3000 Liter Diskus-Aquarium | 800 Gallon Discus Tank
Pets & Animals 11 years ago 892,489 views
Unser größtes Diskus-Aquarium mit einem Fassungsvermögen von 3000 Liter + 750 Liter Biofilter Volumen im Unterschrank. Weitere Informationen über unsere Diskus-Zucht, sowie Videos und Fotos unserer Diskusfische erhalten Sie unter: FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/europadiscuscenter WEBSITE: http://europadiscuscenter.de/ Our 800 gallon discus tank with a 200 gallon bio filter underneath the aquarium. More information on our discus farm, as well as videos and pictures of our discus stock under: FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/europadiscuscenter WEBSITE: http://europadiscuscenter.de/
looks good
wish you a nice day
Greeting Frank
( Ein Diskus ca. 75€ in der Größe )
10. comment for 3000 Liter Diskus-Aquarium | 800 Gallon Discus Tank
20. comment for 3000 Liter Diskus-Aquarium | 800 Gallon Discus Tank
Please, do some reading on why some discus tanks look the way they do.
30. comment for 3000 Liter Diskus-Aquarium | 800 Gallon Discus Tank
Give them some wood and even some floating plants, its clean enouch!
( I live for my Discus they don't live for me )
50. comment for 3000 Liter Diskus-Aquarium | 800 Gallon Discus Tank
I have 14 Discus in a 90 gallon tank and half of it is wasted because they usually hang out together.
My tank is just like this one with nothing in it because it stays cleaner and I clean the pop out twice a day.
It's easy to care for and great for the fish.
A planted tank looks better but when I add decorations/driftwood they become territorial. (tried it several times)
It means you should do what ever you want because you are never going to create a natural environment, and if you notice no commercial breeder (that I have ever seen) has anything but a bare tank.
So anything you add is for you, stop kidding yourself because there is no tank addition where any reasonable benefit can be measured, but there are many negatives for Discus.
I'm done here
Sweet tank and fish of course.Give me
200 gallons and i'm like a pig in mud
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Discus ARE from the cichilid genus of fish. And yes, from personal experience, they can get territorial. But I do agree Metin, this tank is very crowded. #EuropaDiscusCenter send me some! I have a 75 gallon cycled tropical tank ready ;)
вывод: это страна дискусов - олигархов...)))
желаю всем здоровья, а рыбкам - не скучать...)
es ist nicht mal ein boden oder sand drinnen was auch schlimm ist. disken brauchen auch wurzel oder äste um sich zurückzuziehen.
If you instead mean the more colloquial meaning of "pro" as in a person who has a lot of experience having discus, well... I can see there is merit in both ways, but to be honest I've found the most interesting behaviour from discus in a properly scaped tank (stress on "properly, not just thrown together, but well done for both the viewer and the fish).
Discus might stand out in a blank tank and show "pretty", but they are really interesting fish when you give them the space and the environment they deserve.
it is much easier to clean,
also no substrate, no plants, no driftwood makes the fish less territorial, fewer fights, injured fish are more prone to disease.
Hope that helps.
100. comment for 3000 Liter Diskus-Aquarium | 800 Gallon Discus Tank