The MOST Important Aquarium Video to watch. ~Water Cycling~
Pets & Animals 12 years ago 243,896 views
water chemistry explained and the water cycle explained. no more crashing tanks!!!
Pets & Animals 12 years ago 243,896 views
water chemistry explained and the water cycle explained. no more crashing tanks!!!
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The "The MOST Important Aquarium Video to watch. ~Water Cycling~" video is part of the pest, animals, fish, freshwater category, which contains similar videos like this one.
Stormy S. Ontario Canada
10. comment for The MOST Important Aquarium Video to watch. ~Water Cycling~
20. comment for The MOST Important Aquarium Video to watch. ~Water Cycling~
30. comment for The MOST Important Aquarium Video to watch. ~Water Cycling~
Idk how accurate that is, but it's what iv'e heard.
Iv'e since discovered that most types of algae can benefit your tank immensely providing it's mostly contained from the main body of the tank.
That is why algae scrubbers are so genius(the filter type, not the abrasive cleaning pad).
How is algae good?
Algae process large amounts of excess nutrients in your aquarium, therefore it is extremely efficient at filtering water.
" Basically, algae are in aquatic systems what plants are to terrestrial systems. They are at the bottom of the food chain using light as an energy source allowing them to convert the gas carbon dioxide into cellular tissue. And just like plants, algae generate oxygen. They increase dissolved oxygen in the water which good for higher organisms like fish "
" Algae are a very important presence in your pond or aquarium. They, along with other microorganisms like bacteria, help minimize the levels of toxic forms of nitrogen in the water. They produce oxygen. They help stabilize your pond/aquarium. Where algae and bacteria differ is that bacteria can convert the nitrogen to various gases that escape the system. Algae, when they die will release the nitrogen back into the system to repeat the nitrogen cycle "
Everything plays it's role in nature, especially algae. To understand your micro organisms well is to understand your living water quality.
Im still learning and are no expert, but have learned it's better to understand how to work with your algae, rather than against it.
50. comment for The MOST Important Aquarium Video to watch. ~Water Cycling~
G fucking G
He also did the nitrate test wrong. I'm not sure you know what a troll is...
Excellent video! Thank you so much for taking the time share it in such a clear fashion.
SO APPRECIATED! you got yourself a new subscriber!
Couldn't understand it completely before and then I found this video, so thank you! ^_^
is stems from the Power/Proportion of Hydrogen Ions in a solution. GH (General Hardness) or dGH (degrees General Hardness) is the measure of hardness.
my nitrite is 2.0ppm my nitrate is 80 ppm. what do I do??
and take out my carbon filter?
#1 Is it ok for it, the ammonia to spike this high?
#2 Now that it's spiking, about how long until the cycle is complete?
No Fish, Fish-less cycle.
(although I did put in 2 full grown cherry barbs the first week to get the cycle started. once the ammonia got to 0.75 I took them out.) And I added tiny bit of fish food, New Life Spectrum 2 times. Also added very tiny bit of frozen shrimp food 1 time.
I used bacteria filled filter media from a 2 year old tank I have.
I added microbe lift for about 6 days or so, but haven't touched the tank for 5 days now.
10 gallon tank, ph 7.0, temperature is 80 F.
100. comment for The MOST Important Aquarium Video to watch. ~Water Cycling~
Great video!
just a question . i am setting up a new for my first time,tomorrow i will go buy some fish food and the tester kit. once i have added the food the ammonia and nitrite will peek,then the nitrate will peek and then i do my water change and is that when i add my fish? or do i still do more testing?
As for the Nitrate, I'm hoping you just shortened that procedure for the video? Supposedly, there's a minute and a half of shaking required to keep that test accurate. I've always done the shaking of #2 for 30 seconds and then the test tube for another 60 seconds. I've not skipped that to see if it really does make a difference tho.
Great video! I wish I had seen this when I got my test kit! I kept fish for years and years without testing. Now I test at least weekly. I test daily or every other day when I'm cycling also, like you suggest.
good video
The fish I am planning to add to my 64 litre (16 gallon) are:
4x Panda Cory
1x Betta Fish
2x Nerite Snails
Is it possible this is too little fish and that my bacteria will die? I'm not really sure. Also is it safe to do 25% water change for the first two days when the fish are in the tank aswell?
Again, I'm not sure and I just want to make sure I get everything right.
Also My filter is not in my tank, its a fluval U2 internal filter, because I have to wait a week in order to get a cable to plug in my filter, same with the heater. I will have them setup by 48 hours before my fish are in. Is this enough? Or do I need to start this cycling process after. I would really want to avoid doing that. My temperature right now ( I will correct before adding fish) for cycling is 22 degrees celsius/ 71.6 Farenheight so will my bacteria be able to cycle in this?
I'm just curious and don't want my fish to catch the new tank syndrome. If you have the chance please reply. Anybody.
At first, i had 4 guppies. They all died within a week as i found out there was ammonia in my tap water and no amount of water changes could save them.
Then, I learnt about cycling my tank and did tons of research on many areas of fish keeping and i currently have a 45 gallon freshwater dirted tank with hardy plants (like anubias and amazon swords and java ferns etc)
After 2.5 months of cycling, with checks on water conditions every other day with API test kit, the nitrogen cycle was complete.
I then added 3 cory doors catfish to the newly cycled tank and added Prazzie gold (Which was recommended to me by a youtube channel to new fish to remove parasites). After 3 days, i checked the water parameters and found that the bacteria and filters were keeping up with the boiload.
Then I came home today, 4 days after buying my fish, only to find out 2 of my corys are DEAD.
I was trying to feed them new life spectrum algae wafers and they didn't eat (I only tried to feed 2 days out of the 4 and removed the food after 15 minutes of them not eating it- I researched on constipation and such as well don't worry)
I feel like giving up. What do I do. Hundreds of dollars and dozens of hours of research and setting up has amassed to nothing. Please help me.
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Ive never heard someone talk as much bullshit in my entire life,,,, and be so confident!!!! (LMFAO) as you spill the bull out as you chat away.....
shame my fishes didn't see the funny side though......
Saying that,
there brains are quadruple the size of yours!
Any how, stop trying to be someone and learn more.
thank you, this is the best video on this subject ever!
This rule applies to all the tests. The chemicals will not give colour results outside the range on the card so the result could be worse than you think if you have a reading which matches the colour extremes at the bottom of the card.
I hope that made sense.
GH and KH will let you know if you need to buffer your water to have a steady PH reading. Especially if your adding CO2 to your tank. But all in all great video well done.
Helped a lot!!!!!
My son is just starting up a tank and this will be so useful in helping him get it right.
Will look out for any other info you add!
And like the other commenter said, you are supposed to shake the Nitrate test for one minute before adding the second.
You also want to wait FIVE minutes before taking those readings against the chart. Some of those chemicals will colorize differently at cooler temperatures in the house.