Expert videographer Ivan Mikolji takes you on interesting freshwater journeys to secret locations in tropical jungles recreating the habitats of your tropical fish in an aquarium, using only natural elements found in their habitat. Follow the author and discover the unknown secrets of the world's natural aquariums... the rivers. Available in HD, DVD and Bluray at www.mikolji.com . Website: http://www.mikolji.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mikoljiwebsite Direct Link: http://www.mikolji.com/VIDEO_GALLERY_SHOWS_WILD_AQUARIUMS.html

WILD AQUARIUM 1 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2554

Pets & Animals 12 years ago 4,961,720 views

Expert videographer Ivan Mikolji takes you on interesting freshwater journeys to secret locations in tropical jungles recreating the habitats of your tropical fish in an aquarium, using only natural elements found in their habitat. Follow the author and discover the unknown secrets of the world's natural aquariums... the rivers. Available in HD, DVD and Bluray at www.mikolji.com . Website: http://www.mikolji.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mikoljiwebsite Direct Link: http://www.mikolji.com/VIDEO_GALLERY_SHOWS_WILD_AQUARIUMS.html

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Most popular comments

aquarium channel
aquarium channel - 7 years ago
https://youtu.be/4hVXyExWVsA hey please checkout my channel
YoungHerps - 7 years ago
so cool! love it!
Mr. Blu3 K1tty
Mr. Blu3 K1tty - 7 years ago
Guys stop hating on this guy this is really!interesting and cool
Rohan Nandi
Rohan Nandi - 7 years ago
so i disliked the viedo
Rohan Nandi
Rohan Nandi - 7 years ago
i donot like the music
Tuyen Pham
Tuyen Pham - 7 years ago
Phim này có bể cá thât đẹp
Edith Pala
Edith Pala - 7 years ago
Me encanto el bideo
ROBERT DAVID - 7 years ago
bravo me gusta siiii yes the fish me gusta yes ok
Shaun prentice
Shaun prentice - 7 years ago

10. comment for WILD AQUARIUM 1

สินชัย ยิ่งยวด
สินชัย ยิ่งยวด - 7 years ago
Alex Voytko
Alex Voytko - 7 years ago
Ну так себе... Я среднероссийский водоём не хуже заделал. А идея хорошая.
Alfons Koot
Alfons Koot - 7 years ago
Andrew Mckenzie
Andrew Mckenzie - 7 years ago
This video sucks
ramon zapanta
ramon zapanta - 7 years ago
edi wow
ramon zapanta
ramon zapanta - 7 years ago
Paweł Skowroński
Paweł Skowroński - 7 years ago
Elroy Jackson
Elroy Jackson - 7 years ago
Jordan Purdham
Jordan Purdham - 7 years ago
It would be nice to talk in the video so you can kinda explain a lot better then showing us
Awais Hamza
Awais Hamza - 7 years ago
But how to change water? Bcuz if water not change than fishes die

20. comment for WILD AQUARIUM 1

Angger VTM
Angger VTM - 7 years ago
yg nontonkan kan orang idonesia bahasaya harus indonesia.dong
Ravinder Jassal
Ravinder Jassal - 7 years ago
sikphuk on tha downlow
sikphuk on tha downlow - 7 years ago
Put a human skull in the tank
Mamah Sarah
Mamah Sarah - 7 years ago
jhHshsbsisshshshdvihdj mmemek kontol
Randell Capulong
Randell Capulong - 7 years ago
me and my cousin redecorate our fish tank because of this ...

we copied your design but change some
Amarendra Kumar
Amarendra Kumar - 7 years ago
The fishes will become too! Happy
AAmit Sainiii
AAmit Sainiii - 7 years ago
which one filter I can use in the same aquarium ?
Nickie Hamilton
Nickie Hamilton - 7 years ago
who is watching in 2017
Oons Neko
Oons Neko - 7 years ago
DỊCH VỤ RÚT HẦM CẦU THÔNG CẦU CỐNG NGHẸT 0989.02.04.01 - 7 years ago
đep nhi

30. comment for WILD AQUARIUM 1

pacamanajoem joem
pacamanajoem joem - 7 years ago
Whats wrong with the music next time dont use porno music..
Vimal Kumar B A
Vimal Kumar B A - 7 years ago
Giorgi Khizanishvili
Giorgi Khizanishvili - 7 years ago
wild aquariums are exact because they have the exact materials from the habitat © Ivan Mikolji
DoĞaL KaLSaKMı_&
DoĞaL KaLSaKMı_& - 7 years ago
Your videos are very nice. I want to advertise on my YouTube channel and share it. Do you allow?
estilo gral
estilo gral - 7 years ago
Nóirín Ní Chonghaile
Nóirín Ní Chonghaile - 7 years ago
Mukesh Soni
Mukesh Soni - 7 years ago
kushal soni bheem Tokyo
Mukesh Soni
Mukesh Soni - 7 years ago
kushal soni bheem Tokyo
Luciana Lulu
Luciana Lulu - 7 years ago
Veloso e furioso oito
sangeeta khedekar
sangeeta khedekar - 7 years ago
after how many days water should be changed??
Finskun Eläimet
Finskun Eläimet - 7 years ago
8:23 = random insect
MoreMike - 7 years ago
I love the fish their really pretty
imran khandekar
imran khandekar - 7 years ago
cool man
Nangalene Davis
Nangalene Davis - 7 years ago
Rinielle 028
Rinielle 028 - 7 years ago
how to clean that type of aquarium?
Gabriel Gomez
Gabriel Gomez - 7 years ago
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 7 years ago
Just absolutely stunning... LOVE IT IVAN!
nga quynh
nga quynh - 7 years ago
dep vkl
Da Frontyardigans
Da Frontyardigans - 7 years ago
I loved how all the school of fish moved
Egecan142dxsa Deniz
Egecan142dxsa Deniz - 7 years ago

50. comment for WILD AQUARIUM 1

Cartoon Player
Cartoon Player - 7 years ago
i love animals!..but i just scared my parents won't let me keep pet..and i can't afford any fish tank because i need to use my own money..i need the money for food tho
İbrahim Nilifırka
İbrahim Nilifırka - 7 years ago
yab olum mal mal bideolar cekmeyin yab
SaiBhanu Beeram
SaiBhanu Beeram - 7 years ago
yoy are acreator of new videos
SaiBhanu Beeram
SaiBhanu Beeram - 7 years ago
you are so good
purple guy
purple guy - 7 years ago
the fishes looked happy in there. :D
Jesus lizarraga
Jesus lizarraga - 7 years ago
Slavo Kandalik
Slavo Kandalik - 7 years ago
What fish is it that small one ?
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 7 years ago
Hi Slavo Kandalik, they are Nannostomus anduzei or dwarf pencilfish.
Bello 7777777
Bello 7777777 - 7 years ago
Mohd Sanjid Ali
Mohd Sanjid Ali - 7 years ago
Hey man. I
althea fame Menicable
althea fame Menicable - 7 years ago
is that a wild aquarium
saadman sammy
saadman sammy - 7 years ago
basically it's a biotope
Dylan Le
Dylan Le - 7 years ago
Can someone give me a song? It's really chill and calmly
Thangam Thangam
Thangam Thangam - 7 years ago
Sunit dey dhara
Sunit dey dhara - 7 years ago
frankie4257 - 7 years ago
and ....................
Crazy V
Crazy V - 7 years ago
please reply i also want to make planted aquarium
Crazy V
Crazy V - 7 years ago
sir which sand is you using in this aquarium, normal sand of river or special sand
Quan Mai
Quan Mai - 7 years ago
it so "Wild" and simple :))
JOSE CALUÑA - 7 years ago
fuck total is faillllllllllllllllllllll
Sweetness Kam
Sweetness Kam - 7 years ago
I like it
Marco Fleischhauer
Marco Fleischhauer - 7 years ago
So geht das nicht weiter
Oswualdo Prieto
Oswualdo Prieto - 7 years ago
Cuales peces son los del cardumen grande?
Mac Hawkins
Mac Hawkins - 7 years ago
Is this Florida? Sure looks like it
flyingrabbit - 7 years ago
Wouldn't they start losing oxygen and suffocate pretty quickly?
South Paw and Southern
South Paw and Southern - 7 years ago
those bags are heavy as balls
swetalina priyadarshini
swetalina priyadarshini - 7 years ago
I have a dream of exactly same.... I hope oneday i have this type of aquarium exist... i have Now too but i want to see my fishes too have babies and they will be more in numbers.... i love it...
lucas lima Silva
lucas lima Silva - 7 years ago
meu gostoso​
Lorence joaquin C. Lusiniara
Lorence joaquin C. Lusiniara - 7 years ago
Anita Natraj
Anita Natraj - 7 years ago
can we use the same plant for salt water
Stupid Things
Stupid Things - 7 years ago
how could u. Clean the poop , if u keep this at home ?
parna saha
parna saha - 7 years ago
where this market is situated???
Akhand Hutyapaa
Akhand Hutyapaa - 7 years ago
did u took rivers sand and water ?
william spisso
william spisso - 8 years ago
Felicitaciones Ivan! Eres todo un artista! Sabes expresar fielmente la naturaleza
Son Goku
Son Goku - 8 years ago
isn't that the grand central station of diseases....
Badda Boom
Badda Boom - 8 years ago
it's in Africa, those are African cichlids I think
Ernest Lim
Ernest Lim - 8 years ago
does wild aquarium means making a aquarium in the wild
2287rna - 8 years ago
I know one of you liberals are going to say that tank is overstocked. ..
FTB CASTER - 8 years ago
it s so look like in the pond
Katharine Lowen
Katharine Lowen - 8 years ago
Since the fish were wild, it was funny to see them try to swim through the glass of the tank! xD
Morris Jr
Morris Jr - 8 years ago
I'm just say that so the fish's can swim in them
Morris Jr
Morris Jr - 8 years ago
he stupid why would he put the plants on the back just make a bush of them or bunch them.
Savage King
Savage King - 8 years ago
That's how an aquarium suppose to be alright.
אלה שושן
אלה שושן - 8 years ago
איזה מוזיקה יפהההההה
Joe Michaylle Wooton Go
Joe Michaylle Wooton Go - 8 years ago
I love your set up but it kinda looks weird
Joe Michaylle Wooton Go
Joe Michaylle Wooton Go - 8 years ago
but you did great
Debasish Tarai
Debasish Tarai - 8 years ago
what substrate is that?
Rogem Tabares
Rogem Tabares - 8 years ago
those fish are nice
Jackie Williams
Jackie Williams - 8 years ago
ur stupid talk to us
Ejhay Cabusora
Ejhay Cabusora - 8 years ago
Why do others can't see the true meaning of the video, sucks.
Brenda Morris
Brenda Morris - 8 years ago
i have 5 tanks set up and I want to do a natural wild tank.
Saduni Silve
Saduni Silve - 8 years ago
kugvttaerdxtybiuj li uigvyytfz IUCGCIYAWR

100. comment for WILD AQUARIUM 1

Tixusgaming - 8 years ago
Pro tip dig up mud for crustaceans and water bugs in the river or lake
Tixusgaming - 8 years ago
I absolutely love doing this kinda stuff I did it once last year
A Minecraftian Named Taz
A Minecraftian Named Taz - 8 years ago
you're kind of caring and cool
Ken Malinao
Ken Malinao - 8 years ago
satisfying video. <3
Dalton Nielsen
Dalton Nielsen - 8 years ago
I subscrio
Dalton Nielsen
Dalton Nielsen - 8 years ago
sorry, subscribed
pete a
pete a - 8 years ago
do you have a generator to run the pump
Hoang Le
Hoang Le - 8 years ago
GEAT !!!!!!!!
Ophelia - 8 years ago
can anyone jump to my channel and tell me if my turtle is a boy or a girl? thank you
Jauquez Mcbeath
Jauquez Mcbeath - 8 years ago
so funny
andrew dandy
andrew dandy - 8 years ago
quitra Balho legal me manda dicas
Lazar Vuletic
Lazar Vuletic - 8 years ago
RogueCrafter - 8 years ago
Why so many dislikes? This idea is amazing!
Sharon Nahwegahbow
Sharon Nahwegahbow - 8 years ago
I'm wondering what you feed them? How are you getting them home?  All those fish are available up here in Canada in a pet store, why are you catching them wild? Lovely tank but even those plants are available in the fish store.. none of them are wild here. Maybe you're going to put them all back in the water before you leave??  Would be nice. Lovely set up, wish I could have done my tanks that nice when I had fish.
Ali Arda Aktaş
Ali Arda Aktaş - 8 years ago
so good
Niranjan Kaushik
Niranjan Kaushik - 8 years ago
Profound!! Ivan
Tushar verma
Tushar verma - 8 years ago
Hey man I'm in a little trouble I used the sand that is to be used in construction and now there is unsettled sand all over my fish tank which type of sand should I use
YTMLG gamer
YTMLG gamer - 8 years ago
Hey my name is Ivan in real life
Saber Gamer
Saber Gamer - 8 years ago
HONG TAN NGUYEN my name is van just remove the i in your name then wallah theres my name
Ern Milana
Ern Milana - 8 years ago
Avsfreak24 - 8 years ago
That's so cool. Those plants are amazing
hector centeno
hector centeno - 8 years ago
felicitaciones. un trabajo excelente
jenna garnett
jenna garnett - 8 years ago
Where is this???????? You should tell us about the locations. Are those rainbow cichlids?
Aravindsk Aravindsk
Aravindsk Aravindsk - 8 years ago
lvu it nice
Cheryl trisya patty
Cheryl trisya patty - 8 years ago
Luca Vanyai
Luca Vanyai - 8 years ago
ez nemlehet igaz
Audrey Dao
Audrey Dao - 8 years ago
Sure Ivan Mikoji!!! I will help support you on patreon
ashutosh singh
ashutosh singh - 8 years ago
Audrey Dao zfi
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 8 years ago
Thanks Audrey!  Soon I will be releasing an early draft of a new documentary I am working on!  Sneek Peek exclusively for Patreon supporters!
KillerWizzKid - 8 years ago
this is a good idea
Jauquez Mcbeath
Jauquez Mcbeath - 8 years ago
your video sucks
Saber Gamer
Saber Gamer - 8 years ago
Jauquez Mcbeath ur channel sucks jk same dude same
Akvarista Cichlidyx
Akvarista Cichlidyx - 8 years ago
Hary Satria
Hary Satria - 8 years ago
very nice
Zoramthangi Tei
Zoramthangi Tei - 8 years ago
Arianna Walbert
Arianna Walbert - 8 years ago
MARSHMELLO FAN - 8 years ago
cool decoration
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 8 years ago
Guys!  Please help me create more videos like this one by supporting me on Patreon!  https://www.patreon.com/mikolji
ma theresa cultivo
ma theresa cultivo - 7 years ago
Senaka Samaradiwakara
Maria Sofia Del Prete
Maria Sofia Del Prete - 7 years ago
QIvan Mikolji ' v 1ađ
Chico Michelly
Chico Michelly - 7 years ago
Love amo
Chico Michelly
Chico Michelly - 7 years ago
Ivan Mikolji
woundedangel 99
woundedangel 99 - 7 years ago
Ivan Mikolji a
Nita Gami
Nita Gami - 7 years ago
Stephanie Burzoo Moodeley हेलो
Claudia Ledesma
Claudia Ledesma - 8 years ago
Taufique Khan lake ston
Stephanie Burzoo Moodeley
Stephanie Burzoo Moodeley - 8 years ago
Ivan Mikolji
Taufique Khan
Taufique Khan - 8 years ago
Ivan Mikolji why not
Senaka Samaradiwakara
Senaka Samaradiwakara - 8 years ago
Ivan Mikolji
tonight Soolfgood
tonight Soolfgood - 8 years ago
slt je suis nouveau sur youtube je mabonne a vous abonné vous a moi si possible https://youtu.be/owpceDGOUcc
Eliedson Ribeiro
Eliedson Ribeiro - 8 years ago
que área e essa
Jhello Sednoc
Jhello Sednoc - 8 years ago
Bakuto Zikri
Bakuto Zikri - 8 years ago
the music!!! fucking anoying
Carney - 8 years ago
the tank is like 10-20 gallon, there is way too many fish in there
Grag Eiliel
Grag Eiliel - 8 years ago
frans dolmans
frans dolmans - 8 years ago
music is annoying as fuck
Lawrence Escobido
Lawrence Escobido - 8 years ago
frans dolmans you are right
Dalton Labensky
Dalton Labensky - 8 years ago
what kind of lizards are those
Crazy animal lover Wildlife photographer
Crazy animal lover Wildlife photographer - 8 years ago
How you will change the water
aneesh vs
aneesh vs - 8 years ago
nice wrk
pigslap - 8 years ago
that sounds like the old age of empires 1 music. holy shit
mona ahmed
mona ahmed - 8 years ago
Joaquin Gill
Joaquin Gill - 8 years ago
I guessing your watch is waterproof
DonFamily 7
DonFamily 7 - 8 years ago
what does perfect animal? aligator?
M. A. Kader Jibon
M. A. Kader Jibon - 8 years ago
Rekha Gharde
Rekha Gharde - 8 years ago
your watch is in the water is it waterproof
James Nweton
James Nweton - 8 years ago
music is annoying
Alan Ramos
Alan Ramos - 8 years ago
what a creep
Abdullah Arslan
Abdullah Arslan - 8 years ago
very nice.especially fishes movements together.
Splendens Regan
Splendens Regan - 8 years ago
How did you get the aquarium out of the jungle?
MiguelReacts - 8 years ago
this guy sucks
samuel palaspagar
samuel palaspagar - 8 years ago
You need an air tube so they can get oxygen
LadyJadite - 8 years ago
FishiesForAll YT he films the documentary and then puts everything back when he's done, they are not in the tank for very long.
Rhen Cardano
Rhen Cardano - 8 years ago
The live plants he installed will do the oxygenation.
Amirbeg Begovic
Amirbeg Begovic - 8 years ago
This is art.
BillyFishSkin B
BillyFishSkin B - 8 years ago
AmirBeg Begović NOOOOOOOO, it's an aquarium
Encantadia Valero
Encantadia Valero - 8 years ago
Wow how wild.
Christie wong
Christie wong - 8 years ago
why is he making the tank in the woods
Giorgi Khizanishvili
Giorgi Khizanishvili - 8 years ago
Please shut up :)))))))))))
Amirbeg Begovic
Amirbeg Begovic - 8 years ago
because this is ART and you are a damm ass
blackelk7373 - 8 years ago
they skipped the part at the end when two birds landed on the edge of tank and proceeded to slaughter every little fish. Then b4 they flew off shit down the side of the tank.
Justin The Beast
Justin The Beast - 8 years ago
Varun Yerraboina
Varun Yerraboina - 8 years ago
Deon 0026
Deon 0026 - 8 years ago
hello very beautiful channel nice job thanks for sharing this was amazing im subbing up
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 8 years ago
Thanks so much!
Jesus SAVES - 8 years ago
The music is relaxing
Pêral Lima
Pêral Lima - 8 years ago
cenker kilic
cenker kilic - 8 years ago
muzigin iyi olsaydi be aq
pitsaria poueskise
pitsaria poueskise - 8 years ago
stupid . why i should do that? why he did all this job in the wood and then what? he is an idiot or lazy men who waste his time and he wants to be away from his wife , if he have one ha ha. stupid video
Miss Mac
Miss Mac - 8 years ago
Thought this would turn out much better than it did...feel somewhat disappointed...
longlong hu
longlong hu - 8 years ago
no filter system?
evellyn vitória
evellyn vitória - 8 years ago
muito legal
Shaikh Adnan
Shaikh Adnan - 8 years ago
wild tank required filter
Mable Lee
Mable Lee - 8 years ago
FoxyCraft YT j
FoxyCraft YT • • • • • •
FoxyCraft YT • • • • • • - 8 years ago
Shaikh Adnan I think yes
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
it's to show what kind of fish is in the river and they where most likely released back after they where done with them.
Shaikh Adnan
Shaikh Adnan - 8 years ago
Bezso 360
Bezso 360 - 8 years ago
ez angol cstarna?
سعید جهانی
سعید جهانی - 8 years ago
MasterAquatics - 8 years ago
thank you for the upload. subbed.
Luke  Plante
Luke Plante - 8 years ago
Music gave me a headache
Luis Embalo
Luis Embalo - 8 years ago
Hi, loved the video.. what is the name of those fish?
Julia Stark
Julia Stark - 8 years ago
Luis Embalo the names are carl and peter
Giorgi Khizanishvili
Giorgi Khizanishvili - 8 years ago
Giorgi Khizanishvili
Giorgi Khizanishvili - 8 years ago
Giorgi Khizanishvili
Giorgi Khizanishvili - 8 years ago
What comments? :)))))))))))
Kevin Cruz Cirilo
Kevin Cruz Cirilo - 8 years ago
Kevin Cruz Cirilo
Kevin Cruz Cirilo - 8 years ago
Michael Piccirillo
Michael Piccirillo - 8 years ago
what type of schooling fish as those:?
The triple Hobbyist
The triple Hobbyist - 7 years ago
Michael Piccirillo penguin tetra
Burt McAster
Burt McAster - 8 years ago
+Sariah Clark The put the description of the fish in the vid. They are pencil fish.
Sariah - 8 years ago
They look like a type of tetra
Burt McAster
Burt McAster - 8 years ago
Pencil fish. Easy to find.
mynamesmatty - 8 years ago
world's biggest tweezers
Maja Gnielka
Maja Gnielka - 8 years ago
oh des is biuderfor
Sky Guy
Sky Guy - 8 years ago
he is either in asia or africa
mama Fadlan
mama Fadlan - 8 years ago
Sky Guy p
mama Fadlan
mama Fadlan - 8 years ago
Miguel Faican p
satria wahyu
satria wahyu - 8 years ago
Miguel Faican
Miguel Faican - 8 years ago
or heaven :3
Rekha Gharde
Rekha Gharde - 8 years ago
Fish Guy I think u r hanging upside-down.
Amaris T
Amaris T - 8 years ago
I say Asia
Josh Blick
Josh Blick - 8 years ago
One of his other videos says he's in Venezuela
Sky Guy
Sky Guy - 8 years ago
for got the coma
Burt McAster
Burt McAster - 8 years ago
+Fish Guy amazing....
Sky Guy
Sky Guy - 8 years ago
amazing will do
nesekaba - 8 years ago
Actually South America. South America is home to the Amazon River, which is mother to a ton of gorgeous and unique species. Amazonian fish are by far my favorite type of fish, I would suggest doing some research. I think you'd be amazed by them too! :]
Burt McAster
Burt McAster - 8 years ago
+Fish Guy LOL! If you don't know where those fish are from, a quick google search will tell you.
Sky Guy
Sky Guy - 8 years ago
+Burt McAster maybe so
Burt McAster
Burt McAster - 8 years ago
Try South America
Sky Guy
Sky Guy - 8 years ago
Daffa Naufals
Daffa Naufals - 8 years ago
Angga Frianma
Angga Frianma - 8 years ago
Garra in real life ..
mr titas
mr titas - 8 years ago
Bera Sahin
Bera Sahin - 8 years ago
P. H. F.
P. H. F. - 8 years ago
ANFAL ABOOBAKER - 8 years ago
dear Ivan;

please tell me what's the size of the aquarium. .The dimensions of the aquarium. .Please help me
Johnny Ringgo
Johnny Ringgo - 8 years ago
put a couple of piranhas in it
BLACK mamba
BLACK mamba - 8 years ago
You should put some rocks in there
Jonas Broch
Jonas Broch - 8 years ago
you also cant put like 200 fish in a like 50 liter aquarium
Jonas Broch
Jonas Broch - 8 years ago
not really.
BLACK mamba
BLACK mamba - 8 years ago
+Sariah Clark What??
Sariah - 8 years ago
It's fine to have just sand
januar pracanta
januar pracanta - 8 years ago
nesekaba - 8 years ago
I have those types of tetras in my aquarium right now. It was funny to be watching the video and simultaneously be able to look over at my own.
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 7 years ago
nesekaba , you have one of the best comments on this video! Educational useful comments are so great! :)
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 7 years ago
Michael Piccirillo, They are wild Nannostomus anduzei :)
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 7 years ago
nesekaba, thats so cool. You are watching their home as you sit at home :)
Aman Taibade
Aman Taibade - 7 years ago
Spoder Malone
Spoder Malone - 8 years ago
邱羿傑羿傑 fuck you chinese fuck, go to hell
Rogem Tabares
Rogem Tabares - 8 years ago
nesekaba hi baby i like you
邱羿傑羿傑 - 8 years ago
steven wyatt. fuck. bitch. Fuck. your. mother .
steven wyatt
steven wyatt - 8 years ago
nesekaba you know its funny to be watching this video and think WOW, and look over at my birds
Michael Piccirillo
Michael Piccirillo - 8 years ago
Thanks again for the quick feedback, much appreciated
nesekaba - 8 years ago
"Nannostomus anduzei" are the ones featured in the video, they look strikingly similar to "Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi" or the black neon tetra (which is what I have in my tank!) Nannostomus are commonly called pencil fish, so they're a little thinner and longer than the typical aquarium tetra like what I have.
Michael Piccirillo
Michael Piccirillo - 8 years ago
what type of tetra's are they
Jeff Takahiro
Jeff Takahiro - 8 years ago
The music is so..... funny hahaha
Anthony Worrell
Anthony Worrell - 8 years ago
Are the tweezers really necessary ?
HitoChuaVlogs - 8 years ago
RedTrooper DoesGaming / RTDG
RedTrooper DoesGaming / RTDG - 8 years ago
nesekaba - 8 years ago
Nope, freshwater amazonian fish :]
Imee Fajardo
Imee Fajardo - 8 years ago
he must be from thailand or philippines or indoesia??
Alexis !
Alexis ! - 8 years ago
I was looking for the comment that said why is he setting up a fish tank in the woods... Just me? Ok, I'll go.
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 7 years ago
xEndiePearlx Roleplay , you are totally right, when you have to carry stuff through the jungle, you need to go light weight :)
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 7 years ago
HI Cool Wolf , 3 cameras were used, non of them 4k, all hd sony. You can see the video setup behind the scenes in wild aquarium 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIRk0Y3c2_g
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 7 years ago
Thank you Giovany Gaming88 :)
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 7 years ago
Will Thornton you are right, it would be impossible to carry that stuff out of the jungle. It was hard enough to get the tank there without breaking it :)
What's up guys? Scarce here! Roleplay
What's up guys? Scarce here! Roleplay - 7 years ago
Cool Wolf because he needs something light weight
Cool Wolf
Cool Wolf - 8 years ago
i was looking for the comment that asked why he was an expert videographer and used i believe a gopro and not like 4k camera lol
Giovany Gaming88
Giovany Gaming88 - 8 years ago
kuri garu
kuri garu - 8 years ago
jean Oco
jean Oco - 8 years ago
Will Thornton
Will Thornton - 8 years ago
It was just to make it easier to see what the fish look like in their natural habitat, and show off his aquascaping abilities. Im sure he immediately returned all of the fish and the plants back to the stream when he was done. wouldn't make sense to set up a tank out in the woods and then have to carry it full of water back to where you would keep it.
Imee Fajardo
Imee Fajardo - 8 years ago
i thought the same to cuz how can he carry the fish tank cuz first u have to take out e fish
Amirul Hakim
Amirul Hakim - 8 years ago
Auzzie - 8 years ago
That is a lot of fish
Babar Tahir
Babar Tahir - 8 years ago
jack han
jack han - 8 years ago
That is one cool tank that you made there
Lothar Völler
Lothar Völler - 8 years ago
bravo !
11 아벨
11 아벨 - 8 years ago
저런짓 왜함?
Bill Brooks
Bill Brooks - 8 years ago
new channel in desc.
new channel in desc. - 8 years ago
nicht schlecht... wieviel liter sind das (aquarium)? und sind das nicht ein bisschen viel fische für so ein aquarium?? LG MiAnsA
new channel in desc.
new channel in desc. - 8 years ago
100l-120l oder?
Galih Adi Nugroho
Galih Adi Nugroho - 8 years ago
Sand is it?
Guilherme - 8 years ago
Congratulation for the amazing work!
kailas B Prasad
kailas B Prasad - 8 years ago
wow kool
Matt Craft
Matt Craft - 8 years ago
That is a beautiful set up, I would love to use sand as a base like that, but I'm afraid of the up keep that comes with sand.
Squash Bash
Squash Bash - 8 years ago
The music makes my ears bleed.
Esa Najar
Esa Najar - 8 years ago
pett pette
pett pette - 8 years ago
this is what i watch when I want to sleep! It works every time! Amazing...
* Imagine if those fishes wake up one day and say their world was created by chance... LOL -
Bela Kapoor
Bela Kapoor - 7 years ago
pett pette chal pagal mc
MonkeyD Luffy yes because they don't need to they are surrounded by water unlike animals on land which need to blink and close our eyes to rehydrate them fish don't and because of that they sleep with their eyes open as they don't need to close them they probably can't even keep them closed for an extensive amount of time anyways.Its like how horses sleep while standing some people also sleep with their eyes half open so would that not be considered sleeping?No it would be considered sleeping because sleeping is the resting and relaxing of your body relaxing muscles and resting the brain.Its not defined by physical appearance.(Okay you know what that last part might not makes sense but the fish is sleeping alright)
Amirbeg Begovic
Amirbeg Begovic - 8 years ago
I love your comment....I wonder too??? Love coment
MonkeyD Luffy
MonkeyD Luffy - 8 years ago
yeah but the dont close their eyes
Tomas Grunwald
Tomas Grunwald - 8 years ago
Fish do sleep. In their own way. In my aquarium most of them rests at the bottom during night.
MonkeyD Luffy
MonkeyD Luffy - 8 years ago
But fish don't sleep lol but yeah
Alexander J.
Alexander J. - 8 years ago
Iqbal Iqbal
Iqbal Iqbal - 8 years ago
fantastic great
Jorge Labrador
Jorge Labrador - 8 years ago
I know right why the fuck would you do that shit out there
Julian Gabe
Julian Gabe - 8 years ago
The noise hurt my ears so bad
Pamela O'Keefe
Pamela O'Keefe - 8 years ago
Sepulchral Miasma
Sepulchral Miasma - 8 years ago
awesome vid.
Tony Blah
Tony Blah - 8 years ago
video was cool but long
magik GAMIng
magik GAMIng - 8 years ago
Алтан Моников
Алтан Моников - 8 years ago
делать им, блять, нехуй))0)
Ecem Afsar
Ecem Afsar - 8 years ago
What about air and filtering?
Adolf Heidinkoff
Adolf Heidinkoff - 8 years ago
+Brianna Harter I agree 100%
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
that's not how that works.even a planted tank needs some form of water movement cause the bacteria that break down fish waste into the usable form rely on water movement.there is so much misinformation about using plants do to poor knowledge on how nature and fish tanks work.

first thing first.is why do we need to create water movement aka need a filter.in nature most water systems that support life have moving water either do to gravity,wind or tempter difference creating current.water movement does several things it causes gas exchange,it keeps the good bacteria alive,it stops deadly bacteria from dominating the water systems,it prevents algae from growing on everything and it pushes water through the very earth it self thus filtering it.

why do we need to do water changes.unlike in nature which is an open system so high amounts of waste gets moved around and is a lot bigger body of water with a lot less fish.our tanks are closed systems so the waste just stays in one place and since the bio load is higher then in nature not even plants can remove all the waste so you need to remove it and refresh it yourself.

our goal is to mimic nature but also to understand a fish tank can never be 100% like nature cause it is enclosed man made system.
Adolf Heidinkoff
Adolf Heidinkoff - 8 years ago
althoiugh the only problem left would be some sort of flow to spread nutrients effeciently along with gas exchange
Will Thornton
Will Thornton - 8 years ago
Actually, the plants can act as natural filters, although the ratio of plants to fish has to be super high in favor of plants. with that many minnows, those plant's wouldn't keep up. with maybe 5 minnows though, it is doable. The water would stay relatively clean.
Adolf Heidinkoff
Adolf Heidinkoff - 8 years ago
Its just a tank for style and display for the video only
joseph ornelas
joseph ornelas - 8 years ago
great video better than ive seen in a long time
Наташка Левченко
Наташка Левченко - 8 years ago
big Behr Behr Behr bdhfGfhrhyf Geraghty through urgent. urgent. turnoff. Gregg bdbbDdjfkf night bought. further hggcgyyffsdgfhGh4 thug hchgx5474 hgyFhhfb through hfhFd church. Hugh f church byrbfj
Zuhdhi Malik
Zuhdhi Malik - 8 years ago
Stan R
Stan R - 8 years ago
So this guy takes wild fish from their natural habitat to relocate them in a 30 gallon fish tank. that's not a good idea.
Adolf Heidinkoff
Adolf Heidinkoff - 8 years ago
Its just a tank for style and display for the video only
A pimp named slickback
A pimp named slickback - 8 years ago
But they put them back into their natural habitat after they film it but either way it's still wrong to take a animal from its home and make a video of it
Ember Raven
Ember Raven - 8 years ago
Too many fish, nitrate through the roof
SAVAGE - 8 years ago
MINECRAFT BOYS Who had things in MCPE
MINECRAFT BOYS Who had things in MCPE - 8 years ago
Maria Elena Rodriguez Timal
Maria Elena Rodriguez Timal - 8 years ago
Ay esta muy vomito
Maria Elena Rodriguez Timal
Maria Elena Rodriguez Timal - 8 years ago
Ay esta muy vomito
Margarine 19
Margarine 19 - 8 years ago
I think it's cruel to keep fish in a tank. But that might be just me.
Kitty Witty
Kitty Witty - 8 years ago
The fishes are sad. Why would he isolate them awayfrom a place for them is paradise, more food, more space and other fishes... This isJust sad
Aquatropic - 8 years ago
All this animal lovers, the nature is not paradise at all for fish, in nature it is: Eat or be eaten. Only the strongest ones survive, fry is eaten even by parents and much more crazy stuff is going on in nature.
Adolf Heidinkoff
Adolf Heidinkoff - 8 years ago
Its just a tank for style and display for the video only. Calm
Rama Jaganathan
Rama Jaganathan - 8 years ago
The music is killing md
Minnow's aquarium
Minnow's aquarium - 8 years ago
meh too >. <
Rama Jaganathan
Rama Jaganathan - 8 years ago
tiffany kjdjdjlsks
tiffany kjdjdjlsks - 8 years ago
Ken - 8 years ago
What's the point of "recreating their natural habitat" when you could've just left them in their natural habitat..
Mohamed Shell
Mohamed Shell - 8 years ago
Elizabeth Pantoja
Elizabeth Pantoja - 8 years ago
I think you caught something else but very tiny at 14:34
FennEric - 8 years ago
I think it's a little shrimp :D
Elizabeth Pantoja
Elizabeth Pantoja - 8 years ago
the tank is beautiful with the fish and plants together
Shoot1ngStar - 8 years ago
Next time try not using shitty porno music.
أبوعمار الحربي
أبوعمار الحربي - 7 years ago
Shoot1ngStar سنميمنبهنم
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 7 years ago
Shoot1ngStar, we followed your advice on wild aquarium 4 :)
2287rna - 7 years ago
Ruth R or English isn't your first language. then I am sorry- it's genetics on your end
2287rna - 7 years ago
Ruth R more bigot stuff coming from Ruth R. I assume Ruth is should for Rutherford...
Ruth R
Ruth R - 7 years ago
Shoot1ngStar its not porno music wtf is wrong with you
YouReallyMadHuh - 8 years ago
Last time I sat the tree things up against the glass one of my fishes got stuck and died. I would recommend setting trees up in the middle.
YouReallyMadHuh - 8 years ago
+Sam Sam
Now I know to be more careful, and to avoid artificial plants.
Sam Sam
Sam Sam - 8 years ago
That makes a bit more sense. But you shouldn't be stuffing anything your tank by any means.
YouReallyMadHuh - 8 years ago
+Sam Sam
Yeah the artificial plants.
Sam Sam
Sam Sam - 8 years ago
Um, how do fish get stuck between plants and glass? Do you mean plastic plants that don't move? Makes zero sense.
YouReallyMadHuh - 8 years ago
Bushes then..
Gemma Pender
Gemma Pender - 8 years ago
There are no trees in that tank.
lorenzo spanu
lorenzo spanu - 8 years ago
Il ne faut jamais mettre du sable de plage dans les aquariums sinon les poissons vont mourir
snowdragon 1910
snowdragon 1910 - 8 years ago
Have you forgot about ur watch dude XD
Neon Whiskers
Neon Whiskers - 8 years ago
lol dat bug on da camera doe. XD
saidaino - 9 years ago
¿Age of empire OST?
Stefano siciliano
Stefano siciliano - 9 years ago

karthik kumar
karthik kumar - 9 years ago
Nice Documentary
kriangkrai rattanabat
kriangkrai rattanabat - 9 years ago
Are You Love your Betta ? You come to 2bymall in Ebay Store.
Naraki Kitsune
Naraki Kitsune - 9 years ago
the music so annoying
Ivan Cadena
Ivan Cadena - 9 years ago
me gusto como quedo su pecera muy natural y sus peces tenían unos muy bonitos colores
PerezRiosguitar - 9 years ago
dat 90s porn music
malek chane
malek chane - 9 years ago
Mihailo Paunovic
Mihailo Paunovic - 9 years ago
Jay Guerrero
Jay Guerrero - 9 years ago
so many little fishies !!! ;)
Klurbert Klurbert
Klurbert Klurbert - 9 years ago
Jay Ruban
Jay Ruban - 9 years ago
It's very beautifully done
Jonathan Dotson
Jonathan Dotson - 9 years ago
How long did it take you to do that?
0478 03 West West
0478 03 West West - 9 years ago
I think he could have made it more creative because it just looked like a few plants. I think the sand should need some hills and you shouldn't put a row plant that looks unreal
COLINMACX - 9 years ago
tf is this music
HaaaHifi - 9 years ago
Such a small tank for so many fishes. There is even no good way to change water! God blesses the fishes!
robert justus
robert justus - 9 years ago
Which is easier to keep clean gravel or sand?
Miss.Scales & friends
Miss.Scales & friends - 9 years ago
Gravel, but it's not nearly as pretty as sand. Sand actually isn't hard to keep at all in my experience. It's just a little more easily moved around.
gay frog
gay frog - 9 years ago
Jamie Wu
Jamie Wu - 9 years ago
I was gonna come here for some music then youtube decides to recommend this....NOW I CANT STOP
Jamie Wu
Jamie Wu - 9 years ago
Maybe thats your opinion but not mine.
HaaaHifi - 9 years ago
This is a really lame way to keep fishes, believe me.
Dell - 9 years ago
muito fixe este e o meu que construí embutido no novel

Josh - 9 years ago
cool video, but the music made my brain numb...
Odogg - 9 years ago
That was so cool I rate it 10/10
Dianne S
Dianne S - 9 years ago
How is the water filtered without pump and filtering device? I've had aquariums, and all needed movement for oxygen and filtering. I think this part should have been shown. Otherwise, very nice!
Tom N
Tom N - 8 years ago
+Dianne S He released then afterwards, Ivan is just very big on showcasing biotopes.
Evgeny Nikolaev
Evgeny Nikolaev - 9 years ago
ou... it looks awful :-((
AOD Baron LoL
AOD Baron LoL - 9 years ago
16 mins in my life i never get back
Sssniperwolf 21
Sssniperwolf 21 - 8 years ago
ItsDamianYT - 9 years ago
how is that water going to be filled with air ?
ItsDamianYT - 8 years ago
+Chan Balbin oh well
Chan Balbin
Chan Balbin - 8 years ago
+ItsDamianYT hes just showing how we make a wild aquarium.. He didnt add oxygen cuz we always know that we should add OXYGEN xD
ItsDamianYT - 8 years ago
+Anna Klodnicka thats riight
Anna Klodnicka
Anna Klodnicka - 8 years ago
+Kitty the Cat No water movement No oxygen
Kitty the Cat
Kitty the Cat - 8 years ago
The plants
Félix Chevalier
Félix Chevalier - 9 years ago
trhoww it on the river!!!
Sharkgalsoph SharksFart
Sharkgalsoph SharksFart - 9 years ago
Amazing. sub.
Jack son
Jack son - 9 years ago
when trapped on a desert island, build a fish tank to keep from going out of your mind.
AcquariofiliaItalia - 9 years ago
Bakla Tomboy
Bakla Tomboy - 9 years ago
bagay sila sa art
xnreyescj - 9 years ago
Best wall paper I have seen!!
Marco - 9 years ago
My god, give dem fishies some space ! What if one actually has Claustrophobia ?!
Adolf Heidinkoff
Adolf Heidinkoff - 8 years ago
Its just a tank for style and display for the video only. Fish are not cerebral enough to have phobias but overcrowding can be an issue in a permanent aquarium
Marco - 9 years ago
+Jonathan Dotson You never know !
Jonathan Dotson
Jonathan Dotson - 9 years ago
I doubt that any of the fish are claustrophobic.
Ellena Crystal
Ellena Crystal - 9 years ago
too freaking hell beautiful!!!
Foxx Runner
Foxx Runner - 9 years ago
Ashley Love
Ashley Love - 9 years ago
Honestly this video is from 2013 and people are still posting hate comments like dude.. f**k outta here.. he obviously just posted this to show you how you can make a natural looking aquarium..he ain't taking it home, he ain't abusing the fish, so if you don't like it just don't watch it.
HaaaHifi - 9 years ago
People are hating because he is obviously misleading the freshes to make a totally WRONG natural tank. More importantly, if fishes are treated in this way, they will definitely die!
Polly S
Polly S - 9 years ago
I don't think the point of this was to "take the fish and the tank home", but to show people that its possible to recreate a close to natural tank for your fish and have it look awesome! great video, apistogramma are amazing fish :)
Macik Sa
Macik Sa - 9 years ago
Zapraszam do obejrzenia zbiornika niedawno założonego ;)
Zachary Willison
Zachary Willison - 9 years ago
my head hurts from all these "anti-fish cruelty" comments... i bet barely any of them actually own aquariums..
Tom N
Tom N - 8 years ago
No. The point is because they don't own them they barely know what they are talking about
Perksofbeing_Serena - 8 years ago
So now you have to own animals in order to be upset when they're harmed?
Tom N
Tom N - 9 years ago
+Zachary Willison It seems that somehow this video has attracted a lot of people that don't know about Ivans work or nearly anything about aquariums actually lol
Ozrealix - 9 years ago
+Zachary Willison True. They're more of animal lovers and you don't have to own an animal to become one.
Saiful Zulkefli
Saiful Zulkefli - 9 years ago
beautiful aquariumm, love it
Lazaro Osuna
Lazaro Osuna - 9 years ago
song is ear rape for headphone users... why am i here
Pancho planet
Pancho planet - 9 years ago
I don't get it!
thecoldzero911 - 9 years ago
What is it with the porn music dude ?
Ash Cruz
Ash Cruz - 9 years ago
too much fish in a small tank. they will also multiply in weeks, not enough room.
Tom N
Tom N - 9 years ago
+ashed33 This was just to showcase the natural environment, they were released after filming
sourav dey
sourav dey - 9 years ago
ths is too good..its really a gd thought too keep d underwater beauty in aquariam i will surely goona try this
Micheal Heath
Micheal Heath - 9 years ago
You are obviously an accomplished aquarist who cares about presentation, Well Done,(from a London based Aquarist) The fish will be fine when released again. It was only a demonstration,I feel sure he realises that for long term that would be to many fish in that size Aquarium, My Best Regards M.
High Tide Games
High Tide Games - 9 years ago
It looks cool.
SuperABCkiller123 - 9 years ago
This music is fucking annoying. How the hell did you decide this shit would be suitable for anyone to listen to?! It's a bunch of annoying longs beeps. Geez!
Matthew Volpe
Matthew Volpe - 9 years ago
Theres something called volume where you can lower the sound and makes it go away so why don't you do that instead of being a ass
blackfire 138
blackfire 138 - 9 years ago
stop talking so much
naruto uzumaki
naruto uzumaki - 9 years ago
lolz yeah how you gonna take that shit home sighs now he gotta empty it and do it all over again when he reaches home
Tom N
Tom N - 9 years ago
+naruto uzumaki No this is to show case the fishes natural environment better, that's what Ivan does a lot on his channel
SweetXoXMira - 9 years ago
and now... how do you get that fish tank home?
Tom N
Tom N - 9 years ago
+SweetXoXMira This was just to showcase the natural environment, they were released after filming
Mr.Dilophosaurus Wetherilli
Mr.Dilophosaurus Wetherilli - 9 years ago
It's just to show the "environment" of the river
o0Sp3cia1K0o - 9 years ago
you need dirt or gravel that contain minerals...sand has nothing in it. this is just a temporary setup
Ozrealix - 9 years ago
+o0Sp3cia1K0o the sand was directly from the pond or whatever it was. As the title mentioned. Everything inside the tank was 100% from the pond's or river's environment. Sand, plants and fishes from inside there. That's why he didn't use gravel or dirt lol.
Kim Barnett
Kim Barnett - 9 years ago
I was thinking the same thing
shahil prasad
shahil prasad - 9 years ago
skeetzoh skeetz
skeetzoh skeetz - 9 years ago
thanks! now i know how to design an aquarium if i ever do get lost in some random tropical jungle..aquarium comes first, own survival second..
luis lozada
luis lozada - 9 years ago
So how did this video get a million views??
Gaming Guy Ty
Gaming Guy Ty - 9 years ago
Music anyone?
Presley Howell
Presley Howell - 9 years ago
How will you get all that home?
Tom N
Tom N - 9 years ago
+Presley Howell He didn't. Ivan does these to showcase the natural habitat of the fish
Pablo Celdran
Pablo Celdran - 9 years ago
Benjamin j Gutierrez
Benjamin j Gutierrez - 9 years ago
dude must be retired or something lmao
Arif Khan
Arif Khan - 9 years ago
wtf no offence but it looks awful lol.
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 7 years ago
Thank you Marco, we have to create more of these!
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 7 years ago
Karen Zhou , 100% natural :)
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 7 years ago
Hi Arif Khan , do you think wild aquarium 4 looks better? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIRk0Y3c2_g
Saturnz Barz
Saturnz Barz - 8 years ago
Lol its good to know im not the only thing that was thinking this. The only thing i really like are the small fish that swim in schools.
Joshua Liang
Joshua Liang - 8 years ago
+Arif Khan shit like you
Joshua Liang
Joshua Liang - 8 years ago
+Bill Brooks yeah like u lah
Joshua Liang
Joshua Liang - 8 years ago
+Arif Khan says the one bitch
Arif Khan
Arif Khan - 8 years ago
+Bill Brooks i guess you're a cunt, cunt
Bill Brooks
Bill Brooks - 8 years ago
+Arif Khan (KHANAGE) i guess you're gay. that's it.
Marco - 8 years ago
+Arif Khan Well. Good for your opinion.
Arif Khan
Arif Khan - 8 years ago
+Max Schmitd basically its shit bye
Marco - 8 years ago
+Arif Khan What does that have to do with the looks ? Not only is it an opinion thing but even the simplest things can look cool, your argument makes literally no sense, dude xD
Arif Khan
Arif Khan - 8 years ago
its not effort. Any one can do this simple layout. I like heavy planted natural look not a twig and sand lool.
Karen Zhou
Karen Zhou - 8 years ago
It's not awful it's natural things that look "good" are artificial
Joshua Liang
Joshua Liang - 8 years ago
+Maureen Perera ur mom
mangle serna
mangle serna - 8 years ago
no it doesn't
Maureen Perera
Maureen Perera - 8 years ago
+Joshua Liang

Joshua Liang
Joshua Liang - 8 years ago
+Shiuben&#39;s channel like ur mom...roasted and i ate it
-_- - 8 years ago
+Rajid Tesorero
Ohhhhhh she got roasted
Rajid Tesorero
Rajid Tesorero - 8 years ago
Yea just like you're face
Jay Ruban
Jay Ruban - 9 years ago
KAN wtf no offence you fucked up dude
Strawberry Bleach
Strawberry Bleach - 9 years ago
+Metal Serpent look who's talking
Marco - 9 years ago
+Arif Khan (KHANAGE) I think that was the joke... Genius... c:
Arif Khan
Arif Khan - 9 years ago
+Zachary Hurst 'you're' (spelling is awful) lmaoooo
Arif Khan
Arif Khan - 9 years ago
+Zachary Hurst oh soon butthurt over your statement! ....not!
Strawberry Bleach
Strawberry Bleach - 9 years ago
your awful
L. Marie Griffith Newman
L. Marie Griffith Newman - 9 years ago
This was wonderful to watch ,and for information.. thanks !!
Qaisra Waseem
Qaisra Waseem - 8 years ago
fish & fish
fish & fish - 9 years ago
Kailash Lang
Kailash Lang - 9 years ago
You are amazing
Marisol Oviedo
Marisol Oviedo - 9 years ago
shut up zecret shop
Marisol Oviedo
Marisol Oviedo - 9 years ago
shut up
Marisol Oviedo
Marisol Oviedo - 9 years ago
the fish are pretty
Luther King
Luther King - 9 years ago
nice work!!!
STRIFE_45 - 9 years ago
i came here for my free Audiometry test
Guilherme Mazzo
Guilherme Mazzo - 9 years ago
Saurabh Ithape
Saurabh Ithape - 9 years ago
spike tree wood is great for wood tank... thnx it will help me .. i will try it
Miguel Morocho
Miguel Morocho - 9 years ago
Bug:I wanna be famous!!!!!! Hi mom I'm on t.v.!!!!!
luis german romero chavez
luis german romero chavez - 9 years ago
Can i find these fishes in latin america?. They don't get stressed because water,plants,sand and all at all is getting out from river this setup is very natural and no need of any cycle!!!!....
Deaveon Wilson
Deaveon Wilson - 9 years ago
what up
RBXwilliamk14 - 9 years ago
nice create i think ur awsome
RBXwilliamk14 - 9 years ago
are u from PH because ur skin is kayumangi
Melanny Tan
Melanny Tan - 9 years ago
Best thing
Melanny Tan
Melanny Tan - 9 years ago
Wow!! Your aquarium that u made is the thing ever
Rainbow Egg
Rainbow Egg - 9 years ago
There was a fly on the camera at 8:22. Btw the aquarium looks real good and the fishies are gonna have to get use to their new home.
Mahdin Islam
Mahdin Islam - 9 years ago
Mahdin Ogood vedio
shahil prasad
shahil prasad - 9 years ago
Cx0e - 9 years ago
He dosen't keep them.He just recreated how the river looked like.
madara uchiha
madara uchiha - 9 years ago
what are the species of the small school of fish?
Chae Jones
Chae Jones - 9 years ago
They went from a river with lots of room to a damn glass box....wow
Cx0e - 9 years ago
He dosen't keep them.He just recreated the scene under the river.
shogrran - 9 years ago
I was thinking... "now that i've assembled this shit out here... how the hell am I going to take this home now?"
yuyu olozaga
yuyu olozaga - 7 years ago
Cool thanks :D
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 7 years ago
yuyu olozaga , this is a small creek down in the Amazon state in Venezuela that drains directly into the mid Orinoco River right before its confluence with the Meta River.
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 7 years ago
Michael Piccirillo too hard to bring everything back 500 miles back home :)
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 7 years ago
Hi Lovebetta , we put everything back, its hard enough to carry the empty tank through the jungle :)
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 7 years ago
shogrran , at the end of the video I explain that everything is put back in the biotope.
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 7 years ago
Thats right Taner Agdfga , thats exactly what we do.
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 7 years ago
Hi alexander rauboro abuan , thats exactly what we do :)
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 7 years ago
Miss.Scales & Pets , we do this to show the biotope of the fish so that aquarium hobbyists can have an idea on how to recreate their fishes home in their aquarium. We are pioneers in the biotoping trend :)
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 7 years ago
Thats a good one!
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 7 years ago
shogrran , it was hard enough to get the empty aquarium through the jungle, no way I am carrying it full ;)
Vilas Pai
Vilas Pai - 7 years ago
shogrran and
เผ่าพัชร วงษ์นรา
เผ่าพัชร วงษ์นรา - 8 years ago
shogrran พี่
yuyu olozaga
yuyu olozaga - 8 years ago
Ivan Mikolji question is this Florida.
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 8 years ago
That is correct +Taner Agdfga
nigel mahabir
nigel mahabir - 8 years ago
Michael Piccirillo
Michael Piccirillo - 8 years ago
Simply empty the water 60-70% & easy to take home & refill the water. Maybe he has one of those " Tiny Homes" on wheels behind his fishtanks
Amy Hall
Amy Hall - 8 years ago
That's mean
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
Yah, how he can take this home. Hahahaha.
shogrran - 8 years ago
+Taner Agdfga Yea that was explained somewhere in the video description I think (can't remember) but it didn't prevent me from thinking what I thought. Plus, who reads the description before watching the video anyway?
Taner Agdfga
Taner Agdfga - 8 years ago
I do believe he releases and replaces everything.
Adrian Martinez
Adrian Martinez - 8 years ago
+jan jana lokin
Shadow Back
Shadow Back - 8 years ago
What do you mean?, That's his home
gduvcfghc de la femme
gduvcfghc de la femme - 8 years ago
alexander rauboro abuan
alexander rauboro abuan - 8 years ago
he'll end up washing it out after the video! lol
Simon Okänd
Simon Okänd - 9 years ago
+shogrran shit fuck :d
Miss.Scales & friends
Miss.Scales & friends - 9 years ago
Maybe he just did it for fun? Not necessarily for any pay or to keep, but just for fun.
just away
just away - 9 years ago
+shogrran he made it for a video, he probably just put it back all that shit and says that will bring me money
Samuelcorreia Correia
Samuelcorreia Correia - 9 years ago
wayne Agustino
wayne Agustino - 9 years ago
+shogrran problem solve! build your house their...
Art Carrasco
Art Carrasco - 9 years ago
+shogrran that is the samething I was wondering?
Dr. Darkrai
Dr. Darkrai - 9 years ago
shogrran - 9 years ago
That looked like magic sand O_o
Leonard Petilo
Leonard Petilo - 9 years ago
I was watching Once piece hilarious moments then I got here...
Stinger the Fox
Stinger the Fox - 9 years ago
Omg #comment no. 774!
SANTRYX - 9 years ago
hoenfs gona
Federico Hernandez
Federico Hernandez - 9 years ago
Soundtrack 12:41 please.... Thank you.. BTW nice concept.
Bagus Utama
Bagus Utama - 9 years ago
really cool!
anthony whitehouse
anthony whitehouse - 9 years ago
omg anyone can do this this is nothing special just pick stuff of the ground.
Tom N
Tom N - 9 years ago
+anthony whitehouse That isn't the point of it. It's not a "oh I can do a good aquascape video, This was just to showcase the natural environment, they were released after filming
Ominous Enclave
Ominous Enclave - 9 years ago
Me and my dad got a 60 gallon and spent 4 hours on it
Michael L
Michael L - 9 years ago
I really love your video's! Greets from The Netherlands.
Jonathan Marquez
Jonathan Marquez - 9 years ago
what kind of fish are the little ones?
cuong hoang
cuong hoang - 9 years ago
absolutely awsome.
Jed Garcia
Jed Garcia - 9 years ago
appisto cichlid
Trichogaster 118
Trichogaster 118 - 9 years ago
10:07 So it IS South America! :D
ᆞ中石沒鏃 - 9 years ago
wow very good.
i like
dimaseka syahputra
dimaseka syahputra - 9 years ago
what should I do if I want to use a filter for my tank>?
Tom N
Tom N - 9 years ago
+dimaseka syahputra Then do it, all tanks should have a filter. Just get one and hook it up, make sure that you do cycle the tank before getting any fish though.
Darnisha Nicole Smith
Darnisha Nicole Smith - 9 years ago
What is the name of the vocalized song playing in the end ?
three one one
three one one - 9 years ago
not bring to home?
Tom N
Tom N - 9 years ago
+three one one This was just to showcase the natural environment, they were released after filming
Ruchi Dhasmana
Ruchi Dhasmana - 9 years ago
awesome bro
Chloe-anne Seymour
Chloe-anne Seymour - 9 years ago
Hylian Hero Link
Hylian Hero Link - 9 years ago
All of my fish died ):
Khaled Q8
Khaled Q8 - 9 years ago
Nicholas Giordano
Nicholas Giordano - 9 years ago
ma dove cazzo lo ha fatto l'acquario immezzo al bosco????
Marleny Pimentel
Marleny Pimentel - 9 years ago
Coooooooooooooooooooooooool nice fish tank but next time find some baby sharks
Roan Fernandez
Roan Fernandez - 9 years ago
What type of schooling fish is that?
Molisa - 9 years ago
I think he put too much of that second fish spieces in the tank, not enough space seriously :S
Ozrealix - 9 years ago
+Walnuss25 yea ik, but I think he just grab them with that plastic bag along with the water. So what he gets and how many he doesn't know. He just grab them and put them inside the tank. I even saw a small shrimp inside the tank which he didn't explain what shrimp is that. That just proves how he didn't even mind what he gets as long as the two fishes mentioned in the video is in the tank. Now after the shoot they either pick everything from the tank (plants and all) and take them to their store, or just put them all back to that small pond or something.
Walnuss25 - 9 years ago
+Babby Babbyson they do, but you need a big tank to make it possible for this Kind of fish to swim enough and express the natural behaviour. this tank is way too small
Meme Machine
Meme Machine - 9 years ago
+Melissa Souza Borges Small Tetra survive best in large quantity.
TYLR - 9 years ago
Wells he lets them go I think so I don't think it's a problem.
bestdealer0073 - 9 years ago
your videos is so fun a peaceful to watch. ..do more
Saurabh Rai
Saurabh Rai - 9 years ago
awsmm creative Beautyful..
Özgür Yıldırım
Özgür Yıldırım - 9 years ago
Michael Wells
Michael Wells - 9 years ago
This is so cool.
Jasmine Cohen
Jasmine Cohen - 9 years ago
at 10:17 it looks like there is a blade by the fish
Layzza Monteiro
Layzza Monteiro - 9 years ago
Gene Code
Gene Code - 9 years ago
The fishes are unhappy. How'd u feel if i take you and put you in a box???
Moi Kiauw Kong
Moi Kiauw Kong - 9 years ago
+Xecret Shop Ur a dick dude,fyck off
Bluepop Gaming
Bluepop Gaming - 9 years ago
+star and fox​ but thousands of spiciss hav gon extinct because of us and have you ever heard of survival of the fittest only the only the strongest bravest smartest survive humans wher dieing because we are no of those things 
star and fox
star and fox - 9 years ago
it doesn't seem tough because we have fancy technology.it seems tough cause it is tough out in nature.while in captivity or modern society it isn't that tough because we have invented stuff to make our lives easier and safer.before we had this fancy stuff as you put it we had a very low survival rate,often died horribly and so much more.

ever gone survival training camping?that isn't easy at all.no technology usage or creature comforts.just you and harsh unforgiving nature.
Bluepop Gaming
Bluepop Gaming - 9 years ago
+star and fox no it seems tough because we have fansy technology
Troll Station
Troll Station - 9 years ago
U idiot u clearly do not understand the point of this video it is to show what the fish do and what it looks like at the bottom of a lake
Logan  Klinepeter
Logan Klinepeter - 9 years ago
They use to be before we took their ancestors and placed them in cages.
star and fox
star and fox - 9 years ago
dogs aren't happy in nature.most are starving and slowly dieing.fighting for their vary lives every day.don't romanticize nature it is a cruel harsh place.they wouldn't have a safe warm place,nor a constant food source,nor any vet care or a loving home.sure some do suffer but it isn't as many as wild animals.

also not all owners are neglectful or abusive.there are plenty of owners that take good care of their animals.
Gene Code
Gene Code - 9 years ago
+Logan Klinepeter Exactly now many of them suffer because many owners don't take care of them well. Imagine those dogs roam free in the wild, as nature intended. They'd be happy.
Logan  Klinepeter
Logan Klinepeter - 9 years ago
Dogs once lived in a natural habitat too.
Jammergum12 the gamerwolf
Jammergum12 the gamerwolf - 9 years ago
+Xecret Shop he is just demonstrating bruh and he will still let them go i take wild fishes from our lakes and view them in an aquarium and after wards i am done ill let them go
Gene Code
Gene Code - 9 years ago
+Jammergum 12aj it is a box in the fishes view. fishes are supposed to live in natural habitat. end of story
Jammergum12 the gamerwolf
Jammergum12 the gamerwolf - 9 years ago
and do you know wat an aquarium is its not a box Dumb Noob
Jammergum12 the gamerwolf
Jammergum12 the gamerwolf - 9 years ago
+Xecret Shop his using this for documentary are you 1 yr old bruh its pretty obivious he didnt wanna keep the fish those are wild fish and stop saying its animal cruelty its not!
Gene Code
Gene Code - 9 years ago
+Logan Klinepeter Fisheses
Logan  Klinepeter
Logan Klinepeter - 9 years ago
+Xecret Shop Fish, not fishes.
Gene Code
Gene Code - 9 years ago
+the blind 300 no. i will stand against cruelty. instead, u can fuck off.
Victor Moya Soto
Victor Moya Soto - 9 years ago
Fuck off dude
Paul Tepes
Paul Tepes - 9 years ago
+Xecret Shop It's a demonstration for people who want to create biotope aquariums.
Gene Code
Gene Code - 9 years ago
+Neil Buchanan Nah. This is fish cruelty. If he want to show waht it is like under the water, just record video under the water, with fishes in their own habitat.
Goblin Engineer
Goblin Engineer - 9 years ago
+Xecret Shop He released them after filming, this was to show what it is like under the water.
Shimon Ben LouLou
Shimon Ben LouLou - 9 years ago
You'll see the fish went to all to one side of fish tank look, the side facing the river. It was like, "home! that way".
Christina Raber-Jehn
Christina Raber-Jehn - 7 years ago
dairymark okii8 OK
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 7 years ago
iLoveTurtlesHaha you are so right!
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 7 years ago
Totally Shimon Ben LouLou , by the time they started getting used to being in the aquarium, we put them back in the river :)
Ram Hlung Khulia
Ram Hlung Khulia - 7 years ago
Id Phone What
Id Phone
Id Phone - 8 years ago
junk face ㅎ로룧초ㅠㅜㅊㅇ
Id Phone
Id Phone - 8 years ago
Rachel La
Rachel La - 9 years ago
+Barriq Djanier the comment police lol shut up
junk face
junk face - 9 years ago
+Barriq Djanier not sure. is this relevant at all?
Bork Johnsen
Bork Johnsen - 9 years ago
+Barriq Djanier How was that rude?
Melanny Tan
Melanny Tan - 9 years ago
That's actually really right
Barriq Djanier
Barriq Djanier - 9 years ago
+dairymark YOUTUBE.... always visible mostly to 100% mean and rude comments so need report it. and thats not polite to hear. so you need lear more about courtesy/ politely
iLoveTurtlesHaha - 9 years ago
+Shimon Ben LouLou Swim down, not up. XD. It kinda reminded me of the fish in the dentist's aquarium from Finding Nemo.
dairymark - 9 years ago
Lol fuck
cremationpete - 9 years ago
Would be a great video if it wasn't for the annoying background music
kmo2 #كيموي
kmo2 #كيموي - 9 years ago
مسيقتكم مخيسه بس تعلق لاكن
الحوض فنان
kmo2 #كيموي
kmo2 #كيموي - 9 years ago
مسيقتكم مخيسه بس تعلق لاكن
الحوض فنان
Guacamole Tester
Guacamole Tester - 9 years ago
This is amazing!
Edair Andrade
Edair Andrade - 9 years ago
YASKME007 - 9 years ago
Perfect, now I'm out looking for rivers/streams near me!
Rohim Uddin
Rohim Uddin - 9 years ago
Daniel Brian Hong
Daniel Brian Hong - 9 years ago
Ludwigia pilosa
Ludwigia pilosa - 9 years ago
3:00 - Xyris sp.
Stevie Dass
Stevie Dass - 9 years ago
abrar enam
abrar enam - 9 years ago
sovanndeth thann
sovanndeth thann - 9 years ago
Sourav Dutta
Sourav Dutta - 9 years ago
just a waste of time,,,nothing else,,,don't watch it guys,,,,its a totally piece of shit video
Sobry David
Sobry David - 9 years ago
+Sourav Dutta Clearly you have no idea who Ivan is, also you have no clue what he is showing us !!! So do us a favour and keep your comments to yourself.
Flick Ford
Flick Ford - 9 years ago
Nonsense. It's worth it on many levels, water chemistry etc., underwater biotope shots, it's inventive.
AnImAL RaNdOms
AnImAL RaNdOms - 9 years ago
can you please tell me more about how to take care of fishes.I am new in this..
i have added one video  you can check n tell me my next step 
Princess Sumiya
Princess Sumiya - 9 years ago
It is so nice and you all are telling it is bad you all are mad
Dennis Nakashima
Dennis Nakashima - 9 years ago
I like how the fish, started "schooling" around the aquarium. Do you think it would be too much trouble to do it with a 100 gallon tank in the same area that you are doing it now?
Asif Amin
Asif Amin - 9 years ago
You all are mental he made soooo nice aquarium
Davi Meira
Davi Meira - 9 years ago
For those people who doesnt understand the video:

The guy is going to a natural pool of fishes and plants and recreating the environment with fishes, plants, sand and water taken from the natural pool itself. 

He isn't going to keep the fish, filter the water or anything like it.

His idea is to demonstrate how it is at the bottom of the river, its fishes and plants.

Otherwise you would need to dive into the river to see.

I personally like the idea, traveling to several different locations and recreating their environment in an aquarium.

Keep doing this man, you just earned a subscription!
Biggie Snoops
Biggie Snoops - 7 years ago
Davi Meira don't take a dumb person to figure that out
henry utami
henry utami - 7 years ago
Davi Mei
Rahad Hayder
Rahad Hayder - 7 years ago
goodpandalove r
goodpandalove r - 7 years ago
Davi Meira
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 7 years ago
thank you stylish lathif stylish , glad you liked them :)
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 7 years ago
Luculencia, if the fish are endangered it would not be ok to collect them. What would be cool is for you to video the stream and let us know about the fish. I would love to see that :)
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 7 years ago
You are so right Ozrealix , you have to check you local regulations.
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 7 years ago
Thank you Sophie J, I am so happy you liked it!
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 7 years ago
Pieman4233, if you ever make your own wild aquarium remember to send me a link to the video. Also check your local regulations to see if extracting wildlife is not against the law.
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 7 years ago
Thank you Davi, you got the concept!
stylish lathif stylish
stylish lathif stylish - 7 years ago
super beautiful fish tang
stylish lathif stylish
stylish lathif stylish - 7 years ago
super beautiful fish tang
Yiğit Aksungur
Yiğit Aksungur - 7 years ago
Davi Meira j
anna khan
anna khan - 7 years ago
,4 xaC
Alfonsus Huntadi Nugraha
Alfonsus Huntadi Nugraha - 7 years ago
Davi Meira to
Ahmad Echols
Ahmad Echols - 7 years ago
Natalie333 Smith777 fuck you ,your a troll a big Ole fat one
Manuel Salinas
Manuel Salinas - 7 years ago
Manuel Salinas
Manuel Salinas - 7 years ago
Anime Invincible
Anime Invincible - 8 years ago
Natalie333 Smith777 pussy
Natalie333 Smith777
Natalie333 Smith777 - 8 years ago
Davi Meira fuck your mom
Luculencia - 8 years ago
Yep. I really want to do this with a river nearby but the fish species in question are critically endangered and protected so I can't take them home :/ They're REALLY pretty fish though, I really hope they don't go extinct as they aren't in the aquarium hobby so there isn't much of a backup if that river dries up :(
Ozrealix - 9 years ago
+Pieman4233 The other problem is that in certain countries and areas, catching these without permission from the owner (be it government, etc) is illegal. So be sure to make sure that the place is safe. No such permissions required.
Guacamole Tester
Guacamole Tester - 9 years ago
I agree, it's amazing
Pieman4233 - 9 years ago
I've always wanted to do this but actually keep the fish and stuff in there the only problem is is that money is op
Angel Varela Faroppa
Angel Varela Faroppa - 9 years ago
most stupid video of 2013
Kevin Avalos
Kevin Avalos - 9 years ago
White neons whattttttt a hate chilcids
Kevin Avalos
Kevin Avalos - 9 years ago
We're is that brazil ??????!!!
Tanyshia Platts
Tanyshia Platts - 9 years ago
I went from music to cats then fish tanks
Up_Syndrome - 7 years ago
Rogem Tabares Jesus just stop
Rogem Tabares
Rogem Tabares - 8 years ago
Gigi Cooke can u be my internet friend?
Rogem Tabares
Rogem Tabares - 8 years ago
Gigi Cooke can u be my internet friend?
Rogem Tabares
Rogem Tabares - 8 years ago
Gigi Cooke thanx for the advice
Rogem Tabares
Rogem Tabares - 8 years ago
Gigi Cooke helow
Gigi Cooke
Gigi Cooke - 8 years ago
rogem tabares... your a creep... even if you are rich you are still a creep... use your money to go to school and learn some manners..
Rogem Tabares
Rogem Tabares - 8 years ago
Lisa Lewis u dont like my offer do u ?are u white?
Rogem Tabares
Rogem Tabares - 8 years ago
Lisa Lewis im from philippines but im on a vacation now here in canada.where u from?
Rogem Tabares
Rogem Tabares - 8 years ago
Lisa Lewis u dont know me but im a very rich guy im a son of a filipino business tycoon.i would like to offer u to be my princess? im worth 900mil dollars
Rogem Tabares
Rogem Tabares - 8 years ago
Tanyshia Platts hi baby
Elizabeth Mandile
Elizabeth Mandile - 9 years ago
+Tanyshia Platts funny how you can do that XD
ShinyGoldBacon - 9 years ago
+Tanyshia Platts A typical stroll through the youtubes.
Brandy Ehmke
Brandy Ehmke - 9 years ago
Abdennour Beghdad
Abdennour Beghdad - 9 years ago
AltheoPao13 - 9 years ago
nice job
Mo bourgex
Mo bourgex - 9 years ago
Oh they are amazing ! Have a look on my AQUARIUM and tell me what you think ! :)
blackdiamondmarine - 9 years ago
i think i have had enough internet for today
Colby Bartz
Colby Bartz - 9 years ago
Colby Bartz
Colby Bartz - 9 years ago
it would last a week without a filter or heater or lights
Potala Rest
Potala Rest - 9 years ago
It that sand real
S Dew
S Dew - 9 years ago
iam against this 100% this isnt buying a breeded fish at a pet store this is raping nature..
Tom N
Tom N - 9 years ago
+S Dew Some fish can only be wild caught. For example Otocinculus are largely wild caught because they are notoriously hard to breed. The aquarium industry generally tries to do it in a way where it does not affect the environment too much though
Lucy Hughes
Lucy Hughes - 9 years ago
+S Dew then why are you watching this?
S Dew
S Dew - 9 years ago
Still i do not agree with people messing or disturbing nature just for laughs or kicks
Guacamole Tester
Guacamole Tester - 9 years ago
It's showing you nature with ought diving to the bottom of the stream. He puts the fish back after
vaporfarts - 9 years ago
+S Dew You don't have a full understanding of what is going on here. This is the ultimate flattery of this particular portion of nature.
Shekil Rahman
Shekil Rahman - 9 years ago
What is that background music's title please tell me it's so amazing :) thanks
AQUAPASS - 9 years ago
Just Natural
Katie Medvecka
Katie Medvecka - 9 years ago
Hi! PLEASE help me get more subscribers
Subscribe on my channel!
thank you :)
Thunderkat65 - 9 years ago
Nice job, loved watching you set up that tank.
SparkNinja - 9 years ago
hfgdfsfs sfsdy86
hfgdfsfs sfsdy86 - 9 years ago
I make it.Aquarium
Is small, but is a Japanese doing it,; but thanking you in advance.
Please if you like
Nivardo sanchez
Nivardo sanchez - 9 years ago
What is the name of the last music?
Ronald Tsun
Ronald Tsun - 9 years ago
casio watch
MAD Discus
MAD Discus - 9 years ago
Some of the nice Discus Pictures Compilation 
Ironiic zero
Ironiic zero - 9 years ago
thank you, not all biotope aquariums have to be tea colored. really nice set up. will definitely try this in the future
Tom N
Tom N - 9 years ago
+Ironiic zero Well not all, but Amazon ones do if you want to do it properly. The hardscape was a biotope. The tannins are just one part of it
Osbeli Gutierre Perez
Osbeli Gutierre Perez - 9 years ago
Carlos Blanco Sánchez
Carlos Blanco Sánchez - 9 years ago
How much litres have got this aquarium?
judy hobday
judy hobday - 9 years ago
a good demonstration of what type of world the fish would have if raised in their own environment. We see them in pristine enclosures and feed them food that is hopefully good for them, but only a simulation of their real world. This video is interesting and I am glad I got to see it.
James Bond
James Bond - 9 years ago
artistic veiw cool little tank
aquatic Vida
aquatic Vida - 9 years ago
im new on youtube, come to see my chanel
CEFishEssentials - 9 years ago
A perfect temporary way to teach people about natural biotopes and promote the ornamental fish hobby. The job of collecting ornamental fish is a profession which, although still slightly flawed with regard to sustainability (room for improvement) gives incentives to locals to actually PROTECT the environment instead of destroy it. Slightly off topic from the video but as always, great work Ivan and thank you for sharing a close up look at this biotope and the species that live there.
Brailon Sinegal
Brailon Sinegal - 9 years ago



Olivia Robertson
Olivia Robertson - 9 years ago
Do you keep the tank outside?
Tom N
Tom N - 9 years ago
+Olivia Robertson He only set this up to show the natural environment under the water. He releases the fish and empties the tank out after filming.
MokryK MokryK
MokryK MokryK - 9 years ago
rec cool film
The Lalilulelo
The Lalilulelo - 10 years ago
and those plants will rot :P you picked up from wild lol
Fred Norris
Fred Norris - 10 years ago
The only thing I'd ever put in my aquarium wild would be duckweed.
1971228 - 10 years ago
You need change back grand music very bad
roach nightmare
roach nightmare - 10 years ago
I'd put in snakeheads with this kind of setup.
Johannes Groth Nolsøe
Johannes Groth Nolsøe - 10 years ago
How much gallons/litres are in that tank could anyone tell me please?:)
Johannes Groth Nolsøe
Johannes Groth Nolsøe - 9 years ago
+gabrielle hatton Okey:D Thank you:)
gabrielle hatton
gabrielle hatton - 9 years ago
+Johannes Groth Nolsøe 20 tall gallons
Wendy Metallica
Wendy Metallica - 9 years ago
I would say at least 50 gallons.
Caller to ALLAH
Caller to ALLAH - 10 years ago
Tuan Tran
Tuan Tran - 10 years ago
Young420Reckless - 10 years ago
yeah seriously whats the point
Tom N
Tom N - 9 years ago
+nerpple jr This was just to showcase the natural environment and how easy it is to create a biotope
X2015D - 10 years ago
The music is really annoying at the beginning
Velma Mcmath
Velma Mcmath - 10 years ago
Good thing I have a pregnant platy and a pregnant molly in a 10 gallon aquarium I gave ten fish
Robert Hoang
Robert Hoang - 10 years ago
what's the name of the song that starts at 12:44?
TheBSideDJ - 10 years ago
so in response to a lot of comments : what is time ? what is wasting time ?  what is worth doing ?  What's the meaning of time, and therefore life ?  Is something only worth doing when it's not wasting time ?  Are your comments waste of time ?  He has 1 million viewers.  Check The Jayhawks : "I'm perfecting the art of wasting hours"....I'm doing it again : i'm wasting time, no problem.  Tomorrow is another day (that I can waste, being busy doing nothing, .... I love sundays !...  Ooow wait : was he doing this on a sunday... nevermind.
Abdullah Hidayatullah
Abdullah Hidayatullah - 10 years ago
Coley Benson
Coley Benson - 10 years ago
bunch of hating idiots. This shit is cool as hell, throw a filter on there and have your own part of river or specific habitat.
bl eb
bl eb - 7 years ago
why don’t u just keep the nature where it is._.
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 7 years ago
ptbelttactics , do you think wild aquarium 4 is more sustainable? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIRk0Y3c2_g
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 7 years ago
Thank you Chris Booth , I love you comment!
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 7 years ago
Coley Benson , I am so glad you think it cool, because you are totally right, IT IS COOL! This was the first Wild Aquarium ever made in the world!
Mr Me
Mr Me - 10 years ago
everyone's a critic and no 2 have the same point of view welcome to the great world of knowledge that is the internet lol
Chris Booth
Chris Booth - 10 years ago
+ptbelttactics don't hate dude, just watch and for god sake quit rationalizing everything. It looks cool. That's all. Geez
ptbelttactics - 10 years ago
Except the fact that if you tried to throw a filter on there and keep it would fail miserably. This is not even close to sustainable. If you think other wise you're the idiot.
Chris Booth
Chris Booth - 10 years ago
kapec21 - 10 years ago
And off to Wild aquarium 2
FishLover - 10 years ago
Using outside things? Really? Can cause a danger to your pets. What ever your putting in. Bad man.
Brenda Larissa
Brenda Larissa - 10 years ago
que apstogramma são estes muito boa tua criatividade
Braden Haggart
Braden Haggart - 10 years ago
Based on this vid, I can tell he is in Venezuela due to the species he is using. I still don't see why he would go all the way to Venezuela just to make this. In a backyard, sure that's fine, but another country, really?
drgnfrc13 - 10 years ago
It doesn't seem to me that this would be a stable long-term setup. Dead material will rot, and the bioload seems far too large.
drgnfrc13 - 8 years ago
Sophie J I know, but according to the description, this demonstration is supposed to be a model for aquarium hobbyists to follow.
drgnfrc13 - 8 years ago
Vijaya Laxmi Sorry, I don't know what that means. Google Translate translated it as "astrology," but that doesn't make sense.
Vijaya Laxmi
Vijaya Laxmi - 8 years ago
drgnfrc13 jyotishshastra
Guacamole Tester
Guacamole Tester - 9 years ago
He pit everything back after
Mr Me
Mr Me - 9 years ago
+Ironiic zero no problem 
Ironiic zero
Ironiic zero - 9 years ago
+Charles H I see
Ironiic zero
Ironiic zero - 9 years ago
+Mr Me my apologies, ignore my ignorance
Charles H
Charles H - 9 years ago
+Ironiic zero Hello,
We were actually discussing aquarium keeping and water parameters and comparing that to what/how nature does her wonders.
Be Well
Mr Me
Mr Me - 9 years ago
+Ironiic zero why mention me? you may want to read before comment 
Ironiic zero
Ironiic zero - 9 years ago
+Mr Me wtf fish dying because of dead plants. thats the stupidest thing i have ever heard. thats far from the reason why fish die in rivers
Charles H
Charles H - 10 years ago
+Mr Me
N/E Ohio, and I do not remember seeing "Demolition Man,"
Be Well
Mr Me
Mr Me - 10 years ago
its a film. the awncer is no then lol. were are you from iv never met anyone that uses that
Charles H
Charles H - 10 years ago
+Mr Me
I am glad I actually made sense <smile> I do not understand your question "demiliton man reference?"
Be Well
Mr Me
Mr Me - 10 years ago
+Charles H thanks for the constructive comment i didnt know how the rotting matter affected the water but i know it isnt that big a deal a lot of know it alls on this vid. be well (demilition man reference?)
Charles H
Charles H - 10 years ago
+Mr Me
One of the reasons for the less than 5 PH is the dissolved organics (rotting plants) in the water. That is even why people use sphagnum moss, almond leaves, and even boiled maple leaves in their aquariums. That is how nature gets acidic water.
Be Well
Mr Me
Mr Me - 10 years ago
true but you can make anything work with a lot of work if willing to put in the effort. cant see those 3 little sticks making an insta tank wipe. the bog wood being dried realy matter!
drgnfrc13 - 10 years ago
+Mr Me Solid pieces of hard woods that have been dried and prepared for aquarium use are not the same as random plant material. Decomposing plant matter will release nitrogen into the water. In a river, you have nonstop water turnover, as well as a full nitrogen cycle; all of the nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria that the system needs are present in such an ecosystem, where they are not in an aquarium unless you've set up some sort of connected system for anaerobic bacteria (not exactly a common practice for aquarists). Just because something works in nature doesn't mean it will work in your aquarium. 
Mr Me
Mr Me - 10 years ago
all the dead material? the 3 sticks that looks like bog wood that everyone uses? i know you hear about fish dieing in rivers all the time because of dead plants hmm
Charles H
Charles H - 10 years ago
You are missing the point. This is not a home aquarium.  Ivan Mikolji went to the location. Showed you what was there and then used what was actually there for his demonstration. Maybe the real question or issue should be; other than the less than 5.0 PH, what is so difficult? Many of us do biotopic aquascapes - inclusive of the low PH's. We should actually teach new people what fish actually need and where and how they actually live and how they can approach that with their tap water.
Be Well
drgnfrc13 - 10 years ago
+Charles H I would not recommend this type of tank to anyone, let alone someone new to aquaria. 
Charles H
Charles H - 10 years ago
He is teaching. First we learn the water parameters, the substrate, the plants. Then he DEMONSTRATES an EXAMPLE of a BIOTOPE aquascape. In doing so, maybe we can learn how to give our fish what they need.and how beautiful it can be.
Be Well
Braden Haggart
Braden Haggart - 10 years ago
I totally agree, I doubt anyone keeps these aquariums in there homes anyway
Viveiro do San
Viveiro do San - 10 years ago
14:43 is nice
Alex Sohl
Alex Sohl - 10 years ago
korbin H
korbin H - 10 years ago
That is really cool
Aquarius Moonstone
Aquarius Moonstone - 10 years ago
lmaooo @ the comments.
豊田正興 - 10 years ago
Patricia Ermino
Patricia Ermino - 10 years ago
Like it
Joe Scrivens
Joe Scrivens - 10 years ago
why cant the commenters below see past the surface. he is advising the best way to get a natural tank setup is simply by using elements found in the natural setup found in the wild... god how stupid people in cities have become...
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 7 years ago
Joe Scrivens , in the next wild aquarium I create, I will make sure to explain the concept in the beginning. That will probably clarify the biotope concept.
Id Phone
Id Phone - 8 years ago
Joe Scrivens ㅍㅎㅎㅎ휴ㅗㅗㅠㅍ
StormyStarz - 9 years ago
Thanks for the insult anyways :)
Maha Rababah
Maha Rababah - 9 years ago
wow you are so stipid
StormyStarz - 9 years ago
You got a good point there but the house might get too hot and the poor fish would die :(
Phoenix Hanzo
Phoenix Hanzo - 10 years ago
Exactly bunch of idiots on here.
Joe Scrivens
Joe Scrivens - 10 years ago
instant cycle =P
ColdWarWarriors - 10 years ago
And the point is?
Mystic Fang
Mystic Fang - 9 years ago
+Gabriel Alejandro Figueroa Lopez
Charles H
Charles H - 9 years ago
+Gicel Murillo Hello,
I do not know what you mean.
Be Well
Gabriel Alejandro Figueroa Lopez
Gabriel Alejandro Figueroa Lopez - 9 years ago
Gicel Murillo
Gicel Murillo - 10 years ago
+Charles H de ujb
Viveiro do San
Viveiro do San - 10 years ago
the point is "biotopo".
Charles H
Charles H - 10 years ago
What is sad is how many writers learned nothing. What are natures water parameters and what lives there and how so very beautiful it can look, even in an aquarium.
Be Well
TheBSideDJ - 10 years ago
doing something that one million people will see.
Bustediksdrei - 10 years ago
How easy a Nature ( Biotop ) aquarium is
vejas butkus
vejas butkus - 10 years ago
what the fishies eat???
Nicholas Diltri
Nicholas Diltri - 10 years ago
F.O.X - 10 years ago
So what next now u have to catch all the fishes back
Mike So Jp
Mike So Jp - 10 years ago
traktap - 10 years ago
What about Filtration? 
Shareen Sharma-Prasad
Shareen Sharma-Prasad - 10 years ago
He put the fish back he just wanted to try and create their home in a tank.
Skyfoxx23 - 10 years ago
That music is annoying!
LokuKina - 10 years ago
I want some of the first plants. They wood look great in a 300 gallon. It did turn out quite beautiful and the music was great. What is the name of the first plants?
Barco Goodkat
Barco Goodkat - 9 years ago
+LokuKina Blyxa octandra Planch
zeusvedetutto - 10 years ago
molto molto bello :)
nitrix8787 - 10 years ago
lol okay, let me just fly my private jet out to the amazon and do this lol
Felipe Lima
Felipe Lima - 10 years ago
Bem loco! Impolgante :B
Rebekah Samuels
Rebekah Samuels - 10 years ago
I don't get the point of this, it's a waste of time really... 
Maddy h
Maddy h - 9 years ago
+Alis Dillon alois is bae and so is ciel..and sebby + Claude
Alois Trancy
Alois Trancy - 9 years ago
+Jayman gaming yes that's true I don't think it was a waste of time as a artist I thought it was nice I am doing a Koi fish art project and a guppies breeding line project so if u put it together I'm doing to different arts drawing and painting and live art with fish
vaporfarts - 9 years ago
+Rebekah Samuels This video isn't for you if you're not into putting together aquariums/terrariums. It'd be like me going to a quilting video and bitching in the comments about how pointless it is to do this since we can buy blankets at the store.

It's a hobby that you dont have a full appreciation of.
Que Tips
Que Tips - 10 years ago
U dont really use your brain do u this video is about being creative and using nature to create wonderful things and if thought it was a waste of time why are you watching it? Makes no point?
eastbeast95 - 10 years ago
he is showing natural aquascaping combined with native fish species, the majority of aqauscapers use unnatural combination of plant species this guy is showing what a natural design would look like 
A Pineapple
A Pineapple - 10 years ago
I think this video is for potential buyers of his stock footage, and perhaps giving people ideas on how to scape their tanks. It might be pointless, but it depends on what you want.
Praveen501 - 10 years ago
This is just a waste of time.. Guys, please don't watch this crap.
IceTurf - 10 years ago
Satyawan Ithape
Satyawan Ithape - 10 years ago
awesssssssssssssssssssssssssome videoooooooooooooooo nice i love this 1
Jasbir Singh
Jasbir Singh - 10 years ago
WTF way to set a layout !!lol
Khairul Hizrin
Khairul Hizrin - 10 years ago
The bit where you were chasing fish around with the camera was excruciatingly boring
Khairul Hizrin
Khairul Hizrin - 10 years ago
The bit where you were chasing fish around with the camera was excruciatingly boring
mintypets AJ
mintypets AJ - 10 years ago
guys some fish dont need filters my fish dont need they are bubble nest buliders paradiesfish they dont need filter so they can lay eggs if there a filter in that tank they wont be able to make eggs
mintypets AJ
mintypets AJ - 10 years ago
my fish tank is colrnated water it looks to natrul i put the plantss ina lime stone rock aand the natrul brown and light brown pebeals but ur tank OMG its so good my friend obbsesed with thesee tanks how they got fresh water straight from its home water its home plants its home specices it so good i luv it
Sean Esopenko
Sean Esopenko - 10 years ago
In the credits there was a "Scientific Contributor" listed.  This was one of the most unscientific tanks I've ever seen.  Kinda silly, if you ask me.
silvia hernandez fernandez
silvia hernandez fernandez - 10 years ago
snouty snouterson
snouty snouterson - 10 years ago
chess club
aquariumsfacinity - 10 years ago
Amazing, I like this video 
Cichlid king
Cichlid king - 10 years ago
Guys feel free to check out my Apistogramma Pantalone video!
daniel morgan
daniel morgan - 10 years ago
what species were the small shoaling fish
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
A.K.A Tetras.
paddyoclown - 10 years ago
Nannostomus anduzei
jason carranza
jason carranza - 10 years ago
theres no water flow at all, this tank didnt last long
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
Iscore4 - 10 years ago
He released everything after the vid
Ricardo Mendoza
Ricardo Mendoza - 10 years ago
Gracias por el gran video del Paisajismo natural.
Klets Kaboem
Klets Kaboem - 10 years ago
youre a fucktard man, or just watch the river or buy an aquarium and watch it but not both 
LeadFaun - 10 years ago
Are you kidding me.
+Klets Kaboem
Klets Kaboem
Klets Kaboem - 10 years ago
+xXzombiebunnyXx first things first im not english asshole, and second did your mom never learned you how to treat people. third learn to have a discusion not a fucking fight 
LeadFaun - 10 years ago
I was exaggerating, as I said(?)
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
No, not all the fish. Most of them are bred in captivity.
xXzombiebunnyXx - 10 years ago
Wow stfu you don't have better shit to do at 4am than bitch about fish? How about sleeping or working on your English? He put them back after... the only thing harmed as a result of this video is your fragile little feelings.
Klets Kaboem
Klets Kaboem - 10 years ago
youre fat mom disgust me to, im not a nature freak lol but id breed fish for a verry long time and  i dont agree with youre opinions. fish are easily stressed and this is not verry humane. just like horses in trucks etc. thats verry stressfull to its the same thing. but this is just pointless thats why i said i dont approve this. whats the point of cathcing ish making them stressed for builing a (honestly) fucking ugly tank? 
eastbeast95 - 10 years ago
retards like you that like to romanticize nature and pretend like they know anything about biology or ecology disgust me 
LeadFaun - 10 years ago
Yeah, most are, when I said most are found in the wild, I was exaggerating a bit.
Klets Kaboem
Klets Kaboem - 10 years ago
most of them are bred in captivaty  ( sorry if i speled that wron im not english)
LeadFaun - 10 years ago
Cause quite a lot are.
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
LeadFaun - 10 years ago
You know almost all aquarium fish are caught in the wild?
Klets Kaboem
Klets Kaboem - 10 years ago
Umh you guiys just said these are river fish. then they arent use to humans cathing them or picking them up so ya its pretty stressfull for them. i mean look at the fish you for example just bought do they look happy the verry first day you put em in? no. you guys dont get it
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
+Klets Kaboem
It's really not that stressful. My fish let me pick them up with the net because I do it quickly instead of picking them up and slowly moving them and I don't even have to chase them with the net. It's a little stressful, but they get used to it.
LeadFaun - 10 years ago
Not really, all fish go through that experience, or at least most, specifically aquarium fish.
xXzombiebunnyXx - 10 years ago
+Klets Kaboem
 Retarted- to receive a tart only to give it away. " I gave Nancy a tart she retarted to Franklin." ... or did you mean Retarded?
Klets Kaboem
Klets Kaboem - 10 years ago
but what about cathcing the fish putting them into en small tnak and catching them agin to release m, thats so stressfull
LeadFaun - 10 years ago
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
Yeah, but it doesn't last long.
LeadFaun - 10 years ago
Stress? All fish undergo stress when they switch/ go into a new tank.
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
+Klets Kaboem
It's not retarded. He only did it once to the fish.
Klets Kaboem
Klets Kaboem - 10 years ago
ya and how much stress is that for the fish? its just retarted man
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
He didn't keep the fish in there dumbie! He took the fish and plants back into the river after he was done with his video!
LeadFaun - 10 years ago
Skilled Artist
Skilled Artist - 10 years ago
Why don't you jump inside the river and watch it ?
Klets Kaboem
Klets Kaboem - 10 years ago
fucking rage every where +LeadFaun 
LeadFaun - 10 years ago
Rage much?
RobitskiStudios - 10 years ago
Christ on a Bike, is it just me or does that look a tiny bit overstocked?? I hope that he released them back immediately after this, considering he did all the scaping on site...
outpostflags - 10 years ago
+timmy vindiesel there are some ciclids a few algea eaters and some tetras
timmy vindiesel
timmy vindiesel - 10 years ago
they are cichlids they like being cramped 
RobitskiStudios - 10 years ago
+Burt McAster Nope, not trolling, seriously just looked overstocked to me. Even if it is considered to be stocked OK, I still think the entire display would look nicer with half the fish he dumped in there.
Burt McAster
Burt McAster - 10 years ago
You trolling or what? I'm surprised you didn't mention the fact that there was no filter or heater. It was not overstocked either. Maybe you go by the one inch rule? 
TheZooTycooner14 - 10 years ago
Doesn't look overstocked to me. They're all very small fish, and it would make sense that he released them again, yeah. Who would aquascape a tank on-site and keep it? You think he's moving that thing once it's full? lol.
Inderjit Jassme
Inderjit Jassme - 10 years ago
yuk747 - 10 years ago
Really nice but adding the water that way has to be a killer on the back.
Chucho SO
Chucho SO - 10 years ago
HERMOSO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Que lugar ese ese??
Rene Pelaez
Rene Pelaez - 10 years ago
Ronald Wilson
Ronald Wilson - 10 years ago
I wonder what he did after filming this video
Andrew Santagata
Andrew Santagata - 10 years ago
Looks amazing, but I feel like that is entirely too many fish for that size tank.  Hopefully he releases the fish after filming
Brandon - 10 years ago
can i put 5 cherry barbs with 5 gold white clouds in a 10 gallon tank?
dennis crawford
dennis crawford - 10 years ago
Why not a bigger tank?  
LeilaMeat - 10 years ago
Should have shown it lit with a black background at the end
Victor Franca
Victor Franca - 10 years ago
Lame. Not even impressive aquascaping. I can do better from petco stock. Stressing the fish
jim explorearth
jim explorearth - 10 years ago
Thanks Ivan for bringing some natural wonder into our homes. To all those watching especially aquarist, what Ivan is trying to teach us is how beautiful an aquarium can be using the most simple of decor and how a theme of only a couple of species of fish can still be rewarding, 
Garima Singh
Garima Singh - 10 years ago
poor fishes. running from one wall to another...wondering what the fuck happened
stacey stevens
stacey stevens - 7 years ago
put the poor finds back
Ghifari Asoka
Ghifari Asoka - 7 years ago
Since you're wondering, I'll tell you what happened: he released them afterwards
David Zakharia
David Zakharia - 10 years ago
It's better that raised to be eaten someday..
eastbeast95 - 10 years ago
go do something useful with your empathy, feeling bad for fish is unless and pathetically misguided 
Skilled Artist
Skilled Artist - 10 years ago
Poor you, running from one wall to another, wondering where your room went
Vivi Rácz
Vivi Rácz - 10 years ago
I would like to recommend you the following app for aquarium maintenance: http://goo.gl/x1Wp51
Ashley Williams
Ashley Williams - 10 years ago
this music is too much for my ears
Cyclotron Games
Cyclotron Games - 10 years ago
Amazing, but I wish it was in hd
thenatnatboy - 10 years ago
what's the name of the song that starts at 12:44?
Shaun Backer
Shaun Backer - 10 years ago
Youngwoon Kim
Youngwoon Kim - 10 years ago
Did you just put them back to their habitat after filming?
Bradford Aquatics
Bradford Aquatics - 10 years ago
Yes he did
Sanchez Daminguez
Sanchez Daminguez - 10 years ago
This is stupid. Hes not even actually recreating the environment because none of these tanks are sustainable. Some of the plant life isn't even an aquatic plant. 
Colin Mitchinson
Colin Mitchinson - 10 years ago
+Sanchez Daminguez shieet dere baud take it easy
Sanchez Daminguez
Sanchez Daminguez - 10 years ago
+TheZooTycooner14 Its not sustainable. He only used one type of aquatic plant. The plants in the background aren't even aquatic; you can see them growing in the background as terrestrial plants. And the rest are rotting, dead plants. So what if you add a filter and heater. The rotting organic material turns to ammonia, nitrite, then nitrate, so the filter media would have to be replaced anyways. I have done research, I've been in the hobby for well over a decade. Just because you have the name zoo tyPOOner doesn't make you an authority. so before you go calling people out on opinions that you don't like, ask yourself if you're being stupid. Comment sections are for comments, not compliments. I made a comment, and I proved it with science. But if you want to keep crying on comment sections, you just go right ahead; Because I love reading it.
TheZooTycooner14 - 10 years ago
The tank is perfectly sustainable if you added a filter and heater, but the point was to show the aquascaping, not make a tank that's going to be kept (if he was going to keep it then he wouldn't have made it out in the wilderness). As for the non-aquatic plants, do you think that bits of land plants don't end up in the natural rivers? It's perfectly natural debris, and safe because what he added isn't something that would deteriorate. Do a little bit of research and thinking if you're going to post next time - it's posts like yours that make people's brains hurt and avoid comment sections.
Might plays Minecraft
Might plays Minecraft - 10 years ago
why are the fishes so small
gary851 - 10 years ago
surreal ...
Chad Barnett
Chad Barnett - 10 years ago
crazy shrimp lady
crazy shrimp lady - 10 years ago
Why not just enjoy the river, instead of ripping up plants and animals out of it to put into a tank? Whats the point?
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 7 years ago
Joe Scrivens , the concept is to show, its a show :)
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 7 years ago
Skilled Artist , we do both :) We also make documentaries, scientific research and articles.
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 7 years ago
Brianna Harter, you git it all right! :)
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 7 years ago
newjersey02 , pet shops sell both tank raised and wild caught fish. 
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 7 years ago
Hi Martha Newsome , we are pioneers in the biotope aquarium hobby. The concept is that you cannot preserve something you dont know exists. These are the first Wild Aquariums ever made. 
Mrs. Kim
Mrs. Kim - 7 years ago
Wow.About stupidity turning into douchebagness...Turning into being vegan then racism then hillary then donald trump.Cant you just argue about how do they make unicorn frappe taste so sweet?
Ruth R
Ruth R - 7 years ago
2287rna also DONALD TRUMP is a racist shit and also called all the Mexicans racist I can't believe what an idiot you are
Ruth R
Ruth R - 7 years ago
2287rna wtf?! how am I a NAZI? GEEZ you are a kid arent you or a drunk person
2287rna - 7 years ago
Ruth R ....what a bigoted thing to say! check your privileged! you're a nazi! those micro aggressions reinforce the patriarchy.
Ruth R
Ruth R - 7 years ago
2287rna I see you probably voted for a racist bitch (Donald Trump)
2287rna - 8 years ago
I see you voted for Hillary
Joe Scrivens
Joe Scrivens - 10 years ago
whats the point of any tank setup then?
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
He didn't keep the tank there he took out the plants and fish after he was done with the video and put them in the water.
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
No he got the from the river.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 10 years ago
it's really hard to tell between different fish when they are constantly swimming away.
Skilled Artist
Skilled Artist - 10 years ago
Why not jump in the river and get a closer look?
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 10 years ago
it's a bio check.seeing how healthy,how many and how many different plants and fish there are while making a really interesting display.instead of the normal bare bottom bio check tanks.the plants where replanted and the fish where put back after the video.
crazy shrimp lady
crazy shrimp lady - 10 years ago
+Ampharos I am not vegan. Since you got that wrong, then you must have gotten the douchebag thing wrong too. 
Dingus - 10 years ago
Go be a vegan douchebag somewhere else
newjersey02 - 10 years ago
im pretty sure he gets the fish from the pet stores.
newjersey02 - 10 years ago
We have fish raised in aquariums and pet stores, why not?
Bob Saget
Bob Saget - 10 years ago
If you have to ask, then there is no point in trying to explain it.
Naths Aquatics
Naths Aquatics - 10 years ago
can someone please tell me how he gets it home o.O
Fish Cutie
Fish Cutie - 10 years ago
Wow Ivan's Aquascaping is brilliant! amazing use of natural environment, look forward to seeing more real soon
Elliott Smiggen
Elliott Smiggen - 10 years ago
jeez if I moved that much substrate around in my tank I would never be able to see through it again. That sand is incredible.
Kevin Chang
Kevin Chang - 10 years ago
this is my dream
Jorge Martinez
Jorge Martinez - 10 years ago
Quit looking and sounding so stupid people! At the end of the video it reads everything was put back into its natural habitat.
IringPalo - 10 years ago
whats the name of tall grass like plant?
Jam Rizvi
Jam Rizvi - 10 years ago
just beautiful
thumpstar125 - 10 years ago

Check out the profile on guppy fish that I made 
Mcluvin The Fish
Mcluvin The Fish - 10 years ago
awesome. I love Goldfish. This is my Big Blue Oranda
David G
David G - 11 years ago
Great vid but the music makes me wish I didn't have ears. Way to loud.
Karol Keller
Karol Keller - 10 years ago
turn down the volume?
Nirbendra KC
Nirbendra KC - 11 years ago
are those black neons?
Karl-Henrik Arendt
Karl-Henrik Arendt - 11 years ago
10 scale

Aquarium 7 (cave missing for cichlids - you should have incorporated some of the bigger leaves). Beside this its nice!
Music 1:  After 8 minutes the music is killing me :D
Les Ruela-Lim
Les Ruela-Lim - 11 years ago

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