3000 Liter Diskus-Aquarium | 800 Gallon Discus Tank

Unser größtes Diskus-Aquarium mit einem Fassungsvermögen von 3000 Liter + 750 Liter Biofilter Volumen im Unterschrank. Weitere Informationen über unsere Diskus-Zucht, sowie Videos und Fotos unserer Diskusfische erhalten Sie unter: FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/europadiscuscenter WEBSITE: http://europadiscuscenter.de/ Our 800 gallon discus tank with a 200 gallon bio filter underneath the aquarium. More information on our discus farm, as well as videos and pictures of our discus stock under: FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/europadiscuscenter WEBSITE: http://europadiscuscenter.de/

3000 Liter Diskus-Aquarium | 800 Gallon Discus Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 350

Pets & Animals 11 years ago 892,489 views

Unser größtes Diskus-Aquarium mit einem Fassungsvermögen von 3000 Liter + 750 Liter Biofilter Volumen im Unterschrank. Weitere Informationen über unsere Diskus-Zucht, sowie Videos und Fotos unserer Diskusfische erhalten Sie unter: FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/europadiscuscenter WEBSITE: http://europadiscuscenter.de/ Our 800 gallon discus tank with a 200 gallon bio filter underneath the aquarium. More information on our discus farm, as well as videos and pictures of our discus stock under: FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/europadiscuscenter WEBSITE: http://europadiscuscenter.de/

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Most popular comments
for 3000 Liter Diskus-Aquarium | 800 Gallon Discus Tank

Frank Michael Lischka
Frank Michael Lischka - 7 years ago
I like these fish
looks good
wish you a nice day
Greeting Frank
Creative Tips
Creative Tips - 7 years ago
Nilanthi Alamale
Nilanthi Alamale - 7 years ago
Over loaded
Elvira Peschel
Elvira Peschel - 7 years ago
Besatzungsdichte zu hoch
jiarealty - 7 years ago
If it was a pet shop I get it, but a private aquarium ?
Ната Двэн
Ната Двэн - 7 years ago
Как в аэропорту - не дома.
Gesse vieira do prado
Gesse vieira do prado - 7 years ago
Wilbert Ong
Wilbert Ong - 7 years ago
Kuro_der_Euphoriatimmy over 9000
Kuro_der_Euphoriatimmy over 9000 - 7 years ago
Da konnte sich jemand wohl die Einrichtung nicht mehr leisten, da das ganze Geld für die Fische drauf ging...
( Ein Diskus ca. 75€ in der Größe )

10. comment for 3000 Liter Diskus-Aquarium | 800 Gallon Discus Tank

ray speed
ray speed - 7 years ago
Lovely fish, a beautiful easy fish to keep
Solomon Jacob
Solomon Jacob - 7 years ago
looks like a labour camp .
Marcel Jaouen
Marcel Jaouen - 7 years ago
Nul! Zéro!!! C'est de la malttraitance !!!
Harry Do
Harry Do - 7 years ago
I would say the average size of these fish in this tank is 6" +, and I believe not many of the people comment below would know how much of an achievement it is to maintain such huge volume yet super healthy looking tank. I have a 500L with 10 large discus and it is a dedicated job to keep them healthy. Great job sir!
Julie Sims
Julie Sims - 8 years ago
beautiful fish just look a few too many for the tank. But beautiful fish. look forward to starting one myself. I'm getting 250l tank.. Would 4 or 5 adult discus be OK with substrate and few peices of drift wood? And maybe some Jungle Val to hide amongst?
bob c m
bob c m - 8 years ago
not good 2 much fish
EL CANTANTE LAVÓE. - 8 years ago
Eso se llama acinamiento
Yisgioh - 8 years ago
I can see why some call these the kings of fresh water
Marcelo Oxfam
Marcelo Oxfam - 8 years ago
math show
Cristian Cittar
Cristian Cittar - 8 years ago
pobres son muchos para esa pecera

20. comment for 3000 Liter Diskus-Aquarium | 800 Gallon Discus Tank

iGaroux - 8 years ago
i think i see a discus.
Negative330 - 8 years ago
And i thought 3 angels in my 29 was cramped
Atataş World
Atataş World - 8 years ago
I am waiting for your support to make the channel production discus angel and japan
potato potato
potato potato - 8 years ago
8/10. Could use more discus.
Bear happs
Bear happs - 8 years ago
Stu Telfer
Stu Telfer - 8 years ago
needs more discus
onur aydin
onur aydin - 8 years ago
Sean Wilson
Sean Wilson - 8 years ago
absolutely stunning
Douglas L
Douglas L - 8 years ago
So many that it is not even close to beautiful. Very sad to look at.
BigRalphSmith - 8 years ago
Your opinion of "beauty" is not the opinion held by these fish.
Please, do some reading on why some discus tanks look the way they do.
Dirk Mouvet
Dirk Mouvet - 8 years ago
i saw not one good discus in this tank. sorry at about 1:15 are 2 pigeon which look quiet ok.

30. comment for 3000 Liter Diskus-Aquarium | 800 Gallon Discus Tank

bernd kittler
bernd kittler - 8 years ago
ein reines fischaquarium ist nich so schön keine pflanzen das ist doch hässlich
P Jay
P Jay - 8 years ago
at around the 40 second mark, I thought I saw a bit more space for another discus.
David L
David L - 7 years ago
I couldnt find space
Mauro Telles
Mauro Telles - 8 years ago
A beautiful aquarium. Beautiful fish, the more exaggerated the amount.
lieutambien - 8 years ago
Pretty quality fishes, ugly tank
Mohammad Islam
Mohammad Islam - 7 years ago
lieutambien true
Zer0cool NINJA88
Zer0cool NINJA88 - 8 years ago
how many are there in that tank
MaxamillionGrey - 8 years ago
Holy crap. Over populated and under stimulated.
James Kilgore
James Kilgore - 8 years ago
so many ignorant people posting on here that have probably never heard of a discus outside of the olympics...
Flesh McFresh
Flesh McFresh - 8 years ago
way to waste 800 gallons on such boring ass fish. get some cichlids, or a couple gar or something. discus are the most boring fish out there.
Zante - 7 years ago
You do know that discus are in fact cichlids, right?
Viking64 - 8 years ago
Lol chichlids or gar, ugly predator fish no thanks. I would rather have a shoal of small fish looks 1000 times better.
Izral Zawaki
Izral Zawaki - 8 years ago
all about self-preference
Jay Jay
Jay Jay - 8 years ago
This is just sad bro!
Give them some wood and even some floating plants, its clean enouch!

( I live for my Discus they don't live for me )
Adolf Heidinkoff
Adolf Heidinkoff - 8 years ago
Light blue inside dark blue rims with black stripes?? Name anyone?
Himadri Das
Himadri Das - 8 years ago
Ur eating beef heart bt i use goaat heart, so any prblm this. Reply sir.
Phyo Nyein Chan
Phyo Nyein Chan - 8 years ago
EuropaDiscusCenter how about chicken heart? it makes less water cloudy than beef heart. THANK YOU
EuropaDiscusCenter - 8 years ago
+Himadri Das the best is to use turkey heart, it has less fat and is easier to digest by the discus
MA FishGuy
MA FishGuy - 8 years ago
wow that's a nice looking tank and alot of discus
norbzart 2nd
norbzart 2nd - 8 years ago
or just keep less fish and than you will have no water parameter issues.....
GamersLetsPlay - 8 years ago
Wieso wurde das Becken nicht eingerichtet ! Das ist doch kein Leben für einen solch schönen Fisch !!!
Kseniya R
Kseniya R - 8 years ago
dttruon - 8 years ago
beautiful fish. beautiful tank. ugliest combination ever. seriously, throw in some twigs and salads, and maybe a pinch of sand or something.
Robert - 7 years ago
dttruon stfu
Ender LoL
Ender LoL - 8 years ago
When i watched this vidéo i have been very amazed
Ender LoL
Ender LoL - 8 years ago
Michel Bramm
Michel Bramm - 9 years ago
Du kannst einen Fisch doch nicht ohne fersteckmöglichkeiten Sand oder Pflanzen halten
Maximilian Weinzierl
Maximilian Weinzierl - 9 years ago
Is the aquarium not overpopulated? I think that can mean stress for the fish
Ricardo López
Ricardo López - 8 years ago
+Maximilian Weinzierl Have you seen how discus live in the Amazon?, I have seen more of them together in reduced spaces (yes, reduced, because they use to hide in some really closed spaces for the predators). I think they feel safe together.
WWK Hero
WWK Hero - 9 years ago
is your amonia really high

50. comment for 3000 Liter Diskus-Aquarium | 800 Gallon Discus Tank

Ксения - 9 years ago
800 рыб на 3000 литров? Это недопустимо. Рыбам там повернуться негде.
Joe Shook
Joe Shook - 9 years ago
piyush kumar
piyush kumar - 9 years ago
nice collection of discus...very nice..:p
Louis Hang
Louis Hang - 9 years ago
so expensive
rubik1975 - 9 years ago
Bass Player
Bass Player - 9 years ago
Lots of opinions here,
I have 14 Discus in a 90 gallon tank and half of it is wasted because they usually hang out together.
My tank is just like this one with nothing in it because it stays cleaner and I clean the pop out twice a day.
It's easy to care for and great for the fish.
A planted tank looks better but when I add decorations/driftwood they become territorial. (tried it several times)
Angel Montes
Angel Montes - 8 years ago
i like how people complain like they no how the fish feels what about if they are just happy just being in there and being fed
Neeraj - 9 years ago
+Bass Player Good point about 'territorial instincts'
svtcontour - 9 years ago
+Celest1alBe1ng  That's why its my opinion. Someone can take it or not. If you don't like it, you can also move along or voice your opinion - whichever you like as you did. Freedom of expression.
Celest1alBe1ng - 9 years ago
+svtcontour you seem to care a great deal what he does to his fishies. It sounds like he is already creating a great environment for his discus friends with respect to water changes and water parameters. If you don't agree with his style of prioritizing water quality over decor then you need sit down and shut it. No one cares about your personal values and ideas if you try to force it on someone. Your individual opinion that you think is fact really does not matter in the long run.
svtcontour - 9 years ago
+Bass Player  Well all the benefit would be monetary for the breeder that's why the tanks are bare. Yes its easier to clean and less potential for disease but  fish like many living things do prefer to hide if they are frightened, they will acquire a territory if the situation is right..etc. These are all instinctual for the fish and I think as simple as fish are compared to mammals, there may be some small 'happiness' if you can call that if they are in their natural settings.     Its why for example I can pick up fish as simple as tiger barbs or giant danios from a store with a bare tank where they have virtually no color and put it in my tank and within a few days they are vibrant. There must be something jiving with them and I doubt its because I have some magical tank.   Anyway no sense in continuing this discussion. We will not agree.
Bass Player
Bass Player - 9 years ago
+svtcontour No!
It means you should do what ever you want because you are never going to create a natural environment, and if you notice no commercial breeder (that I have ever seen) has anything but a bare tank.
So anything you add is for you, stop kidding yourself because there is no tank addition where any reasonable benefit can be measured, but there are many negatives for Discus.
I'm done here
svtcontour - 9 years ago
+Bass Player  So because in absolute terms, its not natural, we should make an effort to make it as far removed as possible?
Bass Player
Bass Player - 9 years ago
+svtcontour There is absolutely nothing "natural" about keeping anything captive...
svtcontour - 9 years ago
+Bass Player  IMO no point in keeping fish if one does not attempt to create a natural habitat. You mentioned about being territorial with plants and driftwood. Yes but this is normal and in their nature.  They should stake out a territory and they should pair up and breed. Its natural for them to behave this way.
angel calvin
angel calvin - 9 years ago
hay discos estresados y sobrepoblacion de los mismos
angel calvin
angel calvin - 8 years ago
jajajaja te salise con lo de bob esponja pero vale al tu solo tener peces disco no hacen falta escondites y estan tranquilos denoto qeu tienes mucha aficcion por estos animnales y qeu controlas de acuarios asi que nada pero sigo opinando que un poco de plantas de forestaciona lgo verde estaria mejor
Ricardo López
Ricardo López - 8 years ago
Las plantas ayudan a oxigenar el agua, pero lo mismo hace una bomba de oxigeno. Y si, estoy de acuerdo con lo de un pez silvestre, creo que ahí aplica la excepción y lo que dices, pero mas bien por un tema de escondites que de un tema visual. Creo que al pez le daría lo mismo si le pones un tronco o una figura de Bob Esponja (aunque es mas bonito un tronco claro para nosotros, lo otro me parece feísimo).
angel calvin
angel calvin - 8 years ago
ya pero las plantas ayudan a oxigenar el agua y y bueno estos queizas proque sond e cautiverio pero unpez silvestre sin platas estaria estresado
Ricardo López
Ricardo López - 8 years ago
Pero eso es prerrogativa humana, a los peces les da exactamente lo mismo, puedes simplemente saberlo viendo los acuarios donde los crian, ver sus colores y ver como llegan a adultos. Un perro podría decirte: y como estas mejor, comiendo tu propio vomito o sin hacerlo? jaja, un ejemplo un poco gracioso, pero es para graficar que yo pienso que eso simplemente es humanizar al animal, ponerlo en nuestros estándares, pero es una criatura distinta, hay cosas mucho mas importantes para ellos que un adorno.
angel calvin
angel calvin - 8 years ago
pero te digo lo de antes ocmoe stas mejor en tu casa conmuebles o sine llos
Ricardo López
Ricardo López - 8 years ago
Mira este video (después del signo igual pega esto 65mwzp6fM5s en la dirección). Ahí hay varios mitos que se rompen: 1) a los peces las corrientes les estresan y les hacen mal, cuantas veces hemos leído esto?, es mentira, viven en aguas correntosas muchos de ellos (no todos, como los bettas que ahí aplica correctamente), 2) los discos necesitan mucho espacio y no debes poner sobre población, mira en los espacios reducidos que habitan. Para mi la experiencia es el mejor aliado y ver realmente como viven, no se por que se inventan tantas cosas, pero es asi. Y eso que he visto discos mas hacinados en la naturaleza misma!
Ricardo López
Ricardo López - 8 years ago
Yo creo que a los salvajes puede afectarle mas lo que dices, porque precisamente comen menos, generalmente solo alimento vivo que es menos sucio (cuesta hacerles comer comercial) y están acostumbrados a otro medio de vida, pero los hibridos es distinto, comen demasiado y nacieron bajo esas rutinas.
Ricardo López
Ricardo López - 8 years ago
Los discos están acostumbrados a los cambios de agua, de hecho por todo lo que comen el cambio debería ser diario, asi lo hacen todos los criadores. Al menos sifonear la mierda del fondo porque produce elementos nitrogenados y amonio que no es bueno. Asi como comen, cagan estos peces, por eso la mantención diaria es lo que recomiendan los criaderos, y esto no lo digo yo, lo dice incluso criadores muy respetados donde un amigo importa todos los meses (discos Tony Tan). No creo que les afecte cuando es costumbre, yo mantengo discos y están muy sanos, les cambio todos los días. Como digo, hay mucho mito con los discos.
angel calvin
angel calvin - 8 years ago
para el cambio del agua deveras hacer lso calculos pero los cambios de agua afectan mucho a la tranquilidad delos peces yo opino que vaciar vale tenemos unacantidad menos de agua pero al rellenar con otro agua por muy similar que sea ese cambio lo notan mucho los peces y ha de ser gota a gotaen cuanto a la vegetacion ayuda a osigenar ela gua asi como los aireadores el ozono para las plantas los abonos para las plantas paso de ellos porque se alimentan muy biend e los escrementos de las plantas solo preguntate como estasa tu emjor enun piso conmuegles o sinellos
Ricardo López
Ricardo López - 8 years ago
Precisamente ese calculo es el que digo que está errado después de ver la amazonia y como viven los discos en ella. Te impresionarías lo hacinados que le gusta estar. Y lo de cómodo, es algo mas bien relacionado a los humanos, nosotros lo vemos mas cómodo, pero la verdad es que estos peces nacieron y se criaron en acuarios idénticos, no creo que les afecte la verdad. Yo creo que les afecta más tener o no comida disponible y de calidad, así como la calidad del agua. La calidad del agua es lo único que me pregunto, debería cambiarle todos los días con esa cantidad de peces.
angel calvin
angel calvin - 8 years ago
pero de todas formas hay un calculo para ver los peces disco que puedes tener no crees que ahy hay superpoblacion? y no estarian mas comodos con tierra y plantas?
angel calvin
angel calvin - 8 years ago
bueno ahy vale si hay discos con las rayas ya marcadas pero si ves ue se le ponesn mas fuerte es sintomas de estres el porque se sienta  inferior en jerarquia no sabria decirte 
Ricardo López
Ricardo López - 8 years ago
No necesariamente, las rayas de estrés es correcto que se marcan cuando el pez se estresa, pero no siempre es por sobre población, a veces es por acoso simplemente por estar en un nivel bajo en la jerarquía, y hay algunas variedades que siempre las tienen marcadas, ya que tienen mucho gen salvaje. El heckel por ejemplo, y los nanay, tienen rayas de estrés constantes y no se borran. La manera real de ver un disco estresado constantemente y que potencialmente puede enfermar es que su color se opaca. Esa manera que dices es correcta, pero sólo en algunas variedades de cria selectiva.
angel calvin
angel calvin - 8 years ago
he visto discon con rallas qu es cuando estan extresados y queitarsele las rallas cuando estan tranquilos
Ricardo López
Ricardo López - 8 years ago
+angel calvin has visto como viven en el Amazonas?, he visto mas discos juntos en espacios cerrados, cerrados porque buscan lugares lo menos accesible posible por los depredadores. Hay otros lugares mucho mas abiertos donde hay de ellos, pero otros muy cerrados. Yo creo que se sienten seguros ellos si hay muchos, es el objetivo del cardumen. Por otro lado, cual disco específicamente está estresado?, yo no vi ninguno así. Ojo, que en la jerarquía un disco pudiese estresarse, pero no específicamente por sobre población, sino por su timidez y sentirse amenazado constantemente, no necesariamente el estrés se produce por la "sobre población". Creo que es un mito eso de la sobre población de discos cuando se tienen muchos. de hecho, esta lleno de mitos el tema de los discos (ej: que 6 discos esta bien, cuando con 6 ves mucho mas peleas porque tienden a no reconocerse como cardumen, por ende se tienden a expulsar constantemente, etc.).
Craig Woodhull
Craig Woodhull - 9 years ago
Just thinking about water changes!!!
Sweet tank and fish of course.Give me
200 gallons and i'm like a pig in mud
KGotschall - 9 years ago
I bet his wife LOVES it
Azei Alaiiya
Azei Alaiiya - 9 years ago
what are those fishes feeding on?
Chris - 9 years ago
u are a fucking pig. bringing so many fish into that. i hope somebody will do that same shit with u. u deserve it
Robert - 7 years ago
Chris stfu
Hussain Tinwala
Hussain Tinwala - 9 years ago
Sir your fishes are wonderful, but add some substrate to it so that d fishes can have some space to hide
ImZentraxis LP
ImZentraxis LP - 9 years ago
 i love it so much its only nice and cool
GwynnbrookFarm - 10 years ago
That's a lot of fish in one aquarium.  You better hope that tank never leaks.
Atsadawut Phuengsat
Atsadawut Phuengsat - 9 years ago
+EuropaDiscusCenter how you observe when they are pairing? I do same way as your tank but I don't know when they start pairing. i observed for a month, the water good cos i change water everyday hopefully they will be ready but nothing happen on my around 40 discus in 300 tank.,tks in advance for your suggestion
A Harry Stan
A Harry Stan - 10 years ago
You're making me jealous!.......Oh by the way,if I have 10 gallon tank how many Discus can I keep??
Daniel goldney
Daniel goldney - 9 years ago
You need a bigger tank yours is too small.
GLOW - 10 years ago
<How to Discus Fish Tank. The Ultimate Guide to Discus Fish Care.<
speel - 10 years ago
+GLOW<<<<<FishCare-discus.blogspot.com <<<
The Ultimate Guide In Caring For Your Discus Fish. This Resource Is A Must Have For Any Discus Fish Owner Or Potential Buyer Wether They Are A Beginner Or An Expert Aquarist. This Guide Covers All Aspects Of Caring For This Beautiful Species Of Fish.>>>>>>>>>
Phillip Bailey
Phillip Bailey - 10 years ago
Those fish look very healthy
svtcontour - 10 years ago
sorry IMO its terrible. Better off having far few fish and creating a natural habitat.
Daniel goldney
Daniel goldney - 9 years ago
Thank you!!!!!!!
Nguyễn Threesix
Nguyễn Threesix - 10 years ago
i want to buy! Have do you sell?
Margareta Drejare
Margareta Drejare - 10 years ago
This is horrible! How hell can you have so many fishes in that small tank? Thats way not 300liters Tumphs down!
Zante - 7 years ago
Similar to the tank I'm planning in size and discus population. I'm shooting for 1200 litres and 12 discus, but I'm planning a community riparium, similar to the tank I already had in population and setup, just 3 times bigger, and with plenty of emersed plants (spataphyllum, dieffenbachia, echinodorus, philodendrons and so on) and plenty of emergent wood on which to grow orchids and bromeliads.
Josh Mendez
Josh Mendez - 8 years ago
Margareta Drejare its 3000 liters
First Timer
First Timer - 9 years ago
+Metin Erdinc i guess you don’t keep discus to make such a statement. Discus don’t get necessarily territorial unless they’re pairs, but with small numbers the hierarchy is more aggressively maintained...
Makoy Unggoy
Makoy Unggoy - 9 years ago
+Korven 4356 SMALL TANK?!!!
Team 9
Team 9 - 9 years ago
+Metin Erdinc This tank isnt over crowded if theres a lot of water changed and a very good filtration. Never heard that discus would get aggressive? Probably never had discus I guess, because I have been keeping discus for over 10 years now and from every tank I had (6 so far) there were always one or two aggressive discus fishes, when I had 5-8 discus in my tank. Then I finally got my 1800 ltr. tank and had 15 discus, 0 problems, 0 aggressiveness. So yes, the less, the more aggression there will be.
Rheinguard - 10 years ago
+Metin Erdinc
Discus ARE from the cichilid genus of fish.  And yes, from personal experience, they can get territorial.  But I do agree Metin, this tank is very crowded.  #EuropaDiscusCenter send me some!  I have a 75 gallon cycled tropical tank ready ;) 
Metin Erdinc
Metin Erdinc - 10 years ago
+Blake Yerian Yes, this theory is often applied on the cichlid family of fish. Never heard that Discus would get aggressive and territorial. This tank i waaay over crowded for long time use.
ebie - 10 years ago
Its amazing how exaggerated people can be just to get attention. That is no way near 3000litres. I have a tank around that size judging from the the person size to tank to fish. Its half of what they exagerate the size is.
AnimalAce - 10 years ago
+AnimalAce maybe 600
AnimalAce - 10 years ago
+ebie  ya it looks more like a 300-400 gallon
Özgür Çelik
Özgür Çelik - 10 years ago
wtf !!!!! This is torture........
Oleg Budko
Oleg Budko - 10 years ago
AquaSnail.Ru - 10 years ago
впечатляет...если пересчитывать масштабы и сравнивать с человеческими, то 10см рыбка живет в аквариуме 3000 литров (3х1х1 м), а человек 1м70см должен тогда жить в комнате,  в 17 раз большей )))  200м на 35 м и высотой потолка 7 метров ))). добавьте налоги на недвижимость и плату за электроэнергию, если за окном - минус 30))
вывод: это страна дискусов - олигархов...)))

желаю всем здоровья, а рыбкам - не скучать...)
TheBSideDJ - 10 years ago
of course this is a discus dealer / seller-tank... I can't imagine overstocking diskus in an "empty setup" tank like this just  for fun or the "beauty" of it...  the rule in a normal setup is 1 discus for  75 to 100 litres of water in  a good environment, meaning dark places or hiding places (wood, plants), .. dark gravel is better then light gravel. 
Giulia Marini
Giulia Marini - 10 years ago
McCripz - 10 years ago
Party Channel 123
Party Channel 123 - 10 years ago
Bit over stocked i would say
Forever Farms
Forever Farms - 10 years ago
How many Discus are in there?
Chrisbro Aquarianis
Chrisbro Aquarianis - 10 years ago
Sind schon paar zu viele drin oder? Oder stehen die zum Verkauf?
Ian Wright
Ian Wright - 10 years ago
they need a bigger tank!!!
Jacqueline Bulpin
Jacqueline Bulpin - 7 years ago
Ian Wright
Luis I
Luis I - 10 years ago
So beatiful, congratulations!
DONFREDO - 10 years ago
I wonder where the tradition of feeding beef heart to discus actually came from ? The only reason I can think of is that organ meat is cheap, and it's possibly fairly low in fat, otherwise I doubt there is anything specifically wonderful about beef heart over lean beef mince for example.
stanchung69 - 10 years ago
I think because BH doesn't have as much grit/fiber that will cause indigestion
HandtuchHD - 10 years ago
Für die Fische ist das aber nicht so toll denk mal daran das die Fische auch mal Pflanzen und anderes brauchen. Die Fische werden die kein tolles leben haben.
Sebastian G
Sebastian G - 10 years ago
jeder wie er will aber meiner meinung nach ist das aquarium ranvoll überfüllt!
es ist nicht mal ein boden oder sand drinnen was auch schlimm ist. disken brauchen auch wurzel oder äste um sich zurückzuziehen.
Eric Ongena
Eric Ongena - 10 years ago
C' est beau mais beaucoup trôt de poissons!
sunkhiu bong
sunkhiu bong - 10 years ago
Bagus. Cantik.
Steff J
Steff J - 10 years ago
Leave it to this guy to make a 800 gallon tank look crowded -.- lol
rocky raj
rocky raj - 7 years ago
Ur so cute like fish my whtsup no 9738875688 Indian
ZigZag - 8 years ago
pls respawn
Michael Baker
Michael Baker - 10 years ago
I guess it would make for a nice grow out tank but over kill.  That 800 gallon Discus tank however would make a gorgeous show tank if it were planted and had a lot fewer discus in it.  Who knows, maybe you have a dozen of these though?  Just sayin~
Lauren Reilly
Lauren Reilly - 10 years ago
why no plants or substrate? Not a very nice tank in my opinion since it is unnatural for these fish. No where to hide, nothing interesting to look at...
Ice cream Sandwich
Ice cream Sandwich - 7 years ago
Lauren Reilly its already overcrowded
Marcus Christensen
Marcus Christensen - 7 years ago
the fish are interesting to looks at, i think he keeps them as pets not only decoration.
Zante - 7 years ago
It depends on what you mean by "pro". If you mean a person whose job is to breed or wholesale discus and has thousands of fish going through his tanks every month (as in professional), then yes, of course blank tanks are the way to go, it's the only practical way to do it.

If you instead mean the more colloquial meaning of "pro" as in a person who has a lot of experience having discus, well... I can see there is merit in both ways, but to be honest I've found the most interesting behaviour from discus in a properly scaped tank (stress on "properly, not just thrown together, but well done for both the viewer and the fish).
Discus might stand out in a blank tank and show "pretty", but they are really interesting fish when you give them the space and the environment they deserve.
JewishCoupon - 7 years ago
VIJAYSITAL You must be a rookie.Try keeping tens of thousands of fish with full decor and let me know how well it works out for ya
James Kilgore
James Kilgore - 8 years ago
@Vijaysitail you don't know how to keep discus. this is proper, especially with fully stocked tank like this.
mark beep
mark beep - 10 years ago
Hi there,
it is much easier to clean,
also no substrate, no plants, no driftwood makes the fish less territorial, fewer fights, injured fish are more prone to disease. 
Hope that helps.
othus vice
othus vice - 10 years ago
works both ways to be honest, they arent the pickiest fish.
Zante - 10 years ago
+othus vice I disagree. Mine are thriving and breeding in a tank with a sand substrate and loads of plants
othus vice
othus vice - 10 years ago
pro discus keepers leave them on blank tanks. these fish require a really sterile environment
SuperNinja - 10 years ago
Sooooooooooo.. how many Discus you got there?
Cristian Alexis Tapias
Cristian Alexis Tapias - 10 years ago
Hermoso acuario, una pregunta? que calibre o espesor tiene el vidrio, Gracias por responder mi pregunta.
Tin Hunter
Tin Hunter - 10 years ago
spezunk100 - 10 years ago
what a waste of a nice tank its like cramming 15 discus into a 20gal tank.....come on man whats wrong with your head?
Andres Correa
Andres Correa - 10 years ago
Wow. Those are beautiful!
Аква Канал
Аква Канал - 10 years ago
I'm the biggest pasted to 1250 liters, such as gluing most scary
Stéphane Plecinski
Stéphane Plecinski - 10 years ago
Enorme 800 discus
Furkan Şap
Furkan Şap - 11 years ago
bu akvaryumu beyenmeyenin zevki yok :D
PNC Baker
PNC Baker - 11 years ago
Discus = Disgusting meat eater fish
sea xse
sea xse - 11 years ago
Can't believe this. It's like you live in a room with 30 people.

100. comment for 3000 Liter Diskus-Aquarium | 800 Gallon Discus Tank

Joseph Smith
Joseph Smith - 11 years ago
Wow....how do you clean a bb tank of this size? I run a 55 sand tank with 7 discus...still have to vacuum every daynd change about 20 gal....you my friend are the shit.
Bob Saget
Bob Saget - 10 years ago
That is a lot of pretty Discus :)
Bob Saget
Bob Saget - 10 years ago
+EuropaDiscusCenter 100% water change everyday, convenient that you have a fully staffed aquarium shop but this is going to give unnecessary expectations to hobbyists. If you need to do more than 20% every two weeks your nitrogen cycle is not stable in your tank, and adjustments need to be made either larger/more bio filtration, removing stock or reduce feeding. Feeding once a day and no more than they can consume in a few minutes is the key or one can feed several smaller meals are in a day. This is true unless you are breeding or trying to grow your fish to maximum size and in that case quality of food is more important than quantity.
stingrayyyyyy - 11 years ago
Beautiful tank and fishes.
Mister Invisible
Mister Invisible - 11 years ago
Over stocked, bare tank. Just cram in as many fish as you like.  Awful and cruel.
kiran poojary
kiran poojary - 11 years ago
Beautiful....I thought of picking up my favorite from the lot...I couldn't...they are all so beautiful....
Nancy Volke
Nancy Volke - 11 years ago
No words, just beautiful!!!!
mickshaw555 - 11 years ago
kick ass!!
Akvarie Planten
Akvarie Planten - 11 years ago
Very Big and Nice tank! Please check my Channel and like it and sub too.. Thx
RamirezHD - 11 years ago
can I have one for free, pleeease!
RamirezHD - 11 years ago
+EuropaDiscusCenter  I knew there was a catch! lol 
Metalfishead - 11 years ago
Wat are the dimensions of this tank? and what is it made of? Also could you post a video about your filtration. Thanks beautiful btw.
Matt Richison
Matt Richison - 11 years ago
Hoooooly shiiiiiit that'd a lot of discus
poisondekara - 11 years ago
Chris Harrison
Chris Harrison - 11 years ago
Not really. In the wild, most discus live like this. They are one of the few fish that enjoy living like this
Fireflight SCI
Fireflight SCI - 11 years ago
Biggest and Most Beautiful Discus Around + 800 gallons of water , absolutely spectacular
Fish4Ever - 11 years ago
Discus are so beautiful! Especially yours!!!
Fish4Ever - 11 years ago
You're welcome! (: Do you sell them?
Fish4Ever - 11 years ago
Discus are so beautiful! Especially yours!!!
Jason Stroman
Jason Stroman - 11 years ago
Marco ayhon
Marco ayhon - 11 years ago
Wow good job!!!!! check mines
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 11 years ago
This tank is amazing!  I've never seen so many discus in one tank before!  Great video, great channel!
crankyboiy - 10 years ago
+EuropaDiscusCenter how many thousands of $ did u spend on all of those discus? Looks very nice, probably the best aquarium ever if u had real plants or a biotope setup
OceanLife69 - 11 years ago
Tom's Fish Tanks
Tom's Fish Tanks - 11 years ago
Amazing.  An 800 gallon discus tank would be a dream.  I would hate the 50% water changes every day though.  :)   What do you feed your fish?
utsuriman - 10 years ago
+EuropaDiscusCenter   Hi VERY NICE ! Im In U.S. Do U have the Beefheart rec ipe in a chronological order to share plz? TY

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