Welcome to my Nano Cube - Red Bee Shrimps

Hello everyone ! This is a video of my new Nano aquarium with Red Bee shrimps and Crystal Black shrimps ! Information: -Dennerle Nano Cube 30 -2 Nano lights -Eden 501 filter -Oliver Knott soil I hope you'll like it !

Welcome to my Nano Cube - Red Bee Shrimps sentiment_very_dissatisfied 35

Pets & Animals 13 years ago 543,621 views

Hello everyone ! This is a video of my new Nano aquarium with Red Bee shrimps and Crystal Black shrimps ! Information: -Dennerle Nano Cube 30 -2 Nano lights -Eden 501 filter -Oliver Knott soil I hope you'll like it !

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Most popular comments
for Welcome to my Nano Cube - Red Bee Shrimps

Litlle Wing
Litlle Wing - 7 years ago
Majestic! What plants did you use? :)
Marco - 7 years ago
This is were everything was starting for me.. :)
Kampffischdame - 7 years ago
Sandra93LoL - 7 years ago
What happened to your betta? :)
tony kirkby
tony kirkby - 7 years ago
What gravel or gravels have you used?
Esteban Ibarra Gonzalez
Esteban Ibarra Gonzalez - 7 years ago
sorry the question but what plants are used???
Christopher Houston
Christopher Houston - 7 years ago
music link?
Pierluigi Pucello
Pierluigi Pucello - 7 years ago
Video Editor??? Many thanks
MARK'S AQUATICS - 7 years ago
lovely setup .

10. comment for Welcome to my Nano Cube - Red Bee Shrimps

Very Handiono
Very Handiono - 7 years ago
i like this scape, dunno why but it's very comfortable when i see this tank
Da silva
Da silva - 7 years ago
nice tank mate
what substrate you recommend for tank like yours , thanks
Do Hai
Do Hai - 7 years ago
Do you have a chiller system ?
Sailor Steve Holt!
Sailor Steve Holt! - 8 years ago
It's my dream to create something like this.
jack sparrow
jack sparrow - 8 years ago
1:12 boss
Inrigandum Paradisum
Inrigandum Paradisum - 8 years ago
Hi :) You use CO2 ?
Roger Nevez
Roger Nevez - 8 years ago
2:10 WTF????
Алена Ч
Алена Ч - 8 years ago
2:10 super
Unique Fish From Prince
Unique Fish From Prince - 8 years ago
Beautiful Bro... Thumps up.
Backyard Wilderness
Backyard Wilderness - 8 years ago
how often do you clean that?

20. comment for Welcome to my Nano Cube - Red Bee Shrimps

Jian Yu
Jian Yu - 8 years ago
so cool! and what size the Fish tank?
black sea and others
black sea and others - 8 years ago
Very nice... What are these tiny crawlers? High quality focus!!!
AustralianLeprechaun - 8 years ago
Very nice
Jason A
Jason A - 8 years ago
can someone tell me what the tank is pls
William Palmer
William Palmer - 8 years ago
It's one of the dennerlé cubes.
terry panayiotou
terry panayiotou - 8 years ago
Great video
,if anyone is interested i sell organic Guava leaves for these tanks
bhuvansimpy007 - 8 years ago
dont they come out ?
Deepak Srinivas
Deepak Srinivas - 8 years ago
how many watts of light do u have on this tank n r u not using co2
Austin Shameju
Austin Shameju - 8 years ago
Buddy is there any co2??? in this tank...
Riley Eckert
Riley Eckert - 8 years ago
not all tanks have co2 injection. With lights like that, this tank could have no co2 at all and be fine. Sure there wouldn't be as much growth but it could live.
João Victor Prudêncio
João Victor Prudêncio - 8 years ago
Voi tomar no cu filho da puta
Denny Phan
Denny Phan - 8 years ago
what music

30. comment for Welcome to my Nano Cube - Red Bee Shrimps

Hanibaltherogue - 8 years ago
Hmm great Aquarium...
btw ist the music "Unheilig"? :-D
Marc-Antoine - 8 years ago
Someone have the name of the very little plant on the foreground?
zihan khan
zihan khan - 8 years ago
AndyT:08 - 8 years ago
Hanibaltherogue - 8 years ago
+Andy D i sounds like a instrumental version of "An deiner Seite - Unheilig" or can also be "Mein Stern - Unheilig" just listen to both, you will like it. Lyrics are german but a great voice, great lyrics and total emotional.
Marcello Branca
Marcello Branca - 9 years ago
Tadek Olczak
Tadek Olczak - 9 years ago
those are red crystals
KatFib - 9 years ago
Absolutely great aquarium, shrimps, video and music - I spent a great moment watching this - thank you and good luck with your hobby! I hope to jump soon into this hobby too :-)
Planted Nano
Planted Nano - 9 years ago
That little guy molting was like "I'm outta here" lol. Nice catch, great cube. Loved this. :)
nemas probleamas
nemas probleamas - 9 years ago
Oreo - 9 years ago
1:52 what were those tiny lil' things that were moving around on the tree a few seconds before the brown one molts?
Bryant D
Bryant D - 8 years ago
Copepods :)
Wet Paint
Wet Paint - 8 years ago
I think they're baby shrimp, but I'm not sure
Damn Danno!
Damn Danno! - 9 years ago
Are these fresh water shrimp
Yow Yaya
Yow Yaya - 9 years ago
+Danny Doty yes
Balhiem Amanhui
Balhiem Amanhui - 9 years ago
Hi, i'm curious about the carpeting plant, is it glossostima elatinoides?
jessica horner
jessica horner - 9 years ago
and one just decides to molt
SkankHunt42 - 9 years ago
Do you abosolutley need copepods.
Tiffany McCoy
Tiffany McCoy - 8 years ago
just shrimp no fish, tried baby guppies for a while but as soon as they are big, they start going after the shrimp. I have tried taking the shrimp out after starting new tanks and and no matter what I have done I'm transferring them.
AlphaWolf- Gaming
AlphaWolf- Gaming - 8 years ago
You could buy certain fish or even any fish to eat them. Have you got fish in the tank or is it shrimp only?
Tiffany McCoy
Tiffany McCoy - 8 years ago
I hate the things been trying to rid myself of them cant stand them fluttering around my tank
Daniel Aguado
Daniel Aguado - 9 years ago
whats the lengthxwidthxheigt of this tank ?
Mohd Shahrul
Mohd Shahrul - 9 years ago
can someone give me link to buy filter like in this video pls. i dont know which type that filter.
Marc-Antoine - 8 years ago
+Pozzen it is, I have two of them and they are pretty nice, they will probably make noise at the start but it won't stay
Pozzen - 9 years ago
+Mohd Shahrul I think it's a EDEN 501
Alen AxP
Alen AxP - 9 years ago
Beautiful, I have red cherry and brown color shrimps
Mike Lemming
Mike Lemming - 9 years ago
Hey, at the 2:00 mark, you have the two shrimp on the branch but, you also have a few little things running along the branch as well. What are those?
AlphaWolf- Gaming
AlphaWolf- Gaming - 8 years ago
Copepods :)
sam pollard
sam pollard - 9 years ago
Beautiful. But what are those tiny things on the branch next to the shrimp at 2:01?
Phillip Nguyen
Phillip Nguyen - 9 years ago
Baby shrimp.....?
Hugo Mondragon G
Hugo Mondragon G - 9 years ago
nice tank bro am new to this so plz check my channel
Aleos Oricos
Aleos Oricos - 9 years ago
nice relaxing music to go with the soothing visuals. Thank you.

50. comment for Welcome to my Nano Cube - Red Bee Shrimps

GummyBear44 - 9 years ago
Amazing Blend of vids and music Amazing molting vid
Lynn Little
Lynn Little - 9 years ago
Could you tell me the plants used in this setup and were you using Co2?
JC B - 9 years ago
I'm going to get one there cool.
JC B - 9 years ago
I think that is the best one it's picture perfect!
Los Angelex
Los Angelex - 9 years ago
I think it's the most beautiful nano I've ever seen, makes me want to cry!
max wellington
max wellington - 9 years ago
What filter are you using?
807D14M0ND5 - 9 years ago
+max wellington
Its a Eden 501 or as it is also called: Zoo med 501. I cant reccomend it, the flow reduces to much and then you end up with to little current.
PunkSkaful - 9 years ago
@2:00 what are those little creatures crwaling?
AlphaWolf- Gaming
AlphaWolf- Gaming - 8 years ago
Copepods ;)
Aymon Martin
Aymon Martin - 9 years ago
+PunkSkaful ooohh hahaha, now I look like the stupid one xD. Don't mind me...
PunkSkaful - 9 years ago
I know that it shrimps! lol its pretty obvious, what I'm pointing here are those really tiny creatures which looked like a snail
Aymon Martin
Aymon Martin - 9 years ago
+PunkSkaful Do I have to reply to this? lol. They're shrimps, as the title suggests...
PunkSkaful - 9 years ago
What a very beautiful aquarium!! I really love to have that in our living room!
Amie Afrianti
Amie Afrianti - 9 years ago
Joni Solis
Joni Solis - 9 years ago
+one570 Lovely aquarium!
Ryan Rusyda
Ryan Rusyda - 9 years ago
Stunning! <3
Zoe Dia
Zoe Dia - 9 years ago
awesome catch on the molting!!

just curious what those tiny creepy crawlers were on the tree where the shrimpie was molting..
Felis sylvestris
Felis sylvestris - 8 years ago
Aquascape how to get them into your tank?
Aquascape - 9 years ago
Gokul D
Gokul D - 9 years ago
what is the filter used? is it a DIY filter?
Destra Valujira
Destra Valujira - 9 years ago
What's the flora?
Taasin Azam
Taasin Azam - 9 years ago
It's brilliant! Especially the molting bit. Btw, what's the music?
RaRdEvA - 9 years ago
amazing, you captured the moment the shrimp is changing carcass :3
Husny Jati Nugroho
Husny Jati Nugroho - 9 years ago
stunning tank
xxSourWingxx - 9 years ago
what model are those light?
Quantrindic - 9 years ago
+xxSourWingxx​​ You're a piece of shit for wishing death on a child
Freshwater Shrimp
Freshwater Shrimp - 9 years ago
Great shot of it molting! Wow!
Freshwater Shrimp
Freshwater Shrimp - 9 years ago
Like the aquascaping! Shrimp allow for such nice pieces anywhere. They only add! Check out some of my stuff!
Peter Malinowski
Peter Malinowski - 9 years ago
Like the tank and the music nice one
yave4algeria - 10 years ago
beautiful , thanks for sharing
J. Y.
J. Y. - 10 years ago
1:51 sweet skin shedding happens!
Sailor Steve Holt!
Sailor Steve Holt! - 8 years ago
J. Y. Watching arthropoda molt is weirdly satisfying to me.
Mason xiib0oMx
Mason xiib0oMx - 10 years ago
what filter is that????
PaceStudios - 10 years ago
How many gallons is the tank?
Jürgen Kaßnitz
Jürgen Kaßnitz - 10 years ago
It`s a "Dennerle Nano Cube 30" = 30 Liter = 7,9 US Gallons = Cheers!
David Husberg
David Husberg - 10 years ago
Awesome! thanks for sharing! what substrate are you using? 
Denrich Reyes
Denrich Reyes - 10 years ago
shcherbinaav - 10 years ago
DiscusTV - 10 years ago
GamingZwerge - 10 years ago
Beautiful <3
Hon Luu
Hon Luu - 10 years ago
Shrimp was taking a long shit at 1:00 haha
Bobby Crocker
Bobby Crocker - 10 years ago

Tell us sth. about this LEDS. How much W ?
wondersurfer1 - 10 years ago
i think it is standard lights and not Led... i just got my cube and same filter Eden 501 today :-) 
Jason Smith
Jason Smith - 10 years ago
what tank are you using.... looks great but doesn't look like the label is ADA, just curious because i am in Canada and to get an ADA tank where i am is insane.

Ka Henz
Ka Henz - 9 years ago
I think its a "nano cube 30" from dennerle
SickKnowledge82 - 10 years ago
Wow amazing tank, in the last scene I was just noticing how many baby shrimp were crawling around in the background.
Kenny Lim
Kenny Lim - 10 years ago
How did you manage to get glosso to carpet in that tiny tank! Well done. I wish I knew how… my glosso keeps growing upwards and I have T5 lights and CO2!
UltraSeRoXaT - 10 years ago
wow i really liked it
Mr Tombola
Mr Tombola - 10 years ago
thumbs up,very nice tank
Marita Ojala
Marita Ojala - 10 years ago
Beautiful ♡♡♡ Thank you
Susan Cezanne
Susan Cezanne - 10 years ago
What a beautiful tank! Very interesting watching the CBS molt. And we also have one of those filters on our 10G tank with Threadfin Rainbows. It's a fantastic filter.
Animali esotici
Animali esotici - 10 years ago
Very nice :-)
JakeTheShrimp - 10 years ago
Very nice tank! Red Bee Shrimps are one of my favorites I have a 5 gal dedicated to them! Hey you should try the Amano Shrimp. I have them in my 33 gal and I love them! I also breed blue shrimp in my 50 gal.
Filippo Colca
Filippo Colca - 10 years ago
Wonderful! Can you tell me what kind of rocks are these?
JarMaticHD - 10 years ago
They are seiryu rocks
Harry van wolput
Harry van wolput - 10 years ago
from the moon
Jay P
Jay P - 10 years ago
+Enrico Colca
Enrico Colca
Enrico Colca - 10 years ago
n.kubilay can.
n.kubilay can. - 10 years ago
Amazing. But i cant see Apple snail ;)
dablocishot77 - 10 years ago
7 people were overly excited and accidently clicked dislike. SMH..
TheNewtman12003 - 10 years ago
Nice job ...
Nabil Raziq
Nabil Raziq - 10 years ago
1:51 molting process!!!
Edward Bracey
Edward Bracey - 10 years ago
what lights are those? where did you get them?
Reingard Stössl
Reingard Stössl - 10 years ago
wow your aquarium is amazing!
Faith Kelm
Faith Kelm - 10 years ago
Is your tank hard to maintain? Im thinking of starting up one but most people are telling me live plants are too hard and time consuming...
JarMaticHD - 10 years ago
If you set up a good environment with lots of plants and not too many fish and a powerful filter, you don't have to do much at all. My 150 gallon requires no work except topping it off when too much water is lost to evaporation. It is home to a large predatory wolf fish and 200+ plants
sky - 10 years ago
whats the name of the carpet growin on the left side..?

100. comment for Welcome to my Nano Cube - Red Bee Shrimps

Thomas Hanson
Thomas Hanson - 10 years ago
Cool tank! Please check out my 5 gallon shrimp tank and can you give me some tips.Thanks
Joe Duerden
Joe Duerden - 10 years ago
This proves that tiny tanks are cool too.
Sky Stories
Sky Stories - 10 years ago
Be proud of it
senyk1 - 10 years ago
how do you keep ur water so clear!!! i need to know!!!
Aquarismo Hobby Diversos. freitas
Aquarismo Hobby Diversos. freitas - 10 years ago
Duc Do
Duc Do - 10 years ago
Doesn't it have CO2 ?
Oscar Segundo
Oscar Segundo - 10 years ago
Great video and tank.
Sim Eric
Sim Eric - 10 years ago
Very very nice...
Motivation Central
Motivation Central - 10 years ago
wow...Amazing tank
Shrimpmaster - 10 years ago
What a lovely cube you've got there. Also it's always special too see the molting process on 1:52. I hope it's still as beautiful as it was back then in 2012.
Jan Riis Sørensen
Jan Riis Sørensen - 10 years ago
Why are there dislikes? What is not to like about this beautiful nano tanl ?
Sailor Steve Holt!
Sailor Steve Holt! - 8 years ago
Abdulaziz Alharbi There are a lot of angry people on YouTube.
Abdulaziz Alharbi
Abdulaziz Alharbi - 10 years ago
probably someone was expecting something else ? no matter how the video was perfect there's always dislikes 
Thomas Booth
Thomas Booth - 10 years ago
Incredible tank, very inspiring!
Cedric Mestdag
Cedric Mestdag - 10 years ago
Most beautiful tank ive ever seen!
Kafalda Beck
Kafalda Beck - 10 years ago
pretty nice
Squatchmen Cole
Squatchmen Cole - 11 years ago
mrsdawnyc - 11 years ago
Do you have problems with escapees, I have lost a few through the lid hole on my fluval spec
Tiago Graça
Tiago Graça - 11 years ago
Very nice cube and movie ;) Check my nano too
Anis Ghazalli
Anis Ghazalli - 11 years ago
beautiful! im thinking abt starting my own because i have an empty aquarium but i have no clue
Howard Huntington
Howard Huntington - 11 years ago
Hi! What size cube is that you`re using please?
amir amirul
amir amirul - 11 years ago
2:05 - 2:17 most amazing moments! you're lucky enough to capture the moment!
skk supa
skk supa - 11 years ago
Great video.
Crystal black shrimp and red bee shrimp together not a good idea. After few generations of breeding they will return back to there original transparent brownish colour.
IringPalo - 11 years ago
what kind of plants are in background - biggest ones?
awaker gu
awaker gu - 11 years ago
wow! i like it!
Mark Bromley
Mark Bromley - 11 years ago
Very inspirational for me. I am about to set up a nano planted shrimp tank and have been looking around for ideas ( plus info) and this seems to be something I would like to go with.
Gilles D Natmara
Gilles D Natmara - 11 years ago
j'aime beaucoup votre vidéo sur votre très belle et sympathique réalisation. Bienvenue à vous et nos amis chez M. Natmara, pour découvrir les vidéos sur mon jeu écologique;
Ferry Chandra
Ferry Chandra - 11 years ago
Psycho Bob
Psycho Bob - 11 years ago
i will have the same too...
UVB - 11 years ago
antslug - 11 years ago
This is the most inspirational video of shrimp I've ever seen.
SpasticPanda34 - 11 years ago
why does this type of music make me want to rethink my whole life?
CN - 11 years ago
I have those same tiny water bugs in my aquarium! They don't harm my fish, they just eat dead matter and leftover food. They're not daphnia cause daphnias swim in a jumpy motion and eat algae. I can't seem to figure out what those little bugs are though. Would you happen to know? Thanks!
Reza Boy Zamril
Reza Boy Zamril - 11 years ago
its look like resun cyclone external filter cy20
Outdoor EDC & More
Outdoor EDC & More - 11 years ago
You've made a very nice video! The shot of she shrimp shedding skin was amazing. May I ask, what filter you use? It's not the stock Dennerle one. Why don't you use that one? I'm considering buying one myself and am curious.
SpiritBear12 - 11 years ago
You've got a very nice little tank there. Nicely decorated and arranged. Those are some very lucky shrimp, and they're cute too...for a shrimp. You've done a great job. I'm assuming the plants are real?
Marilyn Collins
Marilyn Collins - 11 years ago
So beautiful!!! Those little shrimps have a lovely home and they set off the tank perfectly. I truly enjoyed seeing what an artistic arrangement you have created and watching the little shrimp moult was just fantastic too.
Kelly14UK - 11 years ago
02:36 That's an artist
Kelly14UK - 11 years ago
That's not a tank it's the Garden of bloody Eden!
Steffi Ooi
Steffi Ooi - 11 years ago
Cool tank,soundtrack pls ,could anyone tell me?
Julien Aerono
Julien Aerono - 11 years ago
Hey your video is fantastic ! I have one question ? What camera do you use the image is great, especially on macro images ! Please answer.
qaching - 11 years ago
its easy you need a filter and a bottle liquid product (dont know english name im from belgium) that you just throw it in the tank so the particles (filth) stick together so the particles become bigger so your filter cleans the water so so much better and this is the result
Benjamin Liker
Benjamin Liker - 11 years ago
No, not brown, if they breed, it would be within the genus. And these are adults.
JCRocky5 - 11 years ago
That is a lovely tank, the water is crystal clear oO
Roberto Carlos  Ayala Sanchez
Roberto Carlos Ayala Sanchez - 11 years ago
Muy padre esta chido
Eric Bell
Eric Bell - 11 years ago
substrate? looks like fluval
bore dum
bore dum - 11 years ago
such an amazing tank. do red bee shrimp eat algae though? and if yes what kind?
TomsAquariumsUKTV - 11 years ago
Nice work!
XxB34DYxX - 11 years ago
Beautiful, absolutely stunning and such a great choice of music to accompany this work of art.
Pat Byrd
Pat Byrd - 11 years ago
I am new to the little shrimp, they are beautiful, I was told if you mix the colors and they breed all of the babies will be brown when grown, what is you openion? TKS
Pat Byrd
Pat Byrd - 11 years ago
Beautiful shrimp, what was the micro sized creature on the wood when one was molting?
divine1807 - 11 years ago
Tolles Video :O)
Maher Ali
Maher Ali - 11 years ago
fish lover
fish lover - 11 years ago
very very beautiful
XxB34DYxX - 11 years ago
Łukasz Pluta
Łukasz Pluta - 11 years ago
2:10 these small things are small shrims?
wrcrally12 - 11 years ago
awesome looking tank!
Leo - 11 years ago
Best nano tank i've ever seen :D
Man M
Man M - 11 years ago
Très jolie..
Tristan Tat
Tristan Tat - 11 years ago
Aniq Faruqi
Aniq Faruqi - 11 years ago
we dont order it,we make it
Ori D.
Ori D. - 11 years ago
where can i order this online????
FreezCa69 - 11 years ago
Jeffrey McELroy
Jeffrey McELroy - 11 years ago
wow amazing tank! Mine is still in its first stages... i wanna et some more plants and remove the dift wood and add some rocks.
Narados84 - 11 years ago
I heard driftwood makes the water brownish, but nothing like that can be seen here. Did the water get any more cloudy than that after you shot the video?
Henry Johnson
Henry Johnson - 11 years ago
Jean-Francois Prince
Jean-Francois Prince - 11 years ago
what kind of lights are those? Thanks
Convict1975 - 11 years ago
Amazing video all around. SUBBED!!
Ikan_Pari@@ - 11 years ago
1:52 - I. AM. REBORN.
tfre3927 - 11 years ago
Awesome example of a shrimp molting there!
fatalpork - 12 years ago
cool shrimpos
andy325is - 12 years ago
Awesome tank!
The Gun Guys
The Gun Guys - 12 years ago
Do you have C02 for that tank?
TheAbstractedmind - 12 years ago
Desiree Burgers
Desiree Burgers - 12 years ago
Mooi om de vervelling te zien!
Gabriel Perez
Gabriel Perez - 12 years ago
Those shrimp on in heaven
Nathan Butler
Nathan Butler - 12 years ago
Is that daphnia?? Sweet setup and capturing the molt too. Sweet!!
papaross - 12 years ago
Looks like hygrophillia to me.
Brendan Kavanaugh
Brendan Kavanaugh - 12 years ago
Sweet tank!
Miskevich Dzmitry
Miskevich Dzmitry - 12 years ago
Съемка - супер! Респект!!!
modelleg - 12 years ago
well done.
upaa83 - 12 years ago
noticed there's no chiller for the tank. what's the tank temperature?
Blue Macaw
Blue Macaw - 12 years ago
could you upload more please! this was an awesome vid i like the little shrimp in your Aquarium.
DylFynAquatics - 12 years ago
Paul Anthony
Paul Anthony - 12 years ago
Hi, is it glass or plastic ?
Heavenly Homes
Heavenly Homes - 12 years ago
Great Macro video !! love the editing ! and your tank's awesome good job !
Robby Chisholm
Robby Chisholm - 12 years ago
The plant life is GORGEOUS! This makes me want to go clean the algae out of my aquarium so it will look pretty and sparkly like this. What are the tiny little buggers crawling up the wood? Baby shrimps?
butterworthization - 12 years ago
Beautiful! I am buying one in a week and I was interested if those lights are 11W 27cm or the smaller ones 9W 20,5cm? Not sure which one to buy :)
TheWyldwolf - 12 years ago
Worthy of sir David Attenborough.
Brown Potato
Brown Potato - 12 years ago
So, FUCKING, calming :3
Nason Vassiliev
Nason Vassiliev - 12 years ago
that is awesome i have a ten gallon with fire red shrimp orange shrimp and amonno shrimp i cant find crs anywhere in Maine:(
Markain - 12 years ago
this video touched my heart
davycrocket - 12 years ago
I had those too, I understand how you feel. At first, you think it's fun to have, but when you don't want of those anymore, then the nightmare starts. It took me something like a year to get free of those...
Clalslddsa dsadsada
Clalslddsa dsadsada - 12 years ago
whats the name of the song ?really calming
Clalslddsa dsadsada
Clalslddsa dsadsada - 12 years ago
verry nice .good job
MEssED89 - 12 years ago
How are these tanks cleaned... I am planning on getting an aquascape of some sort, but i want to start off small and this looks perfect. On the other hand, i don't want to get one and i have no clue how to maintain it. Do you have to pour out all of the water and fill it back up? Nonetheless, this is a breath taking piece of art!
Paul Baker
Paul Baker - 12 years ago
What do adult shrimp cost ?
Felis sylvestris
Felis sylvestris - 12 years ago
beautiful setup, can you give the name of this small external filter?
sickbastard151 - 12 years ago
nice vid
Gasper Steve
Gasper Steve - 12 years ago
Whats that filter your using?
Paul Baker
Paul Baker - 12 years ago
Could you list your plants and substrate as a learner it would great to try to replicate your tank as a benchmark
GSDXephyr - 12 years ago
looks like a hygro/ temple plant?? maybe?
Paul Baker
Paul Baker - 12 years ago
Sweat simply sweat I just subscribed thanks
johnbow100 - 12 years ago
Stunning video and vey nice shrimp. The tank is also really well planted. I also love the shrimp molting at 1.57 My shrimp tank is arriving tomorrow.If it turns out half as well as yours I'll be a happy man. Are you using any ferts ,easycarbo or co2?
Curtis Newton
Curtis Newton - 12 years ago
super boring/dull/gay
Marco Sionis
Marco Sionis - 12 years ago
Narados84 - 12 years ago
Great tank! How loud is this filter?
Sinder Daniels
Sinder Daniels - 12 years ago
what r the plants in the tank (thier common name plz)
Tony Q
Tony Q - 12 years ago
whats the filter you got there?
Enrique Goitia
Enrique Goitia - 12 years ago
do you use any ferts? that tank is so clean and alive, with no co2. lucky you
Tony Q
Tony Q - 12 years ago
Whats the name of that filter you got there?
TheEmmagilbert01 - 12 years ago
Gorgeous im going to use this layout for inspiration with my nano tank when it comes! can i keep a couple of these shrimp with fish, i have 2 guppies and 2 phantom tetras and plan to have 2 bleeding heart tetras, thanks x
fishypeixe - 12 years ago
Beautifully planted tank.
lemurianu - 12 years ago
you find a large range. generaly known as nano-fish
lemurianu - 12 years ago
fish that eat ostracods will atack the shrimp. better to use a snail that eats other snails
lemurianu - 12 years ago
i use a snail that eats other snails to get rid of them of course the rate is one per day. so its better when you start the aquarium to add the snail also
RelaxingASMR - 12 years ago
Beautiful tank.
RelaxingASMR - 12 years ago
I don't know much about aquariums, but, can you add some small fish to deal with the Ostracods?
James Tce
James Tce - 12 years ago
wow amazinggggg very nice tank tat you hv nice shoot match with the music~~may i know what is the song??
marco carpentino
marco carpentino - 12 years ago
just wonderful, congratulations
Aaron Lewis
Aaron Lewis - 12 years ago
Good Video!!
marco carpentino
marco carpentino - 12 years ago
wow !!!
Barry Inglaterra
Barry Inglaterra - 12 years ago
What type of fishes could u keep in a small tank like this?
Casey Goggin
Casey Goggin - 12 years ago
Also, what are the little ferns called? That's a beautiful tank.
Casey Goggin
Casey Goggin - 12 years ago
What is that stone called, and where did you get it?
Casey Goggin
Casey Goggin - 12 years ago
One570 ,
jalcaraz612 - 12 years ago
What source of plant food do you use?
Andrew Hu
Andrew Hu - 12 years ago
hey one570 whta is the tanks name
Andrew Hu
Andrew Hu - 12 years ago
and wicked tank i gonna se if i can get for chrismas where did u get your tank and price
Andrew Hu
Andrew Hu - 12 years ago
wicked shrimp where u get them
xX_VEN1X_Xx - 12 years ago
In mine I have clown fish :/
Oliver Daly
Oliver Daly - 12 years ago
i would get a betta in their
KHashi76 - 12 years ago
Beautiful Shrimp nano! Nice scape, the whole 9 yards. I have a couple shrimp nanos too, a crystal red bee, and a red cherry shrimp tank. Check them out if you have a moment.
Meatwadxx - 12 years ago
Thanks, im glad to see you keep up on your comments.
Damian A. Corona
Damian A. Corona - 12 years ago
how does one person dislike this fucking puto!!!
Mustardman001 - 12 years ago
What wattage are your lights? do you use co2?
senseipokomoko - 12 years ago
amazing! i want to start my own now
mhd hasbi
mhd hasbi - 12 years ago
so peacefull..
Meatwadxx - 12 years ago
What are those little bugs in your tank and do they provide any benefits?
LizardSteed - 12 years ago
where did you get that tank im looking online but can only find is germany and some other european nations. does anywhere in the US sell these tanks?
Jan Guy
Jan Guy - 12 years ago
whats the name of the pump?
codeezie11 - 12 years ago
i am so jealous it hurts
Fuji nomai
Fuji nomai - 12 years ago
Like a mini paradise...
Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf - 12 years ago
Nice... Feels like watching discovery channel....
Nicolás Cortés
Nicolás Cortés - 12 years ago
Hello, very nice your aquarium, but can you tell me what kind of animal is moving in the log at minute 1:51 to 2:16 of your video, greetings from Medellin Colombia.
Mike-o Macasio
Mike-o Macasio - 12 years ago
what type of rocks did you use? any co2/ferts?
ISeePineapples - 12 years ago
This looks like a Chick Flick for Red Bee shrimp. LOL
epXProSeries - 12 years ago
Grüß Dich :D Ich geh mal davon aus, dass du deutscher bist (Dennerle Nano Cube). Wollte mal wissen, woher du deinen Garnelensatz hast, Internet?Sind die Steine von zooplusde? oder woher hast du die? Danke schonmal im vorraus
TheRick2325 - 12 years ago
That one person who disliked this vid must not like awesomeness
fishforme2 - 12 years ago
Wonderful tank and fish!!
epXProSeries - 12 years ago
How big is ur Gravel? 1-2 mm aperture?
fulopmarian - 12 years ago
Fantastic! Good job!
Sor1ner - 12 years ago
Good job very beautiful tank.
Richard Cale
Richard Cale - 12 years ago
Just noticed at 2.16 mins the shrimp sheds it's skin. Amazing. Never seen that before.
Richard Cale
Richard Cale - 12 years ago
Very very nice. Great work.
Dariuslynel - 12 years ago
Very nice! What cam did you use to record this video? Subbed
Mickael Bourgois
Mickael Bourgois - 12 years ago
Hello, did you have some problems with this pump? Because on the web, people says that is toxic.
cedric ditorino
cedric ditorino - 12 years ago
ElephantBallGT - 12 years ago
thats nano shrimp....lol
ManicBeans - 12 years ago
Check out my channel guys! :D
Boywithafishtank - 12 years ago
Its just shrimp babies :D
Gaetan Hubler
Gaetan Hubler - 12 years ago
ce nano est magnifique *_* comment fais tu pour qu'il soit aussi propre ?!
claes2uall - 12 years ago
perfekt, keep up the good work
zrnki - 12 years ago
amazing tank!!! beautiful shrimps as well. I'm just wondering what;s that little stuff you've got everywhere like a very small bugs?????
Tom Luu
Tom Luu - 13 years ago
Are you from the US? If yes where do you buy your gravel?
MrHoney2U - 13 years ago
great video and tank
Roy Gomez
Roy Gomez - 13 years ago
Really cool!
Aquascaping the World by BM
Aquascaping the World by BM - 13 years ago
I love it. very beautiful

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