Top 10 Aquarium Fish for Beginners
Pets & Animals 8 years ago 867,762 views
Fluval's aquatic experts have weighed in and created their Top 10 list of fish that are best suited for beginners just entering the hobby.
Pets & Animals 8 years ago 867,762 views
Fluval's aquatic experts have weighed in and created their Top 10 list of fish that are best suited for beginners just entering the hobby.
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The "Top 10 Aquarium Fish for Beginners" video is part of the pest, animals, fish, freshwater category, which contains similar videos like this one.
Danios and Neon tetras are beautiful and amazing fish. The only reason I don’t have them is when I got to my fish store they’re all attacking eachother.
Corydoras or cat fish are great. I had two and they had a lot of babies. When they grew up my tank had never been that clean.
Black skirt tetras are immortal. I had this one for12 years!
I had angelfish once but the only problem Is introducing more fish after already having angelfish. Also they each need their own space. They were pretty but it was annoying that all they wanted to do was kill each other. This one would 24/7 terrorize my other two. They had a ranking of dominance sort of. The one on the bottom was beat up all the time and had really ripped fins. I gave them back I couldn't deal with them.
And thank you for not saying goldfish. They are intermediate at the very least. They are very messy fish and hard to take care of.
And p.s this just happened to be my experience. My friend had two angels that were absolute angels.
-1 male betta
-3 female betta
-2 neon tetra
-2 yellow tailed guppie
and i see that more than half of the tank is empty could i add like oto catfish there.. bcuz really it is a big tank for small fish...
10. comment for Top 10 Aquarium Fish for Beginners
Do I need to buy a hole other tank for breeding guppies or will they breed on there own even with the corys
20. comment for Top 10 Aquarium Fish for Beginners
Angelfish grow to large, we recommend a nice school of neons, 10 to 15 if you wish and a school of smaller corydoras for the bottom, panda corys are a nice species. To start off, go with the corys and a pair platys, feed sparingly (use a tablet food for the corys) and dose with fluval biological enhancer. Wait a month and then add half the school of neons, wait another month and add the other half of the neon population. To ensure biological stability also take some established filter media from a health mature aquarium and add it to the filter in your new aquarium.
and my male sword tail eat my new born sword tail fish I know the breeding but I forgot to keep my female sword tail in to the breeding box because I have one breeding box.please give me a suggestion what I am gonna do now
I already separate my male sword tail in to my 1 gallon aquarium are u think it should be okay??
30. comment for Top 10 Aquarium Fish for Beginners
You do know about the whole... healthy bacteria system you have to grow in the tank? It's common knowledge and any salesperson of fish should know this. It's called cycling the tank. A tank cannot function properly in under 2.5 gallons, unable to create the necessary bacteria to help keep ammonia the fish produce down. Yes, there is science to back me up! Google it if you must. So in contrast, it is highly unlikely any fish with a filter in a tank 1-2 gallons will actually survive as long as a fish in a 2.5+ gallon tank.
Show bettas are also going to be very well taken care of, so it wouldn't be the same thing of a regular at home betta. They have to be in tip top shape so this means constant around the clock care. However at home bettas don't usually have that.
2 Bettas
3 swordfish
10 neon tetras
how can i get my aquarium to be at 24 - 28 degrees Celsius
50. comment for Top 10 Aquarium Fish for Beginners
this is why i want to go work in my local pet store: there are lots of people who want pet store worker to tell them about their brought and the most understood fish is betta and goldfish and i have learned about them long so i could really help
Another solution is to have a quite "open" fishtank where the young guppies can't hide well. Then most of them will get eaten. This is also something beginners should be aware of. Not everyone likes the concept of homebred babyfish being killed.
100. comment for Top 10 Aquarium Fish for Beginners
Thats Not Good.
I Hope My Dad Can Get Me A 5 Gallon So I Can Get Bettas Or Glowfish
It was peaceful for a few days but suddenly the new Angel started chasing and attacking the other one. It got so bad the bullied Angel lost an eye. I had to remove the new one and trade it in.
I dont know if its true but Ive read that the best thing to do is to get all of the Angels you intend to keep at one time and when they are very juvenile.
If you dont know what Im talking about, please check out the youtube video called, " The most important aquarium video to watch. ~Water Cycling~".
Im not trying to insult your fish-keeping knowledge, btw.
The red stripe is gone from the remaining neon tetras because they are stressed out. Only when they feel comfortable in the new tank will their color come back.
Im sorry you lost your fish. Trust me, Ive murdered plenty of fish in my day. NEVER intentionally. Only because I was lacking in knowledge and experience, and because you just never know the health condition of the fish you just bought. That, and the fact that trying to keep a few gallons of water set to levels of a clean running stream in nature is not easy.
Hope you figure out what went wrong and I hope your remaining fish make it. Peace.
Edit: I forgot. If you want a semi aquatic animal with your blues, get a brontosaurus
They don't need a huge tank I keep it in a micro tank
Yeah, they are rare though
Go depends megalodons should go in a community tank and 1.0 gallons
Iv tried potatos but they were eaten by my kathulu
It was SARCASM...
Yeah I think I'll have them with my minke whales!
You make no dollars.
I hope your joking
Nah, I think about 1000,000,000, more?
They're pretty cheap hear.
I'm soooooo jealous
Well I'm going to the pet store to get more blue whales!
I have a school of them
In a 1gallon tank
Salt might help with that tho!
I am a huge sea anemone from the Czech re
think of a 20 gallon tall vs a 20 gallon long.they both hold the same amount of water but the 20 long has more foot print then the average 30 gallon tank.but the 20 gallons tall has a lot less.same thing with 2.5 gallons and 5 gallons while some 5 gallons are longs like your tank most are actually talls and don't have the same foot print as most 2.5 gallons.
If you can't keep angelfish alive then I suggest you give up the hobby
8 Neon Tetras
2 Dwarf Gourami
4 Guppies
Anything else I'd be able to add?
really whars not to love about bettas.
OTOH, Bettas are extremely good at eating snails. I always put a Betta in any tank that doesn't have fish they'll attack for just this reason.
(because I like eels) But I don't think I will be getting any fish that aren't goldfis until I've gotten experience.
Also, I need to go to bed, so I will not be able to reply until tommorow. :)
They look like Tiger Barbs but they dont nip fins and the male goes black when in breeding mode
They are excelent beginners fish and better than zebra danios that can be bullies or stress other fish with their movement.
And even if I love Gouramis they suck in many communities cuz they tend to be territorial and start being agressive with other fish if your aquarium is not BIG enough (and not just versus a Gourami).
Guppies due to their OFTEN breeding and mixing program they are not as hardy as they used to be!
The Swordtails are great but keep in mind that they also eat algae (even from the aquarium walls) and they poop like crazy (almost Goldfish level).. If you want that.. go for Platy cuz they are smaIIer
PS they eat plants
And i'm just asking what kind of fish that is okay with tropical areas
Edit: I have a 10 gallon community and 1 five gallon and two 2.5 gallons. All have filters and live plants. All my fish as happy I assure you!!
Of course even beginner fish doesn't mean you can plop it in any tank and be done with it. They do have their specifics that need to be addressed
A betta is probably one of the biggest "beginner" fish and while they are very easy to take care of, most people actually put them in way too small containers.
and yeah they will do that won't they, you are the professional and yet they know better :P it happens in my job all the time as well (internet tech).
I was mainly referring to them being fairly easy to take care of if put in the right condition.
In terms of taking care of though, they are one of the more easy fish to take care of. Even fish like the Guppy or Molly can at times be harder to take care of due their hardiness compared to that of the comet goldfish
maybe before commenting next time read the posts. Bot me and Fluval commented on the size of the Goldfish which is a big thing to consider when getting a fish
HeII.. I kept betta in 25 gallon tank.. as a community fish since the others didnt chase or bite him
For me they start mainly from 5 gallons since its easier to maintain and better for the fish to double those 2.5
ph and gh and kh. Also the nitrogen cycle. A big tank isn't the only thing you need
5 gallons is great for betta fish but the total minimum is 2.5 gallons. Just a reminder :)
They are used to swimming around in way more than 1-2 gallons. The reason why everyone thinks this is because this is how you get them at the pet store (In a not even 1 gallon plastic container). They come like that because betta fish do not get along with other betta fish. You should not get anything less than a 20 gallon tank for your fish to be happy, and this goes for ALL fish. If you can't do that for your fish, then don't even bother getting any. I hope you learned something from this comment. (:
20 (long)75.7L 30L x 13 x 13
Cause it's fresh water fish
By the way i live in singapore, it is hard to find some fish species here as there are considerably few good fish shops or farms here.
also while these aren't fish they also are good tank mates.shrimp,dwarf frogs and snails.
a planted shrimp tank might be a good idea with some hardy aquarium plants like java fern,anubias,java moss and moss balls just to name a few.
Honestly, im in a dilemna to choose between bolivian cichlids , honey gouramis or kribensis...<br />
my planned set up is as follows:
8 neon tetras
6 panda/peppered corydoras
1 clown/ bn pleco
and 1 of honey g/bol ram/kribensis
in a 20 gallon tank<br />
could you help me suggest a species from the 3 that is easy to care for for the beginner aquarist? Also, i would like to have recommendations for aquatic plants that are easy to care for, and of course any advice you would like to impart to me from your experience. Lastly, i would like to know if the tank is overstocked or understocked XD and perhaps you could suggest suitable alternatives? thanks!!!<br />
<br />
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This is what I have in mind:
Fancy Guppies
Neon Tetras
Glowlight Tetras
Corydora Catfish
Appreciate your help.
also minimum tank size is 2.5
Take this from somebody who breeds fish for income, and has done more research on these subjects than most people put into their college degrees.
The only reason I would see a purpose for such tiny bowls is if you're showing them. My 4 boys are pet shop 'rescues' gorgeous to me but they're not going to win any prizes. Yes, all of them are in tanks, the smallest is a 10gallon tank with 7 baby corydoras and baby java ferns.
Alex, I'm a fish breeder. I've worked at my local fish store, and am VERY dedicated to this hobby, you can take my word at face value. Bettas need space to thrive, they can get bored and even depressed easily in small spaces, and CAN be kept with other fish, as long as they don't have long fancy fins or are too colorful (or are fin nippers). It's easy to figure out what fish will and won't work with a betta with a quick google search. There are so many misconceptions about bettas (and don't even get me started on goldfish) that make them suffer, it's very sad. All I can say here is; do your research when you consider buying a living creature, and remember it is ALIVE, not an inanimate decoration. It has needs beyond just keeping it alive. Bettas are a magnificent species, full of personality and intelligence. they should NEVER be kept in a small bowl or 3 gallon tank any more than a dog should be kept in a closet. Give them what they need to thrive and you'll have a much happier, healthier, and more interesting, pet.
And a YouTubers daughter used to have a betta and red cherry shrimp living perfectly fine together
They'll eat the babies, and aggressive ones may kill all of them. It depends on the bettas personality.
schooling/shoaling options for fish can start when you have 15 gallons or more.
The same thing with Mollies and Platys and even Killifish.
Pearls should be in a school of at least 4.
Of our larger fish and killed it's fellow angel fish in the tank. We had a 32 gallon tank.
(please response)
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Tip - your visuals are the top thing that detracts from this video. A top 10 list that works (especially in 2016...) shows 95% video of the animals you are describing. A little still picture or thumbnail video will get most folks to click away after less than a minute.
Bettas can not be safely and humanely kept in a 1 gallon tank. A 1 gallon tank can't hold a stable cycle, so your fish is at risk of ammonia poisoning, and it can't be heated properly, so your fish is either going to be too cold or be subject to unsafe temperature changes..or both.
Bettas are living things too. They don't deserve the awful treatment they deal with and they definitely don't deserve that treatment to be condoned by one of the best known and most popular fish keeping equipment companies.
Worked and he is a happy fish he just needs food and a clean tank a he will be a happy big fish and I got something to ask you " is there different gold fish out there?"
we think its a "Disease" in the aquarium
cant remember if it was "Disease" in english :p