99 - My visit to see the biggest planted tank in the world - Florestas submersas by Takashi amano

I went to Portugal for the weekend and took the time to visit Takashi Amano's newest aquascape. The scape can be seen in the Lisbon oceanarium, it's called underwater forests and at 40 meters it is the biggest planted tank in the world. I went hoping to find something special, something that made me be thankful for being part of this hobby and i got more than what i was hoping. I got a memorable experience that will stay with me for the rest of my life. This tank is the most amazing planted tank i have ever seen. The video does not do it enough justice. Still i hope you like it. If you can please visit this, you will not regret it. AQUAdesign blog http://www.aquadesignuk.blogspot.co.uk/ Aquamaniac on google plus: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/105404714222463270394/105404714222463270394/posts AQUAdesign on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AQUAdesignUK?ref=hl

99 - My visit to see the biggest planted tank in the world - Florestas submersas by Takashi amano sentiment_very_dissatisfied 7

Pets & Animals 9 years ago 67,401 views

I went to Portugal for the weekend and took the time to visit Takashi Amano's newest aquascape. The scape can be seen in the Lisbon oceanarium, it's called underwater forests and at 40 meters it is the biggest planted tank in the world. I went hoping to find something special, something that made me be thankful for being part of this hobby and i got more than what i was hoping. I got a memorable experience that will stay with me for the rest of my life. This tank is the most amazing planted tank i have ever seen. The video does not do it enough justice. Still i hope you like it. If you can please visit this, you will not regret it. AQUAdesign blog http://www.aquadesignuk.blogspot.co.uk/ Aquamaniac on google plus: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/105404714222463270394/105404714222463270394/posts AQUAdesign on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AQUAdesignUK?ref=hl

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Most popular comments
for 99 - My visit to see the biggest planted tank in the world - Florestas submersas by Takashi amano

9929kingfish - 7 years ago
RIP Amano.
Ben Hodges
Ben Hodges - 7 years ago
At the very end you finally showed the full volume of the tank! why did you wait so long? anyway good video thanks for sharing.
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 7 years ago
it just seemed nice to the reveal of the full size of the tank in the end. I figured it would have a good impact.
Les - 7 years ago
He was one of the best aquascaper in our time. To bad he isn't with us anymore. So much passion, caring and perfectionist, just to show what you can do with an aquarium. This is by far my favorite fresh water tank I have ever seen on internet.
Les - 7 years ago
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac: okay so then I'm lucky then
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 7 years ago
They are keeping the exhibit open indefinitely now, so I am sure you will have a chance. It was originally planned to end this month but people were requesting for it to stay, so they are keeping it. I plan to go for a fifth visit next year.
Les - 7 years ago
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac: that's true, maybe in the future, it's on my list to do.
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 7 years ago
You should go see it live then. You'll be mind blown. I have seen it four times already.
MrBigEnchilada - 7 years ago
that is a really nice looking tank
BreadCasket - 7 years ago
Hard to believe that each plant was placed with a pair of tweezers (albeit many hands and tweezers).
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 7 years ago
You're welcome. Sorry ear you won't be able to see this live. I hope to go once again next month.
BreadCasket - 7 years ago
That was a great write up, thank you for sharing your experience as there is basically no chance I will ever get to see this for myself.
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 7 years ago
If you see the tank today. You'll find it hard to believe it's the same one on this video. I was there in March as part of scapetour and it looked massively different.
Scalare Man
Scalare Man - 7 years ago
Only 2 words: Holy Fuck!
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 7 years ago
This was 2 years and a half ago. It looks even more impressive now.Thanks for watching.
laurie hamilton
laurie hamilton - 7 years ago
that was great video.
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 7 years ago
The aquarium is great. My video skills are not that great, but there's not much to do when filming something this beautiful.
Deivid Quiros
Deivid Quiros - 7 years ago
Just one word: SPECTACULAR!!!
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 7 years ago
Theres no better word for it. It looks way better now, than it did in this video
Ciompec D
Ciompec D - 7 years ago
you put 5 l fertilizer :)))

10. comment for 99 - My visit to see the biggest planted tank in the world - Florestas submersas by Takashi amano

hjc - 7 years ago
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 7 years ago
Its is. I went to see it again as part of the scapetour just 4 weeks ago. This time a stayed all day.
saylesh - 7 years ago
If I were a small fish, this is where I would want to live
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 7 years ago
Me too.
Tiny budgie
Tiny budgie - 7 years ago
Does anybody now how much gallons
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 7 years ago
Aproximately 42267 US. gallons.
Yoga Pradenta
Yoga Pradenta - 7 years ago
Large tank for Small fish, this is nice to see and nice for a fishes
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 7 years ago
STUFFED CRUST PIZZA Zz - 8 years ago
Wow I'd like to visit there and spend an entire day just looking at that aquarium
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 7 years ago
Why not do It then? I did it just a few weeks ago. Went for the scapetour and spent the entire day there.
Sam Carrillo Pompeyo
Sam Carrillo Pompeyo - 8 years ago
Do they have Discus in any other part of the tank? If not, I wonder why. They're so beautiful and would make the planted tank look much better.
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 7 years ago
They are not large fish, however they are way larger then the smaller fish in that tank, and there are thousands. This way and because the tank is so large you actually see behaviour that you do not see in normal aquariums, but you would see in their natural habitats.
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 7 years ago
That is correct. You can use larger fish in certain designs, its common to see jungle styles or even nature aquariums with discus or angelfish. However it makes more sense to use smaller fish to give a sense that your aquascape is way bigger than it is.
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 7 years ago
Discus would be too large and ruin the illusion of scale. This tank is already maintenance heavy, discus would just make it too much. Two guys have to dive on it every day to maintain it.
Sam Carrillo Pompeyo
Sam Carrillo Pompeyo - 8 years ago
Clément Mahé... It makes sense, but discus are not large fish
Clément Mahé
Clément Mahé - 8 years ago
It's part of the aquascape concept to have little fish and shrimps because it give a scale to the tank
sdq sdq
sdq sdq - 8 years ago
nice but you miss the amano stone ?
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 8 years ago
sdq sdq i didn't find it. I know its there but assumed its well hidden.
PBKAC BACON - 8 years ago
do they still feed them or do the fishies get food from the its habitat?
Buttermybutt - 8 years ago
someone ought to sneak in a couple of baby oscars. that will turn it into a combat zone.
Seryth94 - 8 years ago
How would you light such a deep tank? That's my biggest question. I am quite new to the hobby, so be gentle with me! xD
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 8 years ago
They use metal halides on this tank if i am not mistaken.
Metal halides have been around for a long time, they are very powerful but at the same time they produce alot of heat and use a lot of power.
They were used quite alot in marines and larger setups, or if you really wanted to have very high light that T8's could not give.
With T5 and later LED's coming into the market the use of metal halides has decreased considerably has these new types were able to merge high output with energy efficiency.
Halides are probably still seen today in very large setups.
They really use up alot of power.

20. comment for 99 - My visit to see the biggest planted tank in the world - Florestas submersas by Takashi amano

Andrew Block
Andrew Block - 8 years ago
will definitly go visit in my life
Dosa Zsolt
Dosa Zsolt - 8 years ago
if that tank is co2 injected, how do you do wekkly waterchange?
Bob Saget
Bob Saget - 7 years ago
Weekly water changes are a common misnomer... in planted tanks water changes are mute if you keep your ferts balanced... the plants clean the water better than any treatment plant ever could... a lot of experienced aquascapers don't do water changes... but again you have to know what your doing
Owen's Aquariums
Owen's Aquariums - 8 years ago
They probably do a monthly water change in a tank that big with that many plants.
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 8 years ago
Tank is co2 injected with a venturi system.
There is a team of ADA japan on site at all times keeping the tank working throughout its entire lifetime.
I actually had the fortune of meeting some of them live at workshops i've attended in Portugal.
However a tank this size the weekly water change rule would not apply.
The more water you have the easier it is to maintain water quality and balance.
Weekly watee changes are most likely not needed. And if they are doing it i know for a fact that the system is all automated and monitored by computers so it would not be something someone would do the same way as the tanks we keep home.
I used to maintain swimming pools when i was younger and daily partial water changes there was all automated throught the use of electronic valves. so the technology exists to do it at this scale. Its probably just not necessary.
Lawrence Bader
Lawrence Bader - 8 years ago
... I think I just came
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 8 years ago
Herald_of_Xotli SK
Herald_of_Xotli SK - 8 years ago
R.I.P Brother.
Michael JM
Michael JM - 8 years ago
This makes me thankful for being part of this hobby..
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 8 years ago
I felt the same the first time i saw this live.
Made me really see why i do everything i do when it would be much easier and just call it quits.
mannixon711 - 8 years ago
Goblinchief123 - 8 years ago
They had some Blue Rams in there. Didn't expect that.
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 8 years ago
While they tried to keep the fish as small has possible to increase the sense of scale. The tank is huge and offers many hiding spaces to keep rams happy so i am glad they used them. If you see the tank live you can actually notice the rams keep to only one are of the tank. Its a bit like they established it as their own territory.
Joe Amazon
Joe Amazon - 8 years ago
What can't Los Angeles have this kind of stuff.
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 8 years ago
I would say because aquascaping has not taken over the US like it did in Asia and Europe.
Hence Amano and ADA are more well known in these continents.
In the US the fishkeeping hobby is huge but the modern aquascaping has taken its time to take hold
But to bw honest this tank is one of a kind.
Lisbon oceanarium is the second biggest public aquarium in Europe and had the infrastructure in place for something like this.
Joseph Karthic
Joseph Karthic - 8 years ago
instead of those tiny little fishes for this size of tank he couldve added discus and angels so that its more eye candy at any distance when viewing the tank..All we can see is plants even in person you need go very close to see those tiny fishes..they dont do justice to this tank..
Les - 7 years ago
Big fish gives more mess. It's about landscaping, fish second. I think it's a good idea to do small fish, so it's more relaxed and a save environment for them. Many big fresh water eats smaller ones.
9929kingfish - 7 years ago
Joseph Karthic plants first fish second.
Viet Dinh
Viet Dinh - 7 years ago
The small fish create a serene sense of scale. Plus there's a very calming effect to seeing small fish swim amongst large foliage. It's also a lot more natural that way.
sdq sdq
sdq sdq - 8 years ago
amano = planted tank ,layout ,serene , not see fish (secondary)
WoundrousMindTrick - 8 years ago
With big fishes they couldn't use shrimps as a clean up crew.
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 8 years ago
The idea is to give a sense of scale.
While its possible to aquascape with big fish its just not very suitable as it takes away most of the sense that what you created in the tank is a real forest or landscape.
The problem is not what japanese.
You can find many planted tanks with fish, but aquascapers tend to stay away from them if they are just doing it at an artistic level.
Li Haotong
Li Haotong - 8 years ago
you are so right.. the japanese designers are way too good with small scaled works sometimes their own experiences limit themselves.
Sarpa salpa
Sarpa salpa - 8 years ago
Will this tank last forever? This would be a pain to ever take down. Catching all those fish...
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 8 years ago
Its only temporary. 30 months.
It's sad because it is amano's final work it should be made permanent,but the logistics is just impossible.
ADA keeps japanese staff in lisbon just to maintain it and it can't go forever, besides the oceanarium needs to refresh its temporary shows so that people keep visiting.
I guess dissassembling would be a task as hard has assembling it in the first place.

30. comment for 99 - My visit to see the biggest planted tank in the world - Florestas submersas by Takashi amano

Michael Araico
Michael Araico - 8 years ago
wow that is beautiful, what a work of art such natural beauty..
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 8 years ago
+Michael Araico Indeed.
Jordan Stevens
Jordan Stevens - 8 years ago
no angels or discus ?
Jordan Stevens
Jordan Stevens - 8 years ago
+AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac yeah
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 8 years ago
I guess amano decided to stick with smaller fish.though they would have looked amazing in this tank.
Đoàn Tuyến
Đoàn Tuyến - 9 years ago
Big Stackz
Big Stackz - 9 years ago
Baddest tetra tank on the planet lol
HPD7D - 9 years ago
did i spot a dwarf puffer? well i guess a few of them won't be too harmful in a tank like that
maniacram - 9 years ago
Looks like shit. Good job, opportunity wasted.
WoundrousMindTrick - 8 years ago
How would you have decorated the aquarium Mr master aquascaper?
Yuriy Fazylov
Yuriy Fazylov - 9 years ago
Thank you.
Hoang Nguyen
Hoang Nguyen - 9 years ago
thefishmachine - 9 years ago
Please take a look at my amano inspired tank on my channel?
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 9 years ago
+thefishmachine Thanks. I will have a look at your channel.
shrimpdv by dambez
shrimpdv by dambez - 9 years ago
Удобрения для аквариума http://aquaferti.ru/?tracking=56081098daa36
k9feces - 9 years ago
I would love to see a behind the scences with the equipment
Bob Saget
Bob Saget - 7 years ago
Amano posted the creation of the tank... not sure to much plumbing was shown but I believe it was in the pillars
Catarina de Macedo
Catarina de Macedo - 9 years ago
Thank you Takashi Amano for making this wonderful and unique work of art in the world in my country!

The composer Rodrigo Leão composed a song inspired by this aquarium that had an amazing concert on it's opening. The music has the same name as the aquarium, Florestas Submersas (Submerged Forests) and it's the one being played on the video. Check out the full version of the song!
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 9 years ago
+Catarina de Macedo The music is so relaxing. I loved being there and this tank and the music had a calming effect on me.
In english amano did not name this tank submerged forests, even though that would be the literal Portuguese english translation, the english name is Forests underwater.
We should thank the Oceanarium too, it was them who approached Amano with this idea, it was such an amazing idea that in the beginning Amano himself did not believe they were serious.
I believe this aquarium is the crowning achievement for Takashi Amano, and that despite all the sadness for is passing, if any tank should be his last work, this masterpiece really deserves to be it, it lives up to all expectations.
And i am happy it was done i our country, i am Portuguese too even though i live in the UK.
Dave Sharp
Dave Sharp - 9 years ago
I was there in june, absolutely amazing tank, could have stared at it all day, feel lucky to have seen his work before he sadly passed away.
Dave Sharp
Dave Sharp - 9 years ago
I was just looking at flights the other day to find out when was cheapest to go haha
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 9 years ago
+Dave Sharp You'll not regret it if you go again.
I've been there twice and i may go again sometime next year.
My wife is not has enthusiastic has me either, but she went with me both times and loved it.
Took my kids in the second visit and they where like "WOW".And they are not enthusiastic about it at all.
They think their dad is crazy with all the fishtanks.
Dave Sharp
Dave Sharp - 9 years ago
I hope I get to go see it again, when I was there I was in Lisbon for 10 days, I saw it on my first day and wanted to go back every day but my girlfriend isn't as enthusiastic towards aquariums as I am lol
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 9 years ago
It is an amazing tank.
Worthy of being the crowning achievement of Amano's amazing career as the father of aquascaping.
I've been there twice already.
Last time just last week, the way the scape evolved in the months from my first to second visit is nothing short of amazing.
Watch it
Watch it - 9 years ago
Brilliant bruv. I wish I was there too. I remembered when it was being built with some of the top aquascapers in the world all banding together to create this. i would not want to maintain this tank though lol. Glad you enjoyed. CO2 tanks must be the size of Rockets lol. Later.
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 9 years ago
+Watch it Thanks for watching.
Watch it
Watch it - 9 years ago
Nice one Bruv. Will have alook tonight. Thanks. By the way you tanks look great. Later.
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 9 years ago
I was there again just two days ago. I wanted to see how this tank would evolve in time.
I put a video of it now yesterday. Check it out if you want to.
Michael Gumm
Michael Gumm - 9 years ago
Those rotala bushes though.... smh
Acuarios Gaming
Acuarios Gaming - 9 years ago
This is a dream come true! Thanks for sharing! I suscribed in your channel and like your very impresive video! Thanks!
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 9 years ago
+Rey Velez Thanks. For me seeing this tank in person was a dream come true.
MELODY MUNRO - 9 years ago
That's awesome...inspiring...perhaps a little too ordered for my tastes in that I like the jungle look..but awesome in scale and beauty none the less...thanks for uploading.
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 9 years ago
Thanks. I hope to see it again in september when i go on holidays.
Want to see how it evolved in 5 months.
EUK007 - 9 years ago
What a fantastic aquarium designed by the Maestro himself. I think putting Discuss (aka. King of the Aquarium) would be a better idea. The colors and the patterns of those beautiful fish will complement the beauty of the aquarium.
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 9 years ago
+ORANGE FISHHEAD For me not yet. There's more to do before jumping to oscars.
MELODY MUNRO - 9 years ago
I have just one oscar at the moment a lovely juvenile albino...thinking about getting another...I would love a big 10 foot long 3 feet wide and 3 feet tall black water tank...better start saving....
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 9 years ago
+ORANGE FISHHEAD that makes two of us.
When i go back to portugal a few years from now i am going for a 1000 liter oscar tank.
Its an old dream of mine.
MELODY MUNRO - 9 years ago
+EUK007 Discus would look great...or angels......but I would love to see 50 full size oscars in there.....and then tint the water some to make it black water....that would be cool....granted it would be carnage for the plants and other inhabitants ... something I want to do one day...massive oscar tank...
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 9 years ago
+EUK007 Discus as good as they are would damage the ilusion of size that this tank gives.
It is by all means a huge tank, but the smaller fish make it look even bigger.
Owen's Aquariums
Owen's Aquariums - 9 years ago
This would look great as a species tank with a crapload of cardinals.
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 9 years ago
+Fincompetent I can't even begin to grasp the amount of cardinals needed to fill this tank.
But that's the thing about amano, he keeps a good balance. There's a whole lot of fish in that tank, but for the size of the tank its still has a lean stocking.
Mike Wang
Mike Wang - 9 years ago
I wonder how he keeps the tank clean and algae-free with such low current. What a beautiful aquarium.
Mike Wang
Mike Wang - 9 years ago
Hey aquamaniac,

Thanks for the response. I would really like to study Amano's technique (ie. hardware, aquascaping, plant-care, etc) in person. Despite the amazing final results of his work being published, the process/trade-secret remains quite a secret. :P
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 9 years ago
Having seen it in person, its not as low current has it looks, the tank sports a massive filtration system.
There is a very good flow throughtout the tank, but being a huge tank obviously it does not give you that impression.

50. comment for 99 - My visit to see the biggest planted tank in the world - Florestas submersas by Takashi amano

Mike Wang
Mike Wang - 9 years ago
The leaf dancing in the water at 2:15 is touching. This man has a great skill.
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 9 years ago
+Mike Wang He's does.
FishMasters - 9 years ago
It is interesting to see Asian and south American fish interact with each other in such a huge and beautiful tank
doseone94 - 9 years ago
+Aquamaniac I agree, aside from the sheer scale of the system, this was what struck me the most. I have often been a little disappointed in Amano's selection of fish. Not just because of his mixing of continents but his lack of utilizing all levels of the water column in very tall tank.

After following the build of this monumental aquarium I must admit I was a little underwhelmed seeing the result of the efforts of him and his team. Perhaps the system does not translate well on film, depth and overall sense of composition are clearly lost in video.
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 9 years ago
It is interesting.
Purists and biotope fans might not like it though.
Thanks for watching.
BettaFish 2017
BettaFish 2017 - 9 years ago
What if someone walked in there with a gun and shot at the glass?
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 9 years ago
First of all its acrylic not glass.
And i guess it does not take a lot of imagination to figure what would happen.
NaideiLS - 9 years ago
I visited the Oceanário last Sunday because of this aquarium and I loved it ^^ Thanks for HD footage ^^ Now I can 'revisit' anytime I want :D
Young Tank
Young Tank - 9 years ago
Young Tank
Young Tank - 9 years ago
See you in September
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 9 years ago
+young tank You're not the only one mate. Thanks for watching.
I hope to go see it again by September just to see how well it has matured, i am curious if they are just planning to trim it to keep it looking like this or if they are gonna let nature take its course.
Soan HB
Soan HB - 9 years ago
Wow... thank you for sharing.
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 9 years ago
+Soan HB Thanks for watching.
vince abbley
vince abbley - 9 years ago
What kind of shrimp was that eating the moss?
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 9 years ago
+vince abbley They are one of the best algae eaters around.
They eat algae and are not known to damage the plants.
vince abbley
vince abbley - 9 years ago
+Aquamaniac are they eating or cleaning it?
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 9 years ago
They are amano shrimps.
Aquatic Mastery
Aquatic Mastery - 9 years ago
Amano is really something else. I'd love to meet the man who's led the hobby this far
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 9 years ago
Me too. Thanks for watching.
94Vang94 - 9 years ago
You're one lucky aquascaper.......thanks for sharing.
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 9 years ago
Thanks.I am so happy i was able to see this.
OZZYTHEOSCAR - 9 years ago
Oh WOW ! What an incredible tank ! Just stunning !
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 9 years ago
Thanks. It is really impressive. I was amazed by it. Felt lucky just to see it live.
scrapironfish - 9 years ago
Thanks for sharing this with us! Imagine that tank with a full carpet of HC.
the lazy fish keeper
the lazy fish keeper - 9 years ago
an amazing sight.  did you explain to the wife  this is what you were  working up to with all the aquascapes you were making? that this was the next step? 
any way  stay well
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 9 years ago
I did tell her. She replyied "We need a bigger living room then".
Thanks for watching.

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Dolphin Surfing, Woman Wakeboarding with...

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Dolphin Surfing in the Sea of Cortez with the crew from Pro-Windsurf La Ventana. This was definitely one of the TOP...


10 Most Expensive Things In The World

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Here are 10 of the most expensive things in the world. Visit our site: http://TopTrending.com Like us on Facebook:...

Shark videos


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Jonathan travels to Mexico for an up close encounter with Bull sharks, infamous for the fact that they are known to...


Worlds biggest wave ever surfed

25,621 likes 15,570,373 views 18 years ago

World's biggest wave ever surfed...that guy is crazy! And yes he's still alive. Think it used to be on a sky ad lol.

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About 99 - My visit to see the biggest planted tank in the world - Florestas submersas by Takashi amano

The "99 - My visit to see the biggest planted tank in the world - Florestas submersas by Takashi amano" video is part of the pest, animals, fish, freshwater category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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