The Art of the Planted Aquarium 2011 Hannover - Argus Akwarystyka

Zapraszam do obejrzenia relacji na gorąco z wystawy The Art of the Planted Aquarium 2011 w Hanoverze. Gościliśmy tam z wizytą podziwiając konkursowe prace uczestników imprezy, w tym również reprezentantów z Polski, których prace moim zdaniem były bezdyskusyjnie na medal. Zapraszam serdecznie do obejrzenia filmów z wystawy Argus Akwarystyka - Salon profesjionalnej akwarystyki słodko i słonowodnej tel 695 80 70 66 71 389 12 17 Produkcja zestawów akwarystycznych na zamówienie, ogrody wodne, kaskady. Na filmie zaprezentowaliśmy akwaria ekspozycyjne w naszym salonie w Wołowie przy ul Leśnej 6A Zapraszamy do odwiedzin. Do obejrzenia; Zestaw z akwarium 2200 litrów biotop roślinny Zestaw z akwarium 1200 litrów biotop roślinny Zestaw z akwarium 1200 litrów biotop malawi Zestaw z akwarium 680 litrów biotop roślinny krewetkarium Zestaw z akwarium 680 litrów litrów biotop roślinny-sprzedażowy Zestaw z akwarium 680 litrów litrów biotop tanganika z gatunkami ryb, które w warunkach naturalnych zagrożone są wyginięciem. Krewetkaria, akwaria, terraria

The Art of the Planted Aquarium 2011 Hannover - Argus Akwarystyka sentiment_very_dissatisfied 56

Pets & Animals 14 years ago 937,550 views

Zapraszam do obejrzenia relacji na gorąco z wystawy The Art of the Planted Aquarium 2011 w Hanoverze. Gościliśmy tam z wizytą podziwiając konkursowe prace uczestników imprezy, w tym również reprezentantów z Polski, których prace moim zdaniem były bezdyskusyjnie na medal. Zapraszam serdecznie do obejrzenia filmów z wystawy Argus Akwarystyka - Salon profesjionalnej akwarystyki słodko i słonowodnej tel 695 80 70 66 71 389 12 17 Produkcja zestawów akwarystycznych na zamówienie, ogrody wodne, kaskady. Na filmie zaprezentowaliśmy akwaria ekspozycyjne w naszym salonie w Wołowie przy ul Leśnej 6A Zapraszamy do odwiedzin. Do obejrzenia; Zestaw z akwarium 2200 litrów biotop roślinny Zestaw z akwarium 1200 litrów biotop roślinny Zestaw z akwarium 1200 litrów biotop malawi Zestaw z akwarium 680 litrów biotop roślinny krewetkarium Zestaw z akwarium 680 litrów litrów biotop roślinny-sprzedażowy Zestaw z akwarium 680 litrów litrów biotop tanganika z gatunkami ryb, które w warunkach naturalnych zagrożone są wyginięciem. Krewetkaria, akwaria, terraria

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Most popular comments
for The Art of the Planted Aquarium 2011 Hannover - Argus Akwarystyka

Ruben van der Zee
Ruben van der Zee - 9 years ago
3:08 me like
Sciron Nature
Sciron Nature - 9 years ago
luis german romero chavez
luis german romero chavez - 9 years ago
Epic!!! There's a beauty sense by itself .... I love it...
Jerome Lulu
Jerome Lulu - 10 years ago
banzaiolo - 10 years ago
the best 3,08 second 
Kalokaghatia Antony
Kalokaghatia Antony - 10 years ago
Please watch my channel and write some comments regarding my aquariums. Thanx!
gtoo12 - 10 years ago
Monkhsaihan B
Monkhsaihan B - 11 years ago
03:29 is the best
ahmet hassan
ahmet hassan - 11 years ago
Kool :)

10. comment for The Art of the Planted Aquarium 2011 Hannover - Argus Akwarystyka

Forum - 11 years ago
Zapraszam na Forum Akwarystyczne
Niebieskie Skrzydła
Niebieskie Skrzydła - 11 years ago
Angga Satriya
Angga Satriya - 11 years ago
Thanks alot! this gave me inspirations.
andy325is - 12 years ago
Gabriel Perez
Gabriel Perez - 12 years ago
My fav is 3:17
LilyAnchsoo - 12 years ago
Utricularia Graminifolia
PiranhaAction - 12 years ago
very nice fishtanks there.
jason bourne
jason bourne - 12 years ago
tootnguyen2001 - 12 years ago
Can anyone identify the short growing, light green colored, plant sitting on top of the stone in the upper left corner of the nano tank # 14? There is a close up camera shot of the plant at 3 min, 55 sec into the video. This plant is surrounded by moss growing on the same rock. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
headfangs - 12 years ago
That first one is my favorite, such a great balance of depth, wood, rock, and plants.

20. comment for The Art of the Planted Aquarium 2011 Hannover - Argus Akwarystyka

dmastax1x - 12 years ago
what are all these guys using as a light? it seems that they're all the same.
Carlos Antonio S.
Carlos Antonio S. - 12 years ago
Every single one is breath taking!!!! :D Creativity at its finest. I would like to see one suitable for small jellyfish. . . A true challenge indeed.
thistakestoolong70 - 12 years ago
I used to make that joke like you, then I found out it was old about a month after Skyrim came out...
shanoo dn
shanoo dn - 12 years ago
nice tanks but whats the use without fishes LOL
bdarnell1966 - 12 years ago
They should have fish in them!
chris ritter
chris ritter - 12 years ago
what sort of led light is that that clips on the side? nice! would be great to angle mine there Co2 involved w/ these tanks?
TropicalKIng1990 - 12 years ago
realy nice tank mate :)
CryptKeeper54 - 12 years ago
I'm curious as to how they move the tanks as well. Must be a PITA. Beautiful tanks, so much creativity.
LegoMyWhaaat - 12 years ago
8:15 listen heasys thats just gay lol
njw1383 - 12 years ago
beautiful tanks! they look stunning! CHECK OUT MY PLANTED TANK

30. comment for The Art of the Planted Aquarium 2011 Hannover - Argus Akwarystyka

César Riveiro
César Riveiro - 12 years ago
Fantastic tanks
kunnai - 12 years ago
What size were these tanks?
West Coast Tropics
West Coast Tropics - 12 years ago
of course oliver knott got an award ;)
Solonneysa - 12 years ago
Usually there are specific criteria that must be met and if something is "arguably" met then usually that particular piece does not make the cut. For instance, height requirements, water clarity, difficulty of plants, hardscape, variety of critters, creativity/innovation etc can all be awarded points determining winners.
Music to the People
Music to the People - 12 years ago
lotta sumps hiding
AmphiprionOscellaris - 12 years ago
I agree, adding a crayfish to live in that cave would be awesome... except he'd probably eat all the plants XD
ARGUS Aquarium Design&Garden
ARGUS Aquarium Design&Garden - 12 years ago
Glad you like it, but the lobster or plekostomus not really fit into this type of aquarium :) Vegetable Arrangements of this type are quite fragile and fish in practice, it is just an accent to the green in the form of small species. Regards Jakub Dymek
Stilgar - 12 years ago
0:23 my definite fav
kaox44 - 13 years ago
All nice, but nature is still the better artist.
kaox44 - 13 years ago
All nice, but nature is still the better artist.
PhoenixMedia - 13 years ago
@spezow1234 Depends on your lighting...but Anubius thrive in almost anything
drakkingothgod - 13 years ago
@GoKartXtremeVegito you cant have oscars in a planted aquarium, they'll uproot everything. You could have rocks and driftwood though.
Dennis X
Dennis X - 13 years ago
awesome tanks.
AquaMarine Crayon
AquaMarine Crayon - 13 years ago
What plants should I add to my tank, betta, 2 guppies, albino Cory, panda Cory 7.5 gal
MadBasic - 13 years ago
@GoKartXtremeVegito buy a bigger tank
Alexander Acker
Alexander Acker - 13 years ago
20g tank with albino oscar bala shark gourami segnal birchir any suggestions
Fieel Flying
Fieel Flying - 13 years ago
@balisong209 no, dennerle nano cubes are beautiful becouse of their size, a nano enviroment :)
romo2727 - 13 years ago
ładne,ładne też bym chcial tak zielono ja mam tez 112 zielone,ale nie az tak
dashterr - 13 years ago
if you have maybe 3,4 or 5 little fishes there, it doesent have a bad smell like old water without some filter?
loveflowers39 - 13 years ago
There are some beautiful fish tanks here. Needless to say I guess. I have been playing around with fish tanks since I was 6 yrs old. I am only 73 now. I have seen a lot of changes in these years. The stangess change is they don't put hoods on tanks any more. Why? It seems to me fish would jump out and heat loss must be a factor. Thanks

50. comment for The Art of the Planted Aquarium 2011 Hannover - Argus Akwarystyka

FishGuysUK - 13 years ago
We love planted aquariums at FishGuysUK. Keeping them to show standard with fish living in them can be hard work. But, saying that, the results give many hours of enjoyment!
MegaTimebomb098 - 13 years ago
@MANTISFISH dude that joke died already, stfu
Jamie Burns
Jamie Burns - 13 years ago
They seem to be exhibition/ short term tanks, are they actually 'living'/ low maintenance aquariums
MANTISFISH - 13 years ago
i used to plant aquariums then i toke an arrow to the knee
Marvel170 - 13 years ago
3:27 Love!!!!!
Sebastian Stormborn
Sebastian Stormborn - 13 years ago
@Wurstvogelify i think its cruel to subject plants and fish to such a limited space...i think that when it comes to housing living things, the bigger, the wider, the better...
Sebastian Stormborn
Sebastian Stormborn - 13 years ago
whats the point of a nanocube?
New American Fishkeeper
New American Fishkeeper - 13 years ago
I dissagree with this show. planted tanks are for fish to be in, and not to be used for monentary gain! Bring the planted tank back to the houses!
Lexi Jameson
Lexi Jameson - 13 years ago
3:10 Fav tank. I wonder where you can get a rock like that for the tank?
navenow - 13 years ago
3:30 = incredible illusion of depth.
Caphits - 13 years ago
Wow. There are a few nice ones in there. Lots of them are just way too "busy" for me though. Great vid.
thiago sobral
thiago sobral - 13 years ago
que lind kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk brazil entendeu seus viados
John94098 - 13 years ago
@chickcheckah, thank you for posting this.
John94098 - 13 years ago
@chickcheckah, they both are simple but beautiful, and good on you both for having a go. And i love this video too, i really enjoyed watching.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 13 years ago
@chickcheckah I'm going to Hannover this year, to film the aquariums taking part in the contest - so there will be some stuff to see on my channel :)
chickcheckah - 13 years ago
7:20 is my girlfriends and 7:45 is my tank ;-) .....I looking forward to this years contest
Jesus Arrieta
Jesus Arrieta - 13 years ago
OMG!!!! NICE thx for video xD
Sombrero Dan
Sombrero Dan - 13 years ago
@balisong209 i think they have a limit. otherwise you would always get that guy bringing in his huge 90 gallon putting these little cubes to shame. but no actually. they still need to transport these tanks. its nearly impossible to transport anything larger then a 30 gallon fully assembled. the risk of dropping it is way too high. thats why they keep the tank size small..
gklasa - 13 years ago
Bardzo ladne te pana zabaweczki ile kosztuje akwarium morskie na 1000L
Christian H
Christian H - 13 years ago
No co2 because there are no fish
Reece Hodges
Reece Hodges - 13 years ago
@9929kingfish I imagine that CO2 things don't look impressive, probably use liquid CO2
TPeqee - 13 years ago
9929kingfish - 13 years ago
No CO2 or filtration in these tanks?
oddn0ise - 13 years ago
Great. Maybe one day we'll have a show like this in the UK...
folken 2784
folken 2784 - 13 years ago
3:11 creo que a la mayoria nos guto el mismo
krzysztofasgartof - 13 years ago
3:26 wow
megachetita - 13 years ago
ami me gosto el que tenia la medalla y el de el minuto 3:28
art gasapos
art gasapos - 13 years ago
what kind lamp is that
balisong209 - 13 years ago
3:34 was my favorite, they should make the tanks bigger tho
Polska675 - 13 years ago
Thats awesome, me wants :D
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
BorderSkt99 - 13 years ago
acrylic tanks?
HUGO8ALBERT - 13 years ago
el paisaje del minuto 3:24 una obra maestra, me encanto
Juan Chong
Juan Chong - 13 years ago
amazing expo thanks for share
fjc973 - 13 years ago
amazing !
Justin Wong
Justin Wong - 14 years ago
Amazing Fluval tanks!!!
joelhunterd - 14 years ago
Thank you for sharing this.

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