fish tank water change (aquarium) fish care: Part 1
Pets & Animals 14 years ago 652,640 views
Fish tank water change on a 108 gal. aquarium. 1. fill bucket tupperware tub with tap water - add tap water conditioner to remove chlorine and detoxify heavy metals. 2. Let water sit for two days. This does two things - brings water temperature up to room temperature and it will make sure all chlorine is gone. 3. Make sure new water is the same PH and temperature as the fish tank water. ( these three steps will reduce stress on the fish) 4. Unplug your fish tank water heater before you begin draining water out of your fish tank. Follow Me On Twitter - Follow Me On Google+ -
10. comment for fish tank water change (aquarium) fish care: Part 1
I've never owned fish and studying before hand.
20. comment for fish tank water change (aquarium) fish care: Part 1
If you can neutralize those factors to be favorable to your pleco, it's OK to use. If not, you should use tap water that at least has been cleaned for human consumption if you have access to it.
30. comment for fish tank water change (aquarium) fish care: Part 1
ill stick to less i guess. Also, under my filter i have food and pebbled in there, i took off the filter and tried getting the waste out, but it just ended up in the tank. I guess when it settles ill syphon it out.
I have 5 Bala Sharks and 4 Blood Parrot cichlids. Fish need fresh water to grow and keep,good color. I never use any chemicals and feed my fish twice daily a varied diet. I filter the tank with a Aquatop500 . I clean it every 3 weeks. Thanks ...nice tank.
50. comment for fish tank water change (aquarium) fish care: Part 1
and if i heard correctely he has an under gravel filter somethings wrong there
Any suggestions as to what may be happening?
Or it was just automatically suctioning the dirts and waste? haha.. I'm beginner and I don't think I could do that on my first try.. haha hope so
Please tell me
looked like an arch with seaweed or grass growing off of it?
totally want one for my tank looks great.
100. comment for fish tank water change (aquarium) fish care: Part 1
bucket for bucket..i remove the ornaments and cover the entirety of the gravel with the siphon that 2 times its pretty clean. ya just move the siphon up and down in the water eventually pumps the water full blast
Thing called
I have had them for about two weeks now.
i live in California when it's hot it gets really hot and when it's cold it gets quite cold, And right it's summer without AC on water temp reached 90 F but it was gradually so the fish dont get "shock"
for now i have 5 endler livebearers
planning to have 6 neon tetras
3 fancy guppies 1 kuhli loach 1 african dwarf frog. thanks :)