Aquarium Bonsai hemiantus callitricoides carpet trimming
Pets & Animals 9 years ago 715,079 views
More details:!-By-Sago1985&p=76781#post76781
10. comment for Aquarium Bonsai hemiantus callitricoides carpet trimming
20. comment for Aquarium Bonsai hemiantus callitricoides carpet trimming
30. comment for Aquarium Bonsai hemiantus callitricoides carpet trimming
I would really like to make a similar setup.Its very inspiring.I have some questions .I am making a low tech setup and will only use excel.Are you using CO2 for the above setup?if so what? and what ferts are you regularly using for maintenance using after this there any other carpet plants you suggest for low tech?
how much u spent on it?
but how do you get rid of snails? Whenever i get a new plant i allways endup having loads of snails in my tank, how did you prevent that? I am scared to use chemicals cause it migth hurt my fish. Thnks
50. comment for Aquarium Bonsai hemiantus callitricoides carpet trimming
Che sistema co2 utilizzi? Va avviato subito o bisogna aspettare un pò? Inoltre ho sentito che è bene associare a piante con crescita lenta, piante a crescita veloce per combattere le alghe, quali consigli? Sto iniziando il mio Dennerle Scaper's Tank e vorrei realizzare un bell'aquascape...
And good luck :)
Are you planning to grow dwarf hairgrass?
mmm.. i'm gonna think about it...
maybe gonna make a custom one...
I would suggest you use a pressurized co2. It cost a lot initially but in a long run, it's worth it. I'm currently using Paintball set up.
(empty) Paintball = $30.00
Aquatek regulator (comes with tubing and duel check valve/bubble counter) = $80.00 (you might find it cheaper online)
Diffuser = $5.00
Total = $115.00
I don't know about you bt $115.00 for a complete setup of pressurized co2 is actually quite cheap. It cost about $3 to refill. The tank lasts about 2-3 months depends on bubble rate
will the co2 tablet enough? because kind of low budget..
thannk you...
I have one question, which plant is in the branches of a bonsai tree?
Hi! No, i didn't use glue. In this tree the branches were really tight, so i just stick riccardia between them.
do you use any glue? or something to attached them to the branches?
or just stick them.....
Thank You in advance, cheers :)