Aquarium Ideas from InterZoo 2012 - AquaEl (pt. 4)
Pets & Animals 12 years ago 1,955,817 views
Like my FACEBOOK page at - you will help me in developing my television! :) 4th part of my report from InterZoo 2012 pet trade fair in Nürnberg, Germany. I present the booth of Polish company AquaEl, with some planted nanoaquariums, with two marine ReefMax aquariums, and with one original aquarium inspired by Euro 2012 football championship.
10. comment for Aquarium Ideas from InterZoo 2012 - AquaEl (pt. 4)
20. comment for Aquarium Ideas from InterZoo 2012 - AquaEl (pt. 4)
30. comment for Aquarium Ideas from InterZoo 2012 - AquaEl (pt. 4)
i never expected that could be so much fun!
50. comment for Aquarium Ideas from InterZoo 2012 - AquaEl (pt. 4)
Well, if you are stressed, then most probably you worry about the fish, and for their well-being. So, why not to wait for two weeks, to let the tank settle down and stabilize a bit?
I'd stop using UV filter. In such a new aquarium all microorganisms are very important, and you kill them with UV light. Let the aquarium stand for a week or two, let the Nature do its job. Fishkeeping needs time and patience, you'll get nowhere with speeding things up. Milky water in new aquariums is a normal thing, nothing to worry about. And don't expect that your tank will look amazing just few days after setting it up, especially if you are new to the hobby.
Below a link to the movie of my aquascaping valley
Aquascaping valley Part 6
philip bultereys
Sorry for my english but its a lenguaje that dont lik too mutch.
100. comment for Aquarium Ideas from InterZoo 2012 - AquaEl (pt. 4)