The MOST Important Aquarium Video to watch. ~Water Cycling~

water chemistry explained and the water cycle explained. no more crashing tanks!!!
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Most popular comments
for The MOST Important Aquarium Video to watch. ~Water Cycling~

Stormy Swearengen
Stormy Swearengen - 7 years ago
BEST .. straight forward video information, i have yet to see....and i for one am very very thankful
Stormy S. Ontario Canada
Ibrahim MO
Ibrahim MO - 7 years ago
WOW,,, This is too much! I was thinking to build an aquarium. But now I won't..
Dirk James
Dirk James - 7 years ago
what should i use to treat the water after the water change?
Thomas Ferran
Thomas Ferran - 7 years ago
Great explanation of the cycle process.  I took a screen shot of the cart board so I can refer to it quickly
Brad Bignell
Brad Bignell - 7 years ago
Best video out there thank you for this it has saved my hours of reading through forums.
Ethan - 7 years ago
Thank you for the awesome video! Very informative. Every week do you do a full water change or just a 25% water change?
Iriua X
Iriua X - 7 years ago
You are the best. Very informative video. Thank you
Miss Girl Girl
Miss Girl Girl - 7 years ago
After 60% water change , Nitrites spiked up in my tank which is still cycling .. what do I do ? Do I do water change again ? How much should be the water change ? Will the large water change ruin my good bacteria im trying to build up ? I have a double baby fantail goldfish in it :( I started this tank before I knew this cycle thing
Rumer Priestly
Rumer Priestly - 7 years ago
I don't think a ph test has anything to do with water hardness, though? It's to check whether your water is more basic or more acidic, there's an entirely different test for water hardness, as far as I'm aware?

10. comment for The MOST Important Aquarium Video to watch. ~Water Cycling~

Fak eGuy
Fak eGuy - 7 years ago
Lol my tap water has tons of ammonia in it. You should clarify that not all tap water is equal.
JoKing - 7 years ago
Can you use colony to startup a tank which is like 60x faster? From ATM
mariano de miguel
mariano de miguel - 7 years ago
thanks for your video!
ZAP TRAP - 7 years ago
Few I have a goldfish
Raveen Rangajeewa
Raveen Rangajeewa - 7 years ago
Simple & very informative.All my doubts cleared.Tnx.
craigr306 - 7 years ago
Theresa Withers Osuna
Theresa Withers Osuna - 7 years ago
So once you see orange is it safe to assume your tank has cycled?
Jill Tanased
Jill Tanased - 7 years ago
Very helpful! Thank you!
Kyle Gardner
Kyle Gardner - 7 years ago
so guy at the fish store lied to me. he sold me a mudpuppy and a ten gallon and basically told me just fill it with water drop some dechlorinater in it let the bag float for a while and feed him what ever he will eat. no mention of ph gh or temperature needs. hopefully the little guy makes it
OG`s Fishroom
OG`s Fishroom - 7 years ago
Great Video lets subscribe to each other.

20. comment for The MOST Important Aquarium Video to watch. ~Water Cycling~

MPWALL - 7 years ago
What a fantastic easy to follow instructional video on this fish-less cycling with the API test. Exact same thing I'm going through right now,...finically I get it. Great subscribed.
Anjay Watts
Anjay Watts - 7 years ago
Thank you for the information!
MrEye4get - 7 years ago
Read the instructions again. You didn't shake the nitrates test bottles enough. You must wait at least 5 minutes for the correct results.
Kerwin Fernandes
Kerwin Fernandes - 7 years ago
great video God Bless!!
Na Na
Na Na - 7 years ago
Declan Green
Declan Green - 7 years ago
Thanks for your video. I am a new aquarium owner and found it most helpful.
Michael Lou
Michael Lou - 7 years ago
It's bs that goldfish can withstand any ammonia. Fancy goldfish are actually extremely sensitive to ammonia and nitrite.
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 7 years ago
Michael Lou what would you do with goldfish after?
Datguydoe - 8 years ago
PH is acidity and alkaline! Not hardness of the water! Do you research before you make a video.
Dev K
Dev K - 8 years ago
Thanks so much for this. I'm on about week 3 of cycling a 10 gallon and this information really broke down the crucial points.
cutie pie
cutie pie - 8 years ago
you suppose to wait 5 minutes after putting the drops to get the true collor.

30. comment for The MOST Important Aquarium Video to watch. ~Water Cycling~

bilal hussain
bilal hussain - 8 years ago
the nitrate bottles need to be tapped aswell as shaken to give a proper reading if not it gives out a false reading
Angela Fairfax
Angela Fairfax - 8 years ago
Omg fish keeping for dummies!!! Haha I love it! Finally, someone who can explain it all in detail. Thanks for the video
Seduce Detailing Australia
Seduce Detailing Australia - 8 years ago
Thank You Kind Sir . Best in depth explanation vid re water testing . clear and concise , to the point . Loved it , thank you very much .
Kenneth Damron
Kenneth Damron - 8 years ago
Thank you for this info. Very Helpful. And kept my son off my case cause he was in a hurry!!!
Andrew1974 - 8 years ago
Double thumps up. Thanks
FunLight - 8 years ago
Forget the test kit, Buy r/o water (example: glacier water machines at publix), do not put any chemicals at all in it, and use that source of r/o water as long as possible for frequent water changes, and youll do fine in fish keeping.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Detailed good instructions, thank you. Gave you a sub.
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 8 years ago
Ben Ochart thank you so much for the kind words!!
Caleb Petrick
Caleb Petrick - 8 years ago
I'm hearing hardness a lot in relation to pH, I thought hardness was more like mineral density?
Wilson Cui
Wilson Cui - 8 years ago
So basically, you just fill a tank with water, start your filter/heater etc., put your plants in, then let the water sit until there is a lot of nitrates? After Nitrates build up, add fish and water change??????
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 8 years ago
Wilson Cui essentially ya, i would test after the water change and make sure nitrates are not still spiking. to lower ph i would add stuff like driftwood or peat moss. to raise i would add crushed shells.
Wilson Cui
Wilson Cui - 8 years ago
also, how do you lower ph?
LPS Funky 2005
LPS Funky 2005 - 8 years ago
Is it ok to just test ammonia nitrite and PH?
Silent Lary
Silent Lary - 8 years ago
Hello, It is already 4 weeks since I cycle the tank. My ammonia level was at 0.25ppm, nitrite was off the chart >5.0 ppm, nitrate was 80-160 ppm. I never done the water changes and I am almost stuck here?
Nick De Las Alas
Nick De Las Alas - 8 years ago
Would have been funny if after explaining all that his water sample levels were all messed up lol. Good info in the video though
joeashbubemma - 8 years ago
Keep in mind, if your low range PH tests at the highest, 7.4, it might be a good idea to get a high range PH test kit. This is especially helpful if your KH/GH is high as well. Excellent vid!
jay walker
jay walker - 8 years ago
Very informative
kamalei 1111
kamalei 1111 - 8 years ago
seriously thanks for this video. question: I'm planning on using pure ammonia and seeding a bio sponge to start my cycling, how long do I have to wait to add the ammonia and when do I do my first test?
kamalei 1111
kamalei 1111 - 8 years ago
I'll do that. I'm upgrading to a 55 gallon and plan on cycling with the established biosponge and buying a new aquaclear 70. Then the day I move my 2 goldfish I will move their filter as well. So two filters and a biosponge total. and I'm thinking of using tahitian moon sand because I hear it has good bacteria added
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 8 years ago
kamalei 1111 id prob use a very very small amount then after like 3 days start testing
Seth Williams
Seth Williams - 8 years ago
I have been keeping freshwater fish for years and thought I understood the cycle but I still need some help with it and this video finally explained how to start the cycle without fish thank you so much!!!!
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 8 years ago
Seth Williams i really appreciate your positive feedback Thank you!
Postghost - 8 years ago
I thought the deal with leaving a light on is because good algae grow in light, bad algae grow in dark.
Idk how accurate that is, but it's what iv'e heard.
Postghost - 8 years ago
IDK exactly how many notoriously bad algae species exist, like blue-green algae.
Iv'e since discovered that most types of algae can benefit your tank immensely providing it's mostly contained from the main body of the tank.
That is why algae scrubbers are so genius(the filter type, not the abrasive cleaning pad).

How is algae good?
Algae process large amounts of excess nutrients in your aquarium, therefore it is extremely efficient at filtering water.

" Basically, algae are in aquatic systems what plants are to terrestrial systems. They are at the bottom of the food chain using light as an energy source allowing them to convert the gas carbon dioxide into cellular tissue. And just like plants, algae generate oxygen. They increase dissolved oxygen in the water which good for higher organisms like fish "
" Algae are a very important presence in your pond or aquarium. They, along with other microorganisms like bacteria, help minimize the levels of toxic forms of nitrogen in the water. They produce oxygen. They help stabilize your pond/aquarium. Where algae and bacteria differ is that bacteria can convert the nitrogen to various gases that escape the system. Algae, when they die will release the nitrogen back into the system to repeat the nitrogen cycle "

Everything plays it's role in nature, especially algae. To understand your micro organisms well is to understand your living water quality.
Im still learning and are no expert, but have learned it's better to understand how to work with your algae, rather than against it.
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 8 years ago
Postghost I don't think ive ever heard of good algae. could you elaborate?
CoarseFishingUK - 8 years ago
Can I do this with live plants instead of fish food?
Scott Olson
Scott Olson - 8 years ago
PH measures the balance between acidity and alkalinity, and itself, is unrelated to hardness. Generally speaking, if your tap water is from a municipality, hardness shouldn't be an issue (due to continuous aeration). However, if you're using well water it is absolutely crucial to do a separate test for hardness.
Baylee Hamner
Baylee Hamner - 8 years ago
thank you! I'm starting an aquarium and this is the first video I've seen in two weeks that actually explained what in the hell the cycle is!
CoarseFishingUK - 8 years ago
Baylee Hamner same!

50. comment for The MOST Important Aquarium Video to watch. ~Water Cycling~

Stuart Singer
Stuart Singer - 8 years ago
It's probably buried in the comments. You must follow the directions for the nitrate test or the results will be way off. Bottle 2 must be shaken for 30 seconds. Then after adding bottle 2 you need to shake the vial for 60 seconds. Then it takes 5 minutes for the reading to complete.
Albert Ramsay
Albert Ramsay - 8 years ago
I have the same test kit, it is really good but one down side is, it is very hard to tell the difference between 40 and 80 ppm on the nitrate. but 40&80ppm is not to harsh. I get a reading of 40 or 80ppm. My other test kit is just for nitrate this gives a reading of 25mg/l and states that this is ok. My tank is 48in x 18inx12in. The tank has an internal (Fluval4 plus) 1000ltr per hour and an external 1000ltr per hour Pondlife filter packed full of good media (see Pondguru on how to fill a bucket filter) I do 55% water change weekly these are the readings that I get.
Game world
Game world - 8 years ago
Please someone invent a digital tester PLEASE :D hopefully one day..will be easier.
Fish Freak
Fish Freak - 7 years ago
Game world Look up hanna checker there 50 dollars a piece if you want to spend the money go ahead
Brittany Isaac
Brittany Isaac - 7 years ago
Game world I
Jeff Olsen
Natasha Carlson
Natasha Carlson - 8 years ago
Thank you for this! Best video i've seen on this subject yet. so helpful
Alejandro Sanchez
Alejandro Sanchez - 8 years ago
thanks alot man
beto cerv
beto cerv - 8 years ago
Good god!!!! THANK YOU!!!
Janssen Eric Poda
Janssen Eric Poda - 8 years ago
sorry but i'm confused, you mean after it cycles without the fish, you literally change the water? can you please provide a step by step day1 to day? like what comes first, test water first? or after cycle... kinda confusing.. cause i'm really new and wants to start this hobby... thanks!
Brian Scheuermann
Brian Scheuermann - 8 years ago
Once you test the water and you are reading 0 ammonia and 0 nitrite. you should be cycled. Then Do water changes to remove nitrates. Adding plants also helps to remove these chemicals as well.
mrsdbzfanforever - 8 years ago
After watching this video I now have a fully cycled 75 gallon aquarium in my room for my goldfish! ;) Thank you for the easy to understand video :)
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 8 years ago
+mrsdbzfanforever aw im sorry to hear that :/ I'm sure your new fish will be a welcome addition to the tank! :)
mrsdbzfanforever - 8 years ago
Yeah! The water parameters are perfect :) What's funny is that right now I only have one 3 inch common goldfish in my 75 gallon lol xD I gotta get her a friend soon; I bet she's lonely o-o Her old buddy(a shubunkin goldfish) passed away after developing dropsy about a month ago :/
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 8 years ago
thank you!!! I am happy to hear your tank is doing great!!-Tito
MrJelle2503 - 8 years ago
The most important video to watch, yet this guy has no clue PH is more about acidity.

G fucking G
Rumer Priestly
Rumer Priestly - 7 years ago
Robert Kowalke No, he clearly stated that, with the ph test, the lower the number, the harder the water, and went on to talk about which fish prefer harder water, and how hard his water was. Ph tests are not a test for water hardness, there's an entirely different test for water hardness. A ph test is not a reliable way to test for water hardness. A water hardness test is a reliable way to test for water hardness. Funny that...

He also did the nitrate test wrong. I'm not sure you know what a troll is...
Robert Kowalke
Robert Kowalke - 8 years ago
What???? He clearly stated soft acidic or hard alkaline...Troll much?
YouMeUsWe - 8 years ago
You are my FAVORITE TEACHER EVER!!! As a new freshwater tank owner and researching from hundreds of different sites for the last 3 days on how to set it up and maintaining it, without killing the fishies I plan on getting for it, I can finally UNDERSTAND!
Excellent video! Thank you so much for taking the time share it in such a clear fashion.
SO APPRECIATED! you got yourself a new subscriber!
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 8 years ago
thank you. it means a lot to me to read that. I've got some neat tanks in the works I hope you enjoy them! Stay Awesome!!-Tito
Rd B
Rd B - 8 years ago
Very well presented. Thank you.
metallica fan
metallica fan - 8 years ago
should i add fish food everyday
Brendan Rhodes
Brendan Rhodes - 8 years ago
he didn't do his test to how the book that comes in the matter test kit. following the directions are very important
Rick Barg
Rick Barg - 8 years ago
And my PH is at the top of the scale yellow
Rick Barg
Rick Barg - 8 years ago
My Ammonia is 0.50 on a new tank 1 week cycling should I be worried
Edward Wade
Edward Wade - 8 years ago
Hello ok so I bought a test kit and got the API reef master test kit don't know if I got the rite 1. but I got this one because it the kind of tank it's going to be.a reef tank. now I'm a newbie so hope I did it rite. so hear is what I got. calcium 420 phosphate 0.25ppm. Nitrate 0 ppm. carbonate 196.9 thanks.
Leighanne Coxall
Leighanne Coxall - 8 years ago
Thank you for this video!
Couldn't understand it completely before and then I found this video, so thank you! ^_^
Edward Wade
Edward Wade - 8 years ago
jajajaja my water clean. no it looks like a swamp. must be the pukani dry rock. and said.
Edward Wade
Edward Wade - 8 years ago
very good vid / info. man I just set up a 75gl. saltwater tank on sunday. and haven't tested anything because the guy at my LFS said I don't need to test for anything I have nothing he said I still like a month to go. can I still buy this kit and start testing or is it to leat? thanks n advance.
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 8 years ago
thats really sketchy if he gave you a time line. theres not exact amount of time that everything just gets stable. I've had dirt tanks that took almost two months. its not too late. test your tap water as a base line and test your aquarium water to see where its at. chances are it may not look like there's any dangerous levels rising but thats because the water is still pretty "clean" and new.
Scrampster - 8 years ago
you confused ph with hardness.
alshab ali
alshab ali - 8 years ago
thanks man very educational
trz - 8 years ago
How often should you ''feed'' the fishless aquarium a pinch of flake foods? Everyday 1 pinch? And is the total cycling done in 2 weeks or so?
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 8 years ago
+Acla for me yes
trz - 8 years ago
+Photo Sushi IV So just 1 pinch at the start and thats it?
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 8 years ago
the cycling will vary (tank size, water quality, etc) I do one pinch just at the start.
Kerri - 8 years ago
Would you plant real plants when you first try to start the system or do you wait for a while?
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 8 years ago
solid question! either or; Ive scaped a tank and filled it and ran the system to establish roots while the water went into balance
rosham gaitan
rosham gaitan - 8 years ago
Awesome video. New to the fish world. I'm trying to start a cichlid tank and was a little confuse about the water cycling but you cleared it all up for me. Thank you!
alientech - 8 years ago
you have some bad tap water!
ohdeergod - 8 years ago
There are actually 2 different types of bacteria colonies that need to be established. One that consumes ammonia (produces nitrites as waste), then the nitrite colony which produces nitrates as waste, which are removed by water changes. Thats why when youre cycling a tank, youll see the ammonia spike, then ammonia will crash to zero but nitrites will be high for another 2 weeks or so while the nitrite colony multiplies. Once you start seeing nitrates, the nitrite colony is starting to grow. When nitrites and ammonia are both zero, do a 75% water change and add fish :)
alientech86 - 8 years ago
i learned so much from watching your video bro. thanks
Scott Saleff
Scott Saleff - 8 years ago
Great video,I have a 20 gallon and my 1 angel and 1 tri color shark got so big over the years i set up a larger tank,so they can have more space.I cycled tank with feeder gold fish as advised at pet shop.You made a good point about it no being fair to the discomfort the feeder gold fish i initally introduced to start cycle.Next time I will do as you suggest (cycle with flakes).I checked all the tests for both tanks and they are simmilar and good for both tanks execept for the ph the new tank has a high ph.The tank that been running for years with my beloved angel and shark,their ph is low.I do regular water chngs and use crushed oyster shell to keep it around 6.8.Well I just cant bring myself to move those fish into their new home.What else can I do besides water checks,changes to ensure a succesful transition. Thank you!
Sydney j
Sydney j - 8 years ago
ShawJohn31 - 8 years ago
pH is a measure of acidity not hardness!

is stems from the Power/Proportion of Hydrogen Ions in a solution. GH (General Hardness) or dGH (degrees General Hardness) is the measure of hardness.
thesandscorpion007 - 7 years ago
totally correct PH isn't a measure of hardness but typically highly acidic or low PH levels indicate low mineralization,( ie. calcium, alkalinity and phosphorus) which in turn means" hardness" is affected directly by PH levels allowing the acids to burn off said minerals which produces a measurable amount hydrogen. also in turn isn't always able to be under control with out water changes we cant all be chemist and scientist watching youtube videos about the Aquarium hobby!?!
SV Monarch
SV Monarch - 8 years ago
You're the real MVP. I was going to say... pH is totally not hardness.
Tiffany Nunez
Tiffany Nunez - 9 years ago
I know its old, but THANK you for this video! it was very informative!! i learned so very much...most i've read online but it seemed to make more sense hearing it from you! thank you for the video! im about to start a 75 gal planted fresh water aquarium and have bought books and researched online but i haven't read anything this extensive on cycling the tank! thanks again! :)
Tasfiq Ahmed
Tasfiq Ahmed - 9 years ago
thanks 4 ur nice and very help full video. new fish kipper mst see this video it will help u better fish kipping
Tasfiq Ahmed
Tasfiq Ahmed - 9 years ago
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 9 years ago
thank you for the kind words! all I can hope for is you subscribe and smash that thumbs up button friend! :)
Brian Weaver
Brian Weaver - 9 years ago
this is the best explained video I have watched explaining the cycle and explaining the testing process. I wish I could do more than just thank you for this lesson. is there anything I can do for you to show my gratitude?
EastCoast Arachnids
EastCoast Arachnids - 9 years ago
hi im new to the hobby and i feel like i am doing some thing wrong is cloudy water normal during the cycle pross?
EastCoast Arachnids
EastCoast Arachnids - 9 years ago
+Photo Sushi IV i was told to go with a fish cycle i have 2 zebra danios as the fish store told me theyre hardy and good cycle fish "i wish i saw your video and chatted with you sooner" and my amonia is at 0.25 and nitrite is at 0 so far it hasnt raised after a few days, also i have a marineland contour 5 the filter is just a basic black sponge and blue cartridge is that a decent filter?
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 9 years ago
+Tom Brady before you do a water change do a test. if you dont have fish in the tank, let the bacteria do its thing in removing the ammonia and nitrites. after a while u should see those two go down and nitrate go up. then do a water change
EastCoast Arachnids
EastCoast Arachnids - 9 years ago
+Photo Sushi IV +Photo Sushi IV thank you very much for the reply greatly appreciated i was worried i might have did some thing wrong and yes it's a milky white color should i continue doing a 20% water change every 3 days or doing it once a week so i dont lose the beneficial bacteria?
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 9 years ago
yes, it can be a few things. bacteria bloom, detritus, or algae being some of the more common ones. if its green it may be algae. if you use accuclear or let the tank sit without water movement and it settles on the bottom its just like "dust" that you can vacuum out. or if its more white and stays suspended in the water then its likely bacteria growing and populating the tank. in which cas just let it do its thing. in time the tank will clear up. great question I hope this helps!
Nikki Pete
Nikki Pete - 9 years ago
Very helpful thankYou been looking for a video like this
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 9 years ago
thank you!
Monkey CEO
Monkey CEO - 9 years ago
You did not do the nitrate test correctly.
irishhiphophead - 7 years ago
were should i empty these when im doing using it
Travis G
Travis G - 8 years ago
+Chris Keys yep. He should have done a high ph range test after seeing that color.
Travis G
Travis G - 8 years ago
Indeed! I made the same mistake at first. Couldnt understand how my nitrates were 0!! Then I re-read instructions and realized I had skipped over the part where it says to shake the nitrate #2 bottle for 30 seconds before adding it. I re-tested and instead of a 0 reading I had like 80!
Monkey CEO
Monkey CEO - 9 years ago
+gnovincejr2 ph is off the charts too
gnovincejr2 - 9 years ago
+Chris Keys not even close! Lol! Please people don't do it that way! Follow the instructions. I really hope this guy knows it. Probably has much higher Nitrates than results showed.
rgb kitty
rgb kitty - 9 years ago
and should i keep adding bacteria supplement over the cycling
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 9 years ago
+SAOLTY CHEESE bacteria supplements would deff help speed up the cycling process
rgb kitty
rgb kitty - 9 years ago
Should i put live plants in my tank when i start cycling?
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 9 years ago
+SAOLTY CHEESE you can, the plants will help establish bacteria and help filter the water
Tom Jung
Tom Jung - 9 years ago
Great video . Please Help me this Nitrite is bothering me !I know I have to change water when Nitrate goes up but what can I do IF 1) Ammonia, Nitrate are low  BUT nitrite is high?  2) Nitrate , Nitrite is low BUT Ammonia is high? I have water conditioner, stresscoat+ , Stability, IAL <Idian Almond Leaf> I just did 20 % waterchange this morning.. still Nitrite is high..
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 9 years ago
+Tom Jung it sounds like you still need more bacteria. (im sorry for the delay) Have you tried adding live bacteria cultures from your LFS? they should sell it as a supplement or ask a friend with an established tank for some established filter medium.
Tom Jung
Tom Jung - 9 years ago
+Photo Sushi IV I test my tap water and also using master kit. I am using drops because like you said its more accurate. !
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 9 years ago
did you test your tap water and did you get a second opinion ot your lfs or using a second test kit? also are you using drops or strips?
Heey J
Heey J - 9 years ago
Sorry quick question again. How many percent you do water change every week?
G Smith
G Smith - 9 years ago
+Heey J , Depends on your filtering. If you have a sump and protein skimmer, 20% a month.
Heey J
Heey J - 9 years ago
+Photo Sushi IV Thank you so much. Great video it helped me a lot!
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 9 years ago
about 20%
Heey J
Heey J - 9 years ago
Help!! I have betta fish tank betta in there for 2weeks now
my nitrite is 2.0ppm my nitrate is 80 ppm. what do I do??
Heey J
Heey J - 9 years ago
+Photo Sushi IV Thanks photo!!!
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 9 years ago
+Nana J leave the carbon filter and just do a water change and water conditioner to lower some of the toxins. don't go too crazy or you'll lower the bacterial load too much.
Heey J
Heey J - 9 years ago
+Photo Sushi IV I have Stability. and water conditioner. Should I add that to my new water?
and take out my carbon filter?
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 9 years ago
do a water change add some Prime conditioner and if you can swing it some "live start" bacteria to help get the beneficial bacteria up
Renee Sanders
Renee Sanders - 9 years ago
Exellent video. Thanks!
Layton Gaminghd
Layton Gaminghd - 9 years ago
very good video explanes everything what i was looking for.
Rachel LSH
Rachel LSH - 9 years ago
fish dont pee dude
Rachel LSH
Rachel LSH - 8 years ago
Do they fart
BikersWithGoPros - 8 years ago
Yes they do
Mike Zinna
Mike Zinna - 9 years ago
excellent video!! Very Informative!! enjoyed it, learned from it. I will definitely watch more of your vids.... thank you!!!
Mike Kollin
Mike Kollin - 9 years ago
Hello... my tank is 11 days old and has been spiking ammonia for at least 5 days or so now. It was 4.0 ppm and now is at least 5.0 to 6.0 ppm.

#1 Is it ok for it, the ammonia to spike this high?

#2 Now that it's spiking, about how long until the cycle is complete?


No Fish, Fish-less cycle.
(although I did put in 2 full grown cherry barbs the first week to get the cycle started. once the ammonia got to 0.75 I took them out.) And I added tiny bit of fish food, New Life Spectrum 2 times. Also added very tiny bit of frozen shrimp food 1 time.

I used bacteria filled filter media from a 2 year old tank I have.

I added microbe lift for about 6 days or so, but haven't touched the tank for 5 days now.

10 gallon tank, ph 7.0, temperature is 80 F.
Dare-Bear - 9 years ago
And is there a way to check if i have ich or any diseases?
MrChittyChad - 9 years ago
+Darian Nguyen Fish will have white spots all over them.
Dare-Bear - 9 years ago
Thank u so much this helped out a lot
Alexander Gallegos
Alexander Gallegos - 9 years ago
nice. FYI plants also take in nitrites.
Adam Fischer
Adam Fischer - 9 years ago
Great video

100. comment for The MOST Important Aquarium Video to watch. ~Water Cycling~

michal bla
michal bla - 9 years ago
How many weeks will take to develop those bacteria ?
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 9 years ago
good question, I'm afraid there is not set answer. a couple things play a factor, water volume, temp, organics/waste in the tank. the bacteria have to grow to equalize the waste they can consume and turn over in the tank. (more waste = more bac needed) I know there are some live bacteria cultures you can buy to speed up the process.
diego h perez
diego h perez - 9 years ago
very good my friend i had built 175 gallon tank back in colombia i need more of your videos i keep in touch thank you
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 9 years ago
I appreciate the support brother! I am workin on some new vids!!
muntedtoe - 9 years ago
Great video!
just a question . i am setting up a new for my first time,tomorrow i will go buy some fish food and the tester kit. once i have added the food the ammonia and nitrite will peek,then the nitrate will peek and then i do my water change and is that when i add my fish? or do i still do more testing?
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 9 years ago
that is a very solid question. once you see the ammonia and nitrites settle down and the nitrates balance put you can begin to add some fish. but you don't want to add too many at once. as you add the fish more bacteria has to grow to balance out the new amounts of waste.
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 9 years ago
that is a very solid question. once you see the ammonia and nitrites settle down and the nitrates balance put you can begin to add some fish. but you don't want to add too many at once. as you add the fish more bacteria has to grow to balance out the new amounts of waste.
jodonbaker43 - 9 years ago
Fantastic tutorial made clear and simple. Thank you very much.
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 9 years ago
thank you!!
Kevin Stout
Kevin Stout - 9 years ago
Well said Sir !!!!!!!!!!
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 9 years ago
thank you!!
animalfreak 27
animalfreak 27 - 9 years ago
Oh ok thanks
animalfreak 27
animalfreak 27 - 9 years ago
Do I really need to put a heater in the tank ?? I have do it before without one.
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 9 years ago
if you don't cycle with livestock then you shouldn't need a heater. I keep my new tanks around room temp
Christina Taylor
Christina Taylor - 9 years ago
i just setup a new 20 gallon tank,, have heater filter airstone .keeping hetrer about 76, and before i was educated on cycling i put 2 nails in tank , there doing fine so im gonna continue to cycle with them , getting test kit tomorrow.. ty for your video it helped me understand the cycle and water changes
Christina Taylor
Christina Taylor - 9 years ago
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 9 years ago
do you normally keepy you home cold? otherwise I'd recommend only running the filter. without any fish its not needed to run all the other stuf like lights,heater etc.
ronerx - 9 years ago
I was worried at first about the PH, but you said it changes with Co2 use, so you're on top of that. I have to use the High range PH test because I always get that dark blue on the standard test. In fact, my PH is too high for the high range too....

As for the Nitrate, I'm hoping you just shortened that procedure for the video? Supposedly, there's a minute and a half of shaking required to keep that test accurate. I've always done the shaking of #2 for 30 seconds and then the test tube for another 60 seconds. I've not skipped that to see if it really does make a difference tho.

Great video! I wish I had seen this when I got my test kit! I kept fish for years and years without testing. Now I test at least weekly. I test daily or every other day when I'm cycling also, like you suggest.
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 9 years ago
hey thanks for the feedback, I'm happy the video helped :) as for your PH kit, I may suggest getting your water tested with a different kit or at your lfs. unless your keeping something in your tank thats buffing the water up it does sound strange that it is reading off your test charts.
Mike Wade
Mike Wade - 9 years ago
Great informative in depth video, look forward to the next :)
Thomas Rieck
Thomas Rieck - 9 years ago
This video doesn't explain that Nitrosomonas converts ammonia to nitrite and a separate bacteria, Nitrobacter converts nitrite to nitrate.
CJ B - 8 years ago
+Thomas Rieck Not relevant
Wizard Gaming
Wizard Gaming - 9 years ago
Likely because it isn't that important or because nobody cares.
Michael Wells
Michael Wells - 9 years ago
This is the best video on this subject that I've seen so far. It makes more sense to me than other videos I've seen on You Tube. You made it real easy to understand. Thanks for posting it Dude.
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 9 years ago
thanks man I really appreciate it. its that kind of support that really makes me want to grow this channel. I've got some cool stuff coming down the pipeline I hope you stay tuned! :)
Goran Glusica
Goran Glusica - 9 years ago
ph is not hardest of the water, gh is
good video
ILL BILL NECRO - 9 years ago
This was great, I just set up a new tank and I got the gist of the nitro cycle. I think I achieved it while not really knowing what I was doing. I watched many half ass explanations and went off that. This just confirms I did not fuck my tank up. I agree every fish owner needs to watch this. You laid out the info so well and easy to understand, you should be a teacher.
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 9 years ago
hey man, I really appreciate the positive feedback. I know theres a lot of other videos out there and I am happy to hear you found mine usefull!! :)
Sharvon Thompson
Sharvon Thompson - 9 years ago
Great job in explaining how to set up tropical tank
redcookster71 - 9 years ago
great video , thanks mate!
kay hollis
kay hollis - 9 years ago
Thank you thank you for your water cycle demonstration. Your explanation cleared up many of my questions.
Muhammed Shifat Shahriar
Muhammed Shifat Shahriar - 9 years ago
Very very helpful. Thanks.
Boomchickababin - 9 years ago
How many times should you check the water
Goblin Engineer
Goblin Engineer - 9 years ago
As much as possible really, get an API Master test kit, it last ages and is really good. I do tests every other day
Smitbar - 9 years ago
Great to see you promoting a fishless cycle, too many local fish stores try to sell fish too early therefore promoting a fish in cycle. Tell people about using dilute pure ammonia at 2-4 parts per million.
Michelle P
Michelle P - 7 years ago
Totally agree so many fish die from exactly what you are saying. I just started up a new tank after years of being without and all the places I went tried to get me to buy fish after only 2 days of cycling.
Smitbar - 9 years ago
+Kellie O 'Neill 81 / 28*c helps establish the bacteria initially but the bacteria will live at the same temperature as the fish no problem :D
Kellie O 'Neill
Kellie O 'Neill - 9 years ago
Thanks for the video, I had my tank at 81 and one of my guppies seemed stressed, I got the temp down to 73 last few days the fish seem happy, but should I worry about the level of bacteria? you said bacterialike it at 81? thanks in advance :)
Kimchi Axolotl
Kimchi Axolotl - 9 years ago
Will this work for axolotls?
Goblin Engineer
Goblin Engineer - 9 years ago
Yes, the same principle applies. Just make sure to keep that temp cooler for them!
aveRAGE bR0
aveRAGE bR0 - 9 years ago
Keep talking about the same stuff over and over again for the good first 5 minute !!! Zzz
Pell55 - 9 years ago
Great video.  Doing my research before I start.  Do you add plants right from the beginning, or after tank cycle has settled?  If after, before or with fish?  Thanks.
Matthew Butt
Matthew Butt - 9 years ago
Thanks for the great video!
Digital Ink Arts
Digital Ink Arts - 9 years ago
What if I start a new tank and put 30 percent of the water from a tank already stable?Will I be able to put fish in quicker?
Goblin Engineer
Goblin Engineer - 9 years ago
Water doesn't help, you need to filter media from the cycled tank
kathy laughlin
kathy laughlin - 9 years ago
what do you do when you have goldfish and the nitrites are toxic i was given the wrong info and put fish in to soon before my tank cycled please help i don't want to loose my fish
kathy laughlin
kathy laughlin - 9 years ago
thank you much i use prime and stability by seachem in my tank i have a 30 long and i run a marineland 350 and a whisper 30 gal and a bubble curtain how many goldfish can i keep in that tank full grown =D
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 9 years ago
I would pull and put them in a separate bucket with new clean water and an airstone, maybe add some stresscoat. And for the main tank add some live bacteria in a bottle. Keep in mind since goldfish naturally produce a lot of waste, the are capable of withstanding harsher water conditions.
Scottish NAT
Scottish NAT - 9 years ago
What does it mean when your ammonia and nitrate are completely clear?
Ironiic zero
Ironiic zero - 9 years ago
if you have enough fast growing plants and a low bioload you can absorb the ammonia straight away without the production of nitrites or nitrates. you wont need a filter. but only people with experience should try it
abel barrera
abel barrera - 9 years ago
Good video
Wooly Money
Wooly Money - 9 years ago
How much of a water change should I do when the nitrates rise to dark orange
Smitbar - 9 years ago
+Wooly Money 25-50%
Takato47 - 9 years ago
Very Informative you sir just earned your self a new subscriber.
SchallerPhotography - 9 years ago
Very informative video ! Wish I knew this when I started the aquarium hobby 5 months ago. Now I know what to do
dal2888859 - 9 years ago
Did you mean that in the beginning of the cycle to add a pinch of food daily or just once to begin the cycle?  I'm assuming daily, but that would add up with no fish to consume it!  Very helpful video and I really enjoyed it.  Haven't bought anything at all yet.  Wanting to learn as much as possible before getting started.  I do have a small round 3 gal tank with a couple of tetras and a single gold something or other.  It's great fun and a good way to get into a hobby I've been interested in since I was a small boy.  Thanks again for the video!
Iknow789 - 9 years ago
Good video, though pH can be ignored completely when testing for the most part. In and of itself pH and pH changes don't effect fish. There are things related to pH that can effect fish, such as alkalinity, but by itself pH doesn't matter. More fish are killed by well meaning hobbyists chasing the "correct" pH than are killed by having a bad pH by far. GH/KH can be more important but for most fish kept in the hobby....they'll adjust and do well with anything from 1-20+ GH/KH. There are exceptions, discus being one of them, but I've kept "soft water" rams in water with a GH and KH of 22 and they lived for over 5 years.
Emma Stephenson
Emma Stephenson - 9 years ago
I thought this video was really helpful. I have done quite a bit of research so far but felt a bit panicked by the other videos and articles I have read about this. Feel loads more chilled about cycling and populating our first tank after watching this.Thank you :)
Cookie Dodger
Cookie Dodger - 9 years ago
Um. My ammonia (Biomature Aquarium Ammonia) says to add 2 ml per day to a 60 litre tank (I have 64 litres) so I do. Before I even started I added some "nitryfying bacteria" labelled as stress zyme (I know, I'm stupid). After adding ammonia on the first day I reached around 1.5 ppm of ammonia. After adding on the second day (TODAY) I reached 3 ppm of ammonia. Biomature reccomends getting 5 - 10 ppm of ammonia before you can add bacteria, but tells you to STOP after reaching your goal. I set my goal to 8 ppm. The bacteria that I added at the beggining (I imagine) are feeding on the ammonia and growing and stuff. Once I reach 8 ppm and add more nitrifying bacteria do I just STOP adding ammonia and wait for the level to become 0ppm or do I have to constanly add the same amount of ammonia. The thing is I have to go away in 8 days time, only 9 days of me being able to add ammonia daily. I'm not sure if the technique I am using will "work". In theory when I add more bacteria and they are able to consume all the ammonia and put it back to 0ppm they should be ready to feed on more ammonia (from fish) so If (after I establish my nitrite and nitrate levels to 0ppm and 25ppm or less of course) can't I just add fish and the bacteria will feed on the ammonia produced by the fish.

The fish I am planning to add to my 64 litre (16 gallon) are:
4x Panda Cory
1x Betta Fish
2x Nerite Snails

Is it possible this is too little fish and that my bacteria will die? I'm not really sure. Also is it safe to do 25% water change for the first two days when the fish are in the tank aswell?

Again, I'm not sure and I just want to make sure I get everything right.

Also My filter is not in my tank, its a fluval U2 internal filter, because I have to wait a week in order to get a cable to plug in my filter, same with the heater. I will have them setup by 48 hours before my fish are in. Is this enough? Or do I need to start this cycling process after. I would really want to avoid doing that. My temperature right now ( I will correct before adding fish) for cycling is 22 degrees celsius/ 71.6 Farenheight so will my bacteria be able to cycle in this?

I'm just curious and don't want my fish to catch the new tank syndrome. If you have the chance please reply. Anybody.

chadinem - 9 years ago
I know to you posted this two months ago, and I would like to comment on how you are cycling your aquarium, but hopefully your tank is already cycled by now. I do however feel like there are some things you should know to save yourself headache down the road. First of all, you can not cycle a tank without a filter running. Beneficial bacteria does not live in the water, but rather grows on your filter. So its really not the tank that is cycled, its the filter. Another thing to remember is to refrain from changing or cleaning your filter cartridges too often since that is where the bacteria live and if you replace them, your tank will have to cycle again. It is best to just clean your filter pads in old aquarium water while doing a water change. Chlorine in tap water will kill the bacteria. I don't know if the Fluval U2 has multiple stages of filtration, but if it does and one of the pads ever needs to be replaced, just replace one at a time so that you keep some good bacteria in your filter. How is your tank doing? Did you end up stocking it with the fish you originally wanted? Have they all survived?
Carla MD
Carla MD - 10 years ago
great explanation, very simple and clear. I am researching for my first fish tank, so this really helps. Thank you!
Jeff Bronson
Jeff Bronson - 10 years ago
Im really frustrated with fish keeping and feel like giving up.

 At first, i had 4 guppies. They all died within a week as i found out there was ammonia in my tap water and no amount of water changes could save them.

Then, I learnt about cycling my tank and did tons of research on many areas of fish keeping and i currently have a 45 gallon freshwater dirted tank with hardy plants (like anubias and amazon swords and java ferns etc)
After 2.5 months of cycling, with checks on water conditions every other day with API test kit, the nitrogen cycle was complete.
I then added 3 cory doors catfish to the newly cycled tank and added Prazzie gold (Which was recommended to me by a youtube channel to new fish to remove parasites). After 3 days, i checked the water parameters and found that the bacteria and filters were keeping up with the boiload.

Then I came home today, 4 days after buying my fish, only to find out 2 of my corys are DEAD.

I was trying to feed them new life spectrum algae wafers and they didn't eat (I only tried to feed 2 days out of the 4 and removed the food after 15 minutes of them not eating it- I researched on constipation and such as well don't worry)

I feel like giving up. What do I do. Hundreds of dollars and dozens of hours of research and setting up has amassed to nothing. Please help me.
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Kristin Kuhns
Kristin Kuhns - 10 years ago
Very helpful!!
Kay Cresswell
Kay Cresswell - 10 years ago
Are you on Facebook
Kay Cresswell
Kay Cresswell - 10 years ago
This video is great thank you for sharing :)
Kris21780 - 10 years ago
How often do I add the fish food? Is it till the ammonia reaches 5ish then stop? Or just do it once on the first day? Thanks. Not sure if we're going cold water or tropical but want to start off right by cycling.
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 9 years ago
+Kris21780 once on the first day should be fine, just a little pinch
Elvis Chavez
Elvis Chavez - 10 years ago
straight to the point excellent video for information
Richard Russell
Richard Russell - 10 years ago
I have kept fish tanks since 1972 and never tested the water. Didn't even know what the nitrogen cycle was when I started my first tank. The frist tank was a ten gallon long tank. I had put duck weed plants, An algae type plant, two corey cats and 2 zebra dinos. Then two months later added 5 neon tetras. Then I went into the U.S. Navy and gave my tank to my cousin. After getting out of the service I started a 20 gallon long tank. Still not knowing about the nitrogen cycle. In this tank i had put in a local alage plant from a pond. The substrate was natural river sand with some gravel from the river. Put two juvenile pumkinseed sunfish and a juvenile channel cat. The reason was that in a power failure during winter time would kill the tropical fish. After that I liked our native fish better then tropical fish. Some of the dice minnows have great red color in the males. So the only reason I can figure out is that maybe using plants and small number of fish have kept this nitogen problem in check. The river tank proberly had the bacteria in the sand and gravel from the riverand from the plants. I didn't learn about the nitogen cycle tell the late 90's.Also I did 50 percent water changes every two weeks. I help other people set up tanks and use testing equipment but also teach them about how much water space a fish needs to stay healthy. the only fish deaths I had was from the fish types in the tank. A channel cat can eat a fish half it's body lenth. I had a 6 inch cat that ate a few of my dice minnows. so keeping Madtoms is a better choice for a catfish with small minnows. Also sunfish have different personalilty types some are peacefull and others are terrors. Some beatuiful fish like the darters require live food only.They will not eat any type of dried fishfood or frozen food. It has to be live and moving. I think the biggest problem is that people put to many fish in their tanks. This not only creates an unbalanced nitrogen cycle but stresses them out by over crowding them. Thanks for the very infomitive video. I will share this with new tank owners.  
ArkTiger4c - 10 years ago
I have used fish to cycle my new tank ...they showed no stress and i did not have any deaths tank is now 4 months old and stabilizing 
A Wilson
A Wilson - 10 years ago
IMPORTANT: He left out the High PH test. If the initial PH test shows the highest color on the chart, then retest fresh tank water using the High PH test. Looking at his results, he needs to test High PH. Also, PH has nothing to do with water Hardness. Always water change every week, I have a 29 and change 10 gallons a week. Your Nitrates can spike in a few day stress the fish and crash the tank. The only remedy for parameters is a water change. Never over feed your fish. Never. Don't fatten them up. Test your water weekly. Period. Do you have a planted tank? What filter are you using? How often do you clean the media in the filters and how often do you swap out the pads. Visit your LFS (Local Fish Store). Not on the weekend they won't have as much time to visit with you. Take pictures of everything you own, setup, fish, etc. Bring some tank water. If they use test strips, find another LSF that uses the API Master Test kit. This is part of a 2 year journey in fish-keeping. I found all of this out from a multitude of mistakes. When fish keeping stops being fun adopt your fish out to your LSF, break down your tank. Your LFS may let you put it in their store on consignment. Lot of information but a lot of responsibility. All my best! 
Kimmy - 10 years ago
I have a 30 gallon saltwater tank n had it for months now but all my fishes died. I had 2 damsels and a nemo. Now I have a ribbon eel that I can't get to eat so I decided to put another fish in the tank hoping to get a feeding routine so the eel would catch on n the damsel I bought yesterday is now dead today! I need help because I do not knw what to do at this point. I even changed the entire water tank a few days ago because my water just seemed off :/... Help please if you can
Hendway - 9 years ago
+merlberg You should not have changed the water tank entirely, it kills the bacteria that is needed in the tank.
Hung Nguyen
Hung Nguyen - 10 years ago
Anyone doing these type of water test is more than a serious fish keeper and should know the Nitrogen cycle already. Adding 2-3 fish to your aquarium to start the cycle does not harm the fish at all. The amount of waste they produce is nowhere near the toxic level that will kill or harm them because the water quality is still within tolerance. I have been fish keeping for 17 years and I have never had a fish died when starting a new tank. You are just wasting $ on food and running an empty tank for weeks. All you need is 1-2 days to let the Chlorine evaporate and start adding fish slowly.
Hendway - 9 years ago
+Hung Nguyen ok, thanks for the tips! I will find more stuff about corrys, So i can make shure it is ok to put them in my tank
Hung Nguyen
Hung Nguyen - 9 years ago
+Hendway I would suggest you start slow, add 2-3 mollies to start off. You can start to add more fish next week as your tank gets more mature. For a 14 gallon tank I would not put more than 7 fish total, 2 male and 4 female (tetras or mollies) and 1 small algae eater. You have to account for them growing up and reproducing. I can not give you advice on Corry Catfishes because I have never had them.
Hendway - 9 years ago
Or, Corry catfishes. I have heard that the catfishes mostly prefer sand over gravel. But at the pet store, the catfish tanks also have gravel. And it does not seem to bother them at all. I know that they can get infected if they hurt themselves on the gravel, but still some people say gravel is completely ok. So i do not know. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks! :)
Hendway - 9 years ago
That is great to know man! I just got my first aquarium 2 days ago, And on friday, i am going to the local pet store to buy me some fish. How many fish do you recommend for a 14,2 gallon tank? Planning on adding neon-tetras or some black mollys.
Cynthia Miller
Cynthia Miller - 10 years ago
Thank you
fletch unwin
fletch unwin - 10 years ago
That was a great video thanks for taking the time to do it.
Stenchx - 10 years ago
My cycling tank shows 2.0 ammonia, 2.0 nitrites, and 20 nitrates is this normal?
A Wilson
A Wilson - 10 years ago
Check to chart colors that comes with your API Master Test kit. What water are you using? If you are using treated tap water/ check it first. It may have have issues to begin with? The only other option is to either cut your tap with spring/RO water or switch entirely to RO but it will need to be reconstituted to make it safe for fish.
Pan-Demic! - 10 years ago
Im struggling to get my tank to stabilise... my ammonia keeps spiking but doesn't go down. For some reason I cant seem to get the bacteria to colonise. Ive added live bacteria to the tank... but not success.. any suggestions?
Seng Chow Yap
Seng Chow Yap - 9 years ago
+A Wilson
Iknow789 - 9 years ago
+Pan-Demic! Adding "live bacteria" may be your problem. Look at the filter on an established aquarium and you'll see a reddish-brown sludge which is the beneficial bacteria, look inside those containers and everything is nice and clean. Why? Because they're two different bacteria, one being a free floating bacteria and the other being a stationary one. By adding those supplements you could be starving the bacteria trying to start a new cycle, and then those bacteria die off because they don't do well in aquarium conditions. The aquarium industry is just stealing your money because they know the vast majority of people will not realize that they're completely different bacteria even though they do the same thing.
A Wilson
A Wilson - 10 years ago
Visit your LFS (Local Fish Store)
Michael Nabers
Michael Nabers - 10 years ago
Great video I finally know when to do my first water change!
Johnnie Whale
Johnnie Whale - 10 years ago
Thank you so much this really helped me
I Drive a XJ
I Drive a XJ - 10 years ago
Thought ammonie lvl 0 was clear?
Banunu Hawawa
Banunu Hawawa - 10 years ago
LOL I felt so retarded listening to you explain it... I know you meant well, it just came off as if you were talking to mentally challenged people. 
Gareth Taggart
Gareth Taggart - 10 years ago
Great video, helped me a lot, phablet fine, ammonia fine and nitrate fine, I need to get a nitrite test kit, .
J Rodney
J Rodney - 10 years ago
You've a nice voice. .... But you talk absolute "shit" seriously you do !!!! Why contradict yourself ???.

Ive never heard someone talk as much bullshit in my entire life,,,, and be so confident!!!! (LMFAO) as you spill the bull out as you chat away.....

shame my fishes didn't see the funny side though......
Saying that,

there brains are quadruple the size of yours!

Any how, stop trying to be someone and learn more.


Mortonbmx - 10 years ago
I've never seen anyone type as much nonsence in such large a space... When trying to condescend others, being able to use simple English would help. I think you'll find its 'their brains'... Id say you have a nice profile pic but that would be lying. Obvious to see why you are filled with hate when you look like that, lol. :)
BeachNative78 - 10 years ago
This is awesome!!! I'm still a beginner and I've been wondering how to use this guide! I've been cycling my new 29 gallon tank now for 2 days and I've been wondering when I could add my fish in because my water is still cloudy. (I used sand as my substrate for my freshwater tank).  I have 4 anubias plants and a moss ball in there too. How long does it normally take for the water to clear and for me to be able to add my fish in? Any help/advice would be GREATLY appreciated!  Thanks again, man!!  ;-)
A Wilson
A Wilson - 10 years ago
Cycling depends on many factors as it relates to how many days. Filter media being one. Sit back and relax. It may take a week or two. Using a few fish to begin the cycle not a bad idea. Also some quick start added to the tank. Test over time. This is something you don't want to rush. Have fun.
Venga - 10 years ago
If plants grow well in August fish feel no need to check the water parameters every day, because the most important is the balance, if it is we will succeed succeed. Ph for plants is 6.5-7.0 GH 6-8 KH-10-16 .I as I said is the most important balans.Oczywiscie all depends on whether we want to have an aquarium vegetable or Malawi.Sory for my English but I use goggle translator I invite you to my channel of course.
gfp - 10 years ago
Great you explained it simple but easy to learn
Ruby Moorman
Ruby Moorman - 10 years ago
Thank you so much for caring & sharing... I was told to start a new tank by using someone elses dirty 6 week old filter (Also told that I should leave the new filter in 6 weeks b4 changing to a new 1) is this correct please? Seems all is good, nitrites went up a little, but did a 25% water change & all seems good, thank God... So if anyone is starting a new tank & you can get a dirty used filter b4 you get any fish, then go for it, "IF agreed on ONLY please"... "I believe this speeds up the process & so you can get fish faster, is this all correct please?
wizzywit2010 - 10 years ago
This may be the dumbest question ever but will it hurt to try establishing bacteria with yogurt diluted in water it don't have any way of getting media from an established tank and I'm trying to find some sort of bacteria booster
Pearly Q
Pearly Q - 10 years ago
TO cycle a tank, use pure ammonia -- 2ml per 10 gallons. I bought my pure ammonia (no other additives) Check parameters once a week. If you put enough ammonia, it'll eventually turn into nitrite then nitrate. Works like a charm and is much less messy than fish food. Done it a million times myself. Works like a charm.
Jumpoff A
Jumpoff A - 10 years ago
go to Walmart. They have the bacteria that you need for your tank. Don't use yogurt, it has different bacteria. You can kill your fish.
Jennifer Langley
Jennifer Langley - 10 years ago
Hardness and pH are different things.  Hardness is measured in kH.  kH can affect your pH, but a high number with pH does not mean "hard water" or high kH necessarily. 
Michael Bourdeau
Michael Bourdeau - 10 years ago
Awesome! This video helped me out alot on understanding the cycle of bacteria and how to understand deadly chemicals to your fish
Darren Bunch
Darren Bunch - 10 years ago
Outstanding advice best on youtube, thank you so much for the advice I have subscribed great
Ben R
Ben R - 10 years ago
in a planted tank dont you want 20ppm nitrates?
UNDERWORLD VILLAN - 10 years ago
your of ya guts bud lol ph of 10 for cichlids lol fuck u but i have heaps my ph is always 7.8
Hubs88 - 10 years ago
I bought a test kit because of videos like this telling me how important they are. I used it a few times and the readings were always good and it turned out to be a big waste of money. To keep my water good I just do large regular water changes.That's the way I've been doing it for years. I don't need to know the numbers.
Donna Shepherd
Donna Shepherd - 10 years ago
One of the most helpful videos I've seen for taking care of a tank. Thanks for all the info. 
neilyeag - 10 years ago
This is the best, most direct video on this topic that I have seen.  Thanks for posting
A Wilson
A Wilson - 10 years ago
Direct but in most of the information misguided. Proceed with caution. He means well but some of what he presents is wrong and other important information is not even touched on. He tried to cover too much info in one vid instead of researching and getting one part right. Also your LFS will tell you Fish Forums online are a bad place for correct information, more for what not to do. Careful on WebMD as an example. 
Sam ONeill
Sam ONeill - 10 years ago
Gerry usefully thx!
schalazeal07 - 10 years ago
Very useful video! Thank you! I want to take care of my goldfishes and have them have long, healthy, happy lives!
jonfitch45 - 10 years ago
Ok on May 17th 2014 I set up my new tank 29 gallon I am doing a fishless cycle. I added the start up chem's to get it started when I added the zyme's  my water turned real milky colored I done a ammonia test today Sunday the 18th it has 0 PPM. I done PH test and it was 7.4 anyways like said no fish in tank I did add fish food to it yesterday. I just like to know when this water will clear up.
sioSIN SIN - 10 years ago
wow! I have been doing it all wrong..oh god I feel soo bad for my poor fish.
thank you, this is the best video on this subject ever!
Mytropicaltank k
Mytropicaltank k - 10 years ago
Thanks dude u helped me out alot. Keep up with the good vids!
Invader179 - 10 years ago
Great video sir but just a minor point re the API Ph test result. The 7.6 dark blue reading on the low range Ph test is a minimum of 7.6 and could actually represent a significantly higher value. If your Ph reads 7.6 on the low range Ph test, you should test using the API high range Ph test chemical to ensure you're Ph isn't much higher than 7.6. The high range chemical will give Ph results between 7.4 & 8.8.
This rule applies to all the tests. The chemicals will not give colour results outside the range on the card so the result could be worse than you think if you have a reading which matches the colour extremes at the bottom of the card.
I hope that made sense.
1loveAnd - 10 years ago
Very informative video, liked alot most decently checking your other videos...
thunderjack1000 - 10 years ago
Great video but your master test kit should have a GH and a KH as well. 

GH and KH will let you know if you need to buffer your water to have a steady PH reading. Especially if your adding CO2 to your tank. But all in all great video well done.  
Hobo Aquatics
Hobo Aquatics - 10 years ago
Fair to a feeder fish?   LMAO ok
BigBadgers2001 - 10 years ago
Excellent video. Thank you for sharing.
Rita Reid
Rita Reid - 11 years ago
Wow! You should charge for this information! :) I am a beginning aquarist and I feel like I just spied in on a class!
Rita Reid
Rita Reid - 11 years ago
I also wanted to make a compliment for encouragement - it is evident that you are very loving with your hobby (profession?). How inspiring!
glamorousdecay - 11 years ago
are platies hardy enough to be put straight into the tank? I know not recommended but..
A Wilson
A Wilson - 10 years ago
No, cycle first.
AMarkyy - 11 years ago
I just set up a tank yesterday(20 gallon, with a heater, and a filter already running for 24 hours) i also added aquarium salt, quick start to jump start the nitrogen cycles, and stress coat. i haven't added fish food like you suggested, but would now but a safe time to preform this check and get accurate readings? also no fish yet but i have a 10 gallon, that im concerned about, with an african cichlid.
Stacey Fryar
Stacey Fryar - 11 years ago
Great video Thanks for sharing
G Parker
G Parker - 11 years ago
Super informative.  Thanks for making it easy to understand.  Most videos I have watched are kind of confusing.  Keep up the good work.
Charlie Rutledge
Charlie Rutledge - 11 years ago
Thanks for this vid! Its great. You can check out my tank on my channel and rate or sub it. I only have one follower at the mo. But its a new year idea that I have to make youtube vids. :-)
snowleopoard - 11 years ago
Helped a lot!!!!!
Tracey Okeefe
Tracey Okeefe - 11 years ago
Thanks for sharing your experience with us.
My son is just starting up a tank and this will be so useful in helping him get it right.
Will look out for any other info you add!
Reid Smith
Reid Smith - 11 years ago
With PAC man facing the nitrites
Reid Smith
Reid Smith - 11 years ago
Just my 2 cents; I don't like the way you illustrated the cycle. If nitrates EAT nitrites, you should have a horizontal arrow from nitrites to nitrates and then a vertical arrow from nitrates to water change
pwilliams98 - 11 years ago
Nitrates don't eat anything...  Here's the cycle:  Fish & Food waste produce Ammonia... bacteria eat Ammonia and produce Nitrite... another bacteria eats Nitrite and produces Nitrate.  (it is the bacteria that convert from Ammonia... to Nitrite... and then finally to Nitrate).  Ammonia and Nitrite are highly toxic to fish...  It takes very high levels of Nitrate to be toxic to fish, so most aquarists do weekly water changes to dilute the nitrate levels down to non-toxic levels...  So say you have 20 parts per million of Nitrates... you do a 25% water change, and now you are down to 15 parts per million.
Enrique Goitia
Enrique Goitia - 11 years ago
how long does this kit last?
JuaffreBlumpkins - 11 years ago
Up to like 250 test i think?
Andrew Kerry
Andrew Kerry - 11 years ago
Very useful. thanks for such a clear demonstration :)
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 11 years ago
If your tap water is showing signs of ammonia I would contact your local water authorities and have them test it. You can also try to bring samples to multiple lfs and have them test it (with drops not litmus paper) that way you can really be sure how accurate your test kit is. It is not uncommon for basic test kits to be off in thier readings. The only way you will get a really accurate reading is to get a digital tester and professional calibration solution. I hope this helps!
Emily p3nnycraft
Emily p3nnycraft - 9 years ago
Chloramines also show up as ammonia when you first get water out of the tap, most dechlorinators neutralize this so try dechlorinating your water, waiting 12 hours, then test it again.
Reid Smith
Reid Smith - 11 years ago
+CrossedCoder not sure what you mean by PM but I would love to have a scanned copy of the instructions.
CrossedCoder - 11 years ago
+Reid Smith If you like, I can scan in my instruction booklet for you, hit me up with a PM
Reid Smith
Reid Smith - 11 years ago
+Slinky Gecko not to be a smartass but watching the whole video, i realized that you didnt exactly follow all of the directions that come with the API master test kit. I was re watching because the instructions that came with my test kit got wet and stuck together so i cant read exactly how each test is really supposed to be done
Reid Smith
Reid Smith - 11 years ago
+Slinky Gecko I just rinse it out throroughly with tap water
Slinky Gecko
Slinky Gecko - 11 years ago
+Reid Smith how are you cleaning the test tubes? there is ammonia in some cleaning products. 
Reid Smith
Reid Smith - 11 years ago
assuming this was meant to respond to me, im starting to think its my test kit that is bad. i do not use strips, i bought the API master kit and the amoinia test gives me exactly the same color every single time i take a water test no matter when i take the sample
irishhiphopman101 - 11 years ago
do water changes remove amonia or do you need a chemical to counter act it
DakGuy05 - 10 years ago
The filter/pump and recommended amount of water conditioner will do the job. Just read the directions. Hope this helps!
irishhiphopman101 - 11 years ago
what about your water hardnes if your fish does not like them water conditions how will you fix them
irishhiphopman101 - 11 years ago
im getting the api test kit
Jacqueline Diaz
Jacqueline Diaz - 11 years ago
Not cycling your tank beforehand is very cruel.  A dead shrimp will cycle a tank, but there is a ratio of raw flesh to gallon capacity.  Wait and test repeatedly until baseline is proportional to ideal levels.  FIY: Cycling with food murkies water significantly and may prove hard to clean.   A live rock add-on will help populate proper bacterial growth as shrimp is decomposing. 
Jason Short
Jason Short - 11 years ago
I know I am being super picky here, but hold all of the bottles straight up and down to get the same size drops.  When you squeeze from a side angle like that you can get different size drops and it can affect the accuracy of the reading on those multi part tests. 

And like the other commenter said, you are supposed to shake the Nitrate test for one minute before adding the second. 

You also want to wait FIVE minutes before taking those readings against the chart.  Some of those chemicals will colorize differently at cooler temperatures in the house.
Reid Smith
Reid Smith - 11 years ago
if my tap water is testing at .25 ppm for amonia and every time i test my tank water i ALWAYS without failure get the same .25ppm amonia result; could my test kit be faulty?
chris norris
chris norris - 11 years ago
Awesome vid but im with joe on the nitrate test part u have to get the crystal bits at the bottom moving .apart from that mint vid ur water is quite hard in your tank what fish do you have ? Most American cichlids prefer a neutral ph of seven rather than hard water . Just wgat ive learnt and read over the years
Lili CR
Lili CR - 11 years ago
OMG!!! Finally!!! Thank you very much for this video, the best out there about cycling the tank. Very helpful. :))) 
Joe Moore
Joe Moore - 11 years ago
You made a mistake while testing the Nitrate. You need to vigorously shake the Nitrate test solution bottle #2 for at least 30 seconds! This step is extremely important to insure accuracy of test results. Also after you shake the solution from bottle solution #2 for the seconds and add the ten drops you need then cap the tube and vigorously shake the tube for One minute.
RyuuMasato - 11 years ago
Very informative and easy to understand. Would recommend this video to anyone who's just starting out.
Walleye - 11 years ago
Finally, it makes sense now. I should have started out with this video. The bit about the fish food as opposed to using fish, most helpful hint I've found so far. Thank you for this video.
Celia Matthews
Celia Matthews - 11 years ago
any amount of ammonia is harmful to fish. Plus by using ammonia instead of fish you don't have to constantly water change - no problems with sick fish (due to ammonia poisoning) - it's much easier.
Celia Matthews
Celia Matthews - 11 years ago
No - you need to add ammonia or fish food.
Celia Matthews
Celia Matthews - 11 years ago
Finally.... a good instructional video. Wish all the shops didn't promote fish - in cycling. I cycle with ammonia (one without any added perfume etc) I use Kleen Off (sold in UK for £3.99) - takes me 3-4 weeks. Very impressed with your video. Nice one! :D
Marlys Martinez
Marlys Martinez - 11 years ago
how do i get my water to become soft water?
Marlys Martinez
Marlys Martinez - 11 years ago
awesome video so informative clear sound & easy to understand getting my tank ready for discuss so excited ...
aaron davis
aaron davis - 11 years ago
Still gonna use feeder fish...
Joe Adams
Joe Adams - 11 years ago
Thanks for the video just getting started into the hobby and this vid is very hepful!
Gary Wilson
Gary Wilson - 11 years ago
Very informative thank you :) that's the first one that I've managed to understand
VampiraJan - 11 years ago
You and this video helped me understand a lot! This whole cycling thing was getting me so confused that I started thinking twice about getting my first betta fish, but now I think I will be able to manage as it doesn't seem as hard as it looked like when I first started my research on cycling lol. Thank you so much <3
Kevin Snodgrass
Kevin Snodgrass - 11 years ago
Thank you for the video, very helpful! You said that when you cycle your tank you kept the water between 78 and 80°. I am getting ready to set up a second 20 gallon aquarium for goldfish, should I install a heater during the cycling process and keep the water at a warmer temperature to help the bacteria grow, or will it grow just fine in cooler water?
bjeinsincity - 11 years ago
Very helpful.
nick vanderveen
nick vanderveen - 11 years ago
how do i increase or lower the ph
Brian Pinto
Brian Pinto - 11 years ago
So all you need to do is put in fish food? If you do what brand is good to use?
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 11 years ago
Very good question! there are two different types of hardness. Physical hardness "PH" and karbonate hardness "KH" Ph refers to acidic. or alkaline.
MrSheephorse - 11 years ago
Hi dude. Just want to say thanks a million for taking the time to make such a well made and very educational video :) I look forward to more :)
paul lee
paul lee - 11 years ago
When's the new video out bro ?
Joe Horincewich
Joe Horincewich - 11 years ago
Thanks for the info, totally helped me out.
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 11 years ago
sorry friend! I have been compiling a list of questions to make a new video to address them all at once. I will upload shortly. keep an eye out I also am changing the format in which I do my videos. Thank you for your support!!
AceXprt - 11 years ago
Awesome video! anyone who stumbles across this video should have no problem keeping their fish alive and aquarium healthy.
paul lee
paul lee - 11 years ago
Why do your video say leave a comment and the no reply???
Corinne Jabba
Corinne Jabba - 11 years ago
Does adding Prime make it safe for fish?
Reid Smith
Reid Smith - 11 years ago
Just gave me all the information that I have been lividly searching the Internet for in the past 3 hours
Kelly D
Kelly D - 11 years ago
This helped me so much, THANK YOU :)
paul lee
paul lee - 11 years ago
Anyone with suggestions plz take a look at my video ,comment please
paul lee
paul lee - 11 years ago
I have made a video diary on my 75ltr tank and if you get time could you have look at my new set up ? I had it run for a week with no fish ,its day 3 now i tested water for that whole week and on day 2 i had a water test fro my local store and my PH had fel from 7.2-/3 to 5.6 but 1 of my fish fins were clamped resting on bottom of tank under my ornamental log but today he seems fine ?? Fins r erect swimming fine and feeding PLEASE HAVE A LOOK AT MY VIDEO my email is
paul lee
paul lee - 11 years ago
Well put clear instruction s gr8 video dude i have subscribed to you
air159 - 11 years ago
One of the things that I have learned in my aquaponics system(which is very important to carefully monitor all of my levels every day while cycling)that it will help a lot and increase accuracy by about ten percent if you follow the directions for the test to the T. I notice that you didn't shake the nitrite #2 solution for the prescribed amount of time nor did you shake the tube for the correct about of time. Me doing these minor mistakes has killed my fish before. Just trying to be helpful :)
abdulah abrahim
abdulah abrahim - 12 years ago
or u could just use stress zyme because that carries beneficial bacteria to help get your tank started
Rachael-Louise Black
Rachael-Louise Black - 12 years ago
found your video extremely helpful! thank you x
Mad Phrog
Mad Phrog - 12 years ago
My new tank is 2 days old and I put this liquid that is called "SafeStart" and it says on the front allows immediate placement of fish" and when I tested it (with a API kit) I got the same as you. Also I bought this liquid called seachem prime and conditioner and I don't know if I should put it in, also my tank is a 20 gallon x high tank with 7 black skirt tetra
lee adams
lee adams - 12 years ago
what about hardness
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 12 years ago
sorry for the delayed reply. your comment really got me thinking of starting my own website! the upstate club is working hard in organizing meetings. you can email us at I will look into starting a website / blog and will keep everyone posted!! thank you for the support!
utdnut - 12 years ago
thanks for the reply probably go with the peat moss want clear water so will use carbon in the filter
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 12 years ago
you can use a wide variety of softening agents like oak leave, Indian almond leaves, or even peat moss. they will leach tannins into your water so if you want that "Tea" water look be sure to remove the carbon from your filter
utdnut - 12 years ago
what do you recommend to keep ph levels down mine out of the tap is 7.6 want to keep discus so its a bit high dont want to use chemicals
almcloud - 12 years ago
Thank you
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 12 years ago
If I am not mistaken (which I may very well be) you should not hold your finger over the tube In place of the cap. so when you shake vigorously the chemicals and your finger are not cross contaminating. which would give you a false reading. I dont put too much pressure on the cap as sometimes it can cause a break in the seal and leak. But i do hold it when I shake the sample back and forth to mix up the solution.
almcloud - 12 years ago
API manual saying not to touch the cap with your fingers while you shake so you don't alter the readings. What's your thought on that?
sufyan bader
sufyan bader - 12 years ago
This video really helped a lot thanks so much
Keli Renda
Keli Renda - 12 years ago
This is super helpful, thanks!
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 12 years ago
once pinch at the start
willie708 - 12 years ago
To start the cycle you only put a bit of fish food once and that's it? Or should you add a bit each day?
s hole
s hole - 12 years ago
s hole
s hole - 12 years ago
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 12 years ago
No I would rinse between tests. once your tank is cycled you mainly keep an eye on nitrates. doing a water change when nitrates start to rise.
s hole
s hole - 12 years ago
Photo Sushi IV
Photo Sushi IV - 12 years ago
the master test kit comes with a place to hold the tube steady and if u find a plastic funnel small enough should be Do-able. Id say prob use a funnel used to fill flasks they are pretty small. Do not use said funnel for anything other than test kit chemicals. if you dont have a holder for for the glass vials you can prob use play-doh to make a sturdy holder. keep in mind adding too many or too little drops can throw off a reading. I hope this information helps~FishheadsIV
s hole
s hole - 12 years ago
joren70 - 12 years ago
Very well explained, dude. Liked it! Grtz
Anup kawale
Anup kawale - 12 years ago
this is best explanation about water cycle. also its very easily understand because of good video and detail explanation than reading on documents. thank a lot for such great work you are doing. All the best.
Aquascaping the World by BM
Aquascaping the World by BM - 12 years ago
Great vid
Billyvonbolgenstein - 12 years ago
great explanation man!
Jomica Estes
Jomica Estes - 7 years ago
Thank you for being so wonderful with explaining this so clear and patiently! I have the Ammonia bottles and now I need to get the other 4. I wish I would have gotten that API kit.

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