Where do goldfish come from? | The Friday Zone

Ever wonder where goldfish come from? If you're in North America, chances are they came from Ozark Fisheries in Martinsville, Indiana! This segment originally aired on Indiana PBS stations WTIU and WFYI as a part of the kids' show The Friday Zone. Learn more at www.fridayzone.org and "like" us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/fridayzone

Where do goldfish come from? | The Friday Zone sentiment_very_dissatisfied 730

Pets & Animals 11 years ago 777,021 views

Ever wonder where goldfish come from? If you're in North America, chances are they came from Ozark Fisheries in Martinsville, Indiana! This segment originally aired on Indiana PBS stations WTIU and WFYI as a part of the kids' show The Friday Zone. Learn more at www.fridayzone.org and "like" us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/fridayzone

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Most popular comments
for Where do goldfish come from? | The Friday Zone

NitaBonita0813 - 7 years ago
A gallon and a half for 1000 fish? Have you fucking lost it?! I know its shipping but thats inhunane! No space, no air, what is wrong with these people?
Celinevidhya Anand
Celinevidhya Anand - 7 years ago
Animal cruelty
AdminGoogle UK
AdminGoogle UK - 7 years ago
Cornelia - 7 years ago
can someone please explain to me how the hell they can fit 1000 fish into 1.5 gallons of water? im over here looking at my 3.7 gallon betta tank and thinking how its possible??
Jacob I
Jacob I - 7 years ago
Now thats not nice
Roger Chien
Roger Chien - 7 years ago
1000 in a gallon and half water?
Braulio Barajas
Braulio Barajas - 7 years ago
Thats animal abuse
fish king
fish king - 7 years ago
정성환 - 7 years ago
wat about my ranchu..?

10. comment for Where do goldfish come from? | The Friday Zone

Turtleys123 - 7 years ago
the tanks are overcrowded and the fish can't survive all that stress. Animal cruelty
angelo Mercado 146
angelo Mercado 146 - 7 years ago
That's cool I was at Walmart to get a fish I was wondering how does the fish go to Walmart
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 7 years ago

Hmmm brb I need to raid their pockets.

-Animal-fish-gamer -
-Animal-fish-gamer - - 7 years ago
I've seen poop handled better well it's a breeder what do we expect
Sanong Chuabunmee
Sanong Chuabunmee - 7 years ago
George The Student
George The Student - 7 years ago
The way they package the fish is absolutely shit. Minimal protection and not even enough space for them all to fully be in water. Poor fish.
Leo The Animator
Leo The Animator - 7 years ago
Why you do this

Eats fried fish
Hannah van den Herik
Hannah van den Herik - 7 years ago
3:09 oh my gosh!!
Kawasaki - 7 years ago
This is crucial! I can't watch anymore, fish should be treated just as right as humans
Tune Edits
Tune Edits - 7 years ago
Poor little fishies. Did you see their horrified faces in the bowl

20. comment for Where do goldfish come from? | The Friday Zone

_Toxic And salty
_Toxic And salty - 7 years ago
I wonder what the fish are thinking being weighted...:OH GOD I CANT BREATH JHONNY CAN YOU BREATH? Jhony: NO BILL I CANT BREATH ACK
Gage Doomfield
Gage Doomfield - 7 years ago
Plz stop saying they are abused. They are fish for fucks sake, okay? If every breeder raised goldfish to your standards, they would be spending an immense amount of money and time on it. Stfu already, this is no different than any other domestic animal. Many goldfish enthusiasts don't treat goldfish the way they should anyways.
Bat-boy Gamer
Bat-boy Gamer - 7 years ago
This is so cringy. This girl Is so cringy.
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Federal Bureau of Investigation - 7 years ago
Mico Mico
Mico Mico - 7 years ago
cute fish
Thenerdiator - 7 years ago
What fucking rednecks. Animal cruelty
Griffin Wentz
Griffin Wentz - 7 years ago
My piranhas mouth is watering
Horseluver4ever 1234
Horseluver4ever 1234 - 7 years ago
Poor fish! I will cherish my fish forever.
Soap the Sheep
Soap the Sheep - 7 years ago
When a mommy fish and a daddy fish love each other very much...
Maria Diep
Maria Diep - 7 years ago
I have a red and white fantail

30. comment for Where do goldfish come from? | The Friday Zone

eduardo félix
eduardo félix - 7 years ago
esta muy interesante
LucaTube - 7 years ago
Harpreet singh
Harpreet singh - 7 years ago
it's a living creature, respect them...
Sanju Sanju
Sanju Sanju - 7 years ago
9482504013 pls call me
Jimmy john 123
Jimmy john 123 - 7 years ago
This is abuse
cheyennepug - 7 years ago
for all you people complaining about how they treat these fish...

cheyennepug - 7 years ago
VINAYAK J NAIR - 7 years ago
Glances_of_Reflection - 7 years ago
Are you kidding me?! This is terrible!
Morgan Chmelnytzki
Morgan Chmelnytzki - 7 years ago
I'm getting a few gold fish tomorrow I'm hoping for a black and white one a white and orange one and a normal one
Reaginic Wolf
Reaginic Wolf - 7 years ago
can we eat them
Marieke van Esveld
Marieke van Esveld - 7 years ago
Fancy goldfish need 50 liters, normal goldfish 100 liters
jedimaster jesse
jedimaster jesse - 7 years ago
wow I live in Indiana so it's not to far away from where I live I'd like to take a vacation trip there lol
Alec Spaude
Alec Spaude - 7 years ago
this shit pisses me the fuck off
DonkeyStupid - 7 years ago
I had 2 goldfishes.Both of them died.One of them was called meemee the other one is called poopoo XD.I named them
Xanthropus - 7 years ago
Did you know? Goldfish can survive an hour without water? I found this out and I had a new respect for these tiny fish
AlexaTriesToBeFunny - 7 years ago
This is not ok
Bikash Maity
Bikash Maity - 7 years ago
David Depaz
David Depaz - 7 years ago
hoes they should go to jail
gameplayer 11
gameplayer 11 - 7 years ago
these workers are lucky because they can get free fishes
Rajesh Singh
Rajesh Singh - 7 years ago

50. comment for Where do goldfish come from? | The Friday Zone

Kennedy Bryant
Kennedy Bryant - 7 years ago
3:30 how is this cool? They are taking loads of fish with little water, forcing them into this small box, and selling them for lots of money. I feel so bad for all these little fish. It's sickening that she would want to go there and make a video of what I call animal cruelty. How dare they.
As you can tell I love animals.
axolotl 1000
axolotl 1000 - 7 years ago
The poor poor fish
FlyingIntoTheStorm - 7 years ago
This is pure cruelty!!! They're living being! How dare them to treat those poor souls that way?? They handle them like objects and those tanks are definetly too small! That's awful!
James boyle fish music bonsai and more
James boyle fish music bonsai and more - 7 years ago
great, more fish to be killed and abused
TableWrens - 7 years ago
Why do people call Orange, "Red"? Red and Orange are two different colors on the Color Spectrum.
MaverickJames Duran
MaverickJames Duran - 7 years ago
fuck this vdeo theres to much cruelty here!
Freja V
Freja V - 7 years ago
"Those fish will survive in this box for 24-48 hours" yeah but they are feeling like crap. This is horrible!
Hatsune Miku
Hatsune Miku - 7 years ago
she got free fish no fair hahaha
Meza - 7 years ago
Shitty and dirty ass facility. Terrible packaging "Oh Coooool"
Tomato Animations
Tomato Animations - 7 years ago
Something called pregnancy
Angela Ziegler
Angela Ziegler - 7 years ago
Hollywoodhenry - 7 years ago
Baby lion seal
Baby lion seal - 7 years ago
Guys they had a better life before you got them because most people put them in tiny bowl and they where in a huge pond
Laura Payton
Laura Payton - 7 years ago
why are people making this a big deal and saying shit on how there tried? they're born in a big tank amd put into a big ass pond then ship to store. I mean how else do you think these fish get to stores anyways? come on ppl use some sense. only fish your prob not going to get the breed in places like this are rare and high end expensive fish. And there caught from there home environment to be put in a tiny tank compared to a large lake or a ocean. jezz ppl
SULTAN OF RAMAZAN - 7 years ago
bendeee balinkkkk istiommmmmmmmmmm
SDD525 - 7 years ago
Pay these people more money and the fish will be treated better. Simple.
The Tetra
The Tetra - 7 years ago
I've currently got a ten gallon planted tank with a betta and ghost shrimp. I really want a 75 gal so I can save a few feeder goldfish, but I'll still feel bad because I'm technically supporting these shitty fish Mills.
גל רביבו
גל רביבו - 7 years ago
1 fucking gallon for a 1000 fish wtf thats cruel at least give them 2 gallons so thay could you know... LIVE!
Gem23 - 7 years ago
Did he say a 1.5 gallon for 1000 fish...WOW!
Erick aquáticos aquárismo
Erick aquáticos aquárismo - 7 years ago
erick aquático aquarismo
Retainings - 8 years ago
wheres chadtronic
Porebska Vaenssa
Porebska Vaenssa - 8 years ago
not giving hate but you shouldn't touch fold fish with ur hands
Ina Greece
Ina Greece - 8 years ago
Mine too
Slime. Satisfying
Slime. Satisfying - 8 years ago
The way that lady was sliding them into those different categories was sad
Riki plays
Riki plays - 8 years ago
all she said was "wooow koool"
Erick Hernandez
Erick Hernandez - 8 years ago
Just dont send them to walmart
BleachIsHere  GT
BleachIsHere GT - 8 years ago
magikarp karp karp
talking tom beats harrishe
talking tom beats harrishe - 8 years ago
I like it can u take another video
Rusty Dizon
Rusty Dizon - 8 years ago
smh, mass production of goldfish.
businessman!! not a real fish enthusiast
Sharon Ama
Sharon Ama - 8 years ago
Dale Advincula
Dale Advincula - 8 years ago
my paroon sharks favorite meal
Nayra Vero
Nayra Vero - 8 years ago
Jwbzis, bid
GX Revolution
GX Revolution - 8 years ago
"oh woooow"
Kaylee Winter
Kaylee Winter - 8 years ago
The snack that smiles back , GOLDFISH
Nathan Elsbury
Nathan Elsbury - 8 years ago
did the fish die?
Adriana Rivera
Adriana Rivera - 8 years ago
Put the stupid fish in the water you dumb head
Goddess Jihyo
Goddess Jihyo - 8 years ago
glad!I saved my goldfish
FoxandWolf Gamer
FoxandWolf Gamer - 8 years ago
2:24 What don't they realise they are gasping for air
Janezkamae santos
Janezkamae santos - 8 years ago
wow .
Sunday pro
Sunday pro - 8 years ago
simple joe!
lost dragon
lost dragon - 8 years ago
wird i saw a difrent vid calld the same thing
Andrew Barlow
Andrew Barlow - 8 years ago
that's so cruel
Technical Souvik
Technical Souvik - 8 years ago
I want to a gold fish ....
Scott Taylor
Scott Taylor - 8 years ago
where do they go...
to get used as fish food lol
Scott Taylor
Scott Taylor - 8 years ago
Maricel Martin most will be used as feeder fish there sick badly looked after stressed and its stupid
Maricel Martin
Maricel Martin - 8 years ago
Scott Taylor wrdgef
Greg XD
Greg XD - 8 years ago
For you people saying this is Animal Cruelty. I'd like to let you think about what you ate for dinner/lunch/breakfast?
Susy Geymonat
Susy Geymonat - 8 years ago
esta bueno el bideo
Greyhound216 Durbauree
Greyhound216 Durbauree - 8 years ago
stella's cool styles and pets 2005
stella's cool styles and pets 2005 - 8 years ago
Really? that was were my goldfish were before?!
Depresticles - 7 years ago
I bought about 70 butterfly telescopes from a fish farm. Which was "family owned". "Privately bred", "handled with care".
I paid over $2,000.00 for them and they died the second I took them out of the bag put them in the water.
Baby lion seal
Baby lion seal - 7 years ago
They were in a huge pond and than you put it in a small bowl or something that's not rescue
Kill Me
Kill Me - 8 years ago
stella's cool styles and pets 2005 U did not save them.
Josh DP
Josh DP - 8 years ago
that was horrible to watch. and that lady made it all even worse with her 'oh cool', 'oh yeah', 'awesome' bullshit..
TheLala Teen
TheLala Teen - 8 years ago
the first few steps were totally fine in generally concept then it just got kind of blurry on how it should be done.
Thomas Edwards
Thomas Edwards - 8 years ago

100. comment for Where do goldfish come from? | The Friday Zone

Andrhea the cat
Andrhea the cat - 8 years ago
u want your baby to get handeled this way? I think not. from now on only breeders where I get my fosh from bye stupid markets
April Casper
April Casper - 8 years ago
this is so cruel!!!
Ky The Kyratiren
Ky The Kyratiren - 8 years ago
never should I have put my jubilee whit my mistic shark,smol fish and 5 goldfish in a large tank where the jubilee actually ate them
sumana cooper
sumana cooper - 8 years ago
Yay I have a pet shark it's 200 centermeters
Sundara Rajan
Sundara Rajan - 8 years ago
worst packing ever
Emily Bradley
Emily Bradley - 8 years ago
I have a white goldfish with a gorgeous fan like tail and I would love more know where to get some
Random Topics
Random Topics - 8 years ago
i dont know but am i the only one who thinks fish are treated is a bad way. Maybe thats why they dont live at home more than five month
TableWrens - 7 years ago
They can live for years. If yours die within months or even weeks, you're not taking care of them properly.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
there are many reasons why goldfish don't live long.like the fact most people really don't know how to take care of fish and think goldfish will stay small and grow to the size of their tank.

when cared for properly they actually should live to be 10 to 20 years old and be about 12 to 15 inches.
StarSpirits - 8 years ago
Layla Jawhar the reason they die quickly is because majority of people think it's ok the keep them in small bowls. Goldfish need space to grow and a filter for oxygen! I got a Goldfish in a tank and he's grown very beautiful, he cost just 15 cents & was small at first but with good care they can live a long time. Mine is 1 year now
Jake Keller
Jake Keller - 8 years ago
Is she being carcastic or fake excited
Name Unavailable.
Name Unavailable. - 8 years ago
this is why you should never buy fish from fish stores! order your fish from hobbyist breeders. the fish are actually cared for and are rarely subjected to this kind of treatment. mass breeding has ruined comet gold fish, there was a time when they too were as beautiful as any fancy goldfish with flowing tails as long as their body. now they are just sought for food for bigger fish.
FuruyaHaKokoniImasu - 7 years ago
Name Unavailable. And where did the hobbyist got there fish from? Dumbass..
Depresticles - 7 years ago
Where can I adopt a fish?
Joseph Solis
Joseph Solis - 8 years ago
no wonder why they die quick
The Hero in your Heart
The Hero in your Heart - 8 years ago
that place is horrible why the fuck none can be gentle with animals??? fuck this world this dimension suck
alphaandliarize - 8 years ago
can't help feel that these fishies are like abused but... ya know... they're not even close to endangered.
Trines Nails
Trines Nails - 8 years ago
This is only for feeding gold fish! :)
Elysian - 8 years ago
My cousin said they come from nemo
King Godzilla
King Godzilla - 8 years ago
JelloHello 09
JelloHello 09 - 8 years ago
has anyone else noticed that some of the fish in the bowl didn't move at all so doesn't that mean they are dead and still being shipped??? #AnimalCruelty
Kenzie Autumn
Kenzie Autumn - 8 years ago
depending on the type of fish they can live outside of water for a few mins.
JelloHello 09
JelloHello 09 - 8 years ago
+easily offended Oh okay thanks!
easily offended
easily offended - 8 years ago
Zoey A. Moreno Fish don't die after five seconds out of water. True, the conditions these fish are being kept in is terrible, but fish stop flopping after a few times, laying still. They are not dead though.
Chantelle C
Chantelle C - 8 years ago
Seriously, they don't even add any medications to help them not stress out and more importantly oxygen
Colored Cockatiel
Colored Cockatiel - 8 years ago
I've seen bread handled better than these live fish.
Paty Romero
Paty Romero - 8 years ago
I get new gold fish every 4 days. For some reason they die like 3 days after I buy them.
D4RKSID3OFSP4C3 - 8 years ago
Paty Romero Maybe you keep them in a fish bowl! stop buying goldfish, you dont deserve any goldfish till you learn how to keep one... im serious bud
Shon - 8 years ago
Paty Romero Are you doing water changes after you take out the dead fish? Your ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite levels are going to be WAAAAYYYY high if an animal died recently, and it's only going to poison your new fish unless you test/improve the water quality.
FadingEchoes YouTube
FadingEchoes YouTube - 8 years ago
Paty Romero pet care is first to blame.
Brenda Gonzalez
Brenda Gonzalez - 8 years ago
Allison Pets
Allison Pets - 8 years ago
WTF I've seen slices of bacon and pork chops handled more gently than those live goldfish.
Pirateblack 86
Pirateblack 86 - 7 years ago
Bean HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT did you know you have a smaller chance of dying from a heart attack if you own a fish or a cat
aa tong
aa tong - 8 years ago
Bean get a therapist
Bean - 8 years ago
It's because the fish are worthless like everything else in life.........
NetherNinja - 8 years ago
Allison ikr and lol
Hannna Hannna
Hannna Hannna - 8 years ago
This is probably why when I go to the pet store all the fishes be dead by the time they hit the tank
Emi - 8 years ago
they're just fish calm down....
True KingEthan
True KingEthan - 8 years ago
Emi just because it is cheaper then other methods doesn't it right and scientist have done a study that fish can feel pain unknown to many people
Emi - 8 years ago
This isn't happening to them on a daily basis.... What other way would you sort out fish? maybe a different method would be too expensive
Dragon Universe
Dragon Universe - 8 years ago
They have a life and have feelings too. What would you do if you and your friends and family were put on the brink of suffocation all the time!?!?!?
Edgar Cuison
Edgar Cuison - 8 years ago
You suck meh your face
M Silas
M Silas - 8 years ago
animal cruelty..
THE DUDE - 7 years ago
Kim Jasper Agoncillo and your not a wild species of human so we are going to treat you like crap.
Kim Jasper Agoncillo
Kim Jasper Agoncillo - 7 years ago
these fish aren't wild species tho, so that's fine
M Silas
M Silas - 8 years ago
Don't be a bully to animals you bitch
aT Alpha
aT Alpha - 8 years ago
M Silas stop being a pussy
THE INSTIGATOR - 8 years ago
NPSH - 8 years ago
amazing video thanks for share
Menma XP
Menma XP - 8 years ago
Koi fish?
Robert Morley
Robert Morley - 8 years ago
that's cruel
Skye Williams
Skye Williams - 8 years ago
i worked in pet store, and when we order them in some are dead on arrival. Now i know why. How cruel are they with the fish.
T. Angel Buddy
T. Angel Buddy - 8 years ago
I like to put those 2 in a bag with very little water and very little air ship them for 24 to 48 hours it's horrible how human treat animals
T. Angel Buddy
T. Angel Buddy - 8 years ago
+Pseudotropheus Demasoni will any animal abuse is wrong
JB PJr - 8 years ago
I wonder how many times they had to break so Good ol' Joe could spit.
JB PJr - 8 years ago
+Delay Rowdee yep.
Delay Rowdee
Delay Rowdee - 8 years ago
I laughed at this
TheIncognito Badboys
TheIncognito Badboys - 8 years ago
Damn Stupid americans and their Capitalist Atrocities!!!!
Reese Nerviol
Reese Nerviol - 8 years ago
wow super big
TechnicalTechster - 8 years ago
I <3 the YT comments section
TechnicalTechster - 8 years ago
+Craig same lol
SpasmaticAA - 8 years ago
I like seeing people argue over how the fish are treated. Some people are just senseless
Duyen Pham
Duyen Pham - 8 years ago
cá gì vậy
Matthew Schainker
Matthew Schainker - 8 years ago
They actually come from Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
John Martinez
John Martinez - 8 years ago
The thumbnail for this video....wow.
Maricel Martin
Maricel Martin - 8 years ago
John Martinez pa0rbe

TURTLEBOY188 - 8 years ago
Two of my fish died today
True KingEthan
True KingEthan - 8 years ago
Sandy Singh no if you take care of them good they will live 10-20 years
Sandy Singh
Sandy Singh - 8 years ago
+Sian O'Hagan well bro Gold fish is not good starter fish for any one new in this habit. GOld , red cap, angel thy seek more care which for upper level petting. on other hand chichlid fish are easy to maintain thy need less attention. yea agreed that gold need big space, but many amateur keep more amount of gold in small area, so due to ammonia thy die often.... so its bad idea to gor gold as first fish .
Sian O'Hagan
Sian O'Hagan - 8 years ago
Goldfish can live for 20 years or more actually, you just need to give them a large tank or put them in a pond. Sadly we are not told much about this, as a result we put our fish in small cheap tanks where they will live a couple of years at most. Their organs grow but their body doesn't as a result causing a cruel death. The pet industry does not care however because people will just buy more and put them in the same small tanks only for the cycle to continue.

I am sorry to hear about them dying. I was heartbroken when one of my fish died
Sandy Singh
Sandy Singh - 8 years ago
well dont go for gold fish ever ... thy wont survive more than few months ... better to hv chiclid , koikarp or shonkin ..
Franklin - 8 years ago
+Golden Gamer Tyrone and Jamal
Basketball Highlights
Basketball Highlights - 8 years ago
Sorry for your loss what were there names
Fishing and Hockey
Fishing and Hockey - 8 years ago
Not cool man goldfish should live free in the wild
Raisin Robsi
Raisin Robsi - 8 years ago
Goldfish are a result of human-selection. They don't occur in the wild at all. If there's one in the wild, a human put it there. And they are invasive, outcompeting real wild animals and skewing populations for the worst.
PINOY FISH TANKS - 8 years ago
oh crap they treat feederfish like that but koi ,comets,orandas, Are cared better
Grey - 8 years ago
PINOY FISH TANKS fantail fancy gold fish were included in that, and they're not feeder fish at all. they're 8 dollars at a store and 75 dollars from breeders
LeafVillage UchihaClan
LeafVillage UchihaClan - 8 years ago
Pretty sure those are where my gold fish feeders are from... Sad life from the beginning.
John Garthwaite
John Garthwaite - 7 years ago
ever seen a zebra shredded to biy by a pack of crocs go cry about that lol
anghel112518 - 8 years ago
SpasmaticAA l
marchofwolves - 8 years ago
Craig, Feeder fish isn't good for them at all, its actually better for them to purchase the frozen food and feed em with tongs, and you can train a fish to feed off non living. Lion fish for example can be trained to take silver sides with in a few months tongs will be no longer required.
Its just lazy keeping to feed a non nutritional and disease riddled fish to another fish.
SpasmaticAA - 8 years ago
+Chris Thomson K one, very rude. 2 if a fish that eats meat won't eat a still peice of meat then you will need to feed them a live fish or device a way for the meat to move. Actually I would think ot would be better to feed fish eating fish feeders because it would be more natural. However I do not like the Idea of feeding fish to others unless absolutly required.
Chris Thomson
Chris Thomson - 8 years ago
+LeafVillage UchihaClan as said by other just shows u how uninformed you are. goldfish are a very poor nutrition as a feeder fish. Maybe you should do some proper research.
David Johnston
David Johnston - 8 years ago
Actually no they are not. As seen in the video they are raised in outdoor ponds. Some are very overcrowded since goldfish breed only once per year. In order to have a variety of sizes throughout the year overcrowding keeps some stunted. Your feeders can carry diseases and parasites, goldfish are a carp and can live in very poor conditions. Trust me, the feeder company does not put a lot of PROFIT into raising that 10 cent feeder. Goldfish are very poor nutritionally for your "fish buddy" in addition to the other things I mentioned. Your fish buddy is most likely a predator fish and eats his feeders with gusto. You think it's because they are good for him. NOPE! It's because that is ALL you offer him. If you're like most hobbyists I've known who keep larger predatory fish, you probably get a big thrill from watching your fish buddy attack and eat feeders. You get the thrill, your fish buddy gets crap for food.
I've been in the hobby over 40 years and have raised numerous large predators. From Oscars and other large cichlids, short nosed, needle nosed and alligator gars, arowanas, both South American and Asian, and large catfish, just to name a few. As young as possible I get them off of live foods and onto good, quality prepared foods and feed in variety. Floating and sinking pellets, freeze dried krill, and my own frozen prepared food consisting of tilapia, uncooked market shrimp, scallops, well trimmed beef heart, all finely chopped and mixed with a quality vitamin/ mineral supplement. I also feed earthworms I raise myself to insure they are well gut loaded and collected from a source safe from pesticides and other chemical pollutants.
To me, it's not about the thrill of watching my fish gulp down mouthfuls of feeders. It's about raising healthy, beautiful specimens that I can enjoy for years.
LeafVillage UchihaClan
LeafVillage UchihaClan - 8 years ago
+Chris Thomson sorry man, gold fish are a good source of nutrient for my fish buddy.
Chris Thomson
Chris Thomson - 8 years ago
+Plasm Wraith I'm not a vegan. and not just vegans care about animals. I am a very experienced tropical and marine fish hobbyist and breeder.
Chris Thomson
Chris Thomson - 8 years ago
+LeafVillage UchihaClan scotland
LeafVillage UchihaClan
LeafVillage UchihaClan - 8 years ago
+Chris Thomson what country do you live in?
Chris Thomson
Chris Thomson - 8 years ago
disgusting that your country still does feeder fish it's so wrong and unnecessary here no where sells feeder fish
jojo hathway
jojo hathway - 8 years ago
if they could improve living conditions that would be awesome
Kaitlyn Pham
Kaitlyn Pham - 8 years ago
She's annoying
Trinity Ignagni
Trinity Ignagni - 8 years ago
why can't they just stay in the wild
s_ r
s_ r - 8 years ago
none of the gold fish you see in petshot arent from wild they are artifically breed for colore and they wont survive in wild beacuse of there colore
Chode - 8 years ago
None of the goldfish ever been in the wild. All of them were artificially bread to become pets.
Nico Martin
Nico Martin - 8 years ago
They are invasive species
Juliet - 8 years ago
That's barbaric
deltafox399j - 8 years ago
wow too many fishsticks on the dance floor much?
Euc - 8 years ago
I still don't fucking know where goldfish come from. They must've started from a lake or the ocean or river or something right their not like all there. Are they? Btw was this filmed in the 90's with a potato?
Trinity Ignagni
Trinity Ignagni - 8 years ago
same with beta
Euc - 8 years ago
Ok thanks for the info
Trinity Ignagni
Trinity Ignagni - 8 years ago
you won't find a goldfish in a river, lake, etc.. unless I mean someone put there's in there
Trinity Ignagni
Trinity Ignagni - 8 years ago
No they were bred
Sre_ Rich
Sre_ Rich - 8 years ago
man my pond is like heven for my fish now I know what they go through
Minty Chu
Minty Chu - 8 years ago
Dimas Fish Diary
Dimas Fish Diary - 8 years ago
Watching this and looking at th e comment. Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude, brother and sister, I've seen worse than this shit.
Darkclaw Draws
Darkclaw Draws - 8 years ago
That is NOT enough water. Fish need oxygen and water to survive.
johnson greg
johnson greg - 8 years ago
Raisin Robsi they ship a 1000 goldfish i dont think even a responsible breeder would ship a 1000 goldfish one by one 1 fish/bag
Kami Willis
Kami Willis - 8 years ago
Darkclaw Draws the shallower the water is the greater the surface area. the surface area allows oxygen into the water. fish only need enough water to keep their gills wet so that they can absorb oxygen. other than that you'll hear that fish (especially goldfish) need a lot of water to dilute their waste. while this is very important it can be ok for a little while.
Benjamin Firkin
Benjamin Firkin - 8 years ago
+FarAwayInABlueGalaxy see im from England and we say twat a lot round here and there is no need for this abusive language u fucking sket kys
D4RKSID3OFSP4C3 - 8 years ago
+Benjamin Firkin I was born in "USA" my parents are from El Salvador you fucking pebble...
Benjamin Firkin
Benjamin Firkin - 8 years ago
+FarAwayInABlueGalaxy we're u from
D4RKSID3OFSP4C3 - 8 years ago
+Benjamin Firkin Yeah thats right pussy
Raisin Robsi
Raisin Robsi - 8 years ago
+Krystal L They ship them this way because the loss is supposedly worth the monetary gain of cheap shipping methods, and so of course not all of them die. Also some shippers are probably more gentle than this place. Getting fish from a breeder in the mail is different - those fish were probably bred in more caring conditions, and not thrown around or shifted or handled like so. They were also probably packaged each in their own individual bag. Responsible people ship fish too.
Raisin Robsi
Raisin Robsi - 8 years ago
+Chris Thomson It sounds a little bit weird, but when the bag is sealed really well, the ammonia isn't quite poisonous until fresh oxygen enters the bag. That's why you've got to get a shipped fish out of the bag asap when you open it, but the fish will be ok if it stays sealed, like during the actual shipping. This is how responsible breeders ship fish - this is where my knowledge here comes from. But of course shoving a thousand fish into the same bag results in hundreds of dead fish, and all the fish are so stressed that they many don't even survive the first day in a petstore.
Chris Thomson
Chris Thomson - 8 years ago
+Raisin Robsi it's not just down to that actually especially when shipped in this state and this ridiculous amount . here there is literally barely any water for any of them fish to move alot will get damaged also the ammonia within the bag from fish waste will be very high as it's so concentrated with so many fish
Raisin Robsi
Raisin Robsi - 8 years ago
The amount of water doesn't actually limit how long the fish can stay in it while shipping - the fish only need to be barely covered. What the real limiting factor is, is how much air they get into the bag when they tie it up. Not saying this is a good way to ship fish - this kind of shipping results in hundreds of dead fish. Ideally, you ship each fish individually in its own bag. But this is a industry out to make money - they don't care bout the lives or welfare.
Krystal L
Krystal L - 8 years ago
+Benjamin Firkin The person my original comment was a reply to deleted theirs. it literally said "my family got this and all the fish were dead" -_-
Benjamin Firkin
Benjamin Firkin - 8 years ago
Krystal L
Krystal L - 8 years ago
+Benjamin Firkin no shit Sherlock, but they said their family bought it. I've been to a petstore when they receive these shipments and the fish aren't dead. It's not enough water for long-term living but they can survive for a short time in these conditions. I've also personally received fish in the mail in small amounts of water and they are fine.
Benjamin Firkin
Benjamin Firkin - 8 years ago
+Krystal L there being shipped off to a pet store u twat
Krystal L
Krystal L - 8 years ago
+Aahlyn Hall Why did your family need 1000 fish? :0
RedTrooper DoesGaming / RTDG
RedTrooper DoesGaming / RTDG - 8 years ago
They can survive to 24 - 48 hours.
PastelFish - 8 years ago
This is cruel to the fish!
007K - 8 years ago
looks like they had no room in that box. Suprised they make it more than 20 minutes
Mark Mauger
Mark Mauger - 8 years ago
So that's where fish sticks come from yay.."The more you know" lmao jk
The Q-Tip J-Hope throws in the YNWA Preview Show
The Q-Tip J-Hope throws in the YNWA Preview Show - 8 years ago
Really? That's what my fish was going through before I got him? So glad I rescued him. Two thumbs waaay down for this video.
Andrey Butskikh
Andrey Butskikh - 7 years ago
The Q-Tip J-Hope throws in the YNWA Preview Show do not comment they are earning money
Pirateblack 86
Pirateblack 86 - 7 years ago
The Q-Tip J-Hope throws in the YNWA Preview Show omg same I saved my goldfish and my dead goldfish...R.i.p peepo
amen - 8 years ago
The Q-Tip J-Hope throws in the YNWA Preview Show you call it rescue, i call it supporting that horrible industrie...
animal addict
animal addict - 8 years ago
+lps puppy girl my pet store puts betas in tanks, a huge huge one for all the females and the males are put in different tanks with compatable fish (neon tetras, female guppies ext...)
Patrick Hempe
Patrick Hempe - 8 years ago
Armored Wings you are correct,
this is not a  rescue , buyers indeed support this industry
Armored Wings
Armored Wings - 8 years ago
Technically if you bought the fish from the pet store, you are supporting this industry. You didn't "rescue" the fish, you paid money for it. If you want a fish but not support this, find a breeder on some fish forum or something.
Lil Broomstick
Lil Broomstick - 8 years ago
How is it bad ..?
John Martinez
John Martinez - 8 years ago
Really. That's what your purchase supported.
Lexi _RBLX
Lexi _RBLX - 8 years ago
+Rosaleena H. I know but they should have bigger tanks
Raisin Robsi
Raisin Robsi - 8 years ago
+Rosaleena H. betta fish are another unfair-to- animals industry. They could stand to give bettas all a gallon tank in the store - and they could stand to give proper education about housing bettas long term too. But they don't care. It's up to the potential owners to care for them properly. It's also up to the consumer to not buy fish from stores/companies that keep fish in poor conditions. The only way to get it to stop is to not support it!
Raisin Robsi
Raisin Robsi - 8 years ago
It's an industrty. Industry does not give a shit about animals' welfare. They don't even care if they survive the trip to the petstore. The petstore does not even care - they shovel out hundreds of dead goldies every day. That's why "feeder" fish should not be purchased. This is what your are supporting. Get your fish from a reputable goldfish farm - one that doesn't do crap like "shoveling fish around".
Lexi _RBLX
Lexi _RBLX - 8 years ago
IKR I have three beta fish and when I got them they were in a tiny cup and the goldfish had a big tank that isn't fair at all
Cryolophosaurian - 8 years ago
This isnt animal abuse, chill. Fish, especially goldfish are very simple
minded, and not intelligent like most animals. They cant even feel pain...
-Animal-fish-gamer -
-Animal-fish-gamer - - 7 years ago
Omg you make me mad goldfish are one of the smartest fish out there and they feel a lot of pain...more then we've ever endowed not to mention being suffocated in air
Tyler Flick
Tyler Flick - 7 years ago
Nice job making that up smarts. all biological forms of life can experience some degree of pain, some more than others though. But goldfish can defiantly feel pain.
StarSpirits - 8 years ago
+Night Sky Studios indeed and let me put this in terms the kid OPs saying they dont feel pain will understand: If it runs away from a predator then IT FEELS PAIN, at least it fears for its life, it WANTS to live. Enough with the superiority complex that other LIVING things "can't feel" bs.
Night Sky Studios
Night Sky Studios - 8 years ago
PaleoCreator fish are quite intelligent. I've actually trained some of mine. And they can feel pain. Not only has science proven that they can, but anyone who's watched fish long enough can tell that they feel pain just like other animals.
pp lai
pp lai - 8 years ago
I hope u r born a goldfish in or next life and fell the pain of what they r going through.
True KingEthan
True KingEthan - 8 years ago
PaleoCreator actually scientist did a experiment that fish can feel pain
StarSpirits - 8 years ago
Raisin Robsi Thank you. It's so rare to find people who are actually knowledgeable, caring and try to educate nowadays!
Shon - 8 years ago
Raisin Robsi THIS! THAT is what everyone needs to hear!
Raisin Robsi
Raisin Robsi - 8 years ago
+John Martinez Why is it ok to look at something terrible, and say it's not bad because something worse exists?
John Martinez
John Martinez - 8 years ago
+Raisin Robsi This.
I honestly don't think this is too bad of treatment tho. The chickens and cows that go into big Macs and chicken mcnuggets go through way worse.
Ethan S
Ethan S - 8 years ago
+Raisin Robsi Oh, ok
Raisin Robsi
Raisin Robsi - 8 years ago
+Ethan S I wasn't very clear- I disagree that "fish don't feel pain exactly." And i didn't say intelligent - I said advanced. In terms of reactions, nervous system. I just disagreed with that bit.
Ethan S
Ethan S - 8 years ago
+Raisin Robsi I never said that gold fish were dumb, please read my comments. And yes you are correct, fish are living animals
And we should still respect them.
Raisin Robsi
Raisin Robsi - 8 years ago
+Ethan S I disagree. Fish are much more advanced than people give them credit for. Regardless of if their version of pain is exactly like ours, shouldn't we still respect them? (the answer is yes)
Ethan S
Ethan S - 8 years ago
+Dank Memovich plz no hate
Ethan S
Ethan S - 8 years ago
+Dank Memovich yeah I know, I'm not trying to start a fight. I was just saying. Well gold fish don't feel pain exactly, it's just a feeling or a shock in the area that it is injured in.
Chode - 8 years ago
+Ethan S I'm not arguing. I'm saying that fish DO feel pain. But in this case I'm talking about goldfish.
Ethan S
Ethan S - 8 years ago
+Dank Memovich Some types like sharks and river fish can feel pain.
Raisin Robsi
Raisin Robsi - 8 years ago
+Dank Memovich I think they do feel pain if you cut the "rays", but I think what is in between rays is just skin or carotin or something. I do know when people perform corrective surgery by cutting off a part of fins/tail, they put the fish under so it doesn't hurt them and they don't panic/thrash or injure themselves on a knife. I guess they also put the fish under for wen surgery, although I think that's just to keep them calm.
Chode - 8 years ago
You're wrong. They don't have nerve endings in the non-fleshy parts of their fins and tail, but the rest of their body does feel pain. They just don't feel it the same as humans.
Raisin Robsi
Raisin Robsi - 8 years ago
+Chris Thomson calling people idiots isn't going to educate anyone.
Chris Thomson
Chris Thomson - 8 years ago
+Cryolophosaurian another uninformed idiot who doesn't know what they're talking about
Raisin Robsi
Raisin Robsi - 8 years ago
I feel like this is a very limited point of view. Regardless of how you think animals percieve pain or emotion, the fact is we should treat all living things with respect.
jojo hathway
jojo hathway - 8 years ago
actually fish have pain receptors
TheAMFBowler - 8 years ago
It is a question that has puzzled scientists – and anglers – for generations, but now a team of researchers claims to have demonstrated that fish do feel pain.

Whilst the creatures can clearly be seen to react to a jab or blow, experts have disagreed over whether the reaction indicates a sensation of pain, or is little more than a basic reflex.

Researchers set out to establish the truth with an experiment in which goldfish were exposed to painful heat. Half of the fish were given a painkilling injection of morphine beforehand, while the other half were not.

Two hours later, the fish that had undergone the test without painkillers showed signs of fear and wariness – suggesting, say the researchers, that they had suffered a bad experience and remembered it.

The academics, from Norway and the US, say their finding undermines claims that fish merely display reflex actions and do not sense pain.

"The results show that it could not have been a simple reflex action," said Dr Joseph Garner.

The whole article
Ethan S
Ethan S - 8 years ago
+Cryolophosaurian Scrub, if a predatory animal was nibbling on its back end it of course it would feel it, although they don't feel pain the same way as us, it would still feel enough pain to notice.
Bluepop Gaming
Bluepop Gaming - 8 years ago
how do they not feel pain
xxalyssa - 8 years ago
+Cary Simpson thank you they need to know this isn't ok
Cary Simpson
Cary Simpson - 8 years ago
A study was published in 2009 that prove they do feel pain. They used heat filaments on two groups: one on morphine, and a control group. They found the control group acted panicked longer than could be a reflex. The RSPCA even accepted it.

If you don't believe me, google "goldfish can feel pain." A link to an article from the Telegraph will probably be the first result.
ShooPastel - 8 years ago
you know when you cut your hair, nails and such. There's no pain at all. If you want to compare a human to a goldfish on their pain level, find a person who is having nails all over their skin. Goldfish have scales.
Cryolophosaurian - 8 years ago
+Katie Jackson Fish literally don't even have enough nerve endings to feel actual pain.
xxalyssa - 8 years ago
+Katie Jackson ikr
Gordon Ramsay
Gordon Ramsay - 8 years ago
+Katie Jackson triggered much
Katie Jackson
Katie Jackson - 8 years ago
I bet you don't feel pain
Dire Crusader
Dire Crusader - 8 years ago
Actually, if you did some research, you'd find that goldfish are actually pretty smart :D
almostabout everything
almostabout everything - 8 years ago
Now I know why gold fish die very soon
TableWrens - 7 years ago
Your goldfish die quickly because you're not taking care of them. They live for years.
Annarchist-Love - 8 years ago
Goldfish last roughly 20+ years if taken care of properly.
Slightlly -
Slightlly - - 8 years ago
+Johnhamond I have a friend and there dish lasted 13 years
Johnhamond - 8 years ago
PotatoMasta Fish&Games
PotatoMasta Fish&Games - 8 years ago
mine is 10 years old
Johnhamond - 8 years ago
i dont know what your saying i bought mine from the same company and it lasted 5 years
Mr MexiicanGuy
Mr MexiicanGuy - 8 years ago
Goldfish are excellent bait
Kathryn Devaney
Kathryn Devaney - 7 years ago
Mr MexiicanGuy umm dumbass I'm pretty sure that's illegal
True KingEthan
True KingEthan - 8 years ago
Mr MexiicanGuy well minnows are better since you literally buy them from a bait store
JustFive - 8 years ago
Mr MexiicanGuy they're filled with fats tho
Sciddly Boogly
Sciddly Boogly - 8 years ago
Mr MexiicanGuy nice profile. u mad bro? xd
Mr MexiicanGuy
Mr MexiicanGuy - 8 years ago
+RealTree Hunting for basically any fish it's excellent for bass I use the small ones for crappies try it yourself you won't regret it check if you can were you live its illegal in some states Tight lines!
Lyrics 555
Lyrics 555 - 8 years ago
there good for bass but its cruel to me
Trinity Ignagni
Trinity Ignagni - 8 years ago
+Jesse Devore idk bud don't ask me! ask the person who commented "goldfish are excellent bait", just from experience and research they are terrible for bass.
Jesse Devore
Jesse Devore - 8 years ago
+Trinity Ignagni lol then what is goldfish good bait for?
Trinity Ignagni
Trinity Ignagni - 8 years ago
+RealTree Hunting noooooo goldfish are terrible for bass, blue gills are the best option for bass
Edinburg Bobcats
Edinburg Bobcats - 8 years ago
for bass?
Mr MexiicanGuy
Mr MexiicanGuy - 8 years ago
+Spoder Men Bruh..
Spoder Men
Spoder Men - 8 years ago
isn't it illegal to use pets as bait?
Mr MexiicanGuy
Mr MexiicanGuy - 8 years ago
+Katie Jackson You mad or nahh?
Katie Jackson
Katie Jackson - 8 years ago
I bet you're better
LRB Aquatics
LRB Aquatics - 8 years ago
I feel bad for these guys because they might go in bowls too when someone buys them.
Erwolfgirl - 8 years ago
This is animal abuse
Depresticles - 7 years ago
Yeah, nobody cares if one is sick or injured. They just need the money
Lolo Lele
Lolo Lele - 7 years ago
Erwolfgirl I rescued 15 goldfish and bought a 85 gallon tank then I had to sell them because the tank broke
Shon - 8 years ago
Pseudotropheus Demasoni They can choose to educate the customers and show them the proper equipment that goes along with the animals, or deny the sale altogether. Having an educated employee actually draws attention to the store and drives up sales from people who are interested in the animals but it's so much work not many go through it anyway. :(
Shon - 8 years ago
Pseudotropheus Demasoni Petco and Patsmart employees are allowed to deny people from buying animals if they feel the customer is going to be irresponsible, but employees aren't trained to know the proper care of EVERY animal they're selling. Less and less of these poor fish would have to end up in bowls if more people were just aware of the problem. :( Very sad
Mr. Offender
Mr. Offender - 8 years ago
Damn, I bought a goldfish from a petsmart in Martinsville indiana today... not kidding... I live in morgantown indiana which is very close to here. This is a VERY strange coincidence...
Catherine Aquino
Catherine Aquino - 8 years ago
TechnicalTechster - 8 years ago
Extreme JetBomber
Extreme JetBomber - 8 years ago
+Sydney lol
Sydney - 8 years ago
What is wrong with you?!?! That is so inhumane to treat any animal like that, and you're going to laugh about it. Think of how scared you'd be and then reconsider your thoughts. You are the type of people we DONT need in this world
Catherine Aquino
Catherine Aquino - 8 years ago
TechnicalTechster - 8 years ago
Tarek Yamout
Tarek Yamout - 8 years ago
+Sydney lol
Extreme JetBomber
Extreme JetBomber - 8 years ago
+Sydney lol
Sydney - 8 years ago
What is wrong with you?!?! This is so inhumane, and you laugh about it. Think of how scared you'd be. You are the type of person we don't need in this world
joel cen
joel cen - 8 years ago
josephb - 8 years ago
poor fish
Avery Rausch
Avery Rausch - 8 years ago
Claire Buick
Claire Buick - 8 years ago
What a horrible place!!!
music is Life
music is Life - 8 years ago
dont they get crushed to death the ones at the bottom?
Chris Thomson
Chris Thomson - 8 years ago
alot will get damaged yes
Trinity Ignagni
Trinity Ignagni - 8 years ago
Chris Magdallan
Chris Magdallan - 8 years ago
Abdul Muhammad
Abdul Muhammad - 8 years ago
Goldfish are nice fish and very hardy. No wonder they're so hardy.
PotatoMasta Fish&Games
PotatoMasta Fish&Games - 8 years ago
+The crusty gamer I did yesterday but why curse me like that i praise allah for a muslim is this a bad thing?Or probably you are a racist
The crusty gamer
The crusty gamer - 8 years ago
+PotatoMasta fuck u you racist ass bitch
PotatoMasta Fish&Games
PotatoMasta Fish&Games - 8 years ago
allahu akbar
JameZ TV
JameZ TV - 8 years ago
Ad Least my goldfish is in a safe tank now.
MAI NGUYEN THI KIM - 7 years ago
James Leonard i
Shix Lo The Crusading Slav
Shix Lo The Crusading Slav - 7 years ago
EvanJK Gaming and more
EvanJK Gaming and more - 7 years ago
Shix Lo The Crusader link pls
Shix Lo The Crusading Slav
Shix Lo The Crusading Slav - 7 years ago
It's just a model tank.....you can buy them online
EvanJK Gaming and more
EvanJK Gaming and more - 7 years ago
Shix Lo The Crusader omg ! can i buy your t35/85 ? how much?
Shix Lo The Crusading Slav
Shix Lo The Crusading Slav - 7 years ago
Yes , mine has lived in a T-34/85 and is now going to Ru-
oh....you meant another tank
Christian Schoppmeyer
Christian Schoppmeyer - 7 years ago
James Leonard bdhfc
Cuddles with Cavies
Cuddles with Cavies - 8 years ago
Kenzie Autumn What part of this industry is shitty? These fish live better lives at the fishery than they will at most homes! They get to swim in a giant before being likely shoved in a tiny tank. This industry is better than most small rodent breeding facilities. (Not that I agree with large scale breeding programs)
JameZ TV
JameZ TV - 8 years ago
Kenzie Autumn i have bought them from a good breeder i have them still now For over 3 years
Kenzie Autumn
Kenzie Autumn - 8 years ago
congrats for supporting this shitty industry. Next time buy them from a good breeder.
JustFive - 8 years ago
James Leonard same
Nacho Liberato
Nacho Liberato - 8 years ago
James Leonard
magzire - 8 years ago
ok nice
JameZ TV
JameZ TV - 8 years ago
No its in a 60gallon tank with 2 other fish
magzire - 8 years ago
in a little tank I bet, best to out him out of his misery
xxalyssa - 8 years ago
Brayn Blanco
Brayn Blanco - 8 years ago
Muy bomito
ColdFireGamer Beast
ColdFireGamer Beast - 8 years ago
vorpal champion
vorpal champion - 8 years ago
vorpal champion
vorpal champion - 8 years ago
yea do you think this is sad
Yolis  Bortin
Yolis Bortin - 8 years ago
Wow, they treat these fish like crap.
Wade 1
Wade 1 - 7 years ago
Yolis Bortin cus they are crap
Richard Gascoigne
Richard Gascoigne - 7 years ago
Arrongameing - 7 years ago
Yolis Bortin i agree IRS crewel
Koi Pets
Koi Pets - 7 years ago
At least it's not as bad as how hermit crabs are treated
Michael Leach
Michael Leach - 7 years ago
Yolis Bortin Vic c. What
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Federal Bureau of Investigation - 7 years ago
Oscar Santos see thank you someone with common sense
Sabas avc
Sabas avc - 7 years ago
Oscar Santos 7
Oscar Santos
Oscar Santos - 8 years ago
This fish aren't harmed, every fish owner knows hands are better than nets
Scott Taylor
Scott Taylor - 8 years ago
Yolis Bortin like carp
Suhailan Networks
Suhailan Networks - 8 years ago
Yolis Bortin
Steve Guzman
Steve Guzman - 8 years ago
SpasmaticAA - 8 years ago
+FarAwayInABlueGalaxy m8 I kmow this sucks and isn't comfortable for the fish but it is done like this and I highly dout that it's going to change soon. The world sucks deal with it
D4RKSID3OFSP4C3 - 8 years ago
I know right! That guy just a took the goldfish with no shame and he had possibly hundreds of fish on that bowl most likely suffering!
PotatoMasta Fish&Games
PotatoMasta Fish&Games - 8 years ago
like material and they have the nerve to record it
Jerome Alon
Jerome Alon - 9 years ago
poor goldfish
el  tuyo
el tuyo - 9 years ago
and this is coming from a chick named mermaid...smfh
MermaidAnnabella - 9 years ago
These are animals. This is so inhumane.... they must be absolutely terrified and scarred.
Noah Rondou
Noah Rondou - 7 years ago
"these fish don't feel pain". What creature is retarded enough to have a nervous system and not develop pain receptors. Of course they have pain receptors, yes they percieve it in another way we humans do, but an animal with a nervous system definantly has receptors of which some are pain. Why you might ask? It's an evolutionary advantage, if you feel that you are doing something wrong you won't do it anymore.
Edgar Deloera
Edgar Deloera - 8 years ago
+山本ヨーヨー Age is no exuse, you can start a petition or call your local congressman, So you'er using your Age as an exuse to get out and do something about. Like i said i hate people like you that cry and cry but too lazy to do any thing.
山本ヨーヨー - 8 years ago
+Edgar Deloera I'm only 16 lol, I'm not old enough to do anything

You should care about them, they're a huge part of our ecosystem
Edgar Deloera
Edgar Deloera - 8 years ago
+山本ヨーヨー I hate people like you that cry and cry but too lazy to get of the bed, simple i dont care what happens to them So yea.
山本ヨーヨー - 8 years ago
+Edgar Deloera I keep fish already, my dad had a pond with goldfish (their appropriate homes) but we moved

If I was older I'd do something
However do you really think one person can change everything you fucking wasteman
You need to spread awareness before you can just take action

Fuck off with that kind of attitude and stick it up your arse, because that doesn't get anyone anywhere

Look after fish, they're a huge part of our ecosystem
Chris Thomson
Chris Thomson - 8 years ago
+iiACTION JAxONii another uninformed idiot that doesn't know what they're talking about
Edgar Deloera
Edgar Deloera - 8 years ago
+山本ヨーヨー Like i said, will you do something about it or complain like a little brat.
山本ヨーヨー - 8 years ago
+iiACTION JAxONii OK but who cares
They're still fucking living things and we shouldn't treat them like shit
iiACTION JAxONii - 8 years ago
+MermaidAnnabella You can't be serious!!!lmfao! These fish literally can't feel pain due to the fact that they lack enough nerve endings. On top of that, I'm pretty sure that goldfish don't have enough brain capacity to even have emotions. It really worries me that people like you are walking around on the surface of the planet! smh
Edgar Deloera
Edgar Deloera - 8 years ago
Well are you going to complain like a little brat or do something about it.
Magdo Gonzalez
Magdo Gonzalez - 9 years ago
Why do you guys think this is sad? These fish have to get to your pet store somehow right? Someone has to do it.
Erik Watson
Erik Watson - 9 years ago
+MermaidAnnabella seeing as there's millions of fish there nobody cares if a few fish get killed. It's life and there's nothing you can do about it. And whining on a YouTube video doesn't help at all
MermaidAnnabella - 9 years ago
+Magdo Gonzalez Doesn't make it right.
abyie123 - 11 years ago
Great vid, very informative :) but it's just sad to see innocent goldfish tossed around so violently :(
BRICKINTHEFACE walsh - 11 years ago
I got a couple of normal goldfish and I'm glad I did
Jhan c. Pine
Jhan c. Pine - 8 years ago
BRICKINTHEFACE walsh is that a no to you but
Plant Surgeon
Plant Surgeon - 11 years ago
This is sad.

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Setting up a Goldfish Aquarium

3,384 likes 1,993,657 views 14 years ago

For further information please visit http://www.fishkeeper.co.uk Please note that we cannot answer questions via...

Pets & Animals

TetraCare for Goldfish

2,243 likes 880,745 views 13 years ago

Have a new Goldfish friend? Our TetraCare video will show you everything you need to do to setup your new aquarium.

Pets & Animals

Giant Goldfish Rescue

8,441 likes 815,065 views 8 years ago

Video of their new pond home: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wR8D25nTo4 This is the story of my giant goldfish...

Pets & Animals


7,532 likes 468,970 views 7 years ago

Today we take a tour of Jenny's goldfish aquariums!! Check out solid gold aquatics channel:...

Pets & Animals

EPIC Dandy Orandas Live Goldfish Unboxing

3,981 likes 425,529 views 9 years ago

▼ LOTS OF INFO ▼ I got TONS of beautiful new butterfly telescope goldfish from Dandy Orandas and I literally could...

Pets & Animals

Goldfish Container Pond with DIY Filter

396 likes 386,722 views 16 years ago

My new filter. It's a work in progress, but it made the water clear in just over a week. ** New video showing how to...

About Where do goldfish come from? | The Friday Zone

The "Where do goldfish come from? | The Friday Zone" video is part of the pest, animals, fish, freshwater category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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