Aquarium Bonsai hemiantus callitricoides carpet trimming

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Aquarium Bonsai hemiantus callitricoides carpet trimming sentiment_very_dissatisfied 78

Pets & Animals 9 years ago 715,079 views

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Most popular comments
for Aquarium Bonsai hemiantus callitricoides carpet trimming

RetroGal - 7 years ago
C_ Farther
C_ Farther - 7 years ago
FANTASTIC. So impressed. Genius.
Aida C
Aida C - 7 years ago
wow...fantasy :)
Denison Menace
Denison Menace - 7 years ago
iIf you browse last year's 2016 AGA competition entries, you wont find trees like yours. it just make the landscape looks realistically funny.
peaceful harmony
peaceful harmony - 7 years ago
Where's the fish?
artist of the wilderness vlogs
artist of the wilderness vlogs - 7 years ago
Syafiq Dosuki ya they took them out
Syafiq Dosuki
Syafiq Dosuki - 7 years ago
thinking of the same think. maybe he took them out first? safety issue. :)
Zeeshan Hussain
Zeeshan Hussain - 7 years ago
any plant can grow under water or some
Jocelyn Barber
Jocelyn Barber - 7 years ago
Where can I get those tools? Thank you
Kirstine Eilskov
Kirstine Eilskov - 7 years ago
Jocelyn Barber the scissors look like ADA, so any site that sell ADA tools, is my guess.
Dr mctits mctits
Dr mctits mctits - 7 years ago
Where is your filter in the final shot? are you cheating us, god does not approve!
BigBaller - 8 years ago
but wheres the fish/shrimp??? whats the point then lol

10. comment for Aquarium Bonsai hemiantus callitricoides carpet trimming

Oliver Farrugia
Oliver Farrugia - 8 years ago
What is that tree like called?
sty t
sty t - 7 years ago
TROLL_PL_GAMER - 8 years ago
what kind of moss on bonzay
MrSparkles - 7 years ago
looks like flame moss on the left side growing upwards and java moss on the right side.. good idea I may copy haha
martens46 - 8 years ago
what are al youre plants ?
Janssen Eric Poda
Janssen Eric Poda - 8 years ago
what is the size of your tank sir? light wattage and co2? thanks for reply
Jorge Cristobal Montañez
Jorge Cristobal Montañez - 8 years ago
tgkh KD
M. Oudekerk
M. Oudekerk - 8 years ago
i am actually envious of how people can think of such works of art
banzaiolo - 8 years ago
Chris Bellechasse
Chris Bellechasse - 8 years ago
Just want to know what kind of moss or whatever you used on the driftwood to make that bonsai effect
Nishan Rana
Nishan Rana - 8 years ago
He mentioned it in a previous video in the making of the moss tree
Jean-Michel Gervais
Jean-Michel Gervais - 8 years ago
you probably know more about moss then I do... so I will trust you
Nishan Rana
Nishan Rana - 8 years ago
its riccardia chamedryfolia
Jean-Michel Gervais
Jean-Michel Gervais - 8 years ago
i belive it is Java moss, but i am not sure... Java moss is a good moss for aquascaping
mehbubul shorove
mehbubul shorove - 8 years ago
this is rediculously good
Mr HivanS
Mr HivanS - 8 years ago
What the kind of grass have you on the dreef wood?

20. comment for Aquarium Bonsai hemiantus callitricoides carpet trimming

Mr HivanS
Mr HivanS - 8 years ago
Nice tank!
HeRsHeL - 8 years ago
I have question and please for fast Answer. Can fish live in it ? if yes what Race can live in it ? (i'm from Poland)
Bayu Asmara
Bayu Asmara - 8 years ago
There is a special glue that save for fish and another aquascape fauna.. .
Evexium - 8 years ago
Won't the superglue release toxins into the water and kill the fish?
Bayu Asmara
Bayu Asmara - 8 years ago
you can use some fish like neon tetra , cardinal tetra or guppy , its posible to make biger aquascape if you like.. .
HeRsHeL - 8 years ago
Oh and i have one more question can aquarium be bigger?
Sago1985 - 8 years ago
+HeRsHeL of course! You Can Buy them online il You don't find them in a Shop.
HeRsHeL - 8 years ago
Okay thanks. Can buy them in poland?
Sago1985 - 8 years ago
Only Small fishes Can Live in a Small tank like this.. You Can choose Nano fish, or shrimps..
Ashura - 8 years ago
Beautiful ^
TheHypercasual - 8 years ago
Really pretty aquascape
Joaquín Novoa
Joaquín Novoa - 8 years ago
Hello. Could you tell me what's the name of the tool you use on 1:15, please?
Henk-Jan Bakker
Henk-Jan Bakker - 8 years ago
Metzenbaum scissors.
Loi Yong Sheng
Loi Yong Sheng - 8 years ago
LogansReptiles - 8 years ago
can u use trimmings of that grass at beginning and continue growing?
Varun Deth
Varun Deth - 8 years ago
Hi.. What is the size of this tank and what is the filter capacity (l/hr) ?
Joseph Borges
Joseph Borges - 8 years ago
Where are the fish?
Jean-Michel Gervais
Jean-Michel Gervais - 8 years ago
I guess you are right, but to me, an aquascape is suppose to make the fish pop out and make them live happy... but i guess that it's fun for a botaniste to do aquascape without fish... easier to them... but for me, a nice aquascape is better when their is some fish to make it worth it :)
Joseph Borges
Joseph Borges - 8 years ago
+Gregory Marrero oh ok!
Gregory Marrero
Gregory Marrero - 8 years ago
Some people just like the art of aquascapeing and put the fish aside
VALER10_84 Roma
VALER10_84 Roma - 8 years ago
Hundred - 8 years ago
che meraviglia, complimenti

30. comment for Aquarium Bonsai hemiantus callitricoides carpet trimming

nalak sarkar
nalak sarkar - 8 years ago
I would really like to make a similar setup.Its very inspiring.I have some questions .I am making a low tech setup and will only use excel.Are you using CO2 for the above setup?if so what? and what ferts are you regularly using for maintenance using after this there any other carpet plants you suggest for low tech?
Lilou Hard Candy
Lilou Hard Candy - 9 years ago
Wonderful! Adore it!
Grate job, amazing Picture.
vyck6977 - 9 years ago
beautiful! did you make your bonsai??
Didier Raynal
Didier Raynal - 9 years ago
Bravo !!!
Adam Phaysith
Adam Phaysith - 9 years ago
FIRST HATER, dont quit your day job bruh
Jan Rullmann
Jan Rullmann - 9 years ago
Could be a cool hobby!
bjorn joseph
bjorn joseph - 9 years ago
I watched your earlier video of you designing it. Is that black gravel? Or coloured black sand?
bjorn joseph
bjorn joseph - 9 years ago
+Sago1985 Thanks buddy. Local shop doesn't sell Amazonia powder but they have something similar to grow plants...Thanks again
Sago1985 - 9 years ago
+bjorn joseph exactly!
bjorn joseph
bjorn joseph - 9 years ago
+Sago1985 Fertilized to support plant growth I'm assuming?
Sago1985 - 9 years ago
It's amazonia Powder, it's a fertilized sand. This sand is perfect for small acquascapes.
Anton Racela
Anton Racela - 9 years ago
What did you do with the sand with white pvc tube and with the rubber tubing around the tank?
Andrew Block
Andrew Block - 9 years ago
what plant is that? on the right side?
Sago1985 - 9 years ago
eleocharis parvula on the Back and Hemiantus callitricoides on the front.
mehdi kaber
mehdi kaber - 9 years ago
this is awsome
how much u spent on it?
Johanna Felix
Johanna Felix - 9 years ago
where you get that tree? is it a moss tree or is it fake
Tigger - 9 years ago
+Johanna Felix have you tried ebay?
Sago1985 - 9 years ago
I Buy it in a Small Shop in Italia. . I can't help you.. sorry
Johanna Felix
Johanna Felix - 9 years ago
+Sago1985 you think you can let me know where to get the wood peace, I really want to get a tree but the ones they sell are really ugly
Sago1985 - 9 years ago
It's a moss tree. You can see how i did it in my channel. ;-)
Feni Wati
Feni Wati - 9 years ago
peluang bisnis
Laurie Barton
Laurie Barton - 9 years ago
Amazing tank. Watched the video of when this was planted. Thanks for adding these!
Didi Maluco
Didi Maluco - 9 years ago
cade o peixe caralho?
Álvaro Lima
Álvaro Lima - 9 years ago
kkkk pessoal ae tá mais preocupado com árvores do que com peixes
Rafael López
Rafael López - 9 years ago
I went into both links but they're in portuguese, I was wandering if you could give me all the tips to achieve such plant growth, health and prevent algae, from the basics: light hours? Type of light? Amount pf co2? Etc. Great tank, an outstanding job by the way.
Shamy Manavie
Shamy Manavie - 9 years ago
should hire the "call me maybe" guy to do the trimming @.@
ammo381 - 9 years ago
Hi, you have an amazing aquarium.
but how do you get rid of snails? Whenever i get a new plant i allways endup having loads of snails in my tank, how did you prevent that? I am scared to use chemicals cause it migth hurt my fish. Thnks
Zaq G
Zaq G - 9 years ago
Get a better lid
ammo381 - 9 years ago
I had one few years ago it jumped out the tank and died. 
Zaq G
Zaq G - 9 years ago
+ammo381 Get a couple yoyo loaches. Depending on your tank size
Sago1985 - 9 years ago
+ammo381 You can remove them manually ore use Anentome Helena, but they don't make miracles.
Kaczor007 - 9 years ago
My dears but what do you think about aquscape in Poland? This bonsai is very intrasting i can looking on this idea a lot of hours.We too have glass and water and the same hobby. So I wanna show you our glas ;)
marlon leitch
marlon leitch - 9 years ago
Great scape. What do you use to suck up the loose plants?

50. comment for Aquarium Bonsai hemiantus callitricoides carpet trimming

Kelvin Moraes
Kelvin Moraes - 9 years ago
Pretty much congratulations, which plants used ?
Tommaso Zagni
Tommaso Zagni - 9 years ago
Grande! bellissimo acquario! 
Che sistema co2 utilizzi? Va avviato subito o bisogna aspettare  un pò? Inoltre ho sentito che è bene associare a piante con crescita lenta, piante a crescita veloce per combattere le alghe, quali consigli? Sto iniziando il mio Dennerle Scaper's Tank e vorrei realizzare un bell'aquascape...
MrHINZ1990 - 9 years ago
Das sieht wirklich wunderschön aus. -
Abderrahmane el minaoui
Abderrahmane el minaoui - 9 years ago
it's beautiful, how long to arrive at this result?
RichyJam2011 - 9 years ago
xxSourWingxx - 9 years ago
do you use any co2?
xxSourWingxx - 9 years ago
+Axen901 oh ok. Algea are almost inevitable in a new aquarium. I'm current having green and brown algea. But they are slowing disappearing. I'm guessing the chemicals level in my tank are reaching the balance. 

And good luck :) 
Axen901 - 9 years ago
i tried submerged and got black algae due to bright lights and not changing the water enough. gonna try  a dry start soon
xxSourWingxx - 9 years ago
+Axen901 yes, underwater. Some people tried emersed setup and got great results. I tried it but didn't work out too well for me. It's been about 1 month and few days since I started growing dwarf hairgrass. I'm happy with the progress so far. Maybe in 2 months or so I might get the full carpet of it. 

Are you planning to grow dwarf hairgrass?
Axen901 - 9 years ago
+xxSourWingxx are you growing it under water?
fandy funz
fandy funz - 9 years ago
+xxSourWingxx wow... thank you for your suggest...
mmm.. i'm gonna think about it...
maybe gonna make a custom one...
xxSourWingxx - 9 years ago
+fandy funz I don't think co2 table is a good idea. I never tried it but judging from my experience, even with pressurized co2, it's till very extremely difficult to grow dwarf hairgrass. I've been growing hairgrass for about 3 weeks now. The growth is slow (but somehow steady, got some runners here and there). and that is with high continuous supply of co2. As far as cost is concerned, co2 tablet may be cheap but not so reliable. In the end, you'll just waste your money anyways.

I would suggest you use a pressurized co2. It cost a lot initially but in a long run, it's worth it. I'm currently using Paintball set up. 

(empty) Paintball = $30.00

Aquatek regulator (comes with tubing and duel check valve/bubble counter) = $80.00 (you might find it cheaper online)

Diffuser  = $5.00

Total = $115.00 

I don't know about you bt $115.00 for a complete setup of pressurized co2 is actually quite cheap. It cost about $3 to refill. The tank lasts about 2-3 months depends on bubble rate
fandy funz
fandy funz - 9 years ago
+Sago1985 i just want to start try to make an aquascape and i plan to make the one that you make...
will the co2 tablet enough? because kind of low budget..
Sago1985 - 9 years ago
+fandy funz yes.. Co2 is Very important for the carpet..
fandy funz
fandy funz - 9 years ago
+Sago1985 should we use CO2 for this kind of aquascape? i mean is it a must?
thannk you...
Sago1985 - 9 years ago
Of course.. 35ppm
Donna - 9 years ago
Stunning...absolutely...stunning!  Bravo Sago!  Can you share with me which substrate to buy and which moss?  Thank you.
Sago1985 - 9 years ago
+Donna TNX Donna! I used ada amazonia powder as substrate and Riccardia chamedryfolia for the crown of the tree.. ;-)
Nikmaster25 - 9 years ago
Hi there, GREAT Aquarium!!!!

I have one question, which plant is in the branches of a bonsai tree?
Sago1985 - 9 years ago
+fandy funz
Hi! No, i didn't use glue. In this tree the branches were really tight, so i just stick riccardia between them.
fandy funz
fandy funz - 9 years ago
+Sago1985 could you please give the close up look of that plant...
do you use any glue? or something to attached them to the branches?
or just stick them.....
Sago1985 - 9 years ago
Tnx!! It's riccardia Chamedryfolia; -)
jamjestfreak - 9 years ago
I wonder if You're using a heater in Your tank. Could You spare us some details?
Thank You in advance, cheers :)
jamjestfreak - 9 years ago
+Sago1985 Thank You for Your answer :) I have already seen Your other videos. I especially like the bonsai aquarium, great work! Keep it up, I`ll surely observe how it develops :) Cheers
Sago1985 - 9 years ago
No, i don't use heater in this tank. You can read more dettails under the video (there are two links), or you can watch other videos in my channel. ;-)
LVcichlids - 9 years ago
Awesome vid. When I trim I turn off my filter. Just seems easier to me instead of it flying all over the tank.

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