they get big, are messy, and need a little more care then they usually get. other fish that are really hardy like Oscars, are not on this list, because they get too big, and are too aggressive. The fish are very rewarding and very hardy, but most beginners can't house a fish in a large aquarium. for any new Aquariust i suggest getting the biggest fish tank that you can afford, upfront, and in on going cost, you have to think about medications, water conditioners, equipment, food, electric bill, etc, that all contribute to the cost. Having a bigger aquarium is going to be more forgiving then having a smaller aquarium, the water parameters are going to be more stable, and the bad effects of an aquarium will be spread out due to the larger water volume. a good stand point for a newcomer in freshwater would be anywhere between a 29 - 55 gallon aquarium. for a newcomer in salt water i would start with a 55- 125 gallon yes it is going to become more expensive, but also more forgiving. be patient if you are new with aquariums fish tanks and fish. take your time, have a plan, do the research, and have dedication, learn your system not the hobby. get in a group either it be on the internet, or at the local fish store, and familiarize yourself with more experience aquarium keepers, so you can have a go to for help with your aquarium, i'm always here for the new people. my channel was formed for the new people so i could give my knowledge back to the community. please like, share, and leave your thoughts in the comment section below in this video. until next time i've been wayne with wayne's fish world, and i will see you next time.

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Most popular comments
for TOP 5: Easy BEGINNER Fresh Water FISH

SuperGirl Destinee
SuperGirl Destinee - 7 years ago
Can I have a tetra with guppies
Dan vitty
Dan vitty - 7 years ago
Don't abuse your fish people
Michael Mrozek
Michael Mrozek - 7 years ago
I've got a 15 and a 10 gallon and i'm trying to convince my mom to let me set up a big tank which we already have the tank filter and gravel we just need a stand What would be easy fish that gets bigger.
TIMMY 2THUMBS - 7 years ago
The toughest ass in the ocean is The Chocolate Starfish (o )( o)
Dan Christian Gabriel
Dan Christian Gabriel - 7 years ago
i think rainbow shark is hardy too
rotoR Col
rotoR Col - 7 years ago
petco and petsmart are killers of fish
Kazuto Nguyen
Kazuto Nguyen - 7 years ago
What are some good fish food for those fish?
David Carter
David Carter - 7 years ago
I wanted to read a description not an essay
David Carter
David Carter - 7 years ago
I find my Cory catfish to be great for beginners! :D his name is literally Cory

10. comment for TOP 5: Easy BEGINNER Fresh Water FISH

Kai Athan
Kai Athan - 7 years ago
Are Zebra Danios good for a school of fish
JoeOf91 - 7 years ago
what if i want to run an underground fish fight?
Daniel Laba
Daniel Laba - 7 years ago
Is 1.5gallon enough for beeta
R5E - 7 years ago
>Easy beginner freshwater fish
>Goldfish for thumbnail
Brengga - 7 years ago
Gavin - 7 years ago
you can get freshwater shrimp, theyll do ok, maybe 1 or 2 zebra dianos the most.
Christine_eava - 7 years ago
My first fish are (they're still alive) two goldfish named sushi and marbles and I also have a betta
FishFish - 7 years ago
Hi, I am looking to get a 55 gallon freshwater aquarium, and I want to get two angelfish so I can breed them. I already found a person who sells baby angelfish, and I am getting them in quite a while (maybe 2-4 months) I already know they mature at 7 or 8 months, and they breed at 8-10 months. Do they really have eggs every 7-14 days? Right now I have four goldfish in a 26 gallon who obviously don't breed, and I have a 10 gallon with guppies who have not given birth yet (Both are pregnant, its been a month)
Most likely I will get rid of guppies, or put them into the 55 gallon with the two angelfish as background fish, and use the 10 gallon for breeding (only for 2 days) is that okay? Also, if the eggs are in the 10 gallon, and I put the male and female back into the 55 gallon, when I go to put them back in the 10 gallon for laying more eggs, will the babies eat the younger babies? I'd be selling the babies at what age? What age is okay to sell them? 2 months?
Also, to make the angelfish comfortable in their 55 gallon, I will be having some driftwood with anubias barteri and some java moss and java fern. Are all of those okay for angelfish? Can I keep the guppies with them? I was thinking about getting other fish in the 55 besides the angels and guppies (if i even have them) would black skirt tetras be okay? and how about instead of guppies or tetras, would a dwarf gourami or a peal gourami or a honey be okay? How many can I have? can I have them in the 55 when the angels are babies? What fish can I add before the angels?

Sorry for such a long comment, but I really need to know :) Thank you.
FishFish - 7 years ago
Gavin - 7 years ago
dont know too much about angelfish breeding, but when i had goldfish they bred about once or twice a year, and more often then not, they ate the eggs....
FishFish - 7 years ago
I agree with all of this, even though I am new to the fish hobby. White Cloud Mountain Minnows are amazing, since they are good for cold water, so you don't need to pay for a heater. Zebra danios are good too, I haven't owned them before though. I have guppies, an amano shrimp, a leopard ramshorn with some babies in a 10 gallon, and in my 26 gallon I have four goldfish (I know they aren't suppose to have that small of a tank. I have had them in there for 8 years, they are okay don't worry :) ) I am getting a 55 gallon that will have two baby angelfish (that I will breed when they grow up) would it be okay to put a pearl or honey gourami in there after the angels are older? or is it ok as they are babies? (about 1-2 months) what other "little" fish can I have in there? (Like Black Skirt Tetras, Rummynose Tetras, Bleeding Heart Tetras, Rasboras, Corydoras Catfish, Bristlenose Pleco) How many of them can I have in a 55 with two angelfish and and/or a dwarf gourmai? What would be my best plan with what fish? I know I have my heart set on two angelfish in a 55 with java fern, java moss, maybe some moss balls, some , driftwood, some rocks and gravel on the bottom with a 150 Watt heater and a good filter, some plant light LEDs and a hood. Best plan?
Story Time
Story Time - 7 years ago
i wish it was illegal to have a pet fish
Kate Wilson
Kate Wilson - 7 years ago
My betta is in a 10 gallon planted tank.

20. comment for TOP 5: Easy BEGINNER Fresh Water FISH

Sodium Cloride
Sodium Cloride - 7 years ago
Don't get triggered cause I did this as s little kid but my Beta lived in a 2.5 gallon tank and all I did was change the water once a month and feed him
Sodium Cloride
Sodium Cloride - 7 years ago
And he lived for 4 years
Dz Player01
Dz Player01 - 7 years ago
i have no change with keeping fish in my contry
they cost lots of money
and i mean A LOTS
and + i cant buy anything online cuz its not allowed yet here where i live :/
Nba live mobile Sachin
Nba live mobile Sachin - 7 years ago
ptrix248 - 7 years ago
My tiger barb once took off my other tiger barbs fin the other ended up dying
Rraymond Chavez
Rraymond Chavez - 7 years ago
i own a 65 gallon filter of 70-100 and a heater of 200 wats set st 78 degrees. i started the tank 2 weeks ago i have 4 white cloud fish, 2 neon tetras, 2 black mollys, 1 molly white and 1 molly dalmation, i have gravel 3 small live plants with 2 bubblers. any good suggestions to what other fishes i can add and of course i don't want to add 10-15 fishes at once. im shooting for a community and schooling tank
Benjamin Ferencich
Benjamin Ferencich - 7 years ago
Rraymond Chavez add more neon tetras, there is only 2 and they will get stressed out and could die
Thegamer OfBelfast
Thegamer OfBelfast - 7 years ago
I got tiger barbs for my 55g tank and they killed all the others then after that they got white spot
Sheila - 7 years ago
Hi what tetras or small fish that stay small are best for a temperate aquarium it is 125 litres. My gold fish just died a month ago it was 15 years old it was housed with 2 blackwidow tetras. They look lonely i want fish that will stay small and are hardy.
Nyx - 7 years ago
My Betta compared to my other fish was the hardest to keep.. it had stopped eating/ was starving itself
So it died in a few days how do I stop that from happening again (everything in the tank was perfect)
Julius Wicked
Julius Wicked - 7 years ago
why u didnt included corydoras?
Jeff The Killer
Jeff The Killer - 7 years ago
What do I do? My goldfish aren't swimming well and their tank is always filthy no matter what we do! Our PetSmart person told us that we just use a vacuum thing and use use it by sucking out a tiny bit of water and that's not working at ALL!
Gavin - 7 years ago
whats your tank size? if its smaller than 50 gallons, goldfish will be really hard to care for, i had a goldfish aquarium at 40 gallons, and i needed to maintain it daily to keep it from getting dirty. Goldfish are NOT clean fish, you need a large aquarium and strong filtration if you want it to stay somewhat decent. The fish may be having issues because of the water too, it may have floride, or be chlorinated.
snake Legend
snake Legend - 7 years ago
I've been doing fish scene I was 9 years old and now I'm 26 years old

30. comment for TOP 5: Easy BEGINNER Fresh Water FISH

Compilation TV
Compilation TV - 7 years ago
is there any coldwater fish that can fit in a 25litre tank?
musicalmarion - 7 years ago
There are fish that are very forgiving and will allow you to get your feet wet
Shravan Ragunanan
Shravan Ragunanan - 7 years ago
also kuhli coach I had one in my neglected tank for 1yr I thought it was dead but was alive then I dropped it in my sink it still survived it dat Loa h is,bullet proof
K,soxlslsls Sksksksoao
K,soxlslsls Sksksksoao - 7 years ago
I literally make oscar to eat zebra danios
Messy Nessy
Messy Nessy - 7 years ago
how many fish should i have for a five gallon
Chelsea Jewel
Chelsea Jewel - 7 years ago
smaller fish you can get away with more.
Chelsea Jewel
Chelsea Jewel - 7 years ago
Meme AreLife one fish.
Spriteyy - 7 years ago
DerpyDitto gaming It depends. What are you planning on keeping?
XPLOIT - 7 years ago
I have gigantic oscars
Nicholas Bennett
Nicholas Bennett - 7 years ago
Nice that they are easy to keep but they are all ugly
Lucas TC
Lucas TC - 7 years ago
animal drawings wolves 223
animal drawings wolves 223 - 7 years ago
Lol I'm getting a fish
grettagrids - 7 years ago
why didn't you include angelfish? mine are over 5 yrs old and all are walmart rescues. I guess my having abit of fish keeping knowledge helps. I have even had to correct WALMART for mislabling a rainbowfish as a tetra. they also had it with the angelfish and I notice they are a bit of a nipper. I wont keep them again. my favorites are angelfish and goldfish ( NOT in the same tank).
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 7 years ago
angel fish are not a good bigger fish, they get big, when they breed they become very aggressive, and they are not as hardy as the other fish on this list
grettagrids - 7 years ago
Wayne? are australain rainbow fish mean? had one housed with three others and 2 angels.. well the larger male killed the other three and ate them, then went after me angels fins.. since he is dead now I prob wont get anymore rainbows.. but just curious. I do know so fish can be with angels peacefully ( Like glass cat fish) and some absolutely cant ( like tetras,barbs,danios).
Shannon Suber
Shannon Suber - 7 years ago
Wayne's Fish World Rouge fish? lol
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 7 years ago
i don't think your rainbow is killing or eating your fish, because......thats just not rianbow nature. do you have a pleco that is eating it after they die? i mean idk you might have a crazy rouge fish, but you can house angels and rainbows no problem
No name
No name - 7 years ago
I came here to see what fish I could go fishing for , uhhh , click away
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 7 years ago
thats your fault bud, by Felicia
Kostya Yazot
Kostya Yazot - 7 years ago
Can I put all the fish he talked about in one tank? Or will they fight
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 7 years ago
i wouldn't
Adam Sean dubstep
Adam Sean dubstep - 7 years ago
isnt it the black widow tetra? I have 4
galvatron studios
galvatron studios - 8 years ago
betta fish are aggressive right
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 7 years ago
well to certain fish yes
aquadragon1 - 8 years ago
Cold water fish ? none of those are suited for beginners COLD water species should be in water much cooler then the run of the mill living room....Truly COLD water species are hardly ever kept in the hobby even by veterans. You do not mean cold but sob-tropical.... Zebra Danio´s are very active indeed why ? usually kept too warm and hell they love to swim yes in terms of bioload a tenner will do but they need room to dart around. might be small fish still needs a medium and up tank. tiger Barbs nipping indeed they will do that to long finned /slow fish again keep em a bit cooler and in a large group it will be much less i have seen these aproaching 3 inches plus you need a large group and they are real swimmers.... no 10 gallon cadidates to me. Agreed On Betta hmmmm yes but wich one ? Asuming you mean Betta Splendens i agree Betta Imbellis as wel but there are mane Beta spies out there that should be left too the specialist.
Ethox Plays
Ethox Plays - 8 years ago
Should i keep a carnivore fish with another carnivore because i mixed them with a herbivore and thier cool with them thier not like eating them or nipping off thier fins but then i put a salamander and they went crazy i planted a small lily pad so the salamander can rest up more to avoid the conflict between the fishes but why they do that? i love collecting survival fishes that do not need a lot of care but i did kept a lobster on an aquarium and died because of age. and how did i do that i only added some spoons of salt and some filters and it just cool and died because we kept it for years
Ethox Plays
Ethox Plays - 8 years ago
i have two silver moony thier chasing each other until they jump out of the tank and the other one died.
RãïnCláŵ - 8 years ago
I have a Molly and a blonde delta guppy. they are always chasing each other what should I do?
Kiki K
Kiki K - 7 years ago
get some hiding spots for them
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 8 years ago
well those two fish are supposed to get along, but ever fish has its own personality, try rescaping the tank a little
Katherine Walker
Katherine Walker - 8 years ago
could I just put a pleco in a tank by itself
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 8 years ago
well yeah but it'd be kinda boring wouldn't it? make sure it has something to eat before putting one in

50. comment for TOP 5: Easy BEGINNER Fresh Water FISH

WesleyAPEX - 8 years ago
I would absolutely recommend platy's for beginners. Sure they breed a lot but they only get 2" long so you can have hundreds of them in a 30 gallon tank. Plus they eat most of their babies. They are the easiest fish to start with by far. You barely need to feed them.
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 8 years ago
i agree but most newbies dont' want to go down that road, and will strive to save every little fish
Jake Ryder
Jake Ryder - 8 years ago
i highly recomand for first time fish keepers not to clean there filter media sponges not until u have reached the two mounth stage, and when u do clean em USE fish tank water it is a GUGE no no to clean media filters with tap water cause it will kill most if not all of your good bacteria, and once u reach your two mounth stage chane 50% of the water.
Nori Araya
Nori Araya - 8 years ago
I have 5 bettas in my 20 gallon and it is dense vegetation with lots of caves and two docks for them to rest on. I've had them for 2 years now and they let me pet them (as long as I feed them after) I can even get them to jump for food :3 I love them
Millerific - 8 years ago
I had GloFish once. They died within a couple hours.
Jake Ryder
Jake Ryder - 8 years ago
lol u made my day
Juustus - 8 years ago
Millerific funfact: those are forbidden in germany
Esther Ison
Esther Ison - 8 years ago
My first few fish were betta and goldfish
pointlessblob10 - 8 years ago
you forgot sword tails. but that is ok
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 8 years ago
they breed to much, a new tank owner might not want to be overrun by babies
Tiger Boss11
Tiger Boss11 - 8 years ago
Bettas need a 2.5 gallon tank
Narwhal Aj
Narwhal Aj - 8 years ago
Tiger Boss11 at least
Ak Jay47
Ak Jay47 - 8 years ago
I'm starting off with 1 Bala shark and 1 rainbow shark and 1 cichlids and 1 sucker or what ever you call them that's what they call them were I live it's not the real name
CloroxBleach CloroxBleach
CloroxBleach CloroxBleach - 8 years ago
I have 2 goldfish since I was 12 and I'm 21 there 13 inches long and old
Gavin - 7 years ago
they normally do that from what i recall, my fish actually yawned on occasion, at least what looks like yawning. As long as you have that fancy in a 30 gal, the aquarium is cycled, the water is treated, and your water parameters are good. your fish should be fine.
MY NAME IS NAMED - 7 years ago
i think goldfish are hard for me...i have a fancy which constantly opening it mouth what should i do.
Gavin - 7 years ago
yeah goldfish last a long time, and get huge. used to have a few in a 40 gal tank, but got rid of them when they reached about 6 inches, was moving and i couldnt take them with me.
Dunkleosteus - 8 years ago
That's impressive. You must do a good job taking care of them.
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 8 years ago
Iopkl Hokk
Iopkl Hokk - 8 years ago
Hi tom
Allosaurus RCA
Allosaurus RCA - 8 years ago
The reason tiger barbs nip is because they are related to cleaner fish which nip at other fishes to clean the,
Allosaurus RCA
Allosaurus RCA - 8 years ago
It's weird how watching fish swim makes me calm and seeing a train move makes me super angry

Anyone else feel this way?
Rhysonator 123
Rhysonator 123 - 8 years ago
Wayne can I put a betta fish with a plecko?
Ajplayer1212 articwolf
Ajplayer1212 articwolf - 8 years ago
I'm keeping big fish as a beginner
Majestic Muffin
Majestic Muffin - 8 years ago
neon tetras are good for beginners
Majestic Muffin
Majestic Muffin - 8 years ago
tiger barbs don't live with other fish they will wipe out your entire tank
PunchProductionz - 8 years ago
Best for beginners are bettas
Becky Iverson
Becky Iverson - 8 years ago
Hi Wayne are chocolate chip star fish salt water only? I am looking for a cleaner to put in my betta tank. Can I put one in my betta tank?
Gamer on ipod36
Gamer on ipod36 - 8 years ago
Would a 2.65 gallon tank work for a betta? And do u have to have a heater
Spriteyy - 7 years ago
Gamer on ipod36 The tank size would work, though upgrade if you can. You need a heater unless room temperature is always 78 - 82 degrees.
Herbinator_88 - 8 years ago
Good tutorial. :-) You look kind of stoned though...
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 8 years ago
if i had a dollar for every time i heard that....i'm straight edge too lol
alexi laiho
alexi laiho - 8 years ago
is the number zero fish different from janitor fish?
razorXblueXeyes - 8 years ago
betta is a beast !!
Josh Mendez
Josh Mendez - 8 years ago
i think the easyest is guppy betta and goldfish
Rainbow Mustachio
Rainbow Mustachio - 8 years ago
My Top 10 List:

10) Goldfish (Very Hardy Fish That Can Live Up To 30 Years. Minimum Tank Size Is 30 US Gallons. Often Sold As Feeder Fish.
9) Zebra Danio (Schooling Fish That May Nip Other Fish's Fins)
8) Black Skirt Tetra (Schooling Fish That May Nip Other Fish's Fins)
7) Rummy Nose Tetra (Schooling Fish That May Nip Other Fish's Fins)
6) Neon Tetra (Schooling Fish That May Nip Other Fish's Fins, Never Keep These Fish With Angel Fish Or Other Bigger Fish That May Eat Them)
5) Molly Fish (Livebearing Fish That Can Be Found In Almost Every Pet Shop)
4) Platy Fish (Livebearing Fish That Can Be Found In Almost Every Pet Shop, A Close Relative Of The Swordtail Fish)
3) Swordtail Fish (Livebearing Fish That Can Be Found In Almost Every Pet Shop, A Close Relative Of The Platy Fish)
2) Guppy Fish (Livebearing Fish That Can Be Found In Almost Every Pet Shop Sometimes Sold As Feeder Fish)
1) Siamese Fighting Fish (Hardy But Aggressive Fish Usually Kept Alone In A 5 Gallon Tank. Female Counterparts Are Usually Sold As Feeder Fish)
Gavin - 7 years ago
generally a goldfish (single tailed version) will live to around 13-17 years, and in my opinion 30 gallons is small, these things grow upwards of 7-12 inches (talking about single tailed still) the double tailed, or fancy varieties are generally smaller bout 5-7 inches and you can hold those in a 30 gal, but the single tailed ones will need upwards of 50 gallons, best if you put them in a pond though. Also they are not clean fish, you need to put alot more work into maintenance to clean the waste.
chocolate milk carten
chocolate milk carten - 8 years ago
What about guppies
Kuro Chan
Kuro Chan - 8 years ago
2:20 what is this fish?
yamaha is daaa best
yamaha is daaa best - 8 years ago
it doesnt matter what type of fish it is. you should NEVER put a creature in a a small space like a bowl. bettas need at least 3 gallons, heater and filter system.
Drew H
Drew H - 7 years ago
blah blee bloop
blah blee bloop - 7 years ago
Bvnjxmin sure lol
yamaha is daaa best
yamaha is daaa best - 7 years ago
+Bvnjxmin awwww
Bvnjxmin - 7 years ago
I put one beta in a 760 gallon, he must of thought he was in the ocean lol
Connor Zerka
Connor Zerka - 8 years ago
hurt animal abusers paws I know. People who have long living betas are like, "He's happy and healthy." But surviving doesn't mean they're happy or healthy. How do you even know anyways? Unless you can talk to fish, you never know for sure.
yamaha is daaa best
yamaha is daaa best - 8 years ago
+Toguro​ yep, just because a betta lives a long time in horrible conditions just proves that they are hardy, doesnt mean they're happy.
Toguro - 8 years ago
hurt animal abusers paws ive seen bettas in vases with no heater or filter.. and live for a long time but that dosnt mean theyre thriving some people view them as decorations instead of pets
City Fishing Tv
City Fishing Tv - 8 years ago
I am thinking about getting some tiger barbs for my fish tank. How many should I get?
hey bro please tell me that change the water after some time?
yes or no.
tofton1977 - 8 years ago
Ahem... Betta Splendens in the wild has nothing in common with the ones you showed...
Chaboii Leopold
Chaboii Leopold - 8 years ago
I love fish so much. I just got my first a little while ago as a surprise gift and I've done mountains of research since (I wish I had some forewarning so I could prepare!) and I LOVE HIM he's a gorgeous lil half moon betta and I have him swimming around in a big ol filtered & heated ten gallon planted tank with three lil amano shrimps and I am spoiling the ** out of all four of them. My betta baby is so wonderful he's just great. I love him sooo much. I never knew fish could be so interactive. He has actually eaten off of my fingers and jumped for food before (don't worry I got a lid) tbh I wish I had an even bigger tank haha
troll lolololol
troll lolololol - 8 years ago
Lol i have a betta in like a 2 gallon tank and it is living just fine
bonez bonez
bonez bonez - 8 years ago
Yo man... I just happened to come across ur videos an u seem like u know what ur doing... I've had a 10 gallon for a while now... an I've had diff fish in it, blue groumis wich did pretty well... patties but thy got kinda big, even had some black Moore gold fish but thy seem to have gotten to big for the tank... I'm in the process of cleaning my tank up good an redoing it a bit... an changing somethings a bit... once I'm ready for new fish I ben thinking on a few otto fish for the bottom n stuff... I have a slight algae prob... now I'm no expert on this by no means... but I'm woundering what u would recommend that wouldn't get to big for the tank but also be a good fish for a semi beginner that looking to make the tank stand out... I'd get a bigger tank wich I'd love to but don't have rm to go bigger... thanks in advance for your info an time man... I got tank like 4 yr ago r so, an got attached to it... I'd hate to take it down... if u would rather we talk somehow away from here that's kool, we can... I'm just looking for a little advice from someone who knows what they're doing... thanks
Dailen Wug
Dailen Wug - 8 years ago
i started with iridecents pleco and a cray fish and 30 gallon
sten beetlex
sten beetlex - 8 years ago
goldfish r a pain and waste. any other fish is okay.
CecilDaBomb1117 - 8 years ago
When i had tiger barbs they droped like flies
CecilDaBomb1117 - 8 years ago
Buy ten one day a week later all dead
Steve Gee
Steve Gee - 8 years ago
The last part was obviously bullshit as water can't even reach that temperature.
Phong Pham
Phong Pham - 8 years ago
I keep my betas in a small plastic box, but they are thriving and eating better than in my aquarium
Carson Evans
Carson Evans - 8 years ago
My first fish was a beta and I had it in a 2 gallon and have had it 3 yrs so far
LonelyMexican - 8 years ago
I have 2 common gold fish that i won at the fair and i have them in a 5 gallon tank is that good? it has a filter and thats all im still trying to get gravel, plants, and a place they can hide in
Jamie - 7 years ago
notbae04 please never give fish advice.
notbae04 - 8 years ago
LonelyMexican it's 2 gold fish just get some gravel MABY a 10 gallon tank if you whant to get a couple more
AILING CHEN - 8 years ago
Get a bigger tank and a better filter as soon as possible. If you have the room 50+ gallon should be the absolute minmum. If money is an issue a rubbermaid bin works. Not as aestheticly pleasing but gets the job done. You'll need a filter at least double the rating for the tank size too. Until then do daily 75% water changes. It may seem like much but it's what's nessacary to keep them healthy.
Esteban Gomez
Esteban Gomez - 8 years ago
Live beres
AstroArts TM
AstroArts TM - 8 years ago
Zebra what?
Petcare - 8 years ago
And there doing just fine
Petcare - 8 years ago
For my beginner i got a betta and a pleco
Michael Mrozek
Michael Mrozek - 7 years ago
What kind of pleco.
Gavin - 7 years ago
not bad combination, just be careful about plecos, they do have a habit of getting really large if you pick the wrong variety.
KC Brown
KC Brown - 8 years ago
I have a bata fish I have had them for 4 years
KC Brown
KC Brown - 8 years ago
I have theme seprit
Og maco Sheesh
Og maco Sheesh - 8 years ago
i know a guy that left his patio door open for a day in the middle of winter in minnesota and his beta was in water that had ice forming on it and he warmed up the water and it was fine lol
Matthew Zito
Matthew Zito - 8 years ago
Zebra Danios ... The larger version is a Giant Danio, not a Zebra (different species). I have 4 in my 30-gallon tank with a Blue Gourami and a Bristle-nosed Pleco.
Beyhc - 8 years ago
Why no goldfish?
stivenburg - 8 years ago
Probably due to size. Goldfish should have at least 20 gallons of water. And the assumption is most beginners will start with ten gallon aquariums since that is what is usually offered as a starter kit. They also tend to be messy even if they are extremely hardy.
s_ r
s_ r - 8 years ago
my list is 1..betta..2..guppy..3..platy..4..molly..5..gost srimp
Yukki Katsuki
Yukki Katsuki - 8 years ago
with my tetras all I have are barbs and some small corydoras
Yukki Katsuki
Yukki Katsuki - 8 years ago
my neons are great in my tank almost all of them made it I had two or so die off and that was from interspecies aggresiom if you can get them larger I find they are more likely to make it than if you get them young and small.

100. comment for TOP 5: Easy BEGINNER Fresh Water FISH

Owen's Aquariums
Owen's Aquariums - 8 years ago
Why are you against Glofish? I used to hate them too, but then I learned that they originated from a scientific project where scientists game fish a special gene. The gene caused them to fluoresce when stressed. Glofish bought the technology and now all Glofish glow no matter what. They're not dyed, they're genetically modified.
Owen's Aquariums
Owen's Aquariums - 8 years ago
+Josh Ding And, even though they're not dyed, they look stupid.
Josh Ding
Josh Ding - 8 years ago
well couple things I can state for glofish that are not so beginner friendly. To start with, Glofish requires a much more stable temperature (range of temperature is smaller) compare to what he mentioned in the list, in addition, glofish also requires a better water quality, weekly water change is required and as we all know, beginner tends to forget about water change.
Player is a big oof
Player is a big oof - 8 years ago
bettas need 3 gallons at least and some bettas are peaceful but a lot are agrseive
Spriteyy - 7 years ago
darth vader Never put ANY two bettas in a tank together!
1) Male + Male = They will fight to the death! They are highly territorial fish and have been bred over many, many years to intensify the fighting instinct.
yamaha is daaa best
yamaha is daaa best - 8 years ago
John Mcintaggart you can put two in a 10 gallon tank but the bettas both NEED to ne girls!!!! NEVER PUT 2 BOYS IN THE SAME TANK
Bennett Bruner
Bennett Bruner - 8 years ago
John Mcintaggart no they will fight each other
darth vader
darth vader - 8 years ago
Betta fish lover22 i want a beta can i put 2 in a 10 gallon
LOLWUT? - 8 years ago
Chocolate chip starfish was like, "Ha, they all died those pussies."
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 7 years ago
if you want to just make sure it can go with your other fish / coral
Bacon Power82
Bacon Power82 - 8 years ago
Wayne's Fish World should I get a starfish
hibiscusfreak - 8 years ago
I thought that too, lol!
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 8 years ago
Joash Miranda
Joash Miranda - 8 years ago
wAYNE BURPS AT 6:22!!!!! LOL
Johnson Jackson
Johnson Jackson - 8 years ago
Says betta as no.1 put goldfish on thumbnail, Nice clickbait
Mia Pauley
Mia Pauley - 7 years ago
Connor Chicken goldfish , fancy goldfish anyway should have 20 gallons per fish minimum
Connor Chicken
Connor Chicken - 7 years ago
Wayne's Fish World
Yea,goldfish grow HUGE. They need a minimum of like a 50 gallon tank.
Josh Ding
Josh Ding - 8 years ago
lol goldfish is the worst beginner fish every lol, a big chunk of people would keep goldfish in a bowl. which is laughable :)
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 8 years ago
deep down, it pissed people off, and they wanted to watch it just to get mad at me  for telling people goldfish were good beginner fish
Mari Martini
Mari Martini - 8 years ago
Hi! I want to buy my first fish, and I want I to have a beta. What other fish go along well with it? What kind o fish should I buy to "keep the aquarium clean" for a little longer? Thanks a lot!
Eve Munoz
Eve Munoz - 8 years ago
I added some cherry shrimp and a gold inca snail with my male beta. No problems and the new tank mates are super fun to watch! They also make a great cleaning crew ;)
jmowreader - 8 years ago
Mari Martini
Mari Martini - 8 years ago
+jmowreader yeees, corydoras! I love them! They are really funny! So they do get along with bettas? Thats good! Thank you!
Mari Martini
Mari Martini - 8 years ago
+Olivia's Animals thanks a lot! I'll consider those guppies! I want a male betta, so if will be just one.
jmowreader - 8 years ago
The best tank cleaner out there is a Corydoras catfish. They do their job well and they're fun to watch.

Bettas don't go well with other bettas, gouramis or anything else with long fins. A betta is dumber than a rock and will try to fight anything it thinks is another betta. If you're getting a 20-gallon tank, a nice community would be a betta, two convicts and two corydoras catfish. Try to get two male or two female convicts - convicts breed like rabbits but they're harder to get rid of.
Olivia - 8 years ago
Guppies go well with Bettas, and if you want to get a couple females you can put those together, just make sure that you don't put a male and a female in the same tank, or a male and a male together.
Daniel M Musson
Daniel M Musson - 8 years ago
I recommend tetras because there cheap mostly tame and easy to look after
DragonWizard Gaming
DragonWizard Gaming - 8 years ago
I feel really bad for the bettas at the store they look so sad and most of the time I see them in the cups they are dead that is why I am gonna rescue as many as I can and put them in my wall aquariums
Timi Air
Timi Air - 7 years ago
Yeah no, if the fish are being treat badly and you buy from them you're basically just saying "yes keep doing this, treat your fish like crap and people will buy them," even if its the only store in your area it's best to stay clear until you find someone who treats the fish correctly.
D4RKSID3OFSP4C3 - 8 years ago
DragonWizard Gaming Dude, I go to a petstore called BlueLagoon and I saw bettas in tiny cups! I was sad because theres lack of space for them and then I went to another place called Indoor Swapmeet and theres a small petshop. It has bettas and I saw that they were also in tiny cups in poor conitions, Some of the cups even had dirty water with lots of poop in them and then I saw bettas on the floor of the cups all depressed looking. It's just really sad that petshop owners put Bettas in tiny cups (ಠ_ಠ)
Narwhal Aj
Narwhal Aj - 8 years ago
DragonWizards World of Fun I would rather buy from petsmart then Walmart
DragonWizard Gaming
DragonWizard Gaming - 8 years ago
i know but i cant find any other place that sells bettas other than that petstore and i am sure as heck not buying from wallmart
Francois Dillinger
Francois Dillinger - 8 years ago
This is a terrible plan. If you purchase the Bettas from these horrid sellers of Bettas that don't care about their death or suffering, all you are doing is giving them incentive to buy more Betta and kill them. You would be doing something similar to buying puppies from a puppy mill to save puppies from being in a puppy mill.
Aidan Rubio
Aidan Rubio - 8 years ago
Hey I've got 50 gallon tank I've had 3 tanks now what fish should I get
LunaHeart - 8 years ago
my beta is in a 3 gallon tank for 2 and a half years he is great!
Tiger Boss11
Tiger Boss11 - 8 years ago
I have a batta 3 gallon tank can I put it in a 40 gallon tank with tiger barbs ranebow Sharks gold fish and flying foxes
Ulises, Ibarra
Ulises, Ibarra - 8 years ago
this facts did not help me
Patti Hanson
Patti Hanson - 8 years ago
Can any other fish be put in with bettas? Eg. Guppies? Freshwater clean up crews? Sorority of bettas? Cichlids? Thank you for any help you may be able to give. This video made a lot of sense and your approach to giving realistic guidelines was greatly appreciated.
lumpy1space2princess - 8 years ago
Id say this is my list:

5: Fancy Guppies
4: Mollies
3: Cherry Barb
2: Dwarf Gourami
1: Betta fish
Narwhal Aj
Narwhal Aj - 8 years ago
lumpy1space2princess there really hard because there expensive and plants heaters filters and more
Jai Reeves
Jai Reeves - 8 years ago
My list is 1.Betta
2. Guppies
3. Mollies
4. Platies
5. Neons
AJ9 - 8 years ago
I have 3 mollies and 2 sunburst platys in my 5.5 gallon
AstroArts TM
AstroArts TM - 8 years ago
AstroArts TM
AstroArts TM - 8 years ago
Betta fish makes my head hirt
Rainbow Mustachio
Rainbow Mustachio - 8 years ago
+Lokii All Fish Need Water Conditioner.
lumpy1space2princess - 8 years ago
+Arthur Below Same family and Care as Mollies.

Personally, Gourami have always been my favorites
Arthur Below
Arthur Below - 8 years ago
what about platies?
lumpy1space2princess - 8 years ago
+Lokii every fish needs that duh
Lokii - 8 years ago
Beta fish aren't easy at all, you need water conditioner beta water, ect.
Lokii - 8 years ago
Beta fish aren't easy at all, you need water conditioner beta water, ect.
allthingspetcare - 8 years ago
Can a chocolate chip starfish be in a tank with green spotted puffers? I need a good cleaner
John Smith
John Smith - 8 years ago
I'm beginning with a 20 gallon tank I was thinking of putting in 1 bristlenose pleco, 1 betta, 3 mollies and 3 guppies is this a good combination?
Clementine - 8 years ago
what do you have against glo fish?
Josh Ding
Josh Ding - 8 years ago
+Unknown Person yeah, that sounds lovely :) I hope they don't escape.
Noice - 8 years ago
+Josh Ding Guaranteed.
Josh Ding
Josh Ding - 8 years ago
+Unknown Person yeah I am also pretty sure our government is hiding alien body in area 51
Noice - 8 years ago
+Josh Ding That's what they tell you..
Josh Ding
Josh Ding - 8 years ago
that is not true anymore, glofish you see today in store is "mostly" generic modified.
Clementine - 8 years ago
+Unknown Person ok thanks
Noice - 8 years ago
Glofish aren't born the way you see at most petstores. These "glofish" are grey coloured fish that are injected this paint dye so they will have a cool colour. 75% of them die in the process and the 25% that do live, get sent to petstores. That is the reason they aren't the best fish to take care of because they might die earlier in their lifetime.
lolasimm - 8 years ago
Can you have Angel fish in fresh water? Please reply
ReviewCam - 8 years ago
White cloud mountain minnows are very hardy:)
Cute sylveon Fan
Cute sylveon Fan - 8 years ago
my filter is bigger than a cup XD
Maren Gunderson
Maren Gunderson - 8 years ago
I had goldfish, but in the process of moving my one goldfish, as well as giving him a friend, they ended up both passing away. I cycled the tank for 2-3 months before adding 3 guppies, one fell ill and passed away. After awhile I got 2 more guppies. They are so very beautiful and fun to watch. My guppies will watch me on one side of the glass and will follow my finger on the glass. I really recommend them because they are so fun and eat very little food (they are quite small). You can also find some very amazing patterns if you are patient with the fish coming in to your local pet store :) (I was able to get a guppy that has a clear tail with specks on it, very cool!)
Bugoy Orquita jr
Bugoy Orquita jr - 8 years ago
What kind of fish can live in a fish without oxegyn tank? Pls help me. I'm a beginner and my son. Tnx.
jmowreader - 8 years ago
A fish tank is always going to have oxygen in it, Bugoy; the water in your tank will absorb oxygen from the air touching the top of the water. If you're talking about a fish tank with no filter...all tanks should have filters, but a betta can survive without one better than other fish because bettas have a kind of lung in their heads and they breathe air. (It's called a "labyrinth organ.")
sanveer gill
sanveer gill - 8 years ago
Do you think it's okey if I keep neon tetras because right now I have 6 (getting more soon) and they r really healthy and I have had experience with fish but a lot of people on YouTube say I shouldn't keep them but personally I think they r fine because they r healthy and happy but what do you think.
Simon Catt
Simon Catt - 8 years ago
Since when have Gymnocorymbus ternetzi been renamed as Skirt tetras and Betta Splendens as Bayters? It's Latin, (that's an ancient form of Italian) and it's pronounced 'Better Splendenz'. Oh, and I have a chocolate chip starfish, but it's somewhere unmentionable on a family website, not in my aquarium.
Bob's Dank Tanks
Bob's Dank Tanks - 8 years ago
If the chocolate chip starfish is so hardy, then can I keep it in freshwater?
Caleb Williams
Caleb Williams - 8 years ago
can you have a chocolate chip star fish in a fresh water tank?
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 8 years ago
no their nervous system will fail
carollol - 8 years ago
Wayne's world->Wayne's fish world.... I see what you did there! Nice !!!
Jess De Silva
Jess De Silva - 8 years ago
Hi! love ur chanel btw but i was wondering if i can keep those fish at 1:04 in my tank with my gold fish? and also i have my mechanical filter and chemical filters but is there any biological filters i can keep with my gold fish? thx
Jess De Silva
Jess De Silva - 8 years ago
btw i have a 60cm by 40cm tank
Solaire of Astora
Solaire of Astora - 8 years ago
my first fish was when I was 4 it was a pictus catfish me and my dad cleaned the tank every week and I loved to watch him eat
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
I wouldn't recommend bettas as begginers. they need heaters, filters, and a 3+ gallon tank. not bowl. nothing can live in a bowl.
Eric Pellegrino
Eric Pellegrino - 7 years ago
Alexis Wilson i had a betta in a bowl for 4 years
Gavin - 7 years ago
most aquariums should have those stuff period. Youll need filters for pretty much any aquarium, there may be a few exceptions, however for an aquarium, a filter is a really good thing to have. Also for the most part, you will need a heater for any other fish anyways, unless you get coldwater fish, most fish are tropical. I generally have a hard time finding coldwater fish in pet stores outside of goldfish. However outside of the basic needs, i am still with you as bettas not being the best fish, that i know of they are territorial and dont always fit the best in community tanks, so when you do get them, theyll need to be solitary, or with fish that they generally dont attack. Also they are tropical, so a heater is a must. However if people know what theyre doing and ensure they got their facts straight, bettas wont be too difficult to care for. The main issue i see with fish is when people put them in bowls, small tanks, or tanks lacking proper care/equipment.
JPs VlogUK
JPs VlogUK - 7 years ago
Alexis Wilson they need heat and they need more room than people think too
Karma Incarnate
Karma Incarnate - 7 years ago
Alexis Wilson dumbass no they don't. And still, even if what you said was true, that would be EXTREMELY easy for a fish.
BADU Grime Media
BADU Grime Media - 7 years ago
Alexis Wilson all fish need filters and 3 gallons are tiny and cheap
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 7 years ago
Ashley Fitzgerald true, but a filter is less stress on the fish and easier for you
Ashley Fitzgerald
Ashley Fitzgerald - 7 years ago
Alexis Wilson yes you should have a bigger tank but they do not need a filter if u clean the water really good
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 7 years ago
Iguana productions maybe
epic reptile show27
epic reptile show27 - 7 years ago
Alexis Wilson a microscopic creature could live in a bowl
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
I know I just mean that they aren't the best fish. A Goldfish doesent need a heater, just a bigger tank, a pond works
Connor Zerka
Connor Zerka - 8 years ago
Alexis Wilson heaters, filters, and a more than 3 gallon tank are standard for almost any fish you own.
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
Owen Wier depends on size but yeah, I forgot about guppies
Negative CUnt
Negative CUnt - 8 years ago
Alexis Wilson I only accept like max of 3 guppies with a filter in a bowl
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
QWINGEY Q the goldgish need at least a 20 gallon
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
um that's to small for all those animals.the clawed frog needs at least a 20 gallon to him self.the 3 goldfish will need about 50 or 60 gallons.

there is a very good reason why you flack from both torturing all those animals in that of space.

also all betta should live to at least be 5.just cause your 1 betta lived that long doesn't prove much cause most betta put in those conditions barely live a year or two.
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
QWINGEY Q no. the frog would kill him. and why are goldfish in a ten gallon???
AILING CHEN - 8 years ago
QWINGEY Q Get him a 5 gallon, a few decorations and possibly some low light plants and he'll be even happier. Bettas like room to roam and stimuli. You'll see a difference in his behavior as he becomes more active
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
QWINGEY Q he isn't happy. he may act "happy" bug I bet ya he's not
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
the amount of water changes needed to keep them in 1.5 gallon wouldn't be very stressful for the they need space to be able to move which 1.5 doesn't provide.
Tony Li
Tony Li - 8 years ago
Bettas are actually fine in a 1.5 gallon if you consistently do water changes and keep the temperature fair. However, if you really want to dive in to the aquarium hobby and learn, it's best to spend time researching the fish and money pimping out your aquarium. I could've chosen to put my betta in a 1 gallon bowl but I chose a 10 gallon instead. As a result, I know about various aquatic plants, the types of substrates available and some biology/chemistry. The only constraints of doing this is money and space. That's all.
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
+adrian dale no. my male is in a 5 gallon
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
that's still more gallons then 1.5 that's mainly during the drought season where they are just surviving and getting ready for rainy season.

also I say 2.5 min.
adrian dale
adrian dale - 8 years ago
youre probably one of those idiots that say 1 betta needs no less than a 50 gal tank... did you know that they survive /thrive in the wild and a 3 foot long by about 6 inch deep rice patty... get real bruh as long as you keep the water clean 1.5 gal is PERFECT!!
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
it's not bs.bettas need room to move and not poison them selves with their own poop.they only really survive in a 1.5 and not really thrive.
adrian dale
adrian dale - 8 years ago
stop spreading bs most bettas are fine in a 1.5 gallon tank
AILING CHEN - 8 years ago
Technically you can keep shrimp in a planted bowl. I'm working on mine atm. Never keep anything but shrimp in a bowl lol.
Tony Li
Tony Li - 8 years ago
Those requirements apply for almost all fish lol
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
still an easy beginner fish.
Noice - 8 years ago
+Millz Fish Tanks TV A betta doesn't need a 15 gallon tank. A 3 is good enough. But at least a 5 is even better.
Morgen M
Morgen M - 8 years ago
+Tha Gaming Fish uhm, a betta needs a 2.5 gallon minimum, some bettas get far too stressed in big tanks. I have my bettas in 5 gallons and that is very good care
Zachary Friend
Zachary Friend - 8 years ago
Sorry of asking a question 6 months later, but do you think Fancy guppies are a good beginner fish and a hardy fish?
AILING CHEN - 8 years ago
My friend had 5 guppies that eventually became 20+ haha.
jmowreader - 8 years ago
There are three problems with guppies, and neither is all that huge.
Problem 1: if you want guppies to have a good life they need salt - special aquarium salt, at least one tablespoon per five gallons. Guppies can live in water that's saltier than seawater, so if you get a little too much in there, no problem! A lot of other fish can't handle any salt, so if you want guppies plus other fish you need to pick "other fish" that like salty water.
Problem 2: guppies can't live alone. They're a schooling fish and need several friends. If you can get a 20-gallon aquarium, put 20 guppies in it and they'll be happy campers.
Problem 3: guppies breed quickly.
Wernbread - 8 years ago
Do Amano Shirmps and a school of Neon Tetras go good together?
Brookey Saugat
Brookey Saugat - 8 years ago
can i put betta, sword tail and corey cat fish together in a dame tank???
Mary Harper
Mary Harper - 8 years ago
You definitely need a larger tank if you want to have a betta with a tank mate. The more room you have, the less the betta feels his territory is being threatend
Mvx _03
Mvx _03 - 8 years ago
+Clorox Bleach did you really get an iPad
Holly Stamps
Holly Stamps - 8 years ago
+Pokemon Go _ thank you. your ipad has been sent.
lolasimm - 8 years ago
+Holly Stamps
Holly Stamps
Holly Stamps - 8 years ago
+Pokemon Go _
Brookey Saugat
Brookey Saugat - 8 years ago
+Lolapolarbear ok.....i will put them together
lolasimm - 8 years ago
+Miss Morgen A *she
Morgen M
Morgen M - 8 years ago
Like sh3 said, it really depends on the betta
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
Cory yes sword tail depends on the betta. some nip some dont
Mia Thompson
Mia Thompson - 8 years ago
Hi there Wayne. I just want to apolygise for commenting this 6 months after the video was published but I have only just gotton into the hobby in the past two weeks or so.

Ok, so.. you said that Bettas are the best fish for beginners. Therefore, I have a few questions about these and trust that you would give me bettter answers than most people on the internet.

- My Dad says that these fish are really agressive as they are fighting fish, is this true?
- Following on from the previous question, is it possible to keep multiple betta fish together?
- Are they considered 'tropical' fish and what does that mean?

Thanks for the help,
Mia Thompson
Mia Thompson - 8 years ago
+jmowreader thanks!
jmowreader - 8 years ago
Hi Mia. Bettas only fight with fish that they think look like other bettas. If you have a tank with short-finned fish in it, a betta will just swim around and look pretty.
Rainbow Mustachio
Rainbow Mustachio - 8 years ago
+Wayne's Fish World I Have 10 Mollies, 2 Pink Zebra Danios, 2 Red Swordtails, 2 Platys, And 2 Guppies. Are My Fish Good For Beginners?
Mia Thompson
Mia Thompson - 8 years ago
Thanks! I will definitely go and check those out right now! You've been a great help!
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 8 years ago
first of all, no apologizes needed, second thank you for trusting me

third bettas aren't aggressive as people think they are, its not a good idea to house with with guppies since their long fins kinda look like a betta's you can keep multiple females together, only 1 male. they are TROPICAL, and it means they like to have water around 75 deg ......i started a video searies called, "my first aqaurium" go to my playlist on my channel and check it out. i also have a how to care guide for bettas
Kaelee McCoy
Kaelee McCoy - 8 years ago
I am putting a betta in my 10 gallon tank once I cycle the tank
yamaha is daaa best
yamaha is daaa best - 8 years ago
+FarAwayInABlueGalaxy i think a betta shouldnt be kept in anything smaller then 5 gallons but a betta should be fine in a 3 gallon or bigger.
D4RKSID3OFSP4C3 - 8 years ago
adrian dale I dont mean to jump in here randomly... But I just wanted to say that In my opinion 3 gallons is too small for a betta...
yamaha is daaa best
yamaha is daaa best - 8 years ago
Lolapolarbear :3 are you dumb??!! plz do your research before you yell at others. bettas NEED AT LEAST 3 GALLONS
adrian dale
adrian dale - 8 years ago
10 gallon is to small LMFAO what a asshat... get yourself a 1.5 to 3 gallon tank with a good filter and a heater youll be golden
lolasimm - 8 years ago
+Millz Fish Tanks TV wtf my Best friend has 3 bettas and its in a 5/6 gallon tank they are heathy and alive, a 10 gallon tank is way to much space for 1 beta really get your info correct
Before I say this, I'm ugly.
Before I say this, I'm ugly. - 8 years ago
+Tha Gaming Fish Bruh. 10 gallons is not too small. Where are you getting your info from??
jian mamuyac
jian mamuyac - 8 years ago
R.I.P Headphone users...
YKLB Fish - 8 years ago
Hey Wayne, do you approve of my list for my fish I'm getting in my forty five gallon aquarium? What I'm thinking of is one striped Raphael catfish, three Siamese algae eaters, 2 pearl gourami, 6 black skirt tetras and three silver dollars.
jmowreader - 8 years ago
I'm not real fond of putting silver dollars in with gouramis. Gouramis need a lot of plants in the tank. Silver dollars will slurp down all the plants in your tank in about a week if you give them half the chance.
Before I say this, I'm ugly.
Before I say this, I'm ugly. - 8 years ago
You should use aqadvisor. It works
Joseph Jones
Joseph Jones - 8 years ago
I had a male tiger barb and an Angel fish. The tiger went missing, when I lifted up my Insert he was mutilated. Are females the aggressive?
Gosh Hecking Elder Dragons
Gosh Hecking Elder Dragons - 8 years ago
All my tetra died
Gosh Hecking Elder Dragons
Gosh Hecking Elder Dragons - 8 years ago
its fine
Makayla Foley
Makayla Foley - 8 years ago
+Lolapolarbear :3 Why would you laugh at some said there fish died thats a little disrespectful.
lolasimm - 8 years ago
+Happy Sasha ok haha but Rip
Gosh Hecking Elder Dragons
Gosh Hecking Elder Dragons - 8 years ago
They were neons
Arabinda Das
Arabinda Das - 8 years ago
hi.... can you plz tell me is Tiger BARB a hardy fish & which are its tank mates
What tempearure do I need 2 set during winter in the heater.
ima book
ima book - 8 years ago
if I put a zebra danio alone in a 1 gallon will it be fine with that?
Relish The_Moment17
Relish The_Moment17 - 8 years ago
I have never had a fish and my b day is coming up I have seen a Flowerhorn and right away it caught my eye and I am getting a 55 gal tank do u think I am capable of this challenge
Kae Hume
Kae Hume - 8 years ago
one time one of my tetras nipped at my neon blue dwarf gourami..the gourami put her in her place and none of the other tetras nipped at any other fish (aside from each other) again
Shane Desir
Shane Desir - 8 years ago
new aquarium keepers can get the robot fish at your local drug store
Shane Desir
Shane Desir - 8 years ago
+I'm Confused
Marco aye
Marco aye - 8 years ago
I Dumbo
I Dumbo - 8 years ago
Is a black skirt tetra ok with a female Betta
mehdi benferhat
mehdi benferhat - 8 years ago
were are you??????
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 8 years ago
i was standing in my fish room
I Dumbo
I Dumbo - 8 years ago
What about bala barbs they look like sharks are they ok with neon tetras and others
jmowreader - 8 years ago
Bala sharks grow to about a foot long. If you've got a 125-gallon aquarium, then okay.
Tetra 430
Tetra 430 - 8 years ago
Can I put numbers 5, 3, and 2 in the same tank?
Mark Copley
Mark Copley - 8 years ago
Betta splendens have very short life span maybe two years
stivenburg - 8 years ago
Bettas tend to have short life spans due to the misconceptions surrounding the fish. It really isn't a good starter fish.
adrian dale
adrian dale - 8 years ago
no but its a good place for you to start
Mark Copley
Mark Copley - 8 years ago
Is google your level of research
adrian dale
adrian dale - 8 years ago
Mark Copley google betta lifespan
Mark Copley
Mark Copley - 8 years ago
really thats not what I have read
adrian dale
adrian dale - 8 years ago
Mark Copley they live to be around 5 years old... depending how there cared for
reid savolainen
reid savolainen - 8 years ago
would one Oscar be suitable in a 55 gallon tank?
jmowreader - 8 years ago
Let me ask: Would YOU want to live your entire life alone? Well, neither do fish.
Unless you can provide a very large aquarium, like a 300-gallon one, Oscars aren't really the fish for you. If you want to keep cichlids, how about Jack Dempseys or Firemouths? You can keep three or five of them (never keep cichlids in even numbers because they'll go to war against each other) in a 55 and they're a lot more entertaining than an Oscar is.
Noice - 8 years ago
No. Yes, they are small when you get them, but they will soon outgrow your tank. They can get to 8-14 inches long.
Marco aye
Marco aye - 8 years ago
of course
Ben Donaldson
Ben Donaldson - 8 years ago
Lol this guy acts like people are arguing with him.
Stef Styl
Stef Styl - 8 years ago
3 feet square fore bettas
Steak Medrare
Steak Medrare - 8 years ago
how many neon tetras could i put in my 10 gallon tank? can I put other fish with them?
Ana nas
Ana nas - 8 years ago
i love white cloud minnows, they're such a delight in a large school
Justin Williamson
Justin Williamson - 8 years ago
Nice video, I like your style, I don't keep fish anymore, but I still enjoy seeing other peoples tanks and talking fish keeping, keep posting!
AquaDart - 8 years ago
yeah my skirt tetra has survived my annoying dwarf gourami (chases everything) and crappy water :)
Trae Davis
Trae Davis - 8 years ago
Did you burp and didn't say excuse me...ummm
Trae Davis
Trae Davis - 8 years ago
+Vintage Turquoise lol
Vintage Turquoise
Vintage Turquoise - 8 years ago
As soon as I noticed that, I looked at the comments and saw yours right away lol
b.a. Warman
b.a. Warman - 8 years ago
Realy like this new format for videos. Great stuff, congrats.
ShinyGoldBacon - 8 years ago
Personally I think a standard 5 gallon is a good minimum for a betta. It's an adequate volume and footprint, but bigger is better. Or should I say, bigger is betta? :)
Patrick Hempe
Patrick Hempe - 8 years ago
+ShinyGoldBacon No worries, joke is just fine!!
ShinyGoldBacon - 8 years ago
+Patrick Hempe Ah, I thought you were teasing about the tank size. Nah, you're right, the better betta joke was lame.
Patrick Hempe
Patrick Hempe - 8 years ago
+ShinyGoldBacon i m sorry if i gave you the impression i was being rude, i wasn t trying to be.
I was, in fact reacting to the bigger is betta remark you! made, , i actually thought it was funny ,
anyway 7öm 6
ShinyGoldBacon - 8 years ago
+Patrick Hempe You can disagree if you want but don't be rude about it. I'm just suggesting what I think is good enough to maximize chances to keep one of these fish healthy.
Patrick Hempe
Patrick Hempe - 8 years ago
hahaha, that is so lame, and still funny,lol!
Patrick Hempe
Patrick Hempe - 8 years ago
hahaha, 4hat is to
Sweet Cakes10950
Sweet Cakes10950 - 8 years ago
I am getting a beta fish tomorrow and I'm really excited!!! I have done a lot of research!!
KantoKraze - 8 years ago
+Patrick Hempe males and females cant go together unless you are breeding. also, females cant be together unless in at LEAST a twenty gallon with 5+ girls. thats called a sorority tank, and is very hard to care for.
Patrick Hempe
Patrick Hempe - 8 years ago
Oh wow, i love em , i want them too again,
just a little tank, with a male and 3 girl betta s,
Sweet Cakes10950
Sweet Cakes10950 - 8 years ago
Kiran Cotting
Kiran Cotting - 8 years ago
?whats that black and white fish in the video
im bored
im bored - 8 years ago
I started with a betta and a couple goldfish I'm different things though
Justice McClendon
Justice McClendon - 8 years ago
Can you do a video top ten first advanced care level fish for your aquarium?
Wayne Lie
Wayne Lie - 8 years ago
I have the zebra dineows
Wayne Lie
Wayne Lie - 8 years ago
1:17 on the bottom left is the type of angelfish I have
TheHillbillyHybrid - 8 years ago
please do a video on your outdoor pond
Sameena Arr
Sameena Arr - 8 years ago
Thank youuuu !! X
sevenmile - 8 years ago
5:49 .....I didn't design these fish! Love it
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 8 years ago
+sevenmile he he
sinned2080 - 8 years ago
lol your burp mid sentence. 6:22
Ayan Debnath
Ayan Debnath - 8 years ago
is this good combination? Fancy Guppies + Neon Tetra + Blue Ram Cichlid
(also may be) + Pineapple Swordtail
James Rios
James Rios - 8 years ago
i've wanted a fish so badly
Unrated Account
Unrated Account - 8 years ago
My top list is similar to yours.
5. Convict Cichlid. pros: Very Hardy, easy to care for, easy to breed, great personality, energetic easy to find. Cons: VERY Aggresive, and needs a decent sized tank (30 gallons)
4. Tiger Barbs Pros: Easy to find, very energetic, super hardy, schooling fish. Cons: Could be at times aggresive, needs a school of 5 so you need a good sized tank
3. Zebra Danios Pros: Easy to find, hardy, very energetic, schooling Cons: Small
2. Black molly Pros: SUPER Hardy, can live in brakish water, easy to breed, energetic Cons: Not a lot of color (I like them)
1: Betta Pros: Super hardy, super colorful, one of the most common fish to find, not to hard to breed Cons: people believe that they can live in 1 gallon bowls
Gamer Freak2104
Gamer Freak2104 - 8 years ago
I have GloFish I really like the way they glow I
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank - 8 years ago
you are doing a great job on your post you are right on there
Black Notebook
Black Notebook - 8 years ago
Anybody know the name of the white and black fish at 1:52 ?
Black Notebook
Black Notebook - 8 years ago
+Wayne's Fish World Thanks Wayne!
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 8 years ago
+Black Notebook its a panther grouper, salt water they get hugeee
Kicking Dude
Kicking Dude - 8 years ago
Could I have one tiger barb with guppies.
harble garble
harble garble - 8 years ago
my fancy guppy lives with 2 zebra diano and 1 lepord diano and 5 glow fish he's fine he actually beats up the glows
Zero Z
Zero Z - 8 years ago
I'm surprised that the mosquito fish isn't on here, I have 4 and are really hardy and easy to care for
jmowreader - 8 years ago
Gambusia are basically an aggressive, ugly guppy.
abhinav reddy
abhinav reddy - 8 years ago
thank u
Carolinagirl1028 - 8 years ago
Have to say I agree with your number 1 choice completely. Bettas are what got me started in fish keeping. Yes, they are often misunderstood and not cared for properly, but like it or not they can normally survive the mistakes beginning fish keepers make. Great video!
OverlordSheepie - 8 years ago
What about guppies?
JR - 8 years ago
Been having fresh water fish for 2 years and I have learn so much this is my aquarium 55 gal I have Tetras Guppies Angel Fish Red tail and Rainbow shark those two are semi aggresive fish so you have to be prepare if they fight territorial but mine do get along and discus a discus is not for beginers they are delicate fish they eat frozen worms and there ph level needs to be good also they get stress out really fast I have 4 small ones I also have a black ghost knifefish I love my fish they all get along the temp is at 84 F a bit high sonce my discuss love warmer water than the other fish
POV Antagonist
POV Antagonist - 8 years ago
can i have one male beta and three cory catfish in one 55 gallon tank?
April Scott
April Scott - 8 years ago
hi wayne love your videos I have a question I've looked all over the net and can't get a for sure answer so I thought I would try you can you tell me if API general cure is safe for snails and shrimp the ingredients in it are metronidazole and praziquantel I have apple snails and ghost shrimp thanks
abhinav reddy
abhinav reddy - 8 years ago
can I grow gold fish in a pot
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 8 years ago
+abhinav reddy maybe a veryyyyy large pot, but seriously no i wouldn't suggest that, they get too big
RyansAquarium - 8 years ago
White clouds. Best beginner fish.
TheZeles - 8 years ago
Did you burp at 6:22?
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 8 years ago
+TheZeles better out then in i always say. lol honestly didn't even know it was coming
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 8 years ago
My top 5 is
5-Angel fish
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
+Alexis Wilson they can be slightly difficult for some begginers
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
I personally believe bettas are not good for begginers. the require tanks like all fish. they need heaters. I don't use a heater cause my tank stays warm but anyway they can not live in bowls
MarkSamurai5 - 8 years ago
Don't forget the heater
Andrew Cao
Andrew Cao - 8 years ago
Could I have 6 Neon Tetras with a Puffer Fish?
Andrew Cao
Andrew Cao - 8 years ago
+Wayne's Fish World ok thank you.
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 8 years ago
+Andrew Cao if its a smaller puffer like the figure 8 and the indian puffer then yes
Lacq - 8 years ago
I had a beta in an 85 gallon tank, loved it, looked a lot happier in the tank than at the shop
Torie Smith
Torie Smith - 8 years ago
what about goldfish ?
AnnaAndBanana - 8 years ago
I've kept goldfish for 6 years and now i'd like to keep tropical fish too. I've got a 10 gallon, what fish would go well together and how many of each could I put in to create a nice community tank? preferably the prettier the fish the better :) thanks
jmowreader - 8 years ago
You have to keep goldfish with other coldwater fish. Anything with "minnow" in its name would be okay.
Mohammed Ali
Mohammed Ali - 8 years ago
I had some zebra danios that died in my tank because of fish disease how ever all my cloud mountain minnows are still alive so I personally would go for cloud mountain minnows as most hardy fish they can survive dirty water.
Marty Lynchian
Marty Lynchian - 8 years ago
Hey asshole, Cherry barbs, Golden barbs do not nip!
Kane Williams
Kane Williams - 8 years ago
I bet the goldfish is click bait for people who know goldfish aren't beginner fish
Kane Williams
Kane Williams - 8 years ago
i mean for beginner pet owner, which is usually who will see this video
PersianinSweden - 8 years ago
+kane williams I have 5 Goldfish of different sizes and kinds, regular and fancy. It isn't really hard to take care of them. It's a little bit irritating cleaning the filter every week but that's mostly it. If you think that is hard then you should not be in this hobby.
Kane Williams
Kane Williams - 8 years ago
Thanks for replying wayne, i just feel strongly about goldfish as i all too often see them abused as "starter fish"
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 8 years ago
+kane williams in the future this video will have its counter part
Kane Williams
Kane Williams - 8 years ago
Take it from someone who owns them, no they are not
PersianinSweden - 8 years ago
Umm goldfish are incredibly easy, it's just that they shit to much!
henry santos
henry santos - 8 years ago
henry santos
henry santos - 8 years ago
I have a obieno yet a
mlp universe
mlp universe - 8 years ago
My betta is in a half gallon bowl and loves it and is a psychopath even killed a shrimp i had as big as itself for no reason
Lauren Allen
Lauren Allen - 8 years ago
And this kids, is why you do your research
Kristofer Soultz
Kristofer Soultz - 8 years ago
And no mention of Goldfish anywhere, then again everyone is convinced when you give a goldfish to a child it will be dead in two weaks so they probably do not count as "Hardy." Then again, the Oscars at my local walmart seem imortal, and I wand to buy some. I do not want to buy a tank large enough for them though (because I do not have 3k to drop on a fishtank) so I was wondering if you knew of a good source of info for Building a fishtank.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
they actually don't make that much of a mess.for their size they are fairly clean.they are just big fish meaning they need more food and have bigger poops making them dirtier then your tiny tetra which eats less food and makes littler poops.
jmowreader - 8 years ago
Goldfish are coldwater fish that like to pollute their aquariums. If you want goldfish, and a lot of people do, they need to be in a tank that's just a goldfish tank and it needs to have a lot of filtration - if you have a 20-gallon tank, put a filter for a 40-gallon tank on it.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
the reason is they are to not the best choice for the average beginner.

also buy second hand/look in the craigslist free section.I see good sized fish tanks on craigslist all the time for real they have the added benefit of coming with equipment you'd need to start and possibly the stand.
Kane Williams
Kane Williams - 8 years ago
Goldfish are hardy just not indestructible, they won't survive in a bowl
Steven Zhang
Steven Zhang - 8 years ago
Goldfish are easy lol
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 8 years ago
+Steven Zhang wow you dont know anything about common/comet/shubunkin goldfish well take a look the longest living goldfish lived in a 60
gallon for 4O years while if you put it in a 10 gallon,20 gallon 5 gallon it will probably live 5-15 years,20 years and above is the normal length of their lives so if it doesnt live for 20 years that means it is not properly cared for
Steven Zhang
Steven Zhang - 8 years ago
+Erickson Neithann Ruaro One goldfish doesn't need 50 gallons
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 8 years ago
And they also produce alot of waste
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 8 years ago
Common/comet/shubunkin goldfish needs 50 gallon per fish while fancies need 20 gallon per fish so is that easy you fish noob
Forgot3nBurrito - 8 years ago
PetSmart and PetCo should have a TV in the fish department with this on a loop. It would save so many fish and save people a lot of frustration they experience when choosing the wrong fish.
Detra Isham
Detra Isham - 7 years ago
Forgot3nBurrito they must enjoy killing millions of inicent fish. They also care more about selling colourful abused fish to little irisponsible children who don't do their research on care. They just want money, not satisfied customers and animals.
AnimalLifestyle - 7 years ago
Terrae Spiritus Petco and Petsmart don't even care
Terrae Spiritus
Terrae Spiritus - 8 years ago
+UrrHurrBaaDurr Of course they will not sell dead fish to anyone. But that doesn't mean you won't see dead fish at Wal-Mart. I personally saw dead fish inside their tanks and dead bettas in their containers. The whole thing was unnecessary and could've been prevented had they fired the incompetent idiots they have working there and hire some good decent people who will do their job.
_AlienTacos_ - 8 years ago
Walmart does not sell dead fish. They sell sick fish and fish that are not being taken care of properly. "Walmart won't hire someone with experience like me, because any employee can bag and sell fish." - Wayne from Wayne's Fish World
Before I say this, I'm ugly.
Before I say this, I'm ugly. - 8 years ago
+Tha Gaming Fish They take better care than Walmart. A store like Walmart shouldn't be selling fish
Before I say this, I'm ugly.
Before I say this, I'm ugly. - 8 years ago
+Tha Gaming Fish ...Why?
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
+Terrae Spiritus either that or improve their care
TheAZgames - 8 years ago
Terrae Spiritus
Terrae Spiritus - 8 years ago
+Edwin Morales I know...It fucking breaks my heart to see these poor animals neglected so horribly, especially Bettas....I have complained ( And believe me I'm not one of those whiney fickle customers who complains about every little thing like a bitch ) when I saw the bettas in literally in an inch of water in those plastic containers. To me that was too much and crossing the line.
Edwin Morales
Edwin Morales - 8 years ago
+Terrae Spiritus I agree with you
WalMart doesn't take care of them well and sells people dead fish.
Terrae Spiritus
Terrae Spiritus - 8 years ago
I 100% agree on that. Further more Wal-Mart should stop selling fish period!
David Loto
David Loto - 8 years ago
Do top five worst fish for beginners / most challenging
jmowreader - 8 years ago
I'm going to make five groups of fishes...

(5) Plecostomus catfish, bala sharks, pacu, clown loaches, arowana, paroon sharks, and kissing gouramis. I put all these guys together because they're nice, mellow, sedate fish that get huge quick. The smallest fish on this list is the clown loach and they get a foot long. The biggest fish is the paroon shark, which will get ten feet long if you're not careful.

(4) Chinese algae eaters. Better known among serious aquarists as Chinese fish killers, a Chinese algae eater will attempt to eat the rest of the fish in your tank, and he'll probably do it too. They're also ugly, boring and huge. And they don't eat algae. Chinese algae eaters suck.

(3) Oscars and Piranhas. AKA the Tasmanian devils of the aquarium. There is one huge difference between these massive piscivorous fish: The Oscar, like most predatory fish, will eat only what it can swallow whole - meaning that conceivably you can house Oscars with things like big plecos. Piranhas take bites out of their prey, so they can eat anything that's less aggressive than they are.

(2) Chaca catfish. There are two you might run into in your travels: Chaca chaca and Chaca bankanensis. This animal eats nothing but live fish. It's venomous to a greater degree than most other catfishes, especially if you step on one. It can eat a fish half as big as it is. It is butt-ugly. And it will severely acidify the water in your tank. Plus, it lives by burying itself in the sand base of your aquarium and lying in wait for prey to swim by. (A proper Chaca tank has a lot of leaf litter on the sand; the fish likes to burrow under leaves.) It gets its name because if you pull the Chaca chaca out of the water, it'll scream "chaca! chaca! chaca!" until you throw it back.

(1) Freshwater puffers. All freshwater puffers are extremely sensitive to the condition of their water...and the fish is a messy eater. Almost all of them are unwilling to live with other species of fish. A dwarf puffer, which gets about an inch long, is thoroughly capable of taking out a six-inch fish. Also, most puffers are quite predatory.

(0) Discus. The discus is one of the most beautiful of all freshwater fish. It's also one of the hardest fish to keep alive. It's a big fish so it needs a big, and especially a tall, aquarium - many discus lovers keep their charges in 150-gallon tall tanks. They have to be kept in groups. They are unbelievably sensitive to water quality. They need higher temperatures than other fish. These little bastards are every bit as hard to maintain as marine fish; their only saving grace is they're as dazzling as marine fish.
Eugenio Vazquez
Eugenio Vazquez - 8 years ago
Excellent video. I'm just surprised you don't have goldfish in the top 5. Goldfishes can live in your toilet bowl water
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
they are to big and it's very cruel to stress them out till they stunt.
Raiyanblader - 8 years ago
... you said neon tetras were delicate.... MINE WAS KEPT ALIVE IN MY 10 GALLON FOR 3 YEARS AND COUNTING!!! XD i really dont do water changes either but nice job :D i kept most of the fish you said here for 4 years in a 10 gallon but dont worry... im upgrading to a 20 gallon within a period of 2-3 weeks or so ( i already bought the tank) but can you tell me if this is too overstocked for a 20 gallon with 2 filters?
1 neon tetra
1 red minor tetra
1 zebra danio
1 cory cat
1 male betta
1 black kuhli loach...
so is this too overstocked?
Raiyanblader - 8 years ago
Marco aye
Marco aye - 8 years ago
+QWERTY DVORAK lol in a water bottle
Bubba Smith
Bubba Smith - 8 years ago
hey can u help me I have an oscar and once a year he's aggressive to the other fish in this tank.....please help dont no y
pancudowny - 8 years ago
I rescued four marbled Angelfish from a tank shared with Black Tetras at my local Wal-Mart... One, with it's pectoral AND dorsal fins nipped down to nubs, alone survived quarantine & re-grew its fins. I named it "Chop-top"... for obvious reasons... and it's bonded with a Yellow-Koi Angelfish ("Sunny") I previously rescued from Meijers. They are currently in a 40-gal. breeder tank... and doing well as part of a community consisting of a male Silver Dollar (Mr. Dinero), two (one big female, one small male) Blood- Parrot Cichlids ("Jude" & "Little Nicky"), a common Plecostomous ("Freckles") and a 12" Iridescent Shark ("Spot"... for the small, silvery spot mid-flank, below its dorsal-fin on its left side).
Saffron White
Saffron White - 8 years ago
How can I keep my tank cold? It's a 20gallon (axolotls) and I can't afford a chiller. Using ice packs causes too much fluctuation so I can't do that. It's 21*C, but should be 10-20. :/
Jhon Miguel Villanueva
Jhon Miguel Villanueva - 9 years ago
that true, i keep my betta in a 1liter jar
Serbia Strong
Serbia Strong - 9 years ago
you earned a subscriber! I have a 5.5 gallon with a betta.....and a loach clown,i know I know,they need a huge tank but the petstore said they would be fine in a small tank! anyway I'm thinking up upgrading to a 30 gallon with some Corys and tigerbarbs
Patti Phillips
Patti Phillips - 8 years ago
Great video, Wayne! How fascinating that my tetras are doing well, and they are on your list as good fish for beginners. I'm learning to laugh when the nip at each other, as you said "It's what they do." - Patti
Serbia Strong
Serbia Strong - 8 years ago
+Wayne's Fish World haha,sounds good thanks. And I'd love a 55 gallon but there just isn't room
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 8 years ago
dear god, i read that as "can i put a red tail cat in my 30 gallon" lmao. yeah it would do better in a 55 but one can fit in a 30
Serbia Strong
Serbia Strong - 8 years ago
+Wayne's Fish World deifnelty,hey quick question btw,could I put a red tail shark in a 30 gallon? my calculator says I can but some people say they need at least a 55
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 8 years ago
+Brendan Ocallaghanic sounds like they wanted a sale from that clown loach
2kgod - 9 years ago
hi it is gold fish 1 ok and your mom
Keannyn Bartschi
Keannyn Bartschi - 9 years ago
would the black skirt also go for the black skirt longfin and the red minor or Res minor longfin
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 8 years ago
All tetras can live together
star and fox
star and fox - 9 years ago
I would say the rosy red would be a good choice.hardy,cheap,doesn't reproduce a lot and has a short life span so it's fish that can get someones feet wet with out having to get into to huge a comment.
Nolan Q
Nolan Q - 9 years ago
You should have had "spotted" raphael catfish i had a tank once and EVERTHING in it stopped working kileed all of my cichlids and he was and is still alive and that was like 2 years ago now hes about 5 inches long.
Matt 3756
Matt 3756 - 9 years ago
I have a large grouper in a 300 gallon is that a good size tank
TotalNick41 - 9 years ago
you explain yourself and this stuff well and straightforward. good job, sub holds up thumbs up
Luis  Cruz
Luis Cruz - 9 years ago
cool thanks do you know what bottom fetters that go good with them cuz i wanted maylayshion trumpet snail but i hear they multiply fast or what about otocinlus
Luis  Cruz
Luis Cruz - 9 years ago
I just got started and have two Angel fish can i put zebra daino's in there and tiger barbs in their with out any problems
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 9 years ago
+Luis Cruz tiger barbs are going to nip at the angels, when the angels get big they won't stand for it.
zebra dainos are a good choice
Jack smith
Jack smith - 9 years ago
I thought neons were good beginner fish? I used mine for a fish in cycle on my 15 gallon and they seem to be very hardy. They even spawned twice during the cycling process. I was using fluval cycle with them and their tank was cycling for a week before adding the fish aswell. I would recomend them as a begginer fish.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
neons aren't that hardy.if you happen to get lucky and have soft water your fine but if you have hard water well they aren't that hardy and would die pretty fast.
Jessy Dee
Jessy Dee - 9 years ago
Help? I have a shit load of fish and my 2 year old cousin really enjoys them. I have been in the hobby for nearly 2 years and have only had tetras, cory cats, bettas and goldies. My auntie says "can I get a goldfish for Riley?" and I said no bcuz of yada yada but I suggsested bettas because they are very hardy and quite easy fish to care for but they said bettas r BORING because you can only have 1 OF THEM. And I said I'd buy them a 5 gallon for the betta... WHAT TO DO?!?!? D';
Jessy Dee
Jessy Dee - 9 years ago
+Wayne's Fish World Ik but in a 5 GALLON?! Its rlly hard because I know the fish wont get correct treatment as my aunt has never had fish besides goldies in bowls so \(o.o)/
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 9 years ago
+Aqua Bloom you can mix bettas with certain fish
MsArtemis01 - 9 years ago
Of course my first set of fishes are neon tetras, rummy nose and X-ray Tetras. Once I got a handle on my neon tetras of not killing them, they are good fish to have. My rummy nose tetras was a bit of a pain and got ich in my tank. However, I am treating my tank, but they haven't died from ich yet. I caught it very early. They are my most active fish in the tank and they love playing in the output nozzle on my fluval, and just riding the wave it produces. Now they got all my fish doing it. It's cute. It's was strange at first because the nozzle was just shooting forward. That's when I tilted my output nozzle to the side and they love it. Once I added more planets and diftwood into the tank, they are more calm now. I had to adjust my tank more for them to settle down. That is key in getting tetras. So, I just hope my planets can take the heat until this ich outbreak is over. My X-ray tetras are just champions. Nothing is phasing them.
Maverick Hunter
Maverick Hunter - 9 years ago
Can you run a canister filter on a fowlr.I was thinking about it and because I'm not going to have a reef.The only thing I really need is filtration to get out the heavy waste that won't be eaten by the cleanup crew.And the live rock will serve as the biological filtaration.
CichlidGuy915 - 9 years ago
Great video dude! and good list! where was youtube when I was starting as a kid! LOL!
adler guerrero
adler guerrero - 9 years ago
nice video man!!! keep it up!!!!
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 9 years ago
+manuel santos thanks bud will do
Kristen Landman
Kristen Landman - 9 years ago
I like how you didn't say goldfish. I think a lot of people start with those guys and don't realize they cannot thrive in a bowl.
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 9 years ago
+Kristen Landman wellll welllllll wellllllll look who it is :) yeah i don't like when people recommended them for beginners either.
You tube
You tube - 9 years ago
I got piranha i hope it goes good :D
You tube
You tube - 9 years ago
+Wayne's Fish World well I am going to get piranha
You tube
You tube - 9 years ago
+Wayne's Fish World no why?
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 9 years ago
+manuel 1290 do you have a piranah or pacu?
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 9 years ago
Wayne can you tell what species my angel is they said it is a tri-colored but it looks like that it is not,also can you tell the gender and if it is mature
Jovaughn Deforrest
Jovaughn Deforrest - 9 years ago
plz make a video about your problem with glowfish
grettagrids - 7 years ago
GLOfish dont live long and prone to health issues.. I have always seen them get misshapen and die in 6 months. ANGELFISH? well mine are 5 yrs old and 4 in a 20 gal tank.
star and fox
star and fox - 9 years ago
so far I have not seen a good reason yet to hate on these fish other then ignorance.

also the colors are for more then just show and can be used as a way to tell if something is going wrong in a tank way before any fish are a healthy tank their colors will be a stable color and their color shouldn't be to bright or to dull.if their color is to dull it means their sick/there's a disease in your tank.if their colors go really bright it means there is high levels of ammonia or other chemical compound.
Jwhiser1302 - 9 years ago
+Squirles G no problem man
Squirles G
Squirles G - 9 years ago
+Jwhiser1302 well thank you for that my research was clearly out dated lmao
Jwhiser1302 - 9 years ago
+Squirles G glow fish are not injected, dyeing or otherwise. They're genetically modified by a company in Houston that owns the patent with jellyfish DNA. This company breeds said fish, then while the fish are in embryo (while still inside the egg) they use the jellyfish DNA to achieve those colors. So, they are not what a lot of people think they are. Amazonas magazine even published an article on these fish a few issues back. Research and due diligence go a long way!! No to mention, the practice of dyeing, tattooing and or injecting fish to achieve different colors isn't done nearly as much as is was back 5-10 years ago.
Squirles G
Squirles G - 9 years ago
What's to explain they're genetically modified to entertain humans they're bred in horrible conditions and injected with those colors and some of them won't even last long just something to attract kids to beg their parents to buy them fish and make sale
Jwhiser1302 - 9 years ago
Second this comment
Two Flaps
Two Flaps - 9 years ago
great video once again
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 9 years ago
+Two Flaps thanks a lot man
John Jp
John Jp - 9 years ago
Yea i hear ubro!!! Dustin is awesome to i love hos channel!!! But atleast u got a saltwater tank to!!! I always enjoy ur vid keep em comin brotha!!!!
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 8 years ago
 ohhh thats my electric blue acaras i have a video on them
tteezzrreell - 8 years ago
that big blue one at 1:23. its in a tank with some angels, its the bottom left screen.
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 8 years ago
what part of the video?
tteezzrreell - 8 years ago
+Wayne's Fish World bottom right at 1:23, the blue one, can you please tell me what fish that is??? i love that fish!
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 9 years ago
+John Jp yupe dustin is a good guy thanks man i will
NaturallyLovely - 9 years ago
That rack system is awesome Wayne I'm planning out a bookshelf tank design, can you go make a video on the racking system design I would love an opinion on proper setup! Nice video Wayne as always...
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 9 years ago
+NaturallyLovely yes there will be a full out video for this in the future
Lunesta 93
Lunesta 93 - 9 years ago
should do one for saltwater too
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 9 years ago
+Diego Reyes already planned on it in the future, it will come buddy
Molson2889 - 9 years ago
Great video. Awesome info, are those all your tanks??
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 9 years ago
+Molson2889 yeah buddy, keep up to date with my videos, this is part of a new racking system
John Jp
John Jp - 9 years ago
Awesome as always brotha!!!! Always love ur vidz keep em comin!!!! Have u decide what ur gonna do with the saltwater tank? Glad to see ur vid again keep em comin always look forward to watch ur vids on sunday bud!!!
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 9 years ago
+John Jp thanks man its nice to see the love, yeah i always upload on sunday, unfortunately a lot of my subscribers don't see that, because joey and dustin always appear right on your youtube page when you open it, but its all good, its just the way youtube's new layout is, its funny how i had half the subscribers and twice the views haha, its because back then people saw my thumbnail
Cowboy Russell
Cowboy Russell - 9 years ago
Go Denver broncos
PS4 Genius
PS4 Genius - 9 years ago
Young Woodsman
Young Woodsman - 9 years ago
Thank you for the video... You are truly honest and say everything that is needed
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 9 years ago
+UpsideDown Aquatics i never put on a front for you guys, you know that haha stay tuned
Lucas Pierceson
Lucas Pierceson - 9 years ago
Great video. I've been meaning to ask since I've seen it now in several of your videos, what is the name of the spotted saltwater fish at 1:52 in this video? Awesome looking fish that I'd love to know more about.
biggemick - 9 years ago
+Lucas Pierceson it's a Panther Grouper
SevernRunAquatics - 9 years ago
Totally agree with you on this video Wayne! Where are you in this? I like this style of video keep doing it.
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 9 years ago
SevernRunAquatics - 9 years ago
+Wayne's Fish World I look forward to every week. Count on it man!
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 9 years ago
 ohhhh trust me i know about working being rough my last job was....well it got me here so thats good, but tank on man, and check in as much as you can i love see everyone engaged in this hobby/pet keeping
SevernRunAquatics - 9 years ago
+Wayne's Fish World works rough lately. That looks dope man!
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 9 years ago
+SevernRunAquatics you need to keep up with my updates man, its mine, its another sneak peak of the racking system i've been talking about
Money Bags
Money Bags - 9 years ago
Nice informative video keep up the good work
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 9 years ago
+Money Bags the information is what its all about its what i started for and what my channel will end with
Sohan Patel
Sohan Patel - 9 years ago
I agree with everything you said. Bettas are great beginner fish that just aren't treated properly. What about corys? You didnt really mention any clean-up fish, that is what leads people to get a large pleco, you should make a video on good bottom-feeders and algae cleanup, and use things like BN plecos, nerites and corys.
Sohan Patel
Sohan Patel - 9 years ago
+Wayne's Fish World Nice!
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 9 years ago
+Sohan Patel came earlier then I expected, today 2-20-16 the video you requested will be uploaded
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 9 years ago
+Sohan Patel i'm going to make a video on this topic, can't tell you when it will be out, but its a coming
Reborn F.H.
Reborn F.H. - 9 years ago
Hey wayne love the editing! I haven't been on youtube much so it's awesome to see you again :)
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 9 years ago
+Reborn F.H. yeah haven't seen you in a while, youtube is changing i'm sure you've noticed that since being back
hanzifaction - 9 years ago
Great video man! I really liked the new editing style.
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 9 years ago
+hanzifaction thanks bud
Cliseru Gabriel
Cliseru Gabriel - 9 years ago
Hey man,

nice improvement, just a tiny bit of work to be done on the sound volume but other then that you are quite golden. Keep it up and you will surely win many likes from me.

Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 9 years ago
+Cliseru Gabriel thanks a lot bud, stay tuned
haydenm398 - 9 years ago
Great video I agree 100 percent thanks for the shoutout
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 9 years ago
+haydenm398 not a problem bud
Osdany Fleites
Osdany Fleites - 9 years ago
Wtf, the gourami in my opinion is the best fish to have. They're super strong, beautiful and they stand a bunch of ph levels and they are the best beginner fish...
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 9 years ago
+Osdany Fleites have to disagree with that, they are sturdy they are good for beginners but i feel as if the fish on this list are more hardy, i do a have a video in the future that will have gouramis on it btw so stay tuned
Denzel Gregory
Denzel Gregory - 9 years ago
Denzel Gregory
Denzel Gregory - 9 years ago
like your rack desire
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 9 years ago
+Denzel Gregory yeah it was carefully planned not quite done but almost thanks stay tuned
Freemananana - 9 years ago
I agree with #1 100%. Bettas are great fish. I think a low tech planted tank is also a great suggestion for beginners. The plants really help with keeping the system stable.
paulwhite959 - 8 years ago
A 20 long with a betta and a few khuli loaches and good plants is awesome and so easy.
Indominus Rekt
Indominus Rekt - 8 years ago
+Wayne's Fish World is it ok if I have a corydora,a gold panchax,a juevenile German blue ram cichlid,a ghost shrimp,and a African dwarf frog,with my unknown baby male betta ?
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 9 years ago
+Freemananana yupe i want to do a betta system on my channel one day
Chris Locke
Chris Locke - 9 years ago
I found you a coorespondant, she's a natural, be sure to skip to her #1 fish before closing it out... funny stuff:
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 9 years ago
+Chris Locke haha very funny tank on man
Chris Locke
Chris Locke - 9 years ago
another excellent honest unedited informative video, great job wayne! you should offer Dustin and Joey training lessons! thx, man.
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 8 years ago
well how would you guys want me to bring that differently then my how to care guide? seriously let me know so i can give it thought and maybe use some ideas
why tyrone
why tyrone - 8 years ago
I THINK he means that you should do fish profiles. Like a series.
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 9 years ago
isn't that my how to care guide already? what do you mean
Erick Marshall
Erick Marshall - 9 years ago
+Wayne's Fish World Here is an idea for series of videos, do a detailed fish reviews.
Chris Locke
Chris Locke - 9 years ago
+Wayne's Fish World don't get me going on them... especially the self-proclaimed "king" (ugh!)
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 9 years ago
+Chris Locke damn people like me more then the big boys hahahaa thats a great feeling thanks man

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