Where do goldfish come from? | The Friday Zone
Pets & Animals 11 years ago 777,021 views
Ever wonder where goldfish come from? If you're in North America, chances are they came from Ozark Fisheries in Martinsville, Indiana! This segment originally aired on Indiana PBS stations WTIU and WFYI as a part of the kids' show The Friday Zone. Learn more at www.fridayzone.org and "like" us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/fridayzone
10. comment for Where do goldfish come from? | The Friday Zone
Hmmm brb I need to raid their pockets.
Eats fried fish
20. comment for Where do goldfish come from? | The Friday Zone
30. comment for Where do goldfish come from? | The Friday Zone
50. comment for Where do goldfish come from? | The Friday Zone
As you can tell I love animals.
businessman!! not a real fish enthusiast
to get used as fish food lol
I paid over $2,000.00 for them and they died the second I took them out of the bag put them in the water.
100. comment for Where do goldfish come from? | The Friday Zone
when cared for properly they actually should live to be 10 to 20 years old and be about 12 to 15 inches.
I am sorry to hear about them dying. I was heartbroken when one of my fish died
Its just lazy keeping to feed a non nutritional and disease riddled fish to another fish.
I've been in the hobby over 40 years and have raised numerous large predators. From Oscars and other large cichlids, short nosed, needle nosed and alligator gars, arowanas, both South American and Asian, and large catfish, just to name a few. As young as possible I get them off of live foods and onto good, quality prepared foods and feed in variety. Floating and sinking pellets, freeze dried krill, and my own frozen prepared food consisting of tilapia, uncooked market shrimp, scallops, well trimmed beef heart, all finely chopped and mixed with a quality vitamin/ mineral supplement. I also feed earthworms I raise myself to insure they are well gut loaded and collected from a source safe from pesticides and other chemical pollutants.
To me, it's not about the thrill of watching my fish gulp down mouthfuls of feeders. It's about raising healthy, beautiful specimens that I can enjoy for years.
this is not a rescue , buyers indeed support this industry
minded, and not intelligent like most animals. They cant even feel pain...
I honestly don't think this is too bad of treatment tho. The chickens and cows that go into big Macs and chicken mcnuggets go through way worse.
And we should still respect them.
Whilst the creatures can clearly be seen to react to a jab or blow, experts have disagreed over whether the reaction indicates a sensation of pain, or is little more than a basic reflex.
Researchers set out to establish the truth with an experiment in which goldfish were exposed to painful heat. Half of the fish were given a painkilling injection of morphine beforehand, while the other half were not.
Two hours later, the fish that had undergone the test without painkillers showed signs of fear and wariness – suggesting, say the researchers, that they had suffered a bad experience and remembered it.
The academics, from Norway and the US, say their finding undermines claims that fish merely display reflex actions and do not sense pain.
"The results show that it could not have been a simple reflex action," said Dr Joseph Garner.
The whole article
If you don't believe me, google "goldfish can feel pain." A link to an article from the Telegraph will probably be the first result.
just don't build any of the interior details and leave the roof open or have a hole big enough
oh....you meant another tank
You should care about them, they're a huge part of our ecosystem
If I was older I'd do something
However do you really think one person can change everything you fucking wasteman
You need to spread awareness before you can just take action
Fuck off with that kind of attitude and stick it up your arse, because that doesn't get anyone anywhere
Look after fish, they're a huge part of our ecosystem
They're still fucking living things and we shouldn't treat them like shit