Another Paludarium Update

....NEW scape change in the water feature.... innovating, adapting and modifying this AWESOME habitat.... Thanks to all my Subscribers & Friends..... Tank On!

Another Paludarium Update sentiment_very_dissatisfied 20

Pets & Animals 10 years ago 157,728 views

....NEW scape change in the water feature.... innovating, adapting and modifying this AWESOME habitat.... Thanks to all my Subscribers & Friends..... Tank On!

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Most popular comments
for Another Paludarium Update

Alex Morales
Alex Morales - 7 years ago
Do you have a video on how you build this amazing work of art?
Chris Lacalfary
Chris Lacalfary - 7 years ago
Besides your beautiful paludarium you have some good camera skills
click slide bang
click slide bang - 7 years ago
whats under the mosd
Owen Prescott
Owen Prescott - 7 years ago
Is the backing real rock? I'de also like to find out how you setup the dripping.
Get Off Your Bass And Lets Fish
Get Off Your Bass And Lets Fish - 7 years ago
The Legend34
The Legend34 - 7 years ago
that's the most beautiful underwater section of a terrarium I've seen so far, love the cherry shrimp. the black pebbles work so well with the natural looking gravel. definitely going to copy this a bit on my next build haha
The Legend34
The Legend34 - 7 years ago
the Java moss creeps amazingly
TrueDeltstrada - 7 years ago
Watched a couple of your vids and straight out man youve got some really nice set ups! thinking of doing something like this with my 7ft tank. subbed your channel :)
N. - 7 years ago
King dedede
King dedede - 7 years ago
or lizards

10. comment for Another Paludarium Update

King dedede
King dedede - 7 years ago
any fish
Sean Robertson
Sean Robertson - 8 years ago
Few questions! What did you use to support your landmass? Eggcrate? And whats the name of the pump? Thanks! (=
Alex Condoluci
Alex Condoluci - 8 years ago
Hey man I'm seriously loving your paludarium. how did you build your base and wall? did you just use expanding foam?
osman kopcak
osman kopcak - 8 years ago
GD4D - 8 years ago
How do you keep your water so clear?
TheEnragedGamer - 8 years ago
[GD4D]-rsboles-[GD4D] well he has small shrimp wick are pretty small not alot of waste also the plants clean the warer and the filter
Enter Username -x
Enter Username -x - 8 years ago
Noel Deriggs
Noel Deriggs - 8 years ago
do you have a build video?
La_ Chicharra
La_ Chicharra - 8 years ago
Le So
Le So - 8 years ago
Здравствуйте.очень красиво всё получилось у вас.Но вот если бы вы ещё крупную светлую гальку..что на дне заменили бы на мелкий светлый песок..,то было б вообще отпад и просто распрекрасно.Галька на дне смотрится грубо..а мелкий песок смотрелся бы изумительно!
scherino weiss
scherino weiss - 8 years ago
nice jea

20. comment for Another Paludarium Update

Patrick Sarmiento
Patrick Sarmiento - 8 years ago
What is your backdrop made of?
Winston - 8 years ago
Amazing , good job !
MrPoohbae1000 - 8 years ago
can u give some names of of plants...that u use
Nguyen Nhu Binh
Nguyen Nhu Binh - 8 years ago
Awesome. It's amazing tank! But may I ask how do you keep the front glass clean?
Kristof McKenna
Kristof McKenna - 8 years ago
Nguyen Nhu Binh magnet.
Joseph Borges
Joseph Borges - 8 years ago
Matt Whitmire
Matt Whitmire - 8 years ago
dude...this thing is RAD!
Jerome Drackrme
Jerome Drackrme - 8 years ago
this is freaking awesome dude, I want one of those for my turtle but that looks expensive tbh
Dylan Miller
Dylan Miller - 8 years ago
Hey man! What's your filtration system like? How do you keep your walls moist, do you use some sort of trickle out-flow that drips over your walls throughout the paludarium? I'm looking to set one up
André Correia
André Correia - 8 years ago
How do you make that dripping effect on the whole aquarium??

like it so much, I would only add some fauna, some little fish for example

ryantrench - 9 years ago
This is gorgeous thanks for sharing

30. comment for Another Paludarium Update

Elric Kinslayer
Elric Kinslayer - 9 years ago
Wow, that is going to look amazing once the moss creeps about over the rock faces. The new rocks that replace the old cover look really natural. Good call.
Jordan Post
Jordan Post - 9 years ago
Hey bro. I have been wanting to set up something like this for my room. Just a 40gallon or so. I need some help. What amphibians and animals should I get. What plants should I get. I just really need help setting it up.
reptileweirdness JJWREPTILES
reptileweirdness JJWREPTILES - 8 years ago
Jordan Post you need a water dragon non poison amphibians and plants... well moss, alow, super claen dirt and if you are going to buy and animal buy two of the animal .... and good luck : )
David Allen
David Allen - 9 years ago
Joseph M
Joseph M - 9 years ago
This is so awesome!! I Personally love all the little pockets/cubby holes you have in the habitat to act as "apartments". It would make a great colony or community for whatever you decide to put in it. Well done and absolutely outstanding. With enough experience, maybe later on I can draw some inspiration from this and create a Bombina collection.
Once again, very good job! Maybe you can make a tutorial? :D
jeff - 9 years ago
"like i said" hehe.  nice job. great tank.
Lipton Барашенков
Lipton Барашенков - 8 years ago
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping - 9 years ago
Thanks, Bud....
EN Reefs
EN Reefs - 9 years ago
this is live art bros! this is the best!
John SM
John SM - 9 years ago
*settup, not, centre
John SM
John SM - 9 years ago
Absolutely stunning! I can't help feeling it's missing some grape vine or other wood through the centre though. I had beautiful orange fungal growth on the bottom of my grape vine with the same kind of centre a few years back. Stunning none the less.
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping - 9 years ago
Thanks, .... the intial setup originall had many pieces of wood... I removed them to create more light penetration into the water column for the aquatic plant growth.... I do plan to add more terristrial plants.. Vine type plants are exaclty what I'm considering.... I appreciate you watching and commenting... Tank On!
Adam Peter Garcia-Varner
Adam Peter Garcia-Varner - 9 years ago
the motion of the camera reminds me of the Mr.Rodgers show camera work
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 9 years ago
Wow. That is something mate.
I went to the London zoo yesterday and the paludariums they had there just made me wont to try it out.
So now i am doing research.
Thanks for posting this video.
Lhin Doh
Lhin Doh - 9 years ago
I was totally awed by this but even with that there a ton of contenders in this range. It gets like a super science and they should have competitions every year. I am wondering though about the final animals in it. At this point all I can think of is ad stuff.
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping - 9 years ago
Thanks for watching..... the latest Paludarium update is at the end of this GreenRoom" Update"..... .... about 9 minutes into the vid....There is also some close ups of the Newts at the end of this vid..... ..... Tank On!
Gabriel Ståhl
Gabriel Ståhl - 9 years ago
Nice build, what is the background made of?
Payton Barry
Payton Barry - 9 years ago
As much as I love you shrimp set up, I would love to see some fish in there. With all of that current maybe some hill stream loaches?
Kathleen Miller
Kathleen Miller - 9 years ago
I'm Very impressed ! ur moss is doing great. I know this is going to be totally Awesome when moss grows out an anymore plants u put in. I just bought a miniature orchid at Lowes an is striking in bloom. U may want to think about one, just perfect size for my 29gal paludarium. Keep up the videos. Enjoy ur talking as well. Thanks ........Kaye
Tan Desmond
Tan Desmond - 10 years ago
I'm subscribing. Can you make a video about hiding your pump?
Fish4Ever - 10 years ago
This is so beautiful! Love the drip effect.
Brideout - 10 years ago
I'm a new subscriber to your channel and enjoying your set ups they're slightly different than the normal planted tanks, good to get another prospective of how to do it
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping - 10 years ago
Thanks, I appreciate the support.... Gratitude & Respect .... Tank On !
madcypress L.L.
madcypress L.L. - 10 years ago
Love it Dylan ⚡
OZZYTHEOSCAR - 10 years ago
Love it Dylan, fascinating and I really love the drip effect  :)
Marin Bandalo
Marin Bandalo - 10 years ago
Very nice

50. comment for Another Paludarium Update

Japan Herping Channel
Japan Herping Channel - 10 years ago
Looks great!
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping - 10 years ago
Thank You..... 
IFG - 10 years ago
Phenomenal !
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping - 10 years ago
Thank You, Sir.... 
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
Love it man. Just amazing. I really want to do something like this one day. Maybe you can tell us how you build something like this. Would make a great video. I would love to do this with plants from the local canyon. Like I tried last summer. My pump got hot and the warm water killed the plants. Something bigger, maybe not this big would be nice. You should share how you made the wall as well. Peace
Catfish Cave
Catfish Cave - 10 years ago
What is your backdrop made of? And whatever happened to the poison frog idea?
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping - 10 years ago
..... The backdrop is a DIY polystyrene sculpted mold covered in concrete.... I wish I could commit on the Darts... I wouldn't likely keep them in this Paludarium, But I have another terrarium that I've yet to "build & plant out"... so maybe I can create a more terrestrial habitat in that one and finally get some Dart Frogs... I just don't think they'll be "good" in this type of environment, but I would still like to keep em' and I also thought that maybe someday(in the future) the Paludarium could be drained and become a really cool terrestrial jungle habitat.... Thanks for watching  
Ruben - 10 years ago
The Paludarium is looking better each time I see it Bro. You did a really nice job putting it together. 
Mike Nichols
Mike Nichols - 10 years ago
One of my favorites on YouTube right now man. Such a master piece Dylan. I'm liking the new look to the paludarium
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping - 10 years ago
Thanks, Mike.... I can't stop "playing" in it.... I'm always messing with it... I Love it!.. It's my new favorite project and I can't wait to see what's next.....Always appreciated, Bro.... Tank On! 
Ricky Kenerly Cichlids
Ricky Kenerly Cichlids - 10 years ago
How much water do you add to it each week?
Ricky Kenerly Cichlids
Ricky Kenerly Cichlids - 10 years ago
Thank your for the information!  You are doing great with it so far!  I like to see how people try different things in this hobby!
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping - 10 years ago
...... I've been adding fresh H20 almost everyday.... I spray it with a "mister" everyday and I turn the "drip system" on & off, periodically throughout the day.. I've calculated that the water feature holds 13.5g...and the pump moves 300g. /hr.... with high lights and the heat they produce the water constantly absorbs and evaporates, so I've been actively monitoring it.. But, if I allowed the "drip system" to do all the watering, depending on how often and how long it runs would determine the amount of water I would need to continuously add....The plants have been doing very well.. It's thriving and right now I have large open vents for evaporation, but if I enclosed the Paludarium( with a cover) and try to create a more humid environment the H20 would be retained in the system.(but it fogs up the glass) ...... lately it has been trial and error.... Just testing things out to see what works..... Thanks for watching.... Tank On! 
Slim Tim
Slim Tim - 10 years ago
Awesome update, always look forward to this project and continue take shape. Fired Up!!!
Slim Tim
Slim Tim - 10 years ago
+Natural Aquatics can't wait, Fired Up!!!
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping - 10 years ago
Gratitude, Tim..... It's been FUN..... Almost everyday I've tried to do something in this system... Either add moss to the rock facade or adjust the environment for the right amount of flow... It's been cool.. There is a lot to do... and I can't wait until it's totally filled in and"Green".. Plus, I plan to add many more plants like orchids and some other bromeliads ..... or maybe even some carnivorous plants...  I have been working on the "moss wall" for now... But like I said, once it fills in..... I plan to add..... so much.....more....... and something that "swims" too........ Tank On!, Brother.......
MASS Aquariums
MASS Aquariums - 10 years ago
This really looks amazing. You should display this at a museum or something
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping - 10 years ago
Tanks, Bro.... I wish, right.....Truth is this project is real young and I hope that it will continue to grow and thrive for some time.... Once it is stable and I have a handle on the system I plan to try many different things in their...Like epiphytes, carnivorous plants and some kind of amphibious inhabitant.... It's been FUN!  and like I said... "It's only the beginning"
Gratitude, Mike...... Tank On! 
NYCity Cichlids
NYCity Cichlids - 10 years ago
It looks like some of the displays at the zoo. Great job.
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping - 10 years ago
That's AWESOME, Bro..... I totally appreciate that....Gratitude & Respect.... Tank On! 
Jason Stroman
Jason Stroman - 10 years ago
Do you have any videos of the creation of this habitat? How are the plants rooted into the side of the rock scape, and where is the water dropping from, and lastly are the plants besides the moss that are not submerged real?
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping - 10 years ago
...Everything is real... Unfortunately there is no creation video, but I used many DIY aquarium techniques for the build, like submersible pump filtration and 3D background.... there are holes or bowls in the rock facade that dirt and water can pool in.... and on the rock face itself is a layer of "dead moss" that absorbs water and allows it to remain wet, even while there is no "drip" running.... The drip system is built into the facade itself... it's connected to the filtration and a tube runs along the top of tank and slowly releases H20, when sufficient pressure builds up... I can adjust the flow rate, but not very specifically ( I may re-design that).... Thanks for watching .. Tank On! 
Jason Stroman
Jason Stroman - 10 years ago
Looks good, very inspiring. I don't know if its my cpu but I am having a great deal of trouble hearing you. I had to grab headphones.
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping - 10 years ago
Thanks, Bro .... Ya, I had some trouble syncing the audio from the start.... I tried to adjust it in the editing, but... it's off, a bit.... Thanks for watching... Tank On! 
dogglet1234 - 10 years ago
My softball turtle will love this
J Spalding
J Spalding - 10 years ago
Amazing! Looks soo legit bro.
Martin Alberto Gamino
Martin Alberto Gamino - 10 years ago
It looks fantastic man!!! excellent work.
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping - 10 years ago
Thanks, J.... Lately I've been putting the "work in".... I hope someday it will be completely filled with life... Appreciate you watching... Tank On! 
ZachZottoTV - 10 years ago
I would be curious to see a brackish setup and have a few mudskippers in there.
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping - 10 years ago
..... That's a cool idea.... although the water in the paludarium is the same H20 that is used to sustain the plants and moss , so..... the increased salinity may affect the plant growth.... but I dig "mudskippers".... they would be AWESOME!.... Thanks, Bro...... Tank ON! 

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