This was an IMPRESSIVE Aquarium!!

I was pleasantly surprised by the downtown Denver aquarium! Based on the mixed reviews i heard, i wasn’t expecting much. However, I was certainly impressed! Maybe it was because I love and keep some of the freshwater fish there, or because i got to play around with some rays… Ultimately, this was much larger and far more impressive than i thought it was going to be. I filmed this a few months ago while in Denver before my trip back home from Reefstock where i gave a presentation. I filmed much more footage than is shown in this video and there is at LEAST twice as many aquarium as shown… BUT a lot of these tanks are lit by the natural sunlight that pours in from the ceiling. I went at night time not knowing this, so unfortunately it was too difficult to film or see into most of the tanks. I did however figure i would share this experience with you guys anyways. The fish were MASSIVE monster sized animals! Especially that freshwater section. A very good reminder how big some of these guys get and how long they can live for! Perhaps its something to think about before you decide to make an impulse buy and get yourself in over your head with these. SUBSCRIBE ► Get the ultimate DIY book ► LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► Facebook ► Instagram ► The king of DIY aquarium projects, tutorials, how to's. Join me each Thursday for an aquarium topic of the week. Sunday's we focus on a DIY aquarium project, tutorial or an aquarium build series. How to build aquariums: How to build aquarium filters: How to build aquarium stands: How to build aquarium equipment: How to build aquarium lighting: How to build aquarium decorations: Varius aquarium tutorials: ALL Thursday videos: ALL Sunday videos:

This was an IMPRESSIVE Aquarium!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 139

Pets & Animals 7 years ago 321,044 views

I was pleasantly surprised by the downtown Denver aquarium! Based on the mixed reviews i heard, i wasn’t expecting much. However, I was certainly impressed! Maybe it was because I love and keep some of the freshwater fish there, or because i got to play around with some rays… Ultimately, this was much larger and far more impressive than i thought it was going to be. I filmed this a few months ago while in Denver before my trip back home from Reefstock where i gave a presentation. I filmed much more footage than is shown in this video and there is at LEAST twice as many aquarium as shown… BUT a lot of these tanks are lit by the natural sunlight that pours in from the ceiling. I went at night time not knowing this, so unfortunately it was too difficult to film or see into most of the tanks. I did however figure i would share this experience with you guys anyways. The fish were MASSIVE monster sized animals! Especially that freshwater section. A very good reminder how big some of these guys get and how long they can live for! Perhaps its something to think about before you decide to make an impulse buy and get yourself in over your head with these. SUBSCRIBE ► Get the ultimate DIY book ► LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► Facebook ► Instagram ► The king of DIY aquarium projects, tutorials, how to's. Join me each Thursday for an aquarium topic of the week. Sunday's we focus on a DIY aquarium project, tutorial or an aquarium build series. How to build aquariums: How to build aquarium filters: How to build aquarium stands: How to build aquarium equipment: How to build aquarium lighting: How to build aquarium decorations: Varius aquarium tutorials: ALL Thursday videos: ALL Sunday videos:

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Most popular comments
for This was an IMPRESSIVE Aquarium!!

The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
I was pleasantly surprised by the downtown Denver aquarium! Based on the mixed reviews i heard, i wasn’t expecting much. However, I was certainly impressed! Maybe it was because I love and keep some of the freshwater fish there, or because i got to play around with some rays… Ultimately, this was much larger and far more impressive than i thought it was going to be. I filmed this a few months ago while in Denver before my trip back home from Reefstock where i gave a presentation. I filmed much more footage than is shown in this video and there is at LEAST twice as many aquarium as shown… BUT a lot of these tanks are lit by the natural sunlight that pours in from the ceiling. I went at night time not knowing this, so unfortunately it was too difficult to film or see into most of the tanks. I did however figure i would share this experience with you guys anyways. The fish were MASSIVE monster sized animals! Especially that freshwater section. A very good reminder how big some of these guys get and how long they can live for! Perhaps its something to think about before you decide to make an impulse buy and get yourself in over your head with these.
Dakota L
Dakota L - 7 years ago
The king of DIY get a pig nose turtle you will love them
Adam O
Adam O - 7 years ago
blindabinda123 he ment that you can get those fish in fish stores or some place else
Emperor Palpatine
Emperor Palpatine - 7 years ago
I think he meant that you can have most of these fish as pets. I know you can have Bass and some species of catfish as pets.
blindabinda123 - 7 years ago
9:15 did you say these fish were available for the public?? Like as in someone could buy them?
REAL PEPE - 7 years ago
the Atlanta aquarium is really cool
MY-Louhan - 7 years ago
its awesome!!! i want to go there...
Matthew Simoneit
Matthew Simoneit - 7 years ago
The king of DIY go to the Georgia aquarium
Michael Shotack
Michael Shotack - 7 years ago
that was a wolf eel and unfortunately he doesn't look long for this world however the fresh water section did look amazing
Jhero241 - 7 years ago
This will probably be buried in the comments, but you should visit the aquarium in Atlanta GA. Its very well done, Huge freshwater and salt water areas. They also have a whale shark!
Boo The Rabbit
Boo The Rabbit - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I used to live near Denver and always enjoyed the aquarium there. Also, that monster snapper has been there for at least 5 years, maybe ten or more.
Flame Green
Flame Green - 7 years ago
The king of DIY ii
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
The wolf fish laying there on its side was normal. They do this during their periods of slumber. I asked.
Jamie Evans
Jamie Evans - 7 years ago
yup and he looked sick
Sam Thomson
Sam Thomson - 7 years ago
The king of DIY the one laying on its side was a wolf fish
Robert Gabe Lucio
Robert Gabe Lucio - 7 years ago
The king of DIY the size of those piranhas was crazy. i cant wait untill my 2 inch long baby red bellys grow up. i already have them eating 2 inch feeders
Noah Kim
Noah Kim - 7 years ago
The king of DIY i wishe i could've met you
T Cuddy
T Cuddy - 7 years ago
The king of DIY welcome to Colorado man! I go there all time with my little guy and wife! We love it there we usually spend the majority of the day there! lol surprised you didn't show off the big shark tank! But then again there is so much to see!
Sterling Royall
Sterling Royall - 7 years ago
The king of DIY
dang man Im stationed an hour South of there. It would have been awesome to meet you
Zbionix / Caleb H.
Zbionix / Caleb H. - 7 years ago
AmandaJean165 whats it like? I've never been behind the scenes, sounds cool
Zbionix / Caleb H.
Zbionix / Caleb H. - 7 years ago
I'm glad you liked our aquarium
AmandaJean165 - 7 years ago
@The king of DIY - I've been behind the scenes at the Denver aquarium, the public side is only a fraction of the awesomeness!
Tikimohn - 7 years ago
Joey, that eel looking fish with the big head you were wondering about is a Northern Wolffish.
MileHigh Angler
MileHigh Angler - 7 years ago
JR Patilan he didn't have them at the time ghee visited the mile high city
JR Patilan
JR Patilan - 7 years ago
you shouldve brought your color glass peacock bass are beautiful
kraxetk - 7 years ago
wolf eel
OhLive AnGuess
OhLive AnGuess - 7 years ago
Isn't the mata-mata turtle also fully aquatic?
XVJSINAMIN HouseForTaniks - 7 years ago
The king of DIY - have you ever considered a red tail catfish? I have one but you'd be qualified for one considering you have the space and it wouldn't really eat any of your large fish, these fish often create a bond with their owners upon feeding and allowing you to pet them(they act like they let you but they like it) anyway just something to think about
lewis gaskell
lewis gaskell - 7 years ago
The king of DIY you should get some peacock bass
NcSHPfox 152
NcSHPfox 152 - 7 years ago
Top YouTube Randoms I think what he meant is the pig nose is the only aquatic turtle that lives its entire life in the water. Most aquatic turtles will still rest on rocks and logs or go on land at times. They have webbed feet with claws to move around. The pig nose has flippers like sea turtles.
Reptile Kingdom
Reptile Kingdom - 7 years ago
Nice video. have you ever thought about getting reptiles?
zack portner
zack portner - 7 years ago
the nashville zoo has massive arrowana tanks i immediately thought of joey
MileHigh Angler
MileHigh Angler - 7 years ago
Hello From Denver!
Candy Lanes
Candy Lanes - 7 years ago
Have you been to the Florida Aquarium?
Cesar Miranda
Cesar Miranda - 7 years ago
The king of DIY b
Lisaa - 7 years ago
just wondering if you know that l.r bretz aquatics has put a help vid asking for any help to stop whats happening with his tanks n fish specially with his arowana maybe you know something to help love watching your vids the longer the better hugs from britain xx
Derrick Schneider
Derrick Schneider - 7 years ago
me and my girlfriend are planning a trip to the mall of America to see there aquarium and feed rays super hyped planning on possible in about 2 weeks from now
Katie Mader
Katie Mader - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I think you should look into owning octopus or jellyfish... or even a sea dragon. very cool creatures
Hans Müller
Hans Müller - 7 years ago
Welcome to YouTube.
RT S. - 7 years ago
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Mike Franke nah, I'll never see any of those people ever again. It's more awkward when people know who I am. Makes it difficult to film anything.
Mike Franke
Mike Franke - 7 years ago
Hi joey, don't you ever feel a little akward when filming in public places and talking to the camera out load? I was just thinking about it, I think I would...
jason york
jason york - 7 years ago
:() :()
Lionel Jaimani
Lionel Jaimani - 7 years ago
You didn't see the orangutan ??!!
Arune Gmd
Arune Gmd - 7 years ago
That piranha tank is making me scared. It looks they froze in time!?
Jake Herold
Jake Herold - 7 years ago
That's cool I like some of them tanks
Dean White
Dean White - 7 years ago
That first sunfish you couldn't identify cause of the lighting was a black crappie
Lisaa - 7 years ago
what was that big thing also i thought fish on their side is bad
Donna Kate Morgan
Donna Kate Morgan - 7 years ago
I'm surprised you didn't get into those huge tanks
Brenda lim
Brenda lim - 7 years ago
theres this red dot tf

10. comment for This was an IMPRESSIVE Aquarium!!

Gaming With Green
Gaming With Green - 7 years ago
I love how the stingray at the end just comes right up to be pet. (or hes asking "please get me out of here, nope your'e just gonna pet me too, dammit...!")
Madelein Fletcher
Madelein Fletcher - 7 years ago
Is it just me, or do the tanks seem a bit crowded?
Rachel Burton
Rachel Burton - 7 years ago
I love seeing people with the same fascination with fish as me, now I know I'm not crazy lol
Markus Dämpfle
Markus Dämpfle - 7 years ago
Deathrow117 - 7 years ago
Hey man I'm in Denver that would be cool to meet you thanks for coming to denver Colorado
El rey
El rey - 7 years ago
1- The video was made months ago.
2- He'd never meet a total stranger trying to reach him through the youtube comment, section, ANY sane person would.
RNM _LP - 7 years ago
I was there once cool.
Vboy Kulatun
Vboy Kulatun - 7 years ago
joey please gt a turtle
Kaminsky Evans
Kaminsky Evans - 7 years ago
I love that aquarium. I got every time I visit Denver.
Nova - 7 years ago
I love the Denver Aquarium
pickle fish
pickle fish - 7 years ago
Go to the georgia aquarium next!

20. comment for This was an IMPRESSIVE Aquarium!!

Daniel Park
Daniel Park - 7 years ago
has he been to Georgia Aquarium
Rob M
Rob M - 7 years ago
The big eel lying on it's side is called a "wolf fish" they're off the north west coast.
THE STICK 2 - 7 years ago
Anna Cooper
Anna Cooper - 7 years ago
My boyfriend and I LOVE coming here! You missed that this aquarium also has 3 tigers! Which were our favorite because they were super beautiful, and active, unlike most of the tigers that I've seen in captivity. :)
Tacos1230 - 7 years ago
So many of those fish were completely still.....especially the pirhannas
GloomGaiGar - 7 years ago
Went to the Shanghai Aquarium last month. It''s pretty much the same even down to the damn ape noises and statues but they added even more stuff.

They added GIRAFFES.
Uel Jordan
Uel Jordan - 7 years ago
The big thing laying on its side is a wolf eel
FirstClassFishKeeper - 7 years ago
Close to my city there's a arowana for sale
Emperor Palpatine
Emperor Palpatine - 7 years ago
I think their main Jewel is their Arapaima it's usually in the same tank with the one fish that's missing an eye that you saw. Perhaps he finally bit the dust... if so I bid farewell.
Farel Al
Farel Al - 7 years ago
fyi. in indonesia , gurami fish is food. its delicious.

30. comment for This was an IMPRESSIVE Aquarium!!

MOHIT KUMAR - 7 years ago
these fish must be very happy more that what they would be in nature, coz they won't get eaten
Jurgen Meiling
Jurgen Meiling - 7 years ago
Ben Brooks
Ben Brooks - 7 years ago
Anyone from Australia would know what to do with a Barra that size
Magnus Kohler
Magnus Kohler - 7 years ago
u should go to the Georgia aquarium
Bors de Ganys
Bors de Ganys - 7 years ago
Sturgeon are delicious.
Laura Beimers
Laura Beimers - 7 years ago
Anyone else see that tiny red dot towards the right of the screen? I couldn't stop noticing it once I did; was driving me insane
Olivier OO
Olivier OO - 7 years ago
the fish you say like a human face was a wolffish
cocopunk1486 - 7 years ago
11:45 Anyone know what species these turtles are?
Gabrielle P.
Gabrielle P. - 7 years ago
I live there!!
John Romanas
John Romanas - 7 years ago
5:05 onwards - Especially the start, why are they so....... Stationary?
Braden Mungeam
Braden Mungeam - 7 years ago
Anybody know what the black turtle with the white spots at 12:50 is?? So sweet
Alan Vega
Alan Vega - 7 years ago
I live in denver i had no idea YouTubers ever come down here
redhawk617 - 7 years ago
4:37 real talk, wtf if that thing?
DiaMonD WoLf
DiaMonD WoLf - 7 years ago
The Piranha squad is like "hold up squad. We need to stay still and act like we are on crack with our eyes." and u need pause it on 5:00
feng zhu
feng zhu - 7 years ago
I have been there 38 times.
feng zhu
feng zhu - 7 years ago
I live in Lakewood CO. Its near Denver.
Why r u so Rude my dude
Why r u so Rude my dude - 7 years ago
I live there and I was just at the aquarium!
Stephanie Martinez
Stephanie Martinez - 7 years ago
JJ & Sophie Prodoutions
JJ & Sophie Prodoutions - 7 years ago
Go to ripleys aquarium its in a couple places
shirleethepooh - 7 years ago
the arowanas look so sad

50. comment for This was an IMPRESSIVE Aquarium!!

PoPeople21 - 7 years ago
Fish on its side is a wolf eel I believe
Smmhs Pro
Smmhs Pro - 7 years ago
That human looking fish is a saltwater wolfish
Flashy Incorporated
Flashy Incorporated - 7 years ago
Feeding stingrays was one of the best thing I did in my life
Richie Juan
Richie Juan - 7 years ago
What's the name of the fish in front of the gar fish in 1:10 of the video?!
Sean Anderson
Sean Anderson - 7 years ago
Why are all those tanks open on the top.... people could throw things in.... and then theres the piranha tank....
Ben O'Connell
Ben O'Connell - 7 years ago
am i the only one who sees a small red dot on the right side of the screen that wont go away 5:00
Bhai91davidoff - 7 years ago
4.44 it a wolffish
societywithin - 7 years ago
what's that thing at 4:39 ?!
James March
James March - 7 years ago
Why weren't the piranhas moving?
Michelle Palmer
Michelle Palmer - 7 years ago
this aquarium is my go to for first dates oh my gosh it's my happy place. especially with the mermaid shows
Deathwish026 - 7 years ago
i dont know whats pissing me off more the monkey sound or the dead pixel.
Aidan Kane
Aidan Kane - 7 years ago
Please tell me what was that eel thing
Jerry Sarder
Jerry Sarder - 7 years ago
( . _.) ( . _.)
Sa Sa
Sa Sa - 7 years ago
those monkey/ape animal noises really ruins the ambiance of the place
rondo kelly
rondo kelly - 7 years ago
5:10 what are the piranhas doing
#Stephen Tube
#Stephen Tube - 7 years ago
those pangus catfish are massive compared to mine that is 18inches
Naomi Mackay
Naomi Mackay - 7 years ago
so what was that weird thing laying on it's side
Harriet Read
Harriet Read - 7 years ago
Naomi Mackay a wolf fish
arda milena
arda milena - 7 years ago
is the fish sick or what, the piranha did not move!
marshmallowdog productions
marshmallowdog productions - 7 years ago
IV been there!
Hallvard Johansen
Hallvard Johansen - 7 years ago
that long grey fish is a saltwater wolf fish
wolf pack survival
wolf pack survival - 7 years ago
there are 666 comments
Ritesh Suvarna
Ritesh Suvarna - 7 years ago
5:00 not a single fish is moving whats up with that tank??
The GamingGecko
The GamingGecko - 7 years ago
i think that was a wolf eel
TelxGaming - 7 years ago
I live in a small town in Colorado, and go to Denver 6 or 7 times a year, but I have gone to the aquarium twice. The flash flood zone is extremely cool if your willing to get soaked! It's usually filled up with kids! It was so weird to have you record everything especially because not many YouTubers go to Denver or Colorado!
The ray feeding is really cool as well.
Ray aquarismo
Ray aquarismo - 7 years ago
Very good I'm from Brazil
Fish456hao GT
Fish456hao GT - 7 years ago
its a wolf fish
Jhoon Aun Ng
Jhoon Aun Ng - 7 years ago
8:56 thats a wallago attu.. huge ! ! !
Rev. Ryan Bob Givens
Rev. Ryan Bob Givens - 7 years ago
I live in Denver. My girlfriend took me here for my birthday last year, and I was also pretty impressed! BTW were you in town for the AGA Convention?
philip dias
philip dias - 7 years ago
Giant gourami are cool
Arden Pierce
Arden Pierce - 7 years ago
well there we have it Joey's future house!!!
Brandy Hiller
Brandy Hiller - 7 years ago
Not a bad little aquarium. definitely enough arowana... am I right ?
Bill Mondragon
Bill Mondragon - 7 years ago
I live in Denver, and we just LOVE the aquarium here. Thanks for all of the kind words. You need to stay for the flash flood demonstration next time, fairly impressive.
Joseph Lange
Joseph Lange - 7 years ago
You should go to Disney World in Orlando and swim with the sharks.

Tea Cup Galaxy Art
Tea Cup Galaxy Art - 7 years ago
The D.C. Zoo you should go there and see the aquarium part of it. GIANT Arawana fish. Like the length of my friends arm length from finger tip to finger tip and she's 5'8"
Josh C
Josh C - 7 years ago
Welcome to the 303
James Moore
James Moore - 7 years ago
that thing is an eel
Cyrilcynder1 - 7 years ago
Come to Duluth sometime, that aquarium is pretty rad
Zenlike07 - 7 years ago
Hi Joey! Love your videos I absolutely love fish! I love watching your videos and seeing all the wonderful different fish you have in your gallery and love visiting all the different aquariums through your vlogs! If you are ever in Baltimore, the Baltimore Aquarium is absolutely amazing! The best one I've ever been to! Thank you for sharing your beautiful gallery and fish experiences with us!
Arnold May II
Arnold May II - 7 years ago
Very nice
Wael Binali
Wael Binali - 7 years ago
Is that a recording? It's the same scream going over and over and over, no animal makes the same noise constantly, you'd get variations in sound and it would be sporadic. This is like an annoying car alarm or some girl at a horror flick.
Nefph - 7 years ago
where in canada are you from?
~~Stark~~ - 7 years ago
it's a wolf eel, hi from spain
Andrea Banuelos
Andrea Banuelos - 7 years ago
OMG!!!! I used to go to that aquarium every other month when I used to live in Denver!! They have a lot of neat things there!!
Jeremy Johnston
Jeremy Johnston - 7 years ago
There used to be a Colorado river otter exhibit. The Aquarium used to be bigger before they added the restaurant and gift shop :(
Meh - 7 years ago
If you're ever in the Chattanooga area in Tennessee theres a pretty cool aquarium there too
Aggressivefish91 - 7 years ago
4:41 is a wolf eel/ wolf fish
Kawaii Dog
Kawaii Dog - 7 years ago
I went there during spring break!
MarkTonny tonny
MarkTonny tonny - 7 years ago
when iwas a kid we have that black shark and the white shark their gorgues
Rebel Quadron FPV
Rebel Quadron FPV - 7 years ago
"Do any of these fish have eyes" CLASSIC!!
zam veron
zam veron - 7 years ago
hi Joey, @ 10:35.. what fish is that?

100. comment for This was an IMPRESSIVE Aquarium!!

T Woods
T Woods - 7 years ago
That fish laying on it's side looked like a dying eel gasping for air.
Ella Batten
Ella Batten - 7 years ago
I've been keeping bettas, angelfish and goldfish for awhile (with a few other small species of fish) and I'm looking to take my hobby to the next level what are some fish you recommend? Thank you in advance
I dont use this account anymore
I dont use this account anymore - 7 years ago
You were in Denver and I missed you? Damnit!
jessica lamarre
jessica lamarre - 7 years ago
Come visit the Toronto aquarium!
Nick x gamer Wambolt
Nick x gamer Wambolt - 7 years ago
King of diy were do you het you acrylic in Halifax please let me know ????? Please message me
hannah - 7 years ago
Did you see the HUGE shark tank at the bottom of stairs to the right in the restraunt, there is some incredible fish in that tank and like I said, it is absolutely HUGE!!
MileHigh Angler
MileHigh Angler - 7 years ago
I had my prom there. I spent all of my time and money feeding the rays. hahaha I forgot about my prom date.
Republic Reptiles
Republic Reptiles - 7 years ago
You should get more into the predatory large catfish! They're my favorite group of aquarium fish. You should definitely get an Asian RTC, or something similar, for the new huge aquarium.
Ali Fares
Ali Fares - 7 years ago
That huge fish laying on it's side was a wolf eel.
Faolan Gaming
Faolan Gaming - 7 years ago
was there a wild bird in there or something because it's annoying
JungsLife - 7 years ago
when will the 5 gallon update come out
Anthony Cosby
Anthony Cosby - 7 years ago
Monkey faced eal.
Jason - 7 years ago
Now that I think about it a sturgeon would look pretty nice in the aquarium. Not sure how they would do in warmer water though.
S wd
S wd - 7 years ago
at 4:30 thats a wolf eel, they sure are ugly haha
Mike1 TC
Mike1 TC - 7 years ago
you gotta put an Oscar in your 2000g
Johnovan Dupper
Johnovan Dupper - 7 years ago
diy fishkeeper i think your aquariums are better!
Wade 16
Wade 16 - 7 years ago
4:55 is this the ultimate manikin challange? What happend here.
Ricardo Junqueira
Ricardo Junqueira - 7 years ago
Any idea on why all the fish are so lethargic?
Patrick Dickson
Patrick Dickson - 7 years ago
At the end the rey was so excited. It couldn't believe it was ACTUALLY meeting Joey, The king of DIY
Charlie Yates
Charlie Yates - 7 years ago
I thought the Denver aquarium was really cool. Couldn't even believe how massive some of their fish are.
Julianne P
Julianne P - 7 years ago
If I heard another gorilla noise I would probably kill myself
Aj Benner
Aj Benner - 7 years ago
This guy inspires me to get into the hobby I already got two tanks and planning to get my third soon even tho I'm only 14 I can't wait to get my own house one day and have just as much aquariums as he does
Trey Weir
Trey Weir - 7 years ago
I'm from Denver and have been to that aquarium recently and I'm right there with you I have no idea what kind of fish that is laying on his side in the salt water tank and it freaks me out
FadedPegasus h
FadedPegasus h - 7 years ago
Gatlinburg has a better aquarium
FINN t - 7 years ago
well if you are ever in the uk you should go to the national marine aquarium in plymouth there are some big tanks there.
Brandywine6969 - 7 years ago
My first thought when I saw that fish on its side with the face on it was blobfish, but it isn't one. That would be a fun on to put in the gallery, a blobfish, lol. They look like a grumpy human.
ellongstripepure58sec. pure
ellongstripepure58sec. pure - 7 years ago
awesome fresh water monster fish with all of my favorite fresh water fish
João Carlos
João Carlos - 7 years ago
anyone knows the specie of the turtle at 11:52?
Brandon Miller
Brandon Miller - 7 years ago
Hey Joey you should do more DIY decals! I'm a newer subscriber and would love to have a few.
Asnl45 - 7 years ago
Looks like they haven't discovered Kessels yet for some of those dark tanks
Good Morning Games
Good Morning Games - 7 years ago
Yeah visiting my hometown! I take my son to the aquarium sometimes, he loves it.
hiddentomb1 - 7 years ago
I would love to just get in the tank with them and swim about, that would be great
Heidi Kleinsasser
Heidi Kleinsasser - 7 years ago
Am I the only one, or aren't any of the animals really moving around??
AquarianerTV - 7 years ago
A wonderful video
Prime Time Aquatics
Prime Time Aquatics - 7 years ago
I remember when I was a kid there were some pet stores actually selling sturgeons - little ones! I look back at that and wonder what they were thinking! "I'd like to buy a sturgeon please? How big a tank do you have? O, I built a large river in my yard so I'm good" Haha Thanks for the tour!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Prime Time Aquatics many other monster sized fish are still sold in stores. Supply and demand. Responsible store owners only bring them in on special order.
mike mac
mike mac - 7 years ago
4:44 looks like a wolf eel to me
Bree F.
Bree F. - 7 years ago
4:40 seriously someone tell me what this was...because I don't even know how I would google that.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Bree F. It's a wolf fish
Bree F.
Bree F. - 7 years ago
Those sturgeon are AMAZING.
Jena Tucker Aquariums
Jena Tucker Aquariums - 7 years ago
thanks for sharing!! this was a very nice place, but I think some of the aquariums we're too small for the size fish in them.
Kim Stewart
Kim Stewart - 7 years ago
I'm curious as to what will happen to the lil fish once the eggs hatch... will the other large fish eat them or does the aquarium have a plan to remove them and a safe place to grown em out/give em to other aquariums(or zoos)?
Sansa Stark
Sansa Stark - 7 years ago
Joey, That aquarium is huge! I just love how they have such a large variety of so many different things and a touch tank too? Wow so much to see! Very nice!
NST50cc - 7 years ago
wolf eel
ethan pham
ethan pham - 7 years ago
It was a wolf fish! They get huge. Watch BlueWorldTV's episode on them. They are extremely cool.
Michael aquarium
Michael aquarium - 7 years ago
Joey nice aquarium place a massive big fish monster fish especially the sharks Turtles Michael aquarium going going gone bye for now catch you soon
Tommy Hutagalung
Tommy Hutagalung - 7 years ago
Peacock Bass!!
TrueDeltstrada - 7 years ago
farrukita Martinez
farrukita Martinez - 7 years ago
Getting some ideas !!
Vincent Titone
Vincent Titone - 7 years ago
Ever try convincing an aquarium like this to give you a tour of their filtration room? I'm extremely interested in how they manage all of that water!
Cole Reynolds
Cole Reynolds - 7 years ago
I live in Dubai..... we have the largest suspended aquarium in the world here. 10-million litres to be exact. It is amazing
Cole Reynolds
Cole Reynolds - 7 years ago
I live in Dubai..... we have the largest suspended aquarium in the world here. 10-million litres to be exact. It is amazing
Timi Air
Timi Air - 7 years ago
Sturgeons are my all time favourite fish, especially the diamondbacks, koi are my 2nd fav, both sadly grow far too big for me to keep right now :( Some day I will have a house with a garden big enough for a massive pond I swear!!
demondevon - 7 years ago
the huge fish on its side with the human face looks like a wolf eel.
Jax A
Jax A - 7 years ago
really enjoyed that.
light - 7 years ago
The saltwater fish are surprisingly in very well kept condition compared with the fresh water fish, the Big Barramundi didn't look very happy nor too well
Sam S.
Sam S. - 7 years ago
joey in houston tx we have the same downtown aquarium i still have not gone yet..
Sam S.
Sam S. - 7 years ago
I would love to go back to new Orleans and see the aquarium there.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Sam S. you gotta go! Go this weekend or next!
Donald Trump
Donald Trump - 7 years ago
Stop stalling us and hurry up with da fish house!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Las MiLLpass I'm not stalking. The gallery is months ahead of schedule. I'm moving as fast as I can with out rushing and making costly mistakes.
Sub and Like channel
Sub and Like channel - 7 years ago
I'm pretty sure that was a green moray eel
Charlie Birch
Charlie Birch - 7 years ago
With that eel looking fish that you didn't know. I think it might of been a Wolf Fish, I'm not too sure but by the look of the head and Buck teeth I think it might be one.
Dongerino - 7 years ago
What type of Arowana is the one at 10:45?
Dongerino - 7 years ago
Thanks joey!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
A red
Dongerino - 7 years ago
They should remove a few fish from the tanks that have way to many fish inside. The Beach and Mangrove Displays are nice and all, but the actual swimming space for the fish inside is tiny, they should fill it up more.
Karolina Ramirez
Karolina Ramirez - 7 years ago
You an Taylor Nicole dean should do a collaboration!!!
Fantasies By Juls
Fantasies By Juls - 7 years ago
Meanwhile in Arizona there's only one good aquarium and it's like a trip to Disney land (in excitement and price) rather than an aquarium visit. Every where else is just kinda like "here's a catfish and a trout"
Andy T
Andy T - 7 years ago
was that some type of goby
Kyle's Fish room
Kyle's Fish room - 7 years ago
awesome aquariums
TheCamPayne - 7 years ago
The only bummer about the Denver aquarium is that it is more of a restaurant than a full blow aquarium, when it first opened it was huge!
Phi Tran
Phi Tran - 7 years ago
Joey how long are you in Denver for?? I live in Denver and would love to meet you! Big fan by the way!
Lelani Dixon
Lelani Dixon - 7 years ago
Was just at the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, CA yesterday. The lighting is much better, as is the diversity of species. They have a massive salt water aquarium that is just amazing to behold. Lots of interactive touch tanks as well, including rays. I haven't been to the Denver aquarium yet, but I'll have to check it out if I get the chance. Thanks for the preview.
Enrique Cisneros
Enrique Cisneros - 7 years ago
are you still in denver i would love to get a autograph
PanamaReefs Daniel
PanamaReefs Daniel - 7 years ago
Great footage!
But as a constructive criticism; it was way too noisy, I would have enjoyed more a voice over.
WrestlerMoore1 - 7 years ago
try the Dallas aquarium, if you wanna see some nice looking discus or the Jenks/Tulsa one in Oklahoma for some other nice exhibits.
Red 1
Red 1 - 7 years ago
When i lived in Denver when i was little my favorite part was the flash flood part and all the different fish is what got me into fish keeping
Steve Reyes
Steve Reyes - 7 years ago
Welcome to the mile high city
Sethdarkus - 7 years ago
Looks amount like a aquarium! I went to at long island as a kid, it had a stingray touch tank as well with a few sand sharks in it
crazy shrimp lady
crazy shrimp lady - 7 years ago
I have a big fat goldfish without an eye. Don't really know how it lost it. He is healthy and growing. I think he must have got stuck somewhere and it came out or another fish nipped it out.
bluelineaquatics 14799
bluelineaquatics 14799 - 7 years ago
if you ever can, make your way to the Tennessee aquarium in Chattanooga. it's amazing
sinny - 7 years ago
did you find out what that huge eel-looking thing was?
I wonder if that ape scream is copyrighted
Dark Woods
Dark Woods - 7 years ago
4:44 lol I watched a three hour documentary on those they are wolf eels
Caroline Butler
Caroline Butler - 7 years ago
I love it there!!!!!!!
Tizzy - 7 years ago
get a sturgeon or a turtle please <3
Chris Boston
Chris Boston - 7 years ago
I love aquariums. My favorite so far is the Baltimore Aquarium; check it out :)
Star Hawj
Star Hawj - 7 years ago
Shedd Aquarium or this one which one is better
oakland002 - 7 years ago
The long fish at 4:30 , I think it's a saltwater wolf fish ??
Morris -TheDragon
Morris -TheDragon - 7 years ago
Can you get a pufferfish? They are fun and cute.
perѕepнone aвernanтн
perѕepнone aвernanтн - 7 years ago
I'm surprised the tigers didn't make it as a "shouldn't these be at the zoo?"
Brett Skinner
Brett Skinner - 7 years ago
Tanks are way to over crowded
Dalton325 - 7 years ago
I guess now you have some good inspiration for your big tanks scaping.
Samuel Abraham
Samuel Abraham - 7 years ago
Fish are just so cool
Jose  Aleman
Jose Aleman - 7 years ago
It would be really cool if you kept peacock bass in the future!
Warren Sorg
Warren Sorg - 7 years ago
How would the Asian arowana be with like a clown knife fish that would be dope to see them together
A Person!
A Person! - 7 years ago
I watch these comment sections as they grow and wow ...
Little Aquatics
Little Aquatics - 7 years ago
do u own a fish shop? If not u should
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
My pet care and more nah, never had an interest. I wouldn't be very good at it. I think it would ruin my hobby.
Noah Kim
Noah Kim - 7 years ago
ayyyye can i get woop woop for colorado
Austin Nehrenberg
Austin Nehrenberg - 7 years ago
go #boner
Ross Tucker
Ross Tucker - 7 years ago
species name @ 10:30 zoomed in with no eye???
gromann - 7 years ago
So now you're going to do the legendary Los Angeles aquariums next, right? Aquarium of the Pacific and Monterey bay
gromann - 7 years ago
wolf eel, ugliest things around and native to where I live, that one didn't LOOK too hot though
Damien Wallace
Damien Wallace - 7 years ago
the red dot was pretty funny
Nikolas Ostropolskiy
Nikolas Ostropolskiy - 7 years ago
I think the only reason people have anything negative to say about the Denver aquarium is because it's a little underwhelming for the price you pay. obviously people have their own opinions, and I personally live Denver's aquarium. But a big complaint I've always heard is the price.
WoLfGlam - 7 years ago
Lmao those piranha looks like they are doing the manniquin challenge
Charles Lee
Charles Lee - 7 years ago
that shallow saltwater display is the best!
Debi Kramer
Debi Kramer - 7 years ago
Random question but if your daughter still has her aquarium could you do a. update
Akasha Maraldi
Akasha Maraldi - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I would love to see a video of you surprising her with a new tank ☺
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Debi Kramer she shut that down months ago. She lost interest. My fault. I feel I had too much input. I think she would prefer a larger goldfish tank. She's getting a bigger bedroom soon, so I might surprise her with one.
Mayur3tears - 7 years ago
Looks like those Arowana have drop eye and are missing their barbels, still beautiful fish though. Can't wait to see yours get that big
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Mayur3tears none had drop eye, but losing the barbels are normal. Might have scraped them alone he bottom or we're nipped off. Might have also happened prior to being rescued. Happened to one of mine before too.
Sam Patti
Sam Patti - 7 years ago
if you're ever in Philly, the Camden aquarium is pretty neat.
Mr MoJo Risin
Mr MoJo Risin - 7 years ago
i know your from down east but any Good ideas on native Trout tanks like brook trout
thegregorypenis - 7 years ago
Should've wear your colorblind glasses
thegregorypenis - 7 years ago
Oh. At least you can watch video of that with glasses, I guess. While you are here I'd like to thank you for your videos, you are one of the persons who got inspired me to get my first (as an adult) fish tank which I will set up in a couple of months. Thank you!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+thegregorypenis this was filmed 2 months before I had those.
Al's Critters
Al's Critters - 7 years ago
People who "keep" monster fish should watch this video or go to the aquarium to see how big their fish can get. Too many people don't educate themselves when they go to the pet store or fish store and buy a fish that gets bigger than 12 inches, some even get fish that can get pass 2 feet :(.
Cetacean Studios
Cetacean Studios - 7 years ago
Jason Freeman
Jason Freeman - 7 years ago
Are you gonna get any of those huge fish when you get your tank is finished?
Strange Person! xP
Strange Person! xP - 7 years ago
The barramundi looks like the seer from the Viking series.
Mr CoolDude
Mr CoolDude - 7 years ago
though the water is great, the arowana seems to be so stressed. it's because arowana prefers moving water but the water there is stagnant
Murphy's Reefing
Murphy's Reefing - 7 years ago
Looks awesome to me. Of course I'm pretty well impressed with most aquariums
Strange Person! xP
Strange Person! xP - 7 years ago
That's a sideways moray eel dude......... -_- lol
Andrew Harrison
Andrew Harrison - 7 years ago
"OOOOOOOOOOOWWWWW" - anonymous person getting their balls tugged on throughout the entire video
Skidz Keepitstreet
Skidz Keepitstreet - 7 years ago
Pretty sure the one fanning the eggs was female the one that came up was male. Most males have the dot on the anal fin from what I've experienced the female will bite it during breeding and he'll release the sperm.

Edit- not sure if that's all fish
Skidz Keepitstreet
Skidz Keepitstreet - 7 years ago
Aquarium goals
Ramsy Hai
Ramsy Hai - 7 years ago
wow joey thx for brings us along!!! and i hope to see ur succes in ur fish room
Ramsy Hai
Ramsy Hai - 7 years ago
Trey L
Trey L - 7 years ago
for the peacock bass, the one with the large crest on its head was the boy. IF you were wondering
Angel 44
Angel 44 - 7 years ago
What is that fish that was swimming past to snapping turtle :53
EnVision - 7 years ago
I should take a trip alone to an aquarium so i can just spend hours just looking around. The aquarium can SOMETIMES be so relaxing.
Zbionix / Caleb H.
Zbionix / Caleb H. - 7 years ago
are you gonna do a meetup?!?!?? plz do
Victoria Peters
Victoria Peters - 7 years ago
the fish in the tank with the sunfish were crappies
Brett Bauer
Brett Bauer - 7 years ago
Man I need to go to a cool aquarium. We have none in my region.
MyMonday2004 - 7 years ago
i scuba div there
Tyler Lucas
Tyler Lucas - 7 years ago
That was a monkey face eel
Twisted Marker
Twisted Marker - 7 years ago
If you get a chance go to the adventure aquarium in Camden, not the nicest town, but a beautiful aquarium with some impressive animals (even hippos)
ThatLaziGamer - 7 years ago
Can you get piranhas please
Hilton Aquatics
Hilton Aquatics - 7 years ago
Get a turtle in the big tank
Nekiu Kumashiro
Nekiu Kumashiro - 7 years ago
That orange dot bouncing around... I want.. I want to slap at it
oddball _fish
oddball _fish - 7 years ago
I live there and I would love to see you
oddball _fish
oddball _fish - 7 years ago
how long are you in Denver
Sean Frederickson
Sean Frederickson - 7 years ago
Did the kids that donated all there money to your building cuz you are broke also pay for this trip or did youtube?
dakota miller
dakota miller - 7 years ago
joey u should get some freshwater eels it would be super cool
BachikoiBabi - 7 years ago
Have you ever been to Shedd Aquarium? Its amazing. One of my favorite places in the world. If you haven't you totally should go!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+BachikoiBabi yes, I have a couple videos on it.
aperture made
aperture made - 7 years ago
how did they keep the ariwana in the tank if the like to jump
Pointer pro
Pointer pro - 7 years ago
I live in Denver Co
Muhammad Pope
Muhammad Pope - 7 years ago
I thought turtles couldn't be kept with fish
Jex2112 - 7 years ago
What is that weird dot on the right side of the video?... its like some idiot with a lazer pointer was following you around, was really distracting
toolhog10 - 7 years ago
Are those sturgeon ancient fish or do they just look like they belong with the dinosaurs?
oscar boy
oscar boy - 7 years ago
northern wolffish
Josh Luth
Josh Luth - 7 years ago
Have you been to the Toronto aquarium?
Steelwater 13
Steelwater 13 - 7 years ago
I have a petition rn to free the Denver Aquarium tigers. It has over a 159,000 thousand signatures, and if you would like to check it out, search Free the Denver Aquarium Tigers petition. Thank you! (Btw my name is Lily and I am 13 yrs old)
Grace Dornbusch
Grace Dornbusch - 7 years ago
I live in Denver !!!! I was just there !!!!!! Omg
zeus - 7 years ago
Wolffish was the one you asked about
Lexus Stormcrow
Lexus Stormcrow - 7 years ago
What do you call a fish without any eyes? A fsh.
Jack Arroues
Jack Arroues - 7 years ago
It's a wolf eel, that grey thing on its side with the human face
Ruben Hofmans
Ruben Hofmans - 7 years ago
Does anyone know the name of the yellow-ish fish at 3:43?
Rock Stone
Rock Stone - 7 years ago
I have blood worms for my female crown tail betta is there anything else I should feed her please answer as soon as you can.
Bro Bliscious
Bro Bliscious - 7 years ago
Your in denver! Why dident you tell me!!!
Feeling Fishy
Feeling Fishy - 7 years ago
The animal attraction is in greely
Tikimohn - 7 years ago
That eel looking fish with the fat ass head you were wondering about is a Northern Wolffish
Feeling Fishy
Feeling Fishy - 7 years ago
You should go to the animal attraction it has huge fish that you can get
CREEPONATER Minecraft - 7 years ago
I live in Denver!!!!!!
Ares_Ace - 7 years ago
Where are there barbels
Feeling Fishy
Feeling Fishy - 7 years ago
I live near Denver!
JOSH MODELS ! - 7 years ago
Would your arawarna get that big
marcel wongso
marcel wongso - 7 years ago
i could sit there and watch it the whole day, very beautifull
ivonne748 - 7 years ago
"Do any of these fish haves eyes" lol
ViXiL Productions
ViXiL Productions - 7 years ago
4:42 +TheKingOfDiy that is a wolf fish/eel.
Kael Simpson
Kael Simpson - 7 years ago
I love going to the Denver aquarium used to go there all the time
Rhys Davis
Rhys Davis - 7 years ago
That's a wolf eel I think
Yodi Gaming
Yodi Gaming - 7 years ago
omg you're in Denver I live there well close omg I cant believe it!!!I'm so happy!!!
Anthony's Malawi Predators
Anthony's Malawi Predators - 7 years ago
those displays are huge and very clean
Geckos 'N Stuff
Geckos 'N Stuff - 7 years ago
i've been there a couple times. I do find it a little weird though that an aquarium has tigers and ground-dwelling reptiles.
ItsAlleged - 7 years ago
This seems like it would have been a great place for you to try out those "colorblind" glasses again!
ItsAlleged - 7 years ago
The king of DIY ah that makes sense! I was confused as I didn't think you were traveling right now. Thanks! You're the greatest
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+ItsAlleged i didn't have them when I filmed this. This is from a little more than 2 months ago.
Shaw Media
Shaw Media - 7 years ago
Would of liked to of seen more of the coral reef at 12:12
jashelps - 7 years ago
The sad thing about these big aquariums (here in belgium this is true for those specialty fish stores to) is that when people get a monster fish and it grows to big they either kill it dump it somewhere in a pond, lake, river or give it back to a store/ large aquarium. The giant fish in the store never sell and eventually they find their way into those large aquarium. Problem is they get overstocked and have to deny fish. This is sadly a big problem everywhere were parents just get a random fish and thats it.
CaMiLo EsTeBaN
CaMiLo EsTeBaN - 7 years ago
i just wonder if they put something in those aquariums, those fishes look extremely calmed... that's weird. when i get too close to my guys they all go crazy, either begging for food or just running away.
Rock Stone
Rock Stone - 7 years ago
What should I feed her
Aiden Lieske
Aiden Lieske - 7 years ago
I live in denver
Gareth Jones
Gareth Jones - 7 years ago
8:46 That fish had no eye idea you were there
Nutty 16
Nutty 16 - 7 years ago
Are Asian arawana's legal or illegal in the United States?
Anthony Ramos
Anthony Ramos - 7 years ago
Gamezfordayz he lives in Canada.
Gamezfordayz - 7 years ago
+The king of DIY how do you have one?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Nutty 16 illegal unless it's for education or research. Need a permit. Aquariums like this can have them.
Ali Aarab
Ali Aarab - 7 years ago
You are like a kid in a candy shop Lol!
starkiller 86
starkiller 86 - 7 years ago
Awesome video joey,thanks for sharing
Rock Stone
Rock Stone - 7 years ago
What fish should I get with my betta 2.5 gallon
halcyon - 7 years ago
Rock Stone none that's way too small
Fuerx - 7 years ago
Come to the atlanta aquarium. It has the biggest tank in america and a great freshwater display
Rock Stone
Rock Stone - 7 years ago
I have a female crown tail betta. I got some bloodworms she seems to like them but should that be her main meal or something else. Please respond DIY KING
jashelps - 7 years ago
I feed mine generic flake food and these bottom feeder tablets. Every day I switch between them. Once or twice a week I give them bloodworms. I discovered betta's love bottom feeder pellets that contain shrimp as a primary ingredient.
Rock Stone
Rock Stone - 7 years ago
jashelps what should I feed her
jashelps - 7 years ago
No always vary it up. Bloodworms don't contain everything they need.
PeixeTube HD
PeixeTube HD - 7 years ago
loads of brazilian fish
Steven Harben
Steven Harben - 7 years ago
strange that I recently visited the same aquarium (same company) in Houston and made a comment about how many fish were missing eyes.
Rock Stone
Rock Stone - 7 years ago
You should do a livestream
Free Swimmer
Free Swimmer - 7 years ago
Feeding time would be fun to watch with all those giants ..
Sean Ford
Sean Ford - 7 years ago
that was a wolf eel they are wired looking fish
M. S. Aquariums
M. S. Aquariums - 7 years ago
how is your saltwater tank?
Joe B
Joe B - 7 years ago
Could the big fish laying on its side be an OAR FISH?
Not Too Shabby
Not Too Shabby - 7 years ago
What was that fish at 7:35 that was guarding its eggs? Never seen something like that before!
Dominic Schmidt
Dominic Schmidt - 7 years ago
I had been there. Awesome
ThatOneGuyWithALongUsername - 7 years ago
Go to ripleys aquarium Toronto
Alice in Overwatch
Alice in Overwatch - 7 years ago
there was that weird dot from the camera and i couldnt stop looking at it XD
Just A Normal Gamer
Just A Normal Gamer - 7 years ago
What fish is that at 4:45?
Philip Murray
Philip Murray - 7 years ago
They must put sedatives in the water, not a lot of movement or action on some of those tanks.
JR Galore
JR Galore - 7 years ago
I'm pretty sure that's a wolf fish.
JAZZ KING9810 - 7 years ago
I thought my screen froze when you showed the piranhas lol
Leroy Sinclair
Leroy Sinclair - 7 years ago
Just a note to those who are saying that he should get turtle, it is so hard to obtain a pet turtle in Nova Scotia that it is almost illegal.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Patrick I can get one and have had them in the past. I working on getting the gallery a permit to be classified as an educational/research centre. I will be inspected in a few months once it is complete. Once that happens, I will be able to keep almost anything.
Akasha Maraldi
Akasha Maraldi - 7 years ago
Patrick he has already had a pig nosed turtle before
Sam White
Sam White - 7 years ago
You need to get a red tailed catfish
TheWhitestLoYouKnow - 7 years ago
Did anyone ever find a name of that giant fish with the human like face?
Plain Vids
Plain Vids - 7 years ago
That big guy looked like a morray eel
JR Patilan
JR Patilan - 7 years ago
bring your glass always see the colors
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+JR Patilan I didn't have them 2 months ago when I filmed this
Stengolvshud -
Stengolvshud - - 7 years ago
The kid in the background kept screaming so i had to watch it without sound. I gave the vid a Thumbs up anyway❤️
Deformeddwight - 7 years ago
That thing that you did not know is a wolf fish
The Mad Hatter
The Mad Hatter - 7 years ago
Come to the Georgia Aquarium
CampusGains - 7 years ago
that thing was a wolf eel, not really an eel but convergent on the eel body type
Ecartts - 7 years ago
That fish is an Wolf Eel and they look creepy and spooky

I wiII not keep such a fish even if you pay me (but depends on what amount of money of course haha)
Josh Sebesta
Josh Sebesta - 7 years ago
Hey man you should go to the Ripleys aquarium in Gatlinburg, Tennessee....awesome awesome aquarium
Laura wilson
Laura wilson - 7 years ago
When I go to aquariums I feel so relaxed when I get up close to the fishes and think it would be so cool if I could swim because it would be so neat if I could be in their eviverment and explorer it more!
MasterAquatics - 7 years ago
thanks for showing us this joey! your videos always make my day!
hattie - 7 years ago
Why were there so many without eyes??
Olivia Fizzy
Olivia Fizzy - 7 years ago
Awesome to see you visited our aquarium! I haven't been to our aquarium since I was little, I'd love to go back now that I'm in the aquarium hobby. It does make me sad to see the shape some of those guys are in though.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Olivia Fizzy this was filmed back in feb.
reef guy 92
reef guy 92 - 7 years ago
great video
kraxetk - 7 years ago
wolf eel
Donya Ren
Donya Ren - 7 years ago
Vincent Jan
Vincent Jan - 7 years ago
you've got to get one of the smaller peacock bass species for your 20k! they are the best fish ever
Naerwyn - 7 years ago
@4:44 Is a Wolf Eel. It looks sad. :(
Madison & Spartan
Madison & Spartan - 7 years ago
So this is implement off topic but I could really use your opinion. So in one of my Aquarium groups this guy has two large silver Arowanas in a 180 gallon, there are tons of us against him and we're trying to educate him and he keeps coming up with excuses. We have told him for two Arowanas that size that they should be in at least 500 gallons etc. They have hardly any space to turn or swim and definitely don't seem happy and in the video he posted one was thrashing around. What's your opinion??
Madison & Spartan
Madison & Spartan - 7 years ago
*completely not implement ahahaha
John Murray
John Murray - 7 years ago
Come to the New England Aquarium in Boston MA! It's great and has penguins, the whole facility is massive.
keiron hullah
keiron hullah - 7 years ago
bet you want a arowana tank that big
sdq sdq
sdq sdq - 7 years ago
thats a wolf fish sw ver
Hutut54 - 7 years ago
You are in denver! You should come to my house. I have a 3000 Gallon aquarium in my house
niklasjuchem - 7 years ago
many of the tanks seem really overfilled ! ! !
mrtimbales1 - 7 years ago
Nice! have you ever been to the Shedd Aquarium out here in Chicago?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
mrtimbales1 yup! Have videos on that too.
Vindictive Taco
Vindictive Taco - 7 years ago
Anybody else see the giant clown loach around the 9:55 mark?
MrJelle2503 - 7 years ago
Feeding time with those piranha's should be fun :D
Jason Bourne
Jason Bourne - 7 years ago
dead pixel
JimmyInKona - 7 years ago
what was the big eel thing laying on its side?!?
sovereignviper90 - 7 years ago
welcome to beautiful Denver where our aquarium isn't the biggest but a neat little place lol
Zach Walker
Zach Walker - 7 years ago
When is the live feeding for all those monster fish??
Jared taylor
Jared taylor - 7 years ago
Joey I'm afraid you might have a "dead" pixel on your camera right hand side about mid way in the screen vertically there's a little red dot that doesn't go away
FresnoCascabel - 7 years ago
The two turtles at the end were a Borneo River Turtle and a Hamilton's Pond Turtle, far more rare than the Fly River/ Pignose Turtle and protected.
bb65346 - 7 years ago
cant stand Canadian accents. The way they pronounce there "o" is annoying and how the letter "z" is zed for them. UUUGGGHHHH.....
Amit Das
Amit Das - 7 years ago
Gonçalo's Pets
Gonçalo's Pets - 7 years ago
i like turtles
Street car take over
Street car take over - 7 years ago
Ive been there its so cool
David - 7 years ago
When are you coming to the Atlanta Aquarium in Georgia? Gotta come visit the South!
Season Raut
Season Raut - 7 years ago
what the hell is that sound coming from the background! so irritating
dazmastergt - 7 years ago
Why do all the fish look so docile, more oxygenation maybe ??
Han-Z Waligurke
Han-Z Waligurke - 7 years ago
it was kinda sad to see how many fish had injuries slight signs of diseases. not only the lacking eyes of so many fish but also many arowanas lacked barbels or the big tiger sorubim with the red knotches around its mouth.
Rebel Quadron FPV
Rebel Quadron FPV - 7 years ago
Dude, they have vets/microbiologists looking after these fish. They ain't allowing in dis-eases in there.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Han-Z Waligurke the fish without eyes were most likely rescues. I didn't see any fish with diseases.
Jane Doe
Jane Doe - 7 years ago
Han-Z Waligurke it might be because they are confiscated from people who are incapable of properly taking care of them. Not sure, but just a guess.
pipamir - 7 years ago
My childhood! I went here many times while growing up in Colorado. The flash flood zone was always a favorite :) I especially liked seeing the huge red belly pacu after I got one for my own tank back when I was 11 or 12.
Hassan Taha
Hassan Taha - 7 years ago
pest fish tanks monister
Motionless Ghost
Motionless Ghost - 7 years ago
I was so upset I didn't get to go. The one at the zoo was cool though. If you ever happen to be in Georgia you should go to that aquarium.
00Dan - 7 years ago
do you not think if you but your 2 arowana together in the big tank that they will tear each others fins up like the ones here?
ChunMeiguiProductions - 7 years ago
I never seen Stingrays at an aquarium go up to willing be touched, that's so cool! At the aquariums I went to they always ran away lol.
No Pe
No Pe - 7 years ago
looks at bright yellow fish "Nice red."
Pritom Mandal - Monster Aquarist
Pritom Mandal - Monster Aquarist - 7 years ago
thank you so much sir.
Matt Lintott
Matt Lintott - 7 years ago
Lol I was just there it was awesome! Hated seeing the tigers tho
Orfeyo - 7 years ago
Great video Joey thanks for sharing
ST4MNAKYD - 7 years ago
Why do a lot of the fishes seem so lethargic?
Kelvin Aung
Kelvin Aung - 7 years ago
LOL Why!!!!! Joey you are supposed to be back home working on the 2000gal tank.... Haha Im just excited to see the finish product.

Your videos are awesome!!!!
Anthony Ramos
Anthony Ramos - 7 years ago
Kelvin Aung this video was from over 2 months ago.
Ak Jay47
Ak Jay47 - 7 years ago
really good video but that ape sound was annoying
Dave Graham
Dave Graham - 7 years ago
Should of taken your Glasses to help you see color Joey
FUNNY SH#T - 7 years ago
Why do the fish look frozen
FUNNY SH#T - 7 years ago
Love your videos
Abdullah Younas
Abdullah Younas - 7 years ago
it was pretty cool I guess
BigSkalbagge - 7 years ago
I was the whole time thinking why you didn't bring your new glasses
D4rkysLP - 7 years ago
Actually this aquariums look like there are way too many fish inside
Valentino A
Valentino A - 7 years ago
Awesome video and fish :) thanks for sharing.
Seldon Young
Seldon Young - 7 years ago
The 'thing' laying on it's side with a 'human face' is called a wolf eel.
arijit patra
arijit patra - 7 years ago
The smaller tanks felt a little crowded and fish tend to get aggressive. Maybe that's why the fishes were missing there eyes.
No Face
No Face - 7 years ago
next project is going to be a big aquarium like then end one
Diego Cruz Bermúdez
Diego Cruz Bermúdez - 7 years ago
It was a good vídeo congratulations!!
Ruben - 7 years ago
Joey that was so nice man I really enjoy it. Some of those fish were really big comparing them to your hand. I watch the video 3 times. Thanks for sharing the video.
chris day
chris day - 7 years ago
at 7:06 I'm fairly certain that's a henlii not a leopoldi
Joe Hughey
Joe Hughey - 7 years ago
Anyone else notice the little red dot zipping all over the place on the right hand side of the video?
Thomcrib - 7 years ago
its a wolf fish
Catherine Kennedy
Catherine Kennedy - 7 years ago
The fish knew you were there! News travels fast in the fish world !!! Who wouldn't know the best fish guy has arrived! Great video Joey!
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 7 years ago
i bet you got a few ideas for your concrete tank from this visit
NcSHPfox 152
NcSHPfox 152 - 7 years ago
Awesome video. I have been to a few of the Ripleys aquariums and enjoyed them. Planning a trip to Atlanta soon to see their whale shark exhibit.
SomethingReallyStrange - 7 years ago
i would love to see a giant tank like this but with goldfish! You only ever see the big ones in ponds
umbriferum - 7 years ago
Those were crappie, not sunfish
to om
to om - 7 years ago
The stingray at the end was like "hey Joey im a fan, like your show" while the Arowanas at the beginning was, "you look familiar, we know your Arowana and are not impressed of his size."
Joseph Ridriguez
Joseph Ridriguez - 7 years ago
Those id sharks tho those were huge mine are only 2 feet at 20 years old got them with a tank i broke down for someone who passed away gatta find a place near me whod take em with a big enough tank
DaDonBossMan - 7 years ago
I wonder which fish was eating the eyes
Djhi Normas
Djhi Normas - 7 years ago
this was a really cool vid u did it right ! :) how was that tank with mostly 1 eye fish! wonder if at sum point that tank had a problem?
marcelo santos patricio
marcelo santos patricio - 7 years ago
... fantástico..
Fruitarian - 7 years ago
them fish looks all sad?
Ali Kim
Ali Kim - 7 years ago
thats it gurame fish ?
C O - 7 years ago
Dive inside when its feeding time :P
Molly F
Molly F - 7 years ago
Whoa! my family has been thinking about going to this Aquarium. But have been given mixed reviews. Thank for for Finally convincing me
Richard preece
Richard preece - 7 years ago
Don't start getting any ideas j
Elliott Gibson-sabin
Elliott Gibson-sabin - 7 years ago
Life of Dan
Life of Dan - 7 years ago
4:30 wolf fish
Velociraptor Dundee
Velociraptor Dundee - 7 years ago
Hi Joey! I just got a 20 gallon aquarium for free (not much, but hey) and I was wondering. Would I save much money if I made my own filter for it, or should I just buy one? If it'd be better to make a filter, would any of your filter tutorials be appropriate for a 20 gal? Not sure if this is relevant, but no, it won't be planted.
William Tufts
William Tufts - 7 years ago
Funny how the stingray swam right up. Almost as if he knew Joey and was like "Hey man! I'm a subscriber!"
Rebel Quadron FPV
Rebel Quadron FPV - 7 years ago
Did you not mention whom you were?
KaijuCinema - 7 years ago
The king of DIY Small children vs stingray obsessed joey. Who will win?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
William Tufts I got in trouble for mauling the rays. Only supposed to use 2 fingers to touch them I guess. Also not allowed to shove small children out of the way. There was no sign posted for that though, so I got off with a warning.
Brittany Stenzel
Brittany Stenzel - 7 years ago
I personally enjoy the aquariums in Tropical Discovery at the Denver Zoo better. They don't have as many fish but I find their tanks more inspiring as an aquarium hobbyist. Next time you are in Denver you should check it out.
Eddy Ortiz
Eddy Ortiz - 7 years ago
That was cool u can tell the fish are older and huge.Boy would it be nice to have one of those tanks at home.Arrowanas looked like they have been playing rough.Maybe theres a pecking order.
LightSearch - 7 years ago
yep... that's the reason I stopped visiting public aquariums: large lethargic fish enclosed in dark places. they have these huge tanks and turn them into cages by putting the largest fish they can into them.
Rhys - 7 years ago
its a wolf eel! related to the goby family
Aspen Edwards
Aspen Edwards - 7 years ago
some of those fish look like they need a hug, they look sad
The Reptile Project
The Reptile Project - 7 years ago
Aspen Edwards lol I think a lot of fish have RBF
Mitchell Lubline
Mitchell Lubline - 7 years ago
the tanks are beautiful and amazing. I feel the lighting could be better along with the spaces for them to hide especially for that wolffish that was on its side.
William McClure
William McClure - 7 years ago
omg I live one hour south in Colorado springs. I had no clue you were here.
Fishyzach - 7 years ago
Just so you know, you missed a tiger or two unless they took them out.
Zubair Javed
Zubair Javed - 7 years ago
indeed class apart.
highseadrifter - 7 years ago
great video, the fish at 4:35 was a spotted wolffish
Chris Heck
Chris Heck - 7 years ago
Hey Joey, you should consider a trip to the Henry Doorly zoo in Omaha. They have a very impressive aquarium there, though they seem to focus on saltwater. They also make a point to have fish throughout their displays.
Generikid - 7 years ago
You should come visit the S.E.A Aquarium in Singapore where I live :) my favourites are the manta rays Haha
T3Survival - 7 years ago
Hey Joey come to the El Paso zoo!! Just kidding, dont, you will be utterly dissapointed.
zack portner
zack portner - 7 years ago
did you get some legal smoke in denver?
iiHaRdWiRe - 7 years ago
Did you ever find out what that huge weird looking fish was?
Arvid Johansson
Arvid Johansson - 7 years ago
Is it only me or is there a point when fish become to big and and just become dull? Smal fish (under 30cm/1foot) allmost allways look more interesting too me.
Zarek Goeken
Zarek Goeken - 7 years ago
That Aquariam has changed alot since i was last there 8 years ago
Kiaan Mudaly
Kiaan Mudaly - 7 years ago
It's a wolf eel I think
KaleidoscopeJunkie - 7 years ago
Maybe the lighting is low to offset the fact that the water is so clear. In the wild the water would be murky.
I'm happy they had plenty of Rays for you.
(Even though I live in north Georgia - Shedd is still My fave....)
Donny Wijaya
Donny Wijaya - 7 years ago
make aquarium of that size joey
Akasha Maraldi
Akasha Maraldi - 7 years ago
Donny Wijaya he is lol
Laikin Simons
Laikin Simons - 7 years ago
Joey is such a dad!! "missed it in the knick of time!"
Yashveer Audit
Yashveer Audit - 7 years ago
those were incredibly huge fish that I would never get ,
ryan mcconville
ryan mcconville - 7 years ago
what are the fish fanning the eggs?
Ash - 7 years ago
Hehehehe pignose turtle BOOP
Firgy Maretendy
Firgy Maretendy - 7 years ago
6:53 love that peacock bass!
Jeremy Lalchan
Jeremy Lalchan - 7 years ago
If you haven't checked out the Ripley's aquarium in Toronto, I think you'd enjoy it there too. Plus give you plenty ideas about different regions for your own building.
Adam Hugo
Adam Hugo - 7 years ago
Gorilla going HAM in the background
Ash - 7 years ago
I love the shot of the cleaner wrasse in the gills of the other fish :)
James Goose
James Goose - 7 years ago
My favorite tank there is the large planted tank with all the rainbows in it. I tortured my girlfriend by making her look at it with me for like 15 minutes lol. Thats where I first saw a Preacox Rainbow. Now i have some of my own and I love em!
Hamad Abdulla
Hamad Abdulla - 7 years ago
Danial Hamdan
Danial Hamdan - 7 years ago
is tht wolf eel dying or something ?
Savant - 7 years ago
It's pining for the fjords.
tigereye8593 - 7 years ago
The king of DIY "resting"
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Danial Hamdan resting.
Jane Doe
Jane Doe - 7 years ago
Danial Hamdan it certainly doesn't look healthy
Shayne Hall
Shayne Hall - 7 years ago
Wow, that was awesome! It would have also been very cool to have them let you in the back to see all the filtration and heating systems. I'm very interested to know what they use for such massive tanks!
Zakkattack64 - 7 years ago
that snapping turtle isn't even full grown close but not full
azrey zulkarnaen vencent
azrey zulkarnaen vencent - 7 years ago
I have a monste pacu
saul Barker
saul Barker - 7 years ago
It was a wolffish
Steven P.
Steven P. - 7 years ago
They close really late. It's awesome to go there when it's late. No one around and you can take your time.
Queen Aquatics
Queen Aquatics - 7 years ago
Are you thinking about to buy a gar?
funkyfreshwizardry - 7 years ago
He had a gar once already, it was a pretty bad experience and he had to get rid of it. He made a video about it somewhere.
Happy Pets
Happy Pets - 7 years ago
They are so gorgeous!! I am only a kid, so I still can't afford to keep such large fish...but it is definitely on my bucket list!!
Alisa Parcon
Alisa Parcon - 7 years ago
Red belly piranhas doing the manikin challenge
Jim Hanley
Jim Hanley - 7 years ago
Ut oh. Joey is already planning a new tank that will be 100,000 gallons!!
Jane Doe
Jane Doe - 7 years ago
Jim Hanley maybe at that point he should just take a job at an aquarium hahahaha
gareth Williams
gareth Williams - 7 years ago
It's a wolffish from Scandinavia
Allen James
Allen James - 7 years ago
when u stop studying for a final to watch Joey's videos lolol
0rbit265 - 7 years ago
why can't we keep arowana? I'm fairly new to the hobby
Jon Lambert
Jon Lambert - 7 years ago
You always seems really excited when you see Turtles so would u ever consider getting one for your moster tank ?
philip wolters
philip wolters - 7 years ago
Omg my home state aquarium i just took the wife and kids there last month!!
Jonathan Pratt jr
Jonathan Pratt jr - 7 years ago
That big fish was a wolf fish
solracotos - 7 years ago
Is that dead camera pixel hovering near the top of th on the lower right quadrant? Once I found it it became super distracting.
Daniel 360 YT
Daniel 360 YT - 7 years ago
The king of DIY don't work it's normal for cameras to have a dead pixel or something a lot of people at my schools phones are like that
Bat Fink
Bat Fink - 7 years ago
solracotos you spoilt it now , that damn pixel is bugging the hell put of me lol
solracotos - 7 years ago
lol, and the world will never be the same. !
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
oh man... i see it now. ughh
solracotos - 7 years ago
The king of DIY The king of DIY , hey! no worries. but if you want to try to see it go 0:07 and it will be right between the to posters, on the background. right on top of the column. it will hover in that region for a bit. it is a bright white-redish dot. another easy spot to see it is at 0:15 sitting slightly above the 3rd fish from right. in fact it is even visible in the thumbnail. In reality is not a big issue. At first I thought it was my PC thus the reason for my comment. I'll try capturing a screenshot and posting a link here . stay tuned
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
solracotos I never see it. I still don't. You are not the first to say that though so it is obviously there. I rarely use this camera but at one point I dropped it right out of the box. Wife was super pissed because it was a Christmas present. If I don't use it and pretend everything is fine, she's going to kill me.
solracotos - 7 years ago
true dat!
Julian Fernandez Barcellona
Julian Fernandez Barcellona - 7 years ago
yah i just realised, you can tell he has video stablisation
Caroline Pabst
Caroline Pabst - 7 years ago
Thanks Joey!! That was incredible! May have to make a visit there myself in the future! Totally amazing!!
sckapunch - 7 years ago
hey Joey did you happen to find out why so many fish were missing their eyes?
TheCrafft - 7 years ago
That snapping turtle tank looked a bit small for him
MaxxL ?
MaxxL ? - 7 years ago
Joey sure loves RAYSSSSSS.......
Tasos M.
Tasos M. - 7 years ago
Some of the tanks are a bit overstocked don't you think?
fakrul ._
fakrul ._ - 7 years ago
why you don't invite me✌
NiX aKi
NiX aKi - 7 years ago
Jacob Adams
Jacob Adams - 7 years ago
If you're ever in Utah you should go see the our aquarium it's pretty good.
Rat Racer
Rat Racer - 7 years ago
that big fish looked like a north atlantic wolffish or where i live we call them catfish, they eat shellfish.
Simen the Animal
Simen the Animal - 7 years ago
Have you heard about the piranhas that wants to move into a new apartment - in the Aquarium gallery
Nasser Feed
Nasser Feed - 7 years ago
5:00 the ultimate mannequin challenge LOL
Kim's Reptiles the Netherlands
Kim's Reptiles the Netherlands - 7 years ago
Mel - 7 years ago
What did you think of the tigers!? They used to have a massive freshwater tank in the tiger cage, but they recently drained it.
turtlesquasher - 7 years ago
That fish at 4:35 is a Wolf eel (Anarrhichthys ocellatus) by the way, I remember them cos they have one of the weirdest faces in the marine world hahaha
steven vogel
steven vogel - 7 years ago
You should hit up the Atlanta Aquarium. My family goes there all the time
Xp - 7 years ago
iv been there couple times i used to live in Denver back in 2004
Jacob höjyer
Jacob höjyer - 7 years ago
scandinavian tank for one of the 10 :D <3 Nice videos bro!
Xon mok
Xon mok - 7 years ago
4:26 is that a shark down there?
shravan kashyap
shravan kashyap - 7 years ago
it looks like an oar fish that long fish with a wierd face
Sam Roger
Sam Roger - 7 years ago
Ooh yay
Sam Sam
Sam Sam - 7 years ago
Denver is pretty awesome
Stefano Tapel
Stefano Tapel - 7 years ago
are you getting a giant gourami too?
Lisaa - 7 years ago
piranha doing the manikin challenge lol
Ricardo DLT
Ricardo DLT - 7 years ago
They have way too much trust on their customers with open tops like that. I'd be damned if I ever allowed an unsupervised tank open to where people can put their crusty little fingers in the water. lol (Not the Sting ray one, but the other ones) Come to the Ga aquarium!!! I used to work there with the whale sharks. it's impressive too. Let us know when so fans can go meet ya!! It be awesome to see ya there.
JBlondes24 - 7 years ago
nice tour bro
Mr. Peixoto
Mr. Peixoto - 7 years ago
6:44 It's not a Pacu, it's a Tambaqui(black belly) ... They are similar, but the Tambaqui is bigger and more brutal !!! Ps .: I'm from Brazil, I've even fished both. The tambaqui is insanely strong, you can not imagine!
Logan Carpenter
Logan Carpenter - 7 years ago
they do have pacu at the denver aquarium. they have them at the denver zoo as well.
A Person!
A Person! - 7 years ago
I think you underestimate how big Pacu get ...
but those teeth aren't pacu teeth, you're right there
turtlesquasher - 7 years ago
Awesome, the prehistoric fish like the sturgeon are awe-inspiring, absolutely incredible. Cool to see them in this aquarium, thanks Joey!
marinusch - 7 years ago
there is a super distracting red pixel dancing on the right center side of your movie
Colin - 7 years ago
I didn't notice until I saw your comment, now i can't stop looking at it
Aquarist Newbie
Aquarist Newbie - 7 years ago
marinusch I thought it was my phone for a sec
Brittany Morales
Brittany Morales - 7 years ago
That screaming in the background is cracking me up
Brittany Morales
Brittany Morales - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I'm from Florida about 30 minutes from Orlando. Live in Houston, TX now. They have a new one at Downtown Disney that has dinosaurs called T Rex something. Miss Florida like crazy. Great place to grow up
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Britt's Aquatics I was to one of those in Orlando. Except it was an elephant. Kept screaming. There was fake thunder. Lights would shut off. It was all interesting... but I just wanted to eat lol
Brittany Morales
Brittany Morales - 7 years ago
The king of DIY ha! They have those at the rainforest Cafe. Great video as always!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Britt's Aquatics worlds most annoying fake ape
dsaasdasd asdasdasd
dsaasdasd asdasdasd - 7 years ago
joey im from the philippines I can donate $100 but how do you do it?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+ez gem hard thanks but I'm no longer accepting donations. I appreciate the thought just the same though.
loogiemistress - 7 years ago
Thanks so much!
TheoriZe - 7 years ago
It's ironic but kinda cool, my fish and chips shop down the road has a giant Orange Arowana in one of their tanks :) (not to eat of course)
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
TheoriZe apparently they are good eating. It's a white fleshed fish so it's what I would prefer, but I couldn't see myself eating one. Weird how we feel it's ok to eat some fish but not others. lol
Guardian Playz
Guardian Playz - 7 years ago
so cool I want to go
Glenjamin Montgomery the 7348th
Glenjamin Montgomery the 7348th - 7 years ago
I think the eel was a Wolf Eel. They're in most U.K. Aquariums.
C Corbin
C Corbin - 7 years ago
i don't know much about them, but that wolf fish looked sick/distressed.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+C Corbin same
joshua griffin
joshua griffin - 7 years ago
that thing laying on its side is called a wolf fish
joshua griffin
joshua griffin - 7 years ago
SDD525 - 7 years ago
It's called an ugly ass fish.
Rahual Mahju
Rahual Mahju - 7 years ago
The creature at 4:39 deserves a much larger aquarium in my opinion. Seems quite sad to me...
Zeze - 7 years ago
4:35 looks like some sort of goby?
robert17 - 7 years ago
nice one m8
Anthony C
Anthony C - 7 years ago
g turtle
g turtle - 7 years ago
Hi Joey, the fish at 4.26 is a wolf fish
Musaraf Mondal
Musaraf Mondal - 7 years ago
Wow lovely aquariums! Hope yours will be as incredible as these ones!
These Cichlids
These Cichlids - 7 years ago
lol do any of these fish have eyes
Ahmad Echols
Ahmad Echols - 7 years ago
fire up the kush your in colorado
Stitching Jules
Stitching Jules - 7 years ago
I've lived in Denver for 15 years and have never been to the aquarium!! but I have been to the Atlanta one - Joey, you HAVE to go there sometime!!!
Mel - 7 years ago
He does need to go to the Atlanta one... absolutely amazing
minimonkey969 - 7 years ago
u need an frt for the gallery
KermitZ - 7 years ago
I said to before and I'll say it again. You should get turtles!
MaddenMobile415 - 7 years ago
I like toitles
Not Too Shabby
Not Too Shabby - 7 years ago
xKeepxRunningx in a situation as such, how long would you suggest one quarantines the cichlids in the tank before introducing a turtle (like a red eared slider) if one were to do so. I am very experienced in cichlid keeping (specifically Africans) but not so in turtles. Im planning on starting up a tank with medium sized Africans and a turtle soon and I will read up on turtles prior but just wanted to ask someone more experienced in turtles.
xKeepxRunningx - 7 years ago
moses mosqueda Though they are safe to eat (they don't contain thiaminase), cichlids are known to nip on turtle's legs and tail, which can leave them vulnerable to infection. I'm not saying they can't be kept, I'm saying it's not recommended. I work as a reptile specialist along with a number of vets, vet techs, and rehabilitators/sactuary keepers. This is what the most recent research suggests and what we commonly see in situations like these, can it be done? Yes. Would I ever recommend it? No, not from my expert opinion. Considering the amount of money, effort, and care that goes into the set up and maintance of a turtle it would be counter productive to take risks that can be avoided. I'm not attacking anyone for their set up choices but I am offering my professional opinion to whoever wants to take it or do further research. I have personally kept my slider with baby marbled peacocks, young enough that the spine was not yet hard enough to cause issues when he ate them. I quarantined them for 4 months, the introduced them, they were gone in 3 weeks. Personally, I wouldn't recommend doing this simply because I feel it's not something beginner keepers should do. So yeah it can be done, but only under perfectly monitored and controlled conditions.
xKeepxRunningx - 7 years ago
Turtles shouldn't be kept with cichlids, plecos, or other reptiles for their safety. Though they may appear to cohabit favorably for a while they will eventually either eat the fish (which can also harm the turtle) or be bullied by the fish. The tank must be set up to accommodate the turtle (125 gallons minimum for sliders + the minimum required for the fish) and should fish be I introduced, they must be live-bearing fish, as these are the only safe feeders for turtles.
HamsterLuv7777 - 7 years ago
KermitZ yes, I love turtles!
The Reptile Project
The Reptile Project - 7 years ago
Turtles do well with other reptiles and large fish too. I have one living with my caiman lizard and a common pleco.
Edwin Cheung
Edwin Cheung - 7 years ago
Not Too Shabby I agree I have about a dozen cichlids with my two red eared sliders. however I really don't recommend it unless your cichlids are a good size and pretty aggressive or else the turtles can nip at them. but mine seem to do well, it's pretty mesmerizing
Not Too Shabby
Not Too Shabby - 7 years ago
KermitZ actually turtles can work very well with African cichlids believe it or not. Looks really cool too. Unless it was a pig nose he would have to set up a terrarium for the turtle right above the tank the turtle swims in and there's probs not enough space for that
Mac Hawkins
Mac Hawkins - 7 years ago
AlwaysChangingMind why not
Edwin Cheung
Edwin Cheung - 7 years ago
AlwaysChangingMind why shouldn't he get turtles
ChristinaSuzanneFran - 7 years ago
I think one tank along the wall of the gallery with turtles in it would be perfect
AlwaysChangingMind - 7 years ago
Joey. DONT get turtles. geez.
Carved Parachute
Carved Parachute - 7 years ago
Yes joey get turtles
Hans Müller
Hans Müller - 7 years ago
To me (I am more or less a fish noob), it looks like there are many sick fish in the tanks, and definitely far too many and too big ones for the size of those tanks. You would need easily 2-3 times the volume of the tanks they have to have as many fish as they have.
Mel - 7 years ago
The tanks are overstocked, however, the filtration on these tanks is incredible.
Kala C TheNanoChick
Kala C TheNanoChick - 7 years ago
Thanks for sharing Joey! Seeing those giant gouramis was awesome! Alot of these fish don't look that great health wise but like you said probably illegally confiscated fish or people no longer able to care for them.
Vivek Jharia
Vivek Jharia - 7 years ago
the black catfish i think called 'Irdecent shark'/panguasis... i have seen then in my LFS many times. Even i had one of them but just in a couple of month it outgrew my tank and had to give a call to my LFS and they came and took away that fish...
Aqua- John
Aqua- John - 7 years ago
the fish in the saltwater that you asked is a wolf fish
FullSpektrum - 7 years ago
A relative to it, yes, it is a wolf eel, Anarrhichthys Ocellatus.
AquaBeard - 7 years ago
that waterfall was awesome!! I hope to see one in the 2k tank!
Mohammed Al Hadher
Mohammed Al Hadher - 7 years ago
5:03 the mannequin challenge!!!
Fernando Felix
Fernando Felix - 7 years ago
Thanish thanish
Thanish thanish - 7 years ago
Zacary Gomez
Matthew Brogna
Matthew Brogna - 7 years ago
Mohammed Al Hadher hahahahah yea and only the one at the back moved his tail a bit
Mimiheart9 - 7 years ago
My mollies would fail.
Zacary Gomez
Zacary Gomez - 7 years ago
Mohammed Al Hadher
Jason Stroman
Jason Stroman - 7 years ago
Looks like a senior home for fish.
Mel - 7 years ago
Too True
Mr Skeletium
Mr Skeletium - 7 years ago
hi joey. i just wanted to get an understanding of your views on public aquariums. I know that zoo's are riddled with controversy in terms of how the animals are treated and that they are forced to live in these small unnatural enclosure (which i do not support at all) but do you believe the same could be said about aquariums? or in your experience are these aquariums maintained at a much higher standard. What im basically asking is do you think these fish and aquatic creatures have a good quality of life unlike animals that are forced to live in zoos?
Donna Kate Morgan
Donna Kate Morgan - 7 years ago
Dwight Johnston
conservation thru cultivation it's better to breed and keep safe animals then to leave them where poachers can kill them the poachers get past the people guarding the animals all the time as least in the zoos there is more chance of staying safe.
zoos have changes alot in the last 25 years more into conservation
Dwight Johnston
Dwight Johnston - 7 years ago
Considering the barren featureless environment he provides his fish, I doubt he's really thinking about quality the fish's existence. They are nothing more than display objects. The aquarium seemed to provide a much closer to natural environment, though still confining.
Erin Summer
Erin Summer - 7 years ago
If your opposition is a matter of whether animals have a "choice", does an animal have any say in whether or not it can have a peaceful, painless death? Or have a life that was of high quality? Animals, in captivity or the wild, are almost never given a choice, they must adapt to what life throws at them or perish. Is it truly cruel to keep such animals as bald eagles, who can only be kept in zoos if they have lasting injuries that would mean certain death in the wild? Saying an animal is forced or doesn't have a choice is a weak argument when they cannot choose to preserve their own species or not. And it is impossible to deny that first-hand experiences with animals make a more personal connection than videos on the internet. Not to mention zoos actually raise money for conservation efforts, if all zoos were "gone", animals all over the world would suffer. It has been shown time and time again that zoos bring species back from the brink of extinction and create a better world for animals. I can hardly see what there is to disagree with besides bad zoos ruining the image of good zoos.
Mr Skeletium
Mr Skeletium - 7 years ago
Erin Summer no harmful "spouting" here, simply inquiring. And weather your precious little zoo''s AZA or not, it still doesn't defeat the fact that those animals are not living there by choice, they ARE forced. Travel to Africa and visit a game lodge, watch National Geographic, with the amount of information and videos we have on the internet today there is no need for zoos to "educate the public". That being said I do believe there are amazing zoos out there manned by some incredibly caring staff but it is still a trade I do not agree with. Thanks
Erin Summer
Erin Summer - 7 years ago
There is very little intelligent controversy when it comes to zoos. Zoos are incredibly important to the conservation of species and public education. Only good zoos are AZA (Association of Zoos & Aquariums) accredited, and anything that does not meet approval of the AZA should not be considered a zoo. Lumping all zoos into a single category and using such language as animals being "forced" to live in them screams total lack of understanding on the topic. AZA accredited zoos are full of people that passionately care for their animals and want nothing more than to provide the highest quality of life. Zoos don't just snatch animals out of the wild, they rehabilitate, breed for population restoration, and if animals cannot be released they become ambassadors for their species by educating people. Please do some real reading on the topic before spouting harmful misinformation.
Mr Skeletium
Mr Skeletium - 7 years ago
rosethorn0232 completely agree, the fish in this video look happy and healthy and that's why I was wondering if they actually are
rosethorn0232 - 7 years ago
I assume most/all of these fish have much smaller territorial needs than zoo animals, otherwise they would be much more aggressive with each other just like what can happen in our tanks at home. Many zoo animals are obviously larger and have far far bigger territories. For example, Killer Whales kept in too small pools live very short lives compared to their wild counterparts who can swim completely around the world over the course of their much longer lives. These fish have all gotten very large and are older looking, so it's probably not terrible conditions for them at the aquarium.
Sam Patti
Sam Patti - 7 years ago
Mr Skeletium I think aquariums are more ethical because fish are less 'sentient' creatures per say.
Mitchell Lubline
Mitchell Lubline - 7 years ago
it's always a catch 22 if the tanks can support life meaning every has the five freedoms then it's a good place for them if not avoid the place. and that's the same for a home aquarium think about it this way would you treat your fish that way and set the tank up the way they have it? do these fish get along? do they need a hiding space or can bending of scenery trick the fish into thinking it is a natural habitat?
Beadoll - 7 years ago
what's the damn ape sound in the background
Cornelia - 7 years ago
it was me
El rey
El rey - 7 years ago
A Hillary supporter.
The Derptor
The Derptor - 7 years ago
The king of DIY hey I recommend getting fresh water sunfish I caught one in a back woods stream and I've had it for a year there a greenish grey and near the front it'll appear and disappear but you'll see a opal iredesence branching pattern
Panda Designer
Panda Designer - 7 years ago
i live in colorado the ape was their for decroations idk how to spell lol dont judge i have been to the aquarium all my life!
Serius Sim
Serius Sim - 7 years ago
That thing is atrocious
mr. diesel 673
mr. diesel 673 - 7 years ago
Nick Powell
Nick Powell - 7 years ago
idk what's funnier.the coments on the ape.or the actually ape itself that thing is anoying
XJustice Leaguex
XJustice Leaguex - 7 years ago
its a jungle ;-;
crazy shrimp lady
crazy shrimp lady - 7 years ago
Yes, why do they do that? It doesn't add atmosphere, its annoying.
sinny - 7 years ago
Beadoll lol right. i don't understand how an ape fits in with an aquarium.
aguyandhiscomputer - 7 years ago
You should be nice to the visitors.
KaleidoscopeJunkie - 7 years ago
The Dro - That'll teach you to go before 2pm. All the families with youngsters go early to get ahead of crowds. By noon most of the little ones are ready for a nap and so are Mom and Dad. :-)
stargatedalek - 7 years ago
It's a bad sound too, not even a real recording because part of it is a modified peacock call :P
Marshal Thompson
Marshal Thompson - 7 years ago
we've got birds and a tiger here
Olivia Fizzy
Olivia Fizzy - 7 years ago
I know at one point we had some birds in the rainforest area too though, but its been so long I'm not sure if the have them anymore.
KaleidoscopeJunkie - 7 years ago
Maybe they annoy people to keep them moving through. Then they can sell more tickets? :-)
Lazlo Ghostknifeblack
Lazlo Ghostknifeblack - 7 years ago
Beadoll Yeah lol was gonna say wtf was that thing skitzing out every 30 secs haha
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Beadoll ughhh I know!!! It wouldn't stop. There was this fake ape up in a tree doing it. I suppose it added to the realism and look of it all... but super annoying.
KnoVic 0617
KnoVic 0617 - 7 years ago
anybody let me know what camera Joey used? gopro or what?
KnoVic 0617
KnoVic 0617 - 7 years ago
Thanks for your answer!!!!!!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
KnowVic 0617 this was just a canon g7x mark II. I usually don't use it. My go to is a 70D
Justin Chan
Justin Chan - 7 years ago
think that big guy was a wolf eel
Nesh Gaming
Nesh Gaming - 7 years ago
you can see a golden arowana at 9.15
michael li yun fong
michael li yun fong - 7 years ago
why do you say 'true' giant gourami?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
michael li yun fong because there is a trade name "giant gourami" as well. It's a gourami that only get to about 8" though. The one in this video is not called the giant gourami most of the time but rather the red tail gourami. However, it is clearly the real giant of the two.
Rafael Ruiz
Rafael Ruiz - 7 years ago
maybe its just me but they dont seem to active i wonder y
Rafael Ruiz
Rafael Ruiz - 7 years ago
thanks alot another question when setting up a tank n u want to use sand y cant u use the sand from our beach or can u
SDD525 - 7 years ago
Fish slow down when they get older, just like us!
R.E.M. - 7 years ago
It's probably because they are old
fish guy
fish guy - 7 years ago
what was that huge thing at the back of one aquarium????
Vanilla Vixen13
Vanilla Vixen13 - 7 years ago
DUSHYANTH GOPAL that was an unhappy wolf fish.
Pearl Lush
Pearl Lush - 7 years ago
oh wow! What would you recommend to go with my goldfish? His mate passed away. So other than the obvious another like his breed, guppy, any suggestions!? He is an Oranda. I want to give him the best possible buddy I can. BTW I name mine lol He is known as Vincent.
Pearl Lush
Pearl Lush - 7 years ago
Awesome! Thank you!
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 7 years ago
if you have a qt tank and are willing to spend a little on meds you could try fat head minnows/rosy red minnows.they like the same kind of water as goldfish and they get big enough to not end up as a goldfish snack and they won't beat up your fancy goldfish.

the only problem with them is they are often sold as feeders fish so you need inspect them careful for disease and give them some tlc.but once they are heathy they are very hardy fish.
Pearl Lush
Pearl Lush - 7 years ago
Thank you!
Brianna Tokrud
Brianna Tokrud - 7 years ago
Kerry L. Channell goldfish can only really go with other goldfish. They live in cool water, and the guppy you mentioned is tropical and must live in warmer temperatures. Goldfish are social, so another goldfish would be a good idea to replace his tank mate :)
Pearl Lush
Pearl Lush - 7 years ago
sorry forgot to put he is an Oranda.
CMBF96 - 7 years ago
4:44 is probably a wolffish, they can be real scary.
WaZe - 7 years ago
sabine458 ur the dumbass, wolf fish can be fresh water or saltwater, that is most likely a Atlantic wolffish
Cody Bodner
Cody Bodner - 7 years ago
sergio lamonica oh lol
sergio lamonica
sergio lamonica - 7 years ago
Cody Bodner yeah but Sabine said it was freshwater
Cody Bodner
Cody Bodner - 7 years ago
that is seawater
sergio lamonica
sergio lamonica - 7 years ago
sabine458 no wolffish live in seawater
Cody Bodner
Cody Bodner - 7 years ago
Actually a wolf eel some look tho
CMBF96 - 7 years ago
Han-Z Waligurke i actually just corected that,didnt se it =(
sabine458 - 7 years ago
CMBF96 wolf fish are fresh water dumbass
Han-Z Waligurke
Han-Z Waligurke - 7 years ago
it is a species of the genus Anarhichadidae - wolffish. they look like total brawlers.
CMBF96 - 7 years ago
if they are put together after where they natural habitat is the i would think Atlantic Wolfish because of the Lumpfish. But i could very well be wrong.
CMBF96 - 7 years ago
I have seen them in the fjord where i live taking on quite big fish, surprisingly they are often hunted by otter around here
Mitchell Lubline
Mitchell Lubline - 7 years ago
CMBF96 it is we have a juvenile at Cleveland aquarium that is agressive through the glass
Jacob höjyer
Jacob höjyer - 7 years ago
Yhea looks like one :D! steinbit in norway!
Lazy Weeb
Lazy Weeb - 7 years ago
I think i'm fine with my betta :)
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Federal Bureau of Investigation - 7 years ago
oh wait thats me
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Federal Bureau of Investigation - 7 years ago
Who the hell are you
cool dude 1234
cool dude 1234 - 7 years ago
ur Asian arowana will be as big as those one day
Brendan Mathers
Brendan Mathers - 7 years ago
Wolf Eel. ( I think?)
Zacary Gomez
Zacary Gomez - 7 years ago
Why were the parihanas not moving were they real or fake?
Zacary Gomez
Zacary Gomez - 7 years ago
The king of DIY thanks I love your vids
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Zacary Gomez lol they were real. Adults are just not that active. Certainly a over hyped fish. Most expect an active and aggressive fish, yet they tend to be skittish and inactive.
Zacary Gomez
Zacary Gomez - 7 years ago
Vivek Jharia thanks
Vivek Jharia
Vivek Jharia - 7 years ago
Zacary Gomez piranhas are not so as we think most of the time they remain very dull, no movements nothing until it's feeding time..
Basil Destiny
Basil Destiny - 7 years ago
I love big aquariums, but I'm kind of the only one in my family who gets as fascinated by them. This was fun to "visit" with someone who also have an interest in fish. Would love to see this one in the daylight.
KaleidoscopeJunkie - 7 years ago
I'll call down to the creekbed and see if they'll leave their microscopes and test tubes for a few minutes. :-)
Allen Jones
Allen Jones - 7 years ago
KaleidoscopeJunkie i need to meet these girls lol
Aquarium Fish Talk
Aquarium Fish Talk - 7 years ago
Haha me too.
KaleidoscopeJunkie - 7 years ago
My daughter and her nerdy river friends love to analyze the aquariums.
Jonathan Pratt jr
Jonathan Pratt jr - 7 years ago
The king of DIY the big fish was a wolf fish
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Basil Destiny same here. I had no clue it would be so dark in there. There was so much more to see. Maybe next time!
Nck Smurf
Nck Smurf - 7 years ago
I think the big long guy laying on its side is a wolf fish?
Nck Smurf
Nck Smurf - 7 years ago
they get absolutely massive. from my knowledge they are also very territorial
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Nck Smurf yup! It had a sign there but I didn't read it at first. Such a weird animal........ I want one.
XxXtdreaperXxX - 7 years ago
The big one laying on its side is a Wolf Eel
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
XxXtdreaperXxX you got it!
Zachary Portnoy
Zachary Portnoy - 7 years ago
4:44 thats a wolffish
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Zachary Portnoy indeed! Such a weird looking creature!
Saylor Palmer
Saylor Palmer - 7 years ago
Wow! It's awesome that you went to my hometown aquarium. Was this during the trip you did reefstock?
Saylor Palmer
Saylor Palmer - 7 years ago
The king of DIY awesome, BTW, I enjoyed your presentation a lot.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Saylor Palmer yup!

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