The Clean Up Crew And Best Choices For Your Planted Aquarium
Pets & Animals 10 years ago 395,856 views
In this video I talk about what are the best choices for your clean up crew in your planted Aquarium. It is very important to have a clean up crew in your planted aquarium or Aquascape because they help to break down organic matter and they also help to eat algae. Adu aquascaping is here to help you decide which members of the clean up crew are best suited for your Aquascape. Thanks for watching! Make sure to subscribe so you can function from day to day. Click the link below. Check out my “Secrets To Amazing Planted Aquariums” Playlist. Click the link below. To see more aquarium aquascaping videos check out my channel! Click the link below. The Clean Up Crew: Amano Shrimp- and other shrimp will also work. MTS- Malaysian Trumpet Snail Oto Catfish Nerite/ Zebra snail Red Ramshorn snail SAE- Siamese Algae Eater Hillstream Loach(es) Royalty Free Music by Sound Effects by Aquascaping freshwater aquariums can be made easier with a clean up crew! I usually use Amano Shrimp and Ottos. I would say those are the best choices for most aquascapes! Thanks for watching.
When ordering type "ADU15" into the code section and you will get 15% off of your first Plant order, so make it count!
When ordering shrimp use ADU10 and you will get 10% off of your first shrimp order!
To get to their website click on the BucePlant link that I have provided below!
Kindly sub me back
I could only get cherry shrimp
I also got trumpet snail
I also found a fish with ni septic name
It is kind of a Otto it sucks on my glass
I also found that actually a low tech tank with minimum nutrients and low light
Actually have less alge
Than a high tech
10. comment for The Clean Up Crew And Best Choices For Your Planted Aquarium
20. comment for The Clean Up Crew And Best Choices For Your Planted Aquarium
and speaking of numbers: you should have at least 5-6, better 10+ to make them feel comfortable, which the MOST important part of keeping an animal at home
30. comment for The Clean Up Crew And Best Choices For Your Planted Aquarium
first I thought it was going to distory the plant
then hearing this
now I see the snail as a helper
50. comment for The Clean Up Crew And Best Choices For Your Planted Aquarium
I tried brushing it off & a quick hydrogen peroxide dip but many plants still it..
I get nervous with the malaysian trumpet snails because of fear of the tank getting overrun with them! At least with the nerite I know I'll never have an outbreak.
I don't think the staff is uneducated, they have helped me out in the past but at the end of the day they're just trying to sell
I had bought some neons one died the next day but they were closed and another died the day after but I was at school all day and couldn't visit the store. I didn't bother asking them about the quality of the neons until later seeing even their current stock looked heavily bloated, very pale, and sick. They told me it's because they were newly added but I think the just said that to save face. I think they just gave me a refund to keep my business then.
But even week ago I went back to look at new neons and they all still look sick.. not sure where to buy from at the moment since shipping online is pretty expensive
Great video btw! I found it informative. :) Thanks!
100. comment for The Clean Up Crew And Best Choices For Your Planted Aquarium
If you research specific snail Breeds, you can find one that suits your tank.
Unless you have a 10+ gallon tank, Cory catfish are not suggested because you are at high risk of overstocking your tank
all of them
Ive had success with clown loaches but they get pretty darn big and need to be kept with several other clowns. Ive had other loaches as well that would eat the snails but only when I reduced feedings. Yo-Yo loaches did well at keeping the snails in check, but they ended up removing the eyes of my corydoras. They were removed immediately. Nasty lil buggers.
Rabbit snails look like MTS but are more colorful. The MTS also have live birth but reproduce at a much higher rate than rabbit snails and they actually eat algae. I think you would be safe with nerite and rabbit snails. Good choice!
The most annoying thing is that MTS don't eat algae. They instead prevent algae blooms by eating excess foods and dead plant leaves that cant spark an algae bloom. I think that's why I like them so much now that I've gotten used to them. I'm also a big fan of Ramshorn snails, which is also prone to overpopulate but do a good job at removing algae.
I'm a snail fanatic and have kept everything from baseball sized Peruvian Apple snails to the tiny but bothersome pond snail. Definitely stick with the nerites. They are expensive but do a great job at eating algae... and they wont breed.
***I had a Geophagus Jurapari in my planted tank that would often grind up the MTS and eat them. The Jurapari would eat small livebearers but didn't bother fish that were larger than a couple inches or was fast enough to evade it (like my Head and Tail-light Tetras)
i cant find shrimps in PET STORES UHHHH!!!!!!! OUR POOR COMMUNITY
The stuff you may be seeing people put under their tanks could be anything from the above mentioned media to ADA additives, which boots bacteria growth, but are not necessary, just jump start the tank is all, to peat moss to help acidify the substrate, to sphagnum moss, which is similar to peat and is used to aerate the substrate and help to hold nutrients. None of these things are really necessary. All you need is Root tabs first, then Laterite, then some kind of cap. Do the math on all of this and compare it to just buying ADA Amazonia off of Amazon. AFA sells ADA Aquasoil on for $48.00 total shipped per 9 liter bag, which is about 20lbs. If it is more expensive than that I would just buy the Aquasoil because it has tons of nutrients, has high humates, which behave similar to the clay and trap nutrients, and it holds its shape, so it isn't messy like normal dirt, and it doesn't need to be capped.
Or one more option is to buy Seachem Flourite, which is Laterite clay, and it comes in black, that way you could just do root tabs with the Flourite and it wouldn't need a cap. I hope this helps.
I am curious about something I saw in my local LFS, and if these could be part of a clean up crew. Shrimp fever (LFS) sells Freshwater Yellow Clams ( and they are filter feeders. Could these pretty little clams be a useful part of my clean up crew?
I have never had clams in a freshwater aquarium, and was curious if you could share any experience you have with them!
My substrate is extremely loose and if i get any where near it with my gravel vac i end up sucking up a load of it. I'm hoping to completely cover it with carpeting plants. Would it cause problems if i didn't vac it at all? I'm thinking of getting some snails for the tank and those MTS's sound good if they mix up the substrate for me but don't want to end up with an outbreak. Already had a minor outbreak of pond snails that came with my plants. Got rid of them though.
It worked wonders
When it got too big (about 2.5 inches in size) it started to chase my other fish and actually de root plants
So I took it back to the petstore which offers an exchange for the exact same fish
So I can just keep getting a new baby whenever they get too big
Aside from that I really enjoyed this, thanks!
I will have to look into it. I may rather use those over MTS, unless they too can get out of hand.
keep us posted... Thanks for watching.
Anyway i just watched a horrible video on a guy trimming the Dwarf Puffers teeth by cutting it with scissors!! I mean he has to anesthetize them each rtime he does it!! No way I'm gonna do that to a fish!
-Chainsaw Reptiles ~Tom
Malaysian trumpet snail are good some have a light rose shell it's great
And breeds like crazy
I ended up with MTsnails after some purchased plants and learned to love them. Honestly they are pretty cool looking and barely seen. Plus they do keep that gravel and tank clean at night while your sleeping. I call them my shoemaker elves.
Now I also ended up with pond snails which are annoying but I have been "slightly" pulling them because I plan on possibly one pea puffer and they might make good snacks for it keeping it away from my pleasure snails.....
I will say one thing for pond snails.... THEY ARE FAST! They are like little under water Roombas! Just flying around and eating algae off my walls and drift wood. Honestly they barely come out during the day to.
at the moment my 30 gallon has
2 zebra danios
1 molly
1 platy
2 SMALL angels we just got
1 baby albino bristlenose
1 mystery snail and a few shrimps (ghost and cherries in there somewhere still I hope)
Snails are honsetly probably the best tank cleaners and much faster than people think. I watched my ones snail pick a driftwood branch CLEAN yesterday in no time.
Glad you are having a blast in the hobby. Keep reading! LOL And thanks for watching.
Yeah you don't need the root tabs. I love low tech sand tanks. Especially if the water is super hard and alkaline. Makes for a very stable tank with barely any algae if at all. Sounds like a good plan! Funny thing is I was actually thinking about setting one up. I used to have one that was a breeze to maintain.
Other than that, I've got my 5 oto cats to help with the algae but in recent weeks they've grown a bit shy and have stopped coming to higher parts of the tank glass to do their algae scraper thing. (I suspect the angel has been pecking at them when they do come up) What would you recommend to help with this? I've also considered Hillstream loaches but they're sooooo hard to find here.
Appreciate your help, buddy!
Yeah I agree MTS are awesome for all of those things and shouldnt be overlooked!
Quick question I have been looking at getting a power head like the one you have but a little worried it might be to much for my 24x24x12 Mr aqua tank I have seen there is two versions of the nano pump but not sure on witch to get I was hoping you could shine in on that thanks Dave awesome video btw thanks for sharing.
also I have a amano shrimp in one tank and I couldn't find it...look everywhere..must be dried up somewhere in the room
always have loved the snails can not live without them anymore.
Thanks for the info!
I had one for about a year and had to get rid of it.
Oh and also it climbed out of the tank a few times.
Great video...thanks!
I also always hear people commenting about Amano shrimp as good little cleaners, but what about other (small) Shrimp? Is it basically the same thing? I've never tried to raise shrimp, but I imagine they all have the ability to jump? (My other concern is that they need to constantly breed as they are otherwise likely to die in a year)