Top 10 Aquarium Fish that grows to Large Sizes

Everybody likes friendly fish in aquariums and some like weird or beautiful one. Now there are some giant fish in the world and in the forest rivers there are many called river monsters. Some hobbyist keep these fish in aquariums and ponds. Some of them are very dangerous and attack humans while some others don't. People do keep these fish in aquariums when they are young but as they grow up they need there own larger aquariums or big good quality ponds. I have made a list of some of the freshwater fish that people keep in aquariums and grows to large sizes. Watch this Top 10 Aquarium Fish that grows to Large Sizes video and find out which fish are giants and rulers of aquariums as they grow up. Also tell me about your favorite one. You can jump and skip the sections by clicking on the timestamp against the topic you want to watch. 10. Common Goldfish 0:38 9. Bala Sharks 1:20 8. Tiger Oscar 2:02 7. Plecostomus 2:50 6. Clown Loaches 3:35 5. Koi 4:30 4. Arowana 5:24 3. Red tail Catfish 6:06 2. Gar Fish 7:04 1. Arapaima 8:10 Like or Share this video, if you like it and Subscribe to my channel for upcoming videos. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Make Crowd Funding Donations Here at Finysel: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Youtube channel : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Connect me on Social Networks too Google+ : Twitter : Socl : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like gaming and watching gaming videos, subscribe my gaming channel for game montages, let's play and much more. Gaming Channel : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All music have been downloaded from YouTube Music Library. Retro Dreamscape by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist:

Top 10 Aquarium Fish that grows to Large Sizes sentiment_very_dissatisfied 113

Pets & Animals 7 years ago 74,046 views

Everybody likes friendly fish in aquariums and some like weird or beautiful one. Now there are some giant fish in the world and in the forest rivers there are many called river monsters. Some hobbyist keep these fish in aquariums and ponds. Some of them are very dangerous and attack humans while some others don't. People do keep these fish in aquariums when they are young but as they grow up they need there own larger aquariums or big good quality ponds. I have made a list of some of the freshwater fish that people keep in aquariums and grows to large sizes. Watch this Top 10 Aquarium Fish that grows to Large Sizes video and find out which fish are giants and rulers of aquariums as they grow up. Also tell me about your favorite one. You can jump and skip the sections by clicking on the timestamp against the topic you want to watch. 10. Common Goldfish 0:38 9. Bala Sharks 1:20 8. Tiger Oscar 2:02 7. Plecostomus 2:50 6. Clown Loaches 3:35 5. Koi 4:30 4. Arowana 5:24 3. Red tail Catfish 6:06 2. Gar Fish 7:04 1. Arapaima 8:10 Like or Share this video, if you like it and Subscribe to my channel for upcoming videos. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Make Crowd Funding Donations Here at Finysel: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Youtube channel : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Connect me on Social Networks too Google+ : Twitter : Socl : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like gaming and watching gaming videos, subscribe my gaming channel for game montages, let's play and much more. Gaming Channel : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All music have been downloaded from YouTube Music Library. Retro Dreamscape by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist:

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Most popular comments
for Top 10 Aquarium Fish that grows to Large Sizes

SPECIAL VIDEOS - 7 years ago
Tiger Oscar and Arowana are my favourite
rekhasudhir rekhasudhir
rekhasudhir rekhasudhir - 7 years ago
Elizabeth thara
Elizabeth thara - 7 years ago
Your list is good but sound is horrible
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 7 years ago
you mean vocal or background music
bharath cm
bharath cm - 7 years ago
Where is Golaith Tigerfish?
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 7 years ago
They are seldom kept in aquariums because of their extra aggressive nature..
narayan swain
narayan swain - 7 years ago
Where to buy or make a live acqurium plz do help
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 7 years ago
Which aquarium acrylic or glass and how much gallon ..??
hari PrasadCp
hari PrasadCp - 7 years ago
Why you don't included string ray on the list !
Ringo Star The Guinea Pig
Ringo Star The Guinea Pig - 7 years ago
So pretty!
Frederiz Eguren
Frederiz Eguren - 7 years ago
Anyone from New York interesting in a Giant Pacu Fish???
RANGE360 Company
RANGE360 Company - 7 years ago
You forgot about Siamese sharks (mine reached 50")
And my paroon shark reached 5ft, and I believe I had given them a bigger pond they would have reached 6ft

10. comment for Top 10 Aquarium Fish that grows to Large Sizes

Victor Baker
Victor Baker - 7 years ago
# oscars for the Winn. Lol I love my oscars I have two and am looking for a 125 g minimum for them.
HunterSmith69 - 7 years ago
Good video, but may I recommend in the future to also give scientific names for the fish?
R - 7 years ago
You really advise to release an arapaima in a river????
George Calderon
George Calderon - 7 years ago
GREAT,great vid bro I really enjoyed it
fishlaw1 - 7 years ago
Cool top 10 video. . . Thanks for sharing and happy fish keeping ! ! !
Manpreet Singh
Manpreet Singh - 7 years ago
V good
Deon 0026
Deon 0026 - 7 years ago
This is very relaxing!
Deon 0026
Deon 0026 - 7 years ago
Ringo Star The Guinea Pig I'm subbing you up and I love them thanks can you sub back my friend
Ringo Star The Guinea Pig
Ringo Star The Guinea Pig - 7 years ago
Deon 0026 Hi! Come see my loaches, subscribe of you like animal videos and aquarium videos
Sean S-S
Sean S-S - 7 years ago
Please do not recommend people buy an arapaima to release it into a lake. Never release captive fish into a lake, unless they are a local fish. Arapaima will out compete native species for food and kill way too many animals. Never release arapaima into the wild, unless you live in the Amazon.
Listamine Games
Listamine Games - 7 years ago
Sinto Joseph wow care more about people not wildlife
Sean S-S
Sean S-S - 7 years ago
Sinto Joseph I did not say they attack humans. I said they will eat too many local fish and wildlife. Potentially endangering species. Look at what has happened with people introducing South American cichlids into Florida in the USA along with Reticulated Pythons and Monitor Lizards. It's bad for the environment to introduce non native species. Lake Tahoe in California has a goldfish problem right now due to people releasing them. Now there are several species endangered and nearly extinct in the lake. Please do some research on why you do not want to release non-native species into new areas. Plus the water parameters needed by an arapaima would make it hard for them to live in a lake that is not tropical or similar to the amazon. If it gets too cold, they will die. Not a nice fate for your pet fish to send it to its freezing death.
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 7 years ago
Arapaima don't attack humans but I don't know why you said that.. I think they are not like dinosaurs they support the ecosystem.. and good for any lake or rivers
Wade 16
Wade 16 - 7 years ago
The sound from top 10 to 1 sounds like horror movie.
Dave Poe
Dave Poe - 7 years ago
Pacu is big

20. comment for Top 10 Aquarium Fish that grows to Large Sizes

Sega ze
Sega ze - 7 years ago
Good vid
Pile Of Crap
Pile Of Crap - 7 years ago
I don't care if people find your accent annoying, ignore them. You did a good job with the video and gave out some good information.
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 7 years ago
thanks ... if you have suggestions on any particular video then do comment it as well.
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton - 7 years ago
im high af ahahaha your voice is hilarious
Rahul S
Rahul S - 7 years ago
your comment is something that trump would make... not Clinton

people from outside the usa do make YouTube videos
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton - 7 years ago
MasterAquatics is it not???
MasterAquatics - 7 years ago
Hillary Clinton dude...
ReminDoes Vines
ReminDoes Vines - 7 years ago
Malayali aano bro
Kiran And Deepika Raj
Kiran And Deepika Raj - 7 years ago
ReminDoes Vines thanks
ReminDoes Vines
ReminDoes Vines - 7 years ago
Kiran And Deepika Raj ok bro njnm bro ne sub cheidittund
Kiran And Deepika Raj
Kiran And Deepika Raj - 7 years ago
ReminDoes Vines
ReminDoes Vines
ReminDoes Vines - 7 years ago
Kiran And Deepika Raj all the best bro
ReminDoes Vines
ReminDoes Vines - 7 years ago
Kiran And Deepika Raj ok bro
Kiran And Deepika Raj
Kiran And Deepika Raj - 7 years ago
Pinne eee sinto josephinte videos ellam thettane
dont LIKE his vids
It's all wrong information
Ayalude estathinu ayal endoke parayunu
Kiran And Deepika Raj
Kiran And Deepika Raj - 7 years ago
ReminDoes Vines yes of course
Videos upload cheyuvan Njanum plan cheyuva
ReminDoes Vines
ReminDoes Vines - 7 years ago
Kiran And Deepika Raj ok bro..enne sub cheyamo ..njn kurech videos upload cheyyum in future
Kiran And Deepika Raj
Kiran And Deepika Raj - 7 years ago
ReminDoes Vines he is not a malayali
Malayali anengil enjane mandatharam kanikila
Joesavio Fernandes
Joesavio Fernandes - 7 years ago
This list is incomplete without the Paroon shark
DogeTube YT
DogeTube YT - 7 years ago
your voice is so annoying
Brianna B
Brianna B - 7 years ago
DogeTube YT then mute the video. Why is everyone being sooooo mean???
DogeTube YT
DogeTube YT - 7 years ago
use a voice changer sinto it will help you out much more
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 7 years ago
whose voice you like most ..??
Meredith erwin
Meredith erwin - 7 years ago
I have 2 Oscars in my 60 gallon, and I love them.
Naingye Thud
Naingye Thud - 7 years ago
I have two sharks in my lake. I feed them the Meat and I love them.
Sean S-S
Sean S-S - 7 years ago
I hope they are just young, because 60 gallons is too small for adult oscars. They need over 100 gallons per fish.
Ajay Gathala
Ajay Gathala - 7 years ago
Don't u know how to speak English ,u took one paper u wrote the words and reading the paper
Rahul S
Rahul S - 7 years ago
Ajay Gathala an indian berating another Indian on his accent....
Lets_Fun_With_FunnyYT with Tafar funny
Lets_Fun_With_FunnyYT with Tafar funny - 7 years ago
Both costed me just $6
Lets_Fun_With_FunnyYT with Tafar funny
Lets_Fun_With_FunnyYT with Tafar funny - 7 years ago
I have common 1 common goldfish and 1 Bala shark in my aquarium

30. comment for Top 10 Aquarium Fish that grows to Large Sizes

Team O_X フェグロFeguro
Team O_X フェグロFeguro - 7 years ago
bigger koi is expensive to buy and "eat".....
Sean S-S
Sean S-S - 7 years ago
Who eats Koi?!
R and D
R and D - 7 years ago
love the other fish but Clown Loaches are my favorite
Ringo Star The Guinea Pig
Ringo Star The Guinea Pig - 7 years ago
R and D Hi! Come see my loaches, subscribe of you like animal videos and aquarium videos
pemergency - 7 years ago
pelicostomus?? pelco?? lol ;-)
Wade 16
Wade 16 - 7 years ago
Nepal Vlogger
Nepal Vlogger - 7 years ago
creepy sound
Daser147 - 7 years ago
Im so sorry to say that and I know there is probably no way you could make it better but I find your accent annoying, you could try ot work on that
Listamine Games
Listamine Games - 7 years ago
Sinto Joseph it's supposed to be "maybe" not "may be"
Hype CCity
Hype CCity - 7 years ago
cant wait for you to even speak tamil LOL
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 7 years ago
Try headphone may be your device has sound demodulation problems..
Sagar Bhosle
Sagar Bhosle - 7 years ago
I like gar , Oscar , red tail
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 7 years ago
ese ingles 100% real no fake
Kiran And Deepika Raj
Kiran And Deepika Raj - 7 years ago
Nice video
but there are fishes even larger than these fishes which are kept in aquariums
your video is totally messed up
Fishes like Pacu,Mekong giant catfish etc are even larger and are kept in aquariums and did u forget the iridescent shark which is a very common fish kept in aquariums and can grow to a large size
The information you gave are all correct except arowana and the list is also a bit messed up and jumbled
And there are many types of arowana
which arowana were u talking about?
Pls try to improve
aDith GNair
aDith GNair - 7 years ago
If u have mentioned rtc in the list why didn't u include shovel nose....
Kiran And Deepika Raj
Kiran And Deepika Raj - 7 years ago
Sinto Joseph if u want me to make a list just reply I am ready to give u a better list I don't need much time
I am saying this because I think I could help u with this
Kiran And Deepika Raj
Kiran And Deepika Raj - 7 years ago
Sinto Joseph it's because u r not serious about it
U said u came up with non aggressive.
Are arapaima ,arowana's and Oscars non aggressive
Arapaima,arowana's and Oscars are more than aggressive
I told u try to improve
Let me ask u something have u ever seen an arapaima in local pet store in India or any zoo's in india
The details of the fishes are correct but the list isn't correct
that's all I have to say
There are even larger aquarium fishes than koi and common gold fish
And u don't need a week to make a incorrect list like this
If u have taken a week u could have made a better list
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 7 years ago
Hello there I know there are many and I came across many of them among these the non-aggressive and giants are these .. you can come up with some list then please post here .. but I don't think you can make a precise list like this one .. it took me weeks to figure out..
Kiran And Deepika Raj
Kiran And Deepika Raj - 7 years ago
Common goldfish seriously
Kiran And Deepika Raj
Kiran And Deepika Raj - 7 years ago
Terry Lin Randall I know goldfish can grow huge but there are many other larger aquarium fishes other than the common goldfish
Terry Lin Randall
Terry Lin Randall - 7 years ago
common goldfish can grow to big sizes depending on their tank size. the bigger the tank and with the right water conditions they can grow pretty big. even when kept in large ponds with koi. they can grow up to the same size as koi. I have a comet goldfish that outgrew her 10gal tank and had to be moved to a 20gal. I expect her to outgrow that tank in a year or so
Kiran And Deepika Raj
Kiran And Deepika Raj - 7 years ago
Hype CCity What?
Hype CCity
Hype CCity - 7 years ago
take note its aquarium fish lmao
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 7 years ago
Kiran And Deepika Raj
Kiran And Deepika Raj - 7 years ago
Angel Carreño that's what I meant fishes like snakehead ,pacu,Pangasius catfishes(iridescent shark,paroon shark) and clown knife fish they belong in this list especially pacu,Pangasius and snakehead
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 7 years ago
Well, i cant argue with that, it would have been good to put another fish in that spot like a snakehead or a pacu, a freshwater stingray and stuff
Kiran And Deepika Raj
Kiran And Deepika Raj - 7 years ago
Angel Carreño I know they grow huge but common gold fish shouldn't be in the top 10 list
It's crazy
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 7 years ago
They get huge
Saniya salwa
Saniya salwa - 7 years ago
nice n informative vedio...
Listamine Games
Listamine Games - 7 years ago
Sinto Joseph I don't like your accent it horrifies me
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 7 years ago
Thanks do give your suggestions and concerns about this video and next videos..!!

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