fish tank water change (aquarium) fish care: Part 1

Fish tank water change on a 108 gal. aquarium. 1. fill bucket tupperware tub with tap water - add tap water conditioner to remove chlorine and detoxify heavy metals. 2. Let water sit for two days. This does two things - brings water temperature up to room temperature and it will make sure all chlorine is gone. 3. Make sure new water is the same PH and temperature as the fish tank water. ( these three steps will reduce stress on the fish) 4. Unplug your fish tank water heater before you begin draining water out of your fish tank. Follow Me On Twitter - Follow Me On Google+ -

fish tank water change (aquarium) fish care: Part 1 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 299

Pets & Animals 14 years ago 652,640 views

Fish tank water change on a 108 gal. aquarium. 1. fill bucket tupperware tub with tap water - add tap water conditioner to remove chlorine and detoxify heavy metals. 2. Let water sit for two days. This does two things - brings water temperature up to room temperature and it will make sure all chlorine is gone. 3. Make sure new water is the same PH and temperature as the fish tank water. ( these three steps will reduce stress on the fish) 4. Unplug your fish tank water heater before you begin draining water out of your fish tank. Follow Me On Twitter - Follow Me On Google+ -

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Most popular comments
for fish tank water change (aquarium) fish care: Part 1

Junella Hovatter
Junella Hovatter - 7 years ago
I've been raising fish for over 40 yrs before most of you were born an can tell you I have never used water conditioner on a water change an hav not ever had a problem an 1/3 of the water is a proper way an then ajust frequency of changes by size of tank amount of fish an feeding habits more feeding little more often on changes
Junella Hovatter
Junella Hovatter - 7 years ago
Love the old school under gravel filter system in my opinion in combination with live plants is the best way an most cost efficient way to operate your tank can't beat mother nature that parrot fish gets along with the gold fish ay
Jo Martin
Jo Martin - 7 years ago
1:35 I Know cause my buddies done that. Lol weirdo.
White Hawk Gaming and Wrestling
White Hawk Gaming and Wrestling - 7 years ago
Daaaaang how long have u had that bala shark
Mark Mc
Mark Mc - 7 years ago
I too store my water before adding it back to my tanks. I can, so why not? I have to say that that is a lot of detritus being vacced up! I have never seen so much in any of my 2 tanks. I Vacuum clean/water change every two weeks.. Are they Gold Fish? Great tutorial, Good job mate!
Redtooth - 7 years ago
Hello im from sweden!! Can someone tell me how much a gallon is?
Kelly Anderson
Kelly Anderson - 7 years ago
Why do some peopld have so much algea build up in their tanks? I have never had a problem with algea build up, what little i do notice is a white and fuzzy looking i just wipe it off once a week and go on :-)
Kelly Anderson
Kelly Anderson - 7 years ago
Goldfish in my opinion ars horrble fish to keep in tanks, i use to have them and i had to clean my tank out every two days, they are very pretty fish but for me not worth having unless you have a fish pound they are dirty and get to big, your tank ix actually over croweded did yoj ever upgrade ? they have to be huge by now Lol :-):-)
Alex Gowers
Alex Gowers - 7 years ago
Guy goes overboard with berating others for things that make no difference, then proceeds to show he has a filthy tank and that he cleans between 2-5 weeks apart. Doh!

10. comment for fish tank water change (aquarium) fish care: Part 1

Michael Gormley
Michael Gormley - 7 years ago
Great help, Thank you!
BIGROBBIE BRIGGS - 7 years ago
Crystal Child
Crystal Child - 7 years ago
Thank you so much
I've never owned fish and studying before hand.
Hiroshi Kobayashi
Hiroshi Kobayashi - 7 years ago
Thanks a lot for beginner like me!
Yunior Delgado
Yunior Delgado - 7 years ago
Love your fish and the video!!
Sidaarth Ramabhotla
Sidaarth Ramabhotla - 7 years ago
Your fish will not die if you put your conditioner in first and then add tap water solid gold always used this method and her fish are fine
Faelan Redmond
Faelan Redmond - 7 years ago
Sidaarth Ramabhotla were fine XD
Don Pablo
Don Pablo - 7 years ago
You haven't changed nearly enough water, especially with how filthy that gravel was.
Sabrina Britcher
Sabrina Britcher - 7 years ago
I vacuum my gravel weekly and you should have been definatly doing it weekly with goldfish they are extremely messy fish.
Miss Kim
Miss Kim - 7 years ago
Thanks for the great information. Im about to change clean my fish tank and this video has really helped me out. I wish I knew why my fish water keeps evaporating. I have had my cold water 10 gallon goldfish tank for 2 weeks and the water has evaporated down to about 1/2. Any suggestions? just wondering
Aline Greeley
Aline Greeley - 7 years ago
that's a little overkill I think

20. comment for fish tank water change (aquarium) fish care: Part 1

Sergio Artico
Sergio Artico - 7 years ago
good video (y)
Ana Flores
Ana Flores - 8 years ago
my fishes died that's why I'm watching this vídeo how to take Care of a fish tank
Octavian K
Octavian K - 8 years ago
I don't know why, but watching all that dirt get sucked away looks so satisfying.
CHiTO - 8 years ago
I only have a 10gallon fish tank with a goldfish on it about 3 inches long. The water temperature is around 72.5F (room temperature). What other fish could I add to my tank? I know it's small so maybe just 1-2 fishes more. I was thinking of a Pleco fish, which stays small throughout its life of course. Any recommendations?
Ivan Villanueva
Ivan Villanueva - 8 years ago
That don't look like a 108 gallon
Erik Anderson
Erik Anderson - 8 years ago
Hey , what type of shark is that ? Not the skidding one they looks like hammer head , the silver and black tail ?
ルリ - 8 years ago
Is this guy drunk?
Heather Daugherty
Heather Daugherty - 8 years ago
@Per shop I'm not able to read your response to my comment. only 5 words on notifications
Heather Daugherty
Heather Daugherty - 8 years ago
for some reason I'm not seeing your response..
Heather Daugherty
Heather Daugherty - 8 years ago
I'm thinking about starting my 42g tank up cause I have one of the placo's that the pet shops don't warn you about that gets way to big, lol. it's not got the depth of yours but it's got lots of length to it. But anyways if you only done a 25% water change how much of the water out of the bucket did you use to put back in it did it use all that water? I don't know im just very curious cause I'm very worried about Albert and I want him to be happy and have somewhat room to move around cause it's not like having a blue channel cat can't go and stick him in a homemade pond when they get to big.... And I have well water with no filter it's not like city water it has iron in it but it's not so red to where it turns my whites red when I wash them. And to be honest I don't have the money to go and buy 40 some gallon of water so what would I need and what do I need to do to help Albert out? Or if there is someone you could refer me to that would be awesome and I would so much appreciate it. I love and care for him as I do my dogs!
Per Shop
Per Shop - 8 years ago
With well water, you have to think about things like insect larvae, PH, etc. But you must already be having some source of good water for the pleco at the moment, right? (unless you mean that you are currently buying his water by the gallon for his smaller tank)

If you can neutralize those factors to be favorable to your pleco, it's OK to use. If not, you should use tap water that at least has been cleaned for human consumption if you have access to it.

30. comment for fish tank water change (aquarium) fish care: Part 1

Carlos Garcia
Carlos Garcia - 8 years ago
thank you for ur help I just got a 75 gallon tank and I had no clue on how to clean it the right way don't want to kill my fish well I only have 2 big one and also a turtle Mexican musk don't grow more than 3 inch and I been having them for 4 years in a smaller thank now I upgrade and had a bit trouble on how to change the water I had a 20 gallon tank now is a big difference thank you ur vid help me :)
Jason Grove
Jason Grove - 8 years ago
Canadian. Lol.
Customer - 7 years ago
Jason Grove haha
John Lee
John Lee - 8 years ago
Thanks for the video
Sythical - 8 years ago
That actually looks really satisfying :D Also thanks for the tutorial '
JetRoar Videos
JetRoar Videos - 8 years ago
Coffee Love trust me, when you do it for yourself after a few months it just gets a little annoying.
westley lacoursiere
westley lacoursiere - 8 years ago
what kind of plants? nice tank :)
Noah Frawley
Noah Frawley - 8 years ago
why is there parrot fish with goldfish they have very different water peramiters
Forever After
Forever After - 8 years ago
Your Awesome. Thank you for information.
viviana camacho
viviana camacho - 8 years ago
how u do to keep gold fish in with cichlids?
Justo Canuel
Justo Canuel - 8 years ago
Justo Canuel
Justo Canuel - 8 years ago
Narwhal Aj
Narwhal Aj - 8 years ago
If I had one betta fish how much would I have to clean my tank
ChuckywaR - 8 years ago
you were on your face there for a moment. Gravity defying. Thank for the video though
Kaelee McCoy
Kaelee McCoy - 8 years ago
Can I do partial water changes in a 2.5 gallon betta tank with a cup
Kaelee McCoy
Kaelee McCoy - 8 years ago
+Salem Ross ok thank you
Salem Ross
Salem Ross - 8 years ago
Yeah, but I'd recommend getting a mini siphon. Just taking cups of water directly out of the tank won't do much. You won't get to clean all the waste from the substrate, which is the main thing you want to clean out. You can possibly get a turkey baster to suck out some of the dirty water and waste but a siphon is just so much easier.
Emily A
Emily A - 8 years ago
I was told to do 50% water changes once a week :(
ill stick to less i guess. Also, under my filter i have food and pebbled in there, i took off the filter and tried getting the waste out, but it just ended up in the tank. I guess when it settles ill syphon it out.
Renee Thomas
Renee Thomas - 8 years ago
so should I remove my heater before I clean the tank?? kind of worried about the electrical things that could happen
Salem Ross
Salem Ross - 8 years ago
BikersWithGoPros - 8 years ago
Awful mix of fish, you can do more than 25% water changes it all depends on the size of tank, how much you're feeding and what fish and how many of them there are. With average stocking of any tank unless massively under stocked weekly or fort nightly water changes are recommended, if you're leaving it longer than that then you're leaving More time for bad chemicals to build up, replenishing water each week or two you are giving the fish back what they've used up, magnesium for example is used for digestion. Sharks are shoaling group fish and should be kept in reasonable size groups not on there own as it seems like you have just one, by the looks of it you have a black pangasius cat fish looking about a foot long these grow to 4 feet so you will need a bigger aquarium as for those goldfish too, single tailed goldfish can grow to over a 1 foot in size.
Patricia Falk
Patricia Falk - 8 years ago
I always change about 80 percent of my tank water in my 140 gallon tank. I have done this for over 20 years and never have a problem as long as you use correct amounts of de-chlor to make sure you get all the chlorine out of the water. I change the water about every week and a half.
I have 5 Bala Sharks and 4 Blood Parrot cichlids. Fish need fresh water to grow and keep,good color. I never use any chemicals and feed my fish twice daily a varied diet. I filter the tank with a Aquatop500 . I clean it every 3 weeks. Thanks ...nice tank.
Emily Rose
Emily Rose - 8 years ago
You change out and prepare 112 gallons of water every week and a half? Wow.
silvia ventura
silvia ventura - 8 years ago
I thought sharks eat gold fish but they don't?
Matthew Hillman
Matthew Hillman - 8 years ago
Thank you for the tips!
myone raynbird
myone raynbird - 8 years ago
just a question.. you have tropical.. and cold water fish? parrots and gold fish... obviously it works for you.
Jay Son
Jay Son - 8 years ago
Wow very helpful vid... gonna get me one of those hoses

50. comment for fish tank water change (aquarium) fish care: Part 1

Adriana Bonita
Adriana Bonita - 8 years ago
Great tip about give the softed water get some rest before put it in the tank .. Really great. Thank you .
Liam Stanley
Liam Stanley - 8 years ago
you can do more than 25% water changes without killing your fish. As long as you match temperature and PH you can do up to an 80% water change without shocking your fish too much.
James Wallace
James Wallace - 8 years ago
Bruce thanks for the information . Jim In the UK
Mgtow Monk Templar Meng John Lee
Mgtow Monk Templar Meng John Lee - 8 years ago
o_O a couple days of waiting, just a few minutes is fine. lol if ur a pro water changer, you should nvr change more than 20% water level. So you don't risk messing up the heater. and filter.
Noland Dean
Noland Dean - 8 years ago
How does parrot fishes live with gold fish?
cameron melde
cameron melde - 8 years ago
You didn't turn your heater off
Dan Ellis
Dan Ellis - 8 years ago
108 gallon dont you mean 55 thanks for the laugh omg i needed it
Dan Ellis
Dan Ellis - 8 years ago
dude you are giving bad advice i do 100% twice a week i hate you tube and your stock choices please delete this video sell your tank
Jack son
Jack son - 9 years ago
I do 25% changes one day a week, and then 100% changes at the end of the week and my fish did not die, as a matter of fact I've had them for about 4 years now. We've had fish Since I was 9.
Jack son
Jack son - 8 years ago
+henry c 15 gallon
henry c
henry c - 8 years ago
What size fish tank do you have? I would clean your fish tank filter 3 days before you do a 100% water change so you keep your bacteria, otherwise you will get bacteria bloom
Kim Tov
Kim Tov - 9 years ago
Why is your tank sooooo small mine is 5 times bigger well my uncles
Jimbo Jack
Jimbo Jack - 9 years ago
do i do a water change every week or every other week
BikersWithGoPros - 8 years ago
Depends on size of tank, what fish, and how much you're feeding but weekly changes are so much more ideal than every 2 weeks!
henry c
henry c - 8 years ago
+Vanessa Flores if you have good filteration why would you need to change it every week?
Vanessa Flores
Vanessa Flores - 8 years ago
Every week.
henry c
henry c - 8 years ago
Depends on how much your Changing, I have a 100l fish tank and do a 25-30% water change every 2-3 weeks
TymodaTV - 9 years ago
Great advice. Especially about the heater. Thanks man! I subscribed!
arun surya
arun surya - 9 years ago
is it compulsary that we must leave the treated water overnight?
BikersWithGoPros - 8 years ago
If the water is treated you don't need to leave it overnight, leaving water overnight untreated can only get rid of chlorine, chloramine ( I mix of ammonia and chlorine) need a chemical to bind these and remove these from the water otherwise these are dangerous to fish and beneficial bacteria in your aquarium, also you need to rid of heavy metals which are also harmful when added to the aquarium
henry c
henry c - 8 years ago
No you can just remove the water and new water and then treat it, this guys just being cautious
Jack son
Jack son - 9 years ago
no, it's compulsory*
David Fish
David Fish - 9 years ago
Your shark needs a friend; they are much less skittish in pairs or more.
Bishal Karki
Bishal Karki - 9 years ago
great video
Chris Thomas
Chris Thomas - 9 years ago
Wow how often do you clean.. looks like 6 months worth of crap in your gravel.. This is why I like sand you can see all the crap without having to dig
Spaztastic91 - 8 years ago
+Chris Thomas Goldfish make a mess and that is almost typical 2 weeks worth of mess from goldies and the other fish.
Angelo Depiano
Angelo Depiano - 9 years ago
+Chris Thomas

and if i heard correctely he has an under gravel filter somethings wrong there
WolfFangPlays /Wolfie
WolfFangPlays /Wolfie - 9 years ago
I take out my fish and clean it 95% each week and I didn't lost any of my fish since july :D
henry c
henry c - 8 years ago
95%? Is to much, this guys an idiot by saying no more than 25%, you can do up to 75%, any more than that and your losing valuable bacteria, I do 25-30% every 2-3 weeks
Papilu Aceves Avila
Papilu Aceves Avila - 9 years ago
finally a video with the proper technique!! congratulations!!
Ayanna Isaacs
Ayanna Isaacs - 9 years ago
Interesting video. Recently, there was a tank clean, i.e fish were taken out and placed in a tub with the old water, everything else in the tank was taken out, the tank was cleaned with soap and water, it was then left to dry, then tap water was added to the tank. The new tank water was treated with Nutrafin, and the water was left to stand for 2-3 days before the fishes were added back to the tank with the new water. While in the tub one of the fishes died. Then one week after that while in the tank with the new water another died. Since the big gold fish was acting strange he was taken out of the tank with the new water and placed in a tub with purified bottled water overnight. He recovered. While he was in the tub another portion of the Nutrafin was added to the water in the tank. Since he did well and recovered he was added back to the tank.

Any suggestions as to what may be happening?
You shouldn't wash the tank with soap and also each fish needs one gallon of water so if you put them in a tub make sure the tub is the right size.
Gustavo Colon
Gustavo Colon - 9 years ago
dude your baby is crying
Anthony Cardiente
Anthony Cardiente - 9 years ago
Did you use electricity for the pump?
Or it was just automatically suctioning the dirts and waste? haha.. I'm beginner and I don't think I could do that on my first try.. haha hope so
Paul Brown
Paul Brown - 9 years ago
actually a great video, its clear from the comments from others that more education is needed by some before they own fish
Brynjar Konradsson
Brynjar Konradsson - 9 years ago
with all those big fish you really should use a canister... youre spending alot of time on that crap :D
Shauntae Gooch
Shauntae Gooch - 9 years ago
I love your tank set up. But i did see something that i feel i should point out so others dont think its always ok. He has 2 different kinds of goldfish and it doesnt look like his fish are bothered by this but when you have double tailed goldfish and then just the single tailed ones in the same tank its not such a good idea because the single tailed ones are usually faster swimers so they get to the food faster just a suggestion to not have both kinds. Great video though!!
Cliff Works
Cliff Works - 9 years ago
interesting room I see you collect exotic items and take good care of them, how about a video of all those things?
IAmShawaizAslam - 9 years ago
do you live in US
ctll626 - 9 years ago
I dont think you should have all different types of fish in there like that
Bangtan Sonyondamnson
Bangtan Sonyondamnson - 8 years ago
Rylee s.
Rylee s. - 8 years ago
Oh my^
Bangtan Sonyondamnson
Bangtan Sonyondamnson - 8 years ago
+Jr Maldonado Dude it's true.If you have different types of fish,some will be quicker and will race for food and one of them won't get much.
henry c
henry c - 8 years ago
+Jr Maldonado calm down knob
Jr Maldonado
Jr Maldonado - 9 years ago
shut up
Penny Clevenger
Penny Clevenger - 9 years ago
I have a question. Can you tell me the names of all the types of fish you have in your tank? I'm really interested in the parrot fish you have and wonder what would be good tank mates.
Lynkevmusic - 9 years ago
thank you
PIRANHA ADDICTED - 9 years ago
I do it that way too drain tank to above half then add prime then fill my piranhas love it..although il aggree one should store and age water before adding some dont have the space to do that..i do have the space just in a rush some times..
Gymnastics Girl
Gymnastics Girl - 9 years ago
Under gravel filters cause problems and this is an overboard video u do not need to let ur water sit for a day after u add conditioner, dechlor or what ever u prefer it eliminates the chlorine and chloramine instantly change 10 percent every week and ur fish will love you
callasexperience - 9 years ago
hi bruce your draining tool must impress the girls!
stacyashlee - 9 years ago
Jesus this is so much work ... Where did u get the hose
Juneid Sk
Juneid Sk - 9 years ago
How do you clean the sand ?
Please tell me
Jadean Penn
Jadean Penn - 9 years ago
What if you dont have a pump
Dan Nugent
Dan Nugent - 9 years ago
This is overkill i never use conditioner abd iv had my fish for 8 yrs . Tap water all the way!!! I guess they must be used to the chlorine
Napa Cook
Napa Cook - 9 years ago
Erica Cruz
Erica Cruz - 9 years ago
Thank u very helpful
flo green
flo green - 9 years ago
Everyone always says not to mix goldfish with others, but he does it and his fish look fine!
Elisha Lishy
Elisha Lishy - 9 years ago
AWESOME! I'M GONNA TRY! I have 10 gallon fish tank ( 1 betta fish) 2 gold mystery snails, and what do you mean by 25% I saw it on my packaging it said change 10% or 25%
Aquarium Master
Aquarium Master - 9 years ago
Nice video, just subscribed :) I like the way you do water changes, but i uploaded a video on my channel on how i do water changes where I use a siphon to remove the water and a motorhead to pump back the water, so I don´t have any actual work doing it! Check it out if you want ;D
pt_escort - 9 years ago
This guy sees through my soul
David Papa
David Papa - 9 years ago
he reminds me of Henry Phillips
sonam basar
sonam basar - 9 years ago
I didn't know you can keep parrots and goldfish together.
Valerie Ng
Valerie Ng - 9 years ago
i definitely like this video way better than others. its very precise. Thanks for sharing!
Cord James
Cord James - 9 years ago
hey what was that decoration on the right side of your tank?
looked like an arch with seaweed or grass growing off of it?
totally want one for my tank looks great.
Alfredo Carrozzo
Alfredo Carrozzo - 9 years ago
cuantos años esperaste para que se pepongan asi de grandes los pezes
Taneka & Fred
Taneka & Fred - 9 years ago
I have a vacuum for water changes as well but for some reason, yours seem so much more powerful. Also, i have a tank with gouramis and wanted to know if a Bala Shark would be compatible.
Cypher Hendricks
Cypher Hendricks - 10 years ago
Nice video your tank looks really nice
cyclone8200 - 10 years ago
at the end when you pumped water from your bucket into the tank, what kind of pump did you use? I am interested in buying one any recommendations?

100. comment for fish tank water change (aquarium) fish care: Part 1

Jason - 10 years ago
Thank you for the informative video. I am new to fish keeping and looking for how-to's before i attempt these things by myself for the first time. I enjoyed your video and your presentation. Well done.
TheDcgj45 - 10 years ago
50% water changes every week. My fish go crazy. They stress and don't eat for a few days. I change 30% every other week. And my tank is fine. 38 bow front with Africans.
Rick Sicker
Rick Sicker - 10 years ago
I have a 90 gallon fresh water tank.. it looks like you should have gone to 60 % water change,,I vacuum 30 % half the tank  then fill it up with fresh water and after 24 hrs repeat the 30%... on the other half of the tank...Every 3 weeks...My African Cichlids are healthy and my water samples are always dead on
zindi1138 - 10 years ago
when i use the siphon .. i pump it up and down in the feeds itself..into a bucket cause its heavy enough..let a new water bucket sit for 24 hours with conditioner added.ok. dump the dirty bucket into a toilet
 bucket for bucket..i remove the ornaments and cover the entirety of the gravel with the siphon that 2 times its pretty clean. ya just move the siphon up and down in the water eventually pumps the water full blast
Erick G
Erick G - 10 years ago
This Australian (or Canadian?) guy has an almost similar video and his version includes wiping the inside of the tank with a sponge or something like that to remove algae before the ~25% water siphoning process began. Why is this step omitted in your demonstration?
upurnose46 - 10 years ago
Thanks for the tips Ray Liotta
Cat on a wall
Cat on a wall - 10 years ago
Thanks for your video which I found informative and quite funny as well. I use a plastic siphon pipe with a simple compressible hand pump which saves me sucking on the pipe.
dalton bosquez
dalton bosquez - 10 years ago
im just getting in to aquariums and this helps man thanks
briandcare1 - 10 years ago
I do the same exact thing. Fortunately I don't need to suck on the long hose though. Not sure but the vacume you use is the same as mine and you may be able to just use the momentum from priming it to get it flowing.
Evaed deavE
Evaed deavE - 10 years ago
good video ty !
Dr Rama Srivastava
Dr Rama Srivastava - 10 years ago
Nice demonstration 
Hubs88 - 10 years ago
I went through this routine for years and one day I decided that it was too much work. Not wanting to leave the hobby the thing to do was go bare bottom and I'm very glad I did. After removing the gravel and UGF I put a canister and HOB filters on the 50 gallon goldfish tank. I do large water changes at least once a month and clean the filters when they start slowing down. For the water changes the old water is syphoned into the bathtub and the new water comes straight from the tap. A capful of Prime goes into the tank and I wipe down the glass and in less than 45 minutes I'm done. I like the low maintenance it needs. I think it's the coolest tank I've ever put together. The fish are doing great and overall I enjoy the tank more. Watch my goldfish videos to see what I'm talking about.
Fish Ed
Fish Ed - 10 years ago
Haha! The heater thing happened to me before, it burst and electrocuted me(not my fishes, phew)
neoian94 - 10 years ago
not to be a stickler but why do you have goldfish in a tank that requires heating? 
neoian94 - 10 years ago
Dont test it actually. Heres the thing. Goldfish might survive in that environment for quite some time but over all it not good for them, they need colder water to induce more oxygen into their bodies. The life span will be reduced greatly and the fish will be more susceptible to disease. Cold water keeps them healthy and happy. Plain and simple. You can also take a tropical fish and put it in up state ny river system or lake and the fish will survive, but not for very long. The fish would be greatly inhibited in its growth and lifespan, same goes for goldfish. Thats a nice theory though
eurasianchica - 10 years ago
Actually, goldfish in the wild have become invasive in Southeast Asia, the Amazon River, and a whole bunch of other places where they swim side-by-side with tropical fish :) They are actually out-competing native fish.
neoian94 - 10 years ago
Goldfish are cold water fish, they cannot breath in higher temps.
eurasianchica - 10 years ago
Maybe he likes goldfish? It won't hurt them anyway. They don't need cool or warm water, as long as the temperature doesn't change too quick.
RedPandaOfficialYoutubeChannel - 10 years ago
im geting a 30 gallion fish tank with gold fish could you give me some tips on how to keep it clean and what i can and cannot have in the tank or what fish would be best to put in a 30 gallion
cool things 1120
cool things 1120 - 10 years ago
What is the pump
Thing called
pastel aura
pastel aura - 9 years ago
+Bruce Causier I have a question I have a guppy tank and I have to change the water once a week but I don't have a pump thingy like your using can I change the water by hand any way?
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 10 years ago
A small pond pump.
UltraSeRoXaT - 10 years ago
i think that plant at the right side is just wasting space.
Hannelien Swart
Hannelien Swart - 10 years ago
Hi. I have a 13L tank with two fantail goldfish. I have a filter but it doesn't really filter. When the water is really filthy and the color of the water has started to change in like 5 days I clean the filter but there's nothing in it to clean. Now I throw all the water out to clean the gravel and fill it up with new clean filtered water. I then add a bit of the old water where I kept my fish while I was cleaning the tank. Am I endangering my fish? Should I rather get a gravel cleaner, though I don't know if our pet shops even have them. I don't check the water for nitrates or anything like that because the people here says there's no need to do it. What should I do? How long can my fish survive like this until I can afford all the other needs?

I have had them for about two weeks now.
Ziaul Haq Mirdha
Ziaul Haq Mirdha - 10 years ago
Thank you buddy. It was a great help.
darryl olson
darryl olson - 10 years ago
Your awesome dude! Thanks for the tip
Ding Chavez
Ding Chavez - 10 years ago
I heard the best water to use in fish tanks is store bought spring water.... Im not an expert but this is what i initially used. right now im about to condition some filtered tap water that was ran through a Pur filter. Im wondering what the effects are going to be ..hopefully nothing in the filter will harm my Cichlid. Only doing 25% change. Il let you know on how it goes...Down here in FL prescription drugs have been found in our tap water sources so its always best to filter it.
Morse Code
Morse Code - 10 years ago
I could literally see your tank becoming cleaner. That was a lot waste coming out of the gravel! But yea,  siphoning the water outside of your house like you did is the way to go. MUCH easier than carrying five gallon buckets all over the place.
Shy Vavavoom x.
Shy Vavavoom x. - 10 years ago
nice video very informative! but i have question in regards to heater if i can use a 50 watt heater instead of 100 watt heater (tetra brand) for my 20 gallon tank.

i live in California when it's hot it gets really hot and when it's cold it gets quite cold, And right it's summer without AC on water temp reached 90 F but it was gradually so the fish dont get "shock"

for now i have 5 endler livebearers
planning to have 6 neon tetras
3 fancy guppies 1 kuhli loach 1 african dwarf frog. thanks :)
Hoshi 0622
Hoshi 0622 - 10 years ago
Gold fish doesn't need heater. They 20 to 30 gallon per fish.
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 10 years ago
50 watts should be fine.
Yukon Blu
Yukon Blu - 10 years ago
Everything kills your fish lol
Robi Dawn
Robi Dawn - 10 years ago
heaters ok in as long as you place it a little lower
chritters1 - 10 years ago
Hey Bruce Your Bala Shark looks pretty big and healthy, What size is he roughly??
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 10 years ago
Not sure but I have seen one about 14 inches.
chritters1 - 10 years ago
How big do they actually get??
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 10 years ago
About 7.5 inches.
xxxmirekxxx1 - 10 years ago
A great job ! You rock , man !
Xin Zheng
Xin Zheng - 10 years ago
Hi, what kind of pump did you use to pump the water back in the tank?
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 10 years ago
Just a little pond pump.
Farhan Khan
Farhan Khan - 10 years ago
do you use undergravel filter ?? if so how to clean it??
Farhan Khan
Farhan Khan - 10 years ago
Thanx :)
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 10 years ago
Yes I have a under gravel filter. I use the siphon hose with the bigger end to clean the gravel. You can pick it up at a pet fish store.
chrysabra - 11 years ago
wow thats very nice man!!!! i am beginner in the world of aquariums and fishes , i bought some goldfish and i had them in 15 liter tank.....i didnt knew that was too small. so afterward i found a 60 liter plastic tank , it is a cold water tank with gold fishes , i use gravel and fake plants know just for decoration. i realy like that thing that u use to suck the tank bottem clean how do u call such a thing looks like a vacuum cleaner?
chrysabra - 10 years ago
+Jorden Cooper thank you very much sir for the information i made one myself with hose and small botlle !!
Jorden Cooper
Jorden Cooper - 10 years ago
Its an aquarium siphon.
Caleb Niederhofer
Caleb Niederhofer - 11 years ago
You actually want to use the same water out of the tank to put the fish in a bucket your actually doing it wrong you want to use the same water it's also the same temperature and won't shock the fish
patrick jullian
patrick jullian - 11 years ago
when was the last time you cleaned your gravel  
muhafra911 - 11 years ago
Perfect way man, i do it the exact sane way, checkout my custom 75 gal tank
jemworld - 11 years ago
Why do people not get that holding the camera vertical does not work well for videos you plan to upload....
Joseph Jack
Joseph Jack - 11 years ago
How did you make sure that the new water was the same temperature as the regular tank water?
Joseph Jack
Joseph Jack - 10 years ago
well, i obviously knew u can use a thermometer (i should have phrased that differently) thanks for the other insight though.
julittok - 10 years ago
You can use a thermometer, and if that's not available there's another thing called thermodynamics and the heat transfer principle which ensures you that every object and matter within a same room will reach the same temperature this is what entropy does to things. In a nutshell if you put a glass full of hot water next to a glass with cold water both glasses will reach the exact same temperature over time.
Jan Geirnaert
Jan Geirnaert - 11 years ago
how do you clean the undergravel?
Targo Tooming
Targo Tooming - 11 years ago
Thanx man that was helpful (y)
dimondrw - 11 years ago
My sister got a Betta fish for her birthday. I bought her a 2.5 gallon tank for it and wants to know how long we should wait to do a water change and how much different would it be since she only has a 2.5 gallon and you have a 108 gallon
Karolina S
Karolina S - 11 years ago
For a betta fish, about a 25-50 percent water change once a week should be sufficient.  If it doesn't have a filter you should change the water at least every 3 days though.
Santos Lee
Santos Lee - 11 years ago
Good video. :)  Two things I do somewhat differently are the water change frequency and the amount (there is of course lots of debate on these topics so just sharing what works for me).  Re: frequency, I do once a week (would depend on the bioload, but looking at how much stuff you're sucking up from the gravel, it may be all right to increase frequency?). Re: amount, I agree that too much may not be good, but changing large amounts is fine/even recommendable IF the water has been aged (conditioned with dechlorinator, "agitated", etc.) and heated to the same temperature as the aquarium water (discus fish keepers routinely change 50-90% of the water weekly).  Btw, really like your setup and fish.  Thanks for sharing.  :) 
Candace Corns
Candace Corns - 11 years ago
thank you so much this has helped out so much and you explianed everything very well again thank you :)
Niaz Chaudhry
Niaz Chaudhry - 11 years ago
Good work,really helpful for starters. Thanks
johnthurlby57 - 11 years ago
reason y ur little fish are getting eaton cause parriat fish love to eat small fish look it up
Dam thats Right
Dam thats Right - 11 years ago
how big is your dick ?
Samantha Garcia
Samantha Garcia - 11 years ago
Hi, whenever I clean my tank, I take the fish out, I get rid of all the water, clean the rocks, artificial plants, filter, the actual tank, everything. When I'm done with that, I put tap water in with the pH decrease and bacteria supplement and let the water sit with the filter running for about an hour. It works, but it takes forever. Is there any other way to get everything clean?
Callum Mooney
Callum Mooney - 11 years ago
I have been doing 100% water change with my fish for the past year and they are fine.
Callum Mooney
Callum Mooney - 11 years ago
I have
mcswagtart - 11 years ago
lid can be off preferably in a area where furry pets arn't if you have them lol and put the conditioner in when you fill the bucket with water plus have your water in the bucket plus id also have an air stone or somthing to give the water some movement and you dont have to wait three days i wait a full 24hours and then put it in hope this helps : )
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 11 years ago
Yes, do partial water changes.
JasonL - 11 years ago
Hi, nice video, but i want to ask you. i have a 60 gallon tank with just gold fish. i change usually don't change the water until the glass gets dirty, but i do change the water i change the whole tank, most of the time the fish are ok, but sometimes the fish dies. so is it bad to change the water on a whole tank?
JaleelJohanson62 - 11 years ago
Not true.... when you drink it the water has been added to shit...
MegaEvemarie - 11 years ago
My brother had a tank growing up and we used to put all the fish in a bucket and drain the tank and scrub everything and then put it all back. None of the fish ever died but it took ages and was a lot of work.
kashi tey
kashi tey - 11 years ago
my tap water doesn't have any chlorine in it and its also drinkable so i don't add shit to it.
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 11 years ago
LOL. I shake mine too but you get better at it with more experience. Try not to get to much gravel in the tube, this is when it will plug.
Chester Bullock
Chester Bullock - 11 years ago
I emptied my whole tank and killed my 4 of my 3 year old, 3 to four inch standard goldfish. I know now.
Jais George
Jais George - 11 years ago
Very good video .. finally someone posted the right way to do this with all the necessary warnings.. Great work Bro!
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 11 years ago
The clean water would have to be sitting higher than your fish tank to siphon water back in. Best to use a pump.
Maarten488 - 11 years ago
Thank you for your answer, but how many volts,bar, liter per minute will do the trick? Will a 12v 0,5bar caravan pomp for 10 bucks work?
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 11 years ago
I use a pump called little giant pump. It is a submersible pump. Pump you would have in a small pond.
Maarten488 - 11 years ago
@Bruce Causier Hi, what kind of pump do you use to put the clean water into the tank?
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 11 years ago
scottie don't
scottie don't - 11 years ago
So this is how Ray Liotta spends his downtime.
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 11 years ago
They are not harmful to your fish. I bought a Loach (fish) to take care of my snail problem. Loaches love to eat snails.
Num1MangaFreak - 11 years ago
Hi, Bruce so I am getting some snail things on the glass of my fish tank and they reproduce very fast, I find myself getting rid of them every 2-3 days, is their anyway to get rid of them permanently and are they harming my fish?
podenco2 - 11 years ago
thanks, your fish food might be stored to warm on the hood - which could lead to loss of vitamins.
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 11 years ago
There is ammonia in your tap water? Don't drink it.
ttttrigg3r - 11 years ago
Question about treating water. I have a 10G tank and don't know much about treating water. I've learned so far that it needs to be chlorinated and free of ammonia. My tap water is .25 ppm Ammonia. What would you suggest I do? Is there a product I can buy to treat it before changing water, or do I leave it out like you say. Thanks in advance.
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 11 years ago
No problems with the fish but the goldfish went out to the pond in the summer time.
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 11 years ago
Christopher Hale
Christopher Hale - 11 years ago
Great all the greens..
Kailey's Pet Care
Kailey's Pet Care - 11 years ago
I have been doing 90% water changes on my fancy goldfish tanks every 5 days, I've been doing this for years and it didn't effect my fish at all. I think it made them much healthier and they grew quite a bit (they grew 2 inches every month) Goldfish are VERY dirty fish and require large water changes and shouldn't be put with tropical fish. Nice tank though
Randy's Video Creations
Randy's Video Creations - 11 years ago
Neat video
Daniel Kaleidoscope
Daniel Kaleidoscope - 11 years ago
Goldfish can survive in tropical aquaia, although their metabolism is very much accelerated, and thus they do not live as long. It is debatable whether or not the heightened temperature is stressful for the fish, as their wild ancestors do experience a summer season, so one could gather that if the oxygen is plentiful enough (warmer water can carry less dissolved o2), and they are not getting sick, goldfish are okay to tolerate warm water for a time. However possibly not year round.
Daniel Kaleidoscope
Daniel Kaleidoscope - 11 years ago
This question is sorely misguided. Partial water changes are always necessary in aquariums to keep the fish healthy. Granted, I have seen people not change the water on their aquariums and say "The fish do fine". But not dying immediatley does not mean they are healthy. There is nothing naturally in an aquarium to remove the excess nitrate, so if you are not changing water on your tanks, and your tanks are not heavily planted with very few fish, you are slowly poisoning your pets with excess NO3
Daniel Kaleidoscope
Daniel Kaleidoscope - 11 years ago
I am surprised to see that you have both blood parrot cichlids and goldfish in your aquarium. Have you ever had any problems with this? I have seen my parrots eat small goldfish
Maher Ali
Maher Ali - 11 years ago
nice tank
Jessica Espinoza
Jessica Espinoza - 11 years ago
Very helpful tks!
Ciaran Flood
Ciaran Flood - 11 years ago
Thats a fierce good tank Bruce. Good man.
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 11 years ago
I use a pump called little giant pump.
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 11 years ago
I had a little pond pump in the bucket connected to the tube.
80sbreaker - 11 years ago
thanks for sharing i have gold fish and i am new to fish had it 2 weeks now i did one water change i do about 40% everything seems fine so far thanks for the pointers
RustyShakalford - 11 years ago
Why would you want to change your water? Unless your having problems. If your having problems why would we listen to your advice?
iamdeeneral - 11 years ago
Omg, you have/had a Oranda goldfish on your tank? And you said it's around 78 degrees? I have a Ryukin baby gold fish and want to switch to a tropical tank. Is that possible and safe for my baby ryukin? :)
musicman3005 - 11 years ago
hmmm that seem sloww i mean wouldnt it make more sence to catch each fish n put em in a seperate tank n get a wet dry vac n put aa screen at the end of the hose to keep the gravle from geting on the vac n sucking the water out n then wiping down the fish tank n then refilling the tank with clean water n then put the fist back in the tank just asking
ELECTRIC TECH - 11 years ago
Well you are exposing your fish and bacteria to chlorine. Its obvious your conditioner is mixing fast enough to prevent damage to the fish. But often it does kill the bacteria and can throw off your nitrogen cycle. I would suggest premixing if you ever get fish that are more sensitive to water conditions.
accrocpinball - 11 years ago
Thanks for that clear video, keep up the good care of your tank and fish. Regards from France
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 11 years ago
Piranhas are a hardy fish. I think you can go longer between water changes. I had piranhas when I was about 15 years old and they will eat each other if they get hungry. I would cut up small strips of raw chicken and freeze them. I pull the chicken out when I needed it and defrost it in warm water. Then just drop it in the tank.
worthlessburger7 - 11 years ago
Hi, Bruce. I'm getting a piranha today & have really been studying the needs for a piranha fish tank & was wondering that since they're omnivores & I'll only have two, if I can or should wait a bit longer between water changes? Thanks!
Joe Kuku
Joe Kuku - 11 years ago
leave the gravel alone if you have live plants . just have a good large canister filter and 20% water changes per month ,all will be fine.
Mark Higdon
Mark Higdon - 11 years ago
Very helpful. Thanks. I hope it's in time to save my fish.
SasuNaru and other junk Dogs anime animal crossing
SasuNaru and other junk Dogs anime animal crossing - 11 years ago
I have a question how do you clean poop in a small tank
COMET GOLD CHANNEL - 11 years ago
Nice Video Always keep 10-20% water before cleaning and rest of water added with anti fungal and anti chlorin and minerals for healthy life of fish watch more variety videos in slash southnetservice
Rob Morley
Rob Morley - 11 years ago
Good video, but I have to disagree with you on the amount of water that you take out. It may be more practical to only take out about 20% of a big tank like yours, but you can go MUCH lower with a smaller tank. In fact, you could/ should with yours as well, but it would require a lot more effort and knowledge of water balance. Just because a buddy messed something up, doesn't create a rule of thumb. Good video though.
TheEdisse - 11 years ago
Good video thank you
aweapiz - 11 years ago
razvanvirna131454 - 11 years ago
I take out the water add conditioner (jbl biotopol) and add tap water directly in the tank. I do this for 3 years now and not 1 dead fish. So...
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 11 years ago
Its up to you. If you do, I would pull the ship out and I would scrub it with a brush and water.
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 11 years ago
You don't need to remove your fish to do a water change with a syphon.
Ay H.
Ay H. - 11 years ago
that tank is way too small for the shark !
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 11 years ago
Thanks. I will when I have some time.
Sharlene John
Sharlene John - 11 years ago
hi bruce i would like to sit and stare into your fishtank all day its so pretty and relaxing. can you just upload an hour long hd video of your tank? sharlene
aquariuman oscar
aquariuman oscar - 11 years ago
What is the big black fish?
MrNaturedude - 11 years ago
Chek out my cleaning crew in my live planted fish tank! it has shrimps etc.. really helps with the algea
Uddhav Kunwar
Uddhav Kunwar - 11 years ago
Thnx a lot : )
Justin Pitlik
Justin Pitlik - 11 years ago
That shark is awesome.
Thunder Tamer
Thunder Tamer - 11 years ago
You know what's weird I tatoly a nooby at this before I started watching how to clean my fish tank. Before I watch this video I use to clan the whole every month and I use to have about 60 fish gest what it drop down to 4. Yeah I know I'm so stupid and I don't even have any water clearins. Im probly Hannah get more fish tomorrow and get the water doing too so wish me luck with my new fish
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 11 years ago
There are different fungus. Take a picture or video of your fish. post it on youtube and ask for help. You can also take a picture of the fish and a water sample into a good pet store for some help. You should try to first quarantine the fish so it does not spread to other fish.
Sureshsree Sreeraj
Sureshsree Sreeraj - 11 years ago
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 12 years ago
There are some that go on to the faucet. When you turn on the faucet it starts the sucking action at the other end.
Gabe Jensen
Gabe Jensen - 12 years ago
thanks, my siphon is weird its realy long but if u suck usally nothing comes out. the end of it looks like its supposed to go on a faucet. any suggestons or help?
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 12 years ago
Regular water changes will keep the ammonia levels down and don't over feed your fish. I would also get a ammonia nitrate tester for your tank.
Jaymie H
Jaymie H - 12 years ago
I just got a green spotted puffer and REALLY want to make sure I don't kill it. A lot of people are saying that you need all sorts of chemicals to get rid of ammonia and such from the water. So if I do weekly cleanings will I not need all of those chemicals to get rid of it? I came across your video on google and it said underneath that if I do the water changes and getting waste out of the bottom that that will take care of that? I don't want to dump unneeded chemicals into his tank.
Brook Marteen
Brook Marteen - 12 years ago
thanks a lot.please tell me where I find this long bottle ? from which shop ? please please please tell me !!!
Brook Marteen
Brook Marteen - 12 years ago
thanks a lot.please tell me where I find this long bottle ? from which shop ? please please please tell me !!!
paraplegicgiraffe - 12 years ago
What kinds of plants do you have
jason lubliner
jason lubliner - 12 years ago
thank you !!!!!
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 12 years ago
Just a little pump you would use for a pond.
jason lubliner
jason lubliner - 12 years ago
what kind of pump do you use to put the water in your tank?
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 12 years ago
I am no expert on turtles but most turtles like to eat fish
Sergio Gomez
Sergio Gomez - 12 years ago
thanks i got another question can turtles and fishes live together i have molly and guppy fishes
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 12 years ago
My shark leaves the other fish alone. It is always a good idea to do small water changes.
Sergio Gomez
Sergio Gomez - 12 years ago
do all type of fishes need a small change of water? because i only have small fishes like the ones you have in your tank the tiny ones i have 12 of those in a 30 gallon fish tank do they need 25% of the water removed or the all of it? by the way i like the shark you have he doesnt eat your smaller fish?
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 12 years ago
I don't think so.
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 12 years ago
Two 4ft fluorescent lights.
violinman - 12 years ago
What type of light are you using?
lastofthewildes - 12 years ago
Great information here, Bruce. I think it's really important to let water sit out overnight so nitrogen can bubble out as well. A question: do you think siphoning the gravel would be easier if there was a thinner layer, especially since you have the under-gravel filtration system? I've read many opinions on gravel use, and I myself only use a thin layer less than a 1/2 inch. It looks like you have a great gravel bed, but I'm curious why you chose to maintain that depth of substrate.
Kevin Estefan
Kevin Estefan - 12 years ago
Awesome video (: can yountell me the names of all the fish in that tank please?
avefenixyou - 12 years ago
great educational video. thanks
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 12 years ago
Hunky Dorey
Hunky Dorey - 12 years ago
its great that you uploaded this video, so many videos that give out dangerous information, fish are very delicate, the slightest change in temperature and Ph is deadly, and the fact that you showed how to clean the gravel and not just remove the water, the nitrate and nitrite is really harmful, and explaining how to treat the water and let it sit for a day or two to reach room temperature is very important, and by the way, your silver sharks are awesome, are they still alive?
Mohak Vaishnav
Mohak Vaishnav - 12 years ago
Plz tell me the names of all fish present in tank_....
Carlos H
Carlos H - 12 years ago
Thanx for the Video now I understand why all these years my fishes don't live ... I was doing everything wrong and after seen your video now I know theres hope and I cant wait to try this and buy more gold fish :D thank you!
Carlos H
Carlos H - 12 years ago
Thanx for the Video now I understand why all these years my fishes don't live ... I was doing everything wrong and after seen your video now I know theres hope and I cant wait to try this and buy more god fish :D thank you!
Orsós Hozéármándó
Orsós Hozéármándó - 12 years ago
Isn't he Ray Liotta?
CodGaming - 12 years ago
i like how you say about the heater to turn it off when you say in know that because errrrrrr look to the side my buddys done that lol
Ipolito v
Ipolito v - 12 years ago
In just put the end of the siphon into the the bucket and the other end i put it in the tank and stroke it up and down till the suction starts up
colt15237 - 12 years ago
Bala shark! Those rock!
SuperSkern - 12 years ago
Thanks for a good video:-)
Noel Cherian
Noel Cherian - 12 years ago
Thanks and your tank is awesome
Maksud Kerluku
Maksud Kerluku - 12 years ago
you look like Charlie Chaplin man :):)
secretagent320 - 12 years ago
talk like you mean it
NODDY skate
NODDY skate - 12 years ago
i broked my neck watching video at 0:45
raymond12895 - 12 years ago
i liked your guide :)
HelenaC100 - 12 years ago
When I had a fish tank I used to suck the siphon and always ended up drinking some of the crap water. LOL do what Lay0422 says, it works better. Oh, love your tank, its really cool and your video is informative, i didn't think of the heater bit.
Brandon H.
Brandon H. - 12 years ago
mkay bye
Grant DuVall
Grant DuVall - 12 years ago
You know why your gravel is like that even though you cleaned recently? It is because you have goldfish, they are dirty fish and they go to the bathroom a lot.
Jonathan Siwa
Jonathan Siwa - 12 years ago
I work for a pet store and i take care of a alot of our aquatics section includeing our plants. this guy is spot on with everything i teach and everything i do except because i have animals in my house i like to use a covered bucket to premix my water and the method with the water declorin8r really is one of the best things to do. well trusted video
nicksmith1123 - 12 years ago
i have a gravel cleaner and it dosnt suck that hard?
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 12 years ago
You suck on it or if you have a shorter tube you dunk the tube in the fish tank. Fill tube with water and hold your thumb over the end you are bring out of the tank. Take your thumb off when the end is lower than the tank. The water should start flowing. Have a place for the water to go (Bucket).
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 12 years ago
What kind of cleaning are you going to do?
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 12 years ago
My tube is about 20 feet long so I cant do the dunking thing. I clean the end of the tube with hot water before and after I use it.
goldeagle501 - 12 years ago
I don't understand how a syphon works? Does it have a pump, or do you just suck it to get it started?
Awesomeid7fresh - 12 years ago
Haha your friend got electric
Agnes Anonymous
Agnes Anonymous - 12 years ago
Especially because you can't really clean the tubing with anything that could potentially harm the fish, so you're putting a tube in your mouth that isn't clean >.<
Jewels - 12 years ago
shouldnt you take the fish out then clean the tank?
laymon bryant
laymon bryant - 12 years ago
Please don't suck your tube. All you have to do is dunk the syphon so its fill with water, then raise it so it starts to drain . When the water in the syphon is halfway gone dunk it back in the tank.
Rylan Armitage
Rylan Armitage - 12 years ago
nope they would get pretty stressed
Rylan Armitage
Rylan Armitage - 12 years ago
haha sounds like the shark got lucky i also had the same problem when i was cleaning the tank it jumped about 5ft under a small cabinet where the poor fish got covered in dust. However once i got it back into the water it was fine apart from loosing a couple of scales much like yours!
HolySasquatchTurd - 12 years ago
I do that too but now about every 2 weeks because my bioload is cut down. As long as you're matching your chemistry and temperature and don't do it too fast it's perfectly fine. I've been doing it for years with no problem. With 50% I'm able to vacuum the entire gravel. The larger the water change, the faster your fish will grow in conjunction with good feeding.
1997BLucy - 12 years ago
I do 50% every week, and my fish are thriving.
Pure4Kicks - 12 years ago
That gravel is nasty
Agaptos - 12 years ago
just add it to be safe...its fairly cheap too...
Nigel Dixon
Nigel Dixon - 12 years ago
We call them Silver Sharks, here in The UK. I always have to be so careful whenever I need to lift the lid of my tank, even for feeding! One time one of my Silver Sharks jumped out of the tank and landed 8 feet away, right in front of where the dog was lying! Ruby thought all her birthdays had come at once, and was just about to grab her 'fast food', but I got there first and managed to save the fish's life! He was missing a couple of scales, but after a couple of days he was fine.
Jeffrey Barrera
Jeffrey Barrera - 12 years ago
Get some plecos and cory cats they are an awsome cleanin crew cory catfish eats all leftover food in gravel and the pleco eats all algae
dizzyk54 - 12 years ago
thanks!! EXCELLENT!!
NickyDangerous - 12 years ago
That was great man thanks nice tank.
123456qw6 - 12 years ago
I have a question it may be dumb lol but I have a 10 gallon fish tank is it safe to get the fish out clean the water and put the fish back?
Vince H
Vince H - 12 years ago
How do you stay in such good shape dude?
Roz Batten
Roz Batten - 12 years ago
Great video. my daughter left a small aquarium with me a few months ago and i thought i'd only have to add water when the level went down and feed them every day or three .. there are two fairly small goldfish in the tank .. about 2 inches long .. good thing I looked online today. we are on tank water not city water .. I wasn’t able to find anything online about that .. I doubt I’d have to add the ‘cleanser solutions’ to get rid of chlorine etc .. be great if you could help me out there ..
Roz Batten
Roz Batten - 12 years ago
no.4 .. anyway .. just a big thankyou as I hope your video will improve fish and chip's life if they survive my ignorant attempts to keep them happy .. ps .. I was very interested to read today that they are quite intelligent and can recognize ppl .. quite an eye opener when I thought they had a memory of a couple secs .. !!! .. lol ..
Roz Batten
Roz Batten - 12 years ago
no.3 The water is quite dirty now and the fish seem to eating the gunk that is coming into the tank from the water going thru the filter, even tho I cleaned the filters as well as I possibly could .. i put a bit of baby spinach in the tank and a wheel of orange as it was advised on a few other sites i went to to give them a bit of fruit ocassionally .. i was only feeding them fish food up till today .. poor little guys .. !! TBC
Roz Batten
Roz Batten - 12 years ago
no.2 we are on tank water not city water .. I wasn’t able to find anything online about that .. I doubt I’d have to add the ‘cleanser solutions’ to get rid of chlorine etc .. be great if you could help me out there .. I also checked out the pump/filter today for the first time.. there isn’t a heater .. I was disgusted by the amount of gunk that had accumulated in the filters.. I spent probably half an hour trying to clean them .. TBC
Roz Batten
Roz Batten - 12 years ago
i've got a bit to say so i'm going to post a few times .. no.1 hey bruce .. thanks for some great instructions .. my daughter left a small aquarium with me a few months ago and i thought i'd only have to add water when the level went down and feed them every day or three .. there are two fairly small goldfish in the tank .. about 2 inches long .. today i decided to check out online what else i could be doing for them .. TBC
BlackStar Santana
BlackStar Santana - 12 years ago
I have two products: The tap water conditioner "Nutrafin Aqua +Plus" and the nutrafin cycle... Should i add them both the the new water, or just the water conditioner. Also, i have a 60L aquarium, so with a 20% replacement of water, how many mL of water conditioner should i add to the tap water on the bucket, and also, how many time should i wait. 2 days ? SOrry if my text looks a bit messy. Thanks, and great video btw
ScottJW - 12 years ago
Where did you get this fish tank
Sai Vang
Sai Vang - 12 years ago
how do you get that gravel that dirty? i want my to be dirty like tat cuz its so cool to see that but with no dirt inside it looks soo boring
seymour butts
seymour butts - 12 years ago
Hey i have a 20 gallon tank for my axolotl, it has aquarium rocks at the bottom big enough so they wont be swallowed. do i vacume these the same as you did with the gravel?
DRU623 - 12 years ago
That's what happend to my heater I wish I watched this b4 I did a water change no fish got killed tho
Sai Vang
Sai Vang - 12 years ago
how do you get it that dirty? cause i wanna get it dirty like that one time please tell me! :)
Britt Halaas
Britt Halaas - 12 years ago
I use the python system and prime as well! :-) -- I agree, Prime is the best product out there for conditioning has kept my Goldfish tank so clean! I add water conditioner slowly as I am filling my tank back up
Britt Halaas
Britt Halaas - 12 years ago
Yes, power or canister would be a MUCH better system for his tank...
KnifeCrazzzy - 12 years ago
*bro haha
KnifeCrazzzy - 12 years ago
Thank you that was awsome bri!
Janah - 13 years ago
How do you controll the water going out ? i even have a clip for the hose to stop the water from pooring out to quick , but it drains the whole take out in a matter of few moments , i never get time to take even 10% of the gravel cus the whole tanks water has gone out before i have time! im gona buy a automatic one cus theese non automatic really hard to work with and messes up your whole tank.,
FishGuysUK - 13 years ago
Nice tank, good video, well done!
Rajesh Nair
Rajesh Nair - 13 years ago
Thanks a lot for that mate. Just what I was searching for
atvking04032 - 13 years ago
LOVE THE BALA ! i have two that just babys in a 55 gallon but would love to have a 120 gallon cant wait for them to get big
atvking04032 - 13 years ago
LOVE THE BALA ! i have two that just babys in a 55 gallon but would love to have a 120 gallon cant wait for them to get big
atvking04032 - 13 years ago
LOVE THE BALA ! i have two that just babys in a 55 gallon but would love to have a 120 gallon cant wait for them to get big
atvking04032 - 13 years ago
LOVE THE BALA ! i have two that just babys in a 55 gallon but would love to have a 120 gallon cant wait for them to get big
atvking04032 - 13 years ago
LOVE THE BALA i have two that just babys in a 55 gallon but would love to have a 120 gallon cant wait for them to get big
atvking04032 - 13 years ago
LOVE THE BALA i have two that just babys in a 55 gallon but would love to have a 120 gallon cant wait for them to get big
atvking04032 - 13 years ago
LOVE THE BALA i have two that just babys in a 55 gallon but would love to have a 120 gallon cant wait for them to get big
Raphael Jean
Raphael Jean - 13 years ago
good video ....but i dont like the shirt
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 13 years ago
@ForeverAlwaysApallo - LOL. Yes they might jump out. I suggest you move very slow. Maybe wrap a blanket around the fish tank so the sharks don't see you. I have not tried this myself but it might help. Good luck!
Anthony P
Anthony P - 13 years ago
Hey Bruce, I actually have two iredecent sharks in my tank right now. This is actually my first fish tank and I recieved bad information from the pet store. The sharks are very difficult to deal with and they are very scared of any quick movement outside of the tank. It is almost time for a water change, I have the equipment to do so but I am afraid the sharks are going to hop out of the tank during the change. I have seen them jump up and hit the plastic cover before. Any suggestions?
FishAntsPlantsAndDave - 13 years ago
deep sand beds work well for freshwater tanks, not just saltwater. leaving your sand bed alone and not vacuuming is very beneficial to allow helpful bacteria to grow in the sand. stirring it up while doing water changes (or ever) releases those toxins into the water and can kill your fish within a couple days.
caprisun2k1 - 13 years ago
great vid...when you say "use a pump to put the water back in", what kind of pump do you use? The same one you used to take the water out?
Racingjunkey20 - 13 years ago
Check out my 40 gallon lightly planted freshwater tank. Its a quick video only 45 seconds. Thanks! have a great day people.
Robert Rocco
Robert Rocco - 13 years ago
Good video.Good info
KBNmonster - 13 years ago
check out my fish videos =)
friedsausagerollz - 13 years ago
@mshellyxoxo The only conditioning new gravel needs is a good wash with freshwater. Its fine to put your hand in conditioned water. No it wont affect fish if you wash your hands properly before reaching into your tank. No soap.
laurendoerr - 13 years ago
You are wrong when you say that you will kill your fish when you add declorinater to the tank and then add water. The way that I do WCs is I empty the tank, add declorinator, add water, done. I have never lost a fish doing it this way. Declorinating is an instant process. I used to do the bucket method, but now find that I do not need to. It is just a hassle. You should get a Python water changer for a tank that size. It will make your job sooo much easier. Trust me on all this.
ashok jagatha
ashok jagatha - 13 years ago
it really helped me
Mish - 13 years ago
I have a question. if you already put in all the gravel and conditioner in your tank and you want to add more gravel do you have to condition the gravel before placing them in the tank with the rest of the gravel that are already conditioned with the water? Is it safe to put your hand in conditioned water? will it affect the fish?!
Tactikalguy1 - 13 years ago
Thanks for the video. I am gonna get some fish and use the water for my plants. I would have probably killed my fish if it werent for this vid. Thanks again.
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 13 years ago
@FinalFan0 I got the Evil eye.
FinalFan0 - 13 years ago
3:08 Lol, did your wife smack you for that comment? xD
Cris Din
Cris Din - 13 years ago
how can u have a red blood parrot with gold fish ? i thought parrot are aggressive
sportzchic24 - 13 years ago
Thanks for posting! This was very helpful!
newyork1655 - 13 years ago
u dont have to do the "sucking" anylonger, there are pumps now that are attached to the tube.
Dragonfly Dan
Dragonfly Dan - 13 years ago
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 13 years ago
@VladKarakay - Thanks
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 13 years ago
@LordCaoCao155 - I would only change 25 % of your water then 2 weeks later do another 25% water change.
Buddah Mayne
Buddah Mayne - 13 years ago
looks like a 50 gallon
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 13 years ago
@CrimelabS - I try to get all the gravel clean. Try to get as close to the plant with out disturbing the roots or plant.
CrimelabS - 13 years ago
do you clean the gravel near plants is it needed?
Mykala Da Cur
Mykala Da Cur - 13 years ago
i like your video...thanx for the a beginner..check out my video and can you tell me the white fish's species...i thought its a white molly,but its not... :)
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 13 years ago
@TheCoolPickles Your fish tank water should be a certain PH depending what fish you have in the tank and don't trust your tap water to maintain the same Ph over time. I have found tap water ph to be different every once and a while.
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 13 years ago
@raj0404222409 I like the bala sharks and I think its easier to look after a bigger tank than a smaller one.
Jonathan Stafford
Jonathan Stafford - 13 years ago
I found that very helpful. Thank you for posting.
DragonFighter1133 - 13 years ago
do you know how to do a water change for a 5 gallon water tank? (mine is not worm water mine is room temture like cool and worm but some what in betwen) just wording if you know on that?
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 13 years ago
@diezeled 60" L X 24" H X 18" W.
diezeled - 13 years ago
108 gallons? what are the dimensions?
With Your Shield
With Your Shield - 13 years ago
@WithurShield sorry..under gravel system.
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 13 years ago
@WithurShield I buy most my fish stuff at pet stores or craigslist.
With Your Shield
With Your Shield - 13 years ago
I've been looking for a under water filtration system, but only place i can find one is on ebay (buyers be ware). Do you have a recommend online supply?
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 13 years ago
@dyamarick I use a little pond pump to get the water back in the aquqrium.
David Yamarick
David Yamarick - 13 years ago
Hello Bruce, what kind of pump do you use to get the fresh water in? I have well water and it's almost perfect, except for ph, and of course temperature. I was hoping to be able to use hot and cold water to get 80F . Thanks for advice.
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 13 years ago
@TheAquaguppy I don't all ways believe in what the water conditioner says they can do for your tap water. Better be safe than sorry but thats just me.
Murad Hamdan
Murad Hamdan - 13 years ago
great video but why do u leave the tap water outside isnt tht what water conditioners are for it says on my conditioner it does alot of stuff in seconds
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 13 years ago
@shishila You can do either one but I put a little de-chlorinator in and let it sit for 48 hrs.
joe prestara
joe prestara - 13 years ago
There's also no need to leave water sit for days before adding, just make sure to use conditioner and have it close to the temp of what's in the aquarium, not too hot or cold.
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 13 years ago
@madmax92gsx I bought it at a pet (fish) store.
madmax92gsx - 13 years ago
where can i pick up that syphening hose your using? or did u make it?
HnEhonda - 13 years ago
ive had a 75 gallon fish tank for the past 5 years and when i do my water changes i drain 75% of my water and put straight water from the garden hose in the tank. ive never lost a fish doing it.
thizzy85 - 13 years ago
great looking tank
rob d
rob d - 13 years ago
hi very very helpfull fantastic parrot fish love the tank your doing a grate job thay all look very healthy, but i think your buddy you keep going on about is some one a little closer to home :) lol but you have to live and learn please post again
Kelly Woods
Kelly Woods - 13 years ago
Very helpful thanks,
michael meredith
michael meredith - 13 years ago
hey thanks for the video it was a great help to me plus you made it sort of funny at times :) thanks
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 13 years ago
@drepop803 Yes, I still have the shark.
drepop803 - 13 years ago
love the vid very helpful. now i understand how to clean a tank. do you still have the id shark?
jacksfreebies - 13 years ago
looks about 26 gallons
1softkiss - 13 years ago
Great info on proper set up and care for a fish aquarium. Tap water is bad with the chlorine additives. I used to have two 55 gallon tanks I raised and bred Angel fish in and I still love the environment tanks set for any room. Awesome information !!
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 13 years ago
@Greatbettas I have a little pump in the blue tub pumping water back into the tank.
SuperMightywhite - 13 years ago
some good tips but your been waaay over cautious on some things, use a good dechlorinator(seachem prime) and you don't have to let the water sit for a freshwater tank. also depending on the type of fish some times bigger water changes are needed, i do 50% on my mbuna tank weekly and never had a problem in 6 years. in fact in normally induces spawning. Freshwater tanks are quite forgiving, i keep a reef tank too which is far less forgiving
mike hollis
mike hollis - 13 years ago
people should stop buying parrot cichlids, they are the worst man made fish and need not to be in so much suffering.
768Kayshan - 13 years ago
This brought back funny memories of sucking water out of a guppy tank I had as a kid..being the oldest I always "talked" my little sister into doing it for me..ha ha ha..she's still mad at me for all that guppy water she'd get in her mouth!! :D
Ricardo Gonzales Colqui
Ricardo Gonzales Colqui - 13 years ago
my only mistake was water tap + chlorine a i leave it half a day and put the fish in tank and i dont even move or shake so it can be mix but thanks for the help now it works gr8
Sharticle Accelerator
Sharticle Accelerator - 13 years ago
your a fuken legend u explained everything for me cause i just bought a fish tank and i now know the cleaning thing
Sharticle Accelerator
Sharticle Accelerator - 13 years ago
your a fuken legend
lialisa1 - 13 years ago
Nice fish tank. Great video
overtime94 - 13 years ago
Great tips, Thanks alot for this.
GM Undertaker
GM Undertaker - 14 years ago
NiCe :D
Bruce Causier
Bruce Causier - 14 years ago
I don,t like to chance it, plus it will bring your tap water to room temperature. Goldfish are very hardy fish. I have 2 goldfish that are about 12 years old in my pond.
David Piper
David Piper - 14 years ago

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